#;; 2p! china
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syatuoi · 3 months ago
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ask-p2-germany · 10 months ago
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nalidyne · 1 year ago
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Obligatory Gangsta AU Nyotaliafication ✨
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bunny-bun-draws · 6 months ago
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2p kitties!!
Had the task to do the art for 2p nekos for the Nekodex!! Had fun imagining and creating them as these adorable babies~ the event in the nekodex finished a while ago, so I hope everyone that has it catched all of them and enjoyed it!!
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ask2ps · 8 months ago
I love your art so much. I need to throw them all against a wall and watch them bounce off like gumdrops.
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ENGLAND: Bounces off with a whimsical sound. CHINA: Bounces off whimsically, but with a slightly unsettling reverb.
FRANCE: He is a rotten egg. SOUTH ITALY: Begins to sizzle and fry as he hits the ground...?!
GERMANY: Every time he flops another inch down, you can hear a deadpan "ow." JAPAN: Tries to pretend like he doesn't care, but he's drenched in sweat.
RUSSIA: You throw him hastily after he stabs your hand. CANADA: Totally nonplussed about the whole thing. Super casual, even.
AMERICA: His explosion comes with cheap VFX and a Wilhelm scream. NORTH ITALY: He emerges from the explosion completely fine.
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sparks-and-wires · 2 months ago
Your Place In Their Hearts - 2p Hetalia
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They're constantly moody, irritable, and have enough rage to kill the sun if they'd tried hard enough. Yet they put up with you consistently interrupting their work like clockwork, for no other reason other than to 'give them a break'. You're the only one they'd drop what they're doing for, and probably are the closest thing they're ever going to have to a friend.
It's easy for them to get lost in thoughts of you; they're attached and are never going to let go. You've seen too much for them to just give you up. After all, why would they ever trade away the only person who has them feeling calm in centuries?
Kuro, Luciano
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Their mood tends to shift a lot as they're working but you're seen as a muse in many aspects. You're the only one that they'd lower their guard down around. Their families can see the difference in them when you're around, whether it'd be the immediate excitement of your arrival to the calm that reaches their eyes. If you weren't their first love, you'd be surprised, as they've never shown real interests in anyone else like this before. You will stay in their heart no matter what happens. They'd throw away everything for you.
Flavio, Klaus
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They prefer their alone time over everything but as long as you promise to remain quiet they'll allow you to stick around during their calmest moments. You'll never be sure if you're the first that has ever seen them like this, as their attitude always seems to drive others away. They'll take a few glances at you when they think you aren't looking and smile. You've stuck around through all their warnings, and have now grown on them. Even if you clash in the future, they'll still find peace with you near them.
James, Viktor, Andres
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Their 'vibrant' personality is often too much for other people, yet you stayed around. They wonder if there's something wrong with you like them, but you're just so comforting. After a while they may start thinking you're a guardian angel, just depends on how much of their issues you're able to bare with before needing to leave for the day.
How you can stay through the tears, screaming, the rage they just can't contain sometimes and not run off? You're someone worth protecting if you can still love them at their worst. Your support means everything to them. They're overbearing, talk too much, and what they say can cause you trouble with other people sometimes, but they hope you'll stick around as long as possible. They don't know if they can find someone else like you, and they don't want to go another century trying. No one will ever be as important to them as you are.
Allen, Oliver
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They thought they'd never love another person again. Their eyes once dull until they laid upon you day after day, gradually gaining back their color once more. Your care being able to fill the hole in their heart that they've been missing for centuries. They don't know whether to hate you or love you for the soft feelings resurfacing in their body.
Their addictions no longer ails them when they focus on you. The withdraw just hits them harder when you leave, and they can't utter the words to make it stop. Not until you realize their suffering and still see value to them. Once the words leave you mouth, the three words they needed to hear from only you, they're hooked. You can't leave them again. They'd rather die than suffer the heartbreak once more. You've ruined them, and you have to deal with them for the rest of your life. You don't have a choice.
Katya, Xiao, François
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You are like the sun on a bright day, a fresh breeze against their skin. You presence ensures them of comfort and they see the light in your eyes when you look at them. They'd never could have wished for someone to come into their life like this, but they're happy to have you. Even in sleep you're close to them, inseparable. They days just seem so much calmer, but go by too fast. Their just need a little bit more time with you. You're more than their best friend. You're...everything.
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They only ever needed a real friend, and they ended up with you. Now they has everything they needs. Someone to talk and vent to, someone to go out with, or just someone to lay against their chest as they rest on the couch. Once you stick around for long enough with no hint of distaste, you've become a staple of their life. They think too much when you cancel plans without an explanation, and sulk over it for longer than you'd think. Then you're back once more and things are right again. Better than a dog, you're the best friend they'd been wishing for. Now come on, the next beer is on them.
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ask2pame · 11 months ago
I'm on it 🫡, give us amechu please!
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he's doin his makeup <3
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 3 months ago
How long would it take 2p Allie’s to start doing more intimate things, like kissing or cuddling, with their kidnapped darling?
England: Despite his cruelty, Oliver is still a gentleman. Whether or not you knew him before his commitment to act, he will give you time. For him, small touches like hand holding and hugs will be about a month. After that he believes you should be trained enough to reciprocate them. As things get more intimate, Oliver will give more time. A basic kiss, 6 months and then more intense things to a year or so. Though, probably by that point the two of you will be wed.
Canada: Matt’s someone that wants you to give those intimate things freely. So, he’s willing to wait for the most intimate of things, but not the small stuff.
 He will set things up to where those typical, sweet moments between a couple are needed for survival. You sliced your hand somehow, now he gets to hold it. Sure, he put the bandage on yesterday but he’s gotta make sure its healing ok. Now, the heat in the house as gone out and the frost is creeping in, I guess Matt’s your heater for the night.
By the time you realize he’s tricked you into doing those things, you’re already on his lap. Cuddling while he’s talking about his ‘hunts’. The news is showing a story about people missing in the area, and you see your picture and disappearance date on the TV.
Its already been a whole year.
America: If Allen’s able to slide himself into your life before kidnapping, then right away. His hands will never leave your sides. Should you fight against his touch, he’ll mention how just days ago you would lean into him. That seeing his deep feelings shouldn’t change anything (aka a crazy, love/lust fueled rant). If that doesn’t stop you from fighting, then punishments come into play and each one lets him touch you.
If he wasn’t able to make his mark on your life beforehand, then Allen’s gonna give you a couple weeks. A somewhat slow introduction to his touch. But each the slowness doesn’t last long, soon enough it will be the same intensity as if he has always been in your life.
France: François is rather calm about it, but not patient. He will give you a few weeks to adjust and along the way watch to see if you are meeting his ‘goals’.
The first goal is to stop flinching. It starts with simple touches and using his hands to move you along. Over the weeks the goals become more intimate. Soon enough, François can do as he pleases with little resistance.
All he has to work on now is your reciprocation.
Russia: Viktor, and this may be a surprise to some, will be cold toward you at first. He knows as of right now, you live in fear of him and what he will do, so he uses it to his advantage.
Harsh rules and high expectations. Overtime as your behavior molds to what he wants (it takes a couple months to a year depending on how stubborn you are), he starts to bring affection and intimacy into play. Before you know it, you give into every touch and desire it.
Fearful that without it, you’d upset him. That something painful is coming your way.
A perfect way of keeping you close.
China: Jin’s seen all different types of relationships through the centuries. For him, this is just a different type of arranged marriage. The kidnapping is the equivalent of men, to the ancient art of bride stealing. Sure, you fought him and cried but that will settle in time.
Unlike the others, there is no time limit.
Because if he’s the only one you see. Then eventually you’ll seek him out and then he can start to ask for more.
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milaisreading · 1 year ago
2p Axis and 2p Allies reaction to a guy giving Valentine's Day gifts to y/n before they had a chance?
🌱🩷: Here u go! Hope it is ok, and thank you for the request!
2p!Italy: Bella, these are for you~
Yn, while looking at the flower bouquet: Thank you! I didn't expect you to care about Valentine's Day! These are really pretty
2p!Italy: You care about this holiday and so do I. Besides, I wanted to be the first one to give you the present.
Yn:Oh... uhm...
Yn: Well... Actually... Sweden already gave me a present so...
2p!Italy: Really?
Yn: Thanks for the chocolate!
2p!Germany, all proud that she likes it: Nothing to thank me for. I heard from people you like this flavor.
Yn: Yep! It's one of my favorites, actually.
2p!Germany, confused as he thought she likes this one: One of? What's your favorite? I can get you that instead.
Yn: No need! Besides, Denmark already gave me that this morning.
2p!Germany: ... What? Wait, so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah. This morning
Yn: Why is your gun out?
Yn, worried as his glare intensifies and his grip on the present tightens: Are...are you ok?
Yn: You look constipated. Was it the food you ate earlier?
2p!Japan, embarrassed as he shoves the present into her hands: Just take this stupid gift?!
Yn: Thanks... *opens to see what's inside*
2p!Japan, trying to look like he doesn't give af: And?
Yn: Oh! This is a cute figurine! It will go well with the one Korea gave me!
2p!Japan: When did he give it to you?
Yn: This morning.
2p!Japan: Ah... so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah- where are you going?
2p!Japan: Out for a walk.
2p!America: Hey there, dollface! Happy Valentine's Day! Here is your present.
Yn, jumping in surprise as she takes it: Thank you! The bear is cute!
2p!America, swinging his arm around her shoulder: Not as cute as you.
Yn, blushing:O-oh...
2p!America: Anyway, want to go and eat something?
Yn: No, I just ate with Norway
2p!America: Excuse me? What?
Yn: He took me out to lunch as a gift.
2p!America,thinking of all the ways to kill a country: Oh... lovely...
2p!France: What is that?
Yn, looking at the small cake 2p!France was pointing at: Oh! This? It's a cake Finland made me for Valentine's Day! Want to try? He made it with my favorite flavor.
2p!France while tightening his grip on a gift he got her: Oh... And you accepted the gift just like that?
Yn, confused by the question: Yeah? We always give each other gifts.
2p!France: You gave him gifts as well?!
Yn: Yeah... Are you mad?
2p!France: Yes.
Yn: O-oh... I will put it away then...
2p!France: Please do.
2p!England: Poppet! I made you my special cupcakes! Try them!
Yn, nervous as she remembers what his special cupcakes might have:I am not really hungry, so...
2p!England: They don't have anything bad in them, I swear!
Yn, slowly nodding her head as she takes them: O-Ok.
2p!England: I wanted to make this present special! Do you like them?
Yn, surprised they taste like real, normal cupcakes: Yeah... they remind me of the ones Switzerland got me this morning.
2p!England: What?
Yn: Switzerland gave me some as a present this morning *continues eating*
2p!England, thinking: I will turn him into literal Swiss cheese
Yn: Thanks for the presents, Russia... Isn't this too much? *looks at the mountain of gifts*
2p!Russia, shakes his head while patting hers: Not really. In fact, there are more I need to give you.
2p!Russia: Don't worry your pretty brain about it, but... Who gave you those flowers over there? *points at the tulips*
Yn: Oh! Netherlands gave me them as a gift this morning! They smell so good- Why are you taking the vase away?
2p!Russia: They have gone bad. I will get you better ones
Yn: What?
Yn, admiring the Hello kitty plushie: This is so adorable! I never saw this one!
2p!China, while having a huge grin on his face: Well, it was a special I requested for you. Happy you like it.
Yn: Thanks! You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me.
2p!China: It was more trouble at all~
Yn: It will look great with that plushie Estonia gave me this morning
2p!China: Someone gave you a present already?
Yn: Yep~
2p!China: Oh... Can you do me a favor?
Yn: Sure. What is it?
2p!China: Can you sleep with your window open for tonight? And put that plushie from Estonia as close as possible to the the window
Yn: What?
2p!Canada, blushing as Yn thanks him for the chocolate: It's nothing. Just a small token of appreciation.
Yn: Still! Thank you for remembering me! I didn't expect gifts from both Iceland and you, to be honest.
2p!Canada: Oh, it's nothing. I am happy you like- What do you mean by Iceland?
Yn: Him and Mr. Puffin gave me those cute Valentine's Day cards. They are so adorable~
2p!Canada, agitated while she is smiling: Aha...
An hour later...
Yn, yelling from her room: My cards are gone!!
2p!Canada as he lights up a fire: How tragic
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kiat-b-saguru · 7 months ago
More 2p hetalia mafia au designs!
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I'm slowly but steady getting there, the big players are still missing and I want to add a few minor characters as well, like czech, slovakia, sweden and monaco. When I'm really on a roll I may even have time to properly line and colour them! (lol)
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shini--chan · 9 months ago
May I request 2p allies making their s/o mute as a punishment for trying to run for help.
⚫〰️⚫ Thank you
Alright, as the ask indicates, it is not a never family friendly post that awaits you up ahead. Excluding 2p Canada this time, since I had difficulty coming up with another form of mutness other than those described via the other characters.
This came out later than planned due to time management issues on behalf of the author. Nevertheless, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: body horror, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mutilation, misuse of medical procedures, drugging, malnutrition, dark magic
Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold
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Allen would loathe to admit it, but he had come to like you when you were quiet. Aside from that, you looked so cute with your neck bandaged up. And those glares and petulant expressions you made! Oh, if he had known how agreeable you’d become after losing your voice, he would have done this far sooner. 
That being said, it had been an accident - he hadn’t wanted to punch you in the throat, but you just had to jump in the way, when he was busy teaching that bastard a lesson. Therefore, he had had no choice but to cut open your throat to ensure you could continue breathing. 
When you leaned down to take his plate, you purposely bumped his shoulder. Yes, you were still very upset with him about what had happened. However, the feeling was mutual. He slapped your arse when you straightened up again. 
It caused you to perform a little jump and then glare at him. 
“If I had known that you’d look so sexy with something around your neck, I would have bought you a set of chokers long ago, dollface. Don’t worry though - you look good with the bloodstained gauze as well”, he slyly complimented you. Oh, how it infuriated you. 
You had tried to talk a few times these past days, causing the wound on your neck to reopen and weep plasma and blood everytime you did. As it was, you were lucky that you had gotten antibiotics, or else Allen would have been far stricter with you. 
Petty as you could be, turned your back on him and flipped the bird as you marched back to the kitchen. At this, Allen could prevent himself from laughing. 
Allen actually wouldn’t want to rob you of your voice, since half the fun in having you is that you talk back. However, he would discover the benefits of muting you after he would have to do it in some shape of form. Once doing so, he would find this experience refreshing and seek to replicate it multiple times in the future. Here, you would really be in danger of losing your voice permanently if you aren’t able to curb his … preferences. 
The problem here is that he would find your muteness and the injuries connected to it to be unbelievably arousing. In ways, your life would biome harder than it already is thanks to that.
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Could you really be blamed for panicking in a situation such as this? The rush of hysteria made the binds tying you down to the table seem even tighter than they were, and you felt like you were suffocating, no matter how fast you breathed. The air was too hot and your clothes too scratchy, with the latter made all the worse by the fact that you were coated in grim and your own dried sweat.
To your left, you heard Zao approach you. Since your head was fastened to the table, you only could see him once he appeared in your periphery. There was a horrid grin on his face, that stood in complete juxtaposition to what he said.
"My heart, this is really something I don't want to do, but you leave me with no choice."
You wanted to retort, but thought better of it just in the nick of time. He had a brown glass bottle at hand, and you didn't like all the warning labels on it, nor how close it was to your mouth. 
"But give in and swallow, I promise to help you with your recovery if you comply", he told you in a sickly sweet tone as if he was talking to a child. As much as you wanted to shake your head, you couldn't. By now, you were trembling. 
Two fingers pinched your nose firmly. After a few seconds, you started to become lightheaded and you heard and felt your blood pounding. Opening your mouth wouldn't be an option, since the bottle would immediately be emptied into your mouth if you did that. So instead, you opened the corner of your mouth and tried to breathe as discreetly as possible. 
To no avail. The fingers that were on your nose went for your mouth and pried your lips apart. As valiantly as you struggled, the bottle still went in. The fluid caused your throat to burn, and when you accidentally breathed some of it, you let out a hapless scream of pain. 
His method of muting you would be more permanent - rendering your vocal cords and throat useless by forcing you to drink acid or poison. This would either be the response to a multitude of transgressions, or him being particularly ticked off by an escape.
A side effect of this would be that you would be unable to swallow food or drink. But he would be there to help you, either by feeding you through a tube, an IV or by supplying you through your back door (i.e your rectum). This would serve as an extension of the original punishment. Additionally, you would be helpless and reliant on him. 
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When you finally woke up, you felt groggy and heavy, each of your limbs made of lead and your mouth full of cotton. Sleep drunk, you opened your eyes and eased yourself to a more upright position. 
Not that it was more comfortable - there were kinks and knots in your back that only a professional massage could relieve you from. Why the hell had you fallen asleep here of all places? You were seated in an old dentist car, the once royal red faded. The contraption creaked ominously whenever you moved.
This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment. The twilight of the room you were in didn't help.
Your mouth felt dry and slightly numb, and your lips subsequently cracked. You parted your lips and wanted to run your tongue over the dried skin only to discover that you didn't have a tongue anymore. 
Cold shock made you bolt upright and all at once, the world shifted into sharp clarity. Once again, you tried to stretch your tongue out only for nothing to move, not a stump. That was when you started to panic.
Lungs heaved as you tried to explain the situation to yourself. There was absolutely no pain, you weren't feeling weak. The taste of blood was absent, and the bitter sting of iodine or saline solution wasn't present either. 
In your panic, you opened your mouth and stuck your fingers inside to feel for your tongue. It had been completely removed down to the root. There wasn't even puckered skin where the muscle would have begun. Tears started to leak from your eyes and you tried to force a few miserable sounds out of your mouth. 
"Now, now don't engage in self-pity. You did bring this on yourself, my rose bud."
The blood in your veins turned to ice, and you halted your frantic movement. Despite the dim lighting of the underground room, you could clearly see Oliver Kirkland. He was seated on a red satin loveseat, and in the jar he had balanced on his knee was your tongue. 
Oliver would use magic to completely remove your tongue from your mouth, aiming to insite as much panic in you as possible. As such, you'll only find out what he has done after completion of the procedure. 
Instead of helping you to deal with the situation, he would mock you relentlessly. Furthermore, he would place the blame on you - it was you that ran away, it was you that forced his hand; everything that went wrong is your fault. The jar with your tongue in it would be placed in a spot that you'd have a hard time overlooking. A taunt, and a reminder that the amputation is only temporary. You just have to play being a good spouse for long enough and then he'd give you your tongue back. 
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Putrid pus stained the sheets as he pulled them away. Yesterday the colour had been yellow, but now it had a slight green tint to it. Francois brushed his fringes out of his face and tied his hair back to a sloppy ponytail. 
With a soft sigh, and placed the bandages and tincture bottles on the bed next to you and tilted your head towards him. Sickness and the corresponding fever made your sleep deep, unlike it usually was. You didn't even stir when he lifted your head onto his lap. 
At this point, it was up for debate what was sealing your lips more - the rough stitches or the infection. The swelling had distorted your mouth, so much so that it was beginning to block your nose and hinder your breathing. 
Cursing softly under his breath, he set out to drain the pus from the needle wounds. He shouldn't have used the expired saline solution, yet you had given him no choice. You had been so busy thrashing and screaming around when he had sown your mouth shut. 
Francois still didn't understand why you had put up such a fuss. The punishment was deserved and it made your resistance all the more pathetic. Seriously, had you really thought he would take you escaping lightly? How could you delude yourself into thinking he wouldn't take all those vile words that you had uttered upon being brought home to heart?
The pus drenched bandages were thrown into the bin, and he proceeded to down the injured tissue with iodine. You groaned in your sleep, and tried to open your mouth. A noticeable tremor ran down your body, and you stopped straining against the stitches. 
Perhaps it was better that you were lost in a haze. It gave your captor more time to think and calm down. 
Francois would elect to make your muteness temporary, but with some caveats. You'd wear scars around your mouth for the rest of your life and the mental and physical trauma would haunt you for years to come. Such a situation would have a high potential of arising if you poured your heart out to somebody else and incited them to help you escape. 
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This was getting more tiring by the hour. Slowly, you were asking yourself if this really was a punishment, or if it was one of Victor's loathsome social experiments.  loathsome social experiments. They both tended to be alike, so it was hard to tell on a normal day. 
“If you keep glaring at me like that, your face will distort to a permanent frown”, the man in question remarked. The knife repeatedly scraped over the wood in his hand, causing shavings to fly with every stroke of the blade. He didn’t even look up from his whittling when he said that. How rude. 
Feeling petulant, you knicked a stone in the river. It was a nice day to be outdoors - the spring air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers, and the sun was shining through the birch tree. Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, not when he had brought you to the spot where he had captured you a mere week ago, picnic basket at hand. 
You had difficulty swallowing every other bite, and also keeping it down. Now that bastard even insisted on staying a bit longer to enjoy the alleged peace and quiet that the forest offered. 
With how frustrated you were, you opened your mouth in order to say something, only to receive a smack to the face with the flat side of the knife the second you opened your mouth. In shock, you quickly closed your mouth again and looked at him aghast. 
This time, he was even meeting your eyes. 
“You know the agreement, so don’t break it by talking now.”
Mutness wouldn’t even be the intended punishment at first - it would be offered as a second, milder option to a harsher punishment. Victor would have a habit of giving you an option of choosing between two or more punishments. It would be to give you an illusion of power over your own fate and an opportunity to assuage your character. Mind you, he would never give you the full details of the punishments that you can choose from. 
In this case, he would enforce a “voluntary silence” upon you. You would have to refrain from speaking for a certain time interval, or else suffer a harsher punishment. This is one of his games with you, that would be designed to mould your personality to his liking. Also, this would be a form of discipline training for you. 
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syatuoi · 3 months ago
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cheeebs log..
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ask-p2-germany · 2 years ago
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nalidyne · 5 months ago
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I could continue the actual WTDU AU comic but I realized I never drawn proper concept art for all the characters,,,, (yes I’m a professional procrastinator)
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hellonerf · 1 year ago
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2p allies
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ask2ps · 9 months ago
I love 2p japan
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CHINA: 日本さえ恋がしたいということ、考えられないことではないねぇ。(It’s not unthinkable that even Japan would want love, right?)
JAPAN: 闭嘴。(Shut up.)
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