#12th Pass 4
jsrvanna · 6 hours
Vjayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University (VSKU) Recruitment 2024 
Vjayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University (VSKU) Recruitment 2024: Eligible candidates can apply for the posts by visiting the official website. In this article, we have included a link to the application form. You can get more information about how candidates are selected, age requirements, educational qualifications, fees, and other important details in the notification. Vjayanagara Sri…
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
With the language speaking poll, it varies from country (and state/county in the US)
In my area you're required 2 years of a language course
Most kids take it but do the bare minimum or just don't remember it. Usually you grow up knowing that language/being taught it young. Sometimes we learn jt in school and remember enough to keep taking to learn and remember. We usually offer use it or lose it languages, which most kids don't use it and then they lose it and then no one speaks other languages
Huh! That makes sense, actually, i feel like 2 years is not nearly enough to retain enough knowledge, and not even enough to learn a lot. I think when i started studying italian in 4th grade, we didn't even get to subjunctives by the time i was 8th grade, and subjunctives are a surprisingly common form. At least to the way I speak. And even among those who took the elective third language, i know a lot of folks who don't remember a thing about it, i'm assuming because even four years of a once-per-week class isn't enough for retention.
Well, it's sad, at least to me who is linguistically inclined. Quot linguas calles tot homines vales is something i take personally lololol but right! I guess it's the sort of inertion that happens to speakers of a lingua franca, there's no "need" to learn a foreign language, so even those who are talented for languages might never find out :/
Well, I hope thanks to globalisation, at least those who like foreign languages can find ways to learn even outside of formal schooling :>
#i think you'll notice easily that i'm a bit in love with foreign languages and really defend languages as a subject in school with my life#i once saw (a native eng speaker) call foreign language subjects joke classes and useless and i felt like maiming lmao#but i feel like i totally understand what you mean#it's one thing with english - it's a mandatory 2nd language from 1st to 12th grade in my country#which means that it's standardised and you're always learning more and more and more and thanks to media#you're bound to retain it. i even had it in preschool !#and a related digression but it also depends on the age you give students a foreign language - the older we get the harder it is to learn#a language. not impossible but just more difficult. i think a huge part of the reason why i'm fluent is because of the fact that i started#learning when i was 4 years old. the third language is an elective in most 4th-8th grade classes and kids get to choose#between italian and german usually (a friend of mine took french tho) and despite the fact that they're languages we do get exposed to#but i tell you most kids i know don't remember anything. depending on the high school you either get a mandatory 3rd language or a#mandatory 3rd and 4th. again italian and/or german. but those tortured souls in classic gymnasiums had latin and ancient greek </3#even from my hs class i don't know many folks who remember much italian. it's dependant on the kid's will to learn when there's not as much#time or focus on the class bc yknow. we took the same classes yet i'm quite comfortable majoring in a language my friends can barely#introduce themselves in. such is life. i'd love languages to be more focused on especially in these times of globalisation but well#i guess it'll just always be harder to implement a focus on anything non-english#bc it's considered one of the only useful language there's the inertion in anglo countries#and the unwillingness to bother in non-anglo countries#at least in mine where kids have like 17 other subjects i can see why they'd to the bare minimum for 3rd language#even i - linguistically inclined as i am - passed on the opportunity to take french in hs because i just had enough on my plate#asks
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This is why NO ONE pays for their ticket
The bus driver passed my stop and is trying to gaslight me into believing that it doesn't exist even though it was on the fucking screen
I am currently in the middle of nowhere waiting for the route to start again so I can go home 😭😭😭
Not to mention that nearly all busses have broken windows and arrive at best 20 minutes late
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d4rkpluto · 4 months
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏʙꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ
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paid chart readings
these are observations i've made due to people i've been around and celebrity charts i have looked at x
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♇ scorpio placements like to be praised for everything they've done.
♇ online personalities who have really loud personas usually have a sag placements, ex berleezy, trap celeb, oli london, ekane etc...
♇ during a solar return chart having a stellium or more than 4+ planets in your 1h means you will REALLY be in your head, might face a lot of mental challenges.
♇ people with beneficial planets in their 9h ex jupiter or venus, specifically, usually do okay within in education, like no matter how back they are, they always pass
♇ pisces placements can RAMBLE and talk for a long time without actually saying anything.
♇ pisces mars men, the worst. the ones i've come across usually don't know what they want. but pisces mars women >>>
♇ aries degrees, specifically the 13th degree could insinuate you could be the first person to do something. janice dickson has the 25th degree and she is known as the first supermodel, beverly johnson has the 1st degree and is known as the first black supermodel, eva is the first black woman to win america's next top model and she has the 13th degree.
♇ sagittarius placements... laughing and smiling for no reason...
♇ leo moons and having hair that grows fast. for example, my brother and my nephew are both leo moons and they can cut their hair and a month later it grows back to their shoulders. i believe this could apply to 5H moons.
♇ those who have their 12h ruler conj or positively aspect their moon do become famous, [moon rules over audience] ariana grande has moon conj venus and megan has moon conj mars. if there's a negative aspect, it is still a fame indicator, but they would like get their fame after, for example chapelle roan who has moon square mercury.
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♇ a lot of cancer asc men are insecure. the ones i know pity themselves so much too.
♇ much sag sun women like to dance, could be sag in big 6 + jupiter as well
♇ a fixed sign specifically scorpio in the 11h is a strong indicator of having a big online platform. but the one that is stronger than that is having moon in the 11h, most people that have this placement or even cancer in the 11h told me that they have a big platform.
♇ people with saturn or lilith in the 7h might be put into uncomfortable situations with their friend and their friends s/o, like their s/o might always likes them.
♇ uranus in 3h people might like to make up languages? or learn new ones
♇ your jupiter persona chart can talk to you about your future spouse as jupiter is the main planet to look at when it comes to your wife/husband.
♇ nara smith has jupiter in cancer and her spouse is very domestic and traditional, he even helped her give birth to their newest child, whimsy lou.
♇ dove cameron has a gemini ascendant with the 12th degree [pisces degree] probably why people say she has so many faces, she also has a heavy 8h which points to she got many procedures, khloe kardashian has a gemini moon and is also said to have many faces, also have pluto in the 8h.
♇ scorpio placements really dont like it when you enter their room all the time.
♇ a lot of dhanistha moon women have upturned eyes, or like to wear eyelashes that give them that look.
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♇ people who have moon in the 11h do friend-crush a lot.
♇ aries venuses are the type to hate the people they crush on, their feelings can be quick changing but it is still intense!
♇ the reason some virgo and cancer ascendants are normally confused with each other is because they both have cat faces.
♇ its funny that when jupiter in taurus was at its peak which is the 29th degree, chef-influencers became more known on social media.
♇ people with a strong sag+virgo combination could be obsessed with perfecting their future
♇ people with scorpio/aries in their chart are likely to become alcoholics.
♇ saturn in cancer natives are likely to be less submissive to men.
♇ people with moon in the 11h or have cancer in their 11h tend to have big followers online [can work if the ruler of your 11h is in cancer]
♇ the "rumours" are true, aries venuses do get disinterested pretty quickly.
♇ the 6H in astrology can tell you what kind of skills you have, for example, if you have a venusian ruled 6H [Libra, Taurus, Venus in 6H], you could be talented a makeup, fashion etc.
+ the kalogeras sisters have leo/sun influence in their chart and they're known for their curly hair, [leo rules the mane].
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paid chart readings
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lilacstro · 4 months
astro observations pt 11
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literally had a dream about two of the pointers lmao so i thought I have to do this!!
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1.Sun in 8th house people, are extreme. Either they would be extremely motivated or they won't care at all. My brother has this placement and guess he is in wont care his at all era lmao
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2.Often seen when someone's sun falls in your 8th house, you might have an unexplainable attraction to the person, and unexplainable feelings about them, sometimes often wanting to over give to them without explanations. However, in any form of relationship, you both end up transforming each other, and in some cases things end in extreme forms between both of you, like for example in an extremely emotionally charged situations, huge conflict of feelings and ending up hurting each other etc. I don't recommend this one tbh lmao. This in just my personal opinion never ends well for so many reasons that it deserves a single post lol
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3.Your 4th house can show your relationship to your past. People with Scorpio in 4th house may hold resentment to the past but transform themselves out of it and not really cling to it like most people would think. Clinging to the past more so feels like Pisces 4th house thing, but not always. In fact, they can be very empathetic towards themselves and their past. They may even dream about past events in their life often. Can make a separate post on this one again.
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4.Often seen people with Jupiter in 4th house are hopeful about the future, no matter what they have been through. They are usually infact very optimistic and make good things happen for themselves with this attitude, sooner or later
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5.Having Jupiter in any subconscious house (4/8/12) is again a sign of having a good heart and intentions, and having some kind of hope and optimism. Like, people with Jupiter in 8th house would be going through the worst phases of their life and yet be kind and helping to others around them, have hopes that all of this would pass, even if it doesnt feel like so in the moment.
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6. Someone having water placements in 2 or all of the subconscious houses esp 8 and 12 can be really, really intuitive. This also makes me think they are more prone to feeling energies and having mental health problems
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7. Having Cancer/Pisces in 8th or 12th house, can mean you can connect with your ancestors or they connect with you more than you think, through dreams, intuitive nudges and things like that. I think this even more amplified if you have these in the 12th house
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8. There is something with 11th house stelliums and everyone wanting to be their friend. My sister has this placement and despite of being an introvert she manages to have some really good friends, its like she doesnt even have to do much, people just find her and make friends with her.
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9. People with 8th/12th house stellium or even personal planets in those houses and feeling like lone wolf in a crowd full of people. Its like feeling no matter who is by your side, in the end, you have to go through everything alone and do everything alone and it can get frustrating at times.
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10. People with Jupiter in 1st house have a really good sense of humor. I have seen this in charts of two people tbh. I would also say this for people with Mercury-Jupiter aspects
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11. Whereas people with Mercury dominance or Mercury as chart ruler/1st/2nd/3rd house can have peak level sarcasm and dish it out fast at times lmao Like bro how do you even come up with that thought so fast.
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12. Wherever Sagittarius is in your chart can show what you may change and leave behind often and can't really be tamed about. Sag in 1st? FREEDOM, these people would also change their personality and everything overall whenever they feel they need to plus points if you have pluto in sag in 1st house, and transform into someone new. Sag in 11th, changing friend groups and social environments whenever necessary or felt like so, like wont really think very deep about leaving a friend behind until its really serious for them. Sag in 10th? Changing multiple careers and jobs
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13. Venus conjunct mercury people may actually not just flirt but fall for flirts too lmao. I think at times, this can also translate to being able to fall in love with someone online or just through texting.
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14. I dont know if I have said this but one of the OG placements for keeping emotions coming on face and being able to keep a poker face throughout are Capricorn moons fr. Like they may go through a swindle and tsunami of emotions but keep such a straight face lmao. Unbothered queen/kings (surficial though). Its either because they don't know how to express their emotions or they just restrict them on purpose, and guess what it never ends well and they need to break this cycle.
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astroismypassion · 11 months
Astrology observations ❇️❇️❇️
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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❇️Cancer Juno often has a nagging, a bit complaining partner that demanding. I think Cancer placements will do a lot of providing and effort, however they are even more demanding in return. They will keep you safe, as long as you are doing your own part of them, which is not always an easy task.
❇️I noticed people with Libra over the 4th house (also Libra IC, IC at a Libra degree (7, 19) tend to mingle with a lot of posh people at least at some point in life. Their friends might even consider the Libra 4th house native as posh. These people often either went to the top school in the country, had the opportunities to mingle with high profile people in their younger years.
❇️Capricorn over the 4th house and Capricorn over the 7th house are few of the most regimented people I've observed. They usually had a strict school schedule that they had to keep up with, lots of clubs and extracurricular activities. They also sometimes appear a bit socially awkward due to so many schedules, like you get the feel like the person was just busy a lot of the times and didn't have as much free time as perhaps others.
❇️Pisces Moon people, especially if it's also in the 12th house and Pisces IC people have a tendency to rely on assistance. Like someone from the family, a friend, a partner. They might have been a bit co-dependent on a parent. The parent might had the need to be wanted/needed all the time, so they did things instead of the child (the Pisces native). Which ended up making the Pisces native lost, disoriented and not having the know how when left on his or her own devices. Due to this early family pattern, they are often not aware of being prone to this dynamic even with closest friends or a partner.
❇️Saturn Juno all aspects, Capricorn Juno and Capricorn Moon are types to "be married to the job".
❇️People sometimes don't read Ascendant signs well. Ascendant sign very literally indicates people that will come your way throughout your life. If you are Cancer Ascendant, be sure that a lot of people with Cancer Sun/Sun in the 4th house/Sun at Cancer degree (4, 16, 28) will pass you in this lifetime. Even mundane as a cashier at the store, buddy on your volleyball team, a person who does your nails.
❇️8th house Synastry really gets you in your feels. You might not even view yourself as emotional or needy before, but then you unleash all your emotional nature and neediness at once on that person.
❇️Speaking of 8th house Synastry don't underestimate your 8th house sign. You might think you will experience 8th house type of connection only with your 8th house sign. If you have 8th house Taurus, you might have 8th house connection with Taurus Sun, but also with the opposite sign too, such as Scorpio Sun. You are very deeply fascinated by 8th house sign, but also the opposite sign too. So if you have Cancer 8th house, you are fascinated by both Cancer and Capricorn.
❇️If you have Aquarius/Uranus in the 8th house or Uranus Pluto aspect, the people you want to establish a deep trusted bond with, be physically intimate with, might instead want to make you their best friend. People really want to be best friend with you so you can stay in their life as long as possible. These natives might on the other hand be blessed with friends that they have known for decades, like 20, 25 years.
❇️People with Libra Mars don't have a hard time channeling heartbreak into artistic masterpieces.
❇️You could have Cancer MC with your first love in the Composite chart.
❇️Friends often vent to you about their partner or they come to you for partnership/love advice if you have Libra over the 11th house or Venus in the 11th house and Libra Fama.
❇️Whenever there is Moon in the 8th house in Synastry there is a lot of attraction in the early stages, but then one (usually the Moon person) ends up feeling inferior, especially due to 8th house person being so successful.
❇️I noticed it can happen that you come back together if you started dating someone during Venus retrograde. But it's more likely you don't get back together if you decide to break up during Venus retrograde.
❇️If you have Aries over the 7th house in your Natal chart you might always have new opportunities to gain more money right after ending a partnership. You come into more money right after ending a partnership.
❇️Venus retrograde in a Natal chart of a man points to him being let down by his partner.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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harmoonix · 1 year
🪷 Astro - Peace Notes
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🪷 I saw a lot of Air Moons having a passion for dancing and it might be their comfort to do and their hobby, it can be any dance. I see them at 3 am dancing in their room on a lady gaga songs 💃
🪷 Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Moon might take writing as a very good hobby for them, writing might help them to calm themselves when they have anxiety and panic attacks/or stress apllying jf you have Moon in the 6th house/9th houses
🪷 Earth Moons have a pleasure for watching old childhood animations and feeling that nostalgia from their childhood 🥹 no joke here i see them crying while watching esp. Cap Moons 💛💛
🪷 Gemini Risings/Taurus Risings/Aquarius Risings LOVE to sing, or might have a passion related to signing since childhood 🤫, i see them hearing their fav song at the radio and immediately starting to sing the lyrics.
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🪷 Ceres asteroid [1] in Water Signs need deep nurturing and love, usually is hard for these natives to feel love and they can feel empty a lot of times and that's why most of the times they need to feel loved and worthy
🪷 Venus at Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°. 28°) can feel like a mom to everyone they met, their energy might be this type of a cool delicate kind of person who takes care of the people they love
🪷 Saturn and Moon harsh aspects went through a lot of things in their life and sometimes they might feel like they cannot take anything anymore and they had enough, these natives are very strong humans and kind of like warriors type of people. They have a heart of gold who passed through fire all their life and need to feel like they are truly loved and wanted here. For everyone with these aspects i want to hug you very much because i feel all these natives need a hug 🫂🦋
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🪷 People with Pluto in the 1st house/Pluto asc aspects have those beautiful intimidating powerful sirene eyes and very much likely they like to receive compliments about their eyes
🪷 I feel like Earth Risings would like to go to chill in a forest while is morning outside and to enjoy the views and birds sounds. I truly feel like they have a deep love for mother nature and for animals, and is also a very calming thing to do 🌳
🪷 Virgo/Scorpio/Cancer/Capricorn in the 6th house or 6th house cusp love pets and they love to hug pets, omg i know some people with these placements going and giving animals food on the street when they encounter animals.
🪷 Capricorn Placements need to learn to take a break and to relax sometimes because not everything is about work and work and much more work, i know you want to succeed in everything you do but please make sure to take care of your own peace and be at peace with yourself, eat some ice cream it might help
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🪷 Having the Sun in the 12th house is a very big bombastic indicator of having an imense intuition whitin you, can recieve signs in dreams or seeing something you last night dreamt about and having a lot of deja-vu situations
🪷 I feel like Capricorn and Aquarius Moons want to have a lot of freedom in their lives because they always felt closed between 4 walls and very underwhelming so they can crave for freedom and their own will and for the love of doing what they want and to enjoy the life at maximum
🪷 Chiron in the 9th house/Sagittarius can find a big comfort and safe zone in spirituality and meditation and even doing shadow work to be able to work on themselves.
🪷 Chiron in the 11th house/Aquarius might find a big comfort and support in their friends and social groups. Is a really great placement to communicate your emotions without the fear you will be judged by that
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🪷 Underdeveloped Libra and Leo Moons can be very insecure of themselves and tend to always be aware of what people say about them in any cases. They need to learn the self love and give them some respect and to be able to walk on their thrown and put that crown back on their heads
🪷Having big Pluto/Lilith influence in your chart would bring a lot of people in your life as lessons to see if you are strong enough to be able to see those who want to profit out from you and those who want to stay by your side forever
🪷 Mercury - Ascendant aspects are looking very young even if they are older in age, because Mercury can repsent youthfulness they can be very tricky while guessing their age/also they tend to have prominent facial expressions
🪷The most posesive Venus signs i know are Virgo, Taurus, Aries and of course Scorpio Venus, they are like "You are mine and no one else can have you", (Yes is romantic if you think about it but in extreme situations can be extremely hard)
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🪷Earth + Air in a chart gives the vibe of a person with artistic talents + being practical in the same and also someone who can be very friendly/social
🪷 Fire + Earth in a chart gives the vibe of a person with a very rebel and with big attitude, is like they make the rules and they are the "leaders"
🪷 Water + Air in a chart gives the vibe of a person who is very intuitive and creative, they have a lot of ideas for multiple things, and they usually tend to listen to their hearts the most
🪷 Fire + Air in a chart gives the vibe of someone who is very romantic and flirty, their voices can be truly beautiful, enough to make someone fall for them, i know these people like to tease
🪷 Venus in fire signs go for personality, Venus in air signs go for the way their specific person thinks/mentality
🪷Venus in Earth Signs go for stability and serious relationships while Venus in the Water go for making a bounding with their partners and showing them love
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🪷💛Hello lovely people, just saw is 1st May and i is the last spring season so we should enjoy it the fullest because spring is a wonderful season 🪷💃! A new week a new post for you 💃😍💛, i will try to post more in may due to not posting that much in April 💛💃
I hope you are all doing good, hope you are loved, safe and with the people you love xx<3, never forget how strong you are and how wonderful you are. Never lose your confidence, never lose your trust and never lose your love 💛 these things keep us all alive. 💛🪷 Have a wonderful May month to everyone!🪷💛🪷💛
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nonotnolan · 10 months
Stories I Love (Part 2)
Again, nothing personal with the order listed here, it's mostly chronological. Tumblr doesn't like a ton of hyperlinks, so the list is in two parts. Here's Part 1.
Though, now is a good time to point out a few major gaps in this list. One, I don't care for celebrity, sports, or sweat/fart transformations very much, so that eliminates a few prolific authors. Two, some authors have much bigger websites elsewhere, like @2xskin or @takeovertales, and I haven't been consistent about favoriting works that could be found in two places. Three, a special shoutout to @piosantaibhseil's very long body swap series which would be tricky to link otherwise.
Also, a special shoutout-- I don't think my blog would have nearly as much of a footprint without @bodyswap-possession-shapeshift's valuable reblog contributions to this community. He remains one of the fastest and most consistent about showing support to all creators on his lists, and I hope he knows how much that support has been appreciated over the years.
By @deviantknight25 : Implanted Mutual to Cover Medal and Leaf Surfeit Changes Partner in Crime
By @transformhim : Learning His Lesson Fun with the Mimic Changing Work Roles The Devil Next Door Sauna Shenanigans
By @tfmybody : The Intern A Fortunate Theft
By @tf-lover : The Homo Bomb - Lewis Ashton 12th Hour The Way You Look Tonight
By @bodyhopper-files : Just A Dream Untitled 12/26/22 How I Transformed My Dad's Life Make Me
By @0ng0ingw0rk : Morning Adjustments Paradise
By @verus-veritas : Slipping Out The Halloween Costume Love Thy Neighbor Untitled 9/24/20 Hard Work Pays Off
By @shootingstarwritings : Beach Bummin' It Back Home Couples Therapy
By @swap-and-possessions : Passed Out Suit Cleaning Buy Low, Sell High
By @kylecrusoe-captions : Untitled 4/15/23 Untitled 10/21/22 Untitled 11/24/19
By @exploratorytfs : Power Exchange Special Weekend Swap Need to Study Free Market Series: Debts, Repossession, Ladder The Swap Booth From Twink to Daddy Swap Kink Accepted On Site Family Gatherings Join Them
By @noface-phantom7 : Possession: BEyond WILLing Bodysuit: Superior Dominic Bodyswap: It Only Feels Right Bodyswap: On Second Thought Bodysuit: Skin Salesmen Demons, Suits and Faces
By @fantasyvessels Don't Waste Your Youth Or Else Project Personal Drones III
By @joshslater : Very PT The Lost Year of Gain My Bully Manhood Exchange Foreign Exchange Another Kyle Eastern Tennessee Golden Years Untitled 6/10/19 Flesh Limited Equal Exchange Partystick Urgent Message Final Answer Wanted Crossdressing
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yuurei20 · 5 months
I have been stalking your tumblr for a while now bc I'm fairly new to the fandom and you've been really helpful lol (thank you!!!)
I don't know if you've answered this before but I have been wondering who was the youngest of the first years? I thought it was jack and ace, but apparently they're the oldest but aren't all of them 16 and then jack and ace's birthdays come later in year? This might be really stupid but idk lol
Hello hello! Thank you very much!! ^^ ♡ You are so kind!
And yes yes, we have received hints sometimes about which characters are older than the rest, with Vil being younger than Cater and Jade being older than Riddle.
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We know that the beginning of the school year is in September, and Jamil's birthday is the first one in September, so Jamil is assumed to be the oldest of the 2nd-year students (confirmed in a tweet by Yana!).
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Adding to this is the fact that Jamil's birthday was the first to be released in the original game! :> Every new birthday series starts with Jamil and ends with Riddle, as they would be the oldest- and youngest-2nd-year students, if we are following a September-to-August school year.
(Cater is the first birthday on EN! I am not sure why this was changed. The original game was launched in March of 2020, so there were no birthday banners for the first six months after the game's release until we reached Jamil's birthday of September 12th. EN was able to get birthday banners immediately, shifting the balance of when new series start and who seems to be older than who.)
If we wanted to list the human characters (and Sebek) oldest-to-youngest according to this system (minus the special case that is Leona), it might look like this!
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Ace is the oldest first-year, while Deuce is the youngest.
(Ortho's actual age is difficult to place, as he was "born" pre-programmed with a memory that is older than his physical self.)
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Jamil is the oldest second-year, while Riddle is the youngest.
As Riddle was born on August 24th, he is technically only a month older than Ace (who was born September 23rd).
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Trey is the oldest non-fae, non-Leona third-year, while Vil is the youngest.
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At 700 years old Lilia is the oldest third-year.
January 1st also does not seem to be his actual birthday: he does not remember the date of his birth and possibly never knew it in the first place, having been adopted by Malleus' grandmother.
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Malleus is the second-oldest character on the main student cast at 178 years old, while Leona is 20 (due to starting NRC a year late (under duress) and then being held back an additional year for poor attendance (which was possibly on purpose, as he does not seem to want to go home. Ref: Leona's Age and NRC).)
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We know that time is passing in-game as we will receive occasional cues like the school year starting in September, the interdorm Spelldrive tournament being in October, the new semester starting in January, and the VDC being held in February.
There has never been any main-story acknowledgement of the characters getting older, but we can track their ages for ourselves based on the timeline of the main story!
If the ages in character profiles represent how old they were at the beginning of the school year, then we can surmise the following (none of which has been officially acknowledged anywhere as of this post, it is all conjecture):
Book 1: Jamil turns 18, Ace turns 17 Book 2: Jack turns 17, Trey turns 19. Books 3 and 4: Jade/Floyd turn 18, Rook/Idia turn 19 Books 5 and 6: Cater turns 19, Azul turns 18
After Book 6 things get a little vague!
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Lilia says that Book 7 is "half a year" since school began, and it is presumably before May's Spelldrive tournament, so possibly March? Whether or not Sebek, Vil and Ruggie have had their birthdays yet might be unconfirmed!
To answer the initial question: it is not officially stated outright in the game that "Deuce is the youngest first-year," but there are fans who believe that this is what is being implied by the school year starting in September!
This is where "Ace and Jack are the oldest first years even though their birthdays are later in the year" comes from ^^ The school year does not start until autumn, meaning that Sebek, Epel and Deuce all have birthdays in the second semester, whereas Ace and Jack's birthdays are first semester, thus making them older than the other three ^^
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : scaramouche, diluc, childe, al-haitham + kazuha
♱ warnings — f!reader, how long they last during no nut november, teasing, degradation, some grinding, not proofread. / note. this is the last fandom 4 the nnn hcs ! hope u guys enjoy <3
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it was your idea at first and as much as scaramouche didn’t want to do it, you know you had him when you told him he probably wouldn’t be able to anyway — his pride not letting him back down from a challenge that he was so hellbent on winning. he was stubborn, would never let it known just how much you had an effect on him (even though you could tell) but when you had first proposed the challenge, you never told him it was going to be easy — afterall where’s the fun in that when you could up the difficulty with a little teasing. you’d be going without him too afterall.
scaramouche had done pretty good at avoiding you this far, brushing you off with grumbles under his breath — he wasn’t stupid, he knew that you were trying to get him to give in, so selfish despite the way this was all your idea in the first place. but he’s not as invincible as he may think, he still had his limits and with enough effort you noticed a few cracks were beginning to show.
“pathetic… could barely keep your hands off of me.. are you that eager for my touch?” scaramouche breathes unsteadily from where he’s sat at your side, eyes narrowed over at you as you palm and stroke at his clothed cock — deliberately pressing your hand against it when you’d leaned in to show him something and now he doesn’t want you to fucking stop. the almost smug look on your face makes his blood boil, but he’s much too consumed by the saccharine squeeze of your fingers around him to think up a snarky remark right now. instead you feel him throb before he chokes on a whine and lets you trace your fingers beneath his waistband. “barely two weeks in and you’re getting all worked up, hah—have you always been this weak? hmmfff—“
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kaeya had mentioned it to diluc in passing while he was at the tavern, drunkenly rambling on about how his dear brother is too whipped to stand a chance and your boyfriend is much too stubborn to let the cavalry captain rile him up — so he decides he’ll show him. he warns you in advance, makes sure to fuck you until you can barely walk the night before and it does take his mind off of it for a few days, that’s it though until his cravings for you return with a vengeance.
but diluc knew he was in danger when it comes to you, knows he can’t resist you which is exactly why he’s been taking up more shifts at angels share — coming home late at night with a press of his lips to your temple and leaves before you wake up with the exact same goodbye. he missed you, but he knows he wouldn’t stand a chance if he had you sending him those pretty looks that make him feel so fucking weak.
this is why diluc knows he’s fucked when you visit him at work, his cock already hard as soon as he catches a glimpse of you coming through the tavern door and he has to swallow the groan he feels kick at his chest when you blink at him over the bar. “did.. ugh, did he put you up to this?” he grunts as he presses you against the desk he has hauled up in the back room, his hips flush against yours as his large hands grab and rip at your clothes — so eager to undress you and ease the throb in his cock that only intensifies with every grind of his bulge into you. “it’s true, i can’t deny what you do to me afterall, sweetheart.”
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as if he would ever pass up an opportunity to test his limits, plus childe is always looking for an excuse to be able to tease you, and himself considering he’s told himself this’ll help him get stronger. he actually does a lot better than you thought, even goes as far as to make it harder for himself — letting his hands smooth along your body, touching something he knows he can’t have as he bites down on his bottom lip and feels his cock fucking leak against his slacks.
but maybe childe had gotten a little too cocky, worked himself up a little too much until he was wound up tight — particularly ruthless when it came to training new recruits or seeking out fights with whoever looks at him the wrong way. that’s when his facade had slipped, when he’d been particularly riled up after a fight — still high on adrenaline when he sends you a hooded look, one that’s still a little wild as he approaches you quickly, like he’s a wild animal who’s finally caught a glimpse of his pray.
“oh, come on now. aren’t you gonna beg?” childe grunts from where he’s pressing himself up against you — his chest flush against your back as he lets you feel the way his cock is uncomfortably throbbing between you both, begging for the much needed friction that he’s too eager to chase right now. “i’ve been quite formidable, don’t you think?” he’s breathing hard as he stuffs his face in the crook of your neck, rutting his hips into you while his hands squeeze at your hips. “so then amuse me.”
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al-haitham lasts the whole month, if you were to ask him how he’d did it he’d probably drone on and on about the preparations he’d taken, the science behind it and how easy it was for him. but you know that he’s lying to some extent, even when he was pretending to be oh so focused on the book he was reading you weren’t blind. one quick look over your shoulder wouldve let you see the way his sharp gaze was only focused on your hips and ass, bulge prominent as he lays back in his seat with a low hum. “tell me now, is that all you’ve got?”
but as much as al-haitham was smart he was still human, and there was a few times he couldn’t help but fight the carnal urges to reach out and grind his cock against you — do anything to feel the tight squeeze of your cunt around him like he yearned. he’d made sure to fuck you a day before the challenge began, getting it out of his system before the inevitable purge but even just being in your presence had him in a constant state of being so fucking needy.
so you almost jump when al-haitham basically slams the door to your bedroom open just as the last day in november ends, his steps are heavy and he can feel the throb of anticipation straight through his cock as he approaches you — fingers gripping around your jaw to tilt your face to his before he’s kissing you fiercely. “well would you look at that, told you i could do it.” he grunts as he looms over you, already pulling at your clothes before his own follows — groaning with the slightest graze of his cock along your thighs. “well now sweetheart, i think i’ve earned a reward.. don’t you?”
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kazuha honestly didn’t think he’d be able to do it, he was entirely addicted to you and your cunt but the team were placing bets and he’d been a little tipsy when he’d agreed and didn’t want to be the first one to lose afterall. but it’s just as hard as he imagined it would be, he can barely even look at you without his gaze becoming heavy, cock twitching and begging for him to reach out to touch you, to have you and take you like he desires but he also can’t stand the chuckles from the surrounding crew.
that is until you’re finally both alone for the first time in two weeks, kazuha had went out of his way to make sure this didn’t happen but he couldn’t stand not giving you the attention you deserved, it only taking a particularly pretty look from you to have him crumbling. but he should’ve known this would be the outcome when you decided to take your place pressed up against his side, arms wrapped around his waist so tight he can barely breathe — but that’s probably due to how much he needs to cum right now.
“now would be the best time to rest well.” kazuha breathes, low and ragged as his chest expands with each inhale he takes and he’s sure you must be able to tell the effect you’re having on him right now. but his words only seem to draw you closer, your fingertips resting against his thigh to squeeze at the skin — close enough to have his hips twitching before he whimpers and clenches his jaw. “ah.. i see, you are relentless.” your fingertips only crawl closer and he can’t stop the way his hand rests over yours instinctively to hold you there, letting you palm and stroke at his cock before he cums in his pants with a long and low whine.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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jsrvanna · 8 hours
RDPR Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for RDPR Karnataka Jobs...
RDPR Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for RDPR Karnataka Jobs… Eligible candidates can apply for the posts by visiting the official website. In this article, we have included a link to the application form. You can get more information about how candidates are selected, age requirements, educational qualifications, fees, and other important details in the notification. RDPR Karnataka Recruitment…
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thatskynews · 4 months
Sky Patched Calendar Ver. 0.26.0: A Guide for Sky Events
SkyFest (Sky Anniversary Celebration)
Season of Duet
Tournament of Triumph
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SkyFest: A 5th Birthday Like No Other! (July 12 - July 26)
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Duration: 17:00 July 12th through 23:59 July 26th; all times PDT, UTC -7. (Yes, not the daily reset time. This is so the in-game celebration starts at the exact same time that the in-person SkyFest celebration starts in Tokyo, Japan!)
From July 12th through 14th, you can find actual in-game livestreams of talks in these locations:
History of Sky Gallery (Isle of Dawn)
Art of Sky Gallery (Hidden Forest)
SkyFest Cinema (Eye of Eden)
Scheduled Events
July 12
19:00 - Guided Tour of Sky’s History with the devs (History Gallery) - Join us on a live tour through the History Gallery as we share stories and more about how Sky became what it is today!
20:00 - SkyFest 2024 Keynote with Jenova Chen (SkyFest Cinema) - Let’s just say, you don’t want to miss this one…
23:00 - How We Got 10,000 Players into a Level (SkyFest Cinema) - Here’s a peek at how our engineering team created the tech that helped us set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title!
July 13
18:00 - Design at Record-Breaking Scale in Sky: Children of the Light (SkyFest Cinema) - It’s okay, you can cry! Learn how the team designed the AURORA Concert to make it a memorable and moving experience.
19:00 - Guided Tour of Sky’s Art with the devs (Art Gallery) - Take a tour through the Art Gallery as we talk about some of the art that played a key role in Sky’s development.
22:00 - An Exploration of the Art of Sky (SkyFest Cinema) - How did Sky first come to life in its earliest days? See how art played a key role in the ideas that ultimately evolved into Sky’s world and lore.
July 14
00:00 - Designing to Reduce Toxicity in Online Games (SkyFest Cinema) - How do you make a game that welcomes everybody, with a world that allows compassion and generosity to blossom?
01:00 - SkyFest LIVE Community Concert (SkyFest Cinema) - Sky’s first-ever live in-game concert! Player musicians from around the world will give a memorable performance featuring classic favorites, original compositions, and of course, some of the community’s favorite Sky songs. (This is a one-time-only concert that won’t replay after July 14th, so be sure to join us at the SkyFest Cinema to see it!)
During SkyFest, you can take a shortcut to the secret area by meditating at the Events Shop in Aviary Village. The gates are open to all, so you can join the dance party and watch Spirits take the rooftop stage. Just for the 5th anniversary, the Secret Area will have a display of three capes from past collaborations—the display will allow you to teleport to the special areas that came with each collab, no cape use necessary!
Four star-shaped tokens can be found around the village each day.
New Items
SkyFest 5th Anniversary Headband: 4 event currency
SkyFest Jenova Fan: 8 event currency
SkyFest 5th Anniversary T-shirt: 12 event currency
SkyFest Star Jar: 16 event currency
(40 tickets in total / 4 = 10 days to get all items - 15 days of the event = 5 days extra time)
New IAPs:
SkyFest Oreo Headband: $4.99 (all prices USD)
SkyFest Wireframe Cape: $19.99 - This cape comes with a special ability: After SkyFest ends, it can be used to access the SkyFest version of Aviary, including the History and Art Galleries plus the SkyFest Cinema. Videos from the SkyFest Cinema will replay after SkyFest on a schedule. (Please note that this cape provides access to the SkyFest event spaces ONLY.)
Returning Items
Anniversary Party Lights: 33 Hearts
Anniversary Sonorous Seashell: 33 Ascended Candles
Light Fence, Birthday Flag props: 20 Candles each
Balloon prop: 30 Candles
Happy Birthday Music Sheet: 10 Hearts
Confetti Launcher: 20 Hearts
Anniversary Plush: $9.99
Season of Duets (July 15 to September 29th)
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Season Pass holders have the chance to unlock three Ultimate Gifts, and a mask can be unlocked for regular Candles even after the Season ends.
Season of Duets begins at July 15th and continues until September 29th.
Tournament of Triumph (July 29 to August 18th)
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New Format to the Event Currency System:
2 event currency in the event area daily
Event currency pool (1): 25 in the first ten days of the event
Event currency pool (2): 25 in the second ten days of the event
5 event currency in the event area on the last day (Aug. 18)
Players can earn one event currency each time they complete a Tournament game, including after repeating a game, up to the total number of event currency available in each “pool.” Then, 25 more become available when the second half of the Tournament begins.
Event Items
Tournament Curls: 25 event currency
Tournament Torch: 37 event currency
Tournament Golden Garland: $4.99
Tournament Tunic: $9.99
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: Energy Check-In
Hello beautiful people! I have been so inconsistent with posting. Thank you all for your patience. But anyway, tonight's reading will consist of an energy check-in. We all need one, even me! Also, the Five Dollar Friday Sale will still happen! It will take place from 12 AM-11PM. Thank you guys so much for your support! Don't forget to check out the guidelines before booking with me. Dm me privately if you have any questions. Without further ado, please select your pile!
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: I feel like you are currently trying to figure out what to do with yourself. I heard "I got so much energy!" in my head. Your sacral chakra is booming. I feel like you could be super horny or feeling like you need to create something. But you are trying to figure out a way to do this in an appropriate manner. The solution will come quick. There could be a partnership coming your way that will allow you to be more free flowing. It is essential at this time that you find ways to express yourself. Do not feed into self-limiting beliefs. You are prone to making impulsive decisions like dying your hair late at night or buying clothes that you won't even put on a year from now. Focus on what will fulfill you in the long run and stop trying to scratch an unscratchable itch. It will make you see things much easier.
Cards Used: 8 of Swords, 5 of Swords, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands, 8 of Wands, Queen of Wands.
Pile Two: Someone has you feeling real good. Princess treatment will do that to you. When you have the right people around you, you feel unstoppable. I heard "Who you feeling like?" in my head. Right now, you could be receiving lots of compliments, which boost your morale as a result. I am seeing a young girl toss her hair from side to side with her fingertips. In the back of your mind, you may worry about how long this version of you will last. You need to not allow the past comments of hate get to you at this time. Do not self-sabotage yourself because people could not see the light in you. Let the haters do the hating for you. You could have Saturn in the 12th house which relates to the subconscious. You need to have conversations with your inner child to heal. Move forward from the angst and the hurt people have caused you. Start anew. And most importantly, forgive yourself.
Cards Used: Ace of Wands, 2 of Cups, 10 of Cups, King of Discs, 4 of Cups, The Devil, 6 of Cups.
Pile Three: You are in this lover girl energy. It almost feels familiar --- the scenario that you have found yourself to be in. You need to look closer with this person. Everyone will pass your test if you don't do any further investigation. You have the tendency to get "stuck on" crushes for a long time. You could be prone to limerence. You are going to get the answer that you are looking for, a reality check. But it will be in your best interest, don't worry. You are trying to investigate from afar but this won't really benefit you. You need to pay close attention and start being less lenient. You're a cute girl and you know that, don't you? But what is cute if it means you lose your mind every time you find someone attractive? Part of your lesson in this life is to be more comfortable with accepting your beauty as is. You are not incomplete if you are not in an "OTP", love.
Cards Used: The Moon, The Empress, 4 of Discs, 4 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Justice, 2 of Discs
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yunjinified · 1 year
Minghao fic recs
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✿=personal favourites
note: all of the fics i have recommended either have a female or gender neutral reader. this will constantly be updated.
terrified by @lovelyhan warnings and genre: smut, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth, idolverse, established relationship, extremely slight angst. word count: N/A
✿rush hour by @lovelyhan warnings and genre: smut, enemies to lovers, dancer au, unresolved sexual tension, promiscuous behaviour in public. word count: 6700
golden hour by @synthetickitsune warnings and genre: smut, fluff, unprotected sex, blond minghao. word count: 1500
✿fixer upper by @seungkwansphd warnings and genre: smut, slow burn, affectionate member slander. word count: 9500
impatient by @ressonancee warnings and genre: friends with benefits, smut, humor, brat!reader, sub and dom undertones. word count: 3040
love bleeds lilac by @hoeforhao warnings and genre: non idol!minghao, fluff, slight mentions of mental health issues, angst but not angst, discovering self love, comfort. word count: N/A
10:52pm by @blue-jisungs warnings and genre: N/A word count: N/A
to love easily by @minghaoyoudoin warnings and genre: fake dating, smut, angst, fluff, non idol au, non idol!minghao, mentions of cheating and resulting in trauma, food consumption, kissing, dirty talk, pet name(darling), explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, oral sex(m and f receiving), vaginal penetration, marking. word count:13 500
whisper game by @sunnylovespickles warnings and genre: smut, public sex, fingering, gagging, spit as lube, marking, horny minghao, pet names. word count: 960
smut prompt event(minghao) by @hoeforhao warnings and genre: smut word count: N/A
opposites attract by @rubyreduji warnings and genre: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, thigh high kink, creampie. word count: 1800
April 12th, 3:36pm by @gyupinkys warnings and genre: smut, mafia!minghao, yandere!reader, murder, gore, violence, guns, weapons, toxic relationship, manipulation, yandere, unprotected sex, public sex, sex with corpse in the room, scary dirty talk. word count:2700
idubilu by @toruro warnings and genre: smut, ceo!minghao, husband!minghao, fluff, oral(f receiving), pet names(princess, pretty). word count: 2800
(pretty) hungry by @icyminghao warnings and genre: fluff, drabble, established relationship, mentions of food. word count: 600
i don't understand (but i love you) by @icyminghao warnings and genre: fluff, some angst, comfort, established relationship. word count: 1500
4:18am by @number1mingyustan warnings and genre: smut, unprotected sex, riding, creampie, multiple orgasms, mentions of sex, grinding, hands, pianist!minghao. word count: 2300
✿wrong turn by @meltwonu warnings and genre: vampire au, smut, dom!minghao, vampire!minghao, small about of blood play, dirty talk, degradation, fucking in public, overstimulation, squirting. word count: 3000
home yet? by @idyllicdeco warnings and genre: smut, subspace minghao. word count: 1700
22:34 by @toruro warnings and genre: smut, vibrators, pet names(pretty thing) word count: 610+
part 1:chérie by @venerex warnings and genre: duke!minghao, smut, oral(f receiving), fingering, virgin! reader. word count: 2500 part2:the poet by @venerex warnings and genre: smut, duke!minghao, fingering, virgin!reader. word count: 2300 Part3:mon amour by @venerex warnings and genre: duke!minghao, smut, fingering, intercouse, reader's first time, talks of having children, reader passes out. word count: 1900
blocked contacts by @jae-bummer warnings and genre: angst, fluff. word count: N/A
f* me, emo boy by @sunnylovespickles warnings and genre: rock guitarist!minghao, smut. word count: 1800
✿the letter by @toruro warnings and genre: jun's little sister!reader, slow burn, angst, fluff, childhood f2l, idol au, alcohol consumption, underage drinking, arguments, pent up emotions, miscommunication, hot headed reader. word count: 26 000 the letter(smut) by @toruro warnings and genre: smut, oral(f receiving, fluff. word count: 1300
✿red (k)nights by @toruro warnings and genre: knight!minghao, smut, fluff, royal au, princess!reader, secret relationship. word count:6700
oh my! by @toruro warnings and genre: smut, oral(m receiving), mutual pinig, fluff, mentioned past toxic/controlling relationships. word count: 13 600
dreamt of heaven by @jeonride warnings and genre: smut, fluff, established relationship, fiance!minghao, profanity, somnophilia, slight voyeurism, oral(f receiving), hand job, fingering, pet names(angel), praise. word count: 2400
✿felix felicis by @blue-jisungs warnings and genre: fluff, light angst, hurt and comfort, humour, slytherin!minghao, hufflepuff!reader, mentions of social anxiety, swearing. word count: 7000
✿now or never series by @heartkyeom series warnings and genre: strangers to lovers, ex!joshua, fake marriage, angst, fluff, mentions of food, big crowds, mentions of chronic illness, journalist!seokmin, food, smut, brief flashbacks, mentions of family planning, oral sex, descriptions of female anatomy, blowjobs, long car rides, cursing, dumbification, alcohol, fighting. word count: N/A, 5 chapters
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watership-clown · 29 days
Debunking Lily's "Behavioural Psychology Degree" with facts and logic (and a two minute google search)
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First of all, big ups to @skrinkskronk (EDIT: ammended the screenshot credit :) thank you to skrinkskronk for both the picture and the clarification!) as, without their keen screenshot button, this post could not and would not exist. You can check for yourself - the original ask no longer lives on Lily's blog (a fact that I'm sure many Lily defenders will have quite the opinion about - please see the questions section below! <3) Second of all: who the fuck am I?
Someone who attended university in Canada, that's who!
For real though: I have a bachelor's degree from the University of British Columbia, double majoring in English Literature and History. Does this mean I know anything at all about getting a behavioural psych degree?
But I do know how attending university in Canada works. It is not at all as Lily describes. I'm going to largely avoid talking about the degree itself in this post - CrimsonEnder has already done the research on that and I highly recommend checking out his post for more information on why Lily couldn't even get the degree she claims to have studied for. Instead, I'm going to go forward as if we are in an alternate dimension where Lily made the far more believable claim that she was working towards a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus on Psychology.
Let's do a close reading, shall we?
And barely graduating is still graduating.
Starting off strong: this is a true statement! She's right, to get your high school diploma in the province of Nova Scotia, one must:
Meet the minimum number of credits requited for graduation, which is 18 (source: creditsforgraduationdiplomaen.pdf (ednet.ns.ca) )
That's it! (in my province we also had to pass a literacy assessment and do some 30 odd hours of community service. no, I'm not still salty about it 10 years later.)
However, passing is not succeeding. Lily has stated that she barely passed high school, did the bare minimum to get it over and done with. This is fine in and of itself. I attach no moral or intellectual weight to not caring about high school as it is by no means set up to let every child succeed. However, doing the "bare minimum" to pass does not open many doors for further schooling down the road. So, in order to pass a class, one must achieve a minimum of 60% - otherwise known as a grade of C. Assuming that for her 12th grade year Lily took a full load of 4 courses over two semesters, achieving the minimum grade that would allow her to walk the stage and get her diploma, she would leave high school with a 2.0 gpa.
Remember this score. 2.0. We will come back to this.
This is in Canada, there's no SAT's to take.
Look at that! 2 for 2 true statements. Canada has no SAT or nation-wide equivalent. Understanding this, in order to meet the minimum requirements for admission into university, one's GPA plays an extremely large role. For example, in order to even be considered for admission into McGill, one of Canada's top universities, one must have a 3-year minimum grade range of 85% (an A) and a final GPA of 4.0. Grades equal to or above this minimum do not guarantee admission (NO, I'm NOT still salty that I didn't get admitted). With a 2.0 GPA, Lily's application would have been tossed after a glance. "BUT BUT BUT!" I hear you say, "this is from one of Canada's most selective institutions! In a province Lily doesn't even live in! You're holding her to an improbable standard!" And you would be right! But this was just an example to showcase how university admissions function. Let's look at a uni a little closer to home. Let's even look at four:
Dalhousie University Undergrad minimum requirements: 75% or 3.0 (source: General admission requirements | Dalhousie University) )
Mount Saint Vincent University: 70% or 2.70 with no individual grade below 60% (source: Admissions (msvu.ca) )
Saint Mary's University: 70% or 2.70 with no individual grade below 60% (source: Canadian High School Curriculum Requirements | Future Students | Saint Mary's University (smu.ca) )
University of King's College: 75% or 2.0 with no individual grade below 60% (source: Undergraduate Admission Requirements | University of King's College (ukings.ca) )
She doesn't meet the minimum requirements for any local Halifax university or college with a psych program. However, if we are to be charitable, (and believe that Lily scored slightly above the true minimum of 60%) MSVU could have admitted her based on individual merit. From their mature students policy, we can read:
Applicants who present overall grade XII averages between 65 and 69 percent will be reviewed for admission on an individual basis. (source: Admissions (msvu.ca) )
I'm not going to pretend this isn't the case or couldn't be true or try to obfuscate it from her and her defenders.
... But if the rebuttal is so easy, why doesn't she say that?
You either graduated High School or you didn't.
I'm sure Lily did graduate high school. I'm certain she did so after putting in the minimum amount of required work. I do not believe that she has or ever intends to attend university in Canada.
Objections I'm sure this post will spark:
"skrinkskronk's screenshot could be faked!"
And I could have blue skin, but that is not reality. Rather than taking my word for the fact that this ask was real, the answer Lily gave was as shown above, and many people saw it before it went MIA, I instead invite you to consider something: asking Lily yourself. Go on! Ask her! In whatever way you find most comfortable, ask how she went to university for a) a degree that doesn't exist b) with a below-requirement gpa and c) paid for it with money she doesn't have. When she deletes your ask, ignores your superchat, or approaches your honest and genuine thirst for truth with hostility, I then want you to ask yourself why that is.
"Lily could have upgraded her scores at a local college before applying to university!"
Did she say that? Has she ever claimed to have done that? Or are you putting the right words into her mouth so she can easily go "Yup! that's what I did! Obviously!"
If she had done this (or had at least thought of this herself), why didn't she claim to have done this in the original ask? Wouldn't it be easier to just say "I upgraded later" than pretend that a measly 2.0 could get you into an advanced degree program? I have no doubt that Lily is going to recount her story and claim the above statement was true all along. "[She] just upgraded!" But I ask you to think on this, to really consider it: why is the story only changing after confrontation? If the answer is so simple and so obvious... why was it not always true?
"You say at multiple points that Lily could easily provide a rebuttal but she doesn't owe you or any of her critics a response!"
This is true! However, she responds to criticism all the time.
Her taking down Sai's streams is her responding to Sai's criticism. Her snarkily talking around Ant and his content in her videos is her responding to his criticism. Her answering asks from her fans (despite in her "rules" stating that she will not) filling her in on the goings on of her critics is a response to their criticism. A response isn't always the literal "and to that I say: blah blah blah".
If Crimson, I, or anyone else who thought twice about this situation were wrong: could we not be easily disproved? She is the one who (supposedly) attempted the degree. The records would exist. She would have access to them. She would not run away when challenged with a very easily disprovable argument. As much as Lily loves to protest that she ignores the haters and refuses to respond to criticism, that claim is demonstrably false. She responds to criticism all the time - she can't keep Sai, Crimson, or Ant's names out of her mouth while on stream, in her videos, or on her blog. If she had an easy win, she would take it. She has before. She will again.
Closing Arguments
I feel like I have adequately demonstrated that, even if Lily did apply for an undergraduate degree, if not the flashy shiny
Behavioural Psychology
that she claims, she likely wouldn't have even made it past the admissions stage. I don't want to say that it's completely impossible for her to have attempted post-secondary education. As stated above: MSVU could have admitted her based on individual merit.
What I do hope is that this post invites people think more critically about her claims.
What do I think happened with the original ask? I think some anon, the original question asker or otherwise, challenged her before I or CrimsonEnder did. This scared her and, realizing she'd been caught, tried to wash away the evidence before anyone else could trip on the lie. Sadly, that's not what happened.
If she did attend university, how did she pay for it? Is a 2.0 GPA enough to qualify her for a scholarship, grant, or bursary? A 4 year degree in Canada can easily run a person $6,463 per year, not including textbooks or other fees. Where did she suddenly get that much money? These claims are so easily questioned and disproven because Lily Orchard thinks her audience is too whipped and fundamentally too stupid to ever seek the information for themselves.
She does not respect you. She does not respect your intelligence as a human being.
You deserve better.
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wayrad · 30 days
3 and/or 4 for the prompts!
HI YES!! I love this one:
for prompt 3: “hey, hey, shhhh. shhh. you’re okay.”
Gale’s hit. He’s been hit since they were in the air over Schweinfurt, and because of the adrenaline or some fool-nosed pride he hadn’t said a thing. Landed his plane fifty feet from the landing strip and hustled all the way over, not even clutching his side, no tilt to his step. No wonder his crew didn’t notice. 
“Buck,” John says, motioning over to the smoking plane, the oil runway tracking through the sand. “Just couldn’t stick it, huh?”
Gale grunts in response, his eyes falling over John’s shoulder. He reaches out to take hands for a shake, but stumbles over nothing before he can reach. Lands against John's chest with a groan. His hands go immediately to his side, the spongy flesh just below his ribcage, and when they come back they are- red. Gale stares down at them like he can't believe it.
"Gale?" John asks, staring. His mouth is filling with spit. He might hurl. "Gale, what-"
"I'm hit," Gale gasps wetly. He can't seem to break his gaze off his fingers, slick-sticky and dripping with it. "Goddamn, Bucky, I'm hit- I'm, fuck-"
"Hey, hey," John says quickly. They get Gale's jacket off and he's sweating beneath it, they all are, despite only just landing in Algeria. Gale isn't one to lose his head, but he's also never been shot before.
They get the jacket and equipment off enough to pull up Gale's undershirt, sticking it up below his pits. He's hit, and God, John prays, please let it look worse than it is. His breath starts to quicken, stuttered half inhales through his nose that sound wounded and terrified. John wants to make it all better. But he can't.
"Bucky," Gale pants. It's all hitting him at once: the urgency, the pain, the fear; all of it. He isn't holding his weight. All of him is in John's hands, coming apart. "I'm-"
"Hey, hey," John says. Tries to be real calm about it; getting Gale down to the dusty path as gentle as he can manage. "Shhh, shhh. You're okay, Buck, we're gonna get you someone, huh?"
Gale holds his middle and winces as he does it. "Yeah," he grunts, shaking his head as if to clear it. "Alright, John."
John breaks out in a sprint. Someone around here's gotta be a medic. Someone. Anyone. He ends up getting a guy from the 12th, some short fella who says he's got some training. Says they've gotta get it out, wrap it up. He holds up a pair of tweezers and John nearly yells in his face.
They keep everyone back, but they're all watching. Unbreakable Gale Cleven. Even John was starting to believe it.
"You bite on this," John instructs, handing Gale his belt. And he's too hazy with pain to even fight John on it. Just takes it between his molars and bites.
The medic kneels in the dust, using some of their limited supply of water to clean the surrounding area. Gale's fingers twitch like they'll reach for John's hand. They do, but only when the metal tongs breach his skin, and further, into the bullet wound.
Gale is silent at first, but the reprieve doesn't last long. The medic twists his wrist and Gale's eyes slam shut, forcing a bitten-down yell against the belt.
"God fuckin' damn," John bites, "Can't be any more gentle there, doc?"
The medic stares up at him. "Want this out or not?"
John almost shoulders him out of the way. He'd do it himself, dammit.
He could fight him, would, if Gale's life wasn't in his hands. "Just finish it, huh?"
maybe he passes out 🙉 idk that tickles my fancy
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