#.:mod hana makes:.
yo9urt · 4 months
mine craft !!
#mine#i did cartography today like i said i would!!!!! it was lovely#i found...hmmmm what did i find#a few normal biomes...taigas and dark forests and frozen peaks or whatever#and some modded ones...yellowstone...rocky mountains...et cetera#found two villages one alive one abandoned...got some decent loot...saw some goats...and some beautiful views#adopted a third dog!!!! idk what variant she is she looks a bit like a hyena or a siamese cat. super cute#i named her hana :) i decided all my dogs will have names ending in a lol#laika and hana are named after bbhf songs freya is just a name i like#and then in the abandoned village i found the most BEAUTIFUL kitty cat and i adopted him too and named him alistair#(hana and alistair only took 1 bone/1 fish each to tame!! and i remember laika only took 2!! so lucky)#anyway i brought them all home AND i brought a few pigs into the barn :) yayyy#next project i think will have to be making a basement of some kind...#i think theres actually a tunnel or something under my house so ill have to work with that lol#but i brought a bunch of work blocks from the village so i need to put those to use plus i have an enchantment table now#and more cartography of course...rubs my hands together evilly#i accidentally made an x4 map a while ago so i think my first 4 x3 maps will just be the ones covering the same terrain as that one#when the x4 is done i'll frame it above my bed. cutes :) and maybe i'll use the basement space to make the mega-map using the x3s#im going to have more than 4 x3s obviously. im not a casual. but u know
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uisforuraniumbombs · 2 years
Arthur and Hana Supports C-B-A-S + ending
C Support
Arthur: Oh, Hana, nice timing! I was about to train for a bit.
Arthur: Would you care to spar with me?
Hana: Spar with you?
Arthur: Why yes. You seem uncertain of such a notion.
Hana: Me, uncertain?!
Hana: Pah, it'd be a good way to test my mettle, wouldn't you say?
Hana: Alright, let's go at it. I'm glad you offered.
Arthur: That's the spirit!
*fade out*
Hana: Guh, you're pretty good, I'll admit.
Hana: (Maybe better than 'pretty good')
Arthur: You did well yourself.
Arthur: I could tell you put your heart into it, no?
Hana: Nevermind me. Where'd you learn to fight like that?
Hana: Is it some Nohrian trick?
Arthur: Nohrian trick?
Arthur: Does there exist such a sly, vile thing?!
Hana: You know what? Nevermind.
Arthur: I understand what's being said. A little jest never hurts, wouldn't you agree?
Hana: Well,then tell me. What sort of fighting style is that then?
Arthur: Well, tell me, how would you describe it in words, Hana?
Hana: Hmm. I don't know how to describe it.
Arthur: Then perhaps the words will come to you another time. No need to force it.
Hana: No, I got it! It was more like a boorish style, might I even say plain.
Hana: You weren't flashy about it at all. You were focused on practicality.
Arthur: Then that is the type of fighting style you were asking about, is it not?
Hana: I think I understand. A practical fighting style.
Hana: Huh, that seems like a far cry from what I hear of your passion.
Arthur: Ah, but it reflects perfectly!
Hana: How so?
Arthur: Why, in order to help people best, you have to think optimally.
Arthur: Otherwise, the problem would just spiral downward further while you waste time.
Arthur: When you're an unlucky sort like me, exuberant actions may prove harmful to my well being... wouldn't you agree?
Hana: I guess I get what your saying makes sense... sorta.
Arthur: You can find me and ask me anytime you want. Till next time we spar, Hana!
Hana: (But isn't that what average people do - not heroes?)
B Support
Hana: Hey Arthur, wait!
Arthur: Hello there, Hana! I was about to eat lunch. Would you care to join me?
Arthur: "*Rumble* Overeating! The sneakiest of evil doers!"
Hana: You said I could ask you any question, right?
Arthur: Oh, why yes. Of course, that's what I said-
Hana: At any time, right?!
Arthur: Calm yourself, take a few deep breaths.
Hana: Alright... alright! Okay.
Arthur: Now, what has you all riled up?
Hana: Well, everytime I try to brush this lingering question, it just keeps coming back the next day.
Hana: Every time I try to answer it myself, I just don't understand it!
Arthur: Weeping Wyverns! What troubles you friend?
Hana: Well, yes it is. Arthur, I have to ask.
Hana: How do you manage to be both an aspiring hero, AND a simpleton at the same time. A total country bumpkin, really!
Hana: It doesn't make sense.
Arthur: Not to fear! I will explain this in the best way I can. 
Arthur: But, I must ask you to join me for lunch first.
Hana: Huh?! I don't have a problem with it, but...
Hana: Oh alright! I guess it won't hurt.
*fade out*
Hana: Ah...!That hit the spot!
Arthur: You were quite hungry! A hero never eats on an empty stomach!
Arthur: Now... would you like me to explain?
Hana: Explain what?
Hana: Oh right! Yes, please do. I almost forgot.
Arthur: Please, do tell me at any time if there's something that may further elaborate.
Hana: Will do. Now let's hear it.
Arthur: So, you've seen how coins have double sides.
Hana: Yeah, what about it?
Arthur: Now, a coin usually has those two sides, because otherwise it would be a different shape, and it probably wouldn't be a coin anymore.
Arthur: Coins are dependent on duality, don't you see? So are heroes, they wouldn't be heroes without duality.
Hana: So, they're two faced?
Arthur: Not to that extreme. Rather, a hero should be able to live two different lives. 
Arthur: This way, the hero would benefit from developing a diverse array of skills to help others in their time of need.
Arthur: It's just like how the symbols on different sides of a coin represent different traits of a country.
Hana: A normal life helps with what exactly?
Arthur: Why, the most important thing a hero needs! Compassion.
Hana: Compassion?
Arthur: Compassion! An equal person like their neighbor builds an understanding when they need to help them, no?
Hana: I suppose that sort of makes sense. But how does the heroic side help the normal side?
Arthur: To do the task others consider mundane. To be an ally to your everyday citizens. That is the meaning of a hero. Am I wrong?
Hana: Hmm... Maybe I need some time to figure this out.
Arthur:  With time. Nothing good ever came out of rushing things. Nohr wasn't built in a day after all.
Hana: Thank you, Arthur. I'd never thought I'd learn much from anyone, let alone a former enemy nor eat lunch with them.
Arthur: The pleasure is always mine, friend!
Arthur: Now, off I go to do some errands for my liege, as they had enlisted my help earlier.
Arthur: Till next time, friend!
Hana: ...
Hana: (Maybe I need to try out some of this 'everyday hero' stuff myself in order to fully understand his fighting style though)
A Support
Hana: Hey, there you are!
Hana: I've been looking all over for you.
Arthur: Greetings, Hana! What aid do I owe the pleasure of today, my dear friend?
Hana: I don't need any help today.
Hana: But I have an offer. You see, I want you to go...
Hana: ...
Arthur: Hana? Everything alright?
Hana: An outing! Yes, an outing. Accept my invitation for an outing.
Arthur: It would be my pleasure!
Arthur: To where you go, I will follow.
Hana: Alright! That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Hana: I wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Arthur: Then I'm glad I said yes. 
Arthur: After all, a satisfied Hana, is the best Hana.
Arthur: So where do you wish to go?
Hana: We're going to visit the nearest farmlands to help out a bit, first. Then, we'll help at the closest general shop.
Arthur: What a noble pursuit!
Hana: Admittedly, at first I thought of just requesting you to chop down a bit of wood and I'd just watch But...
Arthur: Hmm?
Hana: But then I thought: "Maybe it'd be better if both our hands got dirty. And maybe the locals would appreciate it too."
Arthur: That's the spirit, Hana. Now you're getting it.
Hana: Well I won't completely understand till I experience it.
Hana: Let's get going!
*fade out*
Arthur: Nothing like tilling on a cool day!
Arthur: How are you holding up, Hana?
Hana: Gah! This is the fourth time!
Hana: The ends of these crops just keep breaking, Arthur. I keep having to dig up the vegetables!
Hana: But I won't give up. The farmers are relying on me!
Arthur: There's actually a small trick to that, Hana.
Hana: There is?!
Arthur: Allow me to demonstrate.
Arthur: More closely to the roots... There!
Hana: (He's not too bad at this stuff! I wonder how many times he's helped out with jobs like these...)
Arthur: Now, try the next one. I'll make sure you get it!
Hana: Oh- right!
*fade out*
Hana: This is really big... and heavy!
Hana: (Arthur seems to be doing just grand a job, though)
Arthur: Thank you sir, have a nice day!
Hana: (He's really getting into watching this musky shop.)
Hana: This is... so hard to move!
Arthur: Do you require any assistance?
Hana: A- little bit-
Hana: (He's strong! Right over his shoulder... I guess those muscles aren't for nothing)
Hana: (Wait, why does a detail like that come to mind?!)
Hana: Thank you, Arthur.
Arthur: I do what I can for the good of friends.
Hana: You know, I think I'm finally getting the gist of this 'everyday' hero thing. 
Arthur: Oh? Still have that on your mind?
Hana: It's just like training with the sword.
Hana: Except when you train with a sword, you're practicing for yourself. At least with how I do it.
Arthur: You've assisted the farmers short handed from war. And now we look over the shop as the shopkeeper's away. Like a budding flower Hana, your heroism blossoms!
Hana: Well, I couldn't have done it without you. You showed me a perspective of strength I would have never thought of!
Hana: I admire the way you help people. Very much so!
Arthur: That's quite the flattering statement, friend! But give yourself some of the credit too, no?
Arthur: You took the first step, after all.
Hana: Maybe I did. But even so, I admire you, Arthur. To think this all started with a sparring match, too.
Hana: But, I learned so much today from observing you and trying your way of things.
Arthur: Then, it's my gratitude that I could be helpful.
Hana: And my gratitude as well- 
Hana: I think we've got two customers loitering by the display window... they're about to come in!
Arthur: Then back to work we go!
S rank
Hana: Hah! Hah! No, too slow...
Hana: Huh, what's that on the ground? A coin?
Hana: ... I can't shake him off my mind.
Hana: He's always there! Working hard despite his occasional bad luck, sparring with me, eating with me, talking with me...
Hana: I can't get enough of him. Could it be possible I-
Arthur: Diligent at practice as always, aren't you!
Hana: Eek!
Arthur: Oh no, did I scare you?
Hana: You DEFINITELY surprised me. I was contemplating some important stuff, you know.
Arthur: My apologies!
Hana: It's fine, not like the thoughts are going to be a problem for long.
Arthur: Should you feel up to it, care to join me inside for something warm to drink?
Arthur: I heated some hot cider as thanks from the merchant we helped not too long ago.
Hana: I'd love to... Wait, wait!
Arthur: Hmm, something troubling you, friend? You seem flustered.
Hana: Yeah, something's wrong. And I'm going to say it!
Arthur: I'm all ears, my friend. Remember, Hana's burdens are Arthur's burdens.
Hana: Then you better be ready, because here it goes!
Hana: Arthur, your way of fighting intrigued me, sure. And I was skeptical of you. Who wouldn't be when you suddenly team up with someone from a previously enemy nation?
Arthur: That is most understandable. But you seemed to have gotten over it by now completely, no?
Hana: Yes, I have. I mistook you for a simpleton trying to be heroic, and after that opinion changed, I felt a bond with you.
Hana: But even so, I didn't completely understand until I saw you working hard in the fields, and selling wares to customers.
Hana: You're a hero, as both a fighter and an everyman. I started to notice every aspect of you.
Arthur: I would like to say the same for myself. During the time we have been spending side by side, I have noticed your growth, Hana.
Arthur: I find it marvelous to spend time with you, Hana.
Hana: Yeah? Well, now instead of questions about you being stuck in my head, I have YOU stuck in my head.
Hana: I can't get you out, either.
Hana: I think I'm in love with you!
Hana: No, it has to be love.
Hana: Arthur, I have to know, do you love me back?
Arthur: My, that's quite forward of you, Hana.
Arthur: But since you asked, it's only right I give the most heartfelt answer a man who stands for justice could muster.
Arthur: Hana, my feelings are the same.
Hana: They are?!
Arthur: Indeed, they are. But it's a slight shame, now to think about it...
Hana: Huh?
Arthur: Why, I was going to bring up such a topic over the cider tonight. But, there's no need for crying over spilled milk!
Hana: Arthur, how are we going to go about something such as marriage, exactly? We come from two different backgrounds. I come from a noble family of hoshido...
Arthur: ...And my family was an average Nohrian household of working people.
Hana: What?! Really? How did you become a vassal of Elise, then?
Arthur: That would be a story for another time. To foreshorten, through trial and error. 
Arthur: But I was determined to stand for justice, to become a hero for the people.
Arthur: Hana, if you could come to understand my way of life, I'm also positive that your family could come to terms with a Nohrian husband.
Hana: If you firmly believe that, then... I have hope they'll understand...
Hana: This is going to be so great! I get to wake up to you every morning with your goofy grin. And a wedding in Hoshido...
Hana: You know, I think you'd make a great father, Arthur!
Arthur: You think so, then?
Hana: Ohh, I'm so happy! So happy I could just... Gah!
Arthur: Quite the hugger!
Hana: Ack, too tight of a hug back, Arthur!
Arthur: Oh right, my bad!
Hana: Arthur, we're going to go far. We'll be greater than any old heroes from stories!
Hana: You better bet that I won't let anyone sctratch you!
Hana: .. Uh say, Arthur...
Arthur: What ails you suddenly, my lovely Hana?
Hana: Mmm...
Hana: Well, a kiss won't hurt, will it?
Hana: Isn't that what lovers do?
Arthur: Why, of course it is!
Hana: Ohh, then, what am I waiting for?!
*both close their eyes*
Hana: ...
Hana: Hee hee hee! (smiling sprites preferably)
Arthur: Hahahah, quite the romantic yet fierce flower!
Ending Slide:
"Hana and Arthur would remain on the road cross country for a while after the war with their child, hoping to truly help the people by each other's sides. However, as Hana fell pregnant once more, the two settled into rowhomes by Hoshido's capital, with Arthur becoming a high ranking member of the guard and Hana tending to two children as a happy wife. Once their youngest was a bit older, the quartet would moonlight once more as a family of heroes.”
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hiskillingjar · 10 months
hi!!!!! can i request some hcs for lawrence oleander and ren hana with a fem (or gn) reader that likes to dye her hair a lot and has many piercings????
i hope you have a very good day!!!! :D
for sure! i've never done hcs before but i'll have a crack at it
also i know you asked for law and ren but i'm a strade enjoyer so i'm including him too pbltttt
ren 🦊
ren obviously loves it lol
like he's pretty high aesthetic already so he lovesssss a partner who has a specific aesthetic to em, especially if it's colourful and cute!
you wanna dye your hair? great, i've already gotten the bleach and all the colours you could want!! and all the special equipment for it too!! :3
he'd be hopeless if you asked for help though lol. like bleach stains where you did not want bleach
as soon as you were finished, he'd gush all over your new colour and compare it to an anime character he liked
"does that mean you could cosplay xyz pairing with me now?" like the idiot man he is
he for sure likes the piercings too. they make you look so tough and cool (despite being so sweet on him <3)
might encourage you to get more, especially nip or genital piercings, under the impression that they'd make sex more fun lmaoooo
lawrence 🥀
law isn't someone who's super aesthetically minded so they might not totally understand the motivation to dye your hair all the time
it takes so much effort to dye your hair so why do it so often, and all by yourself? you're getting it all over the bathroom! okay, okay, fine, i'll help you...
they'd be pretty gentle and patient in helping you dye your hair. they'd like the opportunity to be closer to you <3
never mind the intrusive thoughts they might have washing all the dye off in the shower. never mind all that!
(and might take a few snippings of your hair from the bathroom floor to keep...maybe)
they like the piercings normal amounts
might fiddle with them as a stim. don't wear hoops or danglies or they will get tugged on
they'd probably understand piercings in a similar way to their tattoos. maybe they'd even think about getting a stud or two themselves, just to see how it feels
what are your thoughts on tattoos? they might like those...
strade 🔨
he's pretty neutral about the hair dye and any. like, aesthetic choice you go for.
that's something you'd do with ren on a whim and he barely notices unless he sees a stain somewhere
"oh you dyed your hair?" yeah strade, i did it like three days ago, did you just notice? what is wrong with you?
he'd make snarky comments here and there but not really say anything
strade was a bisexual in the early two-thousands german alternative scene (in my minds eye) so he'd FOR SURE be into piercings (and any body mods honestly)
has his own piercing scars hehehehe
ear piercings? the more the merrier! facial piercings? the best!
nipple or genital piercings? the man is a feral animal
might be so inclined to help you out with a few himself! i pierced my first boyfriend's ears with a needle, i can totally pierce your clit if you stop squirming~ <3
would absolutely pull at them to tease you (might insist on hoops through everything just to give him a better chance to pull)
would for sure push it too far and rip em out too <3
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ragnar0c · 1 month
Love reading your little oc-posting about eo nexus! Can we know who is on your team ? Do you have a mix-up of your favorit ocs from different games or is there, like, a team for each of your oc groups ?
Will enjoy reading their adventures, have fun with the game !
I've 100%ed the game before, but wanted to replay take notes and remember some things! So, I decided to try the Nexus Overhaul mod and that mod adds the Alchemist and Buccaneer class + completely new skill trees too :D
My current team I'm using just to test out all the new skills, they would be insufferable to each other if it were the truth:
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Mary (Protector), Snowwie (Alchemist), Hana (Zodiac), Lazasia (Medic), Rozelia (Buccaneer)!
Protectors have a lot more elemental skills in this version, and buccanners work like chain fencers. So Rozelia chases Hana's and Snowwie's attacks, Mary imbues normal attacks so Rozelia can counter more.
I plan to try lots other things out bc when I first played I stuck with the same parties (mostly) until post game. These three in this order:
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First party was my planned party, then in the lush woodlands they met El, then in the primitive jungle Kise gets injured.
I have one of every class, thinking of getting some doubles depending on how much fun the mod is!!!
Canonically all my eo4 guild is in the nexus guild, though they trickle in throughout the main story plot.
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Muerte [nightseeker], Lance [Sovereign], Mary [Protector], Mira [Survivalist], Snowwie [Alchemist], Lazasia [Medic], Hi [Arcanist], Koyon [Shogun], Sky [Imperial]
Yes.......... Snowwie is all grown up now ough................
I could go thru everyone but that'd take forever, besides the eo4 gang main characters are there from each ragnarok branch like Hana (eo3 zodiac), Cinnabar (eo2 gunner) eventually helps out, Tez from EMD (landy), and El (she's the new Maginia main, Highlander)
I don't really have any living characters from eo1, and eo5 in my lore takes place on not earth. And the hero? Don't worry about who that is, she's important for post game.
I guess to answer you though, I'm mixing and matching this time even though it's a little against canon ajdjadd. It's been fun so far! I'm glad someone likes reading about them!!!
Feel free to ask about specifics too heheheh, I'll probably make a post breaking down the subgroups bc there's eo4 ragnarok and ho they split into groups (emd), Hana and how she split off, eo2 ragnarok and how they split, El the wanderer, Midgard Library etc.......
I'll probably post their cheebs bc I think.... I have drawn all of them oughhhhhhh
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
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Update 2.0.0 of Unofficial Gay Fates is here! After over three years of working on this project, we've finally hit 2.0.0, and wanted to make this update a little more special. This update adds in a new title screen for the mod, changing the 'Fates' on the title screen to a rainbow. This is edited for each route of the game! In addition, the cutscene that plays upon attaining your first S support now has two gender-neutral figures, instead of a man and woman's. Big thanks to Tru for making both of these edits!
In addition, we've also added another paralogue edit, this time for Shigure. As both Jakob and Felicia appear in the intro depending on your Avatar's gender, there are two different variants. One for if Jakob is married to Azura, and another if Felicia is.
As for added supports, 28 have been added! They are as follows:
Romantic: Effie x Nyx S, Laslow x Ryoma, Hana x Effie S, Reina x Benny, Silas x Saizo, Niles x Izana, Nina x Hisame, Saizo x Camilla, Jakob x Leo, Niles x Azama, Anna x Orochi, Jakob x Izana, Saizo x Xander, Asugi x Siegbert, Scarlet x Hinata
Platonic: Silas/Gunter, Niles/Soleil, Elise/Beurka
Parent Child: Hinoka/Soleil PC, Camilla/Asugi PC, Azama/Nina PC, Niles/Mitama PC, Silas/Asugi PC, Saizo/Sophie PC, Izana/Nina PC
Sibling: Shiro/Soleil Sib, Mitama/Nina Sib, Sophie/Asugi Sib
As per usual the mod can be found at it's gamebanna page here (X), and you can watch all the uploaded supports here on youtube (X)
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oriorchids · 3 months
i'm playing fire emblem fates for the first time (birthright route)
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every character is so silly i love them all (which is why i am playing on casual hard mode)
i am so terrified i'll have to off my nohr siblings
putting more thoughts under a read more
so far i love all my hoshidan siblings! i think i have a slight takumi and sakura bias because i have a soft spot for healers and because takumi is very bullyable.
like. sir. you have like 9 RES
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he made fun of leo for reading books too like i didn't read his supports and learn that takumi was also a total fucking nerd
anyways having a dancer-equivalent from the very beginning is very helpful. azura thank you for existing you make my strategies very fun to complete. and by strategies i mean sending in my strongest unit and watching them wreak havoc, usually corrin or ryoma since takumi can't one-range people.
(i remember playing through awakening. chrobin swept. in three houses i just had lysithea sweep everything with dark magic)
i put off playing fates for a while because i wanted to play it with the unofficial gay fates mod and i wasn't confident with adding mods to my 3ds games yet. safe to say i feel comfortable now!
my current matchmaking pairings are:
corrin + rinkah (i decided on this one in the very beginning i thought it'd be cute)
sakura + hana (princess and retainer!!)
takumi and hinata (prince and retainer!!!)
ryoma and saizo (PRINCE. AND. RETAINER!)
orochi and kagerou (duh)
jakob and silas (i thought it was funny)
felicia and azura (i thought their supports were cute)
kaden and azama (i looked up the UGF support list for this one)
i am dreading my conquest run i don't want to fight the hoshidans. then again i also don't want to fight the nohrians. i do want to get to know my nohr siblings more.
uh. can't wait for revelation!
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playchoicesconfessions · 10 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘I have tried so many times to replay TRR series and romancing different options (Usually Drake or Hana) but it always makes me physically ill, Liam will always be my one true, only love’
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cypher-zine · 3 months
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Meet the crew of CYPHER vol.2, a Bomb Rush Cyberfunk zine!
MIMI @hana-uranai LINKUWU @fauxridium linksuwu_ dear_dead_deer MAVERICK BUGGY @iambuggy maverickbuggy
Stay tuned for the upcoming contributor spotlights in the coming weeks! and make sure to check out CYPHER vol.1, available now!
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Psychic goth girl who was cast as Cinderella in a school play. The play was so poorly cast overall that the entire script had to be rewritten, thus “Cinderella-ish” was born. Hanajima played a Cinderella dressed in all black, and when confronted by the fairy godmother, she simply wished for meat.
idk if this is what you meant by 'acting' as Cinderella but in-universe she got cast as Cinderella in the school play, and the characters ended up re-writing the entire play to work around her because she was too Goth and disinterested to play a classic Cinderella character.
She plays the best version of Cinderella. All she cared about was going to the ball for the barbecue. The episode she's in is a really good one as well.
Overall Saki is not a Cinderella character, but you did say we could submit them if they were Cinderella in an in-universe play, and that she was! In Season 2 Episode 23 "It's Cinderella-ish", her class puts on a production of Cinderella and she ends up getting cast as the titular role, which a lot of other characters think is crazy because she's this straight-faced, emotionally-repressed, exclusively-wears-black kinda girl. Also her best friend Tohru (the anime's protagonist) gets cast as an evil stepsister, and she's one of the sweetest people ever and has so much trouble being mean to Saki even fakely and vice versa. Of course, Saki has no problems being rude to the Prince Charming character in the play, played by Kyo, a guy who's sweet deep down (but only to Tohru and his adoptive father) but is other wise a hot head who's always getting into fights. So between Saki as Cinderella having a genuine love for her stepsister and a general animosity with the prince, in addition to the fact that when she goes to the ball, all she wants to do is eat, not mingle, she makes for a very interesting Cinderella.
so this shoujo series has a storyline where the class puts on a Cinderella play but instead of the heroine playing Cinderella, shenanigans happen that lead to the heroine's goth best friend, Saki Hanajima, aka Hana-chan, aka Demon Queen, playing the lead role. Hana-chan's Cinderella dresses in all black against the wishes of the play's director, does not give 2 shits about the prince, and is just a general menace to society. I know she's probably not gonna win but I just wanted to share her with all of you bc I love her and the Cinderella-ish arc is to this day some of the funniest shit I've seen in a manga
their high school class decided to randomize who played which characters in their production of Cinderella & the creepy goth girl got cast as Cinderella & her painfully kind-hearted bestie got cast as the evil stepsister (among other mismatched roles) so they rewrote the play into "Sorta Cinderella" & Cinderella became a deadpan, lazy girl who only wants the best for her darling step-sister & who only went to the ball for the food.  in the end, instead of marrying the prince she takes his money & opens a restaurant with her sister & I love that for them <3
[Mod's Note: Warning for Persona 5 spoilers]
Her Persona is Cinderella. Her story is about disguising herself as another person to gain acceptance.
Her persona is Cendrillon, the French name for Cinderella and the name of an opera based on the story, and it mirrors her arc in the game. When you boil her down to the essentials, she essentially made a wish that was granted by her....... fairy godtherapist to go from pauper (bland and talentless depressed Sumire) to princess (her dead sister Kasumi, bubbly, personable star gymnast). As far as she sees it, even, it's this transformation that helps her 'get the prince' (read: befriend the protagonist). Why should she win, though? Umm because she's my baby my angel my sweetie my cherub specialist character in fiction and most important girl in the universe. Out of love in your heart for me, tumblr user [REDACTED], vote for her.
GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH ok ok ok everyone here's my autism. Major spoilers as you get closer to the end btw! - She has three personas, in order they go: Cendrion, Vanadis, Ella. The first and last are taken from Cinderella, with Cendrion being the german name for Cinderella, and of course Ella just being a shortened form of Cinderella. - She does gymnastics, although a lot of her phantom thief design is heavily based off of ballet as well! In particular the black swan mimicking the white swan, and while of course that's not cinderella, it does remind me of how Cinderella was treated in the beginnings of the story - Cinderella and her both have major sibling trauma! It's a huge point about her character. Major spoilers, but she pretends to be her older sister Kasumi for most of the game; the sad truth is that she's in fact the younger sister Sumire. She's pretending to be her older sister because she can't deal with the trauma of that day she ran out into traffic and her sister got hit instead of her. (It does not help that her therapist uses eldritch god powers to gaslight her into thinking she is her sister.) - They're both pretty and also I love sumi so much she's everything to me. unironically the character of all time NOT FOR PROPAGANDA but for mod: image because it can be awkward to find one: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UyOsg26GnZU/maxresdefault.jpg also!!!! if you're interested in not potentially spoiling people you should call her Kasumi Yoshizawa. If you aren't worried about that though and want to be accurate, Sumire Yoshizawa is better. Or just call her Violet because that's her codename!
Initially introduced as Kasumi, she is a dorky and sweet first-year student who looks up to the protagonist as a mentor and eventually joins the Phantom Thieves in figuring out the fake reality they're trapped in. However, it's revealed that she's actually Kasumi's sister Sumire, who was always stuck in her more talented sister's shadow and yearned to be Kasumi. Unfortunately, she got her wish when her sister died saving her and her therapist brainwashed her into believing herself to be Kasumi. With help from the protagonist, Sumire realizes she was holding herself back and breaks free from her false identity, embracing her true self and rebelling against the hollow utopia. Her initial Persona--an embodiment of her true self--is Cendrillon, and her third tier ultimate Persona is Ella.
Sumire dosen't just pretends to be her dead sister, she was brainwashed into believing to be her by the final act's main villain/her fairy godfather figure, because that was her (misguided by trauma) wish as she believed that her sister was better than her. The final acts has a lot of 'making wishes come true' theme that connects her to Cinderella even more, also she does have a bit of 'save by the prince' thing going on with the game's protagonist
Please please vote my girl!!
Sumire is such a cute and cool character and deserves to leave the life of cinders how the fandom treats her and be a shiny princess!!
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magicianenthusiast · 2 years
random lov headcanons
tomura was (and is) the biggest bug kid. he loves them. after he came to afo he was wary of dogs bc of mon and wasn’t allowed any other pets/friends anyway, so he got fond of the spiders and creepy crawlies he found around the bar. he also likes them because theyre also misunderstood and disliked for no reason.
after he gets out of prison he gets a pet tarantula. shuuichi puts up with her bc he’s a good boyfriend and eventually grows fond. dabi and kurogiri are entirely indifferent but the rest of the league refuse to touch/go near her
when compress and kurogiri started to flirt tomura was extremely protective and suspicious of compress. he enlisted the rest of the league (this was post kamino but pre-kurogiri’s arrest) to secretly investigate compress for anything sketchy. unfortunately none of them including tomura really knew what constituted sketchiness amongst a group of supervillains so after a while they gave up. tomura kept a close eye on compress for a long time tho.
dabi has his real name tattooed onto his inner lip along with his date of birth. he got it done when he was 19 just in case he died on the street before he could reveal anything, in the hopes that maybe an autopsy would be conducted.
all the league donate blood to himiko on the regular, so long as she uses clean needles
himiko usually has a supply of league blood on her, and even if not she usually still has some in her system, and she transforms into them whenever she feels unsafe.
after they get out of prison tomura is finally free to express himself with his body. afo banned body mods bc a.) tomura wasnt supposed to go outside and b.) because that’s going to be his body someday
tomura has his hair cut short whilst he was in prison, but ends up growing it out again afterwards bc it just felt weird
he gets tattoos. i havent decided exactly what but he definitely lets each of the league design a small stick and poke each for him. probably gets a few video game themed ones too, and some flowers in honour of hana and the rest of his family (sans his father).
during his surgery to get new skin grafts dabi loses all his staples and piercings. after he gets out endeavour gives him some money (with the offer of more if dabi is willing to move back home) but instead touya uses it to replace all his old piercings and get new ones
he convinces tomura to go with him. tomura gets a lip ring and a helix piercing.
dabi always wanted a pet (specifically a dog but he wasnt fussy) growing up but was never allowed one. during prison he was approved for a therapy cat, a scraggly black rescue. she spends 90% of her time riding on his shoulders and hates everyone but him.
at some point he also gets a dog as well. i havent decided what breed yet. he spends an ungodly amount of time training it even tho he insists he doesnt care.
dabi, tomura and shuuichi have never been to a hairdresser before and none of them ever plan to. they either cut their own hair (dabi and shuuichi) or just dont cut it at all (tomura)
dabi and kurogiri are amazing cooks. tomura is an ok cook but only cooks and eats the plainest foods imaginable. himiko, shuuichi, magne and jin are all decent cooks, they just don’t have any particular passion for it. compress isnt allowed near the kitchen unsupervised under any circumstances.
after they find out about dabis 3 year coma the league decides that it means that dabi is actually 3 years younger than he says he is, making him 20 when he joined the league. dabi calls bullshit but both tomura and shuuichi insist that they’re actually older and therefore he has to respect them as his elders. 
maybe at some point after he gets out of jail the todoroki sibs jump on this too. touya is Not Pleased.
dabi and atsuhiro often get high and watch the worst/most obscure movies they can find together
all of the league love watching horror movies together and laughing at them.
garaki replaced the piece of jawbone dabi lost with a piece of someone else’s skeleton. he did a reasonably good job but dabi’s jaw is still ever so slightly lopsided.
bc of the burns on his throat sometimes he ends up not being able to talk, sometimes for up to a few days at a time. in the begining he’d just disappear until he got better or else write down what he wanted to say, but his handwriting is shit so in the end he begrudgingly admitted defeat and learnt sign language. the whole league learnt with him.
kurogiri is half ghanaian and dabi is quarter chinese
spinner had a tail when he was born but his parents ended up paying for it to be amputated when he was young. thanks to stress and a poor diet it never grew back, but after he gets out of prison it does (though it’s always a little shorter than it would’ve been had it grown normally)
they also had his retractable claws removed. later on before he joined the league he got new claws fitted, ones made of metal, but they’re non-retractable
spinner requires more protein in his diet than the baseline human. dabi needs a lot of calories bc his quirk burns through them so fast even when he’s not actively using it.
neither of them realise this until they’re being rehabilitated. they still get prison food, but it is catered to their dietary needs and they both have  realisations of oh so THAT’S why i felt so shitty all the time
after getting out of prison tomura starts going by tenko, but he still responds to tomura
touya considers changing his name to something completely new, but eventually decides not to. he does usually dispense with his surname entirely tho
he usually goes by just touya, no last name
if he absolutely has to give a surname (outside of a legal documents where he has to put down todoroki) he usually just picks one from the league. sometimes he’ll put it down as hikiishi touya, sometimes sako touya, etc.
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blood-choke · 11 months
Since u r an artist as well as a writer I'm reslly curious as to what ur process for designing the ROs was like for this game. I would love knowing more about ur character design process.
oh this is fun! prepare for a long obnoxious answer for some questions you didn't even ask!
blood choke has been through a Lot in terms of the brainstorming process. Valentina was probably the first character i finalized, though originally she did not have a history with the mc, she was not a main character in the sense that she is now, and she was actually "the villain." the game was very different tone-wise, though it was roughly the same concept with an mc who wakes up with no memory, though originally they were a newborn vampire.
then i changed gears, decided i didn't want to make the game this way, and tried something else with a set mc & a single set love interest (this is Valerie & Angel, my ocs i post about sometimes on my personal blog.) but then i didn't like that either and i scrapped trying to make it an IF and just wrote a novel instead LOL
Valentina stayed around, she is very similar to Leda, who is an antagonist in that novel. but once i finished that i came back to still wanting to write a vampire IF.
there were a lot of ideas i didn't get to expand on in my novel, that i'm revisiting in blood choke. it's why i chose to genderlock all of the characters and make the mc a lesbian.
i knew i wanted the ROs to be very clockable as lesbians; i wanted there to be a femme and a butch and a stud.
i rewrote the foundation of the story; the mc would not be a newborn but they would have no memory of what they were or what happened to them. and Valentina became more ambiguous and less of a real "villain", i expanded on some previous ideas, and when i made up my mind on setting the mc as butch i decided to include a lot of that early butch/femme history in her backstory & their relationship. i wanted her to be a bit goth in appearance as well because i wanted her femininity to be subversive; she likes to wear corsets and leather and veils and likes how people perceive her as "weird." she's still feminine but in her own way.
and while Valentina is femme, i read a lot of Kitty Tsui's writing for Valerie (who is a Chinese butch) and that influenced my decision, along with the time period that i planned for, to make her Chinese.
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“In the spring of 1988, Jill Posner approached me. She said, “By the way, I’m the photo editor for On Our Backs, and we’d really love for you to pose for us.” And I said, “Frankly, I don’t read the magazine, and I’m not really interested in taking off my clothes.” I’d later thought about it and realized that the stereotypes of Asian women are either that we’re very passive, docile, servile, nonsexual entities, or that we’re the very, the Susie Wong prostitute, fiery dragon woman. I decided that I wanted to pose for the magazine to show that not only are Asian women beautiful and strong, but that we are whole women. I realized that I had a butch side, I had a very butch side, and I also had a femme side, and that I could be all of those things. And I had an androgynous side.”
you can find more about Kitty Tsui here.
Hana came next, and again she was a part of the original story, and worked for Valentina when she was the "villain." i wanted her to have that sporty/jock laid-back kind of vibe, compared to Valentina's high-strung dramatics. i think Hana came out way more friendly and personable than i originally intended; i wanted her to be kind of stand-offish, hiding in her hood a lot, but she had other plans i guess. in the end i think she balances everyone out and i like her contrast with Valentina, and i like how much more weight her voice carries when she does get serious.
i knew from the start i wanted Hana to be Black and from america, because i really wanted that perspective included in the narrative i had planned. again, with the time period, i chose to make her Korean & African American. i looked at a lot of models when i first drew/designed her, mainly jenny park, who is Korean-Nigerian. i went for a more jock/streetwear look because i wanted her to be visible as a stud, which is a specific Black lesbian identity.
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screenshot from The Same Difference.
then came Clear. i knew i wanted a human RO, and i wanted her to be big and butch cus i like subverting expectations lol. i actually based some of her design on corky from bound, mainly her hair and tattoos:
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if you haven't seen bound, go watch it. one of my favorite movies.
overall i designed three characters that i knew i as a reader would want to read about, and i as a writer would want to write about. that sounds very obvious hahaha but a lot of this story is just me writing very specific things that i want to see as a lesbian author. butches & studs are one of the most underrepresented groups, even in queer media, and butch/femme is largely considered "historical" or "problematic." so i wanted my characters & this story to be very in your face & unapologetic about it.
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aevallare · 9 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
tagged by the ever-gracious @anosrepasi <3
Sheik (The Legend of Zelda) - my relationship with gender is like. we're friends with benefits. i was born female and present that way about 98% of the time but it literally doesn't matter to me at all, and i think the first time that i came to that conclusion was playing ocarina of time and finding out that zelda was sheik.
Deacon (Fallout 4) - the first character that ever made me start to really unpack all the masks i wear. deacon changed the game because i don't think i even knew how dishonest i was being with the world until i dove into his headspace.
Jayce Giopara/Talis (League of Legends/Arcane) - it's hard to talk about jayce without splicing the league and arcane lore in an inconvenient way, but i'll say this - guy who tries his hardest and screws it up all the time but never gives up, driven only by a desire to make the world better? would that i had his grit.
Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect) - again, that feeling of being something manufactured rather than born. artificial rather than organic. i love an ice queen always, and though i think the execution of her character left a lot to be desired, i'll always have a soft spot for her.
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) - unapologetically cold. inarguably a good guy. an unmatched girl crush of mine.
Morrigan (Dragon Age) - i don't know if anything has ever made me so angry as finding out a female PC couldn't romance morrigan without mods. a prickly swamp witch with negative social acumen. what more could i want in a woman?
Hana Song/D. Va (Overwatch) - i decidedly do not go here much anymore, but hana song was the perfect storm for me when overwatch fandom was at its height. still a child, she carried the weight of her country's security on her back, and did everything she could not to crumble.
Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft) - my girl has been done so dirty by blizzard entertainment time and time again, but her rage spoke (and speaks) to me in a way that i have trouble putting words to. also i want my hair to look like hers.
Handsome Jack (Borderlands) - i fucking love this fucked up guy. there's nothing deeper here.
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3) - what, you thought he wouldn't make the list? looking at astarion ancunin is like looking in a mirror, and frankly, it almost makes me uncomfortable sometimes. no notion of self-worth (except where sex is involved, and even that is complicated), snarky little prick, outright mean when people get too close? yeah. he's just like me fr.
i'll tag @cosmolis @dwarfsized @neosatsuma @septemberskye @thedreamlessnights @burningdarkfire @mrs-theirin @crepsley @mantaphase @nuka-cherries!
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 2 months
Hello everyone it's Rui, Mod asked me to make an announcement explaining that while I am still going to be the main spider-demon on this blog to answer questions and role-play with you and the blog will still fall under my name; I will no-longer be the only one. After finding the rest of my family alive against all odd's (even those who i thought had died long before the raid and had instead gotten lost), apologizing for and rectifying my past mistakes they have all decided to join me on this site where all dimensions, realities and time-lines collide, I will now let them introduce themselves:
Spider-Mom aka Miu: Hello everyone, It's nice to meet you all...I'm Miu, the adoptive mother of this family...By choice this time, don't worry....Rui may have done wrong to all of us in the past especially me...and encouraged us to harm each-other... but we have all made our apologies and decided to move past it...and now we are allowed to look and act how we choose.
Spider-Dad aka Taiki: Hi there everybody! Im Taiki the families adoptive dad! Nice t' meet ya!
Oldest brother aka Kaito: hello there...I'm Kaito, i am the demon whose body mother was puppeteering around...yes i have my head back, no I don't remember how or why it detached in the first place...
Middle brother aka Masami: hey humans, the name's Masami and don't you forget it...oh right Im the second oldest brother, and you all know me as the one who scared the pants off of that thunder-breather during the raid.
Oldest sister aka Rini: Hello humans, I'm Rini the oldest of the sisters, bet you all thought I was dead huh? Nope I survived. I'm not entirely sure how but I will take what luck I can get.
Older Middle sister aka Oni: Hi...I'm Oni...I'm the one you all thought got taken out by that creepy hashira lady....I know i know, shocker that I survived huh...
Younger middle sister aka Himari: Hello....I'm Himari the second youngest sister, I accidentally got lost in the woods trying to escape the sunlight and could not find my way back for such a long time...but now i'm back.
Youngest brother aka Izumi: Hi there humans, I'm Izumi...I'm Rui-ni's little brother, I got caught in a wisteria-bloom and got really lost after inhaling to much pollen but i'm all better now.
Youngest sister aka Hana: hello.....i'm hana...i'm Rui-ni's little sister, i got taken away by those mean slayers for a while but then i found a bunny hole on the mountain that they put me on and i dug my way home....
And all of you know me of course. If you are wondering how those who were around for it survived the raid, I taught them the same self-beheading trick I used on myself to fool tanjiro and the current water hashira, and it seem's that most used it on purpose while one used it on instinct without realizing....As for the other's i'm not quite sure how they managed it, sheer luck i suppose...but i'm glad they did...
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destinygoldenstar · 2 months
Fusing Total Drama Characters In Sims 4 (Part 1)
I’m fusing Total Drama characters in Sims 4 using the genetic mechanic.
I don’t flipping know. Why not?
I’m gonna do EVERY pairing possible. This post is just gonna be however long Tumblr allows for images.
So let’s just get into it.
I’m using my own TD Sims for this. They’re in the Gallery if you want them. As well as all these pairings and sims that get generated. So what you want.
Owen + Gwen
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Here’s my Owen Sim. Here’s my Gwen Sim.
I tried to make them as show accurate as possible. So they have the shows… odd proportions.
That’s kinda what I like about Gen 1’s designs. They’re so odd, you know. You remember them. Even if they look really weird. You remember them.
Also, these sims are mod-less. I don’t use CC. So anyone can use these if you have the game. Don’t worry about that.
Im gonna use the genetics mechanic. If you don’t know, it’s the ‘Play With Genetics’ option. It’s gonna take the DNA of both these sims and make a new sim. Im gonna select both of these sims and have the ‘create their child’ setting. And Im gonna age the sim they generate up into a teen.
Im gonna do a boy and a girl.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Yeah I already regret this 😂
I mean I will give it this… they have personality.
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They’re both blonde. But assuming Gwen’s hair is dyed I’m not surprised. At least the girl has some of her facial structure… and eyeshadow? I think??
I randomized their names and two personality traits too.
The boys name is Iker. He’s lacrosse intolerant & active.
The girls name is Hana. She’s materialistic & an animal enthusiast.
The materialistic trait SCREAMS Total Drama.
Owen + Heather
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I think my Heather Sim is my best of these that I made.
I tried to give her a hairstyle that combines her hairstyles throughout the show. Considering she changes about every season. And I think this one looks superb on her.
Plus I’ve always headcanoned that as an adult she’d have her hair in a bob cut like this.
So let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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That boy is literally just Owen again. It’s down to a T. He has a tanner skin shade though and idk where that came from
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They’re both blonde. So Owen clearly has the dominant hair color. I kinda wish the girl resembled Heather a bit more.
The boys name is Darrin. He’s a foodie & erratic. (Again, Owen down to a T)
The girls name is Roxana. She’s squeamish & a geek. (Her name is pretty, but that’s an odd trait choice for this setup)
Owen + Duncan
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This genetic mechanic also works for ANY Sim pairing.
What’s great about the sims is the complete lack of LGBT limitations. Especially this version.
Say what you want about Sims 4. This is refreshing compared to other games.
Okay, let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Okay, not what I expected.
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I can’t tell if the boy is more Owen or Duncan. I’d say he looks perfectly in the middle.
I love that he randomly got generated with the nose piercing XD
The girl just straight up does not resemble Duncan AT ALL. She looks way too wholesome of a person. I mean, I guess the bow matches his eyes, but other than that. (She also has lipstick)
The boys name is Sage. He’s a geek and self absorbed.
The girls name is Ciera. She’s a dance machine & good.
Now I know she REALLY doesn’t resemble Duncan. She’s a wholesome character according to the game.
Also, the game decided her name was Ciera… I mean it’s spelled differently I guess.
Owen + Leshawna
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I will say Leshawna is probably the sim I’m the least happy about when designing. Idk why she just doesn’t give her vibe, you know? I tried.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Okay, WOW
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I’m gonna say it. I’m IN LOVE with the girl. This girls looks SO FASHIONABLE. I can’t. That’s too good.
The boy is kinda whatever. Why he has a bun, idk. But he’s way more of a slob I feel XD
Their skin tone seems to be a mixed race. Leaning more towards Leshawna. Which I do like and prefer.
The girls name is Marina. She’s good & a perfectionist.
Again. Love her.
The boys name is Marcelo. He’s a dog lover & a vegetarian.
Owen + Geoff
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This is the last one for today.
I think this one is gonna look the most similar out of all of them. Just cause these two look so similar already.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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The boy? Absolute TRAINWRECK of a design. I’m sorry. This body type? The short shoulders? The complete mismatch? NO. AND they absolutely botched his facial structure.
The girl looks okay. She looks pretty casual. I like that she’s more plus sized. She also has this dyed hair. If you can see the ends of her hair are more pale. I like that.
The boys name is Trevor. He’s an overachiever & romantic.
Really? With THAT face is he gonna find love?
The girls name is Jacqueline. She’s an insider & a music lover.
Alright. That’s all for now. I’ll do more pairings if you want.
Say these generated sims were on a team on a show. What’s their team name?
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ragnar0c · 9 months
Edits I’m gonna mod into EO3HD on steam in a few days…
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My EOC Aurora and… no underboob Alope.
I still am probably gonna use my main party, but I wanna find a zodiac build for Aurora so I can use her too.
On my switch EO3, I have 2 more zodiacs besides Hana. A zodiac/ Arbalist (double action star skills) and a zodiac/ gladiator (Freezing Blow). These two (Ezra and Abaddon) respectively.
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Hana herself is a zodiac/ gladiator (meteor).
Canonically, Aurora uses Ice… and she is ridiculously good at it. So it’d make sense to either sub Abaddon out, but I… don’t wanna I like Abby. Seriously considering making Aurora smt crazy like a Arbalist/Zodiac that uses element embued Snipe. 🤔
Could add to her character too. Hm… Ideas!!!
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ask-pt-au-kny · 1 year
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
↷✦; w e l c o m e ❞
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✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ──✧
☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
now that that's out of the way–
Hello there! This blog is an ask blog for the PT!AU for KNY/Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba by @trix-with-wifi-access and @peanut-with-wifi-access.
This AU was developed over the course of approximately a year or two of KNY roleplays, originally beginning with simple headcanons before spiralling completely out of control.
This AU's lore is deep and complicated, as much care was put into it. It's not a complete fix-it, more of "somebody lives" than anything.
The AU also contains several non-canon relationships, mostly between canon characters, with the occasional well developed OC.
Yes, there's OCs. Don't worry, none of them are main characters. They're more of support characters, accessories to the canon characters.
Anyway, as this is an AU, it will not be canon compliant in any fashion. From personalities to lore to biology, it's gone off the deep end of fanon.
If this doesn't sound like the blog for you, feel free to block and move on! Nobody here cares. It's run by two idiots with too much freetime.
If you decide to engage with this blog, great! Below you will find a list of the characters you can interact with. The AU will follow the canonical timeline, starting with Episode 1 Cruelty.
Oh! And, any images will either be made through the use of lineart bases or the Gacha Club app, due to the mods inability to draw. Just a quick notice, don't mind it.
☆彡彡 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ミミ☆
Kamado Tanjirou 🎴
Kamado Nezuko 🎋
Agatsuma Zenitsu 🌩
Hashibira Inosuke 🐗
Shinazugawa Genya 🍂
Himejima Gyomei 🪨
Shinazugawa Sanemi 🍃
Tokito Muichirou 🌥
Kocho Shinobu 🦋
Rengoku Kyojurou 🔥
Iguro Obanai 🐍
Kanroji Mitsuri 🌸
Uzui Tengen 🌟
Tomioka Giyuu 🌊
Kibutsuji "Muzan" 👑
"Kokushibō" 🌒
Hana Douma ⛄
Akaza ❄
Nakime 🎼
Inadama Kaigaku ⛈️
[working on it! ~❦🥜]
Urokodaki Sabito 🦊
Suika (watermelon demon that shinobu captured, put in her basement, and runs experiments on. suika likes this. she/it) 🍉
Taiyō (demon obsessed with the sun, constantly throws herself into sunlight then scrambles into the shade to try and force an immunity. she's lower moon 6. she/her) ☀
Azure (...I'm gonna leave that story for the asks to uncover :) she/they/it) 🥀
Chiryō (a lil cat boy demon who can summon cats that heal you. he/they) 🐈‍⬛
Shizuku (the devil. a candy themed demon who's demon art makes humans cannibalistic. he/ma'am, he/him with fem terms) 🍬
Tenshi (an angel, a sweetheart, innocent little demon. angel themed demon who's demon art makes others feel their current emotion) 👼
Itami (hey wanna relive your trauma? well that's this shit's demon art. makes you hallucinate reliving your trauma. he/him) 🍵
Kocho Enjo (some kid shinobu picked up off the street. they like to collect weird demon body parts, like wings and horns. any pronouns) 💉
Nakama (a therapeutic demon who's demon art makes it so the more you talk to her, the more any existing wounds on your body heal. she/her) 🩹
Nyako (*turns you into a cat cutely* *runs away* she/her) 🐱
Kibutsuji Fuji (the ghost by the wisteria tree. she/her) ☔
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
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☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
Hello Tumblr👋! I hope you enjoy this AU we have made and have fun watching the chaos
(my main)
My tags are
my speaking color is blue
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☆彡彡 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ミミ☆
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ cis boy
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ he/him
𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ gay
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
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☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
Hey, Peanut here! I'm the main person who will running this blog, as Trix is pretty new to Tumblr and isn't fully functional on how it works. My accounts are as follows
(my main)
(an acc for this au's chachamaru)
My tags are
My speaking color is orange
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☆彡彡 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ミミ☆
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 ˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢/𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖
𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚘. 𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕
important tags are
❦ꨄtimepoint update🍀🥜
❦ꨄlore update🍀🥜
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