#(even if that’s through working with animals or spending some of her free time hanging out with animals)
realredbanana · 1 month
Totally random question but, when it comes to the main 5 Young Royals characters, if they had pets, what type of pets do you think would they have?
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erinfern0 · 4 months
simon "ghost" riley as a father
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dad!simon spent endless hours building the tiny furniture and painting the nursery walls. Of course, all the equipment was picked by you, as he didn't really have a taste for those things. If he were to choose, the room would end up looking like shit.
dad!simon who smiled the whole time as you folded the new clothes and blankets, stealing some of them to feel the fuzzy material, so calming to his growing anxiety.
dad!simon dreamed of this day for so long, but couldn't help the knot in his stomach at the idea of actually being a father. The fear of turning out to be the same as his old man was disgusting, but never left his mind.
dad!simon who discussed every thought and decision with his therapist, making sure he was really prepared. Coming back after every session, he'd sit down with you and discuss everything, being so happy to feel your touch and reassuring words.
dad!simon who thinks it's a true miracle that he lived so long to carry his little kid home. Holding their tiny body in his arms, the love of his life beside him as he stepped into the house.
and now:
girldad!simon who is completely smitten with his little girl, those huge eyes staring at him as if he was some sort of angel.
girldad!simon spends his free time studying how to style her hair, different ponytails and braids, all depending on his princess's wishes
girldad!simon who lets her color in all of his tattoos, watching her trembly hands holding the newest set of body markers.
girldad!simon who teaches her how to defend herself from a very young age, starting with simple lessons on assertiveness and boundaries, through various self-defend practices.
girldad!simon who spoils her rotten, he just can't deny that pouty little face whenever he tells her no. He has his limits, but most of the time she gets all the dresses, toys, and ribbons she gets.
girldad!simon gets a tattoo of her favorite stuffed animal somewhere on his body.
girldad!simon who encourages her passions, especially when it comes to sports because that's one of the few he has any expertise on. He spends a lot of time getting to know others, so he always has topics to talk about.
girldad!simon who feels pity towards any possible love interest that might even think of hurting his little girl.
girldad!simon is often seen walking around the park, holding her hand at all times. All his scary mysteriousness disappears the moment she talks to him, Simon just turns into the sweetest parent in seconds.
girldad!simon always kneels down in front of her so she feels taller.
girldad!simon will watch any show or movie she wants, doesn't matter how 'girly' it is. Secretly enjoys Barbie movies.
girldad!simon watching her grow up and getting into make-up makes him feel very happy, but nostalgic. Reminding himself that not so long ago she was running around and playing with little bugs.
girldad!simon who always drives her around, a personal taxi driver whenever she wants to hang out with her friends.
boydad!simon who focuses on making sure his boy doesn't pick the same field of work as him, no matter how much his boy idolizes him.
boydad!simon who spends most of his time with his son outside, running, playing soccer, or building him some DIY shelters around the house with branches, leaves, and stones. (my ass can't get this out of my head, such a stereotypical polish childhood)
boydad!simon who adores his boy's interest in the military, but like I said, always reminds him to pick something else. This doesn't stop him from spending hours talking about little details and stories.
boydad!simon spoils him by buying him little cars, wooden models, and sports equipment.
boydad!simon makes sure not to push his boy too much into the toxic masculinity he had to grow up with. His son can be as expressive and sensitive as he wants, there's no one to stop him.
boydad!simon who becomes his son's best friend and savior whenever he has nightmares.
boydad!simon tries to be on-trend with electronic devices, spending lots of time to learn how to play his son's favorite video games whenever the little one is asleep, so he can help him if he struggles with a mission/achievement.
boydad!simon who has to make sure his son is a responsible person, giving him adequate punishments so he doesn't think there are no consequences to his actions.
boydad!simon studies dinosaurs just because his son finds them oh so cool. After reading some articles, he finds himself fascinated with them too, sharing all the facts and sources for them.
dad!simon would do anything to keep his child safe. He'd let the world burn if it meant his little one was the happiest kid on the planet.
dad!simon gets anxious if his kids don't answer him immediately, so he made sure their phones have their locations turned on all the time.
dad!simon doesn't argue with you around the kids, any serious discussion is only between the two of you, so in case emotions take over they never witness it.
dad!simon thinks it's crucial to show up, so he rushes from his deployment to make it to his child's school play or graduation, just to be able to support them.
dad!simon encourages his kids to go and see a psychologist, even if they don't struggle with much. He understands that there are just things important to talk about, but the kid might not want to open up in front of their parents about everything.
dad!simon turned out to be the father his old man could never be. In his kids' eyes, he's a true hero and the best dad they could have.
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masterlist | request info
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I love your blog so much!! You're without a doubt my favorite writer on this app, you write yanderes so so well and you just manage to capture so amazingly the personality of EVERY character you write, especially Byakuya, i love him so much, and you just write him so well, i've been reading and rereading your works nonstop!
Could i please request yandere Byakuya with a Reader who's very kind and gentle and they like to follow him around (not in an annoying way, but in an attempt to try to befriend him and make sure he is okay during the killing game, since he is kinda excluded for being an ass). Better yet, how would he react to Reader actually leaving him alone after he went too far, or was too mean to them
Love everything you post so much, feel free to deny, remember to eat and drink water!
Thank you so so much! I'm happy i could make you happy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Sweet ‘n Sour | Yandere Byakuya Togami
It’s honestly an honor
That you’re transmigrated into an anime/game
Too bad it’s the killing game of Danganronpa
And of course, with you thrown in the middle things are really unpredictable
So you’ll comfort yourself in being as kind to these characters as you possibly can
Especially Byakuya
A fan favorite and an intriguing ally throughout the game
Of course, you just gravitate toward him
Even though he sneers and insults you
Sometimes threatens
But you don’t mind…
Even though….
Those comments are beginning to hurt 
It’s one thing to love a meaner character through the screen but in person, it’s pretty hard
despite your inclination to maintain your usual smile and gentle actions
After a while, you just stop trying 
Too bad some may consider that your biggest mistake:
“Honestly I was hoping you’d turn up as one of the corpses during this farce; it probably would have made it even more interesting.”
That was it.
That was the last straw for you. Toko could have all his time and attention for all you care. The sheer fact you’ve put up with this for so long disgusts you. To hear your own life be spat on by the guy you’d been trying to extend a helping hand to–it was despicable. (Of him or of you, you couldn’t decide.)
“Ah, I see. Have a good night then.”
That was the last time you went out of your way to speak to him; immediately changing your schedule to accompany someone else. Since you’d been away with Byakuya you almost forgot how kind the rest of the group was. 
“(Y/n) I’m so happy you’re willing to hang out now! Let’s make donuts together!”
“After that I hope you’ll indulge me and Naegi in a puzzle of sorts.”
“I-if it’s alright with you..”
It was refreshing. 
To be told you were actually wanted around was somehow so fulfilling.
What terrible company you’ve been keeping.
“I’d love to!” Within a matter of days you are feeling the warmth of friendly interactions; whereas the man you’re avoiding is having a….less than stellar reaction.
Toko was excited that her Byakuya-sama had finally chased you. A rival weak enough to be effected by words wasn’t much of a rival at all! But upon your absence in only a few hours into his daily routine Byakuya had made an intense realization. 
That he desperately desired your attention on him.
He didn’t have to actually see you skirting your routine with him to know he hated the thought of you spending any amount of time with his classmates rivals. It literally made his skin itch and his throat close up with every minute away from you. Naturally he doesn’t care that even Toko is unnerved by the tantrum he throws. Books are strewn about, the shelves dangerously leaning against one another. All of it just an emphasis of the palpable malice emanating off of Byakuya. In the middle of the ruins he just stands still. 
Alarmingly still.
Like a predator looking out. 
Are they hunting? Scoping? Contemplating the ways to torture their enemies?
No one really knows.
Even when he pulls at his hair and belts out in an uncouth laughing fit. In an instant he stops demanding Monokuma show himself this instant. He needed to find you. Now. He’ll make it a point to inform the headmaster of his own teaching. 
Because apparently you–being the kind and gentle soul you are should be able to withstand all kinds of people. Especially him. Always him. So he’ll offer his own guidance by keeping you within arms reach at all times. 
He expects you to persist against anything he can throw at you.
How else are you going to rule the world as a Togami?
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m0nsterqzzz · 6 months
Paying Attention
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pairing: katniss everdeen x reader
summary: you girlfriend never pays attention....or at least nobody thinks she does
a/n: two fics in one night? I promise I have a life yall.
ahhhh this is so short but i haven't written for my girl in way to long. this is kinda based off that one request you sent me, @drima but I also kinda added my own thing. hope thats okay my love!!
Your girlfriend has a short attention span.
Everyone knows it; her friends at the Hob who have to remind her over and over again how much she owes them after she gets distracted by some pretty butterfly, her mother and sister who listen to her tell the same story over and over again because she always forgets she told them when she’s busy cleaning up the house or cooking dinner, and you, her person, the one who gets all her love, who knows how to keep on her task and focused most of the time.
It’s one of your most impressive skills really; the ability of turning the girl who can't seem to sit still for more than a few minutes into a contented statue with only a touch or a word. You don’t even know how you do it, but it works and that’s that.
Or at least, it usually works.
Right now, as you sit down with her in the forest surrounding district 12, explaining some of the plants you just planted while she sits next to you, knee bouncing up and down as her eyes scan the forest. Her bow held loosely in her hand, though you know that at any given second she could grab an arrow from the quiver hooked to her back and have dinner in less than five seconds.
“Did you know that some plants actually help improve air quality indoors? Plants like spider plants and peace lilies are great for removing toxins from the air and keeping it clean.” You speak softly, eyes moving from the garden Katniss helped you make a few months ago to look at her while scanning the small clearing in hopes of finding hunt and uses her free hand to pick at the grass beneath her.
“They’re low-maintenance and don’t require as much watering as others. They’re perfect for people with busy lives who don’t have the time to babysit their greenery.” You chuckle at your own joke about her hectic schedule and lack of ability to keep a plant alive for more than a month due to it, but it dies down in your throat when you realize your words are falling on deaf ears.
Katniss’s eyes dart around, only stopping on you when she realizes you stopped talking. “Mhm. That’s cool honey.” 
You stare at her side profile for a second before you scoff quietly, standing up and grabbing your woven basket that contains veggies, herbs for Mrs. Everdeen and Primrose, and a few flowers. “Let’s just go. I know you want to hunt.” She immediately takes notice of your mood, seemingly a bit upset about her not focusing on the conversation at hand. She’s always been good at that; being able to tell what you’re feeling and fix it in a quick second.
Right now though, she doesn’t seem to care, just nodding slightly as she stands up and follows after you. “Alright.” The archer mumbles, lining up an arrow with her bow as she slowly walks ahead of you as to not disturb any animals around.
You get over it, and everything goes back to normal with you and Katniss over the next month. You go with her to hunt almost every day, spending a bit of time at your garden tending to it before you join her to quietly walk through the forest in hopes of finding an unsuspecting animal. 
Tonight, you’re going to have dinner with the Everdeen family, invited by Primrose, Katniss’s sister, and reassured by your girlfriend that her mother would love to have you around. You help them out a lot whether it’s vegetables from your garden or part of the money you get from selling them in the Hob so they can enjoy a fulfilling dinner, and you try your hardest to hang out with the youngest girl when you have free time so that she has as many supporters as possible or go help out at their home by cleaning up and cooking so Katniss doesn’t have as much to do at the end of the day. It’s fun for you, and it’s great for them.
Anyway, Prim is the one who answers the door when you knock, grinning at the sight of the cookies you spent the last of the money you earned today to buy from some boy named Peeta at the bakery in town. “Katniss! Your lover is here!” You chuckle, and your girlfriend groans from somewhere in the house before gently shoving Prim out of the entryway so she can tug you by your arm inside.
Her mother is sat at the table, a book in hand as Katniss cooks and Primrose tidies up. No matter how many times you come over, the Everdeens are always trying to make their house in the Seam as clean as possible as to impress you.
Katniss goes back to cooking once she knows you're comfortable on the couch, brushing off your offers to help with a quick wave of her hand. She always feels the need to do everything possible to insure her loved ones don’t have to work too hard, and the urge includes you.
Before you know it, you’re washing dishes with Primrose after finally convincing your girlfriend to take a break, and said girl comes up to you two and leans her back against the counter while similtasntly holding something behind her back by the time the last dish is washed.
With a quick nod to her sister, the younger girl sighs before putting the last dish away and walking out of the room while mumbling about not even being thanked before she’s kicked out of her own kitchen.
Katniss holds out the item she was hiding for you to see, and your smile only grows at the sight. It’s a round flower crown, looking almost exactly the same size as your head. The adorableness of your big scary girlfriend holding such a pretty, delecit item is pushed into the back of your mind as you take notice of what flowers are on it. Peace Lilies.
“I was listening. I’m sorry it didn’t seem like it. And you were right, you know. I found some of these in the forest, re-planted them in a pot, and they’ve been growing on my nightstand ever since. I barely ever watered them yet they grew faster and bigger than any plant we’ve ever owned in this house.” The Everdeen girl chuckles, gently placing the crown on your head. “I want you to know that even when it seems like I’m not, I’m always listening to you. I love hearing you talk, and there’s a little file in my brain that holds every single thing you’ve ever told me.”
You nod with a small blush, adjusting the crown on your head before you hoist yourself up to sit on the counter. “I didn’t know you cared.”
 She stands in between your legs, her hands lifting to gently caress your cheek and then she places a chaste kiss on your forehead. “I care.”
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mywifealhaitham · 1 year
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◟✶◝ general qifrey dating headcanons
◟a/n◝ posting this in hopes that more people read and write for witch hat atelier... it's such a good series and I hope that the anime adaptation help boost its popularity 😞
• first of all, dating him means you also get four kids and one tired uncle. qifrey and the kids + Olruggio are one huge package deal but by know you probably already know.
• you two would have to have known eachother for awhile for any type of romantic relationship to blossom. Qifrey is already a mysterious man and keeps almost everyone far away from his actual self, going as far as erasing his best friends memories when he learned the truth.
• with you however he's nicer and gentler. you can see how his mask drops and cracks ever so slightly when you're alone with him asking about his magic and updates about the brimhats and surprising he'll tell you snippets of his progress though not enough for his true intentions to shine through but enough to bring you both closer.
• during the day he's practically clinging onto you whenever your near. If you live with him in his atelier then goodluck because you'll need every lucky item for him to leave your side even for a few hours. if you live farther away then you bet he'll visit you everyday when he's free, often bringing a new magical item Olruggio made or bringing along coco and the others for some training with you.
• speaking of his apprentices they love you alot, they love their professor so naturally that love pours onto you. often times they'll ask you to help or hang out with them if you're free. Riche will ask you to help clean brushbug, she loves observing how you work with or without magic. she loves how every move you make your personality shines through and she aspires to have that ability. Tetia often asks you things about fashion and what types of clothes look the best and what styles compliment the types of magic. sometimes she'll doodle new magic ideas or outfits to show too you and when you tell her that you're proud of her and her ideas are splendid her face shines so bright and she gives you a smile that melts everything around you.
• Agott really only asks you your opinion on new magic she made and if there's any improvements needed. you always tell her the truth while reassuring her that she's doing good and that her magic is something she should be very proud of. Coco is often by qifreys side when he visits you but sometimes she'll come alone and when she does she begs you to tell her anything that she doesn't know about magic. even if you tell her a basic fact about magic that every witch in the land knows her face will light up with excitement and she'll beg for more and sometimes to the point where qifrey or agott has to drag her away from you.
• qifrey is a huge sap, to the point he gets corny. when he does everyone, including you, groans loudly and looks away from him. he always brings you fresh flowers for your nightstand and always invites you over for dinner (if you live separately from him). on some nights where it's quiet and everyone has gone to bed he teaches you magic and sometimes you two learn something new together.
• moments like these are so important to qifrey, he adores magic and spending time improving it with someone he also adores is practically heaven for him. despite all the struggles he deals with and the despair that lingers in his mind, he always finds solace in you and he hopes if there's ever a time where he forgets who he is and what's important to him that you're there to guide him home.
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okaylorrainee · 2 years
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her way of water
characters. neteyam & female reader. sully family. tsireya.
synopsis. neteyam and his family left their clan to seek uturu from yours. on their first night, neteyam wanders by the shore to clear his mind. he finds himself away from everyone’s marui pods and comes across you as you bathed - he couldn’t get you out of his mind since then.
note. went out to touch grass + visited my grandparents so this chapter was uploaded a bit later than intended hehe. thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! i wasn’t expecting to wake up to 100+ notes today so i am very grateful :)! shoutout to my irls btw. avatar has been our motivation to get through hell week last week lol anyways enjoy reading!
taglist: @rainbowsocks @mashiromochi
Ch 02 [ previous . masterlist . next ]
you were a simple member of the metkayina clan. born from warrior parents, you grew up to be a huntress taught by the adults in the clan. as a young na’vi, you would accompany the older members whenever they hunted so you could learn and get better experience. your tasks weren’t limited to hunting, however. you enjoyed helping everyone out. everyday consisted of different activities for you depending on whoever needed help the most. for some days, you would spend your time weaving nets or clothing for the other clan members, and on other days, you would play with the children, teaching them the basics of clan traditions. 
you loved crafting during your free time. the others would find you sitting somewhere creating ornaments or weapons for yourself from leftovers from the animals you’ve hunted. you considered them as a keepsake from your time hunting with the others, every moment was an important memory for you. you were quite the sentimental one.
since hunting took up most of your time, you haven’t had the opportunity to hang out with the na’vi your age. everyone else was busy with their own duties as well, so you understood there wasn’t a chance to get closer.
tsireya was different though. she always found the time to get to know you, and eventually, she became your only close friend. you were probably just one of hers, but it didn’t matter to you, you were content with your friendship.
at the moment, you were in your marui, tying up the last few shells to the new net top you were working on. it was coming out beautifully, just how you envisioned it. you were busy admiring your work when a familiar voice interrupted your silence.
“sister, are you here?” 
you turn around and a smile finds its way to your face, “tsireya, it is nice to see you.” you released your creation, letting it drop to the netting. you stood up and held your hands out; she approached you with a smile, taking your palms.
“i have missed you all day. did you have to be gone all afternoon?” 
you chuckled, “i have enjoyed myself too much out there. you know i would rather enjoy the freedom of the ocean instead of cooping in this small pod.”
tsireya giggles at your statement. her eyes find their way to the net top you were working on. “i see you have made another one. the clothing you make is very lovely as always.”
“thank you, sister. i appreciate that compliment. would you like one as well?”
her face brightened even more. “really? you would make one for me? i would love that.”
you nodded, “of course, anything for my friend.”
she gives you another soft smile before letting you go. “to tell you the truth sister, i did not come to you for this reason.” she said, “i have a favor to ask of you.”
you gave her a curious look as you picked up the top from the netting. “oh? do tell.”
tsireya began walking around your marui, “you know about the forest na’vi from the omatikaya clan who arrived yesterday, and how my brother and i were tasked to teach toruk makto’s children, correct?”
“... yes?” you urged her to continue.
“i know this would only add to your schedule,” she stands firmly and faces you, “but we need your help for their breathing exercise tomorrow.”
you tilted your head in confusion. “why, tsireya? i am sure you are more than enough to help them learn. you are a very great teacher.”
“but you will be better!” she grabbed your arm. “sister, you are the best swimmer among us in our age, and i know even ao’nung would not object to that.”
you hummed in disapproval. “i am not so sure about that…”
“please,” her grip on your arm tightens, “you have to do it. i would like to introduce you to them. the others have not been very nice to them, but you will, right?”
you stared at her for a few seconds, thinking about how you’ll reply to her. but then again, what harm could it bring? you missed the opportunity to see them yesterday after all when everyone crowded around them and blocked your view. tsireya was begging you with her large eyes, how could you refuse your friend?
you sighed, “alright. i will be there tomorrow.”
with a small squeal, she jumped with your arm in her hands. “great! you will enjoy it, i promise!”
tsireya spent a few more minutes in your pod, chatting about each other's day and some other random stuff. when dark came, you’ve decided to stay inside and finish the net top you promised your friend the afternoon earlier.
neteyam had the entire evening to think about his discussion with tsireya and to decide what to do about it. eventually, he came to the conclusion to approach the na’vi he saw that night, and just talk to her. he didn’t know how he’d start and what he’d talk about honestly, but he refused to act like a coward. a mighty warrior such as himself is afraid to talk to a girl? lo’ak would be laughing his ass off if he found out.
and so, that’s what he came back here for. same time, same place. only now, he wasn’t hiding behind a tree. he was waiting out in the open, looking behind himself every now and then to check if the na’vi he was waiting for was approaching.
neteyam had stayed in the same spot for so long, gradually getting impatient. perhaps she had something to do which is why she was late? - is what he’s been telling himself for who knows how long. but his optimism was wavering every passing moment. what if he had only seen her there by coincidence? what if he had lost his opportunity the night before because he ran away when she was leaving the water? what if… she wasn’t real and was only in his mind?
minutes turned to hours, and it would only be a while before the sun rises. neteyam heavily sighs, standing up and brushing off the sand clinging on his skin. a dark expression on his face, he heads back to the village in disappointment.
neteyam went back to sleep after that. what else could he do? it was stupid of him to waste his time over there. hopefully he'll have enough energy to train tomorrow. it would be suspicious of him to not perform well.
when he woke up, his family was feasting on fish for lunch just behind him. they said they couldn’t wake him up as he was in such deep sleep. they didn’t question him, thinking he must’ve been overwhelmed with his training; neteyam didn’t bother to say anything else as he followed to eat.
training with the sullys was fast approaching, and you had just gotten back from hunting with some elders. you were rushing to your marui, a net of fishes in your hand; they will be dinner for you and some other clan members later on.
biting your lip, you ran through nets and nets of pods just to get to yours. you had to drop off these fish first and grab the top you’ve made for tsireya before heading to the training place. you couldn’t afford to be late; you didn’t want to upset your friend.
out of nowhere, a na’vi appears right in your face when you jump to take a turn around the pods. their sudden appearance caused you to lose balance and tumble right on your ass, almost falling into the water. your grip around the net loosened because you had to hold on to something else to support yourself, and this made you release your hunted fishes into the water. 
“ah.” you watched as the net slowly sank towards the seabed. eywa, have mercy. what disrespect to the blessings she gave you.
“i will get it.” before you knew it, the na’vi dived right into the water, and you could only watch as he swam to get your fish.
when he floated to the surface, it was only then did you confirm he was not from awa’atlu. his blue skin, thin arms and tail told you he was one of the sullys, because who else could he be?
you observed him as he placed the fish on the netting next to you before climbing up, his braided hair occasionally covering his face as it swayed all over. as soon as he stood up, he held his hand out to help you get on your feet. you grabbed his hand without a word, taking note of how firm and manly they were as you stared at his dripping wet face. it was difficult not to, but you were definitely eyeing him. 
he was so different from the metkayina men you’ve been used to. is this why tsireya was so drawn to that one sully boy she kept talking about yesterday? you kind of understood now.
“i am sorry about that. are you hurt anywhere?” he asks.
“no. i am fine.” you replied, and you swore you saw his eyes shot up to yours. “thank you for grabbing my fish. you did not have to do that.” his staring was starting to melt you that you looked away. “uhm… i must go now. goodbye.” you didn’t even give him a chance to say anything else, and just went around him to walk away.
you hadn’t noticed how his head spun to follow you, eyes squinting as if he was thinking. but the man tilted his head and brushed it off, walking away as if nothing happened.
©️ okaylorrainee 2023. please do not re-upload, translate my content anywhere without permission.
Ch 02 [ previous . masterlist . next ]
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Hello! Quick question but what would the cast be like if they had a crush on Angel?
Ren The entirety of 14DWY and this blog hjdsgdsg
Moth Less likely to infodump on you at 3AM in fear of annoying you, but more likely to suggest romance anime and webtoons. They'll start to see you in their favourite characters, and will constantly be checking their phone for any messages from you.
Violet Much more open to dropping by your place at random hours and will usually make tea or some snacks for you both to enjoy! She'll create special bouquets with hidden meanings for you, and even ask if you'd like to join her on her nightly walks.
Elanor Extremely shy and awkward. She'll knock things over — even more than usual — and mess up the simplest tasks because she's too busy thinking about you. Will be over the moon if you help her out with any jobs at the library, and might even ask if you'd like to hang out with her at their favourite cafe after work.
Conan Much more talkative and interested in spending time with you at work. He'll talk about you to Alice without realising it, and might even find himself wanting to try out your recommended books as well. He'll make sure you're taking adequate breaks more often, and is willing enough to install an entire vending machine/kitchen appliance of your choosing.
Jae Finds himself sitting at the beach and daydreaming about you rather than surfing or playing fetch with Maple. He'll see you in all of the seashells he picks up, the guys he sees on the street with your hair colour, and might even unknowingly gush about you to Teo and Leon as well.
Leon Stays up until dawn just thinking about you, and often tries to plan his days in accordance with yours. He'll try to sync up his schedule to spend as much time with you, and might even ask if you want to visit his mother on your day off and take her out for lunch.
Teo Would be less willing to hit someone up and finds himself scrolling through your social media/pics of you to pass the time. He'd buy you luxury items "just because", and offer to drive you places free of charge because it means he gets to hang out with you more.
Olivia Slacks off during work because she's wondering if you've eaten yet — and if you haven't, she'll be trying to budget in a way to order your favourite food. She might even blow all her savings on a cute outfit if it means getting you to notice her (and catch feelings as well).
Kiara Makes time out of her busy schedule for you. She'll put meetings on hold and even cancel an event if you call her up with something important to say. Out of everyone, she's the most likely to drop not-so-subtle drop hints that she's into you.
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ohshi-kaboom · 5 months
Murder Drones Rider Au + Uzi fanart
Or should i say... Murder Drive AU HEHEHEHE
This lovely amalgamation was made by yours truly when putting murder drones and pretty bikes on a blender hoping for something fancy. And i did it.
The mechanics are simple! (Haha get it? Mechanics)
Uzi is a moody mechanic (i will get real tired of the word mechanic and so will you.) Working in your local Auto shop: Copper's 9 ! Owned by daddy dearest Khan Doorman! She mostly does repairs and common car maintenance, aaand if she decides she likes you well enough you'll get some neat modifications for half the price! (Its a lie but only she knows that)
In her free time she stays around the back of the store repairing and selling old cars as a hobby that also doubles as a side hustle.
Her life in home isn't as sweet as she would hope for but she's learned to cope, something that she specializes in after her Moms disappearance; Nori Doorman, presumed dead.
Shes the only occupant of a nice little apartment, moving from their parents house a few years after Nori's disappearance and Khan's neglect. Rarely visited by anyone she stays little time in her apartment, either watching anime after a tiring day, eating lunch, showering after a messy oil spill or just existing after closing hours. Youll definitely see her more at the shop doing gods knows what this time. The reson why Uzi doesn't spend more time in the little home shes built herself is because of the atmosphere, too cold and gloomy for her liking, the barren space reminding her too much of her loneliness.
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("She looks soo much like Uzi" you all say in unison.)
Nathaniel, or best known as "N" is a Bike racer, youll see him proudly sporting his various motorcycles all earned by his sweat, hard work, and money from illegal races.
N has and incredible set of bad luck, following him like a stubborn rain cloud with every single bike he touches breaking down at some point. No matter how much he dotes over them or how carefull he is; they will break. And thats a promise from the universe, aparently.
He lives in a fairly big house with his other two roommates: Jay, "J" and Veronica, "V". They all participate in their own races, N and V competing frequently while J sits back and collects their winnings. J also participates in rare ocations.
When N is not flying through the streets, or winning the months rent he resides in his little corner of the garage painting, drawing, scrap booking or doing whatever craft he can get his hands onto.
(I will probably add more on N later on)
N and Uzi meet when Ns bike breaks in "the middle of nowhere" according to V, so he just sits quietly besides the road waiting for either backup (V showing up to rescue him after cackling over the phone and then hanging up) or to simply perish. Uzi was heading to the workshop in Railgun (a very beat up, highly modified but very loved minitruck that she herself constructed from other cars parts) When she came across a very puppy kicked to the side of the road sad looking person laying down besides the road by a very nice looking motorcycle. She slows down to take a quick peek to the bike when the person laying down jumps immediately at her side after noticing her slowing down, begging asking for a ride to the closest Auto shop explaining how his bike broke. Uzi (although very begrudgingly) decides to help this weird friendly stranger as her good deed of the year. She parks to the side of the road helping N heave the bike into the trunk and waits until he hops into the passenger seat to begin their way to Copper's 9.
After Fixing N's bike (and getting a tip she will not complain about) She gives the rundown on what the problem of the bike was and how to avoid it. N thanks her (a little too much if you ask Uzi) and parts ways. Uzi not dwelling about it goes on to the rest of her day, not thinking about seeing N again anytime soon.
Not even a week later N shows up again with another bike, this one looking like it went into the devils asscrack and back. Uzi just gives him a glare and gets to work.
That is NOT the last time that happens. (She counts 12 visits in one month, what the hell N?)
So! This is the basic information about my silly little Au, i don't have a name for it yet, I have been calling it Murder Drive for gits and shiggles but i don't know if I should make it the official name of this Au, if you have any suggestions tell me about it!
And I've been thinking about making it a fic buuut I've never written anything lengthy before, and English is not my first language so you can imagine how I feel.
Do tell me how you feel about it, or if you have any asks send 'em my way!
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The Heathers + Veronica play Pokemon
I'm still working on the follow up to the Road Trip which is The Heathers + Veronica get Married, so in the meantime I made this
Mac has been a fan of Pokemon as long as she can remember
When her mom would stick in her front of the TV because she was tired of dealing with her, she would turn the channel to Cartoon Network, which was often playing episodes of the Pokemon Anime
Specifically it was the Black/White series and later the X/Y series
She was engrossed in this magical world where she could go on adventures with friends and her pokemon companions and where the power of friendship would always prevail
Plus Ash's mom was a kind caring person who wanted the best for her son, literally the exact opposite of her mom
She became hyperfixated on it
During class she would draw pictures of pokemon, she would daydream of being a pokemon trainer and during recess she would force Chandler to play pokemon with her
She even had a book called Pokemon; The Essential Guide, which she read so often that she could recall it from memory
Eventually after much begging Mac's mom eventually said 'If it will get you to shut the fuck up' and bought Mac a 3DS with X and Y and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
She blitzed through these games, playing them whenever she had a second that she didn't have to be doing anything else
Even when Chandler would come over to hang out Mac would just not acknowledge her existence and just keep playing
Her obsession started to really bother Chandler, she just wanted to spend time with her best friend, and she was spending all of her time on this stupid Chinese monster game!
She tried to not-so-gently tell Mac to put the stupid game away and hang out with her but Mac got upset so she reluctantly dropped it
Eventually Mac finished all of the games and wasn't so fixated on them, but she still played them a lot
She would even sneak it into school and play it at lunch
Of course, the more popular students saw it and started to make fun of her for it, calling her a baby and a nerd
One of them even tried grabbing the 3DS, causing it to bump into the lunch table and creating a small dent in the corner
This caused Mac to start crying, which only increased the taunts against her
Chandler, who up to that point had been telling Mac to just ignore it, launched into a fit of rage, beating the ever loving shit out of the bullies
Both her and Mac got suspended, her for obvious reasons and Mac for brining the 3DS to school
The bullies played dumb and because they were popular and well-liked they got off scot-free
That was one of many events that made Chandler realize that for her and Mac to survive school, they would have to be the popular ones
With the time she had while suspended, Chandler had time to think about how she was treating Mac and her newfound love for pokemon
She realized that she was being an awful friend, she wanted Mac to stop doing something she loves just so she could get what she wanted
She thought about how when Mac would try and talk to her about the game and what she was doing, trying to include her while she played, and how she just ignored it because she wasn't interested, not even considering how it would hurt Mac to realize that her best friend doesn't care about the things she likes and wouldn't even pretend to care
She realized that she would have to make it up to her
While her parents were sleeping she went down, found their credit cards, and went to amazon and searched for 'Pokemon'
Chandler knows she's not the best with words, she knows that if she tried to apologize to Mac she wouldn't be able to convey everything that she wanted to, and even worse she might say something wrong and only upset her more
Knowing that, she decided to make it up to her by doing what she knows how to do, and that's buying things
She searched the amazon pages, seeing cards, various toys, some really nasty posters with something called a Vaporeon? before finding the plushies
She knows that Mac likes those, so she picked some of the ones she recognized and ordered them
Luckily for her, her parents were so fucking rich that they didn't notice a few bucks missing
A few days later, once the package arrived, she went over to Mac's house to apologize
Mac was still really upset, not only was she suspended from school, but her mom was angry at her and lets just say that if you thought her mom was a bitch normally, she was even worse when angry
She went into her room, hiding the plushes behind her back
Mac was lying in bed, staring at the wall, not even acknowledging her presence
Chandler tried telling her that she wanted to apologize but before she could even show the plushes Mac started shouting
She yelled about how awful her mom was and that she took away her games and threatened to smash them with a hammer
Before Chandler could even get a word of condolence in Mac continued about how she knows when they go back to school things are gonna be even worse because those kids are gonna spread rumors about them
And again before Chandler can say a word Mac says that on top of all of that her best friend has been distant ever since she started liking pokemon and she's terrified that she's gonna lose her over it and she doesn't wanna lose her she's the best friend she's ever had and and
She starts sobbing
Chandler quickly rushes over to Mac, pulling her into a hug while she sobs into her shoulder
Once she calms down Chandler shows her the plushies, upon which Mac squeals in delight before hugging her and saying thank you thank you thank you, before they talk about what transpired
Chandler apologizes, saying that Mac was right and that she was being distant, but that was in the past and she would change and would listen when she talked about pokemon
It wasn't a great apology by any means, but it was good enough for Mac, and she pulled up Cartoon Network and made Chandler watch a bunch of episodes of the anime with her
She didn't really get it or find it all that interesting, but she knew how much it meant to Mac that she do this with her, so she asked some questions and listened when Mac went on tangents about aspects of the world
Throughout the years, Mac continued to love and play Pokemon
It toned down over time, as most childhood obsessions do, but she still never stopped loving it
She stopped playing all-together around when Sword/Shield came out, it was around when they started to become really popular and so Chandler made them drop any nerdish hobbies that could be used to ridicule them
Mac was ok with it because that was when Dexit happened and she was really upset that she wouldn't be able to transfer her previous teams to the newest generation
But then Veronica joined the Heathers, Mac and Chandler's relationship expanded to include Duke and Veronica, high school ended and popularity didn't mean a thing anymore, so Mac was free to pick up Pokemon again
It took her a while to get over Dexit (she was really upset that she couldn't bring her Delphox into Sword/Shield, it was her first pokemon damnit!) but she eventually did
It was around this time that Scarlet/Violet were about to come out and the hype was real
Duke is in the same boat as Chandler, she doesn't really get it but Mac loves it so she'll go along with it, but Veronica is only slightly less into it than Mac
She was similar to Mac, playing up until Sword/Shield and then stopping due to Dexit and a lack of interest, but bc she wasn't popular there wasn't the pressure to stop playing entirely, and once the DLC came out she became interested once again and picked up the games
She had a lot of fun teaching Mac about the gen 8 stuff, and they played and battled together while waiting for Scarlet/Violet to come out
**Line Break**
The day it came out they woke up at some ridiculous hour and waited outside Gamestop for hours in the dark and freezing temperatures until the store opened
There wasn't even anyone else waiting and they had pre-ordered copies, there was literally no reason to do it, they were just that excited
Mac got Scarlet and Veronica got Violet so they would be able to trade with the other for the version exclusives
Mac told her Dad that she wasn't coming in today and Veronica is self-employed, so they both spend the entire day playing the game
Eventually Chandler takes their switches and forces them to go to bed because "you two fucks have been playing this game for 14 hours straight with no breaks. Go. The Fuck. To. Bed."
They did go to bed, but they got up at 4am to keep playing
Chandler was about to ground them like children if they didn't put up the game for 5 minutes to eat something and take a shower, but Duke stepped in and said she would talk to them about maybe slowing down a little
Chandler waits for Duke to come back and let her know how it went
She waits, and waits, and waits some more, until she has had enough and goes out to the living room to see whats taking her so long
Duke is laying on the couch with them, her own switch in hand
During the time Chandler waited, Duke went down, tried talking to them only to see them having fun, asked a few questions, got super interested and forgot about why she went down there, got so interested that she went to the store, bought a switch and a game, and came back and started playing
Chandler is about to start beating her head against the wall
The three of them try for months and months to get her to actually play it, but she just isn't that interested
They need a fourth person for raids, and the only other person they know who plays is JD but he does le epic troll and will do stupid shit like bringing a Mewtwo knowing only metronome
Veronica eventually wins her over by appealing to her massive ego, saying that the whole point of the game is becoming better at everyone else, and that if she play she could eventually beat them too
Between that, Mac's puppy-dog eyes, and her getting tired of the relentless begging, she eventually picks up a game and starts playing
She gets more into it than Mac ever was or is
What draws her in is the sheer amount of different strategy that is available to her
There are just so many different pokemon, each of which has multiple different strategies that work for them, not to mention items and movesets and all of that
She thought pokemon was rather simple, but there was much more depth than she could've even imagined, and she gets lost in it
She blitzes not only through Scarlet/Violet and their DLC (She got both, she had to have access to every pokemon and you can't just do that in one version) but also Sword/Shield + DLC and Legends Arceus
And when it finally came time for them to battle, Chandler wiped the floor with the rest of them, it wasn't even close
It was so one-sided that it wasn't fun for the rest of them
Chandler sees this and starts to feel bad, she knows that she overdoes things sometimes, especially when her pride is on the line
She thinks about toning it down so they're on a more even playing field, but she doesn't think her fiancees would have fun winning if they knew that she was essentially allowing them to win
So instead on a lazy day she sits down with them and explains the basics of competitive battling, that way they'll all be on an even playing field
It works, and now when they battle together there's a chance for any of them to win
Now I'm just gonna go over some of their favorites about pokemon
Game: B2W2, she loves the PWT and the strategy needed to beat the Champion's Cup
Pokemon: Blaziken, when she played ORAS she fell in love with Mega Blaziken, Speed Boost, and just how good it was
Part about Pokemon: Definitely strategy, its what drew her into the franchise in the first place. She loves trying out new and different strategies, and follows the VCG to keep up to date with all the newest ideas being put out
Game: USUM, it was the last game to have the National Dex, and so it was the game to contain the most pokemon in it
Pokemon: Sceptile, she just thinks that it's really cool. Plus its a lizard, and she loves lizards and has tried to convince Chandler to let her get a Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
Chandler can barely stand the snake so there's no way in hell that she will ever agree to getting a gecko, plus they're really creepy
Part about Pokemon: Collecting/Catching Pokemon, she loves completing Pokedexes, and its why she was so upset when she found out about dexit, there was less to collect and evolve
Game: XY, it was her first game, and even if it isn't the best game in the series, it holds a lot of nostalgia for her
Pokemon: Ampharos, she loves the entire line
She thinks Mareep is just sooooo cute, he's a tiny little sheep and he's so flufffffffy
She had one on her first ever playthough team and she was able to get a mega stone for it so it could mega evolve
She thinks the mega is just so ridiculous and it's a dragon?? but that's why she loves it so much
Plus, one of the first gifts Duke ever got for her when they started their relationship was a Mareep plush (Chandler gave her some pointers on what Mac would like)
She keeps it at a place of honor on her shelf and often sleeps with it
Part of Pokemon: Bonding with the Pokemon, she loves all the little minigames like Refresh and Amie where you can brush and pet and feed your pokemon
And even though she knows they're just lines of code, she does feel like she bonds with her Pokemon as she goes along a journey with them
Game: SV, she has fond memories of her and Mac playing it when it came out, memories which she treasures dearly
Pokemon: Blastoise, to her its a perfect pokemon. It's simple yet effective, its a cute turtle that becomes a big turtle with freakin cannons on its back
Part of Pokemon: The interconnectivity. She loves battling and trading with her fiancees and just being able to bond with them over it, its something they can all do together that they all enjoy
Just kidding, she loves the cards
She is fucking addicted to opening cards, the Heathers have to drag her away from the card section every time they go to the store
JD enables it, him and Veronica will go buy packs and slushies and just sit and open them
She has boxes and boxes of commons sitting in her room that she refuses to get rid of
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decayedgloria · 10 months
obey me characters and their visions
Or what I think are their visions idk it’s 3 am and I just found out I failed my pathology exam so here’s a crossover of two games that provides me an escape from this putrid reality 😁
also just trying to get rid of drafts rn
Tags: sfw, pure crack speculation, I’m going insane, obey me demon brothers and undateables and luke, genshin impact visions, everything here is MY OPINION and should not be taken seriously, feel free to disagree with me
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-He strikes me as the type to either have a hydro vision or a geo vision
-more leaning towards hydro
-hydro vision holders tend to be dedicated to their work and uphold their own view of justice, more often than not being protectors of some sort i.e Candace and Aaru village, Ayato with the Kamisato Clan
-I draw parallels between him and Ayato because they both have gone through hell and back for their families (often literally) and have had to salvage tarnished reputations in order to protect said family
-also very rich and elegant men who have a “dark side” that most aren’t aware of
-It’s also just every hydro character being really sophisticated and elegant tbh he fits the vibe I think (minus Childe but he has his moments)
-Geo because, well… look at him. He’s prime geo vision material. Like a rock solid wall holding up the HOL but like he’s also hanging by a thread lol.
-Geo Vision, Hear me out on this.
-Not only does it suit his color palette, but if you think about it, Mammon places a lot of responsibility on himself to be a good older brother to his siblings (despite falling short most times), we see this especially during Nightbringer
-Geo’s thing is literally responsibility. Every geo user has some sort of responsibility that they themselves have chosen to undertake, whether or not they can handle it
-They’re all also quite stubborn. Once they’re dead set on something they will never let it go, and on top of that they also protect either someone or something
-Every geo user has a goal relating to something to do with material or status: Ningguang and the Tianqiu, Noelle wanting to be in the KOF, Zhongli wanting to retire (lmfao). Mammon wanting to be rich (and wanting him and his brothers to be at the top of the Devildom in Nightbringer) literally fits.
-Mammon, despite being a goofy character, fits into geo so perfectly it’s actually insane.
-Mammon and Itto are the same person. I’m not elaborating.
-Electro vision all the way.
-It’s no surprise. Canonically he’s seen as a weirdo, even by his brothers (not me tho I love my men a little pathetic) and he doesn’t spend much time mingling with others, so of course he’s gonna be singled out
-almost every single electro vision holder is outcasted by at least one society; Beidou being cast out of her village, Fischl being thought of as eccentric because of her personality, the literal electro archon becoming a shut-in
-He would absolutely get the vision probably in like the early part of Nightbringer when we got stuck in the TSL universe and he had to make a decision
-(if you’re wondering why I keep bringing up Nightbringer it’s bc it’s the one I’m currently playing ok)
-Levi also passes the “I have a scary animal that helps me fight” thing. Henry’s quite formidable when he’s back to normal size :)
-Hm, thinking about it and at first I’d say dendro is the obvious answer but there’s also quite a few other contenders actually.
-Pyro is one of them, and when drawing parallels Diluc comes to mind (obvs grumpy men stick together always.) As the avatar of wrath, he’s like mad 80% of the time and I can imagine him raining hellfire upon everything (and he has, best believe).
-But also he’d fit the “passionate” description, he’s so passionate about books and magic that he’d literally kill for a book that he wanted (and did I’m pretty sure). He’d also be considered passionate for hating Lucifer so much I think
-he also has quite the past to fit with a pyro user, especially during Nightbringer when he’s still coming into terms about being basically a baby demon and learning to confront his brothers and finally accept them
-Dendro is quite obvious for him. He craves knowledge from books, and I’m sure if he were in Teyvat he’d find his way in the Akademiya just to get into the House of Daena’s restricted section
-I think either or could be his vision, depends on which Satan you’re talking about (Nightbringer Satan and main timeline Satan are two vastly different individuals)
-if you really wanna get into it tho, cryo/electro's pretty... fitting. Especially for nightbringer Satan. Even if his brothers try not to make him feel like it, he will always be different from them; the fact that he basically was made to replace Lillith in a sense, and he distances himself away from them because he just doesn't fit in.
-all in all he's so versatile realistically he could have like 4/7 visions since his character is so dynamic between the two games
-Now this was harder to come up with, but after giving it some thought I think he’d have an Anemo vision
-think of it this way. In Nightbringer take a shot everytime I bring that game up his whole arc in the beginning was learning to let go of the celestial realm and accepting the fact that he was a demon now, effectively granting himself the freedom to love himself once more
-Anemo is the element of freedom right? He fought himself and his inner demons for freedom like that, which happens to a lot of those who are granted this vision (Wanderer and Xiao moment)
-Thats really all I have for him. Tbh, the only other vision I could see him wielding his pyro, but I couldn’t think of anything else I can say that hasn’t already been said
-another short anemo king go figure (he and heizou would get along I think)
-another one I had to really think of, but upon further deliberation with myself I'm thinking pyro again (the default vision lmfao)
-Yes. Passion for food, he'd get along with Xiangling quite well (too well, imagine her in the devildom holy shit)
-Also pretty passionate about working out and protecting his brothers, so there's that lol
-I am stumped on him bc he's like lowkey just there bro like
-how would he even get his vision idk man
-but imo pyro is the default vision so he gets it (feel free to disagree with me)
-If you think this guy does not have an anemo vision you are wrong
-like dead mf wrong he is anemo all the goddamn way
-he lost his sister and still blames himself for it, but he also wants to be free with his brothers in the devildom
-the other vision i would give him is electro because he does tend to like, shut himself off or whatever so there's that
-but he's 100% anemo I don't make the rules sorry
-first tall male anemo user?? (surprisingly he's 5'10 guys it's probably all that sleep he does lmfao)
-hmmmm, such a hard decision I wonder what vision I would give to the literal prince of hell- pyro.
-jk jk let me explain
-Pyro, because as I've stated before, it is both the default vision imo and also the vision for those who are passionate IMO (I cannot stress this enough)
-Diavolo is very passionate about RAD, and the whole "demons getting along with other species" concept is something he has been working very hard on (man is trying to end specieism in the obey me verse)
-on top of his outgoing and friendly personality, pyro really does fit him like a glove. I could make an argument for geo because he shoulders a fuck ton of responsibility for the devildom (esp in nightbringer) but like
-he is warm and friendly and strong, perfect pyro material
-I needed to think about this one for a bit, but after further deliberation with the screams that echo in my head, I am confident in saying that this man has an anemo vision
-if he were in the genshin universe he'd def be one of the shady people from celestia (bro is literally istaroth but i digress)
-as much as anemo fits him aesthetically, I also want to point out that he just... gives people freedom? Like the first half of nightbringer was him finally fulfilling someone's wish to go to heaven to see their lover
-he also just parallels a lot with venti, idk i just see him being very fitting with an anemo vision
-like, he's immortal yet does not look it (Scara, Xiao, Venti), downplays his power to appear "normal" in a sense that he won't be an immediate threat to those perceiving him (Venti), saw a pyro kid and decided to adopt them and begrudgingly take care of them no matter how annoying they are (Xiao and Hu Tao though I may be reaching)
-bro does not have a vision yet (jk its cryo)
-I feel like he'd be given a hydro vision solely for the fact that he is changing his, quite frankly specie-ist, ways lol (like eula hello?)
-he is quite shy when mc first met him, the only reason why he didn't immediately get mad at them is because they weren't a demon and that's saying something
-he tends to be very guarded around said demons, often becoming aggressive when interacting with them but he's warming up. It's like a wall of ice slowly melting through the mc and simeon's guidance
-he also reminds me of mika for some reason
-he has an electro vision and yes, it's exactly the same situation as Lisa
-though he doesn't need one (none of them do tbh), I feel like he wanted one just for shits and giggles like I definitely see him being a descender on Teyvat
-he's literally the most powerful human in the obey me verse, of course he's going to be viewed differently from others even though he "tries" to not be too overt about it (very, very big emphasis on tries. I think he only does it for mc atp)
-I feel like he'd get along well with the electro ladies as well, particularly Miko and Lisa (Gorou and Luke need to hide like asap)
-in all seriousness though, he just fits into electro so well given all the character traits present in electro wielders
-another vision I could see him having is dendro, partly because he's always down to have more knowledge about magic that he doesn't know yet and is in constant pursuit of creating pacts with the demon brothers
-another hydro wielder :)
-calm, collected, elegant, sticks to their principles- classic hydro archetype tbh I love him so much
-again, very similar to Lucifer's reasoning but he leans more towards hydro wielders like Nilou and Candace I think, who are quite relaxed but won't hesitate to protect what they love and fight for what they deem is right
-spoiler warning: he literally got cast out of heaven for the mc.
-as I've said before, there really isn't anything I can add that I haven't said before, other than the fact that Simeon would definitely enjoy Xinqiu's company and possibly get along with Furina when discussing acting and the arts
-other than hydro, I don't think any other vision suits him tbh (big maybe on anemo but like, it doesn't really fit tbh)
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I am so fucking bad at character analysis but here you guys go
the labor of my sleepless night while i gather more motivation to write the second chapter of madame neuvillette
also i am so very tempted to start writing for other fandoms but this blog is enough for now tbh
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hey!! i’ve never requested before so 😢😅😅 anyways i’m obsessed w ur writing!! plus im so happy to see a fellow tøp writer still around!!:3
i’ll kind of you let you take the lead here of what you want to do, but i think the idea of “my brothers best friend” is sooo🥰
like josh is the readers brother, and of course tyler is always around & maybe you can do something fluffy where tyler was sleeping over at the house, and reader gets home late from an AWFUL date & they converse about it & reader admits that maybe these dates aren’t working bc her mind is on someone else..🤗
or something a bit “angsty” where josh teases his sister all the time, but tyler joins in as well and it really upsets the reader because she adores him
up to you!!!! i just like the concept^^
Bad Date - Tyler Joseph x Dun!Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Dun!Reader
Warnings: mild language, the date being weird and uncomfortable to reader
Word Count: 2659 - it's a longer one so ur welcome :)
A/N: Welcome new anon! Hope you like this one! It was super fun to write :) Definitely feel free to request another fic and if you become a regular we can assign you an emoji just like 💛 anon!
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“So… did you like the movie?” My date asked as he pulled into the driveway of my house. He’d been begging me to go see some action movie he’d already seen twice before with his ‘boys’, because apparently ‘I was gonna love it.’ I’d met Matthew at work and he’d flirted with me for months before asking me out. Yeah, he was cute but not enough for me to be head over heels yet–I barely knew anything about him other than the fact that he was into movies and videogames. 
“Yeah,” I lied, staring at the front door and planning my escape route. Matthew turned to face me, a soft smile growing on his pale face. 
“Am I gonna get to see you again?” he breathed, the smell of the spaghetti he’d eaten for dinner wafting into my face. “Maybe I could meet your brother?” He reached out to stroke my hair like I was some domestic animal he could touch. I wanted to slap his hand away, the warm dampness of his palms waving over me. 
“Josh? Why would you want to meet him?” I scoffed. None of my other dates had ever talked about Josh and I was 90% sure I’d never even mentioned that I had a brother. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him more than anything but my dates were supposed to be about me. 
“He’s in that band that was playing Ichthus a few months ago right? Twenty one pilots?” Oh. It was about the band. It was about twenty one fucking pilots. 
“You know what? I’m gonna go,” I said, peeling his hand off me and getting out of the car. The lights beamed from the car, pathing the way for me to get into the house. 
“Y/N! Wait!” he shouted after me but stayed in the car. If he really wanted me to stop then he would’ve run after me. He was still shouting my name when I got to the front door. I knocked frantically on the wood, trying to get inside before I further embarrassed myself in front of the entire neighborhood. No one was answering and the lights inside were turned off as far as I could see through the window. I dug through my bag desperately trying to either find my keys or phone–anything to get into the house and out of the burning headlights of the car. The door in front of me creaked open before a hand pulled me inside and out of the cold night air. Tyler. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, leading me further into the house and into the lounge. It wasn’t rare that Tyler would spend the night at our house–he was Josh’s best friend and bandmate which meant after many late nights working on music he would just sleep over instead of going home. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I nodded, taking off my coat and hanging it on the rack in the hallway. “Has Josh gone to bed already?”
“Yeah, you know him,” he chuckled. “What was that about?” he pointed in the direction of the front of the house where Matthew’s car had undoubtedly already left. He moved to sit on the other end of the couch, resting his feet on our coffee table. 
“Just a bad date,” I attempted a laugh but failed to hide my embarrassment. 
“What made it bad?” he asked. I didn’t think he would care about his best friend’s little sister’s date. 
“Honestly?” He nodded. “I think he wanted to get to know Josh more than me–because of the band,” I sighed. Tyler’s mouth opened as if to say a silent ‘oh’. He looked upset, his face falling into an introspective visage that broke my heart. 
“Wait really?” he muttered and I nodded. “I’m sorry, that’s not fair at all.” He was right, it wasn’t fair at all. Clearly Matthew wasn’t for me. I got up to grab myself a drink from the kitchen and Tyler moved so he could see me from where he was sitting. 
“It’s okay though. I think I just haven’t found the right person yet, you know?” I grabbed Tyler a Red Bull from the fridge and poured myself a glass of ice cold water. His face lit up at the sight of the Red Bull can and I didn’t have the strength to hold back my own smile–his smile and laugh were just too contagious. I couldn't go longer than 10 seconds without bursting at the seams. 
“Yeah, I guess so. I’m just worried I’ll never find the right person,” I sighed. Tyler chuckled, taking a sip of his ‘liquid death’ as I’d called it almost every time I caught him drinking it. “What’s so funny?”
“I–I’m just thinking about it. What if you’ve already met the right person but you just don’t know it yet?” he hummed. I scoffed as if what he had said was ridiculous. Tyler was that person to say things no one else ever thought to say out loud–most of us just kept it inside out of the fear of being seen as ‘weird’. Tyler wasn’t afraid to be called weird. 
“That’s a bit unrealistic isn’t it? Surely if I had already met that person then I would know,” I responded. He pulled a face at me, as if to say ‘are you sure about that?’ “I don’t know Ty.” I shrugged. He scooted closer to me on the couch, moving so he was sitting right up against me. He reached up to curl my hair behind my ear in a much more genteller way than Matthew had earlier. I wanted him to keep his hand there, resting against my face–I really hadn’t realized how comfortable I was around him until tonight.  
“Listen, I think you’re going to find the perfect person for you in life. They’re gonna care about you so much and know every little fact about you–like how your favorite color is (insert favorite color here), or how Josh used to hide candy under your bed so no one other than you two could eat it. They’re going to love you more than anything and want you around 24/7,” he proclaimed. I really couldn’t hide the grin on my face, especially since it was now accompanied by a warm blush. 
“Have you met that person?” I asked. 
“I think so, yeah,” he breathed, placing the can in his hand onto the coffee table. 
“What’s she like?” 
He let out a loud breath before thinking. “She’s cool. One of the smartest people I know, beautiful and talented–though she doesn’t think she is–and she makes me love life more than anything. I haven’t told her how I feel though,” he dragged off. 
“Why not?” I questioned, taking a sip of my water and placing it next to Tyler’s can. I was invested now. 
“I think it’s just never come up before you know? It’s not like I can just blast my feelings at her when she’s off doing her own thing or it’s out of the blue.” 
I nodded, completely understanding. “I get that. I’m sure she likes you too, you’re a pretty great guy Tyler,” I smiled. 
“Pretty great huh?” he boasted. Tyler never really talked about his life outside of the band, Josh and I. I knew he worked at a church nearby and helped out with their music but other than that I had no idea what he did in his spare time. He smiled back at me and I found myself staring into his cinnamon brown eyes. I didn’t want to look away, in fact, I would stay here all night staring into his eyes if he’d let me.  He slowly and cautiously moved his hand back to my face, gently touching my cheek before speaking. “Can I ask you something?” I snapped out of the daze he’d caught me in. 
“Yeah anything,” I nodded. 
He took a deep breath before speaking again and looked away for a moment, curling a very short strand of his hair around his index finger and tugging it slightly. “If I tell you something, do you promise not to get mad?”
“Tyler, it's me. I’m not going to get mad at you,” I stated. I’ve never really been the type of person to get mad easily. His shoulders rose and fell as he chuckled quietly.
“And you won’t tell anyone? Not even Josh?” 
“That depends on what you’re about to tell me,” I answered. Josh and I didn’t really keep secrets from each other, ever. If he was going to tell me the band was breaking up of course I would tell Josh but if it was personal and didn’t affect my brother then of course I’d keep it a secret. He started to pull his hair a bit harder which I noticed as he became anxious. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on,” I reassured, taking his hand in mine and holding it gently. 
“I’m not sure how to say this but.. I… just… please promise me you’ll try and understand what I’m about to tell you…” Tyler was good with words, always knowing what to say so if he didn’t know how to tell me something then it had to be a big deal. He took another shaky breath, his eyes closing and opening again as he continued to look between me and our hands. I felt like I was about to pass out from the anticipation. What on earth would he want to tell me and not Josh? He squeezed my hand and swallowed before speaking. His voice was gentle and shaky, the most vulnerable I’d ever heard–even in his music.“I think–I think you’re my person.”
I’d never really thought of Tyler like that before. Sure, he was famous and talented and handsome and kind and actually interested in my life, but he–we weren’t supposed to–god he was pretty wasn’t he?
“Huh?” Damn it Y/N! What kind of a response is fucking ‘huh’. The awkward silence was growing rapidly with every second and I was beginning to panic. Tyler’s eyes were locked onto mine, his face conflicted but retaining the little confidence he had. “I–uh. Does Josh know?” He shook his head, holding my hand closer in his hand and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He let out a short chuckle, his eyes darting away for a moment in embarrassment. It was a quiet chuckle, one that let out some of the shakiness he had before. 
“No, he doesn’t,” he muttered. “And I’d rather he didn’t know until… well until I’ve talked to you about it,” he continued, glancing up at me again and meeting my gaze. I nodded, trying to bite back the delusional smile growing on my face. He undoubtedly had noticed my poor attempt because his nervous demeanor softened as he cupped my face. “Can I do something that I’ve wanted to do for a really long time?” I hummed a yes, looking up at him through my eyelashes. He let out a shaky breath, his heart racing as he moved his free hand to gently rest against my chin. He tilted it up so he could meet and hold my gaze. He could feel his own eyes staring into mine as he almost lost all train of thought. There was so much I wanted to say. My brain was speeding like a bullet, endless trains of thought rushing through a mile a minute. He leaned forwards slowly, his hand still holding my chin and his other hand gently gripping my fingers. He was so close I could see every single detail–every tiny imperfection and scar, every eyelash, and every crease. There was something about him that made me feel like my life depended on this one moment and I absolutely could not mess this up. His thumb brushed against my lower lip and my eyes fluttered closed. He pulled my chin so he could meet me face to face, my neck tilted up to look at him directly. His cheeks had reddened from the intimacy of the moment. His eyes were staring into mine again, his gaze flickering between my eyes and my mouth. He was so incredibly close to me, his lips millimeters from my own. I could feel his warm breath against my face, my own coming out shakily. His fingers moved from my chin to my jaw, his touch feather-like against my skin. His thumb continued to gently brush back and forth across my lower lip and I found myself leaning up to him without even thinking. I didn’t think he could get any closer, but then he started to move his head down towards mine, and my breath got caught in my throat. I was absolutely, one hundred percent, completely and utterly screwed. My heart stopped as he pressed his lips to mine. I didn’t realize until now just how much I wanted this. How badly we had wanted each other. I breathed in sharply, trying to control myself and the flood of emotions that were trying to swallow me whole as I reached up to cup his face with both my hands. He pulled me closer to him, so that there was no space left between us. He let every single piece of love he had for me pour out of his body and into the kiss. And he made sure I felt it by pulling me so that I was almost in his lap, my legs on either side of his as he ran his hand up and down my back and through my hair. Everything he was doing was perfect, the kiss and the way his hands felt against my body. He was everything. I broke the kiss to take a breath, pulling back and getting my hair out of my face. “I’m guessing you probably want to give us a go then?” Tyler laughed, his hands moving down to my waist. I nodded, cupping his jaw with my right hand. “I’ve waited so long to do that.” He breathed out. He was smiling, a genuine smile. He gently gripped my hips, shifting me a little so I was fully in his lap. “You have absolutely no idea just how long I've wanted to kiss you.” 
“Well I’m glad I’m not the only one who was thinking about this,” I laughed. “At least now my dates aren’t going to ask me about Josh or the band.” Tyler’s chest rose and fell with each breath. 
“That’s true. Now you’re with the lead singer,” he sarcastically bragged. 
A quiet shuffling noise sounded through the hallway causing me to dart my head over Tyler’s shoulder. 
“Shit.” I climbed off his lap and grabbed my glass, running into the kitchen before the shuffling reached us. Josh. He was wearing his red plaid pajama pants and was shirtless. 
“Hey,” he croaked, rubbing his eyes. 
“How was your date?” he asked, filling up his water bottle in the sink. I looked at Tyler who had his arms folded behind his head and a smirk covering his face. I flashed a warning his way before answering my brother. 
“He was asking about you and the band,” I muttered, “we’re not having another date.” Josh looked apologetic, a hint of regret tangled in his voice. 
“I’m sorry. You’ll find someone–I’m sure of it,” he sighed, pulling me into a hug. 
“Yeah I have a feeling you’ll find someone soon. For all you know they could be right in front of you,” Tyler chimed. 
“Yeah, they could be right under your nose,” Josh yawned, pulled in into a hug before disappearing back into the hallway and away to bed, leaving Tyler and I alone once again. I waited a bit before jumping back onto the couch next to him, falling into his embrace. 
“You cannot do that again,” I scoffed, shoving him playfully. 
“You know you love it."
Requests open!!
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natsuki208 · 8 months
Paradis! A World without Titans - Character infos 🏫
Here’s a summary of the 104th Squad within my AOT Modern AU, hope you enjoy. (Spoiler free for my friend)
Eren Jaeger (15) - A teen boy who’s hot tempered but meaningful towards people he cares for. He lives a normal life from home to school, but he always seeks the thrill of adventure. But he won’t unless his friends are dragged along for the ride.
Mikasa Ackerman (15) - She’s strong as an ox, best student during gym classes, yet doesn’t know how to open up emotions to others. Mikasa’s been friends with Eren since they met as kids, and I think she’s starting to grow feelings for him.
Armin Arlert (15) - The childhood best friend of Eren before Mikasa. Very smart and is relied on by everyone at school. His parents are off working in another country so he’s currently living with his grandpa. A book nerd with no shame.
Jean Kirstein (15) - Has a temper like Eren yet he despises him most of the time. He sometimes comes off as an arrogant jerk but deep down cares for people. The captain of the school’s soccer team. Currently dating his old friend, Marco.
Marco Bodt (16) - An angel personified. This freckled boy is always kind and thoughtful and basically the voice of reason within his friend group. He has a part time job at the local library down town. Currently dating his old friend, Jean.
Connie Springer (15) - Even though he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, he’s fun to be around and can often be a prankster. Spends most of his free time playing video games, which results in him sleeping halfway through his classes.
Sasha Braus (16) - This fun loving girl comes from a country background; her family moved to the town a generation ago. She likes food a bit too much, whenever people see her, she always has some snack or meal in her hands. Hangs out with Connie.
Christa Lenz (15) - She comes across to most people as ‘the star pupil of the school’ with her well-mannered behaviour, but she’s really not the pure image they all believe. She’s in charge of the school dance club. Currently dating Ymir.
Ymir (17) - Not much is known about this sly, sarcastic girl, hence why she barely has people to hang out with (except Christa). She does often show a caring side, but she quickly brushes it off with more sarcasm. Currently dating Christa.
Reiner Braun (17) - The ‘big brother’ type of guy and aces at any physical activity, in and out of school. Strengths are soccer and giving advice to friends, his weakness? Dogs. Mainly the big ones. Childhood friends with Bertholdt.
Annie Leonhart (16) - Just like Mikasa, she’s a very skilful and athletic girl, but is a lot more shy and quiet so prefers spending time on her own. Although talks to Reiner and Bertholdt occasionally, only because she knows them more.
Bertholdt Hoover (16) - Unlike Reiner who’s an extrovert, Bertholdt is an introvert. Spends most of this time reading at home or talking with animals outside in the school gardens. Childhood friends with Reiner and has a secret crush on Annie.
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gaywriterthings · 9 months
roudise week day 5 yay!! i'm in my element with a fic!! enjoy "right by your side" (tw//panic attack)
also on ao3 :)
Gene was over at Courtney’s working on a song. Tina was soon to be heading over to Fro-Yo-Momma with Jimmy Jr. And Louise doesn’t want to spend her Saturday working in the restaurant without them. She'd have no excuse to goof off and not do her work, and she really doesn't want to do her work.
So she calls up Rudy to ask him if he's free to hang out. Much to Louise’s relief, he is, and he suggests the two go to Wonder Wharf. Louise agrees- she hadn’t been since she saved it from Grover Fischoeder and his arson attempt and then played with the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee at the Bandshell, and that was a month ago. And according to some of her friends, some of the games at Wonder Wharf have new prizes, so of course that makes Louise want to go even more.
She tells her parents that Rudy had been the one to call her and that he’d invited her to hang out at the Wharf. Bob sees through her small lie and sees it as the excuse that it is to not work at the restaurant, but he knows the day will be slow and lets her go, him and Linda soon sending her off with a single ten dollar bill.
She walks down the street and waits by the Wonder Wharf’s entrance for Rudy, who appears a few minutes later.
“Hey, Louise!” he greets.
“Hey, Rudes!” she happily greets back, “Haven't seen you in a few days. How’ve you been?”
“Pretty good, pretty good. You?”
“I’m just excited to play some games and win some prizes. I think my stuffed animal collection could always be expanded, y’know?”
Rudy chuckles. “I get that. Let’s go, then!”
The two head into Wonder Wharf together, finding it to be pretty empty. As hot a summer day as it is, it makes sense to them as to why not many people would be out, but an emptier park means less lines for rides and games!
“Alright, so what's our game plan?” Rudy asks.
“I’m thinking a few games first, since they're right here, then we could head over to the good ol’ Scramble Pan.”
“Ah, yes. Sounds good.”
The two spend a good chunk of time playing games, because much to Louise’s delight, Rudy had brought more than ten dollars and didn’t hesitate to share his money with her.
Then they walk deeper into the park, the Scramble Pan their next destination. However, the route they take has them stumble upon the Mole Hill.
Louise begins to slow down, eventually ceasing her walking entirely. Rudy notices right away.
“Hey, Louise, you okay?” he asks, rushing to her side. She doesn't answer, and Rudy follows her line of vision to see she’s staring directly at the Mole Hill. “Uh, is-”
He stops as he notices Louise’s breath start to become heavy.
“Louise? Louise, talk to me..”
Her breathing only becoming heavier, beginning to feel hot, Louise looks at Rudy, panic evident in her eyes. “I don’t- I don’t know what's happening... I-I can’t breathe...”
“I... I-I feel dizzy-”
“Okay, okay, c'mon..” Rudy takes her hand and leads her to a nearby wall, which she slides down against, utterly terrified at this sudden heavy breathing, sweating, and dizziness.
Rudy immediately takes a seat next to her. “Rudy, what-what’s happening to me? I’m- I’m...”
“Shh, it's okay, trust me, you're okay,” Rudy says. “Just stay calm. Take slow, deep breaths. And try to count to five on each in and out.”
Louise tries. “I can’t, i-it’s not working! I’m- I’m scared-”
Rudy reaches into his pocket and takes out his inhaler, handing it to her. “Well, then this should help really well.”
Wrapping her fingers around it, stilling her shaking hands, Louise looks Rudy in the eyes, who gives her a comforting look. She brings the inhaler up to her mouth, and uses it a couple times until her breathing is back to normal. Relaxing, she takes a few deep breaths of her own until she’s totally calm again while she tries to comprehend what had just happened.
“You feeling better now?” Rudy asks her.
“Rudy, what was that?!”
“A panic attack. I, uh, take it this was your first one...”
“But why would I have a panic attack?! They don’t just come up out of nowhere after I haven't had them or had any reason to have them in my entire life!”
“Well, some do. But maybe it wasn't out of nowhere. You were staring at the Mole Hill. And I-I know what you told me happened in there..."
“B-But I’ve been okay! That happened a month ago! And I-I haven't been to the Wharf since!”
“Is that cause you didn't have the time or because you were purposefully avoiding it?”
Louise stays silent. “Okay fine. Maybe you got me. I mean, I almost died in that Mole Hill, Rudy! I was held at spearpoint and then almost burned to death! Of course I didn't want to go anywhere near it!”
“That’s okay. Sometimes the smallest things that remind you of a really traumatizing event like what happened to you in the Mole Hill can trigger a panic attack- it’s totally natural and even expected. And it’s okay to have them, Louise, lots of people have them. I've had them, my dad's had them, and they get easier to deal with as time goes on. And if you do have another one again just remember the advice I gave you earlier, about your breathing. Now I’m not saying these are going to become frequent for you, and I know they’re scary, especially your first time having one. But I mean hey, you dealt with it really well! You calmed down pretty quickly. You were strong, like always. And you're okay now, yeah? That's all that matters!”
“Well, that’s just because I had you...”
Rudy smiles. “Yeah?”
Louise smiles back. “Yeah. Thanks, Rudes. I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for you."
“Well, no problem. I’m your best friend, it's my job to be there for you.”
Louise stays smiling at him, but then it fades as she begins to speak again. “God, I hate it when people see me when I’m... vulnerable like this...”
“Awh, Louise, it’s okay! There's no reason for you to feel ashamed or anything!”
“There's not?”
“No! No matter what happens I'm always gonna be there for you. Being vulnerable is being human. No one will ever think any less of you, they’ll just help you get back on your feet.”
Louise smiles again. “Well... thanks.” She takes his hand and places his inhaler back in it. “Thanks for this too.”
“Anything. You feeling better now?”
“I am. But, um, could you walk me back home?”
“Of course.” Rudy stands, putting his inhaler back in his pocket. He extends a hand down to Louise, and, smiling, she takes it and he pulls her up. “And hey, if you ever have a panic attack again or anything... just know I'll always be right by your side.”
Without thinking, Louise hugs him. She's got herself the best best friend ever. “Thanks. Again.”
Louise then seems to realize what she’s doing, and releases the hug, blushing. She clears her throat and begins to say something, but sees Rudy’s holding back a laugh. “Alright, what’s so funny?”
“Aw, you just should've seen your reaction! You were so embarrassed!”
The blush on Louise’s face just gets deeper. Rudy then laughs, Louise unable to hold back a smile.
“Gosh, you should see your face too. You actually hugged me! You love me!”
“Shut up! I do not!" Louise answers, unable to help herself from joining in with Rudy’s laughter. God, he really is the best, isn't he? A couple minutes ago she was scared out of her mind having her first ever panic attack, and now here she is laughing alongside him. “And we don’t speak of this really mushy moment, okay?”
Rudy smiles, then mimics zipping his mouth shut. “My lips are sealed.”
As Louise and Rudy reach Bob’s Burgers, they find it empty except for Bob, Linda, and Tina. They enter, Louise sticking close to Rudy’s side like she had on the walk over. So close their hands are almost touching. And it definitely doesn't make Louise’s heart beat quicker than normal at all.
“Oh, hey, kids,” Bob greets, “You’re back earlier than I thought you’d be.”
“Well... something.. kind of.. happened...” Louise says. Her family looks at her, their faces painted with curiosity and worry. She herself looks at Rudy, silently asking him to be the one to tell them.
“She had a- a panic attack,” he says.
“What?!” Bob, Linda, and Tina exclaim in unison, rushing to Louise immediately.
“What happened??” Bob asks.
“We were on our way to the Scramble Pan, and we passed by the Mole Hill. Then she started hyperventilating.”
“Oh, Louise, my baby!” Linda exclaims, hugging her tightly. “Oh, baby, are you okay?!”
“Yeah, I am... um, thanks to him.” Louise answers, glancing over at Rudy.
Linda pulls the hug apart to look at him, who gives her a small smile.
“He, um, helped me through it,” Louise continues, “I was really scared. Cuz it was my first, um, panic attack. And I didn't know what on Earth was happening. But he knew what to do.”
“Oh, Rudy, honey, come here!” Linda says, bringing him into a hug. “Thank you so much for being there for my little girl.”
“It was no problem.” Rudy says.
“Seriously, thank you,” Bob says, “You've always been such a great friend to Louise.”
Linda lets go of him, and he turns to Louise, who’s smiling at him. He smiles back.
Louise is then taken into a brief but tight hug by Tina. “I’m so glad you're okay. I know just how scary a first panic attack can be and I’m- sorry I couldn't be there but Dad’s right. I’m really thankful for you, Rudy. I feel like I- owe you one."
“Well, again, it was no problem. You don't need to owe me anything,” Rudy says, “I’ve had panic attacks before so I know how scary they can be at first too.”
“And you sure you’re okay now, Louise?” Bob asks.
“Yes. I think all the fear’s passed.” Louise answers. “I mean, I don’t know if I’ll, um, have one again, but I remember what Rudy told me what to do in case I were to.”
“Rudy, you’re really the best,” Linda says.
He really is, Louise thinks. When she sees her family and Rudy look over at her, however, she realizes she had said it out loud. She feels her face get hot and lets out a small chuckle. “Hah, I mean-”
Rudy chuckles too. The two barely notice Bob, Linda, and Tina exchange looks and smiles. “Hey, it’s okay.” Rudy says.
Tina checks the time on the emergency phone. “Uh, I should be heading out... Louise, you sure you're okay? Cuz I can-”
“Yes! I am. Go on your date.” Louise says.
“Just wanted to make sure.”
“Yeah, stop caring about me so much!” she jokes.
Tina smiles, and gives her sister one last hug. “Alright. Love you. Bye everyone!”
Louise, Bob, Linda, and Rudy call goodbye back as Tina leaves the restaurant. “Louise, you can head up to the apartment if you want. No need to work today,” Bob says.
“You sure don't need help?” she asks.
“No. Today’s slow. Just go relax.”
“Great! Rudy, you coming with?”
“Of course!” he answers.
“Race you upstairs then!”
“No fair, you know I can’t run!” Smiling, the two run out of the restaurant together. Linda then turns to Bob with a smile of her own.
“Sweet pair they are,” she says.
Bob smiles back. “Yeah. They really are.”
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astra90x · 2 years
Flufftober Day 15 - Accidents Don’t Just Happen Accidentally
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 2002
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Cursing
This is one chapter of an entire linear story! It can be read separately but is better when read as a whole. Enjoy!
Every morning, after checking over your crops, your next stop is always to head to your barn. It’s been a few months since you got your first cow, and now you’re the proud owner of three (two brown, one white) and even a goat. You spend about a half hour milking them all, making sure they’re fed, and giving them the love they deserve. Even though they can’t be considered “pets,” you love them as if they were. 
You get to the barn a little later in the morning than you usually do, since you had to collect some of your eggplants and put them away, so the cows are even more excited to see you than usual. The goat is still warming up to you as you’ve only had her for a few weeks, but she still trots over to sniff curiously at your feet before prancing away again. 
“Sorry I’m late, ladies,” you say as you drag your stool and bucket over from the corner of the barn. “I hope you guys are ready to be milked.” 
One of your cows, Lola, moos softly at you, so you take that as a sign that she wants to be first and set the stool up next to her. You give her a few pats first and then start to knead her udders to make the milk spurt out. 
You’re halfway through the process when you hear a knock on the door of the barn. Glancing back, you see Sebastian. Not exactly the optimal time for him to see you, while you’re wearing your dirty work overalls and are covered in the spray of cow milk, but it’s nice to see him anyway. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” you ask, directing your voice towards him but turning your attention back to milking the cow before she gets too impatient. 
“Just wanted to see what you were up to today, thought maybe I could stop by and get a sample of farm life,” replies Sebastian. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“Not at all, you’re free to come in if you want to.” You squeeze the cow’s udders one final time and then give her a light pat on her haunch to let her know that she’s free to go. “Just don’t close the door behind you, the inside latch is broken so it’ll lock from the outside.” Sebastian nods and heads inside, crouching down next to you on the stool so he’s close to your eye level. 
“You do this every morning?” he asks as you stand up from your stool and lead the next cow over. 
“Yup! It’s hard work, but it’ll keep my income steady during the winter when I can’t grow crops, and these animals are like my family.” You stroke the cow standing in front of you as you sit down again, then get to work milking. Sebastian watches curiously. 
“This doesn’t hurt them?” he asks, watching your fingers work on the udders. 
“Not at all,” you respond. “Would you like to give it a go? It’s easy once you get the hang of it.” 
“Oh, um, sure.” You stand up and gesture to the stool, where Sebastian sits and looks at the cow in front of him, seeming completely lost. “Do I just… pull?”
“Don’t pull, squeeze.” Leaning forward over Sebastian’s shoulder, you demonstrate how he should be moving his hands. Then, to get him started, you gently take hold of his fingers and show him where to place them. He starts to follow your instructions and lets out a gasp when the milk squirts out and splatters all over him. 
“You might want to aim a little further down,” you say, unable to suppress your laughter. Sebastian rolls his eyes but tries again, this time managing to get (most of) the milk into the pail. 
You’re so distracted watching Sebastian milk the cow that you’re half a second too late to notice creaking from behind you. You turn just in time to see your beloved Lola nudging the barn door shut with her nose, locking it from the outside. 
“Lola!” you scream, but it’s already too late. She looks over at you curiously with her big, dark eyes, acting as if she didn’t just trap you inside your barn. Sebastian has stopped milking his cow, and he’s now staring, mouth slightly agape, at the closed door. 
“That’s bad,” he says simply. You spin around to look at him, panic evident on your face.
“Please tell me you brought your phone.” 
Sebastian shoves his hands into his hoodie pocket, but his face falls. “Shit, it was dead, so I left it at home.”
“Mine is in the house, I never take it out with me when I’m doing chores,” you say. “Fuck!”
“Take a deep breath, we’re going to be fine,” assures Sebastian. “It’s a small town, someone’s going to notice we’re gone and come looking at some point.” 
“Yeah, you’re right. I need to calm down.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath in. You’re going to be okay. 
“I can try the door if you want. See if I can jimmy it open,” suggests Sebastian. You don’t think there’s much point, but you nod, so Sebastian gets up and heads to the entrance of the barn. You, meanwhile, still have to get your cows milked, so you sit down on the stool and focus your energy on your chores. 
You finish the third cow (the goat is still too young to be milked, so no need to worry about her) right as Sebastian comes back from the door, shaking his head. 
“No luck. I tried shifting the door to reach the latch outside but it won’t open enough.”
“It’s okay, thanks for trying.” You give the third cow a light pat and she saunters away, heading to the trough in the back to get a snack for herself. “I’m really sorry you’re stuck in here.”
“It’s not your fault, no need to be sorry,” replies Sebastian. “We just have to make the best of it, right?” 
“Right.” You take note that Sebastian is still standing, and you lift yourself off the stool, gesturing to it. “You can sit if you want, I’m okay to stand.”
“Even though I spend most of the day in front of a desk, I’m still capable of standing,” he responds, his tone humourous. Instead of taking the stool, he walks over to one of your cows and asks, “Can I pet her?” 
“Of course! She likes being scratched around her ears the most.” Sebastian brings both hands up and starts to stroke the cow behind her ears. She closes her eyes and leans into him with a look of bliss on her face. It’s pretty adorable, how happy they both look.
Meanwhile, you spot Lola laying down on the floor on the other side of the barn, so you walk over to her and lower yourself to the ground, using her large body as a backrest. She turns to look at you when you sit down and you stroke her neck, smiling a little. 
“I forgive you, Lola, I know you didn’t mean to lock us in here,” you say. She moos at you in response, almost like she understands. 
You hear footsteps and look up in time to see Sebastian sitting on the floor to your left, leaning against Lola as well. He drums his fingers on his knees but doesn’t say anything, even though he looks like he wants to. 
“I just remembered that Elliott is supposed to be coming over for lunch, so we’ll probably only be in here a few more hours,” you say. Sebastian nods. 
“I wasn’t super worried,” he replies. “I could be doing worse things today than hanging out with you and some cows.” He reaches back and strokes Lola, a look of contentment on his face. 
“I think she likes you,” you note, to which Lola moos in response. You rub the space between her ears and smile fondly at her. 
How does she respond? By leaning her head in and giving you a hard shove with her nose, pushing you right into Sebastian. 
Even though the push wasn’t too forceful, it catches you off guard enough that you topple over, landing half in Sebastian’s lap. He jerks slightly in surprise but still manages to break your fall with his arms. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m sorry, Sebastian,” you apologize, pushing yourself off of him and shooting a dirty glare in Lola’s direction. “I have no idea what’s gotten into her, she usually doesn’t misbehave this much.” 
Sebastian doesn’t get a chance to respond because Lola flicks her tail at Sebastian, hitting him hard in the arm and causing him to recoil enough that he almost falls on top of you, too. You’re sitting close enough now that your thighs and shoulders are brushing together. 
“Lola!” you scold. “What is with you today!?” She moos softly again, craning her neck to prod you with her nose once more. The coldness of it naturally makes you move away, pushing you even further into Sebastian. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s trying to push us together,” Sebastian says. Though his words seemed to cause no reaction within him, you instantly feel blood rising in your cheeks. Looking back at Lola, you’re suddenly a little intimidated by the intelligence you see behind her eyes. 
“She’s just being naughty,” you reply. “I’m sorry, once again.”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind.” Sebastian’s hands are still on his knees, something that you only notice when your fingers brush against his. His hand stiffens slightly, and he says, “You’re freezing.” 
It is pretty cold in the barn since it’s a chillier day outside and you haven’t had a chance to buy a heater from Marnie for the upcoming winter. Plus, you’re only wearing a t-shirt under your overalls, since you usually work up quite a sweat doing your farm work. 
“I guess I’m a bit cold.” You bring up your hands to rub your arms, trying to generate heat, but it doesn’t work as well as you hoped it would. And now that you’ve noticed the cold, it’s impossible to ignore. 
“That’s not going to work, you know,” says Sebastian. “Come here.” 
You’re not sure what Sebastian means by that until you feel him shift next to you, and his sweatered arm makes its way around your shoulders. He pulls his hoodie down over his hand and uses it to rub some warmth back into your skin, doing the same with his other hand and your left arm. 
You think your face might actually be on fire. 
The feeling of Sebastian so close to you, cradling you in the way he is to try and warm you up, it just feels so… intimate. You allow yourself the pleasure of closing your eyes and leaning in a little closer until your cheek falls onto Sebastian’s chest. He takes a breath, surprised, but it’s half a second before he relaxes again and continues to run his hands up and down your arms. 
It’s so comforting, so safe, to be like this, that you barely even notice yourself growing tired until you drift off to sleep. 
When Elliott opens the barn door a few hours later, wondering where you had gone, he’s surprised to find not only you, but Sebastian as well, leaning against a cow by the far wall of the barn. Not only that, but all three of you, cow included, are asleep. Elliott smiles a little to himself. 
He figures he can always come back another day for lunch, so he grabs a rock, props the door open, and leaves again. But he can’t shake the expressions he saw on both yours and Sebastian’s faces. Though you were both asleep, it was impossible to deny the affection that was clearly there. Elliott knows a budding relationship when he sees it. 
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You know those g5 concepts of a g4 remake? These ones?
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I'm making my own fan continuity using them and the vague ideas that are illustrated through these concepts! Currently I'm calling it Dawn of Harmony (sooo original I know, that name's definitely been used somewhere before) but that could change, I have some ideas for it but it's going to take a LOT of workshoping. Some infodumping of my current concepts below, really just mane 6 info:
Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash are childhood friends that met in their flight school as foals. Pinkie had a rough start in flying due to her smaller wings and Rainbow decided to coach her a bit, which is how she discovered their shared love for pranking and how much Pinkie could cheer a pony up, thus sparking a lifelong friendship.
Applejack keeps her country flair and still lives/works on a farm, and she's the only non-family friend of the lone Twilight Sparkle, an earth pony with a knack for science and inventing...but less of a knack for making friends. She and Applejack are childhood friends, but Applejack still wishes she could be closer to Twi and that her pal would spend more time with other ponies and less time at home, they used to hang out all the time but Twilight got more "busy" as she got older. Applejack and Rainbowdash are quite competitive with each other, and they often get into spats during AJ's free time.
Fluttershy is very much like her name implies...very shy, but she doesn't flutter because she's a unicorn! She uses her magic to heal animals and fix the environment around her, the woods around her cottage home are said to be the prettiest in all of Ponyville. She's incredibly shy with new ponies and struggles with confrontation, but she's actually quite the social butterfly with those she feels safer and more comfortable around. She's close to Applejack and the farm pony has TRIED to set her up to be friends with Twilight, but Twi seems to always just miss her.
Rarity is the fanciest unicorn in the entirety of Ponyville, a Canterlot born pony who moved to the more rural village in order to find herself and discover inspiration for her career as a fashion star. She even brought her younger sister along with her! Rarity is quite difficult to get along with at first, but those like Fluttershy know that if you can get past her blunt commentary and insistence to measure you to make you a complimentary outfit, you'll find a friend that will do everything she can to be there for you. If you mess with Rarity's friends, you get the horn. She also has a side hobby of gemstone collecting and loves to use the sparkling gems in her fashion as often as she can.
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the-doodly-noodle · 5 months
🖊️🐶💚🍛 for any oc (can be multiple) :)
Okie dokie! I'll do this with...uhhhh.... Mike, Fritz, and Becky! (I don't remember if I've truly introduced them, they're OCs for an original story called Crooked Teeth).
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I'll put in a readmore so it doesn't clog up the dash.
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Mike: Mike went through a rebellious phase when he was in high school, and he got a rabbit tattoo on his arm in memory of someone he was super close to when he was young. He's settled down quite a bit since then, and even though he's not actively planning to get more tattoos, I think he'd be down to get another one if he can easily cover it up for work reasons. I think he prefers abstractly sentimental ink.
Fritz: Fritz himself? He has no tattoos and doesn't plan on changing that. However, he was super encouraging when Mike got his and went to the tattoo parlor with him for emotional support (probably calling him a good boy for how well he can take it--Mike just rolls his eyes). And he'd do it again by golly.
Becky: Between taking care of her parent (haven't decided which parent yet) and her job, she never really has a lot of free time to herself. So she doesn't have a tattoo...yet. I think she'd want to get something pretty, like flowers and/or birds on her leg. Fritz and Mike, of course, would absolutely go with her if she got it, but she's a tough cookie and I don't think reassurances would be necessary. She's still appreciative.
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
Mike: If plants count as a pet, then yes, he is a great plant father. Otherwise, no animals in his life. I think he appreciates loyal dogs tho, as long as he doesn't have to care for them.
Fritz: If Fritz had a pet, he'd most likely have a bearded dragon or a gecko, some kind of lizard. He'd either name it after an inanimate object like Fork or Garbage Bag or he'd give it a human name like Bernard or Susan. I think it'd most likely be the latter, and he would delight in the confusion it could cause.
Becky: Becky has a stray black cat that she feeds regularly. She calls it Blackberry and I think she lets it inside the house sometimes if she can, such as in moments of inclement weather (sidenote: I think it's a thing in her family to give each other food nicknames, one of her relatives called her Peanut).
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
Mike: Mike's a pretty solitary individual. He prefers being indoors, but if he does go out, he goes to green spaces like the woods or the park, somewhere natural and with very few people.
Fritz: Fritz likes going out and about, but he spends most of his time in urban spaces. You could probably find him soaking up the sun outside of a coffee shop, and he'd chat with you if you sat with him. He just likes tidy spaces where he can chill with people.
Becky: Becky spends most of her time indoors, so whenever she gets an opportunity to be outside, she makes sure to take her sweet time doing things. Running errands, hanging out, anything like that, will probably take longer than it needs to with her because it's a freedom she doesn't experience often. It doesn't matter to her if it's urban or rural, she just likes being out and about.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc’s typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Mike: Mike sometimes forgets to eat dinner, especially when he starts doing things in the plot. When he does eat the food tends to be takeout or microwaveable, but always spicy. He knows the basics of cooking and his food is passable (if not bland--man doesn't own anything more flavorful than salt and pepper really), but for the most part he just can't be bothered. He's the victim of habits borne of college and night shifts.
Fritz: This man's dabbled in just about everything, so of course he knows his way around a spice rack and eats well-balanced meals. When he first moved out, he tried to keep a kosher home like the one he grew up in, but he started getting lax when he went out to eat with coworkers. One thing led to another, and eventually he fell out of the practice. However, he still doesn't eat pork (he doesn't like the way it smells when it's cooked) and he maintains "parent cabinets" where he stores everything he needs (cookware, serving dishes, cabinet covers, etc) and doesn't touch on the day-to-day in order to make kosher food for his mom and dad when they visit. They tend to give him sufficient notice so that he can take time to make his appliances kosher too. Oh, also he knows all the best hole-in-the-wall food places around town; if you wanna try something new, talk to him.
Becky: Becky cooks nutritionally balanced meals. Since she provides care for her parent, her dinners tend to meet their dietary needs as well. It's easier to cook a double portion, y'know? If, on a rare occasion, she makes plans to go out to dinner with someone, she makes sure to cook for her parent first and set them up for the night before she leaves. Her foods of choice tend to gravitate towards sweet or acidic flavors.
@yuyubake thank you for the ask!
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