#5 8 year plan
New nearer future plans. But a nice little storage shed for outside to start going through my stuff and organizing things to sell, donate, or trash. After that, I want to get one of those free standing metal car ports. If one of us backs in, my partner and I won't have to get out in the rain or snow immediately. That way we can situate keys and bags.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
19.12.23, tuesday
0.5h of coding lol
wasn’t having the best day so decided to finally watch the barbie-movie (it’s on hbo rn) bc figured that could cheer me up
but bc the universe loves a good timing, on the grocery store trip after, some dudes came to me like ”which one of us would u fuck?” and that annoyed me way more than it should’ve. Like cmon, it’s 10pm at a grocery store; if you’re not cottage cheese or olive oil get tf out of my face
just a short evening walk bc it was windy and I was annoyed
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torchickentacos · 3 months
No more ‘family asking me about my jobs or my social life or if I have a boyfriend’. Ask me about pokemon. Ask me about snakes. Ask me about local plant life. I promise it’s going to be a much more interesting conversation for everyone involved.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
just like. bit late to the TMA2 party here but casual reminder that if you stay on that thing where you keep looking for throughlines and Clever Thematic Links between Mechanisms albums and Magnus Archiveses I will come to your house and beat you around the head with a 2x4 painted with the words THERE WERE NINE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THOSE ALBUMS
#red said#the mechanisms#reminded of this bc hereward just came up on shuffle and i remembered the multiple people being like#WHAT IS JONNY TRYING TO SAY BY SAYING#'HE LOVED HIS FRIEND MARTIN ' HMMMMM#and the answer is nothing#first of all bc i don't think Jonny was actually involved in Hereward although i may be mistaken#but mostly bc the person who decided that Hereward's servant who he loved was called Martin was a fucking. 12th century monk. you fools.#IT'S IN THE GESTA HEREWARDI IT PREDATES TMA BY ALMOST A MILLENNIUM#actually Martin might be a Kingsley invention I've never read the gesta herewardi I'm not a nerd#but that's still almost 200 years pre tma so the point stands#ANYWAY#that's not really the point the point is that people keep acting like there's some meaning to the parallels between Bifrost and TMA speci#specifically. and that may be true but that's not some master plan by Jonny because JONNY DID NOT WRITE THE BIFROST INCIDENT#Jonny wrote HIS PARTS in the Bifrost Incident but the rest of the band wrote THEIR parts and the story was mostly not Jonny's#so no he wasn't laying some masterful seeds and no they don't take place in the same universe#and no he's not the Genius Responsible For The Mechanisms it was a COLLABORATIVE PROJECT#with at least 4 or 5 ppl cocreating the bulk of each story and all members of the band putting a lot of themselves and their ideas in#and it is real fuckin grating having it framed as Jonny's Great Work when every person in that band had a similar level of creative input#Jonny's great. so are the other 8 people who made the albums
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I must say, it's pretty poetic that I've gotten to season 6 of Vampire Diaries right before another solar eclipse happens in America. I certainly didn't plan it, but it does feel like my timing is very appropriate with this one. I do have questions about the accuracy of the eclipse portrayal in the show, though. I mean, a solar eclipse did in fact happen on May 10, 1994, and it was visible across much of the country, so that much is accurate. But I don't think Mystic Falls would've had quite as good of a view as they show it having. For reference, here's a map of the May 1994 eclipse path (credit: timeanddate.com):
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And, if you'll remember, Mystic Falls is like two hours from my old hometown just a stone's throw north of Lynchburg, Virginia, as seen on the locator spell map (this one's all over tumblr, forgive me for not remembering what blog I grabbed it from):
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So if you zoom in on the timeanddate map and pick somewhere closeish to there:
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It looks like Mystic Falls would be getting a little over 77% coverage or so. It's also worth noting that the '94 eclipse was an annular eclipse, not a total eclipse like tomorrow's eclipse. That still means that the moon went directly in front of the sun, but it does mean that it was small enough/far enough from earth that you didn't quite get full coverage of the sun (thanks to weather.gov for the nifty graphic):
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So, I'm not positive whether it would've looked quite as dark as was shown in the show:
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Although, I must admit, in this video I found on youtube of the '94 eclipse, (part of me is shocked to find footage from then but I know I shouldn't be like yes they had cameras in the 90s) it actually looks more similar than I expected it to look, but I imagine it was most likely filmed within the path of totality:
But also, when Kai takes Bonnie to Portland, don't they see the eclipse again there? I couldn't find that clip on youtube just now, but Portland barely had any eclipse--only 42-43% coverage, so it would've been way milder of a visual effect, barely any dimming in the sky noticeable without eclipse glasses.
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The funny thing is, the area where I live is going to be sitting right around 80% coverage tomorrow. I was lucky enough to get to travel to Missouri for the 2017 eclipse to get into the path of totality, but I'm afraid that it hasn't worked out for me to do so this year, which is immensely disappointing to me as an astronomy enjoyer, but I do still plan to go to an eclipse party and I'm going to start saving to try and get to Spain for the next total eclipse in 2026, which is going to be right around my 30th birthday (screaming). Anyways, it isn't great, but here's my best picture from the '17 eclipse:
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I didn't even have a smartphone yet then, because despite it being 2017, I was somewhat of a luddite, so I had the purple flip phone I so stubbornly clung to and a point-and-click Nikon, but I still think this picture is pretty cool for what it is. Here's the zoom in so you can really see that ring of fire (and my shaking hands doubling the image):
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Obviously you can find thousands of better eclipse pictures online, but that one's still special to me because it's mine. Anyways, I'll report back with smart phone pictures from whatever I see of the 80% total eclipse tomorrow to compare and contrast with Mystic Falls's 70% annular eclipse of the 90s, because from what I've heard it's going to be much less impressive than full totality was, but I've yet to watch a partial solar eclipse, so I'll just have to find out. Also, if you happen to have any vampiric loved ones trapped in a magical prison dimension who you need help freeing during the eclipse tomorrow, let me know and I'll see what I can do! ;) Hahaha. Anyways, happy eclipse everyone, and may we all possess sufficient self restraint to avoid eye damage (says the woman who has looked at the sun unprotected so many times and is probably going to go blind because of it some day. I know what I've done lol. Don't be me.)
#posts where I actually feel like I'm using my blog as a blog#Solar Eclipse#Solar Eclipse 2024#Solar Eclipse 1994#The Vampire Diaries#TVD 6x02#is where the screenshot's from specifically#Damon Salvatore#Bonnie Bennett#Eclipse History#nerding out over the eclipse in the vampire show#it's also funny to me how two eclipses in my lifetime are so close to my birthday. I think it probably means I have magical powers ;)#May 10 1994#that's two years and change before I was born#April 8 2024#I'm so tempted to ditch all my responsibilities and drive south to totality but it's an 8 hour drive and I'd have to leave at like 4am#if it was a 4-5 hour drive to totality I'd do it. but I think a 16 hour round trip would kill me and I didn't have the good sense to plan#or book a hotel in advance or anything and everything in totality will be booked up for sure. and tonight is the night I would need to be#in a hotel anyways so. missed that boat. I mean I could go now and just drive through the night. but ugh. I just. ugh. I can but I can't yk#anyways everybody says that the Vampire Diaries writing quality drops off around here but I'm still loving it so far#it's incredibly frustrating sometimes but like. it knows how to give me The Feels(tm) and so I'll let it jerk me around all it wants#I would personally prolly want to stay in the prison world for at least a little bit to get to enjoy that eclipse from a bunch of angles th#like that's a rad as heck day to get trapped on imho. Love me a good eclipse#i ramble#even in the tags I ramble#Youtube
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seenthisepisode · 5 months
i need help to manage my budget... by help i mean 3 million euro sent directly from heaven i guess
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Is there going to be an extra year before stormlight 6 because of prose whitesand….
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"youre looking peaky" "yes :) the cyberium is inside me :)" is the same category of master lines as that "you exiled yourself here? dont you get lonely?" "yes"
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livvyofthelake · 6 months
did i ever tell y’all about my little cousin who i’m very patiently waiting for her to turn 12 or 13 so i can get her to read city of bones as a long term comedic revenge plot against her father
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aldieb · 11 days
this is such a dorky approach to exercise yes but i love the insight that cardio gives me into the biomechanics of riding. like “you need to get the horse to support themself through down transitions rather than just letting them fall out” becomes so much more concrete when you feel the difference between using your muscles to go from a jog to a walk in a controlled way and just letting yourself do an exhausted flop out of the jog.
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bunnihearted · 20 days
sorry but ppl on the internet are so naive when they genuinely believe the majority of people "hate capitalism".... that isnt anywhere near the truth. most people are sheep that just go along with what society says is right. when im out there and talk to "normal" people and listen to their convos they are literally pro capitalism. they talk about how the 8-5 work day 5/week is GOOD bc they get to work a lot and make "a lot" of money. many people will complain about unfair work hours and too big of a work load but they dont do anything more than complain... they wont vote for the left, they wont join unions, they wont stage protests or demonstrations... most ppl are like "omg fuck capitalism lmao ahhhaha fuck capitalism am i right???" but they still dont actually do anything to change it... because the entire point with capitalism is that it is comfortable and convenient. netflix and spotify is capitalism. ordering takeout is capitalism. having packages arrive to your door or close by is capitalism. concerts by your fav artists is capitalism. flying a plane to resorts all over the world is capitalism.... ppl only say "fuck capitalism" bc yes they're overworked and underpaid, but they dont actually want to live in a society without capitalism. it would mean a profound change of our entire reality as we've known it for centuries. it would be extreme. it would actually feel like it does in movies where the world is ending and society resets. it's too scary to actually go through with, and no one wants to do that. saving the planet and tearing down capitalism... would mean an extremely different world and life. no more driving your car to work and to the store and to the gym and back and forth to your parents or friends. no more going to multiple concerts every year. no more going to luxury resorts in ibiza or greece. no more online shopping. no more ordering takeout. the truth that nobody wants to admit, because no one wants to admit that they would choose to continue living in comfort even if it means destroying this planet, is that no. you dont hate capitalism. not truly. most people do not hate capitalism. if most people did... we wouldnt have the world we have now and always have had since capitalism was introduced. humans make this world. we get the world we deserve. and nature trying to kill us is what we deserve. it's like when we're sick and our bodies get fever to burn the virus. we are a virus. we could choose to stop. but we dont. only a small handful of people are willing to actually do what it takes to save earth. most ppl who make silly comments about oh my god fuck capitalism tihihihihi are not part of that small amount of people. it is sad, especially for the people who do get it, who do want to save earth, because we are such an extreme minority we have no power at all. the masses win. and the masses have chosen to live in greed and consumerism and comfort even if we'll pay the highest price thinkable.
#it's funny that it is called 9-5 when it is in truth 8-5 and many ppl work longer.....#not expecting anyone to read but i need to rant#i feel so alienated because i truly cannot relate to anyone#i wish i could find people like me in this world#but there seem to be so few of us it pains me to be this alone#i just dont respect people#people LIKE online shopping and owning things and travelling and going to concerts and and and and#they like it so much they think it's worth to sacrifice literally everything for it#i could live without any of that if it meant not hurting humans or animals or earth#i dont think humans need to have millions of concerts or every artist needs to have a concert#im just going on abt concerts bc that's one of the things that are the worst for the environment#and one of the things ppl conventiently forget to talk abt when it comes to environmental damage and capitalism#and like fireworks.. and bombs.. and nuclear power. we dont NEED any of that#but literally 10/10 ppl of you who read this will think that ummm u are dumb#ofc we need fireworks and bombs and nuclear!!! that's all profitable and fun and useful#so like yeah idk i truly cannot connect with any human i come across#and i dont respect any of the empty bullshit ppl talk abt everywhere#'fuck capitalism' 'save the earth' .. none of y'all give a fuck if it means u have to give up things u like and find fun#but yeah sure if it makes u feel better abt urself to parrot empty mantras go ahead#y'all have already won and we're on borrowed time#it's cute watching y'all plan for the future as if u have one#at least im not alone in dying bc we're all gonna suffer for what we've chosen#and also at least i have my mom to talk to bc she gets it and agrees#she doesnt agree fully when i talk abt how eco fascism is the only real thing we can do#ppl cannot be trusted to be given a choice#we need to declare martial law and force everyone to reset#no more capitalism no more waste no more environmental damage#but yeah my mom says fascism is always wrong but the way i see it.. we either do the hard thing to save us all#or let all the millions of fuckheads choose to kill the earth and us all with it for literally nothing#after manyy years we could start going back to 'democracy'...
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threadbaresweater · 6 months
Today, I am good at overthinking.
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birdy-bird27 · 3 months
I think I need to go to sleep soon my brain is once again is being haunted by the sad thoughts
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starrysharks · 11 months
i usually just post about reassassination and ultimate excalibur alongside less developed stories/universes but brother i have a LOT of stuff that i either hardly talk about or never talk about at all publicly ,,, mostly because they don't have any character designs done yet 💀
#like let me dump a few of the ideas that will probably never actually become real here:#1. story about two vampire hunter girls and one goes missing and the other has to go find her and fights various vampires along the way#(i actually did finish a few designs for this but scrapped it and now a lot of the plot aspects are in reassassination#such as a coven of 7 vampires based on the deadly sins - now the 7 assassins of the clear crucifix organisation in RAA)#2. darkstalkers-ish fighting game that i was really convinced i could make once i learned how to code -#- where the guardians of love and heartbreak fight to prove which love is real#there were multiple characters planned - puppy love which was like a cute girl with a big ass scary fuckin hellhound#sweetheart love who was a chocolate themed magical girl (her gimmick being that she could transform and her fighting style would change)#fake love who was like a scam love doctor old lady called dr.diva#pure lust who was a super tall vampire guy etc etc the list goes on#i kinda want to go through with that one. one problem! i cannot code fighting games#and the one that was pretty well developed - metallic miracle which had a pretty complicated story#basically the world is being attacked by alien creatures that can only be killed by children (never decided why tho)#so the fucked up government takes a bunch of 5-8 year olds and put them into comas and then turns them into cyborgs#to go on suicide missions to kill these aliens. mira's mother is the scientist who created the technology that can send them into comas#and keep their bodies moving n shit and she takes mira onto a different planet to try and save her but theyre found after a while#mira's mother is killed and mira is drafted in the kids v aliens war BUT she is immune to the coma technology#she fights fully aware of what is going on for around a year? and eventually the aliens are driven out and mira is super traumatised#and is one of the only survivors of this 'greater good project' - so they put her in a coma that actually works this time#and send her in a space capsule for years to give her some peace (didnt develop why shes in the space capsule)#anyway 50 years later mira is woken up and taken back to her home planet to help these other guys against smaller-scale threats#and the whole thing is about mira recovering from what happened to her learning to trust others and stuff#looking back the story is kinda edgy n doesnt really make sense and stuff but i think it could be interesting idk#is this oc rambling if its only in the tags?#whatever#oc rambling
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pinkseas · 6 months
my manager is WAY too fucking nice to me im gonna explode
#emeto tw#emeto cw#in tags ->#i started having a panic attack at work earlier but i didnt really get the chance to go in back and chill for a bit so it just got worse#like REALLY fucking bad worse than ive had in . at least years maybe Ever. i have not thrown up in over a decade now but#i started fucking dry heaving behind the register i REALLY thought i was going to be sick it was a close thing#i couldnt even call my coworker up i just had to fucking dip and pray she realized i was gone (she did thank fuck)#and then i was shaking really bad really freaking out still fucking dry heaving in the back of the store and it was just.#easily one of the worst experiences ive had in a LONG time like december will not leave me alone <- covid then appendicitis and now this WH#and my manager hadnt been in the store at the time but she came in thru the back and saw me and i was like hey haha funny story#and she was so concerned and told me to stay in back as long as i needed and that i could go home if i wanted to etc etc#ended up bringing my bag back for me and bringing me water and she checked in on me every 5-10 mins until my parents finally got there#she was rly nice and rly understanding and then the coworker i abandoned who is also kind of my manager. also came back#and SHE was ALSO super fucking sweet about it really concerned didnt want me to feel bad abt it (i feel so fucking bad abt it)#i did end up having to go home early bc. dear god. and i texted my manager just now asking if i could leave a bit earlier tomorrow#bc im supposed to have another 8 hour shift but i didnt even make it to 4 hours today and im rly nervy abt it happening again#and she straight up was like 'are you sure? i was genuinely planning on covering your shift myself' SHE DOESNT EVEN WORK UP FRONT#SHE'D BE GOING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN THE REGISTER AND KITCHEN AND SHE'D BE THERE FOR AT LEAST OVER 12 HOURS#like okay. okay. when i texted my parents abt it dad told me 'its probably just nerves. try to push through it'#but my manager and coworkers r gonna be the sweetest kindest most understanding people about it. okay. sure. okay.#surely u see why i am exploding WHY ARE THEY SO NICE?????????? i feel so fucking guilty GOD#alyalyoxenfree
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buckleydiazmp4 · 9 months
it's tag venting time
#i've had this friendship. of like. 5 years#and well#we used to be really really close#and in hindsight i guees it was because we literally saw each other for 8 hours straight every day of the week#and then that stopped happening#i literally haven't seen this person in about a year and a half i think? maybe more?#despite the fact that we basically live walking distance from each other. which. already says a lot#but then there's also a bigger issue. because hey i get it we're both busy ppl it's okay if qe haven't seen each other in a while#(despite the fact that in this case it is because of a lack of trying -i like to believe not on my part- but ignoring that)#we text sporadically when we have something to let off our chest so it's like this back and forth of voice notes every week or so#but lately its has turned into them sending me groups of 5-minute voice notes at a time because their life is so. so dramatic#and like. hey if this were still like a mutual communication i would enjoy it because i am indeed a good listener#and i like to believe i guve good advice. and i used to give this person good advice like. it was a nice friendship back then#but it became so one-sided as in i received info dumps and vents about the same stuff over and over and the few times i talked about myself#i received some half-hearted dismissals like. oh cool or oh that's so sad. anyways. and then we went back to talking about them.#and it was so frustrating but at first i thought well if they're gonna use me as a venting device so will i despite getting no input like#they became a void to me which i was getting gradually accustomed to it was fine. but then today they asked if i could talk on the phone#i said yes because i wanted to prove my theory. the plan was: i answer#let them talk without offering any input whatsoever. see how long they can just talk and talk and then in the end see if my lack of answer-#-elicited any reaction at all. and unsurprisingly it didn't. i waited for them to finish and then i thought#well at least they might ask me how my day was or something just to confirm i was listening like idk but#i personally would find the quiet unsettling and would ask.but they didn't even do that. asked me if i had homework i said yes. that was it#that was IT!!! i felt so frustrating but at least i was entirely correct and it does hurt to lose a friend but this had been coming#for a long long time. the thing is though i cant just cut this person off#i hate confrontation so all i cant do is keep up this sort of a 'quiet quitting' kind of attitude. pretty easy to do with someone like this#so anyway. that's how you realize a friendship is fake and now i am a bit angry and also sad. but i guess i'll deal with it and move on#if you read all this hi and sorry for the venting. i just had to get it off my chest#vent post
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