#30 prompts
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years ago
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
more non-verbal than verbal communication
being the most endearing spouse, even though they're not the 'marriage type'
needing the other's presence, even if they're each doing their own thing, but they have to be with each other
having a shorthand for everything
fussing over the other
being able to predict the other's moves
being able to predict the other's words
having the same conversation in a certain situation all the time
sharing responsibilities
teasing the other just because they can
always arguing about the same things
being a chill couple when there are others around, but getting touchy/freaky behind closed doors
feeling like they're missing a limb when they're alone
playing with their wedding band when they're thinking about the other
always considering what the other would think if they would be there Dialogue:
"I didn't sign up for this."
"Why did I know you would do that?"
"You know what I'll say."
"Who else should I annoy if not my wife/husband/spouse?!"
"Come back! I'm not ready to get up yet. So you aren't either."
"One more kiss, please!"
"Oh honey, come here!"
*staring at their sleepy partner* "How are you so adorable?" *barely able to open their eyes* "I've never looked nastier."
"You can't escape. You're bound to me for life!"
"... You were right." "Say that again!"
"Did you miss me?"
"Not that gain! I can't believe we're discussing this again!"
"Is that my shirt?"
"Don't worry, I'll be there."
"I'm home, sweetheart!"
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promptsbytaurie · 1 year ago
dialogue prompts based off random items i found in my room (part I)
"You know what this space needs? A bulletin board. With pictures."
"Hah, yeah. My mom made that blanket."
"You do not need this many trophies displayed."
"I didn't know you played volleyball."
"Ooh, a diary. You got all your little secrets in there?"
"You have a concerning amount of books."
"I used to have a stuffed animal like this."
"I've counted three Coke cans and I haven't even looked at your desk yet."
"Oh my god, you were so cute as a kid!"
"You drew this?"
"You have a list of all of your friends? Wow, that's narcissistic ... uh, why are there only three?"
"Oh, I used to love this book."
"A mini fridge?? Are you rich?"
"Speaking to an empty room. Hah. Now I'm going insane."
"Huh. Nice photo. ... We were happier back then, weren't we?"
"You own a concerning amount of snow globes."
"Why is your bed so big?? You're like, three feet tall."
"I found a Kit Kat. Hope it wasn't expired because I just ate it."
"Have you heard of curtains?"
"No wonder you're so angry all the time. I would also be angry if the neighbors liked mowing their lawn at five in the morning."
"There are seven Pringles cans in your trash. Are you okay?"
"I've never seen you wear makeup??"
"Secret stash of candy. Classy."
"Look, I'm just saying, this space needs a little pizzaz, y'know?"
"Do you think your brother would be mad if I sat on his bed?"
"There is dog hair everywhere."
"Are all of these journals full??"
"'Do not enter.' Skull emoji. Did you seriously print out a sign for your door?"
"You don't have a lock on your door??"
"Can I just say... love the giant self-portrait from third grade. Not creepy at all."
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rendevok · 2 years ago
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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emacrow · 10 months ago
There a ghost in the Watchtower vent!
Batman could only sighed in defeat as the Justice league were searching in the vents again, after Superman heard a odd small screeching sound of an animal coming from it this morning.
Which lead to the Justice league searching around the vents to find the source of the sound. He internally blamed Damian for this after he snuck a odd animal in the batcave, and is still looking for that animal whom may have snuck itself into the watchtower teleportor and got beamed there.
So far they been searching for 8 hours straight with no luck whatsoever. Batman could only sighed and calls comms to get Damian to get his newest attempt of pet adoption.
Which only took 7 minutes as Damian in his robin suit just put down one of alfred's special cookies in front of the vent entrance as the Justice league watch along side as a small odd cat lik-, oh that a tiny alien feral child nawing on the cookie.
He looked 4 year old at most, glowing lararus green eyes feral and dilated with long elvish ears, sharp tiny fangs, white but dirty dust covered hair that look like a rats nest, wearing a toddler sized suit that look otherworldly yet similar to a hazmut suit if it weren't so skin tight looking. He was wearing a glowing green skull on his smol middle finger and a floating crown that remind superman of the fairy odd parents except this was black with blue aurora light fire.
"You are so losing chew toy privileges, danny." Damian huffed as he just pick danny up by his armpits and just begans walked away through the hallway door.
The justice league could only look a bit gaped.
"Where did Robin found that?"
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alicornze7 · 2 months ago
Ribbun week - Day 4: Plushies
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Wowww two characters finding plushies of each other and it turns out they work like something akin to a voodoo doll how creative/j
yeah no nothing too groundbreaking today just them being silly
the calm before the storm
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turtleshelf · 2 days ago
Fun fic prompt that has been plauging me for like a month that I will either end up writing or will fizzle out:
Contrary to popular belief, Superman and Wonder Woman weren't the first JL members to learn Batman's secret identity... it wasn’t even Martin Manhunter. To the shock of everyone who learns this, and they themselves when it happened, it was Flash and Green Arrow.
It went like this: Dick wanted friends. Really he needed a support system that knew him in and out of the mask. Because Bruce and Alfred? They're great, but there are just some things a pre teen/young teen wants to talk to kids his own age about. And sure he has friends at school, but there's a disproportionately large portion of his life that he has to keep hidden that makes it hard for him to get close with people who don't know.
So it's takes some comments from Dick about how cool he thinks Kid Flash and Speedy are, and probably some needling from Alfred too, but for the sake of his sons general well-being and development Bruce calls Barry and Oliver to the Cave one day and drops the bombshell that is his secret identity on them.
This leads to some funny situations as Regular Guy Barry Allen starts being seen hanging out with two billionaires he has no reason at all to know. Bruce lightens up on the two just a little bit in the League, and is generally more friendly towards them. Flash and Green Arrow start to get much better at different fighting styles and stealth that they have never used previously.
It drives the rest of the JL crazy trying to subtly figure out what is happening.
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akakumoeteru · 4 years ago
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"I want to take someone back to Cloud Recesses... Take him back, hide him away." "But he is not willing."
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blackseafoam · 5 months ago
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✨all that matters✨
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achillean-knight · 10 months ago
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Did this like, way earlier today and utterly hated the outcome of it but hours later, I kinda like it? LMAOO Outfit and colours FOR the outfit are... subpar, but overall, I really quite enjoy this piece >:33!! I also have to admit, drawing ghost Mettaton I think is my new favourite thing
DAY 18 - STAR Skipped day 17 bc I didn't know what to draw 😭 My creativity has limits hhrg
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years ago
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - carrying on the argument between sloppy kisses and heavy make out #2 - getting aroused by the other's jealousy/obsession with them #3 - teasing the other because they know it will only get them more riled up #4 - giving in to all the sensations despite the prior anger #5 - frustration mixing with passion and pleasure #6 - ignoring comfort for the sake of carnal release #7 - using sex to avoid confronting the real issue #8 - making the sex about proving a point #9 - provoking the other's jealousy to get intense/rough passion #10 - sex as an outlet for a lot of pent-up emotions
#11 - "I can't believe you even wasted a thought on them." #12 - "Admit it. You need me." #13 - "You know they never stood a chance against you, right?" #14 - "Your jealousy was totally unfounded but if it leads to this, I'm not saying anything against it." #15 - "You're mine." #16 - "This is better, right?" #17 - "Yes, do it. Do anything you like." #18 - "You really think anyone could compete with this?" #19 - "Show me!" #20 - "Yes, I'm yours." #21 - "Do you see what you do to me? Even when you're so aggravating, you're doing this to me." #22 - "I might be better off if I could go without you. But I can't!" #23 - "Make me believe it!" #24 - "I can give it to you, whatever it is you're craving." #25 - "I only need you." #26 - "You're sexy when you're angry." #27 - "Don't try me!" #28 - "Is this too much for you?" #29 - "Could he/she/they do it like this?" #30 - "Did this change your mind?"
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megumiluvv · 3 months ago
He doesn’t know how he got sucked into this. Choso had a day off and invited you over, finally not needing an excuse to have you over. What he didn’t expect was what was currently happening in his living room. Yuji sits beside you on the couch, holding small hair ties, and Choso is sitting on the floor between your legs, having his hair styled by you.
“You’re pulling too hard,” he complains, reaching his hand up only for you to playfully smack it away.
“Leave it alone.” You frown. Yuji merely giggles and copies you. “Yeah, Cho, leave it aloooone!”
Choso huffs and complains while you put his hair into bubble braids. For a guy whose hair is in buns all the time, he sure is tender-headed. When you’re done, the bubble braids are lopsided from his pulling away from you, but overall doesn't look too bad.
“Tadaaaa…” your hands make a gesture in the mirror as he looks at his reflection. “Thoughts?”
“It's lopsided.”
“And who's fault is that?” You frown, cheeks puffing out playfully as your finger pokes his own.
“Yeah, yeah, it just hurts my head when you’re tugging on my hair.”
“Choso! I want my hair done like that too!” Yuji points up at his head.
“Your hair isn’t long enough yet, Yuji.”
“That’s because you made me get a haircut!”
“That’s because you were growing a mullet.”
“Yeah huh.”
“Nuh-uh! I just said so!” The boy pouts and crosses his arms as if that changes how long his hair was.
“Whatever you say, kid.” Choso smiles and ruffles Yuji’s hair, making the boy scoff and try fixing it.
“Speaking of haircuts,” you segue, “do you ever plan on cutting your hair, Choso?”
“Hmm, I've never thought about it, no.” he muses.
“I think it wouldn't look bad at all if you decided to, but I like how long it is.” you smile and trace the bumps of the hairstyle. “Wanna do a different one now? I can do a fishtail braid.”
“Sounds like I should have bought more ibuprofen,” Choso mutters.
Yuji turns on The Lion King to watch while you undo the bubble braids and run your fingers through his smooth hair. Your hands carefully work while you and Yuji duet most of the songs in the Disney movie, Choso is sort of forced to sit through it. Not that he minds, he finds it adorable.
Three hairstyles later, Yuji’s asleep on your lap as the credits to the movie roll. Choso rises from the floor and kisses your forehead.
“How's your head?” you smile.
“Not hurting as bad as I make it out to be.”
You laugh softly at his words and pat the seat beside you. “C’mere.”
He sits down and you carefully play with his hair like your other hand is doing with Yuji. You press a kiss to his cheek and smile. He looks at you and smiles a soft one of his own. He could never cut his hair when this is what the outcome is.
Taglist (ask to join anytime): @samaraxmorgan @cherriee-ee @auor4 @chaotic-ish @meowsannie
@mediokerrv @flooftoof @dazaisfavgf @mysteriaqueen @theirlgarfield
@jasminelee324 @t-candy
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secretarysong · 5 months ago
Mayzuketober Day 4: Ice Cream
an hour and 20 minutes after they left the laundromat ... I feel like zuke is the kind of guy who often goes into food comas . On the other hand mayday turns it all DIRECTLY into energy
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the-witchhunter · 1 year ago
Ghost King Danny and what have you, but the Infinite Realms only connects to the Nicktoons. So Danny sings over in FOP, vacations in Retroville, bonds with Neptune down in Bikini Bottom over sons (Dan and Triton) and daughters (Dani and Mindy) that cause them stress, Overshadows Jenny (which probably counts as a level of intimacy Constantine would be jealous of), relaxes over in Rugrats/Wild Thornberrys, messes with Zim, etc
Then Danny gets summoned to DC because someone wanted to summon the king of a multiverse. Danny's friends and foes are not amused. How dare that random universe steal their king buddy/enemy!
Nightwing: Don’t make me do this SpongeBob *pulls out escrima sticks”
SpongeBob: You’ve left me no choice
I am highly amused by this but that was as much as I got
Nicktoons Vs DC
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year ago
wishing everyone a very "your greying hair is sexy"
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sicktember · 2 years ago
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Official Sicktember 2023 Prompt List!
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** Please remember to read the FAQs before asking event related questions**
[text version of the prompt list below the cut]
1. Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
2. Quest for a Cure
3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?"
4. Hiding an Illness
5. Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
6. Sick and Injured
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
8. Persistent Fever
9. White Coat Syndrome
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
11. Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick
12. Old Wives Tale
13. Anxious Stomach
14. ‘‘I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am’’
15. Sick in an Inconvenient Place
16. Consulting the Internet/Web MD
17. Magical Remedy/Healing Potion
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
19. Curled Up With a Pet
20. Cramping Pain
21. "But if you stay, you'll get sick too"
22. Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
23. Coughing Fit
24. “Did you just sneeze?”
25. Confused/Disoriented
26. Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
27. Uncooperative Patient
28. “I should have stayed home”
29. Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
30. Patient 0
“I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”
Fuzzy Socks
Pounding Headache
Forehead Kisses
“I’m so sorry”
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finemealprompt · 10 months ago
DP x DC Prompt #60
Alfred does not fear death. He knows what awaits on the other side, so why should he fear it? After all, he's been married to a being of death for a long time.
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