#ariella asks
aliverse · 1 year
🤣 + ariella
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(yes she is talking about Hermione too)
send me 🤣 + an oc and I'll show you a meme that applies to them!
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sylveesmusasters · 1 month
"So people always wonder why we are so secretive..." Sylvestre begins.
"Well. In one of the universes we've been to, I was trying to find a way to be noticed by Lysandre Labs that wasn't too obvious. Surprisingly, it came to me."
Sylvestre continued.
"The man was scouting models for a series of Holo Billboard ads for Lysandre Cafe and thought I looked like the 'perfect' balance of youthful and regal for the cafe's image. That I could pull off an elegant dark academia look while drinking coffee or whatever. Yeah, sure."
Sylvestre sighed.
"The ethics of letting children be models for ads aside, I agreed to it because it would get me in the door. And it backfired miserably. Sure, the advertisements were popular. But then they went viral for the wrong reasons... No, not what you fear. People immediately started theorizing that I was Lysandre's secret bastard son or something. And speculating on who the mother was, there was constant arguing between those who thought it was Malva and those who thought it was Diantha. It became a meme and a magnet for trolls. The ads were quietly and quickly pulled from distrubution..."
The next part made Sylvestre shudder.
"And the guy who scouted me and who I presume was behind the ad campaign was quickly pulled from life. I found his body. From there on out, we never did get on solid footing with Lysandre and Malva, and you know what happens next - they play with the big shiny murder flower, they lose control of the big shiny murder flower, they die by the big shiny murder flower. As usual."
"And you know what the irony is in all this?" Sylvestre asks.
"I don't even like coffee."
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rfaromance · 1 year
🧸SE Saeran and his sister-in-law Ariella!
No matter how Saeran looked at the situation, this was a bad idea.
The blinding lights. The vibrant colors. The high-pitched shrieks.
He did not belong in this place, and he wanted to get out of here as soon as humanly possible.
Normally, Ariella was able to detect Saeran's thoughts and feelings even if he did his best to conceal them. He almost found it unsettling how often she could pick up on his discomfort or distress, and she always did so before his brother ever noticed. Of course, she also had a tendency to catastrophize and assume the worst-case scenarios, and on several occasions Saeran ended up being the one who reassured her.
Saeran usually hated being perceived, hated being seen past his masks and pretenses down to his vulnerable core. Today, however? He wished Ariella would hurry up and notice how desperately he wanted to leave.
But his sister-in-law was in a world of her own right now, mesmerized by the display of sparkles, smiles, and softness before them.
"Okay, the new trend towards bigger eyes and neon colors probably doesn't appeal to you," Ariella conceded as she beckoned him over, "but they have some classic teddy bears and puppies, too! What are you feeling, Ranran?"
For whatever reason, Ariella had decided that they needed to bond by going on a field trip to the mall. This was probably her excuse to get him out of the bunker for a while, and initially Saeran had welcomed the opportunity to breathe some fresh air away from his twin.
Now, which was far too late, he was having second thoughts.
"Uh..." Saeran flinched as the cries of excited kids pierced his ears. They were on the other side of the store, near the walls of clothes and accessories for their stuffed friends, but he still felt the urge to tug down on his sleeves, just in case. "I guess... a bear is fine."
Eyes sparkling, Ariella skipped over to a shelf with two stuffed bears on it, one in a cream color and one in brown. "How about these? Want to come pick one out?"
Unable to resist the bouncing, bubbly brunette's enthusiasm, Saeran dragged his feet over. Anxiously he stared into the pit of unstuffed bears. "So I just... grab a skeleton?"
Ariella stared at him silently, and he winced internally. What a stupid, weird thing to say. He wasn't cut out for existing among ordinary people, in public. "Hmm... Is it a skeleton, or more like its skin? Like an empty puppet, or a cowhide, or..." She trailed off midsentence. "Well, don't worry. We get to stuff 'em with fluff soon!"
Oh, joy. He was building a teddy bear. He might as well build another bomb; that felt more suited to him. Maybe if the bear was an animatronic with sharp metal teeth and coded to brick people's phones.
"Okay, great! I'll get mine now!" Ariella hummed as she plucked her own flat plush from the pile. "Before we stuff it, do you want to include a scent?"
"... Hm?"
"I bet the coconut smells like the sky! Oh, but they have a fresh-cut flowers option, too."
"Sure." He'd resigned himself to this fate now. Might as well do a little song and dance, make the bear smell like a garden, and then dress him in a top hat.
Still, even as Saeran felt ridiculous rubbing a small velvet heart between his blood-stained hands to "warm it up," he couldn't help but feel a small surge of emotions when he noticed that Ariella had picked the same bear as him. Did she... want them to match?
When she told him they needed to pick out names for their new friends after carefully selecting complimentary outfits, he already had one in mind.
Merry. For the kind-hearted American who made him feel that way.
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
Rate from Most likely to date to least likely to date: from BP/Lo/Ace ocs (girls edition)
6. Ren
I dunno much about her, but she seems kinda cute tbh but I don't know if he'd try to kill me or not-
5. Lesley
AHHH she's soon cute XDD I would love to know more abt her!! Her design is so cute!!
4. Ariella
She's so adorable!! You seriously need to reveal more about her lo, she has alot of potential!! ❤️
3. Bexx
She seems like an amazing big sister type, her design is cute, would love to see more of her!! ❤️💕
2. Willow!!
Omfg I love her so much!! AHHHH SHES JUST SO CUTE AHSHXBSJJS- 💕❤️❤️
she's so sweet and gentle and just AHHHH'
(The only reason she isn't at .1 is because I'm pretty sure the milkshake would kidnap me if I started dating her-)
1. Lunie
LUNIE IS BEST GIRL (next to trickster) WE BOTH LOVE ALCOHOL, SHES LITERALLY MY DREAM GIRL OH MY GOD- ❤️❤️💗💗💜💓💓💗 (luke can I please have her?-)
Tysm anon for letting me talk about my lesbian feels XD
Lesley and ren belong to @aesopsbaby !
Ariella and and bexx belong to @feelin-lo !
Willow and lunie belong to @boiling-potato !
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why does Lila smell like cake
Why does Ariella smell like bubblegum?
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worksby-d · 9 months
Your Age is Showing
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Summary: Your Halloween costume makes Andy's old man brain short circuit, but he’ll get over it.
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Warnings: Age gap
Word count: ~400
Ghost kitty divider by @youngadulhood 🤭
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Making your way downstairs, you grab your sweatshirt off the railing, the one that Andy always jokingly threatens to throw away if you don’t start hanging it up. 
Laughing to yourself, you take the last few steps toward where he’s sitting at the kitchen island, working as always. 
“You’re sure you don’t wanna come with?” You ask, draping your arms over his shoulders to lean down and kiss his cheek. 
You know what his answer will be, but you like teasing him. A Halloween party definitely isn’t his scene, and you’re completely fine with that. When you brought it up to him a month ago, he told you he wanted you to go and have enough fun for the both of you. 
“I’m sure,” he chuckles. He brings a hand up to rest over yours on his chest. “Too late to get a costume now anyway. Which, speaking of…”
He hasn’t seen your costume yet.
Turning around in his barstool, his eyes widen instantly seeing how skimpy your outfit is. He doesn’t know what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t the short denim shorts and tied-up plaid top that’s barely keeping your boobs in place. 
“Cowgirl,” you wink, tipping your cowboy hat at him.
“That’s your costume?” His eyes wander to your exposed midriff. “Where’s the rest of it?”
You can’t help but laugh, putting your fingers underneath his jaw to force his mouth closed. 
“Your age is showing, babe.”
“There’s a lot more than my age showing right now,” he scoffs and you playfully hit him.
You pout, pretending to care about the stunned look on his face. “You really don’t like it?”
“Won’t you be cold?” 
The smirk that he’s trying to suppress tells you that he’s fucking with you now and you shoot him a glare. 
His gaze softens, and he reaches out to pull you closer, resting his hands on your ass as you lean down to kiss him. 
“Easy, partner,” you giggle, pulling away from him when you feel him deepening the kiss, warning him with a fake southern accent.
“I’m teasing,” he says softly, dropping his hands from your backside to hold yours. “I’d rather nobody else look at you the way I am right now, but…” He shrugs. “I know who you’re coming home to later, so that’s all that matters.”
“You’re sure?” 
“Of course.”
“Good,” you smile. “I didn’t want to take it off. That’s your job when I get back in a couple hours.” You bat your eyelashes at him and quickly escape his hold before he can trap you in place. “Bye, baby!”
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Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby
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rafedaddy01 · 3 months
I saw you across the room
Summary: you walk into Rafes parties and the moment he lays eyes on you he knows he must have you.
A/N: rafe Cameron is definitely the type of person to have a soft spot for you, but only show it when no one else is around
You’re not really up to this party, your friend dragged you here because she had just broken up with her boyfriend and needed “emotional support”. Which really just meant drinking her sorrows away.
To be honest you weren’t really the type to go out to parties. More of the type to stay home and read a good book while petting your cat in bed, a home body. A girl who usually kept to herself. Although you knew there was a party being thrown almost every single night, this was figure 8 after all, you never found fascination in reality like you did when you would read.
“Ariella, I really don’t wanna be here” you whined and stomped your foot into the ground like a kindergartener refusing to go to the first day of school. “And this outfit-“ Ariella was your friend since grade school, she was so much more out going and confident than you and you have no idea why she chose to be friends with you but your lucky to have her. She chose your outfit tonight, a mini black dress with the cleavage cut practically down the middle. You always had big boobs and were told they were your best feature but you weren’t the type to expose your body like some other girls would. You liked being reserved, and you were happy in your own little bubble. “Girl, stop being like that! You look hot. And we’re gonna have fun tonight, please”
You rolled your eyes but let your friend drag you inside the tannyhill mansion. You knew she needed this. Despite putting on an act of toughness, you knew she was actually devastated about breaking up with her boyfriend. Ariella was the type to cry about it alone, but in a crowd she’d usually be the one cheering everybody up while dealing with her inner demons. And plus she’s put up with so much of your bullshit you figured she deserved a night of fun.
“Oh my gosh we’re gonna have so much fun tonight!” Ariellas face beamed as she scanned the room, finding her inner circle. “Go get us some drinks, I have to say hi to some people” she let go of your hand and there you were. Standing alone, in the middle of some strangers house, wearing the skimpiest dress you owned.
Rafe couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you. Who were you? He’d never seen you before. He sure would have remembered if he’d fucked you. He’s probably been in every pussy on his god awful island. But you. He’s definitely never seen or been inside you, yet.
“Yo top” he nods his head in your direction, your in the kitchen pouring some drinks, “whose the chick?”
Topper eyes you up and down, “never seen her before” he goes back to explaining why basketball is better than football to some poor sap and dismissing rafe.
“Interesting” rafe says under his breath as he fixes his SnapBack and stands to make his way to you.
“So many drinks” you mumble to yourself as you skim the bottles lined up on the table. “Wonder which asshole this place belongs too” you scoff as you top off the two cups in front of you with some tequila.
“That would be me” your started as a voice speaks up behind you. Turning around you find a boy with a childish smirk on his face, wearing a SnapBack hat that you shouldn’t find so attractive but he makes it work, and a polo shirt and some slacks, typical figure 8 style. “The names-“
“Rafe” Ariella speaks up before the boy gets a chance. “Y/n, where have you been. I’ve been looking everywhere for you” Rafes face turns sour as he looks at your friend and then back to you. “You told me to get us some drinks” you raise the two solo cups, giving one to your friend. “Don’t even think about it” Ariella takes the drink and steps in front of you and rafe, giving him a death stare before turning around and dragging you off.
“What was that” you ask confused as she continues dragging you through the crowd, “just some asshole looking to get laid. Don’t let him even talk to you, y/n. Seriously, he’s not worth it”
As the rest of the night went on you got more comfortable, having had a few drinks and mingled with some of Ariellas friends.
You can’t help but feel like you’re being watched and every time you look up your eyes lock with Rafes. No matter where you were in the house you could feel his eyes on you, your body, your face.
It made you uncomfortable, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make your insides turn with excitement.
You were never the type to get attention from guys. There would be some that would talk to you, but they were only after one thing and although you’ve had sex before, it was never meaningful. You’ve never found anybody who cared for your feelings and actually wanted to take the time to get to know you before.
But looking into Rafes eyes something felt different. Sure maybe he also wanted you just for your body, but it also felt like there was a connection, something pulling your body’s together. And the fact that he was hot was just a plus, you’ve never been attracted to someone this bad before.
“I’ll be right back” you lean over to your friend who’s busy talking to some guy to really hear you. You know you shouldn’t leave her this drunk and vulnerable with some rando but you’ve had to pee for so long, you couldn’t hold it anymore.
You finally found the bathroom, doing your business and washing your hands before stepping out, only to bump into a broad body that smelled like whisky mixed with sandalwood, “so sorry-“ you excuse yourself.
“No worries, I was hoping we’d run into each other” that same childish smirk on his face. “I’m rafe, I’m sure your friend told you a little about me. But I’m not all bad, trust me” he winks and your insides melt. Why are you so attracted to him? From what Ariella told you he’s a douch bag, a sleeze who’s slept with almost every girl on this island, and yet you want him to do unholy things to you.
You clear your throat before talking, “ha, well she did tell me some things, but uh, I usually like to judge people based on my own opinion.”
Rafes completely mesmerized by you. He’s never seen a girl more beautiful, and he’s been with many. There’s something about you that’s caught his attention but he can’t figure out what. All he knows is that he’s seen you, and now he has to have you.
“Right, well what do you say we go somewhere more private and get to know one another?” He cocks an eyebrow at you, he can tell you wanna say yes but you’re worried. “Hey, no worries. I won’t try anything, promise” he throws his hand in the air to show you he won’t touch you. You can’t help but let out a small laugh and that sound alone has rafe melting. Your voice is like an angel and he wants to know what other sounds he can get out of you.
“I can’t just leave Ariella alone. She’s had a few drinks and she’s with some random guy.. I want to but I can’t be a bad friend” you start to walk away and Rafes heart aches, he doesn’t wanna let you go yet.
He looks over at where your friend is, she’s making out with Kelce, rafe smirks to himself. “Trust me, she’s in good hands. Kelce is a buddy of mine, he won’t do anything to her” he turns back to you, a waiting look on his face. And when you nod your head yes his heart all but does back flips. He can’t wait to get to know you better.
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv
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lighthousepigeons · 16 days
Jeremy: Lesson five, watching. Did you install the cameras?
Ariella: Yes.
[Watching Remi pull a door that says push]
Ariella: He's a little slow but he's got the spirit.
Jeremy: Uh-huh sure...
[A few hours later]
Cecily: What are you guys doing?
Ariella, excitedly: Watching Remi. Jer and I think he's the most adorable guy ever!!
Jeremy: The fuck? No I don't.
Ariella: Is that why you've been watching him for the last couple of hours even though I never asked you to stay?
Jeremy: I- No- Ugh *grabs Ces* Let's go home, Lisickha.
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xoxoskai · 10 months
May 2024 is too far, and the delusion preservation is imperative.
Eli listens to classical music just for Ava.
Ava sometimes sneaks into the library at the King's mansion just to swipe a book or two that she may have seen Eli reading. Other times, she bribes Creighton.
Eli is practically adopted by Silver the moment Elsa reveals his little crush (privately, of course) on her daughter. It does not stop Cole from throwing jabs at him whenever he comes over to hang out with Aunt Silver and to spy on his girl.
During their childhood, they've been locked together by their friends/siblings/cousins in the same room/closet plenty of times.
As a sign of rebellion against her parents, Ava once dyes her entire hair pink. The mortification hits her soon after and she refuses to talk to anyone until one text, one silent drive to the salon later she's sharing her snickers bar with Eli as a form of thanks.
Eli always leaves an anonymous bouquet of pink roses (her favorite) for Ava before her recitals in her dressing room. It's the only sign that he attends her recitals at all (Eli has attended every single one of them).
Whenever Eli goes AWOL, only Ava knows he's hiding in the library in a dark nook that has space behind the shelf just enough for two people. Sometimes, she joins him. Other times, she lays her head against his shoulder as he reads in the quiet.
All the teasing garnered from her friends due to Eli's attention suddenly stops one day. Becomes more...cautious.
Eli swears he had nothing to do with it and that he would never threaten them (he's lying, he nearly makes Remi cry).
Ava, like her mom, also writes journals where a lot of pages have Eli's name written, circled, crossed and scribbled out.
For prom, RES hosts a masquerade theme but every single boy in the school is terrified to ask Ava to prom. Glyndon decides to go without a date as well and Cecily flies in to join them. Both friends pretend not to notice Ava dancing with a masked stranger on the dancefloor at midnight.
Eli never stays longer than five minutes at any of Ava's birthdays/sometimes she never finds him at all, but she always finds his gifts in her room.
Ava has a jersey with Eli's number on it that Cole secretly swipes out of her closet to burn but gets caught by Silver.
Ariella is Eli's partner-in-crime.
After Eli leaves for University, Ava shows up at the King's mansion under the pretense of hanging out with Elsa but it's just to sneak into Eli's room and look at all his awards and trophies longingly she does not miss him.
When they finally start dating, they are met with long-suffering sighs, "finally"'s and "took you guys forever."
Ava drops little hints of herself wherever she can find a place for it. Scrunchie on his gearshift. Perfume bottle on his desk. "Accidental" kiss mark on his collar. Her ring on a chain around his neck.
Ava makes Eli watch all the chick-flicks she can because she's appalled when she finds out he hasn't watched Mean Girls.
"BOo, yoU wHoRE" - Remi says, sitting next to Cecy, Glyn, Annika and Ava wearing a facemask matching theirs.
The moment Cole opens the door to see his daughter and King's spawn standing together, hand-in-hand, the first thing he says is "No"
And it's final, too. No amount of convincing from both Silver and Ava seems to work.
When he finally comes around and they all sit down for dinner, they have a "Daddy, can you pass the salt?" moment after which Eli is chased out of the house by Cole and his gün.
Eli sneaks in thru the balcony into Ava's room anyway. Both Ariella and Silver know and choose not to tell Cole.
Eli's only saving grace with Cole is that Eli would kilI for his daughter or die trying and Cole wouldn't want any man willing to give anything lesser for his Ava.
Part two?
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Kabos [Kingdoms @thedailyvio]
Kabos is a young half fae seeking a life of ease. He thinks he can con his way to a better life if he can appeal to the entirety of the pantheon, often investing in things that are said to make you favorable to them, or even just small lucky charms. He doesn't pay much mind to what's legal in his efforts to live a carefree existence. It's only when he has the misfortune of running into Ariella Riems that he rapidly must begin taking the law more seriously, as she (rather rudely in his opinion) took some kind of offense at him trying to steal from her. She threatened to see him put to death up until he offered her some very choice information on how she might be able to accomplish her impossible goals. Secrets spread around among thieves that had long entered the realm of legend, yet Kabos had recently heard the first kernel of truth with regards to the last dragon egg, said to contain an entity capable of granting wishes. With a promise to direct her to the source of information, Kabos saves his skin, but gives up his freedom.
Kate Riley [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]
Kate, as far as we know, is the only non-magical elf. She is 19. Because she has two military parents and because she is a problem child without the ability to train in magic, she got sent to military school with humans, in the hope that she would learn some discipline and find a career. Kate is deeply insecure about her lack of telepathy, as it caused her to feel distant from her telepathic parents. Her parents immigrated from Achetia, the elf-country, to Dralina before she was born (they had a forbidden relationship and had to elope) and so Kate is a minority in Dralina simply for being an elf even before other factors are considered. If you ask her to show you some magic she will punch you in the stomach.
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Now that GoWar is out, i wanna rank the LOG series. ( no body asked for this😊)
These are my opinions!!! I totally understand if we have different opinions and it's fine!!!
1. GOF💛( Are we surprised?? Nikobran anyday)
2. GOWrath🤎( JerCec are my roman empire)
3. GOP💜( For Anni amd Anni only)
4. GOR💙( I was kinda disappointed )
5. GOWar🩷 (Absolute trash)
6. GOM❤️( Glyn deserves better )
Characters ( FC)
2. Annika Volkov ( She's her mother's daughter 💜)
3. Maya Sokolov (No book and still slayed ✨️)
4. Ava Nash ( Besides her own pov she's fine 🩷)
5. Glyndon King. ( Nothing wrong but could've been better❤️)
6. Mia Sokolov ( Flopped after the first couple of chapters. Maybe if RK didn't hype her like she's a badass I would've liked her)
Honorary mention to Ariella Nash ( SHE DESERVES A BOOK!!!!)
Characters MC
1. BRANDON KING ( My soft bby💛 loml)
2. JEREMY VOLKOV ( He's his daddy son😮‍💨)
3. Nikolai sokolov ( Scary sunshine alright 🥹)
4. Landon king ( lan in GOF🙌)
5. Creighton King ( He was fine until the last 20% 😒)
6. Eli King ( Boring af 😴)
7. Killian Carson( 🚔 disgusting pig if u ask me)
Honorary mention to Remi Astor (How the only son of ronan doesn't have a book is beyond me)
1. NIKOBRAN💛 ( Again , are we surprised?)
2. JERCEC 🤎 ( They healed each other )
3. AnniCreigh💜 ( They really were cute)
4. LanMia💙 ( Lan surprised me )
5. EliAva🩷 ( Idk man ,I did not feel any chemistry)
6. KillGlyn❤️ ( I loath how it started but ig they were fine as a side characters).
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urauntiefaye · 4 months
To Be Kidnapped Teaser
A/N: Title will be changed just haven't figured it out yet,
CW: Mafia &Team, mentions of Enhypen Kidnapping, mentions of alcohol and partying this is x an OC of mine
WC: 701
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I wasn’t supposed to be tied up in some ass room being interrogated by one of the most dangerous gangs. But here we are, being tied but in a very uncomfortable chair with rope burn on my wrist and a pounding headache. Now you’re probably wondering “how the fuck did you get in this situation Ariella?”. So I’ll recap a little. I, a broke, depressed, and anxiety ridden college student, decided to say fuck it and went to a club with my friends instead of studying for my finals.
As I went to said club I ended up bumping into a fairly attractive man (I know what you’re thinking, I should’ve seen the red flags with just that sentence, but I was drunk and honestly didn’t give two shits at the time). He was pretty tall, probably around 6’1, with dark brown hair. We flirted throughout the night and if I was actually dumb I would’ve gone home with him. But I am not, and I know stranger danger. So once it got pretty late I excused myself and attempted to make my way home. Until the next thing I know I was fucking ATTACKED and thrown into an expensive ass car. Which I wasn’t really upset about, because if I’m getting kidnaped at least it’s in a boujee way.
And yeah, that’s how I got here. Minus the place being absolutely filthy, and cold, it was also dark. But hey, what am I supposed to expect in this situation?. I let out a huff and tried to get into a comfortable potion. Well, as comfortable as I could get. I tried to make out what the rest of the room looked like, but it was too dark to see anything. I deadass don’t even know what to do right now, I could attempt to run, but the rope is too tight and the bastard who kidnapped me is right in front of me along with another man, this shorter than him but definitely more muscular. You could definitely tell he was one of those gym rats. “Now, I will ask this question one more time. What do you know about Mr. Kim? And what is his plan with our boss’s sister?”. I rolled my eyes and groaned. “And again, I don’t FUCKING know, dude I don’t even know who the hell this Mr. Kim is. And I have no fucking idea who your boss’s sister is”. The blonde sighs and steps forward to me and croches down to my level. He was one centimeters away from me. Mans was so close I could feel his breath. “Fuck dude, a mint would do you some justic”.
I really should’ve listened to my friends, especially Jay. God I can already imagine it, him looking at me with a disappointed look that I thought only my mom was capable of. I can practically hear him sighing and saying “I told you not to go out tonight Ariella”. I love Jay but I swear he’s more like my mom than my actual mom sometimes. A harsh slap went acrossy cheek, my skin cringing in pain. “Fuck dude!” I screamed loudly, as the taller one grip his first in my hair pulling it back. “If only you'd play nice then we'd be easier on you” he said. The shorter one put his hand on the others shoulder. “Chill dude, we don't need her passing out.
Seriously though, who the fuck where these guys. And where's Jay when you fucking need him.
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sylveesmusasters · 10 months
🔐 for the litleos
How and if you can earn their trust depends quite a bit on who you are.
If you're an alt of their family members, give them lots of affection and quality time. Listen to them. Even then, they will watch you from the shadows, as they know what 13 universes worth of fate has in store for you if they don't intervene and they don't like it.
If they don't know you, even if you're a flare member outside of their family, they're not going to trust you very easily. The best way to get them to trust you is to leave them alone. Not ask too many questions. Yet be kind to them and willing to help if they ask for some weird things like plugging a sus USB stick into a control system at Lysandre Labs.
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rfaromance · 1 year
I know seven eight nine... but if Ariella and Saeyoung are Elleven... What happened to ten?
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"Nothing happened to ten! We're just... Seven Elleven!" 🥁
(Saeyoung, who totally didn't kill ten and not tell Ariella, sweating in the back)
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sarascamander · 21 days
I finish GoW so here's my little thoughts
Spoiler, obviously
1) Ava Nash is not Eli King's wife. She's MY wife. Seriously, Ava has my whole damn heart, I like Eli's wife more than I like him to be honest. She's a star, she's an icon, she IS the moment. She's so cute and feisty and amazing and petty and I love her so so much. Literally I want to hug her, I want to marry her and she can step on me anytime. Favorite Rina Kent girl EVER. Ava Nash, give me one chance please 🛐🙏🏻😭
2) people on twitter are shredding Eli apart but honestly considering Rina Kent's other MMC, he's legit pretty tamer in comparison. Yeah he did and said some nasty stuff but that's pretty standard for RK men. Killian literally SA Glyndon the first night they met 💀 I think I can forgive Eli. And he's honestly so adorable in the end. I melt at his love confession. Like you SIMP. Get out for here.
“The lack of you has stripped my world of color and made me realize you’re my sole light in the darkness [...] The heart you slowly awakened is entirely yours to do with as you please.”
+ my heart genuinely breaks for him 😭. He's trying hard to keep Ava safe but some of his decisions backfire and when Ava asked for divorce he was so heartbroken it hurt my heart. He really loves his wife you can't deny that.
3) Ariella is so real because I too, have a huge crush on Remi. But she'll gauge my eyes out if she ever heard me say that 😭. She's so badass and supportive and cute, I love her ♥️♥️.
4) Landon calling Ava 'Barbie' is so cute. They're never beating the siblings allegation.
5) I feel like AvaEli have a lot of miscommunication in the sense of what happened in the beginning but at the same they feel so mature that they communicate about what they want like the babies and stuff. Idk why but they have a mature tone on them and I really love it especially since Eli makes sure that it's okay with Ava the whole time before he starts sleeping with her.
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shinyhappysims · 6 months
Today was Miguel’s 18th birthday so we headed over to Oasis Springs so Nnadi could celebrate with him! It was also a good opportunity to meet his family and fellowship with them. (Our youngest boy Lotanna also had a birthday while we were there. How fun!)
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The Ventura fam (l to r): Yasmin (15), Camila (12), Ariella (43), Diego (47), Moises (5), Hugo (9), Miguel (18)
I love making connections with other Christians! Surrounding yourself with people that share your values is good for the soul. Of course it’s heavy on my heart that I’m still not in touch with my sisters and cousins and I just have to sit and watch as they fall deeper into sin, but I can’t help anyone who doesn’t want to be saved!
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I caught these shots of Nnadi looking absolutely enamored with Miguel as he was talking about some of the things he wants for his future family. Isioma was cringing but it’s only a matter of time before a guy makes her feel the same way.
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Before we left, Miguel pulled Chukwuma aside to ask if he could officially start a courtship with Nnadi! Only quick side hugs for now, but soon enough there will be wedding bells in their future, then they can hug all they want! ;)
With love, Bre <3
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