familiarflower · 4 months
HC Drop:
marlene initially had little to no interest in developing a fighting skill as her father insisted that the 'fighting' was over with and his daughter never needed to fight the way their family had. but it didn't take long of watching denzel learn a few exercises from cloud with a staff that her interest was piqued, if not for the sake of joining in. she quickly joined in on the lessons till curiosity had her asking, after a few years, for a practice sword just to see if she could handle one. in between that summers were often spent at costa del sol or cosmo canyon to visit nanaki and its there that curiosity pricked again at seeing someone shooting a bow and she asked for a lesson. all it took was one summer for her to get the hang of it and to continue excelling over the years. its cloud who surprises her for her seventeenth birthday with the custom bowsword after having spent years monitoring her progress and maturity to handle such a weapon. she named it Lightkore after the flower maiden of mythology. marlene's limit breaks are: Heart Pulse (Lvl 1), Venus Shot (Lvl 2), Ribbon Fire (Lvl 3), Aura Slash (Lvl 4). after receiving Lightkore she doubles down on training with cloud for a period in order to get a hang of the versatility since he had plenty of experience with his own fusion sword, First Tsurugi.
most of the 7th heaven family thought that marlene would take the artistic route for a career with her love of drawing, but after many trips all over the planet with her father and family she sees the various states of rebuilding in progress. between that and the innate 'sense' always lingering she decides she wants to do her part to help the planet and its people rebuild and rebuild better with more eco-friendly means. she graduates early with specialized classes in agriculture, planetary studies, biodiversity and conservation before joining up with the W.R.O. her passion is revitalizing small towns that had been railroaded by shinra development and helping them focus on a more natural means of life through solar powered means, community & personal gardens, and reusing resources as much as possible. later on over the years she also helps establish new towns and becomes one of the favorites to become a head of development in the W.R.O. not to mention a favorite amongst her teams that she works with as she always gets her hands dirty to be involved in every aspect down to digging ditches and lugging construction material.
despite only having a brief meeting with aerith it was a long lasting impact. in homage to the heart of the group marlene continues to always wear her pink bow in a braid like aerith's and eventually grows out her childhood bangs for more subtle face framing ones. the white turtleneck tank shirt remains a staple along with an offwhite midi length skirt (sometimes traded for a beige baggy cargo pant with work) and a soft-light pink jacket falling to slightly below the hip. it sometimes gives her family a double take when they glimpse her from the corner of their eye due to the similarity. however, its driven home to marlene's knowledge when elmyra begins to pass away and mistakes her for her daughter aerith. tifa and barret almost correct the mistake but marlene simply jumps in, takes elmyra's hand and plays along with the role till her passing.
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daydreamycrustacean · 28 days
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Loved by god
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tortol · 11 months
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poem by @growrotten
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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OFMD S2 Ep3-5 + Edward "Heart-Eyes" Teach
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liyv · 2 months
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everybody leaves + the only one who came back
...was thinking about how dazai was there for All Of That in chuuya's life and he still left him too. ahaha.
chuuya week day 3, found families :]
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smallmeanie · 3 months
handjobs are just really hot especially when i’m holding you close and pressing our foreheads together and panting with you and muttering filth and going “yeah? gonna cum?” as i purposely speed up and tighten my grip just enough
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tojisun · 5 months
!! female reader; dirty talking; breeding kink; slight overstim play; unrealistic sex x’>
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thinking about how simon’s the type to keep saying filth to you when he’s balls deep. how, in the throes of his pleasure, so pussy-drunk, simon begins to wax poetry about the way you make him feel.
he’s got you folded in a mating press, his lips ghosting wet kisses along your trembling legs. “god, baby,” simon murmurs, his voice a drunken slur. “i need t’wife you up, i swear.” he punctuates this with a thrust, before his fingers pinch your clit.
you choke at the feeling, your legs kicking from where they’re slung over simon’s shoulders. your head thrashes against the pillow, not knowing how else to tether yourself from the stinging pleasure, your mouth falling open uselessly as garbled moans spill out.
“oh this,” he says, distracted by your reaction. “cute little thing, isn’t it?” he looks at your pussy almost with a starry-eyed gaze.
“shu-ut up, si!” your voice breaks, weakened from the moans, but simon’s already looking too far gone, his eyes blown wide and his face flushed because of his pleasure.
“y’just squeezed me tighter, baby.” simon rips his eyes from your cunt to look at you with a sort of giddy trance. “y’like it when i play with–” he circles his thumb on your clit, making you squeal. “this? yeah? oh, lovie, you’re gushing.”
he pulls out, torturously slow, teasing, then he’s slamming back in. your ears ring at the resounding wet slide, his pelvis meeting your own with a goddamn squelch, and you scream, clawing at his back at the sharp pleasure that razes through you.
“going t’stuff you w’my cum everyday, baby.” simon giggles. “going t’make you so full.”
he nuzzles his nose on the side of your tear-soaked cheek. “y’want that, yeah? want t’feel sore because of how much cum’s stored in you? want t’be fucked until it takes?”
“si! si!” you cry, mushy mind trying to understand what he’s insinuating. “wha- wh-…?”
“oh but you’d be so gorgeous, baby,” simon groans, his hand leaving your oversensitive clit to hike up along your body, dancing past your groin to plant just below your belly button. simon nuzzles close again, tracing the shell of your ear with his lips, then, “you’d be so pretty carrying my kids.”
those words make your body lock up, something in your mind just shifting right, and then you’re cumming, squirting all over simon’s cock and spraying on his legs.
simon outright moans, pulling back just enough to slot his lips against yours. you couldn’t even kiss him back, still so busy cumming, all cross-eyed at the intensity of your orgasm. it doesn’t matter to him, anyway, not when simon begins pistoning harder. faster. rougher.
every drag of his cock back in your pussy pushes more gushing squirt from you, and simon rumbles with a pleased groan, looking so blissed out as he leaves open-mouthed kisses along your jaw. you dig your nails at his back but simon doesn’t even register the prickling pain, too busy chasing his own orgasm through your cunt.
“s’right,” he coos. “nothin’ else could make me cum, baby. nothin’ else but y’r pretty pussy. y’r tight pussy. god, it’s such a delicious pussy, baby, how am i so lucky to have you, huh?” his words mingle with the thwap-thwap-thwap sounds of his body slamming against your own. it makes you dizzy with pleasure, ragged rasps of breath is all that is passing through your parted lips.
simon croons. “how’d i chance luck and end up w’such a delight?” another wet sound from your pussy rings amidst his words. “mmm, hear that baby?”
you nod, you think. or you moan a reply. honestly, you don’t even know, not with how dizzy you are at the peaking pleasure because there’s no way you’re cumming again–
“that’s the sounds that a happy wife makes,” simon purrs, replying to his own question, and the weight of his words washes over you like the pleasure that’s racing across your synapses. “that’s the sound that someone makes when they want to be bred.”
“simo-nnnnn!” you scream, the sound guttural and ragged, and your eyes can no longer see anything, and your ears are ringing, and- and–
simon laughs, the sound curling into something so, so fond. “y’r so pretty when y’cum, baby.” he kisses your wet cheek. “one more? f’r me?”
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cerisereids · 1 month
why does spencer carry his gun all slutty like that…
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novaneondream · 3 months
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they’re here
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xlandloud · 2 months
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lil lineup or something… was mostly meant for me but i liked how they turned out
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sergle · 1 year
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red & yellow carnations
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bed-of-ashes · 2 months
as an aroace person who sees other aspec people get frustrated with the lack of nonromantic relationships being represented as anything other than sibling, I grant you: hermit relationships
Grian & Pearl: siblings, actually
Pearl & Scott: platonic
Cleo & Scott: queerplatonic
Jimmy & Tango: romantic
Grian & Scar: sexual but like they turned Complicated pretty fast lets be real
Pearl & Gem: ????)?),?
Etho & Joel: probably a disorder really
Martyn & Ren: theater kids.
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sandflakedraws · 6 months
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hug time 🌺
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ppeuppeuppeu · 10 months
this was honestly so frickin HOT
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b1adie · 3 months
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. . . There seems to be a slight misunderstanding, my friend. At this table, you are the challenger. Because, unlike the house, the gambler knows exactly what they want.
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idliketobeatree · 1 month
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dead boy detectives + text posts part 1/?
+ bonus
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