#6 basic rules for good health
digitalevery · 4 months
How to Make Tomorrow Better: Six Rules for the Wellness Revolution
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Taking care of one's health in today's hectic society can seem like an uphill battle. But if you stick to these 6 basic rules for good health, you can transform your health journey and create a brighter tomorrow. These guidelines lay the groundwork for a healthier and happier life; they are simple but powerful. 1. Take Care of Your Body
In order to maintain good health, the first rule is to eat nutritious foods. A diet rich in fresh produce, whole grains, lean proteins, and other unprocessed foods should be your priority. Cut out the bad fats, sugar, and salt. Keep in mind that your immune system and overall health will be better served by a diet rich in nutritious foods.
2. Drink plenty of water. Ensuring adequate hydration is crucial for optimal health. Three bodily processes rely on water: digestion, circulation, and thermoregulation. Get eight glasses of water daily—or more if you're doing a lot of physical activity or living somewhere hot. A well-hydrated body is less likely to experience weariness, headaches, and other symptoms of poor performance. 3. Get Your Body Moving Often Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires regular exercise. On most days of the week, try to exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes. Yoga, swimming, jogging, and walking are all possibilities. In addition to assisting with weight maintenance, exercise has many other positive effects, such as elevating mood, decreasing stress, and enhancing cardiovascular health. 4. Get a Good Night's Rest A good night's sleep is crucial to your health and happiness. Get between seven and nine hours of good sleep every night. A lack of quality sleep is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases, poor cognitive performance, and excess body fat. I hope you get enough sleep tonight for a better day tomorrow. 5. Deal with Stress Your health can be adversely affected by chronic stress. Try some yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or outdoor activities to help you relax and cope. A better mood, stronger immune system, and reduced risk of stress-related diseases are all possible outcomes of a stress-free lifestyle. 6. Foster Connections For optimal health, strong social ties are crucial. Get out of the house, join a group activity, and focus on building relationships with the people who matter most to you. Loneliness, poor mental health, and short lifespans are all ameliorated by social assistance. Conclusion :
Take charge of your health and start a wellness revolution by adhering to these six simple guidelines. Tomorrow will be better than today. If you put your health first, you'll have a better and happier life.
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sehatgyantips · 9 months
Bukhaar kee sabase achchhee dava
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bloomzone · 3 months
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"pain is a price to pay for happiness"
-kim seungmin (straykids)
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© bloomzone!!
✉️:Finding a meaningful life purpose is a profound journey that many people embark on at different stages of their lives. It involves discovering what brings fulfillment, direction, and satisfaction. Identifying a purpose can help guide decisions, inspire actions, and provide a sense of meaning in both personal and professional aspects of life.
1.Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to Finding Your Life’s Purpose
﹙ 💌 ﹚ we will explore the concept of Ikigai, a Japanese term that means “a reason for being.” Ikigai is important to know because it offers a pathway to finding purpose and joy in life. It involves harmonizing four key elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be rewarded for...
Basically, ikigai is seen as the convergence of the following four core elements:
1. What you love (your passion)
2. What the world needs (your mission)
3. What you are good at (your vocation)
4. What you can get paid for (your profession)
The word ikigai, that space in the middle of these four primary elements, is seen by the Japanese as the source of value or what make one's life truly worthwhile.
1. Stay Active, Don’t Retire:
- The idea behind this rule is to keep your mind and body engaged in meaningful activities. Retirement doesn't mean stopping all productive work. It encourages finding activities you enjoy and continuing to contribute to society, which can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
-Benefits: Staying active helps maintain cognitive function, physical health, and emotional well-being. It can prevent feelings of uselessness and isolation.
2. Take It Slow:
- Embrace a slower, more deliberate pace of life. Instead of rushing through tasks, take time to savor and appreciate the process.
- Benefits:This can reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of your work and help u enjoy life more fully. It encourages mindfulness and living in the present moment.
3. Don’t Fill Your Stomach:
- The 80% rule, also known as "hara hachi bu" advises stopping eating when you're 80% full, rather than completely sated.
- Benefits: This practice promotes better digestion, prevents overeating, and can lead to a healthier weight. It’s associated with longevity and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
4. Surround Yourself with Good Friends:
- Build and maintain strong, positive relationships. Spend time with people who uplift and support you.
- Benefits: Good friends provide emotional support, reduce stress, and enhance your sense of belonging. Strong social connections are linked to better mental health and increased life expectancy.
5. Get in Shape for Your Next Birthday:
- Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining health and energy. Aim to improve or maintain your fitness level each year.
- Benefits: Exercise boosts physical health, mental clarity, and mood. It helps prevent chronic diseases, improves sleep, and enhances overall quality of life.
6. Smile:
- Adopting a positive attitude and smiling can improve your mood and the mood of those around you.
- Benefits: Smiling releases endorphins, reduces stress, and promotes a positive outlook. It can improve social interactions and relationships.
7. Reconnect with Nature:
- Spend time outdoors and appreciate the natural world. This can involve walking in parks, hiking, gardening, or simply enjoying a sunny day.
- Benefits: Nature exposure reduces stress, boosts mood, and improves mental health. It can also enhance physical health and encourage a sense of wonder and connection to the world.
8. Give Thanks:
- Practice gratitude regularly by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life.
- Benefits: Gratitude enhances happiness, reduces negative emotions, and improves mental health. It can also strengthen relationships and foster a more positive outlook on life.
9. Live in the Moment:
- Focus on the present rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Engage fully in whatever you are doing at the moment.
- Benefits:This practice, also known as mindfulness, reduces stress and enhances enjoyment and satisfaction. It can improve mental clarity and emotional regulation.
10. Follow Your Ikigai:
-Discover and pursue your Ikigai—the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Let this guide your life choices and actions.
- Benefits:Finding and following your Ikigai leads to a fulfilling and meaningful life. It helps align your passions with your skills and societal contributions, resulting in a sense of purpose and happiness.
3.Discover Your Ikigai: Guided Journal Prompts for a Meaningful Life
Ikigai journal prompts can help you explore and clarify your purpose and passions. Here are some prompts to guide your reflection:
Exploring Your Passions
1. What activities make you lose track of time?
2. What did you love to do as a child that you may have forgotten about?
3. What topics or activities are you naturally drawn to?
4. When do you feel most alive and engaged?
5. If you could do anything without worrying about money or other obligations, what would it be?
Identifying Your Strengths
6. What skills or talents do you excel at?
7. What do people frequently ask for your help with?
8. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
9. What feedback have you received that highlights your strengths?
10. When have you felt most competent and capable?
Understanding What the World Needs
11. What issues or causes do you care deeply about?
12. How do you want to make a difference in the world?
13. What problems do you see in your community that you wish you could solve?
14. What do you believe the world needs more of?
15. What impact do you want to have on others' lives?
Finding What You Can Be Paid For
16. What professional roles or careers have you considered?
17. How can you monetize your skills or passions?
18. What services or products can you offer that others would pay for?
19. What industries or fields are you interested in exploring for potential income?
20. What value do you bring to your current job or any job you’ve held?
Integrating Ikigai
21. How can you combine your passions, strengths, and what the world needs into a potential career or hobby?
22. What small steps can you take to start aligning your daily activities with your Ikigai?
23. What changes can you make in your life to focus more on your Ikigai?
24. Who can support you on your journey to finding and living your Ikigai?
25. What would a typical day look like if you were fully living your Ikigai?
Reflecting on Progress
26. What have you learned about yourself through this journaling process?
27. How has your understanding of Ikigai evolved over time?
28. What obstacles have you encountered in pursuing your Ikigai, and how can you overcome them?
29. What successes have you experienced in aligning your life with your Ikigai?
30. How can you maintain balance and avoid burnout while pursuing your Ikigai?
ıllı ⠀ : ⠀Let ur passion be your guiding star, leading you to a life filled with joy, purpose, and unshakable fulfillment.stay healthy I love u <143 ❛ ⠀ ♡ ⠀ !!
© bloomzone
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rayclubs · 1 year
Making a list of random Russian words I think Heavy would say so y'all can stop putting "da" and "niet" everywhere.
"Ну" - an interjection, untranslatable.
"Так" - "so" - another interjection.
"Всё" - "all" / "that's all" - usually used to signify being done with something. "Всё, I'm tired, let's go home." Can be used in conjunction with past tense to signify an intention. "Всё, I left. " ("That's it, I'm leaving.")
"Ну да." - "Yeah, right." - sarcastic.
"Ну да, конечно." - "Yeah, right, of course." - very sarcastic.
"Тихо" - "quiet" / "be quiet" - can be used literally, but also has mild comedic potential. Use it when someone is making a point that is factually correct, contradicts your point, but also you kind of hate it. "I am pretty good at chess." - "You never won against Medic." - "Тихо."
"Куда?!" - "Where?!" - use when someone or something is moving in a direction you neither expected nor desired. For a more obscene (mat) version, see: "Куда, бля?!"
"Давай" - "let's go" - can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to: a suggestion, an encouragement, a sarcastic taunt, and a substitute for "goodbye". "Давай, see you later."
"Отстань" - "leave me alone" - said when annoyed by someone. For a mat version see "отъебись", for plural see "отстаньте" and "отъебитесь".
"Ладно" - "alright" - has a ton of uses. One I'd like to see is reluctantly agreeing to something you'd previously dismissed. "Ладно, you convinced me!"
"Короче" - lit. "shorter" - an extremely common interjection. Depending on context, can be translated as "so" or "to put it briefly". "The BLU team has a turret on the roof, a stickybomb ambush in the tunnel, and a Spy in our territory - короче, we are fucked."
"Хорошо" - "fine". Can be used instead of "ладно" or in the same sentence. "Всё, ладно, хорошо, you convinced me! Now отстань."
"Бывает" - lit. "Happens" - used when reacting to a relatable story, or when trying to comfort someone who just experienced an unpleasant but relatively minor thing. Not unkind, but not overly empathetic either. My sis said it when my cousin announced his breakup at the family table. Happens. Shrug.
"Надо" - "need" or "gotta" - used in response to someone protesting the inevitable. "I don't wanna wake up at 6 frickin' AM to do Soldier's stupid frickin' training!" - "Надо, Scout, надо."
"Жесть" - lit. "Tin" - not sure where the use comes from, but it's said in reaction to something shocking and almost always negative. "His head blew up. Жесть." Not a rule, but I would use it with a period instead of an exclamation mark, for emphasis.
"Ужас" - "horror" - same context as "жесть", but worse. Can also be sarcastic. Can also extend into a full sentence: "Какой ужас!" - "What terror!".
"Стой" - lit. "Stand" (verb, imperative) - wait, hold on, hold up a minute, etc. See "стойте" for plural. "Подожди"/"погоди" (plural "подождите"/"погодите") is very similar and literally means "wait".
"Спасибо" - "thank you".
"Пожалуйста" - "please". Can also be a response to "thank you".
"Всегда пожалуйста" - "always please" - a very lovely response to "thank you", basically means you're always ready to help.
"Не за что" ("for nothing") and "на здоровье" ("for health") - two more nice responses to "thank you".
"Будь здоров" - lit. "Be healthy" - "bless you", like when someone sneezes.
Will add more later.
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naisaspalace · 3 months
Vedic Astrology 101 p2
Basic explanation of the houses, rulership and signification and how to read the chart (or interpret it on a basic level).
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after explaining a little of the signs and the planets now i will attempt to introduce the houses, the rulerships and their respective significators.
i will bring the nakshatras in the next part.
click here for part one, if you wish to read it :).
The chart:
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The Vedic / sideral chart has a different form of layout and from now on we will have two "designs", one is the northern form (the left side) and the southern form (the right side)
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The Northern format uses triangles, the kendras (1,4,7,10) are in the middle. the difference is that the houses are fixed but not the sign
and on the southern side, the chart houses are not fixed but the signs are fixed. (picture below).
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there is no "right" chart format to choose from, you can use which one is easier for you to understand, I myself use the northern chart and I will be using them for further explanations if I find them necessary but on a solid basic level, those are the charts formats.
and you can see the chart, as a circle if you wish, by using other websites like astro or astroseek which showcase the charts using a circle format independent of the system you choose to use.
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The houses
The Kendras (or Quadrants): Houses I, 4, 7 and I 0. These are highly significant houses. The Panapharas (or Successant Houses): Houses 2, 5, 8 and II. The Apoklimas (or Cadent Houses): Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12. The Trikonas (or Trines): Houses I, 5 and 9. These are highly auspicious and, along with the Kendras, determine the health, wealth, status, dignity, rise and virtue of a native. The lagna, being both a kendra and a trikona, is the most significant of all houses. The Upachayas: Houses 3, 6, 10 and II. These houses indicate struggle, competition and material achievement. The Trika Houses: Houses 6, 8 and 12. These are considered bad houses (Duhsthanas). They indicate debt, disease, loss and misery. The Ayu-sthanas (or houses of longevity) : Houses 8 and 3 (8th from the 8th). They indicate the length of life and, therefore, also the death. The Maraka-sthanas (or killer houses): Houses 2 and 7. The two halves of a horoscope: (a) Houses I to 7 indicate the invisible half and houses 7 to I indicate the visible half of the horoscope. (b) Houses 10 to 4 indicate the eastern half and houses 4 to 10 indicate the western half of the horoscope.
first house or the lagna (ascendant).
represents your body's health and appearance, character, and strength (psychical).
ruled by mars ,house of, aries, sun is the significator of the first house as it also signifies the self and the house where the sun exalts.
the second: money earned and material goods as well as the face appearance and the voice and throat.
ruled by venus, house of taurus, jupiter is the significator because is related to accumulated wealth, financial assets and speech.
the third: nervous system, siblings, short trips, communication style
ruled by mercury, house of gemini, mars is the significator because the third house is related to courage and mental ability.
the fourth: mother, emotions, family, home, origins, heredity, and ancestry.
ruled by the moon, house of cancer, moon is the significator
the fifth: love matters, pleasure, leisure, children, ego, artistic skills and intelligence.
ruled by the sun, house of leo, Jupiter again because the fifth house is related to children, education, intelligence, entertainment, cinema and drama.
the sixth: everyday life, daily work and colleagues, co-workers,health, and house of open enemies.
ruled by mercury, house of virgo, significator of the 6th House are��Mars and Saturn because the sixth house is related to diseases, enemies & litigations.
the seventh: unions, marriage, other people, associations, and contracts.
ruled by venus, house of libra, venus is the significator.
the eighth: debts and crises, transformations, death, financial investments, and sexuality.
ruled by mars, house of scorpio, is Saturn because the eight house is related to longevity, joint assets of husband and wife, inlaws and their family, death and rebirth, fall and rise, occult sciences, dark knowledge, hidden things and secret affairs.
the ninth: travels, abstract and higher concepts, spirituality, and foreign matters.
ruled by jupiter, house of Sagittarius, the significators are Sun and Jupiter because the ninth house is related to long distance travels, higher education, gurus and luck in life.
the tenth: social success, professional destiny, karma, and reputation.
ruled by saturn, house of capricorn, the significator is Jupiter because the eleventh house is related to gains, profits from all sources, professional networks, friends and family wealth.
the eleventh: friends, social networks, ongs, earned gains.
ruled by saturn, house of aquarius, the significators are and the twelfth: enemies, difficulties, solitude, hidden ordeals, secrets, dissolution, subconscious, spirit guides and imagination.
ruled by jupiter, house of pisces, the significators are Saturn and Jupiter because the 12th house is related to jails, hospitals, asylums, spirituality, spiritual donations, foreign lands, imagination and the subconscious mind.
obs1: the lord of the lagna is called the lagnesh
obs2: rahu and ketu rule no house, but that depends on the author/teacher because rahu co-rules aquarius so he to some people also rules the 11th, and the same for ketu who co-rules scorpio (8th).
The end (please read)
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just like the first part this was short as well, because this website has a character limiter but, i hoped i explained well enough and helped someone to understand the basics of the houses better.
for the next parts i will tell about the nakshatras and will bring charts to teach how to read on a basic level. thank you for reading <3
readings are open. click here for contact info. and please leave feedback and suggestions of posts if you desire too.
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elvenbeard · 10 months
Exposing myself here a little and sharing the current rule-set for my CP2077 Discord I'm the process of setting up below the cut! Below the cut, cause this post it's a lot of text as is.
I think I got all channels set up how I want them for starters, but there will always be room for improvement :D First and foremost I want this to become a place of encouragement and sharing and fun... I really just want it to be an extension of my fandom corner on tumblr here and have a room to chat with everyone I love in one spacereally, that's the whole point XD
Still though, I think some basic rules are good, especially if I decide to open this up to more people down the line - but also, some might find a strict ruleset (or my specific ruleset) not to their taste, hence, before sending out invites, I wanted to put this here.
If we're mutuals, or if you're following me and like what I post, original content and reblogs alike, AND if you wanna be part of this server under the prerequisite of accepting the rules below the cut... Like this post or DM me or leave a reply etc. And I might send you an invite.
(I want to open this up specifically also to people I'm not mutuals with, since I don't always follow back for a variety of reasons. But I have a good memory for user-handles and will recognize you if you interact with my posts on a regular basis!) Important: If I don't send you an invite, please don't take it personally. I might not know you or your vibe well enough yet. Especially if we're new mutuals, or if I'm not following you. But I will check out everyone I don't recognize or don't follow who reacts to this post. I want to keep the server somewhat small in general and especially to begin with, but if all goes well, I might come back to this post here somewhere later down the line and send some more invites! I love you all lots, and especially with my semi-forced hiatus recently I missed interacting with everyone. Being welcomed back so warmly repeatedly by so many people in your tags and replies and all really meant so much <3
So yeah! Server-rules below, react to this post or get in touch with me if you're interested to join based on these prerequesites, invites will go out during the weekend most likely! :D
1. Don't be a dick and use common sense. Be kind to each other. Assume ignorance over ill intentions first and foremost, and when in doubt, stay civil and ask a mod or admin for help via DM.
2. Homophobia, Transphobia, Queerphobia in general, Racism and Hatespeech towards other server members will not be tolerated. Report any talk of this sort to a mod or admin asap if you notice it.
3. This is an adult/NSFW server. You need to be at least 18 years of age to participate and can expect respective content. This is not to exclude anyone younger than 18, but for legal reasons.
4. No 18+ content needs to be spoilered ||like this|| by default. If you choose to spoiler something, which you are always free to do especially in general channels, use a label/indicator describing the content you're spoilering (e.g. [explicit sexual content], [nsfw], [blood/gore], [xyz kink], [tmi]). No kinkshaming please, but also, note rule 5.
5. If someone asks you to spoiler a specific type of niche/extreme content (e.g. extreme kinks, dark and disturbing topics, (mental) health themes like self-harm or terminal illnesses, or any content that could fall under 4) please do so. Be mindful of each other's comfort levels with being exposed to certain darker topics. Being asked to spoiler content does not equal being kinkshamed.
6. Everyone's boundaries are valid and you are free to set them. Simultaneously, nobody should have to censor themselves or their creations either. Spoilering (extreme) content on someone else's request does not equal censorship but is part of being a community.
7. If someone forgets to spoiler a topic that has been previously asked to be spoilered, do not assume the worst and kindly remind the op to spoiler. If the same person keeps forgetting the same things though and you feel like it is on purpose or targeted, let a mod/admin know.
8. If a topic that makes you personally uncomfortable is being discussed in a group setting, stepping away from the conversation temporarily is an alternative to asking to spoiler something (also applies to rule 6). Simultaneously though, due to no blacklisting options on Discord, be mindful of what you post especially if others whose comfort levels you don't know are there with you.
9. Please keep discussions on the server civil. If you've messed up, apologize. If discussions get personal or touch upon server-external issues, please resort to DMs to resolve them. If you need a neutral party to listen, @elvenbeard is always happy to.
10. Do not post content that isn't yours without the explicit permission of the original creator (be it mods, VP, art, writing, etc.). This includes posting links to external works that aren't yours.
11. Start no arguments or spread negativity by discussing non-server-members and their activities.
12. Keep shippy content to the respective channels. Respect each other's ships and headcanons (exceptions: see 13), but also respect the source material(s).
13. If you notice headcanons that are queer-phobic, transphobic, racist, hateful or something similar, especially if they are being framed or discussed as positive, inform a mod or admin asap. Everyone is entitled to their own headcanons, but any falling under these categories will not be tolerated.
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shuttershocky · 9 months
If you’ve been keeping up with the new CN ops, any thoughts on Ray’s kit now that she’s out?
I really like Ray's Kit, she's maybe the 6 star I'm most looking forward to between now and CN's server. There's some really cool ideas in there with just enough restrictions on her to keep her interesting.
Ray really feels like HG wanted to play with a second Ebenholz, so they made one that's close to a physical remix of his kit's ideas (though without Ebenholz's focus on Elites).
Where Ebenholz deals Arts damage and stores charges to unload all of them into one target, Ray needs to store charges (Ammo in this case) to even be able to attack regularly though she STARTS with Ammo rather than having to build it up from nothing. Her damage gets higher the more she attacks the same enemy (up to +24%), and even gets another 15% physical damage bonus when attacking an enemy scouted by her Sandbeast summon, giving her really high physical burst that's dependent on her not attacking constantly so she can reload all her ammo.
Even her skills feel like alternate takes on Ebenholz's ideas.
Ebenholz's S1 is the classic Mystic skill that narrows range into a straight line and lowers ATK interval so he can build charges extremely rapidly and burst one enemy with the built up charges (so long as they aren't in the center of his range). Ray's on the other hand, is loading a special bullet that deals a whopping 450% ATK for big burst (and shift Force 2 for some reason), but because of the Hunter subclass' specific range, and the skill not having a range increase, you're shooting down straight from the center (unless you get your Sandbeast to spot an enemy).
Ebenholz's S2 is using his stored up charges to create shifting mines in his attack range, basically attempting to make sure he never stays fully charged for long and thus not "wasting" his charges. The mines act as area denial and somewhat chaotic crowd control (as the shifting effect can send enemies everywhere). Ray's version of this on the other hand, is expanding her range (which also expands where her Sandbeast can be placed) and then having her Sandbeast actually collect the ammo she fires near it, instantly refilling her ammo when the Sandbeast retreats (and the skill reduces the Sandbeast's redeployment time as well). The skill encourages you to move the Sandbeast around Ray's range changing her focus area, and retreating to instantly recover all her spent charges and not waste time reloading, with the sheer strength of Ray's attacks on whoever is near her Sandbeast acting as the area denial itself. This is a really different implementation on the same idea of "Play with your charges efficiently with a skill that seizes map control" which makes it so fucking cool from a design perspective.
You all know what Ebenholz's S3 does by now and don't need an explanation. Ray's version expands her attack range but also makes her stop attacking until she has full ammo, her skill significantly shortening her reload interval (so she gets to full ammo faster). Once she has full ammo though (8 shots), each shot deals a huge 330% ATK nuke and binds the target for 2 seconds. Ray's ATK interval is 1.6 seconds, meaning she can permabind one enemy while she chunks them down with her powerful attacks. While this skill doesn't have targeting rules like Ebenholz's (so she can fire a precious shot at a slug), the bind means that one she picks a target, she locks them down for her barrage until she's all out of ammo and has to reload. She's not instantly killing an enemy from full health since she can't use all her stored ammo at once, but make no mistake this skill does really high DPH, enough to nuke Patriot Phase 1 for 2.7k+ damage through his DEF without any DEF reduction.
Honestly all of her skills look really good to me and scale well with specialization. While she doesn't look like she's broken enough to recommend M9ing her for meta, she absolutely looks like an M9 for fun. Her S1 stores two charges of the 450% ATK bullets btw. Combined with her increasing ATK whenever she hits the same enemy and the Sandbeast boosting her physical damage by 15%, and she's going to punch so hard with spinach in IS.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
This is again ab ep6 so I understand if you don’t post this!
Re the prev posts, the arguments don’t really make a lot of sense. Do you think it’s Louis that is making them float? If it’s Lestat, then them floating doesn’t necessarily mean Louis is enjoying it as well. Like the significance of floaty sex in my mind anyway is that it’s showing that Lestat can get carried away with his powers sometimes, he might not be intentionally doing it but having sex with Louis is just so good it makes him float you know? But Louis in ep6 is checked out, not just in that moment while talking to Claudia, but in general. And what he’s saying goes with what is shown, he’s a shell of himself. He says it’s due to realizing Lestat was probably not going to change and he was probably not going to fight him on it anymore, and also seeing himself becoming like Lestat in due time. Also, not saying that he doesn’t love Lestat, he obviously still loves him, that’s what makes it tragic. Him loving Lestat doesn’t mean he’s always going to want sex with Lestat though, if that makes sense, so that’s another argument that doesn’t really hold imo.
I actually clicked on the link you provided having talked ab this exact ep 6 and agree more with op tbh, idk if you’ve changed ur mind since but that’s basically what I’m trying to convey in this post. And like J says, it doesn’t have to be a good relationship portrayed all the time, so it makes sense that this rocky part of their relationship is portrayed in this way in ep 6.
The thing is, and sincerely, with all due respect:
what it boils down to is you saying that Louis would spread his legs for Lestat if Lestat wanted sex, even if Louis did not want it. He‘s “checked out“, not there, poor Louis………..!!!
That is what Claudia insinuates and what you underline, and what all this discussion boils down to.
Poor Louis, unable to refuse. (sarcasm)
And sincerely: which Louis have you been watching? You really think this Louis, especially the show’s Louis is going to just roll over and take it?
Louis, refusing to play the game Lestat wants him to? Refusing to eat despite it being detrimental to his health? Refusing to bend to the rules of the law makers? Refusing to let Lestat come back for 6 years? Refusing to leave when Claudia wanted him to? That Louis?
If he has sex then because he wants to. And yes, people can want sex despite being in rocky parts of the relationship.
Louis never stops loving Lestat.
And I find it really interesting that his agency is (still!) dismissed like that.
If you really want to nitpick the floaty sex then start thinking about why they included that and not who made who fly 🙄
This is the last I‘ll say on this.
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olomaya · 8 months
Honestly, I'm relieved. This game was still looking so rough and I'd feel much more comfortable with a June release than this coming out in 6 weeks.
I was watching a video from SatchoSims* and he talked about how LBY is more just a compilation of gameplay features without any gameplay and he definitely pinpointed my main issue with the game despite my excitement for it. I just don't know what I'm going to DO or what I will want to do because they haven't really done a good job of explaining the rules and structures and goals of the game (aka what the game is about).
I'm still excited for it and will definitely play it in June and am eager to check out the modding tools but yeah, what are we doing?
The Sims was a time management game. You had to figure your shit out and meet your basic needs all while juggling other mini challenges and responsibilities and TRY to become successful which would then unlock cool shit to buy or do that you would have the time to do because the money and rewards and perks you grinded for allowed you to do it.
And then TS2 improved on that by focusing on interpersonal relationships and making that more complex so that Sims felt more unique but also had to focus more on mental health and well-being and the drama that comes with interacting with other people.
Then TS3 took that even farther by basically unleashing chaos all around you with an open world so you have less control over what is going on so while you are grinding away to create a dream house for the Sim you want to marry and grow old with, you head over to the park and see your future spouse making out with some asshole in zebra print pants! And then on top of that, they deepened skills and hobbies so Sims have soooo much to do so that life goals are so much more diverse (though I will admit this came at the expense of interpersonal relationships). People often say that they wish TS3 had TS2's hobby system but in my opinion, it not only does but it's infinitely much better than TS2's. I would argue that TS3 at its core is a game about hobbies and interests.
I love that LBY seems to be wanting to improve on TS3 (because TS4 definitely didn't) and give us a true life simulator but I still don't understand what the game is about. They show off how many traits they have and how we can mod in our own traits but what do the traits means? If a character has a Difficult Childhood trait, how is that going to affect their ability to form relationships, fall in love, be a good parent? They said we could have truly homeless characters to play Rags to Riches challenges. That's awesome! Can we see that? How does the economic system work? Could it be integrated, for example, where household taxes and bills actually go towards community development? Like THIS is gameplay. I don't want to see another treasure trove video or someone doing work tasks. Those are features, not core gameplay and if it is then I'm afraid Rod Humble is making TS4 competitor, not TS3 which would be a shame.
*I don't know if I like him or not, but he has good viewpoints compared to the other high-profile Sims 4 YouTubers who at this point are practically on the Maxis payroll desperately trying to pretend that game is interesting because it literally pays their bills 😭😭
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purplesaline · 7 days
Morning cuddles with the boys.
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Also just a reminder that Parker is an exceptional service dog candidate who doesn't have his forever home yet. Since we hadn't found him a placement at 8 weeks my plan was to raise him until he was one year and do some foundation training on him. For the right person he can go home any time between 6 months and a year.
We also ship anywhere in the world.
His cost will be
the initial purchase price ($1900 CAD) which was cost recovery only and includes his first set of shots.
Vet fees for his second and third round of shots ($365 CAD)
Food ($50-$100/mth. He gets the good stuff and he deserves it, so between $500-$1000 CAD by April)
Training: I'm not charging anything at all for my time but we do have a trainer helping us out because of my physical limitations. She charges $80/hr for 1-2 hours a week. By April we'd likely be looking at $2000 CAD
Any incidental costs that pop up between now and then, fingers crossed we won't see any
This would put the total for a 1 year old service dog candidate, specifically bred for service work (5th generation), with foundation training at approximately $5000 CAD, not including shipping. Which is so ridiculously cheap it should raise red flags as to whether you would actually be getting what you're being promised. You would be and I can prove it. The price is that low because everyone involved is more concerned with helping disabled folks get access to service dog candidates that are set up for success than we are with making money.
In fact we're so concerned that the right person gets Parker and Parker gets the right person that cost doesn't even need to be paid all at once! We know that it can be harder for disabled folks to save but it can be a lot easier to manage a monthly payment, so payment plans are an option we can talk about. And if that's still out of the budget the trainer is willing to negotiate on her pricing as well, despite also being disabled and on a limited budget.
Basically we'd be giving this pups away if we could afford to.
Parker's brother, Bentley, was also a service dog candidate from this litter and is living in North Carolina with his handler learning to be a cardiac alert and mobility dog. He's doing SUCH a good job and is already consistently alerting to two different types of scent during training sessions.
Parker has the potential to be an amazing servuce dog doing mobility, psych/PTSD, diabetes alert, allergy alert, or cardiac/POTS alert. If it's not on the list here he'd probably still be good at it, I'm just less familiar with the training that goes into the other types.
He is a soft, sensitive little lad who likes to test boundaries to see just how much he's allowed to get away with so he'll need someone who is a soft handler but consistent with enforcing the rules because this boy will find every single loophole that exists and exploit it fully otherwise.
He's gonna be a BIG boy. 65-75lbs at least. Genetically one of the healthiest dogs you'll ever see, his mom is completely clear for all genetic issues common to collies and his dad has also been DNA tested for health. Parker was DNA tested as well, though not as completely as his mom or dad as he won't be breeding. You can see Merry's (mom) test at LestWeForget Collies and Levi's (dad) test at High Country Collies
And if Parker isn't right for you but you're still interested in a service dog candidate puppy from us don't worry! We'll be having more litters and even plan to do a repeat of this last litter with Merry and Levi. I can't guarantee we'll have any older pups available but if you can't start with a puppy but are able to cover the costs of raising we can definitely work something out.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
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kp777 · 3 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
June 29, 2024
"I plan to introduce legislation to protect the government's policymaking ability that existed under Chevron that has worked for the last 40 years," Sen. Ed Markey said.
Following the Supreme Court's ruling on Friday overturning the so-called Chevron doctrine—which instructed courts to defer to federal agencies' reasonable interpretations of laws passed by Congress as they regulate everything from food safety to labor rights to climate pollution—progressive lawmakers vowed to take action to protect the power of these agencies to shield the public from toxic chemicals and unscrupulous employers.
Legislators expressed concerns about the impacts of the court's 6-3 ruling in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce, which ended a 40-year precedent established by Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council in 1984.
"Now, with this ill-advised decision, judges must no longer defer to the decisions about Americans' health, safety, and welfare made by agencies with technical and scientific expertise in their fields," Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement. "MAGA extremist Republicans and their big business cronies are rejoicing as they look forward to creating a regulatory black hole that destroys fundamental protections for every American in this country."
"This unhinged Supreme Court needs to stop legislating from the bench, and we must pass sweeping reform to hold them accountable."
"I plan to introduce legislation to protect the government's policymaking ability that existed under Chevron that has worked for the last 40 years," Markey said.
Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) called the ruling "dangerous" and urged Congress to "immediately pass" the Stop Corporate Capture Act, which she introduced in March 2023.
In a statement Friday, Jayapal said the act was "the only bill that codifies Chevron deference, strengthens the federal-agency rulemaking process, and ensures that rulemaking is guided by the public interest—not what's good for wealthy corporations."
The act would codify Chevron by providing "statutory authority for the judicial principle that requires courts to defer to an agency's reasonable or permissible interpretation of a federal law when the law is silent or ambiguous."
In addition, it would:
Require anyone submitting a study as part of a comment period on a regulation to disclose who funded it;
Only allow federal agencies to take part in the negotiated rulemaking process;
Create an Office of the Public Advocate to increase public participation in the process of crafting regulations;
Make public companies that knowingly lie in the comment period on a proposed regulation liable for a fine of at least $250,000 for a first offense and at least $1 million for a second; and
Empower agencies to reissue rules that were rescinded under the Congressional Review Act.
The Coalition for Sensible Safeguards, a group of more than 160 organizations mobilizing for stronger public protections, also called on Congress to pass the Stop Corporate Capture Act.
"The bill is a comprehensive blueprint for modernizing, improving, and strengthening the regulatory system to better protect the public," the coalition wrote in response to Friday's ruling. "It would ensure greater public input into regulatory decisions, promote scientific integrity, and restore our government's ability to deliver results for workers, consumers, public health, and our environment."
Jayapal also called on Congress to "enact sweeping oversight measures to rein in corruption and billionaire influence at the Supreme Court, whose far-right extremist majority routinely flouts basic ethics, throws out precedent, and legislates from the bench to benefit the wealthiest and most powerful."
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) similarly recommended congressional action to address court corruption. In a statement, she called the decision "a power grab for the corrupt Supreme Court who continues to do the bidding of greedy corporations."
"The MAGA Court just overruled 40 years of precedent that empowered federal agencies to hold powerful corporations accountable, protect our workplaces and public health, and ensure that we have clean water and air," Tlaib continued. "This unhinged Supreme Court needs to stop legislating from the bench, and we must pass sweeping reform to hold them accountable."
In the meantime, the Coalition for Sensible Safeguards said that the ruling did not strip regulatory bodies of their authority to pass new rules to protect the public and the environment.
"This decision is a gift to big corporations, making it easier for them to challenge rules to ensure clean air and water, safe workplace and products, and fair commercial and financial practices," said Public Citizen president and coalition co-chair Robert Weissman. "But the decision is no excuse for regulators to stop doing their jobs. They must continue to follow the law and uphold their missions to protect consumers, workers, and our environment."
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csuitebitches · 1 year
Hey! I’m in 11th grade (17 yo), and I always hear people wishing they could go back and improve certain aspects of themselves when they were younger. Do you have any advice for high schoolers about life/self-improvement and going out to the real world? Thanks! I really enjoy your blog
1. Understand basic finance and tracking your money/ allowance/ income if you have any. Something as simple as downloading an expense tracking app can be a good first step.
2. Understand what sort of a learner you are. Everyone learns things differently. See what works for you.
3. Learn to say no politely to people. You don’t have to participate in anything you don’t want to. But I would encourage you to definitely put yourself out there - whether it’s volunteering, parties, clubs, activities- it’s a great way to meet new people. Don’t be shy to say hello first!
4. Keep learning. No matter what. I have a rule where I watch one education video on YouTube a day, and it can be as short as 3 minutes. Keep your brain active. Solve brain games, crosswords, sudokus, anything to keep yourself active. Choose a hobby- as simple as knitting, collecting something, scrapbooking, calligraphy. It’ll help your personal growth.
5. Develop a fitness routine for yourself. It’s important that you start simple exercises, stretching, a short run; anything to keep your body moving. Make it a habit. Health doesn’t mean size 0 and abs. It means being at your healthy weight. Your future self will thank you.
6. Read. Read about things you don’t know. Just because something is fiction doesn’t make it any less useful than non fiction. Read to your heart’s content.
7. Enjoy your age, at any age! Spend time with your family and friends! Tell the ones close to you that you love them. Time is fleeting and memories are precious.
8. Learn to forgive yourself. You WILL make mistakes. You will embarrass yourself at some point. It’s OKAY. It happens. Side note: don’t post yourself crying or overly emotional on social media, or share things that are too vulnerable. I hate this current trend of people airing their dirty laundry. Some things are private, and meant to be that way. Choose that privacy for yourself.
9. Find an outlet for your mind. Journaling, meditation, breathing exercises.
10. Start doing things alone. Spend some quality time with yourself. Date yourself.
11. Learn to cook at least 5 proper meals before you leave for college/ uni/ move out of your parent’s house.
12. Take pictures of yourself and those you love! I love looking back at old photos with my friends and laughing at our awful fashion choices and the shit quality. Photos are such great keepers of memories.
13. Lastly, understand your alcohol tolerance BEFORE you leave for college. I know this is probably illegal but it’s better for you to understand your drinking limit in the safety of your own house than some random frat house.
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otemporanerys · 10 months
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A playlist for my species swap Shakarian fan fic set during Mass Effect 2
The playlist | The fic
Liner notes below the cut (tw discussions of suicide)
Happiness is a Warm Gun - The Breeders
I always like to start my playlists with something to set the mood - this is definitely an atmosphere song. I also like using covers for species swap, and a different one kicks off the ME3 playlist lol if I ever get around to writing that. The defamiliarisation sets up the AU
2. In the Wake of Your Leave - Gang of Youths
OK so technically tracks 2 and 3 are cheating because they're actually for Interregnum, leave me alone
Anyway! Sad bangers are my jam, and I wanted something that conveyed the grief of losing someone, but giving the energy a bit of a kick after the Breeders song
3. I Don't Smoke - Mitski
I'm a basic bitch who loves Mitski, what can I say?
No, this song is for the Gareth sad spiral (TM) and for the fact that sad smoking is cool, actually (don't @ me)
4. Peel - Weakened Friends
This is a Shepherd song, you know, the beginning of her terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad nervous breakdown.
There was an earlier version of LBEL which was much more actively about Shepherd trying to bring Cerberus down from the inside: but actually now I think the lyrics speak much more to Shepherd feeling like she always has to fit the mold of the pragmatic, practical soldier
5. Toy Soldier - The Menzingers
This is thee Garrus song, sorry I don't make the rules. The lost friends! Carrying on despite that loss!!! Dutyyy
6. Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Gareth is kind of an old soul, which is why his songs lean slightly more retro - and just the deep well of yearning in this song always gets me. It's very much his feelings after Shepherd saves him, loving her and wishing he didn’t
7. Born to Lose - Sleigh Bells
I primarily associate this song with Shepherd being discarded by the Hierarchy and the struggles she has with knowing protocol is to kill herself
8. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles
Gareth: conceal, don't feel 😢 I have always loved this song and it's very much Gareth knowing that he can't be open about his feelings
9. Quitter - Weakened Friends
More good mental health time for Shepherd, excellent. I don’t mind repeating artists in my playlists but I do tend to keep it to one
10. Bullet with Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins
The one thing I am actually a snob about with playlists is not using too many "popular" songs, but I did like this one for Horizon. Shepherd's really starting to spiral here, folks
11. Anybody (Stripped) - Dead Sara
Horizon sex, Shepherd POV. She's so lonely in this fic, really longing for connection, and this song is the words she doesn't know how to say
12. Baby I Got the Death Rattle - Los Campesinos!
Horizon sex, Gareth POV
This is one of those songs that doesn't start as a blorbo song, but if you tell me you've heard a lyric that's more "Garrus Vakarian down bad" than "Baby I got the death rattle and baby I got it bad | I've been digging my own grave for quite some time when I'm not digging up the past" then I would love to hear it
13. Bedroom Eyes - Dum Dum Girls
One of my favourite bits of LBEL is the quiet intimacy that Gareth and Shepherd have when they're sleeping together, and this song reflects that
14. Hopeless - Screaming Females
Shepherd dumping Gareth because she likes him too much 😭 I'm fine. The lyrics and the vocals are so plaintive, again the emotions Shepherd won't allow herself to express
15. Something Bigger, Something Brighter - Pretty Girls Make Graves
This isn't a terribly literal inclusion, it's a good angsty-sounding song for where Shepherd's at post-breakup
16. Heavy Metal Heart - Sky Ferreira
This is just. Shepherd's song 💖 I love it, and her
17. Apocalypse Now (&Later) - Laura Jane Grace & the Devouring Mothers
This is a great Mass Effect 2 song more broadly but man is it perfect for Gareth and Shep reuniting just before the suicide mission!!!
18. The Hand That Feeds - Nine Inch Nails
Fuck Cerberus, part 1. There just is not a better song for being done with someone else's bullshit
19. Search and Destroy - Peaches
Fuck Cerberus, part 2 (or, how Shepherd got her groove back). Peaches always has such brilliant swagger and I adore this cover - Shepherd coming back into her own power and recognising how dangerous (and unpredictable) she can be
20. I Would Find You - Oceanator
I adore this song, the softness and kindness at the end of the world. It's really the thesis statement of the fic, and a promise for Gareth and Shepherd going forward, even through the hard times. It was the perfect grace note to end on
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Review of Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition -PUZZLE-
I would like to make a summary of Togashi's Exhibition that is currently taking place at the Mori Arts Center Gallery located on the 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, in Tokyo, from October 28, 2022 to January 9, 2023. After that, it will head to Osaka in Summer 2023 and to Fukuoka from Autumn 2023 to Winter 2024.
Since photos are not allowed in the venue, I will be using photos from the press and from the official catalog to illustrate my review. I focused more on the Yu Yu Hakusho Area.
The press had access to the exhibition one day before the official opening to the public. Even though photos are forbidden, you can buy the exhibition catalog at the official store. It contains the manuscripts, storyboards, original illustrations, and other exclusive materials displayed at Puzzle.
If you type "富樫義博展" (Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition) on YouTube, you will also find good coverage from the media that will provide you with a general view of the place.
Before entering the exhibition, you can rent for 700 yen a 30-min audio guide voiced by the comedian Bakarhythm and voice actor Daisuke Namikawa (Hisoka and Prince Baka VA).
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Bakarhythm is the navigator, and Daisuke is the commentary narrator. The guide includes a quiz, if you solve it correctly, you will hear a message from Hisoka.
The Exhibition consists of more than 350 original drawings distributed in 6 different spaces, plus an official shop.
Area 01. Yu Yu Hakusho
Area 02. Level E
Area 03. HunterxHunter
Area 04. World of Strange Creatures
Area 05. Yoshihiro Togashi
This little map that comes with the audio guide may help you visualize the exhibition layout. The numbers 1 to 14 are also the spots where you can hear Bakarhythm or Daisuke Namikawa talk.
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The areas have information panels with explanatory text and english translation. As english is not available in the official catalog, I tried to take notes and copy some of the explanations.
This space is basically a hallway to welcome the visitors. It introduces the author and the concept of the exhibition: "Puzzle". Several characters from all his works are displayed as puzzle pieces in the walls and hanging from the ceiling, inviting everyone to join the wonderful world of Yoshihiro Togashi.
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As soon as you enter the Prologue area, there is a black panel with a greeting from the organizers and Togashi's basic profile:
Yoshihiro Togashi was born in Shinjo, Yamagata in 1966. In 1987, his one-shot story Tonda Birthday Present was published in the Weekly Shounen Jump Special Edition Winter Special. In 1989, he made his debut as a serial manga artist with Ten de Showaru Cupid, which was published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Following the huge success of his second series, Yu Yu Hakusho (1990-1994), he became one of Weekly Shounen Jump's leading manga artists and went on to publish Level E (1995-1996) and HunterxHunter (1998-present) in Weekly Shounen Jump. Fans of all ages praises his captivating, skillful artwork.
There's also a handwritten greeting from the author himself. Photos are not allowed, but luckily, his greeting is included in the official catalog (scan by: @Vishkujo)
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Expression of Gratitude I would like to sincerely thank you for visiting the Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition -PUZZLE-. I hope everyone enjoys the various displays and information that are only available here. My progress is slow due to health reasons, but I intend to continue leaving new footprints.
Next to his dog avatar, there's a haiku poetry. I tried to follow the haiku syllable rule of 5-7-5 for each line.
Tip of my dip pen When it severs the sound is like That of my lower back - Yoshihiro Togashi
And next to Togashi's hips, there's the onomatopoeia "guki" (グキッ), which is the cracking sound of the joints. *crack*
Still in the "Prologue", right before reaching the YYH area, there's an explanation about the "Exhibition Concept".
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Togashi's works stand out in terms of "character," "setting," "depiction," and "story," all important elements in the creation of a manga. So, in order to gain a deeper understand of the charm of his series (YYH, Level E and HxH), the exhibition is focused on these 4 points:
Each series also has a fifth point called "special piece", a singularity that is particular to each one. I'll talk more about them later, but they are called:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Punch Line
Level E: An Unexpected Development
Hunter x Hunter: Nen
The handwritten manuscripts are undoubtedly a piece of the puzzle that Togashi-sensei continues to create. The idea is that you appreciate all the precious original drawings, while having in mind the five points and the thought process that goes into the completion of each piece.
After you leave the "Prologue", you will arrive at Area 01 dedicated to "Yu Yu Hakusho".
The 3 main areas "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Level E" and "HxH" begin with general information, including: serialization period in the Weekly Shounen Jump, number of chapters, copies sold, and Togashi's first comment in the Table of Contents.
Area 01. "Yu Yu Hakusho"
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Serialization Period: November 20, 1990 (Weekly Shounen Jump 51, 1990) to July 12, 1994 (Weekly Shounen Jump32, 1994). 175 chapters in total.
Series cumulative circulation (including digital editions): more than 50 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "I went back to the basics and started drawing. I aim to create a story that I myself am satisfied with. I'm hoping for you support." (Yoshihiro)
If you are interested in Togashi's comments from all the 175 chapters, please have a look on my translations: Togashi’s Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
As introduced in the Prologue, Yu Yu Hakusho is explained and detailed in four topics: Character, Setting, Story and Depiction.
There is also an Introduction section that shows a synopsis of YYH, some colored manuscripts, the cover of the WSJ#51 1990, and an explanation about the production background and how Togashi came up with the name "Yu Yu Hakusho". Actually, it's the same explanation found in the volume 6 of HxH, end of chapter 46.
Synopsis "One day, a delinquent junior high school student named Yusuke Urameshi dies saving a child from a traffic accident. It was an unplanned event in the Spirit World. The Spirit World gives Yusuke a test, and after he passes it, they bring him back to life as a special exception. Then, after becoming a Spirit Detective by order of Great King Emma's son, Koenma, Yusuke joins powerful companions and begins a life of fierce battles with demons."
An interesting panel also talks about his influences.
Influenced Works "When interviewed in 2003, he said that he was influenced by H. R. Giger, who designed the alien in the 1979 movie Alien (directed by Ridley Scott). He has also stated in the first volume of Ten de Shouwaru Cupid that if he were to choose just one manga work as his favorite, he would pick The Drifting Classroom by Umezu Kazuo."
Then, we learn more about the characters, setting, story and depiction.
An informative panel introduces the characters:
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Character "There's the delinquent but hot-blooded Yusuke, the chivalrous Kuwabara, the clever Kurama, and the always cool-headed Hiei. With these four at the center, even the enemies have attracted zealous fans, and their popularity has spread to readers of all walks of life around the world. The characters' ranges are broadened by the dissonance between facial expressions that are drawn with a dramatic touch despite their caricature-like look, as well as the dissonance created by words and actions that occasionally provide comic relief in the midst of serious developments, which have heightened the appeal of the work."
There's a colored manuscript of Yusuke facing Toguro after Kuwabara's "death", and an explanatory text:
Yusuke Urameshi "Until this point, Yusuke had been enjoying fighting to some degree. That's when Younger Toguro takes Kuwabara's life (his death is actually temporary) in order to draw out Yusuke's power at the Dark Tournament. Unable to forgive himself, the soft, clear eyes of Yusuke as he stands up are enough to convey to the reader a change in his Spirit Energy and a sudden strengthening of his power."
Then, following this "Character" wall, we learn more about the other main characters of YYH. Kuwabara's highlight is the storyboard of chapter 36 (Byakko's Battle Roar!!) when he fights Byakko's beasts.
The Storyboard for Chapter 36 "The storyboard of an early work that was specially provided for this exhibition as a valuable material of the time. Chapter 36 depicts Kuwabara's battle strategy of using his Spirit Sword to skewer the beasts unleashed by Byakko, which is shocking even for Hiei."
I like that the explanatory texts also include some Togashi's comments taken from interviews and the "Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book".
For example, they mentioned that Hiei wasn't supposed to become an ally, like Kurama, but it was Togashi's editor at the time who suggested it (Togashi mentioned that in a interview with Kishimoto to JUMP GIGA, 2016). A colored manuscript of the second popularity poll is also displayed with a note saying that Hiei won first place twice during the serialization. It's not mentioned, but after the serialization, there was a third poll in WSJ, and Hiei got first place again.
Character Popularity Poll "Hiei topped the character popularity polls conducted twice during the series. Initially, Kurama was drawn with a conscious effort to create a popular character, and Hiei was not even planned to be a part of the group. Hiei was only put in the group after an editor pointed out that he should be, but he eventually grew to become a beloved character with top-ranking popularity."
Other interesting comments taken from the official databook (2005) and "Yoshirin de Pon!" (1994) also appear. Kurama and Hiei weren't named after the mountains in Kyoto, but Togashi came up with their names by himself. Shuuichi's family name "Minamino" comes from celebrity Youko Minamino, and Hiei's model is Skunky from "Patalliro!". If you're interested, I made a post once of Togashi's comments about Hiei and Kurama.
Another example is the text about Toguro in the "Story" section:
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Story "The powerful enemies in the story are not necessarily absolutely evil, and the story's ending is not defined by the duality of right and wrong. The reason why Younger Toguro stopped being human, and the reason why Sensui lost faith in humanity was because they were only humans. What awaits beyond the fierce battles are questions posed to the readers by these very human characters." Younger Toguro "In the series, Koenma speculates that Younger Toguro's relentless pursuit of strength was based on his anger at his former powerlessness and his need to redeem himself for his friends. However, Mr. Togashi tell us that Younger Toguro has no remorse for his actions and all his decisions were his own to make."
The last part about Togashi's commentary on Toguro is actually an excerpt from the databook.
The "Story" section also brings a brief synopsis about Sensui, the former spirit detective.
Sensui "Sensui was a Spirit Detective before Yusuke. The dark side of humanity that he encountered during his mission changed him. Sensui, who feels that human existence itself is evil, aspires to join the demons and eventually opens the entrance to the Demon World. Sensui goes to the demon world out of contempt for humanity, and Yusuke is a demon who tries to protect humans. Although they are both Spirit Detectives, we realize that their paths were completely opposite."
I don't know if it was a matter of space, but I wish they also had talked about Yomi and the 3 Kings Arc arc in this section.
I like that on the "Setting" wall, they included a panel of Kurama VS Kaito.
Setting "Yu Yu Hakusho features a number of battle styles, including one-to-ones, battle royale, and tournaments. Yusuke and his companions are often involved in some kind of disturbance or test, whether it is against humans or demons. On the other hand, the battle settings themselves are also wide-ranging, from strength battles to brain battles to videos games, such as the Knife Edge Death Match, a head to head battle; Taboo, a battle of words without physical attacks; and Game Master, a gaming match. Each battle has a betrayal in a good sense, and the satisfying betrayal makes the reader feel even more expectations for the story."
VS Kaito "A prime example of a "brain battle" in this brilliant battle manga is the famous game between Kurama and Kaito. Kurama proposed an unusual rule: every minute, one letter of the alphabet is banned from being spoken. Something not commonly seen before, this battle of intellect highlights Kurama's cognitive capabilities and gave birth to a new type of "battle scene" that was more than a simple clash of power and strength, what's profoundly impacted the manga world."
It is said that Togashi has been inspired by many works, and the "territory" from this chapter was based off a Yasutaka Tsutsui's novel. He actually mentioned that information in an interview with Kishimoto, from Naruto's fanbook.
Yu Yu Hakusho gradually develops to a typical battle shounen, but in the Sensui Saga, it turns into a battle of wits.
The "Depiction" is a small section with some battle manuscripts from the Dark Tournament of Yusuke VS Jin and VS Younger Toguro. It talks about the impressive fights, spreads, and Togashi's skillfulness to guide the viewers between stillness and movement.
Depiction "There are many famous scenes in the series, but the battle scenes are especially impressive. The effective use of the spread, the skillful segmentation of the frame to guide the viewer's gaze, the contrast between stillness and movement that seems to stop time for the reader, and the occasional deliberately clear background are all designed to make the movement look spectacular."
After going through the introduction, and the explanations and manuscripts dedicated to the four points - Character, Setting, Story and Depiction - of the Yu Yu Hakusho series, we reach the fifth point.
When it comes to the "special piece" mentioned in the Prologue, the Yu Yu Hakusho Area has a special section called "Punch Line". The walls are decorated with the characters famous quotes, and there are also many selected manuscripts with famous lines.
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Punch Line
"Words are powerful in Yu Yu Hakusho. The work captivates the readers with monologues and explanatory text that are sometimes even more convincing than the illustrations. Famous lines includes, "I'm going to kill you with a double-page spread," "Don't underestimate the power of the evil eye," and "You don't even deserve the death." Togashi says his favorite part of the creative process is by far the making of storyboards. He says the peak of enjoyment is when he is thinking of what to draw just before starting the storyboard. Many of his hard-hitting punchlines are likely to have been created during the storyboard creative process."
I really like this special segment. Yu Yu Hakusho's lines and words have marked a whole generation and continue to attract new fans. I guess we all use some of the characters quotes in our daily lives.
One of my favorite quotes is Kurama's "You don't even deserve death" to Elder Toguro.
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After gaining a better understanding of Yu Yu Hakusho, we arrive at a bigger hall, it's finally time to appreciate the original drawings and color illustrations. They are displayed in chronological order, following the arcs of the "Spirit Detective", "Dark Tournament", "Black Chapter" (Door to Makai) and "Three Kings" (Makai Tournament). The walls are also painted and decorated with many scenes from the manga.
The cool thing about the manuscripts is that some words are actually different from the ones published, and we can even see some fine details such as Mukuro's nipples, that were erased afterwards in the comics. You can also buy copies of the manuscripts of the last two chapters in the shop.
In the center of the Yu Yu Hakusho Area, there are those big panels of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. Behind them, there are original manuscripts called "Battle Scene Selection".
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I thought we could take photos of this central area, but they are forbidden. It's understandable, otherwise the fans would form a huge queue and obstruct the flow of people. Be aware to not step on those white/black lines. The staff called me out many times (lol).
This is an example of the carefully selected battle scenes that are behind the central panels. The double spreads of Hiei VS Seiryuu and VS Shigure are my favorite.
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The battle scenes of the quartet include manuscripts of:
Yusuke: VS Suzaku; VS Jin; VS Younger Toguro; the famous scene of Yusuke knocking every one of his opponents off of the platform, in the preliminary matches of the Makai Tournament.
Kuwabara: VS Rinku; VS Rishou; VS Elder Toguro; VS Mitarai (seaman).
Kurama: VS Touya; VS Karasu; VS Kaito; VS Elder Toguro.
Hiei: VS Seiryuu; VS Zeru; VS Shigure.
The Yu Yu Hakusho Area ends with the last chapter Act 175. "And so...". Notice the big illustration of the guys, drawn exclusive for the the Yu Yu Hakusho Artbook (2005), decorating the wall.
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Now, we head to Area 02 - Level E.
Area 02. "Level E"
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Serialization Period: September 19, 1995 (Weekly Shounen Jump 42, 1995) to December 21, 1996 (Weekly Shounen Jump Double Issue 3/4, 1997). 16 chapters in total.
Cumulative circulation (including digital editions): 2,6 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "I wanted to do everything myself, so I decided to make a monthly series. Each successive chapter will appear when you've already forgotten the last one. Please feel free to read it." (Yoshihiro)
To get a better understanding of the Level E series, there is an introductory panel with a synopsis:
Synopsis "Hundreds of alien species come and go, living their lives on Earth. The only people unaware of this fact are the earthlings living on the planet. One day, Yukitaka Tsuisui, an ordinary high school student, meets a young man who calls himself an alien, and his daily life is disrupted without warning. This science fiction story depicts the strange lives of various aliens through Prince Baka, the first prince of the planet Dogra, who has both the brain of a genius and a devilish personality, and gets everyone else involved in his mischievous escapades with irreversible results."
Production Background "The production of Level E began with the unthinkable idea of creating a work that would not receive votes in a reader survey. As if to say he had drawn enough orthodox manga for his preview work, Yu Yu Hakusho, Mr. Togashi made the most of all the tools in his drawers and wrote it in an omnibus style, drawing what he liked in a monthly serialization."
Then, another panel that merges the 4 themes (Character, Setting, Story and Depiction) into a single explanation called "An Unexpected Development" (想定の斜め上).
The japanese expression "斜め上" literally means "diagonally above", and it means going up at a 45-degree angle (diagonally above) from one's imagination; to describe things that are unexpected or in a way different from what was expected. Because of its relatively widespread use since the 90s, this expression recently got into the japanese dictionary. It is said to be first used by Togashi in the Level E manga, a quote from Captain Kraft. Togashi-sensei is really a genius!
An Unexpected Development "In a sense, the lines of malicious dialogue by Kraft, a character in the work, most accurately express the essence of the work Level E. The series provides fresh surprise and excitement by always taking the least expect turns. As the fifth special piece to showcase the appeal, we have chosen one of these unexpected developments."
Initially, Level E was planned to be a self-contained series that does not need prior viewing of any other chapter to understand. However, Prince Baka was so well received by the readers, that he became the main character of Level E. It was really an unexpected development.
In this area, selected manuscripts from all 16 chapters are distributed in an 8-episode exhibition.
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In Japan, Level E is known for its 8 small episodes or arcs:
Episode 1. バカ王子・地球襲来編
Prince Baka: Invasion of Earth Arc (Chapters 01 to 03)
Episode 2. 食人鬼編
Cannibal Demon Arc (Chapters 04 to 05)
Episode 3. 原色戦隊カラーレンジャー編
Genshoku Sentai Color Rangers Arc (Chapters 06 to 09)
Episode 4. マクバク族サキ王女・ムコ探し編
Princess Saki of the Macbac Kingdom: Searching for a Husband Arc (Chapters 10 to 11)
Episode 5. 高校野球地区予選編
High School Baseball District Qualifiers Arc (Chapters 12 to 13)
On their way to the regional preliminary site for Koshien, the entire bus containing the Kisaragi High School baseball team members gets lost in a mysterious space. The baseball team tries to solve the mystery of supernatural phenomena caused by the subconscious mind, and the readers have as much fun guessing the "culprit" as the characters do.
Episode 6. 原色戦隊カラーレンジャー・人魚編
Genshoku Sentai Color Rangers: Mermaid Arc (Chapter 14)
Episode 7. バカ王子・結婚編
Prince Baka: Marriage Arc (Chapter 15)
In this chapter, Prince Baka proposes to Princess Luna. It's said that Togashi got the idea from Goku and Chichi's sudden marriage, from Dragon Ball.
Episode 8. バカ王・ハネムーン編
Prince Baka: Honeymoon Arc (Chapter 16)
This area is the smallest of the 3 series, but it feels like you're in a science fiction movie. Prince Baka's decoration is also too cute.
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Area 03. "Hunter x Hunter"
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Serialization Period: March 3, 1998 (Weekly Shounen Jump 14, 1998) to present.
Series cumulative circulation (including digital editions): more than 84 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "Nice to meet you! My name is Togashi Yoshihiro, and I am excited to be able to create my dream Jump series. Please address your letters to "Toga P." (Yoshihiro)
It begins with an Introduction section:
Synopsis Gon Freecss, who aspires to become a hunter in order to find his father, Ging, passes the Hunter Exam, which is said to be extremely difficult, with the help of the friends he meets, and obtain a Hunter License. He then train as a hunter during his journey to find Ging, maturing as he overcomes various challenges. The storyline is unpredictable, and the novel Nen battles, which features both physical and intellectual combat, are just one of the elements that keep readers engaged in the adventurous action.
As explained in the Prologue, and similar to the "Yu Yu Hakusho" Area, the HxH work is also detailed in four points - Character, Setting, Story and Depiction.
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I copied the english explanations from the "Character" and "Depiction" sections:
Character "The story centers around Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. However, in some chapters, characters other than the four are depicted as the focus of the story, and the individual characters have a strong presence that contributes to the distinctive appeal of the work."
Hyskoa "Hyskoa is a magician that Gon meets in the Hunter Exam. He is a combat enthusiast who takes great pleasure in fighting and winning against strong opponents. Mr. Togashi also describes him as a popular character whose next action is always unexpected. He is a master trickster who acts only to satisfy his own desires and becomes both an enemy and ally of Gon and his companions."
Meeleem "Meeleem is born as the king of the Chimera Ants. He is portrayed as the strongest enemy of mankind, who believes violence to be true virtue. However, his encounter with a human girl named Komugi gradually changed his mind, and he appears to grow as a statesman. The conclusion of the emotional exchange between a tyrant and a weak girl becomes a shocking scene that remains one of the most famous in manga history."
Depiciton "Mr. Togashi says that one of the most important aspects of manga portrayal is whether or not what the character is trying to do in that moment is conveyed. Evident in the depicition in HunterxHunter is a sense of confidence in the ability to make the reader understand what is going on without relying on explanatory lines or stage directions."
When it comes to the 5th point, instead of a punch line section, there is a special section called "NEN".
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This special exhibition also shows some Togashi's unpublished notes about "nen". It is called Togashi Memo's "Nen Ability Setting Material" (冨樫メモの「念能力の設定資料」). If you're interested, you can see scans of this material and translations on reddit.
My personal opinion: this is probably early notes from when Togashi was still creating and developing the nen system. It doesn't mean you have to follow those memos to the letter. I believe Togashi is still improving his ideas, and making changes over the years.
After immersing yourself in the world of HxH, we arrive at the main exhibition room. The original manuscripts follow a chronological order, beginning with Gon meeting his friends to the current arc. They are divided in 7 parts:
Hunter Exam Arc (ハンター試験編)
Heavens Arena Arc (天空闘技場編)
Yorkshin Arc (ヨークシン編)
Greed Island Arc (グリードアイランド編)
Chimera Ant Arc (キメラ=アント編)
Election Arc (選挙編)
Succession to the Throne Arc (王位継承編)
In the last arc, there is like this huge chart with all the characters that appear in the succession war. It is explained that Togashi challenged himself by asking, "How many characters can one have in one chapter of the manga?". His goal for the Succession Arc is to surpass the number of characters in Captain Tsubasa's Jr. Youth Arc (excerpt from Jump Ryu interview, 2016). They also added that counting from chapter 340, when the Kakin Kingdom was introduced, over 200 characters have already appeared in 50 chapters.
In the exhibition, the manuscripts are displayed in frames, but when you buy the official catalog or copies of Hunter x Hunter manuscripts, you realize that many of them don't use the standard HxH manuscript paper with the "Yoshihiro Togashi POT" logo, but instead, it's Naoko Takeuchi's manuscript paper. What a cute couple!
In the center of the HxH area, there's the mizumi-shiki glass (water divination glass).
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Unfortunately, we can't neither take pictures nor do the test :P
Adjacent to the HxH Area, there's a weird area with manuscripts of bizarre creatures, it's Area 04.
Area 04. "World of Strange Creatures"
This small area is a special exhibition dedicated to the bizarre creatures that appear in Togashi's works. I was happy to see Helen from Yu Yu Hakusho.
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World of Strange Creatures "The creatures (?) with bizarre designs that occasionally appear in Togashi's works leave a powerful impression. This special exhibition area features a collection of all the strange and lovable beings depicted in each work. They are an interesting bunch of designs that offer a glimpse into the creativity and tastes of the artist."
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Finally, we reach the last area.
Area 05. Yoshihiro Togashi
As the name suggests, this area is dedicated to the author.
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It begins with a timeline of his life, from his birth in 1966, the first submission to the Weekly Shounen Jump in 1986, manuscripts from his early works (one-shots and his first series "Ten de wa Showaru Cupid"), to the present day.
"Sensee wa Toshishita" was a finalist of the 20th H☆S Award in 1986. Togashi won a cash prize and got a call from Toshimasa Takahashi who became his first editor, the same who proposed to Togashi that Hiei should become a main character.
Togashi's first submission is displayed in his timeline and printed in the catalog. He used a pen name at the time, Toritome Yomoya.
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It was hard to tell the correct reading of his pen name (鳥留 夜母屋), because the furigana (reading of the chinese character) was not printed in the WSJ magazine. But, now, thanks to the exhibition, we know it reads as Toritome Yomoya.
In Yuusuke Murata's book, Hetappi Manga Laboratory Returns, Togashi mentioned that in his first submission he asked for sharp criticism that would kill his enthusiasm of a beginner. The late editor Mr. Takahashi had also mentioned that this particular line caught his attention.
It's funny that Togashi thought that someone else was in charge of creating the titles for the covers. That also crossed my mind. Yu Yu Hakusho, for example, has such a beautiful logo with stars (幽☆遊☆白書).
In the back wall of this area, there are color illustrations of all his works, and in the opposite wall from his timeline, a corner called "Creators Messages".
Creators Messages
To congratulate Togashi for his exhibition, there are a total of 9 messages and illustrations from other manga artists and celebrities.
Messages and illustrations from other mangaka
(to see HD scans, follow @Vishkujo thread on Twitter)
Yusuke Urameshi by Hirohiko Araki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gon Freecss, Monkey D. Luffy, and Tony Tony Chopper by Eiichiro Oda (One Piece)
Pakunoda and Hisoka Morow by Gege Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Machi Komacine and Shizuku Murasaki by Koyoharu Gotouge (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka Morow, Chrollo Lucilfer, Prince Baka, and Kraft by Sui Ishida (Tokyo Ghoul)
Translated messages by #hxhsource:
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Messages from celebrities
(check original scans on @Vishku)
I translated the messages from:
Film director Chloé Zhao
Togashi-sensei, congratulations on your exhibition! "Yu Yu Hakusho" had a great artistic influence on me when I was young, and it continues to inspire my work to this day. I can't forget the emotion I felt when I first read the scene where Toguro bids farewell to Genkai on the bridge of the Spirit World. When he took off his glasses, smiled at her and uttered his last words, I was 14 years old, and cried my eyes out in a crowded bus! Toguro's last words still bring me to tears. I re-read all the volumes every year, but when I see the photo of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei on the last page, it always brings a lump to my throat. The beautiful and complex human nature of the heroes and villains depicted by Togashi-sensei has set the standard for me to tell amazing stories. Thank you, Togashi-sensei!
Actor Kento Kaku
Yoshihiro Togashi-sensei, nice to meet you. My name is Kento Kaku, and I am an actor. I am fully aware that it is very rude for someone like me to have the privilege to comment on sensei's great day. However, allow me to inform you. When I saw sensei's work for the first time, was deeply impressed. By the story, the characters, the development, the structure, everything. Once I came across it, my criteria for "amusing" became sensei's work. I was at a loss. I was no longer excited by other stories. How many times did I practice the Black Dragon Wave (kokuryuuha), in my youthful days? (I also tried to feel like Bui). Why can't become a demon fox (Youko)? Why can't I put out 120% of my power? Sometimes, I spent half a day practicing "ten" (纏) (I also practiced "ten" (点) like I'm supposed to). I also imagined the flow of "gyo". In my Water Divination, the leaf do not move at all. There must be people throughout the world who have had the same experiences. That's how much we're obsessed with sensei's work. Sensei, thank you very much for giving us such exciting emotions. I would like to continue enjoying sensei's work.
纏 (Ten): "Envelop"/"Shroud", the first of the Four Major Principles of Nen.
点 (Ten): "Point", the first exercise of the "Nen of the Flame".
TV Producer Nobuyuki Sakuma
Togashi-sensei has been in a different league, since I was a teenager 30 years ago. "This manga is so interesting to me now, but will I find it even more interesting when I'm older? I still don't understand it at all, do I?". With this thought in mind, I put it back on the bookshelf and read it again from time to time. It's entertainment, it's art, a guide, but in the end it's an extremely interesting manga. I'm glad I was born in the world line where Togashi-sensei was born and is drawing manga. Thank you very much.
Writer Yumeaki Hirayama
Despite the position Togashi-sensei holds in the current manga industry, isn't his writing style itself unusual? And yet, even though he sticks to it, there is no sign the reader's enthusiasm will drop at all. This is surely rare, and I have never heard of such a thing. According to his passionate believers, one of the charms of Togashi's work is the basso continuo (severe realism) that lies in his shounen manga style. Sometimes it looks splendidly cruel, sometimes even grotesque. However, I guess it is the outstanding grasp of reality that makes his work so appealing. I believe this is the reason why it has become a bible for modern youth. For me personally, it is as if you're being challenged to play a long, long tens of thousands-moves "tsume shogi". It is always a frightening work where there is no correct answer other than the checkmate. When I think about how much trial and error goes into producing the next frame, I can only shudder and gaze at his work in wonderment. I'm praying from the lowest seat that you may continue to wield a powerful pen for many years to come.
Togashi Yoshihiro Amusement Land
In the center of Togashi Area there's the only spot where photos are allowed, the "Togashi Yoshihiro Amusement Land".
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There are big covers of the first volumes of "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Hunter x Hunter" and "Level E". Hanging from the ceiling: Botan & Puu (Yu Yu Hakusho); Color Ranger's Golden Hammer crushing Prince Baka (Level E); and Knuckle's Potclean (HxH).
New illustrations
Behind the big covers of the photo area, the beautiful frame "ALL☆STAR in the PUZZLE", with the exhibition visual key, is strategically placed. So, it's impossible to take any photo. I'm glad the media shared this one. This frame is absolutely amazing, I want it in my living room.
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Finally, when you are leaving area 5, there's a message from Togashi, "Thank you very much for visiting us", and one more big surprise:
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A totally new illustration of Gon and Yusuke (check HD scan on @Vishkujo)!
Some people have been complaining that Yusuke is red, but Togashi color-coded him red many times during the YYH serialization in the 90s. I guess we all have this strong green image of him from the anime.
Official Shop
Of course, before you exit, don't forget to visit the Official Shop. Depending on the day or time you visit it, you may face a queue to get in. I recommend purchasing the Exhibition Official Catalog. It's just a pity that they didn't include the english text displayed at the exhibition in there.
Moreover, check the official site to see the current status of the merchandise. Many products are out of stock or being back-ordered. They have also changed the limit purchase of some items. And, if you're buying from resellers, take a look at the original price on the site first. Some products are being sold on sites like Mericari for three times more the retail price.
The goods will also be sold after the exhibition ends. So, probably only in 2024, after the Fukuoka tour. Details will be announced on the official site.
Pieces Cafe
On the 52rd floor, next to the venue, there's also the Pieces Cafe. Contrary to the shop, you don't need to have bought a ticket and visited the exhibition to enter the cafe.
I only had time for the Quartet Eternal Bond Tapioca milk/tea drink. The photo of the quartet is precious, I could hardly eat it.
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Next time, I want to try the Kurama x Hiei "TWO SHOTS" curry and the Toguro Brothers dessert.
I didn't have much time in Tokyo, so I hope I can spend more time and take down more notes when the exhibition comes to Osaka. I could only stay a few hours, but I would recommend at least four to five hours if you wanna check all the details and properly enjoy the shop and the cafe.
That's all. I want to write more, but this post is already too long and Tumblr only allows 30 photos per post. Maybe, I'll do a second post, talking more about the manuscripts and catalog. It's hard to explain everything without showing photos or videos of the place, so if there's any confusing information, let me know.
201 notes · View notes
outsidereveries · 4 months
The questions regarding smngg are
They had a global audition in many countries even in southeast asian countries this year They even had a live audition of girls from India so do you think they will add any girls from this audition in their girl group or any indian girl as kpop entertainment are welcoming indians too.
When they will debut
No of members
Concept and nationality too also rumors are this time its going to be south east asian group
Their impact on 5th gen
Will they be big as blackpink
Level of success
thank you for the.. repeating asks.
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About rough energy (general reading), SMNGG as a collective group are all over the place. I believe there was change in the lineup in the recent weeks, possibly because of them being different tham the rest. They could've broke a rule as SME trainee. Nothing else. I could see a few girls close with each other, bu the way but nothing much.
About whether they'll debut in the 4th quarter of this year, yeah, I can see it, but there will be delays for their debut preparations in a way or another. I can see SMNGG debuting in December this year if they solve everything as soon as possible. There could be a scandal in the company that will be revealed publicly. If related to the girls, it can be similar situation to Karina's before aespa debuted (not saying it will be bullying 100%).
As amount of members, I see 8. They were going to be 9 if that girl wasn't kicked out. The original plan was 5-member girl group but they scrapped it out.
I do see their concept being versatile rather than having specific vibe. Maybe like Red Velvet's (oh, their impact!) but they haven't decided it very specific what and how exactly it should be.
Girl #1: The most hardworking out of all of them. The most talented but the most introverted too. She might be an it-girl of her generation, or has the potential to be very impactful. Basically, her personality is very relateable and loved. Possibly Na Haeun. As positions, I don't feel any. Maybe a bunch of them at once (Like Vocalist, Dancer, FOTG..). Might be interested in songwriting/producing songs in the future.
Girl #2: Being a trainee from quite some time. Also very hardworking and plans quite a lot. Might receive the leader position.. so possibly she's the oldest girl. I don't feel other positions. If that's Helen, then she can receive also a dancer position.
Girl #3: Very intiutive and optimistic person. She learns dances and everything else slower. If the other idols are way greater dancers, then she might receive criticism from k-netizens bc of it. Don't feel specific positions yet.
Girl #4: Might be foreigner. She feels determinated to debut, but also feels this isn't worth it to some extent. Very emotional too. Might receive vocal position (Lead?). I don't feel she's from India but she might be from an island - Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan or Malaysia. Definitely Asian.
Girl #5: Although as hardworker as the first girl, she doubts her own abilities and talents. Might have issues with her confindence, her mental health, these things. This doesn't make her less talented but she's not on her best time when I asked. Therefore, I don't feel any certain positions.
Girl #6: Might receive dancer position. Very hardworking, also very realistic mindset (with optimistic tendencies). She tries to be a good.. rapper? but doesn't feel this is her thing. SME seems to have in mind for her to be "dancer, (something else)" as positions. She tries with rapping but doesn't work as of now.
Girl #7: Might be the second most popular member in the future. Extremely emotional, very talkative, very creative too. She gives me Ningning vibes, I won't lie (because of her Libra stellium). Main vocalist, I feel so.
Girl #8: Overthinker for sure, might be very critic to herself. She is also working very hard, might come from a wealthy family. She's not rigged for sure, she might be the 2nd all-rounder of the group. I don't feel specific positions yet.
So far I sense 1 (certain?) foreigner.. and the rest of them Koreans. The 2nd girl might've lived in foreign lands, maybe Australia if that's Helen.
Their popularity in the 5th generation won't be that great, they might be overshadowed by other groups. So far I feel ther relevance will be similar to Red Velvet (just enough). Might be more popular outside of Korea.
Their success will be "just enough". The half of the girls will be more relevant than the rest. I don't feel anything prominent.
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toujokaname · 4 months
Card shuffle / Episode 6
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Author: Akira
Characters: Tatsumi, Mayoi, Aira, Rinne, Hiiro, Kohaku, Niki, HiMERU
"Hey, hey, can I sneak a little nibble of your finger or something?"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: MDM Stage
Several days later. Just before the first match of Matrix starts.
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Tatsumi: ...We've arrived at the show with no idea of what to expect.
We haven't prepared at all, is this really going to be okay?
Mayoi: Uuu... Such unpredictable circumstances are rare for ALKALOID, so it makes me anxious... Wasn't summer the last time it was like this?
Aira: We usually take a bunch of lessons before every performance...
Rinne: Huuuh. You're as well-behaved as they say you are.
Aira: We've got the trauma of almost getting fired in the summer... That's why we give it our all every time, so we don't catch any flak later.
Rinne: Haha. That must be why ES likes you so much. If they're paying us the same salary, obviously they'd favor the ones who exert themselves willingly.
But doesn't it piss you off that they think "they'll do fine even if we don't say anything" and blatantly cut corners?
Tatsumi: I wouldn't say it's foolish to expect the other party to always do their best, but it does make the likelihood of disappointment much higher.
That's why we've always done everything we could.
Is that really something that should be made fun of?
Rinne: I ain't making fun of you. Well done, well done, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes ♪
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Rinne: ...Haha. God, no way, looking at you guys just reminds me of my youth...
Tatsumi: ...?
Rinne: But still. Even you honor students had no way to prep this time 'cause the details were too vague, right?
Tatsumi: Yes... Even with our best efforts, there are limitations to what we can achieve.
I'm sorry to keep asking this, but... Have you truly not been informed by the producer in charge regarding the specifics of our ten upcoming matches?
Had we known the nature of the matches in advance, we could've at least prepared ourselves mentally.
Mayoi: ......
Tatsumi: Ah, don't worry, Mayoi-san. No matter what difficulties may come our way, we will certainly be okay.
Let's overcome this as we always have, together.
Mayoi: No... I mean, yes, in sickness and in health, but... Well, um, it seems that our opponents, Crazy:B, have appeared.
But... S-Somehow, something's... wrong.
Tatsumi: Hm? Oh, it's true—That striking red hair belongs to Hiiro-san ♪
Fufu. Though we haven't been apart for that long, it feels oddly nostalgic.
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Hiiro: Heeey, Tatsumi-senpai, Mayoi-senpai, Aira!
Hehe. It's a bit unsettling to face you guys as enemies.
Aira: We feel the same way... But wait, why're you so cheery, Hiro-kun? Did the Crazy:B guys treat you well?
I was worried since Crazy:B has a bad rep, I thought you might get bullied?
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Kohaku: We ain't bullies... Beg your pardon, but what exactly do ya take us for...?
Aira: Ah, Kohakucchi!
W-Wait, you look a little pale, are you okay...?
Kohaku: Ugh~... Rather, it feels like we're the ones who got bullied.
Aira: Um...?
Hiiro: Fufu. I became the leader of Crazy:B and gained the authority to manage the entire unit.
I couldn't tarnish Nii-san's reputation, so I pushed everyone as hard as I could.
Specifically, everyone was a bit sloppy with things like punctuality, so I made sure to tighten up on that!
Because a leader is basically a monarch! Naturally, the rules set by the monarch are absolute! If you disobey the monarch, you'll be severely punished!
Aira: What kinda dictatorship is that...?
Kohaku: Ain't that the truth... To be honest, Hiiro-han was so obviously a good kid, that we kinda looked down on him...
But we forgot. Hiiro-han's the little brother of this tyrant, Rinne-han.
Rinne: Who're you calling a tyrant? Gyahaha, sounds like our Otouto-kun's been giving you a hard time ♪
Niki: It was really awful... If I disobeyed Otouto-san's orders, I'd be punished on the spot. Like, I was even deprived of meals?
I thought I was gonna die, for real.
Mayoi: I-Is everything alright, Shiina-san? You look a bit wobbly? Um, my fingers, how many do you see?
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Niki: Aah, I thought I smelled something delicious, so it's Mayo-chan~♪ Hey, hey, can I sneak a little nibble of your finger or something?
I'm... so hungry I'm at my limit—
Mayoi: Eek, you have the eyes of a starving beast...!
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HiMERU: —Like father, like son. Amagi's child is an Amagi after all.
Rinne: He's not my son, though, he's my brother. But still, you guys only knew the obedient little Otouto-kun after coming to the city.
Nobody was aware that our Otouto-kun could be a real handful, right?
Otouto-kun was raised to be my assistant. He strictly abides by the rules and makes sure everyone else does too.
With such a guy in charge, well, it's no wonder you you wound up in some kinda dystopian nightmare ruled by an emotionless computer ♪
Kohaku: That's exactly how it felt... Since Matrix details were murky, Hiiro-han had us preparin' for every scenario.
To brace ourselves for any kinda showdown, we started with singin' and dancin' lessons, and wound up doin' a whole buncha trainin' exercises that had me scratchin' my head.
Gettin' drenched under waterfalls or catchin' every last leaf before they hit the ground... Aghh, it brought back memories of the strictness of my sisters back home.
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HiMERU: Should you refuse or display disinterest, expect punishment; even if the outcome is poor, punishment ensues. Punishment, punishment, punishment, punishment.
As these days repeated themselves, our spirits felt like they were about to shatter.
Tatsumi: M-My condolences, HiMERU-san...?
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