#ree orz
uisforuraniumbombs · 2 years
Arthur and Hana Supports C-B-A-S + ending
C Support
Arthur: Oh, Hana, nice timing! I was about to train for a bit.
Arthur: Would you care to spar with me?
Hana: Spar with you?
Arthur: Why yes. You seem uncertain of such a notion.
Hana: Me, uncertain?!
Hana: Pah, it'd be a good way to test my mettle, wouldn't you say?
Hana: Alright, let's go at it. I'm glad you offered.
Arthur: That's the spirit!
*fade out*
Hana: Guh, you're pretty good, I'll admit.
Hana: (Maybe better than 'pretty good')
Arthur: You did well yourself.
Arthur: I could tell you put your heart into it, no?
Hana: Nevermind me. Where'd you learn to fight like that?
Hana: Is it some Nohrian trick?
Arthur: Nohrian trick?
Arthur: Does there exist such a sly, vile thing?!
Hana: You know what? Nevermind.
Arthur: I understand what's being said. A little jest never hurts, wouldn't you agree?
Hana: Well,then tell me. What sort of fighting style is that then?
Arthur: Well, tell me, how would you describe it in words, Hana?
Hana: Hmm. I don't know how to describe it.
Arthur: Then perhaps the words will come to you another time. No need to force it.
Hana: No, I got it! It was more like a boorish style, might I even say plain.
Hana: You weren't flashy about it at all. You were focused on practicality.
Arthur: Then that is the type of fighting style you were asking about, is it not?
Hana: I think I understand. A practical fighting style.
Hana: Huh, that seems like a far cry from what I hear of your passion.
Arthur: Ah, but it reflects perfectly!
Hana: How so?
Arthur: Why, in order to help people best, you have to think optimally.
Arthur: Otherwise, the problem would just spiral downward further while you waste time.
Arthur: When you're an unlucky sort like me, exuberant actions may prove harmful to my well being... wouldn't you agree?
Hana: I guess I get what your saying makes sense... sorta.
Arthur: You can find me and ask me anytime you want. Till next time we spar, Hana!
Hana: (But isn't that what average people do - not heroes?)
B Support
Hana: Hey Arthur, wait!
Arthur: Hello there, Hana! I was about to eat lunch. Would you care to join me?
Arthur: "*Rumble* Overeating! The sneakiest of evil doers!"
Hana: You said I could ask you any question, right?
Arthur: Oh, why yes. Of course, that's what I said-
Hana: At any time, right?!
Arthur: Calm yourself, take a few deep breaths.
Hana: Alright... alright! Okay.
Arthur: Now, what has you all riled up?
Hana: Well, everytime I try to brush this lingering question, it just keeps coming back the next day.
Hana: Every time I try to answer it myself, I just don't understand it!
Arthur: Weeping Wyverns! What troubles you friend?
Hana: Well, yes it is. Arthur, I have to ask.
Hana: How do you manage to be both an aspiring hero, AND a simpleton at the same time. A total country bumpkin, really!
Hana: It doesn't make sense.
Arthur: Not to fear! I will explain this in the best way I can. 
Arthur: But, I must ask you to join me for lunch first.
Hana: Huh?! I don't have a problem with it, but...
Hana: Oh alright! I guess it won't hurt.
*fade out*
Hana: Ah...!That hit the spot!
Arthur: You were quite hungry! A hero never eats on an empty stomach!
Arthur: Now... would you like me to explain?
Hana: Explain what?
Hana: Oh right! Yes, please do. I almost forgot.
Arthur: Please, do tell me at any time if there's something that may further elaborate.
Hana: Will do. Now let's hear it.
Arthur: So, you've seen how coins have double sides.
Hana: Yeah, what about it?
Arthur: Now, a coin usually has those two sides, because otherwise it would be a different shape, and it probably wouldn't be a coin anymore.
Arthur: Coins are dependent on duality, don't you see? So are heroes, they wouldn't be heroes without duality.
Hana: So, they're two faced?
Arthur: Not to that extreme. Rather, a hero should be able to live two different lives. 
Arthur: This way, the hero would benefit from developing a diverse array of skills to help others in their time of need.
Arthur: It's just like how the symbols on different sides of a coin represent different traits of a country.
Hana: A normal life helps with what exactly?
Arthur: Why, the most important thing a hero needs! Compassion.
Hana: Compassion?
Arthur: Compassion! An equal person like their neighbor builds an understanding when they need to help them, no?
Hana: I suppose that sort of makes sense. But how does the heroic side help the normal side?
Arthur: To do the task others consider mundane. To be an ally to your everyday citizens. That is the meaning of a hero. Am I wrong?
Hana: Hmm... Maybe I need some time to figure this out.
Arthur:  With time. Nothing good ever came out of rushing things. Nohr wasn't built in a day after all.
Hana: Thank you, Arthur. I'd never thought I'd learn much from anyone, let alone a former enemy nor eat lunch with them.
Arthur: The pleasure is always mine, friend!
Arthur: Now, off I go to do some errands for my liege, as they had enlisted my help earlier.
Arthur: Till next time, friend!
Hana: ...
Hana: (Maybe I need to try out some of this 'everyday hero' stuff myself in order to fully understand his fighting style though)
A Support
Hana: Hey, there you are!
Hana: I've been looking all over for you.
Arthur: Greetings, Hana! What aid do I owe the pleasure of today, my dear friend?
Hana: I don't need any help today.
Hana: But I have an offer. You see, I want you to go...
Hana: ...
Arthur: Hana? Everything alright?
Hana: An outing! Yes, an outing. Accept my invitation for an outing.
Arthur: It would be my pleasure!
Arthur: To where you go, I will follow.
Hana: Alright! That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Hana: I wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Arthur: Then I'm glad I said yes. 
Arthur: After all, a satisfied Hana, is the best Hana.
Arthur: So where do you wish to go?
Hana: We're going to visit the nearest farmlands to help out a bit, first. Then, we'll help at the closest general shop.
Arthur: What a noble pursuit!
Hana: Admittedly, at first I thought of just requesting you to chop down a bit of wood and I'd just watch But...
Arthur: Hmm?
Hana: But then I thought: "Maybe it'd be better if both our hands got dirty. And maybe the locals would appreciate it too."
Arthur: That's the spirit, Hana. Now you're getting it.
Hana: Well I won't completely understand till I experience it.
Hana: Let's get going!
*fade out*
Arthur: Nothing like tilling on a cool day!
Arthur: How are you holding up, Hana?
Hana: Gah! This is the fourth time!
Hana: The ends of these crops just keep breaking, Arthur. I keep having to dig up the vegetables!
Hana: But I won't give up. The farmers are relying on me!
Arthur: There's actually a small trick to that, Hana.
Hana: There is?!
Arthur: Allow me to demonstrate.
Arthur: More closely to the roots... There!
Hana: (He's not too bad at this stuff! I wonder how many times he's helped out with jobs like these...)
Arthur: Now, try the next one. I'll make sure you get it!
Hana: Oh- right!
*fade out*
Hana: This is really big... and heavy!
Hana: (Arthur seems to be doing just grand a job, though)
Arthur: Thank you sir, have a nice day!
Hana: (He's really getting into watching this musky shop.)
Hana: This is... so hard to move!
Arthur: Do you require any assistance?
Hana: A- little bit-
Hana: (He's strong! Right over his shoulder... I guess those muscles aren't for nothing)
Hana: (Wait, why does a detail like that come to mind?!)
Hana: Thank you, Arthur.
Arthur: I do what I can for the good of friends.
Hana: You know, I think I'm finally getting the gist of this 'everyday' hero thing. 
Arthur: Oh? Still have that on your mind?
Hana: It's just like training with the sword.
Hana: Except when you train with a sword, you're practicing for yourself. At least with how I do it.
Arthur: You've assisted the farmers short handed from war. And now we look over the shop as the shopkeeper's away. Like a budding flower Hana, your heroism blossoms!
Hana: Well, I couldn't have done it without you. You showed me a perspective of strength I would have never thought of!
Hana: I admire the way you help people. Very much so!
Arthur: That's quite the flattering statement, friend! But give yourself some of the credit too, no?
Arthur: You took the first step, after all.
Hana: Maybe I did. But even so, I admire you, Arthur. To think this all started with a sparring match, too.
Hana: But, I learned so much today from observing you and trying your way of things.
Arthur: Then, it's my gratitude that I could be helpful.
Hana: And my gratitude as well- 
Hana: I think we've got two customers loitering by the display window... they're about to come in!
Arthur: Then back to work we go!
S rank
Hana: Hah! Hah! No, too slow...
Hana: Huh, what's that on the ground? A coin?
Hana: ... I can't shake him off my mind.
Hana: He's always there! Working hard despite his occasional bad luck, sparring with me, eating with me, talking with me...
Hana: I can't get enough of him. Could it be possible I-
Arthur: Diligent at practice as always, aren't you!
Hana: Eek!
Arthur: Oh no, did I scare you?
Hana: You DEFINITELY surprised me. I was contemplating some important stuff, you know.
Arthur: My apologies!
Hana: It's fine, not like the thoughts are going to be a problem for long.
Arthur: Should you feel up to it, care to join me inside for something warm to drink?
Arthur: I heated some hot cider as thanks from the merchant we helped not too long ago.
Hana: I'd love to... Wait, wait!
Arthur: Hmm, something troubling you, friend? You seem flustered.
Hana: Yeah, something's wrong. And I'm going to say it!
Arthur: I'm all ears, my friend. Remember, Hana's burdens are Arthur's burdens.
Hana: Then you better be ready, because here it goes!
Hana: Arthur, your way of fighting intrigued me, sure. And I was skeptical of you. Who wouldn't be when you suddenly team up with someone from a previously enemy nation?
Arthur: That is most understandable. But you seemed to have gotten over it by now completely, no?
Hana: Yes, I have. I mistook you for a simpleton trying to be heroic, and after that opinion changed, I felt a bond with you.
Hana: But even so, I didn't completely understand until I saw you working hard in the fields, and selling wares to customers.
Hana: You're a hero, as both a fighter and an everyman. I started to notice every aspect of you.
Arthur: I would like to say the same for myself. During the time we have been spending side by side, I have noticed your growth, Hana.
Arthur: I find it marvelous to spend time with you, Hana.
Hana: Yeah? Well, now instead of questions about you being stuck in my head, I have YOU stuck in my head.
Hana: I can't get you out, either.
Hana: I think I'm in love with you!
Hana: No, it has to be love.
Hana: Arthur, I have to know, do you love me back?
Arthur: My, that's quite forward of you, Hana.
Arthur: But since you asked, it's only right I give the most heartfelt answer a man who stands for justice could muster.
Arthur: Hana, my feelings are the same.
Hana: They are?!
Arthur: Indeed, they are. But it's a slight shame, now to think about it...
Hana: Huh?
Arthur: Why, I was going to bring up such a topic over the cider tonight. But, there's no need for crying over spilled milk!
Hana: Arthur, how are we going to go about something such as marriage, exactly? We come from two different backgrounds. I come from a noble family of hoshido...
Arthur: ...And my family was an average Nohrian household of working people.
Hana: What?! Really? How did you become a vassal of Elise, then?
Arthur: That would be a story for another time. To foreshorten, through trial and error. 
Arthur: But I was determined to stand for justice, to become a hero for the people.
Arthur: Hana, if you could come to understand my way of life, I'm also positive that your family could come to terms with a Nohrian husband.
Hana: If you firmly believe that, then... I have hope they'll understand...
Hana: This is going to be so great! I get to wake up to you every morning with your goofy grin. And a wedding in Hoshido...
Hana: You know, I think you'd make a great father, Arthur!
Arthur: You think so, then?
Hana: Ohh, I'm so happy! So happy I could just... Gah!
Arthur: Quite the hugger!
Hana: Ack, too tight of a hug back, Arthur!
Arthur: Oh right, my bad!
Hana: Arthur, we're going to go far. We'll be greater than any old heroes from stories!
Hana: You better bet that I won't let anyone sctratch you!
Hana: .. Uh say, Arthur...
Arthur: What ails you suddenly, my lovely Hana?
Hana: Mmm...
Hana: Well, a kiss won't hurt, will it?
Hana: Isn't that what lovers do?
Arthur: Why, of course it is!
Hana: Ohh, then, what am I waiting for?!
*both close their eyes*
Hana: ...
Hana: Hee hee hee! (smiling sprites preferably)
Arthur: Hahahah, quite the romantic yet fierce flower!
Ending Slide:
"Hana and Arthur would remain on the road cross country for a while after the war with their child, hoping to truly help the people by each other's sides. However, as Hana fell pregnant once more, the two settled into rowhomes by Hoshido's capital, with Arthur becoming a high ranking member of the guard and Hana tending to two children as a happy wife. Once their youngest was a bit older, the quartet would moonlight once more as a family of heroes.”
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fanfaire · 10 months
anemone : how does your muse view the world ; as a cruel & unforgiving place , a land full of wonders , or something in - between ? where does that world view come from ( what experiences , life lessons , etc . ) ?
                   「 ★ botanical headcanons ! 」
is it lazy to just use canon text to answer a question osksdgkj
i present exhibit a: furina's character teaser.
theatre is an art that stands between reality and fiction. because even though the story is fiction, as far as the characters in the story are concerned, their fate is real. then the question becomes — are you and i the ones watching the show, or the ones within it? . . . none can say. after all, there's nothing easier to deceive than the senses.
this more or less sums up furina's view on the world — a stage. this was, in its basest sense, true while she was pretending to be archon, and after leaving behind her role as the hydro archon, she anticipated that it would be different now; that she would no longer have to pretend, no longer have to act, and that she would finally be able to " step off " the stage, as it were. but what she finds is that it's not that simple or black and white, and that, especially so long as she remains within the culture of fontaine, performance and reality are not diametric opposites. the two are so closely intertwined in fontainean society that there's almost no use, at any given moment, arguing whether something is " real " — or what it even means for something to be " real ".
and for furina herself, seeing the world as something other than a stage, and seeing herself as something other than an actor or an audience member, is not as easy as being the hydro archon or not.
she still performs every day, even when she doesn't mean to, even when she thinks she's not performing. she finds that other people do, too. trying, then, to discern what is drama, or what is real, for her is in some ways a lesson in meaninglessness, and this is something that she does slowly begin to realize more consciously as time goes on. sometimes one isn't concealing the other; sometimes they are both existing at the same time and in the same way.
many times, performance is just the medium to communicate the real in the only way the world and its people know how.
it probably goes without saying that this worldview comes from both her own 500-year acting stint — five centuries becoming a role in order to sustain it does something to the human brain lemme tell u — as well as fontaine's culture as a whole.
the show never ends!
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gil-estel · 3 years
3, 50, and 77 for the books asks!
ajdjdkl i solidly forgot that i reblogged that post. this is where i expose myself as someone who has barely had time to read in the past two years orz
3. a stand-alone that you wish was part of a series
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan! The audiobook is a great comfort-listen but i wish there was moooore
50. a book that made you cry a LOT
honestly it's all about timing....if I'm in bed at 3am right before my period starts and i hit an emotional scene, there's a decent chance I'll tear up. can't name any specific titles off the top of my head, though
77. a book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
i tend not to hate-read books, but one i did make it through that made me absolutely furious was Phillip Pullman's The Secret Commonwealth, which was on the cusp of ruining His Dark Materials for me
book recs ask game
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hachibani · 6 years
sweetbakedpotato ha respondido a tu set de fotos “hi i made more”
....the happy prince?
YES it’s based on the happy prince!!! It’s one of the first stories i read by myself when i was little, many years later i reread the eng version on december but I didn’t know the swallow was originally male so I got... inspired
also no one asked for this but here some notes about them
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their placeholder names are (respectively ^) Scar, Baby, Tol and Carat, they r besties since their first migration and always travel together
despite the placeholder names just like real swallows they’re all small, I believe none of their human forms would be taller than 165cm LMAO so between 150-165cm??
Carat is based on The Swallow from the original tale (the protag?)
they all have mullets on their human forms bc i love to die (JK but also true I want to get used to designing characters with hairstyles/clothing I might not like At All in real life) (also I wanted to incorporate their long tails into something besides their jackets)
they’re all bi; Scar and Baby prefer guys. Tol and Carat are pretty 50/50 in their preference, however none of them except Carat have dated or want to date since they like the freedom of their little group pretty much
baby has a small crush on carat regardless JHDHFHSJ
speaking of Carat this is his gf, she’s based on the reed and ofc i made her tall (i love tall girls) I haven’t drawn her plant form yet LOL but her human form is about 185cm and even taller with heels
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her placeholder name is Ree or smth i’m unoriginal I still don’t know if i’ll actually name any of them....
I’ve barely drawn the prince orz i figure he’s always smiling so i’ve never drawn any different expression with him LMAO here’s a sketch from like 2months ago
he doesn’t have a placeholder name he’s just prince i am sorry
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i’ve already learnt making ocs is hard but regardless i want to do something with them someday soon until then im gonna keep practicing
also learning how to colour gems was suffering these took me 2-3 days but at least I know a bit more about geometrics and still 0 about light source
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