#(i think im going to start including achievements..!)
slay-the-heroine · 1 month
Of course that's it. She's dead.
The Narrator:
Yes. Exactly. It's over.
The Narrator:
With your work done, you make your way back up the stairs, closing the door to the basement behind you.
Voice of the Prince:
It felt cruel. Was that truly what had to be done?
The Narrator:
It was not in vain. However, greater good or not, you did kill someone. That does not sit lightly on the soul. But, it was for the greater good. One of these days, the burden will lessen. The ends justify the means, as they say.
Voice of the Prince:
... Yes, well, that day is not today. Let's be on our way.
The Narrator:
You open the door, ready to return to a world saved from certain doom.
The Narrator:
Only, a world saved from certain doom isn't what you find. Instead, what you find is nothing at all. Where a lush forest stood mere minutes ago, the only thing in front of you now is the vast emptiness of some place far away.
Voice of the Prince:
Where... did everything go?
The Narrator:
Everyone is fine. It's just that you and the cabin are now far away from them. Don't worry. You'll be safe here. This is good. Everyone is happy. You'll be happy.
Voice of the Prince:
Do you... Not have anything to say about this?
The Narrator:
You don't. Like I said, you're happy. This is what's best for everyone, trust me.
The Narrator:
Time passes. you can't be sure if it's days, or months, or— Wait, what is going on?
Voice of the Prince:
Months are going by? Well no wonder the cabin is starting to look so... Warped.
The Narrator:
What's happening to it? It's not supposed to get all gross like this...
Voice of the Prince:
What are you talking about? Do you not know? We need to get out of here before it falls apart. The walls are creaking and I'm not a fan of the mold creeping in.
The Narrator:
There is none of that! Don't be ridiculous. The cabin is fine, and you're very, very happy, because the Heroine has been slain.
Voice of the Prince:
I might be happier in a cabin that wasn't rotting. Now, are you going to start describing things accurately or do I need to do your job for you?
The Narrator:
I-I am doing my job! Time is passing, and it's wonderful and boring.
Voice of the Prince:
Alright, that's enough of you. Hey, we're not just going to wait in this mess, right?
Voice of the Prince:
Hello? What's going on with you?
The Narrator:
Voice of the Prince:
Whatever, we're not going to sit here while this place falls apart.
The Narrator:
And what do you think you'll be doing instead?
Voice of the Prince:
We walk back over to the door and head down the stairs.
The Narrator:
No you— Stop that!
Voice of the Prince:
The steps are creaking under our weight, the dampness of the air has left them moldy and disgusting. It really was a good thing we slayed her, isn't it?
The Narrator:
Quit it with that, this is no joking matter, you—
- - -
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Voice of the Prince:
We reach the basement. We see — Ugh, good Lord! I'm not describing that!
The Narrator:
She... The Heroine's corpse lays in various stages of decomposition. Blistering here, bloating there, liquifying... Despite it all, her skeletal teeth peek through enough to make her seem like she's still smirking. The air is acrid with the smell of rotting meat and sourness. Your blade is still in her chest, untainted by the decay around it.
The Narrator:
Something crashes upstairs.
Voice of the Prince:
You hear that? We need to get out of here. Grab the knife.
The Narrator:
And what, pray tell, would you do if you did grab it?
Voice of the Prince:
Quit messing around! Do you hear the thumping in the walls? It'll cave in any second. The decision-maker seems to be out of commission, so... We take the knife, and we stab ourself.
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The Narrator:
Everything was going to be happy and safe, and you're just going to kill yourself!? Ugh, the blade sinks into your heart, and you die. There, now are you happy?
Voice of the Prince:
We'll be fine. It's better than whatever this cabin is being damned to.
The Narrator:
Fine. Whatever. No more rotting cabin. The end.
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i forgot how funny hubert's supports with byleth were
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luvyeni · 5 months
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warnings? 18+
request: imagine you in a relationship with sungchan, his controlling nature dictates every aspect of your life, from your appearance to your social interactions. despite his intentions to protect and care for you, his constant need for control suffocates your sense of independence, leaving you yearning for freedom and autonomy.
authors note. i hope this is what you meant , i hope you like it🤍
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CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who isolates you from everyone, never letting you leave home alone or without his premission.
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who basically does everything for you — waking up before you, picking out clothes for you to wear — clothes that he picked out and bought. "i don't really like this." "what do you know baby , you'd wear shorts that look like panties and a shirt that shows off what's mine if i let you — just be a good girl and put this on."
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who doesn't makes you tell him everything when you go out , where you're going; how long— and who's gonna be there. "it's only for a few hours." "with them? no baby im sorry remember last time you went out with them, she had you out all night drinking, not this time, tell her you won't be coming."
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who has a iron clad grip on your arm when you're out for you so you don't go so far with out. "but— i won't wait for you if you get lost, so no let's go."
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who doesn't see why you're so sad all the time, he's gives you a nice life , he takes care of you, buys you things, he doesn't understand what's so important about going outside. "i just want so space and to do things alone for once chan , just once, it's so suffocating being with you sometimes."
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who gaslights you when you start talking about going out without him. "it's only a few hours chan and you like this friend." "baby what if you get hurt , you know you can never pay attention that's why i come with you, how about we stay in tonight, please , maybe next week okay?" and just like always you say —"okay."
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who uses sex as form of distraction to keep you from even thinking about going outside, holding you close like you're going run away, thrusting deep into your cervix whispering into your ear. "you're mine, from your head down, this pretty pussy including, it's mine , and i'll kill anyone who says other wise." and you believe him, he hasn't killed anybody, but you wouldn't put it past him.
CONTROLLINGBF!SUNGCHAN who wants to consume your every being , he'll do what ever he needs to do to achieve that.
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
a post on persistence⋆.ೃ࿔*:・💝
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im super happy and excited to announce that this post is a collab with the AMAZINGG @pinkpigtailsprincess. we wanted to collab on this post and talk about PERSISTENCE in manifesting and how crucial it is when ur manifesting things.
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HOW TO PERSIST ; persisting simply means reminding urself that u already have whatever it is that u want. when u persist, you decide what it is that u want and you STICK to it.
the oxford definition of persistence simply means to continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
your 3d literally has no choice but to catch up and reflect the new thoughts that ur thinking in ur 4d so just KEEP GOING. if ur gonna whine or complain every step of the way and think thoughts like "persisting is hard" or "theres lots of resistance/difficulty with manifesting" then thats what ur going to experience.
manifesting is easy, effortless, and instant. when u catch urself thinking thoughts that perpetuate the old story, remind urself that no matter what, whatever u persist in will harden into reality simply because it HAS to. stop getting in your own way!!
limitless definition; possesing power of an immeasurable rate a perfect way to describe your power your literally the god of your reality and you know you might think thats silly or “delusional” its so true though like ever since birth people are conditioned to believe that being negative is the more “logical” and “realistic” way to think than positive which is such a stupid revelation because all throughout life you meant to believe that you have to bring yourself down to earth about achieving something and that you’ll never have “” but that makes no sense seeing all of the extraordinary achievements that humans have done like
build rockets and do rocket science
walk on the moon
build the great wall of china
and so many others including the human body its self your cells in your body healing and protecting wounds and your organs being able to stay in the designated spot no matter what and you think “logic” actually matters?
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everything in the human mind is projected i mean everything you use on a daily basis started off in the mind it all stems from imagination
deciding is the final decision and the final outcome no matter what no questions asked like if you went too a sushi restaurant and ordered and decided that you want a shrimp tempura roll you will have the shrimp tempura roll no matter what concepts “if the concept of something can exist then that can be achieved no matter what”
literally something i think about alot and a direct quote from yours truly like most people do think that you can have something because its quote “unrealistic” or it “doesn’t exist” but if that were really the case than why is the concept of it allowed to prosper like if those things really didn’t exist then the concept of billionaires or superpowers and superheroes wouldn’t exist or even time travel everything single one of those things are a product of imagination!!!
alot of the times on loablr you see people say “you’re the only power” and “you don’t even need that method just imagination and that honestly just so real because if you really think about all of these methods ie: 48 hour challenge, 10k affirmations method etc.
and the void state those things also stemmed from that person’s imagination when you use those methods or use subliminals all your doing is giving it a smidge of your power the method is only powerful because your giving it that power in conclusion you and your imagination are the only things that matter !!
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zombvic · 4 months
TINDER IRL PART one (harry lewis x reader)
summary : in which y/n gets invited to the sidemen tinder irl (usa edition) and meets a certain brit and their instant friendship slowly progresses into something bigger
face claim : no one right now (kendall jenner later)
notes : reader is like a 2019 ICON like disstracks against the paul brothers, ricegum etc.. now STILL doing youtube but on a much more lowkey basis. also im sorry but i had to add that the reader is an f1 fan IM SORRY (im locked in as an f1 girlie) 😵 yall im not american or even close to a native english speaker (#slavicstruggles) but i tried making the readeramerican cause i tried to do the american la gf x british bloke bf xx god bless 'merica RAAAAAH. also i used lines from like all the videos and made my own cause the lines from this video were insane.. last also, don't be a ghost reader 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️
pairings : harry lewis x reader , sidemen x platonic!reader , all the other youtuber in the videos x platonic!reader
warnings : drugs (ketamine joke)
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You got invited to the SIDEMEN Tinder In Real Life youtube video. You are acutely aware to what the Sidemen are and you've seen their videos before. Now to be fair, the genres between your channel and their channels were pretty different. The Sidemen were known for football challenges, those 100$ vs 100,000$ challenges and other things with a similar vibe. You on the other hand, you did vlogs, lifestyle hack and tips, in your time you've achieved some disstracks and occasionally broke down some formula 1 grand prix weekend.
The moment you saw the instagram dm from the Sidemen official account you weren't sure how to react. Should you be excited? scared? worried? yeah.. all. It was the Sidemen, Logan Paul, Mike and George (idk who Mike and George but who cares).
Eventually you accepted the offer and waited till the day you had to be "picked up" by kinda random men for 5 minutes straight. The day came, you got dressed for the video shoot, they made you wait with the other girls until they called your name and then you walked in.
"Hi, I'm (your name). I'm 24 and i'm from Newark, New Jersey" (go devs go) You've practiced that line like 50 times before you left, not because you wanted to come out of this video with a new man but because you didn't want to embarrass yourself lmao.
"Hi, I'm Vikk. I'm 26 and are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten i see"
"Would've been funny if i hadn't just said im from New Jersey dude, no sorry"
"Hello, I'm Logan-"
"No. Complicated history" you said as you swiped left.
"One chance please"
"Alright, BUT u gotta watch it tho"
"Okay. SO. If i were a pizza delivery guy, i'd be giving YOU the tip"
"Ew no sorry lmfao.. that was weak as fuck"
"Alright wow, Hello, I'm Tobi. I'm 31 and they say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?"
"Sure go on.. yes. I love that"
Hello, My name is Ethan and let only latex stand between our love.
"Yeah thats funny.. alright, go on"
"Yo, I'm KSI. I'm 30 and you know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Well.. Not in my case."
"Lmao, yes go on"
“Hello, I'm Mike. I'm 37 and girl, you don't need no vibrator when you got this Pickled Dick.”
"Jesus Christ. No, get out"
"Hi, My name is Simon and.. Simon says you want to swipe right"
"Lmao. I love that, Yes"
"Sup, I'm George and I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex"
"Jeeesus, that’s crazy bro... no"
"Hello, My name is Josh and I find your lack of nudity disturbing"
"No, I'm so sorry" (guys i love freya sm i couldnt do this)
"Uhm, Hello. I'm Harry. I'm 26 years old and what do ketamine and your underpants have in common?"
"I don't know" you said looking at the blonde-ish man confused.
"I'd like to sniff them both."
The whole room fell into a laughter, you included. "Yes"
"BUT I GET A NO?" Logan exclaims. "What a scam"
(NO : Logan, Josh, Mike, Vikk and George)
"For Logan i think we left this in 2019 and rightfully so. For Josh i dont really know tbh, i just thought his line couldve been better. Mike, i think you know why i said no. Vikk.. Im gonna be honest i dont even remember what youve said but im sure i had my reasons and George, you couldve been waaaaaay smoother mate.. tough luck"
YALL. this is part one because i cant be arsed and put it all right here right now 😁😁😁
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shiurkoma · 4 months
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Take: chaotic evil Yehonatan, in which he knew David is meant to replace him and his father from the very start.
TLDR: Yehonatan is as, if not more likely to be the abuser in their relationship because it is plain unfair to overlook how humongous their power gap is, and he is abused enough to be at least a little unhinged in his noggins.
Warning: dead dove do not eat. Im going to entertain an idea where Yehonatan is definitely not a good person. If you have a problem with that, or have issue reading fictional underage abuse and emotional manipulation, please stop reading. Finally, nothing about this is meant to be serious interpretation of the original text, it's all plain headcanoning for fanfiction.
(For the record, i seriously do not consider David (even close to being) a morally good individual in any possible sense of the word. It doesn't make any of this ok tho)
Some fanfics i've seen paint the davinatan ship as a manipulative one, with david being the seducter that manipulates Yehonatan into simping for him, only to discard him after David achieved his goals. Even outside of fanfictions, i know of people who view Yehonatan as a tragic victim. While i appreciate David's more malicious side being acknowledged, and agree with it more than depicting them simply and benignly loving eachother(tho i appreciate that too), I can't help but think how both protrayal down plays just how utterly creepy yehonatan's part in the relationship is.
Like, Yehonatan, a middle aged man with wives and kids, went ahead and basically stripped in front of a teen the first night they met then gave him some really personal and valuable gifts. If thats not a red flag i don't know what is.
Yehonatan is someone you do not want to cross, maybe even more so than Saul.
It is easy to forget that, holding the title of eldest son and legal heir to the throne comes with immense pressure, responsibility and danger, and dealing with all that takes more than just a thick backbone. With a deranged father as king, people around him are constantly plotting to take the throne for themselves. All bets are off in the war for the throne, even if Yehonatan doesn't actually want to be king, his competitors (which includes but not limited to his entire family) wouldn't rest until he is dead. He isn't in a position where he can just back off: it isn't unheard of that princes and kings renounce their positions, retire, and end up getting assassinated or executed anyway. Because king or not, they are still legitimate heirs to the throne and therefore a potential threat.
Basically, Yehonatan lives in a situation where he simply cannot afford to show weakness or hesitation, not to his subordinates, not to his brothers, not to his father, not to anyone. What doesn't kill you makes you dangerous, and Yehonatan is deadly in that sense.
(But its not to say all that didn't take a toll on his mental wellbeing. Yehonatan has no business being mentally ok. He watched his father ascend to the throne, watched as Saul sunk further towards insanity, and had to endure his often psychotic abuse for years. I don't believe one bit that he isn't depressed and at least a little messed up, especially in a time where mental illnesses aren't even acknowledged yet.)
To sum it up, as a weathered crown prince, Yehonatan would logically be a person who is reasonably paranoid, moderately ruthless, extremely strong willed and more than competently intuitive about the motives and intentions of people around him.
David on the other hand (at the start of their relationship anyway) had no prior experience mingling with politics, no ties in the palace, was never regarded with importance by his father or brothers (meaning he had zero exposure and no one ever invested in him), young and inexperienced (meaning vulnerable to manipulation), stands no chance against Yehonatan if he were to play mind games on him.
David could pull an Esther on Yehonatan. But keep in mind Esther and a lot of other femme fatal spies in history had ties that helped pull strings from the outside, they are often not the master mind either. David had himself, and practically nothing else.
This is why Yehonatan helping him matters so much. Useing weak willed and easily manipulated individuals only works for you if you are already a powerful dictator. If you have absolutely nothing you need powerful allys.
The most straightforward option for dark Yehonatan is just to kick the creep element up ten notchs. David tries to seduce Yehonatan, then immediately realises he bit off more than he could chew: he is just too possessive to be controlled. Yehonatan in this scenario probably somewhat resembles that purple creep from Tokyo ghoul, entertaining while the shock value lasts, but after that it gets pretty shallow. I hate this approach tbh.
Or, him seeing David that day was Yehonatan's last straw(what i doodled basically). He stops giving a sh*t about everything, and thought since he is so "in love" he might as well groom and sodomize David. Its a petty way of getting back at God for making him fall for the boy, and for making his life miserable in general.
He uses his charms and presents himself as a saintly figure to appeal to David's more religious side, then proceeds to not only make sure that David is emotionally dependent on him(i won't elaborate how but its easier than you think), but also plans to make it so that if he dies it will f*ck David in the head. He enjoys this, because for once in his life he feels a "real" sense of control, albeit a twisted and perverted one.
(Maybe he will feel shame and regret eventually, but thats another talk for another day.)
I'll borrow my friend's comment to sum up the take: "a broken abused individual perpetuating a cycle of abuse to an ambitions sociopathic twink, each making the other worse just through being together." Another reason i prefer this version of dark Yehonatan is cuz it restores some agency Yehonatan desperate lacks.
Strayed quite far from his canon image with my shameless slandering but yeah that's about it. For now. Might explore David's pov in this later.
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ravewing · 3 months
can you do a style tutorial?? dude there's geniunally nobody else who draws like you, your art is so poetic and divine, it's inspiring
WAAA THANK YOU ANON OH MY DAYS ??? genuinely this is one of the nicest compliments ive ever received on my art omga what .
im not very good at explaining things but eem ill try !!
i feel like one of the biggest things is the sort of sketchy/messy vibe .. i use a super tiny brush ('digital brush' on ibis (its a premade lol) on size 1-2) and kind of scribble scrabble sometimes .. i also dont do lineart, i cant be bothered to do allat so i just clean up my sketch using an eraser !
i also stay away from using curves and instead try to use as many straight edges as possible if that makes sense .. also arbitrary lines in the drawing are a must . i think thats one of my fav parts of drawing :)
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when it comes to coloring and rendering, i start by adding a darker, slightly more saturated color for shading, then blend it out with a midtone, do thr same for lighting, and then i add details !!
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ive also been told that my usage of warmer tones is recognizable, and i achieve that by playing around with the 'color balance' filter on ibis until im happy with the results
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for shading, i use a dark color (anywhere between blue and red, depending on the character and environment) for shading and a light yellowy color for lighting on an overlay layer ! then (also on overlay) i use those colors to add more arbitrary lines and scribbles
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here i kind of tried to break down my sketching process, idk if it makes sense or not tho😓
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my current artstyle is the result of six or so years of constant drawing and growing and experimenting !! experimenting with your artstyle is a huge factor in allowing it to evolve as well as for you to find what works the best .
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referencing/figuring out how specific artists that you like achieve their artstyles is super good for experimenting !! in 2021 i was a huge fan of bellasaurus and animatedwings, so i referenced their art a lot, picked out what i liked, and incorporated it into my own style :)
i didnt include humans in this because im not very confident when drawing them and still have to heavily reference things lol .. maybe another day
overall just have fun and go with whatever feels right ! below ill attach some of my art pieces broken down if you want to use them as a reference
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karma in the shape of a god
pairing: bang chan x fem reader
genre: smut with feelings
word count: ~4.7k
synopsis: a night with the boys leads to a confession from you, which leads to some fun
warnings: drinking, reader is insecure about her body, oral (f.receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, choking, chan is called daddy, pet names for reader include: baby, honey, princess, good girl etc. i think that’s all?
an: been feeling uninspired recently, unable to write anything really. so.. here’s something that’s been in my drafts for a while. is it kinda cringe? yeah, absolutely. but that’s part of its charm. 💕
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your relationship with chan was still pretty new. you had only been together for a couple months now and things seemed to be going great. you really felt like you were falling for him but didn’t understand how he could possibly feel the same way about you. you looked at yourself in the mirror, having just finished your makeup and you took a deep breath. he likes you, or else he wouldn’t be in this relationship. right? that’s what you told yourself.
"baby are you ready?" he called from the kitchen of your apartment. his voice felt cleansing to your doubts, like rain is cleansing to the earth. he had been waiting on you for only a moment, having come to pick you up.
"yeah, im coming!" you called back. tonight you were going to a get together with all of his closest friends. you had met the guys once or twice, but never had spent too much time with them. they were always so busy, chan included. you bounded down the hallway, your eyes growing wide as they landed on him. wow he looked good. he always did, but tonight he was wearing jeans, which is rare for him, and a loose fitting white t-shirt. you felt like you might start drooling. you double checked to make sure your mouth wasn’t hanging wide open.
"you look so pretty." he said, approaching you. "so cute." he booped your nose with the tip of his index finger. your cheeks turned red and he let out a little giggle. he placed his hand on your hip and pulled you close, his mouth landing on yours for a quick peck. no matter how quick the kiss, you felt it send a jolt straight to your core. fuck it was going to be a long night. even though your relationship was new, you had already had sex with chan. you couldn’t resist, but it was pretty basic vanilla sex. it was sort of a mess of limbs as you tried to get to know each others likes and dislikes. you could tell he was being timid and careful so as not to hurt you or scare you off, and to be honest, you were too shy to tell him what you really want. you felt like your desires were normal, and you weren’t ashamed of them, but you had never told anyone about them. and you really didn’t think you would be able to tell chan. especially since you had only been together a couple of months. so, it was safe to say that the sex was okay, you both achieved climax, but it also left you both wanting. this was still on your mind, and you were cursing yourself for being so damn shy, when he led you out of the apartment and down to his car.
he opened the door for you and helped you in, leaning across you to buckle your seatbelt. you loved this about chan, he always took such good care of you. he carefully closed the door and walked around the front of the car to the drivers side. he buckled himself and started the engine. you couldn’t help but notice his hands gripping the steering wheel, veins sticking out as he turned the wheel to pull away from the curb.
"yn? hello?" he said with a chuckle.
"what?" you answered, confused. "did you say something?"
he reached over and put his hand on your thigh. you looked down at it, feeling that tingle in your core again, trying your hardest to focus on what he was saying to you.
"are you okay? you seem off." he said.
you swallowed and looked up at him. "no, I’m fine. just a little nervous is all." you tell him. which, is true. social gatherings always made you nervous, no matter how nice the people are. so you weren’t lying, you just left out the part about how you’ve been fantasizing about him since he picked you up. maybe it’s a lie by omission but you didn’t care.
"there’s no reason to be nervous." he said. "the guys love you. and we’re just going to have some drinks and hang out. no big deal." he smiled over at you and squeezed your thigh lightly. "and I’ll be right there with you the whole time. we can leave if you get too uncomfortable."
you smiled and nodded at him. the next couple minutes were filled with comfortable silence as you approached your destination. he parked the car and you got out.
"baby, I’ll always get the car door for you." he said, disappointed that you opened it and got out before he had the chance to do it for you.
"that’s okay, channie. you can do it on the way home, okay?"
this seemed to appease him and he took your hand and led you inside. before the door was even open, you could hear the ruckus inside. loud voices shouting at each other. they were all gathered around, shouting at the tv screen. you recognized hyunjin, changbin, seungmin, and jeongin seated on the couch. han and minho were on the little loveseat to the right, and felix was sat on the floor. one heck of a game of mario kart was happening and it seemed han was in the lead. he was focused, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. minho wasn’t playing, but instead was staring at han, a small smile on his lips and complete admiration in his eyes. hyunjin also wasn’t playing, but instead was trying to sabotage seungmin. he kept giggling and reaching for the controller, pushing random buttons. at the last second, jeongin managed to hit han (or rather, baby princess peach) with a shell and sent him spiraling. jeongin crossed the finish line coming in first place. they all threw their controllers down in defeat, as jeongin cheered.
you let out a small giggle at the scene. felix looked up from the floor and smiled. "hi yn." he waved. you waved back and with his hand on the small of your back, chan led you further into the room. changbin quickly got up and offered you his seat next to hyunjin, as there was no where else to sit. you thanked him with a small bow and took a seat.
"baby, you want a drink?" chan asked. you nodded and he returned a moment later with a cup.
the next couple hours were filled with drinks and laughs as more mario kart was played.
mario kart turned into truth or dare, which turned into some drinking game that changbin had made up, and by the end of it you were feeling pretty drunk. chan doesn’t drink, so he was just having fun watching you. at some point, you went to the bathroom and returned to find chan in your seat. you looked at him and he patted his lap, offering it to you. with all the dirty thoughts running through your brain tonight, you weren’t sure if sitting on his lap was the best decision, but liquid courage can do a lot for you. you were, admittedly, a lightweight. all the guys had been drinking the same as you and they were a little buzzed, but you were downright drunk. after spilling it on your shirt, chan took your cup away and placed it on the table.
"baby I think your drunk." he laughed, his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly to his chest.
you looked up at his beautiful face. "I th-think your right." you hiccuped. this caused everyone to giggle.
"how about we get you home, yeah?" he stood up, lifting you off his lap in the process and placing you on your feet. you swayed a little when he tried to let go, so you clung to his arm. after exchanging goodbyes, he carefully led you out to the car and buckled you in. you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or not, but you thought he looked even more handsome than he did before. you also thought that wasn’t possible. he climbed into the drivers side and your attention again fell to his hands on the steering wheel. god, I want those wrapped around my neck, you thought.
"what was that, baby?" chan asked, a clear smile on his face.
"did I say that out loud?"
"yes you did." he laughed. he reached over to place his hand on your thigh again, like before.
"oh don’t do that.." you mumbled.
"don’t do what?" he pulled his hand away. "do you not like me touching you there?"
you threw your head back against the seat dramatically, before turning your head to face him. "th-that’s not it." you stuttered. "I like it when you touch me there. or anywhere really. I like it soooo much. too much. you’re driving me crazy. I want you to do so many things to me." you confessed with a sigh.
"oh yeah?" he had a smirk on his face. "like what?"
you shook your head. "mm can’t tell you that."
"sure you can, baby. you can tell me anything." he had his hand back on your thigh now, his thumb rubbing soft strokes into your skin.
you stared at that beautiful hand. "wanna be your good girl." the words just fell out of your mouth before you could even stop them. the shock of what you just said slowly settling in. the car was quiet for what felt like hours but was probably only a few seconds.
"but you’re already my good girl." he said, his fingers digging into your skin. you could tell that your words changed his mood, his eyes now dark and filled with desire.
he pulled up to your apartment and parked the car. this time you waited, so he could open the door for you, but also so you could have an extra second to collect your thoughts. you can’t believe you had said that. how embarrassing.
he opened the door and helped you out of the car and back into your apartment.
you stumbled inside, kicking your shoes off at the door and started fumbling with your clothes.
"let’s get you to bed, yeah?"
"yes please, take me to bed channie." you practically moaned. you really were embarrassing yourself tonight, huh?
he laughed. "I’ll go get you some pajamas." and he headed towards your room.
oh, he really meant go to bed. like to sleep. you really felt like an idiot now. but god he looked so good. and the alcohol was fueling your need for him. you were needy before, but now it’s tenfold. you shakily followed him into your bedroom. he was digging around in your dresser for some sleep clothes for you. you slipped your shirt over your head and dropped it to the floor. then you fumbled with the button of your shorts for a minute before successfully undoing them and letting them fall to the floor as well. you had just unclasped your bra and dropped it with the rest of the clothes as chan found what he needed.
"this should work just fi—" he froze at the sight of you topless in front of him.
you approached him slowly. "thank you for taking such good care of me channie." you said sweetly, resting your palms on his chest. you let your hands explore his body, feeling his muscles under your fingertips. you couldn’t believe he was yours. you looked up at him. "kiss me." you said.
"baby girl, you’re drunk." he replied, grabbing your wrists with one hand and holding out the pajamas in the other. the sight of his strong hand wrapped around both of your wrists was definitely arousing and not helping his case at all.
"I want you. I want to be your good girl channie." you looked up at him with your best puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. "please? im so needy." you couldn’t believe you were actually saying these things to him. you were definitely drunk.
he took a deep breath. "fuck. princess, I want to. but you’re so drunk."
hmm princess, he had never called you that before, but you loved it.
"if you want to be a good girl for me, you’ll go to bed and we can talk about this tomorrow when you’re sober."
you pouted some more, but gave in, sensing he wasn’t going to budge on this. he slipped the t-shirt over your head and helped you into bed. he leaned down and kissed your forehead. "goodnight baby. I’ll let myself out and call you tomorrow, yeah?" he whispered.
you clung to him. "no channie, don’t go. stay with me, please."
he caressed your cheek, his thumb rubbing gently back and forth. "how can I say no to you when you’re so sweet?" he said. he removed his jeans and crawled into bed beside you, pulling you close to him, your head resting on his chest. "I’ll stay, but we’re just sleeping, got it?"
you sleepily nodded. "yes daddy." you said.
"I’m daddy now? fuck, baby. you’re not making this easy." he reached down to readjust his boxers before you drifted off to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
the next morning, you awoke to an empty bed. your head was pounding and your mouth felt like the desert. you sat up slowly, your ears ringing. you brought your hand to your head with a small whimper.
"oh, you’re awake." you looked up to see chan in the doorway, a glass of water in his hand and 2 small headache pills. "I figured you probably wouldn’t be feeling the best this morning," he laughed.
"you would be right." you said quietly.
"here baby, take this." he helped you take the medicine and placed the water glass on your bedside table. he crawled back into bed next to you and pulled you down to lay on his chest. he smelled so nice and he was so warm. you already felt a little better. he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, placing a small kiss on the top of your head.
"so do you want to talk about last night?" he asked.
last night? what about last night? you tried to think back and realized you don’t really remember anything after the truth or dare game. you don’t remember going back to your apartment. suddenly embarrassed you ask: "what about last night? did I do something bad?"
he chuckled. "you mean you don’t remember what you said to me?"
panic was starting to set in. this is why drinking is bad kids, don’t do it. what the heck did you say to him last night? your mind was blank, a black void where memories should be. "no, I don’t remember." you tell him. "but I’m sorry for whatever I said. channie I was pretty drunk, im sure I didn’t mean it."
he was outright laughing now. the full on chan laugh that you loved so much, the one with the little squeak in the middle. you looked at him, confused.
he composed himself before he said, "so you didn’t mean it when you said you wanted to be a good girl for me?" he was smirking at you and you could no longer look him in the eye. your cheeks were hot with embarrassment. you buried your face in his chest, groaning. "you didn’t mean it when you called me daddy? that’s a shame, I really liked that." he said, quieter this time, a husky whisper.
You froze. No way you said that to him last night.. did you? You groaned again, gripping his shirt in your fists.
"Baby girl, look at me." He said. You shook your head no against his chest, unable to overcome the embarrassment. "No?" He questioned. "But I thought you were my good girl. I know you are baby, look at me." You felt his words in between your legs, a dull throb starting to form. You swallowed, and took a deep breath before shyly looking up and meeting his dark gaze. "There she is." He said quietly, tucking your hair behind your ear. "There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, baby." He tells you before he leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips. The kiss only lasts a second before he pulls away, but not far. He’s only a couple inches away from your face, his breath mingling with yours. He looks into your eyes for a moment, before kissing you again. This kiss is more intense, you can feel his desire for you. One of his large hands comes up to the back of your neck, holding you in place. You melt into the kiss and grip his shirt tighter. His tongue runs along your bottom lip, asking for entry. You part your lips slightly and his tongue finds yours. You whimpered into his mouth.
He rolls you onto your back then, never breaking the kiss. His hands are all over you, rubbing up and down your body. His lips move from your mouth, to your neck and he begins to softly suck on the tender skin there. You’re out of breath, trying to compose yourself but your lost in him. "Chan" you breathe out.
He makes a sound of disapproval against your neck. "Nuh uh baby. I’m not Chan, what am I?" He says before biting your neck.
You let out a small moan at the bite. Your brain is frazzled.
"I’m waiting, baby. You can do it." He encourages. His kissing is moving farther down, he’s at your collarbones now, his hands snaking their way up your shirt. His strong hands glide smoothly over the skin of your tummy.
"Da-daddy.." you choke out.
"Mmm." He slides your shirt up revealing your breasts, nipples hard with the cold air. "That’s my good girl." He says, before taking your left nipple into his mouth. You thought you might combust. Your body was hot, and your panties were soaked. his tongue felt amazing against the sensitive skin of your breast. you brought your hands up to tangle in his mess of dark curls, holding him to you chest, not wanting him to ever stop.
“so beautiful.” he mumbled against your chest before using his hand to guide your other nipple into his mouth. you arch into him, needing to be closer. needing him. you whimper, a pretty pathetic sound you must admit, but it slips out. he pulls away from your breast to look into your eyes. his thumb still works back and forth across your nipple, but his eyes are on you. his pupils are wide with lust, his cheeks slightly pink, his lips wet and swollen. “what’s the matter, baby? why so whiney?” he asks.
his intense eye contact makes you nervous. this is nothing new, chan loves eye contact, especially in bed. it was nice in the sense that you always felt seen, you always felt appreciated. but at the same time, it made you shy. it made you want to turn your head and bury your face in your hands. maybe that’s why he does it, because he loves to see you squirm under him. loves to see you blushing and oh so shy because of him. “need you.” you manage to say, proudly still making eye contact with him, even if your cheeks are on fire.
he hums, returning his wet kisses to the skin of your chest. “tell me about it.” he says in between kisses.
you whine again, your head so cloudy with nothing but him, words long forgotten. he pinches your nipple between his fingers, roughly, causing you to wince. “ah ah,” he tuts. “be good, baby. tell daddy what you want.”
his wet kisses and messy licks are moving further down your torso now, his hands squeezing at the soft flesh of your sides. you tried to breathe deep, tried to focus. he nibbled at your skin on the way down, until he was running his tongue all the way across the elastic band of your panties. you gasped at the feeling, your body covered in goosebumps. “you better answer me baby, or i’m going to stop.” he looks up at you through his long beautiful eye lashes, his lips still pressed to your skin but he was completely still.
“need you.” you say again. “inside me.”
he hooks his fingers around the hem of your panties and pulls them down your legs, tossing them to the floor. “inside you?” he pushed your legs apart, revealing your most sensitive parts. you felt so exposed. you tugged your shirt down, covering your breasts and what you could of your stomach. his eyes tore away from your dampness and flashed up to your face. he pushed your shirt back up. “don’t cover yourself baby, let daddy see your beautiful body, yeah?” you weakly nodded, not feeling beautiful at all, but doing as your told. he kisses his way back up your body to your face. he cups your cheek in one hand, the other supporting his weight as he hovers over you. his thumb rubs soothing strokes across your cheek. “you don’t have to be shy around me.” he kissed your forehead gently. “you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen.” he whispers against your skin. “i’m so lucky to have you, baby. i’m such a lucky daddy, aren’t i? to have you all naked and spread out, your sweet pussy leaking onto the sheets.” you could feel his erection pressing against your thigh. he kissed your lips. “can i show you how beautiful you are? can i make you feel good, baby? are you okay?” you nod at him, you heart so full of love you felt it might burst.
he positioned himself in between your thighs, his face inches from your core. “so wet, honey.” he said gruffly. “you want me inside you? hmm?” you nodded vigorously, lifting your hips to his face. he chuckled at your eagerness. “my fingers?” he asks, bringing his fingers to gather the wetness, running his index and middle fingers up through your folds. you moan, squirming, needing relief. “be still, baby.” he says, before sliding his middle finger into your opening, slowly sinking it as far as he could. you gripped the sheets in your fists, your breathing erratic. he slowly started to pump his finger in and out of you, and then he leaned in and wrapped his lips around your clit. he hummed at the taste of you, filling the room with the sounds of your wetness and the sound of his tongue drinking it up. you could feel your release building, the tension inside you about to snap.
“daddy-“ you moaned. “daddy- i’m close.”
he continued his ministrations, his eyes locked on your face, not wanting to miss a second of the pleasure your about to have. with one particularly harsh lick against your clit, your orgasm washes over you. you vision goes black, your body tenses, and you cum. you cum harder than you ever have before, your release coating his tongue, lips and chin. “fuck, baby. you’re so pretty when you’re cumming for me.” he licks his lips, savoring the taste of you. “my perfect girl.”
he straightens up, kneeling on the bed in front of you. he pulls his shirt up and over his head, before leaning back to rest his weight on his heels. he palms his erection through his boxers, sighing and staring down at you. he looked godly, absolutely ethereal, his chiseled body flexing, his face still wet with your cum, his chest heaving as he pants. your mouth watered. “think you can take my cock, princess?” he asks, pulling his boxers down, setting his cock free. it slaps against his stomach, red and leaking precum. he stroked himself, slowly, circling his leaking head with his thumb, spreading his precum. you were sure there was drool running down your chin at this point. this isn’t the first time you’ve had sex with chan, but you were always amazed at the sight of him. you always questioned what you did to deserve him. how was this man yours? how was he currently naked in front of you, having just given you the best orgasm of your life? what good deeds had you done to receive this karma? karma in the shape of a god.
“please-“ you whimpered.
“mmm. i like that.” chan moaned, rubbing his cock through your folds, coating himself in your wetness. “beg for it, princess.”
“please, daddy please.” you begged. “need you so bad. fuck me, please. i’m a good girl. i’ve been good, daddy. i promise. please.”
he let out a sound that reminded you of a growl, a deep rumbling sound in his chest, before he slowly pushed himself inside of you. he gradually pushed himself all the way, until he couldn’t go any further. he remained still for a moment, letting you adjust to him. he leaned down and kissed you, sweetly. “i love you baby.” he whispered against your lips. he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. “fuck.” he moaned. he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. “i love you so much. love this pussy.” he was thrusting faster now. your hands found their way to his back, his muscles flexing with each thrust. he kissed across your jaw to your ear. “you take me so well, princess. my perfect girl,” he panted. your pussy clenched at the praise, squeezing his cock. “that’s it baby, you gonna be good and cum for me?”
“yes, daddy. wanna cum for you.”
“fuck.” he moaned again, kissing down to your shoulder. his fingertips ran up your thigh, over your hip, up your torso, across your breast, coming to rest at the base of your throat. “do you remember what you said in the car?” he asked, his thrusts getting sloppy. you shook your head no. “you said you wanted my hands around your throat.” his fingertips grazed across your neck, down across your collarbones, and back up. he gently wrapped his hand around your throat, applying the slightest pressure to the sides. “like this, baby? is this what you want?”
“oh my god.” you moaned, pussy fluttering around him.
“mmm. you feel so good squeezing my cock. you’re gonna make me cum, princess. need you to cum first.”
you gripped his waist, feeling your high quickly approaching. he’s so good. you’re so full of him. his moaning in your ear turns to whines and you know he’s close. the thought of him about to loose control and come undone all because of you, is what finally sends you over the edge.
“channie.. thank you.” you moan, your pussy convulsing around him. “thank you. thank you.” you cry.
when a final moan of your name falls from his lips, you feel him release inside of you. so much that it leaks out around his cock, staining the sheets. his thrusts slow until they stop completely. he gently pulls out of you, and collapses on his back beside you, panting. you roll on your side, draping an arm across his stomach, placing a couple kisses across his chiseled jaw. he looks down at you, a look filled with adoration. he brings his hand to your head, smoothing your hair. “i love you.” he says, smiling sleepily before kissing your forehead.
“i love you too.” you tell him, burying your face in his neck, suddenly sleepy.
“we need to get you cleaned up, baby. we made a mess.” he chuckles.
“but i’m so sleepy.” you mumble into his skin.
“me too.” he admits. “are you okay?” he asks, rubbing your back in long, slow strokes. “was that.. okay?”
you snuggle closer to him. “channie, it was perfect.” you answer, before falling asleep, your head resting on his chest, his strong arms around you, his cum leaking out of you, forever loved and safe.
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an: admittedly, not my best work. but i love that scene of the boys playing mario kart? i can vividly see it in my mind and it’s so cute.
🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 7 months
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౨ৎ ⁺ . Dolly n Honeys Collab .ᐟ 🎀🍯🐬
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Hii Dolls!! im soo soo 2 do this collabs with one of my favorite blogs @honeytonedhottie !!! basically we’ll be talking about persistence and being limitless!!🧁🎀 Enjoy!!!
Honey 𝜗𝜚 ! 🍯🎀
HOW TO PERSIST ; persisting simply means reminding urself that u already have whatever it is that u want. when u persist, you decide what it is that u want and you STICK to it.
the oxford definition of persistence simply means to continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
your 3d literally has no choice but to catch up and reflect the new thoughts that ur thinking in ur 4d so just KEEP GOING. if ur gonna whine or complain every step of the way and think thoughts like "persisting is hard" or "theres lots of resistance/difficulty with manifesting" then thats what ur going to experience.
manifesting is easy, effortless, and instant. when u catch urself thinking thoughts that perpetuate the old story, remind urself that no matter what, whatever u persist in will harden into reality simply because it HAS to. stop getting in your own way!!
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Dolly ୨୧ ! 🎀🫧🍨🛼
Limitless > Imagination!! 🎀🧁
Limitless Definition; Possesing power of an immeasurable rate a perfect way to describe your power your literally the god of your reality and you know you might think thats silly or “delusional” its so true though like ever since birth people are conditioned to believe that being negative is the more “logical” and “realistic” way to think than positive whoch is such a stupid revelation because all throughout life you meant to believe that you have to bring yourself down to earth about achieving something and that you’ll never have “__” because of “__” but that makes no sense seeing all of the extraordinary achievements that humans have done like
- build rockets and do rocket science
- walk on the moon
- build the great wall of china
and so many others including the human body its self your cells in your body healing and protecting wounds and your organs being able to stay in the designated spot no matter what and you think “logic” actually matters? everything in the human mind is projected i mean everything you use on a daily basis started off in the mind it all stems from imagination i mean just think about how everything around you started put as an idea in someones head!!
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Decisions!! 🎀🍨🫧
deciding is the final decision and the final outcome no matter what no questions asked like if you went too a sushi restaurant and ordered and decided that you want a shrimp tempura roll you will have the shrimp tempura roll no matter what
Concepts !! 🎀🧁🐬
“if the concept of something can exist then that can be achieved no matter” literally something i think about alot and a direct quote from yours truly like most people do think that you can have something because its quote “unrealistic” or it “doesn’t exist” but if that were really the case than why is the concept of it allowed to prosper like if those things really didn’t exist then the concept of Billionaires or Superpowers and Superheroes wouldn’t exist or even time travel everything single one of those things are a product of imagination!!! 💭🎀
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akutasoda · 6 months
i love ur writing so much, i cant hold myself back from requesting <333 this is my first time requesting something !!
i dont really know how to start this but what if the bsd characters (im not picky with them so you can pick any!!) were to meet the reader that has the same personality as Sparkle in Honkai starrail? Sorry if this doesnt make sense-
if u can write this then thank u!! if i requested this at the wrong time then im sorry
a thousand faces
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synopsis - when they meet someone that is engrossed in theatrics
includes - yosano, nikolai, jouno, ayatsuji
warnings - gn!reader - based off sparkle, fluff, slight crack, wc - 789
a/n: thank you!! <3 it made perfect sense dw :)
taglist - @vi-chan07
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akiko yosano ★↷
↪if she thought ranpo had a thing for dramatic reveals she'd be proven wrong. to her, you clearly had some sort of unhealthy love toward theatrical actions that brought you 'amusement' - so much so that it would the only thing to interest you.
↪ because she wasn't exactly the most out there and amusing person, you saw no business with her but somewhere you must of found something to amuse yourself.
↪she could tell you were unscrupulous. no regard for moral principles, no regard for how much you'd lie and no hesitation to play unfairly. to her that was concerning, nothing good could come from being associated with someone like you.
↪but you were still completely hard to read. never would she expect to understand you thoughts or actions and while that scared her slightly, it also made her more on edge around you. never knowing what you would do next.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪a master of theatrics such as himself could easily understand another maestro of theatrics. that's what drew him to you and you to him. you both lived for some kind of amusement even though your love for it stemmed deeper than his - afterall he longed for freedom more so.
↪you two would be the equivalent of a clown and an actor. you both had little regard for mortality and would happily play dirty if it meant achieving what you oh so desired - you both lived for the thrill of theatrics and attention.
↪although he could understand your love for amusement, he still couldn't read you. he couldn't tell what you were going to do, say or think - all he could do was understand why you acted so afterwards. but really that made you all the more interesting.
↪you found alot of amusement in nikolai. he was exactly the kind of person that could reflect and different yet mostly familiar side to your usual antics. it was also his dedication to the art of performance that grabbed your attention.
↪you were both equally cunning maestro's of dangeroud theatrics, each for their own reason and goal yet you could still understand one another. afterall the art of performance could be understood by it's accompanying actors. (theatre kids fr)
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪for someone who thought on the side of justice, he was incredibly morally gray. it was that twisted side of him that would lead to him grabbing your attention as you reckoned he would aid to your 'amusement' in his own way.
↪jouno hated the way he couldn't read you - well he couldn't see you but there was something about you that preventing him picking up anything through his senses. some actors can perfect complete control of their body and it's emotions, you were no different.
↪he could tell that you always looked for some way to be extravagant. to seek that amusement through any means necessary, mostly when it's outgoing and attracts the attention of anyone. a part of him wanted to respect that.
↪he could also tell that you were very particulate and only got attracted or engaged in things is if they promised amusement or some form of art of performance.
↪for a while he did find you slightly annoying but he would get used to the way you were rather outgoing and predicament.
yukito ayatsuji ★↷
↪he has met quite the range of characters after solving 50 000 cases as a detective for 20 years. all ranging from enclosed and secluded people to the extravagant outgoing ones who like to run their mouths, but he would have to admit he's never met someone like you.
↪while he could compare you to certain people, they all don't have the same level of dedication you do to theatrics and amusement. because the only thing that grabbed your attention was 'amusement' you tended to ignore him for a while - he wasn't fun in your eyes.
↪but he found you interesting. he couldn't read you at all, couldn't understand why you acted the way you did or even what you could be thinking. the only thing he could tell about you was that you clearly had no moral principles.
↪you could lie and lie or even go back on your words without a minute of trepidation if it meant you received the 'amusement' you wanted. and that interested him - how far would you be willingly to go?
↪he could actually admire your dedication to theatrics - not so much understand but he found it admirable nonetheless.
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
As a follow up to my keeper of the reaper question by detailed shading I meant the shading on the characters cause it looks expensive and I wanted to know how it was done
Also who's idea was it to do the colored interior lines seen in episodes like Keeper of the reaper cause it's a style I've never really seen in any other cartoon before or after B&M and it heavily influenced my style.
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Here's an example of the colored lines and shading
Oh THAT shading!
When B&M started out, the industry was still very much analog so even though we were colored digitally from the start, we still had to deal with analog holdovers. For example, for the pilot I was forced to use "The WB Palette". I guess all of the shows painted on cels back in the day used the same 30 colors, which makes sense when you think about keeping things consistent from shot to shot using pots of paint. There is no click-and-fill, and there's definitely no time to be mixing colors. That's the reason Mandy is so comparatively tan in the pilot-- I had only two Caucasian flesh tones to choose from. It was Yosemite Tan or Eggshell Fudd. I'm making those names up, but that was the gist.
When we got to the last season of Evil Con Carne, Digital EMation had taken over the animation and color duties, and I'd talked to them about doing a soft-edge shadow on the characters. My hope was that it would be as easy as a shadow on, say, a B:TAS character but with a bit of blur. Im not sure how they achieved it, exactly, but apparently it didn't add any pain to their pipeline.
The shadows were exposed at a blanket 30%, which I now believe is at least 10% too dark for a non-dramatic generalized shadow. Still, I liked it so much that we began to apply it to Billy & Mandy in certain shots and episodes.
The internal color line is something I like to do in my own digital art, but we weren't doing at the start in order to keep the pipeline streamlined. Our colorist Brian Smith kept sneaking them in, and because I liked them I'd let them go. We did one big last design and color retool about halfway through the series, and at that point we included the colored lines as a regular part of the designs.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Being an horror icon child with Y/N Ulrich (Dead Meat Podcast Ep. 188)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
A/N: Dead Meat is one of my favorite channels on YouTube, I'm proud of everything that James, Chelsea and their crew has achieved during the last years, they even had a cameo in Scream 2022 and they are friends with Radio Silence (they attended their wedding), so I had to include them in this series, you can check their channel, they have kill counts, podcasts, the horror awards, etc, so go take a look
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"Welcome back to another episode of the Dead Meat Podcast", Chelsea greeted in the direction of the camera, "I'm Chelsea Rebeca"
"And I'm James A. Janisse", James continued, "In this episode we have a very special guest, she is the youngest child of Skeet Ulrich, best known as Billy Loomis in the Scream franchise, and in recent years as F.P. Jones in Riverdale, please welcome Y/N Ulrich, also known in the horror community as the 'Ghostface Princess'"
"Hi, guys", you greeted with happines, "I'm so happy to be here, thanks for inviting me"
"Thanks to you for acepting the invitation", Chelsea responded, "How are you?"
"I'm good, very excited to talking to both of you", you answered, "Wait, is that a cat what you have there?"
"It is", James nodded lifting the cat, "This is Lucy"
"She is so cute! I also had animal company", disappearing from a moment of camera, you returned a few seconds later hugging Butters in a way that he was seen, "This is Butters, is actually Jacks cat, but I love him like my own"
"He seems as good as we've seen on the internet", James commented
"Totally", you said pressing a kiss in the cat's head
"So, starting with the interview, what was like growing with Skeet Ulrich as a dad?"
"First of all, he's the best dad I've could ever had, I am the youngest of three siblings, so I was and still am the baby of the family", you laughed along with them, "I was literally a doll to my siblings, they dressed me with every costume they could think"
"Including the ghostface mask", Chelsea joked refering to the photo that Jack posted, "I'm going to say that you looked adorable in the costume"
"Thank you, and yes that was when I was five years old, my siblings were looking for a costume we haven't tried, and then my brother left and came back with the ghostface mask, they put the robe and mask and send me to the living room where my dad was reading a script, he saw me and laughed, that was my first contact with Scream"
"Oh my God, I remember watching the first Scream when I was a child, I was so scared after the opening that I hide during the rest of the movie", James commented with fun, "But that was the movie that made me interest in the horror genre, what old were you when you watch it?"
"It was a year after the fourth was released, I was eight at the time, after finishing the first one my first thought was 'why my dad and uncle Matthew want to kill auntie Neve, auntie Courtney and uncle David?'"
After that sentence, there was laughing between the three of you, enough to Lucy to get down from their owners lap to go to the cat tower of the studio, but Butters kept sleeping in your arms
"Y/N you had more guts at that age than I had", Chelsea joked, "Did you tell him that thought?"
"No, but for the next few days I walked around the house with a helmet and disconnecting all the phones and hiding the cellphones so ghostface didn't threat to kill us", you remembered, "Dad found out after founding the cellphones in my toy box, and asked me what was happening, I told him everything, we had a fun talk about the movies"
"This might be a difficult cuestion, but, who is your favorite ghostface?", James asked surprising you
"You cannot ask me that!", you joked while laughing, "Wait including the sixth movie?"
"Yes", James nodded
"Okay", you sight while thinking, "First, they all are great ghostfaces, with different motives and that, and my dad will probably disinherit me, but Im going to say Roman and Jill, I mean, Roman was the mastermind behind everything, he gave Billy the motivation, and Jill had a perfect plan that almost worked but she kinda messed up"
"They definetely are in every top five of ghostfaces", Chelsea agreed, "Now, talking about more recent years, we've seen that you often spend time in the filming sets of your dad's projects, what was like seeing everything from the other side of the screen?"
"Well, as I already told, I knew dad was an actor since I was young, but the first time that I was in one, was during the first season of Riverdale when I was twelve, I had vacations so I stayed there for three weeks, and it was like that every summer until he left the series", you answered while scraching Butters between the ears, "It felt like a summer camp, like the guys threated me like a little sister and the adult cast were like uncles, they still are; it was very fun because if you look closely, you can see me in the back of some scenes, like in Pops and things like that, and since my birthday was during that dates I celebrated there"
"That sounds like a lot of fun"
"It was", you nodded agreeing with James's comment, "I think that I spend more time in the girls trailers than in my dad's"
"Talking about cameos and visits to sets, how did you ended making a cameo in Scream VI?", Chelsea asked
"It all started when during the pandemic, my siblings and I were having online classes and we were just having our onlinse classes, he got the call from Radio Silence, which he attended on speaker making the three of us listen to everything from our rooms, of course I openned my door, so when I heard the call ending, I practically run to the living room and asked him if I could go with him, he was confused at first but he realised that the call was heard on the entire house, but because of the COVID bursting out, he only was there for a day"
"The shortest time of you in a set", Chelsea joked
"Actually yes", you nodded with a smile, "And due to that small amount of time he had to learn his lines in the hair and make up trailer, so during that little time, I played Sam Carpenter, played by the awesome and magnificent Melissa Barrera"
"How was meeting her knowing that she was playing Billy Loomis's daughter?"
"I love her!", you exclaimed with happines, "When we arrived to the set I inmediatly sat on my father's chair and she aproached to me to say 'hi' and talk like we knew each other from years, she is my half fictional sister"
"She is one of the best additions to the franchise, the way she plays the part, like 'I don't wanna see you but still listen what you have to say because somehow I trust you' is perfect", James agreed making you nod, "Now, we are a year later to film Scream VI, you are more visible in the screen, how was filmimg?"
Noticing a little movement behind you, James and Chelsea didn't say anything about the curly haired boy that was aproaching you
"Well, we were lucky that we had our vaccines and more liberty to film, so after my mum and dad gave their permition to me to be in the movie we flew and have a little reunion with the cast to know each other"
"And then I enter the story", Jack exclaimed from behind scaring you and making Butters jump off your arms, before looking at the camera on your laptop, "Hi guys, nice to meet you"
"Hi Jack", they greeted before James speaked, "Good to see you"
"When did you got here?", you asked turning to look at him while James and Chelsea smiled
"Like five minutes ago", he answered while openning a brown paper bag, "I went to get breakfast for us after the gym, here's your iced caramel latte and a breakfast beagel"
"Thanks babe", you smiled closing your eyes as he left a kiss in your head
"I'm going to be in the kitchen if you need anything", Jack said taking the bag
"Okay", you nodded returning your attention to the screen where James and Chelsea were smiling, "Where were we?"
"How was filming your cameo for Scream VI", Chelsea reminded
"Right, so I didn't know at what moment my cameo will be until two or three days before filming when Matt, Tyler and Guy told me that there was a scene in a Halloween party at the beggining and my cameo will be at that moment, and my costume will be a female version of F.P. Jones, which is one of my dad's recent roles, I thought it was cool, but the problem is that I didn't took my serpents jacket that the Riverdale crew gave me in my sixteen birthday"
"They had to make a new one?", James asked
"No, I don't know how or at what moment, but my dad had it in his luggage, so they made me a mini version of him, I filmed my little part and never stepped on the set again for the rest of the filming"
"Wait what?", Chelsea exclaimed, "Why?"
"Because I'm a fan of the movies and didn't want to get spoiled on anything, so my reactions during the movie were totally real"
"Well, now that you mention the movie we want to play a little game of reactions, the dinamic is that we would say a moment in the new movie and you'll say what was your reaction during that, is that okay?", James said which you nodded, "Okay, first one: the openning kills"
"Crazy, I mean Samara Weaving was wonderful as always and then the reveal after the dead was insane and then the real ghostface kills Jason and Greg was something new"
"The return of Kirby Reed"
"That's final girl material, she made her comeback ready to kick ghostface ass"
"The apartment attack"
"I swear that I was so nervous during that scene that Jack's arm was red the next day of how hard I was holding it, the way it started with Quinn's "body" get thrown at the group, the chase and then the ladder was so hardcore"
"The shrine"
"It was sick and fascinating to see everything from previous movies and from Stab, and then the stage with all the masks and robes, I wish I was there when they filmed in there"
"Gale vs Ghostface"
"I was so emotional during the stabbing scene, that after the movie I hugged aunt Courtney for like ten minutes, but Gale Weathers is a final girl"
"The train scene"
"Again it was so tense, especially because the group was divided in two and all the ghostfaces costumes, I breathe when the first part of the group was safe, and then I stopped when Mindy was attacked"
"The ghostface reveal"
"Don't get my started on that, for the whole movie I was suspicious of everyone and at the same time no because they had good alibis, when Detective Bailey was revealed I was like "what the hell", when Ethan revealed himself I almost fell off my seat, and when Quinn revealed alive and one of them, I almost lost my mind"
"Hi again", Jack intervined apearing beside you, "Sorry for interrupting again, but I had a video of Y/N reacting to the reveals"
"Oh my God", you laughed taking a sip of your coffee
"Can you show the video for us and the audience?", James asked
"Only if Y/N is okay with it", Jack said while looking at you, in what you nodded in response, "Fine, here's the video, it might be a bit dark cause it was film during the movie"
Positioning the phone in a way that was in front of the camera and was seen good, Jack played it showing your exact reaction to that scene, which was how you explained it
"I think you represented the entire audience with your reaction", Chelsea commented after the video ended, "Especially because at first we were like 'why, why them, what's their motive' and then we know that their are Richie's family trying to avenge him, they had a good motive, and if you think about it, it has similarities with the motive of Nancy Loomis"
"Yeah, at the end, the whole franchise is based on family relations, like Roman was the one who started everything because he wanted a bond with Maureen but she didn't, so he gave Billy a motive to start the killings and the events after were like a chain", you said noticing how Jack sit in the chair next to you with Butters in his arms
"We should do a video with the whole franchise in chronological order", James joked, "Now, before we finish the interview, what do you see in your future? Do you see yourself in the industry or not?"
"I really like this question", you answered while thinking, "I definitely want to stay in the industry but not as an actress, I mean, I did theatre when I was in high school and it was awesome, but I would love to focus on be a make up artist of the horror genre, like the ones who focus on prosthetics and that"
"That sounds so interesting, what was the moment that made you realise that?", Chelse asked
"It was during big part of my life watching movies and series, so it was building along the years"
"Well we hope to see your name in credits and featured in our Kill Counts in future years", James said making you smiled, "Same to you Jack"
"Thanks guys", Jack said in response next to you, "You are awesome"
"Well, Y/N, thanks for be this week guest on the podcast, it was great talking to you", Chelsea smiled, "We can't wait to see what you do in the next few years"
"Thanks for inviting me, I'm so happy that you are my first formal interview because I love the entire channel and content", you smiled, "It has been a pleasure to talk to you and I hope we can do it soon"
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i-am-dulaman · 8 months
petition for that long rant on revolutions here, i really enjoyed the way you laid out your facts and explained the first rant and am not too good at reading theory myself (i am still trying tho) thanks!!
Okay okay so the problem with revolutions is they get messy. Real messy. You get counter-revolutionaries, moderates, extremists, loyalists, and everything in between. One revolution turns into 5, and even if your side wins, its almost guaranteed to have been tainted some way or another along the way.
Take the first french revolution. It started as civil unrest, the estates general initially called for reform of the french state into a constitutional monarchy similar to Britain. Even king louis XVI was in support of this. But extremists wanting a republic and counter-revolutionaries wanting absolute monarchy clashed and things became more and more chaotic and violent. Eventually the extremists won, the jacobin reign of terror ensued, and 10s of thousands of people were executed. Now don't get me wrong, i am all for executing monarchs and feudal lords, but look what happened a few years later; Napoleon used the political instability to declare himself emperor, a few more years later his empire had crumbled, and the monarchy was back with Louis XVIII.
Or take the 1979 iranian revolution. It started as protests against pahlavi, who was an authoritarian head of state and an American pawn. As the protests turned into civil resistance and guerilla warfare it took on many different forms. There were secularists vs islamic extremists. There were democrats vs theocrats vs monarchists. Etc. Through all the chaos, Khomeini seized power, held a fake referendum, and declared himself supreme leader and enforced many strict laws, particularly on women who previously had close to equal rights. Many of the millions of women involved in the revolution later said they felt bettayed by the end result.
Or the Russian Revolution. It started as protests, military strikes, and civil unrest during WW1 directed at the tsar. He stepped down in 1917 and handed power over to the Duma, the russian parliament. This new provisionary government initially had the support of soviet councils, including socialist groups like the menshiviks. But they made the major mistake of deciding to continue the war. Lenins bolsheviks were originally a very tiny group on the fringes of russian politics, but they were the loudest supporters of peace, so they gained support and organised militias into an army and thus began the russian civil war. Lenin won and followed through on his promise to end the war against germany, but its a bit ironic that they fought a civil war, that killed about 10 million people, just to end another war.
Im not saying any of these results were either bad or good. They all have nuance and its all subjective. But the point i am trying to make is that they get messy. The initial goals will always be twisted.
France wanted a constitutional monarchy, they got an autocratic emporer.
Iran wanted democracy and an end to American influence, and well they ended american influence alright but also got a totalitarian theocrat.
Russia wanted an end to world war 1 and got one of the bloodiest civil wars in history.
I cant think of a single revolution in history that achieved the goals it set out to achieve.
But again, im not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, just a warning against revolutionary rhetoric and criticisms of reformism. Sometimes revolution is the only option, when you're faced with an authoritarian government diametrically opposed to change, then a revolution may be worth the risk. But it is a risk.
But if you live in a democracy, claiming revolution is the only way is actively choosing both bloodshed and the risk of things going horribly wrong over the choice of peaceful reform.
So when i go online in some leftist spaces and see people claiming revolution in America or UK or wherever is the only way out of capitalism I cant help but feel angry.
I know our democracy is flawed, and reform is slow and can even go backwards, but we owe it to all the people who would die in a revolution to try reform first.
I know socialist reform is especially hard in our flawed democracy where capitalists own the media, but if we can't convince enough people to vote for socialist reform what hope do we have of convincing enough people to join a socialist revolution. Socialism is supposed to be for the people, but how can you claim your revolution is for the people if you can't even get the support of the people?
So what I'm trying to say is; if youre one of those leftists that are sitting around waiting for the glorious revolution, doing nothing but posting rhetoric online - at least try doing something else while you wait. Join your labour union, recruit your coworkers, get involved in your local socialist parties, call your local representatives (city council, senator, governor, member of parliament, whatever) and make your opinions known, push them further left, and keep pushing.
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andromeddog · 4 months
your art is like my dream style of artwork !! i love it sm - what program do you use and brushes/coloring for the look you achieve? sorry if you've been asked before! 🤍
hiii thank you so much!!!! i’m so flattered you like my work :’) my process is pretty simple and straightforward and grew from me doing everything possible to not have to shade or render (i am very lazy and only care about linework) i mostly use procreate on a very old ipad pro! for bigger pieces i often finish them in photoshop. i use a lot of brushes from True Grit Texture Supply, including free packs and a paid pack. i would highly recommend this website, i love their halftone and textured line brushes so much
and i’ll put a quick walkthrough of my process for anyone who’s interested under the cut!
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so basically i start out with flat colors. this part is just coloring in the lines lol. its often different shades of beige that are all really close in tone/color but i kind of dig that look. i’ll exaggerate some to keep a bit of visual separation but only just enough so they don’t all blend together
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and then i… shade? add texture? idk what to call this part. i take the default flat brush, make it very small, pick a color, then set the layer to multiply and make a million tiny tiny scribbles. direction sometimes matters but often i don’t really care and just go up and down. neatness isn’t really important
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then you drop the layer opacity down to like 30-50%
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then you add a shit ton of color correction layers because you didn’t think about lighting/color earlier and need to fix your mistakes. and VERY IMPORTANT is the noise layer that goes over everything. it helps even everything out. sorry to just jump to the finished piece also lol i’m not smart enough to do color theory im just winging everything until it looks kind of alright
and then you’re done! the lineart takes the longest time, then it’s just coloring inside the lines and scribbling and adding overlay layers. very easy breezy (does any of this make sense??????)
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here are some other brushes i like/use a ton + a baby preview of a piece for a zine im in. if you’ve gotten this far please know i love you.
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halfusek · 1 year
man. batdr archives. what
i hate them
sorry im gonna go full on hater mode here because oh my god? oh my god
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i’ve got a sneaking suspicion that this came out now as damage control for the AI thing because 1. it wasn’t included in the game all along like BATIM’s archives were and 2. this tweet
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like was it thrown together in such a rush that they forgot a whole ass character?
or it is a joke and was a planned action half a year after the game came out but eh who knows
either way this is not what i’m here to rant about (cuz im sure this is gonna turn to a rant)
it’s about bad writing, bad exposition and bad game design. buckle up!
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i see what they mean with the smile being a challenge to create, you can see in countless animations for fansongs how different artists tackled that and for one i think they did that very well
however. why the clothes exactly? is it just a meta reason with no reasoning in-universe whatsoever?
and look i’m not a fan of the ink demon having a voice (though i respect the craft behind it, the voice actor is very talented, it’s just a personal preference) BUT if you made the ink demon talk you should by logical extension either make toon bendy talk as well or explain why the hell he’s talking? i can see it being distracting but there are characters that have squeaky annoying voices in games and they’re fine (and it’s not like toon bendy is around the player for a super long time)
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i dunno what logic this whole thing operates on anymore but if joey commissioned the ink machine then it should be his and arch gate got all his shit after he passed away so idk what retrieve is supposed to mean here
but it could just be badly written sentences and the archive is full of those (once again making me think that the thing was done in a rush)
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that’s fair i guess
yall did make him look like a generic demon tho
i mean... it could be worse? if the goal was to make him look out of place then it was achieved but idk if it’s actually a good thing
i do like the bit about Wilson influencing how things look under him being in control of the cycle (though they have a very silly definition about what the cycle is but more about that later)
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dude. the beast bendy design was already bad in BATIM and they made it even worse in BATDR like what TToTT
its just an angry mountain of muscles, the batim design at least had that leg injury thing going on which made moving with front arms make more sense, this dude right here is just a big inky gorilla (and not in a good way)
playing as the final form in on itself isnt a bad idea, does sound quite fun, personally tho i did not enjoy the very ending on the game
i dunno it just felt weird and all the other characters randomly appearing and the lost ones attacking being so awkward and ink demon acting as if they could kill you... nah man i wasn’t feeling it
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okay so lets get this straight
cycle = a series of events that repeat
breaking the cycle would mean doing something different and stopping the cycle from continuing (so what... wilson was doing actually)
saying that making it restart again is what breaking it means is just??? no?
“satisfying face reveal” welp. each to their own XD
i see their purpose theme and thats neat and all but man do i hate how henry in this game is just. there and how some stranger is the person helping him get out of his horrible fate like its sooooooo unsatisfying
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yeah she got more personality ill give her that
but she’s not a beacon of hope. she’s a beacon of tearing away the satisfaction of defeating a villain that we as the player worked hard towards
and uh... isn’t getting thrown into a horrible dimension full of monsters that audrey isn’t familiar with and is supposed to be freaked out about a bad moment to introduce a familiar face? like from a writing perspective, because it happens nearly instantly as chapter one starts
shouldn’t audrey be unmotivated then and struggling to figure out the world on her own? the player should also be haunted at this world, like it’s a horror game bestie ! don’t make me comfortable
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well glad to hear the confirmation on that batds is happening in pararel to batdr
but his involvement in the main story is honestly such a nothing burger
is he there just so you can put batdr on the “can you pet the dog” site?
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oh ok so what you’re basically putting down here is that he’s a boring perfect extremely rich guy, wasn’t even a bad father, completely stripping wilson’s arc of depth, cool, was afraid there would be something of substance powering the backbone of the plot of this game
and saying that both joey and wilson are worse people because theyre cringefail at business XDDDDDDDDDDD
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ok here is something that im glad they addressed because ive been wondering about it - how audrey forgot that joey was her dad and how did she end up working at arch gate then
i suppose it implies that there’s something we might still learn/theorize about it, like for example if it was the machine drawing her in or gent wanting to get the machine back and manipulating things into place from behind the scenes
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i really wonder how you can enter in and out the ink realm unnaturally but good to mention why he looks like that if he’s supposed to be nathan’s son
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you cant just say that a character was important to the story, its not gonna happen from words
how is she important exactly? she just talks and uh.. helps audrey make the drink that makes you fall asleep? man that section of the game was Weird
i do want to like her, she seems nice and there could be interesting things to her backstory but as for the plot she really didn’t do much, sorry, betty
if you wanna say that pushing the plot forward by giving audrey that drink and then alice appearing outta nowhere and kidnapping here is a good big contribution then idk what to tell you... its such a bad way to make the plot progress, it was so confusing because characters were behaving as in forced to do Things to Progress the Plot (especially Audrey drinking that thing at all like seriously girl?? and Alice appearing comically at the last sip like wooooooow are you for real)
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ah. so they were attempting a redemption arc
[saying this he didn’t threw aside the large rock. he was right to be holding the large rock]
this sucks man! what did joey help correct exactly? created more ink people to suffer eternally? wow, dude, thanks
also lmao what learned from his mistakes, did you HEAR his dialogue at the end of batim?? (an audrey can be heard right after that scene as well so isnt his whole change of heart supposed to be happening around here + allison has already been added to the squad)
it’s just... it’s just such bullshit man
you can make us like joey as a character but don’t you fucking dare make us like him as a person
bad. just bad
(aaaaaand this is the part that made me realize i wish the archives just. weren’t added! wow! i’m even surprised with myself with how much I Don’t Like them)
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WHAT flaws??? hello??? please give it a big thinking and tell me what flaws does Audrey have im shaking and crying
also is her “deep dark past” supposed to just be like bEINg JoEY DRewS DAUghtER OOOoooOOo? lmao. wow so dark wow so deep
i dont know why this story needed a fresh pair of eyes because the story is that audrey is joeys daughter and that wilson is nathan archs son and that bendy is bendy. wow so deep so dark and complicated!!!!!!!11!!111
also whats the point of fresh eyes if you welcome us with familiar faces?
also sorry to break this to you but its not hard to stand out from the kinda cast that is presented to us in this game. sorry i cant decide if i care more about audrey or random employee number 24 with a random problem that i have 0 reason or time to get attached to. i seriously cant decide
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suuuure we were so muddled xD oh you got us so good you sneaky little cheeky little quirky little
cant fucking believe we almost had a proper nathan arch jr and a secret one eyed villain that there was so much hype about and theories that they obviously tried to deliever here
its speculative but. knowing that they take inspiration from fan theories - they admitted to it and ex employees said so, i think we would have to be in some serious denial to think that @lucky-dreamfisher​‘s one-eyed bendy theory wasn’t meant to be represented here with wilson’s character
this story makes so much LESS sense based on what you said! aaaaaaaa we were so close to greatness
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what is so wrong with not resetting the cycle then?
not that im a fan of how wilson was approaching things, he very clearly wanted to make himself the ruler of this realm and have power over everyone but sounds like that sure beats living under ink demons reign?
but also idk if this is entirely true like in batim chapter 5 we can see that lost ones were capable of making that lost harbour and sammy is later mentioned to have mastered a special ability too so??
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i wish we learned more about the pit because it sounds quite interesting and we were working hard towards getting there and finally didnt get to see it at all (a shame! very unrewarding to the player)
im not gonna comment on reverting here cuz its a serious mental thing im not knowledgable about
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i haaaate this
you... this is not how exposition is done!
show don’t tell?? how about SHOW don’t TELL??
what in the goddamn. you can’t just pull that outta your ass and say yep. this is how it is. bro. dude.
im referring here to the ink machine bit, the previous sentences can actually be seen in the story
but the design does not reflect what is written here
and they are doing so much of that in these archives, this telling of the story in a place that is not meant for telling of the story, you do that IN the STORY. rarghrgrh
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surprise i found another nice thing: confirmation on that alice was the one who mutilated the butcher gang, cuz i dont think that was ever confirmed before but at least you can find implications of that in the game so its fine to outright confirm that here, good job about that
i dont know what theyre on about carley, she doesnt really look like that to me and ive looked at her model in the archives, in the files and at peoples renders of her and i just dont see it
but i guess it might mean it was like a suit that someone got stuck in- FNAF?!>!!>!?
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no way. no fucking way
we got robbed what ToT
he was removed in favour of WHAT???? AMOK????
dude there ill be real. there’s barely anything that is worth keeping there instead of having him play a bigger role
and im not even that big on sammys character! hes one of my least liked characters personally even! but at least there is something more to him and just man after 5 years you could have given him more than just a dumb wilhelm scream joke, that almost feels like a spat in the face lmao
thanks for again confirming something though with that flow thing, as we noticed sammy uses gaps in the wall in batim chapter 2 to travel around the place
why not have him teach audrey the flow ability? imagine how could that would have been
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im just baffled this exist but sammy apparently had to be cut out
moving on
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my brother in christ why are you making it a mystery if she will appear, she literally appeared in every game so far with quite major roles
also... what layers? sure in batim with her story (susie’s story) there sure been some layers, susie’s story in batim is probably aside from joey’s story the deepest character arc they got
but alice in batdr? she’s there to play a stupid game she set herself up to lose, get mad at that (eh?) shoot you and die
what layers, really
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but also idk i found the fight annoying and random, you could throw it out and not much of value would be lost, put sammy back in
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idk if id describe the ink demon as putting the player on edge because he doesnt actually roam the place
you see a grey overlay on your screen and you need to hide or you die... which gets tiring fast and annoying
you totally could still have lurker (even if just restricted to some areas) as a free roaming monster
and the unlikely ally thing is just so bland like yeah he’s there, we know nothing about him aside from that he eats hearts, incredibly charming fella 
not thrilled by his design either but that issue i already had with the first trailer but i guess they just sticked with that
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bendy devs not use mental illnesses as derogatory terms challenge
i like the crab boy design, he’s sillay
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bro forgot a texture tho
so yeah not. happy with the archives
sorry if im like overly negative but ive honestly tried to give this sequel (because despite what they were saying it IS undoubtedly a sequel) my best assumptions and it turns out its nearly all the worst assumptions
its annoying, im annoyed
they should hire a writer to help them get this mess together, maybe get adrienne in on it, i dunno, because clearly if they need to be specific and not leaving things open like in batim, then they arent managing very well
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they even fucking killed harold
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flonbowe · 8 months
So I was thinking about Mettaton, and something hit me
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Mettaton Neo has a very angelic design. I may be stretching it, but considering what a certain other angel looks like
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The resemblance is very much there. Mettaton's Ex and Neo forms look far more human than anything or anyone in the underground, including Frisk themselves during the Genocide run. Mettaton Neo is specifically a form used in a last case scenario to stop you. Now depending on how you view the Neo form, this can probably mean a few things. My two cents is that its Mettaton trying to keep himself and you fooled. Mettaton first and foremost is a showman. He's a TV star, and even if he may no longer have an audience, there's no way he's going off air lying down.
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Now why would this relate to his Neo form resembling the Angel? Well he's bluffing, whether intentionally or not he is bluffing. He can't beat you, and deep down I think he knows too. The best he can do is stall for time to get as many people out and evacuated as possible, to inspire hope. Its why he stays in the underground, and its what he's good at: inspiring. So he fights you and blocks your path, in the face of a demon he uses the visage of an Angel as the last line of defense for Monster kind. Undyne has fallen, the Asgore will fall too, but Mtt cannot let the monsters hopes die too. I know this isn't in game, but this kind of idea is even further expanded with this cover of Power of Neo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI0CxTgpA6Q
It uses a bunch of leitmotifs, and one of which is Bergentrückung, the other theme of someone who tried to bring hope to the Monsters, and the theme of who will fall after Mtt. This is also apparent with how Power of Neo is a more techno Mtt themed version of BAATH to begin with. At every point in the Mettaton Neo fight, from design to music to personality: Mettaton is stalling and pulling an intimidation act as a last ditch effort, since he doesn't know Sans is waiting in his church to play ball with Frisk. https://www.tumblr.com/dn-838/738700806141952000/how-aborted-genocide-affects-the-mettaton-neo?source=share This post goes more in detail on other aspects and Is generally just really interesting. But what I want to point out is what this means for Spamton Neo. By this logic, Spamton ALSO uses the visage of an Angel. Just for funnies, lets compare sprites too!
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I know im using fan made content again but after UTY, that really isn't too bad I think, especially for a more for fun exploration like this. Speaking of fan made content, lets see where that sprite came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkDjXdp2Ayc&t=69s
Notice how it only uses the first part of the loop, it doesn't go on and doesn't continue Power of Neo fully. It doesn't have the full meaning of Mettaton's heroic sacrifice to help people, as instead of an Angel to save the Underground, Spamton is that Angel of Death in Undertale's prophecy (in the Snowgrave route anyway). Like Mettaton, Spamton also uses the visage of an Angel to achieve a goal, but no matter what route it is its a dark perversion of Mettaton's goals. Mettaton wanted to inspire the Underground and achieve his dreams, trying to stall and kill Frisk to either save them from Asgore, or save the survivors from You. Spamton wanted his freedom and attacks and tries to kill Kris for their soul so he can be free. He also assists in the Snowgrave route, being an accomplice to many many deaths for 15 minutes of fame. This idea is more properly conveyed in the last parts of Big Shot with the use of Power of Neo. Oh yeah this was a Mettaton analysis whoopsie Ok so I know this was a Mettaton Neo thing at the start but man I just wanted to gush and gush about Mettaton cuz man I really can't get enough of him. He's the only one of two characters in Undertale to directly have connections with the Angel prophecy when it isn't just the Delta Rune itself, he inadvertantly saved the Underground because he's what made Alphys get the Royal Scientist posi--OH WAIT YEAH THATS SOMETHING I CAN TALK ABOUT OK SO SIDE TANGENT METTATON UNINTENTIONALLY SAVED THE UNDERGROUND AND I FIND THAT REALLY REALLY COOL! Because Alphys used Mettaton as a project to show to Asgore to become the Royal Scientist, this let Alphys work on the amalgamates and also create Flowey. Without Flowey, the barrier wouldn't have broken and no one would have been freed. Yes I know this isn't all solid since Mettaton didn't somehow cause 6 random kids fall down but you get the idea. Mettaton transitioning saved the world totally I NEED MORE METTATON AUS GRHEYCGDHWUDYGHJWYDH IM GOING TO GO FERAL!!! HE'S NEEDS IT AHHHHHHH!! Ts!Underswap is honestly amazing for Mettaton. I mean Mettacrit. He doesn't get his JoJo body, but is that going to stop him? OF COURSE NOT!
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HE'S METTACRIT! AIN'T NO ONE STOPPING HIS DREAMS! He's also a wonderful little gist of Mettaton's whole character, just get rid of Alphys (sadly). Someone who wants to achieve their dreams, wanting to share the love and kindness around, with of course the sassy show stealing charm he needs.
But what if that wasn't so easy
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SURPRISE! UNDERFELL TOO! We got the whole holy trinity of Undertale au's, specificallyyyyy
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I MAY BE READING TOO FAR INTO THIS BUT I LOVE METTATON GAMMA SO MUCHHHH Its still our same ol Mettaton, but now his dreams are falling on deaf ears. He's Spamton in nature instead of Fabulous. Everyone is violent and blood hungry, so a simple cooking show with a touch of murder won't be enough, or another beautiful rendition of Oh My Love~! Its clear (to me anyway) that Mettaton in this au is nowhere near as big a star as he is in the normal Undertale continuity. In his intro monologue he brags about the audience he brought in, and during the fight he's much more focused on what the Audience wants rather than the show HE wants. Something OUR Mettaton just wouldn't do. This is the same sexy rectangle who basically just broadcasts whatever he wants. I forgot the exact dialogue and screenshot but its just not something Undertale Mettaton really does. Underfell though? A different story. He's bound to his viewers in a bad way till Frisk comes along. He's even more bound to Alphys in this AU as her little science fair project. GOD I LOVE THIS GAME ITS WHAT I'D WANT FROM AN ACTUAL UNDERFELL GAME! Oh my god I haven't even talked about Deltarune Mettaton and Mike and how that works OK SO THIS IS ENTERING MY PERSONAL FANON BUT Y'know how Spamton and Mettaton have their parallels? Y'know how the internet has been down in Deltarune?
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Chapter 3's dark world is definitely TV themed, there's no way it can't. I know Tenna is the big TV related baddie now, but Im using Mike in this take. If Spamton is the more passive parallel to Mettaton, Mike in this chapter 3 take would be the darker direct parallel. Instead of the dreamer from humble beginnings who, even if he can be vain and self centered at times, still means well deep down like Mettaton is, Mike would be the cynical producer type who's fueling problems in the industry to make it big on top. A dark Mettaton if you will. Basically like this
I KNOW I KEEP LINKING OTHER POSTS BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT EVERYONE IS COOKING! GRAHHH Mettaton's such a character man. He makes me think lots of things and I wish I could gather my thoughts more clearly
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