#harry potter fanfics
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love-at-first-sight-23 · 4 months ago
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Late to Class
Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Plot: As you are about to walk to lunch from class, Draco stops you in the hallway and steals the chance to have a moment alone with you. Established relationship, mildly toxic Draco Malfoy, Fem!reader, sex between two unruly students, etc.
A/n: So sorry for the long absence, lovelies! For all my Draco Malfoy lovers out there, here’s a fanfic for you! Enjoy! 💚🐍
Warnings: Smut, all characters 18+
“Alright, class,” Professor Flitwick chirped from his usual place by the front window. You sat in the back of the classroom, tapping your quill on your desk impatiently and waiting for the bell to signify your release. 
“Tonight’s homework will be to finish the anti-theft charm study that we will share with the class tomorrow.” Flitwick glanced up at the large clock on the wall, ticking away towards 1:00. “And that may be all of the time we have for today. Don’t forget!!” Ring ring ring! As he finished speaking, the bell at last proclaimed its dismissal, and the students got up and began filing out the door.
Luckily for you, the next period for you was lunch. You picked up your quill, books, and wand and slid them into your book bag. Adjusting your tie, you slung the bag over your shoulder and left the room.
You walked down the hallway, past the windows that were just barely tinted with the frost of late autumn. You were planning to head to the courtyard to meet your friends, just as you always did. Just as you rounded a corner, you slammed into someone, knocking you backwards and sending the contents of your bag spilling to the floor. A hand gripped your shoulder, preventing your descent.
“Draco!” you exclaimed, as you saw the familiar blonde hair and pale features.
“You should really watch where you’re going,” he scolded lightly. His silver eyes glistened in mock chastise. 
“Oh?” You replied with a slight smile. You reached down to retrieve your things, but Draco’s hand tightened on your shoulder immediately.
“Leave it.”
You stared up at your boyfriend quizzically. “What?—“
Not giving you a chance to finish, he guided you with a sharp turn into an empty hallway, leaving your scattered belongings behind. Your eyes widened in surprise as he pressed you against the wall. “Draco, right now…?”
“Is there ever a wrong time, my darling?” His said to you lowly. He kissed you and held your face in his hands, closing his eyes gently. Draco, sure the charmer.
The kiss became more passionate, as you allowed yourself to sink deeper into him.
When he pulled away, you tilted your head to the side in a teasing smirk. “Never can get enough of me, can you?”
“Oh, but my dear,” he said, leaning close to your ear so that his lips brushed against the skin there. “It is you who cannot get enough of me.”
A shiver ran up your spine at these words.
You found your head falling back as he kissed up your neck possessively, hardly breathing as you waited for what he would do next. 
Draco’s hands journeyed up your striped skirt and squeezed your ass, a gasp escaping your mouth at his cold touch. You could feel the metal rings on each finger.
Before you knew it, you were both standing naked in the hallway, you leaning against the corridor wall as you watched him grow harder by the second. Lust grew between you, the cold air freezing your breath and hardening your nipples. Then he slipped inside you, and all you knew was the feel of his curve against your walls and the sound of his deep moans in your ear.
Pleasure and pain coursed through your body simultaneously as he pumped in and out at a steady pace, making sure you could feel every ridge and vein of his long cock. Your hips bucked forward to meet him, Draco’s hips rolling in rhythm in response. You breathed out his name, willing the two of you to be quiet in case someone happened to be walking by.
Draco, internally, wanted nothing more than to make you cry out loud and long, so that your angelic voice reverberated to the ceiling and throughout the entire school. He wanted to feel himself come inside of you, as he fucked you with your hair mussed so beautifully and cheeks rosy. But not now. He would have to wait until tonight.
After several more thrusts that had your core tightening to the point of snapping, several more moments of sighing desperately into each other’s mouths, he finally pulled himself out, breathing raggedly. His gray eyes locked onto yours in the darkness.
“We should really get back to class.”
You didn’t dare look away from his gaze, heart rate only beginning to slow. “I suppose we should.” Lunch was long over, the ring lost in the fleeting moment. You had to hurry if you wanted to make it before the next bell.
Draco helped you to redress, buckle clinking as he slid his belt back on. Since you had the next class together, you walked there close to his side. Draco had an arm around your shoulder, like a gentlemen.
You got there only a minute late. Professor Snape, your potions teacher, peered down his long nose at you. “And why might the two of you be late?”
“Sorry, Professor, we were working on a project together during break and lost track of time.” You covered for the two of you quickly, holding your hands together in a sheepish gesture. A small grin curled at the corner of your lips, and you hid it swiftly.
Snape narrowed his eyes. “Be sure you are more mindful in the future.”
“Yes, Professor,” you said modestly. As you walked across the classroom and took your seat, one of your friends turned around in their seat and eyed you skeptically.
“You weren’t outside during lunch. Where were you?” they asked.
“Oh, nowhere,” you told her sweetly. You flipped your hair and faced back to the front of the class. Draco Malfoy caught your attention and chuckled softly in your direction. Oh, they’d never know why you were late to class that day.
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abouttimeoc · 5 months ago
What is a ship, canon or fanon, you really can’t stand. You’d rather go out and talk to strangers than read one of their fanfics.
(Harry Potter Only)
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maxdibert · 3 months ago
Hello :))
Do you ship characters? If you do, what hp ships do you like? Do you like any snape ship?
Well, of course! Hahaha, I’ve always been total shipper trash in any fandom. Yes, yes, of course I ship.
When I was a teenager, I used to read a lot of Dramione. These days, I’m not really into that dynamic because it feels super toxic to me, BUT I do enjoy it when the story explores them as adults, even with their canon kids, and they meet again years later in a setting where they’ve both matured. I also like Hermione/Viktor Krum because it’s super cute, honestly. I’m not going to lie.
I’m old-school FF.net, so I’ve always had a soft spot for Luna/Theodore Nott, which became really popular in the late 2000s. And sticking with crack!ships, one of my current favorites is Neville/Pansy. It might seem weird, but OMG, THE DYNAMIC. Soft boy/BAMF girl—my cardio. Oh, and Cho/Dudley, because it’s absurd as hell, but canonically Cho married a Muggle, and what better irony for the Dursleys than ending up with a magical grandchild? Lol.
If we’re talking canon ships, I ship Dumbledore/Grindelwald so much because, while I have a lot of issues with Dumbledore, old-man yaoi gets me every time. Add the drama, and they have everything needed for a tragic gay Greek tragedy, and I live for the angst. Please, give me all the pain. I also love Lucius/Narcissa because I hate the theory that Lucius was abusive or that they didn’t love each other. They absolutely loved each other deeply, and as someone who was a teenager during the Gossip Girl boom, I have a soft spot for sassy old money couples who are awful people but are madly in love with each other.
When it comes to Severus, the most popular ships are usually with Hermione or Harry, and honestly, I find those really problematic because: 1) They’re his students (and I don’t like teacher/student dynamics at all; the power imbalance makes me so uncomfortable), and 2) He literally saw them grow up. He met them when they were 11, literal children. I don’t mind age gaps if both characters meet as adults (and by adults, I don’t mean 18—I mean 20+), but if one of them was a child when they first met, that’s a huge trigger for me. Then there’s Snily, which I only like in a platonic sense. I don’t think Severus and Lily would have ever worked as a couple. Like, ever.
And then there’s shipping him with any of the Marauders, which is a huge no for me because they literally sexually assaulted him. Honestly, the least problematic one is Snupin, but even then, I don’t like shipping Lupin with anyone (not even Tonks, lol) because I think he’s trash, and honestly, anyone deserves better than Lupin as a partner, lmao.
Nah, I don’t ship Severus with any canon characters. I much prefer OCs or Reader inserts.
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dethrxse · 2 years ago
Y/n: Those are literally my t*ts Draco-
Draco: My favorite topic~
Y/n: Draco, you are drunk.
Draco: Drunk, who? You are drunk!
Y/n: 😀?
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saiilorstars · 5 months ago
The Working Menace
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Pairing: Harry Potter x OFC
Summary: Harry finds Remi while he's looking for a distraction from his daily problems...
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon​ ​ @maaaaarveeeeel​ @stareyedplanet @foxesandmagic @kmc1989 @caplanbuckybarnes
☼ Remi's Masterlist ☼
If you'd like to be added to Remi's taglist, please let me know!
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It was late in the afternoon when Harry found Remi down in the Greenhouses. The sun was setting but it was still warm out, and much more inside the Greenhouse. Even from where he stood, he could see Remi's face was flushed as she worked behind a few plants. Her curls were tied down in a low ponytail that was failing miserably at keeping her face free.
"Remi, what are you doing here?" He asked her in a gentle voice yet still managed to alarm her enough to cut her finger.
"Wah—!" She popped her finger into her mouth and shot Harry a look for his imprudence. He smiled sheepishly at her. She rolled her eyes and eventually pulled her finger out and wiped the remnants of blood on her robe. "And they say I have no manners," she mumbled and picked up her knife. "What are you doing here, Harry? Oh, I get it," she said before Harry even opened his mouth, "You're sneaking out again, aren't you? The Greenhouse isn't a good place to hide unless you want to be surrounded by plants which, I suppose, isn't all that bad—"
"Rem," Harry cut in before she drove herself in circles with her rambles. He was more than used to Remi's ramble tangents, but he often worried she would talk herself out of breath if no one interrupted her.
Luckily, Remi never seemed to take offense. She just smiled and went back to cutting. "So, what are you doing here?"
"Just wandering," shrugged Harry and moved down the long table. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, just…wandering…" she mimicked him and looked up from under her lashes with a big smile. An infectious smile.
"Careful, people might think you're up to no good," Harry remarked. He stopped beside her and looked down at what she was working on. He was never a top student in Herbology so he had no idea what plants she was working with. As Herbology partners, that's why she always led and he followed.
"Well, are you going to tell me what you're doing here or not?" Remi asked him after another moment. She had finished slicing up a few green vines and moved them to the corner.
"I'm just trying to get away," Harry ultimately confessed. She hummed and moved onto her next cutting.
"Is it about the D.A.?"
Harry nodded.
"If you want to get away from all that for a while, I'm probably not your gal. I can and no doubt will talk your ears off," Remi said, offering him an apologetic smile for future incidents.
"I don't mind," he said easily. He never minded; she always had so much to say and people rarely bothered to listen to her.
"I'm just saying, there's probably a lot more sophisticated people you might want to hang out with if you're feeling low."
"Is this your way of telling me to get lost?"
Remi chuckled lightly. "I'm just trying to help you, Harry. You know I suck with words. I mean, I say too much and only 20% is viable. It's one of my many flaws that make me a less than desirable pureblood in the eyes of my family."
"That's not true. You're way better than all the pureblood lot here," Harry said immediately, and she blushed.
"You're always so nice to me…" she mumbled, intentionally diverting her gaze to the black stems she was cutting. It was very easy to slip away from reality when Harry was next to her, especially with his bright blue eyes. She, who was all but coherent and, in her opinion, competent. She was no Hermione Granger with brains, no Luna Lovegood with creativity, no Ginny Weasley with vibrance.
"Everyone deserves kindness, Rem. I think you and I of all people would know that," Harry said, bringing her out of her thoughts. He was smiling at her with his usual charm.
His life outside of Hogwarts with the Dursleys spoke for itself. Her life with her grandparents, specifically her grandmother, was nowhere near the "prim and proper" life most purebloods boasted. Remi hated it and wished nothing more than to live away from that life. Harry felt privileged to know what Remi's biggest wish was — to live in a muggle neighborhood. He told her about his many grim stories living in Little Whinging and yet she always found a way to see the bright side of living in such a "cutesy" neighborhood. Harry didn't see anything about the damn block in that kind of light but he never burst her bubble. Remi just wanted to explore and most of all be free of the cruelty. He understood that so, so much.
"Least when you try to help, people don't turn to run," Remi bobbed her head. It happened on various occasions. Many people referred to her as 'Remi the menace' because of how much of a klutz she could be.
Harry laughed quietly beside her.
"Don't laugh, you jerk," she jammed her elbow in his side.
"Ow! Okay, okay, sorry!" Harry rubbed his side for a moment. "It's just kind of funny, you know."
"Oh, yeah, hilarious," Remi rolled her eyes. "People call you" — she abruptly pointed at him with her knife without noticing Harry dodging the sharp end — "the Chosen one and I get called 'Remi, the menace'! How's that fair? I mean, sure, I do cause a few accidents here and there…" She waved the knife on her side, her gaze still not where it should be. "And, yeah, I should probably work on my pace and all but…a menace? Really?"
"Erm, Remi…" Harry gingerly lowered the knife in her hand back on the table.
"Oh, God!" Remi let it drop completely and groaned. "Okay, fine, the name fits!"
"I think it's a…lovely…nickname…"
Remi deadpanned him. "Shut up, Harry."
"Okay." Harry smiled to himself. He was already forgetting the stress of the D.A. "You never told me what you were working on."
Remi crossed her arms and looked at the plants around them. "Just something for myself. I like to have a collection of plants even when I'm away from home. Like you, I'm trying to escape the daunting thoughts of what we're doing."
"You know…you know I would completely understand if you stopped coming to the classes," Harry said, meeting her eye. "I know how big of a trouble it would be if your grandmother found out."
"Sawyer and I know exactly what we got ourselves into, Harry," Remi said. She knew she spoke on behalf of her and her cousin when she said that they didn't regret it one bit. "It's just surreal knowing why we're doing it. But there is no one else we would rather trust than you."
Harry flushed at her words.
"I know being the teacher is probably overwhelming you so…just remember that you're doing great." Remi reached for the discarded knife and resumed cutting. She could feel Harry's eyes watching her movements and feared she would forget how to cut and end up slicing her fingers.
"You're doing amazing too, you know."
She almost got her pinky then. She stopped cutting to look at him and thanked him. "But I know I have a long way to go. I almost got Hermione's ear during one of those practice rounds. And let's not forget I still haven't quite gotten my Patronus Charm working yet."
"That's a really advanced charm, Rem. You're not the only one who hasn't gotten yet but I know you will. You always do."
"I sure wish I had your confidence," Remi admitted with a chuckle. "I know that I'm not all that great of a witch, no matter how disappointing it is to my grandmother. I'm okay with it, honest. You don't always have to be nice about it."
Harry disagreed with her. "You're a good witch. I think a lot of it just comes from your family and that is something I get, trust me. But you are amazing."
Remi felt something warm creep up her neck and didn't dare look Harry in the eyes. If she did, she was a goner and since she was currently holding a knife in her hands she could not afford something like that to happen.
"Listen, if you want, we could practice together…if that makes you a little less nervous about things?"
For her own safety, Remi put down the knife altogether. "Like…alone?"
Harry nodded. He was aware of how his proposition may sound but he didn't have the courage to make it more clear. He could pick fights with Voldemort himself but he still wasn't brave enough to tell one of his best friends that he liked her.
Remi considered the idea and how much she would internally panic about it later on. "Yes!" She blurted and instantly regretted it. She was definitely going to freak out about it later. Hopefully, Hermione would have some advice for her…along with a firewhiskey, although maybe that one might be more of Sawyer's and the Weasley twins' prerogative.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year ago
Dramione readers <3
i just posted this new one shot up on ao3 for those who are interested in dramione <3
heed the warnings please!
EVERYTHING TAGS: @writerwrites @palaiasaurus64 @notyourtypicalrose @hermesmaximoff @mariekoukie6661 @kjs-s @mistressofallthingsgeeky @fandomstufff @km-ffluv @hallecarey1
HARRY POTTER PERM TAGS: @girl-next-door-writes @averyrogers83
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elliemarchetti · 10 months ago
The Queen of the Quills - Jily Edition (part 4)
Posting on Tumblr too because this fic's sister is already there.
Reading The Queen of the Quills - Blackinnon Edition will not be mandatory to understand the developments of James and Lily's story, but some details could be shared, therefore, for anyone wishing to fully enjoy the experience, I will leave a small index.
Blackinnon Edition - Chapter 1
Blackinnon Edition - Chapter 2
Jily Edition - Chapter 1
Blackinnon Edition - Chapter 3
Jily Edition - Chapter 2
Jily Edition - Chapter 3
This was @athenasparrow's gift for @jilymicrofics ' Exchange 2024, but if you like it and are willingly to reblog, it would be super appreciated since stories like this require quite some time and effort🥰
Taglist (if anyone wants to be added, please DM me or comment and I'll gladly add you!): @thaisthedreamer
Plot: James Potter, London's most evasive bachelor, an impertinent libertine, has decided to get married. He has also already chosen his wife, the debutante Lily Evans, a self-confident young woman who has not the slightest intention of being seduced by such a man. A Bridgerton inspired Regency AU.
By the evening, it had become apparent that Lily hadn’t come through her, albeit brief, bath in the Serpentine unscathed: her nose turned red, her eyes began to water and it was apparent to anyone who glimpsed her puffy face for even a second that, while not seriously ill, she’d caught a bad cold. But even while she was tucked in bed with a hot water bottle between her feet and a therapeutic potion brewed up by the cook in a mug on her bedside table, Petunia was determined to have a conversation with her.
“What did he say to you on the ride home?” she demanded, perching on the edge of her sister’s bed.
“Who?” Lily replied, sniffing fearfully at the remedy.
“Mr. Potter,” Petunia ground out. “Who else would have spoken to you on the ride home when he was the one who rescued you and asked a stranger for their curricle?”
“Just the usual sort of things,” she responded, vague as always. “You know what I mean. Polite conversation and all that.”
“He made polite conversation while you were both dripping wet?” Petunia insisted, doubtful.
“He asked for my welfare, of course, which was only reasonable, considering I had just been dunked in the Serpentine, which, I might add, was perfectly wretched. Aside from being cold, the water was most certainly not clean,” Lily shrugged, clearly not as interested in the conversation as her sister.
Petunia cleared her throat and sat back down, preparing to ask a most scandalous question, but one which, in her opinion, simply had to be asked.
“Did he make any untoward advances?” she inquired, trying to keep her voice devoid of the complete and total fascination that was coursing through her veins.
Lily lurched back, her eyes growing round with shock.
“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “He was a perfect gentleman. Really, I don’t see what has you so excited. It wasn’t a very interesting conversation; I can’t even remember half of what was said.”
This, Petunia knew, was a complete lie, like all the veiled compliments she was paying to the wizard who until a few hours earlier she hated with all her heart. Why she behaved this way, however, was beyond her. Had she perhaps changed her mind about him? Hard to believe, when her sister was so stubborn. So, something must’ve happened, something if not scandalous at least romantic, that type of interaction fate seemed to have decided to forbid to Petunia. So, after a few moments of peaceful silence, she decided to investigate to find out if Mr. Potter had said anything about her, but Lily shook her head.
“He had a lot to say about his dog, though,” she added, as if it might make her feel better, but Petunia’s lips parted with dismay. It was never flattering to be passed over for a dog.
“I assured him I bear no ill will toward Padfoot, and that I wasn’t at all angry with him, but he was rather charmingly upset on my behalf. You, on the other hand, are rather interested in him,” Lily pointed out before grabbing a handkerchief and blowing her nose unceremoniously.
“I had the pleasure of spending a while conversing with him,” Petunia replied, as if that ought to explain everything.
“Good, then you’ve had the chance to see how utterly unremarkable he is,” sniffled Lily, fumbling around for a fresh handkerchief. “I’m afraid London’s society had been blinded by his wealth and gave him a position he’s not really deserving of. Sure, he’s rich, but I don’t think one can choose a husband based entirely on finances.”
“Well…” Petunia hedged, knowing her sister was absolutely correct but not wanting to say anything that might be construed as disapproval for Mr. Potter. “I still think we should add him to our list.”
“Our list?” Lily echoed, her voice strangled.
“Of possible matches,” explained Petunia, trying to ignore the expression on her sister’s face.
She knew what Lily thought of her: since she wasn’t a witch, she would never find a husband who was part of the wizarding society, and since she had never been invited to any of their parties – but Petunia told herself this was only dictated by a respect for the law and not from the disinterest of the magical community in her regards – she had no chance of getting the attention of even the least gifted of them. It hurt her to know that her sister had so little consideration of her, but even more so that she didn’t actively apply herself to not be separated again by those abilities Petunia hadn’t been granted. When they were little, and that cursed letter from Hogwarts hadn’t driven a wedge between them, they were inseparable: the minimal age difference, the same interests and their complementary characters had created an unforgettable dynamic duo, for which everyone showered their mother with compliments, even though she had failed to produce a male heir before her husband’s death. Then an owl had arrived, a not so strange occurrence in their country house, but instead of waiting for the night it had flown onto the windowsill of one of their living room windows in broad daylight and started pecking so hard at the glass that Petunia feared it might break. As soon as it saw the butler approaching, he left the letter he was holding with his talons and came back to where it came from, taking with him the bond between her and Lily. Petunia knew she had been wrong for indulging in the jealous outbursts she’d made early on, but then she’d tried to make amends, to ignore the bitter taste of bile that rose in her throat every time her parents praised her sister on a school result or some oddity she managed to achieve to simplify life at home in a way not even a crowd of maids would’ve been able to. Once she came of age, she had accepted that, although she was the eldest, she was second to Lily in everything else, but she didn’t care, her only goal that to get back the affection of the one who had always been her best, and probably only, friend. But despite her commitment, despite the interest she showed in a world that considered her rubbish, Lily had now built a wall Petunia didn’t know how to get around, and it did nothing but make her furious.
“I though you wanted a scholar,” the younger pointed out.
“I did,” confirmed the oldest. “I still do, but since the likelihood of finding a true scholar here are minimal, I think I can settle on Mr. Potter. He seems intelligent enough, so you’ll just have to devise a way to discover if he likes to read.”
“I’d be surprised if he could,” Lily muttered, making her laugh, the cheerful sound coming to a halt when a low rumble of distant thunder reverberated in the night and her sister flinched. She usually was all right when the storm was far away, but when it was closer, she looked like she was about to burst from her skin.
“Petunia,” she said, apparently needing to have this discussion with her but also to say something that would take her mind off the approaching tempest. “You must put him from your mind. He’s absolutely not the sort of husband who would make you happy, and aside from the fact he is the worst sort of rake and would probably flaunt a dozen mistresses in your face, haven’t you read The Queen of the Quills? Or listened to anything any of the other young ladies’ mothers have to say? The ones who have been on the social circuit for several years and know what’s what, all say his only saving grace is how nicely he treats his mother.”
“Well, that would be a mark in his favour,” Petunia asserted. “Since a mother is family and a wife is too.”
“A wife isn’t the same as a blood relative,” groaned Lily. “Men who would never dream of uttering a cross word in front of their mothers trample all over other women’s feelings every day.”
“And how would you know this?” Petunia demanded, causing a shocked reaction in Lily. In truth, she couldn’t remember the last time she had questioned her judgment on an important matter, and unfortunately for her sister, the only answer she could think of on such short notice was an unsatisfactory “I just do” that didn’t pass the muster.
“Aside from all that,” she resumed, in a placating voice, deciding to steer the topic in a different direction. “I don’t think you would even like Mr. Potter if you got to know him.”
“He seemed pleasant enough when I met him,” she maintained.
“But he was on his best behaviour!” Lily persisted. “Of course he’d seem nice, he wants my family to like him but it was all an act! Between last night and this afternoon, I spent several hours in his company, and I can assure you, he wasn’t on his best behaviour with me.”
Petunia gasped with horror and maybe a little titillation.
“Did he kiss you?” she breathed.
“Of course not!” Lily howled. “Where on earth would you get that idea?”
“You said he wasn’t on his best behaviour,” rejoined, innocently, Petunia.
“What I meant,” Lily ground out, “what that he wasn’t polite, nor very nice. In fact, he was insufferably arrogant and dreadfully rude and insulting.”
“That’s interesting,” Petunia murmured. “Very odd indeed. One would think he’d go out of his way to be nice to you first, since he’s you he wants to marry. Why behave the churl?”
“He said he couldn’t help himself,” she retorted, her face coloured a dull red, not so noticeable in the candlelight and mixed with the redness already present because of her cold, but still a different, embarrassed shade.
Petunia’s mouth fell open, and for one second she sat utterly frozen, as if suspended in time. Then, she dropped onto a pillow, hooting with laughter.
“That’s splendid!” she gasped. “It might be the funniest thing I’ve heard all month, maybe all year!”
“There’s no need to dwell on it,” Lily grumbled,
“He might be the very first gentleman you haven’t been able to manage,” Petunia went on, ignoring her sister’s pleas. “And although you say he’s rather unremarkable, I bet my best dress you’ll be married by the end of the year!”
Early the following week, after he and Sirius had amicably sparred, made peace over a glass of Firewhisky, and the bruises had faded into faint greenish marks, Mrs. Potter announced her intent to host a musicale. The organization of these events was not as tiring and expensive as that of a ball, and the space required was undoubtedly smaller, but it was still necessary to take care of sending the invitations, carefully selecting the audience, and distributing the seats adequately, so that no stupid arguments would break out between families who didn't see eye to eye. Of course, the front row would be occupied by the homeowners, their esteemed guest, and the McKinnon family, but the seats behind them were yet to be filled.
“I think Mrs. Evans would appreciate our invitation,” Euphemia said, not even looking up from the list she was making in her elegant handwriting.
“You should invite her eldest too, maybe together the sisters will be less uncomfortable among us Londoners,” Sirius added, trying to hide the sadistic smile spreading across his face. James glared at him, but made no comment, determined not to let his mother know how much his courtship of Lily was proving to be a fiasco.
“What a wonderful idea!” Euphemia exclaimed, adding a + 2 next to Mrs. Evan’s name. “I just hope the youngest has overcome the nasty cold she got last week. Gossip says she slipped in the Serpentine while trying to escape from a crazed beast. Do you think it was a Blast-Ended Skrewt? I heard some have been sighted near Rotten Row…”
“Probably,” James replied, feigning disinterest, while Sirius barely managed to hid a chuckle with a cough. He was the cause of Miss Evans’ fall into the Serpentine, and he claimed he did it for James’ sake, who had looked like a true romantic hero as he took off his jacket to jump into the water and help her back to shore. How The Queen of the Quills wasn’t aware of the matter, and hadn’t mentioned it in her damned columns, was a mystery for which James found himself immeasurably grateful.
“We should send her some flowers,” his mother went on, scanning the room as if hoping to find a bouquet there.
“I’m afraid they wouldn’t make a welcome gift,” James found himself saying, before he could bite his tongue. Receiving a grim look from his parent, he was forced to add that she was allergic, a detail he wouldn’t have been aware of if he hadn’t been at their house.
“We talked about it when we danced together last week,” he concluded, when the silence stretched long enough for him to understand that the day’s occupation wouldn’t continue until he provided an explanation to his knowledge.
“I’m sure she’d appreciate a thought from you, though,” Sirius interjected. “Maybe a book. I know she loves to read.”
And so, James found himself practically forced to retrace the road to the Evans residence, this time without any flowers but equipped with three invitations to his mother's musicale and a novel he knew was very popular among young witches of his future wife's age. Because despite the embarrassment, despite having acted like a fool and almost let the temptation to kiss her take over while he was fixing her bonnet, he still intended to marry her. After all, even while drenched and dirty, her skin possessed a flickering glow that make his muscle tighten at his inability to touch it freely, and although she might be too bossy and too quick to jump to conclusions, her eyes reminded him of the walks he used to take with his father, and her mouth, which vexed him to no end with its endless stream of insults and opinions, delivered the most perfect laugh.
James shuddered when he reached the front door, already familiar. He had dreamed about this moment, but in his sleep he was furious with her for whatever reason, and it wasn’t the butler who opened the door, but Lily herself, and there was no need to make polite conversation with her mother, to get out mindless words that tipped from his tongue as if by rote, because she was the one standing in front of him, a blessing indeed, since his mind was most definitely set on kissing her out of her mind. Oh, if she had known what he did to her with his imagination, she would’ve never agreed to marry him, but the Lily of his dreams was much more even-tempered than the real her, and although she still made his blood rush, and they spent enjoyable time together, he was able to not fall in love with her. The fake Lily he constructed in his head was exactly what he needed, but he was sure the one sitting on her bed in the company of her sister, hair let down and cheeks flush, would make him sweat and slide into mindless temptation given the chance.
“Why are you here?” she asked, trying to appear much tougher than she actually was.
“To apologize again for what happened,” he muttered, triggering a fit of giggles from Petunia. “And to bring this to you, to cheer your healing process.”
Guarded, Lily reached across the bed to take the book handed to her, giving him a glimpse of what she usually hid with her chaste dresses. Whatever thanks he had received, whatever words had been said in the room, never reached his ears, which began to ring dully with lust.
“And the envelopes you’re holding in you hand?” Petunia asked, her voice too high-pitched to ignore after a few moments.
“They’re your tickets for the musicale my mother is hosting on Friday night,” he replied, and although Lily didn’t seem the least bit interested, her nose already buried in the book she’d just received, Petunia’s eyes lit up.
“Don’t pay attention to my sister, giving her a book is the only way to shut her up,” the eldest joked. “But we are both grateful for the invitations, and you can already tell your mother we will be honoured to be present.”
“See you on Friday, then,” said James, as a farewell, with a little bow.
“Thank you, Mr. Potter,” he thought he heard Lily murmur once the door was closed behind him, but it could only be a figment of his imagination, so he tried not to put too much weight on the softness in her tone. Their next meeting would be the decisive one, the one that would allow him to court her in style and marry her by the end of the year, but for now, he had to settle for crumbs and cold courtesies.
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sweetblinginrose · 2 months ago
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭,
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symbols and meanings:
★ series ♥︎ smut ꥟ oneshot ༄ fluff  angst
✿ x reader ☾ x fem!reader 𒊹︎ x OC 𖣯 x masc!reader
═══════ ≫ ♡ ≪ ════════
neville longbottom
★ ༄  𒊹︎ stay away from me, lestrange!
(The story follows a Lestrange and a Longbottom, bound by their opposing family legacies, as their rivalry transforms into a passionate, tension-filled relationship.)
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duchessdulce · 3 months ago
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Day 13: a rare pair
Ignore the Dementor by NinjaPandaScholar
Harry/Luna and Draco/Neville
This fic has a crazy premise and also this fic is really cute. It’s a creature fic where Harry is a… dementor. It works, I promise. Draco/Neville is the secondary ship in this fic, and I love it. I have a serious weakness for those two together.
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neverenoughmarauders · 3 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! ❤️
I AM SO LATE TO THIS, but thanks so much for the ask. We should all absolutely practice and spread self-love. I've decided to bucket based on time commitment because... me. The two I care most about are probably #1 and #5.
I can’t love you back to life, but I can live your love
1995. Sirius Black is back outside 12 Grimmauld Place, to show Dumbledore the potential new HQ for the Order. James had always promised he’d be there for Sirius when he faced his family and yet some promises cannot be held. But Dumbledore knows that those we’ve lost never truly leaves us.
A different pranks-tine's date
James and Sirius usually spend Valentine’s Day pranking the gullible and hopeless romantics of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Head Boy, James cannot really do that anymore, so instead the boys have too little to do and too much to talk about.
A close second
My one and only Wolfstar story. Sirius and Remus' world is not great - they miss James immensely - but their love for each other, for Harry, and for Lily and James' memory keep them going despite everything. After all, we can only play the cards we are dealt.
First betrayal
Lily is pregnant, and James is injured on a job for the Order of the Phoenix. With old secrets coming out, and potential spies on all sides, the Potters must choose whether to trust their friends, and whether to forgive them.
When we were up to no good: Part 1 - I solemnly swear
My baby and passion project. A strictly canon compliant, friendship and Jily focused long fic. Part 1 follows the marauders as they become friends, might have a little bit of forced proximity James and Lily - because!!!! and will end just as the marauders discover Remus' secret.
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It's the only place I have ever felt like home except when I am with you, and you are not here.
Unsphere the stars - cocoartist
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maxdibert · 24 days ago
These things make me very happy, but they add pressure to update, and today I have lunch with friends. This can’t be good. Let’s see if I can manage it between this afternoon and tomorrow. 🙈
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dethrxse · 1 year ago
Y/N: FUCK MEEEE- (says out of anger)
Draco: Sure. Right now?
Y/N: I didn't meant that way you horny mf.
Draco: Well, that sounded more like it if you ask me..
Y/N: Like I said, you're just one horny mf.
Draco: >:(
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cloverwoodss · 2 years ago
One of my favorite things is Harry and Necromancy. Not JUST Master of Death, like full on Necromancy.
I’ve almost read everything I can find on it that doesn’t have exclude tags attached to it I think 😭
If anyone knows of any please throw them at me at a very high velocity please 💖
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multi-fics · 11 months ago
Harry Potter 🪄
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Wolfstar (not x reader)
Draco Malfoy
(and any other age appropriate canon, marauders and non canon slytherin characters)
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