#demon slayer rp blog
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 2 days ago
*Once he gets the bottle out of the basket, Rui gladly sits beside Kanae. Being one of a few demons who wasn't as bothered by the smell of human food he didn't mind being so close to the table, sure it had a strong scent but it wasn't that big of a deal. He pulled the cork from the bottle and quietly drank the pork-blood from it. Gyomei sits beside Shinobu and accepts the tea. Mitsuri gently pets Kaburamaru in return* "Thank you Shinobu, Thank you Mitsuri" "Your welcome you three" *Mitsuri chirps cheerfully despite covering her mouth with her hand, already part-way into her second pancake. Though she and Gyomei both look at Shinobu worriedly, and a small flicker of worry crosses Rui's face as well. Muichiro decides he may as well sit down too and perches between Gyomei and Rui* "Ah, I can tell you about all of mine pretty easily...and I have the abilities of the other moons and the ones that I know Muzan has written down but in regards to any other demon I would only know the basic abilities...demon arts change from demon to demon more so than breathing styles do with slayers and most are developed from something that is on a more personal level" *He finds that at some point before they left that morning; Sugar had snuck the journal back into his sleeve when he reached for it out of habit and not remembering when he put it back. He pulls his journal out of his sleeve* "Now I need everyone to be aware I have an enchantment placed on this journal; or basically when a demon places a connection between themselves and an object with a demon art by using a small part of themselves in it, something that any demon with a demon art can do. If anyone touches this journal while it is open without being given express permission to do so, the pages will be torn to small, unreadable pieces by my webs. That said, I placed this enchantment on it because I have written down a lot of information and plans that could easily get me in a lot trouble with Muzan and I didn't want anyone I didn't know for a fact that I could trust to not snitch on me to him to read it and at the time I did not think to specify that I only intended that to apply to demons." *Muichiro listens curiously, the way he understood it; it was a contingency plan for something potentially full of more contingency plans. Kyojuro quirked his eyebrows curiously and looked over to Tengen as he leads the way to where sanemi just came from* "Wonder what that was about"
(I’m gonna start a new one since it’s starting to glitch on my end.) @rui-ayaki-lower5
Tanjiro nods. “Oh okay. Are we getting ready to go now?” He pets the cats before they run off. Kanae nods. “Yes we’re leaving soon so if you haven’t gotten Nezuko already please do.” She thinks about it. “I can make you some mochi too Rui. I’ll just put meat inside of it instead of the normal stuff.” Mitsuri smiles and gets up. She stretches and grabs her stuff. “Yea we can eat mochi together. I love mochi!” They all walk out with him and get prepared to go.
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 8 months ago
(Rp Starter)
*A smol child was running around in the forest until she suddenly notices Rui up in a tree and waves up at him with a smiley face plastered on the child’s face.*
*Rui had been in the middle of helping a baby raccoon get back to its mama when the swift motion caught his attention and he waved back before doing a double-take, not recognizing the small child. He decided to call out to her* "hello there, are you lost little one?"
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crescent-blades · 6 months ago
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Is this you? :0
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"I.. do not look like that.."
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flowerhashira-kanae · 2 days ago
When she hears it start to move she looks over at it. “Is that so?” She goes over to it. “We wouldn’t have had to have a win or lose battle if you just stayed put.”
Koorogi curls up on a mossy tree trunk, getting comfy on it so it can sleep for the day. As the sun comes up it starts to quietly snore. The guards that she's had to watch it sit below, talking to each other. it slept until the sun started to go down. Suddenly as it woke up, it fell out of the tree in front of the slayers and being mistaken for an attack one of them stabbed it with a wisteria poisoned blade. @flowerhashira-kanae
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beautifulfire · 3 months ago
*you hear a loud thumping in your closet and something akin to a cat's hiss*
Akuma was tidying her room up a bit and quickly turned her head to the sound...❝Eh...?❞ she tilts her head curiously, dropping whatever she was doing to slowly open the closet.
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ask-tokito-muichiro · 5 months ago
Patches says hello. Greet him back or else.
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• • •
*brief pause*
Hello, pupper
*is much more of a bird person but nevertheless, said bird being Ginko glaring judgementally on his shoulder*
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gilded-sunrays · 6 months ago
[Continued: @cursetopia2]
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Yoriichi felt a sense of familiarity from Fumiko. He could tell that she was physically about the same age, and her protective manner of speaking—it moved something within him. Her stubbornness, her concern for his well-being, and her rather tough personality—Michikatsu. 
A wave of nostalgia washed over him. Fumiko bore such a striking resemblance to his own elder brother.. someone he had once looked up to .. someone who he held so dear.. 
Yoriichi nodded as a soft and warm smile graced his features for the first time. 
"I see.. then, thank you.." 
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Yoriichi noticed Onri's antics, and despite his expression remaining as impassive as ever, he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of amusement. 
It had been a while, and he knew that at this day and age, his child too would be around Onri's age. Jurai and Sumiyoshi were people who he had been there for him during his own tough times, and he had grown to feel a sense of a familial bond towards them. He believed his own family would have shared similar sentiments. Uta, Suyako, and Etsuho with their passion for cooking; alongside Onri, Sumire, and his own child— 
Yoriichi was a man with little words himself, and although he was deeply grateful for the care and thoughtfulness shown to him, he understood that he was likely nothing more than a burden to them—-
...It was perhaps.. best not to dwell on such thoughts any further..  
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Yoriichi expressed his gratitude with a slight bow as he settled into his seat, taking out his katana and placing it on the ground to the side. The delightful aroma of the pork buns and soup permeated the air, and the food was exceptional as always. Despite his remarkable self-discipline, the sight of such appetising dishes after such a long time stirred a sense of impatience within him.  
"Ah, thank you.. for the food." 
Contrary to his impatient inner feelings, Yoriichi took a measured first sip of the soup, his eyes widening ever so slightly in pleasant surprise. It was.. delicious. He continued to savour each spoonful, quickly finishing the entire bowl of miso soup.  
"The food was amazing as always.. I enjoyed it thoroughly."  
Yoriichi refrained from taking the pork buns, choosing instead to allow the children to savour them rather than taking them away. 
Getting up, Yoriichi grabbed his katana and positioned it at his waist.  
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"I sincerely appreciate the meal, Etuho, Jurai. But I think it is time for me to take my leave; I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome.."
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bugzheadquarter · 8 months ago
Anyone out there who role plays as any uppermoons. Cause I'm in the mood to have my hashira oc encounter an uppermoon
An uppermoon who preferably has stripes and wears pink
Who has a martial arts based blood art
Who has beautiful golden eyes with 3 written in them
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official-butterfly-sisters · 8 months ago
🌸 "So... we hid in a bush late at night and talked..." 🌸
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askkanataigarashi · 3 months ago
Hey! It's nice to meet you, my name's Kanata Igarashi!
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Wait, who am I? Oh I'm a demon slayer 😁 I started a little over a year ago. After finding out the corps existed and all, I just decided to join because...well, why not? Besides, there's more good I can do for the world than my same old life, day in and day out 😊
Oh, what do I look like? Easy!
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Heh, pretty cool right? An awesome friend, @larz-barz drew this portrait of me and not to brag but I look pretty good 😉
What else 🤔... I mean, I've got a nice family but I try not to talk about them much cuz of the, well, demons duh. I really love traveling and seeing everything, meeting everyone, but I kinda wish they could come with me sometimes; I definitely try my best to stop in as much as I can to see them :)
Food? Hmm..I like a bit of everything to be honest. Can't stand cooking but if I had to pick a favorite, it's GOT to be my mom's pork cutlets. As for everything else, if it's on my plate I'll eat it basically (but seriously please don't make me cook).
My friends and I sometimes clash cuz they're always riding me to train harder *cough* Amari *cough* but I wanna explore the arts more; painting, writing, dancing, that kind of stuff. Maybe when the demons are gone, you'll see me in the papers someday😉
I think that's it for me though, see ya! 😄
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~Character Summary~
Age: 19
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5'10
Rank: Kinoe
Race: Human
Breathing Technique: Water Breathing (beginning) -> Storm Breathing
First Form: Cyclone- A quick twist of the torso that summons a powerful wind storm and has the power to blast multiple weak demons to pieces. Can be mastered and strengthened to take on a lower level Upper Rank singlehandedly coupled with extreme stamina and battle strategy.
Second Form: Ferocious Winter- Swinging swords across/in front of the user in an ‘X’ form. This summons icy winds and blizzard like conditions to provide cover and hide from the enemy, either for an opportunity to attack or escape.
Third Form: Divine Light- A violent cascade of lightning strikes to attack a group of low level demons. The lightning can also be absorbed and manipulated through the users weapon, which allows the strike of the beheading to be amplified in power; this can be used to fight upper level demons.
Fourth Form: Earthquake- A head on attack that requires the most force behind it. Every step taken towards the demon opens fissures into the earth that any enemy can and will fall into. Straightforward strike but the user can twist their body to dodge enemy attacks.
Fifth Form: Total Devastation- A quick series of lightning flashes followed by a dry forest fire to help trap demons and enemies. Can not be used during any precipitous weather and has limited range.
Sixth Form: Thunderous Eruption- Used in hand with Earthquake, this form produces magma and lava from the open fissures in the ground, creates a much higher risk scenario to defeat demons but much more effective against upper levels.
Seventh Form: Tidal Waves- A flood of wisteria infused water in the form of a tsunami that allows the user to drown or flood out multiple enemies, or condense it to overpower an upper level demon. This weakens the demons for actual combat.
Family: Keiji (Father), Nilou (Mother), Sora (sister, 15); Ryūko (sister, 12); Sulien (brother, 12)
Likes: art and music, dancing, dandelions, shopping
Dislikes: cooking, laundry, reading
Relationship Status: Single/Secret Admirer
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 1 day ago
*Ryuu nods as he listens curiously the other pause what they are doing because they are also very curious* "Oh that sounds like fun" *Takara trills excitedly her fish-like tail swishing excitedly. Mine happily accepts the headpats* "You're welcome" *she says with a smile*
(I’m gonna do the same for this one @wildfire317s-oc-box )
She shakes her head and tries not to think about it. “They are nothing like cats. Cats can’t bite you and put venom in you or crawl all over you and leave spider webs everywhere. Kitties are cute and cuddly. Spiders are evil.” She tries to calm down and not freak out the kids just because she was scared. “I’m sorry…it’s just me and spiders don’t get along. Aside from Rui of course.” She smiles softly at the thought of her “son” and wished she had brought him here with her. She frowns when she thinks about how people could have treated the young girl. It was rude to treat anyone badly just because you don’t understand or you’re afraid. You should try to listen to others and think before you act. “I’m sorry that they do that. We try to teach humans how to protect themselves when we’re not around but I guess they assume anyone that looks different is a demon.” She noticed her getting embarrassed and smiles softly. She pets her head and tries to make her feel better. “Of course. I’ll definitely try my best to get approval for all of you to come over but since it’s my home you should be fine. I’ll just let Shinobu and Sanemi know I’m having guest so they’re not surprised. If that’s okay with you guys.” She could tell that she was a little nervous about what she said and didn’t wanna talk about it further so she didn’t want to push.
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warringwarrioridiot · 10 months ago
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“I told you I'd find a way to save you from Hell, my Dear.”
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 27 days ago
A few hours after the sun sets there's a knock on the door. When Rui answers it, Koorogi is standing there, holding something behind its back and blushing. "I made you something...."
*Judging by the fact that one half of his hair looked how it normally did and the other was messier and more frilled out than usual it seemed the younger demon had just woken up for the evening* "Ah evening Koorogi, how have you been?" *he greets you before looking at the arm hiding something behind your back* "Oh? What is it?" *he asks curiously*
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crescent-blades · 6 months ago
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✦•┈ᯓ Rules For making Requests.ᐟ
ʚɞ┆ First off, I would like to clarify that I won't be writing any explicit content; hence, I would appreciate it if such requests are not made. Other than that, you are free to request anything.
ʚɞ┆I also want to mention that I don’t have any triggers, and it’s pretty hard to offend me. So don’t hesitate to share anything—any content that might be sensitive will be labeled accordingly. [Please feel free to reach out if I may have missed anything!]
ʚɞ┆While it may seem obvious, I’ll say it again—please, DO NOT repost, copy, rewrite, or translate any of my work. If you’d like to reference it anywhere (especially regarding theories), please ask for my permission first.
ʚɞ┆Please note that it might take me a while to respond to inboxes. Don’t be discouraged if I haven’t replied to your requests yet; I may have seen them and could be working on a response. My busy schedule makes it challenging to reply quickly. Your patience is deeply appreciated!
ʚɞ┆Finally, this blog is all about keeping things positive and drama-free. Anyone that aims to stir up unnecessary negativity or controversy will be promptly blocked. I genuinely welcome any constructive feedback you may have about me. However, any form of hate will not be accepted.
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✦•┈ᯓ Rules For Roleplaying.ᐟ
Firstly, I want to clarify that this isn't solely a roleplay blog. I often receive various requests because I enjoy writing beyond just roleplaying [drabbles, imagines, theories etc etc]. If you have any issues with some ooc content here and there, then you are free to unfollow. Moving on:
ʚɞ┆OCs, crossovers, ships, crack fics, etc.,are all welcome. Feel free to introduce any character you wish to see the samurai interact with, including the possibility of Kokushibō and/or Michikatsu being your chosen muse!
ʚɞ┆The portrayal of my muses will be as canon to the manga as possible. I will make every effort to keep my personal headcanons to a minimum, and I would really appreciate it if my writing partner could do the same.
ʚɞ┆Regarding NSFW; you won’t find any on my blog, nor am I comfortable writing anything explicit. Light shipping, flirting, romance, fluff, or similar interactions are totally fine, but let’s keep it on the softer side.
ʚɞ┆Regarding shipping and relationships; I believe it’s important for the characters to build chemistry and have meaningful interactions first, rather than jumping straight into shipping. I would prefer if we had already written together beforehand and perhaps discussed it in advance.
ʚɞ┆When it comes to violence, blood etc, I'm fine with anything. As I mentioned, I’m open to various themes, but only if the plot calls for it. I won’t tolerate any unnecessary graphic content or spiteful comments directed at my muses.
ʚɞ┆Regarding the length of my writing; I am flexible with pretty much everything, however, I generally enjoy multi-paragraph roleplays. I can adapt to different lengths if needed.
ʚɞ┆Regarding plotting I’m comfortable with either approach. Whether you want to plan out the next steps or prefer the thrill of surprises, I’m totally on board with whatever you choose.
ʚɞ┆You will get what you give. If I find that the you aren't putting in any effort with the replies, I will not be putting any effort either. I find it hard to stay motivated, especially knowing that the other person likely isn't even interested.
ʚɞ┆So, if you ever feel like your interest is waning or you need a break, then please feel free to tell me. The main goal of roleplaying is to have fun. If you decide you want to stop engaging altogether, you’re welcome to soft-block or hard-block.
ʚɞ┆Most importantly, have fun! <3
๋࣭⭑⚝Thank you!๋࣭⭑⚝
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ask-spider-mother-kny · 1 year ago
You... you're Rui's mom right...?
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“Indeed, I am.”
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ask-tokito-muichiro · 7 months ago
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The Wolf’s little brother let me borrow this of his many. What does it exactly do?
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