#2p na brothers
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khloxxy Ā· 7 months ago
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šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ 2p 1p interactions
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ask2ps Ā· 13 hours ago
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in the 2P takeover, alfred struggling to retain some level of consciousness while allen puppeteers him backfires in the end, as it only really allows him to be personally present for matthew's (permanent!) death at his own hands.
anyway i'm representing this through a discord meme redraw.
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hellonerf Ā· 1 year ago
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the world is my oyster šŸ¤”
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jnjzksekfjvn Ā· 8 months ago
I likee... hetaoia.. if taking request can you draw 2p America and 2p Canada together
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Yes sory i made my own type
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hetalia-angel Ā· 1 year ago
37 followers special
Just another poorly written one shot about 1p Canada, sorry.
TW: Guns, death, mentions of cigarettes
ā€œDonā€™t talk to strangers,ā€ that short statement was taught over and over to Matthew from early childhood. To survive was to stay silent, to not let a word of information fall through, and to even not interact at all.
Maybe thatā€™s what made it so comical that when faced with the biggest stranger of them all he was to tell them everythingā€¦ When held at gunpoint the path of survival was to say his full name, age, where he grew up, anything to make him more human. This was meant to shift Matthew from that piece of freshly marinated meat ready to be thrown on the grill, that target on the wall waiting for a bullseye, the prey; to a person. A person that could be empathized with; a real breathing human with thoughts and feelings. A son, a brother, a friend, a story that would be so much harder to erase from this worldā€¦
As the barrel of the gun was pushed against his temple Matthew couldnā€™t help but dissociate back to his memories. Every special occasion; every birthday candle heā€™d blown out during his nineteen years of life. Each bedtime story or lullaby Francis had used to lull him into sleepā€¦ Or maybe this was some sick form of karma for every fight with Alfred, every screaming match with Francis, or even all the packs of cigarettes heā€™d stolen in his teen years.
Matthew stared through watery eyes at the assailant. The manā€™s sharp purple eyes reminiscent of his own, each scar along their face, and the look of great shame. Perhaps the man was once a child that never had their needs quite met, never had a safe place to go, no friends to turn to when everything went to shit. Maybe if this man had known Matthew from the beginning. If heā€™d known what kind of music moved Matthew, the food that sparked joy, or even his favorite color that everything could be so painfully differentā€¦
The deafening silence as the trigger was pulled back rang loud. The harsh slap of concrete against Matthewā€™s soft skin as he fell to the ground. The warm flood of crimson blood that trickled into his mouth leaving a metallic tasteā€¦
Matthew had once been told an old wives tale that your brain can live six seconds after the body dies outā€¦ His vision blurred, ears ringing, and skin burning up as he counted, ā€œone, two, three, four..ā€
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bigfanofnewyork Ā· 11 months ago
What's the 1p NA brothers bonding like versus the 2p versions?
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minorisato Ā· 1 month ago
2p names bc i think the "official" 2p names are dumb
hetalia / NA / headcanons / warnings: NA / notes: if im bout to ship 2p can & 1p ame i ain't about to have matthieu have the same last name as alfred's brother
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2p america ;; Allen F. Kennedy 2p canada ;; Matthieu Bouchard 2p england ;; Oliver Davies 2p france ;; Jacques Dupont 2p russia ;; Viktor Alekseev 2p china ;; Xiao Fei 2p north italy ;; Luciano Ricci 2p south italy ;; Flavio Ricci 2p germany ;; Lutz Weber 2p prussia ;; Henrik Weber 2p japan ;; Kuroko Watanabe 2p austria ;; Roland Leitner
most names were just decided by what i think sounds nice. i renamed 1p prussia to Heiko, bc i hate the name Gilbert violently, so i renamed 2p prussia to also have an H name. 2p japan is transfem to me don't ask why.
note that i am a stupid american and not an expert on names or name meaning, i really just googled common last names for their respective countries and went from there. i also only did characters i remember being very common in 2p art.
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tsukikitty Ā· 2 months ago
My OC, Dia, has nicknames for the 2P!NA brothers, Ally-pally and Matt-Patt. The boys were annoyed by it first, but soon accepted it.
Only she can call them by those names though. Anyone else who tries will get a nailed bat/hockey stick to the face.
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ask-the-pearloftheorient Ā· 5 months ago
Are we looking at the same Nordics?
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By the way I forgot to introduce myself properly, pasensya na. I'm MahƔrlika, the 2p. Philippines regards me as his own brother, it's like that in a sense I guess
Big brother!!! I had a weird nightmare! I need a hug!!! - @didimentionedapples
Hello? Who is this? Kuya left his phone with me
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I don't do hugs, but I will listen to what nightmare it was. Go on. I don't have all day.
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sole-soul-survivor Ā· 3 years ago
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I've only been thinking about the Boys lately.
Allen gives me Grunge Guy on Pinterest vibes, donā€™t ask me why, he just does. But he turned out SO pretty so Iā€™m happy abt this concept.
I gave Matt my nose because I felt like it. (also bc itā€™s my family's nose and I found out recently my great grandpa was from the Blood tribe in Canada so thereā€™s that too- try to fight me on it I dare you.)
Feel free to uh, let me know how you guys feel abt their designs, I might add to the family if you know what I mean ;)
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ask-2p-spamano Ā· 6 years ago
Do you two EVER get along??
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ask2ps Ā· 6 years ago
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he needs constant adult supervision
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hellonerf Ā· 1 year ago
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in 1p ame is the "older" one but in 2p cana is the older one (my belief)
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unnecessary-hetalia-quotes Ā· 6 years ago
2P Canada: Britain, thereā€™s a monster under my bed and itā€™s really ugly!
2P America, in the bottom bunk: honestly, fuck you
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hetaliawhatifs Ā· 7 years ago
Dear Admin Jay and admin Sarah, could I kindly request headcanons (or scenarios, depending on how much time you two can spare) for 1p and 2p Canada and America about the way they show physical contact in a relationship? PDA, cuddles in private, general touching and sex, would they be more reserved or open? I think a lot has been written for 2p America and Canada, but I am not sure about 1p Canada. Thank you so much!
Hope you enjoy this! Thank you for being so polite and formal! Sorry this took so long. -Admin Sarah and Jay
Canada: Matthew isnā€™t a very ā€œPDAā€ person, at least not in public. He would hold his s/oā€™s hand, and gently kiss their cheeks in public, but would often not do more than that. As for in private, heā€™d be a bit more hands on. Holding his s/o against his chest, gentle kisses down their neck, resting his hand on their thigh, stuff like that. Most of the time, if their cuddling every escalated, Matthew would still be calm and gentle with his s/o. He sees psychical contact as something to savor and enjoy, not rush through.
America:Cute PDA like hugs, holding hands, cheek kisses, gently caressing their cheek, whatever makes his s/o happy. Alfred wouldnā€™t care about what other people saw or thought, as long as he and his s/o werenā€™t being trashy, he wouldnā€™t really care what they did in public. In private, it is a toss up between tickle wars, Nerf wars, or just cuddling while playing video games. Though if it becomes hotter than that, Alfred would take it slow, he wants more than sex, he wants love and something fun to remember. So expect a few jokes or really cheesy pick up lines if the mood starts to set in.Ā 
2p Canada:No PDA. Matt hardly shows affection as is. In public, he wouldnā€™t be cold or indifferent, but to him, he doesnā€™t think he needs to show it. However, this goes out the window if anyone tries to flirt or hit on his s/o. If anyone even remotely goes near his s/o and spikes his jealousy, he will hold them close with either wrapping an arm around their shoulders or waist and holding them against him, occasionally kissing their temple or head. At home, they would be found laying on top of him as he absently runs his fingers down their back or through their hair. If anything more came out of the moment, they would probably go at it on the couch right there, nothing crazy, just slow and niceā€¦unless he feels the need to remind his s/o who they are withā€¦then not so slow and not so nice.Ā 
2p America:Ā PDA all day. Allen loves to mark his s/o as his in any way he can. People staring at his s/o? Make out with them. Grab their ass. Bite their neck. Anything to leave a mark and show the world that they are his.Ā In private, Allen would be more down for them laying against his chest as they watch movies or TV, he would just slowly run his hand up and down their spine. Though if the mood is right and it is time, Allen doesnā€™t hold back. If his s/o has a voice and/or can walk the next day, then they didnā€™t do it right.Ā 
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shini--chan Ā· 4 years ago
May I request some hcs for 1p and 2p NA bros reacting to their s/os getting very sick/bad immune rxn when she experiences extreme stress or trauma? Like the newly kind naped s/o ended up getting so much stress and anxiety from it that she became sick and showes some pretty serious symptoms. She throws up a lot, nonstop high fever for days, very sore throat, low energy and swirling headache.
Sure you can. General note ā€“ stress and also depression can manifest itself in form of physical symptoms, so stay on the lookout.
Yandere 1p! & 2p! NA Bros ā€“ Immune arrest 1p! America
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Alfred would become frantic. For one, he is a active person, and staying put would cause him to go stir-crazy, a tight spot a sick partner would put him in. Secondly, he would know what the cause of all the throwing up would be, however subconscious. Guilt would start to gnaw at him, the voice in the back of the head telling him that he caused this, that all of this is his fault. However, he wouldnā€™t allow his feeling to convince him to let you go.
Heā€™d try treating the whole thing with antidepressants, maybe even opioids to relief you of the pain and make you more docile. Since he would be aware that depression has a lot of physiochemical factors contributing to them, heā€™d address them. As in ā€“ changing your diet, making you go out in the sun with him, exercise and much more.
2p! America
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Allen would panic. Gun shots wounds and helping his brothers and sisters through violence induced trauma is more his field. He would know how to treat those, not something as complicated as your dilemma. Internally, he would debate bringing you to a good, if expensive doctor, but he would discard that idea ā€“ he wouldnā€™t want to chance somebody finding out about his unsavoury behaviour and taking you away from him.
His route would be treating the symptoms and not the cause. This would mean he would give a few caffeine injections to energize you and would have you taking vitamin pills. Heā€™d even find it in himself to tone himself down a bit. Allen would also try to distract from your aliments ā€“ watching movies, playing video games, doing arts and crafts (Am I the only one that finds that last scene hilarious?).
1p! Canada
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Matthew would worry. Heā€™d be most aware that he would have something to do this and sometimes he would be close to giving up on your relationship. But then he would reassure himself that what he did was for the best and that you just have to come around to seeing things from his perspective. Furthermore, he would see this whole thing as an opportunity.
Heā€™d make you countless cups of herbal tee and have very long conversations with you. On how this is the best for you, because your previous life was so stressful. On how you know have somebody that unconditionally loves you and that you should be happy. Maybe he would even go as far as planting false memories to give his arguments more validity.
2p! Canada
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James would be mildly concern. He wouldnā€™t be good with emotions in general so it would take a while for him to correlate your captivity with the symptoms you are showing. Until then he would treat you as if you had come down with the flu.
If anything, it wouldnā€™t worry him much. He would have kidnapped you because he see you as fragile and in need of protecting. This would just affirm that believe and give him the opportunity to show that is the case. He might also use his role as nurse to establish an emotional bond with you, even if it is an a unhealthy one.
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