#teagen asks
chioneeirwen · 4 months
Stone and Steel
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The brisk morning air grazed Chione’s face, her window slightly ajar. Sunshine poured into her chambers in a warm glow; sky-colored eyes fluttered open as the sun shone, the sun earning a squint from her features in return. She rose out of bed with a grunt accompanied by a stretch and headed to her washroom. Entering the threshold, she reached her vanity and looked into the mirror, a sigh leaving her lips. She leaned down and turned the water on, splashing some cool water onto her skin to relieve herself from grogginess. Turning towards her shower, she turned the nozzles to the perfect temperature. Chione removed the tightly wrapped braid from its wrap and loosened her wavy hair from its interlacing pieces. As she watched steam envelop her washroom, she disrobed, stepped into the warmth of her shower, and became engulfed in hot water. She cleansed her body and freshened up her hair. Chione then turned the nozzles off, the hot water ceasing to touch her skin as the showerhead no longer rained water. She wrapped her silk robe around her glistening body, reentered her chambers, and briskly walked towards her wardrobe. 
Today was a meeting day with Baurendouin Haillenarte to discuss business and commerce. So she had to dress for the occasion. She diligently dug through her disheveled wardrobe to find her favorite rouge-hued corset and a pair of black pants. Soon enough, she had found the articles of clothing and began dressing herself before summoning her maid, Teagan, to help tie her corset strings. Once tightened, secured, and knotted in the back, she thanked Teagen and dismissed her while she found ankle-high-heeled boots and pulled them over her feet. Finding a sheer black long-sleeve fitted top, she tied the outfit together. With nimble fingers, she tied her long, light-colored hair into an updo, keeping her bangs from her eyes. Leaving her room, taking significant strides down the candlelit hallway, her mother, Cora, greeted her as she swiftly entered the main hall.
“Good morning, my dear. Did you sleep well last night?” Cora asked her busy daughter as she watched her get things together from the reading nook just inside the library, busily moving throughout the halls for items she may need for Baurendouin. 
“Good morning, Mother. I’m alright. I'm just running behind on my meeting with Baurendouin. Trying to produce more steel and have our miners build more homes in the Empyreum, and by the Twelve trying to help rebuild things is difficult when Father isn’t here to help.” Chione huffs in annoyance as she finishes gathering the rest of her things and placing them all into a leather-stitched satchel. Grabbing her heavy cloak, she draped it over her shoulders, grabbed the bag, and hung it over her left shoulder. Turning around, she walked to her mother with vigor and quickly pecked her cheek. 
“Goodbye, Mother, I’ll be back later! Hopefully, Father doesn’t miss this meeting.” Chione quips as she grabs the door handle.
“I’m sure your father will make it. Goodbye, dear. See you tonight!” Cora calls, turning back to her tea and romance novel as Chione leaves the mansion, her white cloak pulled close to her neck, blocking out the winter air– a hood over her head to keep the nipping cold, sharp air off her rose-hued cheeks. Chione began her short and quiet trek from the Eirwen Estate to Skysteel Manufactory.
Eventually, she entered the busier part of Ishgard. Looking around the Brume, seeing it still in disarray, it warms her heart to see all these men and women working to rebuild the home they love and cherish. With a slight smile, she continued her walk to Skysteel Manufactory. Her heels clicked against the cold cobblestone as she continued her walk, pulling her fur-lined hood closer to cover her neck and cheeks before approaching the landing to enter the factory. Approaching the threshold, she pushes the doors open to see the steam engines working hard, and the smell of burning coals kisses her wind-chilled nose. Taking a deep breath, inhaling the scent of coal, she verbally exhaled and went to her office to await Baurendouin and, hopefully, her father. Discarding her cloak, she places it on the coat rack by her office door. Brushing snow off her face, she walked to a trolley and reached for a glass bottle filled with red wine. Nimble fingers reached for a wine glass, turning it over before pouring some of the crimson liquid into the glass. With her foot under her heel, she turned, made her way to her desk, and sat down, raising the crystal container to her nude lips and taking a sip. The red liquid slightly staining her lower lip. 
Placing the chalice off to the side, she reached for a small stack of papers that someone had delivered to her office prior to her arrival. Scanning the first page, she read over the night shift’s foreman’s documents and everything the workers had done. Seeing that the numbers matched what needed to be done, she placed the papers back in their original order, set a paperclip onto the pages, and put the bundle into a filing cabinet. Sighing, she sat back in her tall wooden chair and placed her forearm on her desk, her fingernails gently rapping against the wood. Chione knew she was early. Her mother had raised her always to arrive early. Eventually, her ears perked up to hear the familiar voice of her father, Beau. Chione sat straight in her chair and waited patiently for her father to enter her office. 
Hearing the handle to Chione’s office tinker and clank, she raised her head as her father entered the office, his heavy linen coat draped over his right forearm. A smile tugged at Chione’s mouth, the corners revealing dimples she had inherited from her mother. 
“Good morning, Father.” Chione addressed him as she stood and gave a slight bow. Beau turned to face his daughter with a smile as he placed his coat on one of the empty hooks on the rack, his hat set to dry at the very point of the stand. Her father closed the door behind him.
“And here I thought you would miss this meeting as well.” Chione chirped with a smirk as she came from behind her desk to embrace her father. Beau laughed as he returned his daughter’s embrace. 
“As busy as other business with the Knights is, this is like a nice early morning walk, and I was eager to see what Baurendouin had to share with us. How did last night go?” he asked as he sat in one of the chairs before Chione’s massive desk. 
“Last night, according to the foreman, went smoothly. Everything was correctly completed, and there were zero incidents.” Chione replied to her father’s question as he stood, went to the trolley, and poured himself a glass of bourbon with ice. Raising the crystal rock glass, he nodded as he swallowed the amber liquid. 
“That’s good to hear. Hopefully, we can speak to traders overseas soon to broaden our horizons in commerce.” Beau replied to Chione as he sat back down in the tall wooden chair before her desk. Index finger rapping the glass as they waited. Maybe 15 minutes had passed, and Baurendouin finally entered Chione’s office. 
“Sorry for my delay, my Lord and Lady. My children needed my assistance with something at home.” Baurendouin stated as he removed his coat from his person and hung it among the others that took residence on the coat rack.
“Nothing to apologize for, Lord Haillenarte. I completely understand how children can be.” He said with jest, peering over to look at his daughter. Chione huffed a breath and shook her head. 
“It’s quite alright, my Lord. I hope everything has been taken care of at home,” Chione says with a simpered smile evident across her face. Now, what would you like to discuss with us, Baurendouin?” Beau asks, turning in his chair to get comfortable, cutting in to complete the statement. Leaning back, her back touching the plush cushions nailed to the chair, Chione kept her attention on Baurendouin. 
“AH, yes. Uh- sorry about that. Let's get to the business end of this discussion. Well… Actually, I wanted to talk about hiring… More people?” Baurendouin requested with a nervous chuckle leaving his lips. Chione sat up in her chair with a furrowed brow aimed towards the nervous Elezen, Beau turning in the chair to look at him as well with a mirrored expression from his daughter. 
“And might I ask where the last 50 men we hired went? I can't imagine all of them vanishing into thin air.” Chione responded in a concerned yet annoyed tone. Baurendouin fidgeted with the rings on his fingers before running to the trolley of alcohol stationed in the corner of Chione’s office. With shaky, calloused hands, he reached for a crystal decanter and the bottle of bourbon that Beau had opened upon his arrival. Pouring the amber liquid into the glass and adding ice from the bucket on the second shelf, Baurendouin turned to meet the two faces, awaiting a justified response. He took a hefty swallow from the glass before sighing and thinking about how to answer Chione’s question. 
“Uhm… We aren't exactly sure WHAT happened to the workers. We sent them out to Falcon's Nest to mine there and bring back ore and stone, but when a leading officer from Lord Eirwen's barracks went to pick them up, they were nowhere to be found. I've asked the guards in Falcon's Nest for answers or if anyone had come across corpses whilst delivering trade goods to Tailfeather… and they had no answers for me or didn't bother to answer me.” Baurendouin responded in kind as he walked to the other empty seat in front of Chione’s wooden desk. 
Beau sighed heavily, “And who, by chance, was supposedly watching and protecting these men while they mined?” He retorted, frustration evident across the Lord's features. The Elezen turned his attention to Beau and sighed. “I can't remember his name, M’Lord. I'm truly sorry that I don't have that information for you.” Baurendouin whimpered with another sad sigh, leaving his thin lips. Chione rubbed her temple in frustration, her back colliding softly with the cushion behind her back, elbow bent to meet her face where her hand rested firmly against high cheekbones. 
“So what are you proposing we do, Lord Baurendouin? We can't just start looking for new hirable men and women. Many of them will ask what happened and why you need more bodies. I can find someone to look into the disappearances, but for right now, you need to focus on the facility and make sure that the Machinists get their shipments of weapons. They're going to need them. Same with our Dragoons and Temple Knights. You got me?” Chione demanded with poise, her baby blues scanning Baurendouin's features intently. The tall Elezen nodded vigorously before taking another large swig from the decanter. Beau surveyed their interaction, having been impressed with Chione’s leadership and management in the Skysteel Manufactory. 
“I am in agreement with Lady Chione. Is there anything else that we need to know about Lord Haillenarte?” Beau questioned, his rough fingers rapping gently against the crystal glass grasped firmly in his hands. 
“No, my Lord and Lady. And again, I am truly sorry to spring this onto you with such short notice.” He expressed with a reflective tone. 
“It is quite alright, but if it's urgent, please send word via letter to the Eirwen Estate,” Beau replied curtly before emptying the glass sitting in his tight grip. Chione reached for her glass and took a hefty swig from the chalice, a sigh escaping through her nose as she swallowed the crimson liquid, the warmth of the alcohol blanketing her liver like a warm embrace. 
“You are dismissed, my Lord,” Chione nodded. Baurendouin finished his glass and stood, leaving the now empty decanter on her wooden desk. Approaching the coat rack, he grabbed his dark blue coat and threw it onto his shoulders before buttoning the few buttons stitched into the fabric. With one more glance towards the pair of nobles, he bowed and left the office. 
Chione’s posture softened, her back relaxed into her oversized oak chair, and a hefty sigh escaped her lips. Soft hands reached to her temples and lightly massaged the skin. “I don’t know what to do with him anymore, Father. The man is just not fit to run something like this if he’s always nervous and looking petrified upon receiving criticism. Beau chuckled at his daughter’s mannerisms as he stood and grabbed Lord Haillenarte’s glass, plus his own, and walked to the small kitchenette in the warmest section of her office. Turning the nozzle, he cleaned the decanters and dried them before placing them back onto the trolley they sat on. With a sigh and a hum, Beau directed his attention back to the blonde sitting back in her chair.  “What’s done is done, my dear. My only question is, who will you contact to help investigate the disappearances?” His eyebrow arched in question. Chione peeled her gaze from her chalice over to her father’s blue eyes. She pondered a bit, the thought now hitting her like a herd of hungry chocobos. An exasperated sigh left her petite frame, and she shook her head as she leaned in towards the crevice of her desk, elbows bending as her hands landed on the desk with a light thud.
“I haven’t figured that out quite yet, but I’m sure that I could make some “friends” for the time being,” Chione conveyed to her father with a look of determination, “I’ve got this handled, Father; you continue training new knights. The problem at hand will be handled accordingly.” Chione finished with a satisfactory smile playing across her cheeks. Beau nodded, approached the coat rack, and reached for his heavy crimson jacket. Grabbing his hat as well, he watched as Chione strolled over to the coat rack as well and, with nimble fingers, reached for the heavy white cloak that hung on the hook and draped it over her petite frame, pulling the fur-lined hood over her sun-kissed hair.
“Shall we head home? I fear we’ve spent too much of our day in this meeting. I think it’s time for us Eirwen’s to turn in for the evening.” Beau boomed with a massive smile on his face. Chione nodded in agreement, “Yes, the hell I am. I'm going to need another shower by the time we leave because that coal smell is just wafting into this office all the time.” Chione puffed in annoyance as Beau reached for the door handle leading out onto the main floor. With heavy strides, the two left the factory full of jests and smiles as they paraded back to the Eirwen Estate.
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Keith and Scarlet had asked Martin and Lorenza if they could take the kids for a walk, and they said yes.
So, here they were, walking down the streets. Teagen and Ames were playing with their plushies while the funkin duo watched.
【 @funkin-worlds teehee
*Ames was playing with one of her newest plushies named Careful, making it have a little rap battle with Teagen’s Keith plushie, you know, what they usually do*
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funkin-worlds · 2 years
*Ames walked up to Teagen*
“H-Hey sis…d-do…I ever c-come across a-as annoying…o-or clingy…w-when I ask y-y-you a question or a-ask if you w-w-wanna play…?”
Teagen eyes widen...this was something she fears.
"No! Of course not! Why is that?" She frowns. Of course she was worried about Ames, what if something bad happens?!
...what if...no, that couldn't happen. Ames would never disappear, like her parents. No one would never do that...
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lolbitlulu · 1 year
Chapter 1 ; “Fear”
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As the sun started to rise, Amaya arrived at her palace without no one seeing her. She returns to her chambers to make herself look more presentable. As she walks around her chambers trying to find the items and clothing she needs, a knock on her door startled her. She opens the door staring in shock at what was in front of her door.
“You’re all here”, Amaya looked surprised to see the 4 people she least expected arriving at her doorstep. ‘Why are they here?’, thought Amaya. 
“What’s so wrong with visiting my future spouse?”, said the yellow elf holding her close to him. Amaya shook her head and as uncomfortable as she was, she still let him hold her close.
“There’s nothing wrong with seeing me..Petir”, she looks at the yellow elf. 
“Are you doing well Amaya? Doing your duties well?”, the white elf says with a smile.
"I'm sure she’s doing well, Teagen. Stop asking about duties already! It’s so plain and boring~”, said the short pink elf with a pout on her face making the white elf let out a small laugh.
“Kasih please don’t say that, I do not mind at all. I know Teagan means well”, said Amaya looking at Kasih and Teagan with a weary chuckle.
“Humph! You’re too nice Amaya”, said Kasih, still pouting. Petir lets out a sigh and pulls Kasih’s cheeks as a small tease. “Owww! Let me go! It hurts, it hurts!!”, whined Kasih while hitting Petir’s hands. Amaya chuckled at their antics while Teagen just let out a pleased sigh seeing Amaya chuckling. 
“So how have you been? Well and protected I assume?”, asked Teagen with his usual smile. Somehow Amaya felt shivers going down her back seeing his smile.. 
It felt like it was so wrong to see him smile so kindly and meaningfully. It felt like something was happening to him without her knowing. It felt as if she was doing something wrong in front of him. It felt like…he knew what she was hiding behind his back.
“Oh I’ve been well, doing my duties and watching over the land”, answered Amaya with a small smile. Teagen clapped his hands in glee seeing how happy she was after being engaged to Petir. Oh how embarrassing would it be…
If he knew her real feelings about Petir and how she actually never loved him. She only agreed because she was scared of breaking the friendship between herself and Petir. Not only scared of breaking the friendship between her and Petir, she was also scared of Teagen. Scared of looking like a disappointment to the white elf by not accepting Petir. Scared of making the pink elf cry by rejecting the person she considers a brother. Scared of getting hurt by the yellow elf by rejecting him. All those fears came crashing down as she watched them all smile in glee. She watched them talk and laugh as if they didn’t torture all those souls. 
Petir noticed her longing face and cups her cheek making her look up at him. “Are you okay? You seem..off lately. Is something bothering you?”, asked the yellow elf while looking at his supposed spouse.
In a flash of light, Amaya broke out of her thoughts and shook her head while smiling. “Why do you think anything was wrong? I’m just thinking about my territory”, the answer that the blue elf gave the yellow elf made him laugh joyfully as he led the elf to join them. 
Before she knew it…she felt something she had never felt towards them before. A feeling she tried to surpass when being with them. She felt..fear towards them all. She feared them.
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elfmagesurana · 11 months
Warden!Jowan AU: Redcliffe Conscription
Surana feels herself panicking, breathing coming on quicker at Arl Eamon's refusal to let Jowan leave the castle unmolested. The Arl, Bann Teagen, and Alistair look at her in various states of disapproval for even asking.
Surana knows for a fact now that Jowan will become Tranquil if he is sent back to Kinloch Hold. He'd told her as much when he'd been in that awful prison cell she released him from, and Irving himself had said as much when she'd asked about it in his office. She should have released him from the cell before, and told him to leave forever, hindsight is crueler than any demon.
With a heavy heart, Surana looks Jowan in the eyes before speaking.
"Then I shall recruit this mage into the Grey Wardens." She takes hold of his hand, and through muscle memory alone he brushes his thumb against her hand, calming her nerves. Jowan is her dearest friend, and she just wants him safe.
No one else accepts this outcome, especially Alistair. Surana can feel his disapproval before he even speaks.
"The Grey Wardens can't recruit criminals, Surana!" Alistair protested, Eamon gone silent and Bann Teagen looked to be in deep thought.
"Duncan recruited me, and I was sentenced to die!" Surana reminds him, hurt by his vehement refusal. He'd seen how much Jowan meant to her.
"Because of him!" Alistair shouts, and Surana jumps slightly as Alistair makes an unconscious step forward.
"Don't yell at her! You're mad at me, not her!" Jowan pipes up in defense of his friend, slightly surprising Surana. Usually the roles were reversed. He looks at her fondly. "She's my friend, and I care about her, more than anything. I'm sorry it took so long to realize that." Jowan apologizes.
"Oh Alistair, everyone deserves a second chance. The man is clearly remorseful of his actions." Leliana lightly scolds, her tone sympathetic to Jowan's situation and no doubt thinking of her own.
"Yes Alistair, do you truly hate this man so? Or has your Templar training poisoned your mind such that you cannot even conceive of anything beyond it? Would you truly let this man die?"
Alistair calms a bit at this, shamed. "I... you're right. I'm sorry Surana... Jowan. You're the leader, and I can't fault you for wanting to save your friend, Maker knows I wish I could've saved some of mine." Alistair says, quietly.
Surana feels nothing but relief, and accepts his apology. Looking to the Guerrins, Surana asks if she can count on them in the fight to come. They say yes, with Eamon recommending the group to finish using the grey warden treaties while he aims to get the Landsmeet started. Neither man make eye contact with Jowan.
With her heart lighter, Surana heads out of Redcliffe with Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan, and Jowan in tow.
Jowan is rendered unconscious, and Alistair is quick to check on him.
"He made it, surprisingly." Alistair said, picking Jowan up like a sack of potatoes and walking with Surana back to camp. He'd actually had to threaten a nosy Zevran not to follow them, and Alistair still felt guilty. Then felt annoyed at his guilt over threatening an assassin.
"I'm glad. And thank you again, Alistair. For letting me recruit him." Surana says, smiling up at him shyly.
Alistair blushes and looks forward. "He's your friend, and you are the leader of our little group. Doubly so after you beat up Sten. I still can't believe that worked." Alistair says, ribbing her.
Surana laughs along, happy there are no hard feelings.
Jowan wakes up eventually in his own tent, Surana had been taking care of him while he'd been unconscious. She smiles at him, eyes filled with something Jowan can't recognize. "What...was that? Was that the Archdemon?! We have to fight that thing?" Jowan says fearfully.
Surana nods, "Alistair said the nightmares will either get worse or you will be able to block them out eventually. as for the Archdemon, well. Between my Entropy magic and your... magic. I think we should save the Archdemon battle for Alistair, we will just support him I think. Now that you're up, we should head out. We need to head for the Brecilian Forest next."
Jowan needs help from Leliana to pack his tent back up, but he's quick to note that Alistair had to help Surana as well. A hard ball of shame sets in his stomach soon after however, knowing that he and Surana were lacking in what seemed to be things most everyone else already knew. He really hated living in the Circle.
Giving Sten a wide berth, Jowan sets his meager things into the caravan Bodahn had apparently given to them, as thanks for safe travels and good coin.
Jowan just hoped life as a Grey Warden wasn't as awful as life in the Circle.
Jowan didn't live many of his years outside of the Circle, but he was pretty sure that trees hadn't been attacking people constantly.
Morrigan had called them Sylvans, like they were normal. Jowan had tried casting a Flame Blast, but when it proceeded to do nothing but set them all on fire, he hid until the fight was over.
Sten had been livid, and Surana had to defend him by saying that it was his first battle. Which was true, but trees were attacking and that more than anything had scared him. Sten scared Jowan, not because of the Qunari thing but because of the way he looked at him. Like Jowan was the scariest person in the group, besides Wynne who he gave the same look to. Jowan would have chalked it up to them being mages except he was just plain nervous around Morrigan same as everyone, and looked at Surana with deference.
So Jowan had no clue what Sten's problem was, specifically, but until then Jowan would not get near him to find out.
Surana will admit, Jowan running scared wasn't a good look, especially as they were just trees. Apparently sometimes trees just began killing sprees but either way Jowan needed to be able to fight. Not necessarily be the best at combat, but at least do something.
Except blood magic, everyone got all up in arms about that apparently.
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Personal headcanon:
Tamlen was going to propose to Mahariel the day he died, he was so eager to gain Marethari favor because he wanted her blessing.
Mahariel, to this day, can't look herself on a mirror.
Bevin became some sort of adopted son to Mahariel and Alistair.
Teagen is now the one who takes care of the group, even now that they are older.
Fenris took Hawke's name.
Anders ist in really good terms with Clan Sabrae.
Although Anders hates Merrill he tells her about Mahariel and how she is now. He feels he needs to shared with her.
Sabrae Clan joined Lavellan's Clan.
Cullen took his wife name and is a stay-at-home husband.
Cassandra has finally gather the courage to talk to Avelina and has asked her signature.
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cullens-babe · 2 years
“Three mages have fled to Ferelden, and you have intervened to protect them as if it is your right to do so.”
I mean….he IS king.
By the way, they did Alistair dirty in his design like….why….would they do that to our puppy boy. Our amazing man who is responsible and lovable.
“Right! I’m Alistair, oh… king of Ferelden. And this is Teagan, my uncle. Sort of.”
I love him.
“Yes, well, apparently I don’t feel the same way about mages as the Chantry does. So we’re in disagreements. That means they get nasty. They’re like that.”
I LOVE HIMMM! Melody would be proud of him standing up for mages and for himself like yes don’t let anyone push you around.
“Oh, the usual. Attempted assassinations, uprisings, fancy parties with stinky cheese.”
And then
“That’s right. Swooping is bad.”
“You ask me, the biggest threat to this city just walked out the door.”
“But maybe that’s just the ex-Templar in me talking.”
It’s the common sense in you speaking.
Then Teagen says something about the Grey Wardens in Denerim and he’s tired BUT in my head he’s a little happy bc he gets to see Melody, his mistress. I love Alistair SO much guys.
He and the HoF deserved to be together even if the HoF isn’t human like!! UGH!!
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dominijoyce · 1 year
11 and 22 for the ask meme? :3
11. A song to stomp around and pout to
Also because I want to make it more interesting Imma also put my favorite verse of each song :3
All my life I've been good But now I'm thinking, "What the hell" All I want is to mess around And I don't really care about If you love me, if you hate me You can't save me, baby, baby
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life
Would it be too easy of me to post a song from EPIC: The Musical? Probably but also I have lately been listening to this track on repeat for the last week or so-
Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you? Have you forgotten to turn off your heart, this is not you I see you changing from how I've designed you Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you
Honestly everytime Teagen Earley [Athena] sings can be counted as my favorite moment, her performance is just perfect and she really sounds like a Goddess =w=
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aliverse · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary? 
This is an INCREDIBLE and INTERESTING question, but also very difficult as I don’t really think about that, just imagine their voices the same as their faceclaims. However I suppose there are some that separate due to where they were raised... so anyways I’ll get to the point: 
Aurora Blix is potrayed by Jenny Boyd who was born in Switzerland but has an American accent. However, Aurora has a Swedish accent although it’s not very thick because she has lived in America for nearly 10 years. She tends to quote things like Heathers and have a very... basic white girl way of speaking? I hate saying that but it’s the best I can describe it.
Eden Barnes has been raised in California from pre-teen years but she was born in Australia and still has her Australian accent. Basically sounds like Phoebe Tonkin failing to do an American accent for 5 seasons of The Originals.
Ariella Caldwell is played by Danielle Rose Russell who is American, but Ariella is from Scotland and therefore has a Scottish accent. Her mother is also played by an American (Emma Stone) but was born in England and therefore has an British accent.
Older Winona Rouse is played by Karen Gillan who is Scottish but the character is American so her voice is Karen Gillan circa Selfie.
Teagen Harkness-Jones, also potrayed by DRR, is British.
I hope this is somewhat an answer to this question lol
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Bianca, Teagen, Mack, Adam, Han and Ryder?
Kiss: Bianca, I would love to kiss Bianca every day until I die, I won’t get over my love and affection for the gurl whos made me life brighter than ever before lmfoaijoaijosf
Marry: Han, he’s hot nd I’m a slut here we are lmfao
Set on Fire: Ryder, Mack would thank me and that’s all I have to say.
Wrap a Blanket around: Teagen, i mean after being sent home on the first night she might need it, she still liked me so she’d let me wrap her in a blanket right?? lmfaooo
Be Roommates with: Mack, she’ll  let me exist in peace and wouldn’t bother me and I could bother her and it’s be awesome lmfaoijoaijoisjf
Send Me 6 Character And I’ll Tell You…
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funkin-worlds · 2 years
*Ames was sitting on the floor of her and her big sister’s bedroom, a sewing machine and sewing materials beside her, she was just finishing putting the last small details on something before she turned the sewing machine off*
Instead of Teagen, Pico walked into the room.
"What are you doing, kid?" He asked cooly.
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
You/They Meet A Past/Future Version Of Them/You
First Doctor
You were walking through the streets of London, trying to find the Doctor and Susan. You looked at the estate, bumping into someone when you were distracted and you quickly apologized, pausing to look at the man you had collided with.
He stared at you for a moment, a smile forming on his lips. “That’s alright.” He straightened his leather jacket. “You wouldn’t happen to be Y/N, would you?”
You hesitated for a moment, “Yes.”
“A young girl called Susan asked if I had seen you. They’re waiting for you around the corner.” He lied with a smile, knowing that his past self would be looking for you.
Your eyes lit up at the mention of the Doctor and Susan, thanking the man before rushing off.
He turned to watch you leave, a fond smile on his lips. “Y/N of Skaro.” He turned when he heard Rose approaching and she looked at your retreating figure, eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
“I did. A very long time ago.” He said, a sad smile forming on his lips.
Seeing you again brought back memories, some were sad but the good memories overshadowed the bad ones. There were more good memories than bad and centuries later he never forgot you.
Second Doctor
He had lost both his companions and the Cybermen had taken you. This was not a good day. He was working on a control panel when a message was flagged up.
Hello, mi amor.
His fingers paused as he read the message. He knew it had to be from you, for only you called him ‘my love’.
Before he could think of replying another message appeared.
Follow the corridor to the left.
A door opened and he quickly left the control panel, following the path you made for him, opening doors. He was puzzled as you had no knowledge of hacking that he had seen. So how did you suddenly know the ins and outs of a space station?
He became more cautious as he followed the trail you left. There was one scenario that was possible to explain your sudden knowledge. One, you had been converted into a Cyberman and they were using your memories to lure him into a trap.
He looked around the empty room, approaching the glass to find you sleeping in a glass capsule. Jamie was beside you in another capsule, Zoe beside his capsule.
A beeping sound caused him to turn and the screen on the wall lit up with another message.
Hurry, mi amor.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at where you were sleeping. How were you communicating with him? He dismissed the thought when the Cybermen cried in agony, and he quickly rushed down the stairs to where you, Jamie, and Zoe were sleeping, opening your capsules.
Jamie came around quicker and the Doctor helped him out of the capsule. “What happened?”
“I’ll explain later, Jamie.” He picked you up from the capsule and the two raced out of the room, heading to the Tardis. Jamie helped Zoe keep up, looking over his shoulder at the Cybermen that followed. The doors opened automatically and the Doctor knew it had to be the same person that had helped him earlier. Jamie unlocked the Tardis and the Doctor placed you on the floor gently, rushing to close the doors, pausing when he saw Cybermen falling, his eyes widening when he saw an older version of you running away. You stopped by the Tardis, standing in front of him.
“God, you were so handsome at this age.” You hit your hand off a device on your wrist and with a wink, you were gone.
He heard a small groan from behind him and closed the doors, walking over to where you were now sitting up.
Jamie left to get you some water while the Doctor kneeled in front of you, a smile on his lips. You raised an eyebrow at him, “Why are you smiling?”
“I’ll explain later.”
He kissed your head, turning to Jamie when he handed him the water, handing it to you. “Thank you, mi amor.”
Third Doctor
You looked at the three Doctors, standing next to Teagen, Sarah, and the Brigadier. All afternoon you had received odd glances from the Brigadier and Teagen. The Brigadier was older and was shocked to see you. Teagen had mentioned that the Doctor didn’t like speaking about you and that she had never met you. So what happened?
You pondered your fate, wondering if the Doctor had noticed you weren’t fully present. The three were huddled around, translating old Gallifreyian.
Your questions waited until they solved the puzzle, saving his fifth incarnation in the process. You approached the young Doctor who admired you, hands in his pockets.
“Y/N.” He kissed your cheek.
The way he looked at you was different. Filled with guilt, sadness, and grief. The words were on the tip of your tongue, “Why aren’t I with you?” but no sound left your lips.
You sent him a small smile, “Doctor.”
“Come along, Y/N,” Your Doctor said.
You bid goodbye to his past incarnations before following him into the Tardis, looking back at the fifth Doctor curiously, wondering why you weren’t traveling with him.
You entered the Tardis, closed the door, and approached the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis, Sarah leaving to get changed.
He hummed so you continued. “Why wasn’t I there?”
His hand hesitated on the lever before he pushed it down. “Well, it could be for many reasons.” He said.
“You weren’t with him when he was brought here.”
“And another reason?”
His hesitation went unnoticed, his smile reassuring you. “You stopped traveling with me.”
You shook your head. “That’ll never happen.” You told him, standing next to him with a smile.
He smiled when you kissed his cheek before leaving to get changed. His smile fell, recalling the grief he saw in the young man’s eyes. He didn’t know how it happened, but he knew that you were taken from him in the future. So he made every moment count.
Fourth Doctor
You remained close friends with Sarah Jane after the Doctor returned to Gallifrey. When you saw him again, so young compared to when you knew him, yet he was still the same underneath. Jo had questions for him and Sarah Jane had asked him all she needed to know years ago when the Doctor had another face to the one you were admiring now. You wondered how many times he had changed since he left you with Sarah, wondering how much he had endured and how much those eyes had seen.
“Why did you leave me?”
He paused when you spoke for you hadn’t spoken to him since he arrived. He had been thrilled to see you again although you hadn’t said a word to him..
He stopped scanning with his sonic screwdriver, his eyes darting around as he listened to the heartbreak in your voice. He had changed seven times since he left for Gallifrey, with different faces with different personalities. He had lived many lives, but there was only one time he had loved with everything he had and that was with you.
“I had to.” He said quietly.
“You didn’t come back like you said you would. I thought that you forgot about me.”
He turned to you, “Forget about you?” He asked incredulously. “Never.”
Your teary eyes met his as he walked toward you. “Then why did you break your promise? You never told me why had to leave. So tell me why you didn’t return.”
“I wanted to.” He said quietly, his eyes admiring your aged features. “I wanted to more than anything.” He paused for a moment. “A lot happened on Gallifrey and when I left I put in your coordinates and was ready to leave…but I couldn’t. What if you had moved on? What if you were happy? How could I ask you to follow this madman with his police box to give it all up?”
“I would have in a heartbeat.” You told him. “Because I loved you with all my heart. And I still do. But I also hate you.”
He frowned.
“Because I could date Superman and he still wouldn’t hold a candle to you.”
“And no one has rendered me speechless like you do.”
His visit was short and fleeting but you finally got the answers you had been waiting for for decades. Why did he leave you behind? What happened on Gallifrey. And although you knew that he was leaving again, seeing him again made you feel twenty years old again.
Fifth Doctor
You were reading when the Tardis shook violently and quickly rushed to the console room, seeing two Doctors observing each other.
“Um,” their heads snapped to you, both taking off their glasses. Your Doctor smiled as he knew how pleased and surprised his past self would feel seeing you again after sending you back to your own time. But this hadn’t happened yet in your time.
“Y/N, meet the Doctor.”
You shook hands before deciding to make tea while the two brainstormed. Their Tardis's had collided and now his past self was trapped in his future.
“She doesn’t know yet.”
He looked at the towering, dark-haired Timelord when he spoke up.
“Everything that happened hasn’t happened to her yet. But soon she will travel back in our timeline, to your time.” The fifth Doctor put on his half-moon glasses as he analysed the readings. He was older than he was when you came to his time. But he had changed more than he liked to admit after he returned you to your time.
“You did the right thing.” His future self told him. “Sending her back.”
You returned with tea, pausing when you caught the end of their conversation. Sent who back?
Dismissing your thoughts you entered the console room and gave them cups of tea. “Figured it out yet?”
“I’m sure it’ll sort itself out.” Your Doctor said.
“Meaning you don’t know.” You smirked at him and he playfully rolled his eyes. You took his glasses and leaned to read the readings on the screen. “Well, three heads are better than two.”
You looked at his past self when he explained the readings to you. You nodded now and then to show you were listening but your eyes were filled with curiosity. And that’s when the tenth Doctor knew why you had chosen his fifth incarnation. It was clear as day that you were intrigued by him.
When the TARDIS’S were beginning to unmerge the fifth Doctor took your hand and kissed your knuckles. “Farewell, my Y/N.”
You were puzzled by his words and failed to notice your Doctor staring with a small smile on his lips, knowing how much it meant to his past self to see you again. His eyes held sadness knowing from the moment he met you that you were due to travel back in his timeline, meaning he would lose you. But little did he know the months you were gone were mere minutes in his time.
Sixth Doctor
You looked around the unfamiliar Tardis, growing more frightened and confused as to how you got there. Where was Perrie? Where was the Doctor? Who’s Tardis was this?
Your questions were answered when a woman entered the console room, pausing when she saw you.
“Who are you?” You asked.
Her mind was racing from all the memories that flooded her mind due to seeing you again.
“What is this place?”
“Oh, they must have switched!” She snapped her fingers and you glared at the blonde woman.
“What have you done to the Doctor?”
“I’m him. Well, now I’m a her. But I was a he when we were, you know, involved.”
You stared at her in disbelief when she placed a device on your head. “This will show your last memories before you were taken.”
You ignored the footage, eyeing her from head to toe. As she talked to herself for a few solid minutes you knew she was telling the truth. She mentioned things that weren’t shown on the screen. Places you had been together, with and without Peri.
“You’re really him - you.” You quickly corrected.
“Regeneration is a tricky process. You never know what you will end up with. Although looking at that jacket and the hair, it could’ve been worse.”
“Hey, I love that jacket. And the hair.” You playfully scolded.
She smiled at you fondly, “I know you did.”
The Tardis landed, following a signal and you followed her outside, surprised to see another Tardis parked a few feet away. She had explained the cause as you walked to the door, but the second you saw the other police Box you had forgotten everything she had said. Three people stepped out and your eyebrows furrowed until you saw your brightly dressed Doctor ushering them out.
You walked over to him and he smiled when he saw you. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “Bit of a scare for a minute there. But I was with someone I trusted.” He did not know what you meant until centuries later. But still, he smiled and put his hand on your back as he led you inside.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Seventh Doctor
You looked around the garden in awe, amazed by the flowers. You turned when you heard a voice from behind you.
“You appear to be a long way from home.”
You looked at the long white-haired man,  seeing the checked trousers he wore with braces, a waistcoat, and a black jacket. His style was odd and it reminded you of the man you had been separated from.
“Considering we are among Aztecs, I would agree and say so do you.”
“How did you get here?”
“I’m looking for a friend of mine.” You replied evasively. “He’s got question marks on his clothes, very hard to miss yet I cannot see him anywhere.”
“What’s his name? I will help you look.”
“The Doctor.” You told him.
You looked away from him as you stood up from where you were seated on a fountain and missed the way his eyes widened.
He was keen to ask questions before but as you searched he had made it clear he did not know anything. You weren’t sure why until you met your Doctor again. You kissed the first Doctor’s cheek before stepping into the Tardis.
The two Doctors looked at each other for a moment before the seventh Doctor sent him a wink before going inside the Tardis.
You had no idea you had met his past self until he told you who the man was.
Eighth Doctor
He was walking down a dimly lit cobbled street, as he headed to the Tardis where he hoped you and Charley were. He had lost Charley first then you disappeared and he was hoping you both had found your way back to the Tardis.
He bumped into a woman in a Victorian dress, quickly catching her before she fell. His eyes widened when he saw her. A few years older, but still the same woman he hoped was waiting for him in the Tardis.
“It’s you.” He spoke in disbelief. “B-But how ”
You smiled softly, “I was feeling nostalgic.” You leaned to his ear, whispering, “I’m waiting for you.” You kissed his cheek before walking away and the Doctor watched you disappear around a corner, quickly following, pausing when he saw the police box fading away.
He walked to find his own TARDIS, relieved to see that you and Charley were waiting.
“Where have you been you said five minutes! It’s freezing out here!” Charley complained.
The Doctor unlocked the door and you noticed he was quiet as you headed inside. “Everything okay?” You asked, approaching the console as he prepared to set a new course.
He nodded, turning to you with a smile. You were still with him years later and you both returned to this time to relive old memories.
“Never better.” He kissed you and you sent him a smile as you walked away to get changed.
War Doctor
You stared at the painting in the gallery, your gaze hardening at the war pictured, turning when you heard voices.
“Where are you going?” A feminine voice asked.
“I’ll be right back!” A male replied seconds before a man in a tweed jacket appeared. You looked at his odd outfit, before looking at the painting again.
He smiled, knowing you didn’t recognize him, taking a seat beside you on the bench. He knew if his old self was here you had to be too. And although your future self was waiting down the hall, his past self was looking for you as you had gotten separated in the portals. They had a plan and now it was time to see if it would work.
“A grim day.” He spoke up.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes but didn’t reply.
“I’m insulted.” You looked at him and he grinned at you. “Don’t you recognize me?”
You stared at him for a moment, eyes widening. “Doctor.”
You sensed he was older than the one you had arrived with and your eyebrows furrowed. “But how - that’s impossible!”
“Nothing’s impossible.”
He stood up, taking your hand. “We’re waiting for you. There’s a plan. A good plan. A great plan.” He put his hands on your shoulders, turning you to the painting of Gallifrey. “We’re going to save it. Just like we always talk about.”
You looked at him, hearing a female’s voice. “Doctor, hurry!”
You were still together.
“Don’t look so surprised.” He smiled. “It hasn’t been all bad.” He pointed to the painting. “We’ll seal Gallifrey in a single moment in time. We have the chance to save everyone just like we always talked about. Are you ready?”
You opened your mouth to speak when two Doctors and two future versions of you entered. You focused on your Doctor, “Is it true?”
“Yes.” The three replied at the same time.
“We haven’t got much time to waste.” He said, walking to his Tardis.
“Always so serious.” Your future selves said before grinning at each other.
You looked at the painting before heading into the Tardis, helping him pilot the ship as he explained the plan. You were going home.
Ninth Doctor
You shouted at the top of your lungs, trying to free your limps from the tight hold of Axos. “Help! Somebody!”
You heard a loud distorted noise and closed your eyes tightly, trying to shut it out as the ground shook. You opened your eyes when you felt someone pulling you free, looking at the tall man as he helped you out of Axos.
“What’s happening?” You shouted above the noise.
“It’s falling apart!” He replied.
You followed him outside, turning to look back at Axos. You looked at the tall cloaked man, sensing familiarity. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the Doctor. Who else would be at the centre of trouble?
“Are you alright?” He asked, sending you a smile.
“I think so.” You returned the smile. “Does this kind of thing happen every day?”
“No. Well, every other day.” He said.
You had asked your Doctor the same question and he had answered the same way. You were taken to the hospital to get checked over and as you were leaving you noticed the Police Box outside. The doors opened and your leather jacket, sweater-loving Doctor stepped out, looking around before his eyes found yours, a smile forming on his lips. You smiled as you walked over, hugging him, unaware the Doctor who had saved you from the claws of Axos had seen you enter and the Tardis disappear.
Tenth Doctor
You were expecting the Caribbean for your anniversary but the Tardis had other ideas. The trading colony Iceworld was bustling with life, with people trying to sell items they claimed were rare.
You were looking around, taking into the scenery as you searched for the Doctor. The crowd had separated you both and you hoped there was a place he would know to look for you. A place resembling a café seemed like your best bet. You took a seat at a table, overhearing a conversation behind you.
“Doctor, he won it in a game of cards!” A woman had said.
Your back straightened at the mention of the Doctor. You slowly looked over your shoulder, your eyes finding a man wearing a knitted vest with question marks on it. You had seen all the faces of the Doctor so you knew exactly who he was. Number seven.
His eyes met yours and you quickly turned away, biting your lip and closing your eyes tightly.
“Excuse me, Miss?” You opened your eyes when he spoke, turning around hesitantly. “A man wins a map in a game of cards, claiming it is the real deal -”
“It is the real deal.” A gruff voice replied.
You looked between the four huddled around the table before looking at the Doctor.
“Do you trust him?”
“Depends where it leads. But the adventure is always exciting.” You replied.
You saw the trench coat-wearing Doctor entering the café and excused yourself, walking over to him. The seventh Doctor’s eyes followed you as you left before he turned to Glitz.
“I’ll take it.”
Eleventh Doctor
You were searching for a house on an estate when you bumped into him. You apologized quickly, knowing the Doctor was wondering where you were by now but paused when you saw the tall trench coat-wearing Timelord in front of you. How could you forget his face? You had travelled with him for over a year when he regenerated into the Doctor you knew now.
He smiled brightly, “That’s all right. Have a fantastic day.” His smile faltered. “Ooh, I don’t know if I like the sound of that.”  He shrugged, his smile returning.
You watched him walk away, wondering why he didn’t recognize you. Your phone rang and you answered Amy’s call, breaking into a run as you followed the directions she had given you.
You entered the apartment, seeing the Doctor and his eyes observed you worriedly. The regeneration had been difficult for you but you quickly grew fond of his new personality.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
You knew then that he remembered that you had bumped into his past self. “Why didn’t he recognize me?” You asked.
“He hasn’t met you yet.” He explained. “He’s newly regenerated and we didn’t meet until years later. Only when we met you were younger than you are now and when I saw you…I remembered seeing you at this estate. It didn’t make sense. How were you older than you should have been? Because you come back here with me.”
You nodded, and he kissed your forehead. “Come on.”
Thoughts of his past self were put aside until you returned to the Tardis. You saw Ten walking with a blonde girl and you realized that this was Rose, whom you never met. And he hadn’t liked talking about her either.
You looked at the trench coat-wearing Timelord for a moment with a smile, stepping into the Tardis. You walked over to the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis. You helped pilot the Tardis and his eyes looked at you for a moment, a small smile on his lips. His past self had no idea what was in store. Nor how brilliant it would be.
Twelfth Doctor
You looked between the two Doctors with confusion and amazement. “So let me get this right. He’s you and you are him. He was you and now you are him.”
“You seem to have a grasp on the situation.” You glared at your Doctor and although he wasn’t looking he could feel it.
Hours ago you had no idea that he could change faces. But as you worked with the First Doctor you knew the two weren’t so different. You had so many questions but they would have to wait. For now, the two had to go their separate ways.
“It has been a pleasure, my dear.” He shook your hand and you sent him a smile.
“Goodbye, Doctor.”
He entered his TARDIS and you looked at the Doctor when he stood beside you. “I’m glad that’s over.”
“You know, you’re not so different.” You followed him into the Tardis and he scoffed. “You’re both at the higher end of the age ladder.” He glared at you and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “And you’re both grouchy but underneath your soft side is reserved for those you care about.”
His gaze softened and you smiled. “You’re clothing sense hasn’t changed.”
“Oh haha.” He said sarcastically.
You wrapped your arms around him, pecking his lips. “But I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Thirteenth Doctor
The Master hadn’t anticipated your presence at the party and given your history with the Doctor it was bound to distract her which didn’t bode well for his plan. You were younger than the last time she had seen you, dancing to the music, unaware of your future or your fate.
The Doctor’s eyes followed you around the room. She stood away from the party, trying to remember why she was there.
Memories flooded back in waves. All the good was overshadowed by the bad. Your death had hit her hard and she was thrown off course when she saw you again.
“Not enjoying it?” Your voice broke her from her thoughts and she watched as you topped up your glass.
“I’m not much of a dancer this time.” She said.
You wondered what she meant before you heard your friend call you back to the dance floor.
“I’m being beckoned.” You told her to have a good night before walking away and her eyes followed solemnly.
Fourteenth Doctor
You were walking out of a coffee shop when you bumped into a redhead. You dropped your book that was tucked under your arm and were surprised by the Scottish accent when she apologized. You assured her you were okay, and before you could pick up your book, a man in a tweed jacket and a bowtie beat you to it. You thought his smile was somewhat reminiscent as he read the title aloud.
"This is a very good book." He held it out to you and you thanked him as you took it.
"Have you read it?" The redhead asked.
"I've read many books, but this," he pointed to the book in your hands, "I read this twice every night. It helps me sleep."
You smiled softly, "I knew someone who did that too. It's a habit I adopted."
Amy looked between you and the Doctor whose smile went unnoticed as you held the book to your chest.
You bid the two farewell and Amy turned to watch you leave as did the Doctor who put his hands in his pockets. "Who is she?" He glanced at her before looking back at you. "Come on, you obliviously know her."
"I knew her. I had another face then. When I couldn't sleep she would read the book to me. And I would do the same for her. Y/N L/N..." He trailed off with a small wistful smile.
You were in the car with the Doctor when he was taken. You had no idea what the Master was up to but you were sure that his plans would be put on hold when he realized you were sucked through time. Everything that followed made you wish you hadn’t spent time with the Doctor. The Master was troublesome but he rarely found himself in as much trouble as the Doctor did.
You were wondering if he had realized you were gone when he entered the room. You looked at the Doctor you had come with, wondering why he stepped forward so you were slightly behind him.
“Y/N.” He smirked as he looked at the Doctor.
You stared at the man, recognizing him from the way he looked at you. “Master.”
“I was wondering where you got to.” He said. He looked at the Doctor, “I entrust her with you for three hours and this is where you bring her.” He tutted.
“Not by choice.” He said.
“What have you done?” You asked him, stepping forward.
“I seek immortality.”
“You’re hardly a suitable candidate.” The Doctor replied.
You knew this wouldn’t end well but you wondered why he had a sudden interest in immortality.
You were tired of being kidnapped by the Master. Once was enough and although it had ended well, your relationship was strong, you did not like the scare you would get when it happened.
His back pressed against the wall, holding you tightly in his arms, his hand over your mouth as the group of Doctors walked by. You heard the third Doctor walk by as he called your name. When you didn’t respond he said, “I swear that girl is always wandering off.” You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness and turned to the Master when he let you go.
“What are you doing?”
He sent you a smirk, taking your hand as he led you through the corridors. You heard the Doctors arguing not far away and a giggle escaped your lips as you ran with the Master. You didn’t know where your future self was and you didn’t ask, for you feared the answer.
Saying goodbye was hard but you had many memories to live out with the Master who was waiting for you.
When you returned to Earth the Master was waiting for you. You smiled at the relieved Timelord as you met halfway, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m okay.”
You were walking down a street, headphones over your ears as you drowned out the world around you. This was the second time you were late to work and you knew your boss was waiting to lecture you. You turned the corner, colliding with a man and you apologized to him, taking off your headphones.
“I’m sorry.” You looked at the man, pausing when you saw him.
The Master stared at you, his face sullen, hidden poorly behind a smile. It had been exactly 48 hours since he had lost you. And he couldn’t resist going back to see you. It would be weeks before you joined him across the universe but he didn’t care if you didn’t know him right now. He just needed to remember how you looked when you were alive.
“No harm done.” He smiled. “Running late?”
You saw the sadness in his eyes but didn’t comment, only observing. “Yeah. And I can’t afford to get fired today.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Great things are coming your way.” He said. “Yes…” he trailed off in thought. “Great memories.”
“Have a good day, mister.” You walked away with a smile and he turned to watch you leave, a sad smile on his lips.
“Y/N L/N. Yes…glorious memories.”
You had been shopping for groceries and were walking home when you bumped into a woman. You apologized, bending down to pick up your spilled items. She sent you a small smile, helping you.
“Big night planned?” She asked.
“A surprise for someone I know. Although I don’t think he likes surprises. Or anything really.” You said, standing up.
You noticed her dress but shrugged it off. Maybe she was going to a costume party.
“He’ll love it.” She said.
You sent her a smile before walking away, pausing when you realized what she had said. “How did you know -” you turned to find she was gone. You shrugged off the odd encounter, hoping she was right. A romantic surprise dinner for the Timelord possessing your husband. Life was strange and if you hadn’t become used to it you would have looked around the corner to find a Police Box.
Missy entered the Tardis and the Doctor turned to her, setting new coordinates.
“Ready to go?”
She nodded quietly, staring at the console, deep in thought. She remembered how odd she had found your romantic dinner back then but it was the first time she realized how beautiful you were. And how much she loved to hear you laugh. It was a long time ago but those memories never faded.
He stared up at the old barn that had been salvaged so it remained. So many memories were made inside there and while he had left Gallifrey in anger, he had nothing but fond memories here - except one.
He looked at the teenage version of you as you walked to the barn, books in your hands. It had been months since he and the Doctor left and you were still translating old Gallifreyan.
You looked at him when he spoke. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
You smiled, looking at the burning suns. “Stunning as always.” You went into the barn and he held his head higher, a sigh leaving his lips.
It was a short interaction but it was enough to help him say goodbye. You had been killed during the war, activating an escape pod for him that saved his life, but you had to sacrifice your own. And once again the Master found he was alone.
You walked out of the coffee shop, almost bumping into a man who was entering. His dark hair and gentle features were striking. You smiled, apologizing as you balanced two takeout cups of coffee in one hand.
The Master remembered this day vividly which is why he chose it. He had sent you to get coffee during a meeting and while it struck you as odd, later when you heard he had gassed a room full of ministers you were relieved yet puzzled as to why he chose to spare you.
He smiled at your retreating figure, before heading into the coffee shop, ready to order the coffee you were currently bringing him. You had been gone a long time but he never forgot you.  But this year was different, memories were overwhelming and the truth about the timeless child made him wish you were here again. So he picked a time he knew exactly where you would be and when. He had planned meticulously before using the gas, to ensure your survival so the date and time always stayed in his mind.
“I’m back!” The silver-haired Timelord sang.
You stared at him in disbelief while Missy looked at him stoically.
“You could at least pretend you’re pleased to see me.” He said.
You snapped out of your thoughts, racing towards him, hugging him tightly. He smirked at Missy over your shoulder, as you buried your head in his neck, unaware of the tension between them. You smiled as you pulled away to look at him. God, you had missed his silver hair.
“You look exactly like you did when I left you. You haven’t aged a day.” He placed a hand on your cheek and you smiled, leaning into his hand.
Your reunion was a happy one until you were left behind. Missy didn’t want your view of her to change because she never planned on going against the Doctor but she had to fool her past self first. You had caught up to them outside his Tardis, hearing them talking as you got closer.
“She will never love you as she loved me.” He told her.
“I know.”
He pulled away from the hug when he felt a sharp pain in his side. “Very sneaky.” He put a hand on his side and you stepped back when you saw the blood on his hand.
“What did you do?” You rushed to the Master, catching him when he stumbled, missing the way Missy rolled her eyes at his dramatics. You looked at her with tears in your eyes, before looking at the silver-haired Master.
“How long do I have left?” He asked.
“Not long,” Missy replied.
You guided him to his TARDIS and he rested his back against the door, looking at Missy with a smirk. You would never forgive her when you knew the truth.
The realization was washing over you as you knew he had left you on Earth, never to return. He never contacted you and the next thing you knew he returned as Missy. He had died before he could return.
You looked down at him tearfully, putting pressure on his wound. “You were coming back for me.” You said tearfully.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion while Missy looked down at the ground.
“You planned on coming back for me. I-I thought you had abandoned me. For so long I believed that you - and I hated you.”
He understood what you meant and a small chuckle left his lips. “You really thought I’d leave you?” He put a hand on the back of your neck, bringing your forehead to his, closing his eyes. “You are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He told you, causing more tears to fall. “And I’m sorry.”
You pulled back, confused until you heard Missy fall. You turned to look at her, eyes widening you saw she had been shot.
“Go to her. But know this.” He spoke up, causing you to look at him. “No matter where you are. I’ll always find you.” He kissed you before quickly entering the Tardis. “See you soon, beautiful.”
He winked before the doors closed and a sob left your lips as you placed a hand on the door. You turned to Missy, walking over to her, kneeling beside her.
“I’m sorry.” You took her hand in yours, cradling her on your lap.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It was all me.” She said.
Your tears fell as her body began to glow. “I love you.” You reluctantly stepped away, ducking behind a tree when light consumed her.
You looked around the quarry, calling for the Master. You sighed as you continued walking, ducking down when you saw a familiar face. He was taking large strides, cloak flowing around him. His hair was different, and his clothes were questionable but you knew it was him. He had shown you all his past faces so you recognized him immediately.
“Oh my god.” You ducked lower behind the large rock when he paused, looking around.
You lifted your head, seeing he was gone, and stood up, turning around with a gasp you heard his voice. “Who are you?”
“I-I - Um… a funny story you’ll love it -” You turned and ran away and the former Master raised an eyebrow at your actions. You continued to run and he followed. You saw the TARDIS and your Master opened the doors, smirking when he saw you running.
“Where the hell were you?”
You collided with him and you fell to the floor. He snapped his fingers and the doors closed, smirking up at you.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” He said.
You playfully rolled your eyes as you both got to your feet. You looked at the screen, seeing the past Master running before he stopped, watching the Tardis leave.
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mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
But like..what about number 15 and 34 from the cliché prompt list with Harry 👉👈 (if you can ofc)
15: drunkenly confessing feelings
34: spin the bottle
Tom knew you and Harry liked each other. When he invited you both to spin the bottle, he knew what was going to happen. And sure enough, after one, two, three, four, five, six, seven rounds, Harry's spin lands on you. He sips from the solo cup beside him, before moving towards you, 
"You sure you're okay with this?" He asks. This immediately piques your interest seeing that he hasn't asked Ashley or Teagen whom he's already pecked. You nod before he brushes your hair aside and leans in to kiss you softly, lips lingering on yours longer than they had with the other two girls. But when he pulls back awkwardly, you swear you'll never ask. 
A few hours later, after a few rounds of beer pong as Harrison's partner, you stumbled out to the deck for some fresh air. Harry sits on the swing, glancing up as the sliding glass door closes,
"Harryyyyyy!" You cheer drunkenly. He chuckles, 
"Hey. What are yiu doing out here?"
"Need some air." You murmur, flopping into the seat beside him. He smiles at you, draping his arm over the back of the swing as he gently moved it back in forth, beer leaned against his knee. You tip your head back, turning it to look at him. The alcohol coursing through you gives you a weird confidence,
"Why aren't you drunk?" He shrugs, 
"Got too much on my mind I don't need comin out." He admits. You pick at a string at the side of his sweater, 
"Like why you kissed me longer than Ashley or Teagen or why you cared if I cared?" You slur. He swallows, eyes widening a little, 
"I dunno." 
"I wish you would've been rougher. I'd love to know what thats like." 
"You should try again." You mumble scooting closer and laying your head against his shoulder and your hand over his thigh, 
"Y/N… you're drunk." 
"So, that doesn't change how I feel about you." He stares down at your lips, 
"Yeah… how's that?" You giggle, laying back in his lip, 
"Act like you don't know I wish you'd make a move. I always have. Felt a little jealous watching you kiss those too tbh. Always wish its me you post photos of and kiss and hold and all that soft shit." He strokes up your arm, 
"Why haven't you told me this before sweets?" He asks. You giggle, 
"Cause curly… you gotta figure it out. But you're oblivious. You just blush and look away and I don't wanna make the first move. I want to know you feel the same." He stares down at you, 
"Darling, of course I feel the same. Thats why I kissed you longer and made sure you were okay with it." Sitting up, you lean on his legs,
"Do it again." You command. Even though he doesn't want to take advantage of you while drunk, he doesn't see the harm in a little kiss. Especially if you like him. Brushing his fingers against your cheek, he leans in, kissing you just as softly as last time, for a little longer. You press forward, leaning against his chest, moaning into him. When he pulls back, he tucks hair behind you air, watching you look between his eyes before you lurch from the swing and barely make it to the bushes before all the alcohol in your system comes back up. Harry stands over you swiftly, holding your hair back and rubbing up your back, 
"That's a hell of a reaction to me kissing you darling." You groan standing up straight. Leaning into Harry, he sighs,
"Lets get you upstairs and get your teeth brushed. You can crash in my bed tonight." He murmurs. 
The next morning you wake to Harry stretching from his place on the floor. You groan at the pounding in your head,
"Never let me drunk again." You mutter into his pillow. He chuckles before sitting at the edge of the bed, 
"When else am I going to get you to be honest with me?" He poses. Looking up at him, his smile is light and playful, 
"You mean… that wasn't a dream?"
"What, you admitting that you've been wanting me to make a move? No… that happened." You groan again, hiding your face, 
"Never drinking again." He chuckles again, 
"Matbe instead of drinking, you'll let me take you out and we can… talk about how oblivious we've both been." 
"Harry… if you get me aspirin and some orange juice, I'll marry you right now." You tell him. He smiles and stands,
"Deal." Walking towards the door, he turns, "Oh… by the way… I like when you call me curly." He dips out of the room just as you throw an accent pillow at the door. 
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Distraction (How to Get Away with Murder)
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Characters: Teagen Price x fem!reader, Teagen Price x Dom! reader
Summary: Y/N and Teagen have both been under a lot of stress lately and needed diffuse. //EXTREME SMUT WARNING, 18+ ONLY
You went to 1518 Bar and Grill in hopes of making your problems temporarily disappear. You were one of Professor Keating's students and you and Michaela are constantly trying to one up one another. But competing over something as vigorous as one of the best lawyers in Philly.
Your eyes was starting to twitch and that was definitely not a good sign. Because once your eye starts to twitch, the twitching spreads to my muscles. You walk into the bar and instantly become overwhelmed with the scents of grilled chicken, toasted bread and potato skins.
You were more concerned about the booze but your growling stomach tells your otherwise. You sit at the bar and order an chicken avacodo ranch sandwich. While you wait, you down a few tequila shots. "You know, they say it's not a great idea to drink shots on an empty stomach," a familiar voice chimes.
You look over your shoulder to Teagan Price leaning on the bar with a small smirk on her lips. "Ms. Price, hi, what brings you here?" "Probably the same reason why you're here. To temporarily forget my problems," she says before drinking one of your shots.
"To temporarily forgetting our problems," you say, raising a shot glass. She takes one and collides it with your before you both drink your shots. You lips twist because of the sour, burning taste. "Awe, are you a babe in the drinking game?" She taunts. "I am a babe but not in this game. I'm more of a wine cooler kind of girl," you explain.
"Then why the shots?" You sigh deeply before saying, "Desperate times." Your food finally arrives and the first thing that you go for are the fries. Its always been a routine of yours. Fries first, burger later. You see Teagen reach for one of your fries, and you hold her and presses if against the table.
"There are many things that I can let slide, but stealing fries is not one of them," you taunt. She raises an eye brow at you and you let go of her hand. You try to shake the excited feeling you got from touching her. No, Y/N, she's you're boss's boss. Don't even go there.
While you were lost in your thoughts, she took not one, not two, but four fries. Your mouth falls open in disbelief. She closes your mouth with her forefinger, giving you a chance to inhale her sweet, linger scent of cherries. "I always get what I want, Y/L/N," she says, holding eye contact.
My God, the way your name rolls off her tongue makes the heat flush from your cheeks. "Well so do I," you say before eating a few fries. "So I've heard. You've become a real headache for Michaela," "She's has endless tricks up her sleeve," you say, your eye starting to twitch again.
"That's because she has Annalise whispering into her ear. The fact that you can stand on your own without a mentor is impressive," she explains. A small plays on your lips. "Ah, ah, ah, don't get all cocky on me." "I know when to humble myself and when to strut myself out,"
"Do you now?" "Of course." She steals another fry and you scoot your tray away from her. "Teagen, you are treading on thin ice," you state. "All I'm hearing is all bark and no bite," "Oh I'm sure you've seen plenty of my bites and my barks against Michaela."
"Eh, they're mediocre," she shrugs. "Then mentor me," "What? Uh uh, I've already got enough on my plate between Emmett, the firm, Annalise, and her students." "Wow, seems like you have a lot more problems than I do. Just the thought of midterms make me want to jump off a bridge,"
"Ah, the good old days," "Definitely not good, and surely not old. You are literal embodiment of black don't crack," you compliment. She chuckles and your heart skips a beat when you see her perfect, white smile. You have to get out of there before you do anything you'll regret.
"It seems like you need to take the edge off." Oops, too late. "Why do you think I'm here?" she playfully snaps. "That's not what I meant." You two hold eye contact for a moment and had a small, silent conversation. "After your sandwich,"
You enter her apartment and look around at the beige, classy theme Teagen has going around. "You like?" "I don't expect anything less from you. I'm surprised you don't have a nude picture for yourself." "That's in my bedroom, where you should be." "Oh so that's how it's going to be?"
"I thought you expected nothing less?" "I'm just saying, it'll be hard to effectively diffuse if you're on top," "I'm not a pillow princess," she says, crossing her arms but you can tell that she was contemplating it. "You are tonight,"
You lift her chin to bring your lips to hers. You pull her closer by her hips and trail your hands up towards the zipper of her dress. You unzipped her dress and she shimmed out of it before reconnecting her lips to yours. You walk her against the counter top and ghosted your hands over the curve of her ass.
You pull away from her lips and began kissing and sucking at her neck. Her soft moans made your pussy throbs but you had to take your time with her. You peppered kiss down her breasts and her stomach. You ghost over her clothed bundle of nerves and heard her whimper.
You smirk against her thighs and drag her underwear down her legs to reveal a beautiful, brown tinted pussy. She gasps when you pull her closer by the back of her thighs. You lick her painfully slow and her legs were already starting to tense.
You roll your tongue into her fold and make sure to hit her clit every time. Her hands found her way to your hair and pushed you closer to her. You plunge your tongue deep into her and drag the tip of your tongue against the top of her wall. You kept this motion going and sucked at her nub.
"Please, Y/N, oh God," she moans. "Patience baby," you say before going in and out of her pussy with your tongue. Her legs were beginning to give out but you didn't stop until her walls walls were convulsing around your tongue. You swallowed and licked every drop of her cum.
"You did amazing." You say before kissing her sensually. She pulls you closer by your belt before unbuckling it and you shove it down your legs. You pull away from her lips to take off your shirt. You push her back into the counter and lift her into your arms so her legs were wrapped around your waist.
You knew you were able to do that because you did a lot of power lifting over the summer. She tugs at your hair and you moan into her mouth. "Where's your bedroom?" "Up the stairs and to the left." She works on your neck as you walk up the stairs with her in your arms.
You chuckle when she nibbles at your ear lobe and when you found out she was right. There was a nude painting of her that sat right above her king sized bed. You pushed her on to the bed and licked up her stomach. "Toys," you say before kissing her. She pulled away from me and turned on her stomach to reach for the drawer.
You admire the view while it lasted and she set a drawer full of vibrators, dildos and strap ons on the bed. As soon as she fully turned around, you plunged two fingers into her and her head went back. Her mouth fell open as you curled your fingers before pumping them out of her. "I'm impressed you have so many toys, baby girl,"
"Oh," she moans. Your fingers went deeper and you rub your nose across her nub, making her entire body jolt forward. You teasingly lick the nub and she yells out in bliss. You look up at her and saw her eyes snapped shut. She was close.
You squeezed her ass and pulled her closer as you absolutely devoured her. She was crying out a lot louder this time. Her legs were kicking and spasming under me until she came. You hum before taking off your underwear and reaching into the drawer for a dildo.
You wrap the belts around your hips and thighs. She positions herself in the middle of the bed and spreads her legs for me. "Such a good girl." You line the dildo up with her and slowly push yourself into her. She digs her nails into your back, arching it slightly. Her mouth flies open so you more your hips at a slow pace to start.
She unclips my bra and takes one of your boobs into her mouth. Your back arches again and she yells out. "Move faster, damn it!" You stop, making her whimper out. You reach back into the drawer and grabbed a vibrator.
"Fuck," she says. You rail into her as fast as your hips can take and put the vibrator on the highest setting before applying it to her clit. She pulls away from me and spreads herself out like a starfish. She was practically screaming in my ear, begging for more until her body went rigid.
You slowly pull out of her and she lays there motionless. "You okay?" You ask, brushing her baby hairs from her forehead. "You're really good," she chuckles and eyes were barely staying open. "Why thank you," you tease. "A-alright, it's your turn," "Oh, I know, honey."
You take off the dildo and set it to the side. You take out another dildo and gave it to her. "Put this on." She complied and you slide yourself right onto the dildo. Your eyes flutter close at it fills you up completely. Your body curls when she takes your nipples into her hand and rubs them with the pads of her thumb.
A series of soft moans leaves your lips as you bounce on the dildo. She takes one of your breasts into her mouth and uses her free hand to rub your clit. "Fuck!" Your hands grab the headboard for dear life. You thrusts your hips against her fingers but you completely loose it when she curls her tongue around nipple.
"Damn it, that feels good!" You exclaim. Soon after, your orgasm came. You continued to thrust against the dildo and she went from one breast to the next. Your head fell into her neck until you heard a vibration. "Now you'll know how I felt." She put it on its highest setting and you were screaming at the top of your lungs.
Morning of, you were the first one up and you felt great. You could only imagine how she feels. You went on for hours until both of your bodies gave out. You looks at her with a small smile and kisses down her neck warmly. She moans and leans into your touch.
*I'll make breakfast, you are pancake or waffle kind of girl," "I'm niether" "What? You don't like pancakes or waffles?" "Look, Y/N, I don't-" "Let me stop you right there. I know exactly what you're going to say. And just know that I understand," You explain.
She turns around to face you and you hold the side of her face. "I'm just glad that you got the chance to get your mind off of things. I'll see my way out," you stand from the bed and picked up your clothes. You were halfway down the stairs until Teagen called after you.
"Y/N, wait," "You don't need to feel bad, Teagen." "I don't, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to dinner?" "You don't have to do that," "Believe me, I want to. Because that was some of that best sex I've ever had," she adds, making you two laugh.
She meets you at the middle of the stairs and adds, "Now about breakfast." Her eyes fall downwards and you smiled, knowing exactly where this was going.
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mrcookiesir · 3 years
My Friday night funkin oc, Teagen,,,
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She's a 15/16 year old girl who parents got eaten by the Lemon Demon. She plays techno, electronic, electronica music.
I kinda wanna make an ask blog for her [and maybe more of my friday night funkin ocs,,,]
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What Life Are You Looking For? Chpt.1
I was running down the alleyway screaming for help but it was no use, no one was around. I felt the guy gripping onto my arm and pulled me into his chest and he grabbed my other arm.
“Nice try, pretty girl,” the guy said.
I tried to scream again, but he put his hand on my mouth tightly. I struggled fiercely. The guy held me tighter pulling me back into the alley but I was making it difficult for him.
I felt him grabbed something and felt a sharp pain in my chest and I screamed in pain.
“Girls seem to never listen, huh.. and you were going to be a good girl for our collection,” he said and stabbed me again and everything turned black.
I never thought my life would turn out like this, but what do I know I’m dead. That’s the only thing I remembered on that day, and I only remember me waking up in an alley next to my dead body in a dumpster.
I have been dead for three weeks, and I wasn’t in Heaven or Hell. I didn’t understand it. I went home and my mother and father were really worried about my disappearance and they tried to find me, but the cops found me 4 days later after I was killed . I didn’t know how to talk to them. I was a ghost, but I couldn’t do anything to show them I’m there.
It hurt me too much to see my parent’s depressed state, so I left the house and never returned.
I was confused about why I didn’t move on when I died. I walked for hours in the city streets, not sure where to go. I saw a few people, and they were laughing and messing around. Some started to disappear out of thin air. They all disappeared one by one and then there was one more about vanishing, a boy that looked my age.
“Hey wait..,” I yelled.
The boy jumped in surprise and turned to look at me. It was dark so it was hard to see and there were dim Street lights. I could tell he was dark-skinned and had black hair that was in dreads.
“Uh who are you,” he asked.
“Um, my name is Kaytlyn. Are you a ghost too?” I asked him.
he scoffed.
“Of course I am or you wouldn’t be able to see me if I wasn’t unless wait is you a human,” he asked panicked.
“I wish, but sadly I’m a ghost,” I said in a small tone.
He walked up to me.
“I’m guessing you died recently and you don’t know where to go,” He asked me in a kind voice.
I nodded. I had my arms crossed, and I looked down. I still couldn’t handle that I was dead, it was too much for me. I was glad that I found a ghost that can help me with this problem.
“Well, I can help. I can introduce you to my group,” he said.
“Really,” I asked him.
“Yeah, of course, I want to help a pretty girl like you. ,” he said.
I smiled a little.
“So how did you die,” the boy asked.
“I was murdered,” I said.
He looked at me with sympathy.
“It’s okay, would it make you feel better to know I was murdered too,” he asked.
“Well I guess but how is that supposed to make me feel better? I lost everything and being dead is better than what was going to happen to me” I said.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about that now since you are well… dead,” he said.
I looked at him.
“I know but I haven’t moved on and it’s been three weeks and I’ve been walking around the streets and mopping around not knowing what to do,” I said.
“Do you know what your unfinished business is?” he asked me.
I thought for a moment. I forgot ghost had unfinished business before they can move on to the afterlife. I wasn’t sure what my unfinished business was. I thought for a few minutes trying to think what it could possibly be. The only thing I can think of is finding my killer who the cops never caught but I didn’t know how I was going to do something about that
I looked at him. I knew I just met the boy but I felt like I could trust him. So I walked closer to him and I put my arms around him.
“I’m not really sure. Maybe finding my killer but I don’t know how I am going to help cops do that,” I said.
“true, we can help you on that if you want to really move on,” he said.
“Well I will never be able to find him so I will never move on so I’m stuck a ghost,” I said in a disappointed tone.
“Well, you will have fun as a ghost. So let me take you to my friends and we will help you,” he said.
I nodded.
“Put your arms around me since you are new and never worked out your abilities yet. I will have to take you there myself,” he said.
I knew I just met the boy but I had a feeling I could trust him. I walked closer to him and I put my arms around him tightly.
“Oh, and my name is Thomas but you can call me Tommy,” I said.
“And you can call me Kayt,” I said.
He nodded and he did a motion and we disappeared we traveled thew a weird glowy thing but then it stopped and we arrived at a room that was a living room and I looked at the area and it was an abandoned apartment. Even though it was abandoned the place still looked nice. There were five people in the room and they all looked at us. I let go of him and they gave both of us confused faces.
There were three boys and two girls. One of the boys that were dark-skinned that looked a few years older than me walked towards us and looked at me then at Tommy.
“Tommy who is this white girl,” he asked.
“Her name is Kaytlyn. She is new to being a ghost and I wanted to help her since she needed it,” Tommy said.
“Tommy you can’t just bring in a stray into our place and think that we will automatically help her,” the guy said.
“Come on Man, look at her she needs help, and plus she is so pretty,” Tommy said saying the last part quietly to him but I still heard it.
“Fine but just this once,” the guy said.
The guy sighed and then looked at me.
“Well, welcome to the ghost life Kaytlyn. I’m Chaquille. You can stay with us if you want and I can help you with being a ghost,” he said.
“Thank you I would like that and you can call me Kayt,” I said.
He nodded and put his arm around me and faced me towards the other ghosts.
“That’s Booker, Jay, Amani, and Teagan,” he said while pointing while saying their names.
Chaquille put his arm off of me and the girls walked up to me.
“Hello, Kayt it’s nice to meet you. It’s nice to have another girl in our group,” Teagen said.
“Yeah, we needed another girl, so since you are staying here you can sleep with us in our girl’s room,” Amani said.
Amani and Teagen looked so pretty. Amani was light dark-skinned with curly brown hair and had beautiful amber eyes. Teagen had long blonde hair and she had blue eyes.
“So what’s your story. How did you die,” Jay asked.
“Um I don’t want to talk about it,” I said.
“I get it you can tell us when you want to,” Booker said.
“Thank you,” I said.
“Hey, who wants to go to Club G,” Chaquille asked.
“Yes,” they all said at the same time.
“What’s Club G,” I asked.
“It’s a Club Just for ghosts. It’s the best place ever for ghosts in this city,” Chaquille said.
“We are going to get ready and you are too,” Amani said grabbing my arm and dragging me to their room. The girl’s room looked so beautiful there were led lights and there were two vanities. Their beds were pretty too.
“I have a pull out a bed from under my bed so you can sleep on and we can share my vanity,” Teagen said.
Amani went to the closet and grabbed a pink, blue, and green dress. She gave me the pink dress and handed me some pink shoes.
“That dress will look good on you,” Amani said.
“It’s pretty thank you,” I said and we all started to get dressed into the dresses.
“So what was your life like before you died,” Amani asked.
“My life was as normal as it could be. I had perfect parents, I had good friends and a loving boyfriend,” I said and felt sad that it was all gone.
“Wow, your life sounds so much better than how mine was. I had a horrible life and it all ended with my parents killing me,” Teagen said.
I looked at her and was shocked that she said that her parents killed her.
“Why did your parents kill you,” I asked.
“Oh they couldn’t stand me and wanted to get rid of me and the worst thing is they never got put in jail. They hid my body and acted like they never had a daughter,” She said.
“But didn’t the school you went to notice your disappearance,” I asked.
“No, because my parents told the school we moved,” she said.
“Your parents seem like smart people when it comes to what they did,” I said.
“Yeah they were because they were never caught,” she said.
Teagen then went to her vanity and started putting make-up on. Amani grabbed my hand and sat me down on her vanity bench and sat next to me and grabbed the foundation.
“Can I help you with your makeup,” she asked me.
I shrugged.
“Sure,” I said.
She smiled and started putting makeup on me.
“What about you, what was your life like before you died,” I asked Amani.
She looked like she was debating whether to tell me or not but she sighed and looked at me.
“Well, my life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I died from a drug overdose and the drug was meth. I was in a bad time in my life and meth was my savior till it finally killed me,” Amani said.
I felt bad for these girls. They lived horrible lives that got them killed and I had a decent life and I was killed for escaping my captors.
“My family was really poor and meth was my escape. I hate that I left my family at the bad time we were in but I’m glad because they have fewer mouths to feed,” She continued.
“But they probably miss you so much,” I said.
“They do but they are better off without me,” Amani said.
I nodded in understanding.
She finished up my makeup. I grabbed one of her brushes and started to brush my beautiful strawberry blonde hair. I felt to courage to tell them how I died so I spoke up.
“I was killed when I tried to escape human traffickers,” I said to them.
They both looked at me and Amani put her arm around me and hugged me.
“Well you are away from that nightmare and you are safe now since you are a ghost now,” Amani said.
I smiled and I hugged her back and continued to brush my hair. I put my hair up in a tight ponytail. I then stood up and I put on the shoes Amani gave me.
“Hey let’s take a selfie for our Ghostgram,” Teagan said getting up an iPhone appeared in her hand.
“Yes this will get me more followers,” Amani said.
Teagen faced the camera to us and we took a quick selfie.
“Send that to me,” Amani said.
“Of course,” Teagen said and started to type on her phone.
“Hurry up girl,” Booker said outside the door.
“We will be out in a minute,” Teagen said.
Amani and Teagen grabbed their purses and we walked out of the room. When the boys saw us Chaquille whistled.
“You girls look hot,” he said.
“Aren’t we always,” Amani joked.
“See you at the Club in a second,” Jay said and disappeared.
They all disappeared but Tommy stayed and walked over to me. And offered his hand to me and I took his hand.
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