#16 semanas
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aricastmblr · 2 months ago
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channelrradio X 29 dic.2024 👑Thanks to everyone that voted for #ChannelRSongOfTheWeek in 2024!
'WHO' by #Jimin is the Song Of The Year with 16 weeks at #1. Congratulations Army!
Get ready for #ChannelRMostWanted, ALL NEW in 2025! Nominate your favorite song NOW.
More info: http://channelrradio.com/mostwanted
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channelrradio X 29 dic.2024 👑Congratulations to our Year End Top 10 songs on #ChannelRSongOfTheWeek!
1. #Jimin Who 5. #Jimin Closer Than This 8. #JungKook Never Let Go
👑 ¡Felicitaciones a nuestras 10 mejores canciones de fin de año en #ChannelRSongOfTheWeek !
Jimin Jungkook en las 10 mejores canciones de fin de año en ChannelRSongOfTheWeek 2024
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al-mayriti · 2 months ago
these are my favourite songs for this year's benidorm fest btw (as if it wasn't obvious that i would loss my shit with a mf saeta and a copla with modern sounds)
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jukeboxofjellycat · 5 months ago
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baby-ana1 · 8 months ago
Consejos para bajar se peso:
1. Has ayuno intermitente, es realmente efectivo
2. No superes las 800 calorías diarias
3. Todo lo que tenga 0 calorías puedes consumirlo durante el ayuno, así que puedes probar tes, café, jugos light, lo que tu quieras
4. Comprar ropa que te quede pequeña para verte obligado a bajar de peso, ya que si no lo haces, no vas a caber
5. Pasar frío. Es un mito que el calor ayuda a bajar de peso, solo te deshidrataras, pero el frío si ayuda a bajar de peso. Cuando uno pasa frío el cuerpo se ve obligado a quemar grasa para producir calor corporal
6. Si vas a vomitar, preorisa alimentos líquidos, son más fáciles de vomitar
7. Date premios no relacionados con la comida. Por ejemplo: comprárte ese pantalón que siempre quisiste pero que nunca pudiste comprar por que no lo ibas a poder usar, ir a ese lugar que te daba vergüenza por tu peso, etc.
8. Consigue a alguien que tenga el mismo objetivo y ayunen, hagan ejercicio, etc, juntos. Es mucho más divertido y efectivo.
9. Evita lácteos y asucares, es lo que MAS te hará engordar
10. Intenta que tus comidas no tengan variedad de alimentos. Vieron que cuando se llenan al comer, por algún motivo todavía pueden comer el postre? Eso es porque el cerebro manda señales que te hacen comer más en presencia de variedad. Si buscas comer menos, evita esa variedad.
11. Toma mucha agua, entre 2 y 3 litros por día
12. Has al menos 6 mil pasos diarios (parecen mucho pero no lo son)
13. Eviten comer cosas del paquete, no se van a poder controlar
14. Priorizen las proteínas para no quedar skinny fat
15. Hagan actividades que no los hagan pensar en la comida
16. El agua tibia con limón ayuda mucho al metabolismo
17. Evita las yemas de los huevos, un huevo entero tiene 75 calorías, pero la clara sólo 17, osea que la mayor parte de las calorías son por culpa de la yema
18. Usa platos y cubiertos pequeños si tienes alguno, harán creer a tu cerebro que la porción es más grande de lo que realmente es y te sentirás más saciado.
19. Has pilates. El pilates es lo mejor que le paso a este mundo
20. Haste estas preguntas a ti mismo antes de comer cualquier cosa
¿Me voy a sentir bien con mi cuerpo después de comer esto?
¿Realmente tengo hambre o solo estoy aburrido?
¿Me voy a arrepentir de comer esto?
21. Pasar frío puede quemar de 60 a 100 calorías cada 25 minutos
22. Selecciona UN día, solo UN día para quitarte las ganas de todo aquello que se te haya antojado durante la semana. Que sea siempre el mismo. El motivo es que si tienes un día en lo que puedes comer lo que quieras se disminuye la probabilidad de un atracón.
Si te dices "no voy a comer esta galleta hasta que sea delgada" van a pasar las semanas y vas a ver que todavía no eres delgada, lo que significa que todavía no puedes comer la galleta y te vas a empezar a desesperar. Lo siguiente que pasará es que vas a dejar la dieta, porque ya no aguantas las ganas.
En cambio si tienes un día designado para comer lo que quieras, te dirás "no comeré esta galleta hasta el sábado (o el día que quieras)" y al pasar los días veras que el día para comer SI se acerca y sabes cuando es, lo que te ayudará a resistir.
Obviamente, cuando llegue el día, no te comas todo lo que se pase por delante tuyo, come únicamente esos alimento de los que estuviste más antojado en la semana.
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theworstana · 4 months ago
Dicas Para Auxiliar Na Perda De Peso! ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Intrudução ೀ
É de grande importância aqui na nossa comunidade ED alguns conselhos para nós ajudar às vezes, não é? Então, eu estou aqui hoje a fim de dar algumas dicas que eu e algumas pro-anas usam para emagrecer com mais rapidez.
Sempre que houver um descontrole ou compulsão, leia alguns meanspos: Parece não tão importante, mas olha, ajuda bastante. Se você se descontrolar, leia algumas palavras ruins e veja também uns thinspos, ajuda muito.
Anote: Se você tiver um descontrole ou compulsão, escreva o que você sentiu depois dela ou em um diário, ou bloco de notas, ou qualquer coisa. Quando sentir vontade de comer, sempre leia, certeza que desistirá!
Se não conseguir, diminua o tempo: Se não conseguir fazer um NF de 24h, 48h ou mais, faça um menor, tipo 16, até 12h. Tipo, se você estuda de manhã, até às 12h, se você não comer desde 00:00h, e ficar sem comer até o fim das suas aulas, já é um NF de 12h!
Quando não houver opção, coma o mais limpo possível ou a menor quantidade: Se em fins de semana seus pais ou pessoas que moram com você te fizerem comer, coma o mínimo possível! Por exemplo: uma colher de arroz, meia de feijão, um pouco de salada. Nada de se aproveitar dessas oportunidades para se encher de comida!
Em caso de seu peso acabar se estabilizando, dietas para platô: As dietas para platô são um déficit de calorias, onde um dia você consome bastante e no outro quase nada, ajuda MUITO a sair de imediato a sair do peso que se estabilizou.
Compre laxantes e diureticos: Se você comer, tome um laxante (remédio que estimula os movimentos intestinais, produzindo fezes), se beber algo, tome um diurético (remédio que estimula a necessidade de urinar). Ambos são bem baratinhos, o meu laxante eu comprei por R$ 18,99. Minhas indicações de laxante são o Lacto-purga e o Repilax, que é o que eu tomo; os que tem um efeito mais rápido são os líquidos, que tem um preço um pouco maior, porém, efetuam mais, e já de diuretico, como não uso, não sei recomendar, mas se sintam livres de comentar os que usam, até irá me ajudar!
Sempre tenha um motivo para gastar calorias: Se te pedirem para ir ao mercado, ou ao algum lugar, sempre vá! De preferência, com um relógio contador de passos ou um aplicativo que faça isso; eu uso o "Contador de Passos - Pedômetro" e acho que ele conta direitinho.
Tome chás que auxiliam no emagrecimento: Bom, eu vou listar aqui alguns chás para vocês! (Lista no final do post)
Não se pese todo dia: Se pesando todo dia você criará uma pressão em si mesmo/a sobre emagrecer (mais do que você já tem) então se pese NO MÁXIMO, JÁ ESTOURANDO 2 vezes por semana.
Quando quiserem comer algum aperitivo, veja receitas Ana: Como a sopa Ana, por exemplo. Eu postarei algumas das minhas "receitinhas" quando as fizer
Tenha aplicativos sobre: No meu post fixado, mostro alguns aplicativos que podem lhe auxiliar, como diários para marcar o peso, aplicativos de jejuns, exercícios, etc. Dê uma olhada lá e vê se gosta de algum!
Se sentir fome, tome alternativas: em jejum, se sentir fome, durma, vá se distrair, fazer uma aeróbica, andar, tudo para não comer! Também masque um chiclete e beba água, se tiver, com gás, ajuda demais a mascarar a fome!
ೀ Mega Thinspo!
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ೀ² Nome dos chás!
Chá de Gengibre com Abacaxi
Chá Verde com Amora
Chá de Hibisco com Canela
Chá Mate com Limão
Chá de Feno Grego e Alcachofra
Chá de Cúrcuma com limão
Chá Preto com Laranja e Canela
Chá de Oolong
Chá de Cavalinha
Chá de Açafrão com Gengibre
Chá Vermelho
Chá Capim-Limão
Chá de Oliveira
Chá de Orégano
Chá de Dente de Leão
Chá Matcha
(Em alguma hora, farei um post sobre os ingredientes de cada)
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bearydreamss · 4 months ago
Sobre mim:
História com o T.a: Tudo começou na infância, minha mãe me privava de comidas “normais” e fast food, salsicha? Só a vegetal, carne tbm, suco de caixinha, salgadinho, biscoito, bolacha, nunca tive e nem era por questão financeira, era por que a minha mãe não permitia por não serem alimentos saudáveis. Para vocês terem noção arroz branco, pão francês, frios, salgados de rua, tinham o msm peso de comer pizza e hambúrguer p mim pq ela só comprava alimentos integrais e com fibras, e eu passava MT vontade na infância vendo as outras criancinhas comendo salgados na escola, chocolate ( msm as barrinhas pequenas). Antes de sair para festinhas de aniversário minha mãe me entupia de comida, sempre saudável, para não comer “porcaria” nas festas, churros só fui comer pela 1 vez aos 11 anos e achei q iria morrer de tão mal que a minha mãe falava.
O que isso causou?
Óbvio, compulsão alimentar aos 12 anos; Como eu passei a infância toda sendo privada de comer comidas “normais” sempre que tinha alguma oportunidade eu comia ATÉ passar mal pq não sabia qual seria a próxima vez que eu comeria daquilo. Nunca vou esquecer do café da manhã que eu fazia na casa da minha vó quando ia passar as férias lá: 1 Pão francês, 2 fatias de pão de forma, fatia do pão de grau, fatia do pão caseiro dela, ( tudo com presunto, mortadela, mussarela, queijo branco e geleia), fatia de bolo puma, bolo caseiro dela e um copo de leite com café; tudo isso com 10 anos!
Já na escola quando consegui ter mais liberdade para me alimentar no ensino fundamental 2, comia sempre 2-3 salgados no período da manhã na escola, um chocolatinho e bebida. Chegando em casa sempre que tinha algo bom ( raro) me empanturrava daquilo e a noite quando meus pais saíam, sempre criava receitas hipercaloricas com queijo, macarrão, bacon, coxinha e que msm com gosto ruim eu comia, só pq estava deslumbrada com esse tanto de comida q me foi privada na infância. E quando saía eu PRECISAVA comer de tudo que tinha na mesa, isso dos meus 12 anos até os 15! Nisso, cheguei aos 98kg com 1,56 de altura ( obviamente era MEGA sedentária eu real odiava exercício, reclamava quando tinha que andar, falava ofegante e era o estereótipo de gorda engraçada preguiçosa cool)
Minha história com a Ana
A virada de chave para a mudança de transtorno veio aos 16 anos com 3 gatilhos:
1 - Pela primeira vez em um aniversário de uma amiga, eu notei que não estava bonita e não era por conta de roupa, fiquei 3h tentando achar alguma roupa q encaixasse e td ficava feio por conta do meu peso e corpo… foi a primeira vez q me enxerguei como gorda, aos 92kg; lembro de passar o aniversário td pensando nisso e prometendo a mim msm q pularia o almoço daquela semana e emagreceria!
2 - Um webnamoro em que o cara me mandava as fotos dele íntimas com a ex e me fizeram pensar o quanto o corpo dela era melhor ( ela era chubby, porém com uma distribuição de gordura boa) e o medo dele pedir fotos minhas e ver que eu era uma gorda.
3 - Querer ter o 3 ano do colegial perfeito! Com amigos beleza e um corpo perfeito!
Inicio da ana:
Eu queria perder só barriga no começo, manter a bunda, a coxa e o peito o típico padrão BR, só q como sou ansiosa, comecei cortando o café da manhã e o almoço, ou ent fazendo omad de farofa e kafta como eu não sabia nada de macros, só queria perder a barriga, aliás comecei a ouvir subliminais. Msm com as macros horríveis na época, emagreci e continuei.
Dps comecei a pensar que além de perder a barriga, não seria tão ruim assim perder perna e peito, eu pensava q era só emagrecer e dps recuperar na academia a perna e bunda - Daí comecei a comer saladas, cortar o carboidrato e aprender mais sobre macros, nf, cetose e tals, caminhava 6h por dia, ou ent fazia musculação e 30-60min de esteira, e queimava +600kcals… Só que ao longo dessa fase, perder perna e seios começou a se tornar algo atrativo para mim!
E agora, eu simplesmente quero ser bonespo e não mais thinspo! eu ODEIO meus peitos e quero pernas mais magras!
Como lido com meu t.a atualmente:
Foco em nf de +18h no mínimo, 24+ normalmente e as vezes 2 dias ou mais de nf, omad mais “volumosas” ou ent pequenas porções de comidas ao longo do dia para não me inchar, sempre até as 18h e como trabalho com atendimento ao cliente ( jovem aprendiz)
- Fico 6h em pé andando pela loja ( sou proibida de sentar e mtt menos tem algum lugar para isso
- Limpo prateleiras, tiro pó de produto por produto, subo em escada, puxo carrinho, levo a cesta dos clientes, NUNCA fico parada ( e nem dá rsrs)
- Carrego caixas de cream cheese
- Atendo clientes, arrumo as marmitas, ajudo na reposição e anoto validade
- Tudo isso em nf na maioria das vezes! Como tô no trabalho, além do café da manhã, consigo pula tb o almoço!
Meu corpo atualmente:
Peso inicial: 92kg - 2021
Peso atual: casa dos 43kg ( as vezes 43,2 - 43,5 e afins) - 2024
Imc: 16,5
Mf : 40kg
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kau-ana3m1a · 29 days ago
Desafio detox - 30 dias p emagrecer
comece esse desafio se você não sabe por onde começar a emagrecer
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Se você quer emagrecer mas está perdida, eu vou te falar como EU comecei e deu certo, mas lembrando que é uma rotina e precisa ser seguida, não é só fzr 1 semana e parar
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Você irá começar fznd uma lista de alimentos gordurosos e calóricos q vc gosta ou/e come com frequência, feito essa lista, vc vai riscar alguns alimentos q vc gosta mas consegue viver sem (risque pelo menos metade da lista)
A partir disso, vc vai evitar:
alimentos fritos
super industrializados
Bebidas açucaradas
Fast food
Já que você está saindo de uma alimentação para outra, pode abrir algumas exceções, por ex: em um jantar em família, ocasião especial, aniversários (mas não torne isso um hábito e nem aja como se pudesse se entupir de porcaria)
Seus pratos salgados precisam ter sempre uma fonte de proteína e vegetais/folhas p vc se sentir saciada, no caso dos pratos doces, evite coisas feitas em casa (se você não souber as calorias) e opte por algo que você saiba as kcal
Porcion control e água vão ser suas melhores amigas, vc vai comer pouca quantidade e beber água antes de comer (vai se sentir com o estômago cheio)
beber água é essencial, se vc não está acostumada a beber, comece com 1L e vá aumentando conforme os dias
Contar calorias aprenda sobre calorias e tabela nutricional, eu uso o app "macros" p contar as kcal
Jejum intermitente todos os dias você pode fzr um jejum de 16-18h, é mt bom p perder peso
Chás e refri zero , vocês podem estar pensando "ué mas vc não disse p evitar bebidas açucaradas?" sim, refris sem açúcar (zero) são ótimos p quem é viciado em refrigerante, chás são zero tb (a maioria) e ajudam a desinchar e hidratar
Lanchinhos de até 100kcal opte por comer coisas baixas em kcal caso sinta muita fome e não esteja na hora de comer
Calorias diárias, quanto menos kcal você ingerir, mais rápido vc emagrece, comece consumindo uma quantia normal de calorias e vá diminuindo durante as semanas.
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É isso, xuxus! Se vocês quiserem, eu faço um post mais "tóxico", com algumas dicas p perder peso de forma não saudável. Lembrando q ninguém aqui é criança, não estou incentivando-os a ter T.A ou algo assim, pensem com a própria cabeça e façam por conta e risco 💋🌺
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tecontos · 5 months ago
Do dia 14 ate hoje, dia 26, todos os dias da semana a minha amiga comeu meu cuzinho. Viciei em dar!? (26-Set-2024)
By: Priscila
Oi te contos, me chamo Priscila, tenho 17 anos, sou do Fortaleza .
Sou morena, baixinha, peitos pequenos, olhos castanhos, cabelos longos castanhos, bunda durinha e redondinha.
Hoje é quinta-feira 26 de setembro, quis falar a data pra dizer que desde segunda feira dia 16 de setembro eu venho levando dedadas no meu cozinho, a tarde e acho que viciei.
Minha amiga deu o cuzinho pele primeira vez pro namorado, deu no sábado e no domingo. Ela disse que a do sábado, achando que pelo nervosismos doeu um pouco mais que suportável, já no domingo ela gostou mais, ate porque estava melhor lubrificado pois usaram creme.
Na segunda-feira feira na aula ela me contou o que tinha feito no final de semana, detalhadamente, disse que amou e que tinha certeza que eu iria amar também.
Obs; estou sem namorado.
Como sempre acontece, após terminar a aula eu vou para casa dela, pois é caminho que a minha mãe faz quando sai do trabalho e passar por lá e me pega para irmos juntas e assim não fico sozinha em casa.
Então, após a aula já na casa da minha amiga, ela retornou o assunto, toda empolgada porque fez, aguentou e gostou de dar o cuzinho, contou novamente e me fez ver vários vídeos pornôs com ela narrando como ela estava naquele momento, o que estava sentindo... bem doida.
Ai do nada ela pede pra fazer em mim, eu logo me espantei e neguei, e ela começou a falar que seria só um dedo, que não iria machucar, que seria gostoso, que assim eu iria saber como é, que acostumaria logo e que quando fosse dar o cuzinho pra um homem eu não iria achar dolorido ou ruim...
Ela era falando e eu rindo de nervosa, e negando tudo mais... Ate que por volta das 14h ela disse;
-Pri, vamo logo, daqui a pouco a sua mãe passa pra te buscar, vamo, tira a roupa ai vou com cuidado vai! Confia por favor!
Bom, me convenceu sem me convencer entende!?
Tirei o meu jeans, tirei a calcinha, ela buscou creme de cabelo, para melar os seus dedos. Eu fiquei de 4 na cama com as pernas pra fora, empinei bem pra ela, como se ela fosse um homem querendo me comer, ela mandou eu fazer carinho na minha buceta enquanto ela enfiava no meu cuzinho.
Ela melecou seus dedos e ficou brincando em volta da entrada do meu cuzinho, lambuzou bem, eu olha, por baixo de mim, depois olhava por cima do meu ombro pra ela e a via completamente concentrada. Foi enfiando a pontinha do dedo indicador, tirava e colocava cada vez mais.
No começo foi confuso, uma sensação diferente, esquisita, não sei explicar, mas conforme o dedo dela foi entrando e eu me esforçando pra relaxar com toda a situação foi ate que ficando bom.
Minha siririca foi me deixando excitada, o dedo dela já estava todo dentro de mim, ela já tinha tirado melado mais o dedo com creme e posto tudo de novo. Eu já respirava mais rápido, ela ia metendo e tirando, fodendo o meu rabinho, devagar.
Ela olhou em direção ao meu rosto, foi a primeira vez que a vi sem ser focada no meu cuzinho, perguntou se eu tava sentindo dor, falei que que não, que tava ficando bem gostoso ate. Ela beijou a minha bunda disse que iria colocar o segundo dedo, que iria ficar mais gostoso e que eu relaxasse.
Que loucura! Minha amiga me fodendo!
Ela tirou seu dedo, lambuzou mais ainda dessa vez com o dedo do meio, e foi empurrando eles dois pelo meu cuzinho, ai ai senti arrepios, minha buceta piscava, sentia meus dedos bem melados, os dedos dela entraram, ela parou, deu uma mordida na minha bunda, disse que meu rosto tava um tesão.
E começou a mover seus dedos pra dentro e pra fora, indo e vindo bem devagar e eu gozei, e nesse momento ela se aproveitou que eu relaxei e fodeu mais rápido o meu cuzinho...
Pqp como foi gostoso, ela parou porque eu gemi alto, ela riu dizendo que sabia que eu iria gostar assim com ela gostou.
Paramos pra eu poder tomar um banho e lavar o meu cuzinho, tava lambuzado de creme, eu sentia uma sensação diferente no meu cuzinho, não sei explicar direito, parecia que tava alargado, em sei se é isso mesmo, como falei, não sei explicar a sensação.
Quando sai do banho enrolada na toalha para pegar a minha roupa ela tava terminando de se tocar deitada na cama, uma cena linda de se ver.
Eu me vesti assistindo coma maior naturalidade do mundo ela chegar ao orgasmos. Quando ela levantou da cama pra ir tomar banho, passou por mim e me fez prometer que amanha ela poderia repetir, eu falei que sim, nem sei se pensei ou se passou pela minha cabeça negar aquilo.
Ela tomou banho saiu, se vestiu e fomos pra cozinha comer algo, foi quando assim que começamos a comer e acho que falaríamos mais sobre o que eu tinha sentido a minha mãe me mandou mensagem avisando que já tava perto, que era já pra que eu dessece pra entrada do prédio.
A noite quando falamos ela só me perguntou se eu estava sentindo dor, eu falei que dor não, mas um sensação diferente, perguntou se eu gostei, falei que sim. Ai ela solta;
- oba! Amanha vou meter mais né!?
Ai veio a terça-feira, quarta-feira, quinta-feira, sexta-feira e todos esse dias eu deixei ela meter no meu cuzinho, toda a tarde após a aula, lá estava eu de 4 na cama dela com ela atrás de mim enfiando seus dedos no meu cuzinho.
Passou o final de semana e não nos vimos, apenas nos falamos e coisas bobas, e veio a segunda feira dessa semana, ninguém tocou no assunto, terminou a aula, fui com ela para a sua casa, terminamos de almoçar e ela já manda na lata;
- boraa pro quarto que eu quero comer a minha sobre mesa.
Rir né, fazer o que!?
Entramos e ela foi tirando a roupa, eu tirei toda a minha roupa, pedi pra tomar um banho antes, fui ao banheiro e quando voltei ela estava com um pote de creme próprio pra sexo, um que relexa e depois esquenta, porra de sensação maluca era aquela.
Fiquei de 4 com a perna pra fora da cama de novo, rosto no colchão, dessa vez ela deu 3 lambidas bem molhada pegando da minha buceta ate o meu cuzinho. Eu olhei espantada, isso nem eu sabia que iria acontecer, se ela tivesse falado que faria aquilo eu nem teria deixado, mas ela fez, ai lambuzou os dedos com o creme e começou primeiro só com 1 dedo, o indicador, meteu e depois por alguns minutos ficou fodendo meu cuzinho com ele, dessa vez mais rápido que na semana passada, depois meteu o segundo dedo e fodeu mais tempo.
Eu me tocava enquanto isso, gemia, parava pra não gozar logo, voltava a me tocar... O tempo que durou isso ? Eu nem sei!
Só sei que meu cuzinho ficou piscando quando ela acabou, disse que cansou o branco kkkk.
E ir pra casa com o cuzinho piscando, a buceta ficando molhada o tempo todo, calcinha enxarcada, bicos dos seios parecendo querer explodir! Um martírio, disfarçar da minha mãe que eu tinha sido comida a minutos antes. Que tesão!
Bom! terça-feira, quarta-feira e hoje, 26 de setembro, foi a mesma coisa, minha amiga viciou em comer o meu cuzinho e eu em dar pra ela.
To aqui com meu cuzinho piscando, cheguei a pouco lá da casa dela, sai de lá com ela cheia das ideias, dizendo que ira comprar um strapon (a cinta com um pau de borracha ? é isso né).
Onde eu vim parar ! kkkkk. To gostando sim de dar e agora kkkk?!
Enviado ao Te Contos por Priscila
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javierpena-inatacvest · 1 year ago
Chapter 16- The Lone Star State
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Summary: You and Javi head to Dallas for the weekend to make good on his Christmas present to the Stars vs. Blackhawks game. While you're there, you run into someone from your past that sets the weekend in a different direction.
Word Count: 15.7K (I'm genuinely so sorry except I'm not)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) strap in y'all... unprotected p in v sex, creampie, breeding kink, praise kink, oral (f and m receiving), vaginal fingering, light bondage (aren't we glad Javi brought his work tie?!), multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, dom/sub Javi AND Osita (omg y'all), Javi being a whining, WHIMPERING mess (it deserves its own warning) violence (Javi punches someone), alcohol/being tipsy, food/eating, I'm not even gonna lie everyone... This chapter is really just hockey and sex LMAOOOOO
A/N: Trick or Treat! Here's a lil Halloween something for all of you being so patient and waiting for me to finish this unexpected monster 🫣 I swear, I thought I was gonna struggle to make this chapter long enough, and now here we are, with the longest NTL chapter to date 🥴 SO EAT UP AND ENJOY 🤪 Shout out to @endlessthxxghts for listening to my horny ramblings about this chapter ILYYYYYYY
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Your teacher guilt had never been good at letting you take days off. You had gone to school with sore throats, stuffy noses, fevers, hell, you had gone to school with what you were convinced was the plague because you felt so bad leaving your class with a sub. So when it came to taking personal days, it was safe to say, you felt even worse. That’s why Javi knew when he had planned your Christmas trip to Dallas with a Friday night game for the Chicago Blackhawks vs. the Dallas Stars, he was going to need plenty of backup support from your co-workers to convince you it was okay to take a Friday afternoon off to do something for yourself to enjoy. 
“Okay, and just make sure that the substitute knows that all of the worksheets for math are on my desk next to-” 
“MIJA. Dios Mio. Yes, yes, yes, I will make sure the substitute knows where everything is. It is a Friday afternoon, all she needs to do is keep them alive. Don’t worry about a thing, I promise I have it covered. Now go! Tu futuro esposo te está esperando! (Your future husband is waiting for you!)” Maria waved her hand at you, practically shooing you out of your own classroom, trying to get you to stop explaining your very detailed plans you had left behind that you had already told her 4 different times leading up to today, in addition to leaving an extra copy on her desk, just in case something went wrong. 
“Okay, okay! Thank you Maria. You’re the best.” You laughed, slinging your bag over your shoulder, starting to make your way down the hall to the front office. 
“Yo se. Ten un buen fin de semana! (I know. Have a fun weekend!). Not too much fun, if you know what I mean.” Maria winked, waving goodbye as she walked the opposite direction back towards her own classroom. 
“Maria!” You grimaced, your face turning bright red watching her cackle in delight as she closed her door behind her. You took a final breath as you headed down the hallway, convincing yourself that your class would be just fine for their substitute, and even if they weren’t, well, that would just have to be Monday’s problem. 
“Man, you’re really sexy for a taxi driver, you taking people to the airport, hottie?” you giggled, hopping into the passenger’s side of Javi’s truck, tossing your school bag into the backseat with the rest of your suitcases. Like most people’s jobs, Javi’s work at the sheriff’s department didn’t require him to leave behind detailed instructions of how to keep 25 8 year olds alive and educated when he wanted to take time off, so he had offered to leave work early to pack up all of your things so you could head right to the airport from Alma Pierce Elementary. “Oh my god, and you got BLT’s from Alejandro’s, too? Sexiness and bringing me sandwiches? This is the best cab ride I’ve ever had.” The two of you laughed as Javi rolled his eyes at you, passing you over your sandwich as you headed en route to the Laredo Airport. 
“You’re such a weirdo. How was your day, Osita?” Javi asked, reaching over to place his hand on your leg, gently tracing circles in the denim of your jeans as you chowed down on your sandwich, finally getting a chance at a bite of food for the first time since breakfast. 
“Better now that I’m with you. And that you brought me this delicious sandwich. I’ve been so distracted all day because I’ve been so excited for this weekend.” You beamed through bites of your BLT, reaching down to give Javi’s hand a squeeze. 
“Me too, Hermosa. I’ve never been to Dallas before, so I’m glad my first trip is with you.” 
“Seriously? I guess I forget how big Texas is. It’s probably like what, a 7 hour drive from Laredo?” You shrugged, taking another bite of your sandwich, trying to calculate the distance in your brain. 
“About 6 and a half. Which is exactly why we’re flying, and not driving.” 
“What? You don’t wanna spend 6 and a half hours in the car with me?” You smirked, giving him a playful nudge with your elbow before crossing your arms over your chest. 
“No, I don’t wanna spend 5 hours and 45 minutes by myself driving while you sleep the whole way.” He laughed, elbowing you back, the both of you knowing you made the worst road trip partner for any drive longer than an hour, since you’d be sound asleep in the passenger’s seat as Javi drove. 
“To be fair, you’re always the one driving.” You retorted, rolling your eyes at his jab, knowing he wasn’t wrong. 
“Because you refuse to drive my truck, and I’m convinced if you drive your car anywhere more than 10 miles at a time, it’ll collapse.” 
“Hey! Woodstock can make it at least a good 50 before I start to get genuinely concerned. I trust him more than I trust the metal death trap we’re about to ride in. I think you just like watching me suffer while we fly because you know how much I hate it.” You sassed, giving him an unseriously stern look that had you on the verge of bursting into laughter. 
“I think the bones in my hand would beg to differ, Hermosa. After the past two flights to Chicago, I’m surprised I have any left considering the death grip you have every time we take off and land.” Javi chuckled, nudging you back. 
“Like I said Jav, you’re the one who booked the flight, can’t blame this one on me.” 
To neither of your surprise, you couldn’t help but find your hand tightly wrapped in Javi’s for the hour and a half flight from Laredo to Dallas. Although he refrained from giving you any shit as you sat only partially paralyzed next to him on your trip, his “I told you so” look as the two of you got off the plane was all he needed to do to have you rolling your eyes, knowing as long as the two of you flew together, he would always tease you for crushing his hand, but you and him both knew he wouldn’t want it any other way. 
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Your cab ride from the airport to the hotel was a quick trip, Javi picking a hotel downtown close to fun bars and restaurants for the two of you to try, and to Reunion Arena where you were headed in a few hours to watch the Stars and the Blackhawks play. You both unpacked your bags from the taxi, Javi insisting that he carry your bag too. It didn’t take long into your relationship for you to give up on trying to persuade Javi that you could carry your own bags, open your own doors or go get things yourself, his response always being “I know you can, Hermosa, but I want to.” While the stubborn part of you always wanted to fight him on it, there was always a part of you that couldn’t help but smile every time he insisted on doing things for you simply because he wanted to, for no other reason than the fact he loved you. 
“Hi, we’re checking in. The name should be under Javier Peña.” Javi smiled at the woman at the front desk of the hotel as the both of you strolled up hand in hand. 
“Alright Mr. and Mrs. Peña it looks like we’ve got you checking in tonight and then checking out on Sunday, is that correct?” The woman nodded back at the two of you, clicking away at the keyboard in front of her to gather the rest of your room information. You and Javi paused for a moment, quietly looking at each other with smug grins on your faces, feeling no need to correct her mistake. 
“Yup, that’s us.” You chimed in, giving Javi a little nudge under the counter, still smirking at the thought of hearing your last name as his. 
“Perfect! We have you staying in room 403. If you take a left down this hallway, the elevators are right that way. Have a wonderful stay, Mr. and Mrs. Peña!” The woman grinned, handing over your room keys and gesturing down the hallway, the two of you nodding back, giving a polite thanks as you grabbed your bags and headed off towards your room. 
“Didn’t feel the need to correct her on that one, huh?” You giggled, playfully poking at Javi as the two of you waited for the elevator. 
“Absolutely not, Mrs. Peña.” He grinned, grabbing your bags as the two of you stepped through the open doors of the elevator, glad to find it empty as you pressed the button to ride up to your floor. “Fuck, I can’t believe in a few months you’re actually gonna be my wife. God, I can’t wait.” 
You could feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, butterflies swirling in your stomach as you looked up at him, soft smiles spread across both your faces. “Me neither. Crazy to think the next time we stay at a hotel together it’ll be on our honeymoon.” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him, biting down on your lip. Javi shook his head, running his hand over his face almost in disbelief before pulling you in closer, reaching his hand down to grab a handful of your ass as his voice rasped in your ear. 
“Fuck me. Better make sure we put this hotel room to good use and get some practice in before we go then, huh?” 
Before you could respond, you could hear the ding of the elevator doors sliding open, Javi quickly pulling away, noticing several hotel guests standing on the other side of the door, grabbing your bags and getting off the elevator. You let out a deep sigh, trying to compose yourself as you excused yourself through the small crowd, giving Javi a goofy, stern look as he laughed, carting your bags behind him as you made your way down the hall towards your room. 
“You cannot just be saying stuff like that, you menace. You know we do not have time to do anything before we have to leave, and you’re gonna get me all hot and bothered.” You grimaced, playfully swatting at him as he set down your things to grab the room key out of his pocket. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Osita. I would never do that.” Javi joked, a boyish grin growing between his cheeks as he pushed open the door, hauling your bags inside. “Plus, you know I could make it quick, we could have time if you really wanted to.” Throwing your bags down on the ground next to the bed, Javi smirked as he sat down on the edge, giving you the sweet brown eyes he knew you couldn’t resist. 
“Oh bullshit you never would, you dork.” You rolled your eyes, making your way over to Javi, slotting yourself in between his legs as you ran your hands through the soft brown curls of his hair, pressing a tender kiss on his lips before pulling away, cupping your hand around his cheek. “Believe me, I know you could, but the game starts in an hour and a half and we still have to eat dinner and get to the stadium. You spent all this money on me to take me here to see the game and we’re not missing it because you can’t keep it in your pants, mister.” 
“When you’ve got a future wife as hot as you, can you blame me?” Javi shrugged, wrapping his arms around your waist, reaching his hands down to grab your ass again, tugging you hard enough to make you fall over on top of him, making you giggle as you landed on his chest. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that? Believe me, once we get back, my future husband can have me any way he wants me. But right now, we have a hockey game to get to, Mr. Peña.” You grinned, biting down on your lip before giving him another quick kiss and pushing yourself off the bed, leaving Javi still laying down wide eyed and worked up as you rummaged through your suitcase, pulling out a Blackhawks jersey for you, and one from Charlie’s extensive collection for Javi to borrow, tossing it on the bed next to him. You shuffled out of the sweater you had worn to work, leaving you in just your bra and jeans as you searched through your bag to pull out a crewneck to wear under your jersey. 
“Any way? You’re not making this any easier on me.” Javi huffed, beginning to shed his own jacket to change, undressing you with his eyes faster than you could have undressed yourself. 
“Well you’re not about to make it any easier on me once you put that jersey on either.” You sighed, watching Javi throw on his jersey over his shirt, your jaw immediately going slack at the sight. “Jesus Christ, you’re so hot. God, I can’t even look at you. C’mon, we gotta get outta here before we miss this whole game.” You laughed, overdramatically shielding your eyes from Javi, marching your way over to the door to avoid any temptations. Javi chuckled, grabbing his jacket and following behind you, opening up the door for you, outstretching his arm toward the hallway. 
“After you, Mrs. Peña.” 
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Someway or another, the two of you managed to make it out of the hotel, deciding on a barbeque restaurant down the street from the stadium for dinner. The two of you decided to get ribs to split, leaving Javi equal parts shocked and impressed at the speed you demolished your dinner, realizing you were much hungrier than you had anticipated. After finishing your dinner, the two of you walked over to Reunion Arena, perhaps feeling a little like the odd ones out in your red and black amongst a sea of green and gold, but the feeling of being back in a stadium to watch a live hockey game filled you with a sense of comfort and content even if you were far from your home arena in Chicago. 
“I haven’t been to an NHL game in so long. You seriously have no idea how excited I am for this, thank you so much, Jav.” You beamed, squeezing his hand as the two of you made your way into the arena, working your way through the sizeable crowd, considering how well the Dallas Stars had been doing this season. “I feel honored to be the first one to take you to your first professional hockey game.”
“Of course, Osita. I’m excited to be here with you. If it wasn’t for you, I would have gone my whole life without ever watching a hockey game.” Javi smiled, gripping your hand a little tighter than usual as you navigated through the sea of fans, trying to find your seats. 
There hadn’t been many instances where you and Javi had found yourselves in large crowds of people, but whenever you did, you could always sense the slight shift in Javi’s demeanor- While it didn’t make him uneasy, you could always tell he was a little more on alert and on edge. Your brothers had been the same way when they had come back from active duty whenever they were in crowds, and you could understand why Javi felt that way, too. But what Javi was that your brothers weren’t when you found yourselves in these situations was overly protective of you. Holding your hand tighter than normal, shielding your body with his whenever you had to walk through a crowd, giving guys who looked in your direction a little too long a death glare he hoped you wouldn’t catch- Javi would never admit it, knowing the stubborn and independent woman you were, but you knew just as well as he did that he got just a touch more possessive whenever the two of you went out, and tonight was no exception. 
Javi had tried to chalk it up to the fact that you stood out because of your opposing jerseys, but he couldn’t help but notice the looks that you had been getting since the minute you had entered the stadium, the wandering eyes of groups of guys with their buddies silently nodding to each other with subtle smirks on their faces as you unassumingly walked by. And while he was never worried that you would do anything about it, he couldn’t help but feel a little heat start to burn in the pit of his stomach as men looked your way a little too long, especially as the two of you walked hand in hand through the arena, the men glancing in your direction knowing you were off limits because you were his. While he wouldn’t say it, and was going to try his damndest not to show it, Javi couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 
After a quick walk through the arena, you and Javi found your section, practically dragging him down the steps towards your seats in excitement to know your seats were right up against the boards at center ice, which, to you, were the best seats in all of hockey regardless of where you were watching. “Javi, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, these seats are amazing, I have never had seats this good at a hockey game ever! You sure these are our seats? Like, we actually get to sit here?” You squealed, pointing to the pair of empty seats in your row, practically bouncing in excitement. 
“Yes, actually.” Javi laughed, beaming at your pure joy and excitement as you plopped into your spots, watching you take in the sights and sounds of the pre-game excitement. You were like a little kid on Christmas, even giddier than you were when you first saw the tickets on the day as your present, filling Javi’s heart to know his gift had brought you such genuine happiness. 
Looking up at the scoreboard, you figured you had just enough time to go to the bathroom and grab the two of you a beer before the game started, shooting up out of your seat and giving Javi a quick kiss on the cheek as you scooted past him. “Where are you going?” Javi asked, looking at you with confusion as you made your way down the aisle. 
“I gotta pee and I’m gonna go grab us drinks before the game starts.” You gestured up towards the stairs and then back at the game clock ticking down towards zero. You were equally as confused as Javi started to stand up too, looking like he was getting ready to follow you. “You need to pee, too?” 
“No, I was uh- I was gonna go with you.” Stuck halfway between standing and sitting, Javi paused, trying to silently convey to you that he didn’t mind going, for his own sake to know that no one was going to try and bother you on your trip. 
“Jav, I’m good, it’ll be like 5 minutes, don’t worry.” You nodded reassuringly, giving him a little shrug as you made your way up the steps to the entrance of your section. 
“O-okay.” Javi half smiled back at you, watching the whole way you went up before you disappeared into the crowd, leaving him anxiously tapping his fingers against his jeans as he waited for you to return. 
The one benefit of being a female hockey fan was that you seemed to come few and far between, making your trips to the bathroom at any game much shorter than the average women’s bathroom line, happily speeding in and out before making your way over to the concession stand. You stood in line, peeking your head over the other people waiting with you to try and see what your beer choices were on the menu above the cash registers, when you noticed familiar flashes of red and black jerseys a few lines over. Out of curiosity, you stood on your tiptoes, peering through the crowd to see who else had Blackhawks jerseys on all the way out in Dallas. Taking a few steps forward with your moving line, you were able to get a better look at the group of guys chatting amongst each other, only able to see the backs of their heads and the player’s jerseys they were wearing, until one of them turned around towards you making your gut sink and your heart stop. 
There’s no fucking way.  
You immediately turned around, hoping the group hadn’t seen you staring, visibly shaking your head to try and clear your thoughts. You quickly looked over once more, only able to see the backs of their heads again, making it easier to convince yourself you must have just been seeing things. 
“Ma’am? Ma’am? Are you ready to order?” A woman called out from the cash register, trying to get your attention as you stood frozen in disbelief, staring at the ground. 
“Uh, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Um, can I uh- I can I just get two Miller Lites, please?” You asked, pulling out your wallet and handing over a few bills and your ID, nervously bouncing your leg while you waited for her to return with your drinks, stuffing your change back into your pocket and grabbing your beers. You tried as best as you could to book it back to your seats, praying that if who you thought you had seen was really there, you had made it out fast enough that they hadn’t seen you. 
You had made it back just in time, the lights in the arena now beginning to dim, the crowd roaring as the Blackhawks and the Stars skated out of the tunnel to greet the crowd and warm up before the game started. You had hoped that the darkness of the arena would be enough to hide your rattled expression from Javi as you snuck back to your seat, passing his beer off to him as you sat down with yours, taking a long swig before setting it down in your cup holder. While the lack of lights may have been enough to hide your face, it wasn’t enough to make up for your silence as you sat down next to Javi, now looking over at you with concern. “You okay, Osita?” He asked, reaching down to wrap his hand around your knee that you had been trying to keep from anxiously tapping since you got back to your seat. 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah. I’m good. I just- um, I just thought I saw someone that I knew here but I don’t know how the hell it would be them or why they would be in Dallas, so it must have just been someone who looked like them. Sorry, it was just weird.” You shook your head again, trying to use any rational part of your brain to convince yourself of your words, and not let it ruin the rest of your night. “I’m good, I promise.” Leaning over the edge of your seat, you planted a soft kiss on Javi’s cheek, giving him a reassuring smile before letting out a big cheer as the announcer began shouting out the names of the Blackhawks starting lineup through the arena. 
Thankfully, it didn’t take much for you to forget about your unsettling observation at the concession stand- the excitement and energy of the game quickly took over, cheering and screaming as the puck dropped and the first period began. The seats that Javi had picked out were incredible, giving you a close up on all of the action, including a few body checks pressed up against the glass right next to you as the two teams battled on the ice. You had always told Javi whenever you watched games on TV that you never expected him to care or be nowhere near as invested as you were, but knowing how important it was to you and how much you loved it, he had made an effort to try and learn as much as he could to keep up, leaning over to your seat every once in a while to ask you questions or try and point out something he noticed. It warmed your heart to see how much Javi wanted to show that he cared, and made you even more thrilled to see that he was just as into watching the game as you were, now yelling and clapping along with you opposite the crowd filled with Dallas Stars fans. Anything you did with Javi made you happy, simply because you got to be with him, but you really owed it to him for making this one of the best hockey games that you had been to in a very, very long time. 
As the second period came to a close, the Blackhawks were up 2-1, the two of you so excited by the game that you hadn’t realized you both could go for another beer refill and another trip to the bathroom. You made your way up the stairs, Javi following close behind as you parted ways at the entrance to your section, agreeing that you would go get your drinks and meet him at the concession stand, since your trip to the bathroom was probably going to be much shorter than his. After a quick run through a nearly empty bathroom, you shot back over to the concession stand, standing back in the same line you were before, completely forgetting about your observation from your last trip. 
Grabbing both of your beers, you leaned against a pillar next to the concession stand, waiting for Javi to come back from the bathroom, when you heard the faintly familiar voices nearby, your stomach starting to turn once again, looking out at the crowd to see if you could find where they were coming from. You peered your head the opposite direction of where you came, feeling a sense of relief with no black or red jerseys in sight, cautiously tiling your eyes back the other way, only to feel your heart sink to the pit of your stomach with the group of guys now standing in front of you. Your chest began to pound, squeezing your eyes shut, somehow hoping it would make you, or better yet, them disappear, but it was no use. 
“I told you it was her! How’s it going, Ice Princess? Long time, no see! I can’t fucking believe this. Paul! Paul! Get over here, I told you it was her, you motherfucker!” 
Letting out a deep breath, you reluctantly opened your eyes to see your ex-boyfriend Paul and his obnoxious group of friends standing in front of you, snickering and pointing like middle school boys in your general direction at your absolutely flabbergasted face. “You gotta be fucking kidding me…” You muttered under your breath, clenching your jaw and tightening your grip around your beers as the group approached you, pushing Paul front and center, as if you needed it to be any more obvious that his presence had been known. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You snapped, glaring at Paul’s tall and lanky figure, his short blonde hair spiked up in the same way you absolutely hated, cocky grin stretched across his face as he approached you. 
“Damn, nice to see you too, Princess.” Paul laughed, his group of friends joining in and cackling behind, giving each other playful slaps. 
“Don’t fucking call me that.” You growled, giving him a deathly glare, now anxiously bouncing your foot, wondering where Javi was and what was taking him so long. “You didn’t answer my question, asshole.” 
“Calm down, Princess, Jesus. We’re here this weekend for an accounting conference downtown. Work paid for us to fly down today so we figured we’d catch the game since the Hawks were playing tonight. What the hell are you doing here?” Paul crossed his arms, giving you a condescendingly smug smirk, as if you were supposed to be happy to see him. 
“I live here? Remember that thing where you were a complete dickwad and cheated behind my back for 2 years and told me my brother deserved to die so it became incredibly clear to me that there is no one else on the fucking face of this earth I would rather be with less than you? Or is that too much for your idiot brain to remember?”  You were practically snarling at him at this point, nostrils flared and jaw clenched as the angry pit in your stomach grew heavier and heavier each second you looked at Paul. God, where the hell was Javi? 
“Ouch…” One of the guys grimaced behind Paul’s back, the rest of them frowning in agreement, almost impressed by your brashness. “Told you this wasn’t gonna go over well, dude.” Another mumbled, giving Paul a little nudge. 
“Shut the fuck up, Eric.” Paul retorted, rolling his eyes at his friend, trying to save the little dignity you had just spared him. “Okay, okay, point taken. I did some not so great shit, sorry. Don’t need to be such a brat about it.” Holding up his hands in defense, Paul shrugged, giving you the most unapologetic look you had ever seen. “Listen, one of the guys said he saw a hot chick in a Blackhawks jersey, it sparked my attention, turns out it was you. Figured I’d come say hi, let you know you still look real fuckin’ good. See if maybe you wanna go get a drink or something after the game and catch up?” 
You were so heated and filled with rage locked in your sinister staring match with Paul that you hadn’t heard Javi come up behind you, making you flinch and spill some of the beer you had been holding as he quickly grabbed them out of your hands, setting them down on the ground before instinctively wrapping his arm around your waist. Even though you were still fuming, you felt a sense of relief wash over you to see that not only was Javi finally back, but that he had clearly also picked up on the fact that you did not look happy to see whoever had been talking to you. 
“These guys bothering you?” Javi asked, digging his fingertips into your hip, shooting Paul a menacing glare. Before you could say anything to try and explain what the hell was happening, Paul was scoffing at you and Javi, giving you a disgusted look as he pointed at him. 
“Who the fuck is this?” 
“Who the fuck are you?” Javi snapped back, his tone becoming increasingly harsher with the way Paul had responded to his presence. 
“A friend from Chicago-” 
“A friend from Chicago?! Shut the fuck up, Paul.” You groaned, jaw dropping in shock that he had the audacity to try and play it off to Javi like he was an old acquaintance you were happy to run into. “This is my fiancé, asshole.” 
“Fiancé? Yikes, talk about needing a fucking rebound, huh?” Paul laughed, his friends joining in behind him 
“What’s that supposed to mean, motherfucker?” You growled, lunging toward Paul, Javi grabbing you by your waist to keep you from getting any further, pulling you back towards him. The sight of Javi having to physically restrain you from trying to go after him only made Paul laugh harder, shaking his head and letting out a deep, satisfied sigh before speaking again. 
“God, you’re just as much as fucking mess as you were when we broke up, aren’t you? The boys always said I liked ‘em hot and crazy so guess we’re fuckin’ two for two, aren’t we, Princess? Good luck with this one, man. You got your fucking hands full.”  Looking you up and down as you tugged against Javi’s grasp, trying to free yourself, Paul let out one last huff of amusement before beginning to turn around and walk away, only to be stopped by a large hand yanking at the back of his jersey, forcing him to back around to meet Javi’s broad body looming over his. While you were full of rage and on the verge of trying to punch Paul’s teeth in, Javi had let go of his grasp with a look like he was ready to kill as he stepped towards Paul, jaw clenched and fist drawn as his grip on Paul’s jersey shifted from his back to under his neck, the fabric balled tight in his hands as he pulled Paul towards him. 
“Don’t you ever fucking talk about my future wife like that again or I’ll fucking kill you, you understand?” Javi threatened, his voice low and ominous as he drew Paul closer to his face, making sure he heard every word coming through the snarl of his gritted teeth. 
Javi knew you had no problem standing up for yourself. He knew you probably could have taken Paul down yourself if he’d let you go at him. But if there was one thing Javi knew for god damn sure, it was that he wasn’t above beating the shit out of anyone who threatened to even look at you the wrong way, let alone deliberately insult you. Just as well as he knew that, you also knew that Javi wasn’t the type to get in pissing matches with other guys just to assert his dominance. 
But the way he had stormed after Paul with no hesitation, hoisting him up by the collar of his shirt and threatening him with the dangerous rumble looming in his voice had the pounding in your chest quickly fading from anger to arousal at the way Javi’s instincts had gone into overdrive to protect you- and that, that was something you were not expecting to make you as hot and bothered as it was. 
“Jesus, okay man, okay!” Paul moaned, preemptively flinching and wincing his face as Javi leaned in towards him before letting him go and shoving him down, making him stumble as he tried to regain his balance. You would have thought that would have been plenty to get Paul to run off, tail tucked between his legs in embarrassment, but you had forgotten what a wonderfully delightful douchebag your ex was, always needing to get in the last word in any argument just to prove a point. “Fuckin’ have her man. Good fuckin’ riddance, bitch.” 
And just like that, without a second thought, without even a hesitation, hearing Paul mumble that last sentence under his breath was enough to have Javi’s hand balled in a fist, immediately winding up to punch Paul square in the face, instantly knocking him to the cold, hard cement of the arena floor in a sobbing, whimpering heap. 
Taking a step back to shake out his hand and admire the pitiful mess Paul had become, Javi let the slightest smirk slide across his face before immediately turning back to you, gently cupping your face, melting you with his sweet brown eyes filled with concern- A stark contrast from his stone cold demeanor only moments ago. “Are you okay, Hermosa?” 
“Are you okay? Javi… holy shit.” Grabbing Javi’s hand from the side of your face, pulling it down to examine his red knuckles, you darted your eyes back and forth between him and Paul, still writhing on the ground, blood dripping down his nose. You couldn’t help but feel your eyes go wide, butterflies swirling in your stomach as a tiny grin curled between your lips looking down at what Javi had done to your ex. You had never seen Javi get aggressive like this, and despite everything you’d ever thought about not needing a man to come swoop in and save you, it was taking everything in you not to pounce on him right then and there by how turned on you were by the fact he had just easily decked Paul to the ground in your defense. 
“Fuck you, motherfucker, I think you broke my nose!” Paul whimpered, wiping away blood with the back of his hand, trying to press himself back up to stand. “Security!” 
“Don’t even bother. We’re leaving. Fuck you too, Paul.” You scoffed, grabbing Javi’s hand as you tugged him away, proudly flipping Paul off as you passed by, pushing your way through the small audience that had formed around you from your tussle, several people giving you and Javi silent nods of approval after watching what had happened. Once you had dragged Javi far enough away, he paused, stopping in his tracks, forcing you to turn back towards him. 
“Osita. Baby, fuck, I’m so sorry. I don’t want us to have to leave because of me, we came all this way to watch the game and I, fuck- I don’t- I don’t know what got into me, but there was no way I was gonna fucking let him talk to you like that, I-” 
“Javi. That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t care if the Blackhawks win, I don’t care if they lose, I don’t care if we get blown out 75-0, if you don’t take me back to our hotel room and fuck me right now, I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind.” Taking a few steps back where Javi had froze, you placed your hands on his chest, grabbing two big fist fulls of his jersey before pressing up on your tiptoes to plant a hot, wet kiss on his lips, biting down on your lip and raising an eyebrow at him as you pulled back. 
“Fuck, okay. Hermosa, are you sure?” Javi smirked, gently brushing away a stray piece of hair from your face, resting his hand around your jaw. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so sure of anything. Take me back to our room and fuck the shit out of me, Javier Peña.”
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It was then Javi’s turn to drag you off through the arena, immediately grabbing your hand and working through the crowd, practically running back to your hotel, your limbs immediately intertangling the moment you found yourselves alone in the elevator. Your hands ran along each other’s bodies, your kisses frantic and desperate down the empty hallway to your room, Javi barely able to pull away for long enough to tug his room key out of his pocket. Your back was pressed against the door, trapped under Javi’s body towering over you as he finally was able to slide the card in the door, the pressure of your weight pushing against it forcing it open as it unlocked. 
Your hands roamed needily as your mouths met with an electric intensity, stumbling towards the bed with faltering steps before your back hit the plush mattress, Javi leaning over you with hands planted on either side of your head, his kisses now trailing from your lips to your neck, sucking and nipping at your pulse point as his hands slid under your shirt, palming at your bra and digging his fingertips into your soft flesh. Your hands began to roam too, traveling from the tight grip they had around Javi’s jersey as you pulled him closer to you towards his jeans, reaching out to tug at the denim waistband before feeling Javi’s grip wrap around your wrist, pulling both hands above your head and pinning them to the mattress under the width of his broad grasp. 
“Nuh uh, Hermosa.” Javi tutted, a devilish smirk growing across his face as his eyes darkened, squeezing your wrists in his hand, arms still raised over you. He dipped his head down, placing slow, tender kisses along your collarbone before working his way up your neck and jaw, catching the breaths of your moans in his mouth as his lips pressed against yours. “You’re gonna be a good girl and let me make you cum as many times as I want first, understand? This pussy’s all fucking mine.” 
Oh fuck. 
You could feel your stomach swirl with arousal from the growl in Javi’s voice, his words sending a shiver down your spine, eyes wide as you quietly nodded in agreement. Javi was a lot of things when the two of you fucked- tender, attentive, god, even when you wanted him to be rough with you, you could tell there was a part of him that always held back, because the thought of ever doing something that would come even close to hurting you was something he would never do. But the tone of his voice was something that you had never heard from him before- it was demanding, possessive, and holy fuck did it turn you on way more than you would have ever expected it to. 
Barely getting out any coherent verbal response to coincide with your head shaking in compliance, Javi let go of your wrists, standing back up, his body hovering over yours at the edge of the bed. “Good girl. Take your clothes off, baby.” Javi rasped, taking a step back to watch as you sat up, quickly pulling off your jersey and crewneck underneath before working your way down to your jeans, shuffling them down your legs and kicking them off your feet, leaving you in your bra and underwear, frantically trying to shed them too before Javi stopped you again, tilting your chin up towards him as his thumb traced along your jawline. He looked you up and down, his smirk widening across his face at the cute matching bra and panty set you had worn, knowing it was one of his favorites and that he’d enjoy your little surprise. “You wear this for me, Hermosa?” Javi asked, his thumb now gently dragging down your bottom lip as he bit down on his own. 
“Mhmmmm.” You grinned, giving him a little wink, scooting yourself closer towards the edge of the bed to try and grab at his jersey and pull him close enough to work your hands under and run them along his stomach, sneaking them down to unbutton his jeans. You had only outstretched your arms halfway before his hand was around your wrist again, shaking his head in a playful disapproval. 
“So needy. What did I say, baby? Not until I say so, remember? Needy girls still have to be patient, don’t they?” Dropping your wrist, Javi turned around, taking a few steps back before bending down to unzip his suitcase by the end of the bed, shuffling around through his clothes before pulling out the blue and gold tie you had gotten him for his birthday and had worn to work earlier this morning. You cocked your head to the side as you watched him rummage through his clothes, your face still slightly confused when the only thing he pulled out was his tie, until your brain quickly put two and two together. “Maybe this will help you remember. Give me your hands.” Javi paused for a moment, his demeanor shifting back to the sweet and soft man you usually got in the bedroom, his puppy dog eyes staring at you for approval as he quietly mouthed “Is this okay?” to you as he ran his hand up and down the length of his tie. Fuck, did you love this man. 
Your jaw hung open in delighted shock, his suggestion going straight to your pussy, your underwear already soaked from the thought of what he was about to do. Feverishly, you nodded, sticking out your hands, wrists pressed together in front of you for Javi, smirking up at him with heavy lashes. 
“If it’s too much, or you want me to stop, just-” 
“I know. Do your worst, Peña.” 
With that, Javi’s sweet facade quickly shifted, taking the silky fabric of his tie and knotting it around your wrists, making sure to leave enough room to keep you comfortable as he wrapped his hands around your hips, picking you up to scoot you further back on the bed, caging his body over yours. He palmed at your bra, freeing your breast to roll your pebbled nipples between his fingers, the sensation making you writhe and moan beneath him, and he hadn’t even touched anything below your waist. 
“So fucking pretty. Wearing this just for me, knowing I’m the only one who gets to see you like this, that no other man gets to have you like I have you.” His words were hot and heavy against your skin, making your breath hitch as his hand slid down your soft skin, snaking under the waistband of your underwear and running two fingers through your folds, dripping with your arousal. “Knowing that I’m the only one who makes you wet like this. Why is that, sweet girl? Whose pussy is this?” Javi mewled, dragging his fingers along your slit, collecting the slick pooling between your legs, watching you squirm under his touch. 
“It’s yours Javi. Fuck- Fuck baby, it’s all yours.” You whined as Javi’s now soaked fingers snuck out of your panties, bringing them to your mouth. 
“Suck.” He grinned, watching you open your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tangy taste lingering on his digits. “That’s right it is. All mine, forever.” Pulling his hand back, he replaced it with his mouth, crashing into you, his tongue swiping along your bottom lip with a passionate ferocity before sliding down your body, bringing himself face to face with the delicate lace covering your dripping heat. Hooking his fingers around the waistband, he slid your underwear down your legs, gently kissing around your thighs, already fighting against the silky fabric tied around your wrists, trying to reach down to tug the dark curls of his hair and pull him closer to you. His kisses traveled closer and closer to your core, his nose barely brushing your clit, making you moan. 
“Javi… Baby, please.” You whined, wiggling your bottom half against the cool, crisp sheets, needing for Javi to touch you, taste you, do something besides tease you like this. 
“Please what, Osita? Words, baby.” Javi smirked, slowly inching his way towards your center, wrapping his arms around your legs, gripping them in place. 
“Touch me, eat me out, fuck me, anything, fuck- please, please, I-” 
Before you could plead anymore, you gasped, feeling the broad stroke of Javi’s firm tongue pressing against your throbbing clit, finally easing some of the ache of how worked up you had been since the moment you had watched him knock Paul to the ground. Unlike just moments ago, Javi began lapping you up like a man starved, feverishly flicking his tongue along your sensitive bundle of nerves, the pattern of his movements making you buck your hips towards his face, fighting against his strong arms holding you in place. 
Latching his lips, he sucked at your clit, the newfound sensation making the tingle at the base of your spine already begin to grow, the inside of your thighs covered with the shiny slick of your arousal and Javi’s saliva as he worked ferociously at your heat. Your whimpers and groans became more and more labored, an all too familiar creeping sensation sliding up your legs and building in your belly with each movement of his mouth. Your heart began to pound and vision started to blur, arms tugging at the tie placed around your wrists as you felt your orgasm form.
“Oh fuck, fuck Javi. Right there baby, holy shit- fuck, I’m so close, I- I- Wa- wait, wait, what?” Only moments away from feeling pleasure rush though your body, you were left breathless and shocked to feel Javi jerk his mouth away, looking up at you with lust filled eyes and a satisfied grin, opposed to your confusion. “Javi, what? Baby, I was about to-” 
“You don’t cum until I say so. Be a good girl and ask nicely and maybe I’ll let you. Try again.” Javi replied, cocking his head and raising an eyebrow at you, smug smirk still stretched across his face. 
You could almost hear the gulp traveling down your throat as your jaw hung open, your breathing heavy and low, watching Javi watch you, patiently waiting for you to follow his request. “Please let me cum, Javi. Please baby, please, I need you to make me cum so badly.” 
“That’s more like it.” 
Diving back between your legs, Javi drank you up, his tongue quickly accompanied by two of his thick fingers, easily pushing into your entrance and bumping the soft, spongy spot inside you. You could feel your pussy begin to flutter, already so close before Javi had left you on edge, now finding yourself even closer with his fingers curled deliciously in your hilt. Again, the coil in your belly began to tighten, Javi’s fingertips digging into the soft flesh of your thighs, holding you down on the bed. 
“Fuck, Javi. Don’t stop. Please, baby, please- shit- please let me cum, I’m so close, I’m so clo-ahhhhhhh.” Relief and euphoria flooded through your veins as your orgasm crashed over you, expletives and Javi’s name rolling off your tongue as you reached your high. But instead of letting you come back down, Javi’s mouth stayed pressed against your cunt, his hand still thrusting in and out of your heat as you clenched around his fingers, now realizing he wasn’t about to ease up any time soon. 
You could feel your legs trembling as Javi relentlessly licked and sucked, his fingers fucking into at an unforgiving pace, making your moans and whimpers even louder as squirmed, desprate to grab on to something while your hands fought against the buttery softness of his tie wrapped around your wrists. Already so worked up, it didn’t take you long to feel your second orgasm building, making you cum even harder than you had just moments ago, crying out as you gushed again around Javi’s fingers, the sweet sensation almost becoming too much with how feverishly he had been working to make you cum again. Finally, Javi detached his mouth, his chin and mustache glistening with your slick, a sly smile and lustful look in his eyes as his fingers stayed curled in your cunt, the lewd noises of your wetness coating the walls as he pushed against your g-spot. Your breath hitched, legs shaking as held you down with his free arm, draped across your stomach while you writhed under him. 
“Baby, it’s so much, fuck- I don’t think I can cum again, please, I-” 
“First you're begging me to let you cum, now you want me to stop? Don’t get to have it both ways, Osita.” Javi tutted, only intensifying the pace of his fingers curling inside you. “I’m making you cum as many times as I want, remember? You’re gonna give me one more on my fingers and then that pretty little pussy is gonna soak my cock while I fuck you, okay?” You were so worked up you could barely think straight, your clit still throbbing and cunt clenching around Javi’s hand, mind going blank as he hit the spot inside you that had you seeing stars. “Answer me, baby. Tell me what you’re gonna do?” 
It took every ounce of brain power to try and find any way to respond, your head nodding frantically while you babbled. “I’m gonna cum again, please, please I will.” 
“That’s my good girl. God, you’re so fucking tight. Give me one more baby, I know you can. I can feel how close you are.” With only the lightest press of his thumb on your clit, you could feel yourself on the edge again, only needing a few more thrusts of his fingers before you were crying out again, tears welling in your eyes from how hard you came, every inch of your body feeling spent as Javi finally pulled out his hand, absolutely drenched in your arousal, bringing it to his mouth and sucking the juices clean, pridefully watching you sprawled out and spent on the bed. “Tastes so fucking sweet. Did so good for me, Hermosa.” He mewled, coming up to kiss you, the tangy taste of your arousal still lingering on his lips. “Bet that fucking asshole Paul could ever make you cum like that, huh? No one else gets to make you feel this good, isn’t that right, baby?” 
“Jesus Christ, no. No one’s ever made me feel like you do. You make me feel so good, Javi.” Javi’s mouth caught your moans in his as he pinned your tied arms above your head, nipping at your neck as he used his free hand to begin to work at his jeans, quickly unbuckling his belt and shuffling his pants and boxers down his legs. 
“Bet none of them could ever fuck you like I do either. Only your future husband gets to have you like this.” Javi freed his other hand, reaching over his back to tug his jersey over his head, leaving him just as bare as you. Grabbing your hips, Javi lifted you up, turning you over so your stomach lay flat on the bed with your arms splayed in front of you, guiding your lower half so you were on your knees, ass up on display for him. His hands kneaded at the soft flesh before reaching down to guide the tip of his painfully hard cock through your folds, collecting your slick as he lined himself up with your entrance. “Only one who gets to see that pretty pussy dripping just for me.” He smirked, headfully pushing his length deep inside your cunt, his tip kissing your cervix as he bottomed out, digging his fingertips into your hips as he pulled you back towards him, the stretch and fullness making you whimper. “Only one who gets to fill you up like this.” Slowly pulling back, he watched the shine of your arousal covering his cock before slamming back into you, repeating his methodical strokes. “Only one who gets to fuck a baby into you.” He grinned, his pace now quickening, planting a smack of his hand against your ass cheek, massaging the red mark it had left. You whined into the pillow, very much loud enough for Javi to hear, knowing damn well he had a way with words that made you lose your mind. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Hermosa? Getting you pregnant, carrying our baby so everyone knows you’re fucking mine?” 
“Yes, oh my god, fuck- yes.”
Javi was now pounding into you, his pace relentless as his length punched deep in your hilt, the angle he was fucking you letting you feel every inch of him splitting you open. Even with how full you felt, you couldn’t help but press your ass back into him, needing to feel all of him inside you. Reaching an arm underneath you, he thumbed at your clit, rubbing back and forth as his thrusts became more frantic and sloppy, knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer. You could feel your cunt beginning to clench around his cock, fisting at the bedsheets in front of you, desperate to grip at something while your hands were bound. 
“I know you’re close, Hermosa. Let go, baby. Cum all over cock before I fuck myself so deep inside you and fill you full of me.” You could feel your heart begin to race again, your vision going white with each frantic thrust, the coil in your belly tightening further and further, the sounds falling from your mouth almost borderline pornagraphic. For the fourth time tonight, the tingling in your legs and stomach had built to a breaking point, feeling your orgasm crash through you like a tidal wave, cumming so hard it felt like your soul was leaving your body. Knowing you had reached your high, Javi found himself chasing his own, each thrust more frantic than the last, his thighs slapping against your ass relentlessly as his words fell incoherently from his lips. 
“That’s it, sweet girl. Fuck, I’m close too. Mierda- God, you’re so fucking perfect. Tu eres mio para siempre. Mi amor, mi vida, fuck, te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden decir. (You’re mine forever. My love, my life, fuck, I love you more than words can say). Jesus, fuck- Oh fuck, Osita, fuck, I’m gonna cum too, I-” With a loud groan, Javi came deep inside you, spilling every last drop, coating your warm walls with his spend. Even after he had finished, Javi stayed buried in your cunt, watching the mix of your spend drip down your legs before slumping into you, his chest resting on your back as you melted into the mattress beneath him. The two of you laid there for a moment, your breaths rising and falling in sync, finally breaking the ragged silence with a little laugh to yourself, causing Javi to finally pull out so he could get a better look at you. “What’s so funny, Hermosa?” Javi chuckled, watching you roll over onto your back, revealing the blissed out grin stretched across your face. 
“Javi… that was so fucking hot. Holy fuck. Where the hell did that come from?” You giggled, playfully poking at him as he laid down next to you, reaching over to untie your hands and pull you in to rest your head on his bare chest. 
“It was okay? I don’t- I don’t know, I knew you told me Paul was a piece of shit, but seeing him treat you like that-It just set something off in me, I guess.” Javi sighed, almost reluctantly, gently stroking the ends of your hair as he held you, feeling a little embarrassed at how possessive he had gotten, knowing the perfectly capable and independent woman you were. 
“Was it okay? Javi, I never want to see Paul again, ever in my fucking life. That being said, if I get to watch you sock him in the face and then have you fuck me like that…” Your voice trailed, sarcastically snickering, giving Javi a little nudge as the two of you laughed. “You’ve done a lot of very hot things since I’ve met you, Javier Peña, but I do think knocking Paul out without hesitation is pretty high on the list. I am a little sad I didn’t get a swing in, but we’ll call it good.” 
“He fucking deserved it. No one gets to talk to you like that, ever. I know you don’t need me to protect you, and that you can handle things on your own, but I-” 
“Baby, I know that you know. I appreciate you saying that. It doesn’t change the fact that watching you get all protective over me was really fucking hot.” You smirked, pressing you hand against his chest to push yourself up, meeting your lips with his, running your hands through the dark curls at the nape of his neck. “And also…” Your grin grew wider as you reached down on the bed, picking up Javi’s tie, gently swinging it in your hands, “looks like we’re gonna have to get you some more ties, huh?” 
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The two of you woke up the next morning, bodies intertwined together between the crisp hotel sheets, soft sunlight spilling into your window over the Dallas skyline. From the first night he had slept in your bed, you had come to learn there were few things in this world that you loved more than being wrapped in Javi’s arms, your sleepy bodies still warm and lazy as you curled closer between the sheets, feeling like there was no one else in that moment that existed besides the two of you. 
While you and Javi had plenty of lazy mornings together, something about being away for the weekend had both of you relishing in the syrupy slowness of your Saturday morning- sweet and soft sex tangled between your sheets, a long, hot shower where Javi insisted on letting you relax while he washed your hair, followed by curling up in the obnoxiously fluffy hotel robes while the two of you dried off, watching Sports Center and planning out the rest of your day. 
You had decided to spend your afternoon exploring downtown, starting off at a sandwich shop near your hotel, and while both of you agreed that your sandwiches were good, they were no Alejandro’s. You spent some time after at the Dallas Museum of Art, with equal time spent with you making sarcastic commentary about some of the more interesting paintings and sculptures, trying your best to make Javi laugh, and Javi admiring you admire the various pieces of art, thinking to himself that you were more beautiful than any picture or statue he could find inside.
After your tour through the museum, you and Javi meandered through some of the stores downtown, both of your favorites being the pastry shop with the most delicious cupcakes you had ever tasted in your entire life, and although you insisted you didn’t need to get any extras, Javi knew you well enough to know that you were going to want one later, and ordered two more to take back with you to the hotel. 
Since last night’s dinner had been more causal to try and make sure you got to the game on time, you had agreed to pick somewhere nicer to try for dinner tonight and then go out to a bar or two after for some drinks. While you were already enough of a chronic overpacker, trying to decide on an outfit for tonight had taken up the majority of the real estate in your suitcase, your options now spread out across the bed as you stood wrapped in your towel post-shower, contemplating what to wear. 
“You’ll look beautiful in anything, Hermosa.” Javi chuckled, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, back pressed his chest as he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“You’re sweet, Jav. I don’t know, I don’t wanna be too casual, but I don’t want to be too dressy either, can you just pick for me?” You sighed, gesturing to the variety of clothes piled on the mattress. 
“You sure you want me to pick?” Javi grinned, placing a soft kiss on the bare skin of your shoulder, giving you a little squeeze. 
“Yes, I’m sure, but I’m already 99.9% sure I know which one you’re gonna choose.” You giggled, crossing your arms over your chest as Javi made his way towards the bed, looking through his choices before he picked up a strappy, mid length black dress, raising an eyebrow at you and passing it off in your direction with a boyish smirk on his face. “Vegas wins again, Peña.” Outstretching your arm, you took the dress from his hands, playfully rolling your eyes at your correct prediction. 
“What, like you can blame me? You can pick out what I wear too, if you want. I’m gonna hop in the shower while you get ready and I’ll be out in a few.” Javi smiled, peppering ticklish kisses along your neck and collarbone, making you squeal and squirm to not even notice Javi’s hand reaching up to tug at your towel, making it drop to the floor and leaving you naked. 
“JAVI!” You shouted, watching Javi shrug his shoulders in satisfaction, giving you a wink as he headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. You shook your head, laughing to yourself as you threw the dress back on the bed, collecting your rejected outfits and tossing them back in your suitcase. You looked back over your shoulder, making sure the door was closed before pulling out the lingerie Javi had gotten you for Christmas that had been hidden underneath the rest of your clothes, quickly slipping it on to wear under your dress to surprise Javi with later. You shuffled on the dress that Javi had picked, giving yourself a onceover in the mirror before getting out the rest of your toiletries and makeup to finish getting ready. 
You had finished with your makeup by the time Javi had gotten out of the shower, finding yourself in the middle of curling your hair as Javi stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping a white, fluffy towel around his waist, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw you. “Fuck me…” He whispered under his breath, still just loud enough for you to hear him and turn your head in his direction, blushing over the awestruck look on his face. “Jesus Christ, baby. Fuck, you’re so hot. I’m a lucky fucking man, god damn.” Javi smirked, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you like a puppy with his chin resting in his hand. 
“Well, someone did a good job picking out the outfit.” You giggled, biting down on your lip at his reflection in the mirror. “I picked out some stuff if you want to wear any of it.” You nodded over to the other side of the bed, where you had set out a dark wash pair of jeans and a black long sleeved button up shirt. 
“Or…” Javi grinned, pushing himself off the edge of the bed to stand, grabbing a handful of your ass and resting his hands on your hips, “You can take your dress off and then we can both put clothes back on later.”
“Your offer is very tempting, but you made reservations for 7:30 and it’s 7:05, mister.” You sighed, turning around to face him, playfully poking his chest. “Believe me, there will be plenty of undressing when we get back. Now go get changed, ya goof.” 
Somehow, the two of you both managed to have enough willpower to make it to your dinner reservation on time, you finding yourself to be just as bad as Javi after watching him put on the outfit you’d chosen. While the two of you knew the restaurant was much nicer than the one you had picked yesterday for dinner, you didn’t realize it was going to be this nice. Not that Laredo didn't have suitable restaurants, but to say they had anything fancy was a bit of a stretch, and to say they had anything this fancy would have been an outright lie. The restaurant was dimly lit, decorated with contemporary fixtures, soft music playing in the background, the waitstaff even dressed to the nines as you approached the hostess at the front booth. 
“Hi, we should have a reservation for 2 at 7:30. Should be under Peña.” Javi smiled resting his hand on the small of your back under your jacket as the two watched the girl flip through her notebook looking for Javi’s name. 
“Perfect, I have you right here. Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Peña.” She grinned, grabbing two menus and leading you through the restaurant. The grip of Javi’s hand on your back as you followed the hostess to your seats only tightened, hearing her accidental slip up. “Alright, we have you two sitting right here, and your waiter will be with you shortly!” Gesturing over to your table, your hostess set down the menus and was on her way, leaving Javi to immediately pull out your chair for you before setting into his. 
“Thanks, Mr. Peña.” You giggled, gently tapping his leg with your foot under the table. “We’re two for two this weekend with strangers assuming we’re married. Not that I’m mad about it.” 
“I feel like we are. I don’t know, I think of you as my wife already, I guess. I accidentally called you my wife at work the other week and the guys thought we got married without everyone knowing.” Javi shrugged, reaching across the table to grab your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the ring on your hand. 
“We’ll call that one a happy accident. I think of you as my husband too, I don’t know, it kind of feels like we’re married, I guess it’s just a formality at this point. Only 4 more months.” You beamed, giving his hand a little squeeze before letting go to lift up the menu in front of you, your jaw dropping in shock as you read through the options. “Okay, I knew this place was gonna be nice, but 45 dollars for salmon? 60 for steak? Are they covered in gold dust and unicorn tears? I am many things, Javier Peña, but I am not worth a 60 dollar steak, let me tell you that.” You grimaced, now looking through the drink section, mumbling to yourself. “God, do they even have beer here?” Javi laughed, shaking his head as he picked up his own menu, browsing through his options. 
“Shut up, you dork. You’re more than worth a 60 dollar steak. Don’t worry about it, okay? You deserve to be taken to nice places like this, whether you agree with me or not. But my guess is no, that they are probably not serving Miller Lite here.” 
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Despite your sticker shock for food prices, you and Javi had a great rest of your dinner, chatting about wedding and house planning, favorite things about your trip so far, and somehow ending in an argument about the best Star Wars movie after the two of you had a few drinks each in you. Knowing you wanted to go out to a bar or two after dinner, but having no idea where to go, you asked the waitress for her suggestions at favorite places, recommending a bar a block down the street, telling you it was one of the most popular places downtown at the moment. Given her rave review, you and Javi decided to give it a try, tipsily making your way down the street, still continuing your Star Wars argument the entire trip there. 
As you entered the bar, you were greeted with the overwhelming sound of loud, upbeat music blasting through the speakers on the dance floor and bright, flashing lights dancing above the crowd in the dark and packed room. “I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said this place was popular.” You half yelled in Javi’s ear, gesturing out to the crowd in front of you, neither of you realizing the atmosphere of the bar was a bit more club-like than either of you had expected. “I don’t think I’ve been to a place like this since college.” 
Javi’s grip tightened around your waist as several patrons brushed past you, drunkenly shouting along to the song playing over your voices. “We can go somewhere else if you want to, we don’t have to stay here, Hermosa.” 
“I don’t know, it looks like it could be fun. Looks like there’s a lot of people dancing,” you smirked, pointing over to the dance floor, “you really gonna pass up a chance to grind on me in public, Jav? I sure hope that answer isn’t no.” Taking a step back, you subtly pressed your ass into Javi’s crotch, making him let out a quiet groan before pulling away, turning around to face toward him and give him a little shrug. 
“Fuck me…” Javi muttered under his breath, an equally intrigued smirk spreading across his face as he looked down at you. “No way in hell I’m gonna say no to that, Hermosa.” 
“Then get a girl a drink and take me dancing, Peña.” Grabbing Javi’s hand, you tugged him towards the bar, following eagerly behind you through the crowd. Javi ordered both your drinks from one of the bartenders- a woman who seemed to spend a little to long for your liking touching Javi’s arm to get his attention when his whiskey and your gin and tonic were ready, flashing him a cute smile as Javi handed over the cash from his wallet to pay for your drinks. If you were any taller and able to see over the heads of the people standing in front of you at the bar, you really hoped she would have seen the scowl drawn across your face as you watched her try to flirt with Javi. Javi, seemingly oblivious to the interaction, handed your drink off to you as the two of you made your way to an empty booth on the side of the dance floor, taking a hefty sip before looking back up at Javi. “She seemed nice.” You grimaced, nodding back over towards the bar. Javi laughed, taking a sip of his own drink before setting it down on the table, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“Is someone jealous?” 
“No… She was just giving you the eyes, and held your arm way longer than I’m sure the average bartender does. I mean, she’s got good taste…” You grumbled, trying your best not to glare back over at the bar. Downing the rest of his drink in a large gulp, he slid his empty drink to the side, reaching out to grab your hand, squeezing it in his. He bit down on his lip, a lustful look pooling in his eyes as he watched you take another sip. 
“Why don’t you finish your drink and we’ll go give her something to be jealous of, hm?” 
Your eyes went wide at his response, slurping down the rest of your gin and tonic way faster than you probably should have before setting your empty cup next to his, walking around to the opposite side of the booth where Javi sat, grabbing two fist fulls of his shirt while you pulled him in for a long, tender kiss. “I like the sound of that.” 
Intertwining hands, you worked your way out to the dance floor, tangled between humid, hot bodies and the thumping of the bass to whatever upbeat pop song was blasting in the background in time with the flashing colorful lights beaming across the crowd. From the moment you found yourself deep enough in the mix of people, Javi’s hands were instantly all over you, working their way down your sides and landing on your hips, digging his fingertips into the fabric of your dress to turn you around so your ass was pressed against his jeans, grinding into the denim. At this point, the both of you had enough alcohol in your systems to not be concerned about anyone else around you, your hips rocking to the rhythm of the music, pressing your ass further into Javi’s crotch with each sway, only forcing his grip to tighten, feeling his bulge beginning to grow in his pants. Playing into the sensation building between both of you, you brought one of your arms up, reaching up to grab the hair at the nape of Javi’s neck, his curls feeling more defined from the sweat radiating off the dance floor. You could feel his head buried in your shoulder, feeling his hot breath against the sheen of your skin. 
“Jesus, you’re so fucking sexy, Osita. Feel what you do to me, baby? Bet if I reached down and felt that pretty little pussy she’d be dripping for me, too.” Javi rasped, letting his hands slide down your hips towards the front of your thighs. You weren’t sure what had gotten into you that had lowered your inhibitions so much- maybe it was the one too many gin and tonics, maybe it was the heat of the crowd moving to the music, maybe it was feeling how hard Javi was pressed against your ass just from dancing. Whatever it was, it was enough to have you turning around, throwing your arms around Javi’s shoulders, pressing up on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. 
“Touch me and find out.” 
Your preposition had Javi’s jaw practically dropping to the floor, taking a moment to compose himself before looking back down at you to make sure he hadn’t misheard what you had said, but the lustful grin between your cheeks was all he needed to know he had heard you loud and clear. With one hand on your ass, the other snaked between your bodies, tugging up the hem of your dress, his palm gliding across the soft skin of your inner thighs before cupping your pussy, wetness pooling in the lacy fabric of your underwear, making his eyes grow even wider, not only from how wet you were, but from the feeling of his fingers grazing over your panties, knowing the texture meant you were wearing something out of the usual rotation, something you’d worn on purpose to get his attention. 
“Fucking soaked, sweet girl. Gonna let me take you back to our room and let me ruin those pretty panties even more? What’re you wearing under there, baby?” 
“Why don’t you take me back and see.” 
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Yesterday, you were convinced you couldn’t have walked any faster back to your hotel room after the hockey game, but the pace at which you and Javi were speeding down the sidewalk had you questioning if your speed could even qualify as walking, not sprinting. Unlike your luck yesterday, you shared your elevator ride back up to your room with 2 other strangers, making the tension of your trip up to your floor almost palpable as you used every ounce of restraint from pouncing on Javi right there in the elevator. 
As soon as the door sprung open and no one was behind you, the two of you crashed down the hallway, once again fumbling with to find your room key, the added element of your tipsiness only making it more difficult. One way or another, your door unlocked, your bodies dancing in a tangled mess towards the bed, pausing for a moment as Javi’s open suitcase caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. Your brain spun for a moment, reeling with the memories of last night, a looming question now racing in your mind as you spotted Javi’s blue and gold tie peeking out of his bag. 
Would Javi let you tie him up?  
“You okay, Hermosa?” Javi asked, cocking his head in confusion as he watched you stare at his suitcase. You could see the wheels in his head turning, a lightbulb going off after a few moments, grabbing your chin and tilting it up towards him. “You want me to tie you up again, sweet girl?” He smirked, his voice low and gruff as he gripped around your jaw. Gently, you began shaking your head, Javi’s face immediately dropping in confusion, letting go of his grasp. 
“What if I told you…” You paused, grabbing his shirt and walking towards the bed, “I wanted to tell you what to do. See if you can be a good boy for me or maybe I’ll have to tie you up, too.” Giving Javi a little nudge, you pushed him to sit down on the bed, leaving you standing in front of him, rubbing your hands up and down the denim covering his thighs, watching your words go straight to his cock as his bulge strained against the zipper of his jeans, and a breathy moan escaped out of his mouth. Javi’s eyes went wide, jaw agape as his tongue darted out between his lips as you threw your leg over his lap, straddling his hips.
 “Is that okay?” You whispered, nipping at his ear, making him let out a low groan. He nodded softly in silent reassurance, almost too stunned to speak, slowly working his hands up your ass and thighs, trying to push up the hem of your dress. Grabbing his wrists, you stopped him in his tracks, pulling back slightly with a playfully scolding look on your face. “Nuh uh. I didn’t get to touch last time, you don’t get to touch me until I say.” 
“Fuck me…” Javi whispered under his breath, carefully drawing his hands back to rest on the edge of the bed, his eyes desperately filling with need and want. Reaching down, you tugged your dress over your head, revealing the cute, red and lacy lingerie set Javi had gotten you for Christmas. As if Javi’s jaw couldn’t have dropped any further, it was now practically through the floor, finding himself absolutely gawking at you in admiration. “Holy fuck.” Javi gulped, trying his best to keep any ounce of composure he still had. He couldn’t help but spring his hands towards you, running them up and down your sides and over the delicate fabric, left with utter shock and disappointment as you swung off his lap, standing at the edge of the bed with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“What did I just say, baby? Only good boys get to touch, remember?” A devilish smirk spread across your lips watching how flustered Javi had already become, biting down on his finger to try and relieve some of the tension of not being able to touch you. 
“I’ll be good, baby. I promise.” He groaned helplessly, staring up at you with pleading eyes. 
“I don’t know, Javi, seems like you’re having a hard time with pretty simple instructions.” You tutted, very purposefully bending down with your ass in his face to pick up the tie dangling from his suitcase. “Guess we’ll try one more time to see if you remember, but if you can’t, maybe this will help.” 
“You’re gonna fucking kill me, you know that?” Javi rasped, shaking his head, running his hand over his face. 
“You’re a big boy, you’ll be okay.” You winked, tossing his tie next to him before going back to straddling his lap, running your hands up and down his chest, slowly working your way down his shirt, one button at a time, planting a hot kiss on his skin with each new button that came undone. “Promise you’re gonna be good?” You smirked, tugging the shirt off his arms and letting it fall on the bed. 
“Promise.” He sighed, voice trembling, feeling the muscles in his body tense with your question. 
“Good.” You began grinding your hips in his, circling slowly over his painfully hard bulge, digging deeper and deeper with each sway of your hips. You slid your hands up his chest, into his hair, gently tugging at his dark curls as you rocked against him. You could tell how hard Javi was trying to control himself, breathing heavily and clenching his jaw as he watched you, the moans escaping from his mouth only becoming louder as you turned around, back pressed to his chest, sitting in his lap. You continued grinding your ass into Javi’s crotch, gently tugging at the straps of your bra and letting them fall from your shoulders, teasing him even further. Slipping your hands behind your back, you unclasped the hooks holding your top together, letting it drop to the floor in front of you, leaving Javi still only able to see your bare back knowing how crazy it would drive him that he couldn’t even see what he was missing, let alone touch. Still facing away, you bent down, sticking your ass towards his face, slowly shimmying the lacy red thong down your legs and letting it pool around your ankles. That was what broke him, his fingers digging into the plump skin making you shoot up and turn back around towards him.
 Reaching next to him on the bed, you picked up his tie in one hand, grabbing his wrists with the other, and gently began wrapping the buttery fabric around him. “So much for that, huh? Naughty boys have to learn to follow the rules, don’t they, baby?” You playfully pouted, batting your eyes at him. Good thing I can help teach you, hmmm?” With his hands sufficiently tied, you took your finger, poking his chest and pushing him over, gesturing for him to shuffle further up on to the bed, now laying flat on his back with his hands above his head. 
“Osita, please, baby, fuck- please.” Javi whined, his voice ragged and wanting as his brown eyes met with yours, watching you crawl up over him, your hands now working at his belt buckle. The metal clinked as you pushed his jeans down his hips before ever so gently tugging at the waistband of his boxers, already tented from his stiffness. 
“Please, what, sweet boy?” You cooed, pulling just enough to let his cock spring free, revealing how painfully hard he was, his tip dark red and leaking with precum that had stained his boxers. “God, you’ve got the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen.” You mewled, barely grazing your fingertips over his bare thighs, making him shutter. 
“Osita, please. Please, baby. I need you to touch me, please.” Javi whimpered as you settled yourself on top of his legs, your hands now creeping towards his shaft. 
“That’s better. So handsome when you beg. Need me to take care of you? I’ll take care of you, baby.” You wrapped your hand around his cock, thumbing at the precum dripping out of his tip and rubbing it around his head before taking the same hand and running it through your folds, collecting the slick that had been rapidly pooling between your legs and using the mixture to stroke him. 
With a few pumps of your hand, you leaned over, letting the spit from your mouth drip down over his dick before bending your head down and letting your tongue graze his head. Your lips sucked around his tip, lazily working your way down his length, taking him inch by inch as you hollowed out your cheeks, nestling your nose in the curls of his hairs at his base, the musky scent of him filling your nose. You began bobbing your head, your mouth engulfing him with each rise and fall, looking up at him through heavy lashes, your eyes almost as wide as his as you watched him crumble under your touch. 
“Fuck, oh shit- Oh my god. Fuck, that feels so good baby, Jesus- fuck me.” Javi squeezed his eyes shut, his ramblings becoming more ragged and desperate with each word, almost embarrassed at how quickly he found himself feeling like he was going to fall apart. You could feel his cock beginning to pulse in the warmth of your mouth, only making you pick up your pace, feeling the saliva drool down the corners of your cheeks and tears welling in the corners of your eyes. “Fuck, baby, fuck, fuck- I’m close, I’m clo- wa- wait, fuck. Fuck, baby, no. Please.” Javi whined, his head popping up to look at you, your mouth hovering above his dick with a smirk on your face. 
“What?” You teased, gently massaging his sack in your hands, almost able to see the veins in his cock throbbing as you had left him on edge, unable to finish. “You only said you needed me to touch you. Never said anything about needing me to make you cum.” 
“Jesus Christ…” Javi groaned, resting his head back on the pillows behind him, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. Letting out another gulp and deep breath, he raised his head again, his big, brown eyes pleading with you with a ferocious need and longing. “Please, Osita. Please, make me cum. Please, I need you to.” 
“That’s more like it. Such a good boy, asking so nicely. I’ll let you cum, baby. But only if it’s inside me and you fill me up so good you’re dripping down my thighs.” You shuffled your body forward, letting your soaking heat graze over his cock, reaching down to line him up with your entrance. 
“I will. Please let me, I will. I’ll fuck myself so deep inside you you’ll be dripping out of me for days. Fuck, I wanna cum so deep in you, please, Osita. Please, baby.” Javi moaned, struggling against the silk tie wrapped around his wrists, giving anything to feel the soft skin of your body in his hands. 
“So needy, sweet boy.” You tutted, the both of you gasping as you sunk down on Javi’s length, his cock bumping against your cervix as you took every inch of him inside you, taking a moment to adjust to the sweet sting of his fullness. “Fuck, you feel so good, Javi. I love feeling you inside me. No one else fills me up like you do. You like knowing you’re the only one who can make me feel like this? The only one I want to fuck me? Marry me? Fuck as many babies as you want into me?” 
The groan Javi let out was low and deep, feeling your hands rest against his chest as your hips rolled back and forth, burying Javi’s cock deep inside the warm, wet walls of your cunt. “Fuck yes, oh fuck Osita. Shit- I can’t wait to marry you. I wanna be your husband. I wanna fuck a baby into you so badly, see you all beautiful and pregnant. I can’t wait to cum inside you knowing I could really knock you up. Fuck meeee.” Javi whimpered, bucking his hips up into you, his thrusts filling you in a way that had you absolutely reeling and breathless, your demeanor quickly beginning to crumble, becoming just as dire as him. 
The hairs at the base of Javi’s cock rubbed deliciously on your clit, the sensation of that, combined with how frantically you were rocking your hips back and forth had your heart racing, so worked up from trying to keep your cool that you could feel the tingle building at the base of your spine rapidly. You could tell Javi was close, too- The gritting of his teeth, the wild and wanting look in his sweet brown eyes, the sloppy pace of his dick pounding into you, all the tells you knew far too well to realize he was quickly about to come undone. The arousal pooling in your belly continued to build, the lewd noises of your wetness and mixed moans coating the walls of your hotel room as your fingers dug into the skin of Javi’s chest. 
“Fuck, fuck- I love you, Javi. Holy shit- I’m so close. I need you to fill me up, baby.” 
“I love you too, Hermosa. I’m not gonna last much longer either, so fucking wet and tight, oh my god- I’m gonna fill you up so good, baby. I promise, promise I’ll be a good boy and fuck every last drop in you.” 
In all the times you had fucked, you had never seen Javi turn into such a mess, watching him whimper and beg to with such desperation and neediness, barely hanging on by a thread from the moment you had walked through the doors of your hotel room, and god, it was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. You thought that you’d be strong enough to keep your composure, that while Javi fell apart, you would keep it together, but any prospects of that were long gone by now. 
The coil building in your belly snapped, screaming Javi’s name over and over again as your cunt clenched around his cock, feeling your orgasm flood your body with pleasure. You braced your hands on Javi’s chest as he quickly followed behind you, thrusting a few more times up into you before letting out a low, ragged groan as he spilled deep inside you, his warm spend coating your walls, making sure to milk himself of every last drop, as promised. You could feel the mixture of the both of you leaking down your legs into Javi’s lap as you sat on top of him, his dick still pulsing as your chests heaved in sync, squeezing your eyes tightly to try and bring yourself back to earth. With a few more deep breaths, you unstraddled Javi, the loss of him inside you making the both of you hiss, crawling up the bed to untie his hands and lay your head on him as he wrapped his newly freed arms around you. 
“Holy fuck…” Javi muttered under his breath, half laughing to himself as he ran his hand over his face before bringing it back down to stroke circles along the bare skin of your back. 
“Was that okay?” You questioned, almost timidly, looking up at his blissed out face. 
“Osita… Jesus Christ, that was fucking incredible. You’re sexy when you’re bossy.” He teased, tickling your ribs, making you squeal and squirm under his touch, peppering you with soft kisses while you swatted at him to make him stop. 
“Oh shut up, you dork.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at him, laying your head back down on his chest after finally getting him to torture you with his tickles. 
“I’m being serious, Hermosa. You know I think your confidence is so fucking sexy. You can boss me around any time.” 
“Any time?” You perked up, mischievous look glistening in your eyes. “So… if I told you to go get me that cupcake from earlier and bring it to me, you’d do it?” 
“I thought you said you didn’t need another one, bossy pants.” Javi smirked, staring back at you in complete and utter adoration. 
“Well, Javier Jesús Peña, turns out you know me better than I know myself. Sooooo… cupcake? Please?” You playfully pouted, batting your lashes at him. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” He laughed, pressing a soft kiss into your messy hair before letting out a sigh as he pushed himself out of the bed, nakedly wandering over to the shelf by your door where he had stashed the cupcakes earlier, bringing them over and climbing back into bed with you. 
“Thank you, you’re the best.” You giggled, giving him a little nudge as you took a big bite of the cupcake, letting out a content sigh. “On another positive note, I definitely think that we’ve given this hotel room a run for its money before we break in our one on the honeymoon in a few months.” 
“Well…” Javi grinned, gently kissing at your neck, up along your jawline, rubbing his hand up your thigh and circling his fingertips at the soft flesh, “A little extra practice never hurt anyone.”
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @dappydelta @blackfemalenerd
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dogpaw8 · 10 months ago
pa q no digan q no les dije jsdjdssdjs
.....no he dibujado tomen esto q hice hace dos semanas
mentado belphie
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neuroconflictos · 3 months ago
Neuroconflictos, el viejo "excéntricos" abre sus puertas una vez más para ayudar a todas aquellas personas que buscan consuelo en las letras.
Se dice que "la mejor terapia para cualquier tipo de dolor, es plasmarlo en arte" ¿Por qué no lo compruebas tú mismo y lo haces junto a nuestra pequeña familia?
[Requisitos para formar parte de neuroconflictos]:
Usar WhatsApp. [Esto es importante, ya que se lleva un control del blog en dicha app].
Tener un buen nivel ortográfico [No buscamos perfección pero necesitamos que sepan un poco más de lo básico, el resto puedes aprenderlo junto a nosotros].
Tener disponibilidad de tiempo para escribir a la semana y compromiso con el blog.
Ser original en sus escritos, no aceptamos el plagio.
Oportunidad de crecimiento. [Actualmente contamos con 4 blogs en los que podrás reblogear las publicaciones de tu blog personal y darte a conocer, cabe mencionar que nuestro blog principal cuenta con más de 100k seguidores].
Capacidad para convertirte en administrador del blog si presentas la actitud necesaria para el cargo.
¿Sencillo, no? A los interesados en unirse al blog deben mandar: un escrito [o lo que quieran imagenes, gifs, poemas, etc.] acompañado por los motivos que quieren unirse, esto debes mandarlo mediante un "ask o colaboración" a @neuroconflictos.
La convocatoria cuenta con dos fases de aceptación, la primera cierra el día 16 de Diciembre y la siguiente será comprendida a partir del 17 de Diciembre y se mantendrá abierto hasta febrero de 2025, los seleccionados serán contactados al día siguiente de haber terminado la convocatoria, les deseamos mucha suerte en esta travesía.
Primera aceptación 16 de diciembre.
Cualquier tipo de duda pueden escribir a @declive y @fragmentos-literarixs o mandar un ask al blog con su duda.
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega, esta ocasión os hablaré del castillo de Takeda dicho esto pongase comodo que empezamos. - El castillo, se localiza en la ciudad de Asago, prefectura de Hyogo, data del siglo XV del periodo Muromachi, en este periodo podemos encontrar el clan del shogun Ashikaga, fue construido por Sozen Yamana, el daimyo de la provincia. - Entre sus Restos podemos encontrar : Muros de piedra, fosos, pozos , también fue escenario de la batalla entre el ejército de Hidenaga Hashiba y el ejército de Terunobu Otagaki. - ¿Dónde se localiza el castillo Takeda? Se localiza en el monte Kojo, Oda Nobunaga derrotó al castillo con su ejército en varias ocasiones en el siglo XVI, mientras que Hideyoshi Hashiba tomaba el castillo de Ueda, su hermano pequeño Hidenaga Hashiba condujo a 3000 soldados al castillo de Takeda y marchó desde el paso de Mayumi hasta Tajima , el 28 de octubre de 1600 el castillo takeda fue abandonado. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón que pasen una buena semana. - 日本の考古学者を歓迎します。今回は竹田城についてお話ししますので、楽にしていてください。 - 兵庫県朝来市にあるこの城は、15世紀の室町時代に遡り、この時代には将軍足利氏の一族を見出すことができ、県内大名の山名宗全が築城したものである。 - 羽柴秀長軍と太田垣輝信軍の戦いの舞台にもなった。 - 竹田城はどこにあるのですか?古城山に位置し、16世紀には織田信長が何度も軍を率いて城を破り、羽柴秀吉が上田城を手に入れる一方、弟の羽柴秀長が3000人の兵を率いて竹田城に入り、真弓峠から但馬に進軍、1600年10月28日に竹田城は放棄された。 - また、次の記事でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome Japanese archaeologists to a new installment, this time I will tell you about Takeda Castle, so make yourself comfortable and let's get started. - The castle, located in the city of Asago, Hyogo prefecture, dates back to the 15th century Muromachi period, in this period we can find the clan of the shogun Ashikaga, it was built by Sozen Yamana, the daimyo of the province. - Among its remains we can find: stone walls, moats, wells, it was also the scene of the battle between the army of Hidenaga Hashiba and the army of Terunobu Otagaki. - Where is Takeda Castle located? It is located on Mount Kojo, Oda Nobunaga defeated the castle with his army several times in the 16th century, while Hideyoshi Hashiba took Ueda castle, his younger brother Hidenaga Hashiba led 3000 soldiers to Takeda castle and marched from Mayumi pass to Tajima, on 28 October 1600 Takeda castle was abandoned. - I hope you liked it and see you in the next Japan posts have a nice week.
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littlegirlovhazz · 2 years ago
My Military 💚🪖
Oioi Gostosinhas!
Aqui está a one do Louis militar, recebi um plot na ask mas acho que no final não ficou tão parecido, por que não sei fazer personagens muito provocadoras, mas espero que gostem mesmo assim.
Prometo que a parte dois de Bad boy sai no máximo na próxima semana e se você nem sabe do que to falando, te convido a ler minhas ones fixadas no perfil.
Relaxem e gozem com esse Louis gostoso e uma Harry bem submissinha.
Avisos: hinter, age gap, desuso de camisinha, leve spanking, Harry utiliza os dois pronomes (ela/ele), palavras de baixo calão como: boceta, xotinha, cuzinho e etc.
Hazzy: 21
Lou: 34
Harry era uma garoto mimado, no sentido material, já que não tinha atenção alguma de seu pai e sua mãe havia falecido quando ela era bebê. Cresceu dentro de um sistema rígido já que seu pai era um militar, sempre teve uma boa vida, com dinheiro. Ele se mudava constantemente para sua segurança, principalmente após seu pai virar um capitão. Mas dessa vez seu pai estava sendo caçado, realmente em perigo e ela se sentiu assustada, ele não queria morrer.
Por viver sempre com a rédia curta, Harry não aproveitou como gostaria, para ajudar ele não era um garoto comum, ele tinha um segredo no meio de suas pernas e é claro que isso nunca poderia cair na mídia, seria uma vergonha pra um capitão do exército ter um filho intersexual. Seu pai lhe dava dinheiro para comprar milhares de camisolas e coisas femininas, desde que ele (ou ela, não importava) usasse roupas consideradas masculinas em público. Claro que Harry odiava, ele começou q fugir de casa aos 16 anos, mudava todo seu rosto com maquiagem, colocava lentes castanhas para esconder os lindos e inconfundíveis olhos verdes, suas saias curtinhas e ninguém nem desconfiava que ele era um garoto inter, ele teve sua primeira vez com um garoto de sua escola, que nem ao menos imaginava que aquele era Harry.
Mas nos últimos 2 meses ele não saia de casa, a segurança tinha redobrado, seu pai também saia muito pouco e sempre com o carro blindado e soldados o acompanhando, Harry nem queria saber o que estava acontecendo, ela já estava assustada o suficiente, mas quando o soldado mais fiel de seu pai a acordou as 3 horas da manhã dizendo que eles precisavam sair imediatamente, ela se sentiu fielmente desamparada, ela foi colocada em um carro e levada para o interior da Inglaterra, não havia absolutamente nada além do chalé que ela estava, o lago e as árvores. Era extremamente frio, não importa quantas camadas de roupas colocava e o aquecedor ligado, parecia que ela estava sempre gelada, talvez fosse o fato de que ela estava sozinha a horas, o soldado a deixou e disse que seu pai foi para o outro lado do país e entregou a carta onde homem disse que estava sendo perseguido pelo exército inimigo, que alguém viria para tomar conta dela, alguém importante e que devia um favor a ele.
Ninguém havia chego até o momento, Harry estava com um conjunto de moletom verde escuro, deixando seus olhos extremamente claros. O chalé por dentro era bonito, moderno e aconchegante, totalmente diferente de sua fachada, uma pena que ele estava ali pra que não seja morto ou sequestrado e torturado. Ele não tinha um telefone, porque poderiam rastrear, seu pai disse na carta que mandaria um novo que não poderia ser rastreado.
Foi quando a noite já caía que ela ouvi o alarme ser desativado e a porta aberta, o homem de uniforme militar entrou, seu cabelo estava bagunçado, era aparado nas laterais e maior em cima com leves fios brancos o salpicando, ele carregava uma mochila, o rosto era perfeito e anguloso, os olhos azuis pareciam cansados e Harry viu a insígnia e o reconheceu imediatamente, Coronel Tomlinson, o homem mais jovem a se tornar Coronel, com apenas 34 anos, isso era muitíssimo jovem dentro do exército, mas ele se destacou de forma gigantesca.
Harry estava sendo protegido pela porra do melhor soldado do exército, com foi quem seu pai se meteu?
O mais novo levantou rapidamente batendo continência ao Coronel e o mesmo sorriu de lado mas esse sorriso logo se desfez em uma careta de dor, e a garota percebeu que o rosto estava começando a ter um hematoma mas foi quando olhou pra baixo e viu a mancha de sangue se espalhando pelo uniforme e as pernas do mais velho bambearem que ela correu para ajudar, o homem se apoiou em seus braços para não cair.
- Por favor, arme o alarme novamente… Eu que deveria estar te acudindo… Desculpe menino, tudo dói. - Harry o sentou no sofá de couro branco e colocou a senha novamente seguido de sua digital, ele aumentou o aquecedor, pegou a maleta de primeiros socorros, água para ele beber, água quente e um saco de gelo voltando para o sofá. Ela não queria pensar que era Tomlinson ali.
O homem parecia exausto e machucado, como se estivesse no campo de batalha e precisasse se arrastar até aqui. Harry pegou um algodão e o mergulhou na água quente.
- C-com licença, Coronel. - Tomlinson olhou aquele garoto, sua voz era tão doce, seus traços delicados, parecia um anjo, ele limpou um pouco seu rosto e passou uma pomada no hematoma, pedindo que ele pressionasse o saco de gelo, sendo extremamente gentil e passou a abrir os botões de sua camisa camuflada e mesmo morrendo de dor, os pensamentos daquelas mãos o despindo, fizeram seu pau começar a endurecer, ele não podia.
Harry se assustou com a mancha de sangue, mas não teve como não reparar como ele era tonificado, perfeito, na medida certa.
- Foi um tiro, de raspão. - Ela concordou e cortou a regata, prendendo a respiração ao ver os músculos do peito e pensar como seria lamber ali, limpou a fissura em sua costela devagar e avisou antes de jogar o álcool. Tinha estado na presença do Coronel poucas vezes, ele praticamente não falava, era rígido e extremamente respeitado, toda vez que Harry o via ela prendia a respiração, ele era tão… homem, sempre a tratou com muito respeito e ela se sentia tão suja por observá-lo de longe, os braços fortes as vezes marcados no uniforme de gala, ou aquela bunda gostosa em uma calça militar, sempre imaginou como seria ser fodida por ele. Ela costurou o corte que a bala fez enquanto engolia em seco e foi buscar mais água e um sanduíche.
Ele comeu enquanto o garoto arrumava as coisas, Tomlinson pensava no quanto ele era delicado e quando ele se abaixou e a calça se moletom se agarrou em sua bunda, ela era tão redonda.. ele se sentiu um pervertido, o garoto deveria ter uns 20 anos, o que ele estava pensando? Toda vez que o via, se sentia estranho, com um tesão de adolescente em seus poros, como se o menino tivesse uma magia que o atraía, os olhos verdes sempre o observavam com cautela e tudo que o coronel queria era o foder olhando em seus olhos, até mesmo seu cheiro de melancia o deixava louco na mesma medida que o relaxava.
O cansaço atravessava seu corpo agora que ele havia sentado e seus cortes foram limpos e cuidados, ele não deixava as pessoas fazerem isso por ele, mas ele caminhou 20km pra chegar aqui, seu carro começou a ser perseguido, então era mais seguro que ele deixasse o seu soldado para escapar com o carro para o outro lado do país e ele viesse a pé, seus olhos estava muito pesados, ele só precisava de algumas horas de sono e estaria inteiro e pronto novamente.
Quando Harry se virou, o Coronel estava completamente capotado, seu sono era tão profundo que pela primeira vez a garota viu seu rosto relaxado.
Ela limpou tudo e foi em direção a seu quarto e depois de um banho bem quente ela vestiu uma de suas camisolas, essa era azul rendada, seus peitinhos podiam ser vistos pela renda, a calcinha era da mesma cor e toda transparente, ela também tinha seus cremes e diversas coisas, por que sempre tinha tudo separado para caso precisasse sair depressa.
Algumas horas depois ela estava com muita sede, havia esquecido de pegar água, ela escutou o chuveiro do quarto ao lado e decidiu que estava tudo bem ir até a cozinha bem rapidinho, ela colocou o robe de cetim e seguiu até lá.
Estava um breu apenas a lua prateada iluminando, já devia ser de madrugada, mas ela se sentia tão alerta, o tempo todo. Havia um passarinho na janela, ele era bonito e estava comendo as migalhas de pão que a garota espalhou ali mais cedo.
- Harry? - Seu corpo congelou, congelou tanto que o copo se espatifou no balcão. - Garoto, você esta bem?
Foi então que ela virou, ela não tinha como escapar. Os olhos do Coronel passaram por cada centímetro do seu corpo, como se estivesse o vendo pela primeira vez. Ela estava travada, completamente travada.
- Harry? - Ele chamou calmamente, ele não parecia bravo, ela nem podia imaginar como seu pau pulsava na calça por ver ele em cetim azul, suas pernas eram longas, bem branquinhas, sua cintura era fininha, o rosto iluminado pela lua era perfeito, ele nunca havia reparado muito no garoto, ele era muito novo e agora parecia extremamente assustado.
- M-me desculpe, Senhor. - O Coronel se encontrava muito confuso, por que ele estava pedindo desculpas?
- Desculpe pelo que? E pode ser só Louis, eu não sou tão velho, sou? - Harry corou em um rosa lindo. Velho? Aquele homem podia ser muita coisa, mas não velho, ele era na verdade extremamente gostoso, ainda mais em apenas uma calça militar, o colar de identificação, com o cabelo molhado do banho e os pés descalços.
- M-minha roupa… Eu, eu não… - Louis deu um passo na direção dele, ele parecia um coelhinho assustado quando se encolheu.
- Ei.. eu sou tão mal visto assim? Não a problema algum com a sua roupa. - O mais novo era tão bonito, os olhos verdes tão claros e sua pele parecia tão suave que ele não resistiu em levar sua mão aquele rosto.
A pele era tão macia, os olhos enormes agora estavam fixos nele e tinham uma curiosidade divina, ele esperava encontrar inocência pura, mas não, eles estavam queimando e Louis não resistiu ao se aproximar do corpo macio, encontrando suas bocas.
Harry estava assustada, mas o Coronel era tão delicioso que ela não resistiu, a língua pediu passagem e ela levou as mãos para o fios curtos, não podia acreditar que aquela boca rosada e macia estava na sua, ela amava beijar, amava o arrepio em seu corpo, a língua molhada com a sua, tomando tudo de si. As mãos fortes estavam em sua cintura e ele a apertou, levantando até que estivesse sentada na bancada. Ela se sentiu desesperada, mas as mãos cheias de veias e ásperas estava em suas coxas lisinhas, a boca gostosa desceu até seu pescoço, uma mordida foi depositada e logo depois a língua macia aliviou a dorzinha.
Louis levou as mãos ao cordão do robe e Harry choramingou alto quando ele abriu, os peitos dele era bem grandinhos e seus bicos estavam durinhos e vermelhos pela renda em contato direto, o olhos azuis estavam fascinados e o homem se encontrava travado com aquela visão. Mas foi impedido quando o mais novo fechou o robe e ameaçou descer da bancada.
- Desculpe, desculpe mesmo, Coronel. - Louis o impediu de descer o segurando.
- O que aconteceu? Por que ainda está pedindo desculpas coelhinho? - As bochechas dele coraram pelo apelido, mas ele parecia assustado e o desespero bateu no homem de que provavelmente ele não queria nada com um velho. - Oh Meu Deus, desculpe Harry, você não quer isso? Eu te forcei? Meu Deus… me perdoe.
Ele deu alguns passos se afastando daquele corpo mas Harry se desesperou ainda mais se agarrando em seu pescoço e o puxando de volta, colocando a cabeça em seu pescoço e tendo seus cachos afagados pelo homem.
- C-claro que não… e-eu quero tanto, quero desde quando te vi pela primeira vez. - Ela sentiu seus olhos úmidos. - Só estou com medo quando você descobrir que não sou um garoto.. normal. Eu-eu estou tão molhada, Coronel. - Louis puxou o rosto de seu pescoço ainda fazendo carinho e a olhou com dúvida. - Sou inter.. intersexual. T-tenho uma.. uma… sabe? Uma florzinha.
Ela se sentia patética enquanto Louis sentia que seu pau ia explodir dentro da calça, pq afinal ele não tinha preferência alguma se ele, ela, tinha um pau ou uma boceta, ele só queria foder aquele corpo. As lágrimas estavam presas em seus olhos e o homem percebeu que estava completamente estático, então tratou de aproximar a boca do ouvido dela, ele nem ao menos precisava disso por que estavam completamente sozinhos.
- Oh Coelhinha, você acha mesmo que ligo se você tem uma bocetinha gostosa? Eu vou chupar ela e foder você toda, eu posso? - Harry sentiu um arrepio em seu corpo inteiro, seu melzinho molhou a calcinha que usava e ela se agarrou ainda mais a ele.
- Sim.. por favor, Coronel… por favor. - Ela implorou mesmo sabendo que não precisava, mas estava extasiada por alguém querer ela do jeito certo, sem máscaras e disfarces. - Fode minha bucetinha.
Ele tirou o robe do corpo dela devagar, vendo ela ser iluminada pela luz prateada da lua, olhando apropriadamente dessa vez, a camisola era toda transparente e dava pra ver a calcinha da mesma cor, ela tinha uma borboleta tatuada na barriga, a cintura delicada podia ser vista, as coxas grossinhas estavam abertas e porra.
- Vou te destruir. - Ele agarrou os cachos e colou suas bocas, com uma única mão ele a fez rondear as pernas em seus tronco e a levantou, nem ao menos ligava para o corte da bala ardendo, não ia tirar os lábios dos dela por um segundo, desceu, beijando seu pescoço e maltrarando o local, andando com ela segura em suas mãos.
Chegando ao quarto do Coronel que tinha todo o cheiro dele e fazia Harry se sentir bêbada, ele a colocou no chão e a fez se ajoelhar. Segurando em seus cachos o tempo todo e fazendo ela olhar em seus olhos. Ele era o caralho de uma visão, o tronco bonito e definido, os olhos azuis eletrizantes e o cabelo bagunçado, ele abriu a calça apenas para tirar o cacete pingando pré-gozo pra fora, era cheio de veias, grosso, com a cabeça vermelha e brilhante, ela era lisinha e parecia tão gostosa que a boca da garota encheu de saliva, ela se apressou para por na boca mas o tapa certeiro em sua bochecha a impediu.
- Eu deixei você chupar? Eu te autorizei? - Ele tinha uma expressão fechada no rosto e os olhos estavam pegando fogo.
- Não Coronel, desculpe. - Ele fez um carinho aonde tinha dado um tapa.
- Não seja uma puta desesperada, eu mando aqui e você vai obedecer, não é coelhinha? - Ela colocou as mãos sobre as coxas grossas e definidas dele e concordou, o tecido da calça era grosso e quando ele a fodesse ia raspar em toda a pele dela. - Chupe, até o final, eu quero que você mame bem gostoso e bem babado, certo? Se você fechar os olhos, eu vou estapear essa bunda até ficar roxa.
Harry concordou novamente com a cabeça e recebeu outro tapa.
- Palavras vadia, eu vou ter que te ensinar tudo? - Ele segurou os cachos com força agora e com a outra mão guiou o pau para boquinha com lábios vermelhinhos e inchados pelos beijos e mordidas.
Ele pincelou a boquinha toda com a cabeça de seu pau a manchando com seu líquido, Harry lutou para manter os olhos nele quando sugou a cabecinha, o gosto era tão incrível. Ela mamou devagar, brincando com a língua a sua volta e desceu por todo aquele pau grosso, babando em excesso e o acaricindo com a língua macia. Louis jogou a cabeça pra trás em deleite com aquela boca.
- Caralho Coelhinha, tão quente essa boquinha, será que você vai ser macia em todos os lugares, princesa? - Ela agora fodia a garganta naquele pau, levando todinho na boca, a saliva com pré-gozo escorria pelo seu pescoço e os olhos verdes estavam cheios de lágrimas e quando ele começou a estocar em sua boca sua boceta pingou mais na calcinha e ela podia começar a sentir o meio de suas coxas ficar pegajoso, ele era bruto e toda vez que ele batia de levinho em seu rosto e jogava a cabeça pra trás gemendo um som delicioso, ela pulsava mais. - Porra, você vai engolir tudo? Hm? Vai engolir todo o leite que seu macho vai te dar?
Ela concordou com seu pau ainda na boca e ele gozou forte em sua boca, gemendo seu nome longamente e Harry teve que apertar sua boceta entre as coxas pra não gozar só ao ter a visão dele esporrando. O Coronel não perdeu tempo, a puxando pelo braço e a jogando na cama, a camisola tinha um fecho na frente que ele tratou de abrir e a deixar só de calcinha e se surpreendeu ao alinhar seu rosto e perceber como ela estava encharcada, todo o tecido transparente estava manchado com seu líquido.
- Pingando tesão, coelhinha? - E rasgou a calcinha delicada para vislumbrar aquela xota gostosa, os lábios gordinhos brilhando e o clítoris inchado chamavam por sua boca.
Ela gritou tão algo quando o Coronel passou a lamber todo seu melzinho, chupando o seu grelinho e brincando com sua língua, dando mordidinhas em seu clítoris. Ele comia aquela boceta com vontade, descendo sua língua até a entradinha e podendo perceber como ela era apertada, ele forçou a língua pra dentro e Harry ergueu as costas da cama.
- Oh Coronel, você me chupa tão gostoso, sua língua é deliciosa, muito obrigada. - O pau de Louis não ousou amolecer e ouvir ela agradecendo a ele, fez com que uma gota de pré-gozo pingasse da cabeça babada. Ele desceu a língua até seu cuzinho e a garota pulou assustada.- Eu-Eu nunca, não ai, nunca…
Tomlinson fez um carinho em sua coxa a acalmando.
- Só vou te lamber, coelhinha, mas quando você quiser eu vou te foder aqui. - Ele disse colocando o dedo no buraquinho virgem. - E você vai gostar tanto, que vai querer estar sempre cheia, eu vou gozar lá dentro e colocar um plug de rabinho, pra combinar com a minha coelhinha gostosa.
Quando terminou de falar caiu de boca, lambendo o cuzinho e ousando enfiar a pontinha da língua ali, voltando para xotinha encharcada quando as pernas dela começaram a tremer, ele passou a estapear suas coxas e chupar com mais força e sentiu ela molhar mais e gritar que estava gozando. Foi a cena mais linda que Louis já viu, as bochechas coradas, as mãos enfiadas em seu cabelo e o grito profundo em sua garganta, quando soltou ela, a garota começou a chorar.
- Coronel.. Por favor, fode minha xotinha, eu preciso, por favor.. por favor! - Ele subiu em cima dela ainda com as calças e só cacete para fora e beijou todo o rostinho, pegando suas lágrimas, ele roçou o pau na boceta encharcada fazendo com que Harry tremesse.
- Oh minha garotinha, claro que eu vou foder você, vou foder agora, você vai aguentar? Hm?
- Eu vou Coronel. - Ela estava tão manhosa e toda vez que ela o chamava de coronel fazia seu pau querer explodir, naquele tom ela acabou com a sanidade de Louis, ele empurrou devagar. Ela era absurdamente apertada.
- Hm princezinha, você é tão apertada. Se não soubesse que você é uma vadia, diria que é uma virgenzinha. - Quando as bolas bateram na bunda dela, Louis passou a arrematar forte.
Ele fodeu olhando naqueles olhos, a admirando como se ela fosse a porra de uma Deusa, ela era divina, a porra do paraíso. A xota era tão apertada e quente, extremamente quente, as unhas curtas arranharam o pescoço dele, e sua coelinha era tão atrevida que desceu as mãos até apertar sua bunda por dentro da calça, o empurrando para que fodesse mais forte. A calça roçava nas coxas macias, deixando a pele vermelha.
- Uma vagabunda, vou te encher com tanta porra Harry, que você vai sentir sua barriga inchar. - Ele disse batendo na cara dela e sentindo ela arranhar todas a suas costas, enquanto a garota pirava com aquela corrente batendo em seu rosto, ele virou os corpos na cama sem sair de dentro dela. - Cavalga pro seu Coronel, minha putinha.
E Harry sorriu, deixando suas covinhas amostra, ela apoiou as mãos no peito dele e começou a rebolar enquanto Louis revirou os olhos, ela apertava a boceta em seu pau e o levando ao céu, aqueles olhos verdes, os cachos bagunçados, e o jeito que ela levava seu pau, ela foi moldada pra ele. Quando viu os peitos balançando ele se levantou, colocando um deles na boca e mamando com força, passou a destribuir diversos chupões e mordidas antes de abocanhar o outro, mamando, mordendo e sugando com força. Foi quando Harry acelerou os movimentos, o clítoris se esfregando enquanto ela rebolava e sentia aquele pau delicioso pulsar nela.
- Goza Coelinha, goza pro seu Coronel pra eu te encher de leite, minha, só minha gostosa. - Foi o jeito que ele revindicou Harry, que ele disse que ela era dele que a fez esguichar, molhando e expulsando o pau de Louis.
Ele sorriu feliz em ver ela chorando, tremendo e gritando seu nome.
- Dentro, goza na minha xotinha, me deixa suja de você, por favor Amor. - Ela falou tão manhosa que Louis apenas se enfiou de uma vez com ela caída em cima dele enquanto ele arrematava pra cima, ouvindo a voz baixinha dela dizendo “Coronel, goza na sua garotinha, eu preciso” ele esporrou forte olhando em seus olhos e enquanto se liberava ele a beijou, profundo.
Harry acordou horas depois, eles dormiram rapidamente, sujos de gozo, ela acordou com aquele pau roçando na sua bunda e a mão forte apertando seu peito. A cabeça daquele cacete tão gostoso estava bem em seu cuzinho e ela o sentiu piscar, sua xotinha estava ainda suja de porra e ela se sentia quente, ela passou a se mexer fazendo com que a cabecinha molhada de pré-gozo ameaçasse romper seu buraquinho virgem. Ela queria, queria muito.
- Lou… - Ela proferiu baixinho, não queria levar uma negativa.
- Oi princesinha. - Ele respondeu em seu ouvido e ajudando com os movimentos pela cintura. - Você quer?
- Eu quero amor, tenta devagarzinho. - O pré-gozo ajudava a escorregar a cabecinha e Harry relaxou o corpinho, se abrindo bem e engolindo a cabecinha.
Ela não sabia explicar como, ela tentará algumas vezes antes, mas simplesmente não conseguia, mas ela estava necessidade disso, ela se sentia uma vadia tão suja, dando para o Coronel, anos mais velho, dando seu cuzinho, deixando ele beijar seu pescoço, apertar seus peitinhos e esfregar os dedos na sua xota. Ela estava em êxtase e depois de Louis mandar ela cuspir em sua mão e passar por todo seu pau e um pouco bem em seu cuzinho, ele escorregou pouco a pouco pra dentro.
Era surreal pq apenas uma ardidinha leve a incomodava, mas o caralho entrou tão facil, ela estava relaxada e se sentindo tão bem, o tesão dentro dela era inexplicável, um sexo extremamente gostoso. Louis estava maravilhado, o cuzinho dela era tão bom, apertado, quente.
- Minha Coelhinha, você é a melhor, a mais gostosa, ta me deixando maluco. - Ela gemeu manhosa. - Você é tão gostosa, a única que aguenta meu pau bem assim, nunca mais quero foder ninguém, só a minha garotinha gostosa.
- Promete.. Promete Coronel que esse pau só vai entrar na minha xotinha, no meu cuzinho, na minha boquinha, só eu posso ter o seu leitinho? - Ele revirou os olhos fodendo ela devagar e passando a mão por todo o corpo, ele fez ela virar a cabeça, para beijar sua boca de uma forma obscena, cheia de língua e saliva. Harry nunca tinha sido beijada assim.
- Só você, minha garotinha mimada, vou te dar tudo que você quiser. - Harry gemeu, pedindo mais beijos, era tão sujo e intenso.
Eles passaram muito tempo assim, com Louis a fodendo-a de ladinho, cuidando dela, quando ela começou a tremer ele a prensou na cama fodendo seu cuzinho até que ela gozasse e em seguida enchendo-o de porra.
- Vou te comer todas as manhãs, vou te deixar sempre cheia, Minha coelhinha. - Harry sorriu extremamente satisfeita e subiu em seu colo, adormecendo com a cabeça em seu pescoço.
Espero que tenham gostado, essa ficou um pouquinho maior e eu tive uma insegurança com ela. Mas obrigada se chegaram até aqui!
All the love,
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idollete · 1 year ago
 ָ֢ ㅤ  ✧    ㅤ︙   ㅤ۪ㅤ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧     𓂂
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𝑤arnings: conteúdo exclusivo para +16.
ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ elenco lsdln x leitora gravidinha; uso de termos em espanhol (‘la albiceleste’ - a alviceste [apelido popular da seleção argentina]; ‘chaparrito’ - baixinho; ‘me vuelves loco’ - você me deixa louco); menção a sexo; palavrões.
notas da autora: ele demorou mais chegou!!!! irmãs, essa é a minha primeira vez fazendo um headcanon na vida então ocês vão relevando qualquer coisa, dois beijinhos e feliz dia das mulheres di novo!!! ♡
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agustín pardella:
no minuto que você revelou que estava grávida, agustín se tornou o homem mais feliz do mundo, ele te abraçaria apertado, te pegaria no colo e sacudiria, mas quando lembrasse do motivo de toda aquela felicidade, te colocaria no chão de volta, todo preocupado enquanto pedia desculpas e perguntava se o bebê estava bem. 
a princípio, ficaria mais receoso de te tocar de um jeito errado e machucar, pois sabe da sua força e intensidade. 
assim que te via sentindo dor ou quando estava mais introspectiva e/ou dengosa, largaria tudo que estivesse fazendo e te encheria de cafuné.
se transforma na hora do sexo. em um dia específico, depois de te ver insegura com a própria aparência, fez amor contigo, da forma mais doce possível, acariciando todas as suas curvas, especialmente para te lembrar o quanto te apreciava e amava. ele era carinhoso, sem perder a intensidade. 
às vezes, no meio da madrugada, quando vocês não conseguiam dormir, ele te agradeceria do nada e diria que aquele era o melhor presente da vida dele. 
SUUUUUUPER protetor, não te deixaria nem beber um copo de água por conta própria. 
no parto, ele só conseguia pensar que queria pegar toda a sua dor e transferir para o corpo dele, sentia que o coração se partia a cada grito seu e te incentivaria a descontar toda a dor nele.
se emociona muuuito quando você conta a novidade para ele e ficaria sorrindo à toa pelos cantos, todo bobinho, durante a semana inteira (e olhe lá se não pelo resto dos nove meses).
quando você começa a pegar barriga, ele, toda noite, religiosamente, prepararia um banho de banheira para ti. chegaria pertinho e diria daquele jeito apaixonante ‘o banho está pronto, chiquita’.
resistiria a fazer sexo contigo, não por falta de vontade, só receio mesmo, precisaria ser convencido e mesmo depois de aceitar (o que te levaria um tempinho considerável), preferia te dar prazer, principalmente através do oral, sendo delicado e explorando a sua sensibilidade cada vez maior.
tiraria a mesma foto todos os dias para acompanhar a evolução da tua barriga (e faria muitos outros registros também, o novo hobby dele era montar um álbum de fotos, passaria horas e horas revelando as fotografias e organizando o material).
julga (secretamente) todas as combinações bizarras que você faz quando sente desejo, mas sairia no meio da madrugada para comprar o que você pedisse.
a paternidade deixa ele ainda mais reflexivo, você sempre o pegava sentado perto da janela encarando a rua com o pensamento distante, não de um jeito ruim, triste, mas só contemplando a vida de uma forma diferente, apreciando o novo sentimento que a vida dele ganhou, materializado no teu ventre e em ti.
faria questão que a criança tivesse educação bilíngue, no espanhol e no português, porque ele valoriza muito a tua cultura e suas origens. então, desde o comecinho, te incentivava a falar em português com a barriga e ele também faria isso (ele cantaria espatódea toda noite pra tua barriga).
tomaria a frente de todas as suas consultas, exames, remédios etc. ele seria 200% presente, estaria sempre fazendo perguntas aos médicos e sendo participativo. fez até amizade com a sua ginecologista nesse meio tempo! se envolvia em tudo que é oficina, eventos, aulas, e em muitos lugares seria sempre o único homem/pai presente.
ele se esforçava muito para disfarçar, mas tinha um tesão ABSURDO no seu corpo (principalmente nos seus peitos!!!), às vezes se perdia na conversa e ficava encarando eles por um tempão. na hora do sexo, te endeusava dos pés à cabeça. não passava vontade (até porque perguntou a todo médico que conhecia se vocês poderiam transar mesmo), ficava muito tranquilo em ir atrás de ti e te seduzir, gostava ainda mais quando era você que ia atrás dele, toda carentezinha. 
gosta de deitar a cabeça no teu colo e grudar o ouvido na tua barriga, jurando que a qualquer momento iria escutar o bebê ou senti-lo chutando, mas queria também criar um vínculo desde o primeiro dia com a filha, queria que ela reconhecesse a voz dele assim que viesse ao mundo.
chorou horrores no parto. 
morria de preocupação a cada movimento que você fazia, não tirava a sua autonomia, mas ficava em cima para garantir a sua segurança.
fernando contigiani:
pai de menina!!!!
descobriu que você estava grávida antes mesmo de ouvir de ti de tão bem que te conhecia, mas esperou que você revelasse.
ele já era o cara mais encantador e cavalheiro do mundo, mas conseguiu se superar durante a gravidez. te levava café na cama, massageava os seus pés inchados toda noite, te colocava na banheira e te dava banho quando você estava cansada (e quando não estava também). tendo a oportunidade, pediria férias do trabalho para ficar o tempo inteiro contigo em casa.
o sexo não era um problema para ele, fernando é um homem racional e não precisou que ninguém dissesse o que poderia e não poderia ser feito, ele já sabia de tudo. não hesitava em chegar por trás de ti, cheirar a tua nuca e apertar suas coxas, te dizia o quanto você era linda, o quanto te queria e sussurrava tudo que pretendia fazer contigo naquela noite. 
recitava poesias ou lia algum clássico da literatura para ti e para a sua barriguinha toda noite.
no parto, te incentivava a cada segundo, dizia o quão orgulhoso estava de ti e que você estava indo muito bem, não soltou sua mão em momento nenhum e a única coisa que o fazia sair do teu lado era ir até a o berçário, observar a filhinha de vocês.
pergunta quinhentas vezes no mesmo dia se você está bem, se está sentindo alguma coisa e se, numa escala de 0 a 10, o quão provável era da sua bolsa estourar naquele exato momento. 
todo dia aparecia com um livro ou artigo sobre gravidez/maternidade/paternidade e te contaria todo animadinho as coisas que havia aprendido.
ficava envergonhado de te pedir por sexo e sempre dava um jeito que se esconder no banheiro para se tocar quando a vontade ficava insuportável demais. quando você o pegou no flagra um dia, ele não resistiu e vocês transaram ali mesmo. 
quando sua bolsa estourou, ele te olhou e falou ‘en serio? buenisimo!’, sem se tocar de verdade no que você havia dito. quando ele - enfim - percebeu, começou a correr pelo apartamento, repetindo a lista de itens que vocês precisavam levar para o hospital.
passava HORAS deitadinho contigo, preferencialmente um de frente para o outro e pelados, não de um modo sexual, era afeto na sua forma mais pura. ele te enchia de carinho, beijava o teu rosto, desenhava a tua silhueta com os dedos. podiam ficar em silêncio, conversando, ele cantaria para ti, vocês discutiriam opções de nomes. ele só queria existir contigo e ter sentir juntinho dele, não importava o que estariam fazendo.
teve uma crise de riso quando você disse que estava grávida e depois começou a chorar perguntando se era sério mesmo. 
achou que era brincadeira quando você disse que estava grávida, deu risada e disse ‘aham, e eu nunca mais vou foder contigo na vida’. parou no meio do caminho, estranhando o seu silêncio e foi aí que caiu em si. ficou de boca aberta por minutos, tentando assimilar o que tinha acabado de ouvir. 
no fundo, no fundo, ele se sentia um pouco inseguro com a ideia de ser pai, pensava que por ser muito novo poderia acabar pisando na bola, que precisa amadurecer, ser mais responsável, porque viviam dizendo que ele era menino demais, mas quando vocês foram na primeira consulta e ouviram os batimentos do bebê, ele percebeu que aquela era a coisa mais bonita que poderia ter lhe acontecido.
para te pirraçar, ficava relembrando todas as últimas vezes que vocês transaram, ‘aposto que eu te engravidei daquela vez, lembra? quando você não conseguiu esperar chegar em casa e me implorou ‘pra te foder no carro mesmo’. 
e por falar em sexo, ele também ficou obcecado com as mudanças no seu corpo. um dia, percebendo seus seios maiores, ele parou todo desconcertado na sua frente, coçando a nuca e tentando se lembrar do que queria falar antes daquilo tudo. mais tarde, chegou no seu limite e disse que precisava te foder. 
todos os dias ele contava histórias de vocês dois para a sua barriga. quando se conheceram, o primeiro encontro, a primeira viagem juntos, quando conheceu seus pais, quando te pediu em namoro.
se divertia experimentando todas as coisas estranhas que você tinha desejo de comer, sempre que ia comprar trazia um pouco mais para que vocês dividissem. 
a primeira coisa que faria ao descobrir que você estava grávida seria comprar uma camisa do river e outra da argentina para recém-nascidos (ele é emocionado).
(exala energia de pai de menino!!!!!!) te falaria dos inúmeros planos de levar o filho para jogos, contar sobre como ele viu a grande la albiceleste ganhar a copa do mundo em 2022, ‘chaparrito, foi a última copa do messi, foi épico’.
sentia um fogo de mil incêndios em você, ele literalmente ficava ansioso pelos momentos em que seus hormônios se descontrolavam ou quando você acordava no meio da madrugada e começava a se esfregar nele, cheia de dengo. ele só sabia dizer ‘ay, mami, me vuelves loco’, já abaixando a bermuda e te enchendo de beijos. 
quando ele não conseguia dormir, alternava entre ficar te observando ou pesquisar vários nomes de meninos no google. no dia seguinte, iria aparecer todo sorridente e te mostraria uma lista com +50 nomes (again, emocionado).
faria vários vídeos caseiros, inclusive no dia do parto. ele ficaria te filmando com o maior sorriso na cara enquanto você mandava ele ir tomar no cu de cinquenta formas diferentes. mesmo assim, aquelas filmagens eram o tesouro mais precioso da vida dele.
não deixava ninguém fazer nada no quarto do bebê, colocou na cabeça que ele quem tinha que construir tudo, porque ele que era o pai e o filho iria se sentir melhor no cômodo porque ele que montou tudo do zero. 
santi vaca narvaja:
comemoraria de tudo, chá de fralda, chá revelação, chá de bebê, chá para apresentar o filho aos amigos, mesversário.
às vezes você flagrava ele encarando a sua barriga ou algum presente que haviam ganhado para o bebê com os olhos marejados, ele sempre se emocionava muito com a ideia da paternidade.
quando descobriu que você estava grávida, te pegou no colo e rodopiou pela sala contigo, permanecendo abraço a ti por minutos e minutos, ele transbordava de alegria.
sempre ouvia de várias pessoas que o bebê seria lindo se nascesse com os olhos do pai, mas o maior sonho de santi era que a filha fosse igualzinha a ti, diria que estava ansioso para ter uma versão mini tua pela casa, até no temperamento esquentadinho. 
fazia tudo que você pedia com um sorriso no rosto, mesmo nos seus dias mais estressantes ou quando você explodia com ele sem querer, o tom dele não mudava, ainda era o mesmo santi carinhoso de sempre. 
tinha um tesão absoluto nos seus seios e ele não disfarçava, adorava quando você ficava sem sutiã pela casa, sempre dando um jeito de acabar te fazendo um agrado, seja um carinho com as mãos ou quando te levava na boca (ele adorava te mamar, porque sua sensibilidade estava nas alturas).
nada abalava esse homem, mas ele chorou ao carregar o filho no colo pela primeira vez.
compraria roupas para usar combinandinho com o filho, vocês teriam a criança mais estilosa do mundo.
o maior medo dele? ser pai de menina. quando alguém falava disso, ele começava a pensar em tudo que já tinha aprontado na vida e dizia que se tivesse uma filha, ela só namoraria depois dos trinta e iria para um colégio de freira.
a dinâmica sexual permanecia a mesma, ainda melhor, talvez. simón gostava de te surpreender, sempre aparecia com uma ideia nova, que te estimulasse de um jeito diferente, coisas que vocês nunca haviam testado antes. a favorita dele nem envolvia penetração, ele adorava quando vocês se despiam e se tocavam um em frente ao outro, adora a intimidade diferente que construíram nos nove meses.
pegou mania que ficar com uma mão na sua barriga em tudo que faziam, era reconfortante para ele, era um instinto protetor e também era porque simón ficava absolutamente encantado quando o bebê se mexia. ele parava tudo que estava fazendo, até quando se estivessem no meio da rua, e ficava parado até que sentisse outro chute.
vivia te pirraçando, dizendo que as mulheres adoravam homem que passeava com criança na rua, mas era ele quem ficava se mordendo de ciúmes quando algum amigo seu te encarava de um jeito que ele julgava ser estranho ou demorado demais ou quando diziam que a gravidez te caiu muito bem, olhando especificamente para os seus peitos.
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um-cartao · 2 years ago
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Meta da semana - Parte 16
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diariodeumdesistente · 2 months ago
eram 05:43 e eu estava saindo pra academia e o som da televisão do vizinho me destruiu. antes das seis da manhã e o seu Aílton ouvindo o jornal com o volume mais alto da história e, como todos os outros aspectos da vida cotidiana têm feito nos últimos meses, isso me lembrou você. me lembrou da sua mania irritante de deixar o volume no 42 porque “se esse número é bom o suficiente pra solucionar a questão da vida, do universo e tudo mais, é bom o suficiente pra mim”. eu não devia ter brigado com você naquele dia. nós não estamos em um mundo ficcional pós-apocalíptico. não use argumentos do Guia do Mochileiro das Galáxias contra mim. e abaixa a merda do volume porque vai incomodar os vizinhos. eu sabia que não incomodaria ninguém. o seu Aílton é quase surdo e o casal jovem e atraente demais pra ter filhos adolescentes tem filhos adolescentes que fazem barulho o dia inteiro. eu é que estava incomodado. irritado. estava irritado com você. irritado porque você claramente estava escondendo um segredo (quem diria, né?), irritado com a abstinência, irritado com o governo fazendo merda, irritado com o fato de que você parecia tão bem desde que parou de cheirar e eu igual a um zumbi desesperado por cérebros. eu estava irritado com a sua cobrança constante, com a forma arrogante que você dizia que ficar comigo é pagar pra ver. eu estava irritado porque você assistia TV demais e isso te aliena do que realmente importa. eu estava irritado porque claramente não fazia mais sentido. porque eu tinha entendido que tudo já estava acabado. agora o volume fica no 16. e eu admito que tenho assistido mais do que eu gostaria. eu não abro um livro há semanas e a minha escrita está cada vez mais rara, óbvia e monotemática. a vida sem você é um inferno sem o Diabo pra assumir o controle (a vida sempre foi um inferno, mas pelo menos tinha você pra assumir o controle). um eterno estado de tentativa e erro. de diversão sem compromisso. um ciclo sem fim de enganar pessoas inocentes e usá-las pra amenizar a dor e passar o tempo enquanto espero pela sua volta. só que eu sei que você não vai voltar.
20/12/24 – 06:20 (eu continuo escrevendo pra você, mas na recepção da academia foi novidade)
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