#the bad batch fandom
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blackseafoam ¡ 6 months ago
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Spotted this while on a run in my neighborhood, on one of those little free libraries ✨
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cookiebeatz ¡ 1 month ago
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we have Rambo at home
Rambo at home:
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blackseakraft ¡ 2 months ago
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legacygirlingreen ¡ 9 months ago
Tech (TBB) Fanart
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I recently decided to make a more simplified version of Tech’s helmet given it’s so unique! God I miss him damn near daily at this rate. But for anyone who wanted a more subtle version of his helmet, here’s a geometric rendition.
I was going for more of the type of thing he’d have written on his bunk wall with his scribbles!
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leapingbadger ¡ 5 months ago
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Summary: Hunter and Rex go on a mission for intel and come across some unlikely acquaintances.
Word Count: 4349
Read on AO3
“Are you sure you’re doing that right?” Rex asked,
“You know this is kind of my thing, right?” Hunter said exasperatedly. He was crouched, close to the ground, rolling dirt over his fingers. His helmet, or the replacement helmet he had been given by Echo, sat next to him on the ground. An unfamiliar face staring up at him.
Hunter understood where Rex was coming from. They had been at this for more rotations than he could count. He couldn’t even remember the name of the small, jungle like moon they found themselves on, but they seemed to be going in circles, and it wasn’t because of Hunter’s tracking skills. The muscles in his calves were screaming. Sweat dripped down his back and bandana was soaked through.
“Did you ever think that maybe this Jedi doesn’t want to be found and that’s why we’re having such a hard time.”
“I did.” He said smugly, clapping Hunter on the shoulder, “that’s why I brought the best,”
Hunter signed and got closer to the ground. They were close, he could sense it.
Suddenly he stood up, “Rex, move!” he shouted, shoving the captain out of the way just as the glowing blade of an emerald lightsaber fell to the ground where he had been moments before.
Hunter fell back onto the attack stance, blaster pulled and aiming in front of him. The stranger wore a black cloak, only his chin visible underneath.
“Well, well, well,” he said in a relaxed kind of way, “Captain Rex. I heard you were dead”
“Likewise, Master Vos,” Rex said cooly.
Both men relaxed their stance. Quinlan Vos lowered his hood, a cocky smile on his lips. His black hair hung past his shoulders, the yellow markings on his face seemed to glow in the green light of the lightsaber.
The hum on Vos’ laser sword still hung in the air. Hunter hadn’t lowered his weapon but had loosened his grip. He knew of Vos by reputation. But these were difficult times and given his last experience with a force user, he had no intention of letting his guard down.
“And who’s this?” Vos nodded at Hunter, “your tracker, I’m assuming?”
“That’s right, this is Hunter,”
Vos shut off his lightsaber with a snap hiss and stepped forward. He reached his hand out to shake Hunter’s, “not many people can track me. I’m impressed.” Hunter nodded but didn’t respond to the outstretched hand. He still wasn’t sure if they were safe yet or not.
“I don’t need to worry about you both trying to blast me, do I?” Vos asked with an amused expression, as if he’d like to see them try.
“We’re not working for the Empire.” Rex said simply, and that seemed to assuage any fears in Vos.
“So, what can I do for you, Captain” he asked, hooking his lightsaber to his belt and turning his back on them, walking through the thicket of trees, bushes and twigs crunching with every step.  
Rex looked at Hunter, shrugged and followed.
“We rescued a number of force sensitive children from the Empire. Are working to find their families, have found some but we think they’re being watched. We can’t return the kids to have them taken again. A friend suggested we try and find you. That you had a network that might be able to help.”
“A friend?” Vos asked, eyebrow raised.
“Fulcrum,” Rex responded quietly.
Hunter was only half listening to the conversation. There was something lingering at the edge of his senses that he couldn’t place. He could hear something in the tops of the trees. It was moving methodically, not like an animal. His eyes searched the dense canopy. The rustling was following them.
“We’ve got company” Hunter said quietly.
“Don’t worry about it,” Vos said with a shrug.
Hunter looked at Rex who just nodded and continued to follow the Jedi deeper into the forest. Hunter rested his hand on his blaster, held his virboknife and continued to trek.
It was some time before they reached a small cave like structure in a small clearing. A circular opening looked like it had been cut directly into the rock, Hunter assumed with the lightsaber hanging from Vos’ waist. He hated to think how long that had taken.
Rex settled on a large tree stump that lay horizontally on the ground. He sighed as he took off his helmet, wiping the sweat from his face. Hunter wasn’t ready to sit. He was still unsettled. Whatever was following them was still lingering at the edge of his senses. It was oddly familiar.  
Vos disappeared into the cave and came back without his cape and carrying a tray with a grey liquid in a bottle. “Figured we could all use a drink” he said.
There were four cups. Hunter raised his eyebrow at Rex. He had taken the cup he was handed but Hunter noticed he hadn’t taken a sip yet. The captain knew something was off too.
Hunter slowly turned around on the spot, looking out into the deep forest, through the trees. A gentle scent wafted over the clearing, flowers, ash and…death?
Hunter spun around; blaster raised to the tree line. He knew that scent.
“Have you come for round two?” a tall and slim figure emerged, the grey markings tracing down the side of her mouth, giving her a permanent scowl. He hair was longer now, chin length and cut in a slant as sharp as the side of a blade.
“Ventress?” Rex said, blaster up, eyes darting from Hunter and Vos.
“How’s Omega?,” Ventress asked, casually walking through the clearing and taking the seat next to Vos. Any closer and she would have been sitting on his lap.
Hunter didn’t answer, lower his weapon, or blink. He had turned on his heel to follow her as she walked.
“Another one of your acquaintances, my dear?” Vos asked her sweetly, pouring her a cup of the cloudy liquid. “Is there anyone you don’t know?”
“What can I say, I get around,” she replied with a smirk. She crossed her left leg over her right and knocked back the drink in one go.
Hunter was still scowling and wondering what Rex had gotten him into. He didn’t know Rex’s contact and who had put him on the path to Vos and Ventress, but he couldn’t help but wish he were back on Pabu with his squad. He, Crosshair, and Wrecker had been no match for Ventress the last time. He and Rex wouldn’t stand a chance against both her and Vos.
“Easy fellas,” Vos said, standing with his hands up as though approaching a wild animal. “She is no longer a Sith.”
“Something I believe I shared with you on your island,” Ventress added to Hunter.
“We didn’t get a great impression of which side you were on,”
“You’re still beathing, aren’t you?” Ventress replied, tucking her silver hair behind her ear.
Hunter hesitated but lowered his blaster. He watched out of the corner of his eye and Rex followed suit. They weren’t going to get anywhere with open hostility. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner the kids could get back to their families, and the sooner he could get back to his.
Rex cleared his throat, seemingly trying to get things back on track. “We’re looking for help relocating…”
“Force sensitive children. Yes, I heard” Ventress said. She looked at Hunter with a smile on her lips, “are you collecting them?”
Hunter scowled but didn’t respond. She was trying to get under his skin. It was working.
“Have the children been tested? Have their abilities been confirmed?”
“They were being kept at a secret facility run by an Imperial scientist working directly for the emperor. They wouldn’t have kept them if they weren’t” Hunter replied, bristling a little. He didn’t want the kids to have to go through anything else, especially Ventress’ ‘tests’.
“A secret facility?” Ventress looked at Vos who simply nodded. He seemed more than happy for her to take the lead. “And how did you hear about it?”
Hunter didn’t respond, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Ah… Omega. She was taken I’m assuming?”
Hunter felt a tightness in his check and a catch in his throat but kept his face blank. He didn’t want to think about the time she was taken from him. The many times she was taken. He fought the immediate need to check in with his squad on Pabu, making sure she was still there.
She was safe, she was fine. He repeated it again and again in his head until it took hold.
“So, what happened to the facility” Vos interjected
Hunter shrugged, “partially destroyed,”
“And the scientist?” Ventress asked.
A cloud fell over Hunter’s eyes. “He died.” He said calmly.
Hunter sat by the fire. Watching the embers spark and float into the deep forest night. He and Rex hadn’t had time to return to their base before nightfall. The woods weren’t safe to navigate in the dark, although Hunter had been prepared to take the risk.
Vos and Ventress did plan to help them. Rex’s contact had been right about that. Their small network was growing exponentially but it would still take time to locate a safe space for Jax and Sammi.  The kids had been in contact with their families, something Hunter was pleased about, but it hadn’t been safe enough to reunite them yet. He knew how painful that must be for their parents. They were willing to help Rex and Echo locate the families of Eva and Behrn, if possible.
Hunter heard the crack of a tree branch behind him, but didn’t stir. Rex sat down on the log opposite him and smiled.
“Need an extra set of eyes out here?” he asked
“Hm, not really,” Hunter replied, his eyes not leaving the fire, “but you’re welcome to stay.”
“I appreciate you doing this, Hunter. I know this is not where you want to be,”
“Happy to help, Rex. You know that.”
“I do,” Rex said, scratching at the stubble on his chin, “I hate to think the chaos your squad is getting into,” Rex chuckled.
Hunter smiled. He had been trying not to think about it. “I’m sure Crosshair’s keeping them in line,” he said. Rex, raised an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe not Cross. Omega then. If she’s following the rules herself that is.”
He knew she wouldn’t be. That kid had never heard an order and followed it.  He smiled at the thought of Omega’s big brown eyes and floppy blonde hair.
“This work you and Echo are doing. When’s it going to be enough, Rex? You can’t do this forever. There’s only so much time before your luck will run out. Trust me,”
“We’re in it for the long run,” Rex said with a confident smile and Hunter couldn’t help but think back to their first missions together, his unwavering belief and trust that he was on the right track. He admired his friend but feared for him too. If Rex was an optimist, then Hunter was a realist. This was a fight that was not easily won.
For so much of their lives, their decisions, had been made for them. Hunter didn’t know how any clone could want anything other than peace after the madness and misery of war.  
“You think we can trust them?” Hunter asked, nodding to the cave where Ventress and Vos had retreated to.
Rex looked pensive for a moment, like a memory flashed behind his eyes. “Not all Jedi are trustworthy, I’ll give you that. I trust Vos, I have no evidence not to but… Ventress…she’s something different. From the story of your encounter with her and some other things I’ve heard, I like to believe she’s changed…”
“We can’t trust these kids to just anyone.” Hunter said, adamantly. “We can’t let the empire get hold of them again. Who knows what they’d do to them this time.”
“I won’t let that happen,” Rex said firmly. “How are they doing on the Island, anyway?”
Hunter smiled, a wide, serene smile that he didn’t think he was capable of anywhere but Pabu. “Good. Adapting. Omega meditates with them most days. The oldest go to school. They’re being looked after by two neighboring families so we can keep an eye on them. Baryn is walking now although things tend to start flying when he loses his temper. There’s the occasional Jedi stuff with the others too but we have been able to keep it quiet. Contained.”
Rex smiled. “Fatherhood suits you,”
Hunter felt his cheeks get hot and brushed the comment off, “Well, someone’s got to look after them.”
“You did that for Omega too, you know. Do you ever think where she’d be if you hadn’t taken her with you?”
Hunter shook his head, but he had thought about it. She wouldn’t have been chased by bounty hunters, shot at, kidnapped and otherwise threatened. But she could have died on Kamino, or been sent to Tantis earlier.  It didn’t really matter, Hunter thought. She was meant to come with them. She was their family before they even knew it. She chose him before he had an opportunity to choose her. It was a choice he would make every single time.
“Why don’t you get some rest, Rex.” He said finally. “I’ll keep watch. We’ll switch in a few.”
Rex nodded and stepped closer to the treeline, put on his helmet and sat against a tree.
The creatures of this moon were making a strange trilling noise in the trees. The air smelled like wet dirt. The scent had been stuck in his nose for days. He longed for the sweet, salty air of Pabu and the dry heat instead of this wet, cloying environment.
Hunter pulled out his knife and started twirling it between his fingers. There was a time, as a cadet that his fingers would be covered in bandages, as he tried tricks with the blade. These days it was an extension of his hand. It was intuitive, a mindless activity.
It wasn’t long before Hunter sensed her behind him. Her footsteps wouldn’t have been detectable to anyone else, that’s the nature of the Jedi or Sith or whatever she was these days. But Hunter knew, he heard as soon as she stood up in the cave.
She stepped lightly over the log and sat down next to him, a little too close for comfort. Once again, she was trying to make him uncomfortable, and once again he hated that she was succeeding. Her angular face turned towards him. “How is Omega?”, she asked, her drawling voice quieter than usual.
Hunter raised an eyebrow, “curiosity got the best of you?” he asked, turning towards her and managing to put a little space between them at the same time.
“I suppose you could call it that,” she replied, running her long fingers through her chin length hair.
“Well, she hasn’t made anything levitate or explode like some of the other force sensitives I’ve met. Does than satisfy you?”
Ventress looked into the fire, deep in thought. Hunter frowned, watching as the orange flames danced in front of her face, making her eyes look like they were glowing.
“She is…unusual…”
“She’s unique,” Hunter corrected.
Ventress turned to him, eyes narrowed her eyes. “She’s not force sensitive. Why was the empire after her?”
“Why do you care?”
“Call it professional curiosity,” she said sarcastically.
“I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. I don’t know.” Hunter said, lying. He knew Jedi should be able to sense when they were being deceived, he’d seen it in action during the war, but Ventress didn’t press, and he was thankful for it.
They sat in silence for a while. Listening to the strange calls of the creatures in the trees. Hearing the rustling of larger animals in the woods.
Ventress seemed to be comfortable with the silence, but Hunter found it intrusive, much like her presence. He didn’t know why she was here or what she wanted.
“You smell like death,” he said, into the night.
“I bet you’re really popular with the ladies,” she retorted.
Hunter rolled his eyes. It had been bothering him since she had appeared. He had been too fraught when they last met to notice but it was so obvious now.  There was something in the back of his senses, he couldn’t describe it, or see it, but it was there.
“Is it true you can see things through the force?”
Her eyes narrowed, “yes,”
“Like people?”
“All living things are connected through the force. But yes, I can see them, in my mind’s eye”
“Even dead people?” Hunter asked slowly, looking down at the knife he had been casually twirling his hands as he did so.
Ventress sat up straighter and shifted in her seat. This clearly wasn’t where she thought the conversation was going to go when she came out here.
“Yes… occasionally force sensitives can see, hear and even talk to the dead.” She paused; lips pursed as though holding in a question that didn’t want to be contained. “Why are you asking these things?”
Hunter ran his hand through his hair, “it doesn’t matter,” he said, suddenly feeling foolish. He wasn’t ready to talk about this. Why would he bring it up with this woman of all people? He hadn’t even brought this up to his family. Was that why he had been so interested in leaving Pabu? Was the stress of keeping this secret from them easier at a distance?
Ventress was staring at him intently, unwilling to let her question go. “Should I have tested you instead of Omega?”
Hunter scoffed, “I’m no Jedi,” he said, amusement in his voice.
Ventress narrowed her eyes at him again. “Stand up,” she barked, snatching the blade out of his hands. “Over there,” she gestured a few meters away. Normally, a former Sith assassin stealing his knife would set off alarm bells, but Hunter didn’t feel threatened. Without thinking he followed her directions.
“Close your eyes,” she said in the same tone, “I’m going to throw your knife. Try and catch it”
“I am not force sensitive,” he said exacerbated, “The Kaminoan’s enhanced my senses.”
“And what do you think force sensitivity is?” she asked, dryly. “Now close your eyes,”
Hunter huffed. He thought of the look on Crosshair’s face when he told him he willingly let Ventress throw a knife at him, smiled to himself and closed his eyes.
He felt his senses start to tingle, as though they were reaching out to try and find the knife. He heard Ventress pull the blade back to her ear.  As she released the knife it made a schwing sound though the air. He heard it as if came closer, second by second until his hand shot out, involuntarily, and the hilt fell into his palm.
Ventress crossed her arms looking smug, but Hunter just shook his head.
“I’ve been catching knives and everything else by brothers could throw at me since I was a cadet. This doesn’t mean anything,”
“It means I should test you further”
“Ventress,” it was the first time he had used her name, in the same tone he would use Crosshair’s or Phee’s, and it took him aback. He cleared his throat and started again, “I was just asking because…”
“You can sense dead people.”
“Just the one, my brother. But yes,”
“Well, technically two. You sensed me as well, remember? There were three people in this galaxy who knew I died. There is no way you would have known, unless you sensed it. You have no way of knowing how the Kaminoans enhanced your particular skills. They had access to Jedi. Perhaps you were supposed to be force sensitive.”
“But I’m not.”
“That remains to be seen. I can’t sense your brother in the force right now. Perhaps he’s not around but I can sense you. You look different in the force than your friend,” she nodded to Rex, sleeping slumped against a tree. How he was sleeping through this conversation Hunter didn’t know. “All clones are unique in the force, but even Omega didn’t look like this. Perhaps you find these force sensitive children, protect them, because you can sense them through the force.”
“Does it matter? It just matters that they’re safe,” He replied. He had thousands of thoughts jumping through his mind. He was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. He wished Rex would wake up and Ventress would leave.
Ventress shrugged, “it doesn’t matter to me, beyond mild curiosity. But the force works in mysterious ways, and it sent you here for a reason, perhaps it was to discover this information.”
Her words hung in the air. Hunter didn’t know how to respond. Had no way to respond. He was different by design; they all were, but could it be possible? Did he want it to be possible? He needed to talk to Tech, ask him what he thought. But that was easier said than done. The silence hung there.
He hastily changed the subject. “This path you’ve created. How safe is it?”
“As safe as anything now days.” She replied cooly. She paused and looked intently at his face, as though trying to read his mind.
“So, not safe at all,” he said, more to himself than her.
“Your children will be protected by Quinlan and myself. It doesn’t get much safer than that,”
“They’re not my children,” he insisted. Although they might as well be.
“You could help, you know. Your skills would be useful.  I could continue to test you. Perhaps between the Quinlan and I, we could give you some answers.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow. “I’m retired,”
“And I’m dead, yet here we are. Think of all those children and survivors who need help, just like Omega. You could do a lot of good.”
“I’ve got my own family to look after.”
“Then why are you here?” she asked pointedly.
Hunter paused. The light of fire was dimming now, the embers fading from bright red and orange to cool yellow amid the tangle of twigs and leaves. He had thought of little else but returning to Pabu during his time with Rex, usually in the quiet moments. But when on the island he struggled to find purpose. When you have been going night and day since you were born, slowing down was a strange sensation. But the longer he was away, the more he thought it was something he could learn to be satisfied with.
“Hmm.” Ventress cooed “well, if Island life ever gets too dull, I’m sure you can track us down,”
She stood up and sauntered back to the cave. Hunter sat bemused for a moment, staring out into the darkness of the forest. He really needed to get back home.
Hunter was at the ramp before the ship had even landed. The heat of Pabu hit him as soon as the ramp started to lower. The sweet, ubiquitous scent of blossom from the weeping maya tree, cooking smells from the market and salty air of the surrounding sea signaled that he was finally home.
Omega ran at him as soon as he hit the stone top of Pabu. He kneeled to hug her and then stood so her short legs dangled. She giggled and hugged his neck tighter, burying her cheek into chest. She had grown since he had left. Her hair was longer down her back, her bangs stretched to fit tightly into the braid.
“Huntah, we missed you,” she said with a beaming smile.
His brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker both came forward. Wrecker giving him his usual, spine crushing hug and Crosshair, a slap on the shoulder.
“Managed to stay alive then?” Crosshair said with a smirk.
“Yeah, despite Ventress’ best efforts,” Omega, Crosshair and Wrecker exchanged confused looked and exploded with questions at once.
“We can talk about it when we get home,” Hunter said with a smile.
They walked back to their little house. After some time in the refresher, Hunter, clean for what felt like the first time since he left, joined his family at the table on the patio.
Wrecker had created a feast. The table heaved under plates of fish, cooked meat from the market, fruits and vegetables and a sweet dessert that Omega had decorated with flowers.
“So, was the mission a success?” Wrecker asked as Hunter took the seat opposite.
“Yeah, you could say that. We found the target. Two for the price of one it turns out. They’re going to help the kids find their families find a safe place…”
“And where does Ventress fit in,” Crosshair asked cooly “I knew I should have gone with you,”
“She and Vos are an item. They may have been together before we met her last,”
“And why are you alive despite her best efforts?” Crosshair continued.
Hunter knew his brother wouldn’t let that comment go. He paused and took a sip of his wine. The liquid was sweet with a bitter, rich aftertaste. “ I let her throw my knife at me while my eyes were closed,”
“YOU DID WHAT?” Crosshair, Wrecker and Omega all shouted in unison. Batcher started underneath the table at the noise, shook head so her collar tinkled and laid back down on the warm stone patio.
Hunter chuckled and gazed out over Pabu’s harbor. He felt a familiar prickling at the edge of his senses and closed his eyes to see Tech in his mind’s eye.
He smiled at his fallen brother.  He supposed now as was good a time as any. He nodded to the empty chair they always kept for him at the family table, and sensed Tech slide into it. There was a slight scraping noise on the stone, but he was the only one to notice. Omega, Crosshair and Wrecker looked at him quizzically.
Hunter sighed, put down his glass and faced his family. “I have a lot to tell you.”
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faithwalkcreationscloneart ¡ 4 months ago
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For anyone interested in my art, I put my 2025 Clone Wars and Bad Batch fan art calendar on sale on Etsy. Each page has a full color image of my acrylic clone and Bad Batch paintings, printed on sturdy card stock. It's 11x17" open. I also have large giclee prints of some of my paintings at a big discount. Link is below.
I have an Etsy shop with prints and calendars of my clone art for sale. https://www.etsy.com/shop/FaithwalkCreationsCo 
On Facebook you can find me at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564620144107
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darthkote ¡ 3 months ago
Taking a short lil break from the blog to force myself to finally finish TBB
see u on the other side, troopers 🫡🫠
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nerfpuncher ¡ 10 months ago
I'd like to tell yall a story.
As well all know, 3 years ago today The Bad Batch premiered. We were in the thick of Tritcale Harvest (like we are now lol). I was too excited to wait till I got home to watch. So I propped my phone up on the tractor steering colum, used my head phones, and watched the pilot while driving tractor. It was wonderful.
At the same time, my big red mare was over due to foal by two weeks. She could release the hostage at any time. I had checked on her at 4am when I left for the field, she showed no signs of foaling.
A surprise bout of rain at 10am shut us down that day. So I went home and drove out to check her just in case.
This is what I found
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He was dry, standing and nursing. I'm guessing she had him not long after I had checked in the morning.
A perfect clone of his mother right down to the star on his head. After a few days, when he mother would nicker, he would too.
So of course he had to be named Echo❤️
In the same way I have loved this show over the past 3 years and watched the fandom grow, I watched Echo grow as well.
He is curious and kind. First to meet you at the gate when called. He is playful by nature, stealing hats, gloves, or anything else left unattended.
He is a fast learner with more try than any other horse iv started (and iv started a lot of colts)
A few days ago, I once again left my house at 4am, propped my phone up on the tractor steering colum, and watched the series final the same way i did when it first aired. It was so bitter sweet.
Then as if it was meant to be, a suprise bout of rain hit at 10am, and shut us down again.
I figures I only had one choice.
A few days shy of his 3rd birthday, I put the first ride on my ARC trooper in training. I felt how he moves under saddle for the first time.
He is a horse that very few ranchers get to ride in their lifetime. He is brave in the face of the unknown. Calm in the chaos. Everything I want in a cow horse and then some. I can only imagine him 5 years down for road
My how he has grown into his name
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Why did I feel the need to write all this?
While our favorite show has ended, Echo here will live another 25 years with me if I'm lucky.
And every time I swing my leg over him, I'll think of this wonderful fandom iv come to be apart of. Of the artists and writers who put their hearts and souls into their work for us to enjoy. I'll think of the amazing people I got the privilege to know and call friends. ❤️
I'll think of all the Echo posts. Funny and angsty alike.
So while the show my have come to a bitter sweet end.
I'll have my sweet Echo to remind me of why I fell in love with the show and fandom in the first place ❤️
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climberjedi ¡ 11 days ago
Obviously, Still with Youďżź
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Omega started tearing up as she watched the hazy image of Tech come closer to her and shift his goggles slightly on the ship’s dashboard.
“Been a while since I’ve worn these…” Tech hummed as he examined the cracked lenses. “I must say that these are in appalling condition now though. Truly horrendous.”
Before Omega knew it, there were tear tracks lining her cheeks.
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Fic description- Omega embarks on a new adventure as a pilot in the Rebellion. Unlike the missions she has gone on in the past, she is flying solo… Or so she thought. Is anyone ever really alone though?
Rebellion Pilot Omega��� and ‘Tech’🥽
Link to fic-
Word count: 1,699
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the-bi-space-ace ¡ 8 months ago
A gift that this fandom has given me is building my confidence with socializing. I was so scared to interact with anyone else at first, terrified I'd say the wrong thing or my fics or ideas would be weird or wrong. It has always been very difficult for me to make friends and I am always a little scared I'll be annoying or strange and that fear has never really left me even into adulthood. It's a lot easier for me to interact with others now than it used to be. I'm certainly not perfect at it but I try! I've made so many friends, met so many cool people, and had endless amounts of fun and that's entirely because of this fandom and the amazing people in it. This little corner I've found myself in is endlessly supportive, kind, funny, and creative. It never fails to amaze me how great so many of you are. I just wanted to say thank you and that I appreciate the great things I've gained since making this blog <3
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apocalyp-tech-a ¡ 2 months ago
Do you think in the future, they'll have some type of star wars reboot or series where we'll get to see tech? Either answers to what happened or an old tech reunited with his brothers? Maybe it could be the reason they didn't show all of them at the series finale?
I know she had his glasses there but still. Am I naive for holding on to hope?
Hello Anon! There could be a series! It would make the most sense to have such a series focusing on Rex and Echo saving clones, fighting the Empire, and perhaps coming to the decision that it would be best to retire. After all, we never saw Wolffe again either. Or Cody. Their fates are up in the air as well. With Echo involved, I think it only makes sense to include the Batch as well. And yes, especially since we never saw any of them in the series finale. And many characters have come back from supposed ill fate: Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Lama Su, and somehow Palaptine returned. Even more here: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-resurrected-characters-explained/ So, in conclusion, you're not naive for holding on to hope. I am holding on to it as well, many of us are! I think we just need to continue being vocal about it. Like please give us Tech back!!! Tech Lives!!! And maybe someday, we'll be saying "Somehow Tech returned." 😃 And if we don't see it in canon, there are always those of us who will keep his light alive whether fan fiction, fanart, or fan interaction. Thank you so much for the question, Anon! I hope I was able to reinforce your hope as you have mine. 💜
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blackseafoam ¡ 3 months ago
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i had to
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cookiebeatz ¡ 1 month ago
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Any takers?
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blackseakraft ¡ 6 months ago
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From my “omega can deprogram clone assassins with the power of love and friendship” idea. Sketches I don’t think I’ll finish but I liked them enough to post here.
Also if tech was cx-2 which isn’t necessarily a theory I ever latched on to but I was openly optimistic it was him ;-;
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legacygirlingreen ¡ 9 months ago
Easing Tensions
Pairing: Tech x F!Reader
Summary: When introductions go wrong, watch as Tech slowly has to earn back your good graces after he insults your abilities as a mechanic. From friendship to something more, eventually the two of you find some slice of heaven on Ord Mantell despite all odds...
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Warning: Smut! Tech and reader are definetly not virgins so not first time (unless you wanna count first time together). Mild dom/sub vibes. Casual/playful spanking. Don't worry Tech's still really sweet. Mentions of Omega being kidnapped by Cad Bane and events of Bracca.
***no use of Y/N!!***
Notes: This is my first time posting for Bad Batch content so I really hope that everything goes okay! I want to thank my awesome friend @strawberrypinky for bearing with me and encouraging me despite her not having watched TBB before! It's so wonderful to have a friend who's so supportive!
Definitely pulled some inspo from some AMAZING fanart that I've seen on here. There's this wonderful image of Tech with tattoos by @cloned-eyes and so many incredible ones by @eggdrawsthings like this who often draws Tech with his cute little undercut!
Word Count: 16.5 words (I apologize for my inability to do porn without a plot!)
Ord Mantell wasn’t the nicest part of the galaxy, but- 
It is home..? 
It is tolerable..? 
It is a steaming pile of bantha shit? Yeah that’s probably as close as you could get to describing it. 
  No one intends to live in this sketchy city in the mid-rims: you just end up here. That’s how you got here after all. After having a few good years working on Coruscant, designing starships for Senators and the Aristocrats of the Republic. But then the war started. The Republic discovered they had been funding an army of clones, and all those privatized contracts dried up, rent went up and you’d been forced to leave the planet of lights. 
  After your ship had a malfunction, ending up in the space port just outside Cid’s place, the Trandoshan oddly taking pity on you, allowing you a place to crash in exchange for repairing her arcade machines… and the dish washer… and rewire her a new security system… and so much you lost track before word got around of your mechanical engineering skills. 
  Rotations kept going and it wasn’t long before you found yourself with a small shop, running jobs within the city on household appliances, droids, ships - you name it. It wasn’t much, just a tiny building full of spare parts, a work space, a front with some small devices to sell. Not to mention the small loft apartment above it - not that you actually made it up there, often falling asleep burning the midnight oil at your desk - but it was still a home. 
  Only occasionally getting robbed or having some creeps passing through town hitting on you being the few things that threw a damper in what turned out to be a decent enough existence. And as sketchy as Cid might be, or the cast of characters she keeps around, you still kept a soft spot for the lady. Always repairing whatever she claimed needed fixing… it was usually nothing. But you’d let her pour you a drink while you ‘fixed’ the slots for the hundredth time. After being tossed out of the highlight of the galaxy, you were finally at peace with where you wound up. 
  That was, until they showed up. 
  Bolo had stopped by in the morning, claiming Cid had broken the slot machine again, to which you said the usual: I’ll stop by after I finish this. 
  This being a machine for one of the only doctors in town. While most of the folks on Ord Mantell were less than ideal, the few good people made it worth sticking around. The doctor needing a medical device for internal issues fixed being an actual emergency over Cid’s loneliness. However, that rationalization soon would be something you’d regret. 
  Hours melted away, soldering iron finishing off the last of the repair. Standing from the desk, cracking your back and fingers prodding at the crick in your neck. Soreness being the reward for a hard day’s work. Well that and the small burns and cuts on your fingers. But that was an occupational hazard of doing repairs. 
  Slipping a coat on with the blaster you kept for protection underneath it was a quick delivery, with a joyful thank you - and a thank you pie courtesy of his lovely wife - and you finally made it to Cid’s. 
  You recognized the armor immediately. Having heard a few weeks back about the end of the war, you wondered what would happen to them. The clones. The ones that took your job. Took any chance at a promising career as a ship designer, because free labor is better than cheap labor. 
  Why were clones on Ord Mantell?
  All with their helmets removed, one near the bar turned to face you almost immediately. His face half covered in a tattoo as he made eye contact. You scowled, turned away, pushing your unresolved anger onto the man as if he personally was the cause of your misery. 
  Next to him was a clone that looked more metal than man. What had the Republic done with their clones if he wound up this bad? You thought to yourself, watching as his pale eyes glanced over your frame. The coat rack behind you suddenly reminds you that perhaps it best to remind these men you meant business. 
  Slipping off the outerwear, holster and gun on full display over the tight, oil stained work suit, you once again turn to examine just how many clones were in the parlor. A very large one, entertaining… a child? You knew for a fact these men were clones. Having been hit on by enough, regretfully having slept with a few before you skipped town - you had seen enough brown eyes to last a lifetime. 
  Then the joyful call of your name, Bolo and Ketch welcoming you over as Cid emerged from the back with yet another clone. 
  “Took you long enough,” she said, an almost undetectable smile working on her face as the others watched the interaction. 
  “Well, some of us had real work to do,” You tell her with a fake annoyed expression, stepping closer to the bar. 
  “You call tinkering in that dark room, work? When I - a paying customer - requested services,” Cid said. That caused the laugh to burst from your mouth, startling the watchful eyes of the new strangers. Soon Bolo and Ketch joined in, slapping the bar excitedly. 
  “I think I would be concerned if you did actually pay me,” You say through a chuckle, grabbing a tool off your belt as you turn towards the open room. “So where’s this slot machine that’s broken?” You emphasize the word, knowing it was likely from the one wire she always slightly disconnected to make you feel better for drinking without paying.
  “Same one as always, you know the drill. But hold on, I want you to meet my new boys. They are going to be running some jobs for me in order to keep a low profile with everything that’s going on,” Cid said, gesturing to the small squad of clones. 
  “I thought you said you would keep our business discreet?” Face-Tattoo growled as Cid waved him off. 
  “She’s a trusted acquaintance. The last stray I took in. Now look at her-” Cid started as Ketch spoke at the same time as her. 
  “A successful business woman-” Cid said.
“Covered in grease-” Ketch said.
  Bolo reacted immediately, laughing till he started coughing. The largest of the clones joining the Ithorian in laughter as you scowled at them. 
  “Cid it almost sounds as if you like me when you put it that way,” you warn her as she shakes her head, pushing you towards the slot machine. 
  “Eh don’t get carried away. Anyways, introductions. This is bandana-” she began as he grumpily spouted out, “Hunter”. 
  “This is muscles,” she pointed to the large one, who said “I’m Wrecker!” offering a smile and a hand, which she awkwardly shook. 
  “That’s tiny-” Cid pointed to the small girl, lingering near the one she called Wrecker. 
  “Hi! I’m Omega! You are really pretty-” she said, offering a hand as well. Her compliment catches you off guard from all the time with Cid’s sarcasm. 
  “Oh, uh… thanks kid. I like your uh… enthusiasm” you try to give her a compliment, the politeness so foreign it came off forced but the kid didn’t notice. 
  “Not sure what to call that one but he’s more metal than man at this point-” she pointed to the cybernetically enhanced one. 
  “Echo” he said plainly and you nod, appreciating the simplicity in his response. 
  “And this is goggles” she said, gesturing to the last one, who didn’t bother to look up from the device he was working on to even acknowledge you. 
  “Charming,” you reply sarcastically, finally drawing his attention as he watched the tail end of your eye roll. His own eyes fixating over the unique attire you donned along with the tools on your belt, his eyes narrowing as he wondered about your occupation. 
“His name is Tech, not Goggles,” giggles Omega. 
  “Ah, I see you are already acclimated to Cid’s show of affection. She must really like you all. Well, now that the introductions are out of the way, Cid-” You began, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible if there were now going to be clones at the parlor. Despite these one’s looking… vastly different, they still played a role in why you left. 
“Fix, then drink. You know the deal,” she explains. 
  Nodding you quickly sliding on your back, you open the circuit board, quickly locating the same wire that was always ‘altered’ prior to your arrival. Just as you went to reattach it however, a voice near your head startled you, the yelp leaving your lips as the wire’s exposed end shocked you. 
  “Ah!” filled the parlor, everyone’s attention turning towards the slot machine which Tech had inadvertently shoved himself underneath alongside you as he began troubleshooting the issue. 
  “Perhaps you should consider replacing the whole circuit board and wiring system if this one machine persists with issues. I am inclined to doubt your mechanic skills if you continually have to come back for repairs on the same device.” He spoke bluntly as you dropped the tool in your hand, anger rising to the surface as he stared at the machine, hands starting to trace the circuit board when you lost it. 
  “What are you doing?!” You demanded, finally drawing his attention, when Tech realized he had invaded your personal space a bit more than he intended. 
  “Oh, I was curious if my knowledge of engineering would be helpful given you seem to lack the knowledge in order to fix this devic-” he started but you weren’t hearing it, sliding away from him instantly as you brushed yourself off and stood, angrily stomping in the opposite direction.
  Cid called your name but you weren’t hearing it, reaching for your coat, tossing it on despite the many eyes watching your hasty exit. “Clones!” you gritted through clenched teeth, eyes rolling as you started up to street level. Steps on the stairs being the last anyone heard of you as you left a wake of confusion. 
  “Way to go Goggles” Cid chastised him as he stood, having propped himself up when you stomped away. 
  “I fail to see the issue. I merely pointed out the flaws in her previous attempts to fix the slot-” Tech began to defend himself. 
  “I don’t think insulting her was the right move,” Hunter groaned. 
  “Yeah, why did you make fun of how she fixes stuff? She was really pretty.” Wrecker said, sheepish look. 
  Echo remained silent, watching as Tech did not grasp what had happened, once again firing into an explanation as to why he believed he was not in the wrong.
  “If one continually has to return to fix the same device, I believe it only fair to question the validity of their credentials. Why else would it-” Tech spoke, only to have Omega step towards him, gently placing her hand on his armored shoulder before she said, “Tech, I think that for the two of them, fixing the machine is Cid’s way of asking for her company. That’s why it’s always the same device that’s broken-”
  “What you are saying is that the slot machine is a humorous bit of sorts?” He asked, glancing back at the way the panel lacked 2 bolts on its cover. When he looked at the spot, now vacated by you, he noticed you left a wrench on the ground. Walking towards it, he bent at the waist, picking it up and examining it. Carved into the handle were some initials, he assumed must be yours. 
  “It seems Tiny is smarter than you are Goggles,” Cid said with an eye roll, walking to the backroom, leaving the clones with the two regulars who awkwardly watched the interaction. 
  “I did not mean to appear rude-” Tech sighed, fingers probing his temples as Omega looked at Ketch. 
  “You know her don’t you?” Omega asked. 
  “Yeah… I can take it to her place on the way home. She tends to hole herself up there for days at a time-” Ketch explained only to have Omega shake her head. 
  “If you could tell us where it is, I can return it.” The small girl informed the group, immediately having Hunter protest, but Echo nudged him, pointing at Tech. 
  “Fine but take Tech with you,” Hunter realized Echo was alluding to Tech being granted an opportunity to apologize. 
  “I still believe it best to wait until morning given the nature of this town being less than ideal,” Tech protested. 
  “It’ll be fine Tech, we can take them!” Omega said enthusiastically, grabbing his hand and her newly acquired bow. 
  “I’m assuming them to be the metaphorical enemies we may run across?” He sighed, reaching for his helmet but Omega yanked him harder. 
  “Omega my helm-“ he yelped and she kept dragging.
  “It’ll be fine. Besides, if you are going to apologize it’s better to let her see your face when you do so,” omega explained. 
  “Why does seeing my face matter?” He groaned, the two of them coming to the street as Ketch pointed them in the direction of a street, giving them a piece of paper with your shop logo before leaving. 
  “Well, I don’t know. Maybe she’ll think you’re handsome,” Omega spoke with a mischievous grin, still tugging her brother along as he stumbled behind her. 
  “That is rather doubtful,” He told her, sigh passing over his lips as he realized it would likely be the same story he’d known many times at this point. Any time they were on Corrasaunt, they did worse with the presence of Regs, and the few women that glanced their way were always going for Wrecker, Crosshair or Hunter. He had lucked out in some ways, that Echo seemingly did just as bad with women, the two of them only rarely completing the mission so to speak. On the rare instance he did find himself, it usually felt awkward, unsatisfying and with them forgetting his name by morning. Despite being well versed in how to assist women, it always felt forced and against his nature to behave in the more dominant nature most females found appealing. Not that Tech was going to be the one to explain the intricacies of sexual relations to Omega. He was certain via scientific means that she was aware of how the act worked, but beyond that it felt more like a conversation between her and genuinely anyone else. 
  “I think that’s it!” She pointed out, and he raised the crude drawing on a napkin they had acquired that showed the logo of the shop. Above the shop was a light in what he figured to be a small domicile she occupied. 
  “I believe you are correct, however it may be best to attempt entry from the back. It appears there is a set of stairs that lead to-” he began, only to have the girl bound off without him for the alleyway, a slight skip in her step. 
  From within your apartment, you were angrily stomping about, tossing random parts into a crate. Circuit board, wires, tools. Who was he to question your ability to fix the damned machine? Fixing to make your way back to the parlor, you were dead set on proving him wrong. 
  In the midst of your sharp movements a knock at the apartment door startled you, causing you to stumble and ram your toes into the leg of the nearest table. The expletive ringing through the air as you hobbled towards the door, hand on the gun in case some creep had followed you. Pulling up the image display you had installed for security you saw the girl from the parlor and - 
  Door sliding open, you leaned against the frame to prevent putting weight on the throbbing extremity. 
  “Can I help you?” You grumpily scoffed at the pair, the little girl undeterred by your perturbed nature while the Clone, much less confident now glanced around awkwardly, his arms clutching his sides. 
  “We came to return your wrench,” she smiled up at you, her innocent brown eyes sparkling with the low lighting of your flat reflecting. Dammit. 
  “Well, that is unexpectedly kind I suppose. I assume Ketch told you where I live, so why not just let him do it?” You ask, still unsure why she sought you out to return something as simple as a wrench. You had hundreds. Still feeling the pain in your foot, you began to worry that you had actually broken or fractured something, given it had lingered, so as you looked down at the young girl you once again shifted weight, a slight hiss exiting your lips, nearly undetectable, but with the way Tech was scrutinizing you he noticed. 
  “Oh, I just thought that maybe since you and Cid are close, our squad could become friends with you-” Omega began only to have Tech interrupt her, stepping between the two of you. 
  “You are injured,” he bluntly said, gesturing down to your foot. 
  “Yes. I do not get visitors, especially this time of night, and certainly not men who have insulted me coming to my door. The knock startled me,” you hissed out as you straightened up, forcing him to maintain eye contact with you as you glared at him. 
  “Tech did not mean to be rude-” the girl began sensing the shift in hostility between the way you had spoken softly to her and the way tension grew the second Tech spoke up. 
  “I’m sure Tech-” you cut her off and test the waters by using his name before continuing “-doesn’t need you to apologize on his behalf. He’s a big boy. He can do it himself,” You glance down at her before once again turning to face him, arms crossing over your chest. “Unless of course, he isn’t sorry?” You challenge him to speak up with your tone. 
  “I-” she spoke after the beat of silence, only to have the man interrupt her once more. 
  “I believed myself to be perfectly within the bounds of questioning your skillset given the information I had at the time, being your frequent return to the parlor-” He began and you rolled your eyes, back of your head leaning back to meet the frame of the door as you scoffed. 
  “So you came to further insult me.” You said as he paused momentarily to look at you. 
  “No, I was-” Tech began and you waved him off, dismissing him. 
  “Sure sounds that way to me Brown Eyes,” You push off the frame of the door despite the pain in your toe, to get as close to face level as possible, despite his extremely tall frame. “I’ve dealt with enough clones to last a lifetime. And my experience has always been that of arrogant, inconsiderate men who think too highly of themselves and too lowly of me,” you lean in closer to his ear so only he will hear as you whisper, “especially for men who continually failed to finish me off…” 
  Leaning back you smirk watching the realization, possibly even horror cross his features as the tips of his ears burn red. 
  “Omega, go back to Cid’s-” he stuttered out as you laughed. 
  “Not this time of night Tech. Ord Mantell is far from the worst place in the galaxy but that doesn’t mean it's safe for her to navigate alone, especially with what’s on the horizon.” You warned him, eyes glancing up to the sky. 
  “Whatever do you mea-” Tech began, watching in horror as Omega’s hair began to slightly stand up as she giggled, while a large flash of light overhead. 
  “Electrical storms. I am surprised you didn’t note them in whatever archives I suspect someone of your calliber to have examined about Ord Mantell before or shortly after arrival,” You mention, looking down at the young girl. If it was just her, you would have no issue letting Omega in. But the extremely tall trooper wasn’t exactly in your best sights currently. Sighing you step aside, gesturing to come inside. 
  “I have not had proper time to examine known information on-” Tech straightened up as you interrupted him. 
  “Save it. Just get inside. They get downright nasty. I may not like you very much, but I am also not a monster who’s going to let you get electrocuted in the streets,” you scoffed at him, allowing the pair to pass through your flat’s entryway. 
  “Wow you have your own room!” Omega joyfully exclaimed, rushing around to look at your sparse belongings and wall decorations. Some random plans, some spare parts, a few drawings, a few photos - nothing abnormal. 
  “I can’t say I make it up here most nights to actually enjoy it, so apologies about the mess,” you hush out. Tech’s eyes were wide as he had trained them onto the back of your small sofa. Getting closer you realized what caused his nervousness as a bra tossed over the back came into view from where you’d flung it one evening. Crossing ahead of him, you reached for it, shoving it into the cushions. 
  While Tech commed back to the rest of their team, informing them the plan to wait out the normal evening storm here, you double checked no other artifacts of awkward origins to be lingering about. 
  The apartment wasn’t much, just a bed in the back corner behind a screen, a small kitchen with one burner and a stove, along side a small refrigeration unit. A refresher behind a door right at the entry way and some sparse furniture. Mostly, the space just spilled over spare parts from downstairs. 
  “Omega stop meddling in belongings that are not yours, it’s rude” Tech warned as he came back from discussing with Hunter. Omega hadn’t sat still, running around your flat as new items of interest took over her young mind. 
  “She’s fine,” you tell him, leaning against a wall looking at how he shifted slightly under your scrutiny. 
  “Tech look! It’s our ship!” Omega shouted from near one of the windows and he moved towards her, assuming her to be pointing outside in the direction of the hanger, but as he got closer he saw a small model of the standard ship, along with some drawings on the wall. 
  “Well, technically Omega we use a heavily modified version and this is the standard model of the-” he started as you chuckled. 
  “Omicron Class Attack Shuttle,” You tell him, coming to stand on the other side of Tech. 
  “How do you know have these? They are for military usage only, and I calculate the probability of one ending up here during the war to be quite low,” Tech asked. 
  “She helped design it.” Omega mentioned very plainly as Tech’s eyes bulged, turning to the young girl in time to see her fingers pointing towards some of your old sketches, signature and date marked many moons ago. 
  “But that-” he came closer to what Omega pointed out, heart beat picking up as he realized not only had he flown a ship you apparently helped design, but he had just earlier insulted your knowledge of mechanics. 
  “Was a lifetime ago. But yes. I used to live on Coruscant and worked as an engineer. Until contracts for civilians dried up. When I left, my ship had a malfunction and this was the safest planet to land for repairs. Haven’t left.” You explain to him, shifting the weight back off the injured toe, which you could feel swelling in the confines of your sock. 
  “These drawings do not match the standard regulation manuels for the shuttle. Why are they different? They closer resemble some of the modifications I have personally installed.” Tech asked you, fingers tracing over the worn schematics as he noted a different configuration for the main compressor and hyperdrive. 
  “I was only a junior engineer at the time. My supervisor demanded the changes be made no matter how much I protested. That’s why I was surprised to hear you boys fly one, but I suppose your modifications have extended it’s life. The changes my team made were less than ideal. But still, it’s my favorite ship I’ve designed,” you explain, feeling a strange mixture of relief and anxiety to bring up the past like this. 
  “Fascinating… What other ships have you designed if you don’t mind me asking?” he asked without looking up from the remnants of your old work. 
  “There’s a data pad right there on the table. Not sure if it’s got enough power to charge up, but it has the schematics of what I worked on. I’ll warn you, it’s mostly shuttles for senators or higher ranking military personale. Not many are military craft,” you explain pointing out the data pad, noting the Omega had disappeared from view, finding her sitting on the sofa as she smiled and waved to you. 
  Moving across the apartment you sat next to her, curious why 4 clones were traveling with a child. 
  “So what’s your story kid?” You ask her, watching as Tech poked around your small corner of relics from time spent as an engineer, his fingers picking up some of the small models as he continued to flip through the data pad he got working with a small transportable battery pack, muttering out undistinguishable words ever few moments. 
  You split your attention between half listening to Omega’s explanation of how she was a clone like the others to watching Tech’s half smile as he glanced over your old work. Strangely enough when he wasn’t insulting you, he was handsome. Different from other clone’s you’d met in the fact his face was more angularly and thin. Hair and skin lighter in color than the others, he looked so familiar and yet so unique. 
  Suddenly a weight on your shoulder broke you out of the trance you had developed as you stared at Tech, who was still distracted as he propped himself up against the wall. Omega, having fallen asleep, was leaning on you as her breathing evened out. 
  You knew sleep wouldn’t come with the strange clones in your apartment so you carefully lifted her, as she weighted very little, and began to move her towards your bed. Least you could do was let her sleep on a real bed for the first time in a while. Tech’s eyes flashed when he saw the movement, not saying anying as he watched you carry her.  Setting down the datapad he realized you would not be able to move the privacy screen while your arms were occupied, so he adjusted it out of the way as you bent a bit to set the young girl on the bed, pulling the recently washed covers up around her. 
  Omega’s eyes cracked open slightly as she smiled and snuggled down into the bed before drifting back to sleep, the two of you bearing witness to how sweet she looked as sleep overtook her young body. Nodding your head he stepped aside, allowing you both to leave the designated area for the bed and he once again closed the screen. 
  “You did not have to do that, my calculations show that the storm is likely to pass within the next few hours,” Tech whispered as you shrugged. 
  “When was the last time she slept in a real bed?” You challenged. 
  “Point taken. I do have several questions on various ships I examined while looking through your datapad, but I feel it inappropriate to ask given I insulted you earlier,” He said in a hushed breath as you nodded. 
  “So how do you plan to rectify that hotshot?” You aren’t sure why you felt the need to shift your tone to playful as you nudged his shoulder, forgetting he had on plastoid as it made contact and immediately stung.
  “I am uncertain. I do not have data to base interactions such as this upon in order to determine the best possible course of action,” He whispered out as you sighed, going to put on the kettle. 
  “It’s as simple as saying you are apologetic,” you explain to him calmly, realizing now that perhaps Tech lacked some social awareness despite that big brain of his.  You were used to it in the field of engineers. Kind people who weren’t always the most adept at dealing with emotions.  
  Tech’s eyes watched as you began to heat up water on the stove, the slight hobble in your step still apparent. 
  “I apologize for being rude. You are still injured from earlier,” he nodded to your foot. 
  “I’ll live. But thank you for your apology. Tea? Calf? What’s your poison?” You ask him nodding to the water. 
  “I don’t think there’s any reason to trouble you with either on my behalf,” he said simply as you rolled your eyes. 
  “It's no trouble at all. Besides with how nasty those electrical storms are you are going to want to get comfortable. Feel free to take off the plastoid, I can’t imagine it’s pleasant to be in all the time,” you tell him. 
  He simply stands, not wanting to argue, carefully removing the pieces and stacking them in a neat pile on the floor. You take out two mugs from the cabinet, deciding that he seemed like more of a cheap ration calf man, much like yourself, so you spoon it into the cups and pour the water on top before setting one down in front of him before grabbing the sugar from the pantry and setting it out. 
  “Thank you,” Tech mentioned, ignoring the sugar and just began to sip it as is. 
  “No problem, so these questions?” you came to sit on the adjacent barstool, nodding towards the schematics he had pulled up. 
  Tech felt his stomach drop seeing you so close, leaning over the holopad ready to answer his questions when only an hour ago you were content to ring his neck out. Having someone to discuss his area of expertise with was rare, especially not someone so pretty… 
  Several rotations and jobs for Cid under the Batch’s belt, you’d formed a very unique relationship with the clone to say the least. When getting along, things were great. However, you still occasionally found yourself frustrated with his affinity for saying things, while true, that came off as callus or dismissive. 
  Such as the most recent issue. Tech let you poke around the modifications he’d made to their ship in some down time, during which you pointed out a better alternative for the power cufflinks. This led the man to get defensive, jumping to an explanation that once again challenged your expertise. Leading to a speedy exit from the hanger and ignoring his feeble attempts at knocking on your door, Tech left Ord Mantell to meet Rex on Bracca with you still very much angry at him. 
  He’d sent a message, to which you ignored on the private com channel he set up for you, as you warned the boys that while you adored Cid, she wasn’t particularly known for being trustworthy. Despite your occasional frustration at times with Tech’s less than appealing behavior, you didn’t want anything bad to happen to them. 
  Going off-world for an unknown amount of time to remove a device that might cause us to lose bodily autonomy and certain cognitive functions that were part of our programming. It is imperative we do so, however there are unknowns with such a procedure. Things may not go according to plan. ~ Tech
  You didn’t respond, set in your stubbornness as you ignored his message that matter of factly stated his plans. Your largest complaint about the man, despite his very kind nature overall, was that he struggled admitting he was wrong or had hurt your feelings. 
  After a few hours you received another ping. 
  Landed and waiting to meet our contact. ~ Tech
  You sigh, continuing to twist the bolt holding together the maintenance droid someone recently allowed you to have, trying to fix the pile of scrap so you could gain some relief with fulfilling projects. 
  Another ping came in less than an hour later. 
  I apologize for once again hurting your pride. I am unused to dealing with those who are not my brothers, and they have acclimated themselves to my more undesirable traits. It is not an excuse, but please know that I am attempting to correct such habits in the name of maintaining our friendship, as it is something I am coming to value. ~ Tech
  You look at the screen. He was trying his best and you could recognize that. It softened the anger you felt. You weren’t fully ready to discuss with him however, leaving the message open on your tablet, losing yourself in the work in front of you as your mind tried to form a proper response. 
  [Incoming message from Tech]
  Wrecker’s inhibitor chip activated. Things were more intense than I initially anticipated. He did not hesitate to try and harm us. Omega was frightened by his actions, however no one was injured beyond him briefly rendering me unconscious. That being said, I am fine. We are waiting for him to wake up. Still unsure the safety of this procedure as his vitals have not stabilized. I will continue to keep you posted even if you are neglecting to respond. ~ Tech
  Staring at the screen the sudden concern for the safety of their team outweighed you silly argument with Tech, fingers forming a response, and hitting send despite the several crafted responses you had spent the last hours mentally cataloging. 
  From the ruins of the jedi cruiser on Bracca, Tech was surprised as he saw an incoming response from you, sitting up immediately as he read it. 
  I am sorry for not responding. I needed time to mentally process your apology, as your words do hurt sometimes. That being said, we do not have to discuss things further. I hope Omega is doing better. I cannot imagine how frightening that must have been for her. Tell her she's got a girl's only night when she returns filled with all the street food her heart desires. Let me know when Wrecker wakes up. Please try and stay safe. Drinks are on me when you all get back to Ord Mantell. 
  Tech smiled down at the message, leaning back some in the seat. He didn’t want to push his luck by responding to you. You were kind enough to offer an olive branch and accept his apology once more.
  Soon Wrecker woke up, prompting the others to take turns removing their chips. Tech wasn’t sure why he felt the need to wait to be last. Perhaps he wanted confirmation that things would be alright? Perhaps he was more nervous than he anticipated. But when it was finally his turn to lay down, his last thought before drifting off was of a pretty mechanic back on their new home waiting for him. 
  “This is the Havoc-Marauder - *static* please, come in,” the vocal element of your com began blaring through the otherwise quiet shop as you continued to repair projects. Boosting the signal you reached down to the tablet, pressing the button, trying to figure out why the boys seemed so distressed. 
  Tech had informed you that they were all able to remove the inhibitor chips successfully and that they were going to attempt to recover valuable assets from the ship before their departure. Not worried about the plan, you were surprised to hear the fear in their voices as you waited for a response. 
  “The empire showed up and in the chaos of it all, a bounty hunter named Cad Bane took Omega and injured Hunter. We are trying to locate where they may have taken her, since it was off-world. Do you have any contacts who may know more? We can’t get a hold of Cid-” Echo spoke through the coms instead of Tech. 
  “Actually, I have more information that may be useful” came Tech’s faded voice from the back of the transmission, as you allowed him to speak. “Omega is more valuable than we realized,” Tech spoke, leading a winded Hunter to question why, as you held your breath waiting for information that may be useful. 
  “I further analyzed Omega’s genetic profile and discovered she has pure, first generation DNA-” Tech spoke, and while you weren’t fully versed in cloning or the Kamino process, you assumed that made her more valuable than the others. As Tech continued to explain for the others to understand, you reached over for the long range transmitter and sent a message to an old friend, who quickly read and began typing. 
  “If she’s vital to the Kaminoans cloning operation, they must have put the bounty on her-” you heard Echo say, confirming the suspicions you already had. 
  “So how do we find this bounty Hunter?” Wrecker grumbled just in time for you to speak up. 
  “I may have an idea, if anyone’s up for it-” you offer, wishing more than anything the boys were in range to see them instead of just hear them. Something about putting eyes on them would’ve been a comfort, but you’d settle for their voices. 
  “That is why we contacted you, so please,” Hunter mentioned. 
  “Well, I had a friend back when I was on Coruscant. She worked closely with the cloning operations medical staff, and was transferred to Coruscant at the start of the war. She said there’s several decommissioned Kaminoan facilities throughout the galaxy. If the Kaminoans are the one’s after Omega, shouldn’t they want a secure location that only they are aware of? At the very least, it’s a starting point. She was able to inform me of 3 she knew about. Two in close proximity to your location. The other is closer to Ord Mantell if you wish for me to check it out-” you explain only to have Tech cut you off. 
  “Negative. With a bounty hunter as dangerous as Cad Bane I do not wish for you to go anywhere near that facility. Transmit the coordinates and we shall examine the closer one’s first-” he said. 
  “If Omega is at that facility, you all will miss her transfer between the bounty hunter and Kaminoans. That’s not worth chancing it. I can decide what risks I wish to undertake on my own-” your voice raises to accommodate the frustration you feel.
  “Regardless it is not a job you should undertake given your skillset is not that of combat,” he tells you, the others growing silent as you dismiss his concerns. 
  “I am transmitting the coordinates. See you all when you get back. Let me know if something happens.” You state bluntly, and as Tech goes to question you once more, you cut the call, not wanting to hear his concerns. You didn’t want Omega injured or removed from her brothers. He wasn’t going to stop you from looking. That wasn’t Tech’s call to make.
  Quickly rushing around the messy flat, you collected what you through you may need before going down to the hanger which held your rusty bucket of bolts. It wasn’t much, but it would do. Rarely having time to work on it, you knew the ship needed a massive overhaul, but that could come after you saved Omega. 
  It was when you came out of hyperspace in your small shuttle that you received another transmission. 
  “Omega was able to get away from the bounty hunter but we aren’t sure for how long she’ll be free. She is at the location closer to Ord Mantell, in the Lido system but we are uncertain if we will reach it in time-” Hunter spoke feverishly as you looked down at the planet’s surface. 
  “Then it’s a good thing I am already here,” you tell them, flying close by to the facility seeing three ships already landed, meaning the transfer was happening or soon to be over, and that a possible third party was involved.
  “I thought I cautioned you to stay on Ord Mantell where it was safe,” Tech said, anger laced in his tone as you set the ship down on an abandoned platform, reaching for the baster you kept on you at all times. You may not be the best at fighting, but you did have the ability to cloak, as you developed a small experimental hood that utilized the same technology as your cloaked shuttle. It would have to be enough to locate Omega and hope you all could slip away from the bounty hunter before someone realized you were here.
  “You did. But it’s a good thing I elected to ignore it. Do hurry, I will try and find Omega or at the very least stall until you all can reach the system. Over-” you called, turning off the device so that the sound would not give you away and slipped outside. 
  You didn’t make it very far before you heard shouting and Omega fell onto the platform adjacent to your own after awkwardly riding atop a small droid - possibly a techno service droid but it was too far away to notice. Rushing towards her before she could get very far, you removed the hood disguising your head. 
  “Omega!” you shouted, drawing her attention as she turned and quickly ran back in your direction, a small limp in her step which must have occurred at some point during her escape.
  “You came for me!” she leapt into your arms, as you reached for a small multitool from your belt to cut her binders. 
  “Of course I did, your brothers aren’t that far behind, we need to get out of her-” you started, only to be cut off as you watched in horror. The droid, which Omega was running from, had activated a panel on the platform your ship was on, causing it to fall into the ocean depths below, preventing your escape.
  “I just paid that off,” you cried watching it fall as Omega dragged you down a small set of stairs, noting the pods for escaping the Kaminan facility just ahead. 
  “I’m sure Tech will help you fix a new one, we need to hurry, the bounty hunter who tried to get me on Pantora is here fighting the one who took me. We don’t have much time” she mentioned, the two of you cramming into the pod before one of the bounty hunters could emerge. 
  Just as the pod was activated however, the little droid who destroyed your shuttle appeared in the viewport, demanding to know where you were going. Omega didn’t respond, angrily typing until the pod launched, her falling into your lap and you held her tightly and the droid flew out of the view. 
  “Do we have any control over this thing?” You demanded to know, the little girl turning in your lap as she shook her head no, loud blaring of an emergency alarm filling the pod. 
  “Alright, we aren’t going to panic. If we survive the landing your brothers will be here soon enough okay? So just hold on-” you try to reassure her, running a gentle hand through her hair as you continue to fall towards the ocean. Not sure if you even believed your attempt at calming her, you didn’t want your final moments to be filled with fear before the unknown of what came after all this. 
  “I’m scared-” she said quietly, eyes closing as she snuggled into you. You didn’t respond, pulling her close, the scent of blaster fire lingering on her frame. You were going to be okay. The boys weren’t close behind. Everything would be fine-
  Suddenly a loud thud came over the top of the pod, stalling the descent. Pulling the blaster you looked up, pushing Omega as far behind you as it would allow in the cramped space, ready to shoot if it was the bounty hunter who’d locked onto the escape pod. When it opened however, and the smoke cleared, Wrecker leaned his face into view. 
  “Omega?! Are you in there?” He shouted, looking down as his eyes landed on the both of you. Putting the gun back at your side you lifted her into his waiting arms. Once she was being lifted out of the pod, you began climbing the small ladder, as Wrecker welcomed her back. 
  “Tech your girlfriend is in here too-” he said cheerfully, Echo reaching down to help pull you out as well. 
  “Wrecker that is inappropriate as we are not courting-” Tech yelled from the cockpit as you found footing inside their ship. Hunter, who was still heavily bandaged turning to you as Omega greeted Echo from within Wrecker’s arms. 
  “You came to help. Why?” He asked you, pain still evident in his voice from whatever injuries he sustained. 
  “Because she needed it.  I didn’t really do much if I am honest, just covered her exit-” you explained as Omega solemnly looked at you, tears welling in her eyes. 
  “I am so sorry about your ship,” she said as you shook your head. 
  “Don’t worry about it kid. Ships are replaceable. You aren’t.” You told her, ruffling her hair as she made her way to Hunter. Suddenly the waterworks started and he checked on her as you moved back, to allow them a reunion. You couldn’t imagine how frightening it must have been for her the last few days. 
  “Thank you for helping us find her. We would not have been able to do so in a timely manner had it not been for you.” Echo complimented.
  “No need to thank me,” you began, only to have a clearing throat behind you prevent you from speaking further. Tech was leaning up against the wall leading into the cockpit, his face turned completely to the side, facing the control panel. 
  “If you’ll excuse me-” you told Echo, following Tech's stomping footsteps as he led you into the cockpit, promptly shutting the door behind you to allow privacy. 
  “Before you berate me can you at least-” you started, only to feel arms pull you, quite awkwardly, into a plastoid covered chest. 
  His helmet was off. You could tell by the way his breath ruffled your hair gently as he leaned his face down along the top of your head. Once the initial shock wore off, your arms moved behind him, tightening around his back in that section between his armor and utility belt, feeling the warmth as his body gave off from beneath the black suit. 
  Sure he was a bit musky from having gone a few rotations without a refresher to clean up, but he was here, solid and strong. Under the lingering scent of sweat, ash, and grime you could smell that GAR issued soap they kept on board, which always clung to him and became apparent when you leaned in to see the datapad over his shoulder. 
  “Thank you. Despite being reckless, your actions and intel were able to help us retrieve Omega,” he whispered against your hairline, his lips barely brushing the skin there as he spoke. The featherlike contact, making you shiver, goosebumps raising along your skin. 
  Not anticipating his gratitude, you didn’t respond initially, soaking up the rare affection as you noticed Tech didn’t often seem to enjoy people in his personal space. Any time you got too close he’d clear his throat, shifting away. Any time you’d accidentally brush your fingers against his own, he’d wipe his gloved palms over his thighs as if to remove any traces of you. This jump to initiating contact catching you off guard. 
  “I don’t regret anything. She’s safe. That’s all that matters,” you tell him, fingers finding the area just below the chest plate as you rub your hand up and down his back slowly, as if to test the waters. He doesn’t say anything, even if it did bother him, as you remain there for a moment longer. 
  “While Omega is a large priority of mine, I argue that your safety is also important,” he said, uncertainty laced in his voice. 
  “Well, that’s good to hear. I am glad you all are safe. I was worried when you said Wrecker temporarily went rogue.” You admit to him, removing your cheek from the harsh chestplate, putting your forehead there instead. Removing your arms from behind him, you prepared to end the embrace, despite not really wanting to. 
  “We are fine,” he said softly, noticing you pulling back as he dropped his hands slowly. 
  “Really? All here now? No missing limbs-” you start to tease as you pull away, finally catching a glimpse of him as you chuckle. “Oh. Missing hair though it would seem-” you point up, noticing the way he now sported a shaved patch on almost the entirety of one side of his head, where a small bandage covered a section just back from his temple. 
  Tech’s gloved fingers immediately sought out the side of his head, grazing the patch as he looked down, almost embarrassingly as his arm fell back to his side. 
  “Rather unfortunate but it’ll grow back. Although, Echo did take off more than I believe to have been necessary. Small price to pay for the removal of those chips. After seeing what it did to Wrecker, I do not mind having the peace of knowing that it will not affect me in the future-” He began to ramble, only to trail off as he noticed you lean up some, inspecting his hair with an unreadable expression. “Something wrong?” he asked, uneasiness setting in.
  Not responding, you looked closer. Reaching your hand up gently, fingertips tracing a similar path that his own had, his eyes growing wide as you inspected the short hairs now on that side of his head, which contradicted the opposing side, where it remained slicked back. Small smile on your face as your hand fell away, but you kept close proximity to his stunned face. 
  “Not at all. I don’t hate it actually,” you slyly smile as his eyebrows shoot up in response. 
  “I find that hard to believe-” he states plainly as his eyes drift away momentarily before coming back to search for the truth. A part of him partly expects you to be playfully teasing him, as he’d come to accept that as part of your personality.
  “Be that as it may, if I were you, I’d consider keeping it,” you tell him honestly, eyes glancing back to his own from within the confines of his goggles. 
  “Really?” he pressed, uncertain as he imagined it looked horrid, since he’d only felt around for it with the chaos that persisted after they removed the chips. 
  “I like it. It’s rugged in a way that is quite handsome,” you tell him honestly, stepping back from the almost trance you were in caused by the change in his appearance. Your cheeks burning red at the honesty you had spoken. The quick departure from his personal space made you miss the mirroring pair of pink tinted cheeks on the soldier. 
  “Oh,” he said, almost surprised as you turned away to rejoin the others. When you opened the door back to the main hull you barely heard Tech’s soft voice say, “fascinating…” as his fingers once again grazed his short hair with a childlike grin gracing his face. 
  You were going to kill Cid. That was, assuming the Pykes didn’t kill you first. Not only had she conspired to have the bad batch steal spice to get rid of Roland Durand, who had moved in and taken the city in their absence. Fortunately your shop, not valuable without your knowledge of how to use the spare parts, had been spared, but not Cid’s. 
  When things had gone south, they lost the spice in an old mine shaft filled with a hive of irlings. Returning to the parlor, Omega were held in order to make the boys co-operate, and yourself to make Cid. 
  Hands bound next to the Devaronian male who instigated the whole situation, you couldn’t fully fault his anxiety. If the batch wasn’t able to recover the spice, you were as good as dead. So was Omega. Which is why you put your trust in them, praying to the maker Tech could figure out a solution that left you all to walk away. 
  You tried to remove the image of Tech’s very angry face as the leader of the Pykes told them that Omega and you would remain with them as collateral, his eyes snapping to yours as his hand reached for the pistol on his hip and held it up ready to fire without a second thought. Something about it was so incredibly protective. As someone who’d been on their own for such a long time, it made your stomach swarm with butterflies. 
  “Don’t try it. They’ll kill you,” Roland warned, your eyes snapping to Omega who was eying an abandoned gun on the floor near where you were all bound. 
  “I hate to agree but he’s right,” you whispered, gesturing for her to stay put. If there’s one thing you knew, it was to not mess with the Pykes. 
  “If your friends don’t return with the spice, we’re all dead. That’s what happens when you meddle in other people’s business,” he said very pessimistically. 
  “Us? You’re the one who took Cid’s parlor from her-” Omega began to argue, and not wishing to participate in their spat, you leaned your head back.
  Ever since you all had rescued Omega from the bounty hunter, things had been different with you and Tech. Not incredibly so. He resumed the distance physically he always kept between you. It seemed he truly didn’t wish to invade your space and kept you from doing the same. That being said, there had not been an argument to date. Not even a slip of tongue from him that indicated a lack in your skills. 
  A part worried that he regretted it, or was possibly trying to keep you from making another advancement. You aren’t sure why you had complimented him, and despite the positive reaction it seemed to warrant, things had gotten somewhat stagnant. More awkward when you were alone, as if he was unsure. At this rate you left it in his court to decide. You made up your mind some time ago in that cockpit that you had feelings for the man, regardless of if he returned them. 
  You hoped he did. After all, he had decided to keep his hair buzzed down on the sides once it began growing back in, since you mentioned that you found it attractive, the shorter hair accentuating his more prominent features like his sharp jaw or chiseled cheekbones. That’s got to count for something, right? And when they were away on missions, he still messaged when he could check in or chat on long flights. You assumed that was a good sign. 
  There had also been an uptick in time he spent at your shop or flat. Sure, the others did as well. Omega often came by since she needed escapes from her brothers. Wrecker loving to come pilfer food from your pantry. Echo occasionally needed help with malfunctions in his mechanical arm or legs. Hunter was the one you saw the least, and never alone, but he tended to keep to himself. However Tech was there at seemingly every free moment he had - fixing stuff alongside you in the shop, occasionally reading up on manuals late at night in your flat as you briefly spoke about ideas for projects to help their jobs with Cid. 
  Just as nightfall began you all were ushered to the hanger, the Marauder visible you were pushed outside, landing on your knees next to Rolland and Omega. The boys exited the ship, Cid on their tails as Wrecker began to unload the spice. Glancing up at Tech’s worried eyes you felt relief knowing that the hard part was over. 
  Once Wrecker unloaded the last crate, one of the Pyke’s came behind you, knife in hand as you grew nervous. The Pykes weren’t galactically known for playing fair, and with Omega off to the side, you worried that they might punish you for Cid’s rash actions. 
  Tech watched, fingers reaching for his weapon as he saw the fear in your eyes. You made eye contact with him once more as you waited for whatever outcome may present itself, hoping that they would do their best to take care of you if it got ugly. Feeling movement on your wrists, you were relieved when they cut the bindings, pushing you forward. 
  “Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved,” they spoke, as you reached forward, Tech’s hand pulling you next to him as Hunter grabbed Omega. From over Cid’s head, you watched as they weren’t finished with the Devaronian, and you didn’t really care watching him deal with their anger. 
  “Are you unharmed?” Tech’s eyes found yours as you stabilize yourself, nodding to him. From the corner of your eye the others attempted to defuse the situation, to no avail as Roland had one of his horns shorn and the Pykes left. 
  The way Cid turned, offering everyone drinks as if she hadn’t looped you all into her mess, angered you. She’d almost gotten you, Omega, and the other’s killed because she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself in the face of a gangster. 
  Fire and brimstone in your blood, you felt your hands shaking as you let go of Tech’s arm. “I just want to go home,” you said, pushing his armored chest and began stomping away from the others, who were heading inside the Parlor, excited things had worked out. 
  Tech watched your retreating form, understanding your frustration but confused as to why you hadn’t wanted to celebrate with the others. After all, things had worked out, no one was injured. His voice calling your name wasn’t enough to halt your exit from the hanger, as you continued walking away from him. 
  Tech shot a glance at the others before diverting from their path to follow you back to your apartment, quicking his strides as he attempted to gain on you. You weren’t really sure why you kept on, ignoring his calls for you to wait. Perhaps anger at Cid. Maybe frustration at the situation. Or a feeling you couldn't quite put your finger on - either way you kept walking, rushing up the stairs as he was hot on your heels. 
  Just as you opened the door to your flat with a shoosh, Tech shoved his foot in the door before you could close it, pushing his way inside before you could lock him out. A bit presumptuous, but a small part of you felt relief seeing him make it in before you shut the world out. 
  “You heard me calling after you,” he said bluntly. 
  “I did,” you tell him, catching your breath from running, scowling when you realized that he didn’t have the same issue. Curse those genetically modified lungs. 
  “So why did you keep going?” He asked you, staring down at you. His helmet still held in his hands as you shifted your weight to the other leg, uncertain how to answer. 
  “I am not sure,” you tell him honestly. He pauses, before speaking. 
  “Do you wish for me to leave?” 
  You shake your head. 
  “Do you wish for me to stay with you?” 
  You nod. 
  He lets out a deep breath, setting the helmet on the table right near the door and probing his temple with his extremely long fingers. 
  “Should we just sit? Talk? What can I do? I need direction on how you wish to proceed,” he quietly begged as he set down the heavy backpack and removed the utility belt. It wasn’t the first time he’d been here and easily began stripping down to his blacks. 
  You didn’t respond, using your toes to put pressure on each of your heels as you slipped out of the worn leather boots and made quiet footfalls to your bed, sitting on it as you looked out the window. The electrical storm your devices predicted would be starting any minute. Despite the more destructive tendency they had, you thoroughly enjoyed watching them - even if they knocked out the power temporarily from time to time. 
  Tech watched you from near the entryway, your legs tucked up near your chest as you stared out the window, chin resting on your knees. Following behind you he made his way to your bed, neglecting how uncertain it felt as he lowered himself onto the comfortable surface. Never having sat on it before, he was surprised the way he sank into the plush material of your duvet. Sitting at the end of the bed, while you had propped yourself up near the wall, there was still a sizable distance between you both.  
  “We don’t have to talk if you do not wish, but may I try something-” he asked and you nodded, not tearing your eyes away from the first few flashes of light. 
  Gentle hands pried your shoulders away from where your legs were pushed up, as he pulled you back with ease. Positioning his body between yours and the wall, Tech arranged you between his long legs, leaning you back once more onto his chest. Arms dancing along your waist, he wasn’t sure if he should fully hold you or allow you to just rest against him, but something internal told him that this position was appropriate given the circumstances. 
  You made the call for him, pulling his arms up across your chest, sinking back into him more, eyes drifting close momentarily as he brushed the hair from your right shoulder to over your left. Soon his nose found the back of your neck as he leaned into your body, picking up the faint hint of the perfume you must’ve applied there hours ago. 
  “I am sorry that you got caught in the crossfire between Cid, Roland and the Pykes,” he whispered against your skin. 
  “It’s Cid’s fault, not yours,” you whisper, enjoying the way his exhales felt against the delicate skin of your neck. He doesn’t speak immediately, pulling you tighter to his chest as you feel his heartbeat along your back.  
  “Had we not agreed to assist in stealing the spice to begin with, none of it would not have occurred the way in which it did,” Tech admitted the error in judgment which nearly cost you and Omega your lives. 
  “You were trying to help out Cid-” you tried to reason.
  “Which would’ve destroyed me if you had gotten hurt due to my poor decision to do so,” he whispered. 
  “Why is that Tech?” you whisper back, eyes watching the electrical storm pick up outside the window. 
  Once again he let the silence linger. Nervous to speak or not wanting to hurt your feelings with his response - you couldn’t be quite sure. Turning slightly, so that your shoulder rested against his chest to look at his face for answers. With the reflection of the window you couldn’t see his eyes.
  Deciding to be brave if he wasn’t, you lifted your hands, fingers probing the edges of the goggles that always adorned his face as you quietly asked, “may I?” He only nodded as you lifted them very carefully up and over his head, setting them down on the bed next to you. His eyes had closed when you started to lift them, so you had yet to see his eyes unobstructed. Not pushing him you turned back towards the window, allowing him to speak when he gathered the nerve. 
  “I don’t like the thoughts of you getting hurt because I-” he started to murmur once more, a baited breath entering your lungs and staying there as you waited for him to continue. The air stinging your lungs as you realized he had paused once more, softly blowing it back out past your lips as you repeated the action once more. 
  Tech gathered as much nerve as humanly possible. He could easily be thrust into high stress scenarios. Battles? No issues. Firefights with gangsters? He always had a plan. But when it came to you? He had no baseline to establish it from. Sure he had been intimate before with strangers when the opportunity presented itself. He found it to usually lead to an unsatisfying place in which he was pretending to be something he wasn’t. Usually forcing himself to touch them despite feeling repulsed at being that close with someone. But when he was in proximity to you things were different. 
  That spark of electricity often cited as being drawn out by a member of the opposite gender was present, catching him off guard every time your fingers crossed paths. He found your sweet aroma to be so intoxicating. The flash of your smile, utterly adorable. The face you made when you concentrated on a repair - where your tongue darted out of the corner of your full lips - to be nearly stunting. Everything about you he found captivating. 
  I care for you. 
  You almost didn’t hear him whisper it, as the volume was so minimal it barely passed over his lips audibly. Turning to face him once more, you saw the nervous eyes of a caged animal, finally unguarded by those yellow frames. 
  Brown. But not dark and unwavering like Hunters or tinged with the grayish hue of Echo’s. Wreckers one good eye had a more blue undertone and Omega’s were nearly hazel. But Tech  - Tech’s resembled honey. His iris illuminated with each flash of lightning from outside the window. And then suddenly, with a bright flash, the power went out, leaving you both in the dark as you continued to remain in his arms. Only sound being the matching pair of unsteady breathing.
  “Tech…?” you whispered, while he looked back down at your anticipating face. 
  “Yes?” Tech questioned, knots in his stomach as you hadn’t responded to his admission of caring for you. 
  “Would you do something for me?” you posed the question. 
  Tech was certain you were going to kick him out, despite the storm, or at the very least make him go downstairs to leave you alone. Your silence only told him that you were likely formulating a way to let him down gently because surely someone one like you wouldn’t want anything to do with him. He was a clone. Clones stole your promising future. He frequently was unaware how to speak to you. His frustrations occasionally came out poorly as his jealousy for your knowledge plagued his mind. His blunt nature, often at odds with your proper socialization. You were perfect and he was just a copy of a man who was long gone, and a relic of an army that had been corrupted. 
  Distracted by his racing mind he almost didn’t hear you whisper it at the conclusion of his small nod. 
  Kiss me. 
  Tech did a double take, his attention snapping to you as your eyes locked with his own.  He couldn’t stop the lump that formed in his throat as your angelic eyes blinked up at him through your lashes. The distance between you insurmountable as, despite the seated position, he would always tower over you. His gangly limbs and narrow frame creating such a divergence between your sizes.
  “You want me to-” 
“Kiss me. Please.” You begged, eyes trying to catch his own to reassure him it is what you wanted. 
  You were growing concerned with the way his mind seemed to still be running astray. Perhaps he meant he cared for you in a similar way that he did Omega. Oh maker, what if he meant it that way. Suddenly you were glad the lights were off. That way he couldn’t see your crumbling self esteem and wavering confidence. You were certain when he spoke the way he had, paired with the many small moments mounting over the last months, that he liked you. Only now to realize he most likely hadn’t meant it in a non romantic way. 
  “Tech, I am so-” you began only to have his warm, ungloved hand find purchase on the side of your cheek, lips meeting yours in fury. 
  The first thing you noticed, when the shock wore off, was that his lips were so incredibly soft. How could a soldier, constantly on the run from danger, be this plush and inviting? That sharp wit and wise energy always spilling past these lips - the same ones that insulted you when you first met - now on your own in a heated embrace. 
  Soft sighs exiting your lips, entering his mouth as Tech opened his own to invite tongues to this lovely endeavor. He had hardly needed to caress your bottom lip with the tip of his tongue before you both fell into that wonderful song and dance of exploring each other’s mouths. 
  Breaking away due to the unfortunate need for air, you tried to see him the best you could with the limited lighting situation. His hand falling to the side of your neck instead of on your cheek, he pulled your forehead towards his, resting his nose against your own. Eyes searching yours for any sign to end this interaction. 
  “You are the most enchanting woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,” he admitted with a small chuckle, almost embarrassed of the words falling out of his mouth. Surely they resembled the words of a love drunken fool, not a soldier and engineer such as himself.  Perhaps that is because they came from his heart, not his logical mind. 
  “Please do that again,” you beg him, a smile working its way on your face as you trail a hand up his chest, finding stability by wrapping it around the back of his neck. Your breathing having leveled out from the heated exchange, just as he instigated another one. 
  This time, he didn’t wait to request entrance to your mouth, tongue slipping in almost immediately. As soon as he began kissing you once more, your hand traveled up into the brown locks that sat just against his collar, tangling in them, separating the obnoxious gel he insisted on using to keep it from matting inside his helmet. It made you long to see him first thing in the morning or right after getting out of the refresher - when his hair was wild and carefree. 
  That wasn’t the only thing that you wanted to come undone as he effortlessly pulled you from being on the bed in front of him into his lap, legs going around his thighs as you perched yourself against him. Tech’s wandering hands began as soon as your bottom left the bed, his large palm tracing over the skin of your clothed ass, caressing it before his fingers flexed, digging into the roundness as he groaned into your mouth. 
  Tech, despite his reservations for touching anyone, had always enjoyed the roundness of an ass under his feelings. Especially an unclothed one. His brothers, arguing for a pair of breasts as more appealing, but he would always remain on the team that supported his large hands grabbing the meat of an ass.  
  For someone so lanky, and much thinner than his brothers, Tech certainly had a hidden strength to his frame that you hadn’t anticipated. Briefly on display as he lifted you into his lap with ease, he continued to further prove his ability as his demanding hands found your hips and squeezed, bicep flexing as your free hand landed on his left arm. 
  You aren’t sure what possessed you to do it either, but breaking away from his lips as you trailed kisses over his cheekbones until you found the skin of his earlobe, nibbling it between your teeth all while he groaned. Watching the always poised and put together pilot turn to putty under your mouth and body, making that wet spot of arousal in your undergarments grow by the second. 
  As you continued to trail the nipping to his neck, you mumbled out something about his shirt being in the way, fingers reaching under the top near his lower back as you tried in vain to remove it from his body. Pulling back, since he had developed that unexplainable sense of urgency at your kissing, he stripped it away with skilled ease, tossing it to the floor with reckless abandon. 
  It was odd. When he normally removed the parts of his armor in your flat, they were carefully and methodically unlatched and organized in a neat pile. Now, rocking into his lap as you stared down into his wild eyes, the dynamic propelled into a direction you never could’ve dreamed. Something in the pair of you had shifted from just awkwardly maneuvering around each other to actively lighting that fuse within your bodies. 
  He didn’t allow you the chance to examine his unclothed top however, as he quickly reattached your lips to his, pulling you closer as his head tipped ever so slightly to the side, accommodating the clashing of teeth and tongues in the fury. Still anxious to know exactly what he was like under that thick black suit or vest he always wore, you allowed your fingers to act as your eyes in the moment, all while getting such a lovely taste of his mouth while you exhaled through your nose which was harshly pressed against his cheek from the intensity the kisses you’d both developed.
  Your hands trailed along his flamed but extremely solid body. Fingers finding purchase along the defined lines of his chest, and the valley that separated two pectorals that were much harsher than you would’ve anticipated given his much thinner frame. Sliding down, that same hand counted six definite sections in his abdomen as well, as you removed your lips from his in hast to such a much needed breath of air while your mind stilled. 
  Eyes finally seeing just how wonderful tanned skin of a soldier could be, you enjoyed the lovely view of dark hair trailing down just below his navel and into tight pants. The nearly vacant patch of hair along his chest meaning he either removed it or didn’t have it wasn’t a bother - you didn’t really love overly hairy men any way - as you gasp. He was the perfect blend of scars, moles, muscles, and… tattoos? 
  The chuckle that tore from your throat at the sight of black ink along his skin, was met with that ever so quizzical eyebrow as he flushed at your laugh. 
  “I must admit that laughter at the sight of one’s nakedness does not instill confidence,” he noted as you shook your head. 
  “I hadn’t expected you to have tattoos, it was more of a shock than a jest,” you comment, sliding back ever so slightly while remaining on his lap to get a good view. 
  “Why would you assume I would refrain from body modifications? You have seen Hunter’s face, and you’ve heard me mention our brother Crosshair-” he started as you placed your index finger along the seam of his lip, effectively silencing him with a sultry stare and the simple action. 
  “You just seem so much more straight laced than your brothers, I hadn’t expected you to cover yourself in something as trivial as artwork. But, that being said, I can’t help but find it so incredibly alluring…” you lean down to the simple ‘99’ tattooed along the same shoulder his armor detailed a similar marking, lips familiarizing yourself with the lines as you pulled back. 
  “I can assure you, despite my reserved nature, I am hardly straight laced, as you say,” he quipped, relinquishing the time he allowed you to study the marks in his bronze skin. He’d let you examine them some other time, possibly even with explanations of their origins. Right now, he was growing impatient. 
  Pulling you forward by the back of your neck, he changed his mind at the last moment, deciding that your collar bones sticking out of the shifted top you wore looked delectable, sucking them between his teeth as you squirmed along his lap once more. Satisfied with the mark it left in his wake, Tech found himself in your sex-hazed gaze once more. 
  “Tell me that you wish for this to continue. Please. I am not sure I can find it in myself to behave like a gentleman if you wish to stop much further than this,” he groaned, voice strained by a tone you had never heard from him. Tech’s voice was quite different from his brothers. The husky tone he now used, reminiscent of a crackling campfire as it came from the back of his throat, and laced itself into a pleasured groan. 
  “Please. I want this- I want you,” came your whisper into his jaw, lips grazing the sharp bone there.
  I want you. 
  Tech couldn’t remember a time he was truly wanted. Usually his hookups stemmed from mutual boredom or someone realizing his brothers weren’t interested in them. A system of happenstance, of convenience of simple chance and mutual need for release. But to be told that he was desired, and that an intimate connection was wanted with someone he actually cared for on a personal level? A first.  
  And as for you, you wouldn’t admit it out loud but things certainly got lonely on Ord Mantell. Those friends on Coruscant slowly lost interest once you departed, leaving you with just Cid and acquaintances. The rest of your time alone in a dingy workshop or flat hidden away from the world. That was until Tech and the others came around. He brought a sense of belonging you hadn’t known. He brought company you’d been craving. He made you feel seen, appreciated and cared for.
  He brought his hand up under your shirt and bra to cup your breast. 
  One of the first things you had noticed about him, all those rotations ago, was how long and dexterous his whole body was, but particularly his hands. Fingers so thin and nimble, wound with callouses, scars and distinguishable marks from his times tinkering. It had been rare to see him without gloves, but that barrier’s first time being removed showed just truly how captivating such a mundane body part could be. 
  These were the hands of a soldier. A man bred specifically for war. These were the hands of a pilot, who’s tight grip upon the steering wheel had saved thousands of lives. These were the hands of a fellow engineer and mechanic who understood the complexities of how your mind worked. These were the hands of a man who cared for you. 
  And those hands currently were squeezing your nipple with the perfect amount of firmness to make you purr. 
  Deciding that the only thing in the world you wished for right now was the feeling of his chest on your unclothed one, you pulled back, hands finding the bottom of your top as you flung it just as unceremoniously as he had done with his own. Tech wasted no time in finding the latches on your bra, unhooking the material and tossing it to the side as his hands finally held the weight of both your breasts within him. 
  Despite his larger than normal hand size, your breasts fit inside his palms like a perfect handful, while his thumbs continue that onslaught along your nipples, his lips finding that wonderful spot below your ear that makes you breathe heavily. 
  Your own hands, still running through his caramel locks while he worked your body with such expertise, tugging every now and again as he groaned against your neck between kisses and leaving smaller marks that would likely fade in only a few hours. 
  “Are you adequately protected?” came the husky question into your jaw, followed by another nip. 
  “Implant…” you hummed out, head falling to the side to accommodate his mouth as he snickered slightly in response. 
  Lifting you from his lap with no warning, Tech’s fingers found the latches of your pants with no problem, undoing them and tugging them down your legs as you wobbled from where you stood on the floor. Once they were lowered enough, Tech abruptly stood next to you, steading your arm as you stepped out of them, his feet stepping on the trousers in order to help you remove them easily. 
  Your face turned to meet his own, his body towering over your own as he looked down at you. Despite the full head’s distance between you both, and the darkness of the flat with the power being knocked out, you could still see the way his eyes darted from your full, unclothed breasts to the newly revealed skin of your legs. 
  One of his hands found purchase along your chin, tipping your face up even higher as you rose along your tiptoes to match his height the best you could. His other hand started along your mid back, trailing down until he found your panty clad rear, rubbing along the now exposed right cheek. 
  “Would you allow me to take charge here Mesh’la?” He asked gently, his hand still caressing your skin reverently, but despite the unexpected softness of the words and actions, you felt that with the look he gave you there was something more. Something almost predatory in his eyes. 
  “What does that mean?” you ask, unable to shake the curiosity at his use of the language you presumed to be Mando’a. 
  “Such an inquisitive mind you have…” he chuckled, using the hand on your chin to move your face to the side. Your eyes drifted close as he pressed a sweet his to the side of your face, trailing down more until he reached your ear. “I can’t get enough of that mind of yours,” he admitted, nibbling your earlobe once before continuing, hand tightening around your ass as the tone shifted. “Beautiful. It means beautiful. Which is exactly what you are, my mirdala girl…” he whispered so gently as he pulled back, hand dropping as he wound them both around your lower back. 
  “You keep using words I do not understand, and you have to realize I will continue to ask what they mean,” you tease with a small smile, hands finding his shoulders as you lock yourself in the embrace. Tech still had on trousers and you only had on underwear, but something about the stillness of it all, yet with contradictory the electrical storm raging outside, was strangely peaceful. Tearing clothes off one another and jumping into bed was one thing, but this, this was building towards something much more intimate. 
  “Clever. I called you my clever girl,” he nods your direction, fingers trailing up and down the expanse of your exposed back ever so slightly. 
  “Ah,” you thrum out as your lips tug at the corner into a small smirk, barely visible in the low lighting. “Your clever girl? I wasn’t aware you had claimed me. Sounds a bit possessive don’t you think?” 
  “I suppose it could be considered possessive, although I do not see you running away from the notion. I am to assume that not only are you fine with that, but based on the way your grip in my hair has just tightened and your pupils have dilated, that you want that. That you want me to claim you in some way,” he notes, and you realize he is correct. His attunement to your body language is uncanny as you hadn’t realized you had done so. Unable to form a response, you nod gently. 
  “If you wish for me to stop, at any point, all you need to do is say so. Do you understand,” Tech let one hand fall from your back, reaching for his belt and once again you nodded, causing him to pause. 
  “Verbally. I want verbal consent. You can do that for me right my clever girl?” he used the phrase once again and you shuttered. Something about the way his voice dribbled with arousal in the fact he found your mind to be brilliant brought forth a surge of confidence. 
  “Yes. I trust you Tech,” you speak calmly and clearly despite the shaking in your hands. Anticipation building to the point your body could not contain the excitement of what he had planned. 
  You barely caught the smirk on his thin lips before he gripped your hips and spun you around, pushing your back down as you got the memo, laying yourself across the bed as you heard the sound of the belt buckle being undone and pants abruptly being shoved to the floor. 
  Once again his hands resumed that gentle and reverant stroking along your backside as a hum spilled from his lips. Looking back over your shoulder you saw such a glorious sight. Tech’s hands wrapped around his length as he stroked it slightly with one hand while holding your ass in the other. He glanced up from your bottom to make eye contact briefly as he took his bottom lip under straight white teeth. 
  Pausing momentarily he saw the thin scrap of underwear disappearing between your lower cheeks and decided now was a good time to rid you of the offending material, grabbing them and tugging them down slightly until they landed near your knees, allowing you to step out of them. 
  His hand resumed its position on your body, but this time, it gently nudged you up onto the bed, and you complied with his nonverbal request, positioning your body just slightly up on the bed as you held yourself up on your knees. From behind you could hear the way Tech sucked in a breath between his clenched teeth as his hand found that spot along your backside once more. 
  You had deduced early in this exchange of kissing that he likely was a man who preferred a bottom to breasts. Most men had a likeness to one over the other, and Tech was no different. The knowledge made you feel proud, arching your back ever so slightly as if to present it to him in the most appealing way you could given the position. 
  “You look so wonderful like this. I wish you weren’t behaving so nicely, so I would have an excuse to bring my hand down on you and mark you right here. However I would feel guilty doing such actions when you are being so perfect,” he admitted and you smiled at the wall, glancing back over your shoulder at him. 
  “Who said you can’t anyway. I hardly need to be a brat in order for you to spa-” you began the permission and he quickly resolved himself to take it the second you had granted it. The smack, not nearly as hard as you were anticipating but still firm, filling the air and stopping your sentence midway as you let out a squeak at the contact. 
  Your biceps flexing as you locked your arms to maintain your position on the bed, holding yourself up as his hand soothed the red flushed skin with care and attention. Tracing the hand up, you felt him rest it along your upper back as his fingers hooked over your shoulder, and near your knees you felt the mattress dip ever so slightly. 
  Tech covered the expanse of your back with his body, his left arm coming up to the side of you as he braced himself up just hovering over your back, his right hand moving to brush your hair over your shoulder so that his nose could trace along your upper back. You could feel his eyelashes fluttering along the skin of your shoulder blades as he lowered his mouth to kiss your back a few times gently. 
  “So pliable for me…” he praised as he continued to issue praise in the form of tender kisses that slowly made their way ending with your sweat-dampened temple. 
  Tech had always had sexual relationships from behind. There was an impersonal attitude that came with engaging in the act similarly to the way animals did. Not seeing the woman’s face, and only focusing on the connection of his body with theirs - it made him feel less awkward about the exchange. But something about the way his body caved around yours felt right. He was touching your body with his own almost completely, and he nearly fainted when he realized that he was enjoying the contact. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the damp nature both your bodies had developed in the precursor to intercourse, he felt delighted knowing he’d caused such reactions. So against every previous metric in his mind for engaging in sexual relations, he manuvored your body to your back, so that you could stare up at him as he lowered himself on top of you. 
  Tech wasn’t sure how to quantify the way his stomach began to flutter at the way you stared at him, nor the way your velvety skin along his felt, other than bliss. Something about the intimacy shook him to the core. It made him want to come undone and he hadn’t even slid into you yet. 
  You were surprised as his ability to be tender, as his index finger pushed the hair back from your face, cupping the back of your neck to lift it from the pillow as he pulled the longer strands of your hair - which you’d uncomfortably been laying on - above and around your face like a halo. How he’d realized you were slightly uncomfortable with the tugging caused by your back, you’d never know, but you’d be grateful for long after this exchange nonetheless. 
  “I’ve never met someone who had made me experience what I am feeling at this present moment,” he admitted, his nose leaning down as he gently caressed your own. Keeping it there, his forehead soon pressed against your own as his eyes searched yours for a reply. 
  “What are you feeling?” you whisper, eyes focusing on his right iris as the pupil waivered slightly larger before he continued speaking. 
  “Bliss. Euphoria. Revelry. Perhaps those are words that I could use to quantify it, and yet-” Tech began, hand searching for yours as you allowed him to wrap his fingers around yours while you stared at him expectantly. Your legs widening to accommodate him as you feel his tip slide between your folds and line up expertly with your hole. You are uncertain what he is trying to say, and in all honesty it appears that he is as well. His eyes drift close as, in a rare turn of events, his body wins out over his mind, and he presses within you before completing his thought. You can’t stop the way your eyes flutter shut at the feeling, no point in remaining open if his own are closed anyway. 
  You had expected him to slide in slowly, as his sweet words and actions leading to this point had been cautious almost, but instead he is direct in the way his cock slides into you as if it’s coming home. As if he’s returning to a place he was always meant to be. The stretch is gone in an instant as he plows into you abruptly at first, but pausing as he reaches the entrance of your womb with his tip. “They do not come close to describing the way I feel right now,” he whispered, making your eyes fly open once more as you stare up at him.
  You have died and gone to the afterlife. The Pykes most certainly killed you and left you in an alley on Ord Mantell. That is the only logical explanation for the way you were feeling. The only thing you can do is affectionately tighten your grip on your joined hands as you raise your hips slightly, giving him permission to move. 
  Tech didn’t need to be encouraged twice, sliding in and out of you with joy as he held himself up with one of his arms. Your head falling back into the pillow as you lose yourself between his calculated thrusts, he decides that not being able to look into your eyes while he continues to make himself at home within your body isn’t what he wants.
  You feel his grip slipping from your hand and anticipate it will go to your breasts for a playful tug, but when you feel his fingers on your jaw, pulling your face back you once again look up at him, curiously. 
  “I. Want. To. See. Your. Eyes. On. Me.” he commands and you feel a shiver that starts near your neck and travels the length of your body as you nod, legs widening even further as he picks up the pace ever so slightly. 
  His hand abandons your chin as he places it along your side, raising your body at the hips so you can meet his thrusts, your eyes staring deeply into his own. Tech had surprised even himself in demanding to see you staring at him while he plowed into you, but something about watching your face as he pushed you both in the direction of release made him feel a pride he’d never known before. With each lewd noise coming from where you were joined, to each whimper or sigh leaving your lips, to the sweat he felt along his brow from exertion - he felt more of that blossoming heat in his stomach at the passion between your bodies. 
  You feel similarly, as you wrap your legs around his thin waist, holding him there so that your union is only intensified and he can reach that absolutely tender spot within your walls that becomes electric when he begins to repeatedly stimulate it over and over again with his steady thrusts. “Tech…” you whimpered as he continued his movement, no external indications that he is approaching orgasm, despite the fact it is true. 
  “Say my name again, please-” he whimpers as you nod, once again saying his name while he pushes inside of you especially hard, a yell tearing from your throat as your hips chant up after his retreat, wanting another harsh thrust. He delivers it immediately, his body pushing you into the bed as he begins frantically diving into you with reckless abandon. 
  “Where?” he demands, your hips held in his hand as his fingers squeeze harshly. You can tell he’s close now, the fire in his eyes doing nothing to dull the flames of desire that both of your bodies are feeling as he plunges into your warmth.
  “Inside-” you give him the permission and once again he does not hesitate to take it, his hand abandoning your waist in order to rub feverish circles upon your clit so that you approach orgasm the same time he does. Your voice calls out his name loudly as you feel every nerve ending within your body set ablaze. He responds to you, chanting yours in response as he pushes his load so deeply within your walls you gasp at the way his tip quivers against the opening of your womb. You feel the throbbing inside until he slows to a stop, body collapsing on top of yours as you both gasp for air. 
  His breathing, erratic against your neck as you push his now half gelled and half wild hair off his forehead while you slow your heart rate the best you can. He’s growing soft within you, but you can tell that even while flaccid he’s still larger than the average man. Tech eventually pulls back from your neck, eyes searching for yours as his hand cups the side of your face lovingly. 
  “You are incredible,” he comments kindly as you blush, feeling as he begins to slip from within you, his spill landing somewhere on the covers below you. You don’t really care. You can clean it later. 
  “So are you,” you return the compliment as he smiles, leaning in to kiss you once more, this time only using his lips in order to show affection not reignite the passion of your endeavor. 
  “Yes, but I was genetically engineered that way. You have come by your splendor naturally,” Tech replies as you laugh, lights immediately flickering back on as you both startle at the suddenness of seeing each other without the dulled darkness of your flat. 
  “That is one way to put it. Still doesn’t make you any less wonderful Tech,” you tell him, immediately feeling more self conscious with the added light. This becomes something he notices almost immediately, as he leans up to get a better view of you. Your body was covered in small love bites and a few bruises from where he’d gripped a bit too hard. Lips swollen from his kisses and sweat covering all of you. Hair disheveled and yet - you looked like the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. 
  “And I thought you were lovely in the twilight, but my dear you look positively exquisite,” he encourages you as he lowers his mouth to your brow before kisses between your eyebrows and then over each closed eyelid. 
  “Such a way with words,”  you say sweetly and he immediately begins snickering as you blink confused at his outburst. 
  “If I recall, the first time we met, I insulted your ability to fix Cid’s gambling device” he reminds her. It seemed so long ago he had done that, and from then you had only grown closer. Finding a mutual understanding. Finding friendship. Finding the beginnings of love. 
  “You did,” you scoff at the memory. 
  “I remember crawling under the control panel and when you yelped, thinking that I thought I was going to stop breathing,” Tech admits and you are surprised. 
  “What do you mean?” 
  “I just couldn’t help but think that I had suddenly found myself in close proximity with a very beautiful woman. And that feeling only intensified once I discovered your love of engineering. Since then it’s grown to a point I find it distracting,” Tech explains and you smile. 
  “Oh so you really like me then,” you chide, almost childishly as he rolls his eyes at your antics. 
  “I believe the fact that my seed is actively leaking out of you to be sufficient proof as to my interest in you,” he bluntly states. You grimace looking down at the sheer quantity of said mess. It was more than you realized. 
  “Would you like to get in the refres-”
“Yes,” he cuts you off abruptly as you laugh. You figured he wouldn’t enjoy being unclean. He lifts his body off of you with ease and holds out a hand to help you rise from the bed. 
  “I am going to want a full detailed report on all of these,” you tell him, finger tracing one of the tattoos on his shoulder. 
  “I believe I can arrange that,” he chides with a small peck to your forehead, pulling you along to the small shower stall your flat has. 
  As he walks just ahead of you, you can’t help but think that this blossoming romance might have been worth the emergency landing on Ord Mantell all those years ago. 
The end.
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leapingbadger ¡ 3 months ago
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Summary: – Crosshair runs out of toothpicks on a mission and the rest of the Batch must feel his wrath.
Read on AO3
“Hunter, we’ve got a problem?” Tech said as he approached Hunter, sat at the communications array or the Marauder.
Hunter sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not what he wanted to hear after the last mission went awry, causing delays.
“Is there something wrong with the ship?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Are they fighting again? Just tell Wrecker to stop hitting him with Lula,” Hunter said as his hands prodded the keys on the console.
“No, it’s not that,” Tech said, shooting a worried glance behind him.
“Tech,” Hunter said, spinning his chair to face his brother, “I am good at many things, but mind reading isn’t one of them.”
“It’s Crosshair,��� Tech whispered, “he’s on his last two toothpicks,”
Hunter stood up, shoving his brother into the cockpit, looking around for his severe brother. He lowered his voice, “how is that possible? What about the backup pack?”
“He lost it on Felicia” Tech said matter-of-factly.
“What about the one in the med kit?”
“He used it when Wrecker was piloting the Marauder.”
“Kriff it,” Hunter said under his breath. “Well, you said he had two left, right? Maybe he can make those last.”
“I suppose so,” Tech said, “we’re heading home soon, correct? maybe we won’t have to worry about it.”
Hunter looked shifty, “Actually we just got new orders. We’ll be gone another few rotations.”
A loud argument sounded from the steps of the ship.
“Wrecker, you made me break my toothpick.”
“Karabast!” Tech said.
“All I’m saying is, if we hadn’t dropped the explosives, we would have had a cleaner exit, and I wouldn’t currently be fixing blaster holes in the side of my ship.” Tech spat.
The fire crackled in from of them, the embers drifting steadily up into the dark night sky. Hunter heard strange noises emanating from the woods and was only partially paying attention to the argument in front of him.
“If we hadn’t dropped the explosives, you wouldn’t have a ship at all,” Wrecker growled, waving his ration stick threateningly at his brother.
“That is wholly inaccurate,”
“The Kriff it is,” Crosshair said, taking his toothpick out of his mouth and prodding the air between them with it.
Hunter and Tech exchanged a glance, “It doesn’t matter how we did it. It was another win. No matter how messy. The next one will be better,” Hunter said confidently, trying to cool the tempers. He took a bite of his ration stick and gave Tech a pointed look.
“I…I will yield in this particular case,” Tech said reluctantly.
“What?” Wrecker said dumbfounded, “that’s never happened before, has it Cross?” He hugged his stern brother before beating him in the face with his favorite tooka doll.
“Dank ferric, Wrecker. You made me drop my toothpick again,”
Tech caught Hunter’s eyes and shook his head slightly. The Sergeant ran his hands over his face and took a deep breath. It was going to be a long couple of days.
Crosshair had developed a fixation on his toothpicks thanks to a particularly surly bounty hunter during training. Frustrated with his penchant for sticking his tongue out as he took a shot, he gave him a toothpick to chew on and the rest was history. Hunter couldn’t remember a time when the floor of the barracks wasn’t littered with Crosshair’s discarded wooden shards, usually flicked in a moment of anger or for emphasis.
He had run out a couple of times over the years. Once when they were still cadets, and he’d only recently started using them. The somber mood that followed still gave Wrecker the occasional nightmare.
The next time was during one of their early missions as they were stuck behind enemy lines, unable to get to his backup on the Marauder. He had done his personal best during that mission. Taking out more droids than the rest of them combined. Hunter thought if he could have stabbed each droid in the eye with a toothpick he would have.
They were only a few hours into a toothpickless Crosshair, and the strain was already starting to show. He had pulled off his right glove and was gnawing on his fingernails. His thumbnail was already down to the quick.
“We have to do something, or he won’t have any nails left,” Hunter said to Tech quietly.
“Perhaps we could distract him. A game of Sabaac or some combat training?”
Hunter was already exhausted from the mission and had no desire to enter into hand to hand combat with a cranky Crosshair. He may lose a hand.
“What if we try to teach him other things? Maybe you can show him your datapad…”
“Crosshair had shown no interest in procurement of information or the datapad itself,” Tech said
“Kriff it, Wrecker, could you breathe any louder?” Cross snapped as Wrecker looked up alarmed.
Tech sighed, adjusting his goggles and walking to the back of the ship. “Crosshair, would you be interested in learning more about my datapad. It had the most up to date…”
“No…” Crosshair said sulkily, arms crossed over his chest.
Tech turned around immediately, “I tried,” he said to Hunter, nose buried in the datapad as he sank into the pilot’s seat.
Wrecker was bench pressing Gonky in the middle of the ship.
“Hey, Wreck. Maybe see if Cross wants to join you?” Hunter said encouragingly. Wrecker’s eyes lit up.
“Hey Cross, you wanna…”
“No,” The sniper said, feet dangling off the stairs to the gunner’s mount.
The next few days were tedious and long. Crosshair couldn’t interact with his brother’s without snarling but refused to admit to the reason. The mission was a success, almost an afterthought. Hunter wasn’t worried about surviving the Separatists and much as surviving his brother. A cloud followed Crosshair around wherever he went, and he was desperate to share the rain with the rest of them.
The night before they were set to leave, Hunter had had enough. Wrecker had made the fire three times larger than necessary. Flamed shot high over their heads into the starry night. He again heard rumblings in the forest at the edge of the clearing, but this time wasn’t able to tune out the bickering occurring around him.
“No cheating, Wrecker,” Cross hissed at his brother.
“I wasn’t,” Wrecker cried sounding wounded.
“You were trying to look at my cards,”
“I was not, Hunter was…”
Hunter took a deep breath and stood up, "enough of this. Crosshair, cover me. I’ll be right back,”
Crosshair looked questioningly as Hunner strode towards the tree line.
“What exactly are you…” Tech started but Hunter strode right past him, unsheathing his vibrokife as he did so.
Once at the trees he examined the bark, running his gloved hands over a couple before pausing. The bark on the tree in front of him was loose and peeling away. He pulled it off carefully revealing virgin wood underneath.
Hunter carefully cut a small section of the tree with his knife before barrel rolling out of the way of an unsee assailant, knife raised.
Pew! A single shot rang out from Crosshair’s firepuncher, scaring the creature away. Hunter nodded his thanks to his brother and continued to work before finally returning to the campfire.
“Thanks Cross,” he said as he sat down.
“Are you going to tell us what you were doing?”
“In a minute,” he said, still working his knife through the wood. “Did he stick his tongue out?” Hunter asked his brothers with a smile.
Tech and Wrecker laughed as they nodded their heads.
Crosshair growled but stopped as Hunter sat up straight and passed something to him.
“What’s this?” he asked, clearly already knowing the answer.
“Toothpicks. At least, makeshift ones until we get back to Kamino,”
Crosshair glanced down at the pile of misshapen wooden shards in his hand and nodded his thanks to his brother. He picked one up, tentatively placing one between his lips.
“I’m probably going to get a splinter,” he said, with a slight smile.
“You’re welcome, Crosshair.” Hunter said.
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