#38th President of the United States 🇺🇸
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xtruss · 4 months ago
Inside the Chaotic Early Days of Gerald Ford’s Presidency! The Country's 38th President Couldn't Even Move Into The White House
— September 10, 2024 | The American Experience
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The Fords moved into this 7-room house in Alexandria in 1955. Photo courtesy Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
For 10 unprecedented days in 1974, the “White House” was an unassuming colonial home in Alexandria, Virginia. Everything about presidential life that year had been unprecedented, however. On August 9, 1974, Gerald Ford—who had only been vice president for eight months—was sworn in as the country’s 38th president, following Nixon’s resignation in the wake of Watergate.
Four adults walk down a red carpet on the White House lawn. Ford and Nixon flank their wives. Both men are wearing suits, Betty Ford is in a blue skirt suit and Pat Nixon is in a pink skirt suit. The women are arm in arm.
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President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford walk Richard and Pat Nixon to their departure via helicopter from the White House. Photo courtesy Richard Nixon Presidential Library.
Nixon’s ouster had come about so quickly that he and his wife hadn’t even had time to move their things out of the White House. The newly installed President Ford and First Lady Betty found themselves unable to move in to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; so in the interim, they kept living in the modest suburban house at 514 Crown View Drive where they’d raised their four children.
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Then-congressman Gerald Ford and his wife Betty sit in the dining room of the Ford residence at 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, VA in 1958. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
The morning after Ford was sworn in, Betty recorded this in her memoir: “August 10. At 7 a.m., the President of the United States, in baby blue short pajamas, appears on his doorstep looking for the morning paper, then goes back inside to fix his orange juice and English muffin.
Six adults in casual clothing stand in a loose semi-circle around President Ford in a suit and Betty Ford in a dress on the patio outside their brick home. Everyone is smiling.
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The Fords talk with neighbors outside their Alexandria Home, August 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Making the Fords’ house safe enough to live in, however, took a lot of work. The Secret Service installed a command post in the garage of the house. Bulletproof glass was installed in the master bedroom; the driveway was reinforced with steel rods for the president's motorcade cars to park. “Our poor neighbors went through hell,” Ford recalled.
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Ford arrives at the White House via presidential limousine in 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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Ford poses with a security detail on moving day in August 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Finally, on August 19th, 1974, the Fords moved into the actual White House. Betty said later: For me, leaving the White House wasn't nearly so much of a wrench as leaving our house in Alexandria. After we decided we weren't going to move back and put the house up for sale, I never went over there again. I didn't want to. We had built the place, the children had grown up there, all of our neighbors were friends…I knew if I saw it again it would upset me. I wanted to think of my new life, to look forward. For his part, the president wrote to the new owners of the house upon the sale, saying, “Betty, the children, and I had many wonderful years in that home.”
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Ford at work in the Oval Office with the family golden retriever, Liberty, at his feet, November 7, 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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President and Mrs. Ford hug each other in the White House, December 6, 1974. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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From L to R, Mike, Gayle, President Ford, Mrs. Ford, Jack, Susan, and Steve on the White House South Lawn, September 6, 1976. Photo courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to this new post,yes this one is machine translated too,the translation will be at the bottom and the collective is on telegram
🇨🇳|🇰🇵 Oggi, 26 ottobre, Rappresentanti dell'Ambasciata della Repubblica Popolare Cinese nella Repubblica Popolare Democratica di Corea (DPRK) e Funzionari del Partito del Lavoro di Corea hanno partecipato ad una cerimonia per celebrare e ricordare il 72° Anniversario dell'ingresso dei soldati dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione della Cina nella Guerra di Corea, contro gli imperialisti statunitensi.
🌺 La cerimonia di deposizione delle corone floreali è stata presieduta da Sun Hongliang, Ambasciatore Cinese presso la DPRK, e da figure di rilievo del Governo della DPRK, come Kang Yun-seok - Vice-Presidente della Commissione Permanente della Legislatura e Park Jung-woong - Vice-Ministro degli Affari Economici della DPRK.
🌟 I nastri sulle ghirlande sono stati incisi con caratteri dorati, che recitano "I martiri volontari del Popolo Cinese saranno ricordati per sempre".
🫂 Funzionari, cittadini cinesi e coreani, si sono inchinati in silenzio prima di deporre le corone floreali presso la Torre dell'Amicizia, un monumento dedicato all'esercito volontario - che contò fino a tre milioni di persone - composto principalmente da veterani della Seconda Guerra Sino-Giapponese e della Guerra Civile Cinese.
🇨🇳|🇰🇵|⚔️|🇺🇸 Nonostante le perdite subite, la Cina riuscì a respingere gli Stati Uniti e le forze della Coalizione al 38° Parallelo insieme all'Armata del Popolo Coreano, e gli Stati Uniti vennero costretti a sedersi al tavolo dei negoziati.
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🇰🇵 Consiglio a tutti di seguire @juchesongunitalia per interessanti articoli sulla DPRK. (Su telegram)
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🇨🇳 | 🇰🇵 Today, October 26, Representatives from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Labor Party of Korea officials attended a ceremony to celebrate and commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the entry of soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China into the Korean War, against the US imperialists.
🌺 The ceremony of placing the floral wreaths was chaired by Sun Hongliang, Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK, and by prominent figures of the DPRK Government, such as Kang Yun-seok - Vice-President of the Standing Committee of the Legislature and Park Jung-woong - Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs of the DPRK.
🌟 The ribbons on the wreaths have been engraved with gold lettering, which reads "The voluntary martyrs of the Chinese people will be remembered forever".
🫂 Officials, Chinese and Korean citizens, bowed silently before placing floral wreaths at the Friendship Tower, a monument dedicated to the volunteer army - which numbered up to three million - made up mostly of WWII veterans Sino-Japanese and Chinese Civil War.
🇨🇳 | 🇰🇵 | ⚔️ | 🇺🇸 Despite losses, China managed to push back the United States and Coalition forces at the 38th Parallel along with the Korean People's Army, and the United States was forced to sit at the table of negotiations.
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