#*medical professionals
a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 months
I hate to break it to you guys but vets, doctors, and other medical professionals are not automatically scientists and in fact have to work hard to actually be scientists
They are extremely well trained mechanics for the world’s most complicated machines. Not the same as a scientist.
For example: I know of several young earth creationist doctors
For example: many doctors refuse to follow the evidence we have about obesity, but continue to use their outdated ideas on the topic
For example: my vet always learns something new from me about the science around parrot behavior when I come in with my birds for check ups, and she actually does try to keep up
For example: premed training doesn’t require a scientific major
Saying “a doctor said X” or “a vet said Y” is pretty much meaningless unless said medical professional also does scientific work, which is never guaranteed.
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
honestly you probably shouldn't go into the medical profession if you aren't prepared to treat patients with dignity and respect - even if your job exploits you, even if your bosses suck, even if you're exhausted.
yes, you are allowed to have feelings and be tired. but you have to be willing and able to either admit when you can't do something (and take the consequences), or put how you feel aside and do your job. for the sake of your patient.
you and your job may be harmed by the medical industrial complex's wrongness, but to your patients, you are part of the complex that is also gravely failing them. you have the power to be a force of goodwill and care, or an instrument of oppression.
that is what you're signing up for when you become a medical professional. don't like it? don't become a medical professional.
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kakashis-kunoichi · 11 months
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spooniestrong · 6 months
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[Text ID: "Just in case you needed to hear it, you deserve to be treated by a medical professional who listens to you, believes you, who never makes you question yourself, and who dies everything they can to help you."
By: chronicloveclub
End ID]
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If you were Jewish and found out that doctors were supporting hitler, saying things like “Germany has a right to defend itself” and someone came to you and said “there are no records of American nazi doctors harming Jewish patients” I don’t think it would take away your fears.
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(Side note: I find it amusing that the final two of the Royal Rumble consists of a doctor and a lawyer. That medical school-law school rivalry lol)
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wikipediapictures · 6 months
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“Village Midwife Rachel Yusufu (holding the baby), Mnyiramba, and Ayah Brim Masasi, Msukuma, weighing an infant and giving advice to the mother during an infant welfare clinic session at Kishapu Native Authority Dispensary and Clinic in Shinyanga District, Lake Province.” - via Wikimedia Commons
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So I have something called slipping rib syndrome. That means that I was born with floating rib and then suffered a chest trauma that caused my ribs to move or “slip” out of place and aggravate the surrounding nerves. This is extremely painful and relatively unheard of.
It took me 13 doctors and nurses to get diagnosed and when I finally was it was by a medical student. Everyone told me it was all in my head and I just had anxiety and needed to go to school. I was also told when pointing out a lump near my ribs (which turned out to be my slipping ribs sticking out) that I was just skinny.
I ended up missing 148 days of school due to the pain because some days I couldn’t even get out of bed let alone walk across my high school huge ass campus.
The worst part is this is normal for slipping rib syndrome in teenagers and younger children. The surgeon I saw said that my story of the multiple doctors and nurses and being told it was in my head was common and he heard that story all the time from his patients.
I don’t know what is happening to the medical field but not everything is in people’s head and it pays off to take them seriously. I cannot even begin to count the number of people I know who can say that doctors and the medical field generally suck and that they aren’t taken seriously. Especially with women and teenagers and it’s such bullshit. Everyone should be taken seriously when it comes to the physical and mental care no one knows you better than yourself. And I know some people genuinely have their medical issues come from within the head/brain but that should still be taken seriously and not brushed off.
Medical professionals please take note and take your patients seriously. And NEVER dismiss them and refuse to listen and provide options for treatment and testing.
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dankmemes23 · 1 month
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Original Title: PAGING DR. FINGER
Directed By: Steven Scarborough
Featuring: Bo Dixon Ty LaBeouf
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
💙 A Star Fell by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow)
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💙 A Star Fell
by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow)
M, Series, WIP, 84k, Wangxian
Summary: After the altercation with Jin Zixuan, Wei Wuxian is sent back to Lotus Pier. No one has seen him since. Kay's comments: I just love stories that put Wei Wuxian through a meat grinder a little bit. He's my absolute favourite, I love it when he gets through it <3 Here we have him getting sent home early after he punched Jin Zixuan, only this time, Madam Yu was here to vent her anger on him and let's just say, she goes overboard and Wei Wuxian ends up disabled as a consequence. He has to effectively give up being a night-hunting cultivator and instead trains to become a healer. This is also how he meets Wen Qing and Wen Ning earlier and an amazing canon divergence follows with him working closely together with the other inhabitants of Lotus Pier to get people evacuated when the Wens attack. A great story, with wonderful Yiling silibings, Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan and Mianmian friendship and just some really cool changes. Excerpt: Wei Wuxian was intelligent, this Suyin knew, but she was unprepared for the absolute hunger the boy had for knowledge. He consumed books rapidly, not only reading their contents but wanting to discuss them, to dissect the argument, and dig deeper with anyone willing to listen. He requested and was eventually allowed paper and ink, and spent hours scribbling down various ideas and occasional pieces of art, occasionally gifted to some of the prettier healers. He even offered an admittedly well-crafted drawing of Suyin’s favorite flowers, azaleas, though how he knew them to be her favorites, she was unsure. “You have the same type of flower embroidered on your sleeves, so I took a guess based on the ones I knew with petals like that.” Wei Wuxian admitted with a grin, pleased to have guessed correctly. Yes, he was observant and clever, running through books and papers quickly, and absolutely loathing to be left unoccupied for long. “Healer Jiang, Healer Jiang, aren't there any other books for me to read?” He asked with a pout unsuited for his age. Suyin tutted at him, “What of the books Tao gave you? Don’t tell me you’ve gotten through them already.”
pov alternating, canon divergence, no golden core transfer, major character injury, disability, injury recovery, bad parents jiang fengmian & yu ziyuan, not jiang cheng friendly, somebody lives/not everybody dies, sunshot campaign, slow burn, healer wei wuxian, mutual pining, medical professionals, angst with a happy ending, jin zixuan & lan wangji friendship, families of choice, hurt/comfort, wip
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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sugas6thtooth · 11 months
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If you possibly can, please d0nate and share this fundraiser.
Basant Mohammed Qeshta is a 21 year old medical student who was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza before Oct. 7. Her younger sisters, Aseel (19) and Haneen (18), were also pursuing careers in medicine. They have been trying to survive ever since:
“Our mom is an Egyptian, and we were supposed to apply for citizenship but nationality procedures were not completed because of the war. We really do not want to die in this war. Our dream is to continue our education and our careers but the only way to survive or complete our education is to pay $ 7,000 for each of our family members to get to Egypt and finish our nationality application to be able to study.”
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foulanddead · 8 months
Can anyone from Tumblr tell me why tf I feel so awful? I have medical issues going on and all of my doctors keep sending me to more doctors who send me to more doctors and at this I'm pulling money out of my ass. I tell them what's wrong with me and they look at me like a bumbling idiot.
I'm in so much pain I quite literally want to die plus the seizures that have no EEG activity. I literally have a book of symptoms I give to all of my doctors.
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incognitopolls · 1 year
Presented with the understanding that answers may be “sometimes” or “depending on other factors,” which we can’t fit into a single tumblr poll. Answer as best you can for what you generally feel.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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