#-northern dialect
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
hoo boy this video makes me realize how little i know about Vietnamese
but more importantly . . .
my dialect does sound kind of funny 😭😭😭
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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Hans Ross' weird dialect borders, based on his description from 1906.
by jkvatterholm
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What are you fucking screaming about? *slaps tummy* FUCK. Great.
Never before has been sawn-- seen an adonis this handsome. Drunken up old man. That's how it is. But I am having a good time with you guys, are you?
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canisalbus · 10 months
I just recently started following you so i don't have the full lore of your murderous gay religiously traumatized doggos, BUT, from my understanding, they are Italian and i don't know what part of Italy they are from, yet i can't help headcanoning Vasco as Tuscan, while Machete is probably from some part of Veneto. And as an Italian who has heard Tuscans and Veneto dialet, well it's an hilarious mental image.
Vasco is indeed Tuscan, Florentine to be specific. He comes from a wealthy and influential noble family that has lived in Florence for centuries. He's proud of his roots, and it's usually easy for strangers to tell where he's from. He's a resonably successful politician and has worked as an ambassador and representative of Florence on numerous occasions.
Machete is originally Sicilian (ironically about as far from Veneto as possible), although he was taken to mainland at young age and has lived in several places since then, before ending up in Rome. The way I see it, he exhibits very little local color, his demeanor and (even though Italian hadn't become a standardized language yet) way of speaking are formal, neutral and scarcely give away any hints about his personal history, at least in the 16th century canon.
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morurui · 4 months
Was going to complain that Darius doesn’t say the word “like” enough as a Californian…but then I remembered he’s from Nor Cal and not So Cal…
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psychicfoxpainter · 19 days
I'm a 'Simon Blackquill is a Northerner' truther
i mean the easy joke is that he wears Newcastle colours, but in truth?
I think he's just got the air of a Yorkshireman about him - quiet, a bit dour at times, and no-nonsense
(I am 100% behind British Blackquill, because I think so much fanon makes him meaner than he is. He's just being a wind-up merchant.)
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ryansjane · 6 months
no, actually my least favorite thing about watching thai dramas while speaking & understanding thai... is that the dialects never match up 😭😭😭 if a character is from a non-central province, they'll have their whole family speak in northern/southern/isaan dialect while the main character, who's played by an actor from bangkok, will unexplainably not have any remnants of his native dialect when he speaks even though he was born & raised in the area and often time never even left... that shit breaks the fourth wall to me, like... why even hire an actor who doesn't fit the role fully, I don't get it 😭
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enig-og-tro · 2 months
"Æ e i ø" is a complete, understandable sentence in Norwegian btw
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a1sh1teruu · 12 hours
turkish dirty talk is so… down turning(??)
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thunderboltfire · 10 days
I was having fun with making up their voices! I've also decided to solve a question of languages (languages color-coded to avoid confusion).
Also, this one has quite a lot of tiny text, so I've included transcripts.
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[ID: a list illustrated with colored doodles of characters' heads. Titled Who speaks what?
Igna [cartoon picture of Igna's face drawn in brick red color]: Native language: illiraian (southwestern regional form). Understands enough elvish to know when she's being threatened, and can ask for directions, but not much more.
Argo [cartoon picture of Argo's face drawn in sap green color]: Native language: northern elvish. Fluent in illiraian, hardly discernible accent. (it took Igna 3 months to figure out what's off - he rolls 'R' a bit too hard and his vowels sometimes are pronounced too close to the back of his throat).
Theria [cartoon picture of Theria's face drawn in muted brown color]: Native language: Samhran. Fluent in illiraian, audible samhran accent (difficulty pronouncing consonant clusters, palatalising 'L's and 'T"s, mixing up vowels and dyphtongs, sometimes sing-song affect to the vowels). Speaks basic Andaran and broken Omtheron.
Daen [cartoon picture of Daen's face drawn in violet color]: Native language: Moer. Fluent in illiraian, Andaran and gods know what else. Communicative in old elvish. Understands both dwarven languages, but speaks neither. No discernible accent in illiraian.
Haart [cartoon picture of Haart's face drawn in blue]: Native language: Kará (east-dwarvish). Fluent in illiraian (mostly without an
accent, but he often switches soft and hard 'H'). Understands some Andaran and Omtheron. Knows his local variety of sign language.
Knows some expressions in samhran (exclusively swearwords and toasts).]
Results: Igna is a spoiled kid, she's the only one in the group who has the luxury of speaking her native language day-to-day. She grew up in complete nowhere, with a very scarce contact with other languages. Tentative A1 in elvish, due to her dad trying to teach her.
Argo probably had the knowledge of Illiraian hammered into his head during his education - inhabitants of Riss speak exclusively a dialect of elvish day-to-day, but the duchy is an enclave, and it would be severely imparing not to know the neighbors' language.
Theria has been away from home long enough to gain a pretty good grasp of Illiraian, and has around B1 level in Andaran. Both spoken with a pretty thick accent, her native language is from a different language family with a strikingly different phototactics, and she's learnt the foreign languages pretty late.
Daen speaks many languages, and all of them pretty well. Maybe it's his long lifespan, but it's possible he's got a knack for language learning.
Haart has had a similar situation to Argo in a sense he's lived in a close neighboorhood of another language and learnt it in childhood. He comes from a merchant house, so it's understandable his family would want him to know foreign languages.
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[ID: a scale diagram titled "profanity meter" Left to right: Daen titled "Apocalyptic event indicator", Igna titled "curses when hurt", Argo titled "curses if pissed", Haart titled "curses to emphasise" and Theria titled "Fuck is a sentence divider"]
I have to face the fact that Theria most probably has a severe case of unwashed mouth. Her mercenary career spans a good few years when she enters the stage and she doesn't seem like the type to watch her language, so in all probability she doesn't even notice that she curses like a sailor.
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[ID: a list titled "Voice and expression". On the left side there's an up-and-down double ended arrow titled "pitch". Characters from top to bottom:
Igna: Easily the highest voice of the group. Clean, and rather strong despite it. Makes an open and honest impression when speaking, fairly good singing voice.
Theria: on the lower side of feminine voices, full-bodied voice with a bit of a vocal fry, on average way louder than the rest of the group. Enjoys singing, but easily dominates a choir
Argo: rather raspy, matte voice. Has a tendency to mutter - the limited sensitivity on the scarred side of his face makes it harder to speak clearly. Speaks quite fast despite of this. Can't hold a note for his life.
Haart: soft, full baritone. Probably the nicest laughter. Nice singing voice, talks with his hands a lot. Makes a characteristic huff when he's nervous.
Daen: low, resonant voice. Clear pronounciation. Reticent, rarely talks more than necessary. Makes a formal impression.]
Last but not least, my trials to work out how would they probably sound like. (I'm not really one to do voiceclaims).
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A Not Very PC Feathursday
Author William Edgar Thompson’s use of Southern Black dialect in his self-published book Aunt Chloe and Her Birds, printed for the author by Kingsport Press in Kingsport, Tennessee in 1927, is extremely cringe-worthy, but apparently it was all the rage when it was published. A review of the 1928 second edition observes, 
There is something about the negro dialect that fascinates children . . . nor do the children tire of them after they have ceased to be children. Mr. Thompson has taken this method of presenting his bird stories and has done so most successfully. . . . Mr. Thompson's excellent book should have a wide sale. It is not only interesting reading but educational as well and should do much good in spreading an interest in birds and their protection.
However, the book also includes eight excellent color bird illustrations supplied by the National Association of Audubon Societies, two by naturalist and artist Edmund Joseph Sawyer (1880-1971) and the rest by noted wildlife illustrator Robert Bruce Horsfall (1869 –1948). We could find nothing on Thompson except that he authored this book, and we would be curious to learn how the Audubon Society came to supply the illustrations. Each of the images is sub-captioned with one of Aunt Chloe’s folksy observations. We considered editing them out because we just find them uncomfortable, but instead of censoring, we decided to present them as they appear in their historical context. These quotes are quite tame compared to the dialogue in the book, some of which is unapologetically racist.
View more Feathursday posts.
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I feel like in the Lord of the Lost fandom, there is a lot of talk about Chris (understandably so), but we‘re all sleeping a little bit on this man:
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and his hair:
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and his makeup game that is always so perfectly on point:
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darkelfchicksick · 3 months
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bloomfish · 6 months
I think the reason I'm so hyperaware of accents is because I've been forced to become hyperaware of my own. When I moved to the US American were very much in that phase of "omg British people 😍😍" and so every single time I would say ANYTHING in school it everyone would make a huge fuss. It wasn't malicious teasing, they loved it but like, imagine if every time you spoke everyone went batshit. That would make anyone self-conscious let alone a child. I trained myself to speak American but certain things slipped through– the hard "R" has always been impossible for me it feels so wrong lol. I remember a girl discovered that the way I said "water" was funny and for a few months I could not move without being chased around with cries of "say water!!!" to the point I wrote an entire presentation about submarines to avoid saying water lol
In highschool I was pretty sneaky about it and I did this by not talking much. Like this whole ordeal really made me become incredibly shy whereas in the UK I had always been a chatty kid. And whenever I had to actually talk at length such as a presentation everyone would be like wait.... What are you...
I finally let go of this in early adulthood and just started saying what came out of my mouth naturally. but I'm still very conscious of my accent which just flip-flops between American and my original accent. Nobody ever knows where I'm from I'm so mysterious
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20y2 · 1 year
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I'm gonna recite the three parts of the Hegelian dialectic…
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pupuseriazag · 9 months
Making my own region for a dnd out of spite for lack of mesoamerican (in the case of this region, Nahua) cultures and cities as well as also inserting the names of cities from my country because of their meanings (like for example Nahuizalco means "Four places of obsidian" god thats so cool)
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