#10th doctor fanfics
magiccath · 10 months
The Ring
tenth doctor x f!reader
Summary: In which the only way for you and the Doctor to get out of this one is a fake marriage. But how fake is it really?
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You keeled over, your breath coming out in short pants. You weren't as good at this running thing as the Doctor was. 
Sensing you weren’t behind him, the Doctor turned to check on you. You threw your thumb up, signaling that you were okay. You didn’t like the Doctor worrying about you. 
“I’m sure we’ve lost them for now,” he assured, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. It was a nervous tick that he had.
“What are we going to do?” You asked once you had caught your breath. You allowed your legs to fold underneath you, sitting in the grass. The Doctor crouched down next to you. 
It was supposed to be a nice vacation, a break from the hustle and bustle of time traveling. You had explicitly asked for a relaxing trip, one where you didn’t have to save the world or run for your life. You should have known that was never how it was with the Doctor. 
Everything was fine at first. The alien town the Doctor had selected for your trip was throwing an elaborate festival. You were more than happy to partake in the dancing and sample the foreign foods. What you failed to notice was the ritual behind the festival. The village selected an unmarried woman each year to sacrifice to their gods. In retrospect, it wasn’t the weirdest ritual you had encountered over the years. What made it so uncomfortable was the fact they had selected you. 
“I would rather not be a blood sacrifice,” you admitted, pushing your wayward hair out of your face. 
“I won’t let that happen,” The Doctor said seriously, taking your hand gently. He had the duty of care, something that he didn’t take lightly. 
“I’m not sure how much good we are against a whole village of bloodthirsty aliens,” you laughed, burying your head in your hands. You should have been scared, upset even. Instead, you found the whole thing funny. You supposed that was a side effect of traveling with the Doctor. Everything could always be worse, and everything in front of you could always be funny. You just had to frame it the right way.
“I have an idea,” the Doctor murmured. You looked up at him, confused. He only whispered things when he knew you wouldn’t like them. 
“They only want to sacrifice you because you’re unmarried,” he stated. You stared at him, unsure of the point he was trying to make. 
He groaned, running a hand down his face in frustration. 
“I’m gonna need you to spell this one out for me,” you laughed lightly.
The Doctor swallowed anxiously, his Adam’s apple bobbing aggressively. “We could get married,” he said matter-of-factly, with the same tone he used to ask if you wanted tea or coffee in the morning. 
“What?” you asked, wide-eyed. The Doctor swallowed again, his eyes diverting from yours. 
You loved the Doctor, in every sense of the word. He was your home, your comfort. He was everything and more to you. But he only loved you as a friend, and you were more than willing to accept that love. It was better to love him like this than not at all. 
“They can’t sacrifice you if we get married.” 
“No, I got that part,” you rushed out, waving your hands about anxiously.
“You,” you sighed, pausing before continuing, “marry me?” 
“To save your life, yes,” the Doctor said like it was the simplest thing in the world. He would walk to the ends of the universe for you. He had.
“Can we do that?” you laughed, squeezing your eyes shut. The whole thing felt too good to be true. 
“I can’t think of anyone else I would rather fake-marry,” he smiled, taking your hands in his again. 
You grinned, the smile taking over your whole face. The Doctor loved it when you smiled like that. He loved it even more when he made you smile like that. 
“Let’s get fake married!” you laughed, jumping up from the grass. The Doctor nodded in agreement, standing up next to you. 
“How exactly…” you trailed off. “Are we going to get fake married?” The Doctor had a habit of making plans without a way to execute them. 
It wasn’t like you could just walk into the village church and get married. You certainly couldn’t go back to the TARDIS, or that would have been the plan before suggesting a falsified marriage.
“There was a little cottage on the outskirts of town, we can hope that there’s an inhabitant there who can serve as a witness?” He suggested. 
You couldn’t come up with a better idea so you agreed, following the Doctor as he walked off into the distance. 
You tried not to read too much into the whole marriage thing. The Doctor was doing it to save your life, nothing more. Still, the mere idea of it left your skin tingling and your heart racing. 
You were so lost in thought you hardly noticed the cottage creeping up on you until you were standing on the front steps. 
The Doctor rapped his knuckles against the wood softly before stepping back. You waited in silence for a few moments. You could hear the blood pumping in your ears. What if this didn’t work? 
The door flung open, revealing an old woman. 
“What do you want?” She barked, clearly disturbed by the visit. 
The Doctor cleared his throat, searching for his words. You frowned, he usually didn’t have any trouble talking to strangers. 
“This is a bit of a strange request,” he laughed lightly, his hand drifting towards the back of his neck subconsciously. 
“Spit it out, young man.” 
You bit back a giggle. The Doctor was far from young, even if this face was youthful. 
“We need a witness for our wedding,” he rushed, his words coming out in hurried clusters. 
The woman remained silent for a moment, her eyes darting between the two of you. You could see hundreds of questions forming in her mind before she shook them away. 
“I don’t want to know,” she murmured as she opened the door. 
You exchanged a look of relief with the Time Lord before following her inside. 
She bustled about her cottage, sorting things out while the two of you fiddled anxiously in the corner. 
“Well, let's get on with it,” she finally sighed. 
The Doctor nodded timidly, holding out his hand for you to take. You slipped your hand into his, your fingers interlocking instantaneously. You had held hands hundreds of times, yet it felt different.
With his other hand, the Doctor rifled about in the pockets of his coat. You frowned, wondering what could possibly be in there. Did he really need a jammy dodger from the depths of his pocket right now? Finally, his hand slipped out of the pocket holding two silver rings. 
“Why, on Earth, are you carrying around wedding bands?” you laughed. He only shrugged, handing the simple rings over to the old woman. She examined the objects in her hand wistfully, turning them over in her hand. 
“I can’t say I’m a professional at this,” she warned. It didn’t really matter to either of you.
The Doctor took your other hand in his, standing face-to-face with you. You laughed at the domesticity of it. 
“Do you,” the woman paused, looking at the Doctor. 
“John Smith,” The Doctor smiled. You shook your head at his fake name. You had told him hundreds of times that he should change it. No one was really named John Smith, that's the kind of name you only ever found in books. 
“Alright,” the woman said, not even blinking. “Do you, John Smith, take this woman to love and hold blah, blah, blah?” She finished, looking back to the Doctor. He wasn’t even looking at her. His eyes were glued to you, studying every single aspect of your face. He never wanted to forget this moment. From your end of things, you were left with a sickly feeling that you had food on your face. 
“I do,” He smiled brightly. 
“And you?” she turned to you, repeating the process. 
“Absolutely,” you grinned. 
The woman handed you each a ring, which you placed on the other’s hand. You noted the slight shake in the Doctor’s hands as he slipped the silver band onto your finger.
You had always wanted to get married. Sure, you never imagined it like this. Standing in some random cottage in a pair of worn-out jeans exchanging wedding bands in order to save your life was never your plan. Even still, you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“You may kiss the bride,” The old woman chided, looking at you two disapprovingly. You were so busy looking into the Doctor’s eyes that you completely forgot about the whole kissing part of getting married. 
A scarlet flush overtook your face, but the Doctor pretended not to notice. Instead, he cupped your face in his hands gently, angling it upwards towards his. Slowly, he dipped his way down until his lips were inches away from yours. 
You could feel his breath on your mouth, you noted each and every twitch of his lips. Your eyes fluttered closed as he eliminated the gap, his mouth crashing into yours. 
He very well could have given you a chaste kiss, the kind you give your gran on Christmas Eve. Instead, he kissed you like his life depended on it. Like he had been thinking about kissing you for eons. 
His mouth fit against yours perfectly. There was no other way to describe it. 
He pulled away slowly, leaving you stunned and breathless. Your eyes remained closed for a moment, taking it all in. When they finally opened, you saw him. Your Doctor. The impossible, magnificent, loving creature in front of you. It was foolish to claim that such a being was yours alone, but you couldn’t see it any other way. 
“Congratulations,” the old woman smiled, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Thank you,” you smiled meekly, pushing your hair out of your face. 
You didn’t keep the ring on long. A few days after your wedding it came off with the rest of your jewelry before bed. You just never put it back on. It was a fake wedding after all. 
That didn’t mean that you threw it away though. Quite the opposite. The ring sat on your bedside table, occasionally glimmering in the light. 
Sometimes, you would run your fingers over it before bed. You relished the idea of it all. The memory of his hands holding yours, the feeling of his lips on yours. It haunted you.
The Doctor, however, never took it off. Not after the wedding. Not before bed. Not when he fiddled with the wires under the TARDIS console. 
You noticed this one evening, the dimmed lights of the control room catching on the polished metal. 
“Why do you still wear that?” you asked, gesturing to the Doctor’s left hand. His eyes traveled to the band on his finger that he had been idly spinning. 
“It’s my wedding band,” he shrugged as if it was as simple as that. 
“I’m not sure you can call it that,” you laughed, “I’m not even sure our wedding was legal.” 
“It doesn’t have to be,” he frowned, still looking at the ring. 
“I can take it off if it bothers you,” he suggested. He didn’t want to take it off, not ever. But if you wanted him to, he would. 
“It doesn’t,” you whispered, staring at the space where your own ring used to be. The feeling of his lips came back to you, and you had to push it to the side. 
“Did it mean nothing to you?” He asked, his voice hardly above a whisper. If you hadn’t been listening you might have missed it. 
“Not at all,” you said, refusing to meet his eyes. 
“You don’t wear yours,” he commented, taking your left hand in his. You stared at your interlocked hands, not trusting yourself to meet his eye. 
“You married me to save my life,” you stated. 
“It was a fake marriage.” 
“Not to me,” he whispered, running his thumb over the back of your hand. Your eyes drifted up to his face. He was looking at your hand with a pained expression. For the first time, it occurred to you that perhaps the absence of your ring was upsetting to him. For so long, you had assumed that he just wanted to forget the whole thing. 
“I love you,” he whispered, “I always wanted you to be my wife.” 
You didn’t know what to say. For a minute, you hardly believed the words coming from his mouth. 
“I always wanted you to be my husband,” you whispered, leaning in towards him. You paused, your breath bouncing off of his lips. It reminded you of your first kiss, the familiarity of it shocking. 
You learned in and kissed him gently, a tender kiss to test the waters. You pulled away, unsure if this was what he wanted. The Doctor gripped your face, crashing his lips against yours in a much more urgent matter. You smiled against his mouth, melting into the kiss. 
“My wife,” he chuckled between the kisses he planted all over your face. 
“My husband.”
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once-ina-blue-moon · 8 months
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he fell asleep under the tardis console again 🙄
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badwolfrose34 · 17 days
Girl in the Fireplace Rant (cont.)
There was at least some engagement on my last post about this so I decided I will in fact post a follow up. GitF was 100% a bad faith episode. Moffat wrote it because he is classist and misogynistic and hates Rose. Unfortunately, part of his purpose for the episode was to show that the Doctor will always prefer a “classy” aristocrat over Rose and he wanted to have her treated as nothing. So, all of us Rose fans have to come up with a headcanon that undermines the writer’s intentions.
I think the most common one is to believe the episode was the Doctor’s attempts to push Rose away because of her mortality and how that scares him.
That never worked for me because a major part of the Doctor’s character is his protectiveness. He would never push her away to the point of danger or abandonment. For me, I feel that fictional or not, the actions of the Doctor in that episode would be entirely unforgivable if they did happen. So my headcanon is that this episode was a nightmare Rose had.
If you are like me are also one of the fans for whom the pushing her away theory doesn’t work, read on for my explanation of why I don’t think GitF could be an actual event within canon. Moffat may be a BBC writer but it doesn’t give him a right to completely undermine the show, it doesn’t actually belong to anyone outside of financial concerns. If you’re content with believing he needed to push Rose away and that the episode did happen, you can ignore this.
Why the events GitF did not happen within canon (but could’ve happened as a nightmare)
1. Doctor Who canon is very loose as it is. With multiple writers across multiple mediums, things do contradict each other and us as fans get to decide for ourselves what fits with canon and what does not.
2. The Doctor has been clearly shown to be in love with Rose. He is protective of her to the point that if a decision will kill everyone else but give her even a slight chance of survival, he can’t actually make that decision. He almost did in Dalek, but after she didn’t get through the barricade the first time he was incapable of significantly reducing her safety for the good of everyone else. He snapped awake from a regeneration coma just because Rose said “help me”. He freaked out when Cassandra had her body and again in Tooth and Claw when she was in trouble. If you count Stone Rose that almost certainly took place before GitF and he once again, lost his mind over Rose being a statue.
I do understand seeing Sarah Jane age freaked him out. And I could’ve understood him distancing himself from Rose a bit in some way. But his instinct to protect her is so strong he’d never sacrifice her safety to push her away. Leaving her alone with clockwork for an extended period of time while he partied and invented drinks is impossible enough. Let alone the way he believed he’d have no way back to the ship when he went through the time window for the last time. Not only had he just promised she could spend the rest of her life with him, but her and Mickey would’ve likely died alone on that abandoned spaceship.
Simply, it’s just too out of character to happen within the rest of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors’ canon.
3. The horse. I have been a big horse person my entire life. Horses have extremely strong flight instincts. Even the most trusting and well trained horse in the world is never going to jump through reinforced glass. I do realize as Sci Fi fans we have to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. But we are never given an explanation as to why this horse would behave so dramatically differently from another horse. Every bizarre thing we accept in the DW universe is explained to some extent. There is a book where the Doctor tames a horse with psychic paper. But that horse is never asked to violate its instincts. That horse behaves as any other tame horse behaves. That is an example of acceptable DW suspension of belief. There is still a sci fi/alien technical explanation and I can absorb it. I cannot absorb a horse jumping through a firm glass window unless they were running from something even scarier. No matter how well trained a horse is, it’s not jumping through glass just because a humanoid asked them to. Nothing was chasing Arthur and his body language did not suggest any kind of fear to indicate he was running from something even scarier. All the droids were already in the other side of the window as well. It’s simply bizarre and impossible, even in a sci fi snow. Within this very show the Doctor states you can’t hypnotize someone beyond their survival instincts. I believe this applies to horses and a horse’s instincts is to avoid jumping through or into a reinforced barrier.
Next, we are given no explanation as to how this horse jumped through glass unscathed. Glass that was said to be so strong only a truck could break through. Horses are also extremely delicate and many have fatally injured themselves just playing in the paddock. Even for injuries not that extreme, every horse person knows that even small things result in giant vet bills.
Finally, it is once again grossly out of character for the Doctor to take a living animal and make them do something he previously calculated would required a truck.
4. Things are back to normal as if the episode never happened by the Rise of the Cybermen. If the Doctor had really developed feelings for another woman so strong that he would leave Rose for dead, then lost her, would he just be back to being the same old Doctor the very next episode? I doubt it. The Doctor is also a character known for holding on to guilt. Even if Reinette was mechanism to push Rose away, the way he abandoned her would’ve caused enough guilt he wouldn’t just be normal the very next episode. The show carries on as if Reinette never happened because Reinette never happened.
The only reference to that GitF is some clockwork droids in John Smith’s journal. Which could be explained by another encounter with the droids or by the Doctor looking at Rose’s mind to see the nightmare. Which would be an intimate enough moment to imprint on John Smith’s subconscious. The words “a girl in every fireplace” can once again refer to the Doctor seeing Rose’s nightmare or another off screen adventure entirely. There is no reference strong enough to confirm the actual events of GitF ever happened. The show functions exactly the same way without it. Because, it never happened.
5. The events of the show make perfect sense as a nightmare in Rose’s head. Take it from someone with a degree in psychology. Rose has abandonment wounds from Jimmy Stone. She also has abandonment wounds from her father dying when she was too young to understand it. School Reunion, the episode right before GitF triggers her abandonment wounds by making her see the Doctor has previously left companions and did not come back for them. It also makes her wonder if she is special to the Doctor. These doubts combined with her past trauma are a perfect recipe for her to have a bizarre nightmare where she gets abandoned in the most horrific way after the events of School Reunion.
I will leave you all with my fic where this was all a nightmare. Or you can write your own if you prefer. My point is that for those who feel the way I do about this episode, we do not have to accept the events as canon. We do not have to believe the Doctor has ever treated Rose this way except in her worst nightmares.
Update to address Deep Breath:
1. Doctor mentioned seeing clockwork droids before, but we know that the Doctor has many off screen adventures. He could’ve encountered the droids at any other point in his entire life besides GitF.
2. As for that episode stating the SS Madame De Pompadour existed, that still doesn’t confirm anything. There was a real life ship called the USS Queen of France. This was named for Marie Antoinette. Jackie dated a sailor once and Rose had a friend named Keisha whose brother was a sailor. This means Rose could’ve heard one of them discussing historical naval ships. This how she would imagine a ship named after Madame de Pompadour in the first place. She and the people who built the SS Madame de Pompadour and SS Marie Antoinette would’ve simply drawn inspiration from the same place. Also, there’s the fact that someone named a fictional ship Titan many years before Titanic ever existed.
Update 2: Rose was going to get an A level in French if she hadn’t run off with Jimmy. So she could’ve reasonably been familiar with some aspects of French history and able to imagine all of these things in a dream, even if it wasn’t a historically accurate dream, everyone knows weird things happen in dreams.
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simp-ly-writes · 4 months
For All Time
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Paring: 10th Doctor x Fem! Time Lord!Reader
Summary: Many, Many worlds ago you were married to the Doctor. That was until a war tore your home planet and species apart and you were part of the lucky handful that managed to make your way out into the universe- alive. As you go through many regenerations of yourself, you run into the Master, an old friend of yours that you faintly remember. He tells you of the Doctor, warns you of your spouse and from then on, you are on a mission to never interact with him. Should be easy... right?
Warnings: 3300 words. Angst with no HEA. Themes of death. Depictions of Blood.
A/N: This is my first time writing for Doctor Who and I have only watched 12 hours worth of video essay's on the series. Please be kind and I hope you all enjoy~ :)
Masterlist | Taglist Request | edited.
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You were terrified of time lords, the Doctor in particular and as to not be a hypocrite, you were scared of yourself- of everything you could fuck up for all time- that you already did fuck up for all time as the Master had already reported to you all those regenerations ago.
He told you of the horrors you made, the inconsequential decisions you thought to be just so now added up to a few hundred deaths on your hands as universe's threatened to collapse and the possible elimination of dozens of species painted your hands in guilt. Your finger nails pressing into your palms as you shook your head, trying to wring the statistics out of your head. But in the sliver of a smile, his dark eyes filled your thoughts as he placed a hand on your shoulder and leaned closer to your face, tears began to well up in your eyes.
You felt his breath on your neck as he brushed your hair away from your face, drinking up your tears while whispering in your ear, "But you haven't done the worst, love." He emits a small chuckle, his head knocking slighting against your own as you lean further back into the wall for support. "It is the Doctor that damned us all and yet we are the one's to be blamed, for everything, for all time, now and forever. He has killed millions, and nearly every little lover he calls companions he takes on his tyrannical adventures."
Your voice meek, throat clogged with tears as you sniffle for air, "I thought I was the only one, old friend... I thought that- that-"
"From what I know..." he cuts you off, taking a step back, allowing you room to breath as your legs give out from underneath yourself, your back falling against the wall before you are sat on the floor. Your fingers picking away at the grout between the tiles as you count the tiles of the room, doing your best to blink away the tears. "... its just the three of us and if I can offer you a tidbit of advice form one friend to another..."
He stand at full height, leaning down to lift your chin, that sliver now a toothy grin as his fingers dig into your cheeks, pressing your lips together, his eyes flash over to them before continuing his eye contact as you wince at the force he handles you with. "...continue to run away from us all." He drops your head, as if your skin burned his own and by the time you gain the momentum to look up once more, there are no traces he ever was here- he ever exist, a mere fragment of your imagination. You pick yourself up the floor and take his advice to heart.
So thats how you found yourself, sat underneath an umbrella in early spring within France. You and your Tardis concluded the time to be the mid two-thousands as you tried not to let the everlasting smell of piss on the streets keep you from enjoying an early brunch.
You watched as various tourists rolled themselves out onto the streets, snapping hundreds of pictures with their digital cameras, kids pointing at various things in storefronts, leading their parents chasing after them. A small smile casted upon your features as you listened to their little feet run across the cobbled streets, cheering loudly at the sweets in the window.
The Sun begins to peek out from between the clouds as you cast your gaze down to escape its shinning rays sneaking underneath your cover. Taking a sip of your now ice-cold coffee, you jolt in your seat, unaware that it was yourself who clattered the cup to the plate, trying to set your drink down. Dropping your shoulders down, your cheeks warm as the kids from earlier snap their heads towards the noise as you begin to pat your pants dry from the spilled coffee.
You swear lightly underneath your breath, your book-ruined and the liquid threatening to ruin your pants as well. Taking a napkin from the holder, you pat yourself down before opening the book in your lap, trying to air out the pages.
But soon the book and outfit become the last of your worries as your ear twitch to the familiar mechanical wizzing sound of what could only be a Tardis. Sweat instantly forms in your palms, your eyes dart around the streets, looking, watching, waiting for his arrival. You hate to admit that the panic holds yourself still, strapped to this very chair to witness the horror about to be unleashed yet all these humans appear none-the-wiser to their upcoming demise.
And when you think all those tears you shed were now buried away yet new ones burn your vision blurry as you grip the table in wait. What of the children, the families, the lives of them all? Your brain presses, kicking into hyperdrive, asking yourself if you are ready to die. But what will he do if he finds me? And your mind goes blank, incapable of thinking of what tortures you would endure.
So you present yourself human, plastering a fake smile, bright eyes as silent tears run rivers down your cheeks. Your breathing staggered just like your hearts, threatening to exit your body and make a life for themselves. It would be better to die, you convince yourself, the words echoing through your soul, it is better to die, die, die.
It feels like lifetimes move as you await his presence, eyes casting down the various alleyways, ears pointed for the sounds of agony and screams in his pleasure for universal domination. "He's killed millions," the Master's voice whispers into your ear with the breeze following by the sound of two beating hearts.
It was hard to miss the way your heart slowed, matching the breaths in between his own. His steps organized in the crowd surrounding him as a woman follows just behind his every step. His hair caught you first, its frazzled appearance as if he dragged his hands through the roots a few hundred times yet no stress coated his features, not a single wrinkle or crinkle besides a smile that has you loosening your grip on the table.
His direction leads him closer towards the coffee shop you sit in front of as a child runs across his front, stepping on one of his sneakers, an involuntary gasp escapes between your painted lips yet the Doctor takes no attention nor comment to them, simply continuing his way through the crowd. You hear his voice above all the afternoon commotion, his accent catching you off guard, "Say Donna, have you ever seen Paris or the South of France? I must say that this tower of theres is nothing in comparison to some of the future civilizations I've seen, I should, I will take you to one in the future or well, when we are done here."
The woman nods along to what he says, biting her lip, a knowing smile growing across her features as if she is cooking up a line to fire back, "Well the last time I was here was with you but we didn't really get to have a getaway besides running from those martians trying to KILL US! This is much better, oh!- did you see that woman's sandwich! How about lunch?"
Your eyes are wide as she tilts her head in your direction. You embody the appearance of a deer in headlights before swiftly unfolding the newspaper on the table, doing your best to read the various headlines with plausible interest.
The Doctor hums thoughtfully, looking to where Donna's eyes had landed, his eyes narrow in of the outrageously large paper that covers your face as he leans closer to Donna, "is that newspaper big, or is the woman just small?"
Donna laughs, knocking her shoulder with the Doctor as he shuffles back, head tipped down into a playful glare. "Well, spaceman. In comparison to you, anything appears larger than life."
"Do you want that sandwich or not?" The Doctor responds, eyes already bored and looking at the various other shops and people on the street, subconsciously looking for a threat to ruin the day.
"Well, yes-"
"Then lets get you that sandwich," and with that the Doctor is taking large strides up to your table. Curiosity brimming with excitement to uncover whoever was behind that paper. His heart rate began to climb, the walk now a light job as Donna wondered whatever has gotten into the Doctor.
You tense in preparation, saying your grievances underneath your breath as the man reaches forward, ripping the newspaper that had gradually been pressed closer to your face as he leaned closer to you. You pick up the book in your lap, spreading the pages wide open. Wincing once your fingers trace up the spine, finding a new crack upon its surface- that too is torn out of your hands.
In a childish effort- you close your eyes, hands racing across the tables surface before feeling the soft material of a serviette. Your plate clatters against the wooden table as you rip the cloth from underneath, waving it in the air to unfold it and subsequently into his face as he audibly complains. Swiftly opening your eyes, you look through the thin material, tracing over his blurry outline and hard-to-reach features while leaning back as far as your chair allows you too. Your feet hooking under the tables legs as only two chair legs hold you from toppling over.
The man huffs, his chair scraping against the pavement in a horrifying screech as your tableware clatters to the floor, bits and pieces of porcelain scraping across your leather shoes and socks. He peers over your napkin, eyebrow raised, brown-eyes peering to see your wide ones. You watch as his other eyebrow races to match the other, a small gasp escapes between his parting lips with fingers brushing against your own. He steals away the last of your cover, casting it aside to a nearby empty table.
The Doctor leans closer to listen to your hearts beating rapidly in your chest as he casts a hand down to feel his own. By the time he looks back up at you, a charming smile has one threatening to spread across your face but the Master's words make it fall the next moment as the Doctor gently clasps your hand between his own, taking the seat behind himself, pulling you forwards to sit level.
"Hello, darling," he whispers out, unsure if you are truly you as he awaits your answer. He squeezes your hand, ushering you to respond. You hate the way the pet-name makes you feel, the memories that flood your mind and all the time in between. A moment passes between you both before an approaching fiery-headed woman shifts your attention away from one another.
"DOCTOR? DOCTOR! What in the hells do you think you're doing?! Harassing this poor woman- oh I apologize dear, I have no idea what gotten into him today. I don't want that Sandwich in particular, just any sandwich!" Donna shouts out in the Doctors face. You wait for her to take him by the ear like a tired mom yet she smacks him on the back of his head as he drops your hand to ease the oncoming bruise.
With this distraction you quickly stand, throwing an unknown amount of currency on the table before darting down the crowded Paris streets. The Doctor curses underneath his breath lightly, "You don't understand, Donna!"
"What don't I understand? You going after some random human, is she a past companion or something?" Donna asks, eyes casting towards your empty seat that the Doctor glares at.
"Thats my wife!" The Doctor outbursts, grabbing your book and paper in hand before darting off after you, Donna running swiftly after the spaceman. "YOUR WHAT?!" Donna screams out between breaths.
"Don't you have five of those already?" She teases but the tone is peaked with genuine curiosity.
"Well yes- no. I don't know, they were the first!" The Doctor stumbles the words out, mind a fumbled mess at the sudden shock of you.
"The first, wait. Are they..." Donna's steps come to a halt as the Doctor casts his head back, steps slowing as they regain their breath, he hands your book and newspaper to Donna who holds onto the materials tightly. "...a time lord?"
"Yes..." the Doctor says in a remorseful tone. "....Yes, they are."
You lost where you last parked your Tardis as you turn down road after road, cars honking as you interrupt the traffic in your maddened dash. You keep your ears peaked for the two intruders to your centuries of peace. Your mind running a mile a minute for a plan that you assure yourself to be thinking of on the fly as you take another sharp turn, flying into someones arms.
They grip you still, smelling of aftershave and coffee with a dash of honey. You take in a deeper breath, curious to find the undertones before a chuckle has you pulling away, blinking rapidly as they hold onto your elbows and pull you into an empty shop under construction. You curse when seeing those familiar brown eyes, your hands drifting over the soft fabric of his jacket, feeling the small rips and seams before pulling away. Dusting your hands off on your pants, he moves his touch up to your shoulders, giving them a light shake.
"Why are you running, is there an emergency? A planet being overtaken, a universe about to explode?" He rattles off various answers for your selection yet you chose to remain silent. Ripping yourself away from his touch, you watch as his hands flex, itching to hold onto something, to someone, before he reaches into his jacket pocket as you do the same.
Two sonic screwdrivers are presented, shoving the glowing end into one another's presences. The door slams open and shut once more as Donna casts her arms wide and behind herself, blocking any potential escape. "Alright, lets gets things settled here, we don't need to me shoving our sonic screwdrivers at each other now!" Donna announces.
You wait for the Doctor to drop his first, eyes following as his hand open, his movements slow as he guides the technology back into his coat. He nods towards you, beckoning for you to do the same, your hands shake as you press it into your pant pocket for easier access. The Doctor raises a brow to this, looking back at Donna who's sights are set on you with pity.
The Doctor takes a step forwards, you shake your head, hands raised, your voice cracking, "You. Are. A. Monster! A Monster that has destroyed lives! You are in the midst of ruining another just now. If you would PLEASE just let me walk away I can promise you that I will do nothing- a personal moral of mine-"
The Doctors eyes gloss over, memories flash over himself. His arms feel heavy, shoulders slumping forwards as he remembers holding what he thought to be the second-to-last time lord in his arms, the Master as he died- unwilling to regenerate. "But here's the thing, I don't want to just 'let you walk away,' not with how I lost the last one- not when I am so close again to what could be," the Doctor pleads sincerity, his heart shattering at your words he knows a part to be true. But to hear them coming from who he surly believes to be you, it cuts him wounds him as you continuously step away from him as he nears.
The pain, the fear in your eyes, dictating your speech, he wishes to comfort you, hand raising to capture your outstretched one yet you quickly press your hands back into your chest. Right above your heart as it covering it for an attack. Donna sternly voices the Doctors name causing the man to pause in motion. Feet posed for another step, hand outstretched in a welcoming fashion, palm stretching outwards.
"Exactly. What COULD be. Couldn't have said it better myself, Doctor," you spit his name out, copying the Master's tone. "I'd say it even makes things easier on the both of us. Now please, let. me. go. Or better yet- kill me! Kill me right here, right now! I know you want to so just DO IT!" you scream out, words chocking on tears as you cough, hunching your form over. You feel so small, so hopeless as you look over to his companion, silently asking for her to convince him.
"No," the Doctor states firmly, hands now gripped into fists as he struggles to articulate his next words, looking over at Donna for support.
"Then I am sorry," you hush out softly before jumping up with all your strength as you cast a right hook across his nose. Blood pours over your knuckles as you fling your hand to remove the bodily fluid form your skin, making a mad dash towards the door.
You shout an apology to the human companion, having to shove 'Donna' you remember her name to be, out of the way and make your way back onto the streets. The Tardis had to be close, you think to yourself- the feeling in your gut starting to swell alongside your knuckles as you hissed through the pain, flinging yourself back towards your on-the-go home and pressing towards a random position. Pleading towards the console, anywhere but here, but now, with him- please.
"Wa-" The Doctor began to say before gripping his noise, casting his head upwards to try and stop the onslaught of blood. Tears cascaded down his features, creating a mess across his face as the liquids dropped down to his collard shirt and suit, staining the material for good.
Donna watched your escape through the window, you paid no mind to turn around, to take one last look no matter how hard your shoulders tensed or your neck tilted until you were out of sight. Shaking her head she walks over to the Doctor, reaching around in her pockets for a napkin as she presents the thin cloth to him.
The Doctor mumbles a thanks, beginning to wipe away at his face from his reflection in the glass. The air in the room is depleting as the Time Lord struggles to choke down air from the weight heaving in his chest. Donna rubs his back, watching as his back tenses before settling yet he refuses to look at her, only looking at the direction you fled in.
A few moments passes and the Doctor and Donna had yet to move form their positions, in a light tone, nervous to cut through the heavy silence too swiftly, Donna softly speaks, "You alright?"
The Doctor stands to full height, tissue dropping to the dirty floors beneath as he kicks away a loose bunch of screws. "I'm always alright." The Doctor nods- as if hyping himself up. He begins to make his way towards the door, looking back with a hand outstretched once more.
Donnas heartbreaks then and there as the spaceman smiles at her. She can see the pain in his eyes, the remnants of tears still in the corner of his eyes and the small sniffles he does his best to hide. She softly grasps his hand, giving it a squeeze. She listens to the breath he lets out shakily before leading them back out the door and in the opposite direction of you.
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↳ A/N: what did you think? :)
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shuichiakainx · 5 months
Happy Birthday David 🤧❤️
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Hi! Could I have 10,11 and 12’s reaction to alien reader? Perhaps realising their supposedly’human’ companion is very obviously in a human form. And that they aren’t themself, human?
I’m thinking maybe they convince reader to show their alien form more, or etc in general!
Maybe have readers alien form have yk, multiple arms? Or multiple eyes!
Sorry if this is to specific!
I absolutely love this idea! I sort of made into head canon form, I hope you don’t mind<3
Also, thank you for being my first request!
Enjoy <3
(also I think I may have only done what you actually asked for 12… oops)
Doctor Who Masterlist
10th Doctor
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You’ve been traveling with the Doctor for a while, and you feel like he’s opened up to about some pretty serious stuff.
You’re happy that he’s come around to trusting you, but you can’t help but feel terribly guilty for hiding your true identity.
You were a Stask. A shape-changing lifeform that allowed you to pass as human for many years.
Your true form, however, was a grey-skinned, six-eyed, humanoid, with long white hair.
The longer you traveled with him, the more it ate away at you. Until one day, you couldn’t hide it any longer.
You left your room on the TARDIS and went to find the Doctor. He was easy enough to find, he was almost always in the console room. And if he wasn’t he was usually in the library.
“Um, Doctor?” You spoke up, calling his attention to you. You were nervous. What if he hated you for this? No, you mustn’t dwell on such things.
“Y/n!” He replied enthusiastically. He took a few steps towards you, but stopped in his tracks when he saw your face and your stature. “Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“I… I have something to tell you,” you expressed, as you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
“What is it? What happened?” He pressed, growing more concerned.
No matter how many times you stammered, and started over. You just couldn’t seem to get the words out.
He stared at you, his face full of worry. He could tell something wasn’t right, but he wasn’t sure why. And didn’t like not knowing.
You took a deep breath and did the only other thing you could think to do. You changed back to your true form, right in front of his eyes.
Your hair went white, and your skin back to its dull grey that you never liked. It was one of the reasons you never stayed in your true form.
His eyes went wide for a moment before his face scrunched up in total confusion. “What?!”(WOT!?) He exclaimed.
“Please don’t be mad!” You winced at his reaction, holding your hands out in front of you.
“You’re a Stask,” he pointed out the obvious, clearly dumbfounded by it all.
“But-but-but what!?” He said again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” you began dejectedly. “I understand if you want me to go.”
“Go? Go where?” The Doctor asked. Seriously, after one big shock, it takes a minute for his brain to reboot.
You just shrugged.
He shook his head, sympathetically. “No, I don’t want you to go.”
“Really!?” You felt your heart swell at that. He didn’t want you to leave, he was just a bit surprised.
11th Doctor
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You’d been traveling with the Doctor for over 2 years now. Ever since he saved your life when you were trapped on that 54th century space shuttle.
The crew was human, so you’d disguised yourself as a human to avoid awkward stares. As your true form had deep violet skin, 5 inky black eyes, and pointed ears.
Your species was called Anziks. Of the many shape changer races in the universe you were not one of them, however, your people had the most advanced Shimmer technology in 3,000 neighboring galaxies. It was almost undetectable and much more comfortable than most others.
Of course, you had been wearing one when the Doctor found you. And you had been wearing it since, only taking it off when you were alone in your room on the TARDIS.
Often on your adventures you’d make passing remarks or jokes about how “humans are silly” and remembering things from your home planet. The Doctor never seemed to notice, at least he didn’t let on that he did.
Even with Anziks’s advanced Shimmer technology, it still got stuffy and little difficult to breathe after wearing it for a long period of time.
Today it was particularly bad.
The Doctor was rambling on about something, you really couldn’t say what. You had dismissed yourself quickly, heading straight to your room.
Immediately when you entered your room, you dropped the shimmer, and your deep indigo skin faded back to view, along with your ears and eyes.
You could’ve sworn you shut the door, but the next thing you knew you turned around after taking a breath, only to freeze completely, like a deer in headlights.
The Doctor stood there, a strange metal box he was holding, clattered to the floor.
“Doctor!” You practically screamed, as you quickly put the Shimmer back on, hoping somehow he’d forget.
But it was no use, he’d seen it. You’d been caught.
“Y/n?” He sputtered out, pointing at you. “No! No, no, no, no!”
“I can explain!” You blurted. “I swear I can explain! P-please don’t be angry!”
The Doctor opened his mouth to speak several times, each time with a new hand gesture, but he wasn’t really making any progress on saying anything.
You sighed, still feeling a little like you were choking in your Shimmer. And so you dropped it again, allowing the Doctor to see you how you truly looked.
His mouth snapped shut as he gaped at you.
“I don’t know why I hid it,” you admitted. “I’m sorry.”
“S-so y-you’re a-a-a—“ he stammered.
“An Anziks,” you finished for him. “I’ve been wearing a Shimmer. At first it was just for the job, to keep people from staring at me.”
“Then… we got stranded, and hunted by those Kruuls…” You explained. “and then you came and rescued me and I… there just wasn’t a good time.”
“I see,” he said, his face still slightly pale from the unexpected news.
“Are you angry with me?” You asked, hopeful he would say no.
And to your delight, he shook his head, and relief washed over you like a warm blanket of water.
He smiled and said, “It’s just nice to finally see you.”
12th Doctor
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You’d only been traveling with the Doctor for a couple of months.
He was strange, and wonderful and kind, but still you were nervous to tell him your secret.
Today, you decided to confess to him, before the lie went on for too long.
You walked into the TARDIS console room, where he was reading a book on the second level. He noticed you come in but he didn’t look up.
“Doctor,” you said, taking a few more steps toward him. “I have something to tell you.”
He still didn’t look up. He licked his finger, and turned the page of his book. “Okay,” he said.
You let out a sort of shaky sigh at his aloof attitude. “Doctor, I think you should put the book down for a moment. It’s a bit… serious.”
He looked looked up at you, realizing how serious you were being, and decided to close the book as set it on the table next to him. He waited for you to continue.
You took a deep breath, before looking back at him. “I am… not human.”
He stared at you blankly, and you cringed at what that could mean.
“That’s it?” The Doctor asked, taking you completely off guard.
“I mean, no offense, Y/n,” he continued. “But you’re not exactly good at hiding it.”
Now it was your turn to stare blankly at him. He’d known? How long had he known?
“So tell me,” the Doctor smiled at you. “Where are you from?”
“I…” you started, wanting to question him, but instead answered his question. “Scravikos 5.”
“Ah, Scravikos 5,” he repeated warmly. “So, you must be hiding that lovely second set of arms then?”
“Um… yes,” you said, still completely dumbfounded that he knew all along. “H-how long have you known?”
“Oh, I knew right away,” he scoffed. “It was very obvious.”
“But… you never said?”
“Why would I?” The Doctor questioned.
You shook your head, and shrugged. “Because I lied to you, I suppose?”
“Oh really it was nothing,” he waved off your reasoning. “How long have you had your arms tucked away?”
“About 8 months,” you responded. You had crashed landed on Earth a few months before you met the doctor, and you’d hidden the only thing that was your dead giveaway that you weren’t human.
Well, that must be terribly uncomfortable,” he sympathized. It was a little, and you silently tilted your head in agreement. “Well, you don’t need to hide them here,” he said, urging you to be comfortable in your own skin again.
“Oh, you mean…” you started, eyes wide in surprise at his acceptance, although truly you weren’t sure why you were surprised. He just nodded.
At that you allowed your second set of arms to sprout out of your back. With them out again, it felt instantly easier to breathe.
The Doctor smiled, and you smiled.
And you never hid them again, save for a few choice time period adventures.
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doctorwhocreations · 10 months
Human Nature
This is a long one but proud of it! Written by both me and my lovely bestie @whodoyoudo Enjoy!
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When I agreed to travel with the Doctor, I expected adventures through space, to distant planets and to time periods that I never could have imagined. Yet here I was scrubbing floors in a Victorian school with my fellow companion, Martha Jones. Now the once, wonderful Doctor I had known, has now gone into hiding as a human, he calls himself Dr John Smith in this reality. For some reason the TARDIS crash landed us in a small english village in 1913, it was as if the Doctor never existed. 
In the 9 months that I have been travelling with the Doctor and Martha, it never once occurred to me that I would ever develop feelings for him. I kept my feelings to myself, since it seemed that Martha liked him too. Occasionally she would say how he fitted well in his suit, or casually comment on how the Doctor’s hair looked nice enough to run her fingers through. I never agreed with her… but I never NOT disagreed with her.
The bell had just rung and students had all finished for the day, while me and Martha were left to scrub the floor with brushes. I heard the door creak open and John Smith carried his books with him, as he dodged our soapy area on the floor. John Smith seemed to carry a different demeanour, he was strict and not the happy go lucky Doctor we once had known. I had to shake the thought away, this was a different man, it was as if I was grieving for the person I once knew.
I looked up as John Smith walked by, “Good morning Sir!” I said in a bright upbeat tone, whilst smiling. 
For a brief moment, he turned his head towards me in slight confusion as if to say, “why is this maid addressing me?” With the same expression he responded in an emotionless tone, “Good morning.” 
The Headmaster quickly walked through, looking down at me and Martha. He frowned at how dirty the floor was that we were scrubbing, thanks to the rugby teams not cleaning their muddy shoes before coming in. 
“Better get a move on you two! I want this floor spotless.” The Headmaster yelled.
Mr Smith waited behind for the headmaster to leave then continued to walk by.
I lowered my head, Martha looked over to me, “Hey, just ignore him.” “I don’t care about him.” I sighed, as I scrubbed the floor even harder, “How much longer do we have to stay here for? Did the Doctor even say anything about that?” Martha sighed, she was getting fed up with me asking, “Until those aliens that are tracking us back off. The Doctor has a plan, we have to trust it and keep an eye on him.” “How can we do that if he doesn’t even acknowledge my- Our existence!” Martha raised an eyebrow, “Right… Well he didn’t exactly say how long he would be in hiding for…” I felt a lump in my throat, “What if we are stuck here forever? It’s been nearly 3 months, Martha!” 
Martha put her hand on the brush I’m holding, “Y/N! Calm down, it’s not going to help any, is it? Let me finish this, you go make yourself a cuppa.”
I flopped onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. I pondered at the memories of the Doctor, whenever the Doctor did notice me it wasn’t very often.. we be so caught up in running away from aliens or the Doctor searching for clues, seeking information from a computer or robot or local on a abandoned spaceship. But sometimes we’d have intimate moments, sometimes he’d look at me with a slight sparkle to his eyes, in a different way from usual.
For example, there was a time before we went to the Lazarus Laboratories launch party, as I left my room, I noticed the Doctor stare at me a little longer than usual, since it was the first time he saw me in a formal dress.
I loved how his hand felt in mine. Whenever we were running away from danger, I was too busy feeling scared to savour the moment.
And now all I had of the Doctor was his empty TARDIS and his jacket that was left behind on his seat. Now and then I managed to get away from the school, I would sit in the TARDIS alone and cling onto his jacket and cry into it, as if it was the last remains of my Doctor.
“Are you sure you don't want to give Mr Smith his breakfast? I don’t mind, I’ve been doing it every morning so far.” Martha asked as she was about to head out.
I tied my apron over my uniform and looked in the mirror, acting as if I was fine. I had to remember this is what the Doctor had to do, he had no choice. He would want me to be strong, but my patience was wearing thin.
I sighed, “No you do it, Martha. I give up trying to get to know this Mr Smith.” Martha shrugged as she left, “If you insist. See you later.”
My forced smile dropped as the door closed. As I combed my hair, the thought of seeing the Doctor, aka John Smith in his pyjamas, did appeal. But the aching in my chest outweighed any other emotion, the feeling of being in the same room as someone I once loved.
Martha knocked on the door, then proceeded to walk in carrying Mr Smith’s breakfast. Her eyes widened as she noticed him wrapping his dressing gown over himself. “Sorry Sir! I can come back when you are properly dressed.” Martha said as she looked away trying her best not to stare. 
“No no it’s quite alright.” Mr Smith said in an upbeat sort of manner.
 “Very well sir.” Martha then continued to walk in, placing his breakfast down and beginning to brew the tea. “You know I had the funniest dream last night. I had this dream that I was some kind of adventurer, this daredevil, a madman! The Doctor I’m called and last night I dreamt that you were there.” He said in such an excited, curious voice. “Your friend, colleague was there too…Sorry what is her name?” 
“Y/N Sir, that’s her name.” 
A bright smile appeared on his face, lost in thought as he continued with the story of his dream.
“Well you were both there as my companions.” He continued. 
“The teacher and the housemaids, sir?” Martha shook her head as she smiled, “That’s impossible.” 
“I’m a man from another world.” John Smith counteracts. 
“Well then it can’t be true because there’s no such thing.” Martha finished as she continued to make Mr Smith’s tea.
“Well it was a fascinating dream, we traveled together and saw the most exotic of places.” Mr Smith continued, Martha handed him a newspaper, he read it as he sipped his tea. “Dreams are called dreams for a reason, sir.” Martha smiled.“I guess so.” His eyes looked sad for a moment.  He looked at the clock on the mantelpiece, “Oh before you go, Miss Jones.”
Martha raised an eyebrow, “Yes?” “Is that friend of yours avoiding me? She hasn’t served me tea once!” “What? No, of course not, sir.” She lied.
Mr Smith nodded, “Sure..” He seemed unconvinced. 
Later on, Martha had told me what happened as we tidied up the other rooms, I cringed slightly. I didn’t even realize how it must have seemed, I’ve been working here for over a month. I assumed Mr Smith was too busy, keeping his students in order, marking papers, to even take any notice that one maid hadn’t interacted with him much.
The following day, I was dusting the top shelves of Professor Piers' room (He was an old man who very much enjoyed putting a woman in their place, but then he would be quick to comment on my uniform being nicely tight fitting.. creep). 
I heard a voice from the doorway, “It’s very unprofessional you know.” I wobbled slightly from the stool I was standing on, “Excuse me?!” At that moment I realised it was Mr Smith, I cleared my throat and approached him. “Sorry i didn’t mean to- You almost fell I-” He stammered, this Mr Smith was not as good with his words, compared to the Doctor.
“Yes, Mr Smith?” I asked a bit too abruptly.
“I mean, it’s unprofessional that.. It seems.. That you don’t like to be around me.” He attempted to explain, “Have I done something to upset you?”
“Sir, I must really carry on with my duties or I will be told off by Pervy- I mean Professor Piers.”
My cheeks turned red, he chuckled, “Is that your nickname for him? Pervy Piers?” I looked away, “He is inappropriate at times, yes. Now I must go-” He blocked the doorway, “You didn't answer my question.”
“Sir! Please, I don’t want to be yelled at-” He took the feather duster off me and entered the room, “I know, I will help you dust and we can chat.”
I stood unable to react, he smiled back at me, “Come on then, maid!”
I hesitated for a split second, then thought for a moment it was as if the Doctor was saying those words, not Mr. John Smith. 
John Smith stood on the stool, I was once on, reaching for the farthest corners I was unable to reach. I realised I was staring for too long, I abruptly took my eyes off of him and proceeded to pick up a few books that had been left lywaing about on the side.
 I broke the silence and said, “You haven't done anything wrong by the way, I didn’t mean to avoid you.. It’s just that you look like someone I used to know.” “Oh.” He squeaked, he stepped off the stool and handed back the feather duster, “Is that a bad thing?” “In some ways yes…” I said with my head hung low, as I held books close to my chest. 
“What do you mean? If you don’t mind me asking of course?” Mr Smith turned to face me, carrying a book in hand. 
“It’s just.. I had a friend, we used to travel together but now… he’s um.. He’s gone.” I said. I passed along the books and Mr Smith slotted them into the shelf, “I’m sorry about that.” Mr Smith continued, “But it’s best not to judge a book by its cover.” He said in a serious yet reassuring manner. 
“Well that’s about as clean as Pervy Piers’ room is going to get.” Mr Smith said with a smirk.
“Thank you for helping me, sir. You really didn’t have to.” “It’s fine, I had a free period anyway. Also call me John, when I’m out of hours.”
I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat up. As he got a tad bit closer to me. 
Suddenly the headmaster cleared his throat, “Mr Smith what are you doing in Mr Piers room.. Talking to a maid?”
“Sorry sir, I was just having a word and I-” “I don’t want to hear it, don’t let it happen again.” He warned, Mr Smith passed by me quickly and disappeared down the hallway. 
The Headmaster looked over to me, “You better know your place, madam.” I lowered my head, “Yes sir.” I said leaving immediately.
That evening, I told Martha what had happened with Mr Smith as we ate our evening meal. “That headmaster is rude to everyone.” Martha reassured me.I folded my arms, “I know but he made it sound like we were having an affair or something! What if he says something to someone, or I lose my job? Where am I meant to go if I lose my job!?”
Martha placed her hand on my sholder, “Y/N, it won't come to that, okay?” 
I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. Getting up quickly I brushed my apron down. “I-I just need to be alone with my thoughts.” When I made my way to the door, as I opened it, I found Mr Smith standing in the hallway . 
“Oh, I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” Martha looked toward me for my reaction, I was frozen. Martha sighed and quickly stepped in front of me. “Is there something you need, sir?” 
“No, well I just- yes actually. I wanted to apologise for earlier. I shouldn’t have just walked off like that. I do hope you didn’t get into any trouble because of me, Miss Y/N.” Mr Smith said in a worried tone. 
“What’s done is done, Mr Smith. There’s no point worrying.” I said before leaving the room.
Mr Smith gave Martha a look, before going after me.
“Miss L/N!”
I couldn’t believe this was happening, the human version of the Doctor, following me through an empty school at night. I wanted to go to the TARDIS, to my safe space and cry, but I couldn’t, not here. I hated crying in front of the Doctor, so the thought of crying in front of Mr Smith was the last thing I needed. “Leave me alone, please!”
Mr Smith stopped in his tracks, “I’m sorry I was just trying to-”
“I’m fine really. After all, it wouldn't be proper to be seen with a maid after hours.” I replied back harshly.
I continued to walk out in the courtyard to retreat into the TARDIS, as Mr Smith was left behind to ponder with his thoughts. 
I woke up the next day to find Chrysanthemums in a vase near my bedside table. Martha was up and dressed, doing her hair and gave me a smile, “Found them outside the door this morning, it came with an envelope with your name on it.”
“I hope it’s not from Pervy Piers.” I sighed. Martha teased, “Ooo! A admirer”
“Ew! Pretty sure Professor Piers is old enough to be my grandad.. Wait, maybe even my great grandad!” I laughed.
“At least he has good taste.” Martha commented.
It was like any other day in this dull boarding school, the only thing that would make my day would be a cup of tea or falling asleep, to have dreams that I’m back with the Doctor in the TARDIS. Then I wake up to the reality that was now my nightmare, a world without the Doctor. 
As I was cleaning the windows, a ball came hurling my way from a nearby field. I managed to duck in time, but it smashed the window I was cleaning. The shards of glass came raining on me, I laid motionless for a moment. 
I could hear angry voices in the distance, telling the lad off who kicked the ball. I felt a sharp pain on my face, then I noticed blood drip onto my uniform. 
“Are you okay, Miss L/N?” 
I rose to my feet, I smiled trying to leave, “Just a little cut.” Mr Smith grabbed my arm, “You’re bleeding. I will escort you to the First Aid room.” “I will dab it with a cloth, it will be fine.” “Y/N, does it hurt?”
I quietly nodded, he had a serious look on his face, he handed me a clean handkerchief, “Put some pressure on it.”
Mr Smith led me back inside, I placed the cloth on my bleeding face, “But you have students to watch.” “There’s more than one teacher on duty, it’s fine.” He insisted, he broke into a little smile, “I guess I will have to send you more flowers after this.”
“Wait.. those flowers were from you? I thought they were from Professor Piers.”
“PERVY PIERS!? No, I sent them, for getting you into trouble yesterday. I went out my way picking them out for you!” 
I blushed a little, “I’m just a maid, sir.” “You’re not just a-” We reached the first aid office, a nurse gasped at my face and rushed me into the room, I turned back to Mr Smith, “Thank you.” I tried to hand back his handkerchief, he shook his head.
“You can keep it.” He lingered for a while before going back outside.
Maybe this Mr Smith wasn’t so bad after all.
Although it was November, it was a sunny Saturday afternoon, which meant it was my day off! It was a relief to not wear that dull awful maid uniform. I sat on the bench in the park in the village, it was nice to not be seen as someone’s servant or maid. Just a woman who could be of any status. 
I wore a long red coat with a matching hat and a checked scarf. In moments like this, I felt elegant in this time period and became quite accustomed to it (if you ignore the racism, sexism and so forth..).
I read a book I borrowed from the TARDIS library, “Pride and Prejudice?” A voice questioned.I blushed to see Mr Smith, wearing a grey coat with a black hat, he smirked, “Interesting choice.”
“Oh er-” I wish I picked something that had been published after 1913 now, not thinking Mr Smith would even know about. But I guess I didn’t want to cause any disturbance by choosing a book from the future, well my present. 
He sat beside me, "You have bewitched me, body and soul.”
“Excuse me?” His eyes widened, “Oh it’s a quote!” “Oh yes, I have not reached that part yet, Mr Smith.” “John, on my days off, remember?” He reminded me, “I could lend you a book if you want?” I nodded, not knowing how to respond, he  was close now, if the Doctor ever say this close to me, I'd probably melt.. which was hard not to, he had the same face. 
There didn't seem to be anyone about, anyone passing by would think we're a couple or even a reserved married couple.
"Y/N I don't know what it is, but I feel very drawn to you."
I smiled, "Really? I'm just a maid."
"You're not just a maid." His voice was low and serious.
He kissed my cheek, he got up smoothly, his face was bright red, “Right, I shall leave you to your reading. Good day, miss L/N.”
He left hastily, I gave an awkward wave, trying to process what just happened.
I noticed in the distance, a girl holding a red balloon staring in my direction, she sniffed, a shiver went up my spine, I closed my book and walked away.
 quickly, as the scarecrows fumbled away as I escaped out of their grasp.
“How could such a sweet little girl look so… menacing at the same time?” 
Shaking my head of my thoughts I carried on walking away, still sensing her presence I began to speed up my walk a bit more. 
Then suddenly out of nowhere some idiot dressed as a scarecrow jumped out at me. I was startled for a moment, then began to feel a sudden anger wash over me.
“Oh very funny!! You think it’s funny to jump out at people and try to scare them? And as for you!” I quickly turned around to face that little girl…But she had gone? So fast? How is that possible? I turned back to the scarecrow, and more of them appeared! 
In a panic I lashed out at one of them, grabbing it by the arm only for it to fall to the ground. “Straw?!  B-But..” Realisation hit me as they got closer ready to grab hold of me. They were aliens! They had to be!   
I managed to duck out of the way
I ran all the way back to the school through the woods, I nearly collided into Martha in the hallway, as she was brushing up. “MARTHA! They’re here, the family of blood, we need the Doctor!!” I shrieked. 
“No! Where?”
“In the village, they are controlling the scarecrows!”
Martha quickly cleared her throat, as a teacher called Mrs Berry walked by.
“Ladies, lower your voices.” She hushed, then a young boy ran past her, “Timothy come on, no running!”I leaned closer to Martha, “We should talk about it in our room.” “Or at the pub?” She smiled. I sighed, “I’m not sitting in the cold again, Martha!”
Martha pointed to her uniform, “Well as you can see, I am still working, so go get that watch off Mr Smith and open it!” I frowned, “What? I can’t just go into his room.” “Why not? He seems to like you.” Martha smirked. I shook my head, “Martha stop it! Why can’t you do it?”
“I think he’d prefer to see you over me… So make something up.” I blushed recalling the kiss on the cheek,I wouldn't repeat that outloud. I thought of another excuse, "He is supposed to be lending me a book…” “There you go!” Martha urged as she gave me a little shove, “I will keep a lookout for anything unusual, now go!”
My heart was fluttering, the thought of having the Doctor back.. MY Doctor! But first I had to face the reality that Martha was maybe right, that this Mr Smith may somehow like me? 
I took a deep breath as I stood outside his door, how do I snatch a watch without him noticing? Well the Doctor did say he had a blocker on, so the human version of himself would take no notice of it.
I entered the room, not expecting Mr Smith to be back yet from his walk, but there he was with a woman draped over him. I froze, it was Miss Berry.
“Aren’t you the maid?” Miss Berry asked in an arrogant tone, “Don’t you know how to knock?”
I forced a smile fighting back the tears, “I.. I am sorry for intruding.”
Mr Smith’s eyes were wide, “Y/N it’s not what it seems.” I ignored his words and closed the door behind me. I felt my chest ache, I was wrong. So wrong. To think the Doctor or even this John Smith was capable of ever returning my feelings. 
“Y/N! People are in danger! You walking in on Mr Smith with some woman doesn’t matter! We need that watch asap!”
Martha started storming towards Mr Smith’s room, I followed her frantically, “Wait! Martha you can’t just-” “Y/N! Snap out of it! People have died, my friend Jenny… She’s not who she was.” Martha yelled. “Jenny?” I recalled, Martha used to go to the pub with her and she was a fellow maid. My heart sank, how could I become so oblivious?
Martha barged into Mr Smith’s room, he looked startled, “Miss Jones what did I say about knocking?!” She pointed to the watch, “We need that watch, and you’re not John Smith, you’re the Doctor!”
I lowered my head, as he approached, “What is she going on about Miss L/N!?”
I sighed, “The dreams you’ve been having.. They are all true.” He shook his head,“Is this a prank? Is this because of what happened earlier, a weird way of getting back to me, to convey your jealousy?” He blushed as he locked as with me, “Nothing even happened, I don’t like her in that way!!” I frowned, “No! Of course not! Ioff Mr Smith and open it!” I frowned, “What? I can’t just go into his room.” “Why not? He seems to like you.” Martha smirked. I shook my head, “Martha stop it! Why can’t you do it?”“I think he’d prefer to see you over me… So make something up.” I blushed recalling the kiss on the cheek,I wouldn't repeat that outloud. I thought of another excuse, "He is supposed to be lending me a book…” “There you go!” Martha urged as she gave me a little shove, “I will keep a lookout for anything unusual, now go!”
 don’t care about that, it doesn't matter anymore!” 
“Whatever do you mean!?” 
I stepped forward closer to him, “Mr.Smith people have died, a great deal more will, if you don’t open that watch!!” 
He laughed in disbelief, “How many of those stories have you been reading Y/N? This is completely barbaric!” 
John Smith stood hands on his hips, the most confused and angry I have ever seen. 
I groaned as John wasn’t taking in what me or Martha have even said. 
I began frantically looking around for the watch. “Martha have you found it!?” 
On the other side of the room Martha goes through a bunch of letters and documents. “NO!! ARGH!!” She lashes out, kicking the papers into the air. “MARTHA!! What on earth are you both doing? No wait- Those are the students' reports! Isn’t the point of maids, that they tidy up, not wreck havoc!” Mr Smith shrieked.
Looking back at John with sorry eyes I tried to get him to see reason. “Please Doctor, you have to understand this is important!” 
“Wait..Did you say people have died!? Who!?”
I looked back at him, getting closer in a comforting manner. 
Martha whipped her head over our way and frantically yelled. “It’s not here!!! We’ve looked everywhere, I’m going to look elsewhere!! Come on you two!!”
“I’m going to stay here for a moment, to calm him down.”
Martha shrugs and leaves the room to carry on her search.
I turn back to John, as I looked in his confused brown eyes,  I’m sorry but this life you have here.. It’s not real! This isn’t you.. This is 1913!” 
He placed his hand on my forehead, “Is there an illness going about amongst the maids? The things you and Miss Jones are going out with! It’s madness!” I snatched his hand away, “No I’m perfectly well!” I freeze as I look out the window, “Remember that blue box you dreamt of?” He nodded, “How did you know about that?!”
“Martha may have mentioned it.. But look, it's out there, it’s real.”
John walked towards the window and saw the TARDIS outside, the Family of Blood surrounding it.
“It can’t be.” He uttered, his skin turned pale, he couldn’t bear to even look at the TARDIS, he turned away, “I have never seen it in my life!” I gripped his arm, “Please, Mr Smith. John. We need the Doctor or things are only going to get worse.” “So this Doctor.. He's an alien.” I nodded, he sighed, “And those people who have been killed.. They were killed by aliens as well?” I nodded, “They are looking for you.” “Oh.” He pulled out a watch from his pocket, “So this.. This will bring back the Doctor.. And I will cease to exist?” I noticed his eyes becoming watery, “So none of this was real, not even..” “Yes of course it was real!” “And does this Doctor have feelings for you, does he care for you like I do?”
My cheeks turned red, “I’m not sure..”
“What kind of man is he then?” He gripped my hand, "I could love you better than him, please.."
He clutched onto me, about to embrace me, I pushed him away .
"NO! Stop it! It doesn't matter!! We need the Doctor!!"
He looked sad, "You really do love him."
My heart throbbed, I hate to see him in so much pain. But I had to put those feelings aside.
Suddenly there's a crash through the window, a laser pings off the walls. 
"Come out Doctor!!" A voice bellowed below, it was one of the students, at least what it used to be.
I looked back to Mr Smith, "I will distract them, now go with Martha!! Please!" 
Martha stood in the doorway, Mr Smith turned back to me, “So this is it, then it’s decided? I have to be executed so this Doctor can replace me?” “I’m sorry.” I told him and kissed his lips quickly before running out, “Please open the watch."
Why did I kiss him on the lips, was it a spare in a moment, just in case it all went wrong and it could be my last chance to kiss the Doctor?  His lips felt lovely.. so soft. No that wasn't cool, I should have asked for his permission. I kissed the doctor without his consent, he probably wouldn't have minded. I didn't know for sure.
Anyway I was willing to put myself in danger, in hope John Smith may come to his senses and do the right thing. What if he ran off in fear and Martha didn't find him in time?
So many thoughts swirled round my head, but I didn't have time to be scared, I had to trust that the Doctor will show up in time. And if he didn't… well you can't say I didn't try.
Martha had a lot going on in her head too, as she tried to persuade Mr Smith to open the watch. She thought back to what the Doctor told her in his step guide video for being human, "And finally, 23.. Please look after Y/N, she won't find this easy and she means a lot to me. Of course you both mean a lot to me, but she.. well.."
Martha hadn't always paused it at that part, she knew what he wasn't going to say without hearing it. She never wanted to admit it, but the Doctor never looked at her the same way, it was painful. 
But these last few weeks, she accepted that her crush was nothing compared to the feelings the Doctor and myself had for each other.
"Where has Y/N gone?" Mr Smith asked Martha, as she waited outside his door.
"She has gone to the family of Blood." 
She looked down to Mr Smith pulling the watch out of the pocket, "If the aliens want this, they can have it!!"
"No!! They can't!!" Martha yelled back, as she tried to snatch the watch from him, Mr Smith fought back and accidentally opened the watch a little, "Martha! Why did you let her do that!?!" The Doctor's furious voice came out of Mr Smith.
He closed the watch again, Mr Smith looked spooked, "That was.. that was the Doctor wasn't it?"
She nodded, "Yes. Please, John. I know it is difficult to understand, but without the Doctor.. more people will die, including Y/N."
Mr Smith collapsed onto the floor, tears poured down his face, "So my life is for nothing, meaningless.. And that Doctor gets to have Y/N, not me."
Martha touched his shoulder and sat beside him, "I'm sorry."
He took a deep breath, "If it means.. Y/N is safe, then I guess I have no choice."
On a green glowing spaceship, I awoke to find myself sat on the floor, hands tied behind my back. There they were… the very people who the Doctor was hiding from, the Family of Blood.
“You have his scent on you, what are you hiding?” An old man asked.
My chest tightened, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, maid! We know you travelled with the Doctor!” The dark haired one bellowed.
I shivered, a once normal student, now taken over by this alien form. That is why the Doctor was in hiding, so that same thing didn’t happen to him. 
“She talks about the Doctor to Martha. I’ve heard.” Jenny said, or at least what used to be Jenny. 
I whipped my head round to see John Smith standing there, “Oh gosh this is a real life spaceship!?” He stumbled a little causing himself to tumble and fall onto a row of buttons, pressing them all down. 
My heart sank, “John what are you doing here!?”
The Family of Blood’s all grin, the farmer beamed, “That means the watch hasn’t been opened!” 
“He’s still human though, we need a time lord!” The shell of Jenny said. 
The young boy was growing impatient and yelled “COME ON OUT DOCTORRR!” 
John Smith looked to the young lad with a glint of fear in his eyes. Frantically searching his pocket for that pocket watch. “Here!!! Take it! I don’t want it and I don’t want him!! You can have it!” 
John took the watch out and the family of blood all gathered quickly the young lad snatched the watch from John. I bolted up, unable to believe my eyes, “NO!!” “Shut it, girl!” The moustached leader shoved me down to the ground.
I glanced up at John, “How could you!? We need the Doctor, I need the Doctor! What have you done!?”
John remained quiet as he glanced over to me, there was a different more determined look in his eyes, one I hadn’t seen for a long time.
Whilst the family of blood all pondered at the pocket watch and made a fuss over it, the Doctor quickly rushed over to me untying the knots of rope binding me to the ship. 
I look into his eyes with confusion as he untied me, the Doctor gave me a wink with a slight smirk which made my heart flutter and skip a beat. He’s back, my Doctor is back! I thought to myself. 
The family all intake a quick breath. “The watch is empty!!” The little girl cried out, they all  looked toward me and the Doctor. The Doctor tried to keep up the act, and  looked confused, “W-What do you mean?” 
“You tell me!!” The young lad threw the watch over to what he thought was still John Smith.
The Doctor caught it with ease, “Oohhhh I think the explanation is you’ve just been fooled by a simple old factory misdirection, a little bit like ventriloquism of the nose, but it has got to be said I don’t like the look of your hydrocolometer.” 
The Doctor stood with usual confident style, he whipped his glasses on, “Oh yes not looking good at all… Also you really shouldn’t have let me hit all those buttons.”
A red light illuminated the ship, “I think you should really run!”
Next thing I knew the family were in a panic, the Doctor swiftly gripped my hand as we dashed out before the ship exploded into flames. The family of blood were knocked to the ground nearby us.
The Doctor held me in his arms as we fell due to the impact, my eyes met his, “You’re really back.”
He grinned, “Oh yes!”
As the Doctor sorted out the suitable punishments for the family of blood, I began to readjust to my life back in the TARDIS. It was surreal to be back, a part of me began to ponder, did the Doctor know about anything that John had said to me? We’re they the Doctor’s true feelings coming through or just solely Johns’? Was he really a separate person altogether from the Doctor? The answer of course was yes, in the sense of his personality… but in the end, John was brave, terrified but brave.
 I grew to like him very much. Then my eyes widened, the KISS would the Doctor even remember that? 
I was lost in thought that I hadn’t even heard the Doctor and Martha come into the TARDIS, as I sat at the end of my bed.
“You in here, Y/N?” The Doctor called.
I poked my head out of my room and walked towards the console room, Martha smiled, “See I told you she was here!”
The Doctor gave me a gentle smile, she looked at the both of us, “Right I am going to have my first hot shower in months!” 
Martha gave me a little wink, wait was she rooting for me? No she liked him too, why would she?
My brain had been a mess, I just needed normality and that involved not telling the Doctor I kissed him.. but then a part of me feels he didn’t consent to it, so I should tell him right? 
“Doctor I-“
The Doctor stared up from the console screen, “It’s okay, Martha filled me in… on what happened with John.”
I blushed, “She.. She did? W-What exactly did she say? I mean, well…” I scrambled to find the right words to say. The Doctor meanwhile had a completely blank expression on his face, which made me feel even more anxious at the thought of him being cross with me. 
“Well.. She told me that you and I.. technically John Smith that is, shared a kiss.” The Doctor answered robotically. 
My heart raced, “I’m so sorry! It just happened and I know you couldn’t have consented-”
The Doctor started to smirk which turned into a smile. “It’s okay, I mean…well..” A blush forms on his face, “I’m quite jealous actually.”
I raised my eyebrow unable to connect the dots, “Jealous.. Of John Smith?”
“Clearly you preferred him over me.”
My face brightened, what the hell had Martha said to him!? My palms grew sweaty, as I stepped back, “No NO! That’s not true at all! Whatever Martha said isn’t true and the kiss didn’t mean anything. I mean it did, but it was a spur in the moment because I was worried I was not going to survive or not.” “Y/N.” The Doctor interrupted, “I get it, it’s fine.” He looked at the console screen, a sad look in his eyes for a moment. Did I respond in the wrong way? What did he expect me to say? “It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you, it’s just I knew John liked me and-” “I’ve heard enough.” The Doctor snapped. I froze, wait did the Doctor believe I don’t want to kiss him and preferred John? I walked off back to my room in a huff.
Martha had her arms folded as she emerged back in the console room, she raised her eyebrow, “Realy? You’re jealous.. of yourself?!”
“Well technically it wasn’t-“
“Your body, your lips! The whole time I spent with Y/N she missed you, she wanted you to come back! She didn’t want John Smith, John Smith was like a loved up puppy for Y/N!”
He blushed, “No I’m not-“
He froze realising he slipped up on his words, Martha nudged him, “I said John Smith…”
“Now go kiss and make up! Literally or not, that came out wrong.”
The Doctor hugged Martha, “Thank you for keeping Y/N safe and looking out for me while I was gone.”
Martha shrugged and smiled sadly as the Doctor walked away to find me. “No problem..”  
The Doctor walked to my room and gave the door a gentle knock. Changing back into my own clothes, I was trying to process all what had happened and been said. “Just a minute” I said whilst putting on my socks. Opening  the door I look up to see the Doctor with a serious yet saddened look upon his face. 
“Y/N I’m sorry for how I may have reacted back there. May I come in?” He gestured to the little sofa I have in my room. (everything seems little in this Tardis!) 
I let out a subtle sigh “Okay, you can come in.” 
He stepped inside my room, the Doctor seemed timid, awkward. Well he isn’t really the best at social situations.
 “I really am sorry, I just thought that you liked the John Smith version of me, over the real me.” The Doctor looked to me for an answer. I slowly walked closer to him. 
“Why would I like him more?? He’s not you.. No offence to your chameleon machine thingy..” I pointed out my bedroom to the console room in the distance where the chameleon mechanism hung above. “But John Smith was a little boring, especially in comparison to you, Doctor.”
 A large grin slowly formed on his face. “Well…” He said as he ran his fingers through his lovely brown hair. Then came to a sudden stop when he paused to study my blushed expression. “But seriously Doctor.. Do you know how hard it was to see the man you love walk around acting like you don’t exist?” His eyes widened, realisation spread across my face. 
“I-I mean-“
The Doctor was now closer than ever, his brown eyes gazed into mine, “I missed you.”
His lips melted into mine, this is what I always wanted, no needed. Although they felt the same as John Smiths, my heart fluttered even more knowing this time, they truly belonged to the Doctor! It grew deeper and felt like time had frozen, the passion the Doctor held back for so long became unravelled before me. He wrapped his hands around my waist, nothing felt so right in my life.
Then a voice clearing brought us back to reality, it was Martha, how long had she been standing there?
“See you two have both… erm.. sorted things out.”
The Doctor cleared his throat, “Martha maybe knock next time.”
His cheeks were red and hair slightly ruffled, oops I must have done that.
Martha huffed, “Just drop me off home and I will give you both some alone time!”
Me and the Doctor locked eyes, then we bursted into laughter. 
He held my hand as we walked out into the console room together. It was good to have my Doctor back. 
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Thank you for reading!!!!
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: unbelievably, this is the first actual piece of Doctor Who writing not counting the dogshit on my wattpad account we’ll all pretend that doesnt exist fr so please be nice x
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve x gender neutral!reader
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The Doctor x Short!Reader
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- is cheeky about it but not outright mean, unless he’s in one of his God-humans-are-the-fucking-worst moods
“Honestly, it’s like you idiots are TRYING to wipe your own planet out of existence, and you, well, you can't even reach the top of your own cupboards! What use are any of you?!”
- you’re literally on his side and think the human race sucks but ok go off, way to throw us all under the bus lol
- he’ll apologize afterwards if you’re clearly upset or if he thinks he went too far
- most of the time it’s very lighthearted jabs at your height
- always waits a few seconds before helping you reach something because he thinks it’s funny and also very sweet but he won't dare admit that
- as much as he convinces himself and everyone he encounters that your height is solely something he finds hilarious on occasion, he can't help feeling a little more protective of you, like your smaller form makes you more likely to break
- very much still recovering from the Time War, he’s prone to overthinking disaster scenarios, especially when it comes to you
“Stay behind me. These creatures can't be trusted at the best of times.”
- but you always find a way to spin it into something more lighthearted, to ease his mind
“I’m a smaller target than you, so I like my chances! Perhaps it’s you that should stay behind me?”
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- won't make fun unless he knows for a fact you’re comfortable with it
- as soon as he finds out you are, he makes jokes only in a very lighthearted way
- also comes up with cute nicknames to use when you’ve done something that’s impressed him, like saved a civilization or two while he was busy being broody and hot or something
“Oh, you little star!”
- generally speaking, he doesnt really care about your height, but he does find it endearing
- he’ll never see it as a point of weakness
- if he ever finds you struggling to reach something or down in the dumps about clothes not fitting you right because of your smaller proportions, he’s always right there to lift your chin back up and remind you of the wonderful person you are, that your stature holds no sway over how brilliant you are, especially not to him
“Some of the most mighty species in all the galaxies are the smallest ones you’ll find, some don't even have physical bodies big enough to detect with the human eye! Each and every one is perfectly unique in their own way, and you are no different. The stars you’ve seen in the night skies all your life, are they any less magical for appearing so small?”
“Exactly! And, you know, the more humans I meet, the more I realize how similar you are to Time Lords.”
“In what way?”
- and then he’s grinning down at you, all giddy about getting to use the line he loves hearing more than any other
“You’re all so much bigger on the inside.”
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- will make a joke about your height to test the water
- if your reaction tells him you’re not okay with it, he’ll feel guilty for the rest of eternity and never do it again
- but if you laugh with him or roll your eyes with a smile, he’ll grin like he’s accomplished something great, cracked some impossible code, and he will wear that like a badge of honor
- regardless of the fact you’ve made it clear he is allowed to make fun of your height, if anyone else does it in front of him, he doesn't like it
“Well, surely the smallest one should be sent in first, their loss would be the least noticeable!”
- and the Doctor is straight up, clapping his hands together and pointing in all directions as he lays out the plan of action very clearly to all involved, ending it by pointing at the man who dared make fun of you
“Now, you. From what I gather, jokes are supposed to be funny- supposed to land laughs with the nearest crowd; clearly you missed that memo, but that’s fine. Depending on (Y/N)’s reaction to your poor excuse for a joke, I’ve got a snowglobe with a blackhole suspended within it that I think you’d fit just perfectly in. (Y/N)?”
- the man looks terrified, and you try your best to refrain from laughing at him as you raise an eyebrow in dramatic silence
“Jury’s still out, see if he survives this first.”
the Doctor claps his hands again. “Cool! I’m never saying that again, but it would be very uncool of me to have to trap you inside a snowglobe that would tear you atom from atom in a continuous, brutal cycle, so consider that a warning.”
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- takes the ABSOLUTE piss, don't ever think he won't
- will 110% pretend he can't see you and stare right over your head
- will 1000% make up short-based nicknames all the time
“Hello there, Short Round.”
“Really showing your age with that one.”
“Oh, what was that? A tiny and insignificant mouse, or perhaps it was the wind, arguing with me?”
- you’d think in all his whimsical, magical, time-travelling glory with his constant bustling about and his mind going a mile a minute in the most erratic fashion possible, he wouldn't notice your height, let alone find the time to make a joke in literally any setting, but oh boy, does he
“Is everyone clear on their roles in my carefully laid out plan, because I know that the accent can be difficult, but if I have to explain it again I think I’d rather do everything myself and you can all sit here with (Y/N) and applaud me when I get back.”
“Wait, sit here with me? Why aren't I coming with you?!”
“Because you’re-”
- he gestures to you with his hands, up and down, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you’re sighing because you already know what he’s referring to
“What does my height have to do with anything?!”
“You’re all compact, like a foldable deckchair or one of those raincoats that turns into a conveniently sized pouch. It’s frankly distracting and my pockets are full so you cant sit in any of them.”
- he never laughs at his own jokes but sometimes he makes you WHEEZE with the inventive short jokes he comes up with
- similarly to Nine, though, he also can't help viewing you as more breakable, not only because you’re a human, but a very short one, too
- despite him completely understanding the biology of humans, he is convinced that a papercut on you is the same as an average-sized person getting stabbed
- so yes, he takes the piss at absolutely every chance he gets, but if he sees someone else trip you up by accident or hand you a piece of paper and it cuts your finger in the most barely noticeable way, he will be a GRUMP
- consider the paper in your hands stolen, read very passive aggressively, then scrunched up into a ball, possibly chewed or ripped apart or even thrown on the floor and stamped on
- consider the person who accidentally hurt you the subject of his rage until they are out of his sight. every time they speak, they’re met with a “Shut it!”
- and you’re like “Doctor, there’s really no need-”
“That IMBECILE tripped you up approximately 3 AND A HALF HOURS AGO, and you think I’m overreacting? You could have DIED!”
- such a drama queen
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tardisblueten · 1 month
Desperate To Cool Off
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[Tenth Doctor x Reader smut]
Content warning: SMUT (18+ ONLY), sex pollen, (slight) breeding kink! fem reader, riding, creampie, kinddd of subby/whiney/desperate doctor.
Summary: The Doctor and his companion accidentally get a hold of an aphrodisiac pollen on an alien planet.
Notes: This is my first time writing any kind of creative fiction really since MIDDLE SCHOOL... so please bare with me and let me know what you think! <3
The day started off typical. Well, typical for the Doctor and his companion. The Tardis had just abruptly landed in the middle of an exotic rainforest on an alien planet. The two of you stepped out of the Tardis and took in the breathtaking scenery. Beautiful alien trees and colorful vegetation surrounded you in every direction. Foreign bird-like, and insect-like creatures chirped and buzzed loudly. The forest floor was coated with twisting bright green vines that were dampened from the last rainfall. You wasted no time running off to explore, your face beaming with excitement. The Doctor smiled fondly at how cute you are when you’re excited.
You spent the adventure gawking at the outlandish plants. “Oh that’s an Arthropodemorus.” The Doctor informed you as you leaned in to get a closer look at the bizarre plant with teeth. “It kind of reminds me of a-” “Venus fly trap?” The Doctor cut you off, smugly grinning with his hands in his pockets. You glared at him and playfully rolled your eyes, “Yes.” Sometimes the know-it-all attitude of the Doctor annoyed you, but it definitely didn’t make you love him any less. “Distant cousins! They eat the pesky insects native to this planet. Helps keep them from over-populating the ecosystem.” He smiled.
“Oooh what about this one?” You were mesmerized by a beautifully weird looking flower, about the size of your head, just to the left of you. You crouched down to its level and the Doctor leaned over you to inspect the large plant. It had gorgeous thin spiky petals that faded from white to a deep purple. The middle part of the flower was an ominous dark red with a giant green stigma and stamens erecting from it. “Oh dear…” The Doctor nervously murmured. “Isn’t this just beautiful…” You whispered, inching in even closer to admire it. “Y/N… If I’m not mistaken, that’s a very dangerous plant-” The Doctor urgently tugged on your elbow, trying to get you to stand up. “I think it’s best if we took a step back just for safety precautions because-” 
Before you could even fully process the Doctor’s rambling, the flower suddenly puckered and viciously spat out an enormous thick cloud of yellow dust. It hit you right in the face causing you to jolt back and fall onto the ground. The Doctor stumbled back, nearly falling over himself as the cloud infiltrated his nostrils too. The both of you were stunned, coughing and choking on the cloud of gold pollen that slowly wafted throughout the surrounding area. “Y/N…” The Doctor gasped out between wheezy coughs. He fanned the air with one hand and helped you up to your wobbling feet with his other as you both struggled to breathe. The Doctor led the two of you back to the safety of the Tardis in a hurry, running as fast as both of your wobbly legs could carry you, nearly tripping on the exotic vines and roots of the forest floor. 
The Doctor slammed the Tardis door behind him. He leaned against it in distress as he hacked more. You ran towards the console and let your weak body crash to the floor. You both heaved for a few moments, desperately trying to catch your breath and finally breathe in some clean air. You looked up at the Doctor who was across the room. He was limply sitting on the floor, back leaning against the Tardis door, limbs sprawled out pathetically, chest heaving exhaustedly, face glistening with sweat and flushed bright pink, tickled with a few remaining particles of the golden irritant. His hair was more wild than usual, a few tendrils in the front clung to his face from the sweat. He looked so… good… That was all you could think as you weakly laid there and looked up at the man through your damp eyelashes. 
Your pink cheeks felt like they were on fire. There was an all consuming heat that burned you inside out. You felt beyond intoxicated. Your clothes clung to your sticky, sweaty body. All you wanted to do was rip your clothes off, to get some kind of relief from this dreadful heat. “Doctor…” You cried out to him from the floor. He would know how to fix this.  Whatever this was. You tried to stand up, your legs trembled and you almost fell back down on the way up.
“Y/N…” The Time Lord grunted as he shot out his palm to you, gesturing for you to stay away. He started to remove his overcoat and unbutton his dress shirt, desperate to cool off. “Don’t… don’t come any closer.” His voice was tired and hoarse from the violent coughing fit from earlier. “Doctor… please… What do I do?” You cried out helplessly again, slowly stumbling towards him despite his orders. You tugged at your shirt that was sticking to you.
The Doctor tried his best to be a gentleman and avert his gaze to anything else but he just couldn’t. Your shirt was drenched in your sweat, making it nearly completely see through and revealing the neon pink bra you wore. There was a deep ache he felt between his legs. “Doctor please…” You whined again. “I’m so hot.” You crumpled to the ground just a few feet in front of him. 
All the Doctor could do was just stare. But he wanted nothing more than to help you. You were his companion. He cared about you. He hated seeing you in so much distress like this. He needed to help you.
“T-take off your clothes…” He panted. Your head shot up at him and you quickly nodded. You wasted no time in ripping off your wet shirt and discarding it thoughtlessly. If it would rid you of this mind numbing heat, you would do anything he said. You sat up on your knees and hurriedly attempted to undo your jeans. Your shaky hands foolishly fumbled with the button. You gasped as your eyes caught the Doctor’s hands skillfully working on his own buttons of his white undershirt. His hands were so much larger than your own…Your mind started to wander off to the thought of what his fingers would feel like on you. In you. You felt a strong twinge between your thighs. You swiftly yanked down your jeans and the fire that took over your body was finally starting to extinguish just the tiniest bit. You sighed in relief and collapsed onto the Doctor, drunkenly throwing your arms around his bare shoulders. You felt sparks on your damp skin when it made contact with his. It still wasn’t near enough though.
All the Doctor could feel was your bra clad breasts squishing against his flushed jaw, and his trousers tightening. He knew exactly what this was. He knew from the moment he saw the deceitfully beautiful flower. He knew exactly what was happening. He knew exactly how much time you had until all hell broke loose. He knew exactly what the only antidote was. But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t do this to his best friend. It wasn’t professional and it broke all his codes. But the heat between his legs was only growing stronger and stronger. And he knew it was only a matter of time before he wouldn’t be able to control it any longer. 
The man gently pushed you off of him and anxiously but firmly placed his hands on your shoulders. The contact made your shoulders feel like they had just been struck by lightning. “Y/N…” He gulped as he looked into your dilated eyes. “That pollen that we got sprayed with… It was… an aphrodisiac.” His tone was low, a tone you’ve never heard come from him before. A tone that rumbled throughout your skeleton and deep into your core. “Y/N do you understand me?” Your eyes were glazed over, lids heavy. “Doctor…” You whispered, staring at his perfect plush lips. Your eyes traveled down to his exposed torso. His skin looked so soft. There was a faint red patch between his pectorals from the warmth. You wanted so badly to just glide your fingers over it. Kiss it. Taste his salty, sweaty heat on your lips, tongue. “The native race sometimes uses it to help with m-mating rituals…” His voice was urgent, anxious. Just the word ‘mating’ made you pitifully clench on nothing. You felt so empty. You needed so badly to be filled. “The side effects can include dizziness, intense hot flashes and…” You stared up at him, lips parted and eyes dilated with want. No. Need. “Intense sexual desire.” 
Your tits were threatening to burst out of your bra with every heavy breath you heaved. Your chest was glistening with sweat. The Doctor’s eyes traveled down to your panties that had a wet stain soaked through right where your clit would be. His breath caught in his throat at the sight. His throbbing dick was so hard and all he wanted was to be buried deep inside you. Put a baby in you. “Y/N…” He sighed quietly. 
His hot breath was centimeters away from your face. You hastily closed the gap and kissed his lips feverishly. The growing desire between your thighs was taking over you. You needed relief. There was nothing else that occupied your mind other than him. His fingers. His lips. His tongue. His body. His dick. You pushed him down onto his back and straddled his lap, deepening the passionate kiss with your tongue. The Doctor gasped into your mouth and fought back with his own tongue. There was spit pooling at both of your mouths but it only made you kiss him harder. You felt like you would die if you didn’t have him inside you right now. 
Your hands extended down between you and him to quickly take off his slacks and discard them without breaking the animalistic kiss. His large hands reached behind your back to unclasp the hooks of your pink bra. “Need you,” He breathed into your mouth. Your tits sprung out almost cartoonishly after your bra was removed. “Need to make these get even fuller.” He wasted no time grabbing at your boobs and gently tweaking and massaging the nipples, making you moan and writhe. You grabbed at his brown locks, tugging hard which made him jump and whine loudly. It was a pathetic, squeaky sound coming from a man such as him. It only made you wetter. With his slacks off, you could better feel his twitching bulge beneath you. You shifted your hips, grinding his aching erection against your throbbing clit. You sucked at his neck and grinded harder. The both of you moaned loudly. “It's not enough,” He panted, eyes shut tight and hands gripping your hips. You couldn’t agree more. “Fuck, I need you darling.” He growled. 
His hand snaked down between the two of you to push down his briefs and pull out his rigid cock. You didn’t have time to gawk at the size of him because he was already urgently pushing your panties to the side and lining his dick up with your soaked cunt. He teased your clit with the tip and threw his head back at just the mere touch. “Fuck, there’s no time for that.” You panted as you swiftly grabbed his dick and sat on it. You both watched the obscene view of your drenched pussy slowly swallowing his stiff pink cock. You leaned in towards his handsome face as you grabbed the sides of his cheeks, both of you moaning in pleasure. The Doctor’s jaw hung open in a heavenly expression you swore would make you cum right there. Your body tensed up as he finally slid all the way in you. You finally felt so full. 
“Shi-” The Doctor exclaimed as you started bouncing on his dick. “I need you- Fuck- I need you.” He kept chanting over and over underneath you as you desperately rode him. You moaned in ecstasy and threw your head back, screwing your eyes shut, holding his hands tightly on either side of his head as if you were about to collapse if you didn’t hold onto him. “Your pussy-” He gasped. “‘Squeezing me so tight… Fuck- You got me so close already,” He admitted, too intoxicated with the pollen to be embarrassed that he was already nearing the edge. You rode him harder, faster, deeper. His length kissing parts of you so deep you didn’t even know existed. Your heart was banging wildly against your chest. There was only one thought that equally took over both of your minds.
The Doctor gasped harshly and gripped your hips so tight that your eyes shot open at him. “Need to- fuck- fill you up.” He groaned. Your pussy tightened around him at his words and the man grabbed the back of your hair, pushing you down closer to his face. His lower abdomen was rubbing against your clit oh so right with every thrust making you squeak with intense pleasure. “Oh fuck!” He moaned loudly into your mouth as he felt his balls tighten. He held you tightly and lovingly as he frantically bucked his hips into your pussy. The base of his cock was dripping with your abundant amount of slick, sliding against your sensitive clit over and over. You whined as your walls clamped down on his cock. The man couldn’t even form a word, he just let out a loud moan as his thrusts into you got more and more erratic and desperate. Your mind could only focus on the sole thought of milking his cock dry and suddenly you were on the verge of cumming. The Doctor was already dangerously close, but as soon as he felt your body tense up, and your walls pulsing around him, he pushed you closer against him and tightened the grip on your ass. Your orgasm took over your body. Intense waves of ecstasy washing over you making you cry out. The Doctor groaned out. Your cunt spasmed around the man’s cock as he shot large hot ropes of cum deep inside your pussy. His hips finally started sputtering but more cum just kept filling you up. 
You fell limp against his broad chest as you struggled to catch your breath. The time lord’s hips slowly halted to a stop, his moans turning into sensitive whimpers as your pussy still spasmed around his spent cock. You laid on top of him, his cock still inside you, panting heavy. You hugged each other close, and gently stroked each other’s hair.
“I feel better.” You finally said after some time of just recovering and resting on top of him. The fire within the both of you was finally extinguished. The once thick and humid air of the Tardis suddenly felt so much cooler and crisp. The Doctor looked at you adoringly and smiled, “Me too.”
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There is literally not a single fandom that does not have a Doctor Who crossover fic. The Aeneis? Doctor Who crossover fic. Waiting for Godot? Doctor Who crossover fic. Find a fandom that foes not have a Doctor Who crossover fic I dare you
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magiccath · 9 months
Psychic paper
tenth doctor x GN!reader
Summary: In which the psychic paper betrays the Doctor
A/N: The Doctor is fruity, deal with it xx
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You’d been traveling with the Doctor for a while now and you loved every minute of it. In that time he had shown you all kinds of things you had priorly deemed impossible; aliens with wiggly tentacles, a spaceship that defies the laws of 3 dimensional space, a buzzing device he calls the Sonic Screwdriver, and homicidal salt shakers with toilet plungers for arms to name just a few. 
It seemed that with every adventure he showed you something new and fascinating, constantly topping himself without even trying. There was so much in all of time and space it wasn’t that hard. Anything outside of the 21st century was new to you. 
This time, the Doctor had taken you to see a mechanics factory in the 35th century, but as always the adventure didn’t end there. Aside from new experiences, the Doctor could almost always promise some kind of trouble. He claimed he didn’t go searching for it but rather that it tended to follow him. Either way, most adventures with the Doctor involved some kind of mischief and usually a lot of running.
“It’s no good, you can only get in with an ID,” you groaned, popping your head back around the corner. “There’s a security guard checking everyone going in and out is an employee.” 
You were hiding in a hallway, hoping to get inside the establishment's headquarters. The Doctor had a hunch that malicious alien forces were behind the operation, but he couldn’t be sure without poking around further. Typical Doctor, he just couldn’t leave well enough alone.
“I can’t think of any legal ways to get in there,” you shrugged, turning to the Doctor for ideas. 
“I have identification,” the Doctor smirked, rummaging around in the seemingly endless pockets of his coat. 
“You’re not an employee,” you pointed out. 
The Doctor made a triumphant sound as he pulled what appeared to be a small black notebook out of the depths of his pocket. He flipped it open and you realized it wasn’t a notepad. The item was more like a police badge, minus the actual badge part.
He turned the paper towards you with a smile, clearly expecting you to be impressed 
“Aren’t I?” He grinned brightly, looking at you eagerly. “Psychic paper,” he explained, tapping the stark white paper with his finger.
You grabbed the item from him, squinting at it. You wanted to make sure you were reading it right, maybe your eyes were acting up. 
“This just says ‘I love you’?” You asked, handing the Doctor his weird paper back with a frown. 
“I think that flirting with the security guard is more of a Jack move,” you winced, not wanting to hurt his feelings. The Doctor was quite the charmer, but strategic flirting wasn’t his strong suit.
The Doctor grabbed his psychic paper from you, frowning at it aggressively. It wasn’t supposed to say that. 
“What-?” he asked, glaring at it the same way you did. Once the words registered with him he turned a dark shade of red. He should have been more careful when he handed it over to you.
“It’s not supposed to say that,” he mumbled his thoughts, trying to hide his fluster. 
“How does it work? Is it like a reusable notepad?” You asked, genuinely interested. Even if the Doctor’s tools could be finicky, they were interesting. Maybe he had just forgotten to erase the message from the last time he used it. 
“No, it’s supposed to show the reader what I want them to see,” he blushed, shaking the paper out like a Polaroid. Usually shaking the item would clear it, but those three words refused to fade from the paper. 
“Sometimes it’s a bit slow…” he said, really more to himself than to you. He was still shaking the paper, desperately trying to get the words to disappear. 
“So you were going to try and flirt with the security guard?” You frowned, now you were even more confused. The Doctor would much rather blow the whole place up than try and flirt his way through security. 
“No!” He said, almost a bit too quickly. He blushed again and averted his gaze, an anxious hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. He hadn’t planned on telling you like this. He hadn’t planned on telling you at all.
“When I handed it over it was supposed to show you an employee ID,” he winced. You nodded, this much you knew. What you didn’t understand was the confession of love. 
“But I think the psychic paper picked up on my feelings instead,” he whispered. If you hadn’t been listening intently you might have missed the last few words. 
“Are you saying that you love me?” You frowned, looking at the floor with concentration, “or the security guard?” The second option seemed more viable at the moment.
For the first time in a century, the Doctor was speechless. He stared at you, wide-eyed and unblinking as you waited for his answer. If it was possible, his jaw might have fallen to the floor.
“He’s pretty handsome, I can’t blame you,” you added, peeking over the wall to look at the security guard again.
The Doctor shook himself out of it, rambling a string of incoherent words. “I- uh, wha-?” He stumbled, trying to form a sentence.
“I handed the paper to you.” He said definitively.
“It’s a really dramatic way to come out, Doctor.” You continued on, ignoring him. It’s not like you didn’t know already, he wasn’t exactly subtle about it.
“It didn’t say ‘I love men’!” He threw his hands up in distress. “It said ‘I love you’!”
You finally stopped rambling on about the security guard and turned your attention to the Doctor. His words caught up to you and tentatively you pointed at yourself as if there was any other you. The Doctor nodded exasperatedly as if to say “Yes, you!”
“You love me?” you asked, still pointing at yourself. 
“I think I’ve said it about four times now.” 
“You?” You pointed at the Doctor, “Love me?” 
“Blimey! Yes!” He shouted, frustrated now. You widened your eyes and anxiously checked around you, scared he might have given away your location. Thankfully, everyone appeared to be out of earshot. 
“Yes, I love you,” he whispered this time, his eyes boring into yours. You blinked slowly, your brain still refusing to process his confession. 
You smiled brightly, your grin taking over your entire face. The Doctor loved it when you lit up like this, your happiness radiating off of you. He felt a small smile of his own tugging at his lips just looking at you. 
“I hope that’s alright,” he whispered quietly. He would never forgive himself if he lost you over a psychic paper mishap. The embarrassment would be too much - he’d have to run away. Maybe to that planet inhabited by only rubber ducks? 
“That’s more than alright,” you grinned, a hand instinctively reaching up to his arm to comfort him. The fabric of his coat was cold against your palm, but you didn’t pull away.
The Doctor really smiled back at you now, the wild lopsided grin that was reserved just for you. The kind of smile that always made you laugh with joy. 
He wasted no time wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting your body off the ground in excitement. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your familiar scent. You laughed happily, waving your feet about slightly. 
The Doctor pulled back just enough to kiss you, his lips soft and gentle against yours. Neither of you could stop smiling, even as your lips met. You laughed against him, planting kisses across his face sloppily. Your lips brushed the tip of his nose, the arch of his cheekbone, the corner of his mouth, and his jawline.
“The security guard is pretty cute though,” the Doctor teased with a sly smile. 
“I knew it!” You burst out laughing, throwing your head back as you did.
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okay-j-hannah · 2 years
Hear My Words
Doctor Who : Fic
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 2352
Warnings: I’ve had to rewatch Doctor Who to get back into writing for the characters and... of course I’m swooning left and right. I need to watch everything David Tennant now 🤦‍♀️
Request: “Hi! I wanted to request a fluff hurt/comfort John smith/10th doctor? Like the reader has a crush on the doctor, and during the events of Human Nature, they get really sad seeing John fall in love with Joan, but when he’s the doctor again, he tells the reader it’s always been them? Thank you and hope you’re doing good!” Anon
A/N: Using the chameleon arch meant putting you in charge of John Smith, but it also meant the Doctor was free to fall in love much to your dismay
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The tardis was quaking beneath their feet, parts exploding in showers of sparks. Fireworks of brilliant gold and fiery orange cascading until burning out against the grated floor. The erratic flying sent the Doctor and (Y/N) tumbling against the railing.
“Did they see your face?” the Doctor yelled over the steaming console.
“No, I don’t think so,” (Y/N) said frantically, “Doctor, what are we going to do?”
He paused his searching to look at her. Between the smoke and the sparks, she looked frightened – really properly scared. And it broke his hearts. He wanted to take her by the hand and whisper sweet words of endearment and comfort. He wanted to let her know that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
His fingers itched to reach for her. His legs begged to run for her. His hearts pleaded to embrace her.
But he couldn’t. Not when he’d played the façade so well.
She had no idea that he was completely smitten by her.
“We’re going to have to disappear,” he finally breathed. Yes – disappear. If he could conceal them from the hunting party then no harm would befall her.
“Alright,” she said shakily, though relief painted her tone. There was always relief when the Doctor had a plan. “How are we going to do that?”
His hands clenched, “I’ve got to stop being a Time Lord.” His eyes flickered up and down her frame before pouncing to the console. He frantically continued his search for an object.
“I’m sorry, what?” (Y/N) cried, “How is that possible?” Her heart was in her throat, “Doctor, you’re frightening me.”
He clutched at a silver fob watch, running for her. “I’m going to rewrite my biology. Can’t do the same to you, I’m afraid. You’ll have to improvise.” He tossed the watch into the air, catching it to gain her attention. “Rewriting means my memories too. You’ll have to be in charge.”
“I don’t understand.”
He cursed himself – urged himself to speak slower. “I have to completely conceal myself. To do that I’ll have to become something else. I’ll have to become human. And I’ll need you to look after me.”
His arms felt warm and heavy as he kept them from holding her. In times of panic, when the adrenaline was high, it was always harder to keep his wants under control.
“I don’t…”
“I need you to take care, (Y/N). Can you ensure that I don’t open this watch until the most dire of circumstances? Can you make sure that I believe myself human until we can escape?”
Her eyes were beginning to water at the sight of his begging.
“Doctor…” she breathed, “I…”
John shot up in bed, gripping his blankets and chasing the last images of the dream. Of the angelic look on the girl’s face.
He rubbed at his eyes, “Gracious…” he sighed. “I’m getting that one more often than I like.” Of the catalogue of dreams that plagued him at night, the one about the kitchen maid became more and more frequent.
And it always left him with a race in his chest.
He would spend the morning teaching his classes and reading his books and seeking a glance of Nurse Redfern. But by the end of the day he sought a glimpse of the kitchen maid, (Y/N). He yearned for a bit of conversation with her – a much needed reprieve on his ever consumed mind.
His head always felt stuffed, as if a dense volume of water filled his cranium to the brim until the pressure was too much. It somehow felt lighter after an evening with Miss. (Y/N).
He found his wandering footsteps descending the stairs to the kitchens, running into a few flustered maids.
“Sorry, sir.”
“Pardon me, sir – are you lost?”
He’d wave them off, “No, I assure you I know where I’m going. Good evening.” The stone corridors became second nature as he found the staff room beside the bustling kitchen preparing dinner.
“Ah, excuse me,” he’d gesture to a lady’s maid, “Where might I find… oh, there she is, never mind.” And the sight of (Y/N) made his heart tug in a way that felt overwhelming, as if it tried to consume his entire chest.
“Sir,” she muttered, sounding surprised even if her eyes spoke otherwise. John always found his way downstairs at the end of the day, “Do you wish to have your dinner in your quarters? I could bring it up personally.”
“Lovely idea,” he said, “But I would rather enjoy a meal here with you, if you were agreeable.”
She urged the warmth from her cheeks, “That’s rather improper, sir.”
He shrugged, “I’ve found my quarters rather suffocating as of late.”
“Very well, sir,” she curtseyed, “You can find yourself comfortable in the staffing quarters and I’ll be there momentarily with supper.”
(Y/N) scurried to the kitchens with a squirming stomach, always worried that the reason John sought her out was because he finally remembered who he was – that he was becoming himself again. But as always he just took comfort in her familiarity.
There was something about her, he would say, that would put him at ease. As if they were companions in another life.
But she knew their coming conversation would be of dreams and fantastical stories and the possible future with other staff members. Inevitably they would dwell on the topic of Nurse Redfern.
And it would hurt her to encourage him to speak with the nurse, to befriend her and see what would grow.
“Here you are, sir,” she said, placing a delectable dish in front of him. She personally chose his favorites from the serving platters about to be sent up. “Will there be anything else?”
He snapped his head towards her, “Surely you’ll stay. Please, sit beside me.”
She held back a retort, already hearing the gossip jumping between her coworkers. “If it please you, sir.”
“It always has, (Y/N). I want to speak with you about an interesting dream I had last night.”
She nodded, retrieving her meager servants stew and sitting beside him. “I figured as much.”
“What do you mean?” He was amused.
“Just that you normally come knocking when you’ve had a funny dream or some peculiar thought.”
“Well, you’re right.” He forked around his supper, “I dreamt that we were on another one of those adventures.”
(Y/N) kept her eyes down, pondering her stew. She wondered what memory was forcing its way to the surface of his mind.
“You were so terribly frightened about something chasing us,” he chuckled, “And I told you I had to become a human to hide us.”
She stilled for all but a moment, containing the inflection in her voice, “I hadn’t realized you weren’t human in these adventures.”
“Neither had I,” he laughed, eyeing her simple supper. “Would you care for a bit of mine?” He gestured to the seasoned chicken and roasted vegetables and rich sauce.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but chortle, “Sir, there are rules between kitchen maids and professors.”
“Rules about a bit of chicken?”
She gave him a look, “Are you like this with any of the other staff? Do you blur the lines with them too?”
He cleared his throat, using a teacup saucer to give her a portion of his meal, “You cooked it, you should be able to eat it too.”
“Thank you,” she said softly, “But that didn’t answer my question.”
John swallowed a mouthful, “Has she asked about me at all?”
(Y/N) burned her tongue on the stew. She knew he was going to say Nurse Redfern, but it didn’t make hearing it any better.
“Once or twice.”
“And?” he pressed, abandoning his knife and fork.
She shrugged, “Joan’s always been cautious of her feelings. She keeps asking if you talk about her at all. I suppose because she wants to know if you’re interested before she makes a move.”
“And what have you told her?” he asked, leaning forward, wide eyed at her words.
“That she should go with her instincts,” (Y/N) said quietly, “That she should stop doubting herself.”
John positively beamed, “Oh, now that’s brilliant.” He fell back in his chair, grinning, “Well done with the spy work.”
(Y/N) felt her stomach squirm again, pushing her food around. She couldn’t help but feel special that John sought her out for company – hopeful that it was because his human self took an interest in her unlike the Time Lord version. But he still couldn’t fathom a future with her, fake life or not.
It made her queasy.
“Are you alright?” he asked, digging into his food once more.
“Fine,” she said warily, “Just fine.”
It was later in the evening, an hour past the usual time for dinner, and (Y/N) was ascending the staircase towards the professor quarters.
There was a request from John Smith: a bowl of soup and crackers. There was a report of an upset stomach and slight fever, meaning he would take supper in his room.
He asked that she deliver it personally and it was almost hilarious when she told the lady’s maid that the assistant cook was to leave the kitchens.
It was foreign walking the halls of the school, but she felt a thrill of excitement at seeing John again. As always she couldn’t help but hope he wanted to see her because he finally realized he liked her.
And as always she was disappointed beyond belief.
She knocked on his door and nudged it open with her hip, tray of soup in hand. She was able to catch the last second of Nurse Redfern kissing John’s forehead.
Of course Joan was there. John was sick.
“Oh, goodness,” Joan gasped, “The kitchen maid.”
“(Y/N),” John said warmly, flushed at having been caught in an intimate moment. “You’ve brought my supper.”
(Y/N) bowed her head, refusing to look at him, and she hurried to place the tray on his side table. She could see Joan holding her stethoscope tersely from the corner of her eye.
In a small voice (Y/N) asked, “Might I inquire after the patient?”
“He’ll be alright,” Joan replied, “Just a tinge of the flu.”
John smiled, “I’ll be right as rain in the morning.” He spotted the way she refused to look at him. “Thank you, for answering my call.”
“Always,” she said instantly. “I’ll always answer.”
She stood there rather awkwardly for another minute, Joan clearing her throat to excuse the silence.
“That’ll be all,” the nurse said.
(Y/N) curtseyed, scrambling to get out, “Of course, sorry. If there’s anything else…”
“Thank you,” John said again, his voice quieter.
She didn’t dare look at him to see if his face matched the sweet sound of the thank you. She instead ran to the nearest stairwell and found refuge in the staff quarters.
She felt the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver in her pocket, a little reminder of the mission at hand. A small part of her chest began to hurt as she clutched the short piece of metal. It grounded her with thoughts of distant planets and endangered people. Of quick breaths stuck between a tight space.
It was easy to fend off her affections when the Doctor was too busy to look on anyone else. But with the steady pace of a human life, he was falling for another. And that realization pained her like nothing else.
She could only wish the three months went by quickly.
The Doctor stood outside the tardis, framed by the grey hills of 1913 England. The wind was whipping his coat about, sending his hair into a frenzy.
It was so him, it was making her sigh with relief.
“Hello there,” (Y/N) said, climbing the hill, “Feeling more like yourself?”
“Yes, well…” he shook one of his legs, “The right foot still feels a bit like John Smith. But the rest of me is one hundred percent the Doctor.”
(Y/N) laughed, looking at him fondly, “You sound like yourself again.”
He returned the soft look, “Thank you – for taking care of me.”
She cleared her throat, “You’re welcome.” But there was another unspoken question on the tip of her tongue. She didn’t want to sound too curious but she whispered, “How was Joan?”
“Fine,” he answered immediately, “She’ll be alright.”
“Right,” (Y/N) said, “I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy to… to say goodbye. You were so fond of each other.”
“John was,” the Doctor said, “And he is a part of me. So by proxy I suppose I am somewhat fond of her.”
(Y/N) nodded to herself, taking a step towards the tardis door, but the Doctor blocked her way.
“But a life with her isn’t possible,” he said softly. “It’s not a life I want.” He so desperately wanted her to look up at him. The way she avoided his gaze was sending that familiar ache through his chest.
He hadn’t realized that his human self would pursue another woman. He could imagine how difficult that must’ve been for her to witness – encourage even.
“That was a fake life, (Y/N),” he urged her to hear his words, “The life I have now, with you, is what I want.”
She tilted her head up towards him. “That’s kind of you to say, Doctor, but you don’t have…”
“No, you’re not hearing me,” he said, taking her hand. “I love my life because of you. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You are who I’m fond of. You are who I trust. It’s always been you, (Y/N). Long before this adventure.”
She still had disbelief in her eyes but a smile was growing on her face, “Really?”
He laughed, “Quite a pair, aren’t we?”
“I adore it,” she laughed along, “All of it.” She clutched at his hand, “I love you too.”
“Now,” he kissed her knuckles, “I don’t believe I said love.”
“Yeah you did,” she mused, leaning into him, craning her neck to reach.
He eyed her lips, speaking in that quick, eccentric way, “Yeah, well… let me say it with less words then.” And he kissed her against the tardis.
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frvmewxrk · 2 months
can you guys (if this ever reaches anyone) submit any prompts or tropes you want to read about tensimm, or the tenth doctor in general? I will write it for you, I wanna write about something but I have lost all my ideas.
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simp-ly-writes · 4 months
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╰┈➤✧・゚: *✧・゚:* please enjoy~ *:・゚✧*:・゚
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Doctor Who
Series: Space Cat: You are a cat hybrid. How? You have no idea- just like you have no idea how you ended up in what is defiantly not a police station. Travel alongside the Doctor and Donna to various planets and universes but when they discover your true form, what will happen then? (10th Doctor & Reader) (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) ... (pt.6) (continued on ao3) word count: in counting...
Long Fics: For All Time: Many, Many worlds ago you were married to the Doctor. That was until a war tore your home planet and species apart and you were part of the lucky handful that managed to make your way out into the universe- alive. As you go through many regenerations of yourself, you run into the Master, an old friend of yours that you faintly remember. He tells you of the Doctor, warns you of your spouse and from then on, you are on a mission to never interact with him. Should be easy... right? (10th Doctor x F!Reader) Promises of Forever: On the run from the Doctor, your old spouse. You find yourself running into the arms of another yet what you both have yet to discover it that the plays of your heart and mind are from another. What will make of you all then? (10th Doctor x F!Reader)
Miscellaneous: For All Time Teaser
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Series: The Comment Section: The youtube comments section ship you and Spencer together heavily and so does the rest of the cast it seems. (Spencer Agnew x Reader) (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.3.5) (pt.4) (pt.4.5) (pt.5) (pt.5.5) (pt.6) word count: n/a
Long Fics: Crush: You try and hide your crush on your co-worker. (Spencer Agnew x Reader) Chocolate Chip Cookies: You are Trevor can't be trusted anywhere with one another, so during one of the few occasions you are allowed to film together- you both decide to make the most of it. (Trevor Evarts x Reader) What Would You Do?: In this standalone part, everyone finds out how Spencer seems to know you better than you know yourself and the comments go wild over it. It's still recommended that you read the series for the full effect. (Spencer Agnew x Reader)
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╰┈➤ *✧・゚:* Thank you for checking in *:・゚✧*:・゚
*Disclaimer: I respect all the people I write about and their relationship situations. These are real people and I do not know them personally, I only write about the character they portray on camera and separate that from reality. If any individual I have written for does not feel comfortable with having content written about them, I will be taking these works down.
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prettyevermores · 2 years
being in a relationship with the tenth doctor
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(he’s the love of my life. truly)
he’s the most sweet guy towards you
like he will burn the entire universe for you
ten likes to keep his past deep within his hearts, if he trusts you enough (which he absolutely does) he will open up
but it may take him a while to do so.
that signature doctor grin is on his face when you come up with something clever
he is your best friend and you are his
you don’t talk about rose, she’s not mentioned
now, for the kisses, god almighty he knows how to kiss
one second they can be passionate and rough but the next they can be ever so soft
when he has his dark moments, you’re the one to snap him out of it. like donna once said , he needs someone to stop him
you two read in the library together!!! if you’re reading separate books, you will talk about them afterwards
LOTS of cuddles after a tough adventure (this is non-negotiable)
cuddles and talking are apart of the nighttime routine
sometimes you swap who’s bed you’re sleeping in, one night it’ll be his and then yours the next
he thinks you’re the most clever human in the entire universe
when you’re by his side, you always feel safe and at home
never a dull moment with ten
he’s so lovely
and amazing
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Hey, can I have 10 with a reader that loves the little friendly little alien animals they come across? Doctor always has to tell them no, cause reader keeps asking to adopt random friendly animals?
HAHA OMG YES, sorry it’s just a little blurb but I adore this request
Doctor Who Masterlist
You Can’t Keep It
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You and him were on some alien planet, you couldn’t remember the name of. It was beautiful, but right now all that matter was the cutest little creature that was sitting right in front of you!
“Awww! Look! It’s a baby!” You squealed as you approached the fluffy, four-eyed, winged, bovine-like, alien dog. It wagged it’s tail at you and stomped it’s hooves excitedly. “Hello bubba! Look at you! You’re so precious, yes you are!”
The Doctor turned to see you completely entranced with this creature, and it with you. You pet it’s soft coat and gave it some nice chin scritches, of which it was very appreciative. Then you turned you head to the Doctor to ask-
“No,” He said, hiding a smile on his face. You didn’t even have to say anything. He knew what you wanted.
You frowned, pouting a little. “You always say that.”
“Our life on the TARDIS isn’t made for pets, Y/N,” he explained. You kept your sour frown, turning back to the creature.
This always happened. You’d go somewhere new or old, and you’d find the cutest creatures, and he’d always say no.
“But he’s just so adorable! Look at him!” You tried your hardest to change his mind, throwing an arm around the dogcow, hugging it and showing his cute face to the Doctor.
After a long while of convincing and begging, and a definite plan as to how you’d take care of this little creature, you managed to change the Doctor’s mind.
Plus it helped that the little thing could breathe fire. Might come in handy.
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