#1600 Pennsylvania Avenue White House
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President Dr. Jill Stein and Washington DC Councilman Kymone Freeman at Busboys and Poets
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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U.S. President Grover Cleveland married Frances Folsom in the White House on June 2, 1886; she was 27 years his junior.
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Who planned the Original White House? How many architects in total have worked on the White House. Who created the Oval Office? The Rose Garden? Who died in the White House? Laura, Krysta and Dean answer all these questions and more as they cover the history of the only residence of a head of state that the public can visit free of charge. They also talk changes and deaths and hauntings in the White House. Join us for this All-American ever so slightly spooky episode of the Family Plot Podcast!
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amagi2000 · 2 months
S.S. Counter Sniper's Email to Leadership LEAKS... And WOW
Email from Secret Service counter-sniper sent to every employee of the agency's Uniform Division.
Reported by Susan Crabtree:
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"Thank you for the backing and support. I'm not stopping until 5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions. This agency NEEDS to change, if not now, WHEN? The NEXT assassination attempt in 30 days? Because we all SHOULD expect another attempt to happen before November. We've exposed our inability to protect our leaders due to our leadership. The technicians who worked on 7/13/24 in Butler, PA DID THEIR JOBS with their hands tied. Secret Services SUPERVISORS 'knew better' and the foot soldiers working, made the best of a BAD situation that resulted in a civilian death and a near miss of the protectee and our Technician shooting and killing the suspect.
I know many look at the CS team as 'guys who sit on the roof' and don't do much. But our responsibility, our MISSIONS, is not about protecting an EMPTY White House located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's about preventing and stopping and look[ing] good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain) within CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as if those with less experience somehow knew more than me.
The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to now somehow hide as I move into my next career. Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That's the public perception I'm now faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse.
Some of us take our job responsibility seriously, DEADLY serious. I may be overzealous. But after 7 years in the Marine Corps as an NCO and 20+ years on the USSS Counter Sniper team, failure is not an option, and on 7/13/24, WE failed. Not because of a commitment or sense of dedication. But because our SUPERVISORS (aka leadership) knew better and thought our concerns were less than important.
The motto of the USSS...CYA [Cover Your A**]
And every supervisor is doing it right now."
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bygones-bby · 1 year
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[04-25-93] March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation in front of the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington. Elvert Barnes Photography.
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tvshowpilot · 3 months
In this video we’re counting down the top 5 scripted TV shows set in the White House that offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of life within the hallowed halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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lickmystamp · 7 months
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US postage stamp, 2000 “The White House” Scott #3445
Issued: October 18, 2000 - Washington, DC Quantity: 125,000,000 Designer: Derry Noyes Printed By: Ashton-Potter (USA) Ltd (Lithographed)
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800 when the national capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
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This article people should find interesting 👇
United States Special Forces and Army Rangers on Thursday arrested Deep Staters—four politicians, two Hollywood actors, and two liberal media personalities–following the criminal Biden regime’s gala extraordinaire banquet, where 300 black-tie guests feasted on taxpayer-funded Maine lobster, Almas caviar, and bottles of Chateau Margaux grand vin—at $200K per bottle.
Contrary to the regime’s narrative, the lavish celebration did not take place at the White House in Washington D.C.; rather, the deception took place at Tyler Perry’s to-scale mockup of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a precise facsimile of the real thing. Real Raw News and other alternative media have in the past elaborated on how the regime uses Perry’s property to emulate official government functions, so we won’t write a thesis on it today. A cursory Google search yields ample results.
You can go read the rest yourself.🤔
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tieflingkisser · 9 months
Why We, 18 Elder Jewish Women, Chained Ourselves to the White House
Our lifelong feminist commitment to peace and justice compelled us to take bold action for a ceasefire.
Just hours before President Biden welcomed guests to his annual White House Hanukkah party last Monday, we locked ourselves with metal chains to the posts of the White House gates. The 18 of us elder Jewish women, ranging in age from 61 to 81 years old, put black t-shirts with white letters reading “Not in Our Name” on over our jackets and raised our voices in chant and song. We refused to leave until the President called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The Secret Service moved swiftly to set up barricades and evacuate tourists from the premises. All of a sudden it was just the 18 of us, standing side by side outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Cameras continued to click in the distance from the other side of the barricades. Before long, the Secret Service and US Park Police returned with bolt cutters and orders to arrest us with federal misdemeanor charges. As they carried each one of us away, we raised our voices louder and louder, chanting, “Let Gaza Live.” Jewish feminists have always been on the forefront of movements for peace and justice. Many of us are descendants of Holocaust survivors who know all too well the price of silence. We have lived our entire lives honoring our identity as Jewish women by taking action against all forms of injustice.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500
RE: Creating a federal commission by executive order by Juneteenth to study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans
Dear President Biden,
Now more than ever, we know that many of the racial disparities that weigh this country down, and divide people in the US from each other, are unnecessary and can be eradicated if we address the ongoing legacy of enslavement. By righting our wrongs, we can make sure that all families in the US get a fair chance to acquire land, to buy a home, to enjoy good health, and to live without fear about tomorrow. That is why we write to request that you create by Juneteenth an expert commission like that which would be established by a bill in Congress, H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.[1]
As 365 civil rights, human rights, and faith-based organizations and dozens of activists, leaders and celebrities that support H.R. 40 pointed out in a letter on February 4,[2] addressing pervasive anti-Black racism and providing reparations, long overdue, cannot wait another day, year, or decade. We are in a once-in-a-lifetime moment that we cannot let slip away if we are to begin the process of repair.
You have seen first-hand the dire need and ardent demand for repair. Last June, you visited Tulsa and spent time with the three remaining survivors of the race massacre that decimated Black Wall Street. Your historic trip fixed a spotlight on the three known race massacre survivors 107-year-old Viola Ford Fletcher, 107-year-old Lessie Benningfield Randle, and 101-year-old Hughes Van Ellis, on massacre descendants, and on the Black Tulsa community that continues to reel from the effects of white supremacy. Calls for federal action on reparations were loud and ubiquitous during your stay, coming from massacre descendants,[3] rights organizations, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus.[4]
This week, nearly a year after your visit, several of this letter's authors met again with the three known massacre survivors in Tulsa and massacre descendants, where in a courtroom they made their case for justice.  As they race against the clock to secure reparations from the City of Tulsa, we implore you to seize on H.R. 40’s historic momentum by creating a federal reparations commission while the window is still open.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to make good on the promise that you and Vice President Kamala Harris made to Black voters outlined in the Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan for Black America.[5] In this campaign plan, you pledged to tackle systemic racism and the continuing impacts of slavery by“supporting a study of reparations.” White House press secretary Jen Psaki is quoted as saying you support a study of reparations and White House senior advisor Cedric Richmond said that you support H.R. 40 specifically.[6] It is important to seize this chance to show up for those who have for too long weathered discrimination, abuse, and neglect in their tireless efforts to make this country into what it can and must be.  
The US Congress made history when, on April 14, 2021, the House Judiciary Committee voted to move H.R. 40 to the House floor for full consideration, the first time in the bill’s 32-year history. The bill now has a record level of support with 215 members of Congress committed to voting “yes” when the bill comes to the House floor. This is far more than the bill has ever had and it should pass in the House if voted on. In addition, on March 12, 2022, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) passed a resolution of support for reparations and H.R. 40.[7] But considering US Senate dynamics and timing—there are just a few months left before the end of this 117th Congressional session in January 2023—we are calling on you to work with supporting organizations and House sponsors of H.R. 40 to set up the same commission by executive order by Juneteenth this year.
Juneteenth presents you with an important opportunity to commemorate the end of enslavement while also recognizing much more still needs to be done to create equity and real opportunity for African Americans in the US beyond declaring a national holiday. The Black to white racial wealth gap remains vast, with white households having a median of $188,200, 7.8 times that of Black households at $24,100,[8] a vestige of the legacy of enslavement—which can find its roots in redlining, the Homestead Act, and denying Black people access to federally backed home mortgages—and the failure to address the exploitation, segregation, and violence unleashed on Black people that followed. Moreover, the ongoing impacts of enslavement have resulted in deep psychological harms, including by way of forced separation and collective trauma, which require comprehensive remedy. The Covid-19 pandemic has only widened the inequality. It is also important that this commission be established by Juneteenth so that it can start working and issue recommendations before the next presidential elections.
H.R.40 would establish an expert commission to study the legacy of enslavement and how the failure to address harms stemming from it have resulted in huge racial disparities between white and Black people in: the ability to accumulate wealth and to access health care, education, housing and employment opportunities; environmental outcomes; and policing, among other things. The commission would also recommend proposals for how to provide repair for what the study reveals. This bill does not authorize payments or any specific remedy. It simply creates a commission to study the problem, gather relevant information, extensively involve and consult with impacted communities, and recommend solutions. Like the federal commission that investigated the forced relocation and wrongful incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, an H.R. 40-style commission can help pave the way for a critical and truthful reckoning and accounting for past harms and the present harms that flow from them.
As states, cities, and other institutions, including the state of California; Wilmington, Delaware; Providence, Rhode Island; Burlington, Vermont; Tullahassee, Oklahoma; Greenbelt, Maryland; Detroit, Michigan; Evanston, Illinois; Georgetown University; the Jesuits; and others pursue reparations at an accelerated pace,[9] it would be sheer irony for the federal government, which sanctioned the kidnapping and trafficking in human beings that slavery entailed, and maintained subsequent anti-Black laws and institutions, to continue to lag behind and circumvent real progress on reparations.
It is in Tulsa where you so powerfully and unequivocally stated: “the only way to build a common ground is to truly repair and to rebuild.”[10] As the 101st anniversary of the massacre approaches, and racial disparities continue to keep communities across the US divided, we could not agree more.
For the above reasons, and those stated in our February 4, 2022, letter referenced above, we hope that we can count on you to take this meaningful first step toward achieving racial justice and realizing reparations for centuries of ongoing harm. We ask that you create a federal commission to study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans similar to that of H.R. 40 by Juneteenth this year. We stand ready to work with you to ensure this happens and kindly request a meeting as soon as possible to discuss the details. Thank you for your consideration.
National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) Color of Change  Reparation Education Project Rainbow PUSH Coalition  Faith for Black Lives Black Church PAC  Black Voters Matter Fund   Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference  Church World Service  NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice The Union for Reform Judaism Friends Committee on National Legislation Presbyterian Church U.S.A.  National Consumers League Batrice & Associates  Reparations 4 Slavery Make it Plain Live Free USA  Until Freedom Nikkei Progressives  Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress   Japanese American Citizens League San Jose Nikkei Resisters  National Nikkei Reparations Coalition  Terence Crutcher Foundation  Human Rights Watch  United Church of Christ, Justice and Local Church Ministries 
Cc: Vice President Kamala Harris, Ambassador Susan Rice, and Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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John Adams became the first President of the United States to live in the Executive Mansion (later renamed the White House) on November 1, 1800.  
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simswhitehouse · 2 years
Does your country have any interesting landmarks or tourist attractions?
Hiii thank you so much for the ask! and sorry for the very late replies lol
I’m just scrolling through my inbox and found out this lovely question 💙
Since my blog is set in the United States of America, and the main city of my story is in Washington D.C. Here are some interesting landmarks that you can visit!
1. White House
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The White House, is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. President Clark and First Lady Laura Clark are delighted to welcome members of the public to tour the White House.
2. U.S. Capitol
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The U.S. Capitol, is the seat of the the United States Congress. located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Capitol welcome visitors from across the United States and around the world. 
3. Lincoln Memorial
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The Lincoln Memorial, is a U.S. national memorial built to honor the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Located on the western end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The national memorial is a National Park and is open to the public 24 hours.
4. World War II Memorial
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The World War II Memorial, is a national memorial in the United States. located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This memorial is dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II.
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rivertalesien · 10 months
I have a hard time with people telling me I have to vote for the guy who supports genocide in another country, just so we won't have the guy who supports genocide in this one.
Because we matter more, I guess.
Get Biden to move or resign. This is on the Dems, not the people.
Enough of the lectures about how "He's not as bad and has done good stuff." We know. We're paying for it.
And we're watching this country sink into McCarthyism under his watch.
Can our gd reps take some responsibility for a change?
It's always on us to vote vote vote vote, but never on *them* to do their damn jobs.
Write or call.
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500.
WH switchboard: 1-202-456-1111
And when you've exhausted all of the options, help people to register to vote and protect their vote from gerrymanding and malfeasance.
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ledenews · 1 day
Novotney: I Wrote President Carter a Letter and He Wrote Me Back
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I was 9 years old and on the way to Disney World when I saw a sign. “WELCOME TO GEORGIA! Home of U.S. President Jimmy Carter,” the smiling peanut billboard exclaimed, and I thought it was the coolest roadside display I’d ever seen. Better than the giant beer bottle along the interstate in Wheeling when I was a kid, and better than Travis Broadwater’s bearded real estate board near Oglebay last year. So, I decided to write a letter to President Carter. My mom gave me nice, unlined typewriter paper, an envelope, and a 15-cent stamp, I was taught in school that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was the address of the White House, and my father took me and my letter to the post office for mailing. I asked President Carter how he went from peanuts to president, what it was like to fly around in a secret airplane, if he ate snacks in the Oval Office, and if his daughter, Amy, ever got grounded to her White House room like I did to my Novotney House room. President Carter wrote back about a month later. On White House stationary, too. Although it was a typed correspondence, it wasn’t a form letter because the Commander-in-Chief answered my questions. He stated it was an honor to fly around all over the world in Air Force One, that Amy is a good child most of the time, that he eats peanuts at his desk from time to time, and Jimmy Carter told this single-digit West Virginia kid that if I worked hard, I could earn the American Dream just like he did on his Georgia farm. It meant something. I remember showing it to my teacher. It was 48 years ago, I believe my mother saved it away in a scrapbook somewhere, and, to me, I think anyway, it made a positive difference. So, I believe elementary school students should write letters to the President of the United States. They could ask the POTUS questions about what they wonder. Ya know, before they know what a Republican and a Democrat are. https://ledenews.com/storch-make-sure-you-are-heard-this-election-day/ Read the full article
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xtruss · 10 days
Inside the Chaotic Early Days of Gerald Ford’s Presidency! The Country's 38th President Couldn't Even Move Into The White House
— September 10, 2024 | The American Experience
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The Fords moved into this 7-room house in Alexandria in 1955. Photo courtesy Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
For 10 unprecedented days in 1974, the “White House” was an unassuming colonial home in Alexandria, Virginia. Everything about presidential life that year had been unprecedented, however. On August 9, 1974, Gerald Ford—who had only been vice president for eight months—was sworn in as the country’s 38th president, following Nixon’s resignation in the wake of Watergate.
Four adults walk down a red carpet on the White House lawn. Ford and Nixon flank their wives. Both men are wearing suits, Betty Ford is in a blue skirt suit and Pat Nixon is in a pink skirt suit. The women are arm in arm.
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President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford walk Richard and Pat Nixon to their departure via helicopter from the White House. Photo courtesy Richard Nixon Presidential Library.
Nixon’s ouster had come about so quickly that he and his wife hadn’t even had time to move their things out of the White House. The newly installed President Ford and First Lady Betty found themselves unable to move in to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; so in the interim, they kept living in the modest suburban house at 514 Crown View Drive where they’d raised their four children.
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Then-congressman Gerald Ford and his wife Betty sit in the dining room of the Ford residence at 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, VA in 1958. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
The morning after Ford was sworn in, Betty recorded this in her memoir: “August 10. At 7 a.m., the President of the United States, in baby blue short pajamas, appears on his doorstep looking for the morning paper, then goes back inside to fix his orange juice and English muffin.
Six adults in casual clothing stand in a loose semi-circle around President Ford in a suit and Betty Ford in a dress on the patio outside their brick home. Everyone is smiling.
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The Fords talk with neighbors outside their Alexandria Home, August 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Making the Fords’ house safe enough to live in, however, took a lot of work. The Secret Service installed a command post in the garage of the house. Bulletproof glass was installed in the master bedroom; the driveway was reinforced with steel rods for the president's motorcade cars to park. “Our poor neighbors went through hell,” Ford recalled.
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Ford arrives at the White House via presidential limousine in 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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Ford poses with a security detail on moving day in August 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Finally, on August 19th, 1974, the Fords moved into the actual White House. Betty said later: For me, leaving the White House wasn't nearly so much of a wrench as leaving our house in Alexandria. After we decided we weren't going to move back and put the house up for sale, I never went over there again. I didn't want to. We had built the place, the children had grown up there, all of our neighbors were friends…I knew if I saw it again it would upset me. I wanted to think of my new life, to look forward. For his part, the president wrote to the new owners of the house upon the sale, saying, “Betty, the children, and I had many wonderful years in that home.”
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Ford at work in the Oval Office with the family golden retriever, Liberty, at his feet, November 7, 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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President and Mrs. Ford hug each other in the White House, December 6, 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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From L to R, Mike, Gayle, President Ford, Mrs. Ford, Jack, Susan, and Steve on the White House South Lawn, September 6, 1976. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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jakecosmosaller · 1 month
Let's Expand the United States - Letter to Kamala Harris 
Let’s Expand the United States – Letter to Kamala Harris ;       Jake Cosmos Aller Retired US Foreign Service Officer 715 Rocky Road Medford, Oregon 97504 Tel: 703-436-1402 E-mail: [email protected] Web: https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com August 10, 2024 The Honorable Kamala Harris Vice President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear…
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