#17 april
newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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Lauren Bacall and her children, Leslie and Stephen Bogart, at a matinee performance of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus on April 17, 1957.
Photo: Hal Mathewson for the NY Daily News
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stairnaheireann · 5 months
#OTD in Irish History | 17 April:
In the Liturgical calendar, today is the Feast Day of Saint Donnán of Eigg, a Gaelic priest, likely from Ireland, who died on this date in 617. He attempted to introduce Christianity to the Picts of northwestern Scotland during the Early Middle Ages. Donnán is the patron saint of Eigg, an island in the Inner Hebrides where he was martyred. The Martyrology of Donegal, compiled by Michael O’Clery…
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oediex · 5 months
Watching someone else play Shadow of the Colossus for the first time is equally as wondrous as it is frustrating. It is one of those games you wish you could experience for the first time again yourself, and while doing so vicariously doesn't fully live up to it, it sure does come close. Their exclamations about the scale, the chills, the "oh ho, that's a big boy", the joy of chasing lizards once you find out it increases Wander's stamina. But it's exasperating when they take so so long to figure out what the solution to the puzzle is, the trick to take the colossus down. When they keep trying the wrong approach, stubbornly, even though it's obvious - to you at least - that it's not getting anywhere. It's unfair, so incredibly unfair to experience that frustration, when you yourself were once in the same boat, taking over half an hour to figure out that you have to shoot the eye, hide under the building, make the colossus fall on its back.
Another contradiction appears when I remember that this is the game that made me discover the existence of speedrunning. I've never participated in it myself, but I thoroughly enjoy watching others cunningly manipulate the game such that it can be finished in as short a time as possible. It contrasts so starkly with the reminder that this is the sort of game in which taking your time enhances the experience, a game in which Wander can be true to his name. It is interesting that both approaches are valuable and enjoyable in their own right.
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chiefatticcreator · 26 days
Can we get a Grail knight dicking some standards and dignity into a daemonette? That sounds like it would be hilarious
(it was fun, and i loved the occasion to write Bretonnian stuff! thank you so much)
Asheva Slavesong had corrupted these lands in months. The baron and its' court bowed to her, offered her all the things she wanted and even some she did not. they strove to please her, and their endless drive to do so, to make the most exquisite dress, the most succulent meal, the head of the most beautiful woman of the village, the still-warm flesh of the fattest bishop, all the orgies that had happened, peasants and people dying from exhaustion before they even thought about stepping away from her... It had all been exactly what she wanted, to plunge that small barrony of Brettonia into her own small fief. She could already feel slaanesh's favour flowign through her as the Prince of Pleasure rewarded her for her progress in the human world. If she could corrupt another baron, a Damsel, or a Duke, she might even ascend! But as most daemons of Slaanesh were wont to do, Asheva was contend to enjoy herself.
Thibaud d'Outravil did not know exactly what awaited him in this distant castle, but he knew it was nothing good. The Grail Knight had been sent by the Duke of Lyonesse worrying that the previous knights sent to get words of the baron had gone missing. Thibaud had readily offered to travel there himself, despite the situation seemingly not befitting of a Grail Knight. And yet, as he approached the castle, he could feel it in the air. A foul, sickeningly sweet perfume, that he knew would drive lesser men into raging lust, but that he could resist. Adding to that the strange dream he had had the night before, and he was pretty certain fo what he would find in the castle. Nudgign the reins of his mount, he pressed onward. He could still banish the evil that had taken root in these walls.
Asheva was ecstatic when she saw the shining knight in the distance, her neither burning up more than usual at the golden opportunity that was offered to her. The number of corrupted Grail Knights corrupted over the years was very small, and she had one walk into her own castle! She would ascend to Keeper of secret when she'd got her claws on him.
"Should we kill him before he arrives, my lady?" the baron asked her, his gaze cloudy and fully enthralled by her. He saw her as the Lady herself, and woudl do anything for her. "We will swarm him, use his armour to make you the most magnificent jewels, we will rip his flesh and cook it to perfection for you to eat, we will..."
"No." Asheva 'tsk'ed, and with a movement of her arm, a large gash appear on the baron's torso, the man orgasming from it as he fell to the floor. "Keep that knight alive, i will welcome him myself~"
The blessed cock of the Grail Knight, bigger than Asheva's body and thicker, was now ravaging her cunt. The daemonette had taken men, women, animals, but even the largest mammoth's cock could not compare to the size and awe the Knight's cock inspired in her. She had invited him into the great hall of the castle, splattered with the blood and skins of her prey and offerings by her thralls, and yet none of the tributes by her slaves held a candle to the pain and pleasure she felt from the grail Knight fucking her. She had welcomed him, morphing her body to one that would arouse him the most, a daemonic mockery of feminity, a parody of the Lady he worshiped and served, and yet that supple and voluptuous body of hers was now getting ravaged by the bretonnian man. his thrusts measured, strong, purposeful. the way he held her firm, yet not painful. he had turned the table on her before she could ever realize what had happened, calling her an "insignificant servant of a sickening god", and now she could only think of the cock that was fucking her, making her cum buckets in an endless orgasm as it fucked her. She could not imagine anything else, could not conjure anything else to her mind. she could not even pray to Slaanesh, beg her Mistress for help. she could only think about the grail Knight's cock, how it was fucking her, bringing her more pelasure thananything else in her long existence of tormenting others.
She was bulged beyond absurdity, looking like a grotesque toy for the Knight to use, and yet Asheva's face was locked in an expression of pure bliss, of extasy so deep it was religious, and yet she did not think of Slaanesh now. she couldn,'t after the days of fucking she had endured, the Knight's stamina surpassing her own.
This cock, it was... it was all she could think of as it flooded her body wit hhis holy seed. It burned her, and yet it purified her. she could not think of anything else, nor did she ever want to. She did not worship slaanesh, she was now venerating the cock of the Grail Knight that had tamed her, that had brought her pleasure more immense than anythign she had ever known before.
Suddenly, this castle, with corpses strewn about, with blood and skisn and grotesques tapisseries, with crude and vulgar offerings... It was no place for such a holy cock.
It should be used on women only of the most beauitful bodies, it should be served and worshiped, not insulted and belittled! She should have welcomed it in the cleanest, finest bedroom of the castle! She should have prepared for it, dressed for it, behaved for it! That she had acted like any Slaanesh demons was unworthy of such a dicking, truly she should have pampered the knight, serviced Him, helped Him!
That Grail Knight was her new god, and she would do anything to make him happy. She would dress for him, accompany him, be the proper slave... the proper woman, he deserved.
"I am sorry for ever antaognizing you, my Lord!" she cried out, now purified from Slaanesh's influence entirely. She was only his, now. "I will serve you forever, my Knight~"
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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International Bat Appreciation Day
Bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes a day. Help preserve these crucial creatures by donating to a conservation, volunteering, or spreading awareness.
Bats have a terrible reputation among people because they’re seen as scary bloodsuckers that will spread diseases. However, according to scientists, very rarely do they spread diseases and few species drink blood, but rather eat fruit.
The population of bats has been depleting, and that is a problem because they contribute to the ecosystem more so than people think. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to show love for these flying mammals and teach people the importance of bats in today’s world.
Learn about International Bat Appreciation Day
On International Bat Appreciation Day, we are reminded of the important role that bats play in our day-to-day lives. You may not think that bats have any impact on your life at all! In fact, you may not really give much thought to this animal. However, did you know that bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour? That’s 1,000 fewer mosquitoes that could possibly bite you! As bats are insectivorous, they actually get rid of a lot of annoying insects, and so we have a lot to thank them for. They role in the circle of life definitely benefits us.
International Bat Appreciation Day encourages us to learn more about these species and the role they play in nature. It is a good opportunity for you to learn more about bats, and you will find plenty of information online and in animal textbooks as well. After all, there are some very interesting facts about this species.
You probably know that bats are able to see in the dark and that they use their extreme sense of hearing. But, did you know that they are the only type of mammal that is able to fly in a true and sustained way? Did you also know that bats are pollinators? This means that, along with the likes of butterflies and bees, they provide a critical link in our supply of food.
There are lots of other interesting facts that you can learn about bats on International Bat Appreciation Day. This includes the fact that there are more than 1,200 known species of bat. Around 70 percent of these bats are insectivores. Bats also grow in a number of different sizes. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is one of the biggest bats. It has a wingspan as big as five-feet, seven-inches, weighing up to four lbs. Bats also groom themselves constantly, making them very clean animals, which is something a lot of people do not realize.
In the United States, there are roughly 48 species of bats that call this their home. Three states in the U.S. also have an official state bat. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is the state bat in Virginia. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is the state bat of Oklahoma. Finally, this bat – the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat – is also the state bat of Texas.
History of International Bat Appreciation Day
Bat Conservation International started International Bat Appreciation Day to focus on protecting all the different species of bats. Bats protect ecosystems and help make sure our planet has a healthier future.
Bat Conservation International was founded in 1982 by a group of scientists concerned about our planet’s bats. After lots of research, they discovered that bats are important to help keep nature in balance, and are important to a lot of industries.
Scientists such as Dr. Merlin Tuttle, a recognized authority on bats, formed the organization. He made important progress by teaching more sustainable uses of natural resources that benefit both bats and people.
Bats play a significant role in the ecosystem of the world. There are over 1,300 species of bats in the world. Bats helps control agricultural pests, pollinate flowers and fruit, and create rich fertilizer for landowners, farmers, and local communities.
Without these bats, plants would fail at providing food for other wildlife species and surrounding ecosystems. Bats are one of the most under-studied animals, even though many of those bats are considered critically endangered, threatened, or vulnerable.
Forest depleting, inappropriate guano mining and thoughtless tourism have caused a substantial decrease in the populations of bats everywhere. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to change the perspective on these misunderstood creatures and encourage people to help protect bats everywhere.
How to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day
Want to celebrate these furry, flying creatures of the night? Help support your local bat conservation organization by donating or volunteering to protect these adorable creatures. Share your love of bats with your friends and family by sharing facts about the different kinds of bats out there in the wild.
Take the time to educate people about the importance of bats in the world’s ecosystem. If you’re looking into becoming a biologist to study bats, then organizations such as the Bat Conservation International for career opportunities to help protect the world’s bats from extinction.
You can also expand your knowledge by taking a look online and reading up more about the species. There are also some good bat documentaries, which you can watch online or on television.
Another fun way to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day is to watch some of the Batman movies! This fictional superhero first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. There have been a lot of different Batman films over the years. This includes the 1989 Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2016, the 2006 The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises from 2012, and a number of others! So, get the popcorn in and celebrate this famous bat superhero!
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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dateinthelife · 1 year
17 April 1964
On this date, in the exclusive club Les Ambassadeurs, a tall man looks for his girlfriend in the crowd.
They were filming the disco scene in A Hard Day's Night. The girlfriend was noted actress Charlotte Rampling. I would be looking for her, too.
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crystieladelasuiza · 2 months
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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mistfunk · 5 months
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Mistigram: Eek! AdeptApril celebrates today's occasion of #Bat Appreciation Day with this #ANSIart illustration of a fluttering little critter eating 50% of its body weight in insects every night.
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nerosunero · 5 months
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17 April 2024, Dublin
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Phil: That's crazy– by the way, what's up with you FCKIN THREATENING Missa? Get those cat ears off.
Bad: What the fudge are you talking about? I would never do that! Threaten someone? That's crazy!
Phil: I literally have– I literally have a note from him that says... uh hold on, let me find it. Let me find it, where is it. Sht, I lost it.
Bad: Read the note? What does it say.
Phil: [Grumbling] I lost it.
Bad: You have a lot of penguins by the way, you should really do something about that.
Phil: [Grumbles] I don't know where I put the note. [Laughs]
Bad: [Trying not to laugh] Well, if the note doesn't exist... I guess it wasn't real!
Phil: Shut up! [Laughs] Alright, here it is, here it is. [To Tubbo] CAN YOU STOP?! Oh my god, Toby! Holy sht, alright.
Bad: He wants more, Tubbo!
Phil: Here here here, look. [Reading Missa's book] "Don't trust Badboyhalo, he killed some rabbits I worked with some raccoons and he killed those guys too. I'm so scared, please help, holy molly canoli. He threatened me. Take care of our beautiful eggs, I don't want to put you guys in danger." You threatened– you threatened Missa.
Bad: That's crazy, I didn't know Missa wrote fanfiction! That's crazy. What a crazy story!
Phil: [Phil punches him] I'm so done with your sht. [Laughs] I'm so done with—
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newyorkthegoldenage · 6 months
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Women skating at the opening of the Rockefeller Center roller skating rink, April 17, 1940.
Photo: Charles Hoff for the NY Daily News via Getty Images
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tswiftupdatess · 5 months
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a second hand statue painted black this time holding up 2 ✌ fingers was added today at Spotify's 'THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT' Library Installation. 👀
The whilte one from yesterday is still there!
📸: folkloreof1989 + rytearsricochet
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irishmammonagenda · 6 months
You pout, arms crossed up against your chest, staring at your boyfriend who currently has his eyes fixated on the game on his PC, mouse and keys being clicked rapidly while the otaku sits cross legged on his desk chair, tongue sticking out in anticipation as he progresses with the battle.
You shift in the bean bag that you made yourself at home on, having long set you DDD down, finding that it had completely lost its entertainment value. Call you a spoilt brat, more millte than the ten year old's in makeup aisles at supermarkets, but you wanted your boyfriend's attention God Dammit! And you wanted it now!
The Avatar of Envy pays you no mind as he continues playing his game, having probably forgotten you were in the room. Well you had been here for hours quietly on your DDD. It was fair, you supposed, though as he starts singing the praises of a certain Ruri-chan, the only thing you could feel was your boyfriend's sin.
That seemed to remind Leviathan of your existence. You huff. He reaches a checkpoint and turns around, jumping when he sees you. "O-oh! S-sorry! M-MC...I-i forgot you were there!" He says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as his face turns a red that brings out the purple of his hair.
"You should be sorry...." You sulk, sinking further into your seat, Levi flatlines, eyes widening as he nearly falls off his own chair.
"I-I am! I just got so into the game! And you were so quiet...and I-" He rambles apology upon apology as he stumbles clumsily closer to you, finally reaching within inches of you but hesitating. Something along the lines of 'How could they want a pathetic otaku like me anywhere near them right now?!' no doubt going through his head.
You scrunch your nose up, quickly closing the distance with a soft, chaste kiss on the lips. Simple. Leviathan still flatlines, if he was an android he would've stopped working. You grin, giving him another kiss, just as soft but a little less chaste, he blubbers something in his flustered blushy state, demon form popping out. While your pretty boyfriend was normally shy, his instincts were not, while he hid his face and sparkling eyes from you in his awe, his tail wrapped around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer to you, something you gladly accepted as you took Levi's hands away from his face and gave him another kiss, he might as well have been the Avatar of Greed with how greedily he was kissing you back.
Holy fuck, you love your boyfriend.
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chalamet-chalamet · 5 months
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BTS of Paul Atreides vs Feyd-Rautha 💥💥💥
Twitter credit to austinbutlerish
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Bat Appreciation Day 
Bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes a day. Help preserve these crucial creatures by donating to a conservation, volunteering, or spreading awareness.
Bats have a terrible reputation among people because they’re seen as scary bloodsuckers that will spread diseases. However, according to scientists, very rarely do they spread diseases and few species drink blood, but rather eat fruit.
The population of bats has been depleting, and that is a problem because they contribute to the ecosystem more so than people think. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to show love for these flying mammals and teach people the importance of bats in today’s world.
Learn about International Bat Appreciation Day
On International Bat Appreciation Day, we are reminded of the important role that bats play in our day-to-day lives. You may not think that bats have any impact on your life at all! In fact, you may not really give much thought to this animal. However, did you know that bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour? That’s 1,000 fewer mosquitoes that could possibly bite you! As bats are insectivorous, they actually get rid of a lot of annoying insects, and so we have a lot to thank them for. They role in the circle of life definitely benefits us.
International Bat Appreciation Day encourages us to learn more about these species and the role they play in nature. It is a good opportunity for you to learn more about bats, and you will find plenty of information online and in animal textbooks as well. After all, there are some very interesting facts about this species.
You probably know that bats are able to see in the dark and that they use their extreme sense of hearing. But, did you know that they are the only type of mammal that is able to fly in a true and sustained way? Did you also know that bats are pollinators? This means that, along with the likes of butterflies and bees, they provide a critical link in our supply of food.
There are lots of other interesting facts that you can learn about bats on International Bat Appreciation Day. This includes the fact that there are more than 1,200 known species of bat. Around 70 percent of these bats are insectivores. Bats also grow in a number of different sizes. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is one of the biggest bats. It has a wingspan as big as five-feet, seven-inches, weighing up to four lbs. Bats also groom themselves constantly, making them very clean animals, which is something a lot of people do not realize.
In the United States, there are roughly 48 species of bats that call this their home. Three states in the U.S. also have an official state bat. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is the state bat in Virginia. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is the state bat of Oklahoma. Finally, this bat – the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat – is also the state bat of Texas.
History of International Bat Appreciation Day
Bat Conservation International started International Bat Appreciation Day to focus on protecting all the different species of bats. Bats protect ecosystems and help make sure our planet has a healthier future.
Bat Conservation International was founded in 1982 by a group of scientists concerned about our planet’s bats. After lots of research, they discovered that bats are important to help keep nature in balance, and are important to a lot of industries.
Scientists such as Dr. Merlin Tuttle, a recognized authority on bats, formed the organization. He made important progress by teaching more sustainable uses of natural resources that benefit both bats and people.
Bats play a significant role in the ecosystem of the world. There are over 1,300 species of bats in the world. Bats helps control agricultural pests, pollinate flowers and fruit, and create rich fertilizer for landowners, farmers, and local communities.
Without these bats, plants would fail at providing food for other wildlife species and surrounding ecosystems. Bats are one of the most under-studied animals, even though many of those bats are considered critically endangered, threatened, or vulnerable.
Forest depleting, inappropriate guano mining and thoughtless tourism have caused a substantial decrease in the populations of bats everywhere. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to change the perspective on these misunderstood creatures and encourage people to help protect bats everywhere.
How to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day
Want to celebrate these furry, flying creatures of the night? Help support your local bat conservation organization by donating or volunteering to protect these adorable creatures. Share your love of bats with your friends and family by sharing facts about the different kinds of bats out there in the wild.
Take the time to educate people about the importance of bats in the world’s ecosystem. If you’re looking into becoming a biologist to study bats, then organizations such as the Bat Conservation International for career opportunities to help protect the world’s bats from extinction.
You can also expand your knowledge by taking a look online and reading up more about the species. There are also some good bat documentaries, which you can watch online or on television.
Another fun way to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day is to watch some of the Batman movies! This fictional superhero first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. There have been a lot of different Batman films over the years. This includes the 1989 Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2016, the 2006 The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises from 2012, and a number of others! So, get the popcorn in and celebrate this famous bat superhero!
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