#10 in 1 onion hair oil
sarveshmishra99 · 7 months
Discover The Beauty Sailor's 10 in 1 Hair Oil, a versatile and multitasking hair care product designed to address various hair concerns. Formulated with a blend of 10 precious natural oils, this luxurious hair oil harnesses the power of black seed oil, rosemary oil, onion oil, curry leaf oil, arnica oil, sunflower seed oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, bergamot oil, lavender, and vitamin E to provide a comprehensive hair care solution. These specially chosen oils target issues such as promoting hair growth, increasing hair thickness, improving hair texture, preventing hair breakage, reducing hair fall, controlling dandruff, and providing intense hair moisturization. Ideal for all genders, hair types, and ages, including those with color-treated hair, this 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainably produced hair oil promises to deliver outstanding results without harsh chemicals or parabens. Join thousands of satisfied customers who enjoy stronger, longer, and healthier hair with The Beauty Sailor's 10 in 1 Hair Oil – order yours now and embark on a journey towards superior hair care!
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thewritingrowlet · 8 days
The Twins and Their Queens pt. 1, ft. NMIXX Jiwoo
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tags: blowjob, creampie
length: 11k+
author's note: this marks the start of another (mini) series, where we follow the lives of Shane and Shaun, Harvey's little twin brothers. For now, I think the series will have 3-4 parts just like The Outing Trip, but time will tell.
Jiwoo wakes up feeling excited today, and she has a very good reason for it: she has secretly made a promise to cook for you to celebrate the 2nd anniversary early, and today, precisely 7 days before the actual anniversary, is the day to do so.
She contains her excitement as she slowly and carefully gets off the bed. To be sure that you won’t wake up and spoil the surprise, she puts a spell on you—she even wiggles her index finger around like a wand for good measure. “Stay asleep, Shane—stay freaking asleep. You’re very tired after working all day yesterday, and you want to sleep until the day changes again.” She hears a hum escape through the small gap of your lips, which makes her confident that the spell is working. “Good boy,” she pats you through the air.
She tippy-toes her way out of the bedroom and gently closes the door behind her; she’s doing everything she can to make as little noise as possible. She looks towards the TV to find the small clock sitting on the shelf: 5:04 a.m. “Should be plenty of time,” she says to herself.
Jiwoo ties her hair in a bun as she prepares to start cooking. She grabs some items from the fridge and sets them on the counter next to her phone. “Right, so,” she opens her memo app and looks at the ingredients list, “noodles, boneless chicken thighs, potato, and onion—that should be everything.”
She drizzles a bit of cooking oil into a non-stick pan that she has prepared and— “oh, wait, the chicken.” She was supposed to cut the chicken into cubes first, so she turns off the burner and places the chicken on a cutting board. Jiwoo skillfully cuts the chicken and then turns her attention back to the pan. “Now we can really start,” she says.
Jiwoo throws in the small pieces of chicken into the hot pan and stirs it around, making sure that it’s cooked through. After that, she tosses in the potato and onion (that she has chopped into cubes secretly yesterday before you got home) and stirs again for a few minutes. Once the potato becomes a bit translucent, she drizzles some more oil and adds black bean paste into the mix. “2 cups of water, okay.” Jiwoo grabs a measuring cup from the cupboard and fills it with water, repeating it again after that to meet the needed measurements. “Hey, Nudle, start a 10-minute timer for me,” she says to her phone, and it responds to her in its catchy voice.
She decides that she’ll use the time to wash the dirty knife and cutting board and wipe the dining table clean. After that’s done, she lies on the sofa to catch her breath. “I hope he doesn’t wake up now,” she thinks to herself while eyeing the bedroom door. For some odd reason, suspense enters Jiwoo’s mind; it’s as if she was watching a horror movie. “Oh, God, please don’t wake up. Han Jaehyun, please don’t wake up—not when I’m this close.” The ring from her phone steals her attention, and she immediately turns it off, concerned that maybe you’ll hear it and wake up. “Okay, okay,” she takes a few deep breaths to calm down, “everything is fine—everything is just fine.”
Jiwoo makes her way to the kitchen again to cook the noodles, which is the second last step to this sneaky adventure. She brings a pot full of water to a boil and throws in the noodles. They’re not dried noodles, so cooking them will only take around a minute, maybe a minute and a half. After that’s done, she turns off the burner and— “FUCK!” She accidentally touches the edge of the hot pot when reaching for the strainer, thus forcing her to let out a scream of profanity because of the combination of shock and pain.
“Are you okay, babe?” Your sudden presence shocks Jiwoo to the core; she didn’t expect you to sneakily come out of the bedroom like this, hence the little jump. That said, she currently has a bigger problem on her hands—literally. “O-oppa,” she says weakly, in pain from the burn, “h-help me, please.” Jiwoo briefly explains that her fingers are burning, so you drag her over to the sink and run some water on her hands. “What were you up to, baby?” You ask in a gentle voice as quiet sobs escape your girlfriend’s lips. “I-I was making some jjajangmyeon for you, oppa.”
You don’t know what to feel right now: you’re touched that she’s making a surprise for you, but at the same time, you hate seeing her get hurt like this, even if it was an accident. “Oh my God, baby,” you feel like your heart is being wrung, “are you feeling better, though? Is this working?” She nods and pulls her hands away from the sink, not forgetting to thank you for the help. You quickly glance at her face and see that there are tears on her plump cheeks. You turn her face towards you and gently wipe her tears with your thumbs, putting on a kind smile in the process.
“You can continue, babe; I’ll watch.” You place a hand on the small of her back and keep an eye on her as she strains the noodles and divides them into the two bowls. Jiwoo then pours a nice amount of the black sauce mix into the bowl. “Let’s eat, oppa,” she says. You stop her from grabbing her bowl and instead pull her into a lifted hug.
“Thank you for all of this, baby; I appreciate everything, seriously,” you say right into her ear. “It was supposed to be a surprise,” she replies in a sad tone, “fuck, you’re so fucking stupid, Kim Jiwoo.” “Oh, c’mon, don’t say such thing,” you deny her attempt at self-deprecation, “you just had a little accident, babe—it doesn’t take anything away from your efforts, trust me.” Jiwoo lets out a hum, and you take it as a sign that she accepts your consolidation. “Now let’s eat, baby. This looks so damn good, and I can’t wait to shove it into my mouth,” you say, hyping her up.
You lower her gently onto one of the two chairs at the table and spray kisses all over her head. “Oppa, please, the food will get cold,” she tries to make you stop. You do stop, but before you grab the bowls from the counter, you turn her head towards you and come in for a kiss. It feels like she’s not too interested in kissing, but when you try to pull away, Jiwoo chases you. “Thank you, oppa,” she says after breaking the little tangle. “The pleasure is mine, baby.”
You take the two bowls from the counter and place them on the table. “Thank you for the meal, baby,” you say. Hearing you thank her again makes Jiwoo feel better about all of this, and it looks like she’s not too upset about “failing” the surprise. “I swapped out the pork belly for chicken, oppa,” she informs you as her chopsticks dance in her bowl, mixing the sauce mix with the noodles.
“Oh!” The first mouthful takes your soul high to the sky, making your body sink limply into the chair. “Oh, my—oh my God, Jiwoo-yah,” your eyelids shut tight as you savor the taste, “this is incredible—the chicken is soooo juicy, too.” Unfortunately, you can only chew for so long before you must swallow. Fortunately, you still have plenty of this heavenly food in your bowl. “Thank you for the meal, baby,” you repeat, “thank you so, so, so, so much.” Your sweetness makes Jiwoo feel better once again, and her lips, without her realizing, are forming a wide smile. “Th-thank you, oppa,” she fans her red cheeks to cope with the heat.
You keep your attention on your bowl, shoving more and more food into your mouth at an uncontrollable pace. “Howy shid,” you swallow the food in your mouth before continuing, “I don’t have the adjectives, but I know my brothers would fight to have a bite.” Jiwoo can’t take it anymore. She rushes to you and squeezes your cheek in playful aggression. “Youuuuuu,” she kneads your face like they were bread dough, “you are sooooo—arghhhhh.” You let out unintelligible sounds as your face contorts from her touch. “B-babe, stop,” you hold her wrists to halt her, “you haven’t even taken a bite, have you?”
With a sigh, she returns to her seat and puts some noodles in her mouth. She starts chewing in silence while her eyes roam around. “Hmm,” she rubs her chin as she thinks about the taste, “could use a bit more salt, but yeah, this is pretty good.” “Pretty good? What do you mean pretty good? This is very good,” you argue. Your girlfriend lets out a long sigh in defeat. “Fine,” she says, “thank you for the kind words, oppa—I love you.”
You leave your seat and pull her onto her feet. “You know what I want, don’t you?” You expect her to come in for a hug, but no, she’s getting down on her knees. “Wait, wait, not that one,” you pull her onto her feet again, “I meant this.” You wrap your arms around her and make sure your hands meet perfectly on the small of her back. You whisper all the praises you can come up with, and most importantly: “I love you, precious. I love you so, so much and thank you for cooking for us this morning.” Jiwoo responds by giving you a peck, letting you know that the praises are well received.
“Come on, oppa, let’s shower,” she pulls away from the embrace, “I’ll take care of this, so you can go first.” You thank her one more time—you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve thanked her so far—and make your way towards the bathroom while Jiwoo stays behind to wash the dishes.
In the silence, Jiwoo finds herself grinning widely. “That was a success in my book,” she giggles, “one point for Kim Jiwoo—whooo, let’s go!”
“Oppa, do you think I can work at Harvey-oppa’s company? Will he take me in?”
“First of all, why do you want to work for him? Is there something wrong with your current job?”
“Nothing is wrong, but I feel like working for him would make me feel more motivated—y’know, he’s family and all that.”
Your heart flutters a little when you hear Jiwoo refer to your brother as family; she understands the importance of family and sees your brothers as her own, and you’d like to think that this is a good sign for the relationship going forward.
You clear your throat to focus back on her. “Okay, so do you want me to talk to him? We can call him now,” you offer her some help. Jiwoo says that she’ll try updating her CV and send an application first, and if that doesn’t work, then she’ll consider resorting to nepotism—not the prettiest or classiest approach to say the least, but it does have a high chance of success. “Okay, you do that,” you say, “maybe I’ll join you one day.”
“Why aren’t you working for Harvey-oppa? Is that not what mama and papa want for you and Shaun-oppa?”
“Yes, but Yunho-hyung is paying me very handsomely, and I don’t feel like leaving his company at the moment.”
“Ckckckckck,” Jiwoo shakes her head, “imagine not working for your brother because someone else pays you more—couldn’t be me.”
“I need the money to buy a ring and a house for you, baby,” you say in your head while putting on a smile as a front. “Well, it’s time to go to work—let’s get changed, babe.” You and Jiwoo exchange pecks for good luck and walk towards the bedroom together to get changed.
Jiwoo boots up her laptop as soon as she arrives at her cubicle. “CV, CV—where is my CV,” she browses through a bunch of work-related folders to find it, and she finds this file named “CV KIM JIWOO” that was last modified around a year ago. Before she opens this file, she looks around to make sure no one is watching—it’d be awkward if someone found out Jiwoo is trying to leave this company for another.
Jiwoo scrolls up and down through her CV, trying to figure out which part is out-of-date, and she finds that only the experience and skills need to be updated. She adds one more bullet point to the list of experience and explains briefly the things she’s accomplished in her current company, such as projects she’s taken a part of and awards she’s received. Just those two things alone take up over half a page since Jiwoo is very good at her stuff and well-liked by her co-workers, which means that she’s very often included on projects—it also means that she makes a lot in bonuses since each project usually comes with one. Jiwoo’s cursor hovers over a particular project that she’s very proud of, considering its complexity and how well she did her part. “If this doesn’t land me a job at Harvey-oppa’s company, then HR is cooked in the head and he needs to find replacements,” she says to herself.
Moving on, she adds some new information to the skills section of her CV. She recently got 855 on a TOEIC test and is very proud about it, so she replaces her old score of 820 with the new one. “I’m sure someone of foreign descent like him will appreciate good English proficiency,” she thinks to herself. One thing to note, however, is that her application will first arrive in the hands of HR and not one of the big bosses like Han Harvey, and she hopes that everything written on her CV is enough to impress the lower-level managers—if she can help it, she wants to get the job legitimately, not through nepotism.
Before she wraps this up and starts working, she reads her CV one more time from the top. “Name is correct, date of birth is also correct, address is—hmm, should I use Shane-oppa’s address?”
While Jiwoo thinks about it, someone taps her shoulder from behind. “What the—oh my God, unnie!” Jiwoo just got caught off-guard and red-handed by her co-worker, Soodam, who must’ve snuck up behind her when she was deep in her thoughts. “Hey there,” Soodam greets Jiwoo with a smile, “looking to jump ship, cookie?” Jiwoo minimizes the window on her laptop and turns to Soodam with red cheeks. “P-please don’t tell anyone about this, unnie; I-I just want to explore my opportunities,” she says. “Do you think I can go with you, Jiwoo-yah?” Soodam’s question startles Jiwoo. “Y-you want to leave too, unnie?”
Soodam explains that she thinks she’s not getting paid enough for the amount of work that she does and would like to “explore her opportunities,” just like Jiwoo. “I’ll talk to my boy—” Jiwoo covers her mouth to stop herself, but Soodam catches the slip. “Boyfriend, huh? What can your boyfriend do for us?” Before the conversation goes even further, Jiwoo pulls Soodam closer towards her. “My boyfriend is the brother of this other company’s boss,” she whispers to her, “I told him I’d try doing things legitimately first before… y’know.” “I’m with you,” Soodam says, “good to know that you have insider ties, though.”
After parting ways with Soodam, Jiwoo pulls out her phone to text you. “Oppa, who do I send my CV to?” She sees that you’re not online currently, so she locks her phone and gets ready to start working for possibly her last day at this company.
You see Jiwoo’s text on your notification bar, but you don’t want to answer right away; you first need a second opinion on this matter, and there’s no one more qualified for that other than your dear sister-in-law. “Noona, I need you; please pick up,” you say while waiting for her to pick up the call.
“Hello, this is Kim Yooyeon.”
“Oh, yes,” you sigh in relief, “noona, this is Shane.”
“Yes, I know,” you hear a chuckle from her over the phone, “can I help you? Are you looking for your brother?”
“No, no, I’m not looking for him—I’m looking for you,” you say, “can we talk? Do you have time?”
“Yeah, sure—what do you need?”
“This morning Jiwoo asked me if she could work for Hyunjin-hyung because she said it’d make her feel more motivated because he’s family, and now I’m wondering if I should tell him about Jiwoo’s intentions.”
Your noona stays silent for a moment, trying to come up with a solution.
“Jiwoo said she wanted to do it legitimately, but I want to help her—you know, with insider ties” you pile on.
“Well, in that case,” she says, “I’d say just let her do it her way first, and if that doesn’t work, then we’ll consider other methods.”
“Do you know when Hyunjin-hyung is coming home, by the way?”
“No, I don’t,” she lets out a deep sigh, “I miss him more than anyone, I can assure you that.”
“Noona,” you get ready to move on to the next subject, “I want to get married.”
“Huh? What?” The suddenness most likely surprises Yooyeon. “Wait, what? Why so sudden? Have you even talked to Jiwoo about this?”
“No, I haven’t—I just envy the way the both of you are so in love with each other,” you say, “do you think I have a chance at marriage, noona?”
“What the h—well, yes, I do; I think you’re a nice guy and Jiwoo is a nice girl,” she says, “you know, you’re being such a terrible little brother right now—how can you ask a woman whose husband hasn’t been home for a week about marriage?”
You’re not sure where she’s going with this. “Sorry, what?”
”Ugh, forget it,” she says, and based on her tone, you can picture her rolling her eyes, “anyway, like I said, let Jiwoo do it her way and then we’ll see what things look like.”
You thank her for the help, and after exchanging goodbyes, you hang up the call, and now that you have an answer to this equation, you turn your attention to Jiwoo. Via text, you send Han Group’s HR’s email address to her. You end the text with, “You said you wanted to do this legitimately, so I wish you good luck, baby.” “Thank you, daddy,” she replies, “I’ll send it right now—I love you!” Your eyes blink rapidly in a combination of disbelief and startlement; she just called you daddy as if you were in the bedroom. “Time and place, Jiwoo-yah—my God.” “I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that.” You reply to her and delete her text just to be safe.
You always pick up Jiwoo at her office after work, and today is no different. You stop on the side of the road right in front of the glass front doors of her building and wait for her to come out. After a few minutes, you see her walking out with another woman. “Wait, that’s—”
You jump out of the car (after looking at the side mirror first) and meet the two women. “Oppa, this is my co-worker, Soodam-unnie. Unnie, this is my boyfriend,” Jiwoo introduces the two of you. Soodam’s eyes widen in shock, “wait, are you—” “No, I’m Shane—you’re thinking about my twin brother,” you cut her off, and you swear that you can see her sighing in relief.
For context, Shaun, who is always into older women, tried courting this Soodam lady a few years ago, only to find out that she was engaged to another man. That was almost disastrous, by the way; your older brother even had to intervene.
Jiwoo looks at the two of you in confusion but quickly moves on to another subject. “Soodam-unnie also sent an application to Harvey-oppa’s company,” Jiwoo briefly gives some context. “Yeah, that’s fine.” Inside, however, you wonder if it is indeed so, because Shaun works at Han Group, and considering that he is in a relationship with someone else, this could be problematic. “This is not your problem, Shane,” you think to yourself.
You shake hands with Soodam with a smile on your face—a smile that’s hiding awkwardness behind it. “Nice to meet you, miss,” you say, and she says the same to you. You shoot a quick look at Jiwoo, who immediately catches the signal, and the two of you get ready to part ways with Soodam. Jiwoo hugs Soodam and then walks with you to the car, leaving Soodam alone on the side of the road.
In the private space of your car, Jiwoo airs her confusion. “Do you know her, oppa? Why did you mention your twin?” You shortly explain to her the history of Shaun and Soodam and why Soodam was visibly startled to see you. “So Soodam-unnie reacted like that because she must’ve mistaken you for Shaun-oppa—did I get that right?” “You did, baby,” you say, “and now I’m concerned that they’ll see each other again if she moves to Han Group.” “My God.” Jiwoo leans back in her seat as she tries to process this shocking reveal. “Don’t tell Seeun-noona about any of this, babe; we don’t want to get Shaun in trouble,” you say to her.
After catching up with your family’s little history, Jiwoo mentions that she wants to eat out for dinner. You ask if she has preferences, and she says that she wants to get tteokbokki. “You and your tteokbokki, babe—you’d think you would’ve got sick of it by now,” you comment, earning a giggle and a playful slap from her.
After a short drive, you find yourself stopping in front of an alley where Jiwoo’s favorite tteokbokki restaurant is located. You get out of the car with her and make your way towards the restaurant. She’s been to this place a lot; the middle-aged lady at the cashier (who you assume is the owner) instantly recognizes her and guesses that she wants the usual.
There aren’t that many empty seats at the moment; it seems like a lot of people have the same idea and want to have tteokbokki after work. You scan around the interior and find a table in the far corner of the restaurant, whose occupants are about to leave. They seem to have left the table clean, and you fast-walk towards it to claim it before anyone else—you’re the designated seat finder in this relationship, so leaving Jiwoo behind to sit first is A-okay.
Jiwoo joins you shortly after and sits across from you. Usually, she’d rather sit next to you, but the space doesn’t really allow that; to your left is the wall and to your near right is another table. She rests her head on the table, looking very exhausted after working today. “Tired, baby?” You pet her head gently, running your hands through her hair the way she likes it. “Mm-hmm,” she mumbles, “I had a lot of work today.” You praise her for working so hard all the time, and even though you can’t see it, she’s probably grinning in pride right now.
You tap Jiwoo’s arm to get her to straighten her posture as a server is on his way to you with your orders. He places a large bowl of tteokbokki and another large bowl of popcorn chicken somewhat crassly—he also has a sour face. “Yeah,” Jiwoo says, “he isn’t known for being the nicest guy around.” You’re starting to feel disgruntled; if you were alone, you wouldn’t be so mad to see poor service, but considering that you’re with a loved one, you feel angrier—no one gets to be rude and ruin the vibes when you’re with those you love. “I don’t mean to be arrogant, but we can easily buy out this place and replace that guy,” you snark. “That is arrogant, oppa,” Jiwoo rubs the back of your hand gently to calm you down. “Please, it’s okay—he’s probably just tired, oppa, like we are.” You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and apologize for your attitude.
Your girlfriend picks up a piece of tteokbokki and immediately chases it with a large piece of chicken. As you watch her eat, you can feel the heat in your heart gradually dissipate, and a smile is forming on your face. She picks up a piece of tteokbokki and immediately chases it with a large piece of chicken. You decide to put down your chopsticks and enjoy the sight of your girlfriend eating in front of you, not caring if she finishes the whole meal by herself.
It seems like she’s very hungry too; it took her until halfway through the meal to realize that you haven’t eaten at all. “Oh my God, oppa,” she exclaims, “why aren’t you eating?” “Ah,” you’re snapped out of your trance, “I was too busy watching you eat, baby.” You’re torn between two options, though: do you want to get some food into your belly after working all day, or do you want to keep watching your girlfriend eat oh-so-cutely?
“Say aaah.” Jiwoo decides for you by guiding a piece of chicken towards your mouth, leaving you with no choice but to open your mouth. There’s a grin on your face as you chew, and you can see her grinning too; you realize that only Jiwoo deserves your attention right now—it doesn’t matter if anyone else tries to ruin the mood; she’ll easily draw a smile on your face. “Thank you, baby,” you say to her, “I love you so much.” “I love you too,” she replies, “now eat, please.”
You get back to your car with Jiwoo after finishing the meal. “Would you like to get anything else before we go home, baby?” “No, let’s just go home, please.” Based on her tone, you can tell that she only has little energy left in her tank. “Home it is.” You turn the steering wheel to the left and place a foot on the accelerate pedal to join the moving lane.
The traffic isn’t too bad; it’s just that this specific traffic light is infamous for its long queues during rush hour. In the corner of your eyes, you see that your girlfriend is sleeping in her seat with her mouth slightly open. Unfortunately, it seems like her current position isn’t too comfortable, but there’s nothing you can do at the moment. “We’ll sleep properly at home, alright, babe?”
After getting through the traffic light, you pick up the speed, aiming to get home as soon as possible so that Jiwoo can rest properly. You take advantage of slower drivers and change lanes whenever possible, earning some honks from other drivers occasionally. “Screw you—pay attention to the road next time,” you comment.
You go through the last turn before you reach your apartment building and quickly go up to your designated parking spot. Once your car is neatly parked, you turn off your car and turn your attention to your girlfriend, who is still asleep. You then rush to your unit with Jiwoo’s limp body in your arms.
“We’re here, baby.” You lower her gently onto the bed, and she’s still asleep. You prepare a T-shirt and shorts for her to change into for later. “I’ll shower first, babe.” As you’re leaving, however, you hear a grunt of disapproval from your girlfriend. “Oppa,” she calls to you with raspy voice, “don’t leave me.” You join her in bed and pull her into a cuddle. “Wait, don’t you want to change first, babe? I prepared some clothes for you.” You can tell that she doesn’t want to move too much but her work clothes are anything but comfortable. “Help me change, oppa,” she says.
“May I?” You ask for consent, which Jiwoo gives in the form of a nod. You start unbuttoning her shirt from the top. With Jiwoo’s cooperation, you free her arms from the restraining sleeves of her shirt, and if it weren’t for her bra, she’d be entirely topless right now. You move to take off her trousers, but first: “may I, baby?” Jiwoo nods to your question, expressing her consent one more time, so with that, you unzip her trousers and pull them down her legs until they’re properly off.
Jiwoo lifts her butt off the bed when you try putting on a pair of shorts for her. “Last one, baby.” You put on a T-shirt for her, and she cooperates once again by putting her arms through the sleeves herself. “Good girl,” you peck her on the forehead, “my turn now.”
You change into a T-shirt and shorts before joining your girlfriend in bed. “Hngh,” Jiwoo grunts again while reaching her arms out, asking to be held. “Of course, baby; I won’t forget about you.” You pull her into your embrace and close your eyes, savoring the lingering scent of her perfume from this morning. “Let’s rest a bit, okay? We can worry about other stuff later,” you say.
Something is telling you to open your eyes, so you do—what time is it, even? In your half-asleep state, you look around the dark bedroom with your half-open eyes. You can see and feel that Jiwoo is still in your arms, which is a good start. You gently run your hand on her back, just the way she likes it.
If there’s anything that could be considered “wrong” with you, it’s your inability to keep your hands off your girlfriend, but at least she’s okay with it most of the time; physical contact is one of Jiwoo’s favorite things in the world.
“Oppa,” she calls to you suddenly, “I want to be with you forever.” You really want to say that you’re working on it, but you don’t want to spoil your plans, so for now, you give her a basic answer: “I want to be with you forever as well, baby; there’s nothing more that I want for us than that.”
“Do you think we have Harvey-oppa’s approval?” Ah, she’s concerned about your older brother, the honorary head of the Han family. “You do,” you assure her, “he and Yooyeon-noona know what kind of person we are. Not only that, but they also know that we’re in love with each other.” Jiwoo lets out a hum, seemingly satisfied with your answer.
“Their anniversary is around the corner, right?” Jiwoo moves on to the next subject. “Huh, you’re right,” you just realized now. “We should call them, oppa; you know, say congratulations and all that,” she suggests. “We’ll call them this morning before leaving for work, okay? Let’s try going to sleep again for now.” You peck her head a few times and close your eyes again.
The morning rolls around, and you wake up after what felt like a few minutes of sleep (it was probably a few hours in actuality). “Baby, sweetie, cookie—let’s wake up, hey?” You poke Jiwoo a few times to wake her up, and she slowly opens her eyes. “I’m tired, oppa,” she says. You look at your phone to see if she has time for extra rest. “You have 30 minutes, baby—I’ll take a shower first while you sleep, okay?”
While standing under running water, you remember Jiwoo telling you that your brother’s anniversary is coming soon. “I should call them after this,” you think. You quickly finish showering and check up on your girlfriend again.
“Baby, I’m sorry but your time is up.” You hate breaking it to her, but you have no other choice. With a groan, Jiwoo gets off the bed and wraps her arms around your body. “Take care of me, oppa.” You’re not sure what kind of taking care of she needs, but you think that it’s probably best to have her shower first. You lift her by her thighs and carry her towards the bathroom.
She lightly bites you in the neck when she notices that you’re taking her to the bathroom. “Oh my God, I hate you sometimes—why are you doing this to me, oppa?” “Sorry, baby, but this is necessary.” You gently lower her onto her feet and make to leave the bathroom area. “Wait!” Jiwoo halts your steps by hugging you from behind. “Please—please don’t leave me.”
You’re not sure why she’s behaving like this. “Baby, are you okay? You don’t act like this usually.” “I-I don’t know,” she says, “I just don’t want to be left alone.” “Okay, so do you want to shower with me, or do you want me to wait here?” Jiwoo takes a sniff and lets out a grunt after. “You already showered, so I’ll just shower alone—wait here, please.”
Jiwoo lets go of the hug and walk backwards to the bathroom, keeping her eyes on you the whole time. “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” You sit on the floor in front of the bathroom and simply wait for her to shower. “What’s going on with Jiwoo, man?” You ask yourself, wondering why she’s acting like this out of nowhere.
You feel someone poking you on the knee. “Oppa, what are you doing?” You open your eyes and see Jiwoo, fresh out of the shower with wet hair, kneeling in front of you. “Did you fall asleep, oppa?” “I must’ve,” you rub your eyes to get yourself together, “you’re done showering, baby?” Jiwoo holds your hands and tugs, signaling to you to stand up, so you do just that. She then comes in for a hug, placing her head on your chest. “I’m sorry for being difficult, oppa.” You assure her that she has nothing to be sorry for. “You’re always so kind, oppa—thank you,” she says.
You lie down on the sofa while Jiwoo dries her hair, and you’re reminded again that your brother and his wife, Yooyeon, are celebrating their anniversary today. You come up with a congratulatory message and send it to Yooyeon. “I think I’m looking to propose by the end of the month, noona,” you add.
The app says that she’s typing, and the timing couldn’t be any more perfect: Jiwoo is asking if you can video call your sister-in-law. “Sure, let’s do it,” you say. Once she’s ready, you start the call.
“Hey, guys,” your brother greets you from the other side of the screen, “good morning!”
You take the speaking baton first. “Good morning, hyung and noona—congratulations on the 6th anniversary, guys!”
Harvey thanks you for the congratulations, and in return, he asks how you and Jiwoo are doing. “We’ve been very good, oppa,” Jiwoo takes the baton from you, “I know we’re not married yet, but our 2nd anniversary is around the corner.”
Truthfully, you forgot that it is indeed around the corner; you shoot a glance at the sleeping TV, which screen saver says the date and time, and see that your anniversary is 6 days away.
“Ask Shane to take you on a dinner, Jiwoo-yah; I’m sure he has the money for it,” your brother says, snapping you out of your little trance, and the gears in your head start turning, trying to quickly come up with a plan to celebrate your anniversary.
Through the video call, you see that your sister-in-law is aiming her camera at the food on their table. “Ahhhh, unnieeee!” Jiwoo slaps your thighs repeatedly, reacting hysterically to the Morningside logo on the bowl shown on the screen. She promptly turns her attention to you and whispers something right in your ear. “Oppa, can we go to Morningside this weekend?” You respond to her suggestion with a nod. “We’ll join you next time, unnie—we have other things to do today,” Jiwoo says.
You take turns with your girlfriend to start conversations with your brother and his wife, and after a few minutes, you notice that she’s almost ready to end the call. “Harvey-oppa, Yooyeon-unnie,” Jiwoo says, her tone sweet and sincere, “congratulations on the anniversary, seriously. I hope me and oppa get to live happily together like the two of you.” “Thank you for the kind words, cookie,” Harvey says, “we’re rooting for the both of you—see you soon!”
You exchange goodbye waves with the people on the other side of the screen then end the call right after. “Visit us this Saturday for Jack-in-the-box,” says a text message from Yooyeon, making your heart rate climb. “What does that mean, oppa?” Jiwoo points at your screen, right where the floating notification is. “I-I don’t know,” you answer nervously.
You’re nervous because truthfully, you know what it means: you, Shaun, and Harvey came up with that term to secretly refer to “getting a ring and proposing” when Harvey was courting Yooyeon a few years ago. So the fact that he’s said it now after all this time must mean that he’s in full support of your relationship and encourages you to commit further, which is both exciting and nerve-wracking.
“You believe in us, don’t you, hyung?” You say in your head while trying to maintain a straight face. “You’re acting weird,” Jiwoo comments with a chuckle, “first it was me, and now it’s you—what’s wrong with us today, oppa?” You let out an awkward chuckle, still trying your best to not show your nervousness. “Well, I guess we’ll find out,” you deflect, “c’mon, let’s go to work.”
Before you know it, it’s now Saturday. Your brother invited you to his house a few days ago for Jack-in-the-box, a secret term that hasn’t been mentioned in years—one problem, though: how do you go to his house alone, because Jiwoo most likely would want to tag along if she’s free.
You sit on the sofa, rubbing your chin to come up with something to dissuade your girlfriend from coming along, and that’s when she walks out of the bedroom with a question. “Oppa, Soodam-unnie asked me to hang out at a café with her—can I go?” “Of course, baby,” you put on a smile for her, “do you want me to take you there?” She takes you up on your offer and gets back into the bedroom to change, and you let out a deep sigh of relief; you don’t need to fool her into not tagging along because she already has something else to do.
After dropping off Jiwoo at the café, you start driving towards your brother’s house, which is quite close from where you are. There’s little-to-no traffic today, since it’s the weekend and still early—it’s barely 10 a.m.
You pull into his driveway next to his car and get off yours. “Hi,” your brother greets you from the front door, “come in, we need to talk first.” You follow him inside but see no sign of his wife. “Where’s noona?” He says that she just got out of the bathroom and will join you soon.
Your brother takes a seat on the sofa while you take the cushion chair to his left. “Oh, you’re here,” Yooyeon greets you, “this must be for the Jack-in-the-box thing.” She takes the empty spot next to her husband. “Can one of you explain what that means?” Harvey explains briefly what it means: “we’re also going to help him buy a ring,” he adds.
“Do you think you’re ready for this?” Your brother’s question makes you nervous. “I do,” you answer, “I, erm, I think we’re in love, a-and, you know—” The way you’re stuttering makes them laugh. “Well, I hope that you’ll be less nervous as the day goes.” Harvey stands up from his seat, and when the (honorary) head of the family stands up, you follow. “Let’s go get breakfast first and then we’ll visit the jewelers, hm?”
You depart in your brother’s car to ensure maximum secrecy—Jiwoo wouldn’t recognize this car if you happen to pass in front of the café she’s at. You take a seat in the middle row behind your brother because obviously the front passenger seat isn’t vacant. “We haven’t done this in so long, haven’t we, hyung?” Your question makes Harvey smile. “We haven’t, true—we’ll do this again with everyone once Shaun and Seeun return from New York.”
You’re promptly reminded of your meeting with Soodam. “Hyung, I met Soodam-noona a few days ago.” His unique, sharp eyes look at you through the rear-view mirror of the car. “Yeah? What did she say?” “She thought I was Shaun,” you answer. You hear a deep sigh coming from him. “That’s fine, I guess—it could’ve been worse.” Yooyeon is curious: she doesn’t know who Soodam is, and in turn, doesn’t know what Shaun has to do with her. When she asks, Harvey explains in longer form their history, and at the end, you see her placing a palm on her face.
You, Harvey, and Yooyeon sit together at a 4-person table at Morningside, which happens to be somewhat empty currently. Here are the things you and your company ordered: two Singaporean-style toasts, two congee with char siu beef, and three hot lychee tea.
“Shane,” Harvey whispers to you while looking over your shoulders. “Jiwoo is here.” You turn around in shock, and would you look at that: she is indeed here—Soodam is also here. “Oh, shit, the surprise is spoiled,” you think, and you feel like you understand how Jiwoo felt when her surprise was spoiled a short while ago. “She doesn’t see us, though,” you comment.
While it is true that Jiwoo doesn’t see you, Soodam does and tells Jiwoo about your presence. She jogs towards your table and gives you a peck on the lips. “Oh my God, what a crowd—hello, my name is Kim Jiwoo. Pleased to meet you,” she says, earning a collective laughter from your group. “Crazy coincidence, isn’t it, baby?” “It is—we could’ve gone together, oppa.” Jiwoo then asks again if she can hang out with Soodam, and obviously, you let her go. You’re not holding her back from hanging out with her friends (aside from her male co-workers who have tried shooting their shots but that’s a story for another time).
“God,” you let out a sigh of relief, “I thought it was blown.” Your brother lets out a laugh, fully understanding of your feelings. “Keeping a secret from your beloved lady is never easy—ask me how I know” he adds, and Yooyeon joins him in laughing.
The smell of butter steals your attention, and when you turn your head around, you see a server walking towards your table. “That must be your toasts, noona,” you say, and indeed, it is her toasts. You help the server distribute food to your brother and his wife. “The tea will be out after this—please kindly wait,” the server says, already way kinder than that guy working at the tteokbokki restaurant. “Sure, no problem—thank you,” you reply with a smile.
Yooyeon is the first to both take a bite and react to her food, letting out satisfied hums while chewing her first mouthful. “I really can’t have enough of this,” she comments. Harvey reacts to that by giving her a peck on the cheek—a cute sight, really; you love seeing your brother interacting with his wife and how in love they are with each other.
After a short ride, the three of you arrive at this seemingly none-of-the-ordinary jewelers.
You ask Harvey if he’s been here before. “Hm? Oh, yeah,” he says, “I bought a necklace for Yooyeon-ie from this place a few months ago.” “You did, hon?” Yooyeon scratches her head as she tries to remember. In playful aggresiveness, your brother pinches his wife cheeks for failing to remember. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She exclaims frantically, and your brother stops right away. “Come on, let’s find something for our cookie,” he says, leading you and Yooyeon inside.
“Ah, welcome, Mr. Han,” a staff member in a neat three-piece suit greets your brother. He then takes turns to shake your and Yooyeon’s hands. “My little brother here is looking for a ring,” Harvey says. “Do you know the measurements, sir?” The staff turns his attention to you. Your eyes land on your sister-in-law as you think about Jiwoo’s finger size. “Should be similar to my noona here,” you say. Yooyeon takes off her ring and passes it to the staff who then takes a measurement.
“Size 6, hey?” He shuffles some shelves around and place one that’s packed with brilliant rings on the top. “Here are the options we have currently, sir—we can also make a custom ring but that will take longer and cost more,” he says. Harvey can tell that you’re nervous about the price, so he whispers in your ear that he’ll take care of it. “Your job today, Shane, is to choose one that you really like,” he says. “Thank you for this, seriously,” you whisper back to him, getting a soft pat on the back from him.
You first point out to the staff member that you’d rather choose from this abundance of choices than wait for a custom-made ring. “Can I look at that one, please? Row 3 column G,” you say. You flip it around in your hand, inspecting small diamond main piece. “Jiwoo doesn’t like flashy stuff, so I think this is definitely one of the choices for now,” you comment. You place the ring on the glass counter and start looking for other options. “Row 5 column C, please,” you say. Upon closer inspection, however, it doesn’t look as good as the first one.
Initially, you thought that you should find 3 rings to choose from, but aside from the first ring your eyes landed on, nothing else catches your fancy. “Guys, what do you think?” You turn to Harvey and Yooyeon for opinions. Yooyeon defers; she thinks that you should choose what you like. Her husband, on the other hand, thinks that your choice is a good one. “I would buy that if I were proposing—I’m not, just so we’re clear,” he adds, laughing at the end. “I’ll take this, please.” You hand the ring back to the guy, earning a praise for your “good eye” from him.
Today is the day of your 2nd anniversary with Jiwoo. Not only that, today is also the day she’s doing an interview for the job at Han Group she has applied for.
Jiwoo says that she has permission from her manager to take today off so that she can go to the in-person interview. She also asks you to drop her off at the Han Group building on your way to work. “Sure, baby—let’s leave after this, okay?”
For the interview, Jiwoo opts for a white shirt and a black skirt—a very typical interview attire worn by fresh graduates looking for a job. She walks into the building and sees a reception desk that has someone attending it. “Excuse me, miss,” she says quietly, “my name is Kim Jiwoo. I’m here for an interview.” After looking at the screen in front of her, the staff tells Jiwoo to go up to the 4th floor, where an interviewer will join her soon.
Jiwoo sees an open room with a big conference table on the 4th floor. “This is it, probably,” she thinks. It is when she’s right at the door that she sees the short list of today’s interviewees: Kim Jiwoo and Lee Soodam. She also sees that each person will be given around an hour for the interview.
“Hello. You must be Kim Jiwoo.” A female around her age enters the room, making Jiwoo jump a little thanks to the shock. Her eyes widen when she sees the person behind this lady. “Hi, cookie. How are you today?” Harvey’s sudden presence stuns Jiwoo: no one mentioned that he’d be in the room where it happens—what if she lets him down? What if he thinks that Jiwoo isn’t needed at Han Group?
“Mi-mister Han,” she stutters, “p-pleasure to meet you, s-sir.” Harvey laughs. “You thought I wouldn’t know, Miss Kim? I have eyes and ears everywhere, you know,” he says. Jiwoo remains quiet as Harvey moves to take a seat at the other end of the table. “Please, there’s nothing to be nervous about. We’ve known each other for a while now, haven’t we?” “Y-yes, sir,” she replies nervously. Harvey shows her a kind smile. “Well, let’s start now, Miss Jo,” he says to the interviewer.
Miss Jo, paying little attention to personal details, throws some work-related questions at Jiwoo, and she answers each one as best she can, glancing occasionally at Harvey. “Wow, their smiles are very similar,” she thinks. Miss Jo then turns to him, passing the speaking baton over. “So, Miss Kim,” he starts, “can you tell me what you’re looking for at this company?” Jiwoo’s heart races as she tries to come up with an answer. “With respect, sir, I think working at Han Group w-would make me be more motivated,” she says the first answer that comes to mind. “Really? How so?” In her head, she wonders if she should say the same thing she did to you: because Harvey is family. “Ah, whatever—here goes nothing.” She takes a deep breath and answers: “b-because I’d be working for fa-f-family, s-sir.” Her stutter was worse than earlier, making her want to slap herself for it.
Harvey grins. “Family, Miss Kim?” He asks, and she’s starting to regret saying such answer. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. “First, I like that you refer to me as family—I’m sure your significant other would be delighted to hear it if he was here. Second, I think that someone can only be really motivated about work if they enjoy and find satisfaction in it. Sure, working for family sounds like a good time, but at the same time, there’s the burden of relationship in that; there’s a chance that you’ll find it difficult to make objective decisions or critics because, well, they’re family.”
Jiwoo can’t help but stay silent during Harvey’s speech, feeling the pressure of the big boss’ commanding presence. “Any opinions on that, Miss Kim?” “N-none, sir. I understand what you said, and I think it made sense,” Jiwoo replies. Harvey whispers something to Miss Jo, and after a short back-and-forth, she leaves her seat and walks out of the room.
Harvey summons Jiwoo to sit next to him, and she complies immediately. “Jiwoo-yah,” he says, his tone softer than earlier, “why are you here, seriously? Answer honestly, please." She wipes the stray tear her glassy eyes released. “I-I meant it, oppa; I want to work for you because you are family,” she emphasizes. He puts his hand on Jiwoo’s, rubbing the back of it gently, the exact same way you usually do. “If you’re so sure, then I’m not stopping you—welcome to Han Group, Jiwoo-yah.” Jiwoo, without asking for permission first, jumps to hug Harvey. “Thank you so much, oppa. I won’t let you down, I swear,” she says tearily. “I know, cookie,” he replies, “go home for now, your work here can start some time else.”
As soon as you enter your apartment, a fragrant smell enters your nostrils. “Jiwoo-yah, where are you, baby?” You hear her reply from the kitchen area, so you drop everything at the door and make your way towards her.
“Welcome home!” Jiwoo hugs you warmly as a welcome. “Thank you, baby—what is this smell, by the way?” Over her head, you see that there’s a pot sitting on one of the burners. In it, there’s rice cake swimming in a bubbling red sauce—oh, there’s popcorn chicken on the counter, too. “You hated the service at that tteokbokki place, so I made it for you,” she says. You barrage her head with kisses, showing your appreciation for her efforts. “You always spoil me with your cooking, baby,” you say at the end.
Your girlfriend asks you to sit at the table while she gives final touches to her cooking. She then proceeds to put some in two bowls and places them on the table. “Thank you for the meal, baby!” You grab the chopsticks she has provided and immediately put a piece of rice cake in your mouth. “Oh, that’s so good.” You then chase it with a piece of chicken. “Wow, that’s also really good.” Your eyes land on Jiwoo, and you see that she has her happy face on; her plump cheeks are squished by the wide grin on her face.
“There’s no way it’s that good,” she thinks you’re exaggerating. “Why are you putting yourself down? Just take a bite and see for yourself, why don’t you,” you say, and based on your tone alone, Jiwoo can tell that you’re starting to get annoyed by her attitude. “It’s not that, oppa; it’s just that when you cook, your food doesn’t taste as good as when you buy it,” she reasons, her soft tone different to yours.
She takes a mouthful of food and thinks about the taste as she chews. “It is good,” she shyly admits, “I see why you like it so much.” “See? Don’t put yourself down so much next time, okay, baby?” Jiwoo nods and promises that she’ll keep it in mind and never do it again.
“Oppa,” she moves on to another subject, “I got the job at Han Group.” “Yeah? How did the interview go?” Jiwoo first mentions that Harvey was present during the interview and how surprising it was for her to see him. “I had a feeling that you wouldn’t have gotten away with being sneaky,” you say, adding a chuckle at the end. “You didn’t say anything to him, though, right?” No, you didn’t say anything to anyone about Jiwoo’s sneaky job search—it’s just that your brother does have eyes and ears everywhere.
After dinner, you find yourself chilling on the sofa with Jiwoo. She’s resting her head on your thighs while her hands are busy with her phone, scrolling mindlessly through social media. You, on the other hand, can’t be bothered with it; you have a bigger thing to think about: how do you propose to Jiwoo? “Should I take her to the park? Do I just do it here?” Your brain gets busy trying to figure it out. “Fuck, man, what do I do?”
You take a deep breath to calm yourself down, and apparently, it’s loud enough to reach Jiwoo’s ears. “Are you okay, oppa? Do you need anything?” Nervousness is peaking in your head right now and you’re starting to sweat. “Can we talk, baby, please?” Your girlfriend lifts her head off your lap and looks at you nervously. “What do you want to talk about, oppa? Am I in trouble?” You close your eyes and take another deep breath. “First, I’d like to apologize for being so boring like this, but I’m just stumped and don’t know what to do,” you begin, making Jiwoo both nervous and confused.
You get off the sofa and get down on one knee. “Miss Kim Jiwoo,” you fish the small velvet box out of your back pocket, “will you marry me?” She stays silent. Her palm is covering her mouth. Her eyes are as wide as they can be. This isn’t quite the reaction you were hoping for, and as you wonder if you’ve made a bad move, your eyes wander off towards her knees.
“Yes, I will,” is her answer. When your eyes meet with her again, you see that tears are coming out of her eyes in abundance. “I will, oppa—I will marry you,” she repeats. Seeing her cry makes you emotional, and without command, your eyes start releasing tears. “I’m sorry, I should’ve come up with something grander for my proposal,” you say, feeling regretful. She joins you on the floor and hugs you tightly. She assures you that it’s okay and you have nothing to worry about. “It doesn’t take away from your efforts, oppa,” she uses your words against you. Deep inside, however, you promise that you’ll propose again with a grander prelude—Harvey proposed to Yooyeon at The Sapphire, maybe you can replicate that.
Jiwoo lets go of the hug and looks at the ring that’s still sitting in its tiny pedestal in the box. “I-I think you’re supposed to put it on my finger, oppa.” You chuckle. “Sorry, baby. I’m new to all of this,” you crack a little joke, earning a giggle from your girlfriend. You pull the ring out of the box and slide it onto her ring finger on her right hand. “I’m yours forever now, oppa,” she says while turning her hand around to inspect the ring. “This is a beautiful ring, too.” You place your forehead on hers, still unable to calm yourself down and stop the tears. “I love you, Jiwoo-yah. I love you with every cell in my body.” Jiwoo says she loves you more, referring to you as her fiancé.
“Oh, speaking of fiancé,” she says, pulling away from your embrace, “now that we’re really official, I want to go to university again, oppa—you know, get my master’s degree and all that.” You wipe your tears off your face and gather yourself. “O-okay, go—hah—go on.” “Can you, erm, can you pay for that, please?” Obviously, you’re not stopping your fiancé from getting higher education, so without thinking twice, you say yes. “I’m sure it’ll be beneficial for all of us, baby, so go ahead. Let me worry about the tuition,” you add.
In joy, Jiwoo jumps to hug you, and only now are you remembering an important fact. “Happy anniversary, baby.” Your fiancé lets out a chuckle. “I thought you forgot about it, oppa.” “I’m sorry, baby. I’m a freaking mess today,” you say. “Let me help fix that mess.” Jiwoo plants her lips on yours while her hands are fixed on your shoulders, and at this point, you swear that every mess in your heart and mind has been washed away. “Thank you, baby. I needed that so bad,” you thank her for the help. “Can we go to the bedroom, oppa?” “We sure can, baby.” You carry her in your arms and walk towards the bedroom.
“We’re here, baby,” you say as you climb onto the bed, “so, how do you want to cuddle?” Your fiancé frees herself from your arms, shaking her head as she does. “If we’re getting really married, oppa, you need to get better at catching signals,” she says. You look at her wordlessly while she takes her T-shirt off and throws it over her head. “Oh, she wanted to have sex—was I supposed to know that?”
Your attention is shifted towards her when you feel her fingers on the first button of your shirt, stripping you out of your work clothes. “You just proposed to me and agreed to pay for my master’s, and you thought I wanted to just cuddle? Ckckckck, you’re terrible at this,” Jiwoo expresses her disappointment. You want to defend yourself, but you can’t seem to find the words. “Sorry,” is all you can come up with. “No need, it’s not too late to make it right.”
Jiwoo plants her lips on yours again with different intentions this time. “Take me,” she whispers to you, “take me just like you usually do.” “How bad do you want it?” You’ve now gotten yourself together and are in the correct head space for this. She starts humping your thigh, letting you know how wet she is down there. “C-can’t you tell, oppa?” “I think I can,” you giggle, “let’s start, shall we?”
Yes, we shall. You roll until your fiancé is lying on her back, and her beauty instantly catches your attention. “My God, you’re so beautiful, love. Who am I to be so lucky to be with you?” Your words satisfy her, as shown by her precious smile on her face and her soft hands on yours. “Who am I to be so lucky to be engaged to you, oppa?” You ask if you can show her how much you love her. “Show me, oppa, and I’ll do the same,” she says.
You put your lips on her neck, nibbling and sucking until it’s marked with your love. “Oh, yes, please keep going,” Jiwoo eggs you on. “You’re mine, baby, and I’m yours—forever,” you whisper to her, giving her goosebumps. “I’m yours, oppa, and you’re mine,” she replies. “Please take me already—I can’t wait any longer.” You chuckle. “One second, baby; let me finish marking you first.”
You’ve sucked and nibbled for a few more minutes now, and when you pull away to inspect your work, you see a decently sized dark circle on the side of her neck. “Now everyone knows you’re mine.” You straighten your back, and that’s when Jiwoo asks you to “put it in.” Obviously, you know what it means, but it doesn’t hurt to tease her just a tad more. “Put what in, baby?” Your fiancé takes a deep breath, annoyed and impatient. “Your junior,” she says, “put it in me.”
You move towards her legs that are still covered by her mini shorts. When you grab the waistband, Jiwoo places her hands over yours. “Yes, baby?” You ask in case she wants to change her mind.
“Let’s make some promises before we start, oppa.”
“Sure, baby. What is it?”
“Promise me that you’ll pay for my tuition.”
“We’ve talked about it before, but yes, I promise.”
“Promise me that you’ll love me forever and never leave me for anyone else.”
“I promise.”
“Lastly, promise me that you’ll call me love—you know, since we’re getting married.”
“I promise, love.”
“Great,” she smiles, “now we can start.”
With her consent, you pull down her shorts down her legs and past her ankles. Oh, look at that: there’s a big wet spot on her panties—how cute. You free yourself of your work clothes, and while you do that, Jiwoo frees her tits from its constraints. “Respectfully, you look very, very hot, love,” you say, drooling as you do. “And all of me is yours, oppa,” she replies, “my lips, my breasts, my vagina—everything.” “That’s certainly one way to put it,” you think to yourself.
You hold your cock in one hand, and without struggling too much, you ease your way into her warm and wet core. “T-took you long enough,” Jiwoo quips, “oh, yes, that’s good, oppa.” You wrap your arms around her body, and in response, she wraps her limbs around yours, locking you in place to make sure she has maximum physical contact. She proceeds to let out moans right into your ear, showing you how much she’s enjoying this. “I love you, baby—fuck, I love you so much,” you whisper. “W-wrong pet name,” she still has the head space to say such thing.
“I’m about to burst, oppa,” she says, “please—oh, God—please, oppa.” You notice that her embrace is getting loose, so you take advantage of it and straighten your posture, thus allowing you to deliver better thrusts. “Go on, baby,” you urge her, “burst for your fiancé.” Obviously, words aren’t enough; you need to keep up the tempo to be able to send her flying across the finish line.
Jiwoo’s moans become louder as she inches closer towards orgasm—she’s also squirming around. You grit your teeth when you feel her insides squeezing your shaft. “Come on, love; cum for me.” You turn up the pace to the highest you can possibly do while making sure you’re hitting her deepest points. You pull out just in time as she screams from the top of her lungs, her thighs trembling from the hard-hitting orgasm.
Amidst her moans and pants, Jiwoo manages to ask you to hold her, so you do just that, enveloping her with your arms. “That’s good, love,” you praise her, “you’re so good at this.” “Th-thank you,” she replies with heavy breaths. You pamper her with endless sweet words while waiting for her to calm down; among them is, “I love you and will spend the rest of my life with you.” She can’t string together a proper reply just yet, but that’s fine; you’re certain that the message is well received.
Her pants have died down after a few minutes, and when you check on her, you see that she’s fallen asleep. “How cute,” you pinch her cheek lightly, “well, good night, love.” Without letting go, you roll over so that she’s lying square on your body and close your eyes.
During your sleep, you’re shown a dream. One where Jiwoo is on her knees while moving her mouth up and down along your length. You put a hand on the back of her head, assisting her in making sure that her hair doesn’t get in the way. “That’s good, love—that’s very good,” a praise freely escapes your lips, just like usual. Your praise excites Jiwoo, making her bob her head faster. Unfortunately for you, you’re starting to lose your grip on the scene, seeing it slowly fade away to be replaced with a different one.
At least that’s what it seemed like was about to happen. Instead, your brain wakes you up. “Wait, I know this feeling,” you say in your head. Your eyes roam downwards as you try to get a grip on the situation around you. “Love? What are you doing?” “What do you mean what am I doing? What does it look like, oppa?” Well, it looks like she’s stroking your cock, kissing your tip occasionally. “I thought you wouldn’t wake up,” she says.
You tell her that you saw her sucking you off in your dream. “I mean, I was sucking you off in your sleep,” she reveals. “So that was a mix of dream and reality, wasn’t it, love?” Jiwoo laughs. “Even in your dream, you can tell that I’m touching you.”
Jiwoo asks you to sit, so you sit and lean against the headrest. She then crawls between your spread legs and takes you deep in her mouth. Just like you did in your dream, you place a hand on the back of her head, petting her gently as you do. “That’s so damn good, love,” a praise freely escapes your lips, just like usual, and as per usual, it excites Jiwoo. You can feel her moving along your shaft faster, pushing through the gag reflex. “Fuck, you’re going to make me bust,” you say the first thing that comes to mind.
You’re ready to send your load straight into her stomach; your cock is throbbing and cum is pooling on your tip, and—ah, fuck, she removes you from her mouth. “No, no, no,” she wiggles her finger in front of you, “you don’t get to cum in my mouth anymore; I’m your fiancé, not your girlfriend.” Your racing heart doesn’t allow you to come up with a reply, but that’s okay with Jiwoo.
She turns her back against you and move backwards until her entrance is hovering right over your tip. “From this point onwards, you can only cum in my pussy—is that understood, my dear fiancé?” “Yes, love, I understand.” Happy with your answer, she lowers herself until you’re fully inside her. “Oh, fuck,” she lets out a gasp, “fuck, fuck, fuck!” She starts fucking herself on your cock, her hands and knees serving as stabilizers. You lean back and admire the way her hourglass figure looks from behind.
“I-I thought you—oh my God—I thought you were close, oppa?” “I am,” you admit, “I’m about to bust any second now.” Hearing such an answer invigorates Jiwoo, giving her the push she needs to keep going until you cum.
With a profanity, you send your load deep inside her, and Jiwoo plants her butt on your crotch so that nothing leaks out. The warmth of your ejaculation makes her let out a very long moan. “Do you want to be a dad?” “No, love, not yet,” you reply between your heavy pants. “Then you’ll need to buy me some pills—we’ve run out of them.” “We’ll get some later before we leave for work, love.”
That’s one question answered, and it’s time to address the other one: how can you prevent her from making a mess on the bed? “Just carry me reversed like this to the bathroom and pull out there,” she suggests. You gather the strength in your legs and stand up. “Hehehe,” you let out a suspicious laugh, “come to think of it, we’ve never had sex while standing up.” “Let’s not—oh, fuck—let’s not get ideas now, oppa; I don’t have the energy for more.”
You arrive at the bedroom with no accident, which means you can now “safely” pull out of her hot core. “Fuck, that’s a lot,” you comment. “That’s just how much you love me,” she giggles, “so what do we do now?” You don’t know what time it is (because there’s no clock in the bathroom, obviously), but you guess that it’s probably best to quickly clean up and go back to sleep soon.
You’re back in bed with your fiancé after quickly cleaning up. Jiwoo puts her right hand in the air and inspects the ring (despite the darkness of the room). “When did you buy this, oppa?” You reveal to her that Harvey bought it for you when you went out with him and Yooyeon. Jiwoo bursts out laughing. “I bet you were sweating bullets when you saw me walking in with Soodam-unnie—you thought the surprise was ruined.” “You have no idea, love,” you chuckle, “well, at least it all worked out in the end.”
“I love you, oppa,” she says, seemingly out of nowhere. “I will be the best person I can be for you—for us.”
“Certainly, love. I will be the best person I can be for you as well, because you deserve the best of me.”
“Sounds like we have a good future,” she says, “well, let’s go back to sleep now—good night. I love you.”
“I love you more—way more than simple words can express.”
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paladinbaby · 2 years
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onion litstack, or portrait of a totally normal guy who's doing well
the graveyard book, neil gaiman / brother, madds buckley / new year’s day, kim addonizio / dear fellow traveller, sea wolf / we are surprised, ada limón / four proofs, richard siken / interesting times, terry pratchett / fireworks, mitski / orestes, euripedes (tr. anne carson) / new year, kate baer
[Image Description: Ten pictures of text.
1: “Because there are mysteries. Because there are things that people are forbidden to speak about. Because there are things they do not remember.”
2: “Oh brother, I confess / There is little of me left that could care about dousing the wildfire
And I left you alone in a house, not a home / And I watched the burning grow as my hair filled with grey / From the ashes that fell / The mountains I knew so well”
3: Most of the text is highlighted in red, the final line is circled. “Today I want / to resolve nothing.
I only want to walk / a little longer in the cold
blessing of the rain, / and lift my face to it”
4: “You said, "Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more"
You spoke my language and touched my limbs / It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again / And in our travels, we found our roads / You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose”
5: “and we cannot be lost. You and me, / are us and them, and it and sky. / It’s hard to believe we didn’t / know that before; it’s hard to believe / we were so hollowed out, so drained, / only so we could shine a little harder”
6: “Part of heroism is being able to see the future and still remain standing. If you don’t believe in God or Fate you still must believe in the narrative.”
7: “Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that’s a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events -- the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there -- that must also be a miracle. Just because it’s not nice doesn’t mean it’s not miraculous.”
8: “And when I find that a knife's sticking out of my side / I'll pull it out without questioning why
And then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / And I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry”
9: A printed script with the first line in italics. Someone has underlined the second line. “Menelaos No don’t do it!
Orestes Oh be quiet. Endure what you deserve”
10: Close up of a page of a book. “thumbed through rusted nails just to / stand for its birth. I want to say: look how / far we’ve come. Promise our resolutions.
But what does a baby care for oaths and / pledges? It only wants to live.” Look how far we’ve come is printed in italics and highlighted in red. End ID.]
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I'll want to break down the chicken and beef into pre-marinaded freezer baggies with any roots or beans or sauces paired with them in a lil bundle of baggies, that way meals become as simple as popping a baggie set into a cast iron in the oven or on the stove. The last of the current priority garden, home, and body ingredients are in the mail, and I'm just waiting until I have the last of my salts and amino acids to mix them up.
Upcoming projects:
1) add compost cultivator to The Stacks now that there is a sizeable hay patch and an existing decomposition culture to support
2) Start tree seed trays (wild plum and black cherry)
3) Start greens seed trays (amaranth, turnip, beet, collard)
4) start shrub seed trays (Alleghany blueberry)
5) start wildflower seed trays (flax, marshmallow)
6) bury seed trays in coco coir and compost when The Stacks are fully decomposed
7) infuse olive oil with shea butter cubes, resins, cracked seeds, and salts in pourable cruets
8) break down chicken and beef into ready-prep single meal and bulk meal portions and freeze (burger/meatloaf mix, chili mix, carne asada, carne criolo, buttermilk chicken for battered cutlets, pulled chicken and ranch for pizza root-fries, kung pao chicken, green curry chicken, pulled chicken for matzoh soup, meatballs, lemon garlic chicken, ground beef crumbles, Date Night Steaks, sliced roast beef packets, jerky, BBQ for beans, dumpling filling, seasoned battered chicken for fried chicken strips and cheesy chicken pasta/veggie-noodle lasagnas, etc)
9) sauce tomatoes and freeze
10) bake a round of washing soda
11) ferment some rice for washing cakes and scalp scrubs
12) mix laundry detergent (epsom salts, resin infused oils, seed infused oils, washing soda, hand soap)
13) mix body scrubs
14) mix and set washing cakes
15) mix and jar scalp scrubs
16) mix and jar hair cremes
17) mix and jar hair masques
18) mix and jar skin masques
19) mix and bottle serums
20) mix and bottle texture spray
21) mix and jar bath salts
22) deep clean kitchen (wash counters, wash sink, treat drain, sweep and mop floors, wash cabinetry, wash appliances, run cleaning cycles on oven and dishwasher, clean out traps and catches, wash trash can and deoderize, empty and sanitize recycling bag, clean cat cozies, sanitize kitty meal plates, sanitize communal water fountain, sanitize water pitcher and replace filter, etc)
23) juice citrus (lime, lemon) and bottle/refridgerate
24) make citrus paste (lime, lemon) and freeze
25) make chimichurri base and freeze
26) make basil, garlic, and sesame paste and freeze
27) make kefir
28) make garlic confit and freeze
29) make caramelized onions and freeze
30) make pepper paste and pepper jelly and freeze
31) make pickles (onion, garlic, peppers, sundried tomato) and freeze
32) make curried carrot and lentil soup and freeze
33) make chicken stock and freeze
34) make kimchi
35) make samosa and empanada wrappers (corn masa pastry dough)
36) make dumpling wrappers (rice paper)
37) make and freeze dumplings, samosas, and empanadas (veggie mince, meat mince, kimchi and rice, Oaxaca and honey, Oaxaca and beans, Oaxaca and pepper jelly, curry chicken, veggie curry)
38) mix and bag sazon rice packets
39) prep herb and spice mix bottles
40) season and freeze root-fries and root-wedges
41) marinade and freeze veggie side dishes
42) air fry and package chickpea pops
43) make candied snickie snacks (nuts, jerky, coffee beans, carrots, citrus)
44) cut and batter Oaxaca strips for battering (seasoned lentil and rice flour) for paneer pakora and fried cheese sticks
45) cut Oaxaca strips for cheesy pastas
46) make and freeze queso fundido (Oaxaca cubes, peppers, garlic confit, coriander, oregano, paprika, chili pepper flakes, cumin, salt, cracked peppercorns, sundried tomatoes, shea butter curls, buttermilk, meatmince)
47) mix and freeze omelet/egg casserole mixes (queso fundido, onions, salt and pepper, fresh herbs, liquid whole egg mixed with buttermilk and rice flour, sundried tomato mince)
48) repot Pomegranate in compost and coco coir
49) identify and butcher the rooster
50) source scrap wood for laying nests, cat climbers, garden stakes, cat toys, chicken toys, carry/storage crates, etc)
51) mix dehumidifer/air filter pack for upstairs bathroom
52) deep clean upstairs bathroom (wash sink, wash floors, wash toilet, wash cabinetry, refill hand soap, wash counters, polish hardware, wash mirror)
53) wash towels and hang out to dry
54) wash blanket/bed linens and hang out to dry
55) wash clothes and hang up to dry in rounds of 2× outfits or 1× linens per basin
56) deep clean our bathroom (wash sinks, wash counters, sweep and wash floors, wash cabinetry and walls, refill deoderizer, clean shower, polish hardware, wash mirrors, refill hand soap, organize shower and sink products, wash toilet)
57) deep clean bedroom (take out trash bins, pick up floors, vacuum and sanitize carpets, wash walls, organize clothes, organize dog toys, sanitize dog meal dishes, wash and polish side tables/trunk, wash bedframe, sanitize mattress, change sheets and blankets)
58) vacuum and sanitize upstairs carpets
59) wash walls upstairs
60) clean guest bedroom (sanitize mattress, wash and replace bed linens and blanket, pick up floors)
61) move office couch to living room
62) move office desk/supplies to guest bedroom (for now)
63) plan a workout routine (minimum 2x gym days/wk for rowing and cycling and traction, min 2 home workouts/wk -> prioritize range of motion, balance, and gradual endurance building)
64) plan a hygeine routine (min 3x wash day/wk for skin, max 1x wash day/wk for hair)
65) organize my next round of plans
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ghostzussy · 1 year
1H and Taurus!
1H ⇢ describe your style
hehehe. gay auntie. hawaiian shirts, graphic t-shirts, red hair. I used to wear converse and black heeled boots, but had to stop due to joint issues unfortunately :( just imagine that's what I'm wearing instead of cheap ass tennis shoes with expensive insoles ADJANDNWNDN
also I love wearing funky earrings! check out this axolotyl set my sister gifted me that I wore for the first time today :3 (there is one in the same spot on the other ear as well)
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taurus ⇢ what's your favorite food?
It varies, but it is usually pasta of some sort!! I fucking LOVE pasta. Pretty much all of my cooking either includes potatoes or noodles. My personal favorite dishes are something along the lines of lasagna, usually including red sauce, ricotta, cream cheese, parmesean and mozzarella.
also here is my personal favorite pasta recipe. sorry there's no measurements! I measure that shit with my heart.
also this is copied and pasted directly from my personal recipe discord so that's why I worded the recipe like that BAHAHAHA
Million dollar spaghetti
You need:
- pasta of some sort
- spaghetti sauce
- a whole chopped onion
- tablespoon minced garlic OR garlic powder
- salt / pepper
- cream cheese
- sour cream
- cottage cheese
- eggs
- extra virgin olive oil OR vegtable oil
1. Boil noodles. Obviously.
2. Mix eggs, olive oil, salt and pepper. Don't ask for the amount bc I don't fucking know. Measure that shit with your heart
3. Mix cooked pasta with the above mixture
4. Saute onions in a stick of butter
5. Add in sauce, tb. minced garlic, salt and pepper.
6. Mix half of the sauce with the noodles.
7. Mix cream cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese (or ricotta).
8. Yeet noodles into an oven safe pan.
9. Top noodles with remaining sauce, then the cheese shit, then mozzarella.
10. Bake on 350° F for 30 mins, then put on broil at 525° for 2 minutes.
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elysiannglo · 20 days
10 Effective Home Remedies to Combat Hair Fall Naturally
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Hair fall is a common issue that many people face, whether it's due to stress, environmental factors, or genetics. However, there are natural remedies that can help reduce hair fall and promote healthier hair growth. Here are ten effective home remedies that can help you combat hair fall naturally.
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. Applying fresh aloe vera gel to your scalp can help reduce dandruff and unblock hair follicles, which may be blocked by excess oil.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair. Massage warm coconut oil into your scalp to nourish and strengthen your hair.
3. Onion Juice
Onion juice has high sulfur content, which helps in regenerating hair follicles and reduces hair thinning. Apply onion juice to your scalp, leave it on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with a mild shampoo.
4. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein and nicotinic acid, which help in strengthening the hair shaft and preventing breakage. Soak the seeds overnight, grind them into a paste, and apply it to your scalp.
5. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Amla is a potent antioxidant with high vitamin C content, which strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Mix amla powder with lime juice and apply it to your scalp.
6. Green Tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help boost hair growth and prevent hair loss. Brew two green tea bags in a cup of water, let it cool, and then rinse your hair with this solution.
7. Egg Mask
Eggs are packed with protein, which is essential for hair strength and growth. Make an egg mask by mixing one egg with a tablespoon of olive oil, apply it to your hair, and rinse off after 30 minutes.
8. Hibiscus
Hibiscus flowers are known to nourish hair, prevent premature greying, and reduce hair fall. Crush a few hibiscus flowers, mix with coconut oil, and apply to your scalp.
9. Neem
Neem has antibacterial properties that help fight off scalp infections and dandruff. Boil neem leaves in water, let it cool, and rinse your hair with the solution.
10. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is rich in proteins and vitamin B5, which are beneficial for hair. Apply a mixture of Greek yogurt, honey, and lemon juice to your hair as a mask.
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How Our Grow Again Hair Serum Can Help:
While these natural remedies are effective, using them in conjunction with a scientifically formulated product like the Grow Again Hair Serum can provide an all-round solution to hair fall problems. Our serum is enriched with Catechin, Redensyl, Onion Extract, and Procapil—ingredients that are clinically proven to promote hair growth, reduce hair fall, and enhance overall hair health. Regular use of this serum can help you achieve the luscious, healthy hair you desire.
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effortentries · 2 months
Chicken tikka masala and lil bits about my life story so far.
The first recipe i have decided to attempt is Chicken tikka masala. I got the recipe from tiktok and i can say that it tastes extremely delicious. My dad even said that he would pay me to make it again for him.
For all of the recipes i’m going to add the recipe, the method i used to make the food and also a little bit about my life.
So let’s start this journey
Chicken tikka masala (tiktok version)
2 Chicken breasts, cubed
Chicken marination:
1 Tbsp paprika
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp red chili powder
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp salt
2 large spoons yogurt
1/2 tsp garlic ginger paste
the juice of half a lemon
Set aside overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours.
Half an onion, finely chopped
Cook chicken on medium heat in oil
Remove chicken from the pan and add it to a different bowl to rest while the sauce is being made.
Add onions to the pan
Add 3 large spoons of tomato paste
Add half a cup of water
Add one cup of cream
Stir the above ingredients together
Add the spices
1tsp of red chili
1 tbsp of paprika
1tsp of cumin
1 tsp of coriander
1 tsp of garam masala
1/2 tsp of black pepper
1/2 tsp tumeric
Cook all in medium heat until the mixture bubbles and the spices stop being raw.
Add the chicken back in and put the pan on low heat and incorporate everything together.
Garnish with dhanya and enjoy :)
And here begins my first story.
I was raised in a loving home. My most beautiful memories are with my mom, she’d do my hair into all different kinds of hairstyles when i was little, they always had to have cute little “goggles” as she’d call them at the ends of them. She’d plait my hair every day. And put little plastic flowers, or whatever pretty looking thing at the end of them.
I grew up Christian, my parents used to regularly attend an Afrikaans church close to tygerberg high school, and if they didn’t, then gospel songs would ring out every sunday from the TV and little me knew all the words.
Primary school, i kept the nice hairstyles until my mom said i was old enough to do my hair myself. Endless alice bands. I was obsessed with alice bands. I was extremely academically inclined, i was third in the grade in grade 5, grade 6 i was seventh in the grade and grade 7 i was fifth in the grade. I was a monitor for the primary school passages, patrolling all around to tell naughty little boys to tuck their shirts in and to walk in a single file line. I was in the representative council of learners where i’d run meetings, patrol every day during breaks around the school while hoping that all i was doing was enough for me to get into Rhenish girls high. It was.
I accidentally forgot a little part, well…not so little, In grade R i did ballet, then i decided to do the 360° switch to karate after i watched the karate kid for the first time. I carried on with karate throughout primary school.
Now, Rhenish girls high.
Driving to stellenbosch from brackenfell everyday was a challenge, tiring bus rides, but i knew that the education that i’d get at that school would be worth it all. And it was.
I got my black belt when i was in grade 9, i ended up quitting karate because balancing school, and it ended up being a challenge as my sensei wanted me to teach some classes to little children as well.
Grade 10 i dropped pure math, i begged my dad to do that, he looked like he wanted to cry but the decision was worth it in the end. Grade 10 was also when i went with raadiah to her Islamic society meetings, just as an observer.
Grade 11. A busy year, i was captain of 2nd team soccer. i was elected into the matric dance committee. That’s when my journey with graphic design began. I attended more islamic society meetings. I helped raadiah with hijab day, when i put the scarf on my head for the first time i somehow knew where my life would end up. End of grade 11 i was elected into the learner council.
Grade 12 i was…extremely busy? too busy? I was the school’s designated graphic designer, i converted to islam in january of that year so i was still learning a lot, I studied hard. I ended up with 6 distinctions Alhamdulilah. I had full academic colors, and full colors for culture since i did choir for all 5 years of high school
January of 2023 i was left to decide on UCT or Stellenbosch.
UCT offered me a scholarship for Bachelor of social sciences, i was also accepted for LLB but no scholarship for that.
Stellenbosch accepted me for BA law (my dream course), and seemingly didn’t give me a scholarship (they did, but their systems were so bad they only sent the money in may).
I picked stellenbosch, it was home.
Anyways, the food tasted amazing, my parents keep on asking it to make it again.
Maybe aunty can teach me how to make it taste better?
Next time, i’m going to speak about my revert story.
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glimmer15 · 2 months
10 Effective Remedies for Hair Loss
1. Healthy Diet for Healthy Hair: Your hair reflects what you eat, so it’s essential to nourish it from the inside out. Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to ensure your hair follicles receive the nutrients they need 
2. Scalp Massage with Essential Oils: Massaging your scalp with essential oils can stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation to the hair follicles. Rub the oil into the scalp, circling with fingers for five to ten minutes; concentrate on areas where there might be thinning hair or bald patches.
3. Onion Juice for Hair Regrowth: Extract the juice from an onion and apply it directly to your scalp, focusing on areas with thinning hair. Grate or blend onions and squeeze out their juice and Gently massage the onion juice into your scalp without rubbing too hard. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo followed by water.
4. Aloe Vera for Scalp Health: Aloe vera has soothing and moisturizing properties that can help maintain a healthy scalp environment for hair growth , get pure aloe vera gel from your local store or extract fresh ones straight from its leaves and Rub it directly onto the scalp, then massage gently into the roots. Let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing off with water.
5. Coconut Milk Hair Mask: One of the best and effective among no. of remedies for hair loss  is coconut milk is rich in healthy fats and protein Mix coconut milk with your choice of cold-pressed oil. (Avocado and Olive oil both work great for dry hair). Section your hair and apply this mask all over your hair and scalp. Massage it in with gentle strokes for 1-2 minutes and then leave it on for at least an hour
6. Green Tea Rinse: Green tea is packed with antioxidants that can help stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Steep both bags into boiling point water then let it cool down completely , Rinse off with this cooled solution after shampooing & conditioning without rinsing again.
7. Fenugreek Seed Mask: Proteins found within these seeds help moisturise dry scalps, thereby facilitating healthy growth of strands as well as nourishing them too due to their high content of nutrients required by such areas ,make a paste and Smear the paste over your scalp and along each strand’s length, leaving it undisturbed for half an hour before washing it completely afterwards.
8. Egg Hair Mask for Protein Boost: Eggs are a powerhouse of protein and biotin, essential nutrients for healthy hair growth. Beat an egg and mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil or honey to create a nourishing hair mask. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair, covering all strands evenly. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
9. Castor Oil Treatment: Castor oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and ricinoleic acid, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can promote hair growth and improve scalp health. Massaging the scalp with castor oil can also increase blood circulation and boost hair growth .Apply warm oil for better results. 
10. Hibiscus Flower Infusion: Boil a handful of hibiscus flowers in water to create an infusion, then allow it to cool before straining out the flowers.Use the hibiscus infusion as a final rinse after shampooing your hair, making sure to massage it into your scalp. Regular use of hibiscus flower infusion can help improve hair texture, reduce frizz, and stimulate hair growth
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healthylifevibes · 3 months
12 Proven Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss and Regrowth Regrow hair
12 Proven Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss and Regrowth Regrow hair https://ift.tt/YwCvAtn Check out these simple and powerful home remedies to help prevent hair loss and regrow your hair back. In this video, I’m going to cover natural and effective remedies for hair loss. Many top hair loss medications treat hair loss by blocking an enzyme (5-alpha reductase) to inhibit DHT. DHT is a powerful form of testosterone that can burn out hair follicles. People with too much DHT can develop androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss. Onion juice, green tea, rosemary oil, and zinc can help inhibit 5-alpha reductase. Fluoride from your water as well as sulfates from your shampoo can also potentially lead to hair loss. Try getting a shower head that filters out fluoride and use sulfate-free shampoo. Home remedies to help prevent hair loss and regrow hair: 1. Onion juice 2. Green tea 3. Rosemary oil 4. Zinc (oysters and red meat) 5. Apple cider vinegar (1/3 cup apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of water) 6. Consume more protein and trace minerals 7. Cruciferous vegetables and sea kelp 8. Selenium 9. Vitamin D, more sleep, and exercise 10. Silica 11. Keto and intermittent fasting 12. Biotin #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle #hairstyle #hair #haircut #hairstyles HealthyLifeVibes via HealthyLifeVibes https://ift.tt/LZ4mC0b June 19, 2024 at 06:36AM
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peru-perusals · 4 months
Day 9 - Part 2 - Trains, Butterflies & Cooking Lesson!
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Photo by Holly
We waited on the platform until it was time to board our PeruRail train to “Machu Picchu Pueblo,” also known as Aguas Calientes. As we’re visiting Machu Picchu too, I’ll use the name Aguas Calientes here for clarity.
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The entire train ride was about 1.5 hours long. We ate our lunches, but mine was pretty bad. The bread was soggy and the pork was flavorless and dry. We played more Village Idiot and another game called Speed where you are moving quickly to create sets of 4. We also arm wrestled and played table football with a cell phone, which I suppose was closer to table hockey.
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At one point, Holly fell asleep and every one of us took a picture of her sleeping from our perspective.
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Photo by Haley
When we reached Aguas Calientes, the train dropped us off not at the station but just in the middle of the city. A man with a G.F.U. sign greeted us and brought us to the hotel to check in.
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All six of us were in adjacent rooms on the 4th floor with Holly on the second. We decided to take a bit to catch our breath or explore and Mario would meet us in the lobby at 5:10 for a cooking lesson and dinner at 5:30.
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All of the students opted to walk to a butterfly garden while Holly visited the hot springs that the town is named after. We walked down along the road until we reached the butterfly gardens.
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We passed a statue of what can only be described as a creature.
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We only had limited time before we needed to be back, so we anxiously waited for our guided tour of the butterfly garden to begin so that we could get back on time. Eventually, the tour began with pointing out some of the plants used before moving to a room with a microscope where he showed us eggs and tiny caterpillars under a microscope. Then he showed us a wall full of Tupperware with butterflies in different stages of development. He selected two, one which he released outside and the other which he released into their greenhouse.
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It was hesitant to fly away, so it chilled on our hands for a bit. Haley got her Disney princess moment!
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We took some more pictures of butterflies before rushing back up the hill to our hotel.
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We got there right on time and Mario took us to the restaurant. They led us to a table and we were skeptical if we’d actually have a cooking lesson. The chef kept coming by and delaying our lesson. Eventually, they led us down to the kitchen where we were given masks and hair nets. They demonstrated how to make Causa.
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Photo by Holly
Potatoes: Mash yellow potatoes Add 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of olive oil Add a yellow chili sauce Mix well Ceviche: Cube raw trout Add 2 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of olive oil Add yellow chili sauce with mayonnaise Add a pinch each of garlic, ginger, cilantro, and red chilis Add thinly cut onion strips and mix well Assembly: Press potatoes into a large cookie cutter Add a layer of avocado slices Add in half of the Ceviche Add the rest of the potatoes Press well until top surface is smooth and flat Add remaining ceviche on top Add two slices of fried plantain Add blue eggplant and orange chili sauce on plate as decoration Enjoy!
Austyn and Claire went first, then Haley and Alyssa. Bernadette and I went last.
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Photo by Holly
She drew a flower with the blue eggplant sauce and I drew the Peru logo with the orange pepper sauce.
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We tried all the Causas and picked our favorites. We thought that was all the food, so we ate almost all of it!
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Photo by Holly
Then, they demonstrated how to make Lomo Saltado, but only Holly got to try her hand at it. Beef was tossed with peppers and tomatoes in soy sauce, oil, and wine.
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Photo by Holly
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We headed back upstairs and they delivered a plate of Lomo Saltado to each of us. It was delicious, the best Lomo Saltado we’ve had!
We headed from there down to Aguas Caliente’s central square. There was a live concert happening and booths were selling picarones. There was also a celebration at the Catholic Church. This community has a lot of immigrants, so the church serves as a social and community hub to recognize all their different heritages.
We headed from there back to the hotel and turned in for the night!
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al-suffah · 6 months
Crafting the Perfect Hair Growth Oil Blend
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Creating a personalized hair growth oil blend involves combining various essential oils and carrier oils to leveraging their distinct properties. To maximize efficacy, infuse the blend with fragrance and preservatives to uphold its longevity and stability. Below is an extensive manual for formulating your custom hair growth oil blend. Here is a comprehensive guide to creating your personalized hair growth oil blend:
Ingredients: - Olive Oil: 2 tablespoons - Onion Seed Oil: 1 tablespoon - Jojoba Oil: 1 tablespoon - Bhringraj Oil: 1 tablespoon - Rosemary Oil: 10 drops - Castor Oil: 1 tablespoon - Peppermint Oil: 5 drops - Sunflower Oil: 1 tablespoon - Argan Oil: 1 tablespoon - Coconut Oil: 2 tablespoons - Sweet Almond Oil: 1 tablespoon - Black Seed Oil: 1 tablespoon - Fragrance or Aroma Oil: Optional (5-10 drops) - Natural Preservative: Optional (according to the preservative's instructions)
1. Prepare Your Ingredients: - Gather all the carrier oils (olive oil, jojoba oil, Bhringraj oil, castor oil, sunflower oil, argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and black seed oil), essential oils (onion seed oil, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil), fragrance or aroma oil, and natural preservative (if using).
2. Mixing Carrier Oils: - In a clean glass bowl or bottle, combine all the carrier oils (olive oil, jojoba oil, Bhringraj oil, castor oil, sunflower oil, argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and black seed oil). Stir the oils well to ensure an even blend.
3. Adding Essential Oils and Fragrance: - Add the essential oils (onion seed oil, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil) to the carrier oil blend. If desired, include a few drops of fragrance or aroma oil for a pleasant scent. Mix the oils thoroughly.
4. Introduce a Natural Preservative: - If you plan to store the blend for an extended period, consider adding a natural preservative. Follow the instructions provided with the preservative to ensure proper usage. This step helps prolong the shelf life of your blend.
5. Stir Thoroughly: - Use a stirring rod or spoon to blend the oils thoroughly. Ensure that all the oils, including the essential oils, fragrance, and preservative, are well-mixed to create a homogeneous blend.
6. Let it Sit: - Allow the oil blend to sit for at least 24 hours. This resting period allows the oils and other components to synergize and enhances the overall effectiveness of the blend.
7. Transfer to Storage Bottle: - Transfer the blended oil mixture into a dark glass bottle. Dark glass helps protect the oils from light exposure, maintaining their potency. Ensure the bottle has a tight-sealing cap to prevent oxidation.
8. Label and Date: - Label the bottle with the ingredients and date of creation. This helps you keep track of the blend's freshness and potency.
9. Application: - Before each use, give the bottle a gentle shake to ensure the oils are well-distributed. Take a small amount of the oil blend and warm it between your palms.
10. Application to Hair and Scalp: - Massage the oil blend into your scalp, focusing on the roots, and work it through the lengths of your hair. Ensure that your hair is evenly coated with the oil blend.
11. Leave-In or Rinse Out: - You can leave the oil blend in your hair for at least 30 minutes to an hour or overnight for a more intensive treatment. Alternatively, you can choose to rinse it out after the desired duration.
12. Wash and Style: - Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and condition as usual. Style your hair as desired.
Notes: - Customize the proportions based on your hair length and thickness. Adjust the quantities of each oil based on your preferences and hair needs. - Perform a patch test before applying the blend to your entire scalp to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions. - Consistency is key. Use the oil blend regularly for an extended period to see noticeable results. If you cannot prepare it yourself, you may choose the Premium MFHL Blend of Hair Oil for Hair Growth.
By incorporating fragrance and preservatives, you can enhance the overall experience of using your personalized hair growth oil blend while ensuring its longevity and stability. Adjust the blend based on your preferences and how your hair responds, and enjoy the nourishing benefits of your customized hair care solution.
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kumarsakhi · 10 months
How to Make Homemade Onion Hair Oil for Gorgeous Locks
Creating your own homemade onion hair oil is a cost-effective and natural way to harness the benefits of this powerful ingredient for your hair. In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps of making onion hair oil at home and highlight the advantages of this DIY approach.
Ingredients You'll Need:
Fresh onions (2-3 medium-sized)
Carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil)
A small saucepan
A fine strainer or cheesecloth
A clean glass container for storage
Steps to Make Homemade Onion Hair Oil:
Step 1: Prepare the Onions Start by peeling and chopping the fresh onions into small pieces. The finer you chop them, the better the extraction of onion juice will be.
Step 2: Heat the Carrier Oil Choose your preferred carrier oil and pour it into a small saucepan. Heat the oil on low heat until it becomes warm, but not too hot. You should be able to comfortably touch it with your finger. Heating the oil aids in the extraction process.
Step 3: Combine Onion and Oil Add the chopped onions to the warm carrier oil. Allow them to simmer together for about 10-15 minutes. The heat will release the beneficial compounds from the onions into the oil.
Step 4: Cool and Strain Once the oil has cooled down, strain it through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a clean glass container. This will separate the oil from the onion remnants, giving you a pure onion-infused hair oil.
Step 5: Store Your Homemade Onion Hair Oil Store your homemade onion hair oil in a cool, dark place. A tinted glass container is ideal to protect the oil from light exposure. Proper storage will maintain its potency.
How to Use Homemade Onion Hair Oil:
Apply the oil to your scalp and hair, massaging it gently.
Leave it on for at least an hour or overnight for maximum benefits.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner to remove the oil.
Use it regularly, ideally twice a week, for noticeable results.
Advantages of Homemade Onion Hair Oil:
1. Freshness and Purity: Making onion oil for hair at home ensures its freshness and purity. You have control over the ingredients, and there are no added preservatives or chemicals.
2. Cost-Effective: Homemade onion oil for hair is more cost-effective than purchasing commercial versions. You can create a batch that lasts for weeks with just a few ingredients.
3. Customizable: You can experiment with different carrier oils to create a customized hair oil that suits your hair type and preferences.
4. Eco-Friendly: Creating your own hair oil reduces the need for buying packaged products, contributing to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
5. Holistic Approach: Homemade onion hair oil allows you to take a holistic approach to hair care by using natural ingredients.
In conclusion, making homemade onion hair oil is a simple and rewarding DIY project that can lead to healthier and more beautiful hair. With the advantages of freshness, cost-effectiveness, customizability, and a holistic approach to hair care, you can enjoy the benefits of this natural remedy while knowing exactly what goes into your hair oil.
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thezsisters · 10 months
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Look good, smell good: Important tips to smelling good.
1. Stay Hydrated
Maintaining sufficient water intake is essential for combating body odor caused by sweating. Sweating regulates body temperature but can lead to dehydration, resulting in weakness, fatigue, and heightened odors. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily helps keep the mouth hydrated, preventing dryness and bad breath.
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2. Adjust Your Diet
The food you consume influences your body odor. While garlic and onions are nutritious, excessive consumption can cause prolonged body odor and affect how perfumes interact with your body. Opt for a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, containing proteins that contribute to a fresh and smooth body.
3. Select the Right Fragrance
Choosing a suitable fragrance requires effort and judgment. Ensure the chosen perfume, aftershave, or body spray provides at least 24 hours of lasting protection, making you feel comfortable and fresh throughout the day.
4. Apply Fragrance Strategically
Proper application of fragrance is crucial. Apply perfumes to pulse points—wrists, back of ears, and behind knees—allowing the fragrance to adapt to your body chemistry and release when your body heats up.
5. Consider Roll-On Perfume
Opt for roll-on perfume for a more targeted and cost-effective application. It offers direct and controlled application without over-spraying.
6. Spray Your Hairbrush
Avoid direct spraying on your hair to prevent damage to the scalp. Instead, spray your hairbrush for a subtle and pleasant scent without the chemical impact on your hair roots.
7. Attend to Clothing
The cleanliness of your clothes affects your overall scent. Use fragrant detergents and laundry soaps to enhance the freshness of your clothes, complementing your personal scent.
8. Utilize Lotions and Oils
Rather than layering multiple perfumes, use lotions or oils for a longer-lasting, moisturizing effect with a pleasant fragrance. These products complement other body care items.
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9. Apply Shoe Spray Fragrance
Combat foot odor by using a shoe spray fragrance, especially when wearing shoes without socks. It acts as a perfume for the feet, ensuring a pleasant smell even after prolonged wear.
10. Shower Appropriately
Maintain cleanliness by showering according to your skin type, activity level, and preference. Focus on areas with more sweat glands, such as armpits, groin, and buttocks. Use deodorant or antiperspirant and consider individually wrapped wipes for freshness on the go.
11. Choose Your Fabrics Wisely
Avoid polyester clothing, as it can trap sweat and bacteria, leading to unpleasant odors. Opt for breathable fabrics to reduce the risk of body odor.
Remember, genetics and diet play a role in body scent, but practicing good hygiene and making thoughtful lifestyle choices can help you maintain a pleasant and fresh aroma.
Written by Ewurabena.
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vegi1 · 1 year
Biotin Rich Foods for Vegetarian
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Although some vitamins are better known and some are less discussed, all vitamins are necessary for our health. Therefore, it is better to enrich our diet by reading about lesser-known vitamins and their sources. One of these lesser known vitamins is biotin
What is biotin?
Biotin is one of the B vitamins that helps convert food into energy in the body. Other names are biotin, vitamin H and vitamin B7. Biotin is very important for the health and function of eyes, hair, skin and brain and is also effective in improving liver function.
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin; That is, the body does not store it. As a result, to have a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body, it should be consumed regularly.
Biotin deficiency is very rare and not enough studies have been done to determine a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) or Estimated Average Required Intake (EAR); Although the Daily Value (DV) of biotin is usually around 30 micrograms per day.
Foods rich in biotin (vitamin B7)
Although biotin is available as a supplement, most people can get all the biotin they need from food by eating a varied diet.
In the following, we introduce 12 main sources of biotin. At the end, the amount of biotin of animal and plant foods is set in a table.
1) Egg yolk
Eggs and bird eggs are rich in B vitamins, protein, iron and phosphorus, and egg yolk is a rich source of biotin. A whole boiled egg (equivalent to 50 grams) contains approximately 10 micrograms of biotin. This amount solves 33% of the daily need for biotin.
To reduce the risk of salmonella poisoning and improve biotin absorption, you should always cook eggs thoroughly. Consuming raw eggs prevents the absorption of biotin due to the presence of a protein called avidin in its white.
Eggs can be boiled or half-cooked and can be used in pastries such as waffles or muffins.
2) Legumes
Legumes such as peas, beans and lentils have large amounts of protein, fiber and micronutrients. Peanuts and soybeans are among the richest sources of biotin in legumes.
One ounce or 28 grams of roasted peanuts contains less than 5 micrograms of biotin. This amount is equal to 17% of the amount needed by the body in a day.
A study on the amount of biotin found in common Japanese foods found that 100 grams (about three-quarters of a cup) of whole soybeans contained 19.3 micrograms of biotin, or 64% of the daily recommended amount of biotin.
Legumes are usually boiled and used as a base to make salads and various dishes.
3) Kernels and oil seeds
Nuts and oilseeds are a good source of fiber, unsaturated fat, and protein. Most of these nuts and seeds also contain biotin; But the biotin content of each of them is different depending on their type.
A quarter cup or 20 grams of roasted sunflower seeds contains 2.6 micrograms of biotin and provides 10% of the daily biotin requirement, while a quarter cup or 30 grams of roasted almonds contains 1.5 micrograms of biotin or 5% of the recommended amount. body needs in one day.
Nuts and oilseeds can be consumed raw, in salads, with a variety of pastas and foods, along with nuts or with oilseed butter.
4) Liver
Some animal organs, especially the liver, have high amounts of biotin. This makes perfect biological sense; Because the largest amount of biotin is stored in the liver.
3 ounces or 75 grams of cooked calf's liver has approximately 31 micrograms of biotin and provides 103% of the daily requirement. Cooked chicken liver is even richer than calf liver and every 75 grams (3 ounces) of it has 138 micrograms of biotin (equal to 460% of the daily requirement of this vitamin in the human body), which is very high.
Liver can be fried with onions, made into hamburgers, or eaten with pasta.
5) Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and carotenoid antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are also one of the foods rich in biotin.
Half a cup or 125 grams of cooked sweet potato contains 2.4 micrograms of biotin, which provides 8% of the daily requirement of the body.
Sweet potatoes can be boiled or microwaved to soften. It can also be peeled, baked and pureed or used to make homemade veggie burgers.
6) Mushrooms
Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and have many benefits. One of these benefits is the high amount of biotin. In fact, the high amount of biotin protects the fungi against parasites and invaders that are in nature.
120 grams of canned button mushrooms contain 2.6 micrograms of biotin, which provides approximately 10% of the body's daily requirement. One cup or 70 grams of fresh, chopped button mushrooms has 5.6 micrograms of biotin, which provides 19% of the body's daily requirement.
Canned mushrooms can be poured into noodles and various sauces or on homemade pizzas. Fresh mushrooms can also be baked, fried or added to salads.
7) Banana
Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the whole world. This fruit is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and micronutrients such as B vitamins, copper and potassium.
A small banana (equivalent to 105 grams) contains approximately 0.2 micrograms of biotin, which provides 1% of the body's daily need for this substance.
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bhglivebetter · 1 year
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Shrimp Scampi with Angel Hair Pasta For an extra robust flavor on your dinner plate, make roasted tomatoes for this recipe for shrimp scampi that is stuffed with garlic and served over angel hair pasta. 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 3 tablespoons minced fresh basil divided, 1 package angel hair pasta, 3/4 pound Roma tomatoes halved lengthwise, 3 tablespoons grated red onion, 10 fresh mushrooms quartered, 2 teaspoons olive oil or more to taste, 6 cloves garlic or more to taste minced, 1/4 cup lemon juice, salt and ground pepper to taste, 2 pounds shrimp peeled and deveined, 1 pound butter cut into cubes, cooking spray, 2 teaspoons garlic powder
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thuzyblog · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Wheat Germ? Is It Safe For Dogs & Vet Approved Options
 Can dogs consume wheat germ? Perhaps you had this thought while researching the health benefits of incorporating wheat germ into your own diet and wondering if your dog would benefit as well. Can dogs consume wheat germ in the same way that humans can?
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Can Dogs Consume Wheat Germ? Is It Safe For Dogs? & Vet-Approved Alternatives
The short answer is that dogs can consume wheat germ safely. The main benefit of feeding wheat germ to your dog is that it contains a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help with skin problems and improve the health of their coat.
Wheat germ may also help to alleviate any inflammatory issues your dog is experiencing.
However, as always, before giving your pet any human food or supplements, consult your regular veterinarian. Wheat germ and dogs: what you should know.
How Does Wheat Germ Help Dogs?
Can dogs consume wheat germ? Wheat germ is beneficial to dogs because it contains a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids.
Can dogs consume wheat germ? Giving your dog enough omega-3 fatty acids will help to improve the quality of their skin and hair, as well as reduce any inflammatory issues they may be experiencing.
Wheat germ is also high in vitamin E, which can help your dog's heart and liver health.
Oil extracted from wheat germ
Can dogs consume wheat germ? Wheat germ is available in the form of a bottle of liquid oil. Most dogs tolerate it well and it can be poured on top of daily kibble meals or mixed into soft or canned dog food. Most dogs are unaffected by food differences and will eat it at every meal.
Consult with your veterinarian to determine how much wheat germ oil your pet requires. The dosage is determined by body weight.
Powdered Wheat Germ
Can dogs consume wheat germ? Wheat germ powder is relatively dry, making it difficult to feed a dog unless he eats soft or canned food. Most pet owners make delicious dog treats with powdered wheat germ and feed one treat to their pet each day to ensure a daily supply and reap the benefits.
Dog treats should not exceed 10% of his daily meal consumption. Mix 3/4 cup powdered skim milk with 1/2 cup wheat germ, then add 3 small jars of onion-free chicken or beef baby food. Bake for 10 to 14 minutes on a cookie sheet coated with nonfat cooking spray in a 350°F preheated oven.
Wheat Germ Tablets
Can dogs consume wheat germ? Some dogs will fight and clamp their jaws when they see a pill or capsule coming their way. Wheat germ tablets are available in a chewable form, which most pets will accept if described as a "treat." When the capsules are bitten, they open and release wheat germ oil into the dog's mouth; however, some dogs refuse to consume an oil capsule.
Can dogs consume wheat germ? The simplest way to administer a tablet or capsule to your pet is to conceal it in a soft dog treat or wrap it in a small piece of cheese. Give him two treats or pieces of cheese that aren't "loaded" with the pill, then the pill and one or two more pieces of cheese.
He will usually eat the "loaded" goodie in anticipation of the next one, oblivious to the pill or capsule inside. You can purchase hollow snacks specifically designed for storing medications for your pack member.
How Do I Give Wheat Germ to My Dog?
Wheat germ is available in a number of forms, including oil, pill, and powder. Whichever variety you choose, the most effective way to incorporate it into your dog's diet is to mix a small amount into any existing meals.
Consider one tablespoon of wheat germ per pound of food when determining the appropriate amount for your dog.
Can dogs, however, consume wheat germ? Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new food or supplements to your dog's diet, as they will be able to provide you with more precise serving instructions that take into account your dog's age, weight, and overall health.
Is there any benefit to your dog from wheat germ? What method do you employ when feeding it to your dog? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!
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