lukesvangelista · 1 day
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in which adam’s deepest regret is loving you too deeply.
warnings; argument between a couple, angry adam, allusion to the events that happened about a month ago
Adam Fantilli had been in love with you for as long as he could remember. The two of you had met in New Hampshire, when Adam had decided to follow Luca to boarding school to play hockey. The two of you had hit it off immediately, meeting in history class his first year there. Within a few months, Adam had asked you to be his girlfriend.
Over sophomore year, he had decide to take some advanced classes, graduating a year early before heading off to Chicago with Luca. You stayed behind in New Hampshire, finishing out your junior and senior year at the academy. Adam ended up playing with the Steel for two seasons, and despite the distance, the two of you remained strong. You'd come visit him over long weekends and holiday breaks, even visiting his family in Nobleton a few times.
Everything was perfect, and continued to be when he signed at Michigan.
You didn't follow him to Michigan, choosing to go to college in Chicago after falling in love with the city. And as much as it sucked, the two of you were used to the distance by then, so it didn't affect much. FaceTimes and phone calls were constant, and some of the boys would even tease Adam about how whipped he was. As much as he tried to ignore it, he couldn't deny it.
He finished the year out at Michigan, declaring for the NHL draft after just one season. You were extremely proud of him - winning the Hobey Baker award as a freshman was no easy feat and he deserved nothing more than to play in the NHL. When he was drafted to Columbus, he finally asked you to follow and move in with him.
So you did. As much as you loved Chicago, you would drop everything for him. Instead of transferring, you talked to your advisor and decided to go virtual for the remainder of your time at college. And as you settled into Adam's apartment in Columbus, everything was perfect.
But now, the apartment was suffocating with tension, the air thick with words unspoken and emotions bubbling too close to the surface. You stood near the kitchen counter, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself, trying to shield yourself from the storm that was building between you and Adam. You'd been through a lot together - much more than most couples your age - but tonight, things felt different. It wasn't about the little things you guys usually bantered about, like leaving clothes on the floor or who was supposed to take out the trash. Tonight's argument ran deeper.
You knew he was having a hard time with the start of the season, especially with what had transpired over the past few weeks. The air inside and outside of the locker room was different, and not in a good way. It was understandably taking its toll on Adam. You tried to be there for him, you really did. But he had shut you out, the distance between the two of you increasing even though you were standing right there in front of him. You guys weren't 15 hours away from each other anymore. Hell, you weren't even four hours away from each other anymore. But right now, it sure felt like you were.
"Why do you always have to make things so difficult?" Adam muttered, his back turned to you as he stared out of the window, watching the rain patter against the glass.
You stared at him in utter disbelief, "I make things difficult?" you echoed, your voice a little higher than you intended, "You're the one who's been avoiding me for days! I just want to know what's going on with you, Adam. Why won't you talk to me?"
Adam turned around, his face a mix of frustration and exhaustion, "Because I'm tired, Y/N! I'm tired of always being the one holding everything together. I can't do this all the time!"
Your heart sank at his words, "You think I don't feel the same way? You think it's easy for me?" your voice cracked, and you bit your lip to keep the tears from falling. "I get it, Adam, I do. You're under a lot of pressure with hockey, and I know you're grieving. But that doesn't mean you get to shut me out! All I want is to help you."
His jaw clenched, and his hands balled into fists at his sides, "I'm not shutting you out."
"Yes, you are!" you snapped back. "You haven't said more than ten words to me all week unless it's about something trivial!"
"Maybe I don't have the energy to talk about the heavy stuff right now!" Adam's voice rose, echoing through the apartment. His eyes, usually soft when they looked at you, were now filled with a fire that matched your own. "Maybe I just need some space without you always breathing down my neck, waiting for me to fall apart.
You felt like you had been slapped. The weight of his words hit you square in the chest, making it hard to breathe, "So that's what you think of me? That I'm just... waiting for you to mess up?"
Adam groaned, running a hand through his messy hair in frustration, "That's not what I meant."
"Then what do you mean?" your voice was softer now, trembling slightly. You were tired of this, tired of the fight, tired of feeling like the two of you were on the verge of breaking.
Adam looked at you, his expression torn between anger and regret. His chest heaved as he tried to find the right words, but in the heat of the moment, he couldn't stop himself.
"I wish I loved you less!"
The words hung in the air like a weight neither of you could lift. Time seemed to stop, and the silence that followed was deafening. You stared at him, your heart shattering into a million pieces as his words echoed in your mind on repeat.
"You... what?" your voice was barely a whisper, but the hurt in it was unmistakable.
Adam's eyes widened, as if he hadn't fully realized what he's said until it was too late, "Y/N/N, I-"
"Don't Y/N/N me," you whispered, your voice dripping with pain as you shook your head, taking a step back from him. "No. Don't you dare. You don't get to take that back."
He tried to reach for you, but you pulled away from him, "I didn't mean it like that."
"Then what did you mean, Adam?" your voice broke, the tears finally spilling over. "Because it sure sounded like you meant every word."
Adam's heart sank as he watched you crumble in front of him. He wished he could take it back, but the damage was done. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of your crying, "I'm so sorry."
You wiped at your face with the sleeve of your sweater, but the tears wouldn't stop. "Do you even hear yourself? You just said that you wish you didn't love me as much as you do. What am I supposed to do with that?"
He stepped closer, desperation lacing his voice. "I didn't mean it that way. I just... God, Y/N, I love you so much it hurts sometimes! And when things get hard like this... I don't know how to handle it. I feel like I'm failing you."
Your breath hitched at his words, but you still couldn't look at him. "You don't have to be perfect all the time, Adam. I don't need you to have all the answers. I just need you to be honest with me."
He nodded, his heart aching as he reached out and gently touched your arm. You winced, pulling away slowly. The hurt in his eyes mirrored your own, and he continued, "I am being honest. That's the problem. Loving you is everything to me, but it scares me too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. That's why I said what I said. I wish it didn't feel so... all-consuming."
You finally looked at him, your eyes red and filled with pain. "You don't get to say you wished you loved me less, Adam. If this is too much for you, then maybe-"
"No," Adam interrupted, panic flashing in his eyes, "Don't say that. Please. I don't want that."
You sighed, shaking your head at his words. "I don't want that either, Adam. That's the last thing I want. But I can't be here right now."
His face twisted in heartbreak, but he let you continue. "I'm going to call Odette and see if I can stay with her and Zach for a bit. Call me when you figure it out."
With that, you left to go to your guys' shared bedroom. Adam whispered your name over and over again in protest, but you ignored him. As much as you wanted to turn around and hug him, you couldn't be around him with that he just said.
You slipped into the shared bedroom, quietly closing the door behind you, your back resting against the cool wood as you took a shaky breath. The silence in the room felt suffocating, and stark contrast to the muffled sounds of Adam moving around in the living room. Everything between the two of you felt frayed, like a thread pulled too tightly, on the verge of snapping. You can’t bear to look at the room you’ve shared for so long — every inch of it filled with memories, good ones, but also the ones that now haunted you.
Your hands trembled as you unlocked your phone and scrolled through your contacts, hovering over Odette's name. You hesitated, the weight of the decision pressing down on your chest. Should you really leave? Could you even explain what happened to someone else when you barely understood it yourself?
But you needed space - space to think, to breath, to not have Adam's face constantly reminding you of everything you guys were struggling through. So, with a deep, unsteady breath, you tapped Odette's name and listened as the phone rang.
"Hey!" Odette's cheerful voice came through the line after a few rings. The brightness in her tone felt like a stark contrast to the dark cloud hanging over you.
For a second, you almost lost your nerve. How could you drag someone else into this mess? But you forced yourself to speak, your voice barely more than a whisper, "Hey, Odette. I, um... I need to ask you something."
Immediately, her tone shifted. "What's going on?" her voice was gentle now, concerned. "Are you okay?"
You swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in your throat. "I... I was wondering if I could stay with you and Zach for a few days. Just until I figure things out."
There's a pause, a heavy silence that filled the space between the two of you, and you worried for a moment that you've overstepped, that you asked for too much. But Odette finally spoke, her voice soft but firm. "Of course you can, love. But what's going on? Why do you need to leave?"
You squeezed your eyes shut, a tear slipping down your cheek as you wrapped your arms around yourself, curling in on the bed like you could hold yourself together. "It's Adam," you admitted, your voice breaking. "We had this fight... I don't even know how it started, but it just kept spiraling. It feels like everything's been spiraling, and I just... I can't stay here right now. I need space, and I don't know how to get it when he's here, constantly reminding me of what's wrong between us."
Odette's sigh was audible through the phone, and when she spoke again, her voice was laced with empathy, "Oh, Y/N, I am so sorry. I know how much you care about him."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the sob that was clawing at your throat. "It's so hard, Odette. It feels like I'm drowning, and I don't even know how to make it stop. I love him so much, it hurts. But I don't know who I am when we're constantly fighting."
"You don't have to explain it all right now," Odette assured you, "Just pack a bag and come over. You're welcome here for as long as you need. I'll be here, and we can talk whenever you're ready, okay?"
You nodded, even though Odette couldn't see you, a fresh wave of tears filling your eyes. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice shaking, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You don't have to do this alone, Y/N," Odette said softly. "We'll figure it out together, okay? Zach and I will be here. Just come over whenever you're ready."
The call ended, and you stared at the phone in your hand, the silence in the room feeling even heavier now. Your eyes drifted to the framed photo on the nightstand - you and Adam, arms wrapped around each other, smiling like you didn't have a care in the world. It felt like a lifetime ago, like you were different people back then. Maybe you were.
With a shaky breath, you rose from the bed and started packing a bag, each item a reminder of the life you're stepping away from, even if just for a little while. Every drawer you opened, every glance at the room you shared, made your heart ache. But you couldn't stay. Not like this.
As you zipped up the bag, you paused for a moment, glancing toward the door. You know Adam is just outside, probably sitting on the couch as he pretended that everything was fine, that the two of you hadn't been drifting apart for weeks. Part of you wanted to go to him, to tell him everything you're feeling, to fix it. But the other part - the part that'd been breaking under the weight of the unresolved tension, the part that Adam said he wishes he loved less, knew that you needed to leave. You needed to find yourself again before you lost everything, including your own sense of who you were.
With one last glance at the room, you grabbed your bag and quietly opened the door, slipping out before the weight of it all pulled you back in. "I'm going, Adam. Call me when you're ready to have a civil conversation."
Adam just stared at you as you left. There seemed to be no reconciling what he had said.
He sat on the couch, his leg bouncing restlessly as the reality of what just happened hit him. He could still hear the hurt in your voice echoing in his head. He'd said things he didn't mean, and the look in your eyes before you walked away... that's something he would never forget.
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm the knot of panic tightening in his chest. His first instinct was to call Luca, but as he thought more about it, he realized he couldn't do that. Luca was too much like him - impulsive, emotional. He'd tell his younger brother to stand his ground, but Adam knew that this wasn't the time for that. He needed someone who'd be calmer, more rational. Someone who could actually help.
There was only one person he could think of.
Without overthinking it, Adam scrolled through his contacts and tapped on Kent's name. It was late, and for a moment, he wondered if he should even be calling him right now. But the phone rang, and Kent picked up, his voice groggy on the other end.
"Adam? What's up, man? You okay?"
Adam swallowed hard, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He felt like the air in the room was pressing in on him. "I screwed up, Kent. Big time."
Kent was quiet for a second, but Adam could almost hear him sitting up, fully awake now. "What happened?"
Adam took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut like it might make the guilt a little easier to bear. "Y/N and I had this fight. I don't even know how it started, but it just... got worse and worse, and I... god, I said some things I shouldn't have. And now she's talking about leaving. Like, actually packing a bag and going."
He expected Kent to immediately start calming him down, to say something reassuring, but instead, there's just silence on the other end of the line. The longer Kent said nothing, the worse it made him feel.
"You're telling me she's leaving?" Kent finally said, his voice more serious than Adam was used to hearing. "Like, leaving for good?"
"I don't know," Adam admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper. "She called Odette to stay with her and Zach for a few days. I didn't mean for it to get this bad, Kent. I didn't think it would ever come to this."
"Well, what'd you say during the fight that could've made her leave?"
Adam paused, not wanting to repeat the words that caused so much damage.
"I said that I wish I loved her less."
Kent exhaled sharply, and when he spoke again, Adam could hear the disappointment and anger laced in his tone, "What made you think that that was ever okay? Adam, man, you fucked up. Big time."
Adam's heart dropped into his stomach, and he leaned against the couch, letting KJ's words hit him full force. He expected it, but hearing it out loud still stung.
"I know," he muttered, running a hand over his face. "But what do I do now? I don't want to lose her."
Kent paused again, clearly thinking through his words carefully before speaking. "If she's walking out like this, and understandably so, may I add, you can't just sit there. You need to do something. Sooner rather than later."
Adam's throat tightened as the weight of Kent's words settled in. He knew that Kent was right. Y/N was not just upset. She was on the edge of something bigger, something that could end everything between them. And if he didn't act now, he might lose her good.
"But what if..." Adam trailed off, staring blankly at the floor, his voice barely audible. "What if it's already too late?"
Kent's voice softened, but it was still firm. "It's not too late if you don't let it be. You've got a window, but it's closing fast, dude. You need to talk to her - really talk to her. No more fights, no more letting things spiral, no more saying stupid fucking shit. If you love her as much as you truly do, you have to prove it, Adam. Right now."
Adam nodded, though he knew Kent couldn't see him. He knew what he had to do, but the thought of facing you right now, of admitting how badly he'd messed up, terrified him. The hurt in your eyes was burned into his memory, and the guilt felt like it was choking him. But if KJ's right—and he knew he was—then waiting isn’t an option.
“Thanks, Kent,” Adam said, his voice raw with emotion. “I’ll fix this. I have to.”
“Yeah, you do,” Kent replied, his voice softening again. “Just don’t wait too long, okay? You can’t afford to.”
With that, Adam hung up. His heart raced as he stood up, his feet feeling heavier than they've ever felt as he walked toward the bedroom door. His hand hovered over the doorknob, and for a split second, he wonders if he should give you more time. But Kent's voice echoed in his head - "you can't afford to wait."
His heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't bring himself to walk inside your room. The weight of your fight, of everything he'd said in the heat of the moment, felt like it was too much to face right now. You had gone to Odette's anyway, and he knew that you needed time.
With a heavy sigh, Adam pulled out his phone and stared at the screen, the blank text message to you glaring up at him. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what to say. He wanted to fix it, but he'd never been great with words when it came to you. Maybe giving you the night, letting you breathe, was the only thing he could do right now.
i'm sorry. i know you need space, and i'm giving it to you. i don't want to make this worse. but when you're ready, i'm here. i'm ready to talk in the morning. i need to fix this. i love you.
He stared at the message, reading it over a dozen times, wondering if it was enough. He didn't want to sound desperate, but he also didn't want you to think he’s not willing to fight for you. With a shaky breath, he hit send.
As the message went through, Adam sat down on the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair. The silence was deafening, and the absence of your presence was suffocating. He couldn't help but wonder if this is what it would feel like if you left for good.
All he could do now was wait for the morning, for you to text him back, for the two of you to finally talk civilly and try to fix the cracks that had been growing between you. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but the thought of losing you was more painful than any fight he'd ever had.
To his surprise, you texted back almost immediately.
i'll meet you at the apartment tomorrow night. don't screw this up, fantilli.
The next day, Adam waited impatiently for you to come back home. He knew you weren't going to be happy to see him, as Kent had repeatedly reminded him at morning practice. He could tell he fucked up badly when Zach glared at him through almost the entire practice, too.
But now, Adam's back was against the window as rain pattered against the glass, his eyes staring firmly at the door, waiting for you to walk through. It was as if you read his mind. Not even a minute later, you walked through the door, hair messy and dressed in a Blue Jackets hoodie.
He smiled softly at you, but you didn't return it. Instead, you took a seat at the kitchen counter, your eyes focusing on him as he slowly made his way over to sit down next to you.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I am so fucking sorry for everything," he started immediately, emotion lacing his voice, "I don't want to break up. I don't want you to go."
You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. You didn't want to go either, but the truth of the matter was that he had hurt you. His words had cut through you like a knife, stabbing you right in the heart. It felt like five years had been flushed down the drain.
"Then what do you want? Because I can't keep doing this if you're going to push me away every time things get tough."
Adam took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping as he finally let down the walls he’d been holding up for so long. “I want you. I’ve always wanted you, Y/N. I just… I’m scared. I don’t know how to balance everything.”
Your face softened slightly, though the hurt was still there. “Then let me help you. We’ve been together for so long, Adam. Don’t shut me out now.”
He stepped forward, pulling you into his arms. You resisted at first, but eventually melted into his embrace, your face buried in his chest. “I’m sorry,” Adam whispered again, his voice cracking. “I’m so sorry.”
You nodded against him, your arms wrapping around his waist. “I’m scared too, you know,” you admitted quietly. “But I’m here, Adam. I’m not going anywhere. But you cannot do this again. I deserve to be treated better than that."
Adam nodded profusely, "It won't happen again, I promise. Kent drilled that into my head all of last night and today. I fucked up, and I realize that. I love you so, so, so much, Y/N. More than you will ever know."
You nodded, and he rubbed his hand along your back, trying to make sure you were really there in front of him.
"I love you too, Adamo."
For a while, the two of you just stood there, holding onto each other as the rain continued to fall outside. The fight wasn’t over - you still had plenty of things that needed to be talked about - but for now, you were okay. You had each other, and in the end, that was what mattered most.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
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Adam saying “what do you meeeaaaannn” is me during the last 48 hours. 😶
Luca is the league laughing and rolling their eyes.
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dearstvckyx · 5 months
3000 miles away | LH43, EE73, DD25, ME94, LF63, JT15, NW31, MS11, AF19 x Platonic!Black OC!Nevaeh Monroe
a/n: I didn’t mean for this to be so long 😭 Also this is set before some of them go to the NHl. Also 2: Pretend that Los Angeles to Ann is 3000 miles from each other.
Nevaeh gazed out her bedroom window staring at the California sunset, missing the snowflakes and fireplace warmth of Michigan. She longed to be back with her friends, especially Luke, who had been her childhood friend.
As she scrolled through her phone, memories flooded her mind. She and Luke had grown up together, and his hockey teammates had become her own friends. They'd have sleepovers, skated together, played in the snow, and the boys would go to Nevaeh with girl issues.
But now, she was stuck in California, feeling homesick and alone. She sent Luke a message: "Hey, I'm missing you and Michigan so much. Can we Facetime tonight?"
The response came quickly: "Aww, Nevaeh! I'm missing you too! We can Facetime tonight after practice. Can't wait to catch up!"
Nevaeh's heart skipped a beat. Maybe this winter break wouldn't be so bad after all.
Nevaeh's eyes wandered, lost in the California haze. She yearned to escape the sun-kissed streets, craving the crisp air and gray skies of home. She stood there on the half empty dock thinking of running away, back to the place she dreams of being in. If only it wasn’t 3000 miles away.
Feeling restless, she thought back to Michigan's stormy weather, the way the wind would whip through her hair as she walked down State Street. Those were the days she felt truly alive.
The present seemed dull and gray in comparison. She missed the warmth of her friends hugs, the way they tease convinced her to stop studying and to go out with them. Most of all, she missed the sense of belonging that came with being surrounded by friends who knew her best.
As she gazed out at the sunset reflecting into the ocean, a pang of sadness struck her heart. She wasn't okay. She was lost in a sea of unfamiliarity, 3000 miles from her home.
Nevaeh redialed Ethan’s number, for the 6th time, hoping he'd answer. She remembered his "Silent mode" joke and smiled, thinking about their late-night conversations on her roof top.
As she waited, she gazed out at the California night sky, feeling like a stranger in this moonlit world. She longed for Michigan's starry skies and snowflakes falling.
Finally, Ethan answered, his sleepy voice a brightness to her dark homesick heart. "Hey, what's up?" he mumbled.
"Just wanted to hear about your day," Nevaeh said softly. As they talked, the distance between them seemed to shrink, but she knew a piece of her heart would always remain in Michigan.
Listening to Nevaeh, Dylan grows concerned as she mention being lonely and homesick "I’ve been dreamjng of a place called home, Dyl." She felt like she was drowning in her birth state, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, beside her father, her step siblings, and the endless sunshine.
She thought back to the nights them and the crew would run together, laughing and chasing the stormy weather. But now, the gray skies of Michigan seemed like a distant memory.
"I don’t feel okay, Dylan" she whispered to him over the phone, feeling the weight of her decision to leave her father and go back home to her true family, her friends. She missed the way they would take turns guiding her to skate, and the way the wind would whip through her hair when Luke’s older brother Quinn would drive their boat on the summer lake.
And as she gazed out at Los Angeles skyline, she felt like she was losing herself. The distance between them and her seemed to grow with each passing day, and she wondered if this feeling would end.
As she laid in her bed, she thought of the crew at the rink, their rugged faces and loud chirping becoming a familiar noise to her. She'd grown up with their laughter, their teasing, and their competitive banter.
But now, as she laid alone, she felt like an outsider. Michigan was a 3,000 mile drive away and the next plane leaves in 3 days, but Nevaeh wishes she could be there in an instant, like Dorothy.
If only, only, she could go back for a day, to see those familiar faces that she calls her brothers. But it was too far, and she knew she couldn't won’t make it home in time before they have to go back to school.
Nevaeh opens up a group chat titled, “The Wolves”, a play on their college team name. She writes a long text, saying, “Hey boys, it's been too long. I'm stuck here in this crazy, busy city, feeling like I'm a millions miles away from everything that's real. I miss the stormy weather, I miss our late nights at the lake, and I miss the way you all would drag me out…. But most importantly I miss you all. This place just ain't the same as Michigan nor are the people. It feels like forever since we've been together. I'm not okay. 3000 miles away, wishing we were all together. Talk to you guys later <3 - Nevaeh”
Nevaeh wakes up to the yellow California sun shining in her eyes. She lays there for a second before hearing her phone going off continuously. As she grabs her phone, she notices all the messages from the group chat, and she reads every response.
E: We miss you as well Nevs!!!
Dyl: There’s always FaceTime or Skype
Mack: Yeah, this place isn't the same without you. We need you back here
Luca: Adams growing annoying, we need you to shut him up
Adam: Screw off Luca. But Nevs if you’re feeling homesick we can always book you the flight back.
Jay: Or we could fly to you!
Noah: We’ll get the crew together back together as soon as you’re home!
Marks: We love Nevaeh, you could always call one of us
And as Nevaeh gets ready to respond and message chat pops down and the name reads, LuLu, Nevaeh instantly opens her and Luke’s Messages.
Hey, what's going on?
You're really not okay?
I’m okay, Lu. Just
been homesick bad.
I’m always here for you,
we all are.
I know Luke, I’ll
see you all soon. 💛
After texting her childhood best friend Nevaeh realizes, everything is not so bad. That they were right, They’ll all be together soon and going back to their old ways, Nevaeh just can’t wait
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arwininecstasy · 13 days
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⋆.˚ au's
⭑ sparks fly (younger hughes sister x adam fantilli)
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⋆.˚ adam fantilli
⭑ coming soon…
⋆.˚ luca fantilli
⭑ coming soon…
⋆.˚ luke hughes
⭑ coming soon…
⋆.˚ jack hughes
⭑ coming soon…
⋆.˚ quinn hughes
⭑ summer’s fading
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marumim190 · 4 months
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Sony α900 に Tamron AF90mm F2.8 Macro ( 72E ) を付けて
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asunsetgrace16 · 4 months
Holding Her ⎥ AF19
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Pairing: Adam Fantilli x fem!reader
Summary: sweet blurb about Adam's love of morning cuddles
Warnings: cuteness overload
Notes: short and sweet!
masterlist ⎥ navigation
Word Count: 562
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The birds were just beginning to sing their morning melody when Adam stirred awake. Peering into the barely-lightened room, he half-turned onto his back and flung his arm in the general direction of the night table hoping to grab his phone. His searching hand found it and grabbed it, the charger coming along too.
“Damnit.” He cursed under his breath, detaching the cord from his phone and dropping it to the floor. 
Adam’s eyes squint as they momentarily adjust to the brightness of the phone screen, showing 5:44 am. Wonderful, he thinks. A few glorious hours before they have to get up and face the day. There truly isn’t much better than waking up early and knowing that there are still hours before the alarm officially goes off. Adam always takes advantage of those occasions. He sighs, relaxing back into the pillows and letting his phone drop to his chest. Y/N stirs beside him, sighing softly when she finds Adam’s other hand. Her hair is spread across the pillows and her eyelashes rest on rosy cheeks, one lightly creased from the pillow. A marker of a good night’s sleep. He looks over at her, the barest hint of a smile forming on his face. His brain is still foggy, thoughts moving syrupy-slow through the haze of sleep, but all he can think about is her. Her smile, the way her eyes light up, how she always makes everyone feel like they’ve been injected with a dose of sunshine after mere minutes in her presence. He never imagined he would find a partner as amazing as she is. Adam hasn’t voiced his thoughts yet, but there isn’t anyone he would rather spend the rest of his life with. 
He slides down a little further, sinking back into sleep. He is surprised by Y/N rolling over to face him. Adam does the same, sliding his arm underneath her head and wiggling closer to her. His hand moves up to cradle the back of her head, his fingers slowly stroking through her hair before kissing her forehead tenderly. His other arm loops around Y/N's waist, holding her close to his body. She snuggles closer, tucking her head into his neck. Adam’s like a furnace when he sleeps, perfect for cuddling in cold Ohio winters. Their legs tangle together, keeping them close. His fingertips gently stroke her waist, her back, her shoulders. Soft soothing touches, a comfort for him as much as her.
Adam kisses her forehead again, inhaling deeply. He wants to savor the moment, one that is few and far between during the season. But it's times like this when he feels most at peace, like it doesn’t matter that he plays hockey or is in the NHL or that Y/N is busy at school. It’s just him and Y/N in the quiet of the morning before life truly wakes up, wrapped in soft sheets and fluffy blankets and each other's arms. Their little cocoon, and they can pretend, at least for a few short hours, that they are the only people in the world with no responsibilities, just each other. Where time slows and everything is a little fuzzy around the edges, a tug-of-war between consciousness and drifting back to the land of dreams. 
The warmth of the bed and Y/N lull Adam back to sleep. 
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
adam fantilli x fem! hughes! reader
masterlist (fc: lilia buckingham)
y/n.hughes has posted !
📍nashville, tennessee
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liked adamfantilli, lhughes_06, and others
tagged adamfantilli
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adamfantilli NASHVILLE AWARDS!
↳ y/n.hughes AHHHHH
jackhughes yk i was there too🤨
↳ y/n.hughes but you're stinky
↳ trevorzegras boom roasted💥
lhughes_06 take this crap off my feed😒
fanacc1 future duck🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
edwards.73 livin' it up in tennessee
_quinnhughes blob🐡
plapointe_22 are you tennessee? cause you're the only 10 i see...
↳ y/n.hughes sometimes it's better not to comment
kenzie loverrrr💋💋
↳ y/n.hughes babygirl👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
fanacc2 quack 🦆
y/n.hughes has posted !
📍nashville, tennessee
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liked by edwards.73, jackhughes, and others
y/n.hughes draft day!🐇💐
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jackhughes you look semi-decent for once...?
↳ y/n.hughes thanks for the compliment, mr. i open doors for ladies
adamfantilli gorgeous gorgeous girl
*liked by creator*
edwards.73 best friend eating it upp🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
mackie.samo tennessee is doing you wonders girlboss
_quinnhughes best hughes sibling
↳ y/n.hughes the lack of punctuation and emojis...are you being sarcastic?
↳ lhughes_06 he's obvious
seamuscasey slayer
y/n.hughes has posted !
📍nashville, tennessee
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liked umichhockey, lucafantilli, and others
y/n.hughes bf got drafted😔 BF GOT DRAFTED🥹
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jackhughes you weren't this sad when i got drafted
↳ lhughes_06 or when i got drafted
↳ _quinnhughes she was sad when i got drafted
↳ y/n.hughes i don't like any of you (except quinner)
trevorzegras 💙🧥
adamfantilli my beautiful girlfriend💓
↳ y/n.hughes OH EM GEEE ADAM FANTILLI NOTICED ME!!!!! @/nolan_moyle are you proud???
↳ nolan_moyle sure!
fanacc1 should've been a duck😔
rutgermcgroarty yasss slayyyy
edwards.73 pop off best friend and best friends bf!!
fanacc2 anaheim gonna regret not pick him🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
umichhockey our favorite couple!!
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dragonbreth · 1 year
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Down the road| AF19
Requested: yes
Summary: I’m too lazy
Warnings: basically none except maybe a few swear words.
Living down the road from the girl he had the biggest crush on was the only problem Adam had.
He was amazing at hockey, had A’s in every class, and was the model student, which made Caroline living down the road the only problem.
Adam and Luca had been living with the Armstrongs and their two daughters while they played hockey for the Chicago steel team.
Caroline didn’t like hockey, Adam, lacrosse, traveling, or anything that Adam liked so it was strange that he liked her.
Of course Luca picked on his younger brother about the girl, but at the same time he also was Adam’s wing man.
It was the 4th of July and the Armstrongs took it VERY seriously, “Adam! Get down here and help set the table.” Mrs. Armstrong yelled from the living room as she had just walked back inside from hanging the decorations.
“Who’s all gonna be there anyway?” Adam asked as he grabbed the Fourth of July themed napkins off the island.
“Just Caroline and her family, the Johnson’s-” she had fully lost Adam’s attention after she said Caroline was going to be there.
“Why’s Caroline coming??” Adam asked defensively, of course he didn’t mean it in a rude way but it came across as rude.
“Because her family is very sweet!” Mrs.Armstrong huffed and walked back outside.
“You gotta get over this little crush Mo.” Alyssa, the oldest of the two Armstrong girls stated.
“Shut it Alyssa. No one says anything about your crush on that Rutger McGroarty kid.” Adam said as he stormed up to his room.
He knew he was going to have to look good in order to get Caroline’s attention, whether that mean getting electrocuted or putting on a bright red shirt he was gonna do whatever it took.
The clock turned 6 and Adam knew it was time for the party to start, Adam was more nervous than ever.
He had never been in the same backyard as Caroline, he hadn’t even talked to this girl!
The more Adam thought about it the more nervous he got.
Adam sat at a small table with a umbrella on top cover the very little sun they had left.
He watched Caroline and Luca talk, Adam thought Luca was talking about him to the girl but he was completely wrong.
With in 10 seconds Adam’s whole world can crashing down.
He stared in shock as Luca connected his lips to Caroline’s.
He wanted to throw up…..
First time writing for Adam! I hope y’all like it, let me know if you want a part 2 to this!!
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zegrvshvghes · 1 year
🏒NHL Masterlist🏒
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Im also accepting requests and prompts so if you want to do that you should. I’ll write for literally any NHL player you want!
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atheistmediablog · 5 months
Kommission spricht von »bewusster Vertuschung« im Bistum Trier
Frühere Topstaatsanwälte haben ihren Abschlussbericht zu den Missbrauchstaten des Priesters Edmund Dillinger vorgelegt. Auf 96 Seiten zeigen sie auf, wie die katholische Kirche in diesem Fall weggeschaut hat. weiterlesen: [https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/bistum-trier-missbrauchsfall-edmund-dillinger-kommission-spricht-von-bewusster-vertuschung-a-c3a80df2-b21d-405e-af19-ce6fa444ffb6
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opportunitygaps · 6 months
社長の住所非公開、10月から 起業促進へ個人情報保護 - 日本経済新聞
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paigerro · 1 year
Chapter 14 Reflection
The article that I chose to use for this reflection came from the Financial Times’ “Swamp Notes” series, a dialogic newsletter concerned with the interplay of money, power, and US politics. The link to the article is below:
The author is Rana Foroohar and I largely agree with her perspectives. In this article, she reports on a speech made last week by US Trade Representative Katherine Tai about the future of US trade policy. I agreed with Foroohar mostly because I agreed with what Tai proposed- a sensible, flexible, open approach to “how domestic economic concerns and foreign policy concerns should be knitted together”. The four key takeaways that Foroohar presents from Tai’s speech are:
“This isn’t about keeping China down. It’s about using America up.” “Industrial policy and trade policy must work hand-in-hand.” “Neoliberal/Neoclassical economic modeling has too often assumed that markets are perfect. They aren’t and they need more active tweaking by the government.” “Yes, we need a new trade alliance in Asia to compete with China. But not if it sells out US labor or puts the green transition at risk.” “Resiliency and redundancy trump efficiency. We need to move away from concentrations of power be they in countries or companies.”
To me, this all sounds fair, logical, and practical. I think that de-emphasizing some kind of “imminent” conflict with China is ridiculous fear mongering peddled by the media. Why the two countries shouldn’t be able to coexist and pursue their own agendas (as long as the agenda isn’t war mongering, I’m looking at you US) is beyond me. Secondly, as pointed out in our text books on pages 298-299 (“In the News: Separating Fact from Fiction”), trade policy should be more closely in step with industrial policy. Instead of constantly looking to blame foreign countries for our problems, how about facing up to some of our own problems here at home? Thirdly, it is absurd that economists rely so heavily on models of perfect markets. It seems like a constant fallacy in the US that we don’t legislate proactively. We have a tendency to wait until problems blow up in our face to act instead of trying to prevent them in the first place. Next, we will have to compete with China but why should we sacrifice our environment or workers to do it? Why can’t competition be healthy for both countries and lead to higher standards for everyone? And lastly, we know by now that power tends to corrupt. Making a shift away from high concentrations of power in any system seems like a proactive move then. Trade deficits/surpluses are inextricably linked to capital flows. After copying each model in Chapter 14 of our textbook, it became clear that an economy’s net capital outflow determines how much of a country’s currency will be available on the foreign-currency exchange market. It also plays a role in determining the demand for loanable funds in a country's market for loanable funds. The relationship between a government budget deficit and a trade deficit is nicely summed up on page 291 of our textbooks: “Hence, in an open economy, government budget deficits raise real interest rates, crowd out domestic investment, cause the currency to appreciate, and push the trade balance toward deficit.” (Mankiw) The US does owe money to countries with whom we also have a trade deficit, China being the largest and most glaring example. Currently, the US trade deficit with China stands at $382.9 billion according to this New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/business/economy/us-trade-deficit.html. China also owns about $870 billion of US government debt (from https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-debt-to-china-how-much-does-it-own-3306355) Another example would be Japan. If you look at the graph at the top of the page linked above, Japan is the largest holder of US government debt with a whopping $1.08 trillion. Likewise, the US is running a trade deficit with Japan at $60.2 billion as of 2021 (https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/documents/technology-evaluation/ote-data-portal/country-analysis/2982-2021-statistical-analysis-of-u-s-trade-with-japan-public-version-ote/file). It is beyond me how the US government continues to operate under such weighty debt, both in the trade of goods and services and financially. Does anyone ever talk about repaying any of the debt? I only ever hear about raising the debt limit.
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manofthexx1 · 5 years
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Día de muertos
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janitoad · 5 years
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[Art Fight 2019]
another 3D attack, Pewter the Meowth for @rneowth
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risartblog · 5 years
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Art fight attack for @kizunayui !!!
Listened to “into the light” by Kokia the whole time
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asunsetgrace16 · 4 months
Love Language ⎥ AF19
Pairing: Adam Fantilli x fem!reader
Summary: headcanons about Adam's love language
Warnings: none
Notes: first Adam post!! As always if you have any ideas, let me know!
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his love language is definitely physical touch
Adam always has to be near you, with a hand around your waist or on your hip or holding your hand
his love language brings out his protective side (and maybe a lil possessive too)
he always wants to make sure you're safe and if he is glued to your side its easy for him to do that
he plays with your hair a lot, which is a win for both of you
he loves when you play with his hair
and he usually falls asleep with his head in your lap
one word: snuggles
couch, bed, air mattress, someone else's couch, doesn't matter; Adam loves his cuddles
seriously he's like a koala when he gets back from long roadies and hasn't been able to hold you for days
he will spend the entire day in bed if it means he gets more snuggles
Adam's favourite moments are the warm and sleepy snuggles early in the morning before his alarm goes off
when there is still plenty of time to drift back to sleep curled around each other
you use his bicep as a pillow, and his hands stroke softly on your back and in your hair as your legs tangle together
if you guys are with friends, he often stands behind you with a hand on your hip playing with your belt loops
or he has his chin on your shoulder and is resting your heads together
if he is stressed or upset he will usually ask you to just hold him, makes him feel safe
he also plays with the rings on your fingers a lot
he likes to draw patterns and shapes on your thigh if you are driving or sitting anywhere
he likes to tuck his head into your neck and leave little kisses under your ear
you eventually pick up the things he always does to you and start doing them to him
its comforting for both of you that you feel the same way and will initiate hugs and cuddles and such
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