#(in my secret heart I want throb to win. I really really want that.)
laniidae-passerine · 7 months
cannot decide if Nio or Throb is going to win. Nio feels like she can take anything and make it her own, fit it to her own specific brand, but that can come at the cost of actually fulfilling the brief, you know? Throb consistently provides something that may be less striking but it’s almost always perfect. You ask for Trash Can Kid, you get Trash Can Kid. You ask for Rockstar, you get Rockstar. You get Hotel Ghoul, you pretty much get Hotel Ghoul. I love them both for such different reasons but I just feel like Nio’s branding and insanely captivating looks might edge her over that winner’s line.
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luveline · 7 months
we know that the criminal minds writers looooved hurting spencer but i would love to see bau!reader (bombshell!reader if you think it would fit) hurt and spencer losing his mind a little (ofc everything would end up being okay because we love fluff in this house 💗)! thank youuu <333
ty for requesting! ♡ fem, 1k
“Spencer, are you coming in?” 
The boy in question winces, the cellophane wrapped stems in his hand strangled by an anxious grip. Your voice is hoarse, quieter than usual, though that could be attributed to the thick wooden door between you both. He takes the door handle in his hand, readjusts his fingers, can't quite get himself to go in. 
“Spence,” you say, missing your usual cheer. “Please come in.” 
He opens the door slowly. It weighs a hundred pounds, each inch heavier than the last. 
You're propped up on the movable bed with a dinner table over your legs. Someone's brought you contraband, it seems, expensive soup from the fancy restaurant you like just outside of work. Next to it lies your phone, your chapstick, and a prescription bottle. The orange of it is too glaring to look at for long. 
“Nice to see you finally, heart-throb,” you say, sitting back, rolling your shoulders as you smile. “Where've you been?” 
Sapped by terror in the waiting room, mostly. “Sorry,” he says, offering no explanation. You deserve one, but he can't get the words out. “How are you feeling?” 
“Shot at.” 
“Is it bad?” 
Your eyes soften. “No. Wanna see it?” 
He does in an awful way. To alleviate his panic, sure, but to know what it did. To see what his stupidity resulted in. The unforgivable in stark scarring. 
You lift your shirt and shift your soft bralette up a touch to show him the wound and all its grim stitches. “It almost missed me. Guess I'm not as lucky as I think.” 
“Does it hurt?” 
“Not right now. They told me not to wear wire bras for a while, so you win some, you lose some.” You let your shirt fall back into place. He can see the indecision in your eyes. Not one for hiding like he wants to, you address the elephant in the room. “Now you've seen it's not so bad, can you look at me again?” 
“I'm looking at you.” 
“You know what I mean.” 
The thing is, Spencer doesn't, not really. Half the time you act like you're sharing a secret with him but he doesn't have a clue what you're talking about, and the intimacy is lost, and it's his fault. He's never been good or smooth or charismatic, he's never deserved your attention, and it's his fault you're here, hurting, his fault you'd been prone on the ground, his fault Morgan had to hold your side closed, his fault you almost died. 
“Spencer,” you murmur, “you know I don't blame you.” 
Of course he knows that. 
“You should,” he says tightly. He doesn't mean to get angry. 
“Well, I don't. So give me my flowers and sit down.” 
He bites the inside of his cheek. He's mad, but he gives you the flowers without any roughness, and you take them with a similarly thin thank you. 
Your reunion isn't going how either of you wants it to, it seems. 
Spencer sits in the chair next to your bed as you pick between the petals, admiring their colours, their softness. For a moment you're peaceful, but you close your eyes and press your nose gently to a small bud, and you ask, “Why are you acting like this?” Heartbroken. 
He could explain it in halves. You passed out in the back of the ambulance. Your surgery had unexpected complications. Hotch was so angry, and he still wasn't as mad at Spencer as Spencer was at himself. 
Seeing you hurt because of his mistake isn't a feeling he thinks he'll survive a second time.
“I don't get why you like me,” Spencer admits. “Not before, and especially not now. You should be pissed. This,” —he gestures to you quickly— “is my fault.” 
“It's not your fault, Spence.” 
“What would you call it?” 
You put your flowers down and stare at your lap. He's pushed you too far. Nice, he thinks to himself scathingly, to upset you in your sick bed, that's exactly what he should be doing to make it up to. Great going, Spencer. 
“Will you hold my hand?” you ask quietly. 
He hesitates, his heart skipping a beat like a missed step down the stairs. 
“Please? I just… this has been a lot. I'm not telling you to make you feel guilty, I swear, but it's been a lot. And so many times I wished someone was here. I wished you were here.” You turn your head away from him. “I thought you were mad at me. I'm still worried.” 
Spencer stands up. He feels every stretch of muscle as he does it. You raise your eyes to his, holding out your hands; you know him better than anyone else, he thinks. He overcompensates every time. 
“I'm sorry,” he says, crossing his arms behind your shoulders carefully. 
“I told you it's not your fault.” 
“For not being here to hold your hand.” 
Your hand curls in the front of his shirt. 
“M'not mad. Not even slightly. I mean, not at you…” He rubs your back with his thumb. “Why would I be mad at you?” 
“What was I supposed to think?” 
He presses his nose to your temple, eyes squeezed close in regret. “...You're right.” 
This is what he should've done the moment you woke up. Instead, he let his mind focus on detail, what flowers demarcates remorse, or if cellophane wrapping would be an imposition. Anything to forget how your hands shook as the adrenaline wore off. 
They're steady now as they wrap around his sides to rest at the small of his back. 
“I’m sorry,” he says again, lips touching to your skin with each syllable, like fractions of kisses. 
“I missed you, handsome. Please– don't do that again.” 
He rubs your back. “I won't,” he promises. “I'll be here as long as you want me to be.” 
“Forever, then.” 
For once, your flirting doesn't make him blush. 
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hello. Do you have any fics that uses hockey au as a main premise? I need this to prove a certain someone wrong (said certain someone says that hockey fics in the good omens fandom doesnt exist, and i dared to differ). Thank you in advance!!
Hello! I know a couple:
You’ve Already Slammed Me Into A Wall Today by Zakani_Donovan [T]
The Hogback Angels and The St. Beryl Devils have always had their issues. Now, having to share a penalty box on the hockey rink only adds to the annoyance. Although, for two of them, it’s a rather nice change of pace.
Waving your Banner by Mekachu04 [T]
AN: Because I really like hockey. Every season, i sit there, cheering on my team, wondering what my current fixation would look like as a hockey team. This year, it's Good Omens.
And, because it's me, it's also written for the prompt 'secret injury'
There is also this wip but it looks like it's been abandoned:
Ice, ice baby by orphan_account [M], WIP
Anthony Crowley, gold medalist and the nation's heart-throb can't lose. He won't. If there's one thing his parents wanted for him in life was for him to win.
He was a winner.
~Mod N
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oneprompt · 2 years
Because you write Zoro as well, may I request NSFW/suggestive headcanons of Zoro, Kid, and Who's Who with F!S/O (you could change it to GN if you feel mote comfortable), S/O gives him a hickey/mark in a place where people could see it directly and S/O teases him about it. Thank you and take care of yourself!
authors note : take care of yourself too , dearest <3 sorry for not posting the last few days btw ;;; i was very very busy with ... important matters. well.. !! please enjoy these to the fullest ..!
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
Zoro x F! Reader : Leaving a noticeable hickey on him
- The delivery certainly caught Zoro off guard. He isn’t that used to you ever doing anything like that, as he’s usually the type to carry all the dominance in the bedroom. But the moment you suck and bite at his flesh, Zoro’s holding back a heep of moans. He refuses to let you know how good it felt to be branded by your mouth, your lips and teeth leaving a trail of hickies along his collar bone. 
- Zoro may keep a poker face during the whole thing but seeing marks left by your lips on him really gets him going. The throbbing sensation of his raw flesh, the deep pigment, the small bits of gloss left behind when it’s fresh... Zoro can’t say he dislikes it... But he’s not going to tell you that he enjoyed it, not to your face. Even days after, Zoro still gets aroused looking at the fading marks. 
- Zoro doesn't exactly think about it, nor does he care to hide it too much. It's just another trophy to him, similar to his scars. He doesn't really feel any reason to be embarrassed about it. It's no secret that you two are an item, and with dating comes fucking, right? You have to be an absolute moron to not connect two and two together.
- Out of you two, you're bound to be the one to get embarrassed about it. Once the crew, well, once most of the crew picks up on it, you'll get lots of under the table comments and teasing. "I had no clue you were such a passionate lover, Y/n." Robin beams at you, letting such a humiliating sentence fall from her lips like it's nothing. "I can't help but feel a little bit jealous of Zoro." The crew is bound to leave you a stuttering mess, face on fire as you rapidly decline any of their questions or comments.
- I just know Zoro flaunts his hickey around Sanji, especially when that love cook is attempting to woo you. “I got you your parfait, my sweet!” Sanji worships you like an absolute goddess, regardless of your relationship with Zoro. If anything, that pushes him to try and win your heart further... Once Zoro notices that insufferable voice, he’ll repeat every lewd thing you did to him the night before. “Y/n, you gotta ease up with your mouth next time. I think you gave my dick a hickey, too.” Sanji is already rushing away after he hears that, unsure on if his eyes should produce tears or if his nose should be leaking with blood. It’s an image Sanji loves but that marimo... he ruins everything! Zoro can’t help but laugh at Sanji’s helpless reaction, even after you get up to chase the blonde, shouting out endless apologies. 
- Even if a stranger asks about the mark, Zoro’s just gonna be blunt with them. “Oh, this? It’s nothing fight related. My girlfriend is an absolute freak.” The only limits he has about the hickey is you telling Luffy or Chopper. Zoro doesn’t care if anyone else knows about it’s origins but if you tell those two, he’s gone. He’ll turn into a strawberry the moment Luffy glances at him, head cocked to the side. “Y/n’s got a mouth tough enough to injure you, Zoro? She’s crazy strong!” Luffy and Chopper may be mostly oblivious to what it’s from and why you did such a thing to your lover... but Zoro knows. Knowing you told his adored captain and little Chopper about your sexcapades... He just can’t help but get flustered to the core. Definitely giving you the silent treatment. 
Kid x F! Reader : Leaving a noticeable hickey on him
- Kid treats everything as a competition, including sex. If you want to to do the slightest dominant thing one night, you have to fight for that. But the moment you catch him off guard, you latch onto your boyfriends neck, teeth digging into his pale nape. With that, you started a dual. Not just any dual but a mouth dual. You can’t get away with doing such an embarrassing thing to him so easily...!
- By the time you two are done fucking, you’re both covered in slobber, lip stick, and hickies. Kid may have been making a fuss over the mark but he enjoyed it. Not the act itself but the outcome. He enjoys a good competition, as well as the sight of you, covered in his passion. I suppose you two settled for a tie, hm? 
- No one in the crew bothers to ask the next day when they see you and Kid covered from head to toe. They all can tell what happened, both from your visuals and well, what they overheard the whole night... If any one dares to ask Kid what did happen, they’re getting a punch square in the eye. His girlfriend doesn’t overpower him, no, no...! 
- Kid doesn’t really cover them. He would like to but none of his clothing hide it well, as you went ham on his neck and collar. He finds them hot but he can’t find much pride in them, considering they show the fact it’ll suggest he’s not all that he’s cracked up to be. He tries to hide his embarrassment by teasing you for your own hickeys but it always come back to bite him in the ass.. 
- Tries to lie about how he totally destroyed you in bed (usually to Killer.) Even if it’s so painfully obvious that he didnt, Killer has to support his captain. “You sure did...! Y/n didn’t stand a chance, heh..” behind his mask, there’s a huge and awkward smile. No way is Kid trying to convince him of such a bogus lie... But regardless, he has to be Kid’s biggest cheerleader. That’s his best friend!
- That’s not to say Killer won’t let you give him an earful. He’s a double agent, in that sense... He loves you and Kid! Plus, you aren’t wrong when you claim Kid can be a bit subby because that’s incredibly apparent, with how he was looking... But if Kid were to find out, Killer would be dead..!
Who’s Who x F! Reader : Leaving a noticeable hickey on him
- Who’s Who is far too invested in the moment to feel your mouth grasping his chest, leaving hefty kiss marks all over him, bruises spawning. He just keeps thrusting and thrusting, hands yanking at your hair. He’s in his own world at that point, rambling degrading words to you, feasting on your body. 
- The morning after, he’s extremely moody. Who’s Who goes to his meetings, suit jacket entirely buttoned up for once. He thinks he’s fooling everyone but no, it’s obvious. The Tobi Roppo don’t bother to beat around the bush, not even close. “Did that Y/n chick suck on your tits too much?” Who’s Who is bound to throw a fit, fighting with his fellow Tobi Roppo’s. Mainly Sasaki
- Who’s Who tries his best to ignore you. You hurt his already bruised ego, whether you meant to or not. He hides himself in his room all day, desperately trying to apply makeup over his chest. Spoilers: no amount of foundation covers the love bites. 
- You try your best to get back on your boyfriends good side, claiming that you just did it to show your love, which is the truth. But Who’s Who refuses each apology you deliver him, keeping his nose up high like an uptight prick. You can’t understand why he’s so upset, clearly oblivious to the internal battle he’s fighting between his ego and his horniness. 
- The truth is Who’s Who loved that feeling you gave him so much. The feeling of your lips clamping down on his skin, tightening the same way your pussy did around his cock, right as he blew his load into you. That damn hickey drew him over the edge, feeling utterly sensational. I suppose it was a little nice to not have to always to do what he considered his normal... Wouldn’t you say?
- Of course, Who’s Who forgives you. It just takes the sweetest, almost pain inducing make-up sex for him to admit he forgives you for causing him such lengths of shame. It isn’t cutesy make-up sex, either. It’s aggressive, often leaving your beautiful, glimmering image in shambles.Covered in drool, cum and bruises you can’t help but repeat your lovers name, being fucked completely dumb by him. 
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letterstoear · 5 months
Single bunnies' assortment!
In my new keychain line, it features bunny plushies: Single and happy, single and a hopeless romantic, as well as single and depressed. I thought it would be fun to sort the different Twisted Wonderland characters into the three categories.
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Check out my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
Please note that this is all very delusional late-night shenanigans.
Riddle Rosehearts: Single and a hopeless romantic
Honestly this boy probably found his first romance novel at the library while studying and then got hooked on reading romance novels. Most likely to read them in secret from embarrassment. So, yeah that’s how Riddle became single and a hopeless romantic. 
Deuce Spade: Single and a hopeless romantic
Similar to Riddle, Deuce is someone who most likely has a soft spot for romance. And that’s all I have to say about him. There’s really nothing else. 
Ace Trappola: Single and happy
Out of all the main cast he’s the only one who to have had a canon girlfriend and he’s never been happier as a single lad. I remember he mentioned in his SSR story he didn’t like how they didn’t have much in common and he ended up ghosting her in the end. Since that day, he’s never gotten into another relationship. Ace is definitely single and happy. 
Trey Clover: Single and happy
I just don’t think he cares much for romance. Man screams like he’s more focused on keeping the dorm intact and baking than romance. Another one into the basket. 
Cater Diamond: Single and depressed
Let’s be honest, the majority of the fandom ignored Cater for the new SSR card of Crowly. He’s spending this year alone and depressed. Certified single and depressed. 
Leona Kingscholar: Single and happy
You can make the argument for being single and depressed, but he’s probably like Trey and just doesn’t care for romance. Like he’s probably seen enough of it from his older brother. Plus, he might be more annoyed from Cheka. Like I can totally see Cheka giving Leona a handmade Valentines Day card and everything and Leona is just like nope. 
Ruggie Bucchi: Single and happy
Holiday season means more work; more work equals money. So, it’s a win-win situation for Ruggie. Also, once the holidays end, everything that was Valentine’s Day themed, is on sale. So, cheap food and so on. 
Jack Howl: Single and a hopeless romantic
Jack has mentioned he’s waiting for his future mate. Which makes him a certified single and a hopeless romantic. Side note, but it’s really cute to think about how Jack is just waiting all excitedly for his mate. 
Azul Ashengrotto: Single and happy
Someone who is also using the holiday for money reasons. Grabbing all those hopeless romantics together into one room just to collect their money. Probably has the Mostro Lounge all decked out for the holiday season. Love is the furthest thing from his mind. 
Jade Leech: Single and a hopeless romantic
Seeing as Jade does like to experience different customs from a variety of cultures, he’s probably excited. Can see him daydreaming about being with a significant other for the holidays in the middle of his work shift. 
Floyd Leech: Single and depressed
Because he has to work for the busy holiday season he’s probably depressed and annoyed. Like this boy is begging to go out and not work. He just wants to be a part of your world this holiday. 
Kalim Al Asim: Single and happy
He’s just happy to celebrate the holidays. Just another excuse to throw a banquet with a parade. Boy is going all out to celebrate. 
Jamil Viper: Single and depressed
Probably knows that every year Kalim throws a big feast and has to work to make everything perfect. Stressed out and depressed. Give this man a break. 
Vil Schoenheit: Single and depressed
Depressed because he wasn’t voted for the top heart throb position. Outvoted by like 1 vote. Other than that, I could also see if Vil has a hopeless romantic side to him as well. Like he’s daydreaming of someone to love him as he is and all that jazz. However, he knows it’s not his reality which makes him sad all over again. 
Rook Hunt: Single and a hopeless romantic
Did we really have any doubts he was going into this team? Rook is the definition of a hopeless romantic. Could also see it if he was the kind of person whose way more into the chase than actually being with his partner. Rook most likely voted for Neige too. 
Epel Felmier: Single and a hopeless romantic
Has thought about romance at least a few times. Other than thought it’s probably not on his mind unless someone brings it up. When it is brought up, I can totally see him wanting a more comforting life where it’s all fluffy. 
Idia Shroud: Single and happy
He’s depressed for sure, but not because of love so he’s single and happy. There’re so many themed gacha game events which causes Idia to spend his time on them. Idia probably spends his Valentines Day with Ortho making cards or something. 
Ortho Shroud: Happy
He’s just a little happy younger brother spending the holiday with his big bro. Has the whole day planned but is waiting for Idia to come out of his room. 
Malleus Draconia: All three of them wrapped into one
But Malleus is definitely single and ready to mingle. 
Lilia Vanrouge: Single and happy
Just spends his day with his boys spreading some good ol love to his sons. Love comes in all different forms after all. If anything, he might have a pinch of depression. Some angst where he doesn't believe he deserves any of the love he receives or something like that. 
Sebek Zigvolt: Single and happy as long as Malleus is single
Nah, I’m just joking for the most part. To me Sebek’s love is a mix of respect and friendship. Especially towards Silver for friendship, spends his Valentines Day eating sweets. You know the boy has a big, sweet tooth and is a big eater. 
Silver: Single and happy
Same with Lilia, it’s family love for him. He adores his father, Malleus and Sebek. Makes each and every one of them a handmade card. Definitely tells them he loves them more than twenty times on Valentines Day. 
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 days
Scarred Hero and Villain With Memory Loss Lovers part 1
Warnings: blood, pain, torture, psychological whump and abuse, intimacy whump
"Does it hurt?" the hero asked carefully, looking at the huge scar that trailed from the other person's shoulder, down their chest to their stomach. The scar was pale in color and bumpy, raised above the skin ever so slightly. The other person looked away, blinking fast.
"It did. Years ago, when I first received it."
"I can't believe someone could do this to you," the hero whispered. That got the other's attention, their head snapping to the hero.
"You did this. You did this to me and you don't even remember," they hissed.
(I decided to swap the roles where the Hero is the scarred one and the Villain is the one with memory loss -- for context Aurora is Hero and Rowan is Villain)
"Does it hurt?" Rowan asked carefully, tracing light fingers over the huge scar that trailed from Aurora's shoulder, down her chest to her stomach. The scar was rough and ragged at the edges, the only visible sign of what was once a vicious wound. Aurora glanced away, uneasy, feeling the phantom pain throb fresh as a bad memory resurfaced.
"It did. Years ago, when I first received it," she said grimly.
"I can't believe someone could do this to you," Rowan whispered. "And how could someone even get close enough to hurt you? I know how powerful you are with your gift."
Because betrayal never comes from an enemy, Aurora's mind wanted to shout, she wanted to be angry at him. She wanted him to understand the agony he'd caused her years ago. She had let her guard down around him... thinking him a friend... until Rowan had discovered that she was (Hero name). The instant he realized her identity, he grew even friendlier to her, worming his way deeper into her heart, but no longer with good intention.
Rowan knew firsthand how powerful Aurora was in combat, having faced her many times as (Villain name). The only way he could win against her was to bring her close... get her to trust him... turn her back on him for only a minute. Catching her by surprise was the only way. It hurt him to think he was going to kill a friend, but it had to be done. Aurora would keep getting in the way, keep fighting him over and over again. She had to be stopped.
It was a patient game, and Rowan waited weeks after learning her secret identity before he found his opportunity. He had attacked her when she least expected, ready to kill his greatest foe. And that's how Aurora had first discovered that he was (Villain name).
The memories all came flooding back in a terrible wave...
"I'm heading off to work now," Aurora announced. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge, okay? And let me know if you need anything from the store."
"Yes," Rowan replied as she reached the front door to leave.
Aurora paused with one hand on the doorknob as something odd struck her. His voice was a little too cold, a little too flat, a little too emotionless. Something was terribly wrong.
"Hey, are you feeling o--" Aurora turned to take a look at her friend before her eyes widened, seeing a wickedly sharp dagger coming down at her. A scream of pure agony tore loose from her as the sharp blade slashed down her front, from her shoulder to her stomach, carving a deep gash into her flesh. She staggered to the side, eyes wide and wild with confusion, shock and surprise all in equal measure. Fresh blood slid down her skin to the floor, streaking the palm of the hand she pressed to the wound.
"W-What are you doing?" She barked at Rowan as he advanced on her, his face twisted into a cold mask of hatred.
"ROWAN!" She shouted angrily. What was going on? Why was her best friend and love turning on her??
"I know who you really are," Rowan said coldly, twirling the blade in his hand. "Tell me, is the recognition mutual?" He suddenly lunged forward and drove the weapon up to the hilt in her stomach, so that it punched clean through her as he pushed and pinned her against the wall. His free hand crushed around her throat, choking out the cries of agony as he twisted the blade further in her gut.
Pure pain serrated through Aurora’s whole body, making her legs feel like buckling under her.
He knew. He KNEW she was Hero. How did he find out? HOW LONG HAD HE KNOWN? And why did he ask if the recognition was mutual...?
Aurora's eyes narrowed with pain, a hurt sound escaping her. Then it finally clicked. The black hair... the way Rowan walked... his voice... how had been such a fool? Blinded by her love, she had failed to see the danger lurking right behind her.
"You're... (Villain Name)?!" Aurora rasped on a broken breath of air in utter disbelief, the crushing pressure around her throat making each breath hard. How could someone so kind be a cold-blooded killer? Was Rowan tricking her the whole time? Was none of their relationship ever real?
A crooked grin spread across Rowan's face as he leaned his face close to hers, warm breath ghosting over her lips. "I thought you were supposed to be smart, Hero. I'm astonished you didn't figure it out sooner." A dark, dry laugh came out of his mouth, and in his eyes was pity, and... grief? Love? Regret? Surprising.
Aurora writhed against him, hissing in pain as she tried to free herself, her head buzzing in the wake of the terrifying realization.
Rowan let go of her throat to gently grab her chin, forcing her to look at him, his eyes aching and longing all in one, full of guilt. "You were the only one I ever truly loved, if it's any comfort," he whispered. Then he leaned in and planted a light, tender kiss on her mouth, before pulling back with great sadness in his face, his actions saying what words never could.
"I'm sorry it's come to this, my love..." He murmured.
"...So am I," Aurora croaked, tears leaking from her eyes. She wasn't wearing her protective Hero suit, or had any of her weapons with her. But that didn't mean she would go down without a fight.
Acting fast, her fist shot up and she went for a solid throat punch. Rowan choked and gasped, gagging as he stumbled back in surprise, both hands flying up to his neck in surprise. It was all the opening Aurora needed. With a pained cry, she yanked the dagger free from her midsection, shakily wielding it against her former lover.
Rowan scowled viciously at her, but there was the smallest flicker of genuine fear in his features. He'd planned on killing her before she'd have a chance to flip the tables on him, but now that opportunity was lost.
Angry and hurt, Aurora stumbled towards him with an enraged hiss, eyes full of bitter hate fueled by his betrayal.
Rowan dodged as she took a swipe at him, but she followed the movement, slashing open his thigh. He growled and threw a punch at her, but she ducked, retaliating by tearing open a long gash along the back of one leg.
"How could you?!" Aurora shouted, quickening her attacks to keep him on the defensive. "How could you turn on me, after everything I've done for you?!" Tears stung her eyes as she landed blow after blow on her once-friend, adding more wounds to his growing collection.
She only stopped when Rowan finally collapsed to the floor from his injuries, covered in his own blood, recoiling and scooting away from her and raising a shredded forearm in a futile last defense.
Aurora loomed over him as he cowered, eyes blazing with fury and chest heaving from exertion. Pain from her own wounds speared her body with each breath. She crouched down to eye-level in front of him, making him flinch as she pressed the bloodied blade of the dagger under his chin, lifting it to make him look at her.
"...Why did you do it?" She choked out. She wanted a reason.
Rowan's eyes were wide and terrified at seeing her bloodlust. He'd pushed her too far. The line of being a Hero was wearing thin, he knew. "...Because you'd do the same if the roles were reversed," he croaked, letting out a broken wheeze that jarred his broken ribs. His whole body was trembling violently, shivering with blood loss.
"No. I wouldn't," Aurora snapped, but couldn't help the moment of doubt that wedged itself into her conscience. She'd hated (Villain Name) for so long... swore to tear them to ribbons if she ever found them... but now... knowing that Rowan was that Villain...
Aurora shook herself back to the present, watching Rowan's eyes slowly start to glaze over as he fought to stay conscious, face quickly growing pale.
There was a long, heavy silence that lasted several minutes, only broken up by the sound of Rowan's rattling breaths... until his eyes finally rolled back, and he slumped forward with a weak shudder, going limp.
Aurora dropped the dagger and instinctively caught him. She should let him die for what he'd done. He'd killed so many people... done so much evil... but a selfish part of her couldn't let him go. He was her only friend... the only one who'd ever treated her as worthy of love... And she'd seen him be capable of kindness, of gentleness. She hoped she could bring that back out in him.
Heart heavy, Aurora picked him up in her strong arms, where his head lolled limply against her shoulder, and carried him away to treat his wounds and keep him from bleeding out, before treating her own injuries.
His betrayal hurt more than any injury, and Aurora took a turn after saving him. Her moral compass shifted, and she went down a dark path. She kept Rowan chained up in a pitch dark room most days after that, keeping food and water from him for days at a time. She knew exactly what she wanted: she wanted to break him and put him back together, over and over again, until he was the kind-hearted lover she wanted. She'd destroy his mind and mold it to her desires. She forgot about being Hero, forgot about anything else but filling the hollow void inside her broken heart.
She tortured Rowan like this for months, inflicting agonizing pain onto him, ruthless and cruel, until he was at the point of hallucinating, delusional. He was finally broken, an inch from death. And that's when Aurora had come to him like a hero, giving him what he wanted, replacing bad memories with good ones, piece by piece, helping him slowly heal... until finally, he was perfect. His memory was left damaged, he'd forgotten most things.
Aurora knew what she was doing should be wrong... but she was desperate enough to go to any length to get her lover back. There was no line she wouldn't cross for him. She didn't care about being Hero, she decided to leave that life behind. The city could save itself. She wouldn't risk the possibility of the new future she'd created.
Next ⏩️
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sun-flowerfields · 2 years
(Your lovelies with my Naruto Muses)
@historias-multorum Oh man look- LOOK YOU UNLOCKED ONE OF MY SECRET MUSES AND NOW I HAVE TO EVENTUALLY MAKE A BIO! But really there so many horrible ships and interactions i want with you and just- 👌
Pairings under cut.
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DoYoung Jangnim Pairings:
Izuna Uchiha- I just love the thought of her hating these people so damn much but they seem to surround her. Like she can be extremely pissy about them but we all know these Uchiha are growing on her.
Itachi Uchiha- Hey they share a work buddy, even if Do kind of disrespects Kisame. She at least has the balls to do it in his face. He'd be constantly amused by her horrible antics. Why is this hoblin woman handing me food? Where did that even come from?
Karin Uzumaki- Hey sis what's up 👋. Uzumaki shenanigan's. She will drag Karin into chaos. Science sounds cool, but putting it into practice would probably blow Do's little brain. Hunting for old man Ga as a bonding experiment and it ending with them kicking him while he's balled up on the ground. Look I live for these girls.
Madara Uchiha- Pure sin tbh, it would be so damn Toxic. Like "Ah an Uzumaki mixed woman- for FWEEEEE?!?" Shes gonna try to fight him a lot ngl. "Look me in the eyes when we talk motherfucker." The actual audacity- but also she will literally look him in the eyes and you gotta respect that.
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Yuho Inuzuka pair's:
Hana Inuzuka- Same clan! Dog- so many dogs. Hana waqtching Yuho lay on the floor and cry because one of her students called her old. Winter trips to Kumo please!!!
Sasuke Uchiha- "I remember you being a sad motherfucker in school. Wanna go see some puppies, you probably need it." Will bring him fizzy drinks and listen to his problems.
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Ichiban Hyuuga pair's:
Hinata Hyuga- Same clan and same branch. She's probably run into him a few times before being steered away. Ichi was a giant Hyuuga heart throb with a shitty past and a love for his baby sister, that's right up her alley. "I can fix him I swear 🥺"
Tsunade- A bit of an age gap but he's perfectly fine with that. Tsunade beating his ass and dragging him back to the village kicking and screaming would be HILARIOUS! "Mommy, I'm sorry- Mommy?"
TenTen- She deserves so much. Here have a Hyuga Tens, you deserve it. Them meeting when he's all busted and bruised would be such a classic movie moment.
Karin Uzumaki- It would be kinda Toxic, he's a bit daft and that would result in some smacking. Them meeting while in the land of tea and he's just fucking awe struck. Is the equivalent of a golden retriever.
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Sook Ga Uzumaki pairs:
Tsunade- Look, I'm not saying he'd be a simp but- he'd simp. Them working on recording Uzumaki scrolls and techniques that are dying out. Tsunade helping him with smithing when he can't wear his prosthetic sounds bad ass.
Izuna Uchiha- He approached first and it left an impression LOL. Uzumaki's x Uchiha's is a winning mix lets be real. Sook is old enough to know about Izuna so seeing this fucker has him confused, he doesn't ask though because he's a good boy gdi.
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DoHwang Jangnim:
Hinata Hyuga: she's so tiny and shy, he loves that. Gentle woman, kind woman, will rip your throat right out though- he's impressed. Hwang is extremely pretty, but very blind. Them walking arm and arm and her describing the sky and he's just swimming in her words. Very slice of life and fluffy.
Karin Uzumaki- They share Uzumaki blood. Karen restoring his eyes and that being a huge ass moment between them because she's the first thing he see's. Him sneaking her little gifts when he's in the area from his missions. 10/10 would court like a princess.
Itachi Uchiha- Blind big brother issues. Might have a lot more in common than they think with Hwang being a retired Hunting captain. There will be some outrage from Hwangs side because he would never push his sister to revenge for his own selfish need to die. Will be willing to work through that with the other man though.
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bunkerbucky · 3 years
Casual Sabotage *Bucky Barnes x Reader*
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Reader is hit with sex pollen. Except she doesn't crave her boyfriend, Steve Rogers. No, it's his best friend, Bucky Barnes, that she wants inside of her. Bucky, in the beginning, is a good bro and refuses. But due to the fact she sucks his dick so good he kinda, sorta, loses that restraint and just fucks her regardless of who she belongs to.
Rating: Explicit [+18]
Warnings: Sex pollen= Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Rough blow-job, rough oral-sex, vaginal sex, praise kink, breeding kink, size kink- Bucky has a big dick in this lmao, choking and biting kink, infidelity; Reader cheats on Steve. 
TW: Dub-con- Reader is under sex pollen, so she actually cannot give consent and also because Bucky is so resistant in the beginning. It turns consensual on Bucky's part, he gives in to the temptation. But, obviously, reader is still influenced so... the lines are blurred.
Yourself and Bucky had searched the Hydra base from tippy-top to bottom. There was nothing out of the ordinary, which infuriated you a little. With the amount of recon work you both had to do, the long nights of watching the agents coming and going, you felt like you both deserved a small win, at least.
A long sigh escaped from your lips as Bucky's fingers typed furiously on the computers keyboard, a USB stick in hand just in case he found something exciting. Your arms were crossed over your chest, eyes scanning around the bases' security room, roaming the shelves and cabinets that held nothing of importance. A week of nothing, you wanted to cry.
"Hmm," Bucky low hum attracted your attention, "It says there's a basement to this building, we haven't checked that out." His steel eyes look over the screen and at you, you respond with a shrug of your shoulders. "We've got two hours before the cavalry arrives to pick us up, let's explore and see if we can obtain something to keep from Rogers from complainin'"
You giggle slightly at Bucky's comment, nodding in agreement with him. Steve would have a lot to say if you went back empty-handed, especially since he sent you both rather than himself. But you couldn't lie and say the thought of seeing Steve after so long didn't excite you. You had missed your boyfriend dearly, you weren't allowed on missions together since finally making things official. Work ethics and all that jazz.
Instead, you and Bucky had started to partner up, Steve didn't trust anyone but himself, and Bucky, to keep an eye out for you. Who better to watch over his best girl than his best friend, plus Bucky was your friend before you got with Steve.
"What if we go down there and there's a great, big monster waiting for us?" Sliding into the small elevator beside Barnes.
Bucky looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, "Then I'll be throwing you out as a distraction, so I can press the elevator door button to leave."
You both ended up laughing at his response, although when the doors finally did open and reveal a darkened basement layer... there was a moment of silence, you both side-eyeing one another at the lack of sound and movement.
Bucky stepped off first and the automatic lighting triggered him to pull his gun from its holster, his reflexes sharp and fast. You step off and follow Bucky down the hall towards double doors, the room through those doors was abandoned and huge. Desks with old computers, all smashed and out of use. Stacks of files and paper scattered on desks and the floor. Despite the mess, it all looks really promising, there had to be something amongst the chaos.
You both separate to cover more ground, you only had a limited time before you had to leave. You looked through paper and files, shuffling through stacks of meaningless bullshit. Hydra certainly kept a record of everything, including all the worthless crap. You wondered if they actually printed this stuff to lead you guys on wild goose chases like this, to make sure you were distracted with searching for something important amongst all their bullshit.
You ended up in the far back of the room, a small desk area had random empty vials littered across it. Files labelled in Russian, that you couldn't translate very well.
"Hey, Buck," You called over your shoulder as you lifted an empty vial, a cork tightly shoved in the top; curious. "Think I might've found something."
The vial itself was black, not black liquid, the vial was just black. It didn't feel weighted, it didn't feel like anything was moving inside of it. So, curiosity got the best of you because you yanked the cork off the vial. Black smoke puffed out and into your face causing you to inhale and go into a coughing fit. Waving your arms in front of your face, coughing at the inhalation of whatever was inside that vial.
It smelt like... old leather, peppermint toothpaste and...something else, like a deep musk. Odd.
"Hey, are you okay?" Bucky suddenly appeared at your side, a hand placed on your back and eyeing you with concern. He then grabbed the vial from your hand, it was clear and no longer black. "What happened?"
Your coughing had subsided, you felt fine. "I think there was some kind of smoke or whatever in there, I don't know. The black stuff just burst out, I was stupid-"
"Damn, right." Bucky looked mad, which was a given. "Hydra is known for making gas poisons, Y/N. That was a rookie move, never open strange vials." He didn't sound too mad at you, a little more concerned and worried.
You nodded, frowning when feeling the back of your neck sweating. You felt... hot. A sweat was taking over your body, your mouth was getting dry and your mind was going fuzzy. Bucky hadn't noticed, his eyes cast down to the Russian files on the desk, his hand flipping through the old pages and taking the information in with wide eyes. You briefly wondered if whatever is written in that file had anything to do with that vial.
"Fuck," Bucky muttered.
"What?" Your throat was scratchy, your breathing was becoming laboured and your palms were sweaty.
You didn't feel hot, though. You didn't feel sick either.
"Well, I'm guessing whatever was in that vial was... to put it plainly, sex pollen. It makes the patient unable to think of anything but sex, all they want and all they feel is lust. It's basically either used to breed or on prisoners- the pain of not getting off thoroughly enough can lead to the patient taking extreme measures: death." He shakes his head, you don't notice the horrified look In his eyes at the thought of maybe it being used on him when under Hydra's control. "You're likely fine, though."
"I wouldn't be so sure," You managed to gasp out, your thighs squeezing together and eyes closed, you wanted to feel embarrassed but you couldn't. "My head is spinning and, fuck, I need to get this off. I feel too hot, I'm burnin' up." Clawing at the collar of your own tact suit, your hands were shaking and you couldn't bring yourself to look at Bucky.
You wanted to look at him though. You knew he was standing close to you because you could smell him, he smelt like the black smoke did. He smelt delicious, intoxicating in the best way. God, you wanted him so badly. You needed him.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N. I promise, we'll get you back to Steve and he can-"
You shook your head and finally pulled the zipper down of your jacket, shrugging the bulletproof material off your shoulders.
"Need you." You managed to mumble out, lifting your gaze to Bucky, who was frowning and shaking his head. "Please, Buck. I need you! I can feel my skin crawling and-I'm in so much pain, please." Your voice a mix between a whine and beg.
"I can't- you're not thinking properly. Steve will be here soon and he can help you, he's your boyfriend, remember?"
You pulled the black, tight sleeved henley from your body and let it drop to the floor, it covered in sweat. You're standing in a sports bra and tact pants, chest heaving as you try to intake gulps of oxygen from your panting. Even with half your clothes off you still felt sweat bead and drip down your skin.
"I can't wait that long," You sniffled but no tears forming. "Please, I want you-I've always wanted you. You read the file, I'm going to die!"
Bucky continued to shake his head. "I won't do that Steve. It says that it took a couple of hours till that point, Steve'll be here soon and I'll explain to him what happened."
You groaned painfully, shaking your own head now. Not understanding why he couldn't just help you now. You were in immense pain and the throbbing heat in your core wasn't letting up.
You didn't want Steve to help you. You didn't need Steve to help you, it wasn't just because he wasn't here. You wanted Bucky. The smell of him, the heat radiating off his body when it was close to yours. You craved for him to touch you, to fuck you. You were sure the moment he touched you that the pain would ease, the flames that were consuming you would simmer down.
And you were certain that he wanted you too.
Taking the initiative you moved closer to Bucky, the short hairs on the back of your neck were drenched in sweat, you could feel it drip down your back. You placed a hand softly on his metal arm, the cool vibranium instantly cooling you down. Bucky let out a shaky breath and looked at you, eyebrows furrowing together as he took in your features. You were sure you could see the fight in his eyes, he wanted to help you. To touch you.
It was frustrating that he wasn't giving in. That he wasn't falling to his desires.
"I won't tell Steve, I promise." You whispered and pressed a kiss to his collar, inhaling his scent and shuddering when it filled your senses. He wasn't pushing you away, but he also wasn't giving in to touching you back. "It can be our little secret. I know you'll make me feel really good, he won't be able to help me like you can."
Her other hand trailed down his chest and stopped at his belt, Bucky was too busy telling her everything he had already been saying. Telling you how you love Steve and Steve loves you. It would break Steve's heart if he found out about this talk from you if he knew what you were saying to Buck. You didn't care, not right now anyway. You had always found Bucky attractive and before getting with Steve you had entertained the thought of Bucky, but he was just getting back his life. A relationship seemed too much for him, well that's what you thought.
You didn't settle for Steve, that was never the case. You love Steve, you know that. But, right now, here with Bucky, you knew that he'd be able to help you with this- more than Steve could. Steve was a peaceful lover, an attentive one. You needed this illness fucked out of you- at least, that's what your hazy brain was telling you.
Your hand slipped under his belt, a wide grin taking over your face at Bucky's shock, words choking out as you wrapped a hand around his dick. A sense of pride coming over you as he began to get hard in your hand, a few quick jerks as started to undo his pants with your free hand. Bucky was stunned into silence and compliance, unable to stop you just from the fact he hadn't been touched like this in a while.
He came to his senses when you noticed you get to your knees, his pants undone and pulled down his muscular thighs. Bucky slapped your hands away and tries to pull his pants back up, but you were putting up quite the fight. You roughly pushed him back, he ended up falling to the ground due to his pants restricting his movements. In the moments he fell down and was trying to figure out what happened, you had pulled down his boxers and gulped dryly at his semi-hard length.
"You're so big," You mumbled before wrapping your lips around the tip, a loud groan echoed through the room from Bucky.
You could feel him growing inside of your mouth as you tried to take more of him down, slobbering up his dick and licking around the shaft. Pulling off to run your tongue around the veins and down to his balls, gently suckling them into your mouth as you jerked his length till it was fully standing erect. You smirked to yourself at all of the noises Bucky was making, a hand being placed on your hair- which normally you hated Steve's hand in your hair, but you'd allow Bucky this time.
"Fuck my throat," spit was around your mouth and down your chin, "fuck my throat with your big cock."
Bucky's eyes were wide and lust-filled, there was still a hesitancy from him. A dilemma going on in that head of his, so you wrapped your lips around his cock again and started to slowly take him down. He was bigger than Steve, so much bigger, but that only spurred you on. You wanted him to roughly fuck your throat, you wanted to feel him at the back of your throat even after this.
You felt both his hands on your head... he started to push your head further down, the tip hit the back of your throat and you still hadn't taken all of him. He started to ease past your limitations, your eyes filled with tears as he stuffed your mouth impossibly full. Your lips stretched wide around his girth, he could feel your throat constrict around him and the slight gag you couldn't help because of how far he was down your throat.
"Fuck, so good." Bucky groaned lowly, eyes completely black and bottom lip trapped between his teeth. You knew your panties were soaking, a slickness collecting on your thighs as you rubbed them together, the flimsy material of your underwear was sticking to you and making you rub yourself just to alleviate the friction. "I'll deal with your pussy in second, right now I'm going to fill this hole up."
It was like Bucky snapped, the trepidation he was feeling before was long gone. It was now replaced with this new Bucky, and you loved him.
He wasn't merciful when he started to thrust in and out of your mouth, his balls were slapping against your chin harshly. The grip in your hair was harsh as he pushed and pulled your head to meet his hard thrusts, your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as he basically skull fucked you. Loud gagging sounds, your throat squeezing his cock as you fought for air, he only eased up when you looked like you were going to pass out. It was seconded worth of air before he repeated his onslaught, spit and cum was dribbling down your chin and onto your chest and sportsbra. Bucky kept his eyes on you, it made you shiver how he was looking at you.
Bucky didn't warn you when he was about to cum, instead, he held your head down, almost shoving his entire cock down your throat as loads of his cum spurted out and shot straight down your throat into your tummy. You hardly tasted his cum because of how far he was down your throat. He groaned as he came, swallowing thrusting his hips into your mouth as he milked his orgasm. He pulled you off his cock, it was still hard, thankfully.
He helped pull you to your feet then undressed you, roughly pulling the sports bra off your chest and yanking your pants down your legs. He ripped your panties to shreds and let the tattered pieces fall to the floor, his hungry gaze took in your shaking, naked form. Your thighs were glistening from your arousal and it was still leaking from your pussy, hardly any attention to it made you needy and wishing to be stuffed full.
"Turn around." The authority in his voice made you shiver.
You turned around and felt Bucky place a hand on your shoulder, bending you over the desk where you found the vial. The pieces of paper clinging to your sweaty skin and making you keen into his touch more. He kicked your feet further apart, a hand tickling the insides of your thighs and collecting your sweet juices. Expecting to feel fingers prodding around your entrance, instead, you felt a firm tongue lick from clit to fluttering hole, it dipping inside and collecting the juices wanting to leak out of you.
Your mouth fell open into a silent scream, his tongue was exploring so far into your pussy, his hands gripped your cheeks apart so he could push further inside of you. Tongue fucking you so roughly and expertly, your eyes almost went crossed out from the feeling. You didn't know you could be tongue fucked this good, but Bucky just lived to prove you wrong. The slurping sounds and moans from the man behind you, he lifted and bent your knee to rest on the table; opening you up further for his trained tongue.
"You're gonna have to let me have a taste of this everyday from now on, baby." Bucky groaned against your pussy, mouth closing around your clit as he sucked harshly, your mouths drowning out his own. "Taste so good," the tip of his tongue running figure eights on your engorged clit.
Bucky must've stayed between your legs for minutes, but it felt like hours. He pulled two back-to-back orgasms from you, only using his tongue. When he was done eating your pussy, he stood up and draped himself over your back, an arm wrapping around your neck as he breathed heavily into your ear. You could feel his cock nudge up against your pussy, sliding and coating himself in your juices.
"You ready for me?" You whined your response, trying to push yourself back against him but his arm tightened around your throat- not restricting your airflow. "Think your little pussy can take my dick, dolly?" You nodded in a rush, needing it inside of you otherwise you was going to die. "I've got you," The tip nudges against your entrance and began to push inside, the stretch was painful but welcoming. "Daddy's got you."
Your pussy fluttered around his length, the more he pushed his thick length in the more you moaned. He wasn't even half-way in when you started to babble about how he was too big for you, how he wouldn't fit inside of you. That only made Bucky want to prove you wrong, want to prove that you were made to take him. He started to thrust shallowly, rocking his length in and out of you, impaling you on him more whenever he pushed forward.
Once he was fully sheathed inside of you, he stopped and remained inside of your tight, heat for a moment. Relishing in the way you were split open around his cock, your walls were spasming around him and he was having a hard time not cumming on the spot. You felt so tight, so warm and wet around him, suddenly envious that Steve got to have you all the time. But he was planning on ruining you, to make sure the next time you fucked Steve it wouldn't feel as good.
He was going to fuck you so hard, so deep that you'd be wishing Steve was this big.
"Hang on, baby." That was the only warning you got.
Bucky started to pummel inside of you, his thrusts were hard and fast, his cock was kissing your cervix. You really could only just lay there and take it, your mouth open as moans were ripped from you, eyes rolling back as he kept impaling his girth inside of you. He was hitting spots so deep you knew you'd be feeling him for days afterwards, you'd be walking with limp and sore, it was worth it.
The way he was fucking you, it was as if he had something to prove.
The sound of skin slapping skin, his grunts and groans right beside your ear. His arm around your neck, clenching and cutting your airflow off at times, had you cumming within seconds and he still didn't let up. He didn't stop and fucked you through your third orgasm.
Your mind was starting to come down from the pollen, the pain and fever you were feeling had gone. Replaced now with pleasure and pain, a mix you didn't think you were into but now couldn't get enough of. All you could think and feel was Bucky Barnes. This was no longer the effects of the pollen anymore, this was pure you and riding on the afterglow of Bucky fucking you like you needed.
"Harder." You mumbled through heavy pants, tilting your head to look at him over your shoulder.
A smirk crossed his features, metal arm holding your hip in a bruising grip. Complying with your order and snapping his hips hard into your heat, grinding his hips against yours before pulling back out and repeating. It causes your back to arch, pressing your pussy back against his thrusts with little mewls leaving your lips.
"Kiss me." You plead breathlessly.
Bucky doesn't falter with that demand either. Draping himself over your body again and pressing his plump lips against yours, the kiss is far more gentle than his thrusts, but it still has you moaning against him. He was kissing you like you was fragile, yet fucking you like you were some kind of sex toy that he was using just to jerk off into. It was making your head spin and your pussy needy for more.
"You gonna come again?" Bucky chuckled against your ear, you nodded sharply and cried in pleasure when he bit your shoulder, cumming on the spot when his teeth dug into your flesh. "Mm'good girl." He mumbled as he licked at the tender spot, you could feel his hips stuttering their pace.
"Cum in me." You grinned and he cursed lowly, eyes squeezing shut. "Want you to fill me up, daddy. Fuckin' fuck a baby into me, fill me up."
The arm around your neck was pulled away, hand splaying across your back as he started to thrust into you in tight, fast and hard thrusts. Using your body to seek his own pleasure now, you were biting your lip at the thought of him filling you up. Not even caring if he actually did knock you up, you needed his cum inside of you.
Bucky found his end after a few careful thrusts, warm ropes of his seed filling you up and then some, he filled you up so much that it started to seep out around his cock. He groaned at the mess he made inside of you, he carefully pulled out of your abused cunt to see your hole clenching, trying to keep his creamy load inside of yourself. He had to look away because if he kept staring he'd get hard again, he didn't think you could take another round or load.
You remained bent over the desk and trying to catch your breath, his human hand was rubbing comforting circles on your back. Before you or Bucky could say something a buzzing sound captured both of your attention, it was coming from Bucky's pant pocket. He left you to retrieve his phone, eyes scanning over the device for a moment before he looked at you.
"Steve is waiting at the extraction point for us," You nodded mutely and you both got dressed in mutual silence.
He helped you to look presentable, ignoring the fingerprint bruise on your hip and the obvious bite mark on your shoulder. You were unsure how to explain any of that to Steve, you were also unsure how to explain what happened to Bucky. Obviously, you had still had those feelings for him, right? Otherwise, you would have been able to wait for Steve, it was like all sense of self-control had left you and only Bucky remained in your mind.
As you both left the base in awkward silence, treking the five miles towards the extraction zone, you wondered if you would have craved for Bucky if you was with Steve. If after all this time it was Bucky and not Steve you wanted.
All you knew was that Bucky had ruined you. You could still feel the impression of him inside of you, the way he had so deliciously stretched you open and impaled you on him. The way he had roughly fucked your throat like it was nothing but a hole to get off into. He had fucked you, in more ways than one.
(Please, let me know what you think! I’m also taking requests too! Honestly, kinda wanna write a part 2 where Reader tries to have sex with Steve but fakes her orgasm just to go to Bucky... I’m a bad person, I just think Bucky would be better than Steve tbh lol~ Lilith)
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Twin Bed (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
are u taking requests rn? 🥺 ive read ur tsukki fics and i know to myself ur the only one who can write this request amazingly: tsukki sneaking in to his s/o’s room at night bc he misses her and he saw how cute she is in her pajamas but couldnt help getting turned on as well bc she is wearing shorts and an oversized shirt it also didnt help that her bed is for one person only ;) UR AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND NEVER STOP WRITING TSUKKI OR HAIKYUU SCENARIOS COS THE PPL NEED U
Word Count: 2,475
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, my shit writing, bad language
Yoooo this is was legit so fun to write lmao. I hope I did your request justice anon and I appreciate your kind words!!! I know I have other requests sitting in my inbox and I will try and to get to them soon. I might be a bit inactive the next couple of weeks, I will be going vacation (I definitely fucking need it lol) this week and then I start classes again. RIP. I hope you guys enjoy this one and let me know what you think!:) I literally am at a lost for words with how amazing you guys are and how unproblematic you guys have been considering the bullshit that’s been going around in the community. I just want to reiterate that this is a safe and fun place for everyone, it is never my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and if I do please let me know so that I can apologize correctly for it! But to make things clear I will not tolerate any fuckery on this blog, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with shit like that. We are all capable of being decent human beings to each other. No drama, no bullshit, just a fun and safe place for everyone that wants to be part of it. ANYWAY, enough of my ranting, please enjoy this filth and my shit writing lmao 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
You frowned slightly as you looked at your phone, your eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. 
 Tsukishima had texted you, multiple times - at two in the morning - in fact. While you dearly adored your boyfriend of only five months, you didn’t exactly adore the fact that he woke you up at this time.
 Especially considering you had to be up in about five hours to get ready for an exam.
 You sighed through your nose as you tugged your blankets from your body and made your way to your door. 
 “Kei… it’s two in the morning…” You yawned, looking up at your tall boyfriend with sleepy eyes. “The dorm manager is going to get mad at me if she catches you here.” 
 “Well let’s not get caught then.” he drawled out, gold eyes flickering over your body. A blonde eyebrow arched up; “is that my shirt?”
 You blinked at him for a moment, not fully registering what he had just asked before a soft blush began to coat your cheeks.
 You were definitely wearing one of his shirts, a green Sendai Frogs shirt that was way too big for your body, given his tall stature. He had left the shirt at your dorm two weeks ago, and naturally you wore it to bed almost every night. 
 “No.” You said in a small voice, carefully playing with your fingers as you looked up at him through your lashes.
 A soft blush covered Tsukishima’s cheeks before he scoffed, his slender fingers reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose. “You’re a terrible liar. Looks good on you though.” he said, brushing past you to get into your room.
 You turned to see him plop himself onto your bed, and you couldn’t help but stare. It was a strange sight to see to say the least. His 6’4 frame was just a tad out of place in your room, especially sitting on your incredibly small bed. But more so he was out of place because, well, your boyfriend was beautiful. It was like a Greek god decided to pay you a secret visit before the sun came up, ready to disappear at any moment. 
 Tsukishima’s hair was tousled perfectly, the tight black shirt he wore complimented him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and thick biceps. You felt your mouth go dry as you realized that he was wearing grey sweatpants, clinging low on his hips.
 How could someone look so good at two in the morning?
 “Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?” He called out, his back leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against, his phone in hand. 
 “You’re the one that wanted to come over.” you frowned, locking your door before making your way towards the bed. “You’re taking up all the space.” You whined. 
 He rolled his eyes before his long legs parted, creating a space on the bed. “Come here.” 
 You felt your face burn even more, a strange shyness overtaking you at the intimate position he wanted you in. 
 It wasn’t like you had never been close to Tsukishima before, you guys had been intimate, many times... but then why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
 “What are you waiting for?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow quirked up.
 “Shut up.” you grumbled, carefully climbing over one of his long legs. You settled yourself against him, your upper body fitting easily between his legs, your back resting against his stomach and your head gently pressing into his strong chest.
 Resting against Tsukishima was far better than resting in your tiny bed. 
 One of his arms carefully wrapped around your waist, his large hand gently pressing against your stomach, the other hand held his phone in front of both of you, a volleyball game overtaking the screen.
 It was silent for a moment, both of you absorbed in the video. It had only been fifteen minutes into the game when Tsukishima began looking over your body. His gold eyes taking in your bare legs before flickering up. He zeroed in on the exposed skin of your hip, the shirt you wore had been pulled up slightly. 
 He swallowed thickly, arousal beginning to spike in his blood. Christ, it wasn’t like you were naked right now; it wasn’t like you were wearing anything incredibly enticing, but… fuck. Tsukishima began wracking his brain for when the last time it was that he had seen you. That’s right, it had been a while, a little over two weeks in fact. 
 His sudden desire was because he had just missed you right? He couldn’t possibly be turned on from the simple fact that you were in the shortest shorts known to man, or the fact that you were in his shirt and you weren’t…. Christ, you weren’t wearing a fucking bra. 
 He could see your hardened nipples through the shirt despite how baggy it was on your small body. 
 “Can you hold the phone, my arm is getting tired.” he said quietly, hoping that you hadn’t felt his hardening member against your back just yet. 
 “Really Kei?” you rolled your eyes but took his phone nonetheless, your eyes completely glued to the screen. The game was just beginning to get interesting.
 It was silent again.
 But this time, Tsukishima trailed his hand down to your exposed skin, carefully sliding his fingers under your shirt, gently tracing against your soft skin.
 You sighed softly at his touch, your body wiggling slightly against him to get more comfortable. Tsukishima took that as a good sign, his hands traveling further up, the rough pads of his fingers felt incredible against your skin; goosebumps erupting over your body.
 You shivered slightly, desire spiking in the pit of your stomach as his long fingers began moving further up, until they rested just below your breasts. Your breath hitched, your heart thumping loudly in your ears now. 
 His fingers carefully dragged against the soft underside of your breasts. You felt Tsukishima shift, his upper body sitting up slightly, his lips brushing gently against the shell of your outer ear, hot breath rustled your hair. 
 “Who’s winning?” he murmured, lips grazing against your ear before carefully brushing down towards your neck.
A soft whimper tore through your lips. “It’s uhmm… uh - o-oh Kei.” your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue darted across your skin, tasting you before biting down softly. You could feel your cunt clenching at his actions, your bundle of nerves suddenly throbbing to be touched.
 “What was that?” he teased softly, the hand that was gently caressing the underside of your breasts suddenly moved up, carefully cupping your entire breast, long fingers gently tugging at your hardened nipple.
 You moaned loudly before immediately dropping his phone, both hands clasping your mouth shut tightly.
 “Oh, that’s right, if your dorm manager caught me here, she would be furious right? I don’t want you getting in trouble, so you best be quiet hmm?” he murmured softly against your skin before pinching your nipple hard between two fingers.
 Your breath hitched, your eyes squeezing shut as pleasure rippled through your body.
 “But you make the cutest noises when you're turned on.” he said, his voice incredibly quiet and calm, despite the growing hardness that was pressing into your back now. “You’re in quite the dilemma, aren’t you?”
 His other hand suddenly trailed down, his fingers curling against your through your shorts. 
 “Fuck… you’re soaked.” he groaned quietly, feeling your arousal leaking through your panties and staining your shorts.
 He suddenly leaned back once again, your head once again resting against his strong chest. But despite his composure, his heart was racing just as much as yours. 
 He suddenly bucked his hips up, his cock rubbing against your back. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the hand that was groping your breast pulled out of your shirt and tangled into your hair, gently tugging and forcing you to arch your neck, staring up at the blonde male now.
 His gold eyes held nothing but lust now as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. 
 You had never seen a more gorgeous man in your entire life. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep with arousal. But before you could say anything, the hand that was grasping you through your clothes suddenly tugged your shorts and panties to the side, long fingers brushing softly against your weeping slit.
 Tsukishima exhaled loudly, his cock jumping against your back as he felt just how wet you were. 
 “Fuck…” he whispered quietly, and carefully slid his finger to the top of your cunt, his finger gently pressing down against your clit.
 A jolt of pleasure erupted through your body, your mouth falling open in a silent plea as your eyes fluttered shut.
 He began rubbing delicate circles against you, a soft pleasure beginning to build up in your lower stomach, your hips rocking up carefully with his movements.
 “K-Kei…” you trembled, your hand reaching down and grasping at his forearm helplessly. 
 “Are you close?” he asked, his finger pressing down just a little bit harder, but that was all that you needed to get your legs shaking.
 The way he touched you… the way that he took care of you… it was no wonder you were completely head over heels for him.
 He was just too good.
 You nodded helplessly against his chest, and then suddenly he pulled his hand away from your dripping cunt, a soft cry of distress tearing through your lips. Why did he… but you were so close…
 “Can you move away for a second?” he asked quietly, gently pushing you forward. You shakily scooted away from him and heard the rustling of sheets and clothes. You twisted your head to look back and - your mouth went dry.
 Tsukishima was still resting against the wall, his lower body easily sprawled out against your bed as you still sat between his long legs, but this time… this time… he laid with one hand behind his head, the other was easily grasping his member, lazily sliding up and down his shaft. His grey sweatpants were bunched up around the tops of his thighs, his black shirt pulled up slightly, exposing his lower stomach and the perfect lines of his Adonis belt.
 “Come here.” he demanded, you turned to crawl over to him, fully intending on taking him into your mouth- his hand flew up, halting your movements. “No. I want to be inside you.”
 Your lips parted slightly as you nodded in a daze, your cunt squeezing around nothing at his words. But before you could sink down on top of his cock, he stopped you once more. 
 “Turn around.” he commanded. Your lips trembled softly, your hands gripping his upper thighs as you situated yourself on top of him, you could feel his fingers tugging your shorts and underwear to the side again, and then something blunt and thick began rubbing up and down your soaked entrance. 
 “Don’t tease me Kei, please.” you whimpered out, but before you could plead further, he grabbed your hips, forcing you to sink all the way down onto his member in one movement.
 You gritted your teeth tightly, biting back the loud shout that wanted to escape your throat at the sudden intrusion, at the force of him already hitting the most devastating depths within you.
 Fuck you had never been quite this full, never had someone quite this deep until you met Tsukishima.
 “Shit.” he cursed, growling slightly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes fluttered shut as your tight heat engulfed him completely.
 He could never get used to this. 
 After a moment of adjusting to the new intrusion you began rocking your hips, carefully sliding back and forth, your lips forming into a silent o as pleasure jolted through your body at each drag of his cock against your walls.
 A soft whimper tore through your lips as he began grabbing handfuls of your ass, his fingers gripping tightly at the soft flesh, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart. Before his hand settled on pulling your shorts and underwear further away, his eyes taking in the obscene way your cunt swallowed his cock.
 The quiet room was filled with the sound of rustling sheets, the wet noises of your arousal leaking through your stuffed cunt as Tsukishima slid in and out of you, the soft and breathless moans that escaped your lips, and the soft grunts of Tsukishima as he fought back his release. He couldn’t cum yet, not until you did.
 But he could tell that you were close by the desperate way you rocked your hips, faster, sloppier, chasing for a release.
 “Cum for me.” he demanded, his large hand cracking down against your ass. Your hand came up, stifling the loud gasp that wanted to escape your lips, your cunt clenching tightly around him. You could feel it then, the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain, the tightness in your lower stomach finally releasing. 
 “Fuck that’s it.” He murmured, watching as you trembled above him, his hands coming down to grip at your waist, forcing you to move faster against him as he began chasing his own release.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth tightly before carefully shoving you off of his member, a soft cry escaping your lips as you collapsed on top of his legs. He gripped his member tightly, shooting thick ropes of his warmth all over your raised bottom, staining your shorts completely.
 “Shit hold on.” he panted slightly, carefully moving himself from under you. He tucked his softening member back into his sweatpants before moving towards your closet, grabbing a towel and making his way back to you. His gentle hands easily cleaning you up before tugging your shorts and panties off, replacing them with fresh ones.
 You looked up at him sleepily as he began situating you both on your small body, half of your body resting on top of his as he drew the blankets over your guys’ form. 
 “You suck Kei. If I fail this exam because I’m too tired to focus, you have to buy me ramen.” you mumbled against his chest, your eyes drooping as sleep began to tug at your mind.
 “If you fail this exam just because you’re tired then that just proves you didn’t actually study for it. You should’ve been able to retain that information regardless.” he said, fingers gently running through your hair.
 “You suck.” you sighed again, softly nuzzling your face into his chest.
 A smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. 
 Not that you would have listened anyway, considering that you were knocked out now. 
 Tsukishima’s body was definitely more comfortable than your twin bed. 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Hi, I absolutely adore your writing and it’s quite inspiring and making my imagination go WEEWOO!
Could I request something for YJ With Dick? So like a headcanon or one shot (which ever you prefer queen) where the reader is quite reserved, snarky and can get angry real fast. They have feelings for Rob and they are especially snarky to him to hide their feelings, but they eventually start to open up more and during the events of episode 24 (you know, the one at haly’s circus), they open up to him and they confess? And he does the same?
Flower Language
Pairing: Dick Grayson as Robin x Reader
Warnings: Blood and injuries and plant death.
Word Count: 3.8k words
A/N: This is kind of my take on the Hanahaki disease, kind of. This was so much fun to write honestly, I didn't realize I like all this floral stuff so much. It also reminded me of another 'True Love's Kiss' trope I wrote for Dick Grayson as well. Also I changed the episode this was based on because I’ve already done something based on the episode with Haly’s circus @hanbedumbaf I really really really hope you enjoy it! Sorry it was so late, I finished it a month back but it was in my queue.
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Adrenaline was a common feeling to you. A little too familiar. The life of a superhero puts you in peril more times than you would like but it was the only life you had known. You knew the familiar feeling of sweat forming on your skin and your heart pounding so loudly that you could hear it in every step you took.
However, when you heard the pounding, it was because there was a supervillain, usually hairy, chasing after you and determined to get your head on a stake.
Although, feeling your heart jump to your throat was becoming more familiar whenever you were around a certain someone. Robin annoyed you to no end, whenever he was around you couldn't help your face from growing warm and your lips from tingling to form a permanent smile on your face.
Having a crush was irritating, you couldn't think or even function without thinking of him. It was frankly humiliating, you were always so gung-ho about being bold and to the point and yet whenever you were around Boy Wonder, you couldn't help but bend your personality to something you felt like would appeal to him more.
Sometimes, you couldn't even stand yourself.
And so, as a pathetic act of rebellion, and maybe as a clear-cut sign that you had no idea how to handle emotions or anything similar to it, every time your heart got just a little soft, your tongue got a whole lot sharper. Probably not the best way to win a boy’s heart. But you weren't here for a romance story.
It was also a true sign that you had no idea how to flirt, thinking that borderline insulting witty banter was the way to go. Or perhaps it was a way of controlling your emotions, since being bitter and snarky was the thing that came easiest to you.
You seriously needed better tactics.
It was also your oblivious mistake thinking that Robin only saw what you wanted him to see. He was raised to be a detective, of course he was more observant than that. Papa (or let's be real, Alfred) didn't raise no fool.
You made the mistake of thinking Robin saw you as strong and independent and bold, just as the rest of them did. But he saw much more than that.
Robin was distressed by the number of crying faces around him, the kids were inconsolable which was understandable because of just how many things went wrong in the past couple of hours. To be quite frank, Robin was a couple seconds away from having a fit himself.
"Shh, little one," He heard distantly and his neck practically snapped. You were crouching in front of the few who were crying, with a small nurturing smile. It was the first time he had seen you out of uniform, usually referring to you as Antheia, named after the goddess of flowers, but this wasn't she.
"I know you're scared, my flowers, but I promise, we will find your parents." You soothed, gently wiping away their tears. They still looked up at you apprehensively and with uncertainty.
"I'll show you a magic trick." You began, grinning as the kids began to smile back at you. You pulled a seed out of your pocket and held it between closed hands, using a bit of your powers and felt it grow in your palms. When you revealed what you were holding, they collectively gasped.
A bud of a flower now rested in your hand. You smiled at their innocent eyes and held it to them, "Now I'm going to need your help for the next part. Everyone has to blow on the flower."
They nodded eagerly, crawling around you and on the count of three, everyone followed your instructions. And low and behold, the bud bloomed into a beautiful blossom right between your fingers.
One of the girls clamoured into your lap to hold the flower herself and you chuckled, wrapping your arms tightly around her, "You know what this flower means?"
They shook their heads, "It means faith, and hope. If you have faith and hope in us, then you'll get something beautiful in return."
For once, they look contemplatively and you chuckled, feeling pride at the fact that you managed to sow some wisdom in their minds. The girl that had been sitting in your lap turned in your grasp, with the flower in her hand and then reached up to tuck it behind your ear.
"For me?" She nodded happily and you smiled widely, kissing her cheek, "Thank you, petal."
Satisfied that you were able to calm them down, you gently placed the girl back on the floor before moving away from the group. Just as you were about to join the others, you ran into Robin. You didn't know he had just seen the whole thing.
Pulling the flower from behind your ear, you handed it to him, "You know in some cultures, this flower means to pick up the slack and stop looking like a confused chicken." You snapped.
Business as usual.
Robin looked back to the flower you had slipped into his hands, you had said it meant faith and hope, and you had given it to him. He looked back up to see you shuffling away from him quickly, a blush on your face. He smiled.
You were more nurturing and kinder than you let on, it was like it was programmed into your personality and yet you never showed it when you knew they were watching. That wasn't the only part of yourself that you were hesitant to show them.
And the more Robin observed you, the more he realized that you used flower language to depict a lot of your emotions. It was a silent way of letting them out, without having to tell other people what's really in your heart.
You thought you were sly about it, but nothing went under Robin's radar.
Everyone was watching a movie on the flat screen in the rec room. You hadn't realized you were so tired, the movie was boring, something that M'Gann had picked and you hadn't slept the night before, busy patrolling your city.
Your eyelids began to droop before you could even understand what was going on, your head lolling as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
Robin hadn't realized that he was napping through the movie until he felt a weight on his shoulder. He nearly jumped awake and glanced to his side to see you sound asleep, breathing gently. He nearly chuckled, was this what you looked like when you weren't scowling at everybody?
His heart skipped a beat, god, were you beautiful. The smell of flowers vaguely hit his nose and he noticed the red gardenia plant growing steadily in the corner of the room.
'Red Gardenias means a secret love,' Robin recalled from a book he had read, 'It's a secret way for someone to say I love you.'
He glanced back at you still sleeping peacefully, face completely relaxed and briefly wondered if your powers were taking the lead on your emotions and making gardenias grow around the cave. Or were you dreaming about something?
Something in his heart grew, here you were sleeping against his shoulder, making symbols of a secret love grow around the room. This had to be a sign of something, right?
Before he could contemplate it any further, you squirmed and then began to stir. Your eyes fluttered open, hazily taking in your surroundings before they landed on the boy beside you and widened in size, skin darkening with a blush.
"Why the fuck didn't you wake me up?" You snapped and turned on your heel to stomp out of the room without even waiting for a response from him. The others who noticed the way he was just staring at the place you were in surprise. You always do such a 180 when you're around him and conscious.
"Wow, sunshine's crabby in the morning." Wally commented from beside him. When he didn't get any response, he looked over to see Robin with a silly smile on his face.
Dick couldn't stop himself from grinning. The gardenias were still blooming.
"Antheia, do you think you will be able to stop the plants from growing any further?" Batman turned to face you, only to find you staring at him with a hazy, blank expression.
"Antheia?" Robin called but you didn't even flinch, your eyes were locked onto the holo-computer, seeing the thick vines that were twisting and turning. Their call was overwhelming, you could feel them grow even beneath your feet. It was like a siren was blearing through your head.
You couldn't tell what they were trying to say, it was like they were muffled. It was confused and lost, following Ivy and it was happy listening to her. And yet, it was feeling pain, the Justice League was busy pruning her as we speak. It was scared, crying out for someone to help them and you felt obligated to help. Your mind was getting heavy, throbbing with an oncoming migraine.
"(Y/N)!" Your eyes snapped open and focused onto the boy in front of you. Everyone was staring at you in concern and you blinked, suddenly not able to remember what the hell was going on. You were just trying to focus on something other than the screams and cries of the plant.
"......What?" You asked a little dumbly, noticing the concern on Robin's face. The plants were still crying. You couldn't get the painful sound of their screams out of your mind. You felt like curling up into a ball and crying.
"Batman asked if you would be able to stop the plants?"
"Oh, um, no." You answered in a distracted way that made his face pinch with worry. His hands were still grasping your shoulders tightly, keeping his face in close proximity to yours. You didn't even realize, too out of it to even notice.
Robin on the other hand felt his cheeks get uncomfortably hot the more you stared at him with those innocent, beautiful eyes of yours. If Batman hadn't been breathing down his neck, he was sure he would've kissed you in the moment.
Unfortunately for him, his dad always knew how to ruin the moment. And he would continue to for the rest of his life. Until death do them part. Even after the two of you grow up and live together, the Batman would find some way to interrupt your fun.
"The mission."
Oh. Right.
"Robin!" You screamed when one of Ivy's plants wrapped around his neck and slammed him against the trees. They didn't let up curling tighter around his throat. Fear struck you as he began choking from breath and you knew you had to do something.
Suddenly murderous intent took over you and you glared at Ivy who returned it with a smug smirk of her own. Oh, how you'd rip that smirk off her face.
"Okay Ivy, you wanna play? Let's play." You ground out, slamming your hands against the vine around Robin's neck and it began disintegrating beneath your fingers. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath and you tuned out the sound of the plant crying as it died beside him.
Ivy heard it just as loudly as you had, she screamed and more plants lunged towards the both of you.
"Go help the others! I'm about to snap this twig." You spat at Robin, using your powers to kill the roots as it reached you. It was working slowly, your powers weak to the pain of the plants around you. Even as every cell of your body told you not to, you clenched your fingers into fists and watched as the creeper feel to the marsh, dead.
You engaged in battle with Ivy. Plants were screaming for mercy all around you but you couldn't stop for even a second. Life around you was trembling but you had to keep fighting the villain in front of you because if you hesitated for even a second, many more would die.
Thorns scratched your skin, drawing blood and curled around Ivy, sinking barbs into her skin.
"Face it girlie! You're never going to overpower me!"
"Oh, I'm not trying to overpower you, just distract you long enough for Robin to get rid of the control system." You replied, just as smug as she had been at the start of the fight. Now you got to see her face melt into one of panic just as Robin jumped over her head and to your side with a grin identical to yours.
"Cover your ears!" He sang, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and ducking, covering your body with his own. You were grateful for it; you weren't sure you could even keep your body upright at the moment.
Then you heard the explosion and your heart stopped. Every single fibre of your body burned red hot fire as you heard screams and cries around you. Bile was crawling up your throat and your breathing got thin. They were sobbing a heart-broken wail and your eyes misted at the mere sound.
Without realizing it, you were gripping onto Robin's hand, brows furrowed together. The sound of the explosion cleared, the Injustice League was captured and he pulled you up to stand with the others.
It was silent for a moment. You had won.
And then the consequences of your actions hit you.
Everyone's necks snapped towards you when you let out a heart-wrenching sob. Robin, who was standing right next to you caught you just in time before your body hit the ground. Pain exploded in your chest as you began wailing against him.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" He panicked but you didn't respond, crying into his chest as you gripped his cape in an iron fist. Everything hurt and all you could feel was sorrow and guilt.
The other heroes crowded around you but your eyes were screwed shut, tears making your eyes sting. Robin held onto you tightly, pulling your body against his as you continued to cry.
"What's happening?" Artemis murmured, looking around to see the environment change before her eyes. Everyone else followed her lead to see how leaves began rotting, then the trees. The smell was pungent. Thorns and weeds were crawling up the dying trees, pulling them into the swamp.
"(Y/N) please, what's wrong?" Robin whispered in your ear but you couldn't hear him. The sounds of plants screaming and wailing was echoing through your mind. How they begged you to save them. How they begged you to stop.
And then it got hard to breathe, your chest constricted and you were wheezing. Robin had to watch in horror when petals and blood poured from your mouth. You were choking, throwing up and sobbing in his arms, and he was unable to do anything to help you.
"Flash get her to the Batcave." Batman said gruffly, he was shocked and worried for you but didn't say anything, not wanting to scare his son more, "Sending you the coordinates now."
"Alfred prepare the med-bay."
Dick watched with a sinking heart as he handed you into Flash's arms. It took him a few seconds for his mind to stop whirring, he was still kneeling in the swampy marsh when the team huddled around him.
"It's gonna be okay." Wally murmured, wrapping an arm around his shaking body.
"We just have to hope for the best."
When the others had gotten back to the Cave, you had just been moved there, after being looked over by Alfred. He joined you in the med-bay, wanting to keep an eye on you. But as of yet, you still had to wake up.
Dick wasn't supposed to be listening to the adult’s conversation, but he couldn't help himself, he had to know if you were going to be okay.
"The situation is undeterminable, sir. But as of now, the flowers that are clogging her respiratory system keep growing. If we don't find a cure for this, it's inevitable that she will suffocate and pass."
His heart stopped. Die? You couldn't die, not when he still had so many things to tell you. For so long, he hadn't told you of his feelings, wanting to keep the relationship between the two of you professional. But now more than anything, he wished he had said something.
There were so many things he didn't get to do with you yet. You had yet to give him a bouquet on your first date. He wanted to lay in bed with you, smelling fresh flowers as you told him what different plants symbolized. He had yet to see moments where you can't control your powers and make plants grow around the cave.
He hadn't even given you a flower yet.
"Rob listen, I did some research on this 'disease'." Wally said, falling into step with him, "It's called the Hanahaki disease."
"That's fiction Wal—"
"But that's the best we've got right now." Came his curt reply and Dick's heart clenched.
"Hanahaki disease is a fictional sickness that only occurs when someone is suffering from unrequited love. The victim will cough up flower petals that symbolize their love. This disease is only cured when the victim's feelings are romantically returned." Wally read off his phone before turning to Dick with a smile.
He raised a brow, "What?"
"You have to kiss (Y/N)!"
"Yep! You have to return her unrequired love!"
"Wally that's ridiculous, kissing someone doesn't cute anything."
"Well, it's the only thing we have. And for (Y/N), we need to try anything." He said, pushing him towards the med-bay. His voice was tight and tense, like he was holding onto his as his last hope and Dick prayed that it would work when the door of your room came into his sight.
You were asleep and if he hadn't known any better, he would've thought you were healthy. Wally closed the door behind him, leaving Dick alone with you. The only sound in was the beeping from your heart monitor and your light wheezing. It was getting harder to breathe.
Dick inched his way closer to you, watching as your eyelashes fluttered gently in your sleep. Leaning over the bed you were lying in; he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before moving his head in line with yours.
"God, please let this work." He whispered and your bottom lip was caught between his. It was feather-light but yet, electricity was buzzing through his veins and fireworks went off in his mind.
For a minute, nothing happened and his heart clenched in his chest before he kissed you a little harder. This had to work because they didn't have any other lead. Dick felt you exhale feebly against him and he almost gave up hope.
But then you took a deep breath, stealing the breath from his lungs and he pulled away quickly to see your eyelids fluttering open. The colour was returning to your cheeks and your eyes were sparkling up at him. You smiled gently and he blinked away tears of relief. Thank goodness.
'His eyes are blue' You thought, staring deeply into them. They were beautiful, alluring. You didn't know why but just looking into his eyes was addicting. Was this what it felt like to be so deep in love? That even his eyes were enough to captivate you?
"I'm so glad you're awake." He muttered, cupping your cheeks firmly and planting another kiss on your lips. You giggled lightly, heart overjoyed to find the boy you had been in love with for so long had returned your feelings and you responded to the kiss eagerly, placing your palms over his hands and leaning into him.
With your regaining strength, you felt a flower materialize in your hands. The stem between your fingers brought you comfort just as the scent of the flower brought you back life.
When Dick pulled away, you delicately slipped it into his hands and he turned his attention to it, blue eyes softening when he recognized this particular flower in his hands.
"It's an Aster." You whispered quietly, lips brushing against his and he chuckled. It was the only flower you thought of when he came to your mind, "Get it?"
Dick turned his eyes away from the blossom and looked at you again. Your heart jumped, noticing just how much love he held in them. Eyes you could swim in, overflowing with love for you. Suddenly you were overwhelmed, feeling adoration and attraction. You needed to be closer to him, even though he was pressed against you.
Your fingers curled into his collar and pulled him closer to you, slanting your lips over his in an open-mouthed kiss. Dick gasped against your lips, startled for no longer than a second before sinking against you and wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
Your lips moved gently against his, the blushing flower trapped between both your bodies. The smell of fresh flowers clouded Dick's mind with everything that was you. Your hair, your smile, your lips. If you kept kissing him like that, he was certain he'd forget his own name.
And then you pulled away and Dick noted that you were as beautiful as a fresh flower. Your skin was glowing with life and your tired eyes were twinkling. You smiled sleepily at him, eyes closing shut and he lowered you back to the bed. Immediately, you slipped back into slumber, exhausted from the day's events.
He watched for a couple seconds, making sure you were able to breathe without any problems before realizing he should tell the others that you were okay.
He slipped out of the room quietly, stealing a final glance of you sleeping peacefully in the bed and a huge smile grew on his face, "She's awake."
It was only then he noticed just how colourful the room had gotten in the few minutes he was with you.
The walls were covered with vines and roses of different colours, camelias and carnations of different shades. It littered the room, not leaving a single inch of the wall untouched and scattered petals all over the floor like confetti.
Different creepers hung from the ceiling, dusting all the superheroes with sparkling pollen and colourful petals. Not to mention there were stems crawling up the Justice League members, flowers hugging their ankles lovingly.
Batman looked a lot less intimidating with petals in his cape and a rose stuck behind his ear. Robin blushed at the sight of everyone giving him knowing smiles.
"We noticed."
Aster: This flower became a symbol of love when in Greek mythology it was placed on the altars for the gods. So now, when you send a bouquet featuring this vibrant bloom, the message of "Take Care Of Yourself For Me" is implied. It conveys deep emotional love and affection for someone.
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
The girl next door
Ben Hargreeves x reader
Summary: Everyone saw you as the sweet girl next door, but Ben knew better, and he was determined to find your dark secrets.
Prompt: 25. “she may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s handcuffs and gags.”
A/N: My first Ben fic! Yay! For the sake of the plot (and my poor little heart) Ben is alive here!
Warnings: smut
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“There she is again.” Ben pointed towards you, making his siblings roll their eyes. “I just know there has to be something dark about her! She can’t be perfect.”
“Maybe you just have a crush on her.” Luther mocked him as he sat besides him on the sidewalk.
“Maybe you should go talk to her, that way you’ll see she’s just a sweet girl.” Allison followed.
“You know guys, I actually think Ben might be right on this one. She may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s handcuffs and gags.” Klaus now seemed oddly interested as the others snorted, eating their donuts.
“Let’s bet on it!” Diego exclaimed excitedly, ever the competitive child. “If Ben’s right, we’ll have to do his and Klaus’s laundry for a month and viceversa. Vanya’s, with us too, right?”
“I guess... I do think Y/N is just an ordinary girl.”
“Alright, I’m going in then.” Ben finished his donut and crossed the street, determined to win.
“I don’t get why you’re so damn worried!” Two weeks had passed and even though Ben had gotten close to you, he couldn’t seem to find anything odd about you, it was truly unbelievable.
“We only have half a week before summer’s over, have you seen Luther’s laundry pile? Have you smelled it? It truly is something to worry about!” Ben paced around his room, thinking about a way to win.
“You’re just mad that Y/N can’t fulfill your dark fantasies.” Said Klaus, who couldn't care less about that stupid bet.
“What fantasies?” The two boys got startled at your voice coming from Ben’s window. You laughed as you climbed inside and landed on the bed, right next to Klaus, who just waved at you.
“Nothing, really, you know how he is.” Ben rolled his eyes and pushed his brother towards the door, closing it behind him. “Klaus just thinks you have a dark side to yourself, that’s all.”
“Well I can’t say I do Benny.” You smirked, knowing about it all along. “Do you?” At first, it had seemed quite funny that the siblings hadn’t noticed just how loud they were when they were talking about you that day. You weren’t offended by Ben’s comments but you desperately wanted him to lose that bet, even if he was right; after all, you had a reputation to keep. Lately, though, you realized that playing with him would be much more fun than watching him do some laundry.
“Do I what?” He asked nervously, clearly shocked by your interest on the subject.
“Do you have a dark side?” You gave him your best puppy eyes as you fought back laughter. He truly looked confused.
“I mean, maybe? I’m not really sure about it.”
“You know you can tell me everything, silly, I might understand you!” You stated with a cheerful tone.
“I don’t think you can.” He thought to himself, Klaus was the only one who knew about his sexual fantasies. The reason? Apparently he talked in his sleep. But you surely would run away from him if you knew he pictured you wearing black lacy underwear, giving him orders with your hand around his neck.
“Come on! What does dark even mean? I think everyone has secrets, some are just better at hiding it and that’s why they say it’s dark.” You pushed further, you just needed him to give in first before revealing your true nature.
“Oh really, Y/N? So you think it’s normal to enjoy pain? Isn’t it dark to want to give your entire control to someone else?” He finally exploded. Perfect.
“Oh my sweet Benny Boo.” You pouted as you stood from the bed and leaned towards him. “I do think it’s perfectly normal. In fact, I think we might have much more in common than you think we do.” You purred, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look at you.
“W-we do?”
“Yeah, we do. I think you’re about to win that bet.” You finished before pushing him against the door and kissing him roughly. You bit his lip and he whimpered against you, which allowed your tongue to explore his mouth freely. Filling him with pleasure and surprise.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, gasping for air as you finally split.
“You think I don’t know about that silly little thing you got going on? I’ve decided to let you win, but I might have to punish you for going against me.” Your hands worked through his zipper with grace and expertise and soon you were stroking his growing member through the thin fabric of his underwear.
“I’m sorry...” He moaned against your lips. He looked so attractive with those innocent eyes, so helpless.
“Here’s the thing, Benny, I’m gonna try to let you please me now, but if you dare cum before I do, I won’t let you touch me again for a month.” You took his hand and led him to the bed as you spoke. You pressed it against your breast and kissed him again.
As he grew more confident over his movements, he thought about how he wasn’t going to let that happen. He had just now discovered this and if you were willing to do it again he would be too. He just had to make you cum.
He pulled away only to undress you with tenderness. He treated you like you were a fragile porcelain doll and even though it drove you crazy, you were done with it. You removed every piece of clothing that stood between you and laid on the bed, resting on your elbows and waiting for him.
He understood and immediately followed through. You grabbed a condom from your pocket and handed it to him, assuming he would just go for it, but you were pleasantly surprised when he kneeled on the edge of the bed and ran his long, delicate through your folds. He wanted you ready for him, and he was making sure he wouldn’t fuck it up.
You weren’t sure anymore about Ben’s complete lack of experience when he started sucking on your clit. He was a natural and it was clear to see. The way his hand started pumping inside you wasn’t all that exciting, but his tongue knew what it was doing. He sucked, and licked, and twirled his tongue around it. You could tell that he was tremendously dedicated and you loved it. He wasn’t an expert, of course, but whatever he was doing worked cause it was nearly getting you there.
You sat up and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him towards you and kissing him with such passion you felt your lips burning. You needed him inside of you, and based on his growing erection you could tell he needed it too. You quickly opened the condom and tossed it’s package away before you slipped it on his throbbing cock.
“You look so fucking hot like that.” He moaned before pushing his entire length inside of you, nearly making you scream in pleasure as you dug your nails into his bare back, making him moan again as he started to move, thrusting hard but slow.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when one of his hands pinched your nipple before he grabbed your butt and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around him and he pinned you against the nearest wall making you bounce faster. His tip clashing with your g-spot and his hot breath against your ear were almost enough to make you cum, but it was the touching of your clit with the smooth skin above his pubic area that finally made you scream as you tiredly scratched his back.
As soon as you did so he let you down and you instantly took his dick in your mouth as a well deserved reward. You bobbed your head around it and twirled your tongue on the tip, but it didn’t take long for him to cum inside your mouth with a grunt, head swelling against you.
You swallowed and stood up to kiss him again when you heard a voice outside the room.
“I don’t know what that was but it sure does sound like we won! Congrats Benny Boo.” Klaus teased, making him turn a bright shade of pink.
“So... My house next time?” You asked, biting your lip and he just nodded, laughing at his siblings.
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wreckofawriter · 3 years
Magnolia Final Part
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of blood and death
Summary: idk dude just read the other chapters first or this is gonna make no sense
A/n: I did this instead of studying for my finals, also it could probably use a neither round of editing but I was anxious to post it. And I really don't give a fuck if this is historically inacurate all research done for this was from Pirate of the Caribbean.
Part 1 Part 2
You considered the stars your friends, their predictability and reserve made them easy to get along with. You had been taught to read their language from your early days of ships and oceans. As a child, you would speak to them, whispering secrets from your bedroom window. Your young nights had been filled with time spent stretching from the top of your magnolia tree to try and grasp their beauty. Even now as you stared up at the heavens you wished to cradle them like priceless jewels, their wonder never faded. But you supposed their mystery is what made them so appealing, everyone wanted something they could never quite reach.
The news of your captured prince had spread like fire in a dry wind, the letters you had sent to Aldir and their neighboring kingdoms throwing many into action. Sirius’s kingdom was large, powerful, and merciless. Some wanted the prince for leverage, many others wanted blood; revenge driving them to empty treasuries and sharpen swords. At first, you had been sitting pretty, letters of bids coming to you at every stop you made. Eventually, prices got too high and kingdoms decided it would be easier to take than to pay.
Ash burned in the back of your throat, you stared at your feet as the second ship that week crumbled into the ocean. Its flames were heavy on your back, reflecting in the greys of the sea. A particularly large crack of the fire made the breath catch in your throat. Your fear of the element had persisted for years filling your nightmares with smoke and screams. 
As the distance between you and the defeated ship lengthened your heart began to calm. The air was thick with moisture, purple clouds bruising the dull sky. The ocean was frothy, waves lapping tirelessly at the sides of your ship.
Your mind felt dizzy, the taste of blood still thick in your mouth. Two more men had been lost in the fight which had taken place just minutes ago. One flung into the ocean and the other struck by a bullet. That was six bodies that you had been forced to dump into the sea the past month. 
You had to get rid of Sirius before more corpses were to be fed to the sharks. This had never been so strikingly obvious before yet, you hesitated. Nails dug into your palms, the voices in your head fighting a clamoring war. Your feelings were illegible, their messy colors smeared together in an uninterpretable painting. So you threw them away, ignoring the throb in your chest and taking a breath. Sirius was to be sold to the highest bidder and that was that. You felt your past’s grip on your throat loosening. There was only one way to get rid of what used to be, you had to kill it. 
Sirius had never been so bewildered before. His life had been a book that was written a thousand times over. The prince falls in love, the queen doesn’t approve, the love runs off, the prince finds the love, and then happily ever after. But life wasn’t as sweet nor simple as a children’s story and this may be the first time that he had ever truly realized that. All it took was the prince to be tied in the love’s basement ready to be sold to his death. 
Sirius woke with a start as metal clattered inches from his face. His heart pounded loudly in his ears as his breath slowly returned to his lungs. He stared at the plate which had woken him, it was piled higher than normal with two rolls dropped next to it. He peered up at the giver of this gift.
He recognized the small blonde as the one he had threatened a few weeks before, the fear he had seen in her eyes that moment now replaced with pity, bitter and soft like rotten fruit. 
“I wanna talk.” She said plainly, toeing the plate towards him like a bribe, he supposed that’s exactly what it was. 
Sirius sat up ignoring the hammer of his head. His hair stuck to his cheek, slick with sweat. The woman whose name he never learned dropped to a squat beside him, a small knife held in her hand. His eyes widened as it glinted in the small gas lamp hanging above his head. 
“Relax.” She sighed cutting the rope that tethered his hands behind his back. 
Sirius felt his shoulders groan in protest as they fell forward, his wrists aching and rubbed red. Hot pin pricks filled his fingers as he clenched and unclenched his fists. 
When he looked back up Adrie was now seated in front of him, her legs crossed. She glanced down at the food and then back up at him, “You can eat if you agree to answer some questions.” Her demands were simple. 
He let silence settle for just a moment, “Fine.” After all, what did he have to lose? His dignity? His pride? They had been sleeping with the fishes for ages. 
She pushed the plate towards him, watching him quietly as he began to eat, “You don’t look like much of a prince to me.” She hummed after a moment.
Sirius swallowed, licking his lips, “Does anyone after two weeks locked in the bottom of a ship full of scum?"
Adrie cracked a smile, “I suppose not.” 
She stared at him still, she was lying a bit. Years held prisoner couldn’t erase the royalty he was raised with, it stuck to him like wet stuck to water. Nothing and everything proved him a prince, you could take his crown but you could never take his title.
“How do you know y/n?”
Sirius was startled by the suddenness of the question but not remotely surprised it was asked, “She hasn’t told you?” 
“I wouldn’t be asking if she had,” Adire responded, her tone was blunt. 
He bit into a roll thoughtfully taking his time to chew slowly, she was patient, her blank expression, not faltering.
“I thought you were friends.” He mumbled with a full mouth. 
Her jaw tightened, “Y/n doesn’t speak of her past.”
“So you’ve come to me for information?” Sirius said mild mockery in his voice.
He eyed the woman curiously, she was not what he had expected of your right hand man. Sirius smiled loosely, “You sure you wanna disobey Captain’s orders?” 
“Start talking or I take the food and hang you by your ankles.” 
Sirius huffed glancing between her and his food, “Fine, you win.” 
“Good. Tell me everything.” She demanded.
Sirius felt his throat tighten around the potatoes he had swallowed, his mind ached with hazy memories of summer days and speeding hearts, “There isn’t much to tell.” 
“You’re a bad lair.” Adire hummed. 
Sirius sighed, eyes falling to the bright white scars which laced his hands. He wasn’t sure where else to start but the beginning. He told of a loud baker girl who snuck over the walls into his garden and brought him pastries and friendship. He continued with vague details, of growing up together with swords and stars, reliving each moment he shared. 
He felt his words stiffen as he spoke of falling in love with you. Part of him felt like he was talking of someone completely different. Someone who had burnt up with her parents in a small bakery a million miles away. What was left, muffling cries above him, was a shell of that girl her soul replaced with seaweed and smoke. He pushed the thought away, swallowing it with the lump in his throat as he continued to speak of a proposal he regretted and the consequences of disobeying his mother. 
The broken fairytale cut his tongue filling his mouth with a bitter taste. He attempted to wash it down with the rum his listener had brought to him but its flavor was just as bad, it's only redemption was the warmth that filled his stomach.
Adrie looked at him blankly, "I don't blame her for wanting you dead." 
Sirius wished she had stayed silent. 
"But I pity you, you don't deserve death." 
He didn't look up and instead finished his drink, "Your pity means nothing to me." 
She sighed standing to her feet, "I never thought it did." 
When her boots disappeared up the ladder he let his cup drop to the ground, it rolled knocking into his heel as tears dripped from his chin.
By the time you had dropped anchor just off of Haran, the moisture had dropped from the air. Dry winds and clear skies greeted your crew. 
Rowboats were dropped in the water quickly, the sun was setting fast and a night of cheap ale and cheaper women were in the forefront of many a man's heads. 
You were tired, the happiness of your crewmates falling short at your feet. Exhaustion had replaced all anger and sadness you had harbored for the past weeks making your eyes grow dull as the bags beneath them. The satchel burned under your arms had a note you had written agreeing to the Yerith King’s price. You had singed your finger on the wax used to seal the envelope, it still throbbed a bit with the unsteady beat of your heart. You tried not to think about much on your way to land instead filling your head with that faint burn and fog of the setting sun. 
Adrie watched as you played with the diamond strung around your neck, a new piece she had only seen in recent days. She assumed you had taken it from one of the ships which had recently burnt into the sea. The bright stone was so different from the rest of your jewelry she was surprised you wore it all. Obnoxious gems had never been your type.
She was wrong on this thought, large jewels used to be what you would stare at as you passed shop windows, wishing you had the money to clutch one in your hand. They used to be a dream and a wish, now they were just things you stole and sold to the highest bidder.
Sirius had been briefly told of the plans for the evening. Two men whom he had become somewhat accustomed to during his stay had tied him up. The knots were tighter than usual as they were to be gone for the night. In his usual nature, Sirius complained about the ache of his wrists and the cramps in his legs. His grievances went unheard and his company disappeared from sight. The boat was quiet within the hour, nothing but the creak of old boards and calls of gulls far above his head breaking the silence. 
He drifted in and out of sleep for a few hours, time passing in its usual way, slowly. Finally, a clear thought came to Sirius’s head, he had the whole boat to himself. That meant there was no one to stop him from escaping his certain and quickly approaching death. 
Sirius tried to twist his hands out of the rope for what must have been an hour and only resulted in drawing blood from his wrists. Switching tactics he began to slowly shuffle and roll around the cabin he was in, searching for anything that could cut rope. As the sun’s light began to fade his task was growing difficult. Just before he gave in to his exhaustion Sirius found a bent nail sticking about a centimeter out of the ladder that led to the upper deck. The next two hours were spent rubbing his binds against the dull metal until they finally snapped. 
    After a month of being held prisoner, freedom left him stunned. He stumbled up the ladder until he reached the ship’s deck. The warm breeze which washed over him felt like a gift from the gods. A smile stretched his aching cheeks and for the first time in a while Sirius Black let out a genuine laugh. 
He quickly found a small boat which he could lower to the water. He could be miles away before the sun rose and you found his binds cut. Judging by the port you had stopped at he was only a few days' row from neutral lands. There he could gather himself and write for help. He was saved.
Sirius’s glee was cut short as he realized that he was missing one vital thing; you. The only reason he was out here in the first place was for you. He had spent years following rumors across the sea, he had given up his place as king, he had spent hundreds of thousands on supplies. But the truth was even if he hadn’t done all that, even if he had stumbled across you within a week and spent no more than ten doubloons he still wouldn’t leave this ship alive unless you were by his side. 
Sirius cursed, slamming his fist into the deck. His eyes darted around in what felt like panic. He was trapped between your love and his life and while he had chosen the former weeks ago he had no way of securing it. 
In the dark, a glint of light was seen. A crate of liquor stowed next to the captain’s quarters revealed itself to the pale moon. The man's mind buzzed, he realized quickly that he would need to act fast, the hours of the dark he had left must be well used. 
The deal had been easy, one glance at the large gem and you had a buyer offering hundreds. You walked away with 400 doubloons knowing it was worth much more. Not that you cared, you had been hours from chucking the necklace into the sea. 
It was late at night now, the golden light of pubs and brothels spilling onto the gravel road you walked. Your legs still felt weak, they were accustomed to the sway of boats on sloshing waves not the strange sturdiness of the ground. You hadn’t been able to sleep well on land since you had stepped off it, you had always opted for a swinging hammock over a still cot. 
You swung your bag of coins round in circles as you made your way to the beach. The water was smooth save the ripple of waves drawn by the full moon. Sand glistened silver under your boots, the light crash of water on rocks echoing around you. 
You had never intended to spend the full night on land, your crew was well aware of this fact and none would be surprised to find you gone in the morning. You shoved one of your beached row boats back into the water, splashing about ankle deep before leaping into it. 
When you reached your ship, you sensed something was wrong immediately. The small voice which you tended to ignore was screaming in the back of your head. As you climbed onto the deck the strong scent of liquor overwhelmed you. You heard a soft splash and glanced down to look at the puddle you had stepped into. Swiping two fingers through the fluid and plopping them into your mouth you hummed. There was no mistaking the sharp taste of gin. You looked around to find the leak and instead locked eyes with a figure who stood about 20 meters in front of you. 
“Sirius?” You asked though you already knew it was him, you didn’t think you would ever forget his face, even if it was obscured by the shadows of the moon. 
He gapped at you, unsure of what to say.
You took a step closer and caught a glance of the bottle he held in his hand. Its thin neck was stuffed with a piece of cloth, the soft glow of a gas lamp flickering behind him. The second you realized what he had planned your gun was pointed at his chest.
“Drop the bottle Black.” you hissed with a steady voice despite the fact that your gun was rattling in your hands. Your thoughts were now fogged with fear, plagued by smoke and flames.
Sirius had suddenly found his voice, “I know you’re not stupid enough to fire that. One spark and we’ll both go up in flames.”
Your breaths quickened, vision blurring as tears welled in your eyes. “Why are you doing this?” You croaked. “Why do you want to ruin everything I’ve built for myself?”
“I’m not leaving without you y/n.” He shouted, “I can’t live without you. Just come with me. Please. Just come with me and it will all be fine.” 
You shook your head, “No.”
“Please, please! I need you y/n, I can’t go back without you!” He begged, snatching the lamp from behind him, “I won’t be able to live.”
It was in that moment that you understood he was just as desperate as you, just as lost and hopeless. You dropped your gun to your side, tears sliding slowly down your cheeks. Your throat tightened holding back a sob, “Okay.” You said with a broken voice.
Sirius cracked a small smile, “I knew it.” He sighed, “I knew you still loved me.” Setting down the lamp he opened his arms walking towards you. You met him halfway burying your face into his rough jacket.
“God I missed you y/n,” he whispered as you slipped a knife from under your sleeve.
“I’m so sorry Siri.” You mumbled in response before plunging the blade into his back. 
You held him as he collapsed forward, choking back on his own blood. You had begun to sob, hand still clutching the hilt of the blade which was lodged into him. Eventually his weight became too much to bear and you both fell to the ground. Sirius rolled off next to you, his hand still clasped around your own. The two of you started up at the stars listening as his breaths slowed. Just before they stopped completely you felt a small squeeze of your hand and for just a moment you saw the soft pink of a petal floating towards you.
You weren't sure how long you lay there, staring up at the sky but it was long enough for you to finally realize that you were the villain of your story. It was an odd thing to recognize considering in all of the books you had carried as a child you took the place of the protagonist; the one who swung the sword to save the kingdom You had always been the one to end your life with a happily ever after. 
Now you had realized that you had never been a hero. You had spent your life as a villain in the making, each step you had taken leading you closer and closer to your undeniable fate of evil. You had your chance to be the princess trapped in the tower, but you had ignored the prince and now took the shape of a witch. A witch who stole and killed and burned all that she hated. Some had to do it after all, we can’t all be heroes. There is no story without a villain, at least not one worth reading.
As much as the small baker girl who rested amongst the magnolia tree would have hated you, the woman you saw when you looked in the mirror was okay with who you had become. And if she was okay with it, then why did it matter what the past would have thought? You had been running from it for years and now you would never have to again. Because now your past ran from you. 
@april-showers-and-flowers @fleurmoon @chaosinparadise @re-zerohora @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @theweirdobella @fific7 @whitewashedghanianlol @artemis1orion @justmesadgirl @bberree @songforhema @wangmangagavroche @evyiione @atomicpunkrock @fairywriter-oracle @moon-zodiac @secretsofageek @accio-rogers-blog @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @obsessedwithrandomthings-blog @coldlilheart @suseptiable-bur-siriusexual @inglorious-imagines @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa @teheharrypotter @sarcasticallywitty15 @rosieweasleyy @dracosgoodgirl @inglourious-imagines
so many of u changed ur urls so if I have the wrong person tagged or the wrong username let me know
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tamagochiie · 3 years
the best of luck | tsukishima kei
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pairing. timeskip!tsukishima kei x fem!reader
synopsis. It's only a few minutes before your wedding, and despite having been told not to, Tsukishima sneaks into your room to say a few words. 
words count. 1.2k
tags. comfort, angst 
song. Places We Won’t Walk by Bruno Major 
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“You aren’t supposed to be here,” Despite the purse of your lips, you’re still smiling. Your voice is just as gentle as the day you reciprocated Tsuikshima’s feelings. 
It had been just outside the gym. It had been right after their win against Nekoma and Tsukishima was still riding on his high, but he swore to you over and over again that he was sound and sober, that he knew exactly what he was doing. 
You tilt your head and watch as Tsukishima relieves himself with a shuddering breath, his eyes trailing down the lace of your wedding dress, your bouquet snug in your hold. He looks at you in endearment, with all the love in the world and despite his usually stoic expression plastered across his face, he’s struggling to suppress the want to cry. 
“I just had to see you,” Tsukishima says as his resolve to remain unfazed begins to sway like an old tree caught in the strong wind of a storm. You were that for him, a storm that made him sway and howl, worrying that he might just completely fall. 
But if a tree were to fall without anyone around, could you really say it fell? That’s what Tsukishima had always wandered. 
“What was so important you couldn’t wait until after the wedding?” You raise a brow, still smiling. “Something you couldn’t say in your speech?” 
You notice the way he lowers his head, as if hiding behind the frame of his glasses as he shakes his head ‘no’. You turn away from the mirror and face  him completely, patiently waiting for him to speak. 
“This is something that’s only meant for you,” He mutters, shoving his hands into his pockets. . 
“Well, let’s hear it then, c’mon.” 
He clears his throat, snapping his head up to look at you. If he can at least look at you in the eyes, then the rest of the evening will be a lot easier. But when he finally meets your gaze, he melts almost instantly. And there’s an ache in his heart, one that he’s been trying to ignore for the longest time. 
“I just wanted to say ‘thank you’,” Tsukishima begins, “because if it hadn’t been for you, if you hadn’t chosen me and chosen to stick with me and cheer me on during all those years, I don’t think I would’ve achieved the dreams I never knew I wanted…” 
“I know I hadn’t always been the best to you and that my pride had wedged itself between you and I more than I should’ve let it. And I’m sorry that I ever let it…” 
Your eyes begin to sting as it wells up and your grip around the bouquet tightens. You pick at the ribbon that’s wound around the stick, nearly peeling it off. 
“You don’t have to --” 
“I want to.” He interjects softly. “Please let me continue.” 
Against your better judgement, knowing that you’ll have to deal with quickly retouching your makeup just minutes before you walk down the aisle, you nod your head. 
“I feel so lucky that I met you and that -- no matter what had happened, even during the worst of times, I had still been graced by someone so patient and loving as you. I think...I think if I had just spoken honestly and told you to stay that night, I could’ve been the groom instead, don’t you think?” 
Your lower lip trembles and you try to blink away the tears, drawing a deep breath as if  you were taking in all the air in the room to keep you floating. You know you shouldn’t, especially when you’re just a few strides away from the aisle, but you nod. With regret and shame, and all the ugly secret feelings you shoved down to the pit of your stomach, you nod. 
“Yes.” You admit, sniffling. “If you had told me to stay and had been transparent with me, and told me you wanted the same, maybe we wouldn’t be here right now. Maybe this wouldn’t be as painful as I thought it would be or as hard.” You tread towards Tsukishima, and you hear him hold his breath as you bring your hand up to his cheek, “But you and I can’t live off of ‘maybes’. We deserve better than that, don’t you think?” 
You watch as Tsukishima’s face -- the face that never painted itself any other color instead of one for annoyance and rare joy that had been made because of you -- contorts in pain and remorse. His eyes run watery, falling down his cheeks and staining his glasses. In front of you, on the day you marry his best friend, you watch as Tsukishima finally succumbs to his emotions and shows you just how much he cares. 
“I only came here to tell you ‘thank you’.” He mumbles, sighing breathily. “I just wanted you to know that and I never had the intention of hurting you --” 
“I know.” You tell him, cutting him off  from his babbling as you wipe his tears away with your thumb. Despite the throb in your chest and the mess that’s been made by your own tears, you’re still smiling. “I know,” You whisper, “I always knew even when you never said it to me, but I just wish you told me.” 
Tsukishime places his hand over yours as he leans into your touch, “I love you.” 
“And I’ll always love you, but I’m getting married today.” Your painful reminder has Tsukshima swallowing thickly, like he’s accepting the reality that from this day onward, he’s lost you completely. “Maybe in some other life it’s us.” 
“I’m jealous of them.” 
You chuckle. “So am I.” 
It takes everything in you to pull your hand away and bring it back to holding your bouquet. 
Tsukishima takes another good look at you as if capturing a mental image for himself to keep, a reminder of what he could’ve had and never will. A reminder that’ll haunt him into his next relationship -- if he ever has the courage to enter another one. 
He spins on the heels off his shoes and reaches for the door, but he stops for a moment before looking over his shoulder, “I wish you the best of luck,” He says genuinely, “Please don’t make Yamaguchi cry, he looks so ugly when he does.” 
You snort, “If he does, I’ll apologize over and over again until he takes me back.” 
You watch as his shoulders fall, his blonde head of hair bobbing to you in agreement. “And if he ever makes you cry --” 
“He won’t.” You state confidently. “And even if he does, the man will practically grovel   until I take him back.” 
Tsukishima can only hum in response, the small smile on his lips falls. 
He exits the room with his head down to the floor and his thoughts clouded with ‘what ifs’ and even more ‘maybes’. He was naive to think that seeing you before the beginning of his end would soften the blow, but it was ignorant of him to think that confronting you wouldn’t be as painful as the day he heard you’d be dating his best friend or getting engaged for that matter. 
He always believed he had time, but time was not kind. 
So there he stands, behind his best friend, listening to the both of you exchange heartfelt vows and crying happy tears as you both seal your future with a kiss. There he is, rocking back and forth in the wind of his emotions and feelings for you. 
He falls, but no one notices; they’re all too busy adoring the bride and groom, so maybe he hasn’t fallen at all.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Summer Secret Part 2 - F.W
Masterlist, Writing Prompt Masterlist, Requesting Rules
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Part 2 of my 'A Summers Secret' mini-series, please read Part 1, want to be tagged? let me know!
Warnings: 18+, Penetrative and unprotective sex, fingering, loss of virginity, swearing, mention of food and eating.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied shyly.
Now dressed and less red in the face, Fred sat down on the sofa, he sighed "well, my house flooded and the muggle plumber is useless."
You smirked, finding it strange that a grown wizard couldn't fix a plumbing problem, you laughed and sat beside him on the sofa, feeling your eyes land on the veins in his hands, making you want them around your neck.
You quickly plunged yourself back into reality and stared into his deep brown eyes, the hope they gave you just by looking into them...
"My parents arranged a marriage for me, I didn't want to do it, they wouldn't take no for an answer so I left."
Fred stayed quiet for a moment, the idea of you being married so young made him feel sick, he wanted to shield and protect you from the world, from your parents who saw you as an object - not as a living being.
"Gideon and Fabian told me I could crash here if things went wrong, I just didn't know you would be here." You pushed the stray hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear.
"I won't tell George and Angelina you're here if you don't tell them about..." Fred went red again, the sight of his naked body flashing in your head again.
You smirked, licking your lips and pursing them.
Stop. Y/N stop.
You know you can't do this! He's your best friends uncle!
"I promise I won't tell," you replied shyly.
"I promise I won't either" Fred smirked.
At first, things were awkward, dodging one another down the hall, running to your room with the towel wrapped around you after a shower - but as the weeks progressed, and the heat outside increased, you and Fred got closer and closer.
You didn't avoid each other - instead, the two of you danced to music, helped one another cook when you weren't throwing flour on one another or chasing each other around the kitchen, you went for walks in the garden, and you even kept up on reading and criticising the daily prophet.
One morning, you and Fred were criticising the newspaper over breakfast, the two of you burst out in laughter, Fred's hand brushed against yours and the two of you stopped laughing at once, your eyes hovering over his soft brush, red flushing your cheeks.
His eyes gave you hope at first, but now when you stared into them, you found yourself falling head over heels for him.
Fred wanted to take you under his wing, to protect you and take care of you - he didn't know why at first, the feelings that danced and shook inside of him he couldn't quite understand, until you were back in the kitchen, dancing to the same playlist, in the same pyjama shorts and vest, when one of the songs skipped to the one you had never danced to before.
You were now slow dancing with your best friends uncle.
Fred took your hand in his, the other resting on your waist, your eyes swimming in each other's, your steps slow and gentle mirroring his. You had never been this close to another person before, your bodies pressing up against one another, his nose lightly grazing against yours, you could feel his hot breath tickle your face, making your heart skip beats.
You can't.
You know this isn't right.
But Fabian and Gideon already know that you like him, especially when you spent your Christmas holidays and half-terms drooling over him.
"You fancy our uncle Fred! Don't you, Y/N?" Gideon smirked, sitting on the bed next to Fabian.
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up and go red "No! Oh, don't be silly!"
Fabian chuckled and raised an eyebrow "Come on now Y/N, there's no need to lie, we won't tell anyone - will we, Gideon?"
"No, not a soul!"
Fred's lips slowly brush against yours, ready for the kiss, you embrace him, but he pulls away with a slightly panicked expression on his face.
"Y/N, we- we really shouldn't be doing this."
You frown, but don't push your luck.
"Did I do something wrong?" you ask.
Fred shakes his head "No, it's just - you're too young for me."
You felt as if you had been kicked in the gut. How could you be too young? You're an adult for fuck sake!
Instead of protesting, you stay silent, avoiding his angelic eyes, staring at the floor.
Fred ponders his thoughts for a moment, telling himself that he cannot and must not act on his feelings, but the other side of him pulled the strings, winning him over.
"Oh fuck it!" Fred whispers.
He pressed his lips against yours, you kiss back and your hands tug at the bottom of his shirt, desperate to pull it off and feel his skin against yours.
Fred's shirt falls to the floor, he unbuttons your blouse gently and he admires your ample breasts, his hands cupping them, his thumbs brushing over your nipples making them go hard. You let out a soft moan, something no one other than you has heard before, and you eagerly fumble with his shorts, pulling them down, his semi getting caught in the fabric.
His shorts and his boxers slide down his legs, and his erection slaps against his lower tummy and you feel yourself getting nervous yet excited - slowly realising that this would be the first time - Fred Weasley, the uncle of your best friends would be taking your virginity.
Although this felt wrong, nothing else had ever felt so right in your life, even running away from your parents.
Fred lifted you up into his arms and set you down on the kitchen counter, one hand holding your waist, the other pulling down your high waisted pyjama shorts and your thong, sliding them both down your smooth legs. Whilst undressing you, his lips pepper kisses along the side of your neck, sucking at your sweet spot, a light moan spilling from your lips.
Fred's free hand gravitated to your entrance, his long digits brushing against your clit teasingly before his index finger circles around your entrance hole.
Tell him, tell him you've never done this before.
No, don't, prove to him that you are more than anything he could ever imagine.
You didn't tell him and you started to tense up, feeling nervous but eager to the new feeling of him inside of you as his index finger coated in his saliva slowly pushed inside of you. At first, you didn't know what to think - but you knew you liked it, and as you got used to it, the more you stopped tensing and started to relax, opening your legs wider, moaning more, and even encouraging him to add another finger so he could stretch you out.
Once two fingers were inside, pumping in and out, the thought of his cock being there instead got you riled up and almost giddy - you could see your juices glistening on his fingers, and you only got wetter with each movement of his fingers.
"I'm going to fuck you now, love" Fred breathed out, spitting on his fingers and spreading his saliva across and around his cock and your entrance.
Your heart skipped a beat, this was it,  you were about to give yourself to this man forever, there's no going back, no chance for a re-do ever again after this.
"Okay Fred," you blushed, biting your lip.
You placed your legs around Fred's shoulders and leaned backwards, your legs spread wide, waiting for him to take you.
But he doesn't have a condom on, this is irresponsible!
Well, at least this isn't my first time with Scorpius!
Fred pushed himself inside of you slowly, your walls instantly tightening around him, swallowing him whole. Your jaw dropped, your mouth hanging open at his large length stretching you out, sending shockwaves and sparks of pleasure through your body.
Fred's eyebrows knitted together, his face hardening as he focused on fucking you - picking up the pace and pushing himself in deeper once you gave him the all-clear, his low grunts and deep groans made you feel special - loved - even. You were making him feel good, even if you weren't moving at all.
Your moans and Freds, along with the sound of the kitchen cabinets shaking bounced off the walls around you, the once cool kitchen marble worktop now the same temperature as your body. Your hair messy, your neck marked by Fred - him claiming you as his own - even if it didn't mean anything romantically.
"You're so tight, Y/N" Fred sighed in exhaustion, feeling himself getting close, "I want to cum."
So you're going to cum and then that's it?
Do I need to pretend to cum? I don't know what I'm-
Fred's cock throbbed inside of you as he got closer and closer to orgasm, pulling out before you told him to, he quickly wanked himself off, his sperm shooting onto your stomach as he panted on top of you, slowly backing away and letting your stiff legs go down from his shoulders.
The two of you didn't say much to each other as you got yourselves and the kitchen cleaned up, nothing needed to be said - you lived in the moment and you loved it - perhaps this was the start of something new, a beautiful budding romance with the man of your dreams.
Fred hesitated for a moment, not wanting to spoil the moment. He looked into your eyes and swallowed hard, debating whether or not to say what he needed to get off his chest for reassurance - he went for it anyway.
"This is just a summer fling, nothing more, okay?" Fred said, wiping his sperm off your stomach with a tissue.
Your heart cracked down the middle, little chips forming across it and spreading outward.
"Of-of course," you replied, taking the tissue from him, cleaning yourself up quickly so you could go and cry in the shower.
"This doesn't mean a thing, and when all this is over, we must never speak of this again." He sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow, picking up your top and shorts, passing them to you before he put on his vest and boxers.
"I won't tell a soul," you replied sadly, knowing now that what just happened had meant everything to you - and nothing to him.
taglist: @horrorxweasley @amourtentiaa @alwaysnforeverfangirl @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @sebby-staan @lucymfer @xmalfoyweasleyx @onlyfreds @freddiemylovelg @opalsheart @lina1945 @manuosorioh @avatarkanemi @nimueh-lacus @supermassiveblackhope @youralternantpersonality @rebeccaitsnotwhatyouthink @holyheadharpies99 
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anolyso · 3 years
Utena thoughts...about 2 weeks later
I've been putting it off for way too long and so most of my thoughts stopped being fresh. On top of watching way too many analysis vids post-watch, but still I do at least want to put my 2cents of Revolutionary Girl Utena out there for the world.
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Utena is perhaps one of the most famous "magical girl"/shoujo action shows out there for not only it's transgressive themes of relationship abuse and low-key pretty much being the poster girl for like actual feminist perspective on/in anime...but also just doing it all in both a heavily allegorical and understated, yet super over-the-top stylish fashion
But that's it's reputation preceding itself, is Utena worth while all these years? The answer is Yes, but it also really shows it's age and budget in pacing and repetition, tho as an appreciator for "behind the scenes" compromises in art, it's more showcasing Ikuhara's talent in working around both taboo and long-form budget constraints with just well-thought out and iconic imagery that - while episodic and formulaic - is just very good at filling the 39 eps with feasts for the eyes.
Utena broadly is about tomboy Utena with memories long ago after her parents died being "saved" by a princely figure like a princess...except she's so enthralled by the nostalgia that instead she becomes a full on Prince herself and receives a dueling ring to fight in the Ohtori Acadamy secret duels for "engagement" to Rose Bride Himemiya Anthy.
Utena is divided between 4 arcs, only the first and last being Manga adapted from hearsay:
1: Student Council Saga
2: Black Rose Saga
3: Akio Ohtori Saga
4: Apocalypse
From back to forth I'd say that Akio + Apoc is more just escalation into the finale while Black Rose being anime original comes off as a glorified side-character study which while complementing the secondary cast, feels like one of those Anime movies that has to say "but if you don't watch this part, it's pretty much optional for the main plot" despite it also actually introducing the most important antagonist within it's margins.
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More importantly, it's the Student Council (arc and the actual people) that lay the foundation but also a large part of the show's focus which ironically puts Utena in the background until like almost the finale and some in-between developments, so it's less "Utena (and Anthy Himemiya)'s story" until the very end, but more like a showcase of how fucked up the system at large is (pin in that).
By the Council themselves is:
Kyouichi Saionji: The biggest jobber, like actually introduced as the most despicable loser ep 1 and proceeds to be a complete arrogant joke for the rest of the show. Honestly in another shojo "love" story, they'd find some way to redeem him but semi-compellingly they turn him into like an Aqua-lad type pathetic brat with an inferiority complex to the actual Student head
Miki Kaoru: the naive "nice, non-threatening soft boy" that also just never actually listens to the girls around him. Probably adds more complexity to the whole patriarchal idea on analytic reflection since yeah, the whole "nice guy finishes last" plays up better when the kid comes off as that "ally" energy of wanting to save Himemiya from being the Rose Bride but also low-key won't actually not just do the duels and win her cuz he's that sorta wishy-washy hypocrite. Arguably the least hateable guy in the cast (minus mascot Chu-Chu)
Juri Arisugawa: TRAGIC LESBIAN TRIANGLE LOVE. Probably the biggest point to of both "not-explicitly homosexual" but also really freaking obvious since her entire story is her girlfriend stealing her "boy crush" when actually she was crushing on her and being pretty much frustrated throughout her story as pining most of it. It's quaint by today's standards but also like damn girl, get over her she was like the worst back stabbing bitch (literally if Black Rose counts)
Nanami Kiryuu: SPEAKING OF QUEEN BITCH, it's been a long time since I've watched a High School girl bully and honestly it's kinda refreshing. If Miki is "soft-boy uwu" Nanami is a brat that gets her come-uppance often, featured prominently as an anime only with the MOST filler/comedic episodes but also not low-key, being the most out-spoken actual brother complex ironically spins perhaps the biggest twist and ironic relationships of "I love my brother but not-like-that but also like-that" by the end. Mostly comedic relief but I find her inclusion to actually add a lot more to juxtapose...
Touga Kiryuu: Big Student Council Prez himself, the first arc antagonist and also a strong foil to Saionji and later a stepping stone for Akio. Touga is THE image of a Princely Playboy Heart-Throb that in any other Shoujo romance would have the main girl win him over from all those "other girls" despite him being apathetic if not outright manipulative of them. Good thing Utena is better than that and really puts a spotlight on just not-actually-ok his power hunger for "the power to bring the world revolution" that leads him to heavily objectify Anthy, arguably even more than Misogynist Trophy Girlfriend beater Saionji, since he doesn't even see her as more than a means to an end despite professing and looking the Prince part but lacking all the actual virtues.
The Student council matters more since they're characters and subsequent tragic flaws are the ACTUAL meat of the show and on second rumination actual shows more how fucked up the system/gender dynamic/power hierarchy is since - while it blatantly fucks over Juri who can't just outright say who she likes - also show almost it's own sub-text of Masculine failings: Saionji desperately clinging to being TOXIC MASCULINE™ and completely falling short underneath Touga; Miki's "nice boy" act belying him trying to replace his low-key nostalgia for his sister (also a bitch, but apparently was more like Nanami in the manga); and best yet Touga being the quintessential "Prince in all but actual behavior" by emulating a cutthroat and Machiavellian world view but coming up empty because well, he's just an illusion of a prince...but that leads in way more to the big finale piece where I'll reintroduce the actual story's main trio
Utena Tenjou: Tomboy Prince with brain empty except for lesbian thoughts. Honestly probably what every western "STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN" archetype wishes they were since while having very tomboyish personality in athletics, blunt speaking and also VERY oblivious to the actual plot for REAL DRAMATIC IRONY, but also never actually demeaning her being feminine partially due to her love of an childhood prince and how she maintains her relationship with both her friend Wakaba and later Anthy. Honestly mostly a plot device after S1 until she gets ACTUAL development by the very end and instead kinda bumbles her way into undoing the entire REVOLUTION OF THE WORLD. I kinda wish she felt either more cognizant or at least felt like she was developing/properly rebuking the rest of the cast's power obsessions but I guess that's for the movie.
Anthy Himemiya: Actual Trophy Wife with a dark secret (darker than ski- wait no that's terrible scratch that). Set-up very much as an immediate princess in distress while also being the most femme Yamato Nadeshiko, Anthy being the Rose Bride as a literal prize who acts and behaves as whom she's "engaged" with desires while otherwise being quiet, wry, mysterious and noticably submissive, by the end it actually plays up into THE BIG REVEALS of just how abused she's been into a hopeless acceptance...like y'know actual abuse victims.
Akio Ohtori: Grade A Antagonist, probably the most insidious I've seen a villain in a while, Akio is notable for, back in 1997, being perhaps the big go-to of actual deconstructing the facade of a whole shoujo genre's "hots for a teacher/sexy man putting the moves" and highlighting how actually exploitative and abusive a person like that really is. Being Himemiya's brother (somewhat justified in the manga by both being a weird Sailor Moon-esque reincarnation of gods/godesses of Dios), despite how much of his motives are runing the background and how the entire back story is  uh...brought up in like barely in the last arc with little lead up (some scenes feel like they'd be a full melodrama season and they just have like 1 scene in the final arc episodes) he manages to one-up Touga (in the plot as well) by instead of "just" objectifying girls, not-just-flat out saying Utena looks best as a princess, but y'know the fact that he is implicitly yet constantly exploiting and victim-blaming Anthy for her own suffering for "the power of Dios/Revolution of the world" turns it on its head
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I've spent all this time on characters but in truth a lot of the meat of the show relies again on the Council Members fleshing out the issues of system leading to outright divorcing "being a Prince" (heroic altruistic virtues) and "being a man" (considering like all but maybe the comedic relief have some deliberately misogynistic behavior) and beyond just the plot (or rather character) synopsis, the talent goes far more in how it's framed, the symbolic/allegorical shots, the repetition adding a good episode formula flow to character showcases, probably the most "tasteful" allusion to uh...*ahem* sexual abuse that so many other edgier/prentious shows fumble. Both in how intimidating yet understated it's foreshadowing is until they hard-reveal it despite never explicitly naming it even tho it sends Nanami into hysterics
Really it's both a massive blessing and reason for it's cult beloved status for it's aesthetics but also it's burden, for being a full 39 episodic season by season character development study of everyone BUT the main trio except for snippets and the very end that makes it greatly appreciable as a legitimate work of art.
What I wanted more to say however (long overdue) is that a large part of following is, visibly at least, western feminist critiques and yes while it almost seems like Utena fits the "deconstructing patriarchy" story like a glove...it's weird how almost none of them actually can give a good historical account of actual Japanese female/gender/sexuality norms nor Anime contemporaries actually were. Like Tenchi Muyo and Berserk came out the same year (Cardcaptor Sakura the next) and despite how you can "feel" the influence in lots of modern shows like SHAFT's signature visual imagery cuts or many WESETERN shows having straight scene references to Utena....almost no one has a similar feel to Utena until like Princess Tutu comes out.
Really tho probably should've watched Utena and then Tutu because while it's undeniable that Utena is a major pillar of shoujo re-codification - what with everyone before Utena was saying they thought it'd be like a Rose of Versaille or Lady Knight rip-off...whose laughing now? - it's almost like there's a missing link between it and it's major western fanbase (probably with what few anime did get overseas, this one probably rose to the top), or how very noticeable there IS an influence on it's genre in Japan
Almost none of the big analyst fans actually know A) it's not "a deconstruction of Magical Girls" since despite Ikuhara working on Sailor Moon just before this, almost none of the tropes line up and instead more with Shoujo genre as a whole. or  one of the major inspirations was Takarazuka theater.
And this is not to dismiss how inspirational it is to it's western fandom, but while I am notably cynical towards placing things on pedestals, there's probably something about cultivating the whole pop-culture feminist reading commune with people making weird time-loop theories while kinda most of it is just filling in a mad-lib mostly thanks to Ikuhara just keeping things on the vague and letting the audience take away their own perspective.
Again, most of the show is completely sub-textual or visually/symbolically depicted and never stated nor properly defines it's weird key words (End of the World, Revolutionize the World, Power of Dios, Rose Bride, all things said constantly but never really said what they "mean". But that's also perhaps its charm, in it's allegory and very Death of the Author approach, it has definitely allowed it's fan theorizing and appreciation to flourish so there's something there for that.
Ultimately I'd say Utena the TV series is great more so for what it isn't...or rather I should say it's great for not just subverting Shoujo tropes and archetypes for the Japanese audience but also that despite dealing with some very serious and heavy subjects in obtuse and perhaps understated ways for the time, people have allowed it to be put on it's pedestal because they can easily fit it in themselves.
Honestly though, not that a more "straight forward" approach wouldn't detract from Utena but I will say that the movie, Adolescence of Utena, is very much the best encapsulation of what Utena strives to be (for another big blog post) and while the TV series has plenty of time and flexes it's directorial muscles with budget constraints and season pacing UNrestrained, the movie will trim a lot of the fat
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 26
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WC: 1118
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: im screaming it’s fine, fluff af, the lone sex joke, german but it's pretty self explanatory
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September ended and October began with a flourish. With only two more races in the season, Niki was busier than usual. You weren’t able to see him as much after his win at Monaco, but you still spoke on the phone daily. He and your brother were nearly tied in the points standings.
Work itself had been mundane but enjoyable. You wished you could say the same about your coworkers. Bruno hounded you with questions about Niki and the racing itself. “They’re practically tied! This is insane! Everything rides on the next two grand prix.” He blows out a hard breath
“Maybe you should sit down, Bruno. You’re looking a bit peaked,” Elena says while trying to contain her laughter. You don’t fare much better than she.
“Could you get me their autographs?!” Bruno nearly shouts at you in excitement. The little vein in his forehead is throbbing aggressively. You and Elena share a look.
“You literally met and spoke to Niki a few months ago,” you try to remind him. Bruno lets out a pathetic groan. Worried for his health, you add “if it will keep you from giving yourself a heart attack, sure.” Elena is able to push him out the door, instructing him to get back to work, before closing the door behind him.
“Are you going to the races with Niki?”
“Not this weekend, we’ve got the gala, remember?”
Elena harumphs; “forgot about that…What about the last one? Japan, was it?”
You pause. Of course you wanted to be there for whichever of your boys won the championship title, but Japan was quite a ways away. “I… haven’t much thought of it, really. Japan is halfway across the world. And I don’t want to be a distraction to either of them; they’ll be stressed as is.”
“Oh hush, they both want you there. It’s a given!”
“If Niki asks I’ll go. But I’m not just going to pack my bags and invade his space without asking.”
“I’m sure he would love for you to invade his space. Get all up in there,” she gestures wildly around her body, her bottom lip between her teeth.
“That’s it,” you sigh, “I’m never telling you about my sex life again.”
Elena just cackles and says “we’ll see.”
You sit on the workbench watching as Niki tinkers with the blue Mini. The memory of your raunch in the front seat is at the forefront of your mind. Heat creeps up your chest and neck at the thought. Nobody ever loved you the way Niki did - emotionally and physically. You were his soft spot, you knew it. The two of you were back in your domestic routine, this time even more happy now that you weren’t being secretive. In all honesty, you were so content that you had completely forgotten about the secret James had told you.
Niki went about replacing the spark plugs as you sat next to him. Every few moments he would reach out his hand to you and you would take the old plug and give him the new one. You appreciate his concentration as he works. His brows are furrowed; his lips scrunched in that way you love.
“There.” He closed the hood with a bang. He wiped his hands on a towel. Moving next to the workbench, he paused before reaching out to grab a set of keys. “Come,” he takes your hand. You hold it tightly as you follow him.
Now is as good a time as any, so you decided to bring up Japan. James ended up winning first place in the race over the weekend at Watkins Glen. All that was left was Mt. Fuji and the three points that separated the two from victory. “Niki I’ve been meaning to ask - what are your plans for Japan?”
“You’ll come with me of course.” The excitement at visiting Japan, and perhaps watching your love win the championship title a second time, grew within you.
“Good. I’ve never been to Asia, we should do some sightseeing while we're there if we can.”
Approaching his motorcycle in the corner of the garage, you guess Niki is finally going to make good on his promise to take you for a ride. You had ridden a vespa, you did live in Italy, after all, but had never been on a bike like this. He turns away from you to reach something from a shelf above you. Pausing for a moment, he takes a breath and then faces you. For the first time since you’ve known him he looks nervous.
In his hand is a helmet - his old from Formula 3 - that he angles to you. Taking it from him you turn it in your hands looking it over. It is much simpler than what he wears now. On the left side is his name, not in the signature cursive of his modern gear, but written in bold letters. Niki continued to study you as you examined the helmet.
Rotating it to the other side, your breath escapes you. In the same bold font as Niki’s name sits yours, permanently etched into the surface.
Catherine Lauda.
Well, not yours - his.
Niki knew it was a bold move. He wasn’t the type to get down on one knee or buy you a fancy dinner with dozens of roses. You were in the middle of his garage on a random Tuesday night. It was presumptuous. It was risky.
“Niki-?” What is this?
“You always pay so much attention to my name on the helmet. I thought you might like your own, liebe.” He shrugs as if what he’s saying is the most casual thing.
I didn't know he'd noticed that. Licking your lips to try and fight off the grin that threatens to overtake you, you peek up through your lashes at him. “My name is Sinclair, you know;” the argument is weak at best.
His jaw ticks. “I was hoping to change that.” His free hand retrieved an object from his front pocket; a small gold band. He holds the ring between you delicately. It is pure and simple, not showy or gaudy. It is Niki.
His gaze is piercing as he waits for your response.
“Is this your way of asking me to marry you, Mr. Lauda?” you teased. The smile you wore was so large it hurt.
Equally as smug, he retorts “why? Was it not good enough?”
You shake your head, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Giving him your hand, you whisper “ja, ich werde, meine liebe.”
Niki slips the band on you. He revels in the feel of the cool metal on his cheek as you meet his lips.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @loliissmut 
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