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sistazai · 6 years ago
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It’s #courageouswednesdays ... kind of let the #31daysofblackminimalism challenge be my regular contribution for this weekly segment. So please go scroll through my Instagram and see how I’ve been getting #realtalk about my unconscious consumption habits for the love for the Earth. P.S. shit got real and I tried hiding from my shadow so I’m behind by a couple of days. You know how that goes. Anyway, I’m trying and there’s only 4 days left of the challenge and so I’m counting my wins, getting back in there and using today to catch up. www.instagram.com/sistazai https://www.instagram.com/p/ByBjbbmAsay/?igshid=1irgw2w3dr7j8
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @citizins ・・・ The Pride Leader #CITIZINS ... #31daysofblackminimalism Day 24 prompt: Show us how you shop consciously. ... What does it mean to #consciouslyconsume? Do you buy out of a need, considering the source and shelf life of materials, or are you a victim of the "Sale Syndrome"? * * Show us how you buy thoughtfully, not just based on price, but also on #carbonfootprint and #sustainability or show us a time when you bought something without thinking. It always comes back to bite us eventually. . . . ... I’ve never really been a shopper. I feel overwhelmed in stores and malls - just so much ‘stuff’. I do prefer to buy expensive things because they last. I like to purchase from folks I have a relationship with like @sznthelabel and @neishaclothing. I have items of clothing in my wardrobe that are up to 10 years old and I still wear them. I do shop impulsively when it comes to visual art. Like music or books, if a work calls to my soul and moves me, I purchase it without question, bring it home and treasure it (even if I don’t yet have a wall where I can hang it all the time) - like this stunning print from @citizins. I could probably give more thought to my carbon footprint ... https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8llsZgggQ/?igshid=fp3vrnaudcq
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ What does it mean to #consciouslyconsume? Do you buy out of a need, considering the source and shelf life of materials, or are you a victim of the "Sale Syndrome"? * * Show us how you buy thoughtfully, not just based on price, but also on #carbonfootprint and #sustainability or show us a time when you bought something without thinking. It always comes back to bite us eventually. * * * Photo: Christopher Brown via @unsplash * * * #thinkfirst #gottahaveit #mine #purchasepower #minimalistbuying #smartshopper #iwantthat #sustainableshopping #shopsmall #shopsmart #shoplocal #day24 #31DaysofBlackMinimalism #BlackMinimalists #minimalismchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3RILrHdZ7/?igshid=1wkm6xfcybbzf
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31daysofblackminimalism Day 23 prompt: share a quote that helps you to achieve your minimalist goals. * * Abundance is my most natural state. I live in the flow of generosity, reciprocity and balance. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx01eVcFLCL/?igshid=wgf64d7dpje4
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ We all know the #minimalistlife isn't always easy so today were asking you to share your words of encouragement. Give us a quote and the source of language that keeps you going. When you're feeling down or challenged, especially on the #minimalist road, show us the words that give you the strength! * * * Photo: @calvinlupiya via @unsplash * * * #quote #minimalistquote #listenup #wordswordswords #inspiring #minimalism #wordstoliveby #youhearthat #goodword #word #yes #31DaysofBlackMinimalism #day23 #blackminimalists #minimalismchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/BxztCEYlynr/?igshid=1gw6lj4n2jih
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31daysofblackminimalism Day 22 prompt: share a pic of your folx. What communities are you a part of? ・・・ So much of this #31DaysofBlackMinimalism has been about building #community both analog and digital! We're social beings, and cultivating that community is an important value. Today, share the communities that you value, that make you #feelseen and #inspired. * * The thing about the single migrant life is this: you have to create family and community from scratch. I’m so grateful for the folx pictured here and the many more with whom I have shared joyfilled and vulnerable moments. What a blessing to know love in relationship, especially when we live far from home. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxpYFhFCmk/?igshid=upciyppzthpk
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ So much of this #31DaysofBlackMinimalism has been about building #community both analog and digital! We're social beings, and cultivating that community is an important value. Today, share the communities that you value, that make you #feelseen and #inspired. * * * Photo: @coreyapplesauce via @unsplash * * * #communitybuilding #doingthework #youreawesome #goalsetting #goalsetter #goalslayer #getitgurl #doitforthecommunity #minimalistjourney #doingitforme #livingmybest #investinyourhealth #blackcommunities #day22 #blackminimalists #minimalismchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxxobvilz0M/?igshid=8k3w03l7aupe
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31daysofblackminimalism Day 21 prompt: share a picture from your best trip to date. * * The year I took a long weekend break to Sydney to catch some Black theatre productions and have a ball hanging with friends. No, I did not pack light. I might have bought stuff to take with me on the trip. Definitely looking forward to perfecting the art of minimalist travel. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxw_Y5VFLzn/?igshid=19kxqdl9wwi2w
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31DaysofBlackMinimalism Day 19 prompt: take a nap. * * Whether in practice or in history, overwork is a part of our Black American legacy. On this #selfcaresunday, we challenge you to #doless: go for a walk without any screens, read a book (an honest to God paper book), to stop and smell the flowers, whatever is going to get you away from the #hamsterwheel and into #restmode. Let your body, mind, and heart take a break, and see how good you feel! * * Bonus: Go checkout @thenapministry for resources on liberatory rest. * * I did. I spent the whole day in bed and read ‘The Mastery Of Love’ as I wandered in and out of dreamscapes, reclaiming the power of my imagination. I left my phone off and out of battery power and refused to do anything that did not give me pleasure. I’m loving my #selfcareSundays so so much. It’s the best habit I’ve grown into since I started 2019. Here’s to letting go of that toxic ‘strong Black woman’ narrative that’ll have us looking after everyone else first and working ourselves into an early grave ... can’t wait for my ankle sprain to heal properly so I can get back into my yoga practice. * #sundayvibes #takeiteasy #restisessential #restiseverything #slowdown #yawn #naptime #takeanap #donothing #goodnight #relax #chillvibes #radicalrest #31DaysofBlackMinimalism #day19 #BlackMinimalists #minimalismchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqA0QRFEM2/?igshid=13mavf1v8pplr
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ Whether in practice or in history, overwork is a part of our Black American legacy. On this #selfcaresunday, we challenge you to #doless: go for a walk without any screens, read a book (an honest to God paper book), to stop and smell the flowers, whatever is going to get you away from the #hamsterwheel and into #restmode. Let your body, mind, and heart take a break, and see how good you feel! * * Bonus: Go checkout @thenapministry for resources on liberatory rest. * * * Photo: @shenayesuggs via @createherstock * * * #sundayvibes #takeiteasy #restisessential #restiseverything #slowdown #yawn #naptime #takeanap #donothing #goodnight #relax #chillvibes #radicalrest #31DaysofBlackMinimalism #day19 #BlackMinimalists #minimalismchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxp_67WliKg/?igshid=angjrf0x6fcx
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31daysofblackminimalism ・・・ Day 17 prompt: what challenges have you encountered on your minimalist journey and how have they helped you to progress? . . @jessmyoung likes to use the word "practice" to describe her #minimalism because she's always improving, and running into walls of #struggle. Some parts of this practice come easy, but others are challenging. * * We #failbetter when we learn from our decisions and use them to make better choices. Don't be afraid to share those painful lessons learned #incommunity here. Show us your struggle! . . . I’m guilty of making and accepting badly made cups of tea. 🙋🏾‍♀️ Sometimes I buy things or keep things because I think I can change/alter/fix them or make them work or will need them later. They end up sitting in a pile or at the back of a closer while I take on a whole heap of other projects (another challenge). I think the challenge/learning here is to only accept what is working 100% in alignment with where I find myself. I have to respect and honour all the other things that I project my expectations and hopes upon enough to let them go and find a home where they will be loved, valued and made use of regularly. I also have to learn to only take on projects only once I’ve completed another, or to schedule down time in between projects. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxoYgCgF1lT/?igshid=j0vscebyud28
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ @jessmyoung likes to use the word "practice" to describe her #minimalism because she's always improving, and running into walls of #struggle. Some parts of this practice come easy, but others are challenging. * * We #failbetter when we learn from our decisions and use them to make better choices. Don't be afraid to share those painful lessons learned #incommunity here. Show us your struggle! * * * Photo: @kellysearle via @unsplash * * * #failup #failbetter #damn #trytryagain #lol #notlikethat #lessonlearned #learnedthehardway #letsdobetter #improvealittleeveryday #growthtakestime #bepatient #becompassionate #bebrave #31DaysofBlackMinimalism #BlackMinimalists #MinimalismChallenge #day17 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxkqg5DFoBx/?igshid=fz930fhnagoi
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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Note to self: all that time I could have been writing, researching and reading. #31daysofblackminimalism Repost @laylafsaad ・・・ “A writer’s life and work are not a gift to mankind; they are its necessity.” - Toni Morrison https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjZCxilC1j/?igshid=1j00rqlb5fou2
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ We can tell what we value based on where we place our time. So on #Day16 of #31DaysofBlackMinimalism take note of how you spend your time. How much time do you really spend in #meditation, #exercise, or #selfcare versus scrolling or checking your phone? * * Can you invest more of your time in activities and choices that are good for you, and look closely at those choices that don't support you or your goals? Social media tracks your time, so don't be afraid to be honest with yourself! * * * Photo: @crf.pics via @shademgmt * * * #timesensitive #wheredoesthetimego #timely #spendtimewisely #nojudgment #stopscrolling #putitdown #whereyourtimegoesyourattentiongoes #whereyourattentiongoesyourenergygoes #time #takethetime #makethetime #wanderer #timeiscurrency https://www.instagram.com/p/BxisEhPFg0r/?igshid=1adznbc91h0b8
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#31daysofblackminimalism Day 15 prompt: Take some time to go through your phone and delete anything you don’t need or love. * * Today's challenge is a #digitaldetox, your opportunity to shed all those extra apps and downloads on your phone. #Createspace by deleting what you don't need or no longer use, and consolidate apps into a more #organized space. * * Don't be scared, just do it! Show us your #beforeandafter photos and don't forget to tag @BlkMinimalists and @jessmyoung #31DaysofBlackMinimalism * * * I’m good at organising clutter. But decluttering - getting rid of things I don’t use and love - felt goood. I deleted apps I’ve had the intention to use but hardly or never use. I went through my text message and deleted old voicemails. I had stuff in there from 2016 ... talk about ghosts. Still want to delete some more apps ... but made good progress - check out my before and swipe left for my after. Will make this a daily habit. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhMBEflX8D/?igshid=gz4bwo0k573q
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sistazai · 6 years ago
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#Repost @blkminimalists ・・・ Today's challenge is a #digitaldetox, your opportunity to shed all those extra apps and downloads on your phone. #Createspace by deleting what you don't need or no longer use, and consolidate apps into a more #organized space. * * Don't be scared, just do it! Show us your #beforeandafter photos and don't forget to tag @BlkMinimalists and @jessmyoung #31DaysofBlackMinimalism * * * Photo: @blodfets via @unsplash * * * #toomanyapps #phoneface #phoneneck #delete #putitdown #clearitout #letitgo #notinuse #cleanspace #clearitout #feelssogood #minimalistpractice #idontneedit #digitalsweep #digitalminimalism https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhEFOGF5iP/?igshid=j1mdjpkisob3
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