#*   ╱  teagen   speaks   .
criedouts · 2 years
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     ‘   i   never   want   to   see   you  again  .   ’
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thekingofwinterblog · 10 months
The Problem with Trespasser
So there has been said a lot about the flaws of tresspasser as a finale to Inquisition, as it can basically be divided into two sections.
There is the lore, the character stuff with your companions, and the actual titular trespasser section of the story, which is generally liked.
Then there is the Exalted Council part of the Story which is generally greatly disliked for the way it portrays Arl Teagen as an ungrateful arse, who even though he's in the right that the Inquisition really does need to disband, is such a bitch about it that a player might feel the desire to keeping it intact just to spite him, despite all the reasons that is a terrible idea(Such an organization being doomed to become the templars 2.0 being the single biggest). Not to mention the way it makes Thedas's nations look like they have the memory capacity of a goldfish, given how instrumental the inquisition was in stopping the last massive threat and might be so again against the plenty of obvious threats on the horizon(and sure enough, the stop the Dragon breath terrorist attacks that would have happened with or without them being there).
However, looking at the big picture, i don't think the actual writing of Arl teagen was the problem here.
No the problem is that Arl Teagen and the rest of the world's reaction to the Inquistion is very, very clearly taken from an older draft of this story, where the Inquisitor was far less... An unambiguous force for good, lets say.
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The concept art for inquistion tells a story that is very, very different than what we get in game, with a lot more emphasis is put on the inquisitor very obviously being a dick, that is not well liked by anyone around them.
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There is also the way said inquisitor could be far, far more pragmatic and morally grey or dark, like here, where the Inquisitor could force the Venatori to serve after defeating them.
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Way more emphasis is built on the idea that the Inquisitor is creating a cult of personality around you, personally.
Essentially a dark mirror to the Hero of Ferelden and Galahad's journeys to defeat their own crisis'.
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The option of letting celine die was always gonna be a part of the game, but rather than a pragmatic, move of standing aside and let it happen, your companions would have very negative reactions to this choice, with you having to force Blackwall in particular to stand back as he curses you.
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And of course, it would all cuminate in the logical endpoint for the herald of andraste, the living embodiment of the Andrastian reformation as you took your place on the sunburst throne, and usher in whatever changes you want.
This outcome... makes perfect sense. Frankly speaking, this is a much more narratively fitting ending for the inquistior, that has a clear climax from where they start.
Of course we all know this didn't actually end up happening. The Inquisitor ended up being the most passive of all the PC's by a wide margin(you could shape them into having a personality, but not one with a true backbone like Hawke and the Warden), and all these very morally dubious options was taken out of the game in favor of a much more morally simple story.
The most evil thing you can do in DAI is to choose the templars over the mages... and rather than being portrayed as the clear evil choice as it should have been(and still been a legitimate and pragmatic option for you to take) there is instead attempts at making it more nuanced.
Other than that, you don't have the kind of options that the Warden had, and even hawke did(like selling Fenris into slavery), to be a dick.
With all this in mind, it's blatently obvious why Teagen and the world is so damn afraid of the Inquisition.
Because this part of the story was written from before this change in the direction of the game, and was never updated to fit the final product.
If the original vision of the game had to to pass, Teagen's extreme reactions to the Inquistion would have been far, far more understandable, and in it's own way a way of calling the player out on their bullshit.
However, the final product just makes it appear he's way overreacting, rather than maybe questioning that maybe Teagen is right, maybe it is time to end this inquisition for the good of all.
Its one of the biggest problem with what is otherwise a very good epilogue to Dragon Age Inquisition.
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elfmagesurana · 11 months
Warden!Jowan AU: Redcliffe Conscription
Surana feels herself panicking, breathing coming on quicker at Arl Eamon's refusal to let Jowan leave the castle unmolested. The Arl, Bann Teagen, and Alistair look at her in various states of disapproval for even asking.
Surana knows for a fact now that Jowan will become Tranquil if he is sent back to Kinloch Hold. He'd told her as much when he'd been in that awful prison cell she released him from, and Irving himself had said as much when she'd asked about it in his office. She should have released him from the cell before, and told him to leave forever, hindsight is crueler than any demon.
With a heavy heart, Surana looks Jowan in the eyes before speaking.
"Then I shall recruit this mage into the Grey Wardens." She takes hold of his hand, and through muscle memory alone he brushes his thumb against her hand, calming her nerves. Jowan is her dearest friend, and she just wants him safe.
No one else accepts this outcome, especially Alistair. Surana can feel his disapproval before he even speaks.
"The Grey Wardens can't recruit criminals, Surana!" Alistair protested, Eamon gone silent and Bann Teagen looked to be in deep thought.
"Duncan recruited me, and I was sentenced to die!" Surana reminds him, hurt by his vehement refusal. He'd seen how much Jowan meant to her.
"Because of him!" Alistair shouts, and Surana jumps slightly as Alistair makes an unconscious step forward.
"Don't yell at her! You're mad at me, not her!" Jowan pipes up in defense of his friend, slightly surprising Surana. Usually the roles were reversed. He looks at her fondly. "She's my friend, and I care about her, more than anything. I'm sorry it took so long to realize that." Jowan apologizes.
"Oh Alistair, everyone deserves a second chance. The man is clearly remorseful of his actions." Leliana lightly scolds, her tone sympathetic to Jowan's situation and no doubt thinking of her own.
"Yes Alistair, do you truly hate this man so? Or has your Templar training poisoned your mind such that you cannot even conceive of anything beyond it? Would you truly let this man die?"
Alistair calms a bit at this, shamed. "I... you're right. I'm sorry Surana... Jowan. You're the leader, and I can't fault you for wanting to save your friend, Maker knows I wish I could've saved some of mine." Alistair says, quietly.
Surana feels nothing but relief, and accepts his apology. Looking to the Guerrins, Surana asks if she can count on them in the fight to come. They say yes, with Eamon recommending the group to finish using the grey warden treaties while he aims to get the Landsmeet started. Neither man make eye contact with Jowan.
With her heart lighter, Surana heads out of Redcliffe with Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan, and Jowan in tow.
Jowan is rendered unconscious, and Alistair is quick to check on him.
"He made it, surprisingly." Alistair said, picking Jowan up like a sack of potatoes and walking with Surana back to camp. He'd actually had to threaten a nosy Zevran not to follow them, and Alistair still felt guilty. Then felt annoyed at his guilt over threatening an assassin.
"I'm glad. And thank you again, Alistair. For letting me recruit him." Surana says, smiling up at him shyly.
Alistair blushes and looks forward. "He's your friend, and you are the leader of our little group. Doubly so after you beat up Sten. I still can't believe that worked." Alistair says, ribbing her.
Surana laughs along, happy there are no hard feelings.
Jowan wakes up eventually in his own tent, Surana had been taking care of him while he'd been unconscious. She smiles at him, eyes filled with something Jowan can't recognize. "What...was that? Was that the Archdemon?! We have to fight that thing?" Jowan says fearfully.
Surana nods, "Alistair said the nightmares will either get worse or you will be able to block them out eventually. as for the Archdemon, well. Between my Entropy magic and your... magic. I think we should save the Archdemon battle for Alistair, we will just support him I think. Now that you're up, we should head out. We need to head for the Brecilian Forest next."
Jowan needs help from Leliana to pack his tent back up, but he's quick to note that Alistair had to help Surana as well. A hard ball of shame sets in his stomach soon after however, knowing that he and Surana were lacking in what seemed to be things most everyone else already knew. He really hated living in the Circle.
Giving Sten a wide berth, Jowan sets his meager things into the caravan Bodahn had apparently given to them, as thanks for safe travels and good coin.
Jowan just hoped life as a Grey Warden wasn't as awful as life in the Circle.
Jowan didn't live many of his years outside of the Circle, but he was pretty sure that trees hadn't been attacking people constantly.
Morrigan had called them Sylvans, like they were normal. Jowan had tried casting a Flame Blast, but when it proceeded to do nothing but set them all on fire, he hid until the fight was over.
Sten had been livid, and Surana had to defend him by saying that it was his first battle. Which was true, but trees were attacking and that more than anything had scared him. Sten scared Jowan, not because of the Qunari thing but because of the way he looked at him. Like Jowan was the scariest person in the group, besides Wynne who he gave the same look to. Jowan would have chalked it up to them being mages except he was just plain nervous around Morrigan same as everyone, and looked at Surana with deference.
So Jowan had no clue what Sten's problem was, specifically, but until then Jowan would not get near him to find out.
Surana will admit, Jowan running scared wasn't a good look, especially as they were just trees. Apparently sometimes trees just began killing sprees but either way Jowan needed to be able to fight. Not necessarily be the best at combat, but at least do something.
Except blood magic, everyone got all up in arms about that apparently.
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cullens-babe · 2 years
“Three mages have fled to Ferelden, and you have intervened to protect them as if it is your right to do so.”
I mean….he IS king.
By the way, they did Alistair dirty in his design like….why….would they do that to our puppy boy. Our amazing man who is responsible and lovable.
“Right! I’m Alistair, oh… king of Ferelden. And this is Teagan, my uncle. Sort of.”
I love him.
“Yes, well, apparently I don’t feel the same way about mages as the Chantry does. So we’re in disagreements. That means they get nasty. They’re like that.”
I LOVE HIMMM! Melody would be proud of him standing up for mages and for himself like yes don’t let anyone push you around.
“Oh, the usual. Attempted assassinations, uprisings, fancy parties with stinky cheese.”
And then
“That’s right. Swooping is bad.”
“You ask me, the biggest threat to this city just walked out the door.”
“But maybe that’s just the ex-Templar in me talking.”
It’s the common sense in you speaking.
Then Teagen says something about the Grey Wardens in Denerim and he’s tired BUT in my head he’s a little happy bc he gets to see Melody, his mistress. I love Alistair SO much guys.
He and the HoF deserved to be together even if the HoF isn’t human like!! UGH!!
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
Who They Confide In
First Doctor
He doesn’t start the conversation one of his companions will. There is little affection shown in front of others and most don’t realize you are dating. When asked the Doctor will recall how you had met and after a few minutes of questions, make an excuse to leave. He doesn’t confide in people often and the only person he wouldn’t mind talking to about your relationship would be Susan.
Second Doctor
Jamie and Victoria. After she had caught you both kissing she told Jamie who spoke to the Doctor later. Victoria found it romantic when you ran away to be with him and when the Doctor planned a romantic gesture he went to her for advice. Talking with Jamie meant a lot of teasing and the Scotsman would always say, “I knew life would get interesting when I saw her. I just knew it.”
Third Doctor
He would talk to Jo as she saw your romance grow from nearly the beginning. When she first started working with him, you had heard his doubts for days but Jo became one of his greatest friends who he often went to for ideas for a date.
Fourth Doctor
Sarah Jane. You were close friends so he knew if he wanted a successful date, her advice would help him. She would often ask him, “How are things going with Y/N?” And it leads to a long conversation that would end if you entered the room. Despite your friendship Sarah didn’t tell you what he would say, only smiling when you asked.
Fifth Doctor
Teagen always helped you choose an outfit for a date and when she saw the Doctor’s outfit she persuaded him to change. As she chose an outfit in the wardrobe he asked if you seemed excited and Teagen became both your confidant and his for you both knew she would know what the other person didn’t want to say.
Sixth Doctor
Despite his harsh words at times, Peri was always the one the Doctor spoke to. In the beginning, she just happened to be around when he spoke to the Tardis, but later he sought her out for advice.
Seventh Doctor
Ace. You were best friends with her so she knew if there were any problems in your relationship. She would help you both to speak to each other at times like this. She would help him see from your perspective which was difficult at times as he only considered his own.
Eighth Doctor
He would speak to Charley about his ideas for dates. If he was worried about you he would speak to Charley and she would talk to you, encouraging you to open up before telling him to speak to you, knowing you would prefer you told him.
War Doctor
The Tardis. He would often voice his thoughts to the ship and when you would question his sanity he would say the ship would respond in its way in his defence.
Ninth Doctor
Jack Harkness was a surprisingly great listener despite his carefree attitude. He was a close friend to both of you and if he knew that something could cause an issue further down the road, he would tell the Doctor about it. If things were going great and you needed someone to gush to, Jack would listen. Although you would hear him teasing the Doctor later. But the two would talk about you and Jack could see how you silenced the Doctors many demons.
He would often tease you if you entered the console room later than usual and the Doctor would hide his smile.
“Oi, stop bothering my girlfriend.”
Tenth Doctor
Martha was there in the beginning so she knew that your relationship hadn’t gotten off to the best start. So when you started dating she would check in now and then to make sure things were okay between you and the Doctor. And if they weren’t, she would ask him how he thought things were going.
“They’re great…” he trailed off seeing her expression. “Aren’t they?”
Martha would help him find a way to apologize.
When Donna joined the Tardis she would often tease him when he looked “lovesick” as she called it. And he would often confide in her about your relationship, answering any questions she had about its beginnings.
Eleventh Doctor
Amy was supportive of your relationship while Rory was protective of you and you felt Amy was the better of the two to speak to. She had known you for a long time so when you first started dating the Doctor asked her for advice on what things you liked as he tried to think of places he could take you.
Twelfth Doctor
The Tardis. He would pace the console for hours, listening to the hums as he rambled, and as odd as it sounded it helped him process information better. She could speak to him, but in her way, she was still helping him.
Thirteenth Doctor
Ryan was the person you spoke to about how different your relationship was now the Doctor had regenerated. Not only because he was now a woman, but her entire personality had shifted. When he sensed you were a little down he would give the Doctor advice without saying too much. And she started confiding in him as well.
Fourteenth Doctor
Donna. The redhead had listened to him while on the Tardis, and when he returned to Earth, she continued to lend an ear. She knew you both the best and was able to reassure and burn out any insecurities you both had about starting over. 
The Doctor would still care for you even after you stayed with the Master. When the Master resurfaced with a new plan, he would ask, “How is Y/N?” And the Master would confide in him. It was a cease-fire situation that lasted twenty minutes before the Master closed down and the Doctor had no choice but to return to being his enemy.
He only had the Doctor who took notice when his plans lacked a certain flair. He would ask questions and the Master didn’t answer but the Doctor knew when there was trouble in paradise, telling him to buy your favourite flowers and chocolates. He would never let the Doctor know this, but he did follow his advice sometimes.
He didn’t have anyone he could confide in. If there was someone you needed to talk to about anything you would speak to each other.
Chantho spent a lot of time around you both and she noticed things you might not so she was always there to give him advice if he needed it.
He would talk to anyone about you. If he was late for a meeting he would give a ten-minute explanation of what occurred between you both. If you argued he would silently listen to ministers talk around the table before interrupting with a story of why he was feeling out of sorts although everyone had been trying not to comment in fear of what he would do.
When he captured the Doctor he endured many conversations about you. The Master cared for you deeply and wasn’t afraid to show it. His days of confusion over what he felt were long gone and the Doctor listened to stories of your morning together, if you were in the middle of an argument etc.
She would be extra snappy if you were having an argument and Clara would soon be able to read the tell-tale signs without needing to ask. She found it awkward at first but she believed the reason she hadn’t been hurt by Missy was because she found her advice beneficial.
There was a coffee shop you both frequently visited together and the owner always served you both personally and if he needed someone to talk to, he would speak to her, not knowing you did the same.
Jamie McCrimmon
The Doctor knew how hard he tried, in the beginning, to get you to accept him as your husband. So Jamie often went to him for advice on how to get you to open up to him more. He often took you to different time periods or planets for dates so you could get to know Jamie more. And it became a regular thing even when you were dating, he gave you both time alone so your relationship could grow. Jamie used to say that without him, your relationship could have been completely different.
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
He would talk to Mike who was the first to pick up if he was extra chipper or snappy. He would give him advice and there were often days when the two would sit in his office and talk about their respective others.
Mike Yates
Benton spent a lot of time with him at work so he knew if things weren’t going great or if your relationship was going swimmingly. Mike didn’t like confiding in him in the beginning but later came to appreciate his advice.
Ganatus. They were old friends and the two often confided in each other. Ganatus often told you that he had never seen Alydon look at or talk so highly of someone as he did with you. And that’s how he knew his friend had truly fallen in love.
Rory Williams
The Doctor liked to check in on you now and then because you were settling into life in a time far away from your own. So Rory knew who to speak to when he felt as if you regretted your decision or needed someone to give him advice on how to help his Roman girlfriend adjust to his time. The Doctor knew that he didn’t want your relationship to fail as it had with Amy and would always end the phone call with one reminder.
“She loves you, Rory.”
Ian Chesterton
Barbara had become one of your friends during your time at the school and Ian always sought her for advice or if she commented on how well your relationship was going, he would confide in her.
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funkin-worlds · 2 years
"Always funking on a friday night, yeah...?"
An ask and rp blog for the mod's version of the original fnf characters, and OCs!
This blog follows a storyline, and it may contain some dark elements, so be careful!
The following characters:
Keith, otherwise, known as Boyfriend. He is 19 year old. He's known for speaking in beeps boops. As his stage name states, he is the boyfriend of the Dearest's daugher, Scarlet. He is currently missing.
Scarlet Dearest, the daugher of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Dearest. She is 19 year old. She seems to disguised herself as human, although everyone knows that she's a demon like her parents. Her stage name is Girlfriend, as she is the girlfriend to Keith. She is also missing.
Pico, an ex-hitman for the Dearests. He's 20 year old, with a traumatic past. Pico doesn't have a stage name, but does have singing experience. As for his current status, also missing.
Skid is a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is Halloween, since he's always seen wearing a full body skeleton costume. Unlike the other three, he has small singing experience. He is often seen with his friend, Pump. He lives with his mother, Lila. He is not missing.
Pump is also a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is also Halloween. He's seen wearing a pumpkin head. According to Skid, Pump's eyes seems to turn blue-ish green whenever he senses danger is around. "It's from Eyes!" We do not know who eyes is. He is not missing.
Daddy Dearest, also known as Hades Dearest. He's a popular ex-rock star getting fame again after his singing battle with Keith got popular. Despite being harsh towards his daughter's boyfriends, he's learning to accept that his little girl wants to date. He is not missing.
Mommy Dearest, also known as Margaret Dearest, is a popular pop star. She isn't rude towards her daughter's boyfriends or her current one, just testing. Once, she made her husband and daugher sing on a song once. She isn't missing.
Lemon Demon is a lemon-headed demon who is capable of many things. He is the cause of the disappearances. He has his own dimension where his kingdom remains. He has minions to do his dirty work for...
Stephen was once human, but after his ex-girlfriend's dad threw his body and soul into a game, he grew angry and sad. He is now called Senpai. He isn't alone in that game though...
Martin knows the Dearest ever since he was little, and sees them as his true family. He has a girlfriend named Lorenza, whom accepts Martin as him. He isn't a singer, but is willing to do anything to find Keith and Scarlet. Not missing
Lorenza is a singinger, although not a popular one compared to the Dearests. Often singing for her family businesses, she gain popularity with the town people and one asked Lorenza to make her songs worldwide. She met Keith, Scarlet, Pico, Stephen, and Martin. Not missing.
Teagen knew Lemon Demon for what he truly is. She is close to Pico and Martin, to the point where they were father figures. Teagen distanced herself with the majority of her friends and tries to find Lemon Demon to confront him. She isn't missing, but often she does wonder off.
The list will update! Here's a few rules:
1. No slurs. Be kind please! I get scared off easily.
2. I chose what to answer and what not to answer.
3. Don't control my characters, I'll stop replying that way. Things like: "[character] sees [your character] bla bla" is fine.
5. Don't misgender anyone, especially Martin.
6. Remember that the official characters are what I see them as, since I'm giving names to some of em.
Thank you!!
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aliverse · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary? 
This is an INCREDIBLE and INTERESTING question, but also very difficult as I don’t really think about that, just imagine their voices the same as their faceclaims. However I suppose there are some that separate due to where they were raised... so anyways I’ll get to the point: 
Aurora Blix is potrayed by Jenny Boyd who was born in Switzerland but has an American accent. However, Aurora has a Swedish accent although it’s not very thick because she has lived in America for nearly 10 years. She tends to quote things like Heathers and have a very... basic white girl way of speaking? I hate saying that but it’s the best I can describe it.
Eden Barnes has been raised in California from pre-teen years but she was born in Australia and still has her Australian accent. Basically sounds like Phoebe Tonkin failing to do an American accent for 5 seasons of The Originals.
Ariella Caldwell is played by Danielle Rose Russell who is American, but Ariella is from Scotland and therefore has a Scottish accent. Her mother is also played by an American (Emma Stone) but was born in England and therefore has an British accent.
Older Winona Rouse is played by Karen Gillan who is Scottish but the character is American so her voice is Karen Gillan circa Selfie.
Teagen Harkness-Jones, also potrayed by DRR, is British.
I hope this is somewhat an answer to this question lol
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fallout4reactsblog · 6 years
12/10 blog, would binge read again! Would you be comfortable in writing companion headcanons for a Sole who is mute? That uses ASL? (I'm currently learning out of respect.)
Such kind praise, and a delightfully unique ask!
Cait: It’s no secret that Cait struggles with the signs. She’s willing to learn, sure, but it’s slow going, and she often gets frustrated with herself for not keeping up. “Just give it up. I’m never gonna get it. Ya might as well find someone else to travel with.” Eventually, though, once she’s calmed down, she’ll come back and politely ask if she can resume her lessons. She’s a rapt listener, even if she does get frustrated, and she always makes whatever frustrations sole has over teaching her up to them.
Codsworth: He’d be quite comfortable with it, after all, he came programmed to understand it and had been communicating with sole long before the bombs fell. He doesn’t even blink, and so it’s safe to say that he has no trouble with it at all. The other companions might give him a small glare for getting it so easily and being able to have such natural conversations with sole. “I dare say that you’re more skilled than ever, sir/mum! Good to see your mind is still sharp.”
Curie: Other companions will say she doesn’t count as the fastest learner because she, just like Codsworth, was programmed to understand ASL from the start. The knowledge carries over to her synth body, and once she gets the hang of things she’s quite adept at forming the signs as well as understanding them. “And so my pinky goes here and my thumb goes here, and then aha! That is your name, no?” It’s honestly adorable.
Danse: Danse has a harder time with it than he expects, but he’s grateful for it in a lot of ways. People can be hard to hear over the clanking of his armor, so a non-verbal means of communicating is appreciated. Still, in the middle of battle he can’t afford to always look over at them to keep communication open, so overall he’s pretty on the fence about it, though he recognizes its a necessity and makes an active effort to be accommodating. “We’ll talk to some of the Proctors, see if we can’t get Teagen at least to learn a few so you don’t have to write everything down.” He can’t make signs inside his power armor, but he’s good at them when he’s not wearing it.
Deacon: “This is way better than a secret handshake, boss. No one is going to have a single clue what we’re saying.” He jumps in feet-first, and is surprisingly quick at it. He likes to mostly use it to talk trash about other people while they’re in the room, but sole’s giggling gives it away and Carrington is quickly fuming while wondering what that idiot has said now. He loves using it for covert stealth operations as well, though he has been known to make up the sign if he forgets the right one.
Dogmeat: He is as well-trained in ASL as he is spoken English. Nothing will get that tail wagging more than a sign of “good boy” followed by a nice scratch behind the ears.
Hancock: Hancock puts his Mentats to good use whenever he and sole study together. He’ll pop a few to help his mind process and remember easier, and then once the drug wears off he’ll quiz himself. Whichever ones he messes up or can’t remember, he makes note of and asks sole to help him with specifically. He practices certain phrases, and the next time sole strolls into Goodneighbor, he’s waiting with a grin on his face before he fires off a string of signs asking them about how they’ve been, etc. It makes sole’s day, especially when they realize he’s been teaching Daisy and KLEO some signs to help bartering go smoother.
MacCready: MacCready had a brief intro to a few basic signs, but anything more complex had him reeling, trying to keep up. He might get a bit snappish with sole at first, when he can’t keep up. “Stop signing so fast! You know I can’t keep up when you’re getting like that. I’m- No I’m not going to calm down.” He always apologizes profusely afterward, though,asking sole to just give him more time to understand. When he starts getting the hang of things he’s quite pleased with himself. 
Nick: Nick is shockingly quick with ASL. It only takes him a few days before he can understand basic sentences, and after a month or two he’s entirely fluent. He likes it a lot, actually. It’s easy and feels natural to him, and he could chat with sole in ASL for hours on end. He even gets Ellie to learn, too, so she can keep up with them in the middle of conversations. Sometimes they both forget that sole is the only mute one, and there are long periods of time in the office when no one speaks a single word. He likes it because it’s private, moments that only they can share.
Piper: “Blue, hold on. I can’t- Blue! I can’t read them that fast.” Piper isn’t the fastest, but she’s not the slowest, either. Still, she takes her time to learn the signs, practicing them herself at home so she can see both the sign and say the meaning. Once she’s got the hang of it, she publishes a couple in Publick Occurrences, just to make sole’s life a little easier when they’re bartering in the market. She just forgets to inform sole of this, so they get quite the surprise when they catch up on the latest edition of the newspaper.
Preston: He makes himself flashcards. No joke. He has sole make each sign, does his best drawing of it on the front of the card, and scrawls the meaning on the back. He knows he’s going to struggle, so he heads it off as best he can by staying up late, late at night flipping through the cards and only cussing a little when he messes up. Still, he presses on. “The General needs this, so I need it. I’m gonna get this right.”
Strong: Strong… struggles, to say the least. It takes him the longest of all the companions to understand, and even then he struggles on occasion to make out the signs. “Strong can’t see what human is saying! Human need bigger hands.” He’s really trying, though, sole will just have to have some patience with him. Eventually, he’ll understand what he needs to in order to communicate, though he will probably never be able to sign back.
X6-88: The fastest learner, hands down. He makes it a personal point of pride to learn the meanings of all the signs, and when he succeeds at that he starts teaching himself how to do them as well. He’s actually very pleased with the outcome, because it means they can communicate entirely silently while on stealth assignments. “This is an excellent technique for field work. We should have all coursers trained in it effective immediately.”
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criedouts · 2 years
*   afterhr   .
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    ‘   i   saw   the   way   you   were   looking   at   me   .   ’
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alexturner2005 · 6 years
i want it all is objectively bad yall katie because she speaks the truth (same with brick by brick btw xx)
(brick by brick isn’t bad tho, the lyrics aren’t great but i can respect it for what it is, which is still a mild bop)
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Are there other periphery characters like Rylen that you have BIG headcanons for/want to write about/might write about in the future?
Hmmm I don’t have any other ones with big headcanons but there are definitely a few that I’ve thought about writing at least one shots about/including them in my fics more than they are in canon.
My fic Moments Passed has Cullen save Ser Thrask’s life, and so he joins the Inquisition as well and will have a bigger role in that storyline as it moves forward. They have a close sort of bromance going on there, and actually he ends up saving Ser Barris too. So in that fic I’ve basically set up a four Templar bromance with Cullen, Thrask, Rylen, and Barris. There are a few Templars who are just so good, I couldn’t help but save them in that and put them to good use in the story - the examples of Templars who are good people just speak to me, and I hate that there isn’t a way to save Thrask in DA2. I love him as a character, he’s another that has a really cool backstory/personality. He’s definitely a fave of mine.
One that I’ve contemplated at least writing a one shot for is Bann Teagen, because if you flirt with that man in Origins as a female Warden, he is smooooooooooth AF. And actually hot in that one, before whatever happens to him in DA2 and DAI. I may do that in the future, since his lines and his flirtations are just…wow. The man knows how to woo and flatter.
…and now I want to write that one shot xD
Thanks for the ask!
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Confrontation with the Arl
Lakkam let out an impatient sigh as he walked forward, his arms by his side, his walk more of a determined stride as he went right by Corinth. Mehera was quick to follow.
"Arl Teagen! This is not a matter that can simply be ignored, have you any idea what these fanatics could cause with their findings? Do you intend to allow another Blight to spread throughout this land? Rest assured should a Blight come forth, my mother, Svala Vanyë Arátë, First Enchanter of Afsanna, will be the first to hear of it, and you know she will not keep it to herself." Lakkam said, his voice firm, not too loud, but he wanted the room to hear.
Mehera stood near him, resting her elbow on one hand as she idly tapped a finger to her lips. It was just this morning they spoke of not wishing to gain recognition based on who their mothers were, yet here Lakkam stood, his mother's name said loudly and proudly. Maybe Corinth's passion struck something in him. Tylan watched him, though his face showed no real expression. Whether or not he agreed with Lakkam and Corinth's approach to this, they were at the very least, in the same room as the Arl, which meant they could talk regardless of how he felt.
Up the small set of steps, sitting on the throne, Arl Teagan glared down at the group, hands gripping the throne's arms as he leaned forward slightly with a sneer on his face. The room had few nobles, some common folk, and also a string of guards coming forward to surround the intruders, hands on the hilt of their swords, ready to draw. There was a murmur spreading through the hall now, "Blight" being the word that spread the fastest. This is the sort of thing Corinth wanted to avoid, possible panic. It couldn't be helped now. "And why should I believe these words? There are countless mages and templars out there reeking havoc of their own. I have more refugee mages in my village than actual villagers and natives to the Hinterlands who are also in need of assistance, and now another mage of seeming importance has come forward to tell me that another Blight is underway, because of fanatics?" The Arl scoffed. "No rumors or reports of this has reached Redcliffe, so why should I believe you? What proof do you have?" At this, Corinth stepped around Lakkam and walked to the base of the small set of stairs, giving a salute and a bow, the guards tensing and drawing their swords halfway when she reached into her coat, bringing out the documents that they had found. "My Lord, my name is Corinth Duray. I am one of many who guard your halls, your village, and patrol the Hinterlands beyond it's gates. I gave an oath to protect this land as well as you my Lord. During the relief effort, we discovered a cultist encampment, where we found these documents. My friend speaks true my Lord, he risked his own life uncovering these plans." Corinth held the documents out for the Arl's attendant to take to look over. "My father fought in the war against Orlais and in the final battle at Denerim. My youngest sister spilled her own blood naught but several days ago, mere months before she was to wed, for the sake of peace for these lands. My family has served these lands for generations, if you won't take the words of that of a stranger who almost died while trying to protect a country foreign to him, then at least take mine." She almost sounded like she were pleading. Isilmesar was a few steps behind Lakkam, not too close, but close enough to get to him should anything happen. He was mildly shocked, more so with the amount of authority Lakkam spoke with, having never heard him speak in such a way, though he was impressed. Isil was tempted to come forward with his own knowledge, though thought it better to hang back and watch and see how things played out first. Again, he sized up the room, the guards, the people in the room, any details that would prove useful.
Lakkam felt a fire in his belly as the words he spoke were doubted by the ones in front of him. Why would he lie about such a thing? After Corinth had spoken and made her point, Mehera stepped forward. By appearance, she certainly didn't look like someone who dabbled in politics, but she had her moments. "We have the proof you need if you will not take our words for it. If that is not enough for you, we can help you with the mages who litter your village, after all, as my companion here said, his mother is First Enchanter to a Circle of Magi, we could potentially give them somewhere to go...assuming you will actually do anything with these." she explained, holding up a scroll now. It was the scroll they had found that explained the ritual that was to be done to resurrect an old god, it was somewhat cryptic in its wording, but it certainly showed proof. "Your own men clearly can not handle what's going on. Let us help, you have nothing to lose by us intervening." Tylan spoke up now.
Corinth and Isilmear both belong to @pandursprose while Lakkam, Mehera and Tylan are my own.
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With all the drama my Mom described about Chrissy Teagen yesterday, I'm about to start using Twitter again just to follow her.
A weird-ass lady who speaks her mind, even if badly worded sometimes? I can get behind that.
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