russell-crowe · 5 months
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bike ride today in my favourite part of my local area :-) (dwingelderveld, drenthe)
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dailytmusic · 10 months
2023-11-21 tue
時速36km are 仲川慎之介(Vo, Gt) オギノテツ(Ba, Throat) 松本ヒデアキ(Dr, Cho) 石井開(Gt, Cho)
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕🎶 「 Transparent Blue 」 new album by 36km/h is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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canestrello · 2 years
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"No one had done the O circuit in so little time. In general, we take 8 days with tourists. We walked 36km per day" insane athletic bastard
"He knew a lot about trees and we talked about different topics. We even saw a puma on the first day. He wants to start taking his children out for trekking."
"Vettel has recognized publicly his love of nature and even, according to Brevis [his guide], helped pick up other tourists' litter"
Have you ever seen Sebastian really tired after a race? That man is really insanely fitted.
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its-sixxers · 3 months
so the main reason ive been scarce the past couple weeks is my boyfriend and his pals were in the redbull soapbox race here and i was helping them put the finishing touches onto everything since i'm the only one with a vehicle that can haul shit
idk if you guys would like to see footage once we get it or not but tl;dr my bf drove down in a giant rat car dressed as the rat king and hit 36km/hr and finished with the rat in one piece
also apparently the channel four (five? i forget) guys from the bbc and the uk media team LOVED him so if ur in the uk and into this u may see him being a dork
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chudy-marzyciel · 4 months
Zrobiłem dziś 36km na rowerze!
Według apki spaliłem dzięki temu ponad 7000 kcal, nie wiem czy w to wierzyć czy nie.
Cały czas motywowałem się, powtarzając sobie:
"jakbyś tyle nie wpierdalał to byś spokojnie wjechał"
"dawaj grubasie wjedziesz po tą górę."
"nie bolą Cię nogi, to tłuszcz Ci się pali"
A tak to zjadłem dziś 707 kcal.
Zjem jeszcze teraz jakąś "kolację" typu opakowanie serka wiejskiego light, czy coś delikatnego.
Jeśli ktoś chce popisać, zmotywować się razem czy coś to dajcie znać!
Chudej nocy motylki 🦋
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I don't even mean to mass rb from random people most of the time. I just find myself on someone's blog and next thing I know, it's been an hour and I'm 36km deep into their stuff like it's my own dashboard
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pokmajom · 2 months
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36km 2.21h
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cbc-bb · 14 days
It’s September 14th and ive run 36km so far this month
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track2hack · 9 months
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PC camp done and dusted for another year! So nice to be able to get out and do all these things I never got as a kiddie with a great bunch of gals 😜🤩
Friday we went out for a hack through Spencer Park/Bottle Lake (all bloody 10 of us!) which was absolutely fantastic to get out and see some new territory, Ed was perfect as always and quickly became the designated babysitter of the group and he thoroughly enjoyed himself 🙈 2 hours and 8km later and had lunch at Seafield before getting back to base and setting up ponies!
Miss Pixie was lucky enough to find herself involved on Friday night too, she came over the road for a sleepover and some adoring fans 😜
Saturday we had Worm Watch come out to give us a talk on intestinal parasites and pasture management which was bloody brilliant, you never know what you never know until you know it! My brain hurt a bit after that but I’m very excited to see what my ponies samples come back with 👀
Fabulous Arrow’s Flight Photography came out in the arvo to do some profile and action shots, can’t wait to see what magic she’s whipped up for us!! 🙌
Last day today we had Stephanie Bullock come to talk about saddle fitting which was highly entertaining and lots to think about, a new saddle is in the works for lucky mister Eddie (and unlucky my bank account because he needs some Scoot Boots too 🥴)
Packed up camp and took Ed and Gem for a lazy afternoon hack before arriving home and promptly falling asleep!! 😂
Over the 3 days Ed and Gem collectively did 36km and this year we’ve done 79km already!! 🙌
VERY lucky Belfast is such an awesome club with such awesome organisers in it, can’t wait to do it all again next year!! 🤩🤩🤩
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pleistocene-pride · 5 months
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Happy Earth Day. Xiphias gladius, better known as the swordfish or the broadbill, is a species of large predatory fish, and the sole living member of there family Xiphiidae. These fish can be found throughout the atlantic, pacific, and Indian oceans from the surface to depths up to 9,442ft (2,878m). This highly migratory species typically moves towards colder regions during the summer and warmer regions during the winter, feeding upon a wide range of pelagic fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Swordfish are not a schooling fish and often travel alone or in loose congregations, they may cruise at some 22mph (36km/h) and rely on there speed to catch prey, reaching up to 60mph (100km/h) in short bursts. Contrary to popular legend they do not stab there prey but rather slash at it with there sword. Swordfish are themselves occasionally preyed upon by killer whales, pilot whales, shortfin mako sharks, and possibly giant squid. Reaching around 10 to 15ft (3 to 4.55m) in length and 500 to 1,500lbs (230 to 680kgs) in weight, with female swordfish are slightly larger than males, they sport elongated and rounded bodies with tall fins and a distinctive sword like bill. Swordfish first hatch with scales and teeth but end up loosing both by adulthood. The breeding season varies according to the location, typically occurring in spring and summer in temperate zones and year round in tropical climates. During spawning a single female swordfish may lay 1 to 29 million eggs. Under ideal conditions a sword fish may reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 years of age and live up to 16.
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dailytmusic · 1 year
2023-05-07 sun
時速36km are 仲川慎之介(Vo, Gt) オギノテツ(Ba, Throat) 松本ヒデアキ(Dr, Cho) 石井"ウィル"開(Gt, Cho)
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accidentalajumma · 1 year
Last week was busy. On Sunday 10th I did a half marathon in the DMZ, which was a cool experience. It was the first running race I have done since a 5km fun run 35 years ago, and was hard work even though it was flat the whole way because it was hot and sunny and humid. But I did it!
Then my choir had two concerts in a week, on Tuesday *and* Saturday. And then I did a 36km trail run on Sunday, which was easier than the 21km half marathon because it was mostly in shady forest and anyway, when the route involves a cumulative 2,000m of elevation gain you walk half of it. And it wasn't a race.
And then today it turns out that several members of the choir and my husband all have covid. So I guess my current sniffle is going to turn into covid and the rest of this week will be much quieter.
I am *really* glad this didn't happen last week. But also really hoping the rona doesn't hang around, because my 2 week holiday from work starts on Saturday 😭
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jow99 · 1 year
Bluffy to Servier (near Annecy)
We slept really well again last night. As everyone was settling down for the night you could hear the cowbells not far away.
We were sitting up in bed having coffee when the heavens opened and it really started to belt down. So much so that we both thought there was hail.
After a short while the rain passed and we had a glorious day. After breakfast we went for a wander. We stopped for a coffee and a lovely older French couple invited us to sit near them (we were standing). They chatted away to us in French (mainly the wife) of which we understood very little, but they were obviously happy so we just nodded away.
We then walked back past Tessi in the opposite direction and discovered they had moved the sprint point and we were just beyond it.
As expected the place was getting fuller and fuller with cars and vans. It was a relief when they closed the road. When they announced the caravan was approaching everyone lined up in either side of the road. It was hilarious, all these adults on their marks to scramble for whatever was thrown from the passing caravan. I laugh now but I was also very serious about what bounty we would catch. I have to say we were pretty woeful with our haul (sorry Kel and Pete, you would have been ashamed). Thankfully earlier in the day we had scored t-shirts, caps and bags so all was not lost (except no Haribo lollies 😭).
After the caravan we had a quick lunch and then decided to head up around the corner to watch as we had originally planned. It was a good spot as they had to slow for the corner and then it was uphill. Having said that, Wout Van Aert was hands free stuffing an ice bag down his back as he came passed. I was so stunned I forgot to take a photo.
Once everyone had passed we headed back to Tessi and got ready for takeoff once the road opened. We were headed to Sevrier, just outside of Annecy, to a campground we stayed at 5 years ago when we first got Tess.
I have to say i Gad forgotten how stunning the scenery is around here. It was a beautiful, if slow trip down and around the lake. I laughed to see so many people on bikes with the Leclerc polka dot t- shirts on.
We got to our campground and set up in time to watch the last 36kms. Another exciting finish with essentially 3 races within the race. After that we headed off to check out the new pool. We’re pretty spoilt living in L’Escala so I’m having a hard time adjusting to pools full of people (I know total princess 🙄).
The supermarket was closed given it’s Sunday and as we were out of wine we decided to dine out. We’ve decided pizza must be the new national food of France as it seems every second restaurant is a pizzeria. Having said that Jose did enjoy his pizza and I enjoyed my faux moussaka.
After dinner we strolled down to the lake and then back to Tessi for a nightcap. A lovely ending to a lovely day.
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i just woke up. went on a 36km hike yesterday.
that clip of kieran, john and jordan where kieran goes "one at a time", been thinking about that. like no. consider the opportunity.
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keesdp · 1 year
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Op de Noordoostelijkste rots van IJsland is een rots waar de Puffins, zoals ze hier heten, broeden voor ze weer naar zee gaan in augustus. Dit is de informatie die in mijn hoofd is blijven hangen als we voet aan wal zetten in Seydisfjordùr. De haven van IJsland waar we aankomen met de MS Nórõna.
We melden ons bij de camping waar mijn campingpas klaarligt die ik online gekocht heb. Volgens de informatie, ook op de boot beweerde men dat, zijn alle campings in IJsland voor 30 nachten hiermee betaald tot 15 september. Alleen moet je bij sommige wel extra dingen als electriciteit of douche apart betalen. Men krijgt ook korting op brandstof bij de meestvoorkomende benzinepompen.
Op naar de Puffins. De weg er naar toe lijkt uit een sf-film. We gaan over bergen door mist en motregen, de ene keer zitten we onder de wolken om daarna weer boven de wolken te rijden. Het stadje Digranes lijkt op een slagveld die tot camping is omgebouwd. Overal liggen verroeste boot- en auto-onderdelen. De bebouwing bestaat uit verroeste golfplaten. De ligging is prachtig aan een baai. Er is een rood huisje dat met gras is bedekt, zodat het dak naadloos in de tuin overgaat, hier is Yvonne weg van. Zij loopt het halletje in en blijkt bij iemands huis te zijn binnengedrongen. Bloody tourist. Een bus laad 40 toeristen uit, die met regenkleding achter een gids met opsteek bordje aanlopen. Overal in het dorp staan caravans, tenten en vouwwagens, een enkele camper staat ertussen. Waarom dit zo'n populaire badplaats is, is mij een raadsel.
De puffins zijn 5km verderop, wijst een bord mij in het dorp. We rijden een smal weggetje af door de duinen en komen bij een haventje met parkeerplaats. Achter de haven is een rots waar overheen een houten trap loopt, waar veel mensen op lopen en staan. De trap gaat naar een uitkijkpunt waar we ook mensen ontwaren. Als we dichterbij komen, blijkt de trap over de rots te lopen waar honderden puffins op hun eigen plekje zitten en af en toe even naar zee gaan om een visje op te duiken. Ze zijn zo dichtbij, dat je ze bijna kunt aanraken. Er hangen bordjes met wetenswaardigheden over ze, zoals dat ze vliegend een snelheid kunnen halen van 90km/uur en wel 40m diep kunnen duiken. Ze kunnen wel 30jaar oud worden. We kunnen bijna niet ophouden met fotograferen en brengen een paar uur door tussen de clowneske vogels met oranje zwemvliezen.
Bij de tweede camping in Vopnafjordur gaat het al mis. Er is maar een derde van de campings aangesloten, blijkt hier als de vrouw geld voor de overnachting komt ophalen. Ik laat het pasje zien en zij begint met haar hoofd te schudden. Nee €30 zegt ze, nou dan ga ik verder zeg ik. Ze loopt rood aan. Ga! Nu! Ik moet denken aan Rembo en Rembo. Ik zie je nog steeds. Rustig zetten we de losse spullen weg, klappen de tafel weg draaien de stoel in rijrichting en starten de auto. Zij zit in haar Pickup truc te wachten tot we de camping afrijden en ze volgt ons het dorp uit. Yvonne zwaait nog, maar ze zwaait niet terug. Gelukkig wordt het in dit land niet donker en rijden we midden in de nacht door een vreemd maanlandschap 36km naar de noordkust, waar volgens mijn app een camping is waar de pas wel geaccepteerd wordt.
Als we een dag later willen tanken, blijkt dat de pompen die korting bieden op de pas nog dunner gezaaid zijn. Ik ga toch tanken bij N1 en betaal €2,16 voor een liter diesel. Goed dat ik hem op de Faroers volgegooid heb, daar was het €1,26 per liter.
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