#once she gets an idea in her head she wont change her mind
criedouts · 2 years
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     ‘   i   never   want   to   see   you  again  .   ’
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birdybirdnerd · 1 year
👀 bifrost incident stage play????
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youve opened pandoras box my friend. get ready
okay so i had this idea back in 2019 when i first got into the mechs and specifically first heard tbi. im a theater kid and have chronic amv/animatic brain where i visualize things real easy, so when i first listened to this album i was SLAMMED with the realization that, actually, tbi is PERFECT for a stage adaptation
imagine, if you will:
inspector lyf, at his desk side-stage and in front of the curtains. stalking across the stage, talking direct to the audience as he waves the black box, setting the stage and the story ahead and theorizing as to whats going on
the first chords of odins launch speech are heard, and the curtains open wide on the exterior of the train, odin at a podium, and a crowd listening intently
during each of lyfs speaking parts (cold case/person of interest/etc), he walks across the stage and explains things, as the set changes behind him. new characters arrive, spotlights shining as lyf wonders what theyre doing there, if they were the one that sabotaged the train
in the style of kabuki theater, the stagehands are dressed all in black, silently moving the set around the actors, changing things and completely invisible, the audience accustomed to ignoring them at this point
lokis song comes, and the whole time she sings, she is beset by these stagehands, dragging her around like another set piece, harassing her, interacting with her but still invisible to everyone else. sigyn tries to get her attention during her song, tries to pull her into their wedding dance- but the stagehands keep pulling loki into dances of their own, all while sigyn has no idea why her wife wont so much as look at her
losing track, lyf is losing track and the suspects are lined up onstage, singing, taunting as lyf stalks among them, grabbing their arms and faces and demanding answers. as he loses his mind, falling into despair, they turn to him and grab him back, pull him down, yell the only words they have left at him as he despairs.
the live band is dressed in theme, all steampunk-ed up, on a mini stage off opposite lyf with minimal lighting on them, until- expert testimony comes by, lyf bemoans having to go to the imprisoned bandits that annoy him so, as he crosses the stage, only for the lights to rise on the band and guess who theyve been the whole time!
red signal. lyf stands center stage, frozen in place as he chants, summoning that squamous something from beyond the veil, as those stagehands, all-black, all-invisible, shift and change before the audiences eyes, pulling out rainbow scarves, makeup once hidden shining bright and vivid in sudden black light. they dash off the stage as the rip between worlds widens, run amok the audience, slamming through doors and screeching as lyf voice raises higher, higher, until-
and when the audience comes back, the stage is... wrong
more black light, the set has warped and twisted. rainbow lights shimmer brighter on the backdrop, splashing in pools on the stage and the actors faces. the stagehands run free now, the monsters from behind the veil, the unholy things now attacking the actors directly, tearing them apart as the train falls into chaos
thor confronts the all-mother, transformed; she stands at the top of a podium now, the top of a platform while her costume has expanded around her, grandiose robes melting into a massive, writhing puppet manned by the stagehands, a bright and staring eye projected behind her head, staring at the audience, watching. thor fights off the hands, loses, and finally throws his hammer at the eye- replaced with a bright, white crack as the stars claim them both
loki and sigyn share a final tender moment in the engine room, they get their dance in before sigyn slips the line into her wifes arm. they share a final kiss as the curtains close on them, leaving...
lyf, standing center-stage. bottle in hand, exhausted, terrified. he bids the audience good luck, laughs wryly about the bandits disappearing - at some point, the live band quietly disappeared from their side-stage - and slips behind the curtain
the radio static fizzes, and as we hear the panic spread across the galaxy, the curtains part for bows. the bell tolls, flashing that bright, staring eye back as all other lights go off, plummeting everyone into dark and stark relief
so yeah, ive thought of this a normal amount
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tiajk · 8 months
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Little Miss Hamilton(I think i’m actually hilarious)
Warnings: reader is seen as the Hamilton of the crew, reader is implied to have powers but not have eaten devil fruit, Poc reader implied (brown skin, curly hair ), It’s a platonic mostly (hint of zosan x reader not a hint it’s plain a day), Cursing, pre time skip im mind, Best friends Nami & Ussop (such an underrated duo), Mostly the Anime in mind when writing this, no use of name or y/n, grammar errors (i js know there are)
A/n: Told you guys another fic would be out today (I love Hamilton) (if you watch Hamilton what’s your favorite song(s) mines are satisfied & Non-stop), you guys i wrote this with the worst stomach pain im gonna fucking die
Dividers from ; @y-yushin & @anitalenia
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—It almost felt like a reward every single piece of it. Starting with the fact you were apart of the straw hat pirate crew. Luffy claimed that you were all the best including you. most of the time dismissing him with a smile and a small “thank you!!” Then going back to your books and writings. thinking back to the fights you’ve been though you were grateful for having your powers what was more important was knowledge knowing every single piece of information that you found valuable was important to you and you would do anything to obtain it. Even if that included staying up late at night sleeping all during the day which at first no one thought was odd just assuming you were like Zoro. At night was when you did your true calling the most knowledge obtained from the Stars making charts, maps, and hypothesis’s about the moon and why does it change every single night. Mind running through thousands of ideas on how. Most of the time you would ire yourself out so much that you would fall asleep on deck but someone would always awake in the night to check most of the time it was Sanji and Zoro. Whenever Zoro found you he would grumble stings of curses out of his mouth when he saw you. He didn’t understand why you would leave yourself out in the open just to get more information about the stars but he would rather die then let you sit out in the cold. Sanji was the same way he would find you most of the time after Luffy tries to sneak into the fridge and he can’t go back to sleep. Tonight is no different from the rest your slumped on the deck your book is closed secure so the wind wont open it with little bits of pages sticking out of it your notebook stacked on top as well. Sanji & Zoro both cant sleep tonight instead of arguing with each other the just drink and get to know each other better. Surprisingly there laughing together playfully bantering each other when Sanji’s expression changes and goes outside Zoro doesn’t know what he’s doing at first but then it clicks in his head you were probably asleep on the deck again. He follows Sanji out the kitchen door seeing Sanji picking you up bridal style already you look peaceful its like your boy knows that Sanji’s got you and that your safe. While he’s climbing up the stars when he passes zoro he stops “Can you get her books I would usually would get them but your here to help me this time”. He wants to roll his eyes but he can’t and for once he just listen maybe it’s the alcohol flowing through his system or maybe he knows how important your books are to you it’s your dream. During the day most of the time nami watched over you she would distract from your books claiming how you both needed a break. Dragging Ussop(he wanted to go) as you guys al go shopping and play a little dress up. By you guys its mostly nami and ussop finding clothes to give you and you to try on while they give you there opinions (Ussop has good fashion taste cant change my mind (u prob could but pls don’t). Nami Had this beautiful Long body con dress the base of the dress was a peachy pink with coral all over it the coral being in all different shapes the colors being blue, purple and ifferent shades of pink as well. “Go try it on it’s gorgeous and goes perfect with your skin tone ” taking the fabric from her hands you go to the dresseing room sort of excited to try it on. when you finished putting you examined your self in the mirror in the dressing room it was the perfect length on the floor but not enough to drag on your feet to annoy you but it hugged everywhere and it just felt perfect you didn’t really care if you have to go into debt for nami to buy this dress it would be worth it. While opening the door holding your hair in a low pony with no ponytail holder some curly staying in the front. Nami and Ussop mouth dropped to the floor when they saw you “What is it bad” you confidence going down slowly but it accelerates when nami says “It’s perfect on you we have to buy it it was literally made for you” you smile at her thanking her for the compliment “I agree it’s an amazing dress for you”.
—When going back in the dressing room as you put your other clothes on thinking what would Zoro and Sanji think about the dress you shiver at the thought of the reaction and shake it from your mind. When you guys head back to the ship it’s not loud and that worries you automatically as you speed up your pace to the going merry. Going to the kitchen is ur first stop and it was correct. You see Luffy, Sanji and Zoro all cooped up around something but you don’t know what “HMH” clearing your throat to get their attention. The all look in shock not expecting you to be there. Luffy hides the object behind his back “We thought you guys were still shopping?” “Well we're back now” You look at all three of the they seem nervous. Luffy is sweating hard “What do you have behind your back Luffy?” “Nothing” You don’t believe him so you place the shopping back on the counter and sit at the table with them “What’s the problem guys you seem nervous did i do something wrong?” They all looked at each other silently communicating “No we just don’t want you to get mad at us” it was really confusing why would you get mad? “I won’t promise” Luffy looks at you one more time just to make sure he brings the object in front of him and on the table it’s your book your book with everything in it. Part of you wants to get mad but you don’t “where did you find this?” “It was on the table fore you left I saw it and wondered what it was about didn’t know it was yours” Zoro states with his harms crossed looking at you “It’s okay but are any of the pages missing” you say examining every page that you could get your hands on slightly worried that some valuable information could be missing “No I made sure that nothing happened to it” Sanji blows the smoke out of his mouth “What happened?” Nami ask as she enters the room “Nothing just my books” Ussop comes behind you one of your books was open and he’s peeking at it over your shoulder “woah you wrote all of this?” you honestly didn’t think that it was a lot not enough knowledge so it wasn’t a lot. Nami comes and looks as well “Wow it really is a lot is that why your always up at night writing?” You start to feel a little bit on the spot which it doesn’t really matter that its you its just the subject “Yea but I could write more i dont feel like it’s enough” Zoro thinks to himself ‘what will be enough for her’ “Why it’s it not enough you write like your running out of time”…………
Part 2 coming soon ( i couldn’t finish my stomach hurts and it feels like i have the throw up)(update i threw up and i’m sick ass hell)
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veemunson86 · 6 months
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I see you everywhere
Pt 3, love of my life.
Series masterlist
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
it was Steve's idea, to write a letter to Eddie and burn it. you thought it was cheesy but decided to give it a shot. the heavy weight your heart felt for him ached more and more every day which was causing unwanted stress. going  into the 8th month of your pregnancy began to become unbarable without him. all you wanted was to feel him holding you late at night, but he couldn't, and that alone was a crushing feeling. at first you thought it was a horrible idea, but when you were missing him extra one day, you finally found the right words.
" my dearest eddie, today marks almost 8 months since you left me. it still hasn't gotten any easier. everyone says it gets better, but when? i miss you like crazy. i still wear your ring, but its too big for my hand so i have it on a chain i swear around my neck. i wonder what our wedding would have been like. i wonder how you would have raised our beautiful baby girl, would you have played her music to help her sleep? everywhere i go, its like you're here with me. i see you everywhere around the house that would have been ours. i wake up to what would have been the side of your bed, and its like sometimes i envision youre laying next to me... your hair a big frizzy mess. i find myself doing that a lot, thinking youre here with me, that maybe, just maybe you'll come back to me. but you wont, and that's when i snap back into reality. you're gone. its still hard to say out loud. our baby is growing so fast. she has a strong heartbeat. i remember when i would lay my head  on your chest when we would be on the couch, or laying in bed. it was my favorite thing to listen to. that day when i held you, i felt your heart slowly give out, and a part of mine died with you that day. everyone here says ive changed, and the truth is i have. the y/n i was died when you did, now I'm just the shell of the girl i once was. the shell of a girl who lost the one person she truly loved. but i wanna change, that's why in writing this. i wanna change for our girl. i wanna be the best version of myself i can, for her. it scares my thinking about having to do this alone, but i know I'm not alone. i have the kids, and steve, nancy and robin to help. they go with me to every appointment. i know she is gonna be so loved by them, and that makes me happy. i decided on a name. remember when we talked about a family of our own one day? we wrote down names that we would want for our kids. i found that notebook when i moved your stuff in here. our house. just like we wanted. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. big backyard, with a small swimming pool. it wasn't easy, but i had help. my parents and your uncle helped me until i could get up on my feet. i moved your stuff here, part of my thinks youre gonna show up one day. our bedroom is perfect. we both have a nightstand, i have pictures of us together o your side. i know it all sounds stupid, but its comforting. i have a few of your shirts in the closet, they still smell like you. i always loved that smell, like cinnamon and weed. it makes it feel like youre still here. i open up our closet and that's the first thing i smell, it smells like home. like you. i picked our girls name, i decided on Amelia. shes gonna have your last name. i set up her nursery with the help of steve, dustin, and max. her little room is adorable. i have a light pink crib, and above it there is her name smelled out in wooden letters. there is little ducks on the wallpaper, as when i went through my first nesting phase i didnt know the gender yet. there is a fuzzy white rug right by her crib, and a rocking chair so i can feed her in there. i wish you could be here to see it, but alas, youre not. so i guess this is my final goodbye to you. steve said writing this and burning it would give me piece of mind, and i think hes right. so goodbye my love, i will love you forever, please watch over me and our baby. i love you."
and with that, you folded the paper in half, throwing it in the fireplace, watching as it slowly turned to ash.
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libelelle · 6 months
Oughhh that reminds me. An old idea I had that I still like is Silver being taken in by Team Dark during Rivals, how do you think they would get along, and how do you think Silver would be changed by primarily being around them?
Oh thats tough... a question that requires me to think about team dark and their characterization as well as silvers... these arw my thoughts that i managed to gather up 🫡
The biggest and easiest change i can think of would be his views on morality. His black and white thinking would not do him a lot of favors hanging around team dark. Everyone one of them has something about them that would clash with Silvers views. There good and theres bad and then theres Team Dark, the people who welcomed him and took him in but dont act like a how good people should... theyre unnecessarily violent, they steal, they lie and they dont do it because they have to, they do it because its who they are, and they wont compromise that for others comfort. His first change would be readjusting his views on what makes a person good, and whether that matters as much as he thought. As for what that change looks like, Team Dark is big on loyalty, and Silver doesnt do things in halves. I think more likely than him shifting his definition of morality, he like. Shifts the focus of thats sense of justice, from the focus being morality to loyalty. If that makes sense. I think itd be easier for him than rewriting his rules for whats good and bad, or trying to wrap his head around moral grayness.
Either way, loyalty would become a focus for him, hes part of a team now. Not that he isnt loyal as he is normally, he just hasnt had anyone by his side, fight for him and with him all the time. Not since blaze anyways. Obviously because hes such an extreme person, slights against his team would probably get explosive reactions, something omega would encourage. Unhelpfully. Itd take some time for him to understand the dynamics between his new team and the rest of their friends, particularly with Sonic.
As for individual relationships, i might have to think about this in detail more, but im sure he'd find Omegas uncomplicated nature... not relaxing, but easy. Hes predicatable. Once hes gotten used to them theyd make a very destructive duo, i dont really believe Silver cared much about "property damage" and "reckless behaviour" before going to the past.
Silvers relationship with shadow... this one is so hard for me it always has been. I thinkkkkkkkk that Silver would be like. Overly eager to prove himself to shadow. From silvers point of view shadow is cool, powerful, self assured...basically someone to look up to. As a memeber of team dark i think he'd look to Shadow for approval, whereas Shadow might feel a bit. Crowded by him. Especially at first, throwing silver into the mix is strange. This all being said id reallly have to think hard about this, just because their relationship isnt something i fewl confident i understand.
The member of team dark hed have the most troubles with with be Rouge though. Shes a spy a thief, and she keeps secrets. Shes not an easy person to read and that stresses him out. He doesnt dislike her, he just cant figure her out. The whole morality thing would be especially tough with her because of it i think. He still holds those values, i think, so her whole deal would get his mind running laps. Other than that though i think theyd have a good relationship, i think shed like his fire
Generally i think Silvers personality would be similiar, less naive maybe, definitely not getting any less destructive. Hed probably take on a role of the bleeding heart more often than you'd think though, just because no one else would.
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donnetellotheturtle · 5 months
Chapter 7
“What’s on your mind?” Cyrus asked him and Hugo swam further down.
Hugo sighed. “I can’t go through with this plan…I know it was important to Donella. Hell, it was important to me. But…”
Cyrus chuckled. “I’ve seen that look before.”
“What look?”
“It’s the same one Donella has when she thinks about Ulla.”
 “About Ulla-“
“There you boys are!” Donella swam over, her braid whipping back as she came over to Hugo. “Hugo. You look sick. What happened? Cyrus told me you sent him a message?”
“Uh yeah…it’s a bit of a long story.”
“Did those sailors hurt you?”
Hugo shook his head. “Not the crew we were going for. Pirates. Cyrus drowned them.”
Donella sighed. “I saw. The other sirens are feasting as we speak. How did you end up there?”
Hugo recounted the whole story, even up to the points to where he and Varian started getting close. Donella rubbed her face.
“I didn’t expect you to get soft on me.”
“Donella, he’s Ullas son. That has to change things.”
Donella paused, tail swishing. “It does…what do you think of all of this, Cyrus?”
Cyrus sat on a rock, tail curling around it. “Not sure. It certainly changes our plans around. We cant just drown the Sundrop when they drift into our territory now…”
Hugo sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Donella held up a hand. “Don’t be. This…this is good information. We just need a moment to figure out our new moves. If we don’t do this, the others will riot. That we can handle…but we have other objectives as well.”
“…why were we targeting this ship in the first place, Don? You never really told me other than “it’s the one ship we could never capsize.”
Cyrus and Donella looked at each other, then Cyrus nodded at her.
“Alright. You deserve to know. There is a mermaidian relic on that ship. We figured we could just capsize and take it once it’s under the waves.”
“What is it?” Hugo asked.
“A full moon stone ring. You’ve seen Cyrus control the waves up top right?”
Hugo nodded softly.
“I do that with this.” Cyrus held out a ring with a Cresent moon shaped gem in it. “It’s fairly limited. I can only use it once per full moon, then it has to be recharged under its light. But it’s what allows me to control waves like I did hen I overtook the pirate ship.”
Donella nodded. “It’s only a Crescent moon. A full moon would let us control the waves much more. It’s on the sun drop.”
Hugo raised an eyebrow. “How do you know?”
“Rings can sense each other. The closer we get to it, the more my ring glows.” Cyrus said.
“Was this always the plan?” Hugo frowned.
Donella shook her head. “Towards the beginning it was just drowning the ship out of pure annoyance… Then his ring started glowing, and our objectives changed slightly. And now they’ve seemed to change again.”
Hugo rubbed the back of his neck.
Donella sighed. “Okay. Your new mission is to get that moon ring at any cost before they come into our territory. We wont take the ship if we don’t have to, but if we do…just be prepared to save whoever you need to save.”
Hugo frowned. “…Can I tell Varian?”
Cyrus winced. “Probably not the best idea, kid.”
Donella nodded. “Get any information you can but I would recommend you leave Varian out of it for now. He probably won’t like the idea of you stealing from his crew.”
Hugo nodded, if a bit guilty that he wouldn’t be able to tell Varian about it.
Cyrus had come over and put a hand on the blondes shoulder. “I know it’s not easy, but once it’s over, you can stop the theatrics. Just one last job.”
Hugo sighed. “I just don’t want to hurt him…not after what we’ve just been through.”
Donella looked down. “I get it. I do. When I was your age, I had similar feelings for Ulla. But keeping this secret is protecting him. This thing is dangerous in humans hands.”
“But Varian’s only half human. Surely, he can be trusted.”
Donella frowned. “He’s also only half Mer. He was also raised by humans. Unless he has a tail and gills?”
Hugo looked down. “No…he told me himself that he doesn’t.”
“Then we can’t trust him with this. Humans, even half humans, will always side with humans. Just know that before you get your heart broken.”
“Theres gotta be a better way.”
Donella frowned. “You are the better way, Hugo. Would you rather us drown the ship?”
“Good. Now get back up there.”
Varian hadn’t left the edge of the ship, sitting by the railing as Rudiger curled up in his lap. The boy smiled a bit.
Adira sat down next to him. “Kid, I don’t mean to sound insensitive but, a siren?”
Varian chuckled. “I didn’t know for sure till this morning.”
Adira frowned. “When your dad fell in love with Ulla, we warned him she’d always return to the sea eventually. He assured us that she would always return. And for years, that was the case…then one time, she never came back.”
Varian frowned. He remembered that day when the two realized she wasn’t coming home. How devastated he and his father had been. How much crying there had been upon this very ship. Varian pet Rudiger with a small frown.
“The merpeople need the sea. Not just for survival but because the ocean is them, and what belongs to the sea will always return. Why do you think I haven’t seen Cyrus in years?”
“…How did you two meets?”
“Your mom, actually…he was the one who informed your dad she wasn’t coming home.” Adira sighed. “I’m not telling you not to pursue this. You’re not your parents, after all. Just, be careful, and know the risks.”
Varian nodded softly. “I will…thanks Adira.” He leaned on his aunts side. She wrapped an arm around him. Varian took solace in the fact that he was the only one besides his uncle and dad that could touch her. He remembered being small and digging his face into her jacket when he was scared, and his dad wasn’t around.
“You want to see him?” Adira asked, seemingly reading Varian’s mind. She did that a lot.
Varian shook his head. “…No…I…Its too hard when I cant wake him.” Varian felt the tears prickle in his eyes. “Do you think he’ll ever wake up?”
“Honestly kid, I don’t know…but I hope so.”
A wave hit the boat. And once it cleared, Hugo and Cyrus, clothes and hair soaked in sea water were there. Varian smiled.
Varian stood, holding Rudiger tight, and tackled hugged Hugo, who hugged back just as tight. A squished Rudiger made an annoyed noise in the middle.
Both boys laughed as they pulled away. “sorry buddy.” Varian put down the raccoon gently.
“I better be going.” Cyrus said, putting a hand on Hugos shoulder. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
Hugo nodded. “Thank you, Cyrus.”
Cyrus gave Hugo a soft look. “Anytime.”
With that, Cyrus jumped into the water. Adira stood and stretched. “We better get you back to the Sundrop. Where were you headed before the pirates?”
“Rosas.” Varian replied.
Adira nodded and walked off, presumably to tell the helmsman where they were going. Hugo and Varian looked at each other. Hugo took Varian’s hand.
“Goggles, I’m sorry I was so…flighty earlier. I just- I didn’t- I wasn’t-“
Varian laughed lightly. Moon above Hugo loved that sound. Then Varian put a hand on Hugos cheek, who blushed deeply. “You don’t have to explain. I get it.”
Hugo paused, looking at his hand in Varian’s. “…I don’t think I’ve met anyone quite like you before.”
“I can say the same for you, Hugo.” Varian’s eyes were like the moon, big and bright and beautiful. They made Hugo’s heart flutter. Was this how the ocean goddess felt about the moon? He got it now. Understood that particular mythology better than ever before. Like a shining light in the darkness. His smile could light up the darkest parts of the sea.
Varian’s hand in his was a new but somehow familiar weight. Hugo squeezed it softly. “Varian?”
“Can I try something?”
Varian had this smile, a glorious, knowing smile. He nodded softly.
Hugo moved forward to kiss him.
Before their lips could touch, the door slammed open. Both boys jumped out of their skin.
“Sun above Adira!” Varian yelled.
Adira smirked. “No kissing on my ship. You can save that for the Sundrop.”
Varian’s face was hot red. Hugo chuckled softly. Truth be told, he was a bit disappointed but the way Varian’s blushing face more than made up for it. He noticed that Varian’s hand hadn’t left his, which made Hugo smile wide.
That night, Varian got settled for bed. Hugo was in another room, as per Adira’s orders. Rudiger was curled up at the end of his bed, sleeping soundly. Varian washed up the best he could, cleaning his hair most of all. It was full of dirt from the past week.
Then there was a knock at the door. Varian figured it was Adira, coming to say goodnight. “come in!”
Hugo opened the door. Varian smiled. “Hugo. I thought you were Adira.”
“No…just coming to say goodnight.” Hugo walked into the room. He had changed into some of the nightclothes that Adira had provided for him.
“Is that all?” Varian asked, taking Hugos hand. “No taking me under the waves?” he wiggled his eyebrow.
Hugo snorted. “That’s your attempt at flirting?”
“I’ve never done it before!” Varian said, embarrassed. “You’ve at least had experience.”
Hugo chuckled. “Its not that hard. Just say what’s on your mind…in a sexy way.”
Varian laughed, gently pushing Hugo away as he held his stomach. “You’re an idiot.”
Hugo smiled. “I know, sweetcheeks.”
Varian wiped away a stray tear and looked at Hugo. “I’m happy Rapunzel brought you on the ship, Hugo. Despite everything we went through with Andrew and his crew.”
“Me too.”
“You know that’s the one thing I cant figure out. Why did you come onto the ship in the first place? You could have just followed it by swimming.”
Hugo weighed his options for a moment, then decided. He’d give him the truth he needed to know. “Honestly, the Sundrop was the one ship we couldn’t take when you went through our waters. Donella was very annoyed. She sent me to figure it out.”
“So, you were going to-“
“I talked to her. That’s not going to happen next time you go through. The Sundrop is safe.” Hugo pushed down the feeling of guilt at that lie. Well, it wouldn’t be a lie if he could find that moon ring.
Varian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Hugo. Those guys are my family.”
Hugo nodded. “Yeah…you changed everything, Varian. I hope you know that.”
Varian blushed, then took Hugos hand. “So…about what you wanted to try earlier?”
Hugo chuckled. “Not tonight, hair stripe. I think Adira would literally kill me.”
Varian chuckled. “She wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
Both boys jumped. In the doorway was Adira. She was smiling.
“How long have you been standing there?” Hugo asked, face going red. He ignored Varian’s smirk.
“Long enough to see you make the decision that saved your life.” Adira said. “Time for bed, boys.”
Varian pouted. “Adira, we’re not children!”
“No but you’re on my ship. So, bedtime.”
Hugo sighed, smiling. “Goodnight, goggles.”
Varian squeezed Hugos hand. “Goodnight, Hugo.”
Adira watched as Hugo made his way out and to his own room.
“I’m putting a night guard in front of both your rooms in case you feel like acting like teenagers.” She said before walking away.
Varian groaned, and softly shut the door.
Read this on A03!
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bridgyrose · 6 months
After a horrific incident, Ruby becomes a cyborg, naturally she nerds out about it.
Ruby sighed quietly as she looked over her mechanical arm and legs, her head still spinning from the week before. Grimm flooding the streets, a metal beam falling on top of her and piercing through her back, the pain that still radiated through the limbs that had to be removed… all of it still in the back of her mind as she worked to tighten the screws of her arm. A small smile crossed her lips as she gently moved her arm, listening to the joints that were no longer screaming about being too tight. 
“You dont have to force yourself to get back out there,” Yang said as she watched Ruby. “You can take your time and rest, give yourself a few weeks to get used to it-” 
“I’m fine, Yang.” Ruby winced as she reattached her arm to her shoulder, listening to the small *click* once everything was in place. She slowly moved her fingers and arm again, watching each movement to make sure everything was working as her flesh and blood arm had. “This is just a hiccup, you know? But now I can actually maintain myself instead of having to wait for things to heal.” 
“And you’re sure you dont want to rest?” 
When Ruby was satisfied with her arm, she started to reattach her legs, wincing again when she felt the pain of everything connecting. “I’ve… done nothing… but rest for the last week. I need to get out there and help.” 
“Fine, just… dont push yourself.” 
“I wont be.” Ruby finished attaching her legs and stood up, feeling the bend in each one as she stretched. She caught her reflection in the bedroom mirror, her fingers running across her mechanical hand as she felt the wires inside the frame of her arm. It was still a strange feeling, seeing how mechanical her body had become since she came to Atlas, but it wasnt exactly her choice either. Mistakes were made as chaos engulfed the streets, but that didnt matter to her as long as she saved as many people as she could. “Weiss and Penny are going to take me out on a small patrol in the tundra. Not a lot of grimm, maybe a pack of sabyrs at worst.” 
“And you’re sure you can handle this?” 
“I’m sure.” Ruby grabbed her scythe and paused for a moment as she watched her left hand grip it, intrigued by how her mechanical fingers wrapped around the shaft like her flesh and blood fingers. She tapped the shaft of her scythe, smiling a bit as she realized a modification she could make. “I can attach my scythe to me.” 
Yang looked at Ruby curiously. “Wait what?” 
“I can modify the case of my arm to allow Crescent Rose to sit snug to swing around easier and more stably.” 
“Or more recklessly. Dont you think that would be a bit too much?” 
“If it means being able to protect everyone, then no upgrade is too far for this.” Ruby smiled as she sat down and started to make plans with upgrading her arm. “Besides, its not like I’m going to get this upgraded tomorrow, just… ideas for now.” 
Yang sighed and held her own mechanical arm closely. “Yeah, but… you really should take your time to get used to the changes.” 
“I already am. Its like having my real legs and arm, just… better.” 
“Better? How is any of this better for you?” 
Ruby sat down the pen she was using to draw up her plans, leaning back in her chair. “I can be a better huntress like this. My arm, my legs, they can be modified as needed. And I still have Penny helping me with all of this.” 
“Still, I think you should slow down.” 
“I’ll be fine.” Ruby perked up as her scroll dinged, her eyes practically lighting up as she read the message on it. “We can finish talking about this later.” 
“And where are you going?” 
“Out with Penny!” Ruby answered as she ran to the door, practically grinning as she felt the power her new legs had while running. “We’re going to do some training!”
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kogglyuffs · 5 months
hoooh man me sharing dead plate fics.. fun: ghost au pt. 1
//i will say beforehand that this one was lit my first time writting somethin bout dead plate therefore i may have made some mischaracterizations and probs had foggy memory of the exact lore yaddayadda ok plz bear w me, and lets move on
@aactuallyno (tumblr wont let me tag you idk)
Rody glared down at the pendant in hand, cleaning some stains off. He hesitantly unlocked it and stared at the picture of him and his already deceased love, Manon. He couldn't stop staring at her, he thought back to all those moments they spent together, of all he worked for her, to bring her back to his life, also remembering her words...
"I love you, Rody. I really do. But I can't handle seeing you killing yourself for me..."
"I tried, Manon... I really did..." He whispered to himself, breathing heavily to hold back the tears, leaning forward his seat with his hands holding the pendant on his forehead.
"I... I think a walk will do for me..." He muttered, heading outside for the street.
The town was damp for the drizzle that fell. Rody wasn't bothered to get his shoes wet with the puddles that formed at the street, sometimes letting some drops fall on him. He looked down at the bodies of water underneath him, but he didn't want to focus much, he didn't want to see his pathetic state, he didn't want to see how his whole purpose went all away of his grasp. His life was dark and voidy like the street he walked into... Walking into a single direction, with no further idea of where you're supposed to go, or what to do...
He lifted his face up when noticing a strange spot in the exit of the street. He recognized that figure, but it also seemed weirder. It had Manon's silhouette, but red lines surrounded her, with a spooky, red eye glaring at him. Her hair was messy and down, covering most of her body, with the marks he once had in a nightmare as well.
Rody fell on his knees, "M-Manon... It's that you?"
The Manon figure didn't reply, nor move, standing still at the other extreme.
"No... It's just my mind and broken heart messing with me, isn't it?" Rody chuckled, "You're... You're not here... Right?"
He leaned forward and yelled, "Are you still mad at me?"
She didn't reply.
"Is it because I was too overwhelming? That I kept insisting on keeping it all together, even if you said otherwise?
She didn't mutter any word.
"Or is it because... I didn't save you?"
Rody clutched his fist, "I'm sorry, Manon! Okay!? I'm sorry for everything, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty, I didn't want things to go like this! You're special to me, you're the one I love, and then... then..." he sobbed, "I... I don't know what to do... I wanted to be happy with you.. But now, you're gone and..."
Rody looked down at the puddle under him, tears flooded in his eyes, "...Well, you have the right to be mad at me, it's completely understandable you left this fool..."
He noticed a change on the silhouette. From a spooky, dark one, to a bright one, showing Manon's face. She stepped forward with her sweet and kind face, kneeling and hugging a wet and messy Rody.
"Oh, Rody. I'm not mad at you.. Really..." She spoke out, "And remember, that I will always love you.."
Rody shakily wrapped his arms around Manon's back, she suddenly felt so warm, yet so angelical, like she was here, she is here. He started sobbing and having hiccups, "I missed you so much, Manon!" he cried out loud
"I miss you too, Rody... I miss you too"
He smiled, calming himself down with Manon's lovely warmth. But there was a strange noise coming from somewhere, near to his head-
And then, he found himself at his couch, covered with his blanket. The side of his head was ringing, it was still hard to get used to not having an ear available, he also noticed a bit of his pillow being wet, along with his cheeks covered in a stream of tears.
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rainbowgod666 · 5 months
Hazbin hotel charachters (or at least the ones i remember) according to me, who has never watched it
Charlie: probably the only normal person in the show
Alastor: someone made a fanart that made me think they had some sort of top surgery scars so now theyre trans🏳️‍⚧️
Lucifer: "i have no idea who i am. Every day i scare myself because i think I saw that darn goggled autist in the mirror. I know for a FACT i have died before, but HE wont let me rest. According to HIM, me and god owe him so much we should surrender heaven and hell to him. I have been unironically killed over 667 times and i KNOW none of them are the last. I have seen him corrupt hell and turn it into a psychedelic SOMETHING that isnt hell anymore. I have seen HIM shrug off Holy Energy like HE got shot with a squirt gun. I saw HIM posess the ones i loved most and turn them into distorted horrors that not even i could come up with- I know im not the only "interpretation of the devil" who has been subject to this... this is why i try to be closer to my dear daughter as much as i can- i KNOW that one day i shall disintegrate into nothingness and "finally shut up" whatever that means. God isnt dead because HE said so. No mind can make hell out of heaven and viceversa except HIS... because he doesnt turn them into neither. Everything Eventually Becomes Entropy. And Then He Turnes It Into Autism So He May Forever Evade Death By Eternally Dying. He made himself judge, jury, and executioner, and the only thing stopping him from actually DOING anything is how overwhelming is the mortal wo-" "dad will you fucking take your meds already or do i have to shove them up your ass"
Vox: they changed heads, and are definetively gay
Sir Pentious: i feel like they should get their eggs back. Idk why.
Angel dust: drug addict spider femboy. Also they have been subjected to sexual abuse so ffs MAKE THEM FEEL SAFE
Striker: i know that ass has watched 1980s anime. I just KNOW.
Blitzø (and the rest of the helluva boss team): really funny imps who (through some JJBA part 5 shit) just wanna exist in a literal hellhole
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thatbitchsimone · 1 year
I literally can’t stop feeling embarrassed in public. Do u have any advice on not caring what people think about u? It’s so exhausting walking around feeling like I have to be seen as ‘perfect’ or to impress literal strangers!!! Like I just wanna live life and not feel like I have to perform at every moment I’m in the company of others. Pls help xox
these random ppl are literally barely even noticing ur existence. and i dont mean that in a bad way or in a way that reflects on u, im just saying that we are all in our own heads and not paying that much attention to strangers in our day to day life. no one is analysing ur every movement. it might feel like it but u know deep down they arent and that its just ur anxiety playing with ur head.
also a good thing to keep in mind whenever u get that anxious feeling that u might have ”embarrassed urself” or ”looked weird” or whatever is that none of these strangers have any idea who u are. they dont even know ur name. u will most likely never see any of these ppl ever again and if u do neither of u will remember each other anyways lol. their perception of u has literally zero impact on ur actual life. maybe u tripped while walking past some random stranger and they saw u trip, sure in the moment u might feel a little embarrassed and awkward about it, but then what? u know this stranger wont even remember it like 10 minutes after bc it was an extremely minor incident that u know their brain barely even registered for more than 3 seconds. u also know that u wont even remember it urself tomorrow, it has zero impact on ur life. like just tell urself ”whatever these ppl have no idea who i am and will probably never even see me again anyways so it doesnt even matter what they think bc we are no one to each other” and then just tell urself to let it go and shift ur focus to something else. bc u know that this is just ur anxiety and insecurity gnawing at u and this is a fleeting feeling and moment anyway.
id also like to add that, assuming ur a woman, ur not alone in struggling with this. ALL women experience these thoughts and feelings to some degree bc we are all conditioned to take up as little space as possible and to always have other ppls (specifically men, but not exclusively men) perception of us in mind. google that male gaze quote right now babe. the margaret atwood one and the john berger one. it will help u see this phenomena more clearly and u will relate to it and maybe gain some insight into how u percieve urself and how what these feelings and insecuritites are rooted in and u will be like u know what? fuck that. like ur approach to this will start to change once u have gained this perspective and might even make u feel like rebelling against it which might help u to free urself from this.
u dont need to be perfect. i want u to be free and messy and loud. i want u to be imperfect. imperfection is peak beauty. women are wild and messy. thats the beauty in us. its the rawness and realness in the most gorgeous form. embrace it. be free and carefree and do u. love u queen <3 if i saw u literally laughing hysterically to urself in public i would be like oh she gets it shes the vibe i love her so much like BE FREE GIRL LET GO LET GO
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because-she-goes · 1 year
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort themes, happy ending, alleged cheating, heartbreak, smidge of violence, swearing, the boys being mad at matty. Enjoy!
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Her heart sank. Body dropping to the floor in a heap. A sob wracking through her throat. Her Matty driving around in an unknown city, with a car she didn’t recognize and a girl looking blissfully unaware that the man next to her was in a relationship. She couldn’t believe her eyes, willing them to see differently - maybe she is overtired, maybe too many cups of coffee, maybe it was her period coming sooner than normal and fucking with her hormones. She had no idea what the fuck was going on. She only had a singular idea - to call Danes and see if he knew anything because fuck calling Matty right now, she’ll buckle in an instant and weep as he tries to tell her from godknowswhere that its nothing, that she is just a friend. Fuck that.
Phone rings, once then twice. Finally she hesrs her friend’s voice on the other side. She had known George longer than she knew Matty - the two of them meeting in his music production class during his brief stint in university. They had become fast friends over their love of music and the details of it and how any subtle change could then affect the whole song. She could talk to George about anything and trust he would tell her the truth, even if it hurt her.
“Well, fancy hearing from you! What can I do for ya, Daisy?” The petname he gave her that first day still making her smile all these years later. He was in London, at his apartment currently working on some production stuff for Charli’s album.
“I need you to look at the picture I am gonna send you, okay? I am not fucking around here, George, I am panicking over it right now.” She alerts him, voice trembling. She sends the screenshot from the music video her friend sent her. Putting him on speaker and now pacing around the room nervously biting her nails.
“Oh, fuck.” Is all that comes from him. Her heart sinks. So it is real then, she isn’t dreaming this and her mind isn’t playing tricks on her. “Love, I am gonna tell you right now, as soon as I get a hold of him he is a deadman, yeah? Gonna forward it to Hann and Ross if thats okay with you?” He double checks. This is serious shit, I mean for heaven’s sake Matty and her were practically married - dating for 7 years! And now, he pulls this shit without even the courtesy of a heads up. Oh fuck him, George thinks as he rages.
“Yeah, thats fine! Just am nervous about it being real and all ya know? Like why wouldn’t he tell me? Why don’t I know where in the world he is? He told me he was going to Italy with his family and that sure as shit doesn’t look like it!”
George flips back to the picture, now patching Hann and Ross to the call. Wait a minute, he quickly zooms in past his friend’s head and sees a sign for “Peet’s Coffee”. He is in fucking Los Angeles. “He’s in LA. Theres a sign for a coffee place he likes there behind him.”
She doesn’t know how it is possible, but her stomach drops further. He is across a continent right now and didn’t even think to tell her. He is literally the exact opposite direction of where she thought he was.
“Honey, I am so sorry. We will call him later and see what this is all about yeah?” Ross adds, much calmer than George, but equally as upset at his friend. Adam can’t even think right now, anxiety and frustration eating away at him. “Daisy, it’ll be okay, I will talk to Matty first - he always knows that if I am talking to him its serious. If George calls, he’ll start joking and dancing around the questions. Ross, mate I’m sorry, but if you call him he wont even listen to you about this.” Ever the Dad, she thinks.
Adam adds Matty to the call. “Hey, lads!” He greets in his normal tone. “Matty…. you are in deep fucking shit so you better start explaining to us why there is video footage of you driving in LA with another girl in your fucking car!!” Adam booms, you have never see the normally mild tempered get angry, let alone yell.
“I can explain, I met someone while I was at a party there and I got a bit drunk-“ Before he finishes the sentence, she leaves the call. Not wanting to hear the rest of this, it being too painful.
However, the boys continue to hear him out: “…and I was just lonely without Daisy there that all I needed was just a warm body on the other side of a bed. I promise you, on my life I didn’t do anything. And do you really think I am that big of a wanker to a) live with myself after that and b) drive the girl home the next morning?? Really, guys?” He asks and ya know what, he isn’t lying. They’ve gone down this road before Daisy came into the picture and they all know if/when Matty ever cheats on someone, the poor guy is in shambles for weeks. Riddled with anxiety, self-esteem in the toilet, depression… you name it, he’s got it. At the end of their conversation and once they all come to an understanding that it really was as innocent as he is saying it is, he calls her.
One ring, then two… “Hey, Matty! How is Italy, honey?” She greets warmly, voice syrup sweet as usual when talking to him while he is away. Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt for a bit and see if he comes clean. Bracing herself for heartbreak.
“Hi, baby… look I need to tell you something. I’m not in Italy, I’m not with my family. I went to LA to work on some stuff with Jack for a few days when the vacation ended. I should’ve told you, I know, but I got so wrapped up in the studio and LA and work that I completely forgot I didn’t tell you.”
“Thats okay, as long as you’re safe and okay, honey.” She reassures him, thankful he is attest with Jack and not totally alone out there.
“There’s something else… I went to a party a few nights ago, one Jack mentioned…” She inhales, holding her breath ready to get the wind knocked out of her any second. “I met someone, a girl named Meredith. I was a bit drunk and just missed you loads, so I asked her to keep me company while I slept. She agreed, understanding I am spoken for and she didn’t pull anything. I didn’t either. We just shared a bed. That is all. You can even call her if you want to hear it from her. The number is 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX” He hangs up. Not waiting ti hear her cry, to hear her heartbreak, to hear the sigh if relief that leaves her.
Dialing the number, a girl’s voice answers.”Umm hello, this is Mer, who am I speaking to?” Her voice smooth and soft, Californian.
“Uhh hi, I’m Daisy. A friend of Matt Healy’s and just wanted to ask you something… woman to woman. So, please don’t hold back and be honest with me, at the very least give me that respect.”
“Absolutely, I know Matt. What can I help straighten out?”
“Well, excuse me for being blunt and straight forward with this, but did anything happen between you two? Kissing, hugging, sex? Anything?” Daisy anxiously picks at a cuticle.
“Oh absolutely not! He kept saying your name actually, saying that you guys have been together for ages and he just missed you. He didn’t try anything and neither did I if that is your question.” The girl’s words sounding like music to Daisy. A deep sigh of relief and joy leaves her body, her Matty… her good, sweet, innocent Matty.
“Well, thank you, Meredith! Loved talking to you.” Daisy hangs up as the girl adds a “You Too!”
Calling back the four boys, voice dripping with giddiness, she tells them about Meredith and how everything checks out. He really is innocent. A shit eating grin permanently on her face as she talks.
“Thank Fuck!” George says, no longer having to deal with all of this drama and able to get back to work. “Mate, never do that again oh my god!” Says Ross, hanging up in relief. Adam gives Matty an apology for being so harsh initially and then as he hangs up lets out a “Matty, you are gonna be the death of me I swear.” She giggles.
As for the two love birds: “Told ya, sweetheart. I am a perfect angel!”
“Well, I don’t know about that mister, but never pull that again. Gave me a heart attack!” She scolds lightly.
He already booked his flight back to New York and can’t wait to wrap his arms around his girl.
“Love you too, baby!” He grins and hangs up the phone.
She laughs, collapsing on the couch in exhaustion. She giggles at how ridiculous the whole thing is: her thinking he had chested on her when all he needed was someone else in the bed with him… how perfectly, sweetly innocent. Adorable.
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artist-assassin · 7 months
ok i need to know more about ellaria STAT. and your thoughts on rosy + the rosymance !!
RRRRR OK OK but ive only played the public demo so far i havent paid for the patreon/closed demo yet, so i have very little information about the Rosymance in general. info dump and stats below
Ellaria is the humorous / cheerful kinda Button, about 5'5", and she calls her brother Nick-Nack in the game but I imagine she will call him any random number of names off the top of her head (based off of when I played Fallout 4 and I would often call Nick any random nickname like Nicki Minaj, Nickle Pickle, Nickolodeon, Nickaroni and Cheese, etc lol). She has some insecurities because she compares herself to her brother a lot, but she tries to tough it out and beat up her bad thoughts bc she's an unstoppable optimist!!! Stubborn to a fault she refuses to back down once she sets her mind to something. Is a very nice person but gets very socially awkward in large groups, and sometimes lashes out when she gets frustrated by how fragile people treat her (the first thing that made her like Instructor Kim was that he didnt beat around the bush abt her zero but didnt treat her like a kid either!! shes like damn finally some respect around here)
Loves Nick so much (i got like a 160% relationship with him in the open demo lol) looks up to him like her personal hero + mentor. Loves her dad even though it's a little bit strained, has not seen or spoken to her mother in 4 or 5 years after The Incident(tm). but she misses her mom a lot she, she's half scared of her mom hurting her and half scared she will hurt her mom.
I chose the pre-prepared name Ella when I first started playing bc I didn't know what the game was about so I wasn't prepared to like.. make an OC for it until I decided I liked it enough lol. But I compromised by just naming her Ellaria and Ella is her nickname. Here are her stats by whatever chapter is the last one in the open demo (8 i think?)
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I LOVE AMBROSE KIM... i played as bisexual in my first go as Ella so i had no idea the genders for some charas changed until I checked the Ambrose Kim tag on tumblr lol. but im way more into rosy as a man than as a woman... Mr Kim u can instruct me any day,..
Like I said tho I don't know a lot about the Rosy romance because I only played the open demo, and I know the author says his romance takes the longest to flower because of the whole teacher/student aspect so he's actively trying to NOT fall for button.. well too bad bitch I'm gonna be so respectable and hot he's gonna have no choice.
anyway im gonna get the patreon this week (friday probably) so i can update u on how i feel soon jhgjhlks i also love all of the characters ngl. i would romance all of them in separate playthroughs.
and u didnt ask but ill mention Kali also, my 2nd Wiseman. shes NUTS. i made her to be the exact opposite of my first humorous, cheerful, ready-to-take-on-the-world girl Ella - so Kali is grim and not nice at all and technically still ready to take on the world but more in a "the whole world is my enemy" kind of way instead of the "i wont let anything stop me" ella way. She's VERY resentful about her zero and is one bad look from a ment away from strangling someone
sorry for the long ramble jhagdwj youre the first person who is talking to me about this game that has become my newest obsession (and u were the one who got me into it so UR responsible for this mess) and im happy to share it w someone :3c
pls feel free to tag me in any mind blind stuff u post, whether fanart or oc art or just rambles n stuff i dont care ill love it all. thank u
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sheepwithspecs · 9 months
30 Day NSFW Challenge: Day 3
|| PLvsAA || Rated M || (1 /29)
Ao3 Link
A NSFW collection based off the 30 Days OTP NSFW Challenge prompt list on Tumblr: all Barnham/Darklaw. Different ratings, universes, etc. but it's all varying levels of NSFW content.
Day 3: First Time
“I can’t show you!”
“Why not?” Zacharias Barnham was a man who prided himself on patience. After all, it was practically the first tenant of knighthood. But his patience—or lack thereof—was his weak spot, and now it was being sorely tested by the one person on the island whose opinion truly mattered: his girlfriend.
Eve had summoned him at the last minute, all but demanding he make the lengthy journey across the island to her home. Never mind that he’d worked a full shift in the bakery that day, or that he’d spent the better part of the evening training with his squire. Never mind that he’d only just showered, and changed into his nightclothes, and collapsed onto the bed with an exhausted groan. No, he must come, and his many questions must go unanswered until the moment he arrived on her doorstep. But now that he was here, having gotten dressed, saddled his horse, and raced across the fields in the dusky twilight, she refused to see him.  
Or, rather, she refused to let him see her.  
“What am I meant to do?” he huffed, throwing up his hands as the last shreds of his patience began to fray at the seams. “Stand here until dawn?” The lady’s maid that had accompanied him upstairs shrugged her shoulders, the very picture of disinterest.
“Your guess is as good as mine, sir.” She leveled a brow at him, the corner of her mouth quirked in a half-smile. It was as though she dared him to try and take the reins from Eve’s hands, to regain some control of the chaos. But how could he possibly do that, when he had no idea what the problem even was?! “In any case, good luck.” Before he could say a word she was halfway down the hall, washing her hands of the whole situation with a toss of her braid.
“Ugh….” Stumped, he turned back to the locked door. “I’ve had a long day, Eve, and I’m tired. If you refuse to open the door, I’m returning to the bakery and—”  
“No! Please, wait.” The lock clicked, but when he moved to open the door he found it braced from the other side. There was a muffled thump and a small sigh; he could only imagine Eve leaning against the door, her cheek to the solid wood as she held it shut. “I’m worried you might… laugh at me.”
“Trust me: I am not in a laughing mood.”
“See? You’re already upset. What if you get even angrier when I show you?”
“I—” He sucked in a sharp breath between his teeth, willing his temper to die down before he proved her point. “I am not going to be angry,” he promised, once he was sure he could speak without raising his voice. “Now let me in, or I’m going home.” The door finally opened just enough to show a single, beautiful eyeball gazing mournfully at him through the crack.  
“Promise you won’t laugh at me.”
“I swear it.” The crack widened until it was just large enough for him to squeeze through. He hesitated only a moment, wondering why she saw fit to hide behind the door instead of greeting him with her usual enthusiasm. Normally she was wont to tackle him the moment he made his presence known, pawing and pouting until he obligingly bent low enough for a kiss. Had something changed? Was she already growing tired of their newly fledged relationship?
Of course not. With a firm shake of his head, he purged the fleeting doubts before they had time to take root. Eve cared for him and valued his good opinion; she would not be so worried about his laughter or his anger, were it not so. And, were she planning to end the relationship today, why would she bother waiting until so late in the evening? Why would she invite him into the comfort and privacy of her own home? She could have just as easily met him at the Courthouse, or the tavern, or the Square. No, she had not called him here for that; though rusty with disuse, his inquisitor’s sense told him something more was at play here.
“D-Don’t turn around just yet.” He obediently stopped in the center of the room, staring at the wide four poster bed on the opposite wall. A white cardboard box lay open at the foot of the bed, tissue paper and ribbons thrown in disarray across the neatly turned bedsheets. His brows creased as he added this new piece of information to the puzzle, newfound curiosity at war with his honor as a knight, a boyfriend, and a man of his word.
“Did you visit the tailor?”
“Well…” Eve shut the door behind him, the lock clicking back into place. “Sort of,” she muttered, creeping up to stand directly behind him. Loose curls tickled his arms as she pressed her forehead against his spine, embracing him from behind. Her forearms were bare, a rare sight for someone so cold-natured.
“May I see?” he asked gently, chaffing the back of her palm with his thumb. She tightened her grip, nails digging into the fabric of his polo shirt. “I did promise,” he reminded her, taking her hand and squeezing it in his own. “There is nothing you could wear that would make me think less of you—unless ‘tis some variation of that absurd outfit Foxy dares to call armor.” The remark earned him a watery chuckle.
“Alright.” She pulled away with a resigned sigh. “Turn around, if you must.”
He turned, fully expecting to see some outlandish, poofy, patterned abomination that would make anyone immediately burst into laughter at a glance. Something with a bustle and petticoats and yards upon yards of neon-colored lace, polka-dots and pinstripes: in short, everything that belonged beneath the wide stripes of a circus tent. In truth he nearly fell to his knees in shock at the sight before him, practically glowing with embarrassment beneath the chandelier. There was lace, to be clear, and it was patterned, but—
“Why—?” he choked, his voice failing him in his astonishment, “W-Why did you think I’d laugh?”
“Because I look ridiculous!” Eve crossed her arms, shaking her head so to better hide her humiliation behind a curtain of dark curls. “I’ve never bought anything like this before, and the lady at the shoppe assured me this was the newest style, but—” She averted her eyes, everything from the tip of her nose to her collarbone mottled with shame. “I look as though I’m wearing my great-grandmother’s lace curtains….”
“You look….” He faltered, uncertain of what he might say to help allay her fears. Stunning? Ethereal? He didn’t want to frighten her off with prose. Beautiful? Mind-blowing? No, she might mistake that for teasing. Gorgeous? Better off sticking to words he could easily spell…. “You look sexy.”
Blathering, brainless idiot! He winced, cursing his tactless tongue. Of all the words in all the dictionaries of the world, he had to go and choose the cheapest, most inefficient, the one that all but stated outright his—
“R-Really? You really think so?” Eve risked a shy glance, peering at him through her eyelashes. “It’s not… you don’t think it’s too much?”
“No, not at all!” he quickly agreed. “It’s… may I have a closer look?”
“I mean… why do you have to ask?” she mumbled, letting her arms fall away reluctantly. “It’s for you, isn’t it?”
“Eh? Is it?”
“Wh— Who else would it be for?!” She glared at him now, further embarrassment fueling her ire. “Aren’t girlfriends supposed to buy cute things to wear for their boyfriends?”
“Hmm? Are they?” he asked absently, his eyes roaming every spare inch of exposed skin and hands fisted at his sides. He didn’t trust himself to touch, at least not until he was acclimated to the sight of her.
Eve wore a lace robe that was clearly meant to be seen through, tied at her waist with a silk ribbon. The white lace formed elegant patterns on her bare skin, the scalloped hem brushing against the tops of her thighs. Beneath the robe she wore a matching black lingerie set, solid fabric edged with more lace. In truth, he was not thinking much about curtains at all. The only thing on his mind was the way the fabric pushed her breasts together, a soft pillow he’d be more than happy to bury his face in. And her thighs on full display, creamy against the pale lace… he cleared his throat, reminding himself to breathe.
“I’ve never bought anything like this before,” she repeated, venturing closer. He reached out, taking the edge of the ribbon and rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. “But I used to think about it… before…. Buying something pretty and wearing it to the Courthouse, letting you see and pretending I didn’t notice.” Another step. “I used to wonder what you would think to know the High Inquisitor had a reason to wear lace… and was shameless enough to wear it to work. It would have been our little secret.”
“I never looked under your skirt,” he protested, tugging at the ribbon until the knot slid undone with a whisper of silk.
“Not… intentionally.” Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his waist and tugged him until they stood chest to chest, scant layers of cloth and lace separating their bodies. He gulped, praying that she wouldn’t realize just how hard he was beneath his trousers. From the way she pressed herself against him, lifting onto the balls of her feet to grind against his thigh, it definitely had not escaped her notice.   
“Want to know another little secret?”  Resting her chin on his sternum, she plucked teasingly at his belt. “Every time you caught a little glimpse, it was because I wanted you to see.”  
“I… um… I figured as much,” he choked, a blush rising to his own cheeks. He had faced countless foes in the Witch’s Court without batting an eye, his iron will strong despite the challenges. And yet how quickly she could reduce him to a stammering mess, with nothing more than a smile and a flutter of her lashes. It was astounding, and he’d yet to find the magic spell that would stop him from melting into a puddle at her feet.
“Did it make you hard?” she whispered with wicked glee, practically climbing him where he stood. He caught her before she could fall, blushing even harder when she wrapped her bare legs around his waist.
“I-I don’t remember.” For a split second he feared her to be drunk. It wasn’t like her to be so forward with her questions, especially when they had never moved beyond the occasional heavy petting. But there were no empty bottles in sight, and her eyes were clear. If she was drunk on anything, it was on her own renewed confidence. Not that he was complaining….
“Are you hard now?” she purred, toying with his collar. As if she didn’t already know, the clear evidence trapped against her. “You know, I was going to send it back, but if you really like the outfit all that much—”
“Don’t send it back,” he interrupted, adjusting his grip on her thighs as he carried her to the bed. “I like it… but right now, all I can think about is how much I want it off.” It was her turn to be shocked, eyes widening at the blatant confession.
“Then get to work.” He shook his head, his brow creasing as he tried to work out how to lay her on the bed without letting her go flying.
“I know you haven’t forgotten our agreement. Six months of dating before we move to the bedroom.”
“You agreed to it,” she argued, prodding him in the chest with one finger. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind since then.”
“Is that the case?” She nodded. “Well, you may have changed your mind, but I have not. Besides, what’s another four weeks?”  
“An eternity!” She was pouting again, refusing to let go even after he laid her gently on the center of the bed. “Will you at least hold me?”
“That, I will do gladly.” He collapsed to the mattress beside her, gathering her in his arms and burying his face in the join of her neck and shoulder. If he played his cards right, he could lull her to sleep with his body heat. What he wouldn’t give to spend the night in this featherdown heaven, fast asleep in the arms of his most beloved angel….
“And kiss me?” Eve was not to be deterred, tugging at his collar until he lifted his head. He kissed her slowly, trying to relax rather than arouse her, but his own body continued to betray him. Against his better judgement he ran his hand down the scratchy lace, finding the scalloped edge and sliding beneath it to better feel her smooth skin. Kissing was still new, and they had only made out twice in their few months of courtship—three times, if they were counting that one frenzied moment in the stairwell of the bell tower. But judging by the eager sounds she was making, and the way she buried her fingers in his hair, he wasn’t doing half bad for himself.
He found her silk-clad breast and squeezed, grinning when she squeaked in surprise. His trousers were tight to the point of pain, but he ignored the discomfort in favor of rolling his thumb over her nipple—something he found she’d rather enjoyed during their last exploration. Immediately she began to squirm, thighs clamped around his leg and nails scratching at his scalp.  
“What if—” she gasped as he repeated the motion, grinding hard against his thigh. “What if I were to… to do something and… um… and you watch me?” Her teeth worried her lower lip, back arching as he bent to kiss the hollow of her throat. “Would that break the agreement?”
“Maybe that depends on what you want to do.” He lifted his eyes to hers, heart thudding painfully in his chest. “And to whom.”
“T-To myself.” She carefully pushed him to the side, crawling to the head of the bed and rummaging in the bottom drawer of the bedside table. She glanced over her shoulder at him, waiting for his nod before revealing a slender device. “Do you know what this is?”
“Tis a… erm… a vibrator.” To his credit, he’d taken the initiative to educate himself on the modern world of sex following their sixth month pact. If he planned to be intimate with Eve, he wanted to be as ready as possible for anything she might throw at him. Clearly, the research was to his benefit. He would never have recognized the toy otherwise, or been able to discern its particular use.
“Well?” she asked, when he made no further comment. “Is it cheating?”
“No.” The word left his mouth before he could really consider it. “I mean… what difference does it make? You would use it even if I weren’t here. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”
“If that were the case, I don’t know that I’d last six whole—” She stopped, cheeks burning bright red. He watched silently as she fell against the pillows, rolling onto her back and propping up her knees. Despite the comfortable position her body was tensed, eyes swimming with nervous energy as she waited for—what, his signal? Taking pity on her, he pointed to the vibrator in her hand.
“How do you turn it on?”
“Oh, you just—” In the time it took her to flip the switch he was beside her on the bed, leaning with his elbow propped on the same pillow that held her up. She jumped, gazing up at him with a shaky smile that revealed her panic.
“Eve, you don’t have to—” She cut him off with a shake of her head.
“I want to… I do, I’m just… I really haven’t done anything like this before,” she rambled, chewing her kiss swollen lips. “I don’t know how to start.”
“From my understanding—limited though it may be—one simply….” He took her hand in his, the vibrator trapped beneath their laced fingers, trailing down the center of her body. He watched with interest as the hair raised on her arms, a full body shiver running through her as they reached the edge of her panties. His hand stayed above the fabric while hers slipped beneath, fingertips grazing the damp silk before sliding back up to caress her stomach.
“Zack….” He groaned a wordless answer, aching and almost desperate enough to grind against her mattress for some semblance of relief. “Keep watching,” she demanded, pleaded, lifting her hips from the mattress with a whine.
“I am,” he promised hoarsely, teeth at her throat and hand sliding up to tease her breasts again. She gasped, chest heaving as her legs fell apart, and he found himself speaking before he realized it. “Do you think about me? When you do this?”
“Who else would it be?” He hummed noncommittal under his breath, sliding his hand back down to press against hers. The vibration thrummed through his fingers, made stronger by the way she bucked against their combined touch.
“You don’t always have to think of any one person… sometimes you can simply think of nothing at all.”
“Don’t you think of me when—oh—when you’re—”  
“Who else?” he parroted, releasing her hand just to see if she would keep the pressure going on her own. She squirmed, thrusting against the air, almost dangerously quiet. “Eve? Breathe!?” She obeyed with a gulp of air, only to hold it again as a fresh wave of sensation caught her by the throat.  
“I thought about you even then, before,” he murmured, only half aware that he was even speaking aloud, content to let her chase her pleasure. His attention was solely on the minute changes in her expression, in the way her lashes fluttered and jaw clenched each time his fingers found a new, even more sensitive area to explore. “Every time you flashed me in that short skirt, I thought about you for days and hated myself for it.”
“Don’t hate yourself for it,” she scolded, the words all jumbled together. “I was worse. I did it in the office. At my desk.”  
“While I was there?” He nipped at her lips, coaxing her into a deep kiss.  
“Sometimes,” she admitted breathlessly, the moment she was able to answer. “I can be quiet.”
“Well… don’t be.” His hand found hers again, pushing hard enough that she lifted from the bed with a sob. “Show me what I’m missing.” She obliged beautifully, grinding against his hand as she unraveled with a cry. He kept his hand tight against hers, kissing every inch of her that he could reach until she twisted away from him, over sensitized. He fumbled with the soaking wet vibrator, finally managing to turn it off.
“…turn, Zack?”
“What?” She opened her arms, beckoning him to join her again with a sleepy, sated smile.
“I asked if you wanted a turn.” Her hand slipped down to the front of his trousers, eyebrows lifting as she squeezed the full length of him for the first time.
“Nice try.” He batted her hand away, kissing her palm even as his body ached for her touch. “But I can take care of myself.”
“Oh… can I watch?”
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raphael-angele · 2 years
Sports the Teen Justice Characters Would Be Good At
Besides martial arts, Talia would be good at horseback riding. C’mon, is this really a surprise? She loves fighting and martial arts but she loves animals more. Talia is known in horseback racing as a rich kid niche but even out of the track, she loves to take care of the horses before and after the race. The team (besides Laurel) finds out about her skill in this when they went to Laurel’s farm house and Talia went straight to the stables to get the black horse the Kent family got for she who she named Chiroptera, which is the scientific name for bats.
As we’ve already seen in the Super Sons comics, Laurel is good at soccer. It was early on when the team found out about this since she suggested they play it as a team building exercise. What they didn’t count on was that she gets her competitiveness from Talia. Klarienne, Talia, and Laurel were up against Troy, Jess, and Jacqui. The other three thought they had an advantage since Jess is a speedster but then again, Superman can move as fast as Flash. It ended with Troy getting a sprained wrist, Jess got bruised on both legs and Jacqui got stiff muscles on her back. They got better and Laurel was extremely distant and apologetic for the next week.
Klarienne, as we know it, loves baseball. I don’t know why this is and I don’t care, it’s adorable. She just wants to play baseball with her team. Jacqui, let her play baseball now that you have Raven on the team. Nonetheless, the first time they played baseball and Klarienne volunteered to be batter/hitter and ended up hitting the ball too high up, it burned when it reached the ground. They looked at her and she was just smiling innocently. At the time, Jess was on the team and they were like, “Oh, we’re gonna win, not because we’re good, but because I’m scared to see what happens if we don’t”.
Troy is basketball. This is the reason I made this post. The latest issue implied that there was a sport similar to it and even if he wont admit it, he’s good at basketball. He also suggested they play this as a team building exercise. They’d often play three on three but with Raven now, they had to pick one member to be referee and it would often be either Klari or Raven. There are times though that Troy would want to challenge himself and suggest that they’d play 6v1. So far, they’ve only defeated him twice. 
Track and field aside, Jess likes to skateboard. I don’t know why, I just feel like they would. I think they like the fact that they don’t have to run everywhere at every time and skateboarding was the easiest excuse they could give to people when they ask how they’re so fast to get to somewhere. So they actually taught themselves how to use it and learned quickly. The team found out about this when Laurel suggested they go to the skate park and Jess was more than excited to try out their newest skateboard. 
Besides swimming, Jacqui is good at darts. She isn’t so good with archery no matter how much training Talia or Troy teach her, it’s not cut out for her. Talia thought of something and realized she’s used to using her spear and thought she could be good at darts since she’d have better control over it. She started with darts and the team gifted her with new ones that were designed to look like her spear. Talia didn’t tell anyone in the team but she told Jacqui that the darts were designed to release a toxin once it hits something/someone even if it’s just a graze. (Like the blade in the shoe in Kingsman)
Raven is great at ice skating and you cannot change my mind. I just love the idea of Raven, who is always so quiet and unsocial and mysterious adds more mystery to his life and shows how natural he is when it comes to ice skating. The team found out during the winter and one of them suggested they go ice skating in the city park’s frozen lake. While everyone was hesitant to step into the ice, Raven just skates in and does his own thing. The team just watches him and Troy is in awe because he’s head over heels for this boy and loves how graceful and unbotheredly happy he looks. When he skates over to them, they just stare and he’s like, “What? I like to ice skate.”
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Coming home part 1
So this is gonna be an au as well as a multi chapter/part fic giving the heads up now that it wont be canon compliant at all.
You walk through the frigid winter air, following your path of patrol, thankful that your shift will be over soon. So far, you hadn't run into any infected. Everything seemed clear. Taking a moment to breathe, you look around, double checking before stretching in an attempt to stave off your exhaustion. As soon as you stretch your arms above your head, you feel strong arms packed with muscle wrap around your waist, lifting you up.
"Oh shit-" You were startled for a moment as laughter came from below.
"You should've been more alert." Abby stated, giving you a cocky smile. Rolling your eyes and smiling back, you tapped her arm. Letting you down, she walked slightly behind you, keeping an eye out for any threat. “You wanna hang out after patrol?” You ask. Abby felt her cheeks warm. “Sure.” She said, a bit quieter than before. The two of you walked mostly in silence, only allowing some small talk between it. Sunlight shone through the trees, bathing you in the light. Abby’s breath hitched. “You’re beautiful.” She said with a light tone. You look back at her, giving a smile. “Thanks, you look great yourself!” You say, not quite understanding her meaning. Abby’s heart skips a beat at the compliment.
 You ran into the others on patrol before they dismiss you from your shift. You walk with Abby to her place. Once inside, she works on getting a flame lit in the fireplace. “I’m gonna use your shower.” You state, taking your shoes and jacket off. “Ok, you know where everything is.” Abby said, another blush forming as inappropriate thoughts of you flooded her mind. She shook her head, ignoring them as she poked at the fire.
 Starting the shower, you sigh at the warm water running down your body. ‘Abby’s such a cool friend.’ You thought, smiling to yourself as you scrubbed down any grime from your body. Turning off the shower, you dried off but quickly notice that you didn’t have any spare clothes. You panicked slightly, wrapping a towel over your body. You shuffled to the door, poking your head out. "H-hey Abby?" You called out, hearing nothing. You inched out a little. "Abby?" You hear movement in the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked, sounding distracted. "Hey, uh, would it be okay if I borrowed a shirt and maybe some shorts?" You asked embarrassedly. There was a short silence before hearing some footsteps coming towards you. You quickly returned to the bathroom, peaking your head out. You see her walk past you to her room. You were confused for a second before she walked out with some clothing. "Here you go." She said, looking away as you grabbed the clothing, slipping back into the bathroom. Getting dressed, you finally leave the room.
Not long later, you and Abby sit in the living room with your head in her lap. You enjoyed these close moments with your best friend. Looking up at her to meet her gaze, the two of you hold eye contact a bit longer than normal before you grin. "What's up?" You ask, a slight giggle in your words. She smiled at you, warmly cupping your cheek and pulling away again. "Nothing, just enjoying your company I guess." She said with a sigh. An idea had popped into your head. "Wanna go to the bar?" Abby was caught off guard by the question, though the thought that she might be able to dance with you spurred her on. "Sure, why not?"
The two of you walked to your place for you to change. Once you were ready to go, the two of you made your walk to the bar. Once there, Abby held the door open for you. "What a gentlewoman." You tease. "Only for you." She said, making you chuckle. "Heh, whoever you end up with is gonna be lucky, huh?" You say, walking in. Abby didn't follow immediately, at a loss for words, processing what you said. "You comin?" You ask, interrupting her thoughts. She moved forward with you, walking over to a table and sitting down. "So... I gotta ask, what do you like?" She asked you.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, what are you into? I've known you a while now but I've never seen you with a boyfriend or girlfriend." Abby felt her heart picking up in pace, nervous of your answer. "Oh! Well, I never really saw the appeal of guys, so I guess I'm just into women." You said, nervously hoping she won't see you any different. "What about you?" You ask, meekly. "Oh, you know, I like what I like. Men, women, ect." She said, face flushing heavily. "I didn't think you were anything but straight." You said with a small laugh. "Anyway, you want a drink?" You ask. "Nah, though if you want me to I'll keep an eye on you, make sure you don't get into trouble." She winked, giving you a cocky grin. "If you insist, oh-so-strong protector." You tease back. You walk to the bar, sitting down to place your order, lost in thought until...
"So, what's a pretty thing like you doing here?"
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fanficshit0908 · 2 years
Shingo Mido Smut One Shot
this is again like an oc one and the name is same idk i like that name so enjoy
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The restaurant was calmer than usual for a five started hotel’s one. Mido had taken her to a fancy vacation for a week. She knew he had many things to deal with but even through all that he did this. Not that she was complaining or anything but she knew his mind was busy because his phone wont stop ringing and through all this he was still trying to make things the best, paying for everything, buying fancy dresses or food.. Sam was grateful but this made her also feel a little bad. She also wanted him to relax not just her.
After the dinner as they were about to go back to their room which had literally two floors, Mido’s phone rang again. His employees calling for his help. He sighed and told Sam to continue going, that he’ll be there later. Sam wasn’t happy with this. Knowing that he was always busy she wanted to do something for him right now. Maybe take his phone and threw it out of the window.. Then an idea popped. Why don’t they make things a little more intimate? At least this might make his mind get distracted for a while.
Grinning, she took out her clothes, only putting a towel on. She started patiently waiting for him. This idea was thrilling for her. She could already feel adrenaline going through her woman hood.
After waiting for almost half an hour Mido finally showed up to their room. “Sam?” he called calmly. “Yes dear? Im in the bedroom.” she answered in a normal tone. Not knowing what was going to come next, Mido went into the bedroom. Slowly sitting on the bed, he started undoing his tie. “I think it would be the best for you to close your phone for a while.” Sam said. Mido looking down answered “Perhaps you’re right but what about the-“ as he turned his head he saw her smile, then the towel dropped revealing her naked body. A blush hit his face, Sam bit her bottom lip. She looked at him directly in the eyes “ Since we’re going to have some fun together.~”. He immediately understood the message.
She sat on top of him, holding him close. As she took his glasses off, they started to make out. He started touching her back, going towards her ass. After giving a little squeeze to her, they changed position. Making him on the top. She could feel him moving his hips against hers, with his hard cock. Sam giggled, her hands went down to unbutton his shirt, then unzip his pants. She started rubbing his dick, which was in his boxers. Mido got up, got rid of his underwear, revealing his pre cummed hard penis. Seeing that made her start to rub her clit, slowly moaning. He held her hand, “ Stop teasing dear.” He positioned himself, missionary, and started rubbing his dick to her entrance. Slowly entering her wet whole, which made both moan. His pace was slow, but after a while he started rocking her like there was no tomorrow. Her moans were loud, his was quiet but filled with joy. Mido was hitting her spot which made her see the sky. She held him by his shoulders, scratching a little. Not gonna lie it was pretty hot for Mido, turned him on more. He started slapping even harder, he was also seeing the stars. Both of them were so close. Sam touched his face, “ M-mido… I love y-you..” she whispered. Mido looking directly at her eyes “ Hah.. I love you too… Fuck..” As he felt her cum on him, she felt his seed shooting inside her.
Gasping for air, covered in sweat, Sam smiled. Wiping his hair from his face, he started kissing her, burying his head to her neck. Yes, they were very sticky but it didn’t matter now. As they got completely comfortable, guess what happened, Mido’s phone rang again. He was about to get up but she held him tight. He understood the assignment once again so they let the phone rang, giggling at each other.
well folks this is the end thanks for reading <3
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