#3000 miles
dearstvckyx · 5 months
3000 miles away | LH43, EE73, DD25, ME94, LF63, JT15, NW31, MS11, AF19 x Platonic!Black OC!Nevaeh Monroe
a/n: I didn’t mean for this to be so long 😭 Also this is set before some of them go to the NHl. Also 2: Pretend that Los Angeles to Ann is 3000 miles from each other.
Nevaeh gazed out her bedroom window staring at the California sunset, missing the snowflakes and fireplace warmth of Michigan. She longed to be back with her friends, especially Luke, who had been her childhood friend.
As she scrolled through her phone, memories flooded her mind. She and Luke had grown up together, and his hockey teammates had become her own friends. They'd have sleepovers, skated together, played in the snow, and the boys would go to Nevaeh with girl issues.
But now, she was stuck in California, feeling homesick and alone. She sent Luke a message: "Hey, I'm missing you and Michigan so much. Can we Facetime tonight?"
The response came quickly: "Aww, Nevaeh! I'm missing you too! We can Facetime tonight after practice. Can't wait to catch up!"
Nevaeh's heart skipped a beat. Maybe this winter break wouldn't be so bad after all.
Nevaeh's eyes wandered, lost in the California haze. She yearned to escape the sun-kissed streets, craving the crisp air and gray skies of home. She stood there on the half empty dock thinking of running away, back to the place she dreams of being in. If only it wasn’t 3000 miles away.
Feeling restless, she thought back to Michigan's stormy weather, the way the wind would whip through her hair as she walked down State Street. Those were the days she felt truly alive.
The present seemed dull and gray in comparison. She missed the warmth of her friends hugs, the way they tease convinced her to stop studying and to go out with them. Most of all, she missed the sense of belonging that came with being surrounded by friends who knew her best.
As she gazed out at the sunset reflecting into the ocean, a pang of sadness struck her heart. She wasn't okay. She was lost in a sea of unfamiliarity, 3000 miles from her home.
Nevaeh redialed Ethan’s number, for the 6th time, hoping he'd answer. She remembered his "Silent mode" joke and smiled, thinking about their late-night conversations on her roof top.
As she waited, she gazed out at the California night sky, feeling like a stranger in this moonlit world. She longed for Michigan's starry skies and snowflakes falling.
Finally, Ethan answered, his sleepy voice a brightness to her dark homesick heart. "Hey, what's up?" he mumbled.
"Just wanted to hear about your day," Nevaeh said softly. As they talked, the distance between them seemed to shrink, but she knew a piece of her heart would always remain in Michigan.
Listening to Nevaeh, Dylan grows concerned as she mention being lonely and homesick "I’ve been dreamjng of a place called home, Dyl." She felt like she was drowning in her birth state, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, beside her father, her step siblings, and the endless sunshine.
She thought back to the nights them and the crew would run together, laughing and chasing the stormy weather. But now, the gray skies of Michigan seemed like a distant memory.
"I don’t feel okay, Dylan" she whispered to him over the phone, feeling the weight of her decision to leave her father and go back home to her true family, her friends. She missed the way they would take turns guiding her to skate, and the way the wind would whip through her hair when Luke’s older brother Quinn would drive their boat on the summer lake.
And as she gazed out at Los Angeles skyline, she felt like she was losing herself. The distance between them and her seemed to grow with each passing day, and she wondered if this feeling would end.
As she laid in her bed, she thought of the crew at the rink, their rugged faces and loud chirping becoming a familiar noise to her. She'd grown up with their laughter, their teasing, and their competitive banter.
But now, as she laid alone, she felt like an outsider. Michigan was a 3,000 mile drive away and the next plane leaves in 3 days, but Nevaeh wishes she could be there in an instant, like Dorothy.
If only, only, she could go back for a day, to see those familiar faces that she calls her brothers. But it was too far, and she knew she couldn't won’t make it home in time before they have to go back to school.
Nevaeh opens up a group chat titled, “The Wolves”, a play on their college team name. She writes a long text, saying, “Hey boys, it's been too long. I'm stuck here in this crazy, busy city, feeling like I'm a millions miles away from everything that's real. I miss the stormy weather, I miss our late nights at the lake, and I miss the way you all would drag me out…. But most importantly I miss you all. This place just ain't the same as Michigan nor are the people. It feels like forever since we've been together. I'm not okay. 3000 miles away, wishing we were all together. Talk to you guys later <3 - Nevaeh”
Nevaeh wakes up to the yellow California sun shining in her eyes. She lays there for a second before hearing her phone going off continuously. As she grabs her phone, she notices all the messages from the group chat, and she reads every response.
E: We miss you as well Nevs!!!
Dyl: There’s always FaceTime or Skype
Mack: Yeah, this place isn't the same without you. We need you back here
Luca: Adams growing annoying, we need you to shut him up
Adam: Screw off Luca. But Nevs if you’re feeling homesick we can always book you the flight back.
Jay: Or we could fly to you!
Noah: We’ll get the crew together back together as soon as you’re home!
Marks: We love Nevaeh, you could always call one of us
And as Nevaeh gets ready to respond and message chat pops down and the name reads, LuLu, Nevaeh instantly opens her and Luke’s Messages.
Hey, what's going on?
You're really not okay?
I’m okay, Lu. Just
been homesick bad.
I’m always here for you,
we all are.
I know Luke, I’ll
see you all soon. 💛
After texting her childhood best friend Nevaeh realizes, everything is not so bad. That they were right, They’ll all be together soon and going back to their old ways, Nevaeh just can’t wait
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
Summary: Gen had no plans when he packed a bag, bought a plane ticket for New York, and ultimately ran away from home in the span of a night, simply functioning off the need to disappear. Needless to say, taking a transcontinental trip across America via train with a science-obsessed stranger was not what he had expected when he decided to abandon his lush lifestyle in Japan. But even then, Gen couldn't help but want to join the eccentric stranger in his journey of chasing the stars. More specifically, he wanted to chase him.
Author: MRI
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dijidweeeb · 1 year
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #ThomasHinds, #TheOdds #3000Miles ... From the Album #WhereDoWeGoFromHere [Official Audio Track] (2023) #MMitM1
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havatabanca · 1 year
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thetaizuru · 2 years
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bilbao-song · 1 year
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Detail from Bell System ad, 1978
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yshtal · 3 months
people are always hating on the hinterlands but I am here with a hot take: the storm coast sucks SO much worse
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lostmykiliel · 5 months
MileApo & The Gumball 3000 rally?
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The Gumball 3000 rally is an international celebrity motor rally that takes places on public roads and the start and finishing point change every year. The sneak peak for this year's route from the official FB page:
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Many people speculate if Mile & Apo are participating or invited as guests, because the founder and organizer Maximillion Cooper recently started following Mile, Apo, Pond, Gift and BOC on IG.
Additionally Apo already shared this more than a week ago:
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And of course Apo collaborated with Ferrari (Fashion) and Mile with McLaren. Just today McLarenBangkok posted this IG Reel, with a green McLaren and a familar silhouette:
So can we expect Mile to drive a McLaren and Apo a Ferrari at the rally? Don't know, I personally think they are rather invited as guests than participants.
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bulldog-butch · 2 years
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femme hands x butch hands
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So did Ben just not sleep this entire time?
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champagnemoon · 2 months
society wanting young girls to be completely naive about boys and men in adolescence and then suddenly be pros at courtship at 21 is so crazy lmao I see the same cycles repeat over and over again in my family because of the same religious thought that girls don’t need guidance on dating besides don’t have sex or get pregnant
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transmechanicus · 6 months
I should be allowed to kill, i can be trusted as judge, jury, and executioner, give me the axe.
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llilychen · 1 year
walking out of my bio final and seeing my sibling and my ex making out on my car white my ex was wearing my sweatshirt…i would have committed a felony
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youcouldbewonderful · 2 months
in three days I leave for a SIX DAY road trip from where I live (east coast us) to my bfs family (west coast canada). europeans could never fathom driving this far
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simonsapelsin · 2 months
Omar's in my country, how am I supposed to get anything done under these conditions??
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ovaruling · 1 year
mayhaps a touch cringe but every now and again i rly wish ppl could be normal and. yknow. nonviolent abt women so that we could post selfies here sometimes of us having a chill day or holding our pets and have +5 female bonding by sharing these moments happily w women across the world. but no
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