saphicwyvern · 11 months
I am genuinely extremely terrified of the KOSA bill. I can't stop thinking about it.
I know exactly why it's happening. It's because the U.S. Government seems to think that any content relating to LGBTQ+ issues are innappropriate and therefore require censorship. They want to censor US. They want the LGBTQ+ community to fizzle out because god forbid they have any "unnatural" people in their faux paradise.
Along with us, they want to drag down the internet, because they know that's the place where we're the most accepted.
This is not about safety.
This is not about protection.
This IS about erasure.
About exploitation.
I am terrified.
I am terrified for my friends. For my family. For my identity. For my well-being.
But I am even more terrified for those living in bad homes. For those who can't be themselves in the real world. For our transgender and nonbinary friends, brothers, and sisters. For the children in upcoming generations who will live and silence and who will be blindfolded. Those children who will be unsafe no matter what they do.
Let me say this again, this is not about protection.
I know there are a million others who can explain it better than me. But I need to express how terrified I am of what this world is turning into.
This is not a problem to be ignored.
This is not a problem to scroll past.
This is a threat.
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Coming Home part 3
MDNI do I even need to say it at this point?
The first thing you noticed was the safe and warm feeling of another, holding you. You opened your eyes, curiosity overtaking the comfortable lull of warmth and sleep. "Hey there." You hear Ellie's voice, rough from sleep. Has she always been this charming? You felt a blush spread across your cheeks and neck. "Mornin.. what happened yesterday?" You ask, still trying to remember. "I asked you to come over and you fell asleep on me." Ellie teased you, pulling back. Her vivid emerald orbs meet your eyes. "Wait, we were supposed to hang out. I remember now!" You said, feeling embarrassed that you fell asleep on your first hangout with Ellie. "I'm so sorry." You said, burying your face against her. "It's cool. You were cute, so I don't mind." She was enjoying this side of you, seeing you so flustered and affectionate. "We should probably get up." You said, sadly. "Wanna hang out again soon?" You ask hopefully. "With a pretty little thing like you? Wouldn't miss it. How 'bout tomorrow?" She asked. "I'd like that." You said as you got up, getting ready for the day.
Abby had gotten back from a long shift on patrol. She had talked to Manny about the whole situation that happened last night. "Why don't you just tell her?" He asked. "What if she's not into me?" Abby asked, cold fear rushing through her veins at the thought. "I doubt that. Just go for it." He said. As they went their separate ways, Abby walked along the road to her place. She saw you for a split second. "Fuck it." She said, changing course to walk towards you. She noticed you didn't have any marks on your neck, nor did you seem like you had a long night, giving her the confidence she needed to shoot her shot.
You had been out running some errands when you heard your name being called. Turning around, you saw Abby. Noticing the way her muscled flexed when she crossed her arms, you looked to her face taking in her soft features. That same feeling you had with Ellie shot through you. "Hey Abby, h-how're you doing?" You asked, wincing at the stutter. You looked down at your feet, hoping she wouldn't notice your sudden bashfulness. "So... I have to tell you something important." She said, taking a few deep breaths. You looked at her, watching the way her brows furrowed as she prepared to say something. "I have.. liked you for a while now," She started taking your hands in her larger ones, caressing your knuckles tenderly. "I want to be more than friends. Seeing you with Ellie last night, I felt like I lost my chance." Abby said, taking in a shuttering breath. "Will you go out with me?" Abby asked, making you freeze.
"Abby I.. I didn't know you felt that way about me." You said, rubbing circles in her palm. "I'm not sure if I can answer right now, but if it's ok with you, I want some time to think." You say nervously. Abby had looked away for a moment, mulling over your words. "Alright." She said, wanting to give you that time to think. "I'll wait for your answer, and when you have it, come find me." She said, pulling you into a hug. When you two pulled back, she placed a quick peck on your cheek. You stopped a moment. By the time you looked up, she had gone. You walked through the streets, thinking on the confession. Lost in thought, you made your way home. Walking in, you decided to turn on the T.V and watch something to clear your mind.
A knock at the door woke you from your sleep. Groggily, you got up and opened the door to Ellie. "Hey, Ellie." You said. Stepping aside, you let her in. "What brings you here?" You ask. Sitting back down on your couch, Ellie sat down next to you, oddly quiet. "Hey." You reached out to touch her shoulder, the contact seemingly making her focus. "Sorry.. I know it's kind of outta nowhere, but... when we patrol together, or when you patch me up, I feel great. You make every day better. I want to take you on dates, or dance with you, be a sap with you." She breathed, placing her hand on your thigh, looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You didn't know what to do, but all you could say was the truth. "I... I think you're attractive and all, but I need to think about a lot, y'know?" You said, head swimming with conflict... who do you choose? "I understand. I just hope, even if you don't want to date, that we can still be friends." She said, voice strained. "Of course, who else is gonna patch you up?" You joked, trying to lighten the mood. It got a chuckle from her. "I'll talk to you later, then." Ellie walked away and out, leaving you to your thoughts... decisions, decisions.
Ellie Abby Both
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Late night calm, short story.
Your head lay in Caitlyn's lap her fingers gently running through your hair soothing you. Glancing at the clock it read 2 am you'd be worried about how late it was but you don't have work tomorrow so you let yourself relax breathing out a content sigh.
You feel yourself begin to drift off but a chuckle interrupts your decent you look up into vibrant blue eyes watching you with deep affection. "Tired darling?" She asked you nuzzle into her touch bringing your hand up to hold hers guiding it to your lips you give gentle kisses. "Not if you aren't." You say voice rough with tiredness you see her blush at the sound of your voice.
"If you're sure." You hear her say as you cuddled closer to her going back to resting she goes back to her ministrations. Nights like this were what made life all the more sweet for you the comfort and love of another was definitely worthwhile.
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
So I realised that the anon asks were off I turned them on so it all wanna request anything you are very welcome to!
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Coming Home part2
MDNI this is still considered an 18+ work
"So, what's a pretty thing like you doing here?" Ellie asked you. Leaning against the bar, she saw Abby giving her a death stare, which she returned. "Oh, you are so sweet!" You say, giving a friendly smile, making Ellie blush. "I'm here hanging out with Abby." You say, perking up soon as the bar tender gave you your drink. "You wanna join us?" You ask her before she shook her head. "I was actually thinking you, me and my place?" She asked. You thought for a moment. "Sure, I'd love to come over, after a drink or two if you don't mind." Ellie looked at Abby, giving her a sneer before looking back to you as your drink was placed down. "I'll be here." She said as you nodded and returned back to Abby.
Soon as you sat down, Abby pulled you to her side, her strong fingers digging into you. Confused, you look up at her. She was glaring at someone like they just insulted her. You gently placed your hand on her bicep, feeling the hard, steel muscle underneath. She looked down at you, question on her face. "You ok?" You ask, squeezing her arm in comfort. "I'm fine, just making sure nobody tries anything." Abby said, blushing when you squeeze her arm one more time before letting go. She holds your gaze a few seconds longer than she should. "Oh! Before I forget, I'm staying with Ellie tonight, since you have patrol early I don't want you to lose sleep over me." You say cheerfully, failing to see the hurt flashing in her eyes. Her grip loosened on your side before falling away. "I hope you have fun... I should get some sleep. See you later." Abby said. Standing up, you look at her retreating form. Even more confused, you look down at your drink, suddenly having a strong urge to down it even if you're not sure why.
Ellie had watched the whole exchange, smiling to herself, taking a drink in subtle victory. She can't wait to have you under her, moaning and writhing for her. She grinned like the cat that caught the canary as the doors shut behind the brute that was always around you. Finishing the rest of her drink, she set the glass down. Straightening up, she sauntered over to you, slinging her arm around your shoulders. Leaning in close to your ear, making sure her lips grazed the shell. "You ready to go, sweet girl?" She rasped.
You look to Ellie, delight dancing on your expression. "Yeah, I'm ready when you are!" You chirped. "Perfect." Ellie purred. Noticing that you're tipsy, she took your smaller hand in hers, guiding you out of the bar. She made sure you didn't slip or falter as the two of you walked to her place. "Been looking forward to this for a while, y'know." She said, turning to you as you stopped on the porch beside the door. She had a wolfish grin as she moved down towards you, her face just inches away from yours. "You should've asked earlier, I think you're pretty cool!" You exclaimed, giving her a tight hug. Greatly confusing her, you pulled away. "You're warm." You said, face flushed, making Ellie snort. "Let's go inside, where we can warm up more." Stepping in, she took your coat, putting it on a chair over her own. You had moved to a window, and it had started snowing again. You were focused on the falling snow, giving Ellie an opportunity. "Whatcha lookin at?" She asked, wrapping her arms around your waist, head resting on your shoulder. "I love when the snow falls, it's always so pretty." You said, resting your body back against hers.
Ellie placed a soft kiss against your throat, making you giggle. "That tickles!" You said, pulling away and spotting the bed, you walked over and sat down. "I like your room, it's cozy." You say as you leaned back. Laying against the bed, your body felt relaxed and tired. Ellie walked over, thinking she finally got you where she wanted you... except a light snore interrupted her smug thoughts. "Seriously??" She asked, sighing. She got ready for bed, laying down beside you. Pulling you into her, she wrapped her arms around your small frame. You turned over, pressing your face into her shoulder, cuddling into her further. This wasn't so bad. She still ended the night with you in her arms, she thought, as sleep took her.
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Coming home part 1
So this is gonna be an au as well as a multi chapter/part fic giving the heads up now that it wont be canon compliant at all.
You walk through the frigid winter air, following your path of patrol, thankful that your shift will be over soon. So far, you hadn't run into any infected. Everything seemed clear. Taking a moment to breathe, you look around, double checking before stretching in an attempt to stave off your exhaustion. As soon as you stretch your arms above your head, you feel strong arms packed with muscle wrap around your waist, lifting you up.
"Oh shit-" You were startled for a moment as laughter came from below.
"You should've been more alert." Abby stated, giving you a cocky smile. Rolling your eyes and smiling back, you tapped her arm. Letting you down, she walked slightly behind you, keeping an eye out for any threat. “You wanna hang out after patrol?” You ask. Abby felt her cheeks warm. “Sure.” She said, a bit quieter than before. The two of you walked mostly in silence, only allowing some small talk between it. Sunlight shone through the trees, bathing you in the light. Abby’s breath hitched. “You’re beautiful.” She said with a light tone. You look back at her, giving a smile. “Thanks, you look great yourself!” You say, not quite understanding her meaning. Abby’s heart skips a beat at the compliment.
 You ran into the others on patrol before they dismiss you from your shift. You walk with Abby to her place. Once inside, she works on getting a flame lit in the fireplace. “I’m gonna use your shower.” You state, taking your shoes and jacket off. “Ok, you know where everything is.” Abby said, another blush forming as inappropriate thoughts of you flooded her mind. She shook her head, ignoring them as she poked at the fire.
 Starting the shower, you sigh at the warm water running down your body. ‘Abby’s such a cool friend.’ You thought, smiling to yourself as you scrubbed down any grime from your body. Turning off the shower, you dried off but quickly notice that you didn’t have any spare clothes. You panicked slightly, wrapping a towel over your body. You shuffled to the door, poking your head out. "H-hey Abby?" You called out, hearing nothing. You inched out a little. "Abby?" You hear movement in the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked, sounding distracted. "Hey, uh, would it be okay if I borrowed a shirt and maybe some shorts?" You asked embarrassedly. There was a short silence before hearing some footsteps coming towards you. You quickly returned to the bathroom, peaking your head out. You see her walk past you to her room. You were confused for a second before she walked out with some clothing. "Here you go." She said, looking away as you grabbed the clothing, slipping back into the bathroom. Getting dressed, you finally leave the room.
Not long later, you and Abby sit in the living room with your head in her lap. You enjoyed these close moments with your best friend. Looking up at her to meet her gaze, the two of you hold eye contact a bit longer than normal before you grin. "What's up?" You ask, a slight giggle in your words. She smiled at you, warmly cupping your cheek and pulling away again. "Nothing, just enjoying your company I guess." She said with a sigh. An idea had popped into your head. "Wanna go to the bar?" Abby was caught off guard by the question, though the thought that she might be able to dance with you spurred her on. "Sure, why not?"
The two of you walked to your place for you to change. Once you were ready to go, the two of you made your walk to the bar. Once there, Abby held the door open for you. "What a gentlewoman." You tease. "Only for you." She said, making you chuckle. "Heh, whoever you end up with is gonna be lucky, huh?" You say, walking in. Abby didn't follow immediately, at a loss for words, processing what you said. "You comin?" You ask, interrupting her thoughts. She moved forward with you, walking over to a table and sitting down. "So... I gotta ask, what do you like?" She asked you.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, what are you into? I've known you a while now but I've never seen you with a boyfriend or girlfriend." Abby felt her heart picking up in pace, nervous of your answer. "Oh! Well, I never really saw the appeal of guys, so I guess I'm just into women." You said, nervously hoping she won't see you any different. "What about you?" You ask, meekly. "Oh, you know, I like what I like. Men, women, ect." She said, face flushing heavily. "I didn't think you were anything but straight." You said with a small laugh. "Anyway, you want a drink?" You ask. "Nah, though if you want me to I'll keep an eye on you, make sure you don't get into trouble." She winked, giving you a cocky grin. "If you insist, oh-so-strong protector." You tease back. You walk to the bar, sitting down to place your order, lost in thought until...
"So, what's a pretty thing like you doing here?"
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
New Love
Trigger warning alcohol use in this one as well as a breakup.
Pain and then soft comfort I think
It had been a long day. You and Abby had broken up a month ago, as she had just lost her feelings for you. You were still hurting, taking as many jobs as you could to drown yourself in work during the day to come home and drown in alcohol.
Today was difficult, you had too much to drink last night, a serious hangover kicking your ass. You walked until you reached your house. Walking inside and shutting the door, you went up to your room and passed out, hoping that by the time you wake up again the pain will go away. Just your luck though, as sleep doesn’t come easy. You get up, walk to your cabinet and pour yourself one drink, then another, until the bottle runs dry. You stumble over to your bed, falling onto it. You curl up, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cold of loneliness seeps into your bones.
 You don’t know when you pass out or what time it is, all you know is that there’s someone knocking on your door. Groggily, you get up and answer. It’s Ellie. “Hey, I haven’t seen you around lately, you doing ok?” She asked, brow furrowing in concern. You can’t bring yourself to answer her, you just shrug, giving her a blank stare. “Have you... been drinking?” She asked, looking more worried now. You sigh. “Maybe.” You say, monotone as the empty void in your chest, turning away from her you start to shut the door, “Thanks for checking on me. See you around.” You say. Ellie doesn’t let you close the door, instead she opens it, pushing past you into your place. “It’s freezing in here! I’ll get the fireplace started.” She hurriedly gathered supplies. “What are you doing?” You asked, annoyed that someone had come into your space and cared about you. “I’m making sure you don’t freeze to death.” She got the fire going. Walking over to you, she took your arm, forcing you to sit on the couch across from the flames.
 It took a good bit before she tried striking up conversation, but you stayed silent. “Ok, what the hell is going on?” Ellie asked, exasperated. “All you do is work and disappear. Everyone’s worried, I’m worried. We used to hang out all the time, what happened to you?” She couldn’t take seeing you like this. You looked away from her. “Nothing.” “Bullshit!” She got into your space, gently placing her hand on your cheek, making you look at her as tears welled up. “What’s wrong? Just talk to me. Please.” She begged, and that’s all it took for the dam to break. A choked sob escaped your lips. She pulled you into a tight hug, letting you cry into her shirt. You buried your face into her neck as sobs wracked your frame.
 You stayed like that for a long time. She held you, rubbing your back until you were calm enough to talk. “It hurts. She broke up with me and it hurts too much.” Ellie hugged you tighter. “Well fuck her.” You hear her say you looked at her in confusion. A hand came up to the back of your neck pulling you into a kiss, taking you by surprise. You didn’t know how to react, frozen in confusion as she pulled away. “Sorry... I know you’re not over her but maybe we can try being together?” She asked, looking nervous, “I...” You didn’t know what to say. The pain from Abby leaving you still burned in your chest, but another feeling began. A small spark of warmth for the woman in front of you. “I should go.” You hear her say, moving to get up. You panicked, leaning in as you pressed your lips to hers. She gasped before returning the kiss. The two of you stayed like that for a long while, wrapped up in each other. You don’t know how it happened, but the two of you ended up with you laying on her head, tucked under her chin as she held you like you would disappear the moment she let go. “I’m still not over it, but I think I’m ok with giving ‘us’ a chance... I’m just scared that you’ll leave too.” She kissed the top of your head. “I’m not her. I won’t be leaving anytime soon.” That was good enough for you.
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
A little tied up
Warnings: strap-ons, spitting, light choking, bondage.
You were sitting on the couch, reading a book on bondage. You were also very bored, as your girlfriends were at work. Looking down at the bondage rope next to before then looking at the picture and instructions in the book you huffed. "Well I suppose I'll try my hand at this." You say as you unraveled the bundle. 'I mean, it can't be that hard... right?'
Wrong. You were so very wrong. After one too many tries and entire afternoon gone you had somehow ended up tangled and stuck in the mess that was rope you couldn't move. Your face flushed with embarrassment as you hear the door to your shared apartment unlock, then open. The chatter of your partners begin. "That asshole deserved it!" Vi huffed. "Even if I agree with you it still isn't proper protocol!" Caitlyn scolds Vi. Silence falls over the apartment and you're curious as to why, though not for long. "Darling... why are you on the floor?" You hear Caitlyn ask, concern and amusement in her tone. Well, shit.
"Oh y'know, just bored." You feel your embarrassment grow. "Because you are bored." She doesn't so much ask as much as she sounds unconvinced. "I'm not complaining." Vi chimes in. You hear her walk over to you. Coming into view, you see her grinning like you made her day. "Y'know cupcake, we could have some fun tonight. It's been a good while." Vi said, looking at Caitlyn with half lidded eyes. You looked back at Caitlyn, best you could, to see a smirk across her lips. "It has, hasn't it?" She said as she looked over your body before looking to Vi. They seemed to have a silent conversation. “All tied up just for us huh, pretty thing?” Vi said, gruffly. Walking over, she picked you up and slung you over her shoulder. She and Caitlyn walked into the shared bedroom, setting you down. “Now let’s get you properly tied up, shall we?” Caitlyn said as she worked on getting you untied. Once the last of the rope was off, you started to sit up until a hand roughly pushed you back against the bed. “Oh no you don’t.” You gasped as a slender finger trailed up your throat before gripping your chin, forcing you to look at the tall woman. “Roll over.” Caitlyn said, sternly letting go. She watched you with cold blue eyes as you gulped and obeyed her command. 
 You jumped a little from her hands going under you to unbutton your shorts, hooking her fingers under both underwear and shorts, pulling them off in one swift movement. . You felt her pin your arms against your back, soft rope gliding against your skin as she worked on getting you bound. “Wait, what about my shirt?” You asked, feeling her work the rope around your body swiftly. “Don’t worry about it.” Vi said. You heard her walking around, opening a few drawers and closing them again. You felt Caitlyn’s hands go under you, flipping you over onto your back, continuing to tie you up. “Should I start?” You heard Vi ask. Getting a “Go ahead.” from Caitlyn, you look up seeing Vi holding a blindfold. “You ok with this, baby?” She asked you, offering the blindfold. You nodded, giving the ok. Soon as Vi had the cloth over your eyes, you felt Caitlyn finish up the last of the rope ties. With you completely at their mercy, your breathing became quicker from anticipation. “There we go.” You heard Caitlyn say, satisfaction clear in her voice. You heard the two moving around as well as the tell-tale noise of the strap being fastened, but you didn’t know what was going on until the bed dipped by your exposed legs. You twitched as Vi put her hands on your thighs, squeezing them hard enough that you know it’ll leave bruises.
 You whimper when she rubbed the head of the toy through your slick folds, teasing you but never entering. “Open your mouth.” You heard Caitlyn say, and when you failed to obey her hand grips your jaw again. Forcing you to open your mouth, you twitch when she spits, her hot saliva running down your tongue she forced your mouth closed. “Swallow.” You groan, following her command. You loved it when she got like this. “Doing good so far isn’t she, cupcake?” You hear Vi ask. “A little disobedient but good nonetheless.” You hear them talk while Vi continued her teasing. You took a breath, trying to be good for them but the heat burning between your legs is growing unbearable. “You’re dripping, love.”  You hear Caitlyn say as she spread your lower lips open, cool air hitting your wet cunt makes you clench. “What do you think, Vi, does she deserve a reward?” Your clit throbs in anticipation, hoping they fuck you soon. “I think I’m ready to fuck her into next week.” You hear Vi growl, rutting the silicone cock against your clit. “F-fuck.” You moan as Vi slowly slid the toy into you, stretching your walls. Caught up in feeling Vi slowly thrust, you didn’t notice the bed dip near your head. “Poor thing.” You heard Caitlyn coo as she straddles your face, lowering herself to your lips, the smell of arousal hitting you, making you dizzy. You lick through her folds, moaning at her taste.
 “So good for us.” Caitlyn gasped as you wrapped your lips around her swollen clit, sucking hard before going back to licking up her slip, dipping in her entrance a few times. “I forget how good you are at this, sweetheart.” She praised, making you moan again and clench around the cock in you. Vi had picked up the pace to an unrelenting pounding, making you cry out with pleasure. The vibrations from your moans stimulated Caitlyn’s clit more, her thighs squeezed as her cunt spasmed, her juices running down your chin, coating your lips as she pulled away but not getting off you. You bucked your hips when two slender fingers rubbed your clit, as her other hand closed around your throat, just enough to restrict your breathing. “I- fuck I’m A-” You cut off as hot waves of pleasure washed over you, ringing in your ears, body buzzing. Vi slowed her thrust to a leisurely pace, letting you ride out your orgasm. A cold hand cupped your cheek. You turn and nuzzle into it, pressing light kisses against it. “You ok doll?” Vi asks as she worked on taking the blindfold off. With your sight back, you see Caitlyn sitting next to you, her hand on your cheek, rubbing her thumb against you.
 “Did you have fun, darling?” You nod, still a little hazy. You looked over to Vi, who was cleaning the toy. “You want me to get you off?” You ask. She looked at you in surprise before giving you a soft smile. “I came right before you did.” Vi said, a blush forming on her cheeks. She walked into the bathroom for a moment before coming back with a damp cloth. “Lets get you cleaned up.” Vi said, gently running the cloth over your center, making you whimper from how sensitive you are. “You want to go again?” You hear Caitlyn ask. “In a bit.. I need time to recover.” You say as she untied you. This was a pretty good, day for what it’s worth. You’re glad you got tied up.
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Running from you
No minors, this is an 18+ fic
No men, sorry I only write wlw fics
You walk as quietly as you can down the abandoned factory halls, crouched low to the ground, staying hidden behind crates and conveyors - listening for the smallest sounds that would indicate imminent danger. Hearing nothing, you walk forward, pressed closely to the grey walls, until you slipped into a room.
Breathing a sigh of relief you begin to relax, stretching your limbs and cracking your back. You take in your surroundings. A mattress, some empty cans and discarded boxes. You take a few steps toward the boxes until a large calloused hand snaps out from the shadows, clamping down on your arm, another hand covering your mouth.
"Hello, little prey." Her voice husky, lips tracing the shell of your ear sending a shiver down your spine. "Thought you could run from me, did you?" She growled, sending a rush of heat straight to your core. You whimper. "Be a good girl, and I won't punish you." Hearing her warning, you nod, glancing back at her. She smirked, yanking you flush against her, arms barring across your chest and keeping you trapped.
Her lips pressed against your neck gently, only to sting with pleasure and pain. She bit down before soothing the bite with her tongue. Your captor slid her free hand down along your stomach gently lowering the two of you down. Her legs trapped yours. Spreading them, she dipped her hand underneath your pants and underwear into your slick heat, making you gasp as she groaned against your neck. "Fuck, you’re soaking." She nipped your pulse point as you tilt your head to give her better access. Her fingers rubbed your clit, making you wetter than you already were. "So ready for me to take you, huh?" She rasped, voice heavy with lust.
You felt her muscles tense for a moment. "I'm gonna fuck you, mark you up so that everyone knows who you belong to." She snarled, teasing your entrance with a finger before pushing in slowly and pulling back out, lifting her hand up. You hear her lick and suck your juices. "P-please." You whimper out. "Please what, sweet girl?" She asked. "I need you." You whine, and her breathing stops, as if all the breath was stolen from her lungs.
Suddenly you're on your back with her lips locked on yours, tongue invading your mouth, demanding submission. You gladly give it. She pulls away and you see that she's already halfway undressed, only in her underwear. You hear an amused chuckle from the woman pinning you. "Enjoying the view?" She asked, flexing her muscle for you, blush forming heavily you nod. "Good, you got to see me. Now let's see what you're hiding." She ripped your shirt, tearing it off along with your bra. Your captor palmed your breasts. Leaning down, she took a stiff nipple into her mouth, sucking and running her tongue over it while pinching the other one. "So good, for me." You hear her praise, when you arch into her touch. "Stay still." You heard her warn after getting off you. Feeling her hands work to get your pants off of you, she slips them down your thighs, past your knees to your ankles and finally off. "Oh." You hear her say before she grips your legs, spreading them apart you watch her as she stared down at your dripping pussy. Leaning down between your legs, her tongue glides through your slick folds, making you gasp. "So wet, you’re leaking on the floor." She moans as she prods two fingers at your entrance, looking up at you, watching your face as she slides them in all the way to the last knuckles. "Fuck, you're so tight baby-girl." She curls her fingers up; hitting that spot sending shocks of pleasure through you. She speeds up, feeling you clench around her fingers. You feel close already but before you could cum she pulls her fingers out. "I can't wait." Is all you hear as she stood up. Removing her boxers you see a large strap on, she settles between your legs again, leaning over she growls in your ear. "You're mine now, little prey." You hear her say as she plunges into your tight cunt. Bottoming out in one thrust, you yelp at the sudden stretch.
You feel her attack your neck again as she slowly pulls out, before thrusting back in hard. She picks up the pace when you start moaning as the discomfort turns to pleasure. "That's it.. take my cock you little whore." She sneers as she slows for a moment. Confused, you look at her. She leans back gripping your knees, pushing them till they touch the ground, making you wince. "You'll love this." She said as she adjusts you into a mating press. Feeling the silicone dick go deeper, you cry out from how it pressed against all the right areas. "Good girl, taking me so well." She gasped as she ground against the toy, rubbing her clit against the harness until she deemed you ready to start moving again. She gradually thrusts harder and faster bringing one of her hands to rub your clit, you feel so good. Wrapping your arms around her toned back, you dig your nails into the hard muscle as you bury your face against her neck, nipping and licking the sensitive flesh you hear her let out a guttural moan. "Good girl, that's it!" You feel your walls flutter around the cock buried deep in you as you feel that delicious tension snap. You can’t even make a sound as you cum, spilling across the ground and drenching her abs. She lets out a strained moan as she reaches her peak, collapsing against you. She nuzzled her face into your neck, staying like that for a good moment or two. Sitting back on her knees she looks down at the mess you made. "Wow I think that's the first time I made you squirt. You should've asked to do this sooner." She teased you, making you whine in embarrassment. "Abby!" She grins at you. "Come on, let's get cleaned up and head back before it gets dark."
I hope yall like this and feel free to request a fic anytime!
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saphicwyvern · 2 years
Accepting requests
I write for:
The Last Of Us 2
Pretty much it for now
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