lolbitlulu ¡ 10 months
Chapter II ; "Lies"
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“How did I get here?”, thought Amaya as she took a sip of her tea while questioning herself. 
She was sitting on the tea table with 3 of the elf deities that she calls friends. As much as she loved the laughing and fun atmosphere, she felt uneasy sitting with them. She knew each and every single one of them and yet she felt like a complete stranger sitting with them. Behind those smiles, laughter, and wittiness, lies a cold hard mask adorned by each of them..
Teagen, the white elf, the leader, the emperor. Looking calm as water, kind, and wiser than any old elves she encountered. But deep down in her heart, Amaya knew it wasn't any of that. He is indeed wise, wise at deciding his tactics and mind games to make others kneel before him. When any misbehavior or a flaw was within his eyes or reaches his ears, he makes “arrangements”, he makes those who dares to misbehave suffer his mind games. By looking into his eyes only, you can practically feel your sins crawling down your back. Just like water whose surface was touched by a mere rock, it creates ripples and splashes. Ripples and splashes that cause water around it to shake and tremble.
Petir, the yellow elf, the warrior, the emperor’s right hand man, her arranged future spouse. Looking high and mighty like an eagle, fierce and mighty like a tiger. Behind that facade lies an obsessive, broken, and cowardly hollow vassal of a man whose mind broke ages ago. The knight helmet that accompanies him throughout battles, was to hide the empty void of scarred eyes. He’s well known for how he slays and conquers lands and territories by ripping them out of the enemies’s dead bloody hands by himself. Oh How wrong they were, hiding behind his minions to do his dirty work like the coward he is. Giving all sorts of jewels from the territories he stole to her as an offering of love…offering of worship and obsession to the blue elf.
Kasih, the pink elf, the angel, the saintess, the young loveable pink tyrant, her sweet little friend. So lively and positive to those around her, just like a beautiful bright pink tourmaline that shone in the darkness of the caves. As bubbly and playful like a dolphin, swimming and thriving on the seven seas. But as we know…dolphins are natural predators, you should never trust their innocent and friendly facade too much. They are even capable of killing a shark despite their small and slim body compared to the sharks. One point of her nimble finger will wreak havoc to those around her. The slight change in her demeanor will make others tremble in fear. Her commanding voice makes others obey her without a second thought. 
Each of the lies that comes out of their mouths and personality. The lies about salvation to mankind if they heed to their words. All those lies are said to be justified. She who hears and sees those people who heed mindlessly to their words and those who believe in the salvation of their rulers. She has seen it all.. they suffer until death. Stripped of all their freedom and stripped of their own health just to prove their worthiness and power to their rulers. They who died a pitiful death are always forgotten by their rulers, their rulers who cruelly sacrifice their own kind just to satisfy their thirst for power and treasure. Her heart feels heavy whenever she hears the screams of agony and pain from those who suffer. Her eyes start to sting whenever she sees the suffering of the family who they left without a thought. 
She also told her own lies, her own lies towards her so called “friends”. The lies about loving her arranged fiance. The lies about enjoying controlling and making others suffer. The lies about loving each moment she spent with the pink elf. The lies about being in the ruler pyramid created by the white elf who controls everything. The lies about hating the revolutionaries and wanting to expel them from the empire. She hated every single waking moment she existed. All the lies and burden makes her eyes and heart swell and drown in guilt, regret, and sorrow. She knows those lies are terrible and yet she told those lies herself.
Her whole entire being was made out of lies. 
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lolbitlulu ¡ 1 year
Chapter 1 ; “Fear”
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As the sun started to rise, Amaya arrived at her palace without no one seeing her. She returns to her chambers to make herself look more presentable. As she walks around her chambers trying to find the items and clothing she needs, a knock on her door startled her. She opens the door staring in shock at what was in front of her door.
“You’re all here”, Amaya looked surprised to see the 4 people she least expected arriving at her doorstep. ‘Why are they here?’, thought Amaya. 
“What’s so wrong with visiting my future spouse?”, said the yellow elf holding her close to him. Amaya shook her head and as uncomfortable as she was, she still let him hold her close.
“There’s nothing wrong with seeing me..Petir”, she looks at the yellow elf. 
“Are you doing well Amaya? Doing your duties well?”, the white elf says with a smile.
"I'm sure she’s doing well, Teagen. Stop asking about duties already! It’s so plain and boring~”, said the short pink elf with a pout on her face making the white elf let out a small laugh.
“Kasih please don’t say that, I do not mind at all. I know Teagan means well”, said Amaya looking at Kasih and Teagan with a weary chuckle.
“Humph! You’re too nice Amaya”, said Kasih, still pouting. Petir lets out a sigh and pulls Kasih’s cheeks as a small tease. “Owww! Let me go! It hurts, it hurts!!”, whined Kasih while hitting Petir’s hands. Amaya chuckled at their antics while Teagen just let out a pleased sigh seeing Amaya chuckling. 
“So how have you been? Well and protected I assume?”, asked Teagen with his usual smile. Somehow Amaya felt shivers going down her back seeing his smile.. 
It felt like it was so wrong to see him smile so kindly and meaningfully. It felt like something was happening to him without her knowing. It felt as if she was doing something wrong in front of him. It felt like…he knew what she was hiding behind his back.
“Oh I’ve been well, doing my duties and watching over the land”, answered Amaya with a small smile. Teagen clapped his hands in glee seeing how happy she was after being engaged to Petir. Oh how embarrassing would it be…
If he knew her real feelings about Petir and how she actually never loved him. She only agreed because she was scared of breaking the friendship between herself and Petir. Not only scared of breaking the friendship between her and Petir, she was also scared of Teagen. Scared of looking like a disappointment to the white elf by not accepting Petir. Scared of making the pink elf cry by rejecting the person she considers a brother. Scared of getting hurt by the yellow elf by rejecting him. All those fears came crashing down as she watched them all smile in glee. She watched them talk and laugh as if they didn’t torture all those souls. 
Petir noticed her longing face and cups her cheek making her look up at him. “Are you okay? You seem..off lately. Is something bothering you?”, asked the yellow elf while looking at his supposed spouse.
In a flash of light, Amaya broke out of her thoughts and shook her head while smiling. “Why do you think anything was wrong? I’m just thinking about my territory”, the answer that the blue elf gave the yellow elf made him laugh joyfully as he led the elf to join them. 
Before she knew it…she felt something she had never felt towards them before. A feeling she tried to surpass when being with them. She felt..fear towards them all. She feared them.
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lolbitlulu ¡ 1 year
Hey there Astra! Hope you're taking care of yourself and doing well 😄. Can I request Izou, Thatch, Marco, and Ace with a shy!s/o? If it's too much you can just do Izou, thank you so much you're the best!! 🤍
So this is also my @onepiece-bingo submission for 'First Kiss'. Thank you for being so patient with me.
Warnings: first kisses, Shy!Reader, Izou, Thatch, Marco, Ace
Word Count: 1490
     It was cute how shy you were, how you hid behind him if too much attention was on you, how you sank in your seat to try to not be noticed, and how you squeaked and quietly insisted on being put down if he lifted you into the air. That being said, it was hard to keep a ‘low profile’ when you were dating the prettiest pirate in the New World and 16th division commander. The man attracted attention and oozed confidence and an elegance that drew people to him. You, by comparison, were relatively plain. Choosing not to wear flashy makeup or clothing in order to not attract attention. Head down and refusing to meet people’s eyes so that they wouldn’t approach you. Izou wasn’t really bothered by your shyness, in fact he found it rather endearing and cute. There was… one thing he didn’t like about your shyness though. You hated PDA. PDA always brought attention to you, attention and teasing. The most he could do was hold your hand but even then, you preferred to hold one of his long sleeves, afraid of the attention you might get if you actually held his hand. The crew never teased you on anything, they knew better than to try to tease you, less they invoke Izou’s wrath, but you still worried about all the eyes that could be watching you. He hadn’t even had his first kiss with you yet! But he was going to change that today! He had a nice place to pull you aside, away from the prying eyes of the others, secluded and not likely to be bothered. So pulling you through the halls, he smiled back at you, the confused look on your face only making you cuter.
     “Y/n.” he said softly, caressing your cheek as he closed the door behind you, “it’s not the romance you deserve, but I’ve been waiting too long to do this.” Izou said softly, pulling you into a sweet kiss. Your heart pounded in your chest as you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck. Suddenly, you wished you’d done this sooner, that you’d had the courage to kiss him in front of the others. Breaking the kiss, you looked up at him, in wonder.
     “Can… can we do that again?” you asked softly, the dark haired man smiling as he pulled you into another kiss.
     Ace was wild, loud, outgoing, and commanding. You were shy, quiet, introverted, and timid. Logically, your relationship made little sense, but then, love didn’t make any logical sense. You liked how he was always doing grand gestures to show you how much he cared, how he was pulling you out on some new adventure, and how he showered you in affection. He loved how cute you were, how your need to avoid attention kept him out of too much trouble, how you quietly gave him small gifts. That being said, there were things you both hated. You hated how he was always attracting attention to you, despite your protests, you hated how he was always pulling you into his trouble, and how he’d pull you with him when he was really happy, drawing the attention of the entire crew to the two of you. He hated how you always wanted to be a wallflower during parties, how he wasn’t allowed to show you off and tell everyone how amazing you were, and the one he hated the most, how adamantly you refused PDA. He wanted to walk down the street with his arm wrapped around your waist, he wanted to spin you around in his arms, and most importantly, he wanted his damn first kiss with you! But he’d be damned if your shyness stopped him! It was the dead of night that he tugged you to the back of the ship.
     “Ace, what’s so important that you needed to talk to me at this hour at the back of the ship?” you asked, confused and slightly annoyed. You’d been getting ready for bed, what did he want? Ace just gave you one of his sunny smiles as he pulled you into a passionate kiss, hands on either cheek, holding your head as he sighed happily into the kiss. You couldn’t stop yourself from melting into the kiss, hands gripping his shoulders. Pulling back, he grinned at the dazed look in your eyes. He didn’t bother to say a thing as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into another kiss, neither of you aware of the small audience that peeked through the windows, quietly cheering and exchanging bet money. 
     Sitting in his office, Marco smiled over at you. You always looked so at home in the solitude of his office, away from the rowdy and often boisterous crew. Helping the phoenix with whatever various paperwork or office work he had. He understood your desire to stay out of the spotlight, to stay away from the excitement and attention that often came with much of the crew. In fact, it astounded him that someone as shy as you even sailed with the Whitebeard Pirates. The most infamous pirate currently alive, someone everyone kept an eye on, and you stayed with them. Getting up, he walked over to you, pushing some hair out of your face and placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 
     “Sorry, Little Bird, you looked too cute-yoi.” he said softly, large hand cupping your cheek as he sat on the edge of the desk you were working at. Smiling up at him, you leaned into his touch, he was always so sweet. Turning your head, you placed a soft kiss on his palm, the sweet gesture making him sigh happily. Leaning down, he put a hand under your chin, his lips meeting yours, lightly pushing you back into your chair so he could deepen the kiss. Pulling away, you couldn’t help but giggle.
     “What’s so funny, Little Bird?” he asked, as you smiled at him.
     “It’s just… every kiss feels like the first with you. I… I still get butterflies and my stomach still does flips.” you admittedly shyly. 
     “I agree, your lips still taste just as sweet-yoi.” he said with a nod before pulling you into another kiss. He’d never been so happy that he worked away from the crew, able to share kisses like this with you as often as he desired.
     The man was a damned flirt, though perhaps that’s what attracted you to him in the first place, how he made you swoon, how charming and sweet he was… his culinary skills didn’t hurt either. Well… mostly, in any case. It was sweet how he’d make you all sorts of culinary confections, cooking your favorite just for you, or other delicious treats. But he was always presenting them in the biggest, most ostentatious, attention drawing ways. Ways that had you looking for somewhere to hide from the prying eyes. Sure, he usually tried to keep said ostentatiousness in private, but on more than one occasion, he’d drawn the attention of damn near the entire crew to you. Hiding in the kitchen, you glanced back at Thatch, making sure that nobody could peek in and see the two of you. 
     “Don’t worry, my sweet treat, nobody’s going to bother us.” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. 
     “I just… you have a tendency to draw everybody’s attention and you know I hate that.” you said, placing one of your hands over his as you relaxed in his hold.
     “I’ll make you a deal, you give me one thing and I’ll try to be better about that.” he offered, making you raise an eyebrow.
     “I suppose that depends on the ‘one thing’.” you said, as he continued holding you.
     “Just… close your eyes and trust me.” he whispered in your ear, making you sigh both from exasperation and your heart melting. Doing as he said, you felt him let you go for just a moment before his hands were on your waist again, picking you up and setting you on the counter as his lips met yours. You wouldn’t deny that you’d been waiting for this moment for a while, but there never seemed to be a good, quiet, moment for your first kiss. A moment where the crew wouldn’t bother you with wolf whistles and ‘good natured’ teasing. Your hands clung to the yellow scarf he was always wearing, keeping him pulled close to you as you remained lip locked until you needed to breathe. 
     “A-alright, that… I’ll allow you one more for free, but after that you have to keep your end of the deal.” you said shyly, staring down at your lap as you blushed. Thatch chuckled and pulled you into another kiss, more than happy to get another ‘freebie’. 
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lolbitlulu ¡ 1 year
Amorous Entanglement
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Gardenia jasminoides
"Gardenias are elegant and fragrant flowers that have been associated with love, particularly forbidden or secret love, for centuries. The gardenia flower is often used to convey messages of love and devotion, but it can also symbolize the pain and heartache that can come with forbidden love. Gardenias are given as gifts to express hidden or unspoken desires and the gardenia’s white petals, contrasted with dark green foliage, also represent the light and dark aspects of love, further emphasizing the complexity of forbidden love."
Masterlist ; Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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lolbitlulu ¡ 1 year
Prologue ; "Never ever."
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As the moon rises and darkness starts to fall upon the kingdom, a blue elf starts to make her move towards the forest. As each step gets faster, her breath gets more ragged by each step, thus she keeps praying. Praying that no one sees her, praying that no one finds her, praying she won’t be caught, especially not by ‘him’. Without stopping to catch her breath, she moves as if she was getting chased by some bloodthirsty monster. Her fear and anxiety consumes her fragile mind and yet she keeps on moving to that place she hoped to get into. As she gets close to that place, a hand suddenly covers her mouth and pulls her back making her squirm.
“Hey, hey calm down angel. It’s just me”, said the man behind her. As she heard his voice, she slowly began to relax and he let go of his hand that was covering her mouth. 
“Oh my heavens..please do not do that again, I thought you were him”, said the blue elf relieved as she looked at the red elf.
The red elf simply just laughed and pulled her into an embrace, which she happily returned. No words were exchanged between them as they embraced one another. “You know…I would really appreciate a kiss from my beautiful angel, what do you say Amaya? care to take up that offer?”, the red elf smirked at Amaya.
Amaya just shook her head and chuckled lightly hearing his request. “Maybe..”, Amaya places her hands on his chest as the red elf blushes lightly watching her. “I’ll take you up on that kiss offer..Aarnes”, and with that they both shared a sweet kiss under the brilliant moonlight and a thousand stars in the night. Both of them were reluctant to let go but they needed to breathe so they pulled away still holding each other. 
“You do know if we got caught, we’re both dead because of Teagen and Petir. They’re cruel, ruthless, and merciless”, says Amaya with a frown.
Aarnes already knows the consequences of being in a secret relationship with her, especially when she’s being courted by Petir. Petir could kill him in a flash without a second thought and with Teagen as his support, there’s no doubt that he’ll die. But Aarnes could care less about dying, all he cares about is being by her side. Even if he dies, he’ll die knowing that all her love was never Petir’s, but it was his without a single doubt. He’ll never ever let her go or leave her, Aarnes swore to himself..
In sickness and health, for richer or poorer, and for whatever may come. He will face all their misfortune as one.
Amaya looked into Aarnes’s eyes with so much adoration and love towards him. She has never loved Petir nor anyone else as much as she loved Aarnes. She could never begin to think about her life without him. Amaya wants to hold him and be with him without hiding her relationship. But deep down she knew it was for the best, she knew how dangerous Teagen and Petir are. Aarnes could never survive an encounter with either of them, he would die if that happened. Her and Petir may be arranged to be courted to each other, but she will never ever love him. Amaya swore to herself that…
One day, her and Aarnes will be able to show their love and relationship with each other without hiding. She hopes that they will stay together until the end of time, as fate has brought these two hearts who were longing for each other together.
As the clock strikes midnight, Amaya places her hand on his cheek and rubs it ever so gently.
“We’ve been here long enough, we have to go. They’ll find out if we stay for too long, you do know that right?”, said Amaya with meaningful eyes.
“Yes I know, you’ll have to go back too. They’ll start suspecting something is going on with you”, sighed Aarnes, “One more kiss?”.
“With pleasure my love”, Amaya responded as they leaned in for a sweet kiss. Aarnes held her hands and placed loving kisses on each of her fingers making her blush and smile. As they part ways, a pink elf comes out of her hiding place. She was watching the couple interact from the beginning. With a smile and a laugh she thought to herself..
“Looks like something will happen soon..I’ll make sure I will be there when it happens. Oh dear~ where should I start?”
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