#*gets covered in rainbow colored effects*
s-lycopersicum · 3 months
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iraprince · 4 months
gonna show u guys a little opalescent highlight hack i threw together today
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rainbow gradient above your main figure (i usually have all my main figure folders/layers in one big folder, so i can clip gradient maps + adjustments to it!). liquify tool to push the colors around a bit. STAY WITH ME I KNOW IT LOOKS STUPID RN I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS
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THEN: set it to add/glow (or the equivalent in ur drawing program), lower the opacity a bit, and apply a layer mask. then u can edit the mask with whatever tools you like to create rainbow highlights!!
in this case i'm mostly using the lasso fill tool to chip out little facets, but i've also done some soft airbrushing to bring in larger rainbow swirls in some areas. it's pretty subtle here, but you can see it better when i remove the gradient map that's above everything, since below i'm working in greyscale:
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more granular rambling beneath the cut!
u could also just do this with a brush that has color jitter, but what i like about using layer masks for highlight/shading layers is how simple and reversible it makes everything. i can use whatever brushes i want, and erasing/redoing things is super low stakes, which is great when i often approach this stuff with a super trial-and-error approach.
example: have u ever thrown a gradient w multiple colors over an entire piece, set it to multiply etc, and then tried to erase it away to carve out shadows/highlights? it's super frustrating, bc it looks really good, but if u erase something and then change ur mind later, u basically would have to like. recreate the gradient in the area u want to cover up again. that's how i used to do things before figuring out layer masks!! but masking basically creates a version of this with INFINITE undo bc u can erase/re-place the base layer whenever u want.
anyway, back to rambling about this specific method:
i actually have TWO of these layers on this piece (one with the liquified swirls shown above, and another that's just a normal concentric circle gradient with much broader stripes) so i can vary the highlights easily as needed.
since i've basically hidden the rainbow pattern from myself, the colors in each brushstroke i make will kind of be a surprise, which isn't always great -- but easily fixable! for example, if i carve out a highlight and it turns out the rainbow pattern in that area is way too stripey, i can just switch from editing the mask to editing the main layer and blur that spot a bit.
also, this isn't a full explanation of the overall transparency effect in these screencaps! there's other layer stuff happening below the rainbow highlights, but the short version is i have all this character's body parts in different folders, each with their own lineart and background fill, and then the fill opacity is lowered and there's multiply layers clipped to that -- blah blah it's a whole thing. maybe i'll have a whole rundown on this on patreon later. uhhh i think that's it tho! i hope u get something useful out of this extremely specific thing i did lmao
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Full HCs of the M6 with wings please 🙏🏽
The Arcana HCs: M6 with wings
His wings look much like a raven's, except where there would be shades of blue when the light hits them, it's deep burgundy for him
Generally so sleek that he can fold them alongside his oversized coat and they're almost impossible to differentiate
One oddly humorous side effect of this is the way it affects his body language. Being such an expressive storyteller, his coat will look like it has a life of its own as he wildly gestures along
Not the best at remembering to take care of them and will melt into a puddle of affection-starved goo as soon as you start helping him preen and maintain them. Loves rambling about the anatomy
Repurposes his own shed feathers as quills
Likes wrapping them around you when he's giving you one of his all-encompassing hugs, otherwise, he keeps them in his space
Will get sooo fluffed out when you fluster him that his coat will start flapping like it's in a storm and his wings will get even bushier than his eyebrows. Feathers will start to fly if it's intense
Much prefers walking to flying unless absolutely necessary, but will make exceptions if it's to go on an adventure with you
Their wings are closely tied to their magic, and as such are very difficult to fully comprehend. They look like gravity-defying water
More specifically, his wings look a fairy's or a fly's wings, translucent with ever-shifting swirls and patterns, subtly glowing with a myriad of colors that blend into a pearly blue-ish purple
Their wings are also something they generally don't show in public - they fold down below their shoulders like a cape and lie flat below their rainbow coat. They don't care to draw attention to them
Nobody knows what exactly wing maintenance involves, all you know is that every full moon or so he goes swimming in the cave and seems extra glowy afterwards
Can and will use them like prisms during lazy mornings sleeping in and scatter rainbows all over the place
Has been known to paint on them like stained glass when they're bored. They do invite you to join in, but they're awfully ticklish
Tends to idly hover when he flies, but the one or two times you've seen him motivated to go fast he practically flashes across the sky. You're sure he's cheating aerodynamics somehow but he won't tell
While the shape of her wings resembles an owl's, their gauzy, shimmery surface look almost like a butterfly's - if a butterfly's wings could fold back and drape elegantly along golden lines
The deep royal purple of them and the pink shimmer when the light hits them makes them look deceptively delicate. Nadia's wings are not fragile in the slightest
You did see her incorporate them into her swordplay, once, and the impact of one of them hitting her opponent sent them sailing across the ring. They are not to be messed with
While she doesn't show them off, she's not shy about them either. She spends hours maintaining them and coordinates ornaments for them to match her outfit and the occasion
Loves cupping one around your shoulders and back whenever you stand next to her, both to warm you and to protect you
Can gain the attention of a room of nobles simply by fluttering them, and uses this skill regularly and effectively
Will lightly brush your jaw with them when she walks by
Flies like a fighter jet. You've never seen acrobatics like these
He dislikes his wings about as much as he dislikes the rest of his body, which is both saddening and par for the course
Like the rest of him, his wings are strong, big, heavy, and thick. You'd compare them to a bat, but the fur on the outside is as long and coarse as a bear's and there are powerful sinews throughout
You don't find this out for a while, but the insides of his wings are warm and leathery, covered in soft fine hairs, and very safe and comforting when you need shielding from harsher elements
Very self-conscious about the scarring and size of them
Keeps them folded in so tightly they look permanently cramped and uncomfortable, and only fully extends them when he absolutely has to. He does avoid flying because of this
As for the scarring - well - it's crisscrossed all over after years of combat, the edges are shredded and tattered in places, and you can tell where some bones and cartilage broke and healed crooked
The first time he let you sit behind him, wash and comb the fur, and finally moisturize them, he was able to let them hang loose for the rest of the day without needing to draw them in again
She has bird wings much like her brother, but they're considerably fluffier, stronger, and have the colors of a warm sunset
Keeps them neatly folded against her back while she's working, but otherwise they're fluffing and twitching and swaying behind her while she's laughing and chatting with you and her friends
Switches between flying and walking without thinking about it - she needs to get across the canal? She's not bothering with a bridge, she's taking a hop, flap, and a flutter to the other side
Loves using them to snuggle you. Whether it's casual brushes against your arms, folding around your waist to hug you, resting over your head when it starts to rain, it's all fair game
This is overall very pleasant, because she takes thorough care of them and the downy soft undersides feel like falling into the fluffiest cloud you could possibly imagine
Will use them to nudge people out of the way if she feels like her (or your) personal space isn't being respected
Her wings are so feather-dense that she does shed quite a lot and you find sunset feathers anywhere she sits or lies down
He loves showing them off and he hates comments about their traits. Morga once told you that they were snowy white when he was a child, but over the years got streaked with red and black
They're webbed, thin enough to look like frost, with fine golden veins. Over time the sinews and bones took on crimson and charcoal black colors and he's rather proud of the effect
What he's less likely to flaunt is the deep, jagged scar slicing through one side that he got when he lost his arm
He effectively turned it into artwork with a golden tattoo, but he still tends to carefully position his gauntlet to cover for it
This in no way stops him from parading his wings otherwise. They're always halfway unfurled, poised like he's about to take flight, and matching his face for expressiveness
Startle him, and they'll fly above his head in shock before they ruffle and bristle and rustle around his shoulders as he loudly insists that he wasn't surprised at all, just playing along, no really!
Likes gently booping your nose with them to get your attention
Tends to compare his wings to others when he's insecure
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nonasuch · 2 years
The 2022 Miss Universe pageant was last night!
Which means: the National Costumes are here.
Yes, there is video. It’s worth watching if you want to see how some of these look in motion, but I’m warning you in advance that the emcees keep doing these shitty little rhyming couplets, and they will make you want to strangle them with one of the many available voluminous gown trains. So I’m suffering on your behalf, and liveblogging.
First up: Albania.
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Sparkly flag-inspired bodysuit with train is the voting “present” of the Miss Universe National Costume Competition.
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Angola. She did a fun dance on her way to center stage, which would probably not have been possible in her original costume, which was “tree-inspired” and too big to ship to New Orleans.
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Argentina. This is where the video does come in handy, because without it I would not be able to award her First Contestant To Visibly Struggle Under The Weight Of Her Outfit. It’s a waterfall. The rainbow crotch area was certainly a design choice.
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Armenia. I would like to see what’s going on with the bodice behind the... shield thing? but she never put it down.
Also, it turns out that when one contestant has a costume dedicated to solemn remembrance of the Armenian genocide, and the contestant immediately after her has a costume that’s about beach parties, there is kind of an uncomfortably abrupt tonal shift that happens onstage.
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Aruba. Like I said: weird tonal shift! She did a little shimmy dance at Miss Armenia as they passed each other and it was clearly awkward for both of them. This is made of recycled materials leftover from Carnival, which is cool? I guess?
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Australia. This is a prom dress. Boo.
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Bahrain. A rare pants look! There’s a lot of detail in the headdress and bodice that’s kind of getting lost, but it looks cool in motion. Also the theme is apparently “Bahrain is rich as fuck,” so congrats I guess?
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Belgium. Okay so the theme of this costume, my hand to g-d, is “the window on the International Space Station that Belgium built.” Why does this requires a shit-ton of leftover Christmas tinsel and some very awkward-to-wear angel wings? I do not know.
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Belize. This is fun! It’s a good “lesser-known Batman villainess” kind of look. Like if Ivy and Catwoman co-mentored someone. The actual theme is “the world’s only jaguar reserve, which is in Belize,” but I think it’s also kind of implying that she might be a were-jaguar. Which, again, is fun!
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Bhutan. This goes in the “just an actual regional/folk costume” category, which is also kind of like voting Present, but it looks like the fabrics are nice.
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Bolivia. She has an entire Andean condor on her head so I’m already on board. This photo only shows the cloak, which is covered in silver spangles in honor of Bolivia’s silver mines, and is also why her condor is perched on a miner’s helmet. The dress underneath is entirely made of swags of sparkly gold beads, so the visual effect is actually pretty nice in motion.
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Brazil. The construction details on this are actually quite lovely! Lots of intricate beading and rhinestone work. Unfortunately that doesn’t convey well at any distance, and also that white fin peplum thing flaps around really awkwardly when she walks. Oh, wait, she can flip it up to be a clamshell thing behind her head!
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That looks much better.
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British Virgin Islands. First giant flower of the year!
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Bulgaria. Apparently this is made of neoprene? So with that and the rainbow stripes, the effect ends up being kind of “what if Midsommar, but at a rave.”
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Cambodia. It feels weird to say “yep, standard Miss Universe warrior goddess costume” but basically that’s what this is. I do like the green-and-gold color palette, though.
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Cameroon. “The baskets represent the nation’s agricultural movement.” Okay! I like how it’s giving “Valkyrie, but make it Global South,” though I’m not sure three entire country-shaped cutouts were necessary.
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Canada. Another fine Miss Universe tradition: contestant who knows how to dance en pointe so she’s going to goddamn wear a costume that goes with pointe shoes, Or Else. Some nice beadwork! I would let her be the third, secret red swan in Swan Lake if that were a thing.
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Cayman Islands. Sexy Blue Iguana is a fun concept! There’s a tail in back of the cape.
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Chile. Sexy Atacama Desert is kind of abstract, as these things go, but I respect her choice to wear something she could walk in.
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China. Hilariously, the announcer was like “This look... does not match the bio we were given, so I’m gonna wing it!” The fabrics are nice -- the satin drapes and moves well -- but the embellishments are kind of meh compared to some of the Miss China looks I’ve seen.
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Colombia. This is a legit great Sexy Phoenix, but I need you all to know that her crown got turned a little sideways while she walked to the stage and she clearly knew it and just as clearly could do nothing about it, and I feel bad for laughing but it was funny.
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Costa Rica. Sexy hummingbird! I think I’ve identified a recurring theme for this year. Corset and wings are made of recycled materials, which is nice, and they look well-made -- a lot of wing-based costumes tend to flop around or go crooked in motion, but not these.
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Croatia. Oh, honey. This has big “my mom helped me make this the night before it was due” energy, unfortunately.
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Curacao. “Meet the Fisherman’s Wife, a woman with a key role in Curacao’s fishing industry.” Okay? Honestly you could have left off the basket and said “this costume represents the beautiful marine life of Curacao” and I would have been like “yep, checks out” but now I have many follow-up questions.
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Czech Republic. This is meant to be a Mucha-inspired look but uh. Mostly it’s just. beige. I’m starting to feel like all the other Slavic countries saw advance photos of Miss Ukraine and were like “let’s just phone it in this year, girls, there’s no point.”
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Dominican Republic. “This costume recognizes the importance of birds in Dominican culture.” They did make it with silk feathers, which I appreciate, because it would have been very weird to use real ones with that mission statement. Also I like her headdress, and the giant feather fans are a good way to nod in the direction of wings without the hassle of actually wearing wings.
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Ecuador. This looks good in motion! She did some dancing onstage that worked well, and there’s a great sculpted Inca head scowling on the back of her headdress. This is still only a few notches above voting Present, though.
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El Salvador. “History of Currency,” which is definitely a concept! The Bitcoin wizard staff is sure something.
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Equatorial Guinea. A perfectly nice entry in the “actual regional costume” category, but on the video I was like “oh, yikes, her headdress is really wobbly” and then it FELL OFF and I felt so bad for her.
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Finland. “Spirit of the Forest”? Fuck off, that’s a prom dress. Boo.
I’m going to pause here so this readmore doesn’t get completely out of control. Shit, there are 50 more of these? Well, I have only myself to blame.
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soaked-doors · 3 months
I love your art, especially your big OP pieces!! I was wondering if you could talk about your procress a bit esp how you do big compositions like dressrosa and the enies lobby pieces - do you draft on one layer, then line the characters on different layers to more easier move them around? How do you pick colours for all the individual characters while keeping a coherent palette? Im drafting a big composition but running into all these problems lol. Thank you for your art!!
omg hey anon I’m a bit late to this ask but I’ll try my best to sum it up here!! my big comps always start off as very rough thumbs - mostly listing off things I want to include and the general placement of characters
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when I bring the sketch over to digital it goes through a lengthy revision process - mostly refining details and deciding final placements. when posing multiple characters I find blocking them in with bright colors helps define their shapes better, and helps make sure the piece doesn’t end up too busy
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as for colors I leave a lot up to color correction in post!! gradient maps help a lot to make colors feel more harmonious - especially in large pieces. my flats are usually straight from the show, but are often too bright to look cohesive together. for my dressrosa poster in particular every character had a unique gradient map to give off a rainbow effect throughout the poster (homage to the vol. 76 cover!)
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here’s a bit more on how I usually use gradient maps - if you use csp you can get the maps I usually use here!
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that got a little long lol - I hope this was helpful !!
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thatskynews · 4 months
Sky Patched Calendar Ver. 0.25.5: A Guide for Sky Events
- Season of Nesting Post-Season Content
- Days of Nature
- Days of Color/Rainbow
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Season of Nesting Continues! 🪺 (April 15th - June 30th)
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Nesting Challenge Board - a permanent addition to the game, so its quests (and rewards) will remain in the game even after the Season ends.
After completing all the challenges in a tree, several props will be available to unlock: an instrument stand, a music player, and a stone figurine.
Instrument stand: Use it to set out any one instrument from your closet to play. If it’s placed in an area where other players can interact with it, they can play the instrument you set out!
Music player: Plays various pieces of music that are in the game. There are several “channels” that have their own musical themes.
Stone figurine: A decorative figure that can wear any hairstyle, hats, neck items, or capes you have in your closet. (This is a decorative item only; it will not allow players to copy and wear the same items that the stone figurine is wearing.)
Friends' Nest Preview Feature - a new feature that we’re hoping will spark inspiration for everyone: an option in your Nest menu to view other Nests. You’ll be able to “scroll” through a preview of these Nests that favors ones your friends have made while also showing Nests that other players have made too. It’s just a preview, though, so you won’t see anyone in this view, and other players won’t see anyone who might be viewing their Nest through this feature either.
Season of Nesting continues until 23:59 June 30th (all times PDT, UTC -7).
Days of Nature 🌊 (May 27 - June 16; 3 Weeks)
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Last year, Days of Nature had supported The Ocean Cleanup, through the American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, as they work towards a 90% reduction of floating plastic in the world’s oceans by 2040.
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During the event you can find 4 event currency each day, placed in different spots around Prairie Peaks. Use these to unlock this year’s new IGC items:
Ocean Mask: 16 event currency
Ocean Blue Scarf: 40 event currency
(16 + 40 = 56 / 4 = 14 Days in order to get both items - 21 Days of the Event = 7 Days of "skip" days)
This year the event will again offer special IAPs to support charity efforts focused on real-world cleanup work in oceans and waterways.
Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Nature Wave Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - Includes 75 regular candles
Ocean Necklace: 1.99 USD (1.00 USD donation)
Nature Sonorous Seashell: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation) - This placeable item has a toggle to play relaxing ocean sound effects
Earth Cape: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation)
Ocean Cape: $14.99 USD (7.50 USD donation)
Nature Glasses Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - A toggle for these sunglasses adds a bluer tint to the world around you; includes 75 regular Candles
Nature Turtle Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD) - includes 75 regular Candles
Non-Charity Items / Returning Items:
New Item - Nature Wave-Touched Hair: 6.99 USD
Nature School Cape: 180 Candles
An asymmetrical cape featuring a partially transparent motif
Nature Coral Crown Accessory: 20 Hearts
Nature Turtle Cape: 14.99 USD
Days of Colors/Rainbow 🌈 (June 24 - July 7; 2 Weeks)
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This year we’re proud to once again share that we’ll be supporting the The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people.
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Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Dark Rainbow Loafers: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Dark Rainbow Pack 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Double Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
As you soar around the event space, watch out for 5 rainbow-shaped event currency each day: 4 around the area, and 1 from completing the day’s color puzzle.
Non-Charity Items:
Color Glam Cut: 18 event currency
Dark Rainbow Mask: 32 event currency
(18 + 32 = 50 / 5 = 10 Days in order to get both items - 14 days of the event = 4 "skip" days)
Color Bubble Machine: 14.99 USD - The bubbles from this prop temporarily change the cape color of the closest player!
Rainbow Earring: 2.99 USD
Rainbow Headphones: 9.99 USD
Rainbow Hat: 9.99 USD
Dark Rainbow Tunic: 14.99 USD
This year’s event is also the one-year anniversary of event currency! These are used for the newest in-game currency items in an event in the current year, so items introduced for event currency last year can now be unlocked for varying amounts of regular in-game currency this year.
Returning IGC items:
Dark Rainbow Cape: 177 Candles
Rainbow Cape: 175 Candles
Rainbow Trousers: 95 Candles
Rainbow Braid Accessory: 20 Hearts
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spiderispunk · 2 years
Pairing: M’Baku x Wakandan!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k 
Warnings: Fem!Reader. Black!Reader. Smut (18+). Unprotected Sex. Fingering. Dirty Talk. Fluff. 
Summary: Soft morning sex with M’Baku to keep warm. That’s it. That’s the whole fic. 
A/N: Nothing but respect for my king. Hope you all enjoy this smutty fantasy. It’s my first time writing for M’Baku, so I’m a little nervous. I also edited this in like 10 minutes, so all mistakes are my own. 
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M’Baku is warm in the mornings. Especially compared to the cold air of the bedroom that surrounds you. 
Being from the River Tribe yourself, you’re still getting used to the permafrost that covers every inch of the Jabari lands. Harsh and unforgiving, it sinks into your skin, and settles deep into your bones. The cold nights and even colder mornings are jarring. And though you probably won’t mention it out loud, though you’re sure your perceptive husband already knows, the endless peaks of snowy mountains sometimes make you miss the warm, flat soil of your old valley home. 
Still, you wouldn’t trade your love for M’Baku for all the endless summers in the world. Even when your toes and fingers feel stiff and frozen, and you never think you’ll be warm again. 
Pale sunlight filters through the skylight above your bed, splintering on the glass and refracting on the walls in little swatches of rainbow. Though it gently strokes your skin, it’s weak and hardly warms you. It does, however, illuminate the hulking form of your husband. Not that the king needs the feeble rays to announce his presence, his snoring does that for him. 
You stretch, stirring your heavy limbs. A bad idea. Freezing air infiltrates the warm nest of furs piled on top of you. You shiver, and your body stiffens in protest. You curse under your breath, the chattering of teeth accompanying the colorful language. 
Bast only knows how the Jabari first survived this all those years ago, with only their hard heads and proud hearts to keep them warm. 
“You would keep the heat in if you stopped moving,” M’Baku mumbles sleepily. You can hear the amusement in his voice, warm and rich like chocolate. “Go back to sleep.” 
You huff under your breath. “I can’t.” You flex your toes, feeling the twist of soft fur. “It’s too cold.” 
M’Baku rolls onto his stomach and wordlessly lifts his arm. You slide into his embrace thankfully. He settles above you, a furnace in his own right. With his weight on top of you and his dewy breath in your ear, you almost allow yourself to sink deep into the syrupy waves of unconsciousness. That is, until your husband decides to open his mouth. 
“How is that?” He asks, body rumbling with the deep vibration of his voice. 
“Better,” you mumble, sleeping tugging heavy on your eyelids. 
“You know, this would be much easier if you were naked,” M’Baku whispers in your ear, voice raspy from the last fading traces of sleep.  
You can’t help the shudder that goes down your spine. “I doubt that.” You try to keep your tone even, but you suspect your husband heard the slight hitch in your voice from the grin pressed against your cheek. 
“No, no. Skin to skin is very effective,” he insists, one large hand sliding under the bottom of your nightgown. 
The corners of your lips tug upwards. “And how would you know that, Lord M’Baku? Who have you kept warm with this, hm, skin to skin method?” 
M’Baku clears his throat. “I’ve heard about it. The, uh soldiers…they talk.” He kisses the skin behind your ear. “Shall we give it a try? Hm, ikumkani wam?” He slips one of the straps from your shoulder and presses a kiss there as well. The scrape of his beard against your skin has your mind slipping to other things, though you’re sure M’Baku’s mind has wandered there as well. 
“And if I’m still cold afterwards?” You ask, the words saccharine and coy, dripping off of your tongue like honey.
He lifts his head so you can see the glimmer in the depths of his dark eyes. “Then I suppose we would have to try a different tactic.” 
You sit up to let him pull the nightgown over your head and fall back against the soft bed. M’Baku’s eyes roam over the soft curves of your body, lit by the gentle sunlight. Your skin looks like honeyed whiskey. Like onyx glinting at noon. Polished mahogany and clay. He drinks you in, and you do the same. 
Your gaze sliding over the rounded peaks of his shoulders. Down the expanse of his chest to his belly, and then dipping further still. To the hard flesh of his cock, stiff against your inner thigh. 
M’Baku likes to sleep naked. The way Hanuman intended, he says, and you’re not complaining. It gives you easy access. Easy access for your eyes to gawk at him. To appreciate the way his shoulders roll when he stretches. Easy access for your fingers to skim over his soft skin. To feel the heat of his body pressed tightly against yours.  
Easy access to do other things, like slide your hand down his stomach and wrap around his cock. 
“What are you doing, my love?” He murmurs, eyelids sliding shut. 
“Keeping you warm.” 
“Mm, I thought that was supposed to be my job.” 
You look up at him, a smile growing on your face. “Then come keep me warm, my king.” 
M’Baku lowers himself over you with a short snort of laughter. “Yes, ikumkani wam.” 
His lips meet yours, slow and sweet at first. Bringing a warmth that unfurls in your belly like the comfort of the first sip of tea. The rich, sharp taste of wine after a long day. His warrior’s hands are gentle on your body, calloused fingertips skimming over your jaw. Tilting your head to the side so he can kiss you deeper, press his tongue into the seam of your mouth. 
And then the kiss grows faster, heated. The press of his lips more insistent. The warmth of his tongue fills you, eagerly tasting each and every moan that bubbles up from your throat. The press of his fingers hard against your skin. Stripping you down, squeezing and pulling you closer. A hand over your breast, palm scraping your nipple. The other gripping your thigh, using it for leverage to rut against your stomach. 
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, and let M’Baku press you deeper into the bed. 
His lips leave yours and carve a path over your body. Down your throat. Across your shoulder. Over the peaks of your breasts, with a detour to suck on your puckered nipples. His tongue laves over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and wetness pooling between your thighs. 
M’Baku fits his hand between your legs, and plays with your folds. “Glory to Hanuman,” he breathes against your chest. “An offering all for me?” His fingers swirl around your clit, then dip to press against your entrance. 
You arch your back, legs spreading of their own accord. An invitation. One he accepts willingly. 
He slides a finger into your cunt, breaking you open for him. You mewl, a heady warmth sliding through you at the slow press of his fingers. His name falls off of your lips. A quiet puff of air in the vast expanse of the room. 
M’Baku curls his finger, fucking you open in broad strokes. His thumb circles your clit at a leisurely pace. He’s in no hurry. Content to watch you twitch and shudder under his touch. To behold the display of hedonism splayed out across furs and cotton. He would much rather pass the day with you, tangled in the sheets. Taking his time to unravel you bit by bit, over and over again. 
Let the council wait. They couldn’t do anything without him.
He is king, after all. And as king, his job was to take care of his queen. 
“Are you feeling warm yet, my love?” Your husband asks, sliding a second finger inside of you.  
The burn of the stretch is intoxicating. In no time, you feel as though you are floating on clouds. Ascending to the heavens. 
You want more. You need more. You need him. His weight on top of you. His cock inside of you. Pushing and pushing, taking and taking. Giving until you’re spent. 
“I’m still a little cold,” you say, and though you try to play it coy, the desire is embarrassingly clear in your voice. 
M’Baku chuckles. “Well, we cannot have that, can we?” He asks. “How should I warm you?”
“Make love to me, M’Baku” you whisper, wrapping your hand around his cock again. You guide him towards the wanting warmth of your cunt. 
“Mm. Yes, my queen.” M’Baku spreads your legs wider and situates himself between your thighs.
His lips brush over yours as he thrusts forward, letting the head of his cock slide against your clit. He groans at the warmth of you coating his aching cock; the soft skin of your thighs caging him in, urging him closer. His hips roll forward again, and again, and again, until he’s completely covered in you. 
You sigh against his parted mouth, lifting your hips up to meet his next thrust. “Please,” you beg. You long to feel him move inside you. To be joined, one body, one soul. 
M’Baku shushes you, his hand sliding down  your stomach. He holds you in place as he fills you with one slow stroke. 
Your jaw drops, and you choke at the sensation. So full. Of love. Of him. The air in your lungs exits in a pitiful whine as M’Baku pushes into you completely. You scratch at his shoulders, scrabbling to pull him closer. 
M’Baku moans, low and gravelly, as the warmth of your cunt envelopes him. The hand not holding you still fists into the pillow beside your head. An anchor keeping him present. Keeping him contained. He curses quietly, eyes screwing shut. 
“Bast,” you pant. “You feel so good inside me, kumkani wam.” 
M’Baku’s hips snap forward at the sound of his official title falling from your lips. “Be careful, my love, or this will be over much sooner than we’d want.”
“I don’t care.” You grab his hip, trying to urge him forward. “I want you. All of you.” 
He kisses your chin, but doesn’t budge. “And I want you.” 
“Then take me.” You grind your own hips upwards, desperate for some kind of friction. “I’m yours.”
“Relax, my love.” M’Baku draws his hips backwards. “I will take care of you.”
And take care of you he does. His thrusts, though languid at first, are hard and deep. They would have pushed you up the bed if your lover hadn’t been holding you in place. M’Baku curls his body over you, pinning you down so that all you can do is take all that he gives. And he gives so much. 
He is all around you. Warm like the summer rains of your homeland. His lips caressing your skin. Sweeping down your neck and across your shoulders. His skin pressed against yours. Heat burrowing its way into your skin. Magma settling low in your stomach, spreading into your veins, bursting on the tip of your tongue. His body rolls against yours like ocean waves. Threatening to capsize you. To drown you. 
M’Baku is grinding now, just the way you like it. He hooks his arm under your leg. Spreading you apart so his hips can brush your clit with every thrust. Now the fire burns over your skin. Leaving uncontrollable decimation in its wake.  
You cry out, nails scratching against his arms, and M’Baku smiles. 
“There you are.” He kisses you messily. “Is this what you wanted, my queen?” 
You nod. “Don’t stop.” 
“Oh, I won’t stop, my love.” His hips speed up a little. “Not when you’re so close. I want to watch you fall apart on my cock. I want all of Jabari Land, all of Wakanda, to know how their king pleasures his queen. Will you tell them, my love? Hm? Will you shout my name for all to hear?” 
“Yes. Oh yes. Just–ah– just don’t stop. I’m going to come.” You arch into his touch, your orgasm so maddeningly close. 
“Show me,” he murmurs, lifting your leg higher to change the angle, and it’s all over.
Light bursts behind your eyelids. Static fills your senses. You come with a broken wail, sharp cries of fuckfuckfuck and M’Baku and kumkani wam filling the air. M’Baku fucks you through your orgasm steadily, not stopping, even when the peak of your first crests into a smaller, but still earth-shattering, second. 
His voice fills your ear. Gentle praises of how beautiful you are when you come, of how good your cunt feels squeezing around him. Filthy promises of his own impending orgasm– to fill you up until you were dripping, to keep it there inside of you, to watch it slide onto the sheets, and to fuck it back inside of you. 
“I want it,” you say desperately. “I want all of it. Please, M’Baku. I want to feel you inside of me.” 
M’Baku groans, fingers digging into your thigh. He kisses you deeply, burying his own strangled cry in your mouth. His hips stutter, hard thrusts growing sloppy. He can only grunt out a warning before he’s spilling his warmth inside of you. 
It feels never ending. Your body seizes, legs wrapping around his waist to hold him there. M’Baku rocks against you, riding out the wave of his orgasm. His lips brush your cheek, muttering nonsensical phrases against your skin. He sags on top of you, holding you close as your heartbeats return to normal. 
“Do you think they heard us?” M’Baku grins sheepishly. 
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” You tease, limbs relaxing as the world begins to fade around you. 
“Mmm,” he answers. “How are you, my love? Do you think you could sleep now?” 
You nod weakly. Exhaustion already tugs heavily at your eyelids. Between the sex and the comforting weight of his body, you could be out in mere seconds. 
“Good,” he whispers. “Sleep. And when you wake I promise I will be ready to make love to you again.” 
“What about your council meeting?” You ask. “Your duties as king?” 
“My duty as king is to keep you happy and warm.” He yawns, and rests his chin against the top of your head. “The council will just have to wait until we are done.” He says, sleep already lacing into the edges of his voice.  
M’Baku makes good on his word when you awake some few hours later. Several times, in fact.  
He is king after all. And a good king always keeps his promises.
Comments/Reblogs are greatly appreciated. 
Tags: @flightlessangelwings​ @luxuryberzatto​
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woncon · 5 months
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➳ fairy flower
➶ knight!jongho x royalty gn!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ the day the fairy flowers bloom is the day Jongho saves your life.
➴ genre: fantasy, royalty au, fluff, platonic
: ̗̀➛ warnings: fight with a dragon, blood
⌨ :: 1.3k words ♡ ︵ . .
➳ ateez masterlist | main masterlist
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Fairy flowers bloom when the first summer sun rays reach their petals. 
Finally, the moment is near. 
Your heart beats excitedly at the thought. Your six months of hard work in your garden will pay off. When you dug the flower bed with your own two hands into the frost-covered, frozen earth, when you went out several times every day to water your plantation and talk to the plants - for sure, when you received the magic seed from the fairies, they said that those flowers also need company for development, and if they’re lonely, they perish -, it will all pay off.
You took all the advice and serenely tended your garden. The fairy flowers grew gratefully to your tinkling, sweet voice in their comfortable earth bed.
You walk agitated, adjust your clothes, wrap your hands and keep looking in the direction of the forest, hoping that the sun will light the canopies on fire with its light, and then also your beloved flowers. 
They’re now only bashfully and shyly hiding in their buds.
"Don't worry, the sun will rise soon. You get the most beautiful clothes from nature, so keep your heads up!" You crouch down, lift one of the sad plants, and gently stroke the soft, wing-like petals. "You will be beautiful; don't be afraid."
Encouragement has a good effect on the flower. It stretches itself out, even holding its leaves higher, so its rainbow colored veins are more visible. This dashing motion reminds you of your bodyguard. 
You turn back with a faint smile, where the man is standing not far away. Arms folded in front of his chest. He’s in full knight's armor. His gaze wanders into the distance, searching for potential danger.
You sigh, lean closer to the newly straightened creature, and entice it some more with sweet promises.
"You'll be so beautiful that you will make even Jongho smile. You'll see," you whisper confidentially.
The little flower is not only proud, but also excited to hear these words; its petals open slightly, and a honey scent wafts from them into your face. You giggle and rise from the twelve seedlings, which won't stay like this for long.
You raise your hands to your chest and look at the sky, waiting for the sun. Your heart is full of hope.
"Jongho!" you hurriedly motion to him. 
He walks next to you with measured steps. You point to the horizon, where the upper tip of an orange puck rises.
As the light reaches the flowers, they come to their senses. They shake, their pale yellow color turns beautiful golden. They bloom and open their petals, revealing the diamond dormant within them and the inside of their glittering petals.
The scent the fairy flowers emit is intoxicating. It fills the entire garden, and infuses you with the love you feel at this moment. You glance at Jongho. He has a faint, impressed smile on his lips. 
You nod to your flowers, indicating that you said so.
But your cheerfulness and intense contentment turn into deep fear, when the sun is blocked by a dragon. He is heading for the garden, approaching quickly on the back of the wind. He has smelled the fairy flowers and wants to possess their diamond brilliance.
"Jongho!" Your finger points to the horizon again. 
The man also sees the large creature. Frowning defiantly, he shoves you behind himself and pulls his sword from its sheath. 
"Stand behind me, your majesty!"
"Don't let him hurt them!"
The flowers curiously stretch their stems towards the source of danger. When the shadow of the monster covers them, they panic and try to hide, but once they have emerged from their bud, there is no way back.
The dragon's claws dig into the nearest boxwood. He snarls evilly, saliva dripping between his yellow teeth. His deep red eyes scan you with hatred, his spiky tail flaps behind him in warning, and if that wasn't enough, smoke billows from his nostrils. His throat emits a raw, menacing growl that can burst into flames at any time.
"When I give the signal, run as fast as you can." Jongho grabs your forearm to make sure you pay attention to him. You nod, your eyes misting up, but you know you have to stay strong.
The dragon is encouraged and leans closer to the flowers. He sticks out his forked tongue to smell the sweet scent.
"Now," says the knight, then thrusts his sword forward, and you leave the safety of his back to run towards the castle.
The red animal roars, jumps across the garden, and spawns in front of Jongho. As tall as a horse, but far more dangerous. The ferocity burning in his eyes only increases as soon as Jongho doesn't back down, but instead nails his sword to the scaly, muscular chest. 
Dragons hate metal, it injures them. But at the same time, this specimen is really proud and selfish. He wants to defeat the brave knight and get the flowers, even if it means getting injured.
He opens his mouth. 
The air heats up in his throat. 
Jongho sees the muscle glowing inside. 
He is about to stab with his sword, when the dragon recoils. Not by itself, he is also surprised when he notices the stalks of martial flowers tightly twisted on his hind legs. While he is not paying attention, Jongho hits him in the shoulder with his sword. 
The dragon growls. Saliva drips down his chin and blood down his forelegs.
He strikes Jongho with his other paw. Jongho sprawls on the ground. 
The creature inflates its lungs again to defeat the enemy with fire, but this time the flowers pull his legs back even tighter, and he collapses. By the time he gets himself together, the knight has already stood up, towering over him. Jongho’s sword just above the dragon's skull. A look of passionate determination on his face.
The monster is forced to admit that he has lost. In the end, his life proves to be more important than the treasures and his pride. Whimpering, he tears himself free from the grip of the fairy flowers, spreads his wings and flies away with an angry snarl.
Jongho drops his sword to the ground to grab his sore shoulder.
You’re heading towards him, followed by three court soldiers. They are the help you have been able to mobilise.
"Jongho, are you okay?" You anxiously touch his gloved hand. 
"Yes. The dragon is gone. And the fairy flowers helped chase him away."
But you easily notice the sore shoulder, even if he lowers his arm.
Damn that the royal family is not being allowed to carry weapons with themselves, you think, as you see him. You wish you could have helped him sooner, in the middle of the fight.
"Does it hurt?"
"It sprained."
"I was so afraid." Looking for safety and support, you snuggle into Jongho's healthy shoulder. "I was worried about you..."
The bodyguard gently hugs you and carefully draws you close to his armor. You are unbecomingly close to each other, but after such a crisis, you must find solace. Jongho rests his chin on your head. 
He can smell your scent, which is somehow a thousand times more special than the scent of fairy flowers. His body immediately relaxes, holding you in his arms.
Maybe even his shoulder hurts less.
"Don't be afraid, your majesty. I'll protect you at all costs."
The hug is soft and Jongho's closeness is comforting. You were terrified of losing him. Being close to him again feels like a redemption. Until now, you hadn't really realized how much the bodyguard, who accompanies you everywhere and looks after you, really means to you. Who would actually sacrifice his life for your safety.
Even if it's just duty, for the moment you spend so close to each other, you let your heart shine for Jongho like fairy flowers in the sunlight.
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sonkitty · 7 months
The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 4 (Good Omens 2)
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Last Updated: 04/18/2024
(For reference, start here: The Pocket Trick - Basics | The Pocket Trick Visual Representation | GIFs | The Pocket Trick - Tied Hands)
Main post:
The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection
Here are Parts 1-3:
The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 1
The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 2
The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 3
This part covers The Door Trick and The Door Catch.
Theory. So much theory.
I will admit freely, my understanding of what is happening here is quite limited.
Still, I will share it as I think it's enough to hold some value nonetheless.
There are two left hands with desirable traits that pass by Crowley's right.
One left hand has a left thumb joint touching a lapel edge. Another left hand has a full set of visible digits. Both of these things are requirements in The Pocket Trick touches of a similar nature.
I believe using both of them requires a full 360-degree flip of the imaginary mirror for the Tied Hands while at the same time trying to make sure that Orange goes to Yellow and Yellow is what connects first, not Green or any other color. That means hitting Yellow twice in a row.
Because of such complications, there is something akin to a color wheel with humans and their bags fully pocket-framing the "Life begins after coffee" sign. It's not a full color wheel because it lacks green and has such limited blue, but one human who is probably representing the Tied Hands in Crowley's place with her arm swinging, has a blue-green strap on one of her bags and blue-green stripes, of a lighter shade the than the bag strap, on part of her shirt.
There are 4 non-rainbow shades around that do various things in this Rainbow Connection mechanic. They are Black, Brown, Gray, and White. I think there is a findable poem that goes:
Black blocks.
Brown borrows.
Gray shades.
White keeps.
I'll go over it more with the elevator itself later.
As things are now, I don't know the precise mechanics for how colors shift, but I believe the result is changing the direction of the connection with a skip to Purple and back up to Yellow.
Orange does get to Yellow, but then because of the skip-and-back to hit Yellow a second time, the next intended color is Orange again instead of Green. The goal for the main characters is not Orange again. The goal is to hold onto Yellow until Crowley's Green is ready. So, that requires a deflection that lets the connection redirect back down instead of up.
Such a thing is inadvertently resolved by the Metatron. It took some time for me to get it, but there is a hidden message about him in this part of the game when considering the word play mechanics: "The Metatron makes mistakes". That's alliteration and a rhyme. Without that message, I've described the Metatron's play as feeling like "cheating without realizing it or the story is not letting him play fully, just partly."
Without meaning to, he sets the connection back on track. That's why Aziraphale is stuck at Yellow for so long and what the blinking red lights mean. Aziraphale himself doesn't seem aware through his voice and manner of what is happening, but the actions he takes do otherwise look like an effective stalling tactic for the Rainbow Connection.
I am pleasantly taken aback by that hidden message, but I still think it's there since it fits within this puzzle.
Alright, here goes...
The Door Trick
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Crowley's pants are reflected in the Bentley, I think. Although Orange is not visibly reflected in the Bentley's surface yet, it will be. At the start of the cut, the Orange of an orange bag is visually touched by one of the Bentley's mirrors. I think Car Mirrors is Crowley's Pocket Frame for this Trick and contributing to so much of what is happening. The hood ornament looks like it's trying to be important for its role to play as well.
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I think the Tied Hands' imaginary mirror flips, here, based on the right thumb CMC joint of the human furthest to the camera's left, the orange reflected in the Bentley, and the overall positions of the shoes on the background humans.
In the initial two touches of The Pocket Trick, each has something I consider over-the-rainbow touches, and I have long struggled to find the over-the-rainbow touches here.
Here, there is at least one of the car mirrors touching over the Orange at the start of the cut. Crowley's legs are crossed with one of his shoes over the shoe of a different human behind Crowley's shoe.
For my guess on that flip, the human walking behind the one holding the orange bag has his leg over the shoe of another human going the other way, toward the camera.
So, these tactics are considered sufficient, along with anything else I missed.
Crowley's left hand fingers look to be claiming Yellow, Green, and Black for use. The index finger is visually over a Green and Yellow sign. Zoomed in, I can't actually tell if the index fingertip is on one more than the other. His other fingers are visually over a human's Black attire.
Because of how things work out, that's to help Crowley's use of Black do things other than block and what he wants from his own imagination.
The human holding the Orange bag might be the "Fish" in looking for Bullet Catch magic word references. The pattern on her skirt looks like scales. My instincts had been to look at the cars and a human on a scooter, but visually, this pattern still looks like the closest match. I can't find the fish anywhere else. Because of the other guesses and references I found, I also think these are all supposed to be done no later than Aziraphale being linked into the Pocket Chain. The "dash of nutmeg" will be last even though the order before it will not match the exact order the words are said in the 1941 minisode.
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There is an actual rainbow found between the left side of Crowley's torso and his left forearm. The rainbow places itself over closed rear car window, the open front car window and well past the edge of the left forearm, questionably all the way to the other edge. This rainbow helped emphasize something happening with the shoes I will not cover here, but this part also looks to be the game's cue that this rainbow is either what allows the incoming flips or is telling an audience player that the over-the-rainbow touches are due to how Crowley's apparel-to-car pocket is structured.
According to this post, the rainbow "doubles up," and there is two of them. Honestly, that's not what I see. The second seeming-rainbow is almost certainly contributing for whatever it is because great care is taken with the lighting overall, but I personally would not fully qualify it as an "official" rainbow because I can't distinguish its color set well enough, even with some tweaks in trying to edit the screenshot with brightness or saturation. Still, there is going to be a link to the Pocket Chain, and two characters are going "up" later.
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Red alert. Although a red alert is given, the available Yellow is limited. The car itself blocked the nearby yellow lines to it before the red alert was on. The main Yellow on screen is like an Orange-Yellow on a license plate to further add to the confusion. More clearly later within this Trick, Gray will be shown as what can shade a color to a proper form in the Rainbow Connection. There is no nearby solid Gray to this license plate.
Otherwise, there are some yellow lines near the pub and the letters for The Dirty Donkey. I don't know which factors are keeping them at bay, but I do believe that's happening and can at least point out a few things. For instance, there is a human on a scooter between the car giving the red alert and the one with the orange-yellow license plate. This human is making a pocket with their legs and hinting at whatever is going on with the shoes. They have a patterned shirt and black pants.
The human with the black hat is who I call "Nutmeg" though her colors are strongly associated with Black and some Red. She is who is going to link the Pocket Chain to Aziraphale later. I'm making this Bullet Catch reference based on the color of her bag strap and the small part of that strap that will link to a pocket user near Aziraphale.
Since I suspect Yellow is hit twice later, it is my very uncertain hope that something here is delaying the switch long enough for what needs to be done. That most likely seems to be the red alert being boxed in by Nutmeg and humans on the other side of it. Black can block under the right circumstances, and Nutmeg has notable Black. There's a human wearing purple in front of the car with the red alert. He's probably important here for the eventual skip-to-Purple-and-back, and he is definitely important later for Aziraphale's part.
If you look behind the human girl with the cell phone and a light pink sweater and the man with a cell phone next to her, you can catch glimpse of another human with a Black hat. I don't know if she contributed to this Connection part or not, but she is, I believe, the "Gorilla" in Bullet Catch magic word references due to her movement within this cut itself. She wears mostly Black and was hunched over as she hurried along early on into the cut. Every other found reference contributes, so I would think she does too.
As she passes by, the human who I suspect will help with the Tied Hands and representing more flips visually passes "Gorilla". Using my imagination and playing with the words, I'll go with the play of associating "Gorilla" with "Tarzan," and then "Tarzan" with the name, "Jane." I'll name the human with the swinging arm, "Jane."
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Orange. The human with the orange jacket has a lovely touch between her left thumb joint and the lapel edge of her jacket. The blur thing on the car is probably putting in a pass for her, so we can take that touch in with the first hit to Yellow. I believe she is "Shoelace" when searching for magic word Bullet Catch references. She is relevant to the non-rainbow thing happening with the shoes. Her shoelaces aren't visible here, but they are visible later. If the shoe links to the Rainbow Connection, I haven't figured out how, and it's a lot to go over. So, for now, I've set it aside. But it is happening, and it is relevant to something I'll mention further down.
While Shoelace is by Crowley, a pocket user wearing a yellow shirt and dark gray open vest is in a window pane reflection near Crowley and Yawning Yellow. His reflection is going to appear again in the upcoming window pane for him. The main clue his reflection isn't causing the switch here and now is there are no red alerts, and there is going to be something soon. So, this part is, just guessing as usual, preparing for that first switch to Yellow. Due to the shade of his yellow and visible left arm, I think of him as "Banana" when looking for Bullet Catch references.
The tie strands are never shown as moving with Crowley standing so still, but they do move while off camera between each of the three cuts given from in front of Crowley. That can be found through comparing screenshots of each cut.
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Orange. This part is probably linking up the human fully blocking Crowley's left hand, who I named Jane earlier, with his tie strands, so she can represent their swinging in how her left arm swings.
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Usually, a switch to a color and a mirror flip are not simultaneous, but given how the play goes, I've long assumed they are simultaneous for Yellow here without realizing I was doing such a thing. Still that's what I think happens, probably related to Crowley's Pocket Frame being Car Mirrors.
Yellow #1. Orange is reflected in the car with red alert lights at the same time. The earlier thumb joint touch is received with the switch. With the suspected 360-degree flip, this part is the 180-degree place in between, and something about the color wheel will finish the trickery rather fast. The human who seems to be most likely responsible for such trickery is the one wearing a purple jacket and holding a yellow bag. He has a little bit of blue visible in the collar of his shirt.
The visual cue for this being the 180 is mainly Yawning Yellow's right hand becoming visible, further supported by the nature of the arm-swinging happening by Jane.
For over-the-rainbow touches, the same mirror that was over the orange bag is now over the yellow jacket. While the actual rainbow from the first front-facing cut of Crowley is gone, this one does show the car hood ornament in front of Crowley, acting as the bottom of his top apparel-to-car pocket and being over a front edge of the car itself.
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Yellow #2. Jane is pocketing the yellow of a yellow bag, holding the line for it and sending it over through the connection. If White is needed for that hold, it can be found with the visual touch on the white letters to the "Life begins after coffee" sign. Yawning Yellow has a lighter shade of Yellow in her jacket, and the Gray in her pants is compensating for it to still qualify as a proper Yellow. The black in her jacket may be doing something too. She is further assisted through Banana, whose reflection can now be found in the other window pane near her.
A human wearing Black and White, including a white turtleneck, is further solidifying things where they need to be. I am yet to find a relevant pun or word play with what a turtleneck does for pocket trickery, but I assume it does something because Crowley wore a Black turtleneck for the first two touches of The Pocket Trick. Conceptually, turtles are slow, so maybe it slows things down. Something probably worth mentioning is that in Terry Pratchett's Discworld, there is a very famous turtle, the Great A'Tuin, that the four elephants holding up the disc of Discworld stand on.
Anyway, Banana's reflection can be found in the window pane behind Yawning Yellow. The big blurry head on the right of the screen is probably giving Green a pass, so it's not sent too early. Yet another human has a mirrored-head thing happening behind Yawning Yellow that probably does something too.
The human most directly behind Crowley has a brown jacket and an excellent alignment of his arm with Crowley's existing pocket between himself and his car. That human's elbow is like the other side of a diamond from what can be seen of Crowley's left hand. I think of him as "Diamondback". He's also a pocket user himself.
So, if his Brown is necessary for the following wording to borrow, it's there:
Yawning Yellow lends Crowley a hand with a full set of visible digits.
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Yellow. Here is the actual link to the Pocket Chain from Crowley to Aziraphale. It's through Nutmeg and the pocket user wearing a white fur coat. There isn't much yellow here, but there is a yellow light that is going to be Aziraphale's overhead light eventually...but not yet. The blue car goes on a stronger red alert after this part. Due to how things go, that alert is probably more for getting the Metatron linked in as well because he looks to be putting his hands in his pockets at that point.
There are also yellow lines touching Nutmeg, but as noted, Black can block under the right circumstances. Are those circumstances here? If they are, the overhead light makes up for it because there is going to be Yellow on display for quite a bit in the incoming cuts.
The "Donkey" sign is questionably yellow as well, but there's no nearby solid gray to assure that to be the case. The Metatron's coat could look dark gray in the lighting, but it's actually a dark brown.
So, given all of the surrounding circumstances, my own guess still looks to the overhead light as the Yellow of relevance for everything that's about to happen.
Please take a look at this post: More evidence.
I have a lot of thoughts I haven't fully processed on what that thing is, but I do believe it is generally relevant to this particular cut. I suspect Aziraphale puts it back in his mouth after Nutmeg passes by him visually and before the actual link to the Pocket Chain.
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Yellow for both Aziraphale and the Metatron. They are sharing the connection. Each one is going to keep having a touch on Yellow for a bit. Aziraphale receives focus, but the Yellow is visually touched by the Metatron, not Aziraphale. The Metatron is allowing himself to be visually touching Aziraphale here.
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Yellow for both Aziraphale and the Metatron. The Metatron receives focus. Aziraphale visually touches the Yellow, not the Metatron. Aziraphale is not visually touching the Metatron as the Metatron did for him. A human wearing orange passes by behind the Metatron though yet another human passes by more closely to the Metatron. The orange is gone from the cut by the time the cut itself finishes.
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Yellow for Aziraphale. He has Green nearby and not ready. He also has some Orange up near his head. With both him and the Metatron having visually touched Yellow, Aziraphale now has yellow lights visible by his head. He's visually touching those this time
The Green is touching that Yellow too. Aziraphale's still stuck on Yellow for awhile though. A small bit of Yellow touches the Metatron during the cut. Meanwhile, someone wearing what seems to be Black is pocketed between the two by the end of the cut. I can't figure out what they might block in this moment. Instead, it might be relevant to how Crowley's touch will be on Black between edges in his own final cut for The Door Trick.
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Yellow for both Aziraphale and the Metatron. The Metatron receives focus. Aziraphale visually touches Yellow without the Metatron again. He is not visually touching the Metatron again either. The Yellow starts to walk away.
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Deflection. I suspect due to the nature of the game and the trick with the words that deflection happens first here, redirection happens in the next cut of the Metatron, and disconnection happens in the cut after that.
The red alert lights blink once, giving a warning about the status of things. The Metatron starts to turn around while they are blinking.
The Metatron has no Overhead Light. He was not seen with Green in his front view shots after being linked through the Pocket Chain. He doesn't block Aziraphale's head completely, but he does block Aziraphale's face. Aziraphale's right ear is still visible, which probably helps with Aziraphale's own overhead light later.
The shadows of the green leaves hit the Metatron's face. That's the front. Crowley had help from "Diamondback". Aziraphale was linked in with his back to Crowley. Aziraphale's back is what's going to get the shadows later.
The red alert lights blink again with their warning. The blink is done before the end of the cut with Orange still visibly on the screen. Hopefully, that's the deflection.
A switch to Orange for Aziraphale does not happen. Did it happen for the Metatron? I suspect not because they are still connected. It was technically on screen by the end of the cut, but the Metatron was making mistakes in the process.
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Yellow. Aziraphale's still on Yellow himself thanks to the deflection. He's still not ready yet, so again, he probably needs a redirection. Two sets of red alert lights are on. There are yellow lights by Aziraphale's head and a human with blurry yellow clothing. This time, with the Metatron out of the way, the blurred clothing touches Aziraphale behind him. The first set of red alert lights go off with that blurred yellow behind Aziraphale. When the yellow reappears on the other side of Aziraphale, the second set of red alert lights go off. Yellow has been properly received or maintained. Aziraphale does his mixed emotions facial expression. The red alert is still off at the end of the cut.
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Redirection, I hope. The Metatron is heavily lacking in rainbow colors. There is maybe a little blue in his tie, which is not enough, or with mechanics as complicated as these, is actually just blue enough to move things where they need to go for the incoming disconnection. The camera work and movement suggest that the redirection in this cut is from the patterned interior of the Metatron's coat. Look at those shadows on Aziraphale's coat that will somehow help keep Green later.
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Disconnection. If the blue helps disconnect, it happens here. Another contributing factor could be the visible darker straight lines on the white shirt.
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Yellow. Even though this cut does not have blurred yellow clothing as others have done, it still seems to be enough to maintain Yellow thanks to the Metatron. Orange passes and is gone. Another shade that's hard to really call yellow passes the other way. Due to its timing, it and the yellow lights near Aziraphale's head are enough. That might have been helped by the gray in the elevator and its more colorful buttons not being shown yet. Aziraphale's bow-tie being tartan probably helps something somewhere.
Aziraphale turns his head with the red alert light still on by the end of the cut. This time it's for the look to Crowley. I really don't think the Rainbow Connection switches to Green until after we see Crowley.
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Yellow. Despite the nearby reddish clothing and orange-ish clothing, no switch happens here though Green is being gathered or kept for the incoming switch through the nearby humans. I assume Aziraphale is maintaining Yellow thanks to the Overhead Light.
The human with the white shirt and brown backpack is probably helping or the extra blurs from humans in the foreground are helping so that said brown-backpack human can help later. He's blocked in the shot I chose, but he is there.
I consider this moment, Ground Zero for The Door Catch. It has not truly started until we see Aziraphale's shoes on the ground. That's part of the shoes thing I mentioned earlier. A lot of effort is being put into the shoes not being shown to help communicate this Ground Zero moment.
The challenge from the game is to guess what he's thinking or saying, and many audience players will opt for "Trust me" because of The Bullet Catch. That's an understandable choice because this Magic Trick is so deeply inspired by The Bullet Catch. The sequences at the end are designed to give the audience that impression. You'll find it is one of the most commonly played puzzles people remark on in the entire thing.
But it's a Trick. So, the answer is not "Trust me". Crowley is already trusting Aziraphale by setting the stage for him. The answer is actually, "Here goes nothing."
Sure, that's still a guess, but it is one of my more certain guesses the more I play the game.
One of the rules I've noted in the Threshold Tricks is, "Never do the same trick twice."
So, "Trust me," was already done. Been there. Done that. It's a no-go move. Yes, I'm playing with the words on purpose here.
Here are some other reasons I grow more and more sure:
The concept of zero or null is showing up in my readings of Terry Pratchett's work. I suspect that particular line, "Nothing lasts forever," is significantly linked to this answer to the puzzle.
In one of the "Episode 0" Behind-The-Scenes specials for Good Omens 2, Neil Gaiman says something to the effect of he is trying his hardest to tell people "absolutely nothing" when they ask what's going to happen.
Moving past the hidden "Here goes nothing" line, Aziraphale's right ear is not visible. It was shown earlier with the deflection and the cut between the deflection and redirection. On the redirection, it was not clear. Aziraphale was blurred from the back. However, the Metatron had two because his right ear was shown and reflected in the window pane. Then for the disconnection, the Metatron's right ear disappeared from view. Meanwhile, Aziraphale's right ear was shown in the cut after the disconnection.
That last part was the cut before this Ground Zero moment.
In addition to all the ear things happening above, the two humans who pass over him both have their right ears available.
All of those things are supposed to help allow—or even require—Aziraphale to not show his right ear with the Overhead Light on screen.
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Green. Crowley's Green is ready. Not long after this part, Crowley has an illusionary touch on Black to the bag being carried behind him. That touch will be between edges, which is unusual. That moment is Aziraphale's cue to begin.
The Door Catch
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Green. Aziraphale's Green is ready. The overhead light is gone—or moved. There is some yellow light near his head, but it's not the same and through a different window. This cut is the official beginning of…The Door Catch.
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Blue and Purple together. There was a small pocket of light that this pair of humans reached together. The one with the darker blue pants is who covered it fully with one of his legs. That light suggests that the blue and purple switch at the same time with these guys looking like they have three legs for two people.
The Blue connects to one of Aziraphale's shoes. The Purple connects over by Aziraphale's right hand and various parts of Aziraphale's clothing, including notably the edge where the coat meets the pants.
In the previous iterations, there was a double purple in The Pocket Trick's Double and then a possible double red in The Pocket Trick's Single. Since a skip-to-purple-and-back already happened with The Door Trick, connected to The Door Catch, my guess then is that a double purple to start going back up is not required.
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I don't think the Rainbow Connection is at Red or Yellow despite those colors being on-screen in this cut.
This part is for Aziraphale to take a deep breath and make sure his bow-tie touches his skin.
Remember that thing from earlier that I said I thought Aziraphale put in his mouth?
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My guess is it's a shrunken version of one of Crowley's own "thumb joints" of his Tied Hands, so that Aziraphale can have one here.
I don't know a lot about the logistics, but here are clues for why I think that. When I first saw that post, a clasp "thumb joint" was my first guess, but then I contemplated those things are too big.
However, in reviewing the minisodes for other reasons (my Sideburns Scheme posts), I noticed that Crowley uses his tongue when readying himself to make himself bigger in The Resurrectionists. He also used his tongue to make himself smaller in season 1. So, if he can shrink his general self, he could theoretically shrink this special part of himself.
This possible "thumb joint" lines up with the knot in Aziraphale's bow-tie. When the bow-tie touches the skin, that is when it is most shiny.
Since Aziraphale's not going to have his actual hands doing certain things on screen, he's going to have to rely on his own version of his own Tied Hands. This thing being where it is suggests Aziraphale's Tied Hands are going to need at least one thumb joint. He might even need only one thumb joint because the other hand is "tied behind his back" for word play silliness. Only his left hand was visible by the end of the preceding cut, for example.
For Crowley's touches, Crowley himself needs a clothing contact on his right-partly-pocketed hand for his own touches.
So, this is something like that. A crucial mistake the Metatron is going to make is not having a thumb joint visible in a particular cut.
If the Yellow serves a purpose, as well as the colors on Aziraphale's own clothes, it's to help reach for the Green from earlier.
The red alert is off before Aziraphale is shown to enter the elevator.
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Green. Somehow, many things leading to this moment are letting Aziraphale keep his connection at Green, thanks to the shadows on his coat. The words that come to mind are "stretch" or "share". The "stretch" seems more likely because I think of it as Aziraphale reaching back for the Green. See, his back on screen is even telling me so. I mentioned other "back" things earlier.
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Pocket Frame. This video frame contains Aziraphale's Pocket Frame. It also contains the Metatron's Pocket Frame.
However, thanks to the disconnection, the Pocket Frames themselves are different.
I believe Aziraphale's is Elevator Edges. Thanks to the Metatron's pocket use and finger being exactly where it is, he is such an edge himself.
Meanwhile, the Metatron's Pocket Frame is Doorknobs.
The Metatron is properly framed between doorknobs of the pub doors, but...the Heaven elevator buttons are the equivalent of doorknobs for its threshold. The framing from the scene itself is strongly suggesting that to be the case due to how the buttons are shown with the Hell button further to the camera's left and visually behind one of the doorknobs where they all generally are on the camera's right.
The Metatron's finger is on the Heaven button. He is touching his Pocket Frame with the tip of his index finger. I suspect that is a mistake on his part due to the implied message from the game that's what he's doing in general. While we're at it, he never revealed a thumb shown from his right hand on the clothing when using his right coat pocket.
In the window pane, there is a reflection of Aziraphale's head over the Metatron's.
I am missing some valuable words I wish I could tell you about this significance. I sense from the nature of the game and what is happening with this special Magic Trick, that reflection is supposed to be to Aziraphale's advantage and the Metatron's disadvantage.
During the cut, the reflection switched from the Metatron's head being on the window pane closest to him to being the one closest to Aziraphale. His reflection is caught in a specific place with the back of Aziraphale's head in a move called The Door Catch.
The manuals and tutorials this game provide are hard to read, especially in the later stages. At this point, I'm mainly looking to past patterns and precise framing to guess at these types of things. My imagination and my word play skills can only get me so far, and right now, that's as far as they get me.
As for why I'm talking so much about the framing here, it's because there is a little more to this Rainbow Connection, I am led to believe.
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As a reminder, non-rainbow shades and colors do things. I don't get them as well as I would like and will go over that in further detail soon. For now, here is some of the older wording of this post before I add the newer stuff.
Black-and-white together seem to do something like a trap. Meanwhile, gray seems to allow some leniency on a lighter or darker shade counting for a proper color. Brown does something like borrow. Even though brown is in this screenshot, something about it is supposed to be wrong. That something is probably that the thumb joint of the hand seen—and the only hand seen in the cut, becomes extremely close to being seen and doesn't quite get there.
The elevator has plenty of Gray, but the Heaven button is a full circle Black filled with White and a Gold "H" button. That "H" would qualify as Yellow thanks to the Gray if it weren't for the black or black-and-white blocking it out.
So, when that button is pressed, the gold is disqualified as a yellow and trapped. Hence, the Rainbow Connection is further maintained at Green.
Now here's the newer stuff that is some review of the above in a lot more detail:
Well, it's been weeks and this bit is the best I've got, so here we go.
In the Heaven elevator with the Metatron, I do believe the following is supposed to apply:
Black blocks.
Brown borrows.
Gray shades.
White keeps.
I like "white keeps" in the rhythm better than "white holds," but that is the same general idea and why I've said I think Muriel's white helps hold things for assisting Crowley in other Threshold Tricks.
There are two huge problems I encounter with this idea, but I can't let it go. It still sticks with me.
The first one is that I cannot figure out what Black is blocking in Triple Part 3 and the Single of The Pocket Trick. Inside the elevator, the Black is blocking out the elevator's Gray. I am as sure as I can be that's the intent.
The White is holding the Gold to keep it as Gold.
Together, that allows the Black and White to effectively trap the Gold, so that it cannot be switched to Yellow despite so much Gray outside the Black circle.
There actually is a little Gray in the White but it's not enough or inaccessible because the Metatron makes the mistake of using a close-up touch and not showing either, or enough, of the two types of thumb joints he has on the hand doing the touch. So, the dark Brown he wears can't use the Gray to qualify the Gold as Yellow.
However, if I go and look at The Pocket Trick for what Black might do, I struggle to figure out what it's blocking. In Triple Part 2, I think it's helping trap the Green for eventual use in The Door Trick. It's part of how I got the idea that Black and White together can act as a trap. What needs to be blocked to make the trap? By now, I think it helps block in the rainbow.
Crowley and Aziraphale stall Blue switching to Purple for the Double, and the lighting is not setting Crowley's clothes to Black as obviously as it is in Triple Part 2. Maybe there is White helping that time but not Black.
The problems go on from there in similar ways. In Triple Part 3, that's where I got the idea because I was like "Okay, I guess the human wearing suspenders mean the Black and White suspend something". Well, they do in that part at least. Then the word is "suspend" instead of "block" though it's based on the idea of the trapping.
In The Door Trick, Crowley's illusionary touch is on a Black bag between edges and it essentially acting as a cue for Aziraphale to Begin. So, then, it doesn't seem to actually block anything. There are three other words other words that start with "b" around though! Between. Bag. Begin.
So, the Black's meaning itself switches, depending on what one's imagination requires it to do or I'm just incapable of finding what is being blocked.
That imagination part is the second huge problem. So long as I can see pockets in the right places and a goal in mind for what Crowley might want to accomplish, it doesn't seem to really matter. I mean, it does because I'm supposed to find the logic and the patterns. I wouldn't know these shades do what they do if they didn't show up in certain places at certain times.
But in both Triple Part 1 and the Double, I can say that the color didn't switch until a given time because of how Crowley and whatever assistance he got managed the timing, framing, and pocketing. If non-rainbow shades happen to be there, that's fine. I still don't know what Black is blocking or White is holding a lot of the time, if anything. I don't really think Brown is necessary to borrow either. Is there someone on-screen using pockets while Crowley himself has something he wants from his play in the game? Then it's done!
So, this poem:
Black blocks.
Brown borrows.
Gray shades.
White keeps.
This poem is more like a default with a limited imagination or limited available pocket assistance.
It's not exactly that way though because Aziraphale gets someone with White and Brown. What does that do? What does he need to borrow that needs a hold? The Green from the nearby humans in the preceding cut until the shadows on his coat can do the Trick?
I guess!
The thumb joints also matter. I can imagine what the Metatron would want—if he even knew this part of the game was being played—but since he's making mistakes, my imagination isn't going to fix it for him. He's not getting it done because I've progressed enough to figure out the pocket touches "hinge" on things for the thumb joints.
So, if my play further improves, I'll update accordingly.
I sincerely believe the 1941 minisode does actually give clues on these shades as well.
For Black, the miracle blocker blocks the turnip from turning into an inkwell. Ink is black. Black blocks. In this case, black is blocked, but I still think that's the clue. There are other colors involved, including a white handkerchief, but, again, I still think that's the clue for the Black.
For Brown, the clue is gross—and I am not a fan of gross things, so you're really going to have to use your own imagination because I am not going to spell it out completely. The old man the zombies kill is singing about farting. They kill him and one of them ends up borrowing that guy's voice to sing some more. You figure it out from there. Okay, fine, I will give you one more hint: it is a crappy joke. Nonetheless, Brown borrows.
For Gray, the clue is much more pleasant and is found near the end of the minisode at a lovely candlelit table while Crowley and Aziraphale are drinking wine. The "shades of gray" are mentioned in conversation, including darker shades and lighter shades. Gray shades.
I'm not as sure on the eventually named clue here for White. Aziraphale waves a white handkerchief around with "prestidigitation" in his dialogue when offering to help Crowley to Mrs. H. With the miracles being blocked later in the minisode, the problem keeps happening while he uses the white handkerchief over the turnip. White keeps.
And that concludes this updated part about these shades.
There is possibly some word play or joke in here to be made about leprechauns and their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I generally leave off the leprechauns part and just say it like this from the main post: "The Rainbow Connection ends at Green thanks to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
Nonetheless, the button being pressed is theoretically the end of the The Door Catch despite the two extra cuts of the Metatron and Aziraphale after that moment.
If you missed my simplified post of notes, my theory is that the green leaves by both Crowley and Aziraphale represent Earth and their shared love for Earth.
The Green is shown to be a maintained connection because of the plants being on screen with Crowley while playing the nightingale song during The Window Trick, then again during the credits.
The emotions at the end are, I believe, still supposed to be real. There is supposed to be heartache. The message from the hidden games is that even with this heartache, things are not as bleak as they seem. There is a bigger plan happening in the background. These two have been doing things separately together during Good Omens 2, and they will keep doing that after. They have made and maintained a connection.
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wisteriaiswriting · 11 months
𝕀𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Includes : If they smoke, vape, do blunts or none | Fav ice-cream flavours | Fav kissing places - giving and receiving | Height | Age | and extras
Words: 441
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Has done all three plenty of times as a kid, heavily leaning to smoking while in the protocol.
If you ask him, he has no favourites. But when he finds a new flavour and likes it suddenly there are 3 tubs of it in a freezer.
6’8 / 203cm
He’s only 32 years old but everyone thinks he’s in his 40’s, the stress and scars make him look older.
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Only smoking a little when she was younger but slowly stopped, staying mostly clean nowadays. Smoking a few times with trusted people
She loves the most sickeningly sweet flavours. (And liquorice)
6’2 / 188cm
30 years old
Has had Tritanopia (blue-yellow color blindness) and somehow never realised until recently, Cypher found out and took her to Sage.
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Dude is a gum addict now, used to vape but is trying to quit. Got dragging into blunts.
Haven’t told the person he’s trying to quit, trying to seem cool.
Loves a classic flavour, rainbow (Truly vanilla but don’t tell him)
Loves receiving butterfly kisses on his neck and jaw. Gives thigh kisses. (Is 100% a thigh man)
Will watch shitty romcoms with Reyna after everyone else is gone.
Is covered in freckles and beauty marks.
Will destroy anyone in ddr and racing games.
Is a piercing addict. (accepting bets just to get a piercing)
Has a tongue piercing. (Knows how to use it too)
Also has a belly piercing
Has a fear of losing his buddies. (Creatures and the protocol)
At first tried to befriend Deadlock, quickly finding she isn’t fond of his creatures. Tension always follows these two.
5’7 / 170cm
21 years old
Dude is a gum addict now, used to vape but is trying to quit. Got dragging into blunts.
Haven’t told the person he’s trying to quit, trying to seem cool.
Loves a classic flavour, rainbow (Truly vanilla but don’t tell him)
Loves receiving butterfly kisses on his neck and jaw. Gives thigh kisses. (Is 100% a thigh man)
Will watch shitty romcoms with Reyna after everyone else is gone.
Is covered in freckles and beauty marks.
Will destroy anyone in ddr and racing games.
Is a piercing addict. (accepting bets just to get a piercing)
Has a tongue piercing. (Knows how to use it too)
Also has a belly piercing
Has a fear of losing his buddies. (Creatures and the protocol)
At first tried to befriend Deadlock, quickly finding she isn’t fond of his creatures. Tension always follows these two.
5’7 / 170cm
21 years old
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Can not smoke, (Closest is a fog effect.) Has and will express the dangers of doing either. (Always called a buzzkill)
Can not eat ice-cream. (Killjoy has tried to make a version he can, which was oil and a few other things. It did not end well.)
No set age (Android)
7’6 / 229cm
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Has smoked a blunt and will die before doing it again.
Loves hazelnuts.
Will give slow and gentle kisses, taking extra care on any injuries gained.
5’8 / 173cm
33 years old.
One of the few people aware that Sova isn’t a natural blond, so she will dye his hair in his bathroom, often shaving it as well
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Will vape after very stressful missions, (only with others who vape or by himself) but doesn’t know the names. Will not learn and calls them by their colours.
Biggest fan of rocky road.
6’2 / 188cm
Only 34 years old. (Others always guess older or younger, never getting it.)
Is a natural brunt (brunette) with only 3 people knowing. (Cypher, Fade and Skye)
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tokiro07 · 7 months
Just like last time, my thoughts for Pokemon Legends are immediately subsumed by potential futures rather than the immediate present
This time it's because the title is "Z-A", confirming that the titles are not directly named after the associated Legendary while also giving the impression that unused titles like Z are being revisited. Since that won't be applicable to every generation, though, they may also draw from concepts, places, times, people, etc.
With that in mind
Gen 1: Legends Rainbow - the player is a Rocket Scientist (not a literal one, but one that works for a not-yet-totally-evil Team Rocket) working in the Pokemon Mansion and the project to clone Mew; the first major story beat after the tutorial is the discovery of a Mew sample, with the rest being further research and gathering materials needed for the cloning process/raising process for Mewtwo; named Rainbow in reference to being a part of the color generation and as a nod to Team Rocket's eventual evolution into Team Rainbow Rocket
Gen 2: Legends Brass - focuses on the Brass Tower and the events leading up to the creation of the Beast Trio; possibly the only game that doesn't somehow involve the player being part of a to-be villainous team; may introduce a new "Brass" or "Copper Legendary" to complement Ho-Oh and Lugia's Gold and Silver
Gen 3: Legends Meteor - the player chooses between being on the Magma or Aqua research team and investigates the ecological effects of a recently fallen meteor that, unbeknownst to anyone, carries Deoxys; may also be fun to call it "Legends Peridot," as generation 3 was the gem generation and peridot are found in meteors
Gen 5: Legends Grey - the player is a Plasma Knight under the Twin Heroes; halfway through the game, the Heroes have a falling out that splits the Original Dragon, and the player must choose who to side with (though they will likely end up seeing the other half of the story later cus the idea will be to understand both sides)
Gen 7: Legends Stars - the player begins as a resident of Ultra Megalopolis and member of the Ultra Recon Squad, with Poipole and two other Ultra Beasts as their possible starters, exploring Ultra Space. At the midpoint of the game, the player goes on a recon mission to Alola, where they capture a new "starter" to help blend in
Gen 8: Legends Darkness - leads up to the events of the Darkest Day; rather than being a part of an equivalent to Team Yell, the player is part of the group that one day becomes the Macro Cosmos conglomerate; could also be called "Legends Armor" or "Legends Arrow" or something to that effect if they want to complete the Hero Trio with a "Zayellow"
Gen 9: Legends Zero - covers the events of the Area Zero expedition with Heath and has the player being flung between the past and future, possibly getting branched evolutions for their starter based on which time period they evolve in
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I would have typed it out but didn't want to risk it being filled up before I finished typing ^^;
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The Arcana HCs: When MC hides their natural hair color
~ @fox-daddy thanks for the request friend! I hope I do it justice ^.^ ~
-- for background: MC is insecure about their hair color and covers it up with dye. Due to unforseen circumstances, the potion they need for it runs out of stock and their roots start to grow out! How do the M6 respond? --
He's surprised, but he's not that surprised
Like yeah, it turns out that you have a different hair color! You learn something new every day!
But you're a magician, right? You're telling him that you don't just close your eyes and mumble something mysterious and then your hair goes "poof!" and it's the color you want it to be?
Assumes it's just a preference thing until you tell him that it's because you're insecure about it
Might ask for a strand of your hair so he can put it under a microscope and study how the stuff you uses changes its properties. Compliments both shades the whole time
Might also try creating his own hair-coloring concoction to tide you over until you can get your usual stuff again
You caught him grinding dried beetles, Nevivon salts, and charcoal together at three AM and applying it to his copious chest hair to test its effectiveness
Has to be told not to tell other people about your hair color
Occasionally asks if he can peek at your roots to remember what the other color is
Oh, they already knew
In fact, he was the one who remembered the stuff you used to keep around the shop and connected the dots when you came back looking the same except for your hair color
And they were the one who told you that it was an old habit of yours and left it up to you to decide if you wanted to keep it up
Yes, he helped you apply it the first time (and still loves to participate if you invite him)
Yes, they took that as their cue to try out plenty of colors on their own hair
He had the wildest neon tips for a while
Muriel's still getting over the heart attack he had, waking up to see his childhood friend crashing at the hut with glowing rainbow streaks randomly clumped through their curls (and eyebrows! It was creepy!)
When you run out of your supply, he's quick to cast a glamor over it to help with the anxiety before running through his own magic books to see if there's anything useful to try
They like both hair colors on you, but their favorite is the one that makes you comfortable in your own skin
She thought she could see a hint of roots here and there, but she never really pursued it because there were more interesting things to talk to you about
So when those roots started growing out to the point that they were very noticeable, she was a bit surprised
Are you changing things up? Are you dying your roots to introduce a new color, or are you growing out an old one?
Would you like any wardrobe additions to complement it?
You don't really need to tell her that you're insecure about it, she's very tuned in to your needs and it only takes a comment or two from her for her to recognize your reaction and change course
Immediately sets up some kind of appointment to get your hair to its normal color while you wait for the stuff you usually use to become available again
Briefly considers dying her own hair and quickly decides against it
Will make back up plans in case this happens again, and does bring up potentially experimenting with other colors as well, if it's just the original color that you dislike
Maybe a nice, deep purple to match hers ...?
He already knew and didn't mention it
Seriously, do you know how tall he is? The first glimpse he gets of people is the tops of their heads. You'd have to be dying your hair multiple times a week to hide roots from him
That aside, he's more observant than he lets on. He's seen the stuff you use to color it tucked in the corner of the hut
And he's never brought it up, because if anybody knows what it's like to be insecure about parts of your body that you can't help, it's him. You don't know how quickly he'd shrink if he could
So when you run out, and the roots start to show (from your perspective), and you keep waiting for him to comment on it ...
He doesn't
Not until you bring it up at least. He's just going to assume that you decided to grow it out or stop hiding it
If you do address the elephant in the room, he'll just tell you that he doesn't really care
At least, not about the color. He cares if you're happy, obviously, all the colors look good on you -
Aaand all that mushy talk is all it takes for his face to go up in flames and for him to go for a quick walk to cool down
She didn't figure out that you were dying your hair because she saw your roots, sweetie, she figured it out as soon as she had the chance to help you wash it
What, you think an expert handmaiden like her doesn't know treated hair when she sees it? Do you know what kind of extensive training she did to help milady with her luscious locks?
She's also completely oblivious to people being insecure about their looks. Especially you. You always look great
So she doesn't even think twice before pointing your roots out to you as soon as they start to show! She's never seen you let this happen before, what's up with that?
Are you trying something new? She can help!
You're insecure about your hair color? What?? Why???
... yeah, she won't force you to talk about it, but if there's any kind of backstory or explanation she will ask you to spill the tea
She'll also pull out all of her own hair care know-how and cobble something together to dye your hair the color you prefer until you get your usual stuff again
Surprised that you don't just magic it to look however you want
It took him longer than you expected, to be honest
You already had a few close calls on longer trips, where bathing options were limited to the streams you passed by with whatever toiletries you had packed
And you know he's his own bisexual version of *extra* when it comes to his appearance
His eyeliner application routine is meticulous, finnicky, and a daily source of frustration when he inevitably slips up
This doesn't translate onto you, though, because you're his wonderful, gracious, super cool MC who makes life exciting and new again. He's not paying attention to your roots!
Until they really start to grow out, and he has a mini meltdown about it
You mean to tell him. That you have been regularly setting aside time to pay attention to your physical appearance with something as exciting as hair dye. And you didn't think to invite him?!?
Yeah he doesn't have opinions about the color or a bunch of curiosity about why you dye your hair, he's just mad you left him out
Let him back in, please. The dogs need highlights on their tails
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fakeoutbf · 6 months
so much for 2ourdust
u.s. leg
magic 8 ball and piano medley songs sorted by date
color coded by album ● repeated songs in bold
tttyg ● futct ● ioh ● fad ● srar ● abap ● mania ● smfs
Feb 28 - Moda Center, Portland, OR, USA
Piano medley
- Young and Menace (First time live since 2018)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Alias: HM)
Mar 1 - Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, WA, USA
Piano medley
- Allie (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (Alias: FLANNEL)
Mar 3 - Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, CA, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- 27 (Alias: RAINBOW PETS)
Mar 4 - Honda Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
Piano medley
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- 7 minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)
- Good Girls Go Bad (Cobra Starship cover) (with Cobra Starship)
Mar 7 - Dickies Arena, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: BARBIE)
Mar 8 - Moody Center, Austin, TX, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Think It Must Be Love (Live Debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? (Alias: YIPPIE KAY YAY)
Mar 11 - Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Piano medley
- Tempted (Squeeze cover)
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Tiffany Blews (First time live since 2009) (Alias: ARLO GUTHRIE)
Mar 13 - Legacy Arena at the BJCC, Birmingham, AL, USA
Piano medley
- Just One Yesterday
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Young Volcanoes (Alias: OLD ICEBERGS)
Mar 15 - Kia Center, Orlando, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING ALPHA DOG FUCK ME (Full live debut) (Alias: SHAQ)
Mar 16 - Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Bad Side Of 25 (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (First time live since 2013)
Magic 8 Ball song
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: DING DONG)
Mar 19 - PNC Arena, Raleigh, NC, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Just One Yesterday (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: QUESADILLA)
Mar 20 - CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, MD, USA
Piano medley
- I Can't Wait (Hepcat cover)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Miss Missing You (Alias: CRABBY CAKES)
Mar 22 - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
Piano medley
- Spidey and His Amazing Friends (Patrick Stump song, live debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Just One Yesterday (Full song, with Daisy Grenade)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Full live debut) (Alias: BAKED ZITI)
- Slow Down (The Academy Is… cover) (with William Beckett) (Alias: GABAGOOL)
Mar 24 - MVP Arena, Albany, NY, USA
Piano medley
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
- What a Time to Be Alive
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Am My Own Muse (Alias: FLOPPY BUNNIES)
Mar 26 - Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Piano medley
- Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (First time live since 2018) (Alias: MOMS SPAGHETTI)
Mar 27 - PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Piano medley
- Heart Transplant (Punchline cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Music or the Misery (First time live since 2006) (Alias: DUQUESNE INCLINE)
Mar 29 - Value City Arena, Columbus, OH, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Fourth of July (First time live since 2017) (Alias: FIONA THE HIPPO)
Mar 30 - Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center, Lexington, KY, USA
Piano medley
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) (Alias: HARD HATS)
Mar 31 - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN, USA
Piano medley
- You Never Even Called Me by My Name (David Allan Coe cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Jet Pack Blues (First full live performance since 2018) (Alias: BOOT GOOFIN)
Apr 2 - Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Celestial Lights (Uncle Barnaby cover)
- What A Fool Believes (The Doobie Brothers cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE)
- Pavlove (Alias: LAVERN & SHIRLEY)
Apr 3 - Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, IA, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- What a Time to Be Alive (Alias: GROOVE METAL)
Apr 5 - CHI Health Center Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA
Piano medley
- Bishops Knife Trick (Live Debut) (Patrick when i get your fucking ass)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- “From Now On, We Are Enemies” (Alias: STEAK NIGHT)
Apr 6 - Target Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Piano medley
- Bleed (Animal Chin cover)
- 7-9 Legendary (Live Debut)
- Purple Rain (Prince cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Honorable Mention (First time live since 2007) (Alias: HARAMBE)
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: GRANDMA)
- The Carpal Tunnel of Love (First time live since 2008) (Alias: CATDOG)
- Rat a Tat (with CARR) (Live Debut) (Alias: RUMPLESTITSKIN)
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: KROGER, CHAD KROGER)
- Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (Alias: WOOT WOOT)
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misc-obeyme · 2 years
hi! i really liked (Solomon's Kindness) *^^*
can you do for solomon x reader's first date going to aquarium with mc who loves whales/dolphins fluffy fic ?
thanks! keep going with your writings ^v^~
Hi, anon!
Thank you for the request, I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
I really liked writing this! Hopefully Solomon isn't too OOC here, it ended up really fluffy. I couldn't help myself! Anyway, I hope you like it!
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Solomon x GN!MC
Warnings: None!
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You didn't exactly keep your love of whales and dolphins secret, but it also wasn't something you talked about a lot. Which meant that someone would need to know you pretty well to notice this preference of yours without you telling them. A notebook with a whale on the cover, a little dolphin key chain attached to your bag - the signs were certainly there, but they were small. Only someone observant would notice it.
This is why it came as a surprise when Solomon asked you to go on a date with him to the aquarium. He stated specifically that there was one in the human world featuring dolphins that he wanted to take you to.
"How did you know I like dolphins?" you had asked him.
Solomon smiled and tugged gently on the dolphin key chain on your bag. "Did you think I didn't notice?"
You realized in that moment that he had been paying attention to you. Enough to know that you would enjoy such an excursion.
Now you were standing beside him in a large, beautiful aquarium. You had come at a time that wasn't busy. There were only a few people milling about here and there, so it felt like you had the entire aquarium to yourselves.
The first area you found yourselves in was set up like a dark cavern. The lights were practically non-existent and the walls were grayish blue. Every few feet, however, there would be a circle of bright colorful light. Round tanks that held swarms of jellyfish dotted the area.
Solomon waved a hand and it was as though the jellyfish swam right out of their tanks, swirling around you in rainbow colors. You knew it was a magical illusion, but you were amazed as always at Solomon's skill.
You laughed in delight. "They're so cute!"
Solomon's eyes were soft as he smiled. "So are you."
You felt the hint of a blush rise to your cheeks, but the room was dark and you hoped he couldn't see it.
You emerged from the darkness and found yourselves in a large area full of tanks. You moved from tank to tank, reading the information about the inhabitants. As it turned out, Solomon knew quite a lot about fish and marine habitats. He would start talking about them at length, almost lecturing you about the habits of various fish and marine plants. Then he would catch himself and apologize for talking so much.
It was actually really adorable, so you started deliberately asking him questions about things to see if you could get him talking again. It worked the first few times you did it, but then he caught onto you.
Eventually you found yourselves in a room where the entirety of one wall was a massive tank. Here you could see dolphins swimming through the bright blue water. You stood in front of the tank together, watching them play.
"This aquarium specializes in dolphin rehabilitation," Solomon said. "That's why I wanted to bring you here. These dolphins were found injured or sick. They were brought here so they could recover. Once they're well again, they'll be released back out into the wild."
"That's amazing," you said, moving closer to the tank glass. "They're beautiful. I'm so glad someone is taking care of them."
Solomon took your hand. "There's more, come on."
He pulled you into the next section, which was like a tunnel with a tank on both sides as well as overhead. Swimming by and around were all kinds of creatures - sharks, large fish, stingrays, and sea turtles. Light shone through the water, creating ripple effects on the floor and walls.
You were entranced by the beauty of this area, taking your time passing through the tunnel into another large room. On one side was a continuation of the tank from the tunnel. Across from there you saw the other side of the dolphin tank.
Standing in the middle of this room, surrounded by the light and water on all sides, you tried to take it all in.
"It's like I'm standing in the middle of the ocean," you said, your voice quiet with awe.
Solomon still held your hand and he squeezed it. "I thought you would like it."
You turned to him, smiling happily. "I love it, Solomon. Thank you for bringing me here."
Solomon's eyes widened a bit. He turned to you, reaching up with the hand that wasn't holding yours and placing it gently on your cheek. "I would do anything to see that expression on your face, MC."
You blushed, not just at his words, but at his close proximity. You were struck by the way the light from the tanks sparkled in his eyes and hair. He looked like he was alight with magic, glimmering with feeling.
You felt yourself move closer to him, as though something tugged gently on your heart. You took one step forward and there was no more space between you.
Solomon put his other hand on the other side of your face, cradling your cheeks as he pressed a kiss to your lips. Your hands came up to rest on his chest as you leaned into him.
This moment passed by so quickly, but it was one you would hold in your heart forever.
When you returned to the House of Lamentation, all the demons brothers had questions about where you were. But you decided to keep your first date with Solomon all to yourself.
Nobody else seemed to notice the new dolphin key chain attached to your bag. But sometimes Solomon would tug gently on it and smile at you, not saying a word. And you would blush and smile back as you both remembered the kiss you shared among the dolphins.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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i meeeeannn like so much shit man!
I spent the entirety of last year following on livestreams. That was my experience, dodgy sounds and extreme barricade closeups. So this was like a slap in the face a punch in the stomach.
-His voice is phenomenal. After watching almost every livestream last year I was always anxious what it would sound like actually live and it was beyond perfect. The confidence added to it as well. There was a discussion before the tour started on one blog saying how Louis doesn’t sound loud enough (as loud as harry’s show because surprise, that’s always the metric to measure) because he doesn’t turn his mic high enough. And the suggestion was due to his confidence and blah blah blah. Wow fuck man, you were wrong. His voice was loud and crystal clear. I’d say my seat definitely helped in that as well, but yeah no he was fucking loud!
-Him liking the SIBWAW lights and then telling us to keep going and us being like “yes master” and continued to lift our hands up and down to finish the song. Giving us an unnecessary workout. Like my right arm is going to be sore af tomorrow.
-Him completely forgetting his first speech. I’m like ‘why the fuck is he angry at us for?’. Me and my friend were discussing how he’s going to say Toronto because the Academic singer pronounced the second ‘T’ so heavily...but then he completely forgot to speak and I thought we’ll end the show without finding it out! It felt personal ok?!
-The screens malfunctioning and completely turning off during holding onto heartache, made me question every effect in the screens later. Like was everything on purpose or was it the effect of the screen fuck up esp since there was a dead pixel that was driving me nuts. Regardless, the visuals on the screens are unreal. I can watch them with the music overlaid on top all day. Also the color palette of the lights on the stage for different songs were so so so nice. Mixed with the smoke mmmm beautiful vision.
-The rainbow project. man oh man. I saw the videos and I saw my own video and it does it no justice. I was in the upper red section so I got to see it all with a good view and it was perfection. Literarily surrounded by light. I always admire the fan project organizers. They are so fucking good and don’t get enough credit. Honestly I want to send them a gift basket or something.
-505 killed me. Like on the floor dead. “I crumble completely when you cry...” is a moment. I want to be in a session with him when he picks a song to cover. Like what goes on in that process?
-The band. Incredible. Michael. Incredible. So grateful he gets to tour with Louis so he can give him his moments. Like he OWNS his solos.
-People at the first two shows were saying how young the crowd was...I was surprised by today’s crowd. From the moment we walked in, people were definitely younger than me (34) but it didn’t feel as young as I thought it would be. Also loved seeing plenty of people older than me being there with their friends and you can tell they’ve been here a while. Diverse age group is always welcome.
agh man the only reason I’m not keyboard smashing is because I did that already in the streetcar but out loud to my friend. But my reaction to the entire gig is essentially one endless keyboard smash.
-Also finally after the show me and my friend got the orange hoodies because we wanted to look like traffic cones.
Definitely suffering the post concert blues. But at least I get to visit new york in july and attend the final one. Although nothing will beat Toronto because Toronto is home!
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thomase1 · 2 years
Asgard, land of... aphrodisiacs?
My masterlist
How fast an innocent litte fic can turn into pure filth:
Pairing: Boss!LokixFem!Employee!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Boss/Employee dynamics, Sex-Pollen trope, effects of the sex-pollen-toxin described, obedient reader, overstimulation, praise kink, soft Loki, biting [by reader], outdoor sex, fluff, touch of angst if you squint
Deviders by @harlequin-hangout
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If someone had predicted today's events to you, you might have thought them crazy. But let's start at the beginning.
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You are Lokis assistant, or how he likes to put it, maid. He had to get back to Asgard for his parents annual feast and you came along since, well, its your job.
Loki is a strict boss, he has you call him my lord or sir for example, while he rarely ever calls you by a professinal name. Truth be told, he only calls you by your name if you truely messed up.
He was reluctant to even hire an assistent, but since all of the famous heros of earth do, he was practically forced to hire one. Your job mostly consits of keeping him from ruining his reputation; which was alredy hard enough to restore given his past history. This consists of managing his social media accounts as well as public appearences.
What also took a lot of time was keeping the fans at bay. The emails, dm's and letters are mostly benign, but the abundance of them gathering at public events was always scary. His old adress got leaked at the very start of your employment.
You went over to talk about an upcoming event, shocked as you saw the crowd of people swarming the house. Even the garden, they jumped the fence. None the less, you fought your way to the door, pulling out the spare keys he gave you. Seeing the door open, the fans nearly trampled you had it not been for Loki pulling you inside the last second.
That day, when you were trapped inside the house for hours until the coast cleared, you truely talked to another. Discovering a shared love for litrature, nature and music. Before that day, you thougt of him as a stuck-up dickhead, after it, you though of him as a stuck-up dickhead with a damaged soul.
And you felt he no longer only tolorated you but actually began appreciating your assistance.
Arriving in asgard you noticed one thing: away from the day to day buisness and irritating city, he is far more relaxed. Still, you know that can change at any moment would you make a mistake, take a joke too far for instance.
He shows you the fairground in the city of Asgard, the beautiful castle and its gardens. The gardens are glorious. Homey conservatorys with small sitting areas are dottet around; rainbows dancing inside as the sun hits the colored glass. Loki insisted you get up so you can visit the next sight of his home, you would have fallen asleep in a hammock if he hadnt.
Said sight is the forests outside of the city. The walk there was already spectacular, seeing how the people of asgard live, but the forest was even better. Its unlike anything you could have imagined, the giant moss covered trees gave a sense of security, yet left you feeling tiny and insignificant in their presence. At one point a giant moss covered root lead the way across a river, it was very slippery but also impressive.
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Calming bird songs sound in harmony with cicadas and crickets; if they were a thing on asgard, they at least sound like the familiar animals back at home.
Small creatures glide from branch to branch, unaware of your presence. They seem to be some sort of flying squirrel, never have you seen anything that adorable. After a while they pop back into their little den, out of your sight.
Not long after that, you spot another interesting creature. Fireflies. But not like the ones back home, these glow even at daytime. The small purple and turquoise beetles swirl around the air, a hand full of purples after one turquoise.
To your questions, Loki explained that the females glow turquoise, the males purple. Their dances are mesmerizing, to the extend where you forget to watch your step.
You stumble and fall down a small hill, right into some thorned bushes.
They look a little like blackberry bushes. At least they hurt just as much. He had warned you to watch where you're going, now it's obvious why.
Loki is quick to help you, gracefully walking down helping you untangle the thorny vines from your form. "I'm sorry darling. I should have warned you the ground is loose.", he looks at you with guilt, trying to unwrap your calf and shin. "No, you warned me plenty. I should have watched my step, the fireflies distracted me.", you sniffle from his attempts to free you, once he gets a tendril off, it pierces another part of your flesh.
"They got you really badly. There is something I should probably tell you though.", he rips the last one off your arm like a bandaid, so it won't get you again. "What is it?", you ask him, rubbing your side to ease the growing burn sensation. "They contain a toxin. Now it is not lethal before you panic. However, in Asgard it is often used as... aphrodisiac.", he looks away embarrassed. "Wha-what?! So- so what does that mean, what is going to happen?", you ask shyly. "You will feel its effects soon. I just hope it won't be too unpleasant for you. We should get back so I can look up if there are past occurrences where a non-Asgardian ingested the toxin.", he lays a hand to the small of your back, guiding you out of the ditch.
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You mentally curse at the fact he had to give up the tesseract. It would have been a blessing to teleport back, walking becoming unbearably painful. Every step set your skin on fire, every movement of your hip heightened the frustration within you. Your panties are thoroughly soaked.
Seeing Loki walk in front of you isn't helping either. He is a gorgeous being. Unmistakably a god.
You stifle a lustful sound from fleeting you as you catch sight of his hips. Pants ever so tight around his thighs and ass. His broad shoulders strain against his shirt. It's been a challenge not to ogle him constantly.
"My lord?", you groan, forcing yourself to keep up with your boss's pace. "Yes Darling?" Your stomach tightens at the usual nickname, "May I ask what the symptoms of this aphrodisiac are? For asgardians at least?". He stops walking and turns around, taking in your form. At this point, your skin glistens with sweat, your thighs are pressed together and you are panting heavily. "You are feeling its effects?"he asks concerned. You only nod, squeezing your eyes shut and biting your cheek.
You hear the gravel under his boots as he walks to you, his hand startling you as it grips your upper arm. He hums, "I can feel you warming up even through your clothes.". For a moment, there is silence, only the soft chirping of birds from the treetops.
That is until you groan as something that feels like a cramp rips through your lower abdomen. "I know of a spot where we can sit comfortably. Since I don't think we will make it back in time." You whimper at his words but know it's true, so you nod and let him lead you off the trail.
After a short walk, you got to the destination. A spot covered by thick moss, so thick, it looks like a plush mattress. Loki conjures a blanket, draping it over the moss and gesturing for you to sit. You could say it's comfortable, if your whole body wasn't on fire leaving you to squirm trying to ease the burn. He sat down next to you, eyeing your movements with concern, "It's rather uncomfortable I see. It progressed quicker than it does usually.". "And how do you know what is the usual?", you groan. He smirks, "One gets quite adventurous in over a thousand years of living in one place.", he says simply.
"Oh, I see... So uhm, what are the symptoms exactly?", you try to change the subject back since the imagination of Loki under the effects of this drug really isn't helping your nether regions. "Of course. It starts off with burning where your skin has been pierced. That burn will soon consume your whole body, your temperature will rise and your nerve endings will feel everything with higher intensity. That's when the growing ache in your core will start, your knees weak and body tense."
You listen intently but notice you have passed every stage he is listing, making you concerned for what will happen after those. "How long does it usually take for it to get to the... aching bit.", you clear your throat, growing more and more humiliated to discuss such matters with your boss. "A couple of hours. It's the build up that is so thrilling, making it interesting.", he eyes you, focusing on the way you shift around on the soft blanket. "Sir, I have surpassed every state you just listed and it's been less than an hour.", you say nervous. His lips thin and his eyes lose their stern expression usually anchored deep inside of them. "It looks like it is progressing quicker in midgardians. Come to think of it, that makes sense, asgardians have a higher muscle density. You did get a pretty high dose of it as well..."
You try to listen intently to him, you really do, but it's getting unbearable. The fabric of your jeans feels rough on your skin, constricting almost. And your sex... you have officially soaked through your panties and jeans.
"What comes after... Am I going to get sick? I feel so warm, somethings not right.", you groan, rolling up the sleeves of your shirt. "The painful part. If not treated, it will leave your body aching and spasming for hours. Your flesh is growing hotter and hotter. Y/n, we must act on it now, it... it could very well be that you experience these symptoms with a higher intensity. As I told you, I am not certain if any other midgardian has been exposed to this plant. I am worried for you.", he tells you earnestly, shifting closer to lay a hand on your knee, a whimper confirming his suspicions. "Darling, you are in pain, aren't you?" Your eyes dart to the hand on your knee, then your own. Reluctantly, you nod, knowing you cannot lie or hide things from him. He looks at you with pity and concern, moving his hand to your shoulder. You whimper from that slight touch alone; your skin like a burning fire, his hand cooling you down, relieving the burn. You push against his hand, earning a content scoff from him.
"I'm going to help relieve your discomfort now. Is that alright?", he strokes your cheek, making you sigh. "Please", you breathe, closing your eyes from embarrassment. He pushes you back slightly, "Lay back for me darling, I am going to help you.".
You do as you're told.
"I will make no show of it, I think you want to feel better as fast as possible.", he hovers over you, one arm next to your shoulder, the other making its way to your zipper. "Just help me, please-", you sob. He hurriedly pulls down your jeans and panties, hissing at the sight, "Gods, you're dripping.".
His fingers make contact with your heated sex, head falling back with a moan, "Sir please-". "Loki darling. Call me Loki.", he coos as his thumb starts to play with your clit. You feel a finger slip into you, another one following suit not long after the first. He curls them just right where you need them, your hips grinding down on his palm for some friction on your weeping clit. He picks up his pace as your hips buck desperately from his fingers alone.
"M-more please", you plead. It's just not enough. "Are you sure?", he looks at you with doubt and concern. "I need you, please Loki-", you plead pathetically.
He draws back his hand and fumbles with his trousers, freeing his rock hard cock from its hold. He leans back down, lining himself up. You whine and try to sink down on him, so he hurries and pushes in slowly, bottoming out as he meets no resistance. Both of you moan at the feeling of your sex twitching around him.
He starts to kiss your neck as he starts gyrating his hips. Your mouth falls open and your eyes close, savoring every little touch. When he finds a sweets spot on your neck, every muscle of yours convulces. It's somehow painful and yet it feels so good.
His pace picks up in no time, your legs shaking from the feeling. "Kiss please-", you grab his arm, looking up at him. Seeing his face painted with pleasure makes you want to kiss him so badly. He leans down and kisses you passionately, sloppy and firm. His hands grip your hips and he plunges into you like a beast.
He hits a spot deep within you, the coil in your stomach tightening painfully. You feel yourself spasm around Loki and he can too, a pleasured groan an audible confirmation. A pained whine of yours makes him hold you closer, as if he were hugging you and says, "It's alright sweet, I will make you feel better.".
By now, Loki is dripping with sweat and so are you, he vanishes the remains of clothing left. He is holding your upper body to his, his forearms under you and his head in the crook of your neck, kissing and nibbling away. The pace has slowed down a little, due to both of your exhaustion and Loki almost coming.
It's become too much for you a long time ago, its blissful agony. But never enough to tip you over, no matter what he does. You thrash around, losing control of it all, you have to ground yourself. It's just too much.
But still, he is your boss, so you hold back, gripping the moss even tighter. "Do what you must to get comfortable, my sweet.", he coos into your ear. Did he notice?
You shakily lay your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. You look at him uncertain if it's ok, your hips shuddering. "Go for it kitten.", he tells you softly, one hand cradling your head. You bury your teeth in his shoulder, unsure if it is really ok and claw at him for some form of control. He snaps into you hard, making you cry into him. It's really painful, this must be overstimulation. "Shhh, I'm sorry darling. We have to do this now. Try to relax for me.", he hugs you tighter.
His pace steadens again, pelvis brushing your clit with every thrust. You are a mess, small painted 'mmmhh' sounds escaping you. Loki keeps praising you, softly kissing your neck and jaw.
"You're doing so good little one. Almost there, just a little longer."
"I know it's a lot but it will get better soon. Just hold onto me."
Your hips try to meet his thrust, something urgent growing within your lower stomach. "C-close- need more-", you keen into his shoulder. He thrusts harder, meeting the spot inside you that makes you jolt with pleasure. You moan his name loudly. Sinfully. "Thats it. Good girl, you won't have to bear it much longer now.", he strokes your hair. Tears are streaming down your face, collecting in your hair.
All you can do is chant "Please!" as your boss pounds into you from above, praising you repeatedly. You come with a last strangled cry of his name, stars exploding behind your eyes as every muscle of yours goes limp. He holds you tight as your whole body convulses, your channel clenching and unclenching around him. He swore he would not, but he cant hold back his orgasm, nails digging into your hip bone as he buries his seed deep inside of you with a single violent thrust.
Everything's a blur as a green light wreaths around you and puts some clean and comfortable clothes on you. "Let's get you back to the palace darling.", he says calmly, satisfied. "Mhh", you humm, nuzzling against his chest. All you feel is yourself getting lifted up into his arms, your body rocking back and forth as he walks the path back to the palace. Only when he picked you up did you realize Loki put on some clothes too. He smells devine; like pines and fresh air. And sweat, something about that is just too calming. You can't fight off falling asleep.
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You wake up as you feel yourself being moved around, laid down onto something. Opening your eyes, you see Loki eyeing you deep in thought. He is laying you down on a bed, his bed by the looks of it. "There you are. How are you feeling?", he strokes your hair, his gaze soft. You think about it for a moment, really coming to your senses. "Mhh, better. Just a bit of a headache and I feel warm.", you yawn. He nods, "I expected that. I will keep an eye on you until its effects have laid off completely.". You smile, eyes shutting again, "Sounds good to me.".
They snap back open when you feel his warm aura leave the side of the bed.
He went to his window sill and started to read. You hesitate for a moment, chewing your lip. "Sir, could- Would it be rude to ask for cuddles?", you almost whisper, your cheeks getting even warmer than they were already. He looks up from his book, seeing the bashful look on your face. His book snaps shut as he gets up, "It most definitely is not. And do call me Loki please. We are past the formalities I think.".
You lower your head when reality sets in.
You two had sex. Crazy sex-plant from another planet type of sex. With your boss, a god and prince of said realm. Loki Laufeyson.
You swallow the knot forming in your throat, "I guess we are.". He sits down next to you, "No need to feel ashamed. About any of it. Come here.". His arms open up, inviting you in. A bit reluctant, you scoot closer, laying your head on his clothed chest. His arm wraps around you, head tilting to kiss the top of your head, "Rest a bit more, it will help you."
"But I just woke up, don't you need me to work?", you ask, your fingers painting small patterns on his chest. "That can wait, your health is more important. Just close your eyes darling.", he strokes your hair, attempting to lull you back to sleep.
"Wait, we didnt- You uhmm-", you stammer, looking for the words. "I took care of it, I used a contraceptive spell when I cleaned you up.", he assures, thankfully understanding your senseless rambling.
You pause and think, feeling your head throb. "What if it gets worse again?", you ask anxiously. "I'm right here should anything happen.", he starts to stroke your back, your eyes falling closed but your mind still racing.
You're silent for a moment, pondering if you should say it or not.
"I'm scared s- Loki.", you mumble into his shirt. He squeezes your shoulder, "No need dear one. I will look after you, I promise." You take a deep breath, calming down a bit.
"Thank you for helping me, getting me here, clothing me... Just thank you for today.", you hug his torso, inhaling his scent once again. "It was my pleasure darling. Rest now, I'm right here if you need me."
And you could swear, you heard a smirk in that statement, yet it made you feel safe and secure as you drifted off again.
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Everything taglist @slytherclaw1227 @their-love @vickie5446 @buttercupcookies-blog @peaches1958
The peeps from the society ;)
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @mischief2sarawr @michelleleewise @holdmytesseract @fictional-hooman @holymultiplefandomsbatman @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @alexakeyloveloki @lovelysizzlingbluebird @muddyorbs @november-rayne @sarahscribbles @maple-seed @simplyholl @gigglingtigger @loopsisloops @theaudacitytowrite @wheredafandomat @lady-rose-moon @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @dangertoozmanykids101 @animnerd @joyful-enchantress @mygfloki @lokiprompts @springdandelixn @superficialdomina @peaches1958
And of course my wifey @plushcrushdoll
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