#212 Fox
trudemaethien · 8 months
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7th Sky Marshall Commander Fox and Commander of the Coruscant Guard Cody
instead of actually writing the codyfoxswap fic or anything crazy like that 😅😂, I spent a day imagining what their armor might be like (Yeah I know Fox is in Phase 1 and Cody is in Phase 2, also Cody’s elbow pads aren’t shown but if they were they’d be solid red, and they are both on my shit list for having helmet visors)
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forensicated · 6 months
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 212 (With a little addition)
Kerry follows Gina, pointing out that she hadn't been given an assignment or beat in the briefing. Gina tells her she wants her to work on an assault case that has been waiting to be completed and presented to the CPS. Kerry assumes it's an excuse to keep her from the other uniform officers. "Now why would I want to do that?" Gina asks. "Because of The Smithy Thing?" Gina reminds her she's going to have to decide whether or not to make it official and Kerry tells her she hasn't yet. Gina tells her she can't put it off forever and that she wants her to do the job she's given her in the meantime.
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Andrea presses Kerry to find out if the allegation has been made official. Kerry says she's being punished by being kept in because 'she dared to make an allegation'. Do these people not look behind themselves before they bitch? ESPECIALLY when it's about Gina?
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Gina interrupts them and continues through to the front office where she finds Adam. She updates him there's still no information from Kerry about if she's going to make the allegation official. Later Kerry finds herself alone as everyone not-so-subtly leaves the canteen table she joins. Tony and Gary make themselves clear they believe Smithy and that Kerry is being cruel holding him to ransom by not giving him chance to clear his name by making it official or telling people that it isn't true once and for all.
(As an aside for @everythingisdragons this is an episode featuring Don Beech as Neil's informant for an armed robbery. It's the first episode for DI Peter Cavanaugh from NCIS (Pronounced Ensis. National Criminal Intelligence Squad, not the naval drama.). He has Honey, Sam and Debbie all batting their eyelashes at him. "I think I've just fallen in love!" Honey whimpers at her first sight of Peter. )
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Kerry takes the case that Gina asked her to work to Jonathan. She tells him that the defendants and victims are as bad as each other and have records for similar crimes. A witness saw the attack but couldn't say who started it. Kerry suggests the whole thing be NFA'd and due to lack of helpful evidence Jonathan agrees.
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(Jack is FURIOUS when Peter tells him about Neil's information from Don Beech. Neil explains that Don was his Sgt (Don arrived at Sun Hill in 95/Series 11. If Neil is Andrew's age he'd have been 20-23.) Jack wants to hand it over to NCIS because he wants nothing to do with anything that Don is involved in but Neil insists Sun Hill have done the groundwork so should see it out. Peter suggests he stick around to 'help out'. Okaro agrees as Peter has more information on Trevor Little (an Australian criminal that Don works with whilst he was on the run). Can Debbie and Sam be more obvious?🤣)
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Jonathan sits in on a conversation between Jack, Peter and Neil with regards to the armed robbery and what they suspect might happen when Trevor Little makes his next move. Jack suspects Don could be in on the robbery and spinning a yarn to take the police focus away from what is really happening. Neil doesn't think Don would do that but Peter admits it is a possibility. Jonathan tells them that they're not just looking at information coming from a bent copper but also someone with a serious criminal record with no sign of contrition. If they were to proceed and the case made it to court, it would have to be a confidential disclosure as to where the information came from. Neil suspects that Jack is only holding back on acting on the case and using the full CID department because Don is involved. Jack reminds him he doesn't have a clue what game Don is playing and warns him to never question a decision he's made again. There's always a price when it comes to Don.
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Honey: It's about time we got a bit of talent around here, innit!
Debbie: "There's been a mini influx of male totty lately. I wouldn't say no to Jonathan Fox."
Honey: "That old bloke from the CPS? You're having a laugh aren't ya? But then again I guess he is more your age..."
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(Don tells Neil that if he agrees he owes him one, he'll give him everything - the time, the place, the hit. Neil thinks about it and agrees. "It's tomorrow, 10.30, near Butler's Wharf." "And the hit?" "Gems, diamonds... enough for you and half of London to retire on.")
Gina questions Jonathan to find out if he read the entire file that Kerry presented to him. He admits he only listened to what Kerry said and worked from that because she said there was insufficient evidence. Gina points out that her team spent a huge amount of time on the case and says the detailed witness statements and defendants records were more than enough to push it over the line. Jonathan suggests that perhaps Kerry didn't present the evidence in the best light. "Well I think it's still worth pursuing!!!" Gina says firmly. "And I agree with you." Gina's had the wind knocked out of her sails somewhat, having expected more of a fight. "...What?" He promises to look at it again and see what they can do. "Well don't you do me any favours, Mr Fox!" "No favours, it's my job." he says reasonably. "Right! Well! ...Thank you very much!" Gina flusters, fumbling almost with his door before making a quick exit.
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Gina calls Kerry to her office before she leaves. She tells her what Jonathan told her about Kerry not presenting the case correctly and calls her out on doing it on purpose because she was made to remain in the station. She tells her Smithy is returning tomorrow so she wants her final answer about the allegation by then.
Jonathan spots Debbie leaving and invites her to go with him for a drink rather than the gym. Debbie agrees as Gina watches them, looking absolutely gutted.
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fellswap-x · 3 months
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Fellswap X - Page 212
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FellswapX by @xxtha-blog​ Undertale by Toby Fox
: [Deviantart] ~ [Youtube] ~ [Ko-FI] ~ [Commissions] ~ [Chancetale] :
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
OOH! I would very much like Topaz in Autumn with Fox pleeeease ♥
Pumpkin Spice
Summary: You love this time of year, when the leaves start to change and when it’s cool enough to pull your sweaters out of storage. You just need to convince Fox that this is the best time of year.
Pairing: Commander Fox x GN!Reader
Word Count: 659
Prompts: Topaz - Affectionate Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I'm always happy to write about the love of my life! I hope you like this one and it's as cozy and affectionate as you wanted~
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Fox stares at you, his eyebrows slowly creeping up his forehead as he takes in your outfit. “Okay,” he finally says, “I’ll bite. Why are you dressed like you’re about to run off and join the 212?”
“Because my red sweater had holes in it and needs to be repaired,” You say brightly, before you move to his side, and Fox is finally able to get a good look at the rest of your outfit.
A long vibrant orange sweater, black jeans and brown boots.
“You look very nice,” He says, “Why are you dressed like that?”
“Because,” You say as you hook your arms around his arm and tug him to his feet, “We’re going out.”
“Can we not?”
“Please? Just for a little bit? It’s not that cold outside today.”
Fox looks at you, and, for a moment, you think he’s going to deny you anyway, but he just sighs and tilts his head back, “Fine. Where are we going?”
“It’s a secret.” You reply brightly, as you tug him towards the door and press his shoes into his hands, “Don’t worry, you’ll like it.”
“So you say.” Fox tiredly pulls his shoes on and grabs his own sweatshirt, before he allows you to tug him out of the apartment and then out the building.
You thread your fingers with his as soon as you’re outside and press yourself against his side, “This is my favorite time of year, you know?” You say to him.
“Is it?” Fox asks as he makes his steps smaller so he’s able to stay in step with you, “Why?”
You hum thoughtfully, “I guess…it reminds me of when I was a kid. When things were easier and all I had to worry about was school work. Life was easier then.”
You laugh, “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” You squeeze his hand, “After all, I have you now.”
“And that makes the present better?”
“Absolutely.” You confirm, you pause when you get to where you wanted to go, “Ah! Here we are! Wait here.” You kiss his knuckles quickly, and then hurry over to a small stand several feet away.
You talk to the owner of the stand, and pay him a small amount of credits for two cafs, and then you return to Fox, “Here!”
He takes one of the cups, “Thanks. What is it?”
“Caf! Flavored caf.”
He arches a brow, “Flavored?”
“It’s pumpkin spice. It’s one of the reasons I like this time of year so much.” You take a sip of your own caf, and release a happy sigh, “Go ahead, try it. If you don’t like it, I’ll buy you a black caf.”
He looks amused now, before he brings his cup to his lips and takes a sip.
Fox pauses, and then takes another sip.
“Do you like it?” You ask.
He turns amused eyes onto you, “It tastes like you.”
You pause, “Is that a yes-?”
At that, Fox laughs and he leans in to catch your lips. He tastes like pumpkin spice caf, and his lips are warm from the hot liquid. “Well, seeing as I love you, and the way you taste, then that is a yes.”
A grin crosses your face, “So it’s not so bad to leave the house then?”
“Oh, it’s still miserable. But I get to see you with that wide smile on your face, so I suppose it’s better than it could be.” He teases, and then he tugs you a bit away, “So, shall we continue our walk?”
Your entire face brightens, “Really?”
Fox leans in and kisses you one more time, “Really.” His fingers rest lightly at the base of your throat, “Thank you for inviting me, even though I was a grump about it.”
“You’re welcome,” You beam at him, “I’ll invite you everywhere. I love you, after all.”
His smile is soft and warm, “And I’m a better man for it.”
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welcometololaland · 7 months
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(sorry, it's not sunday and there are way more than seven sentences here, so I couldn't even pretend. this is a little play on canon but in europe).
“Did that man just say ‘sweat drop down my balls?’” Henry asks, mouth agape as he stands completely still.  “Hell yeah,” Alex yells back. “But you’re not gonna get sweaty at all if you stand still!” Henry gives him a very forced smile and starts to bob up and down and Alex wants to scream. He knows Henry can do better than this. Such a sexy, sexy man can't be that bad at dancing.
“He really doesn’t dance, does he?” Siobhan giggles in his ear a minute later as she, Fiadh and Saoirse pass them, hands in the air as they dig their way deeper into the throng. Over their heads, he sees Maeve pretending to slap Freya’s ass as she twerks, two hands on her knees.  “He’ll get there!” Alex yells back with renewed confidence. “Come on, Henry, loosen up.” “It’s a bit hard to loosen up when you—” “Three, six, nine, damn you’re fine!” Alex sings, along with sixty other people in the club. Henry looks at him like he’s grown an extra head, which makes Alex wonder what Henry would have done if he’d yelled out the iconic lyrics to Azealia Banks’ '212', which had been playing when they first walked in. In response, Alex pulls him towards the floor. “It’s telling you to get low!” “My knees aren’t eighteen anymore, Alex!” Alex, who has obediently dropped down in accordance with the lyrics, stares up at Henry from dick-height. “Are you saying you wouldn’t get on your knees for me?”
OPEN TAG! (plus some emotional support tags and targeted attacks below) - I'm super late lol
tagging my eurotrip emotional support people + others who have suffered through me writing this fic for like 3 years @celeritas2997 @rmd-writes @indomitable-love @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @dustratcentral @three-drink-amy @athousandrooms @the-amber-fox @villiageidiot just to prove im still DOING IT.
also thank you for the tags @chicgeekgirl89 @suseagull04 @strandnreyes @freneticfloetry @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @orchidscript @agame-writes @three-drink-amy @carlos-in-glasses @sznofthesticks @kiwiana-writes and @heartstringsduet
targeted attack for @dumbpeachjuice @treluna4 @affectionatelyrs @bitbybitwrites @inexplicablymine @liminalmemories21 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @reyesstrand and @theghostofashton just because i felt like it <3 (sorry if im too late for you!)
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book4air · 6 months
Social Media: https://linktr.ee/book4air
Book4Air #avatarthelastairbender #restorationproject
Showrunners: Ryoma Ishizuka Lucía Lobosvilla
'The Vow' Artist - Rick Orange Writer - Lucía Lobosvilla Letterer - Melissa Palacios
'Rebound' Original Artist - Ryan Hill Original Writer - Gene Luan Yang Additional Art - Luan Bindewald, Melissa Palacios Letterer - Melissa Palacios
'Rumors and Relics' Based on the story “Relics” by Johane Matte & Joshua Hamilton Writer - Lucía Lobosvilla Artists - Melissa Palacios, Vago, Luan Bindewald, Sam Lee Wins Coloring - Kat Peterson, Sam Lee Wins, Melissa Palacios Letterer - Melissa Palacios
Voice Directors: Lucía Lobosvilla Anthony Rodriguez
Composers: James A Reilly Aneesh Kashalikar Ty Porter Music
Audio Team Head Audio Engineer: Sam Gabriel Line Placement: Valravn Mixing Engineers: TheTVBunny (Elise Lepley) Mastering: Kim Morton
Video Team Team Lead: Ryoma Ishizuka Video Editors: Hazco Fox, PhantomSavage, TheRealizer367 (Walter Vitola), Astrid Ev, Curtis Creates Stuff, Mr.Amazing
Special Thanks: Book 4 Restoration Project Team Dark Horse Comics Nickelodeon Gene Luen Yang Gurihiru Aaron Ehasz Bryan Konietzko Michael Dante DiMartino Dave Roman Kevin Coppa Baby Lion Turtle Dave Subscribers and you!
Voice Cast
Aang - Ryoma Ishizuka Katara - Stephanie Pines Zuko - Cade Watts Iroh - D. Tyler Fultz Appa & Momo - Josh Lee Mai - Ari Thrash Kei-Lo - Belsheber Rusape Jr. Mura - Kat Peterson Tom-Tom - Victoria McMullen Ukano - PeanutButterMacaron Hanzo - Christian Sekhanan Dulma - Josephine Sweet Merchant - JJ Williams Fire Captain - Grant Corvin Headband Guy - Ara’digm Wong Additional Voices - Grant Corvin, Cade Watts, Lucía Lobosvilla, Ara’digm Wong
Promo Bumper Animated by Sam Lee Wins Voice of Katara - Stephanie Pines Video Editing - Ryoma Ishizuka Audio Editing - TheTVBunny (Elise Lepley) Mastering - Kim Morton
White Lotus: Zac Harrell
Fire Sages: Daniel Lacey Stefan Gheorghiev
Dai Li Agents: Alejandro Navarro Minnichi
Freedom Fighters: Geans mistercokes
Cabbage Merchants: Abel Anna Yamshchikova Bunix can you feel it now mr Krabs Cezary Styczewski Edowen imitationpitaya Jake Sullivan Laura Castrillón Melissa Palacios Mercedes Valle Nerd King 101 Nichelle (ShadowleafTV) Night In Star Light Smith sniddee Tacosdecanasta Victoria C. McMullen Violet
Penguin Sledders: Ashe_Wottlin ayszhang BNT Dornfist Duke Skibbington Laala 212 Pokejedservo TheTobi2Uchiha TitaniaBird Tony Lui WhyNotReek Akiizayoi4869
Executive Producer: Ara’digm Wong
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This looks kinda wonky
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27/06/2024 day 212 uh little extra??¿¿
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leti and spring and vincent. Yeah fox's big brother and owynn's big brother T_T one or two connections away from the world blowing up lmao They arent married forrealsies because yeahhhhhh poly and homophobia or whatevs but they are married for all that matters ToT
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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Journal des Dames et des Modes, editie Frankfurt 22 Février 1808, Costume Parisien (8). Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
The accompanying text (pp. 212 and 213) states: Fig. 1: Coiffure de grande parure: gauze of gold thread, braided with hair. Short dress of white satin, embroidered with gold. Blue, embroidered manteau, with long queue. fig. 2: Coiffure of black velvet and yellow satin. Robe Levantine garnished with 'plush tigrée'. (Under this dress one wears a white dress...). fig. 3: Pink crepe toque with a long feather at the front. Pink taffeta dress with short sleeves. Fichu of fox fur. fig. 4: Satin and velvet capote. Short white muslin dress. Fichu of velvet, garnie and cygne. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published in Frankfurt as a copy of the French edition by Pierre de la Mésangère, (1798-1848).
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A member of the House of Representatives’ progressive "Squad" is calling out his own party and President Biden over how Democrats have handled the worsening migrant crisis.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., called on Biden to show "leadership" in comments to reporters. He pointed out that the margins for Democrats to claw back the House are slim and warned that handling the influx of undocumented people in New York would likely be critical issue in the 2024 races.
"We need leadership from President Biden, period. We need that leadership right here in New York State, because you know, New York State is struggling," Bowman said, according to a video captured by NY1. "We're struggling to provide housing and all the support that the migrants need."
Republicans currently hold a 222-212 majority in the House, and there is one vacancy.
"Here's the thing, Democrats are looking bad right now in New York State, and that's unacceptable when we have to win at least four congressional seats to take back the House," Bowman said. "So hopefully the president is listening."
Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for a response but did not immediately hear back.
Illegal crossings at the southern border are down overall from when Title 42 was lifted in May. However, more than 93,000 migrants have arrived in New York City since last spring, straining city resources to a critical point, Mayor Eric Adams’ office said last week.
People have been sleeping on Manhattan sidewalks as locations that have been turned into migrant processing centers, like the Roosevelt Hotel, have quickly reached capacity.
Dozens of New York Democrats have pleaded with Biden to declare an emergency and authorize more federal funds to help deal with the crisis.
"We need help, and it's not going to get any better. From this moment on, it's downhill. There is no more room," Adams said last week.
Late last month, more than 50 New York Democrats urged Biden to direct federal aid to the city.
"Our City is experiencing an unprecedented migrant influx, with a surge of asylum seekers arriving here in numbers never seen before in history," they wrote in a letter. "We take pride in New York being a beacon of hope for immigrants, but the influx of migrants is so great that the City is running out of resources."
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Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida said Thursday he's certain that House Democrats will not change tack and elect a moderate Republican for Speaker — and if they do, he'll resign.
Gaetz was speaking with the Fox News host Laura Ingraham and was asked about the possibility of Democratic representatives breaking ranks. Ingraham earlier Thursday night said on her show that there may be a scenario in which the Democratic Party helped elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy or another Republican so that "both parties share power on the committees."
Gaetz disagreed.
"I'm on the floor, Laura. These 212 Democrats are going to vote for Hakeem Jeffries every single time," the Florida Republican told Ingraham. "He is a historic candidate for them. They are not going to cleave off under any circumstance. I assure you of that."
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"If Democrats join up to elect a moderate Republican, I will resign from the House of Representatives. That is how certain I am. I can assure your viewers: That won't happen," Gaetz added.
Gaetz was referring to House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who will become the first Black congressional party leader when he's sworn in. Jeffries secured all 212 votes from his party for the 11 speakership ballots held as of Thursday.
McCarthy is vying for the Speakership but has failed 11 consecutive times to secure the 218 votes needed. He now needs to convince the 20 hardliners — dubbed "Never Kevins," a crew of congresspeople blocking his Speakership bid — that he's the man for the job.
Gaetz might have some cause for confidence. On Tuesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York was spotted speaking with Gaetz on the House floor. The Democratic congresswoman told The Intercept that during that conversation, she assured Gaetz that her party would not help McCarthy get the votes he needed.
"McCarthy was suggesting he could get Dems to walk away to lower his threshold," Ocasio-Cortez told The Intercept of her conversation with Gaetz. "And I fact-checked and said absolutely not."
Other Democrats also struck a similar tone, making it clear that they would not throw McCarthy a lifeline.
"At the end of the day, this is a Republican mess," Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna told CNN earlier in the week. "This is a failure of them to govern. This is their problem to fix."
Gaetz is a prominent figure in the "Never Kevin" movement. Before the first speakership vote Tuesday, he delivered a scathing rebuke of the California congressman.
The Florida congressman has also been trolling McCarthy and mocking him for his consistent failures. On Tuesday, Gaetz posted on Twitter a letter to J. Brett Blanton, the Architect of the Capitol, asking why McCarthy was allowed to work from the Speaker's Suite despite not yet landing the job.
"What is the basis in law, House rule, or precedent to allow someone who has placed second in three successive Speaker elections to occupy the Speaker of the House Office?" Gaetz wrote in his letter. "How long will he remain there before he is considered a squatter?"
Gaetz has over the past three days consistently voted to block McCarthy from securing the speakership. On Thursday, Gaetz voted for former President Donald Trump to be Speaker, even after McCarthy made significant concessions to the "Never Kevin" camp.
McCarthy was initially confident in his bid for Speaker after winning the nomination at a House GOP leadership meeting in November, following the midterm elections.
But members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus threw a wrench into McCarthy's campaign, saying they wouldn't support his bid unless he committed to less government spending and agreed to give the party more power to remove the speaker.
Representatives for Gaetz and McCarthy did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
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wwwewsworld · 1 year
- [x] Ciao Adios- Anne-Marie
- [x] 2002- Anne-Marie
- [x] Sing- Ed Sheeran
- [x] Back To you- Selena Gomez
- [x] Dont- Ed Sheeran
- [x] Mad Love- Sean Paul
- [x] No Lie- Sean Paul and Dua Lipa
- [x] Summer- Calvin Harris
- [x] My Love- Route 94
- [x] Cool Kids-Echosmiths
- [x] Red Lights- Tieso
- [x] Ain’t my fault- Zara Larson
- [x] Wasted-Tieso
- [x] Blood// Water- Grandson
- [x] A sky full of Stars- Coldplay
- [x] Wake me up- Avicii
- [x] Stay the night- Zedd, Hayley Williams
- [x] Rolling in the deep- Adele
- [x] Ugly Heart- GRL
- [x] Beating Heart- Ellie Goulding
- [x] All Falls Down- Alan Walker
- [x] IDGAF-Dua Lipa
- [x] Budapest- George Ezra
- [x] Runaway (U & I)- Galanatis
- [x] Hello- Martin sölevge
- [x] M’en Aller- Canardo, Tal
- [x] Solo Dance- Martin Jesen
- [x] Nightmare- Halsey
- [x] Somebody to you- Vamps
- [x] Colours- Halsey
- [x] Ready to Start-Arcade Fire
- [x] Kiss me more- Dojo Cat, SZA
- [x] Save your tears- Weekend, Ariana Grande
- [x] Be Kind- Marshmallow, Halsey
- [x] I love it- Icona Pop
- [x] Slow down- Why don’t we
- [x] Bad guy- Bill Elilsh
- [x] Wild Heart- The Vamps
- [x] Eat them Apples- Suzi Wu
- [x] 911-Lady Gaga
- [x] East side- Benny Blanco
- [x] Hair too long- The Vamps
- [x] Send my Love (To you new lover)- Adlele
- [x] Juicy- Doja Cat
- [x] Stunning- Harm Franklin
- [x] Electric Love- Borns
- [x] Banquet- Bloc Party
- [x] You my Everything- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Hymn for the weekend- Coldplay
- [x] Style- Taylor Swift
- [x] I like it- Cardi B
- [x] Oh Cecila(Breaking my Heart)- The Vamps
- [x] Can’t you out of my head- Kylie Minogue
- [x] A-Punk- Vampire Weekend
- [x] What you Know- Two door Cinema Club
- [x] Can we Dance- The Vamps
- [x] Rose-SAINt JHN
- [x] Don’t give up girl- Clare Grogen
- [x] Wildflower- 5 Second of summer
- [x] We can’t stop- Miley Cyrus
- [x] The Passenger- Jolly boys
- [x] Portion for Foxes Rilo Kiley
- [x] Watermelon Suger- Harry Styles
- [x] Easier- 5 Second of Summer
- [x] Animal Neon Tree
- [x] Get off- The Dandy Warlos
- [x] 212- Azealia Bank
- [x] She look so perfect- 5sos
- [x] Polarize- Twenty one Pilots
- [x] Chelesea Dagger- The Fratellis
- [x] Time to Pretend- MGMT
- [x] I can’t get enough- Benny Blanco
- [x] Jingle Bell rock- The Vamps
- [x] Gecko(Overdue)- Oliver Heldens
- [x] Royals- Lordes
- [x] Confident- Demi Levato
- [x] 34+35 remix-Ariana Grande
- [x] I Got U- duke Dunmont
- [x] Driver License- Olivia Rodrigo
- [x] Last nite- The Stokes
- [x] Sexyback- Justin Timberlake
- [x] Talk- Why don’t we
- [x] Adventure of a lifetime- Coldplay
- [x] Pony- Ginuwine
- [x] Diamond- Rihanna
- [x] R U Mine- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] blow me-pink
- [x] Gimme More- Britney Spear
- [x] On the floor- Jennifer Lopez
- [x] Migraine- Twenty one pilots
- [x] Undercover Martyrs- Two door cinema club
- [x] Me- Taylor Swift
- [x] Just Dance- Lady Gaga
- [x] Cake by the Ocean- Dnce
- [x] Elastic Heart- Sia
- [x] Viva La Vida- Coldplay
- [x] Move you feet- Junior Senior
- [x] Sunflower- Post malone
- [x] Yellow- Coldplay
- [x] Fluresontce adleonces- Artic Monkeys
- [x] Daddy Issue -The neighbourhood
- [x] Umbrella- Rihanna
- [x] Candy- Robbie Willard
- [x] This is what you came for- Calvin Harris
- [x] Still don’t you know- Labrith
- [x] Someday- the strokes
- [x] Reptile- The stokes
- [x] You only live once- The stokes
- [x] Mr Brightside-The killers
- [x] Outside- Calvin Harris
- [x] Snap out of it- Atric Monkeys
- [x] Why do you only call me when ur high- Aricti Monkeys
- [x] Video Games- Lana del Ray
- [x] National anthems- Lana del Ray
- [x] Lolita- Lana del ray
- [x] Stay high- Tove Lo
- [x] Endtapes - They joy Formidable
- [x] Boss Bitch Doja Cat
- [x] Midnight city- M83
- [x] Somewhere only we know- Keane
- [x] Sweater Weather- The neighbourhood
- [x] Kids- MGTM
- [x] Little talks-Monsters of men
- [x] Girl from mars- Ash
- [x] Uprising- Muse
- [x] All for us- Labrith
- [x] Anything could happen- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Maniac- Conan Gray
- [x] Good for u- Olive Rodrigo
- [x] Lost Cause- Bille Elish
- [x] Trojans- Atlas Genius
- [x] Are you bored yet- Wallos
- [x] Girl like me- Black eye peas
- [x] Rare- Selena Gomez
- [x] A little bit Dangerous- Crmml
- [x] Give yourself a try- 1975
- [x] Satellite News- Feeders
- [x] Gimme Sympathy- Meric
- [x] Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken- Camera Obscura
- [x] Greek Tragedy- Wommbats
- [x] Under cover the darkness- The stokes
- [x] Tonuge tied- Group Love
- [x] Postition- Ariana Grande
- [x] If I ever leave this world alive- Flagging Molly
- [x] Instant Crush- Daft Punk
- [x] One more time- Daft Punk
- [x] Holding on to you- Twenty one Pilots
- [x] Semi Automatic- Twenty one pilots
- [x] The run and go- Twenty one pilots
- [x] You right- Doja Cats
- [x] Welcome to New York- Taylor swifts
- [x] Can I call you tonight- dayglow
- [x] Chinese new year- Sales
- [x] Sign of the time- Harry Styles
- [x] Welcome home- Radical face
- [x] Tear in my heart- 21 Pilots
- [x] Summertime sadness- Lana Del ray
- [x] Meet me at out spot- the anxiety
- [x] Campus- Vampire Weekend
- [x] Deadhead-The Montreal’s
- [x] Honeypie- Jawny
- [x] Paradise- Coldplay
- [x] Commè ca- south of France
- [x] Oops-( oh my) (feat tweet)
- [x] Deja Vu- Olivia Rodrigo
- [x] Are you satisfied?- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Delicate- Damian Rice
- [x] 1234-Feist
- [x] Touch the sky-Julie The Sky
- [x] Young Folks- Peter Born and John
- [x] Middle- DJ Snake
- [x] Therapy- Andrew Garfield
- [x] These days- Jess Gylane and Macklemore
- [x] Waiting all night- Ella Frye
- [x] Dark Red- Steve Lacy
- [x] Freaks- Surf Curse
- [x] Goth Babe- Surf Curse
- [x] I’m not making out with you- Surf Curse
- [x] Young- Vacation
- [x] Jealous-Eye Dress
- [x] New Flesh- Current Joy
- [x] Kids- Current Joy
- [x] Fear- Current Joy
- [x] Television-Current Joy
- [x] Always forever- Cults
- [x] I can’t handle change- Roar
- [x] My kind of woman- Mac Demacoro
- [x] Disco- Surf Curse
- [x] Money- The drum
- [x] Fake plastic Trees- RadioHead
- [x] Weekend friend- Goth Babe
- [x] In till my head is dead- Surfe Curse
- [x] Paradise- George Ezra
- [x] Fake you out- twenty one pilots
- [x] Dog days are over- Flonce and the machine
- [x] Running up that hill- Kate Bush
- [x] Don’t you forget about me-Simple Minds
- [x] Come on Elieen- Dexy midnight runners
- [x] Whip it- Devo
- [x] Should I stay or should I go?- The Clash
- [x] Funky town- Lipp inc
- [x] I’m gonna be (500 miles)- the proclaim
- [x] Hero’s- David Bowie
- [x] Crown on the ground- Sleigh Bells
- [x] Born to die- Lana Del Ray
- [x] Me myself and I- G-Eazy
- [x] La Devotee- panic in the disco
- [x] Decode- Paramore
- [x] What the hell- Arvil Lavigne
- [x] Wake up- The Vamps
- [x] Arabella- The Arctic monkeys
- [x] The best damn thing- Arvil Lavigne
- [x] Don’t stop- 5sos
- [x] Mr Blue- Cathrine Feeny
- [x] Hey Beautiful- The Soilds
- [x] Oh Heart- Tanks and The bang as
- [x] Heartbreak girl- 5sos
- [x] 7 rings-Ariana Grande
- [x] With a little help from my friends- joe Anderson
- [x] Wish you were mine- Philip George
- [x] Misery Business-Paramore
- [x] Lone Digg- Cavan Palace
- [x] Teddy picker- The arctic Monkeys
- [x] Back to you- Louis Tomlinson
- [x] Last night- The vamps
- [x] How to be a heartbreaker- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Seven nation army- The White Stripes
- [x] Everything shine- The push stars
- [x] Still into you- Paramore
- [x] House of Gold- twenty one pilot
- [x] 3 nights- Dominic Fike
- [x] I’m not a Robot- Marina and the Diamonds
- [x] Knees Sock- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] Chinatown-Wild nothings
- [x] Dancing- Krono- Remix
- [x] Prayer In C- Lilly Wood
- [x] Secret- One republic
- [x] Not Fair-Lilly Allen
- [x] The Violet Hour- Sea Wolf
- [x] Alright- Supergrass
- [x] Tropic Love- Diviners
- [x] Mardy Bum- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] Vindicated- Dashboard Confession
- [x] Heaven- Walkman
- [x] Black Sheep- Brie Larson
- [x] Hard time- Paramore
- [x] Ode to the Bouncer- Killer Studio
- [x] Soul meet body- Death cab for cutie
- [x] Feel good inc- Gorillaz
- [x] At least it was here-The 88
- [x] Him and I-G-Eazy, Halsey
- [x] Reflecting light- Sam Philips
- [x] Forever- Chvrches
- [x] Ong Ong- Blur
- [x] Oh no- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Threshold Sex- OMB
- [x] Lights- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Brick by Boring brick- Paramore
- [x] Lolita- Lana del Ray
- [x] Ava- Famy
- [x] Bitch- Plasticines
- [x] Foundation- Kate Nash
- [x] Pink and white - Frank Ocean
- [x] Hey girl- Zoey Dechanel
- [x] Summertime Sad (non remix)- Lana Del ray
- [x] Rare- Selena Gomez
- [x] She’s a rainbow- Rolling stone
- [x] Do I wanna know- Artic Monkeys
- [x] Blue Jeans- Lana del Ray
- [x] Take me home- Bebe Rehxa
- [x] Rhinestone eye- Gorillaz
- [x] On melancholy hill- Gorillaz
- [x] Waves- Robin Schulz
- [x] No surprises- Radiohead
- [x] Karma police- Radiohead
- [x] Paranoid Androids- Radiohead
- [x] It aint me- Selena Gomez
- [x] 30/90-Andrew Garfield
- [x] Jealous- Nick Jona
- [x] Team- Lorde
- [x] Suddenly I see- Kt turnsell
- [x] ET- Kate Perry AND KANYE WEST
- [x] Boom clap- Charlie xcx
- [x] Blitzkrieg bop- Ramone
- [x] Can’t remember to forget you- Sharkia
- [x] Hot N Cold- Katy Parry
- [x] Good time- Owl City
- [x] Alone- Alan Walker
- [x] What else can I do- Encanto
- [x] The Family Madrigal- Encanto
- [x] All of you- Encanto
- [x] We don’t talk about Bruno- Encanto
- [x] Surface pressure- Encanto
- [x] Concanio Sunday- Eyedress
- [x] Woman- Doja Cat
- [x] Hollywood- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Baby- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Wait a minute- Willow
- [x] Reflection- Lea Salonga
- [x] Ain’t it fun- Paramore
- [x] Prom Queen- Beach bunny
- [x] How far ill go - Mona
- [x] When will my life begin- Mandy Moore
- [x] That how you know- Amy Adams
- [x] Hawaiian roller coster ride- lilo and stitch
- [x] Friend like me- Will Smith
- [x] Stranger like me- Phil Colin
- [x] Son of man- Phil Colin
- [x] You to a friend in me- Randy Newman
- [x] Love is a open door- Kristen Bell
- [x] Colour of the wind- Judy Kuhn
- [x] Where you are- Mona
- [x] Married life- Up
- [x] Dig a little deeper- Princess and the frog
- [x] I won’t say I’m in love- Hercules
- [x] A spoon of Sugar- Mary Poppins
- [x] Supercailfraglitic- Mary poppin
- [x] The incedit- Michel Giacchino
- [x] You’re Welcome- mona
- [x] Sing me to sing- Alan Walker
- [x] Empire ants- Gorillaz
- [x] Ignoreance- Paramore
- [x] XO- Beyoncé
- [x] Whistle while you work- Snow White
- [x] Bella Ciao-Manu Pilas
- [x] Johnny boy - Twenty one pilot
- [x] RollerCoster- Bean
- [x] Love runs out- One republic
- [x] Le festin- Camille
- [x] East of Eden-Zella Day
- [x] El Mañna- Gorillaz
- [x] The only exception- Paramore
- [x] Vertigo- Anya Marina
- [x] Something that I want- Grace Potter
- [x] Cold Cold man- Saint Motel
- [x] Stick and stone- Jonsi
- [x] The clapping song- Shirley Eiles
- [x] Goodbye Horse- Q lazzarus
- [x] He Mele no lilo- Lilo and stitch
- [x] Smells like teenage spirit- Nirvana
- [x] Song 2- Blur
- [x] Take me out- Franz Fredinand
- [x] American Idiot- Green day
- [x] Teenagers- my chemical romance
- [x] Holiday- Green day
- [x] Girls and boys- Blur
- [x] Basket case- Green day
- [x] Welcome to the black parade- my chemical romance
- [x] Dirty Harry- Gorillaz
- [x] Dare- Gorillaz
- [x] Doncamatic- Gorillaz
Humility- Gorillaz
- [x] Little Wonder- Rob Thomas
- [x] Something good can work- Two door Cinema Club
- [x] Pump up kids- Foster the people
- [x] Ode to sleep- twenty one poilets
- [x] Lnd Lily Allen
- [x] Boulevard of broken dream- Green day
- [x] Ready for the floor
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gaeasun · 2 years
AO3 wrapped!
Respond to this with what you would call the top 5 fanfics you’ve read in 2022. Any genre! Any ship! (Bonus points: if you’re a creator, make this a 5+1 and include your favorite fic you wrote in 2022!)
Then leave this in your friends’ asks too. Let’s give creators one more spotlight before the year ends, and share some of what we’ve enjoyed along the way!
just realized my inbox is stacking. think i can answer this one today though lol. Thanks Mikey!
unexplain the unforgivable by always_a_slut_for_hc (@calamity-aims)
this one isnt technicaly finished but oooooh its so good. breaking my heart shattering it into a thousand pieces. The summary is basically Fox is going THROUGH it.
Suite 212 by TenderLittleSprout
This one is a hilarious modern au of Cody. Freshly retired from milatary service, Cody finds employment in a bureau of anything and everything. With his manager Obi-wan, veteran co-worker Alpha and rookie Dogma, there will be many shenanigans in the office.
Soul Inferno by RMWrites (@chaosgoblinhours)
There's so many Fox-has-had-it fics and here is another one. Many cool OCs, including Hacksaw who I now adore.
We're a Family Now by Fulcrum55
In a world post 66, Fives woke up as a child, a result of an initiative by Palpatine to determine if mind transference to a clone was possible. The experiment was a success, and more, since Fives became Force-sensitive after the transfer. Since then, he's been found (and adopted) by Rex, reunited with Echo, and discovered many other brothers who've been put into the bodies of clone cadets. Oh, and he can now see the ghosts of his dead brothers.
But the Empire's not done with any of them yet.
Very fluffy and optimistic. Full of adoption and new beginnings for many long thought dead or gone.
run boy run by circumpolaris (i_was_human)
Role reversal in which the clones are the Jedi, leading the war.
Fives learns to love and let go. Rex shoves everything dark down until it spills over.
And to pick one of my own (I guess if I have to) I'm happy enough with Fox, Fox, Let Down Your Guard, which is a mishmash AU between Tangled and Star Wars, in which Fox has some magic hair and lives in a tower with his father Palpatine. One day he has a visit from a couple of boys who look a lot like him, who (forcibly) take him from his tower to see some of the world.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Riff quotes ~
Ponds: *walks into the Commander Barracks he shares with his batchmates*
Ponds: *stops when he sees 15 boxes of pizza on the table*
Ponds: ...are we having a party?
Riff: *looks up from where he's scrounging for plates* Well, this is the first time I've been on Coruscant in ages, so I decided to grab some pizza-
Cody: *not looking up from his phone* -and I decided to grab some pizza on my way back from the 212 briefing-
Fox: -and Senator Organa gave me three boxes of pizza when I was leaving the senate this afternoon-
Wolffe: -and General Plo bought three pizzas for me, since I haven't spent my time with you all-
Bly: -and General Secura thought a family pizza night would be a good idea, so she bought three pizzas for me-
Riff: -so now we have 15 pizzas.
Ponds: ...
Ponds: ...ah.
Ponds: ...The pizza I ordered will be here in 15.
Cody: ...nice to know that we share a single brain cell. Still.
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fennecfoxdavid · 2 years
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Day #212 of David Tennant as a Fennec Fox ( Past Post )
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
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I posted 1,927 times in 2022
That's 680 more posts than 2021!
1,454 posts created (75%)
473 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,926 of my posts in 2022
#seraphina's asks - 460 posts
#knightfall - 296 posts
#user: anonymouse - 212 posts
#stirring the pot - 156 posts
#cindemption - 137 posts
#whingeing and whining and moaning - 131 posts
#the distance which fools the skimming eye - 124 posts
#cinder fall sadsack tag - 79 posts
#seraphina's replies - 78 posts
#user: redhoodhungergames - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#ok wtf came back to edit: the automatic dropdown of tags to pick sometimes really fucks with stuff. it tagged something completely randomly
My Top Posts in 2022:
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These are like blink and you'll miss it shots (I only skipped to it by accident, and it plays for like, less than a second). I think her sexy performance persona is funny, because easily her most sexy shots are when she's not trying to be like that.
77 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Cinder Fall is a good character you guys are just boring
80 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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General wreck of TROS notwithstanding.
90 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
The last time I tried to give a video essay a chance which was rather recently I fucking snapped when the essayist had the gall to ground his criticism in 'and why does everything happen to the protagonists?' the fucking state of narrative criticism, good grief.
134 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was just musing on how Reylo was argued against for years: 'it's gross,' or 'it's problematic,' or 'he killed Han', or 'it's incest' (that was the funniest one). Reylo is a good comparison of a ship because alike to Knightfall it's a mythic romance, it has a lot of similar motivating themes along with monomythic storytelling. It was also canon.
The issue with Reylo is that not once have I ever seen Reylo argued against on the grounds of monomythic interpretation or anything decently textually and thematically relevant. Because it was essentially impenetrable.
You couldn't argue with it on the terms of the text or the Original Trilogy because the Original Trilogy had a central redemption predicated on love, and in the context of a young man who is the evidence of Vader once being flesh-and-blood, a familial relationship was natural; between Rey and Kylo, who were both young and shared similar wounds, romance was the natural answer (particularly for picking up where Padme/Anakin left off).
The narrative reasoning that motivated Reylo is Star Wars. It's inseparable. It's mythic. It was the only planned canon detail of the Sequel Trilogy. It's evident in the concept art. They sought out Adam Driver to play Kylo and had a particular Romantic vision of Kylo. Eddie Redmayne auditioned for Kylo with the Pride & Prejudice script:
With films that top secret, they don’t give you the actual lines. So they give you a scene from Pride and Prejudice, but then they tell you you’re auditioning for the baddie. If you’re me, you then put some ridiculous voice on.
Pride & Prejudice is one of the most notable romance novels ever written and presumably this is referencing the 2005 film adaptation.
The Reylo dynamic was planned to be romantic.
The point I'm trying to make here is that you can't argue on these textual grounds and that's why you weaponise personal taste or anti bullshit. It's part of why it became so militant (and it was wrong place wrong time as a part of a broader shift of fandom) and to this day I still encounter people who try to explain to me that it's regressive for a female character to 'fix' a male character completely misunderstanding the thematic point of it or relationship of the characters that was reciprocal and grounded in the ethos of SW. They just keep repeating it because it's all they know and it makes them feel special and contrarian.
Sort of the point I'm trying to get at (as I have made a few posts about this already) is that the grounds on which someone is arguing something matters just as much as what the substantial content is. Reylo's refutation was personal taste. That was it. Because there was no other refutation.
Food for thought.
136 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fives-girlfriend · 1 year
Yay! Star Wars friends are the best!!
More information about Dusk! He once planned with a vod from the 212 to switch places, Cody and Fox figured it out within minutes and there were regrets.
Dusk hasn't been to many planets, Kamino and Coruscant are outlined in red in his tattoo, since he's been there. Scarif, Naboo, Jedha, and Alderaan are all outlined in white because those places are on his wishlist.
He once bitched to Fox about the Jedi running the army. Not because he hates Jedi, but because it makes no sense that the Jedi, as peacekeepers, were leading an army rather than the men who were made for this war.
He once fell asleep standing up while listening to a senator bitch at him about how he was a "meat droid". It became his go to whenever one of his protectees started talking to him.
He once stole Fox's armor to make sure his ori'vod got some damn sleep. He maintains the ass-kicking he got after the fact was worth it.
He loves his vod'e. All of them. Even the asshole ones like Fox, Cody, and Wolffe. He would happily burn the senate to the ground to keep his vod'e safe.
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Your hand in marriage sir, hand it over
I ADORE him wtf... I am putting on my nicest red lipstick and giving him a smooch on the helmet so it blends in with the Corrie red
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