#the urge i get to share pics of my life here is so different than it was when i had insta or something
ovaruling · 1 year
mayhaps a touch cringe but every now and again i rly wish ppl could be normal and. yknow. nonviolent abt women so that we could post selfies here sometimes of us having a chill day or holding our pets and have +5 female bonding by sharing these moments happily w women across the world. but no
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shawnjacksonsbs · 8 months
Where is it we find peace? 2-3-24
"Buddha says "A child without courage is like a night without stars!" - Punjab
It's early.
Maybe 5:30 a.m. on this Friday morning and 4 am wake up calls . . .proves my age, I suppose.
On my mind . . .
A couple of the kids still out there in their struggles, trying their best to do it their way. And, although it isn't what I want for them, it is, in the end, on them.
Wanting to see successes from them regardless of how hard their head has to hit the wall, is something I'll carry with me always.
Love is unconditional.
Help and boundaries are not, or at least we try to hold tight, for everyone's benefit. Benefits not always seen in the short sight.
Umm, we are also going to have a few of the grands this weekend. Our youngest granddaughter had her first overnight here with her big sister, and when we take her home later her big sister will stay behind, as we wait for another granddaughter from a different family set to start a mini birthday party/sleepover celebration. Just the 2 of them. It's a little exciting, and it's always nice spending time with the grands.
Work is starting to pick up and get back on track. Starting the year with a couple of very decent jobs. Follow the Pride Fence Page for details and updates. Lol no lol
!~I had my 2 month old phone shoot craps at the beginning of the week. Usually, I imagine, most of us would start the nonstop adventure of replacing it asap. It's almost debilitating just accidentally leaving it behind or losing it. Am I right?
After printing map instructions to my job, like the Geico caveman, I had to head out because i had to be there no matter what.
I spent the day fighting all urges to call it quits and go get a new phone.
Feeling like a dopehead trying to not hit the pipe while still in the trap house, I made it through. At the end of the day, I went and got myself a new phone, new carrier, etc.
Other than just being beat out of about 2 months' worth of messages, pics, contacts, and overall data, I'm no worse for wear.
It did make me think about our way of life, though.
Like our, as in "OUR", big our, all of us here, at least in this country and culture.
Some of us older people might stand a bit better of a chance than the younger generation, but it would still be so devastating a collapse that recovery would feel impossible if we seriously lost all technology, or even just the internet.
Hard reset.
We depend so much on this stuff to maintain our way of life. Some may brag that they can live off the land etc, etc, but unless you're a backwood/mountain country person who only goes to town once or twice a year to trade, we would all be affected.
Obviously this happened the way it was supposed to, but man . . .I'm not looking forward to "suppose to" to be attached to the collapse of society.
I guess that empties my mind enough to restabilze my mental and emotional state for the week.
Thanx for taking time to hear me out.
As always, your thoughts are welcome.
And remember to share your love and your laughter with the world around, and be kind as always as possible.
We're all just a dead phone away from an uncomfortable day. Lol
Until next week;
"You love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back" - Grace Farrell
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {2}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Mild Cursing, Mild Slow Burn
Words: 4.9k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Slightly Pic Heavy**
Previous Chapters: 1 | 
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Anyone who got up and at em’ on the first day of vacation had something to prove, and you hated them. You had nothing to prove, so you kept your ass in your room and utilized the “to cabin” service. You don’t know if it was the sound of the waves from the balcony, the lull of the ship as it pushed through the water, you being physically exhausted, or if it was your emotional exhaustion that did you in. Whatever it was, you slept until it was damn near dinner time. Even then, leaving your room was not an option.
So you called for a meal to be brought to you, snuggled into the covers, and watched the available tv channels. Not wanting to watch any movies, you decided on a channel that seemed to be a mix of the animal planet, discovery channel, and a survivalist’s dream. The program that was on was something about figuring out the difference between good food and bad food. Things like this you found interesting and always watched. It wasn’t that you planned on ever needing the information but why the hell wouldn’t you be prepared for a never possibility.
 When the food arrived, you were well into another program about common dangers on Caribbean islands that tourists would never know. Once you accepted the three reusable food bags, you buried yourself right back into the bed and surrounded yourself with everything you’d requested. You bet whoever prepared it thought it was for at least three people, but nope it was all yours. Vacation was about overindulging, right?
 A few hours later, your phone rang. Knowing your sister’s ringtone, you answered without looking at the ID.
 “You know better than not to send a message to mom before you disappear, Lulu.”
 “Disappear? Lali, I am on a huge ass ship. Where am I disappearing to?”
 “You know what I mean. You know if she hasn’t heard from you, then that’s just as good as disappearing,” Atali countered.
 Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. Your mother was a bit much sometimes.
 “I slept in.”
 “All day?”
 “All day,” you repeated.
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes and leaned back on the headboard.
 “Lali, you do know it’s me you’re talking to, right?”
 Atali giggled. “It is a vacation; excuse me for thinking you’d live a little.”
 “There is living a little and living recklessly,” you dryly responded.
 “Recklessly? Lulu, you’re the one who is sleeping with--.”
 You loudly cleared your throat, interrupting what you knew she was going to say. Atali was always good for bringing up everything you wanted to forget.
 “Jeez, Atali.”
 “Sorry, sorry.”
 You put another piece of cake into your mouth and moaned, savoring the strawberry and the smoothness of the cheesecake. You bit your bottom lip, and for some reason, your mind ran to the stranger you still had yet to get the name of.
 “Met anyone on board?”
 “Lali, I didn’t come here to meet anyone.”
 “I know, but you still could have—in passing.”
 You sighed and went over the details of his face. You really didn’t like men with that much facial hair, but it fit him well and easily made him look younger than he quite possibly was.
 “What’s his name?”
 “I don’t know his name, and he doesn’t matter. I did meet a woman.”
 “Woman? You’ve been gone a day and already experimenting?”
 You smiled and shook your head. “Shut up. Listen, she’s really cool. Her stories are classic, and she does her makeup like a goddess. You would like her, Lali.”
 “She’s an older woman, isn’t she?”
 “Yeah, so what?”
 “You always attract these old-young souls.”
 The two of you giggled together, but it went on for longer than just a few seconds. When you sighed out and leaned back against the headboard, you again thought of him.
 “What’s your first port?”
 “Dominican Republic, then Turks & Caicos, the British Virgin Islands after that then Aruba and Jamaica.”
 “Jeez, you’re living life,” Atali commented.
 “You have no idea. You should see this ship. They went all out times two with it. It’s just absolute luxury everywhere. I said pick me a ship. I didn’t say give me the Cleopatra treatment.”
 “You knew what you were getting into when you asked me to do it,” Atali replied. “By the way, isn’t BVI and Turks and Caicos pretty close to Bermuda?”
 Taking a moment to think about it, you responded, “Yeah. So?”
 “So? Lulu, Bermuda,” Atali repeated.
 When you didn’t speak immediately, she continued. “The Bermuda Triangle, dummy.”
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes, “Oh god, you cannot be serious.”
 “I am. Have you never heard that ships get lost and disappear in that area?”
 “Lali, I’m sure there is a scientific explanation, and I am also sure that no one would charter a course near somewhere that they’d get lost, especially with hundreds of passengers,” you finished, confidant in your response.
 The two of you talked for almost an hour before she was urging you to get out of your room and go to one of the clubs on the ship. You protested, but you knew she would not shut up about it, so you gave in though you had no interest in actually going. You spent the next hour going back and forth with your options. Most of you wanted to stay in bed or sit on the balcony and just get lost in the view, while the other knew that you’d only think of Javii if you did that.
 Following a shower, you scanned your clothes. Once you found a cute dress, then applied a lite layer of makeup and did your hair, choosing to leave it down rather than putting it in a cute bun. Five or ten minutes later, you were standing in front of the entrance to one of the clubs—Jewel. The music from inside was lively, and you could imagine the number of young bodies pressing against each other, seeking a cheap thrill. Glancing from left to right, you decided to bite the bullet.
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As soon as you stepped inside, you didn’t feel like you were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It felt like it was a well established nightclub on solid ground. Whoever the DJ was, they were doing their thing, and it was evident from the bodies that littered the floor. It looked like this was where the parents came when their kids were tucked away in bed cuddling Tiana and Jasmine close. You walked through the crowds and saw plenty of couples making out and sharing drinks. Never again would you think to sleep on a Disney cruise. You thought it would be a chill time, but damn this was like parents gone wild.
 After a few minutes of walking around and scoping things out, you found a place at one of the three bars.
 “First Disney cruise?”
 Snapping your head around, you looked at a smiling bartender with long hair that was piled on top of his head in a neat man bun.
 “That obvious?”
 “Let me guess, you expected tame, princess sing-a-longs, virgin pina coladas, and plenty of mickey mouse.”
 The look on your face must have given you away because he was laughing a few seconds after he said it. You snorted and shook your head as you rearranged your dress and recrossed your legs.
 “Fine, you got me.”
 “It’s okay. I get how you’d think it was a tame little adventure. Why do you think we get so many reservations?”
 “I thought it was for the kids,” you blurted out. It was his turn to laugh.
 “Silly rabbit, while Disney is for kids, what happens after those kids lay their pretty little heads is a whole other story.”
 Glancing around once more, you made a mental note never to make the mistake again. Disney cruises were probably as raunchy as Carnival or those geared toward singles. At that thought, you began to wonder how many swingers were on board, and if this was a swinger’s playground.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Something strong so my innocent mind can adjust.”
 The bartender chuckled to himself as he walked around, preparing your drink. You bopped to the music and looked around again. Now it made sense to you when the mom of two who was preggo with her third said these cruises always gave her just what she needed. You bet they did—three fucking kids. Your mind was blown.
 When the bartender slid your drink to you, he smiled and slipped away to serve the others. That was when you turned back around to people watch. There was no way you were going to dance with any of them. after a few sips of your drink, you saw him across the way. He was sitting at one of the other bars watching the dancefloor as you were. His hat was gone, and it showed you that his hair was long. The lights were too dim to make out much else, but what you couldn’t make out, you quickly filled in from your other encounter.
 Before you realized your glass was empty, your eyes met and lingered on each other for several long moments. The only reason you looked away was because of the passing people who got in the way. When you looked back, his eyes weren’t on yours anymore, they were looking lower, but it was unclear if he was looking at you or someone on the dancefloor. Shaking it off, you spun around and requested another drink.
 As you waited, you scrolled through your phone and did your best to fight the urge to check his social media. Javii wasn’t huge on social media. He preferred to have his team handle his brand's social side, but he did have a secret one that not many knew about. There he posted things that interested him, showed his lifestyle and his passions. It was also where he posted his “thirst traps.” You knew that if you went on, you’d find one or two, and you knew the caption was going to be code for you. You doubted you were mentally prepared enough for that psychological minefield.
 “What can I get you, sir?”
 “Another beer, please.”
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The deep voice beside you had your finger pausing before you tapped the circle with Javii’s picture that indicated he’d made a new story. When you looked next to you there, he was again. The dim and colored lights in the room gave you a new appreciation of his eyes. It was at this moment you knew he got a lot of attention from women. With eyes like those, how could he not? He looked at you and smiled, and that sold it for you. His teeth were perfect, and though his smile made the wrinkles at the sides of his eyes more prominent, it also made his face light up. He looked like a kind man--a gentle one perhaps.
 “Either you’re following me around, or we’d call this fate.”
 You couldn’t help but smile. The cocky on him was so strong. It was a familiar cocky.
 “Or you’re following me around. You’re the one who bumped into me twice,” you countered.
 “Eh, I was the one doing the catching, so it’s more feasible that you’re following me.”
 He wore a soft grin, one that you mirrored.
 “Maybe if you weren’t like a brick wall, you wouldn’t have to catch me.”
 “I’m not complaining,” he responded. You stared at him and quickly got his meaning. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. Not only was he cocky, but he was charming, you thought.
 You finished your drink with one raise of your hand. When you lowered your glass, you watched as he raked his fingers through his hair, bringing it full out of his face. It was then you recognized him.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Now I know where I’ve seen you from.”
 He looked confused. “Now? You didn’t know this whole time?”
 “No. You looked familiar, but I couldn’t place you.”
 The look on his face was a lite one. He softly scoffed and raised his bottle to his head, and took a few gulps of his beer. When he lowered it, he spoke again.
 “That’s refreshing. I’m not used to people not recognizing me.”
 “That must suck. I couldn’t imagine living my life under suck a microscope,” you said without thinking. When you realized what you’d said, you glanced at him and tried to backtrack.
 “Uh—what I mean is--.”
 He smiled and shook his head. “It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m Chris,” he replied, holding out his hand to you. When you touched his hand, you were surprised by how soft they were. He’d never used them for manual labor a day in his life, you thought.
 “Ajali,” you responded.
 “Aja—li, he slowly repeated, trying to mirror how you said it.
 “Wow, that’s a beautiful name, very unique,” Chris noted.
 “Thank you.”
 “What do your friends call you, Aja?”
 You looked at him after raising your hand to the bartender, signaling you’d like another.
 “Why? Are we friends?”
 Chris smiled and dipped his head down, making his hair fall into his face. He looked good with long hair and this grizzly beard combo. Again, he raked his fingers through his hair before he looked at you.
 “We can be. We can be good friends if you like.”
 Searching his eyes, you tried to find evidence in there to match the flirtatious tone of his voice.
 “What if my husband isn’t into that?”
 Chris smiled and turned his body to you. “You don’t have a husband. From the first time we bumped into each other, I noticed you’re not wearing a wedding ring, nor do you have any tan lines to signify you’re hiding one.”
 Raising your eyebrow, you allowed his words to sink in. “I could have--,” you began.
 “—Kids? Nah, you were alone the first time outside and again on the deck when I passed you and the night in the dining room and even at the show.”
 He’d been watching you.
 “No, I’m not stalking you, I promise,” Chris quickly spoke up. “Plus, even if you had kids, it wouldn’t matter. I like kids—they like me.”
 The two of you sat in silence for a few moments. When you got your drink, you took a long sip.
 “So you’re alone here on this family Disney cruise. That alone deserves a question,” Chris continued.
 “It does. You’re also alone on this same family Disney cruise,” you countered. Chris nodded and took another sip of his beer before he leaned closer to you.
 “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he whispered.
 There was no way you were going to divulge personal information to a stranger, no matter if he were Captain America. You spun to face him, then uncrossed your legs to recross them. His eyes dropped to your thighs, and that told you what you needed to know. He was on this cruise for hookups. Scoffing, you finished your drink.
 “Your eyes just told me yours.” You slipped off the barstool and stood before him, leaning in just a little. “I hear Disney cruises are the place to be for after dark entanglements, and you’re in the right place. Have a good night.”
 You walked away, not giving him a chance to respond. Instead of moving to another bar, you decided to leave. You’d heard plenty of rumors and stories of Chris Evans and his booty calls, and you were not impressed. He was clearly here for easy, strings free sex. You’d heard more than you needed to about how he met his hook up buddies and just not was textbook. You were not here to be another notch in his bedpost.
  -The Next Day-
-The Dominican Republic, 11:10 am
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As you walked through the ship, everyone was abuzz with excitement for the first port. You were also excited but not to disembark like everyone else. You’d been to the Dominican Republic plenty of times and had no intention of going out today. You had a plan, and it was to soak up the quiet and empty ship. You wanted to get a spa treatment, a massage, and soak in the hot tub or the steam room and allow the essential oils to work their magic on the tension coursing through your body.
 “Attention passengers, we are officially docked. I’d like to be the first to welcome you to the beautiful Dominican Republic. As you disembark, a reminder that we will be leaving port promptly at ten o'clock. Please be on time, ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy your days.”
 While everyone was walking in one direction, you were walking in the opposite. Everyone was decked out in their beachwear and sunscreen, and you could tell these kids planned on swimming every inch of that beach. The ride on the elevator was a quick one because you were going lower than everyone else. The spa was on the first level below water. The pamphlet advertised it as being one with the sea thanks to the unmatched view of the ocean and life under the sea. You were excited.
 Once you got to the spa entrance, you smiled, seeing that it was completely empty.
 “Welcome to Aqua Spa. My name is Vikki.”
 “Hi. Am I the only one?”
 “You are the first here. Between you and me, I don’t expect many guests being the first port and all,” the blond wearing a sea blue uniform said.
 “Have you reserved?”
 “Yes, Ajali Rambaue.”
 You watched her scan the computer screen before her. It didn’t take her long to smile again.
 “Ms. Rambaue, welcome. I see you’ve booked the clearing treatment, a gold facial followed by the milk and rose oil bath,” Nikki listed.
 Just her listing off your treats had you even more excited. Nodding, you confirmed. She returned your smile and ushered you through the spa. You could already see the blue hue from the portholes, and it bathed the entire spa in the same blue. It felt as if you were gliding underwater, completely immersed with the other creatures.
 “Right this way.” You followed her into the room and gasped. The entire room was completely blue, and the sight before you through the clear window was breathtaking.
 “Incredible, isn’t it? I guess you can see why they named her Enchantment.”
 Maybe Lali’s splurge wasn’t so bad, you thought.
 “So, the clearing treatment is an intricate one. You can change behind this screen as I prepare the room for you and your therapist,” Nikki explained.
 You stepped behind the glass screen that immediately frosted once you were behind it, then began undressing and listened to her explain the treatment.
 “Not only is it an incredible treatment, but it stretches to about three hours from start to finish. World-renowned masseuses and acupuncturist Jadenna Sole designed it. He aimed for it to restore the body’s balance. It does this through a mixture of Eastern and European techniques.”
When you stepped out, you were wrapped in the towel and sighed, seeing the newly lit candles that warmed the room. If you were doing a couple’s massage, this would have been the perfect atmosphere.
 “It begins with a full-body exfoliation with sea salt and Indian Kama oil. After your therapist will perform a lymph system massage, and that will prep the body for your Swedish massage. After that, then your body will be wrapped in neem black clay, and you’ll sit and allow it to seep into your pores. Then you’ll rinse and sit in your milk and rose oil bath to then rinse again, and the finishing touch would be an intricate blend of oils and herbs rubbed into your skin that will help your chakras realign,” Nikki finished.
 You were impressed as hell. You’d never expect a treatment like this on a cruise. It was more something for Manhattan among the rich. As you got comfortable on the table, you could hardly contain your excitement. When your massage therapist arrived and introduced herself as Marta, you prepared yourself to be shot into space. Massages were your thing. Lali joked that massages were your love language.
 When Marta began the exfoliation process, it was relaxing enough for you to nearly fall asleep. You hadn’t realized how tense you were these last few days. You blamed Javii. It was all his fault. After twenty or so minutes, Marta rinsed you then really got started with the massage, all the while putting her back into it. She was a lot stronger than she looked. The pressure was perfect, and the scents from the oils were sublime. In no time, you were drifting from the ground into the sky.
 After an hour, your mind was completely blank, and the knot between your shoulder blades was nearly gone. Marta made a few comments on how tense your muscles were and gave pointers on how to prevent locked muscles. You listened as she spoke and tried to retain the information, but you were too distracted with how relaxed you felt. By the time two hours had passed, your muscles were putty, and Marta was now on your gold facial.
 This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten one. You and Lali often got them together as part of your sisters day. They were good for your complexion and elasticity. Your mother often stressed that collagen loved you when you were young but liked to play hide and seek the older you got and that you should cherish it and do all you could to maintain your healthy skin. You and Lali listened. After Marta finished applying the mask, you laid back and listened to the sounds of the classical music playing and drifted off to sleep.
 When you awoke, it was time to wipe the concoction off and dip into your milk and rose oil bath. The warmth of the mixture had you moaning. There was something so luxurious about lounging in milk like you were an Egyptian queen that had you feeling like a boss. The mask that was applied to your hair was slowly hardening, so you fought the urge to dip your head back. Instead, you leaned back onto the cushions and sighed again.
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The silence in the room was just what you needed. Any stress you’d been feeling was a distant memory now. This was just what you needed, you thought.
 “Who knew milk and rose oil could be so relaxing.”
 Your eyes snapped open as you looked from side to side, trying to see if someone was beside you. The tub pods were empty, and from what you could see, you were alone.
 “I’m glad I took Nikki’s recommendation for this over the peppermint soak,” the voice spoke again. You recognized it. Spinning around, you saw a bare back behind yours. He was close enough to touch.
 Chris turned around to face you. His face was painted with a mask, only keeping his eyes and lips visible. You quickly forgot your state of undress, but you somehow knew of his. Your eyes dipped down to his bare shoulders and the hair that laid across his chest. You saw a peek of two and a possible third tattoo, and your curiosity piqued.
 “Fancy seeing you here, Ajali,” Chris said as his eyes dropped lower. You looked lower on yourself to see your breasts almost out of the milk enough for him to see some nipple. Quickly you sunk down and turned back around, facing your back to him.
 “What’re you doing here?”
 “Same as you.” You sighed and hugged your legs to your body.
 “Shouldn’t they have men in a separate room or something?”
 “I’ve seen a naked woman before,” Chris informed with a scoff. You turned around from the tone of his voice.
 “I bet you have. You’ve seen plenty naked women.”
 Chris turned to face you with his brows knitted together as if he fully got your meaning.
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“Just what are you insinuating?”
 “It doesn’t matter.”
 “It does. Are you suggesting that I came on this cruise to sleep with unassuming women?”
 You shrugged and turned back around, keeping your back straight.
 “Wow, that’s insulting. Where do you get off?”
 You remained quiet. He must have taken your silence as more judgment because he spoke again.
 “I didn’t come on this cruise to snake myself into someone’s bed. I came because I needed a change of pace, some breathing room. Hollywood gets confining, and the more confining it gets, the more I feel like I’m—suffocating.”
 Slowly you turned to look at him. His back was turned so you trailed your eyes over the exposed skin of his back and saw peeks of more tattoos. The man was getting sexier with each passing minute. His shoulders were broad and looked incredibly strong. The low light in the room didn’t help you see anything else, but you could more than imagine everything else.
 “So, the confines of a ship wouldn’t feel suffocating?”
 Chris turned to look at you.
 “There is Hollywood confinement and this. This is not confinement. I have freedom here; I’m not watched like a hawk. Yeah, someone will recognize me here or there, but they are so respectful. For the most part, it is always quick. Plus, I don’t mind talking to the kids.”
 This was the second time he brought up kids, you thought.
 “Plus, now I’ve met someone who seems to have no problem telling me I’m a whore.”
 Immediately you snorted loudly then laughed. “I never called you that.”
 “Hinted at it is just the same as saying the words,” Chris accused.
 You smiled and sighed, and your eyes lingered on his.
 “It’s refreshing again. A lot of women will say what they think I want to hear or be how they think I want them to be.
 “Not me.”
 “Not you.”
 It was said in unison. Once both of you realized what you’d said, you laughed together.
 “It must be something having women fawn all over you.”
 Chris shrugged, and again your eyes fell to his shoulders, and that is where they remained.
 “Something is the word. It gets old, though—real quick.”
 When your eyes met again, he held your gaze. “I’m sure men fawn all over you too.”
 You took a deep breath and sighed out. “I’m sure they don’t.”
 Chris snorted and gave you a “yeah right” look.
 “I’m sure you’re full of shit. You’re a beautiful woman.” His eyes dropped below your face again, but they quickly came back up.
 You turned your back to him again and stared into the milk and oil concoction. He wasn’t wrong, though he wasn’t right either. Men didn’t fawn over you. Yeah, you got attention from men a lot but to go as far as saying they fawned over you was a stretch. You didn’t notice any man besides Javii for the last three years.
 “This is supposed to be a relaxing spa day for me. Maybe we should cut the talking out and just enjoy the rest of it,” you suggested, a little salty he’d reminded you of what you’d come to forget.
 “Sure thing,” Chris softly answered.
 The two of you remained in your separate bath pods without speaking one more word. However, you were aware of his body and every move he made. His body gave off this energy that felt like your body reached out for. So instead of fully relaxing, you’d spent the time fighting the sway of your body or the urge to slink closer.
 An hour later, you were in your clothes again and feeling ten times better than when you’d walked in. You thanked the staff and gave a generous tip, then left. When you got into the elevator, you leaned on the wall and sighed. As the doors closed, a hand stretched out, preventing it from closing. Chris then stepped onto the elevator with that stupid grin.
 “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” he joked as he pressed the six that was already lit up.
 “Is six your floor too?”
 “Maybe.” He nodded and leaned on the wall beside you.
 The two of you rode the elevator and looked outside the glass enclosure to the ship and even the ocean outside.
 “They did a fantastic job with the ship. Even though you’re not on an island right now, you feel like it’s still a tropical vacation.���
 You nodded, agreeing with him.
 “Do you come on Disney cruises often?”
 You shook your head. “No. This is a first.”
 Chris lit up and smiled widely. “Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve met a first-timer.”
 “I take it you’re not.”
 “Nope, veteran. I come on a cruise at least once a year and go to Disneyworld and land twice a year,” Chris excitedly bragged.
 “Oh, a little boy trapped in a grown man’s body,” you teased.
 Chris chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Eh, nothing wrong with being a little boy.”
 “Only if you aren’t that way because you refuse to grow up,” you responded. Chris looked at you and kept his eyes there. The ding of the elevator brought your attention back to the dial.
 You walked out the door, then turned left and proceeded to your room, wondering the whole way if that was a bitch thing to say. You had to learn to censor, you thought as you scanned your wrist and stepped into your room. Peeping back, you saw Chris still walking to his room with his head dipped low as if he’d lost his best friend.
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Spilled Drinks & Study Sessions༄ mark l.
↳ When you’re forced into a study session with your next door neighbour Mark, who also happens to be your academic rival in school, things go south very quickly.
pairing; mark lee x reader
genre; fluff, slight angst, enemies to lovers (more like friends, but anyway)
wordcount; 2503 words
author’s note; how the hell do you guys write e2l and make the transition so smooth? bro i could never. also, the header pic is different than what i normally do :/ it’s kinda eh, but i liked the picture so i had to do something with all that empty space
Request 26: Mark + “Oh, are you ticklish?” (73) + “Why are you naked?” (109)
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧. | 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬.
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The animosity between you and Mark is intense and painstakingly obvious to everyone around you. Well, everyone besides your parents, you suppose. 
   “Can you stop being so loud? You’re distracting me,” you grumble, angrily flipping through your homework. 
   “Well, I’m sorry for breathing.” Mark rolls his eyes at you. “Would you rather I stop entirely instead and drop dead right here, right now?”
   “At least it would be quieter if you did.” You press your pen down harder, taking your rage out on your poor, innocent worksheet. If you’re going to blame anyone for the excruciating torture your homework is enduring, you’d blame Mark. Even if it technically isn’t his fault, you’d still pin the blame on him. 
   “What’re you gonna do with my body? You wouldn’t be able to lift me, I mean, you couldn’t even open that can of Coke.”
   Your cheeks grow warm, mentally replaying the image of a grinning Mark as he effortlessly opened your can of Coke, the soft hiss of its fizz taunting you. Mark had puffed up his chest triumphantly like he was some kind of hero. For crying out loud, he had only opened a can of Coke, not saved his country. It still bruised your pride though, having to ask for help from Mark, your sworn rival since middle school. Childish, you know, but you’re certain that Mark thinks of you as such too. 
   “Whatever,” you fumble for a name to call him, “nerd.” Mark snickers at you. “My fingers were just slippery.” He arches a brow, challenging you, and you scowl. “I wouldn’t be able to lift you because you’re heavy, fatass. Not because I’m weak.” You twirl a lock of your hair around your finger. “And look who’s talking, Mr. I-Can’t-Open-Doors.”
      Mark flushes crimson as he silently fumes. “That was because I was pushing the pull door!”
   “That’s even worse, Mark,” you tease, unable to suppress a smile. “Dumbass,” you mumble below your breath, enjoying the way Mark seethes.
   “You’re calling me a dumbass? If I remember correctly, I was the one who placed above you last term.” Mark haughtily flips a page in his workbook. “Which I think is why your parents want me to tutor you.”
   You throw a measly eraser shaving at Mark in rebuttal. “You know that’s not why I’m here!” Another shaving is thrown at Mark’s head, yet he doesn’t even look up at you. “In fact, your parents probably wanted me here so I could babysit you!”
   Neither you or Mark are right. Your parents just chucked you together because they thought that after all those years of living beside one another and having weekly dinners together, you two would be absolutely wonderful buddies, and you can’t fault them for assuming such a thing.
   Logically speaking, you and Mark are supposed to be the bestest of friends. As much as you dislike the word, it seems as if fate has decided that you two are meant for each other. Gross. 
   In almost every situation possible, you and dear Markie boy over here have been unwillingly strung together—from group projects, to assigned seats, you two just can’t get a break from one another.
   Your parents had innocently thought that having a little study session while they went out for a double date with Mark’s parents would be beneficial for you two. Perhaps even fun. Fun, your ass. 
   All those years spent with Mark hasn’t made you friends, no, it’s made you rivals.
   Yeah, so not sworn enemies, but what’s life without a little exaggeration?
   You’ve always been a bright kid, some would even go as far to say that you’re ‘gifted’, but you think ‘persevering’ is a better word to describe it. You weren’t just born naturally intelligent or outstandingly athletic, no, you’ve had to work hard, insanely hard, for that. It hadn’t been handed to you all nicely wrapped with a little bow to match, just for you to tear it open and take. You’ve had to tolerate and undergo several sleepless nights, and many agonising hours of training. 
   Up until middle school you were top of your class in all aspects. You were idolised (well, as idolised as you could be for a middle schooler anyway), loved and acknowledged. It had been blissful. 
   That was until, little Mark with that stupidly cute gleam in his eyes came along, skipping over to you in those worn-out track pants and smiling toothily as he introduced himself as your brand new next door neighbour.
   You have to admit, initially, you and him were close friends. You’d walk home together, sneak out to go to the convenience store together, share snacks together, the list goes on. You’d even given Mark your very first kiss, right on the cusp on your twelfth birthday. He didn’t know that it was your first kiss though, and he’ll never know. You’d rather be shot at point blank range than give up such private intel. 
   But when one day, in seventh grade, when Mark had begun closing in on you in rankings, outrunning you at the park and gradually being everyone’s new favourite, you found yourself isolated. Even one of your friends, a girl with straight long hair that fell past her waist, started hanging out with Mark more than with you.
   And when you invited her to your thirteenth birthday, the first thing she’d asked was, “Is Mark going to be there?”
   And at that same party, you saw her, kissing the boy you had been crushing on for the past year. And it looked like Mark really enjoyed kissing her too. More than he did with you.
   From that point on, you began to distance yourself from Mark. It was gradual, slow, but you knew Mark could tell. When he finally surpassed you academically too, you started harbouring a resentment towards him, and the rivalry between you two started.
   You were somewhat hoping he’d confront you, at least wonder why your attitude towards him had seemed to change in the blink of an eye, but he hadn’t. And that stung.
   Obviously rumours had circulated in middle school about what was going on between you two. Kids, no, people love to talk. And talk they did. 
   It had been widely known that you and Mark used to be inseparable at one point in time, and it was jarring seeing how differently you two were acting around each other.
   Mark and that friend of yours had broken up some time after that, and evidently she was pissed. It seemed as if she had begun spreading gossip about you, claiming that you had been some sort of psycho ex-girlfriend and that you had threatened Mark to break up with her, essentially, she was villainising you.
   When high school finally rolled around, Mark’s ex had moved by then—you weren’t sure where and you didn’t care to know. The rumours eventually died down with her absence, and you thought that maybe, just maybe, you and Mark could finally make amends, bury the hatchet, as one would say. But that never happened.
   Looking back, you’re a bit amused at what an eventful and dramatic childhood you had. All those scandals at just thirteen? What a boss bitch. Present you would not be able to stomach that.
   You take a peek at Mark. He’s attractive. Of course he is. He had been a cute kid, no doubt, but as he’s aged, he’s matured into his good looking features. He’s not the rugged and manly kind of good looking, he’s got more of a sweet boyish look to him, and in your opinion, it adds to his charm. 
   “What are you staring at?” 
   Shit, you’ve been caught. No, caught? It’s not like you were doing something you shouldn’t have. “Nothing.” You reach forward to take a sip from the infamous Coke can. It’s lukewarm, but you gulp it down regardless, trying to appear unfazed.
   “Were you checking me out?”
   Disaster strikes just as those words leave Mark’s lips. The putrid sensation of warm coke leaves your mouth entirely, not because you’ve begrudgingly swallowed it all, but because you’ve spit it out from the sheer shock of Mark’s question. 
   “Hey! What the fuck?” Mark stands from his chair across from you and its legs scrape against the floor with a sound that makes your skin crawl. 
   You cough and sputter, gasping for air. Once you’ve gotten past that tight feeling in your throat, you wipe the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. A few droplets of the sugary drink dribble onto your shirt. But fortunately, well for you at least, you’re not as drenched in spit-laced Coke as Mark is. 
   “Shit!” You lift your gaze to look at Mark, who’s surprised, to say the least. 
   Mark takes a breath to say something, the words on the tip of his tongue, but he clamps his mouth shut, opting to groan in annoyance instead. “Jesus, why’d you even do that?”
   Your face burns in embarrassment. No way you’re going to admit to him that you were checking him out. Sort of. “I don’t know, it just went down the wrong channel, I guess.”
   Mark’s lips form a thin line of dissatisfaction. “Yeah, okay, whatever.” He cringes as his shirt sticks to him. “ I’m gonna go change.”
   He runs a hand through his hair, face upturned in frustration as he stomps up the stairs, his footsteps echoing throughout the living room. Your eyes follow his figure until he turns a left into his room. 
   You sigh. If you were home alone, you would have screamed in humiliation. The can of Coke on the table mocks you. You resist the urge to pick it up and hurl it into Mark’s neighbour’s backyard—well, your backyard. 
   A sliver of positivity presents itself in the form of you and Mark’s mostly unscathed worksheets. There are a few stray droplets here and there, but it’s barely noticeable. It would’ve been much worse for both Mark and you if you had drenched those as well. In fact, your homework wouldn’t be drenched in just saliva and Coke, but also in tears at that point. 
   You curse the can in your grasp, its aluminium smooth against your skin, before you dump it in the bin. Good riddance, bitch. 
   I should apologise. You can suck up your pride for that. No, this isn’t even about petty things like pride anymore. That shouldn’t matter. I should apologise, you think to yourself firmly.
   Alright. Apologising. Sorry. You inhale deeply, gathering your senses and calming your jittery nerves. Why are you even nervous? It’s not like you’re professing your undying love to him. Chill the fuck out.
   As you’re standing before Mark’s single, wooden door (which looks extremely daunting for some reason), it doesn’t dawn on you that perhaps you should knock first.
   If it had, then perhaps you wouldn’t be staring at a shirtless Mark, your hand still wrapped around his doorknob and your mouth hung agape.
   “Oh my God, Mark!” You cover your eyes, the door shutting behind you with a creak. You’re a bit ashamed at how fast your cheeks are overtaken by a hot, prickling feeling. “Why are you naked?”
   Mark, though just as startled as you are, has the common sense to reach blindly for the stained shirt he just took off, holding it in front of him. “What do you mean why am I naked? Why are you here?”
   You take a few steps back, your back pressed up against the door. “I- I came up here to say I’m sorry. You know, for uh, just now?”
   Your hands slowly fall to your sides as you burn holes into Mark’s carpeted floor with your eyes instead. 
   “Oh, uh, o-okay. Apology accepted, I guess.” Mark’s voice cracks and he clears his throat. “Let me just uhm—”
   You can hear his drawer sliding open and the faint rustle of fabric. All the while you keep your gaze glued to the floor, feeling your cheeks grow warmer by the second. Oh my God, you’re acting like a little girl who’s just held a boy’s hand for the first time.
   This isn’t the first time you’ve seen a guy naked—for fuck’s sake, Mark’s not even naked. He’s all covered up where he should be. Why is the sight of just his bare body from the waist up making your mind go blank and your palms grow sweaty? It’s not like you have feelings for him anymore. No, you don't.
   “You can uh, you can look up now.”
   You steel yourself, looking up to face Mark. Why did you have to steel yourself? It’s not like he’d have taken even more clothes off once you looked up again. You feel like slamming your head into the wall.
   You fiddle with your fingers, searching for something to say to try and ease the tension. “Uh, sorry. For spilling that Coke all over you, I mean.” You scratch the nape of your neck. “And for you know, walking in on you changing.”
   “Why didn’t you leave?”
   Your shoulders slump. “Huh?”
   Mark chuckles confidently, like he’s unabashed. His cheeks are ablaze with colour, though. “I mean, why didn’t you just back out of the room when you walked in on me changing? Why’d you just stand there?”
   You blink at him. Why didn’t you just leave? “I- I froze up, okay? Don’t bully me!” Your ears are burning.
   “Yeah, okay, okay.” Mark raises his hands by his sides, that entertained smile never leaving his lips. “Let’s go back down, okay? I still need to finish my work.”
   You chew on your inner cheek. “Yeah, whatever,” you try to find a creative name to call him.
   “Yeah, I know. Nerd.” Mark raises his brows at you, still with that amused grin. You wish you could smack it right off his stupidly handsome face.
   You huff, turning on your heel and practically booking it to the stairs. Mark catches up to you in no time with long, languid strides. Stupid long ass legs.
   “Hey, wait up, loser,” he says, a hint of delight in his voice. He pokes your side and you jump, shoving his hand away and mustering a weak glare at him. “Oh, are you ticklish?”
   You gnaw on your bottom lip. “No, I’m not, fatass!” Despite your harsh tone, your cheeks deceive you, blossoming with warmth yet again.
   Mark smiles genuinely this time, although there’s no sarcastic edge to it whatsoever. “You getting shy?”
   “No, I’m not.”
   “Hey, don’t be upset!” The next thing Mark says is nearly incomprehensible, but you hear it. Oh, you definitely do.
   “You look cute.”
   Your head swivels to look back at Mark, and you realise that he hadn’t meant for you to hear that.
   The faintest of smiles teases your lips, before you turn away, denying him the satisfaction of seeing you break out into a grin. “Yeah, whatever, Mark.”
   Now, it’s Mark’s turn to be enveloped in heat as a red tint spreads across his cheeks.
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aliasimagines · 4 years
Insecurity // Dick Grayson
requested by a lovely anon!
1/2 Hi! Can I please have a dick Grayson x reader who is insecure and anxious and hasn’t told dick about it because apparently boys don’t like insecure girls. She feels she’s not good enough for him. She gets recognised in public as ‘dick Graysons girlfriend’ and the person says ‘he’s SO FAR out of you league. Haha you’re ugly and your relationship won’t last for long.’ 2/2 the she goes home crying and goes to sleep. Dicks comes to sleep and she in eventually she starts crying lying down and she tries not to disturb dick but he wakes up and says ‘what’s wrong oh noo?!!! And the reader tells him everything and how he could have anyone so why would he want her? And he comforts!!! And says cheesy lovey things and says how much the reader means to him and kisses!!! Thank you!!
word count: 1685
a/n: i'm sorry you had to wait for this, I ak having a hard time rn. But thank you so much for the request! I love getting requests! Also I kinda altered it and it's more angsty but I hope you like it dear! ❤️
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You were already having a bad day. You had to wake up early for work. Had to leave without saying bye to Dick, as he was sleeping in after last night’s patrol. But you made a little time to admire your boyfriend. Peacefully sleeping with pieces of black hair covering his beautiful face. You glanced at your reflection in the mirror at the corner of the room. Despite wearing one of your favorite outfits you didn’t like what you see. It was just... One of those days.
Normally you’re okay with yourself but every once in a while you get extremely insecure and that’s when all those mean thought get to you. You tried to brush it off as you walked to work. To think about something else. And.. It kinda worked? You weren’t feeling extremely well but you put on some good music while walking and focused on the lyrics rather than you thoughts.
You stoped at the bus stop waiting for it to arrive. Watching a puddle in front of you heard some chatting from behind you.
„.. No. It’s not her. I mean look at her! The fuck! A top shot guy would date that. No, that is not Grayson’s girl.”
„She is I’m telling you! I saw her on a pic he posted. But you know what? Imma go and ask.”
You froze, hearing the conversation and hoped they weren’t talking about you. Sure you did know they were talking about you but still.
You felt someone gently touching your shoulder causing you to curse mentally.
„Hello, sorry to bother but me and my friend were wondering.. Are you y/n y/l?”
You swallowed the spit you had in your mouth and turned to see a woman. She had long fair hair and a pair of shiny green eyes, she is around your age.
„Uhm yes. That would be me. Can I help you with anything?”
The other woman you heard stepped closer.
„Are you really dating Dick Grayson?” you heard her voice. Like she didn’t believe it.
You took all your strength and nodded.
„Yes, yes I am.”you said, surprising yourself by not having a shaky voice. You were so close to a breaking down...
The both giggled.
„Aham, all right thank you!... Oh wait one more question... How do you do it? Are you using some sort of magic? It’s Gotham I wouldn’t be surprised..”
Your lips trembled.
„I.. I don’t know what you mean.”
„Come on girl. There us no way in hell a guy like Dick Grayson would date you. He is sooo out if your league. He is so damn hot and a son of a billioner! I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that you, a gray little nobody is dating him. No offense, dear, you’re just nit a good fit for him.”
You thanked every living creature because in that moment you heard the bus pull up. You manged to excuse yourself quickly and quietly from those bullies and ran to the bus.
The remaining part of the day is kind of a blur. You honestly have no idea how you managed without breaking down. You felt like someone was clenching your stomach and had the urge to cry the whole time. But until the moment you stepped in your apartment you did not.
You knew Dick wasn’t home yet. He works late. Gets up late. And latley... Your interaction with your own boyfriend was so damn little... That it was just another excuse for you to feel insecure.
Let’s be honest. He is such a beautiful man, amazing body, breathtaking eyes, always so kind and sweet to everyone. What if he is only with you because he feels sorry for you.
You never talk to him about your insecurities because in your mind that would only make his choice of leaving you easier. In your mind, guys don’t like insecure girls. Dick is an amazing human but.. Would he be different? Would he still love you if he knew how anxious you were? You keep telling yourself, no, he wouldn’t.
You only bothered to get off your shoes and coat and throw your bag somewhere. You made your way to your shared bed, lied down and hugged a pillow.
The bitter sound of your crying was the only noise in your home for... Hours? It easily could have been hours. You kept wishing Dick was here to comfort you but that you kept reminding yourself that if he saw you like this he would straight up leave you.
You don’t know when but you fell asleep.
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Dick opens the door to your apartment so delicately, so quietly. He does not want to wake you. Ah, you. All day he waited for this moment so he could finally get home and cuddle up next to you.
With him working and being on patrol a lot he.. He doesn’t see you as much anymore as he would like. He feels bad for it. He tries to leave patrol earlier or skip it, when he can but still... When was the last time you woke up together? Or when did you fall asleep together? It’s been too long and he... He misses you.
After cleaning himself up and changing clothes he walks in the bedroom and climbs next to you. It is too dark in there for Dick to see your tear stained cheeks. But what he notices is that you are still in your normal clothes and not your sleepwear.
Maybe you were just too tired to change. He excepts his own little answer and goes to sleep.
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You woke up with one of his arms around you. You have a moment of joy. A moment of forgetful happiness before everything hits you. You can make out his silhouette and that alone is enough for you to break down. You try to be quiet as much as possible.
You cry, thinking if he saw you... He could leave you. You wouldn’t blame him. You feel like there’s just problems with you.
You heart practically stopped beating for a second as you heard Dick shift in his sleep.
„Babe..” he mumbled.
You collected all your strength and answered, hopefully without a shaky voice.
„Go back to sleep, baby.”
But.. He didn’t. He turned fully towards you and still half asleep caressed your cheek.
„I missed you all day Y/N.. Are you crying?” he asked suddenly sitting up, forgetting about sleeping.
Damn it.
„Yeah... But it’s fine, Dick. Go back to sleep.. I’m fine” you couldn’t actually say the lats words because you started crying so loudly. You felt him hugging you close.
„Shh, y/n. You can tell me. That’s why I here.”
„I.. Can’t... You’ll hate me.” you whispered between sniffing and crying.
„What? No! I love you, silly! I won’t hate you!” Dick responds. He starts to think though. What could make him hate you...? Maybe you cheated...? No, he knows you didn’t. You love him.... you love him, right?
Dick tries to be funny and offers you his pinky.
„Pinky promise.”
„I... Lately... I just feel so awful! All the time! I’m so anxious Dick. It’s so so bad. Every morning I avoid looking in the mirror because I hate what I see. I can’t even believe why would you even consider dating someone like me. The women I met at the bus station were right. You’re so far out of my league.”
In a way this was worse than cheating. Dick felt heartbroken. He failed at being your boyfriend. He was supposed to make you feel safe! Loved! To be a safe place for you, to make you feel trusted. He failed at that. What else hasn’t he notice?
Dick felt hot tears streaming down his own face. He pulled you closer to himself.
„Y/N... I feel so ashamed. I can’t imagine how badly I must have treated you to feel like this. After all I’ve done, or rather not done I extremely worried that you want to get up and leave me. I mean I would understand but...I love you! You have to know that. I am sorry for not telling it to you enough. I need to show my love for you more. And if that is what it takes for you to realize how an amazing woman you are than I will. Because you are, amazing, I can’t imagine coming home and not finding you here. You are the single most important thing in my life. I just... Me being out of your league? Hell! You are out of my league! I don’t deserve you. I know these oast few weeks we... We barley talked. Like really talked. I was so busy with everything but that’s not an excuse to leave you alone. I can’t even ask for your forgiveness... „
„ Dick... „
„ No, really I don’t. I am supposed to make you feel loved yet you think I would leave you because you are insecure? Because you are anxious? Those are more reasons for me to stay and help you. But you feel like I can’t help you with these and that is purely my fault. But... I promise if you give me a chance, I will make up for it. I’ll be the man you deserve. Shower you with love, listen to you, help you in every way you want. Because I love you,so, so much. I can’t stand to lose you. „
You bury your face in his chest and don’t even try to hold back the tears. He doesn’t either. You cry but you are happier that you got it off you chest. Dick cries, afraid of losing you. He won’t. You won’t leave him. It will take some time for you to fully open up and talk about every insecurity you have but Dick is willing to wait for you. He will wait for you till the end of the times. Because he loves you. And you live him. And for now, on this quiet September night, love is enough.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Pictures of You- Harry Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Harry Holland X Reader
Requested by anon: Can I have a Harry request where the reader finds a folder of all these pictures of her that Harry took without her knowing and that's how he tells her he likes her? Thank you ahead of time!
Prompt:You always thought Harry hated you… but that changes when you stumble across some pictures.
Word Count: 2600
Masterlist   Harry Holland Masterlist
*Not my pic*
Warnings: swearing
“Y/N, you made it!” Sam smiled, hopping up from his seat at the table to tackle you in a hug.
“Did you think I’d bail?” You stepped out of your best friend’s hug with a laugh, before sitting beside him at the table. The rest of your friends around the table, including Sam’s girlfriend El, greeted you kindly. You smiled happily, purely content with being back home again since your latest journey abroad. You noticed one open seat beside you at the pub, and you unfortunately knew just who would occupy it.
“God, it’s a good thing I got the drinks.” Harry scoffed as he walked up to the table, setting down a round of drinks for everyone. Surprisingly, he had gotten you a drink, too.
“Yes, I definitely need to be drunk to sit next to you all night.” You rolled your eyes, taking a quick drink of your beer, and Harry begrudgingly sat in the empty chair beside you, seating you between the two twins.
“Hey now, play nice tonight, yeah?” Sam teased, but you knew there was an underlying seriousness in his voice.
You’d been best friends with Sam for the past few years after having met at a cooking class one day when you burned the poor meal and Sam, the star of the class, had to help you- he still did all of the cooking in your friendship. Because you were so close with Sam, that meant you spent a lot of time around Harry.
Somehow, it still surprised you that, even though they were completely their own individual beings, one twin could get along with you so well and the other one seemed to despise your existence. Maybe it stemmed from that one time Harry needed a model for his shoot, and Sam suggested you, but you couldn’t be more repulsed by the idea of modeling- and Harry took it offensively. Maybe it was the time that you found out that Harry had told the guy you were talking to that you were actually into Harry instead, so the other guy completely erased himself from your life. Either way, you two hated each other.
At least, that’s the front you put up. You thought Harry was cute, and you loved his stupid jokes and how passionate he was about everything in life. You didn’t like that he seemed to hate you, so you just met his hatred with your own. You hadn’t told Sam about your miniscule, tiny, minute, barely-in-existence crush on his brother, too scared that somehow Harry would find out. Sam was just caught in between you two, trying to ease the tension as he balanced his best friend and his brother. It also didn’t help that now you, Harry, and Sam had formed the same friend group.
“So how’s your first night back in town?” Sam asked you with a smile.
“My roommate’s sexiled me already. Either I need to stay out until 3 am or I need to find a hotel already.” You sighed, with a small laugh, “She had weeks and still managed to line that up poorly.”
“You can stay at my place, if you’d like?” He offered.
“Excuse me, what?” Harry questioned his twin’s words. The twins shared a house together, so Sam inviting you to stay the night meant you’d have to deal with Harry, too.
“Sam, I don’t want to encroach. I’ll just get a-“ You started, but Harry cut you off.
“No shit, you’d be encroaching.” He stated, drinking down his beer.
“You know what?” You eyed him angrily, before turning back to your friend, “I’ll take you up on that offer, just to spite a certain someone.”
“As long as I don’t wake up tomorrow to find that one of you murdered the other, it’s fine.” Sam chuckled before taking a drink of his own beer.
You got pulled into a conversation with your other friends, ignoring Harry’s presence beside you as he did the same. Or so you thought. You were so caught up in your own world that you didn’t notice Harry’s lingering gaze on you when you’d throw your head back in laughter, your eyes crinkling in happiness; you didn’t notice how his hand closest to you seemed to itch like it was resisting the urge to reach up and move the loose strand of hair out of your face. You didn’t notice any of it.
“I’ll get the next round.” You stated, standing up after a couple hours to get everyone refills. The bar was busy, and you were unsuccessful at trying to get the bartender’s attention.
“Good luck with that. I’ve been here for almost ten minutes already.” A voice laughed from beside you. You let out a small sigh with a smile as you looked at the stranger. God, he was so pretty with perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect eyes, perfect everything.
“Well, then I guess you’ll be my entertainment until he comes by?” You joked.
“I’m Tyler.” He introduced himself. “And what’s your name, gorgeous?”
“Y/N.” You replied. You weren’t the type to flirt with a stranger at the bar, but you had a few drinks in you and you knew you’d be waiting alone for a little bit and he was totally your type, so might as well.
After a few minutes of talking to Tyler, you finally managed to place your order of another round with the bartender. While he gathered the drinks behind the counter, Tyler turned back to you with his freshly made drink.
“Am I coming on too strong if I say you’re beautiful?” He asked with a little laugh, making you blush. Before you could respond, you two were interrupted by quite possibly the most inconvenient person in your life.
“No she’s not.” Harry said, coming to stand a little too close to you. You looked at him with wide eyes, silently questioning what the hell was wrong with him.
“I- I’m sorry, who are you?” Tyler spoke up, questioningly.
“Run along, mate. She’s not interested.” He replied with a scoff.
“What? No,“ You started but Tyler had already backed up in surrender, leaving you alone with Harry at the bar. “What the fuck was that?”
“I was saving you. You’re welcome. Did you get our drinks yet?” He asked, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Saving me? What kind of-“
“He was looking for a quick fuck, you’re not into that. Done.” Harry said as if it was simple.
“Who are you to say what I’m into?” You questioned.
“Oh come on, you weren’t seriously into him, were you?”
“That’s not up to you to decide.” You scoffed, “I don’t need your help, Harry, and I certainly don’t need your shitty insults.” You left the bar without another word, leaving the pub entirely. Harry warily turned back to see Sam, who sighed in frustration from his seat across the bar. Before Sam could get up to go find you, Harry trailed after you.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” Harry called out to you, jogging to catch up to you down the street as you had started to make your way home. Surprisingly, you had managed to make it a ways away from the pub, much closer to his house though than yours.
“Go away, Harry.” You grumbled, arms crossed and refusing to stop for him.
“Please, I’m sorry.” He reached out to grab your elbow to stop your angry walk back to your place. You unintentionally jumped at the sudden contact, your ankle rolling a little in the process and you heard your heeled shoe crack.
“Shit, Harry!” You exclaimed, grabbing onto him to keep from falling over completely.
“It got you to stop.” He said, not realizing you’d broken a heel from his attempts.
“You broke my fucking shoe. Thanks, dickhead, now leave me alone.” You took off your shoes, holding them in your hands and started to walk further, biting back the urge to limp from the pain in your ankle. You didn’t hear Harry follow you, and you thought he was finally leaving you alone, until he showed up at your side, holding out his sneakers for you.
“Come on, put them on.” In one hand, Harry took your heels from your hands, replacing them with your sneakers.
“I’m not wearing your shoes.” You scoffed.
“Put them on.” He insisted. He paused as he noticed you wince a little as you walked, “Did you roll your ankle?” God, he was stuck to you like glue right now; you’d never seen him so interested in actually talking to you.
“Yes, what about it?” You replied, trying to act like it was nothing but the searing pain from your ankle didn’t really help.
“Here.” Harry stopped in front of you, bending down a little.
“What are you doing? Leapfrog?” You questioned in disbelief.
“Get on my back. I’m not letting you walk home on a bad ankle.” He stated. When you were silent for a moment, he continued, “I’m giving you a goddamn piggy back ride or I’m throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you home.”
“How chivalrous of you.” You rolled your eyes, but climbed onto his back anyway. With your arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, you held his shoes and your heels that you’d gotten back from him. Harry kept you steady as he stood to his full height, hands holding onto you under your thighs.
“Harry, my house is that way.” You pointed out as you noticed he took a wrong turn.
“My place is closer.” He assured you. You were happy your face was hidden from his view, not wanting him to see your apparent blush at his kindness. His actions and comments back at the bar were annoying and hurtful, but this was a different side of Harry, this was the sweet side you found yourself falling for.
The rest of your short journey was quiet. Harry set you down so he could get out his keys once he reached his front door, and you leaned on one leg, trying to keep your weight off your bum ankle. You knew it wasn’t broken or anything serious, just in pain. Your shoe was more damaged than your foot. Harry helped you inside to his living room, sitting you down on his couch.
“I’ll get you some ice and clothes to change into.” He told you, leaving you alone in the room.
As you shifted on the couch to get comfortable, you realized his laptop was precariously placed on the edge of the other couch. You got up to move it, your fingers just barely brushing the touchpad and it flicked on. It was open to an editing all; he had obviously been working on pictures before he went out with Sam earlier.
Curious, you flicked through the nature pictures he had pulled up, smiling at the ones of Tessa and his family. He must have had a millions folders on his laptop of his pictures, you couldn’t believe it. You noticed how most of them didn’t have very descriptive names, just brief titles such as ‘Cherry’ and ‘family’, but then you saw one of your own name. You knew it was wrong to snoop, but you were curious about what could be in that folder. Clicking on the folder titled ‘Y/N’, the laptop opened a long list of pictures of you.
The first one had to have been around the time you first met Harry through Sam. You were just casually talking to Sam in his backyard, but the camera was focused on you, almost like Sam wasn’t even in the shot. You clicked onto the next one, displaying a picture of you laughing at something Sam had said to you- again, it was like he wasn’t there. Going through a few more pictures, you found a theme to them. They were all taken when you didn’t realize it; the camera- Harry, had been focusing on you and no one else in every single shot, and there were dozens of pictures. Somehow, you didn’t find it creepy that he had a whole collection of pictures of you- it was rather endearing. Here you had believed Harry didn’t like you, but maybe you just weren’t looking, you were never looking.
His laptop dinged, and a message came across the top of it.
From Sam: ‘Did you kill Y/N or did you kiss her... please tell me you at least told her you liked her finally’. A couple seconds later, another one came through ‘don’t fuck my best friend on our couch’.
Your heart started racing and you quickly closed the laptop, placing it on the coffee table. You had definitely snooped too much, but how were you supposed to know that Harry had a folder of pictures of you- but not like creepy pictures? How were you supposed to know that his phone was connected to his laptop so every single text he got went through to his laptop as well? And what the hell was Sam talking about? Did that mean Harry actually liked you too? Well, that’d explain his odd overprotectiveness and why he was so concerned tonight about your ankle.
“Here you go.” Harry’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as he came into the room with an ice pack wrapped in a towel, a pair of sweats, and a t-shirt for you.
“Thank you.” You replied quietly, taking the items from him.
“Do you want to stay in my bed tonight? I’ll take the couch.” He shifted awkwardly between his feet, like he was trying to figure out what to say.
“I’ll take the couch. I’m fine.” You said as you put the icepack on your ankle, hoping that would prevent it from swelling.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” He stated, sitting beside you on the sofa, and you let out a small sigh.
“Harry, do you like me?” You asked. You watched as his cheeks heated up a little at your words.
“Wh- what? Why would you say that?” Harry replied, trying to brush it off.
“I, um, I saw the pictures on your laptop.” You nodded towards the closed laptop that had obviously moved places since Harry had last been in the room, “And I saw the text from Sam.”
Before you could continue, he cut you off, rambling nervously as he did so, “It’s not what you think. You’re just a really easy subject to photograph because, well, you just always look… beautiful, and you’re really photogenic, too. And Sam- he was just being a prick. I wouldn’t try to- not here with you, and that’s not to say I wouldn’t want-”
“Harry,” You cut him off, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I’ll be disappointed if it’s not what I think because I like you, and I’d like to think you feel the same about me.”
“You do?” He was at a loss for words, attempting to decipher if you were serious or just playing him. The soft smile on your face told him it was the former. “I always thought you had a thing for Sam.”
“Oh God no.” You laughed, shaking your head, “It’s always been you.”
“In that case,” Harry shifted closer to you, bringing a hand to rest on your cheek, leaning in a little, “Is this okay?”
You nodded with a smile, and he leaned in to capture your lips with his own. The kiss was soft yet passionate, and his free hand cupped the back of your neck delicately. You tentatively shifted into his lap and your hands found their way to his hair, his trailing down to (respectfully) rest on your waist. The intimate moment was broken by the sound of the front door opening and the loud, somewhat drunken voice of Sam following it.
“For fuck’s sake, not on the couch!”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​ @hellomoveonby​ @heyitsshrez
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honeytama · 4 years
Emergency Contact
Spinner (Shuichi Iguchi) X Fem!Reader
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A/N: This was so fun to write! I’m loving the idea of phone sex right now, but also the idea of subby Spinner. So why not both? Here’s another fic about my favorite! Tagged: @knifeewifee​
Summary: Spinner phone calls his sweet girlfriend late one night to update her on his trip. The next morning, he gets a surprise visit.
Warnings: Smut (18+), established romantic relationship and pet names, cussing, praise kink, JOI (jerk off instructions), masturbation, oral (giving), riding
Word Count: 4.3k
Spinner lays against a plush comforter on the bed of a private hotel room with a throw blanket wrapped around his sore legs soothing him to relax after a long day of fighting. Although, the bed still feels less warm without his most favorite person in the world there with him. His favorite person even compared to the man that inspired him to fight for a greater cause; the entire reason he was away from you right now.
He sticks his neck out every day for his comrades and the people around him so that they’ll eventually have a life better than the one dealt to them. And you’re on his mind the entire way through. He slings his arm over his face, resisting the urge to call you and risk distracting him from the League’s current mission.
Spinner lays thinking about how your body would feel against him, how you would probably be eating room service dessert with him right now, and then seducing him with whipped cream upon your lips enough to get him fucking your supple body into the memory foam mattress. He could even imagine you ordering a breakfast spread the morning after; knowing you so well.
These thoughts that flood his head and warm his face convince him to dig out his cell phone from his sweatpants’ pocket. He taps to your contact and calls, hoping you would pick up soon. There isn't any time difference, right?
You sit at your desk working on an assignment for your job, your face leaning in your palm as you click through tens of slides. Honestly, you didn't have to be working that late into the night, but it felt better to have a task to distract yourself from your best friend and lover is away. Within the time you’ve been an item, this incident has only come up a couple times, so it's been difficult to understand the empty feeling you experience in bed each night passing.
Suddenly, your phone starts to buzz against the hardwood of the desk. Picking your hand up from your computer mouse, you flip the phone over to check the contact. Your eyes widen and your shoulders perk up to the name written across the screen. You immediately hit the answer button and lift it to your ear.
“Hi, love,” a smile beaming across your face. “Are you alright?” your excited expression slightly falters when you realize he might be calling as an emergency. Maybe he’s hurt?
“Yeah, yes, I’m just fine, sweetie, hey,” he responds quickly to ease your nerves. “I just wanted to call and catch up while I can. I miss you so much, Y/N.” His voice dancing through the speaker directly into your ear makes him feel closer than he actually is. It’s lower than usual, so probably a mix of the microphone filtering and exhaustion from a long day. Either way, the vibrations of his gruff tone send waves of satisfaction down your spine.
“It feels so good to hear your voice, babe.” you lower your voice to a comforting whisper. “So, what’s up, how’s everything going?’ You move from your desk chair and shut off your computer, deciding to move all of your attention to him.
“It‘s been a lot of work, but everyone here is putting in their best effort,” you hear him say as you climb into your shared bed to rest against the mountain of throw pillows stacked across the headboard. Spinner feels his throat tighten recognizing the sound of the rustling sheets beneath your body. His attention being interrupted by the thought of watching you crawl across the mattress in those mini pajama shorts you usually wear to bed. The cups of your ass showing proudly to him as you sway your hips to tease him before you lay close together. “Actually, speaking of them,” he continues. “We were put up in a hotel for the night and I actually got a suite to myself. Could you believe it, baby?” he laughs softly.
You position yourself snugly into your usual side of the bed. It feels more comfortable to leave his space open, especially when you can still smell his scent on the pillows and favorite blanket beside you. “Oh my god, the League of Villains gets to spend a night in a swanky hotel! That’s so nice, love. I hope you’re enjoying it, I wish I could be there with you,” you gush.
“I know, it would be so amazing if you could come along with me. But, I don't want you to get hurt over my job. That would kill me,” as always, you hear the compassion in his voice that comes whenever he talks about protecting you from his actions.
“I understand, cutie, it’s okay,” you smile. “But, you know I am strong enough to take on some of the people you fight, even without huge muscles like yours,” you tease, your subconscious pushing you to change the subject to something more erotic. You silently hope you could ease his tensions about his dangerous lifestyle. Being alone gives you way more time to wonder about what will happen once he returns, but sometimes it’s even more fun to be impatient.
“C'mon,” he groans. “Don’t say it like that, sweetheart,” laughing as his hand runs through his loose hair. “I still have a few more days out here without you. And, uh, tonight’s the only night I have privacy… It’ll be the only time I’ll get to, ya know…”
“What, I totally wasn’t coming onto you? I wasn’t trying anything, I swear. I was just complimenting the talent of my hard-working boyfriend,” you tease, waiting to pull your favorite reaction from him.
“I definitely wouldn't mind having you come onto me right now,” your touch starved boyfriend says in a low voice, slightly embarrassed by his forwardness. Since being experienced before you, an ounce of attention towards his hormonal brain sends him wanting loads more.
“You would love it if I came onto your face, huh, love?” you breathe out, a wide grin holding residence on your face.
“Holy shit, yes baby,” he chokes out. His empty hand is already roaming down his abdomen in anticipation.
“Or, my slick easily running down my thighs onto you after both of your cocks stretch me to my limit…” you tantalize, testing the waters for how far he wanted to go.
A low, long groan sounds into your ear. Spinner slowly rocks his hips upward in frustration, his palm finally reaching the top of his prominent bulge.
“If you’re wearing it, pull your tank off, Shuichi,” you gently command.
“Shi-,” he attempts to pull his top off with one hand, but the action taunts him when he realizes to pull it off with both. Removing his hand from his pants, he pulls the tank over his head and shucks it to the corner of the room. The second his attention is back on you, he turns his phone to the speaker to set it on his pillow. Both hands are fully free now. “Love, what are you wearing right now?”
“One of your extra tanks and some soft teeny shorts. Why?” acting oblivious to the actual meaning of his question.
“God, those shorts, I might have been thinking you- in them,” he breathes out. “Could I see? Send a pic, or we could video call. Fuck, anything,” he groans impatiently.
You smile to yourself as he admits to being needy, and it only encourages you to brave up and push into the mood more. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll send you whatever you’d like. Right now you’re just going to listen to my voice and follow exactly what I say for you to do. Deal?” You drop your voice into a sultry tone.
“Deal. I’d do anything,” Shuichi whines.
“Ok,” you pull away from the phone to take deep breaths before continuing. “Relax and lay back.
Are you comfortable?”
“With one hand, massage your hard-on over your pants. And with your other… pretend it’s mine as you trail over your stomach,” you instruct sensually.
Spinner follows your words carefully as he grinds his palm into his groin. His fingers wrap roughly around the circumference of the prominent outline in his pants trying to add friction to his prick that rests underneath layers. His other palm slides against his abdomen to lightly caress the muscle beneath it.
Imagining him in such a position, you pull your hand to one of your breasts and roll a nipple between your fingers. The thin material of the tank top is the only thing stopping you from feeling the soft skin of your chest. You set the phone down on the bed on the speaker, and continue your ministrations. “My hand is running against each of your abs, my fingers tracing the intricate grooves made by your scales. You have the hottest body, Shuichi,” you moan into the phone as you begin to pull your shorts down your legs.
“Mmm,” he moans involuntarily. “Ah- tell me, are you- touching yourself, too?”
“You’ll find out eventually,” your tease happily. “Tonight’s about you, and I'm sure you're following my instructions to the letter. Right? Because if not, remember, you won’t be getting any proof of how wet my pussy is tonight.”
“Shit, when you talk like that, I- I can’t- I can’t handle it, Y/N,” he whimpers.
“Well, I really want to see how long you can last, Spinner,��� you say pulling your top over your head. “So, you can take your cocks out, now.” He groans as he quickly tugs his sweatpants down his thighs. Both weeping pricks springing free from against the right waistband. Precum clings to his pants creating thin, sticky ropes of a clear liquid that make a mess of his lower stomach. “I'm sure they kinda hurt from throbbing against your pants, aching for some relief. Would you like some relief, sweetie?
“Yea-yes, Y/N,” he stutters.“Please, let me touch myself.”
“Hmm, you may, but just one. Don’t dare try to wrap your fist around both of them.” your voice is low. You lay in bed in only your underwear and quietly pull them to the side to give your clit some relief of its own.
“Ahh, Y/N,” Shuichi moans while stroking his thick cock languidly, tossing glances at his other cock leaking precum against his pubis. “You would give me head if you were here right? You know I can’t stand the teasing when we’re face to face. This feels so- so different. God, you’re so- ah- hot.”
Both of you, especially Spinner, are usually shy about sexual advances in person, so trying this new way of sending sexy messages felt so good. “Mmm, Shuichi,” you breathe out. Your fingers lacing through your slicked folds while you listen to the clicking of each of his jerks through the phone. “Just for that, go ahead and start stroking both together.” You hear him spit into his palm as he attempts to push both throbbing pricks together into one steady hand.
The late-night and the emptiness of both of your rooms are only filled with each other’s moans and pining words calling for each other’s bodies. Your hands move together as your eyes shut to deepen the illusion of his presence.
“I’m- close, I’m gonna,” Spinner grunts out.
Your eyes shoot open. “Wait! I have something for you,” snapping out of your sultry voice as if in an emergency. “Give me one sec.” You pick up your phone from the bed and angle the camera towards your body before sending it off as a text.
Spinner fumbles around with his phone, lacking to be grossed out by his own saliva covered hand as he opens your message. “Ohh,” he grunts. The photo showed the position you’d been pleasuring yourself in; legs spread wide showing off your dripping cunt and fingers resting on your clit. “Fuck! You- you look so gorgeous. God, please let me cum!”
“Go ahead, baby. I wish my fingers were you right now,“ you offer.
“Fuuu- uhh. I'm coming, I'm-” his voice catches before he let out a stream of muffled moans. Both of his cocks shoot ropes of his load onto his abdomen, emptying him until he’s completely spent. Spinner takes deep guttural breaths before letting out a sigh of relief.
“How was that?” you ask nervously, you decide not to go for your own orgasm.
“That was great, I had no clue you could do that! Did you learn that from that one otome game?” he says, genuinely curious.
You laugh and cover your hand with your face in exhaustion. “I’m glad you liked it, but now I’m getting sleepy. I’m gonna get some rest, Shuichi.”
“No problem, you're the best, ya know,” he smiles, exhausted. ”Goodnight, sleep well,” he says lovingly.
“Goodnight,” you smile.
Ending the call, your next action would either be the best decision or one you’d regret. You scroll through your contacts before calling your mutual friend, who also was away on the same mission. The phone rings against your ear as you wait, but it picks up only a few seconds later.
“Hey, sorry if I woke you up, I need the hotel information of where you all are staying. I need Spinner’s room number, too,” you request.
“Aw, do you want to come and visit him? So cute! Fuck off, don’t call me this late again, Y/N.”
You walked down the sidewalk of a city a few hours away from your home in one of your boyfriend’s tee’s, leggings, and a tote clutched to your side. It’s early in the morning, you’d caught the train around 7am and prepared a plan while sitting alone in the carriage. You finally made it to the entrance of the hotel with your cell phone in your hand to double-check the room number you’d easily convinced Twice to send you. Walking through the lobby, your shoes echo off the marble floor. You softly say “good morning” to the concierge before walking to the elevators at the back of the room and tapping the up button.
Your stomach turns while you walk down the hallway of his floor. What if he's bothered by you being there? What if the plan doesn’t work out? Either way, he responds, you had at least planned for a sweet day date with him away from his team. With a hopeful expression, you knock on his suite door and shift your feet on the hallway carpet waiting for him to respond.
The clicking of locks opening behind the door elevates your mood before the door is swung open. Your boyfriend in pajamas grins wildly as he pounces on you for a hug. “Y/N!” he exclaims, pressing his snout down into your shoulder. You squeeze him close to your body with both arms thrown around his back, surprised at his forwardness. “What are you doing here! Oh, uh, haha, come inside.” You follow him into the living area part of the suite, closing the door behind you.
“Honestly, I wanted to see you in person after our call from last night,” you admit. “So, I got Twice to share the information with me, I hope that’s ok. I know you don’t want Tomura to find out, but I couldn’t help myself,” you explain.
“No, no, I- I like that you came to me, that’s the nicest thing ever, babe,” Spinner says, pulling your hand into the sleeping area. “But, check this room out! I had a whole queen bed to myself, flat-screen TV…, and a desk!”
You watch him swing his arms around the room to show you as much as he could before he had to check out later that afternoon. His excitement for things he’s passionate about always made you love him more. You lean into his side and place a kiss to the side of his snout. He halts his show-and-tell before turning to look into your eyes, a smile growing on his face. His cheeks are blushing.
“You stole a kiss from me?” He questions. “You know what happens when you do that,” Spinner turns on his fake villainous voice before taking your chin in his hand. And then, starts to tickle your neck.
“Shuichi! Ah, no!” You walk backward into the edge of the bed trying to escape his grasp. You fall over onto the soft mattress when his hands roam to your sides and your thighs, continuing his attack. Always being careful with his sharp nails. “Haha ah! C’mon, Mr. Villain! I promise- I won’t steal another!”
Now, his body is hovering above yours, his long, strong arms holding your body like a vice. He stops to stare at your pretty face that's laughing and smiling because of him.
You stare back while locking eyes with his. Wanting to make the move you’d traveled there for, you rush to the front of his snout and lock your lips with his. Tracing the precise shape of his jaw with your fingers. Your bodies come together, noses nuzzled against the others’.
His strength helps pull you both up toward the middle of the bed. Once reaching a more comfortable spot, you use your own strength to push him onto his back. You straddle your legs over his hips and lean down to kiss his neck. Pressing your hot lips against his skin, you let your tongue slip out before sucking the spot he usually hides under a scarf. You whisper sweetly, “I told you I was stronger than you thought, handsome. How would you feel for me to use you like a toy?” Lifting your head, you watch his blown out eyes in anticipation.
Sunlight pours into the room in rays from the large windows at the side of the room while thin curtains give some amount of privacy. Luckily, you were on a high floor. His brown eyes show amber flecks as the sun hits them. He searches your expression for any sign of a lie or joke. “You want to have sex?” he asks, oblivious.
“I want you to fuck me, love… if you’d like that of course" you whisper.
He can’t believe the love of his life just traveled several hours to do something so sinful with his body. His eyes darken a shade in arousal, hoping you’ll dominate his every move, just as you’d done the night before. “Shit, yes. I need you-”
You raise your shirt over your head to throw it over your shoulder before reaching for the edge of his own. Spinner raises his arms above his head and lets you pull it off of his torso. You kiss his nose before sliding down his body eagerly, taking the waistband of his pants with you. Kissing the lines leading down from his Apollo’s belt, you close your eyes in comfort. When you finally open them again, a flutter of your fingers moves his cocks until they’re hard and straining against your hand.
“Please, suck me. I need your tongue, you’re so good,” he stammers. His index finger is pinched between his teeth as you lick up the full length of his sleek shaft. Once you bring your mouth to his tip, the swirl of your tongue against his hole makes him squirm against the sheets. “Ah, so sensitive,” he whimpers.
You lift your mouth from his dripping prick and smile upwards at his blushing face. “So, you don’t want me to blow you, babe?,” you tease as you stroke him slowly in one hand.
“No, no, no keep going!” Spinner yelps trying to sway his hips in your moving hand for friction.
Your head dips back down to the cock in your hand and you wet your lips before taking an amount of his thick length in your mouth. The taste of his bittersweet precum grazing your palate. He groans as you continue in a bobbing motion reminding you of the night before. Your inner thighs rub together to give friction to your hidden cunt.
You continue to bob your head up and down, pressing your tongue against his shaft. His moans motivate you to take both of his cock tips between your lips; you’re still learning how to completely pleasure both of his members equally. You drag your tongue back and forth along his weeping tips in a swiping motion and watch his reaction from underneath your lashes. The size of his eyes and raised brow make you giggle against him; it gives you even more encouragement to keep going. Giving a kiss on the inner part of his muscular thigh, you sit up and pull your leggings off.
Your boyfriend does a double-take when he realizes you're not wearing anything underneath. “Baby, you’re gonna kill me,” he throws his head back against the pillow. You giggle and climb back up his body while Shuichi’s hands pull your hips into his lap to straddle him again. He rocks your body back and forth easily making your slit slide along the length of his shaft. The ridge before his cock tip hitting your clit with every turn.
“Ooh,” you repeat with every time his hard tip skims your engorged pearl. “I wanna ride your cock, babe,” you moan above him. Spinner’s face flushes as he nods and picks your hips up from his body. He ogles your arousal covering the entirety of his cock before allowing you to take it in your small hand to line it up with your entrance. His focused gaze switches from watching you prod your hole to the lewd expression on your face. Your lip being held between your teeth, you lower yourself onto his cockhead. “Ahh,” you gasp. Your chest quickly rises at the sudden development. The built-up arousal causes your body to fall onto his dick in full. You both groan at the abrupt stretch and tightness of your drenched sleeve wrapped around him.
“Y/N, you’re so beautiful. How am I so lucky?” he gushes. You smile down at him and start your back and forth movements, holding onto his broad shoulders for guidance.
Shuichi caresses your thighs as you ride him sensually. You reach down and run your fingers through his hair as you moan. You continue to roll your hips as he closes his eyes and presses his forehead to yours, "Enjoy yourself. Take me all you want.” Spinner groans at your slow movements; the nails of his forefingers sinking into your ass like lead as he tries to thrust up into you impatiently. You put your entire weight into him as you press his chest down into the mattress; you forbid him from moving without your permission. “You make me feel- ah- So. Fucking. Good,” he grunts with every smack of your ass against his thighs as you bounce on his dick. His other cock lies beneath your spread thigh; it gains pleasure from the fiction caused by you bouncing and grinding.
You breathe heavily above him. The stretch you feel from his textured cock is heavenly, but once he reaches to poke into your cervix it’s difficult to control your rhythm. “Oh fuck! Right there!” The feeling makes you fall from your posture above him to his level. Your arms circle his neck as your chests are pressed together to continue. The curved tip of his cock slides repeatedly into the soft, ridged spot inside of you as he thrusts upwards into your body now. Forgetting about your assertion about taking control, he pistons his hips forward from the mattress into your sopping cunt over and over again; he’s only trying to get you to your climax now. The feeling of your pretty little hole tightening tells him your close to coming undone.
“Fuck, yes, just like that! Please, a little more,” you groan into his shoulder. You whine after each of his thrusts into his neck. Your words of praise becoming mush as he plows through your body.
“Fuck, I can feel you-. You’re all mine, ugh, you’re pussy is all mine, huh?,” he grunts into your ear. “Cum on my cock. I want it, baby, please- Give it to me!” he says in rhythm to each one of his thrusts as he holds your hips down into his groin.
A large knot in your stomach tightens abruptly and your throat catches before you feel the snap coming. His words encourage your body to let go as your face the orgasm you had denied yourself the night before. You let out a flow of whines and “yes’s” riding your high on his pulsating prick. The next moment, you watch as Spinner’s snout turns upwards and his eyes roll back into his head as he unloads thick strings of warm cum into your cunt. Your exhausted walls unable to give him more before his slippery cock slides out; it lands on his abdomen with a smack in a pool of cum from his other cock.
Shuichi holds your hips above him as you both come down from your highs. His fingertips gently sliding over the indentations from his nails on your ass cheeks and thighs. You place a long kiss on his snout and cheek before throwing yourself to his side on the bed. You both let out deep sighs in pleasure as you both turn to look at one another in awe.
“So,” you laugh. “I planned a cute breakfast date out on the town, but this feels so nice,” you say, smiling.
“A date, with me?” You giggle and nod. His face is flushed, but he responds to you in the same amount of contentment, “I still want to experience the room service, so let’s clean up and I’ll order whatever you want.”
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parkjess · 4 years
Hey, I hope you are doing well. Can I request a astro reaction to their s/o having to take meditation for anxiety and depression, please? Okay, bye bye ヾ( ̄▽ ̄). Please be safe! ☆゚°˖* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Thank you for caring and requesting!🥰 stay safe everyone☺️
Warning: if you’re sensitive about depression and anxiety, please skip this.
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Myungjun woke up next to you, shaken off his dream due to the bed moving slightly because you were stretching your arms to get your medication from the night stand, having difficulty with getting that, you let out a sigh.
“Baby, hey, is everything alright? What are you doing?” Your boyfriend taps on your shoulder to get your attention, asking with his sleepy voice. -“I’m trying to get... this.” Finally you grabbed the little medication box, he furrowed his brows and lightly rubs his eyes to open them fully. “What is that baby?” He takes the box once you swallow the pill, reading the possible reasons for taking these. “Y/n...” by now he’s already sitting straight on the bed near you, “why didn’t you tell me?” He pats your hair. -“I don’t want to be a burden to you, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but it’s really not such a big deal.”
“What are you talking about? You only give me happiness and peace, come on, let’s go.” He says and kisses your forehead, getting out of bed and you do so too without even asking where.
He took you to a picnic day, suddenly left and took you home because he had something at work. “I’ll be back soon, okay baby?” He cups your face and kisses your forehead.
When he came back you hear some unfamiliar breathing, sounds like, a dog?
“Baby?” Myungjun calls, taking his shoes off by the door, entering the living room you share. You were sitting on the big comfy couch, watching Netflix with some chips and beverage of your liking.
-“Hey... how was work... toda- Myungjun what is that?” You chuckle when you meet the little poodle (I’m actually not sure if that’s a poodle in the pic lmao), the puppy had a cute, soft look in his eyes, looking at you as if he wanted you to take him. “This is a little gift from me to you, I know you really like dogs, and I don’t want you to feel lonely when I’m not home.” You now realize he wasn’t at work today but left you to get you a dog.
-“Myungjun... this is so adorable, I love you so much.” You say and lean in to kiss your boyfriend’s lips, talking the dog in your arms afterwards. He did it for you.
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“Baby what is that?” Jinwoo comes closer to your shared bedroom, you were working on some project on your laptop, sitting near the desk, with earphones plugged in both your ears.
-“Jin... Jinwoo where did you find this?” You look up at him, not hearing what he asked you beforehand Because of the loud music in your ears. “I asked what this is...” his voice lowered, although you thought he was upset at you because you didn’t tell him you take medication for a while now, but all he was doing is worrying about you.
-“I... I am...” you tried to explain but the words didnt come out well. “Y/n~~ you know I get more worried when you don’t share with me.” He was slightly annoyed by now, since he loves you so much and doesn’t want you to go through this situation alone. “Can you promise me you won’t hide anything else from me anymore?” He bends down and whispers, kisses your forehead right after.
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“Lee Dongmin! Can you please tell me where we are going?” You yell at your boyfriend who was walking before you with his big steps that you couldn’t catch up with.
-“Were here.” He stops suddenly, not even breathing heavily as you do. “What the-“ you weren’t able to say as you panted due to your fast walking. “Okay... what are we doing here?” Dongmin knew you best, he didn’t even have to see your medication to know you’re taking them, or your current condition. The local park in your neighborhood was your favorite, the view of children laugh together, parents sitting on bench watching their mini versions, sun sets slowly, all of these was making you stay at peace. And ofcourse your boyfriend was the only one who knew all of those little details about you, like nobody else did.
“Why?” You ask, crossing your arms against your chest. -“Because you love being here, with me.” He says with a smirk spread on his face. “I sure love it, but Dongmin... why all of the sudden?” Simply asking, he takes a step closer to you, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
-“I want you to appreciate everything you have, and always remember these moments with me, and with all the people you love who love you even more back.” While he was talking, you realized what he meant, without him mentioning the medication, or even the word that described your inner pain. Somehow, he managed to heal it for a bit, like a 1000 pieces puzzle, he was the 100 first pieces.
Dongmin wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to his chest, -“You gave me forever, you can’t escape it,” he chuckles, all you could hear at this moment was his heartbeat and his calming voice.
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It was the usual weekly day Bin and you always go on a date. This time he took you for a weekend out of town, spending time together once a week when the two of you are busy the rest of the time is the best thing and you only could adore him for planning this.
Moonbin suddenly stopped, tired of walking for an hour, but having great time talking with you about life and everything that was going on lately. You sat on the cool grass, beautiful, pink flowers growing near, suddenly tears started to stream down your cheeks. “Baby?” Bin softly asks, moving the piece of hair that hid your face. “Oh my- baby, what’s wrong?” The tone of his voice became more nervous, you couldn’t answer but just nod your head. “Look at me, dear, lift your head baby...” he placed his finger beneath your chin, managing to lift it so you could look at him.
It never happened with him before, this anxiety attacks, and you couldn’t even explain it to him. But you wanted him to know what you’re going through so badly, so you pulled your backpack closer, taking the medication out. “Baby...” he lowers his voice, taking the medicine in one hand while the other is holding yours. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know-“. you cut him off by saying, -“No, don’t be sorry. Please, just hug me.” You say while sobbing, as he immediately obeys and hugs you tightly. “Everything will be okay, believe me, we will go through this together.” He whispers in your ear while hugging, as you stayed like this until the sun set.
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Minhyuk was the sweetest kind of person around you, he liked to take you with him everytime he had something exciting to do other than work. Your boyfriend was aware of your anxieties thanks to Moonbin who told him because he was worried. At first, Minhyuk wanted to call you and tell you he knows, but he wasn’t sure if he should or not, so he waited for the right time to talk about it with you.
-“Y/n, wanna go down town?” Minhyuk asked when you just got out of shower. “Uhm... sure...” there was something different in his question, a sudden urge to go somewhere instead of just chill at home. And the fact that he was already dressed, and not in the usual sweats he wears on days off.
A night out with Minhyuk can’t be bad, it can only help you get the bad thoughts out of your mind. When you arrived, Minhyuk was trying to distract you from everything that might be too much for you to handle.
“Baby! Strawberries!” Minhyuk tapped your should several times, calling out excitingly since your favorite snack was strawberry drizzled with sweet syrup on top. You laugh at your boyfriend when he grabbed the stick with coated strawberries, posing for a picture.
-“Minhyuk... why all of the sudden?” You ask him when he takes your hand in his, walking slowly in the crowded space. “Ah... I missed being with you like this I guess...” he replies with his husky voice. -“come on, we went for a walk like two days ago, for 3 hours!” You chuckle at the end. -“Think of a better excuse.” You say and hand him your phone, this time you posed for a pic. “I know you have anxiety attacks,” he wasn’t able to keep it a secret from you anymore, finally saying it out loud when the place is getting less crowded. -“I know you do, Minhyuk. Just wanted you to finally say it yourself, I saw you looking in my bag this morning when you found the medicine.”
“The reason I didn’t say it earlier, is that I care for you, a lot. I don’t want you to feel depressed or lonely ever, and I’m here to make you feel better, I love you y/n.” It felt like he was confessing his love again to you, his sweet words made you fall for him like you did for the first time.
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Sanha noticed you’re feeling different lately, and he didn’t want to ask you what happened since he knew you wouldn’t tell him because you don’t want him to worry about your condition. But he once saw the medication box you threw into the bedroom’s trash bin, instead to the bigger one, and he searched for it on the internet.
Most of the time when you’re with him, you feel much better, but he knows how depressed you are when he’s not around.
You woke up, he’s missing again, but his covers weren’t folded which means he’s at home today. He usually folds his covers when he leaves to work at home and leaves a note to you, and this morning, no folded blanket, no notes.
“Sanha?” You call out his name, looking for your y’all boyfriend around the big house. There’s a scent of something good cooking. Vanilla.
-“Y/n, you woke up!” Sanha drop the tongs on the counter and run to hug you, being careful not to touch you with the oily plastic gloves.
“Are these- churros?” You ask when you see the heart shaped dough inside the boiling oil. Your boyfriend hums and nods his head as a response, -“I planned to make you a breakfast in bed, but since you’re here now, you should taste one.” He leads you to the kitchen counter, it was a complete mess, but it somehow warmed your heart to see the mess he did, just because it was with good intentions. “What is it all for, Sanha?” You ask him while taking a bite from the heart shaped-chocolate drizzled churro, it was as soft as a cloud, a bit sweet.
-“I know you love this, and I know you’re taking medication baby. You should have told me, I want to take care of you when I’m able to.”
“Okay, I’ll let you know next time, but can we eat now?” You stick your thumb nail between your teeth and bring the other half of the heart churro closer to his lips.
His words made your heart calmer, he was really the cure to your current condition.
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fourangers · 4 years
Fate and Choices (ch.06)
Summary: When Naruto discovered who was going to be his soulmate, he jumped straight at this opportunity, looking forward to spending the rest of his life with his better half. Sasuke well…he was less eager in this regard though. NaruSasu. Soulmates tattoos. M-rated.
Chapter 05
AO3 link | ffnet link
Sasuke was checking the monthly chart about follower growth alongside the monthly expenses to boost their social media account when his brother called.
“Good morning otouto-kun. How are you doing so far by yourself, you need any help?”
“Morning. So far nothing of the tragic nature. Thanks for asking anyways.” He tilted his head to one side to steady his smartphone in between his ear and his left shoulder, while he used both hands to type on his laptop. “By the way, you met your soulmate already?”
“I did! He was waiting for me at the airport. A very fascinating individual, knowledgeable and has a keen sense of everything since he traveled across the globe, learned all different kinds of culture and society. I had a wondrous time talking with him.”
“That’s great.” Sasuke muttered.
“Also, he shares some long-distance ancestry with us! Apparently, his great-great grandmother is an Uchiha that detected that her soulmate lived in the Netherlands and migrated here. The only clue he has some Japanese genes might be the fact that he has more of an almond shaped eyes, but his hair is curly unlike ours.”
“Huh, really? Interesting.”
“We’re going to do a city tour in Amsterdam. I mentioned that I like seeing anything related to art and history, so he already programmed an entire schedule visiting Van Gogh’s museum and other great places.”
“I see that he’s not wasting one second in trying to get into your pants huh. Give me his number so I can tell him that if he ever dares to make any wrong move I’ll tear him into pieces.” Sasuke scowled, frown in his face as his fingers pressed on the buttons loudly.
He heard Itachi’s amused chuckle. “Otouto-kun, don’t worry about it. He really appears to be a kind man and I believe I’m a good judge of character. I’ll keep you and mom posted about all this, because I know you two will be nagging me no matter what.”
Even despite his current reservations, it was refreshing and odd listening to Itachi’s upbeat voice. He was glad that his older brother was acting his own age for once, since he was forced to be more mature in his teenage years to defend his own mother and protect Sasuke. So it was nice hearing Itachi’s honest excitement, proper from a young man such as him, which was the main reason Sasuke curbed most sarcastic and critical remarks, not wanting to put a damper on Itachi’s mood.
“Talking about soulmates, how did you fare with yours, by the way?”
Sasuke almost bit his own tongue, coughing dryly.
“That bad?” Itachi questioned, apprehensive.
“No, actually…” Sasuke cleared his throat. “We’re going to try and go on some dates.”
Sasuke could almost feel Itachi’s smiling on the other side of the phone. “Nii-san, your sudden silence is somehow more infuriating than your usual smartass quips.”   
“So you say. Anyways, I have to go for now. Call me if you have any questions Sasuke.”
Sasuke yawned, adjusting his laptop settings so it’d pair with the TV screen. Neji and his crew would be arriving soon to adjust the overall schedule and other general alignments. Nodding to himself, he went to the bathroom (those meetings tend to drag for hours), only to see Suigetsu adjusting his hair style, straightening his clothes.
“Suigetsu, what are you doing?” Sasuke deadpanned, raising an eyebrow as his friend continued to turn in all angles, trying to get the best look in front of the mirror.
“Well, Uzumaki is coming here today right? I’m sure that you already dumped him at this point of the story so he’s free for grabs! I’m definitely going to try asking him out.” 
Sasuke opened his mouth to elucidate the whole situation but they heard the receptionist’s voice so Suigetsu was first to go towards the entrance, Sasuke trailing behind. He saw Suigetsu affably shaking hands with everyone, before changing his tune when he saw Naruto. He was definitely feeling up the blond’s biceps while they greeted each other.
Sasuke frowned, stepping in with a grunt. “Naruto, Neji, everyone. It’s nice to see you all again.”
Naruto was positioned so his back was facing him, instantly turning around with an exclaim. "Oh hey, Sasuke!"
Sighing, Sasuke controlled the urge to blush witnessing how Naruto's eyes brightened up, grin widening as their gazes locked together. That dumbass looked exactly like an overexcited puppy. Neji even patted the blond head twice, before shaking Sasuke's hand. “Nice to see you again. I hope our meeting wasn’t too much of a trouble for you.”
Sasuke nodded, stepping aside to let them in as they settled in the meeting room.
“So, first things first, I’d like to present Takahashi Ayumi-san. She’s going to be Shinrei’s account manager from now on.” Neji explained, as the aforementioned woman bowed respectfully, giving Sasuke her business card.
“Is that any reason for such a change?” Sasuke exchanged their cards, bowing back at her while he glanced towards Naruto. The blond man on the other hand, didn’t look troubled nor guilty, settling some of his own fears aside.
“Naruto is our main social media manager and we’re getting new cases for him to take care of, so I thought that it’d be better for him to focus solely on his tasks.” Neji said.
“I’ll still go with you to meet any possible sponsor, or give reports to your current ones. But anything related to your social media accounts will go through Ayumi-san from now on, to organize our workflow better.” Naruto filled in the rest of the speech, also opening his laptop. “So we’re also here to make the transition go smoothly, and she’ll be up to date with the overall demands and so on. You don’t have any problem about that, right Sasuke?”
Sasuke shrugged, as everyone concentrated on discussing the rest of the procedure, covering all details. Once they finished the meeting and Neji’s team departed, Sasuke returned to his office, seeing Suigetsu’s roguish smile.
“Hey, I managed to get Uzumaki’s number. Well, obviously he still thinks it’s work related but…I’ll turn things around. I gotta tell you, I had a glimpse of a bright future when I saw him bending down to pick some paper, that’s a nice juicy butt that I haven’t seen in a while. Man, I just want to get in between that round asscheeks and thrust.”
Sasuke had enough. “Naruto and I are dating.”
Blinking, Suigetsu slackened his jaw then uttered out. “What?”
“Naruto. And I. Are dating.” Sasuke spelled out with gritted teeth.
“Again, what? He’s your soulmate, isn’t he?” Suigetsu saw how Sasuke clenched his mouth, frown in place. “I don’t get it, after all the time when you kept complaining about how the soulmate system sucks and you’ll never get together with your soulmate because it’s a waste of time and so on and so forth you’re dating him? Am I missing something?”
"It's a long story, let's just say we talked, and I'm going to try, see if it's going to work."
Suigetsu stared in awe, before snorting at last. "I knew you wouldn't last long. I mean, when you have a soulmate like that, you'd want to call first dibs. I would do that too if I were you."
"We're just dating, not having sex like some kind of horny animals." Sasuke muttered, glowering back.
"Right, as if part of the whole dating business doesn't have people fucking like horny animals." He quirked a haughty smirk, wagging his eyebrows. “Aw fuck, I was getting really turn up in asking him out! Maybe we should both try getting him on dates, and then make him choose between one of us⏤”
“Right right, jeez.” Suigetsu raised his hands in mock surrender. “You don’t have to get so defensive. I won’t make any moves, whatever.”
Sasuke snorted, noticing the message ping showing Naruto asking him to go to the lobby once again. 
“So, you hungry?” Naruto beamed, while he was busy typing on his smartphone. “I asked Neji to stay for a while longer so we can go out for lunch.”
“Lunch sounds like a good idea.”
“Great! You’ll lead the way, but please don’t choose any expensive restaurant because I’m on a budget ok. Don’t pick anything weird that will make me taste shark semen or some weird shit like that.”
Sasuke smirked. “Actually, I’ve heard that in China it’s a good aphrodisiac so⏤”
“Yeah, see, that’s what I meant.” Naruto poked his arm repeatedly. “I just want to eat some Ramen for all I care.”
He ended up choosing a traditional Japanese restaurant, specialized in Teishoku (set meal). While they were waiting for the food to arrive, his curiosity got better of him so he questioned. “So, why did you and Neji ended up giving the task of managing Shinrei to Takahashi-san?”
“Hm, well…it’s something that I thought over this weekend. Now that we’re dating, that means it’s gonna be more difficult setting work and dating apart right? I don’t want to end up discussing with you over something work-related while we’re on a date, or flirt with you while we’re talking about work. Plus, I might get frustrated about having to solve some issues about Shinrei and then out of nowhere you might send something personal on LINE. It’s those things here and there that makes me afraid that it might hinder our relationship and I don’t want this to happen to us. So I talked with Neji, he suggested this solution and Ayumi-san was on board to help me out.” Naruto explained, while he adjusted the napkin in his lap. “You don’t mind that, right?”
“Not at all, I actually agree with your idea. Never expected that a usuratonkachi like you would be so thoughtful.”
Naruto rolled his eyes, then broadened a playful grin. "You know what does that mean too, right? That I'm free to send you dick pics, all to my heart's content."
"That also mean I'm free to block you once again if you step out of line."
“Aw, you wouldn’t do that, would you? Not after you accepted going on the Best Date Ever in History!”
“You’re pretty confident with your dating skills.” Sasuke shook his head in amusement. “I trust you already came up with a detailed itinerary then?”
“Maybe, but I’m gonna keep this as a surprise.” 
Sasuke stared nonchalantly towards Naruto’s cheshire smile, snorting softly. Their food soon arrived, they enjoyed the fragrant dishes in between chuckles and teasing remarks. It was hardly a chore getting in tune with Naruto, lowering his barriers. It’s been so long he felt so relaxed around someone aside from his mother and older brother.
While they were going back to Sasuke’s office, Naruto read a message, raising an eyebrow.
“Huh. You know your employee Hozuki-san? He scheduled a meeting this wednesday but he just cancelled now, telling me that he fixed whatever issue he wanted to talk about, but when I asked, he just said that it’s nothing big. That’s weird, you know anything about it?”
Sasuke smirked, but schooled his expression to a neutral one. “Yes, but don’t worry about it, usuratonkachi. I assure you that Suigetsu wasn’t asking for anything important that really needed you help.”
“Hm…” Naruto wrinkled his nose, tilting his head to one side. “You seem to know him pretty well, he’s been working in your company for a while?”
“Actually, I’ve known him since college, I decided to ask him to work with me when Nii-san and I founded our company.”
“That’s cool, how did you guys meet?”
“We used to have a lot of classes in common, and then we formed our group of friends.” Sasuke muttered, recalling his memories. “Crazy friend, but at least helped me hook up with some guys.”
Naruto stopped walking at once. 
Sasuke also halted his steps, turning around with a quirked eyebrow. 
The blond man strode menacingly, glowering. “You did what? After what happened between us?!”
Seeing the indignant expression on his face, Sasuke instantly understood that he stepped on a landmine. He began a well-rehearsed speech. “Well, technically, at that time we weren’t in a relationship and also we were just young hormonal teenagers, so officially, there’s nothing that really binds us together so…”
“What the fuck Sasuke, what did you want?” Naruto snapped back. “Some official document, registered in the government with our signatures, stamps and even some blood pact for some special effect? We didn’t have any extra-official but I thought that, well, since we were in this together…”
“If there’s any consolation the number of hook-ups is under one single digit, so can we drop this.” Sasuke snarled, tensing his shoulders.
Naruto stared back incredulously, before giving out a sardonic scoff and crossed his arms. His eyes glanced up and down towards Sasuke, growling.
“Oh, so that’s how you justify yourself by cheating on me.”
“Again, back when we were teenagers, we’ve done nothing but fooling around together.” Sasuke emphasized, annoyed. “I honestly thought that you have done the same, considering that we lost contact while in college.”
“Sure, okay, cool, thanks a lot for pointing that I’m a fucking idiot for wasting my chances while I was waiting for you like a fool.” Naruto’s voice was bitter and angry, taking Sasuke off guard from this uncharacteristic behavior. “I should have followed after the first vagina or dick available while I was in college. Hey, maybe I should do this right now, to pick up since I’m behind.”
Whatever tight control Sasuke was attempting to reign in, snapped apart as he glared towards Naruto’s rebellious face. He knotted his shirt into his fists, Naruto mirrored this movement, wrinkling the expensive fabric. He growled. “I thought we were in agreement that we're dating now. A suggestion, might I add, that you gave it to me."
"Well, that was before I discovered that you probably slept with half of the campus or where else more. So sorry if I'm not taking this piece of news all too well." Naruto said with gritted teeth.
Sasuke huffed. "I already told you, it was only under one single dig⏤"
"Who the fuck cares, one, one thousand⏤! You cheated, that's what happened!" Naruto pushed Sasuke away, throwing his hands to the air. "You know what, fuck this shit, I'm outta here!" He turned around, already stomping away from him and yelled. "Have a nice fucking day, asshole!"
Sasuke clenched his jaw, his body tensing to pursue Naruto but he dug his heels down. He better wait till Naruto would cool his head. Who’d have thought that such pleasant lunch would end up this badly?
Naruto was ignoring him.
At first, Sasuke let it slide, waiting till Naruto would bounce back and forget about what had happened. However, days had passed and after few tentative messages were sent, receiving nothing from Naruto’s end. 
On the other hand, this situation just made him mount considerable respect over Naruto. Only one week had passed and Sasuke was resisting the urge to barge in Naruto’s apartment to stop this silent treatment he’s suffering. And Naruto waited for seven years?? Sasuke resigned himself not to pressure Naruto after everything he had done in the past. 
For such an easygoing man, that dumbass could surely hold some grudge.
Sasuke couldn’t bring himself to pester Naruto, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t gatter intel from other sources.
“So…how’s Naruto lately?”
Neji stared unsurprised while Sasuke drank his beer, glancing sideways. “He’s acting all the same, cheerful, energetic and everything. Why are you asking me if you can contact him anyways?”
Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows. “He didn’t tell you what happened a few weeks ago?”
Neji hummed, smiling. “You know that Naruto opens himself just to you. I mean, maybe Gaara and Shikamaru occasionally, but yes. Mostly you.” Then, he sighed, pouring more beer to his cup. “Though after years working with him, I could see that beneath all that smiles, he’s angry over something. And after you asked how he was, just gave me the easiest confirmation about my suspicions.”
“I know I’m going to regret asking this…what happened?”
Rubbing his temples, Sasuke paused in contemplation before confessing. “I told him that I had some past flings back in college.”
For the record, Neji used a total of five seconds to show an incredulous expression before he mumbled. “For someone who used to be the genius back in school and have a master degree, you can be pretty stupid sometimes.”
Sasuke glared. 
“Why did you do that?” Neji asked.
“We were just chatting, I said it without really considering much. I honestly thought he wouldn’t make a big case over it.” Sasuke huffed. “And well, I thought that since we haven’t seen each other for over seven years, Naruto would have his own flings too.”
“Yes, that’s the stupid part I’m talking about. You can’t expect that everyone would do the same journey as you did.”
“I know, which is why I’m patiently waiting to amend the mistake I did. I even sent him messages, writing that I’m sorry and all the bullshit you’re expecting me to do.” 
Neji didn’t really trust Sasuke’s input. He snatched the smartphone out of Sasuke’s hand, scrolling down while he mentally shook his head. “Right. I’m only reading ‘Naruto’ ‘I can explain’ ‘stop sulking and talk to me’ ‘Naruto, it’s been five days you dumbass’ ah…I’m not finding any ‘Sorry for everything’ here. Perhaps you wrote ‘Let me grovel on your feet if it makes you happy’? Ah nope, nothing of this sort.”
Sasuke did not appreciate Neji’s sarcasm, grabbing his phone back. “It’s been more than a week and he still hasn't answered any of my messages.”
“Well…have you considered calling him?”
Usually Naruto was too lazy to answer phone calls, since most of the time it’s telemarketing or scammers trying to get his credit card. Suffice to say, he was flabbergasted seeing Sasuke’s contact buzzing on screen. 
Sighing, he stared at his smartphone, hot anger burning on his gut. He willed it down, grumbling. “What.”
“…” Sasuke bit his lower lip, mumbling. “I see you’re still angry over what we talked about a week ago.”
Naruto closed his eyes, dropping himself on the sofa as he responded. “No, not really. I was actually kind of waiting you’d talk to me.”
Sasuke chugged some more beer down his throat, clearing his throat. “I don’t know what exactly I should say to make us return to the way it was. I can’t change it, it’s all part of the past.”
Naruto groaned, messing his head. “I know, I get it. It’s just⏤now I can’t get the idea that you got involved with other guys in my head. Were they one time thing? I mean…did you do it to satisfy some curiosity about how different it’d be having sex with someone who is not your soulmate? Or did you do it because you wanted a relationship with someone else? Or were you bored⏤”
“Naruto, I’m not answering any of these. It’ll only make you angrier.” Sasuke said in a quieter tone.
“That’s not fair.”     
“It is, because it’s about my life, and my life only. I’ll reveal if I want to, but you got no involvement in it.”
“How so? But before you disappeared out of nowhere, we were⏤”
“We’re just two teenage boys who had nothing definite aside from two matching tattoos. We’re going on circles, this is going nowhere.”
Naruto stomped angrily, standing up. “That’s your fucking problem, you know. You used a loophole, used the fact that we didn’t cement anything before you just disappeared out of my life. You were always such a manipulative asshole, sometimes I⏤AAAARGH! I just want to reach your fucking neck and shake you. Really hard.”
Sasuke listened to the furious inhales and exhales, and mumbled. “I will…leave you alone if you prefer⏤ ”
“Yeah, I prefer it.” Naruto paced around the room, scratching his head. “We definitely went on different paths because we had different points of view. I still believed in the soulmate system, so the wildest thing I did in college is trying to steal some statues on campus. You got disappointed with this system, so there was nothing stopping you going after some other guys.”
“Still…” Sasuke clutched his smartphone tighter. “I admit that I hurt you. And I’m sorry about that. Like I’ve said, there’s nothing that I can change about the past, aside that I promise I won’t do it again. And if there’s anything I can do to make you feel better…just ask.” 
Sasuke knew Naruto enough to understand that particular tone. “Anything that is not outrageous or sexual in nature, get your mind out of the gutter dumbass.”
“Not even you wearing a sailor fuku?” Naruto practically singsonged, his mind also picturing Sasuke with stilettos. 
“I’m glad that even with all the current resentment you have on me, you still have enough imagination to come up with the most ludicrous ideas.” Sasuke teased back.
“Yeah yeah. Sasuke…” Naruto raised his eyes to stare at the ceiling, his body relaxing. “I’m still not giving up with the whole date thing, ok.” 
Sasuke released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “I’m glad.” 
To tell the truth, even despite some reservations and fears, Sasuke was looking forward to starting this relationship with Naruto, only to have it temporarily halted. But he’s willing to take the backseat until things would calm down if necessary.
Taken aback from Sasuke’s honesty, Naruto scratched his head. “So, you willing to wait some a little bit more? I guess I just gotta organize this new information in my head.”
On the next day, Sasuke received a message from Naruto.
You free tonight?
Bewildered, since he originally considered that Naruto wanted more days to restart their date, he answered nevertheless.
Ok, great. I’ll be waiting for you in the lobby from your office. I’ll be there in half an hour.
Oh. Naruto stopped typing before sending this message. And bring your business cards. Tons of it.
Sasuke’s confusion further escalated, but he obeyed nevertheless. Naruto was waiting him with crossed arms, tapping his right foot.
“Hey.” He analyzed him, looking up and down before shrugging. “Alright, you look fine enough. But use this jacket instead.” He threw it in Sasuke's direction and he caught it with ease. 
Black eyes studied the smooth fabric, clean cuts and the tag showing that it's a renowned brand, which all points to the fact that this tuxedo jacket was pretty expensive. “Where are we going?”
“Hm?” Naruto mumbled, his gaze fixed on his smartphone.
“Where are we going?” Sasuke repeated the question. Naruto never cared for appearances whenever they went out, thoroughly ignoring all the malicious glares and whispers focused on his gaudy orange jumpsuit and loud voice. But this time he was wearing formal attire (that looked pretty good on him, actually), also ensuring Sasuke would be decent looking. 
“Yeah, I’m comparing if we’re going to be faster using uber or going to the subway. There are some points of heavy traffic, but nothing too drastic. I don’t want to ruin our clothes too since now the subway is definitely crowded so…yeah. Using uber. He’s arriving in three minutes.”
“Okay.” Sasuke waited while Naruto was still focused on the phone, muttering. “You still didn’t answer my question.”
Naruto gave him a lopsided grin. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that.”
“So. Do you intend to give me any explanation?”
“Nope.” Naruto intervened before Sasuke could further inquire. “Because I’m still angry about you.”
Then why did this dumbass go through all this effort to go out with him…Sasuke’s head was full of question marks but he expressed with a baffled glare. But that only caused Naruto to laugh in amusement, patting him on the shoulder while they entered the car.
On the course of the trip, Naruto continued to use his smartphone, not striking any kind of conversation. And as much as Sasuke valued quietness, seeing the usual blabbermouth behaving in such uncharacteristic way was unsettling to say the least. 
“…Do you intend to talk to me any time or are you going to keep on this silent treatment till the end of this date?”
Naruto snorted, rolling his eyes. “I’m still considering it. Why?”
“If you’re going to act like that, I’d rather if we cancel everything then. I’d rather be alone than submit to whatever ill-intent you have stored for me.”
“Oooooh you’re making me sound like a villain, I like it.” Naruto grinned from Sasuke’s roll of eyes. “Don’t worry about it okay. It’s gonna be a surprise, trust me.”
Sasuke vaguely recognized the tall buildings and elegant architecture, noticing that the car stopped in front of a high-end hotel. Naruto stepped outside, moving his head to signalize him to do the same, as the blond man was reading some instructions on his smartphone, following the sign arrows.
They arrived in what appears to be some kind of party, he could hear a constant buzzing even behind the huge mahogany doors. There were several security bodyguards, as well as a reception desk at the entrance, so Naruto approached while they questioned his name.
“Uzumaki Naruto.”
They bowed politely, confirming his name on the list and asked. “And the gentleman behind you?”
“He’s with me. His name is Uchiha Sasuke.” 
They opened the doors, and his vision was suddenly inundated with bright lights, women wearing glittering dresses or kimonos, all men wearing formal attire. Waiters moved around smoothly carrying all kinds of tasty dishes, beverages and champagne. There was a classic ambient music echoing in the opulent room, and when he focused his eyes at the center stage, everything became clear when he read the huge banner:
Uzumaki Tsunade-sama for Tokyo’s mayor
He deadpanned back to Naruto. “Your aunt’s party? Really?”
Naruto scratched the back of his head. “I couldn’t say no, she’d kill me and you know that!”
“Fine, then why am I here too?”
“Well, even considering the current situation between us, I have to admit that you’re still pretty entertaining so I won’t get bored while we’re in this thing.” 
“Glad to be at service.” Sasuke replied sardonically.
They heard a familiar shout. 
“Naruto!” A blond woman came rushing towards them, widening a smile. “I’m glad you arrived. Well, here he is everyone, the mastermind behind my social media campaign!”
Naruto and Sasuke were swarmed by a group of men from all ages, gazes sharp and shrewd.
“You said that Naruto-kun is your nephew right? It’s my pleasure to meet such a talented young man.” One older man approached, offering his hand. Of all the people in that circle, he appeared to be the most astute.
“Thank you, but I’ve done nothing out of ordinary.” Naruto replied, shaking hands.
“What, really? That’s my nephew alright, so humble.” Tsunade squeezed his shoulder, beaming. “You know that due to your social media strategies I could get in close contact with the younger demographic.”
“Yes, and it’s thanks to her that she’s the frontrunner in this year’s election! The first female mayor in Tokyo. We’re looking forward to seeing you ruling this city.”
“Let’s not count the eggs before they hatch, the election will only happen in the next two months.” Tsunade warned. “Also, we don’t know who might be listening to this conversation.”
“True, but it’s still very impressive.” He responded, giving a significant glance towards the blond man. “Is Naruto-kun available to help other parliaments to win some elections?”
Naruto huffed silently, though only Sasuke could pick that subtle movement. “Sorry, I work only in the private sector. Helping my aunt is due to the fact I know her political history, so I know that I’m aiding someone I trust with my life.”
“Yes, too bad right, Honda-san.” There was an indignant twitch on Tsunade’s eye, as she focused on a newer topic. “Oh, I see you brought Uchiha-kun.”
Naruto threw his arm around Sasuke’s, grinning. “Yeah, a nice date with my soulmate.” 
Sasuke quirked an eyebrow in response, but it garnered enough interest in the group.
“Oh? Your soulmate? Congratulations, I gave up trying to find mine years ago. But well, now that I’m on my 2nd divorce, I always wonder how wonderful it’d be if I got married to my soulmate.” 
Naruto and Sasuke exchanged significant glances so Sasuke stepped in. “Actually, our Uchiha clan is renowned for finding anyone’s soulmate over the centuries, and now we developed a technology to match the soulmates all over the world faster.”
“He found me using these powers, as many others, it’s an ancient knowledge only their clan possesses.” Naruto further explained, though he could see his aunt narrowing her eyes. 
“That’s really interesting. I would like to talk more about this. Here, my card.” They exchanged business cards as other people in their circle flocked around them, collecting Sasuke’s cards.
“Well…Naruto, let’s get some food for you while we get our conversation up to speed, right.” Tsunade made a face of ‘you better obey me or else’, so with a shudder, Naruto obeyed his aunt.
They walked to a more secluded place, so Naruto was first to protest. “You didn’t ask me to go to this party just so you can throw me more politicians to be his social media manager right?”
“Of course not, you really think I want to share my golden egg with everyone else?” Tsunade snorted, crossing her arms. “That Honda-san, I knew he was keeping an eye on you, I wouldn’t imagine that he’d have such audacity in asking right in front of my face, that old geezer…Anyways.” She smoothed out her glower, looking concerned towards her nephew. “Brat. I thought you were still angry over some things your soulmate had done back in college.”
Naruto glanced down, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I still am but…this party will be good for his company.”
Tsunade stared, then unceremoniously whacked the upside of his head.
“Ow! What the hell, old hag?” Naruto yowled, his hands nursing the painful spot.
“You deserved this. You really need to stop being too generous.” She harrumphed, placing her hands on her hips.
Blue eyes blinked, pointing out a bit baffled. “Um, usually people see this as a positive thing.”
“Not so positive when people use this to their advantage.” Tsunade sighed, smoothing the sides of his shoulders and squeezed them thoughtfully. “Be careful okay?”
Naruto gazed back, wordlessly nodding. Some of Tsunade’s staffers called her, so she walked away while the blond man went back to find Sasuke. He was talking with a new group of people, spotting him from afar as he whispered once Naruto positioned himself next to him. “That took a while. I thought I was supposed to entertain you, not random strangers.”
“Sorry about that, my aunt wanted to talk about some things.” Naruto shook hands with everyone in vicinity, scurrying them aside as everyone went on their own way. “Did you manage to get a lot of new contacts?”
“Yes, and even some possible businessmen that might buy some of Shinrei’s stock.” Sasuke replied, smiling in such a contented way that caused Naruto to beam in return. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity.”
“No problem, glad I could help you out.”
“It’s roughly 8 o’clock right now, I’m sure you’re dying to eat some dinner⏤” On this cue, Naruto’s stomach decided to growl. Loudly. Sasuke rolled his eyes. “There are dinner tables settled in front of the stage, I suspect they’ll call us to sit there once the food is ready.”
“Yeah, thank all gods. I’m so hungry I could eat a whole cow. But it’s probably one of the fancy shmancy restaurant, they’ll probably give me some food the size of my pinkie telling me that it’s some reinvention of Japanese cuisine.”
“Sounds like something right up my alley. You’re the one who likes to eat junk food like Ramen.” Sasuke smirked.
“Ramen is comfort food and one of the main staple of Japanese food, how dare you diss them!” Naruto grumbled, when the waiters asked them to go their respective tables, redirecting to their seats. Considering his close parentage with Tsunade, they placed him right in front of the main stage, sitting in the same table with what they could recognize that those people were very influential and powerful politicians. 
One of Tsunade’s secretary whispered something on Naruto’s ear, so he excused himself, bowing politely. In a few more minutes the room went dark and strong flashlights focused on Tsunade, who stood behind a podium.
“Hello everyone, thank you for participating in this beautiful event. I’m honored sharing this special moment with all my friends, allies, comrades. People who share this common goal with me and will bring everyone to victory. Others at some point have its fate intertwined with mine and now will help me to reach such success.” Tsunade’s voice was calm and commanding, bewitching all in vicinity. “Fate commands in many different twists and turns in our lives, making us grieve, laugh and learn. I’d like to believe that my fate has given me many obstacles to strengthen myself and grow. My late husband was the one who was interested in politics, and once he was murdered due to skirmishes with Yakuza, I inherited his will. My dearest little sister unfortunately passed away from a terrible disease but blessed me to take care of this bright young man, Naruto.” 
She turned around, arm raised as Naruto approached her, bowing to the audience as he stood next to her.
“My nephew helped me in this campaign and I’m happy to say that we have currently 65% intention for votes⏤” Tsunade read on her iPad. “And I’m the leader to win Tokyo’s election that will be held in the next two months. Thank you everyone! Here’s a reminder to everyone who is and was challenged by fate, those who are still struggling and may we bring them to a brighter future!”
She raised her glass as everyone mirrored her, chanting together.
“Uzumaki-sama for mayor!”
“Maaaannnn. No matter how many times I was forced to go to these kinds of parties, it’s awkward as fuck just keep on standing there next to my aunt, and having to put that fake smile whenever she made me talk with other politicians.” Naruto groaned, while they were walking to the subway station.
“Hm, really? You behaved pretty well considering that you're usually a spazz, usuratonkachi.” 
“One of my aunt’s secretary, Shizune-neechan gave me most tips. It was the most attention I could get since my aunt was, you know.” Naruto shrugged awkwardly. “Getting all busy being our town’s mayor and climbing in the political scheme. I mean, she raised me the best she could, but I guess it wasn’t enough.”
“I see, this is also the reason you were so fascinated being a pain in the ass and nagging me wherever I go back when we were kids.” Sasuke snorted when Naruto gave a squawk of indignation.
The blond man reconsidered and responded. “Maybe, I guess. We were the only kids with no friends back in school so I wanted to show you that I was there.”
“I suppose it worked. There wasn’t a day where I wasn’t forced to participate in your ludicrous plans of mischief.”
“It was entertaining!”
“You certainly entertained me better at the end of high school.” 
Naruto snorted. “Yeah. Good ol’ times.”
“Is reminiscing those memories good enough for you to dismiss the current anger you have on me?”
Their steps diminished to a quiet halt, Naruto turned around to gaze at his childhood friend. Under the soft glow of street light, Sasuke looked austere, solemn though his eyes shadowed some bashfulness and guilt. 
Naruto exhaled tired, muttering. “I’m still…⏤not as much as before but maybe there is some bitterness lingering. Sasuke, now I get why I couldn’t forgive you right off the bat. It’s not because you slept with other guys…”
A black eyebrow was raised and he chuckled, waving his hand in negative.
“No, it’s not what you’re thinking, I didn’t like that you got involved with other men, but it’s not the main reason. Sasuke, you didn’t give me any satisfaction when you went to college, you didn’t call me or message me something like ‘we’re over’ or ‘I want some time for myself so let’s be free to pursue other things’, so I was stuck in limbo. And, even regarding how much you don’t believe in the soulmate system, I thought that…considering that we know each other forever, you’d at least inform me.”
“I know. I regret not doing this, hurting you in the process. However, I cannot change the past, all I can promise is that I will correct my mistakes.” Sasuke promised.
Naruto nodded. “Another thing, is that what you said to me about the flaws of the soulmate system really made me change my point of view. I could tell that the fact I was angry is solely my own feelings, but another part wanted to forgive you. I wanted to analyze if this part is because you’re my soulmate or it’s also part of my own self.”
“And your conclusion would be?”
Naruto chortled, shrugging. “50/50, maybe. Sometimes leaning more to my own emotions. But I wasn’t sure. That’s why I took more than a week to talk to you.”
“And when am I going to get back to your good graces?” Sasuke wondered, and they restarted walking.
“I think I tortured you enough after tonight. I’ll be back planning the Best Date ever in History.”
Sasuke sighed in relief, a comfortable silence falling between them while they walked in the deserted street. He was guiding Naruto to the subway station, but took a detour to a darker corner that he knew no onlooker would bother them there. He stopped, staring towards the blond man.
“What?” Naruto muttered, a little unnerved from the piercing eyes.
“I’m impressed that you still hadn’t used your usual old trick of poking me on the shoulder and surprising me with a kiss.”
“I said that I’m not going to torture after tonight, but the day hasn’t turned yet. So I’m still in the angry mode.” Naruto grinned. “It’s a punishment for not being a good boy in the latest days.”
Snorting, Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Good boy? I wore this jacket you threw at me, I behaved well as your date in that party, I was exceptionally so good, that I’m sure I deserve a gold star.”
“Yeah, but I’m still smarting with the whole you cheating on me thing, that you got a demotion from childhood sweethearts to first daters. And while I was sure you were gonna get back to my good graces eventually ‘cuz I don’t hold grudges forever Sasuke, I needed some gradual steps till we’ll get to that much needed direction.”
“Fine. At least it’s over after tonight.” Sasuke concurred, smirking. “Do I at least deserve one kiss on this first date?”
Naruto peered back with increasing suspicion, then consented, giving a short kiss on his cheek.
Sasuke scoffed in derision. “Hm, I’m sure that even kids in middle school gave more significant kisses to their crushes than you just did right now.”
“Whaaa⏤wait a minute you bastar⏤” Naruto’s incoming diatribe was interrupted with Sasuke’s lips against his own, hands snaking around to grip his torso.
Naruto took a second in shock before melting in his arms, breathing out a happy sigh as he pushed forward, deepening the kiss. Surrounded by familiar senses and new ones, he explored the hard edges of Naruto’s body, scrawny arms now filling with muscular ones, though his mouth remained soft and pliant, always inviting to taste some more. When Naruto laced his hands behind his neck, tongue tracing over his lips, sliding in and wrapping with his own, Sasuke couldn’t contain the shiver in excitement, moaning. 
After countless minutes kissing, lost in their own world, they retreated for a bit, Sasuke’s taste persisted in his mouth, making him lick his lips. Moist mouth softly caressed his own, whispering.
“See? This is how you were supposed to kiss me on our first date.”
Naruto’s cheeks flamed red, but he managed to roll his eyes, disentangling himself from Sasuke. “Whatever. See you later bastard.”
He turned around ready to walk his way before a hand held his arm and spun him back to Sasuke, receiving another peck on his lips. The light touch was innocent but when Sasuke released him, his stomach fluttered when he witnessed the heated gaze and the playful smirk. 
“See you later dumbass.” Sasuke waved him, walking back to the brighter street. “I’ll be taking a bus, the subway station is on your left.”
Naruto grumbled with himself, cursing about stupid sexy assholes and the habit of making everything a competition.
He smiled all the way back to his home.
Chapter 07
AN: I’m sure that you guys are wondering “So Itachi’s soulmate is…” Yeah, he’s Shisui. I didn’t want to make his name a mystery, I just didn’t find a space in the dialogue for Itachi to tell Sasuke his name.
Onto good news. The story is shaping a little bit better, so my estimate is that it’ll take roughly 10 to 12 chapters long. I have all the sub-plots and main plot ready in my head, I just have to organize to sound more concise… 
I guess what’s interesting in this story is about two people who know the other one so well but has to relearn to fall in love with his other half.
The most difficult part was writing the kiss. Not the act itself but it’s just that Naruto and Sasuke are officially japanese in this era, that means that Japanese people are usually way more reserved in PDA. Sasuke, on the other hand, doesn’t care about public opinion, which was why I was more ok with him initiating, and he also waited till the street was deserted and dark and went to a corner. I researched a little and in recent years Japanese are more ok with light PDA, but generally kissing (and long deep kissing) is frowned upon. 
12 notes · View notes
yakumtsaki · 5 years
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Alright you guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve had to restart this post 20 fucking times because my changes weren’t being saved in the draft and then I kept getting the ‘upload failed’ error. In case you don’t remember wtf is going on you might wanna re-read the last update (I certainly had to) which is apparently from JUNE 2018. Jfc I suck so hard. Now this was gonna be really long but tumblr wouldn’t post it so I’m breaking it up in 3 parts, part 2 to be posted tomorrow. For those that don’t feel like reading back, general recap of the last couple updates:
Jojo cheated on Wyatt with Max Flexor and my solution to that marital crisis was to adopt our first dog ever, a puppy hilariously named Maxx.
The puppy grew up to be an asshole and is constantly beating up the cats, who have turned into giant pussies (no pun intended) and are losing every fight to him despite the fact they’re named after Mortal Kombat characters. They’re a fucking disgrace to Alegra’s/Victor’s/Ronroneo’s memory and I haven’t settled on a cat heir yet because they both suck.
Jojo is perma miserable, I don’t even remember how much money away from his 100k LTW, and still not a werewolf despite my pathologically persistent attempts to make him friends with the wolf.
Fucking useless Wyatt didn’t get promoted while Komei was alive providing us with his 100 townie friends, we spent 20 updates befriending every rando that crossed our lot to secure his promotion, and then finally on the day he was supposed to become Captain Hero, Wyatt got, of course, fired and is now on track to take longer to complete his literal career based LTW than Komei took to get 6 pets on the top of their careers.
Absolutely everyone hates noogie addict Shajar, she got a Kylo Ren makeover, and we still don’t know what her sexual orientation is thanks to her ridiculous fitness/fatness turn ons and cleanliness turn off.
Golden child/10 nice points freakshow Cyneswith grew up, rolled romance with the most disturbing turn-ons/offs possible (grey hair/mechanical & charisma turn off) and the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW.
Wulf grew up into a kid, got an Amadeus makeover, is officially a Wyatt clone and the only member of this family I don’t completely hate yet.
Now I’d like to begin the first Union post in more than a year by requesting you do me a solid and lower your expectations for this thing as far down as humanly possible. Like really try to recreate the Jules Verne classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” with your expectations here, because my brain is so fucking fried that there’s a 20% chance I randomly start citing sources at some point during this post. This grad school crap has seriously been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. And speaking of bad trade deals, let’s get this update rolling with the man, the myth, the legend, the husband who managed to make Komei look like a dreamboat in comparison..
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..Wyatt fucking Union, née Monif. It’s been a long time, but I’m not gonna lie to you Wyatt, not nearly long enough. Looking good man, just one small question, where the fuck are your eyebrows?
-You àccidéntally deléted thém, imbécilé, et I cannôt exprèss my irritatiόn prόperly becausé I hàve non eyebrôws!
Did your selective French accent get thicker this past year or is it just me?
-It géts thickér whén je suis distrésséd, givé moi mon eyebrôws bàcc!!!
No can do, brother. Actually can do, but I think the Mona Lisa look is working for you, and more importantly I still hate you, so I’m just gonna hardcore ignore you for the rest of this post if that’s ok. Talk to me when you finally get promoted, aka never the way this shit is going.
It’s been lovely catching up.
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Jojό I mean Jojo, goddammit Wyatt, is spending most of his time building robots in the mausoleum (sweet hipster band name alert)..
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..giving financial advice in Shajar’s room (inb4 what’s the difference between the mausoleum and Shajar’s room)..
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..building evil snowmen alone in the middle of the night, like all mentally healthy middle aged men with 3 kids are wont to do..
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..and getting the piss harassed out of him by the cat ghosts in the bathroom (sweet hipster band name alert #2). How is this like the fourth time this happens in the exact same spot, will you just stop autonomously cleaning the bathroom after midnight? It’s obviously where the cats hang out, give it the fuck up already.
-I’m actively TRYING TO DIE you absolute moron, what does a guy have to do to get killed around here?
Yea can’t say that I blame you but not happening, you can commit suicide by Ghost Alegra after the kids fuck off to college, ok? I promise.
-Oh like you promised me being heir was a route worth pursuing??
Um obviously you too need to go back and re-read your own life story, because I spent the entirety of our “““cherished””” time together telling you heirship is a shitty gig at generation 2. And then to top it off you went and married Wyatt to ensure maximum shittiness, so there you go, fucking enjoy. God I am so sick of both of you losers and we’re only 5 pics in. Let’s check in with your spawn, I’m sure they can’t possibly be more annoying than their parents-
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-oh right, I forgot, this is the generation with 10/10/9 active points where the party never stops. Cyneswith are you somehow twerking to classical music?
-How else am I gonna attract all those hot senior citizens per my grey hair turn on and 20 lovers LTW?
Ok great yea I see how this is gonna go, you’re trying to entice people into voting you for heir based on how torturous playing this fucked up LTW is gonna be for me, well forget it, my readers are intellectuals and completely above such petty entertainment. (istg mofos, don’t even think about it, i already did Komei’s 5 pets career shit, i will burn this place to the ground if you saddle me with Cyneswith banging the elderly for 30 years)
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-No need to worry your stupid little head, I will beat Cyneswith for HEIR just like I beat her HAIR up daily! HAHA!
Shajar no offense but you’re a fucking war crime of a sim, nearly everyone who’s ever met you hates you including your parents, and the fact that you’re the alternative here is really not helping my situation in any way. Also how the fuck are you gonna be heir when the only thing you seem to be attracted to is giving noogies, you’re like one week away from college and I still don’t even know if you’re str8 or gay or bi or w/e the fuck you are. You have Jojo’s personality combined with..
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..yes exactly, DANIEL’S SOCIAL ABILITIES. I mean I was joking with the whole ‘Shajar’s the spawn of Satan’ thing, but this combo of traits was clearly drawn up in Hell’s boardroom.
ANYWAY. It’s a snowy Sunday morning, and anyone who has been a teen knows what that means:
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Time to go clubbing! Man I remember being like 15, waking up on a freezing Sunday morning and my mom making me a cup of hot chocolate before I drove off to the club. Those were the days.
-Uh, Shaj, when did you learn how to drive?
-Don’t be stupid, Cyneswith, people don’t need to ‘learn’ how to drive.
-They absolutely do, actually.
-Well what can I tell you, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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-Here we are, safe and sound! Celebratory noogie!
-How many times to I have to explain this to you, Apartment Life townies are not people.
Can’t argue with that logic. Let’s just go in and find out what Shajar’s sexual orientation is once and for all so I can spend the rest of this update aggressively promoting Wulf’s candidacy.
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Now I consider ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ one of the dumbest sayings there is, but even I have to concede that this particular picture truly is worth a thousand words. Quick poll, what is more horrifying, Shajar’s literal Joker face or Cyneswith, whom I’ve never seen read a book ever, autonomously pulling one out in the middle of the dance floor, in what I can only assume is an attempt to attract old perverts with the schoolgirl routine?
And I know what some of you are thinking, you’re like ‘bro, you’re just reaching to make a bad joke bro, Cyneswith is just a sweet nice introvert and not like other girls, she doesn’t feel comfortable in the club’, well to that let me reply with another picture that is worth a thousand words:
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Yea that’s right, on the first minute of our first time out WE RUN INTO THAT ONE ELDER TOWNIE THAT HAS WRINKLE MAKE UP ON. GODDAMMIT CYNESWITH
Do you guys remember how Jojo was obsessed with Stephen Tinker as a teen? Are you seeing the connection here?? Those kids have literally inherited the worst possible traits from both their parents turned up to 11, it’s fucking unreal.  
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Right after I get over Wrinkle’s presence I turn around and what do I see, those 2, who have never had a non-noogie physical interaction, autonomously doing the family kiss thing. I didn’t even catch it on time because I was loling irl, we came out here so these assholes can find age-appropriate partners, and instead they’re kissing each other. Seems about right with this family, and clearly Striped Scarf’s dumb ass ships it.
-They look so much alike, it’s meant to be!
Yes, and they even share the same last name! Talk about written in the stars.
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Thankfully Abhijeet is here to save us from incest by perving on Cyneswith. GTFO ABHIJEET. Anyone like ‘bro townies just autonomously come to greet your sims on community lots regardless of age, stop calling them perverts’, see you in about 5 pics down.  
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I try to have Shajar chat up Striped Scarf and suffice it to say Shaj ~stole her heart~ and presumably put it on this stick to wave around.
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NO. CYNESWITH NO. I’m seriously having déjà vu of all the times I was like ‘NO. JOJO NO’, jfc.
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Shajar is unsurprisingly exhibiting no interest in socializing with anyone around her, instead she’s trying every activity this terribly lit place has to offer, and she looks demented while doing it:
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I’m feeling a primal urge to photoshop Darth Vader’s melted helmet on the bowling ball here, someone please remind me to do it for the heir vote photoshoot.
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That’s Denise Jacquet?! I can’t tell who anyone is for shit anymore. The default replacements are a scourge upon premade brands, I’m getting rid of them pronto. Speaking of scourges, where the hell is your sister?
-Who cares?
I wanna say ‘me’ but we both know that’s a lie.
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-So you see Cyneswith, just because something is technically ‘illegal’, doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong-
Yea yea fascinating stuff, now get out of the hot tub or I will fucking neuter you, I don’t know if a eunuch mod already exists for medieval games but I will make one if it doesn’t.
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Here, Cyneswith, drink some water, have a nice G-rated convo with your sister about violins and stop pissing me off. 
-First of all this is straight vodka.
-Secondly Shajar is talking about Mozart’s coprophilia.
-I sure am.
Amazing. Well, I guess it’s at times like these when you need to look inside your heart and truly ask yourself, what did you expect from Jojo’s children.
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-Ha, I went home and put on my most elderly-looking formal wear!
-I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave Ab <3
CYNESWITH SHUT UP. I can’t believe you people are actually making me miss Gunther’s teenage whoring, at least he kept it age appropriate.
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-Is some random lady pressing her breasts against my head?
She most certainly is, Shajar, because it is now crystal clear that this bowling alley doubles as the site of annual perv townie convention and we walked right into it-
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-and it’s also clear we have serious issues and are enjoying ourselves. Shaj I legit don’t know what to tell you, this is the first time you get along with someone right away and it just had to be the adult with the bad haircut and the flasher’s trench coat???
-You’re damn right it did.
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Alright then, I’m officially going to nope out of this situation, safe in the knowledge you’re a noogiesexual and nothing will actually happen with this freak, so I’ll focus on Cyneswith instead who is much more of a loose canon. 
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Here Cyn, talk to this guy, who I’m 90% sure is the same guy your father rejected in favor of stalking Stephen Tinker when he was your age.
-Ohhhh, he’s dreamy!
Omg really?? Halleluj-
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-oh never mind, you were of course referring to adult ass Brandon Lillard. I do like that our townies have recurring roles each generation, we should make rejecting Blondie a rite of passage in this family. We should also officially gtfo because this is happening:
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-Um, now that I’m looking at you in harsher lighting, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg. 
Oh, thank the fucking lord.
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-Let’s celebrate the fact we didn’t get hopelessly obsessed with any adults here by doing the traditional Dance of Normality!
-We beat Dad’s genes, we beat Dad’s genes!
-We’re normal!
Yes, and we’re definitely showing it. Can we please leave now so I can make sure I’ve uninstalled Inteenminator and turn off free will? 
-Nop! Venue change!
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-Got-out-of-the-car celebratory noogie!
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-Made-it-to-the-door celebratory noogie!
Shajar you unironically have a noogie addiction, I’m not kidding in the slightest, you need to see a doctor.
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Great, great, not another teen in sight and to top it off Denise followed us here to ensure maximum elder presence. I feel comfortable officially declaring this day a complete waste of time.
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God, the vintage pink dress and the pink alcohol combo is some straight up current era Taylor Swift nonsense. That’s it, we’re outta here, back home where no one is lurking, waiting to strike at us-
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-The Lord is my shepherd.
-Nop, I’m over it. Goodbye heathens, it’s been nice, hope you don’t find your paradise. 
UGH SOPHIE, my beloved Westboro lunatic, the last gangsta generation 1 cat we had.. I can’t believe you’re gone and all I’m left with is stupid Goro and D’vorah who can’t even beat up the fucking dog. This is truly painful.
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Yes, pets, I agree, Kaylynn is completely to blame for Sophie dying of old age. The time has now come to decide on a cat heir-
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-and since Goro ran away like a little bitch after Sophie’s death despite the fact he didn’t even like her, he’s automatically disqualified and will be going off to live on Melody and Daniel’s farm once returned to us. Congratulations to D’vorah I guess, on being the least terrible of two terrible options. 
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On the topic of terrible heir options, Cyn has non-stop wants to go on dates and have her first kiss and all that crap, and since our Sunday morning clubbing was a bust we invite over the matchmaker.
-Hello there young Union, I see your house has been upgraded since I was last here.
Oh right we haven’t required your services since Daniel was a teen and we lived in a trailer, well we are flush with cash now!
-Hopefully your payment reflects that.
It will!! Just please give us someone good, I can’t deal with single teen Cyn for one more second.
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-Oh my, what a beautiful BLANK PIECE OF PAPER.
-What do I look like to you, a money thawing service?
Does such a service.. exist??
-It does not, so I have to go home and use a hairdryer on this!
Just come inside and we’ll give you non-frozen money!
-No, no, you’ll get what you paid for..
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-Have a magical time!
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Lakshmi this was so fucking evil that I almost want to age you down and see if you and Shajar hit it off. 
-As if, the whole neighborhood knows what you did to Komei.
Helped him achieve his insane 6-pets-career LTW?
-Turned him into a servant while your sim was lounging around all day!
Oh yea I did do that. But Wyatt was also a townie and he does literally nothing, Jojo is the servant now!
-Only because Wyatt is too fucking stupid to do things! Word has gotten out, no townie will ever marry in this family again unless they’re brain dead, so it’s Wyatts only for you from now on, sister!
Well this has been a complete fucking disaster. It was great seeing you again, Lakshmi, thanks for the dream date with the adult farting machine, 5k well-spent.
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Pretty sure it was you bro, and yes, how about we don’t do that again.
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Wyatt has brought over Amanda from work! (Aka Victoria’s only friend and subsequent lesbian lover, who is really pretty and is definitely getting married in at some point, preferably after the brown hair genes have been weakened so we can go back to being gingers.)  
-Wow Shajar, your grandmother, God rest her soul, mentioned you were her favorite and now I can see why! Loving the Kylo Ren look!
-Is someone being genuinely nice to me?! What is happening?
-Yes, please stop being nice to her, Amanda, we don’t want her getting used to it.
Jojo istg.
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-Cyneswith dear, tell Amanda all about how much money your grandmother left you so she can stop being nice to Shajar. 
-Soooo much money, Miss Amanda!
-Ah, what a polite child I’ve single-handedly raised.
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-Now, Cyneswith, you really need to get back on the dating scene so you have ample time to find the perfect spouse and continue our line, since you’re clearly the only one of my children that is remotely heir material. 
-Dad, Shajar and Wulf are right next to you.
-Oh they are? I’m wearing my special contact lenses that make those disappointments invisible to me, but even better, they need to hear this. Shajar is a noogiesexual and thus incapable of reproduction, and Wulf is not even a Union, I mean have you seen that kid? Wyatt reproduced by himself like the amoeba he is. Now, your grandmother-
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OH FUCK VICTORIA, deleting the default replacements gave you base game hair!!!!
-That’s the part you’re scared by, not my Beetlejuicesque entrance?
There’s literally nothing scarier than your ghost sporting this haircut for all eternity, I’m re-downloading that default immediately. 
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-Oh mom, so good to see you! Let me just hug my beloved child, Shijer-
-Shajar, dad.
-SHAJAR, let me hug Shajar, like I do all the time. 
-I’m glad to see you’re not picking favorites among your children like I did, the way I treated David-
-Daniel, mom.
-DANIEL, is the one thing I’ve truly been regretting in the afterlife. That and not skinning Marisa Bendett alive when I had the chance. 
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-Well, as you can see by Shajar’s totally normal and not at all shocked reaction to my hug, I am a wonderful, fair, and emotionally available father. 
(Bruh this freaked me out so much when it happened, I mean I KNOW it’s an animation glitch but I was convinced my sims had become sentient for a good while after)
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-Is your grandmother’s ghost still on the premises?
-When will this nightmare end, paying attention to you is the worst. 
-Ok she’s gone.
-FINALLY. Now it’s back to the crypt for you, and don’t you dare go complain to her urn!
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-Ah, Stephen, Stephen, my life is crap and I can’t even🎵
And with the knowledge you have composed a theme song for Stephen Tinker, part 1 of the Union comeback update is concluded. Will Shajar’s sexual orientation reveal itself? Will Cyneswith find true love? Will Jojo become a werewolf? Will Wulf continue to be the only dignified member of this family? Will D’vorah have kittens? Will Wyatt do literally anything worth mentioning? Tune in for parts 2 & 3 to find out, unfollow button on the upper right corner for those who need it. 
49 notes · View notes
jlf23tumble · 5 years
Agree so much with your post about the teams and fan engagement ! And love the way you articulated all of that. Although now I definitely am interested in knowing what your notes about the specificity of each team/artist cause I feel like they'd be fascinating to read. Hope you'll post them some day, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us ! 😊
Awwww, that’s very kind! It’s definitely head canon city, I litcherally have ZERO clue what goes on behind the scenes (and I can’t stress this enough, none of us do), so this’ll look hilariously dated when we find out that blah woof was true all along, lmao (me @ myself, thinking of some random Grimshaw interviews from last fall, oh, bless). Let’s dig in!!
For those of you who just stumbled upon this post, it’s related to the one I made last night about how I think the management teams of all these men (mid-20s means = you’re a man, not a boy) are not, in fact, sabotaging them. They negotiate a lot of tricky interconnected arrangements that none of us are privy, to, plus they’re at least trying to achieve the goals their clients are going for. And they’re doing it—the trick is these goals are highly individual and not 100% sensical (at least given our own view from the afternoon, Arctic Monkeys ref, holllllllah!!!).
In addition, these goals constantly shift, as does the music industry itself—I drive my own self loony when I lurk on blogs that are seemingly broadcasting from 2012, confused by why xx’s team is so “terrible” because they aren’t throwing good money after bad to get on a radio playlist, or why they haven’t announced yy “properly,” as if they’re being paid to worry about this level of shit (which fires me up on about five levels, deep breaths in, deep breaths out). I’m much nosier about the signals we’re getting when we hear them talk in their beautifully media-trained way about their musical interests, when we get some of that sweet, sweet fan service with a Gallagher or a Capaldi, when we get that heads up about who’s attending what concert, stuff like that. These signals don’t necessarily indicate future collaborations, but they DO indicate what kind of image these guys want to have, the kind of music they want the public to associate them with.
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself…their personalities and goals at the moment are all so vastly different, and I truly do love seeing how their teams are workin’ it accordingly. Again, please @ god, don’t @ me…opinions, massively unpopular opinions, dead ahead!
* Zayn. My read on Zayn is that he enjoys the creative process, loves writing and singing, digs collabing with people, but he doesn’t seem to give two shits about the biz side (and why should he? that’s called living the dream at this particular point in his career). His website recently added “tour,” which EYEBALL EYEBALL, but he doesn’t seem to be all that interested in putting himself back out on stage or into radio/print/etc. anytime soon, and again, why should he? His numbers are HUGE without pushing himself through the anxiety-provoking churn he endured for four years, so there’s no real drive for him to do any promo if he doesn’t want to (see: the netflix-like binge dump of Icarus Falls, which could be “sabotage,” or it could just be, “fineeeeeeee, here’s some stuff for you, enjoy”). What other artist gifts his fans with gorgeous covers of such a wide variety of songs that indicate he’s more interested in sharing them than selling them. Accordingly, his fan interactions seem fairly pure and not all that promo-y: he has a keen interest in fanart, he’s done some fan pop-ups/listening parties that are pretty low-key and *seemingly* fan-focused, and recently (with zero anything to really promote), he’s been posing for cute pics and chatting with randos on the streets of NYC. I recently read that his mgmt team is no longer with him, but that sort of folds into my feeling that he’s not pursuing anything biz-wise, hence no need to jump through those particular hoops (I think he’s also struggled with a lot of demons, so yeah, why add one more). Could he be adrift? Maybe, but the next guy is the posterman for lack of focus….
* Liam. Honestly, I worry about Liam most of all. His post-1D career seems very much adrift, and I like to joke that he’s giving me that tell-all about the D one sentence at a time, but goddamn, are people listening? The struggles with alcohol, the lack of focus on every level, the reliance on his dad’s career advice (which more clearly reflects his dad’s financial class, background, and history than it does Liam’s), and the overall confusion about look, sound, and direction also flow back directly into his team. I get the feeling that they aren’t sure what to do because LIAM isn’t sure what to do or what he wants, so they follow in his wake. He’s agreeable to a fault, so seeing him at a meet-and-greet at an HMV in Birmingham last week felt like a step back into 2010 for no real reason, just like hearing that he was more or less coerced into full nude photoshoots for an underwear ad (the decisions to say yes to both of those—who’s steering this ship? If it’s Liam, he needs to tell the team his overall goal, so they can plot a course he and his fans can follow; if it’s the team, ditto). Like Niall, Liam’s actually pretty good at the SM game: lots of selfies, snapchat filters, outfits, gym service, twitter interactions. But generally speaking, his promo is confusing, and that’s probably because there isn’t much *to* promote at this point, other than a mix of collabs, clothing endorsements, spon con, horse farms, and an album that’s always on the horizon. This might be tied to the general post-1D jolt they all went through, like a plane coming off autopilot and into the hands of someone who’s just learning how to fly it. Zayn debuted at number one, so his bump wasn’t as harsh, but the others are slowly, steadily finding their footing after taking some time to find themselves and their sound, releasing songs/albums, performing (or in Louis’s case, going through unspeakable tragedy). Liam’s still adrift…and somewhat admittedly, which is kind of telling in its own way. Just know that my nervousness on his behalf ratchets up every time he feels the urge to assure us all that he’s happy.
* Niall. Truly the one following the original 1D template, right down to working with most of the same people but with more of the overall control in his hands instead of a faceless management squad. Of any of them, he seems the most ambitious, the most scientific about the sound he’s after and how he’s gonna get there. His promo is a mix of new and traditional—radio shows, talk shows, podcasts, special events, twitter interactions with fans, twitter interactions with entertaining celebrities—and it’s all hustle hustle hustle, build build build, as if he were a new ingenue instead of coming up hard on solo album number two. He’s explicit in his goals, which is refreshing, but it means he walks a weird line with fans: on one hand, he’s done with their bullshit, get ready to get rekt if you start commenting on his boring food seasoning or home décor. But on the other hand, he fully recognizes how much he needs them, which is why we get so many peeks into his “normal” life (yet zero percent of his actual personal life). It’s also probably why the blatant tweets of the last two days seem so jarring to me (I might be alone on this one, but I’m not a fan of directives in general, and asking me to call radio stations on behalf of a rich white man to become even richer just rubs me the wrong way, same with asking me to stream stuff to get you to number one…you’ve been there, buddy, how about you calm down and build some character at number 51). And speaking of calming down, it does fascinate me that both Niall and Louis namecheck Taylor Swift as someone who gets the whole fandom push/pull thing right, so watching them try to reverse-engineer her secrets is fun. Louis nails it (that hotspot treasure hunt: chef’s kiss), but Niall’s heavy-handed easter egg dump in NTMY, she would never!! I think Niall’s team needs to watch “Calm Down” about five more times before they try that again.
* Louis. I think Louis honestly has an AMAZING team in place, and they’re all clearly on his side, which makes for a refreshing change. Like Niall, he has publicly praised Taylor Swift for how she engages with her fans, but I think he’s missing a key point: she doesn’t let her fans dictate strategy, and I HOPE that’s the case for Louis, too. His old team *was* shit, so yeah, encouraging people to do fan projects to get the word out was a good idea, but turning that spigot off to let a good (paid) team step in and take over has been, uh, challenging. He’s dealt with more than his fair share of personal tragedy, but every time he gets some momentum going, it feels like something bts pushes him back off track, and he tends to keep it private, which only makes his hardest-core fans scream “sabotage.” Rightly so, he’s focusing on his personal life, and rightly so, his team is giving him the space to do that, even when it costs cash money and throws a lot of shit seriously for a loop. It makes my heart soar to see the potential of what his team can do/is doing, how much space he’s being allowed to process what he needs to process. Weirdly, that’s an unpopular opinion, and a lot of people want to indulge in an angst wank fest where Louis’s the victim of a terrible team that won’t DO anything (nevermind the fact that he’s probably ASKED them not to do anything), so they undertake a tremendous amount of performative unpaid labor that ends up being counterproductive on just about every front. Even worse, most of them can’t seem to process the fact that losing your mum is a blow, losing your SISTER is a blow, juggling other siblings or close friends handling some serious demons of their own in the aftermath of all of *that* is a blow, let alone handling your own personal coping mechanisms, nope, they want Louis to release release release, perform perform perform, c’mon, what’s holding him back, he *said* he wanted to release an album this year, there’s “no reason” for a delay, gotta be his shitty team, free him. It drives me ‘round the bend because it’s the same talk from late last year, you know, when we later found out that at least one family member was losing a fight with drug addiction. Louis’s fan engagement/promo is therefore hella fraught: he has to balance LouisTM on twitter (Mr. Donny, he’s hard, mate), his werk IG posts, and his constant edging because nobody can remember or trust that he’s got this, that multiple things are in play. But he also knows his fanbase, knows that it’s resistant to any kind of change, so I hope he pushes through and stays true to what he wants to do. I was really encouraged with his last promo round because he seems to have narrowed in on a something solid, he’s got a plan, and it’s not, “hey mr dj, put my record on,” it’s getting his fans to trust that he and his team know what the fuck they’re doing, and spoiler alert, it ain’t radio, but go ahead and keep pissing off djs by sending angry tweets their way. (Related: why is it so bad to avoid the radio when all of us admit that radio music is garbage? Is it because it’s more about you than him? Much to think about.)
* Harry. My very favorite head canon is that Harry is Jeff’s nightmare client: what was perfection at first because the Azoffs are old-school promo all the way (no SM, baby, gimme that sweet, sweet paper), and that dovetailed nicely with post-1D Harry, but it quickly veered into mulish teeth pulling. Low profile can quickly spin into no profile, and that really doesn’t work too well when you’re trying to sell sell sell, even if your brand is Harry StylesTM. HS1 and Dunkirk in their own separate ways worked VERY hard to push past the still-persistent way the general public views Harry as boybander Harry Styles, or more accurately, former boybander Harry Styles who dated Taylor Swift (if you venture out and ask someone who’s not a fan), but what I love about Harry is that much like Zayn, he doesn’t seem to be too bothered by all that. Sure, he’s ambitious, he wants to challenge himself and do things, but he’s no Niall Horan. He’s put in his time! If he gets a number one, then cool, but he’s not gonna chase it. And this is where Harry’s team really reflects his goals and energy: sure, they want him to do some promo (that “Do” tweet, the entire bit about the fan in Australia and Harry Lambert’s follow, goddddd, I loved it, petty Harry, resigned Jeff), but they clearly aren’t forcing him. He drops a song that makes a HUGE splash, and the follow-up is…liking some tweets and going to a John Mayer concert (not a John Mayer fan, so that wouldn’t be my first choice, but I respond to the zero fucks given about the whole thing). The music industry has changed a LOT in just two years, so it’s kind of cool to see team Harry pivoting a bit, seeing more SM interaction, the kindness generator, etc., but that said, the team takes their cues from him, and he clearly doesn’t want to do a whole promo circuit beyond persons a, b, and c, and magazine R, F, and A. Does it make sense to have Rob Sheffield write a profile about Stevie Nicks-blessed shroom-eater Harry Styles when his new song sounds like the Zarry combo of my dreams? NOPE, but that’s okay, Harry wanted to talk to Rob, so that’s what happened. The new song is more streaming friendly, and thank CHRIST, a lot less crusty white dude stuck in the ‘70s, so I can only hope that the rest of the album is thus, but we shall see! We’ll also see if Harry’s fan engagement shifts any further into the active zone…so far, it’s been “I’m gonna follow some larries, like these fun generator posts, check out a few dads” and staged photo ops with the same familiar faces, but I think he’s dealing with his own major bts issues as well (album delayed at least twice; that entire stalking situation). I still contend the album’s coming in the next few weeks, so it’ll be interesting to see if/how any additional promo rolls out in this new world order post-gryles landscape, how many interviews he’ll do, but I like that there’s a strategy that seems less stodgy…kudos to the new SM team, at least!!
Oh man, that got really long! Hope you enjoyed, and YES, opinions opinions opinions, and they’ll be stupid in about three weeks’ time, thanks for coming to my already dated buzzfeed article
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Worlds Collide ~ TEEN WOLF
Chapter 2: My best friend is definitely a werewolf (S1 E1)
Cassie was anxious to get to school the next morning and make sure Scott was alright. She dressed quickly and ran downstairs, hopeful to avoid awkward questions. But parents seem to have a sixth sense for when their kids are trying to sneak out and her dad was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and he didn't look very happy.
He did his best to keep his voice at a whisper, hoping that her mom wouldn't hear them. "You're lucky that your mother is a deep sleeper, and didn't hear you climbing out your window in the middle of the night. What the heck where you thinking? They found a body last night. If this town lights up like it did with the Hale fire, we're going to have to move, again."
"I know, I know. He's after us, but we're stronger than we've ever been. Would it really be so bad if he found us now?" I'm tired of running. "We can't run forever, dad."
Her father sighed. They'd had this same fight for years. "You don't know him like we do, we can a lot of things others can't, but he can do more. More than anyone should be able to." He paused, clearly not wanting to escalate the argument further. "I'm going to be home late tonight, Dr. Draile is out sick today and they asked me to cover his night shift. Your mom is going on a trip for a few  days, thankfully she's not too freaked out cause she hasn't heard about the body in the woods yet. If you need anything call Melissa, she's off tonight."
"Ok." She smiled tiredly, "I know that you're trying, it's just frustrating because I know that we could be doing so much more. I'm tired of being afraid."
"I know." He embraced her gently, "now lets get out of here before your mom comes downstairs and yells at us both."
Cassie laughed, a little more subdued than usual, but still a laugh and it felt good. "Ok"
The drive to the high school seemed to go by in a flash. She was worried about Scott, she'd spent nearly an hour debating with herself whether or not to go back out and look for Scott, eventually she'd decided that it must've been a normal wolf, it had to be. Still, she couldn't completely banish her worries, even though they were social pariahs at the best of times, Scott and Stiles still managed to attract more danger than anyone she'd ever met.
"Bye, dad." She waved as she jumped out of the car quickly and made her way towards Scott and Stiles.
"Dude, let me see." Stiles was motioning impatiently at Scott's shirt.
"Unless Scott's has a stripper career that I don't know about, I'm gonna need more context than that." Cassie said, inserting herself between the two. She was only mildly bewildered by what she'd heard, it was no where near the oddest thing she'd heard Stiles say.
Stiles answered impatiently, clearly anxious to see whatever was under Scott's shirt. "Little Scotty here, claims to have a huge freaking bite in his stomach. But I say pics or—"
"What!" Cassie exclaimed looking to Scott anxiously, it couldn't be. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." His eyes met hers quickly, trying to alleviate her panic. "Stiles is exaggerating."
"Let me see." She stated emphatically, holding his gaze.
Scott lifted his shirt reluctantly, "I told you it's not that bad."
No. No. NO. It has to be a coincidence, normal wolf bites look the same as werewolf bites, right?
"Cassie, you ok? You seem a little spacey." Scott was looking at her curiously.
Don't be weird. "Yeah, fine... Just didn't get much sleep last night." She sent a halfhearted glare at Stiles, curse him and his stupid ideas. If she was right this stupid idea was going to have much bigger consequences than a couple weeks grounding or a detention.
"Seriously though, this is awesome." Stiles barreled on, oblivious as usual to his friends' unease. "First a body, now this, at least something interesting it finally happening in this town."
"What do you think bit you?" Cassie tried to ignore the dread growing in the pit of her stomach.
"It was dark but I think," don't say it, "it was a wolf." Scott...
Don't freak out. "That's weird. I thought there hadn't been wolves in California for a long time."
"Yeah." Stiles agreed vehemently, "it's been like 60 years since there was a wolf sighting."
"Well, if you two don't believe I saw a wolf than you won't believe I found the other half of the body." Scott said with a hint of a smile.
"Dude. Really?! That's amazing." Stiles might as well have been jumping up and down. This boy was way too excited by a murder. "The only thing better than that is Lydia Martin." Stiles attempted to say suavely as a certain redhead passed by, "h-hey, Lydia."
As usual she walked by without sparing in glance in his direction. Stiles brushed it off, but she knew it had to hurt. She clapped him on the shoulder gently, "better luck next time, buddy."
He glanced at her gratefully, a small smile tugging at his cheeks. "Thanks," he said softly, before turning to Scott. "This is your fault, both of you." He pointed an accusatory finger at her and Scott, "I'm a nerd by association."
Cassie laughed, and for a moment everything felt normal. Just for a moment she wasn't worried about her entire life in Beacon Hills being uprooted because of some stupid midnight adventure in the woods. She threw an arm around each boy, "well then, nerds. We'd better get inside, don't want to be late on the first day. Scott's enough of a problem child as it is."
"Hey," Scott was quick to defend himself. "Every time I've gotten in trouble has been entirely Stiles' fault."
"Hey!" Stiles replied indignantly. They all laughed.
Their first class passed uneventfully, and it was easy to pretend there wasn't a weight on her shoulders. The second class made it harder to ignore. Their teacher was droning on incessantly about the syllabus and talking about a body in the woods like it was nothing. Teachers really don't feel anything. Scott glanced out the window, something evidently having caught his attention. Sure enough there was a cute girl sitting on a bench in front of the school. Cassie nearly rolled her eyes. Boys, she thought exasperatedly.
The girl's voice drifted towards Cassie's sensitive ears. "Mom, three calls for my first day is a little over-doing it..." She said into her cellphone, exasperation clear in her tone as she rummaged through her bag. "Everything execpt a pen, oh my god did I actually forgot a pen!" She closed her bag with a sigh as the vice principal walked up to her. "Okay okay, I gotta go, love you..."
Cassie glanced back at Scott who had been watching the girl intently. This time she did roll her eyes, but a nagging doubt tugged at her. He seemed like he could hear what the girl had been saying. She tried to ignore her doubts, Scott was just staring at the pretty girl. For some reason that didn't alleviate her doubts.
Not two minutes later the girl walked into their class. Oh great, now Scott can spend the entire period staring at a girl. She shared a half-exasperated half-amused glance with Stiles. "Class, this is Allison Argent." The V.P. introduced her. Argent? Could she be? No. There has to be more than one family named Argent, but in Beacon Hills? Can it really be a coincidence? Cassie shook her thoughts away, today was going to be normal through sheer force of will. If she let things spiral out of control the next step would be her parents packing bags and flying out to the furthest reaches of Canada.
Allison walked forward, taking the seat behind Scott, and next to Cassie. Scott turned towards her, a faint blush on his cheeks, and handed her a pen.
Why did you have to drag us into the woods Stiles? ——— The rest of the day passed by rather uneventfully, the most interesting thing that happened was Scott doing some light stalking/eavesdropping on the new girl. She managed to stem her oncoming panic by promising herself that she'd get answers after school. The last bell seemed to ring out of nowhere. Cassie walked down to the lacrosse field by herself. Scott and Stiles had to go to the locker room first. Normally, she'd wait for them, but today she needed a moment to clear her head.
The bleachers were relatively full, back to school hype always pulled a decent crowd. She waved to a few kids as she sat down, including Danny who had just emerged from the locker room. She was so lost in thought that she didn't noticed Lydia and Allison sitting behind her until Allison tapped her on the shoulder.
"You're Cassie, right?"
"Yeah." Cassie answered cautiously, she wasn't sure how much the Argents knew of her family, but she still wanted to keep off their radar.
"You're in my English class." Cassie resisted the urge to sigh.
"Yeah. That's me..." She chuckled slightly, hoping to diffuse an awkward situation. It didn't work. She tried a different tactic. "So, how do you like Beacon High so far?"
"It's ok." Allison shrugged, "we probably won't be here very long, anyway." Cassie almost smiled at that, good. Less hunters in town the better. Cassie nodded noncommittally, before turning back to the field.
Scott and Stiles were on the bench as usual, but as she watched Coach Finstock walked over to the bench. He pressed a helmet to Scott's chest, "McCall, you're in goal."
Scott replied awkwardly, a little flustered, "but I've never played goal before."
Coach clapped him on the shoulder. "Exactly. It'll give the boys a confidence boost on their first day back."
"What about me?" Scott shifted uncomfortably.
"A few bruises won't kill you, McCall." Coach clapped him on the shoulder one last time.
Scott paled a little, but never the less walked towards the goal with determination. Stiles just shook his head, she could practically hear the thoughts going through his head. You're going to die. She leaned forward in her seat anxiously, hopefully there wouldn't be any rampaging werewolves on this field today. Especially with an Argent in the stands.
The boys lined up one by one to take their shots on goal. Various people in the stands cheering as their respective friends took a shot, but Scott blocked every one. Stiles leapt to his feet shouting, "that's my friend. That's my friend!"
Cassie smiled widely, knowing how important it was to Scott to do well this season. She cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, "go, Scott. Yeah. Whoo, whoo." Underneath the helmet, Scott's eyes found hers and he smiled. More boys took shots on goal, and Scott blocked more and more shots. It seemed as though no one could get a ball passed him. Finally, it was Jackson's turn. Oh boy, she thought to herself. If something goes wrong it's going to be here.
The tension was palpable in the air. Jackson squared his shoulders and ran at Scott, attempting to bowl him over. But Scott stood his ground, appearing to catch Jackson's ball effortlessly. The people in the bleachers cheered, it really was a good save. Too good. Her gaze flicked between Scott and Stiles, how do you boys always manage to stumble into the worst situations?
Why now? Beacon Hills had been quiet since the Hale fire, six years of nothing, and now this. She couldn't think of any other wolf in town. What are you up to, Derek? She was tempted to leave before practice was over, but Scott and Stiles would notice, and that would lead to questions that she wasn't ready to answer. How do you tell your best friend that he's a werewolf?
The rest of the practice went by very quickly, Scott didn't miss a single shot. Cassie met them on the field as soon as practice ended. "That was amazing, Scott."
"Thanks, Cas." He answered, pride shimmering in his eyes at what he'd done. She smiled.
"You did good too, Stiles." She added turning to her other best friend. "It takes skills to warm a bench that well."
"Yeah, yeah." Stiles swatted her away with a roll of his eyes. "You were good out there, Scotty boy. First line may not be a pipe dream after all."
Scott rolled his eyes. "Are you ever going to stop calling me that?"
"Nope." Stiles puffed out his chest proudly. "I've already come up with five ways to work it into my best man speech."
"Of course you have." Scott cringed half playfully.
The conversation ended abruptly as they reached the locker room. "See you in five." Cassie nodded. She walked around to the front of the school slowly, arriving at Stiles' blue Jeep only a few moments after the boys.
"So where are we headed?" Cassie glanced between Scott and Stiles.
Scott glanced at Stiles before answering, "back to the Preserve."
Why do I let you drag me into these things? ——— Beacon Hills' preserve was chilly. Leaves crunched with every step, and branches fluttered in bursts of wind. The whole scenario felt so similar and yet so different from the previous night. Stiles walked a little ahead of Scott and Cassie, leading the way forward like usual, but so much had changed in a night. Scott had changed.
Unsure how to broach the topic, she tried the first tactic that came to mind. "Scott, you seem different today." Still the truth, just not all of it. "How're you feeling?"
Scott shook his head. "I don't know. Something's off, I can feel it. It's like my senses are on overdrive. I can see things, hear things, smell things. Things that I shouldn't be able to."
Stiles, ever the curious one, couldn't resist a conundrum. "Things like what?"
"Like..." Scott sniffed experimentally. "I can smell the mint gum in your pocket. I can hear Cassie's heart beating."
"I don't have any..." Stiles fished around in his jacket pocket, finding a piece of mint gum, neatly wrapped in foil. Glancing at it oddly, he tossed it back into his pocket. "Hmm... So this all started with the bite?"
Scott nodded. Cassie could practically see the pieces falling into place in Stiles' head, but this had to be too ludicrous, even for him and his wild imagination. "What if I'm dying? Like everything in my body is just fritzing. And then...blegh."
"You know what, I think I have heard of this." Stiles began, in that overeager way that almost always signified mischief. "It's super bad, like crazy bad, but only once a month."
"What?!" Scott was clearly freaking out, maybe on the verge of an existential crisis. "What happens once a month? Is it fatal?"
"No." Stiles eyes continued to glimmer with mischief. "They call it lycanthropy." Stiles spread his hands wide for emphasis.
"Is it serious?" Scott squeaked, growing paler.
"Only on the night of the full moon." Stiles howled.
Cassie smacked him on the back of the head. "This is serious, Stiles!" Her voice was louder than she'd intended, both Scott and Stiles looked at her a little oddly. She rarely raised her voice, but her panic was slipping through.
"Jeez, Cas. It was just a joke." He rubbed his head, wincing exaggeratedly. "You really pack a punch." He winced once more.
"Sorry." She glanced at Scott, and then Stiles, then back to Scott. "I'm just worried about Scott." Stiles nodded.
"I'm pretty sure I dropped my inhaler somewhere around here." And just like that the tension diffused. Scott walked forward to a patch of leaves. It had been dark last night and even with her advanced senses she couldn't tell one batch of decaying leaves from the next. Scott crouched down and began rifling through the leaves. Cassie moved to help him when the sound of leaves crunched under foot reached her ears, she saw Scott's head snap up.
"You're trespassing," an angry voice called out from behind them. "This is private property."
Derek. She tried to keep her face neutral, and not punch Derek. She saw his eyes widen a fraction as he looked at her, they hadn't talked since before Laura died. This whole problem had something to do with him, there were no other wolves in town. Well, there was Peter, but he was in a coma.
Stiles in his infinite bravery shrunk away meekly, "we didn't know, dude."
"Yeah, we were just looking for something... The preserve is big, we must've wandered here by mistake. Forget it, we'll just go now." Scott said stepping up next to Stiles.
As Scott turned to go, Derek tossed something to him. He caught it with lightning fast reflexes, and Derek quirked an eyebrow, his suspicions no doubt confirmed. Scott opened his hand, to reveal his inhaler.
"Uh thanks." Scott looked up, but Derek had vanished. "That was weird."
Stiles smacked Scott on the arm eagerly a few times. "Dude, do you know who that was?!" Scott shrugged. Cassie didn't answer, she had no reason to know Derek Hale. "That was Derek Hale, his whole family died in a fire like six years ago."
Cassie glanced back and she could see Derek, standing just out of normal human eyesight, watching them.
"Didn't he move away after that? What's he doing back here?" Scott wondered aloud, glancing back just as Cassie had.
Stiles shrugged. He knew something didn't add up, but he didn't have all the facts. She had more, but they still didn't add up.
"I gotta get to the clinic, Deaton's expecting me soon." ——— Stiles dropped Scott off in record time—breaking even more traffic laws than usual. Stiles turned to her as they sat in the parking lot, engine idling, "where to now, my padawan?"
Cassie raised an eyebrow, "one of these days you're going to stop referencing Star Wars."
Cassie laughed, "well, master Jedi. Could you please take me home now?"
"I think I can arrange that." His eye twinkled as he deftly shifted into gear and backed out of the vet's office. The ride home was filled with amicable silence, that Cassie was thankful for. She was still trying to figure out how all the pieces fit into the wolf puzzle.
As she turned to leave the car, Stiles put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you normally talk to Scott about stuff, but I'm here too. I know somethings wrong, no pressure. Just... when you're ready, I'm here."
She squeezed his hand gently, "thank you." Stiles is a better friend than I give him credit for. Stiles nodded. She stood on the porch, until he was out of sight, then she broke into a run, heading for the preserve. It took her less than 10 minutes to reach the preserve on foot. She then followed the familiar trail, through the brush and leaves, to the charred house. She paused outside, listening, only hearing one set of footsteps in the house, and knowing that Derek would've heard her approach, she marched in.
"You've got some explaining to do, Hale!" She yelled at the quiet house.
"And you still know how to make an entrance, Cassaia." Derek appeared in front of her. It still felt so strange to hear her birth name, only a limited few knew it and even fewer ever said it. She shoved him harshly into the wall behind him.
"Why is it that you show up back in town the same day my friend is bitten?" She flung the accusation out hotly, her temper refusing to stay on its leash.
Derek sighed. "I didn't bite Scott, and I don't know who did. But I do know that whoever bit him, killed Laura."
"What?" She breathed out in a startled gasp. She released him, backing up a few steps.
Derek nodded bitterly, "there's an alpha running around the woods with my sister's power, and her blood on his hands." His eyes flashed their familiar icy blue. Tears welled up in her eyes and her blood boiled even hotter.
"The monster that killed Laura is just running around biting teenagers! Why?!" She threw the words at Derek like an accusation.
"I don't know, but I've been trying to find out." Derek answered calmly under her tirade, she nodded, wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry." She reached out a hand before wrapping both arms around her friend, Derek's arms wrapped around her back firmly before releasing. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there enough when Laura died."
"I know." He met her gaze steadily.
"I'm going to help you find the alpha, and, I promise, we'll make him pay." She wasn't thinking about her parents, or keeping under the radar. At that moment, she was thinking of how kind Laura was, and how sweet Derek used to be and how their family didn't deserve any of this. He nodded. "Be careful. Ok? A beta alone can't defeat an alpha." Please don't be rash. I don't need to see another Hale tombstone. Derek was silent, she knew he wouldn't answer, he could be so stubborn and reckless.
She turned to go, "Cassie. You too." She didn't answer. So maybe we're both a bit reckless.
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sexedforbiguys · 5 years
I'm a married man who has been having so many feelings about being with a guy sexually. My wife has no clue I'm not really sure what the heck to do. I've got many pics and videos of bi guys hidden on my phone. I have been on sites but get to nervous she will catch me. Maybe I'm just a scared guy. What would help?
The ideal situation would be for you to open up to your wife about your feelings and your bisexuality, and see what can be done in terms of you having the space to explore that side of your sexuality. The keyword here is ideal. Some guys discover their wife is really supportive and it brings them much closer, but it can also be a recipe for disaster. You’re the best person to assess whether coming out to your wife is a good idea or not. If you have reasons to think she would be supportive of your bisexuality at least, seriously consider coming out to her. If you have reasons to think she would react poorly, your emotional safety and the stability of your household comes first.
I’ve spoken with a lot of guys who have ended up having sex with other guys without their wife knowing, or doing something closer to what you’ve been doing. The vast majority of these guys loved their wife, cared about their marriage, and wanted their family and household to stay together. They did what they did because they really feared opening up about their bisexuality would endanger their marriage and families (often with good reason), and they were going nuts over never having had the chance to live this other side of their lives. If anything, their situation might have been simpler if they didn’t care about their wife, as a divorce would have been the solution. If you decide to end up having sexual contacts with another man, I urge you to practice good safer sex; if you and your wife have unprotected sex, she’s doing so under that assumption she’s your only partner. Your health matters, and so does hers - and while good safer sex practices make a huge difference, they’re never 100% foolproof. Also, be aware that it will be an even bigger secret to bear than your bisexuality, and that can be extremely hard. And your wife risks being devastated if she ever finds out.
The reality is that true intimacy is being able to share with a partner the things that make you the most vulnerable. It doesn’t mean you have to share everything with a partner or that you can’t take the time to get ready before sharing these things. But you will always feel like your wife doesn’t know the real you until you come out to her, and you will always wonder if she would love you for who you truly are. You deserve to be with a person who loves you and embraces you for who you are, including your bisexuality. And you need to think long and hard if you’re willing to sacrifice that as the price of staying with your wife. Sometimes people love each other deeply, but grow and evolve into people with incompatible needs. There might be other things at stake like kids and a mortgage. But sometimes the best course of action is to end a relationship that can’t work for you, even when you love each other. But what you are willing to sacrifice to stay in your marriage is up to you. Having a life partner always means a loss of freedom to some extent, as you have the other person’s needs to take into consideration also. But some relationships cost more freedom than some others, and you need to decide in your case if it’s worth it.
I’m sorry you’re stuck in such a situation. Good luck!
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thefractalsystem · 5 years
today was sylbie’s birthday!!! we spent the evening with her mom(s) and it actually went fabulously. she had a blast, i had a good time, graves enjoyed it, derrick didn’t put up a fuss - he actually bantered with the ex in a friendly manner. it was so nice to see derrick being his usual self rather than cold like he has been since the split. it felt like old times but different, and it was still good, it was still okay.
sylbie has wanted a birthday and a party for years but i had never gotten around to choosing a day for her - all she knew is that its in november and it’d been hard to work around thanksgiving and someone else’s birthday. the ex kind of urged us to do it this year finally, because he cares a lot about sylbs (and he’s historically been a better parent than i) and he’s got a better grip on the fact that, hey, time is passing by.
we were going to see each other today anyway, so we got together to celebrate. we got ourselves a dinner from burger king and i brought her one of the crowns to wear; she thought that was fun. we made her favorite cookies. the ex bought her a birthday card that he and we both made paper inserts for. he wanted fractal to sign it for her too, because he wanted to share the card, but i was worried about seeing it before sylbie was supposed to get it, so i made my own “card” to put inside the card - then the ex went and signed his message on a separate paper too so his birthday wishes wouldn’t look “more official” than mine or whatnot. that was really nice of him.
oh and he got her a present to unwrap!! she didn’t even know presents were part of birthdays. her dream birthday party involves cake and goats. she had such a good time, she didn’t mention that there weren’t any goats. (she doesn’t know what’s happening this weekend..!)
im so grateful for what he put together for her. i almost didn’t let our ex be involved in her first party - he was her mom for years and im trying to get her used to the fact that he’s not going to be in our life the same way anymore, i thought it might be constructive to have a fractal-only thing. but i wouldn’t have had the evening be any different after all. i think it was perfect. it was so much better than what casey could have done without him.
here’s a progress pic of how the insert i made was looking before we wrote some more personal messages on it 😊 (cotton signed it too, would you believe? i looked at it when sylbie opened her card and i was shocked. she’s really back. she’s really back!)
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wexregolden · 5 years
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Read it on AO3 here <3
Chapter 2/19
-The Forbidden Forest Topic -
“Martino! You with us?”, the teacher made Martino jump out of his thoughts as he called him out.
“I... yeah, I´m here”
“Well then?”
“Then what?”
“I´d like to hear the answer to my question, Martino”
Fuck. Yes. He didn´t pay attention and he had no clue what was going on right now. His thoughts had drifted away again. To a certain boy. A certain boy with black hair and beautiful eyes...
“I´m sorry, I-”
“You didn´t pay attention, I know, Martino. Please, focus! Back to our interpretation of Ovid´s text,” the teacher said while he turned back to the blackboard to write down notes. Marti heard giggles from behind his back and as he turned around, he saw Gio and Elia making funny faces and laughing at his faux pas. These fuckers!
The moment the bell signalled the end of the school day Marti left the school as if his life depended on it. Today was one of these days his six hours of school felt like twenty. One of those days he wasn´t able to concentrate on the things he should. One of those days his thoughts drifted away every few minutes. One of those days he can´t wait to go home and lie down in his bed again. Post something on his Bookstagram. Read a book.
But before he could do that, he was meeting up with his friends in front of the school.
“Hey Marti,” Gio greeted him as they fist bumped. He repeated it with Elia and Luca and after it they fell back into the conversation they had before Marti had arrived.
“It was literally the best, especially as Il Peccio started to dance, well “dance”, you know, Marti?,” Elia asked him and grinned. “Oh no wait, you would have known if you would have been there.,” he continued and his gaze roamed over to Marti.
“Hey! I already told you that I stayed at home with my mom. And I promise, next time I´ll be there,” Marti said, his remorse hit in.
“You better be! You really missed something!,” Gio said, patting his best friend´s shoulder.
“What? Peccio dancing? Believe me, I´ve already seen that and honestly, it´s nothing I´d like to repeat,” Marti answered, grinning.
“Better, Marti! Better! Just one word: Girls!,” Luca butted in.
Girls. The one, constantly recurring topic. The one topic Martino is sick of. The one topic he really doesn´t want to talk about: Girls this, girls that. This. This was one of the reasons which would bring him to tell his friends about his feelings, his love life. Which nearly brought him to do so a few times already. Tell them that he likes boys. To not have to endure these talks, this topic anymore. Well, at least to not have to pretend anymore. To pretend that he feels like them, that he feels the same about girls as they do. But to do so, one thing is missing. This one person, this one boy who´s worth it to tell his secret. To accept the possible outcomes of his coming out. That his friends would not think the same of him anymore as they do now. Or even worse, that they would stop being friends with him because he´s gay. No more hugs and late-night talks with his best friend Gio. No more teasing Elia or getting teased by him. No more listening to Luca´s stories about his failed attempts at flirting. No, he would not want to risk this. Never. His friends were too important to him.
His angsty spinning thoughts got distracted by Gio waving his hand in front of Marti´s eyes. It happened again, his mind and thoughts completely drifting away.
“Martino! You with us?,” he tried to imitate their teacher from before, a big grin on his face. As he looked at Elia and Luca, he saw that they were mirroring Gio´s expression. Assholes.
“Oh fuck off!,” Marti said, trying to push his best friend away, but Giovanni was faster, already stepping out of his personal space.
“But well, are you coming with us, Marti?,” he asked and looked at Marti, expecting.
“At my place, getting pizza before and playing a few rounds of FIFA. I´m ready to kick your boring ass, Marti!”
“Oh, you sure about that? If I'm right I was the one who won all of our previous matches. So dream on!,” Marti said cocky, now being the one who had a grin on his face.
“Let´s see, Marti, let´s see!”
“But another time. I really need to go home and catch up on some school work, I´m so far behind”
“Boring, Marti, boooring,” he heard Elia say as he was already ready to get going, Luca next to him.
“See you tomorrow, guys,” Marti said as they started to head to the bus stop. Before Giovanni was leaving, he turned back to Martino, giving him a fond smile.
“Everything okay with you? How´s your mom doing?,” he asked Marti, a hand on his shoulder. A gesture, a touch that would have made Marti´s heart beat faster a few years ago. But it´s over now.
“Yeah, everything good. With me and with her, both of us. I´m just really tired as... I stayed up a little too late yesterday and I really need to do some things for school,” Marti answered.
“Okay, that´s fine. I´ll see you tomorrow then”. After a short hug Gio disappeared and went after Elia and Luchino. As he was out of his sight, Marti turned around in the other direction and headed home too. Finally.
As soon as he closed the apartment door behind him and put his keys away, his mother was already appearing, giving him a hug and a kiss to the cheek.
“How was school, sweetheart?,” she asked him as she stepped back, heading back to the living room, Marti behind her.
“Nice... I mean, okay. A bit boring, but well, I guess it was okay,” Martino answered.
“Well then. By the way, I´m going to watch a movie, maybe make some popcorn. Do you wanna join me?,” she asked her son, waiting for his answer.
“I´d love to, mom, but I´m actually really behind with some of my schoolwork and need to catch up as soon as possible. I´m sorry, but I would love to do this any other day again,” he said, a guilty look approaching on his face.
“Don´t worry, Marti!,” his mother smiled at him and he couldn't help but mirroring her expression.
“I love you, mom,” he said as he went over to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“I love you too, Marti,” she answered, the smile never leaving her face. And with that Marti left for his room, sitting down at his desk. School work. What a wonderful thing to do on a Monday afternoon.
Well, being productive looked different. He really wanted to do something, catch up with his school work. But he couldn´t help. And so it happened that Martino was sitting on his bed after already 15 minutes again. His phone inn his hands., ready to post a new picture on his Bookstagram account. He was scrolling through his gallery, searching for a pic he hasn´t posted yet. After a few minutes he found one, a picture of “It” by Stephen King, a book he read back in summer. And he loved it! Well, let´s just leave the fact aside that he finished it in the middle of the night and literally had a nightmare as he went to sleep. But still, he really enjoyed the story. He added a caption under his post, including his opinion on the post and a bit of more or less unnecessary chatter. He hit the post-button and after a while, the first notifications started to appear. Many likes, a few comments complimenting his picture, a few comments sharing their own opinion on the book, a few people trying to promote their own account or business. He loved it, the communication with his followers. One of the best parts about the whole Bookstagram thing! But especially one comment caught his attention.
martislibrary: @nicoissurroundedbymuggles and again: if you can´t live with my opinion... *Marti has left the chat*
nicoissurroundedbymuggles: @martislibrary Still not sure if this is how Instagram works, Marti 😛
A grin immediately appeared on Marti´s face. Wide. Bright. Radiating happiness. And suddenly he felt the urge to reread these messages. The messages between him and Nico. Well, no sooner said than done. He opened his and Nico´s chat, scrolled to the very top and started reading. Going through all the emotions he had whilst writing and reading these messages yesterday night again. Especially one caught his attention
“nicoissurroundedbymuggles: Well then you need to do the Pottermore test for you to be sure and accept that you´re not in Slytherin”
Pottermore. It´s not that he was actually interested in anything Harry Potter related. But his curiosity won. His curiosity to know what Nico was talking about. He took his laptop from his desk, placed it on his lap and opened his browser, typing “Pottermore” into Google. The first result already was said website. As he opened it, dozens of different articles and photos immediately caught his eyes. “The top five most fashionable teachers of Hogwarts”, “Take a new look at Hagrid´s Magical Creature´s Motorbike Adventure ride”, “The definitive Rubeus Hagrid quiz”, and so on and on. Nothing special, nothing that would impress Marti. It seemed like the perfect website for Harry Potter fans and stans. Like Nico. But then one button caught his attention: “Sorting”. Clicking on it, the next page showed the line “Discover your Hogwarts House”. This must be what Nico was talking about. Martino actually didn´t know what got into him but suddenly he saw himself creating an account on this website and starting this quiz. Answering questions. And honestly? How are questions like “Moon or Stars” or “Left or Right” supposed to tell anything about the house you're in. And again, he was wondering why he bothered to think about such topics. Anything related to Harry Potter. A book he didn´t like at all. Well, a text conversation with a cute boy exactly about this topic later and he sat in front of Pottermore. Marti shook his head, immediately trying to get his thoughts about this “cute boy” out of his head. And he continued answering the following questions of the quiz. The Sorting Hat quiz. Honestly? How drunk or high must a person be to come up with a talking hat?!
A few minutes later, he leaned back as he finished the quiz, waiting for his result. And then the page showed him his apparent Hogwarts house.
“Congratulations on being sorted into...
The Sorting Hat spoke: Marti is a Slytherin, wuhu :D
Thank you for reading and I’d love to hear what you think of it in the comments or my ask box <3
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mylivejournalsucks · 6 years
Where The (Teddy) Bears Are
I had my first Grindr hookup the other day. Well, that’s not true. I had one, two, maybe three when I was single and living with Lara on Ogden but—and this is not meant to be dark or sad, it just is—I don’t really remember them. I was drunk, of course, I needed courage, of course, and so there you have it. A recipe for smudgy, blurry unmemorable sex! Best served with an STD scare.
Just to be clear: Jonathan and I are open. We have been open since the beginning but in theory, not so much in practice. It helps with the whole monogamy monotony. It’s like when I travel with Xanax. Just knowing it’s there removes the urge to take it. Well, most of the time. It’s been four years now and even though I would rate my relationship five stars (I truly found a magical unicorn of a human. I would gush but, trust me, you’ll need your gag reflexes for later) I’ve been curious about dipping my feet in the strange new penis pond. So I downloaded Grindr and Scruff and just started browsing.
Okay, first off, can we just talk about the apps for a sec? You have to understand: I’ve been sheltered. I have Committed Couple privilege and while I’ve heard whore-or stories about gay single life, I didn’t really know what you were working with.
You guys! People are mad. People are bitter. And people REALLY need to clean their bathrooms. I swear, 1 out of 3 profiles are dripping with such anger and resentment. “IF YOU DON’T SEND A FACE PIC, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!!” “IF YOU AREN’T WHAT U SAY U ARE, U CAN FUCK OFF!” It’s like, babe, can you stop yelling at me?!!! I never even said anything! Also, your laundry list of complaints—even when they’re put on top of a grainy pic of your abs—sends a chill down my penis and forces me to swipe next.
Anygay. After devouring profiles and profiles of velvet rage, a bear/daddy type messaged me at 2:13PM in the afternoon while I was at home Googling “Bella Thorne When/Why/How?” and I thought to myself: just do it! Just go have sex with this stranger! Why not?!
So I did. I took a chance. I went to this daddy’s apartment complex, which gave me INTENSE Vanderpump Rules vibes. (Shared pool darkness, cottage cheese ceilings visible from the horizontal blinds in the windows) But I kept an open mind/asshole and buzzed him at the gate.
He came out all smiles and sunshine, which was strange considering he just revealed himself to be A TOTAL LIAR. He didn’t look anything like his pictures. It was basically like Charlize Theron in Monster versus Charlize Theron in everything else. And I know you’re probably thinking “duh bitch! this happens all the time!” But I still can’t understand why someone would send outdated or fake pictures of themselves. It’s not like we’re embarking on a phone sex relationship! This isn’t message in a fucking bottle. I am going to see you and know immediately that you tricked me and then I’m going to feel betrayed and be mad at you. So how does that set the stage for a hot hookup?
Actually, I’ll tell you how. These Charlotte-tans are counting on you to be too polite to turn them down. They’re counting on you, as my former boss used to say, to just turn off the lights and get to work.
Which is exactly what I did. lol.
He took me inside his apartment. The TV was on (unclear) with Donald Trump shouting (okay NOW I’m horny. Art of seduction much?!!!) He then took me into his bedroom, which was lined up wall-to-wall with teddy bears. 
“Oh wow,” I said. “You really love teddy bears.”
“Yep!” He said proudly.
“That’s kindaaaaa creepy, ha ha.”
Mmmmkkk. Record scratch.
“Creepy? Creepy how?”
“No, not creepy.” I backpedaled. “I think it’s adorable. It’s just some might find it creepy but I am not one of those people.”
A word about this man’s personality: he was fine. Just fine. Inoffensive, bland, not dark but no sexual energy whatsoever. The human version of The Post.
We stood there awkwardly until I went in for a kiss which, of course, was bad. His tongue went in my mouth and then just hung out there collecting unemployment while I did all the work.
So kissing was not our journey. Noted. I guess let’s get naked?
I know my logic here is pretzel-y. I should’ve just left. I don’t know why I was so intent on doubling down. Maybe it’s because the experience, while underwhelming, was still novel to me. It was a new person’s body! Granted, a different body than advertised but still a body! Bodies are fun! And interesting!
I really don’t know how to explain what happened next. Basically nothing? We rolled around for a few minutes until finally he was like “um can I get off?” I said sure and watched him jerk off. Then he came and I went. La-di-da.
This story isn’t interesting or unique. I guess it just reminded me that sex is weird and funny and two people trying to connect with no chemistry is so cringe-inducing it’s almost freeing and sweet. Like, here we are, just two humans trying to feel something together. Two humans poking around a new body, seeing if we can make a temporary home here or if we need to ‘skidmark on the driveway’ it and move on.
I enjoyed it, even though there was nothing technically to enjoy. However, I am beginning to understand the “IF YOU AREN’T WHAT U SAY U ARE, U CAN FUCK OFF!” profile. Just a little bit.
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