#(bar one who is away so we'll forgive them)
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sealochs · 1 month ago
i am officially Moved In !! first night sleeping in my flat tonight, filled with all my belongings, so messy & so mad & so mine 🥰🥰🥰
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baocean · 3 months ago
nice!rafe x reader college au
when rafe cameron finally takes an interest in you, you think its just another one of his one night stands
warnings - smut, swearing, partying and drinking
get comfy, grab a snack, because baby its longgger. i spent all day on this :) (hahaha ha ha h a) anyways, i wanted a nice, possibly even goofy rafe instead of him being batshit crazy all the time. so please forgive the personality change, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programs soon.
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when rafe cameron entered the room, everyone swooned. the football star of unc chapel hill, the hottest guy on campus, the flirt. everyone would gladly drop to their knees for him, except you.
it was like something was wrong with you. because you absolutely did not understand what everyone was always going on about over him.
sure, he was tall and handsome. he was good at football. but he seemed like a complete jerk.
you were a sophomore at unc, rafe was a junior. you’d become very familiar with the horror stories of being around and getting with rafe cameron.
he fucks girls then leaves them on read, picks fights for no reason, drinks way too much, and has a god awful ego.
you just did not get it.
at the party, in some worn out, dirty frat, you stood with your friends in a corner, people watching and giggling.
it had been a fun night so far, meeting new people and having a few too many shots.
but when rafe cameron and his friends walked into the room, everyone’s attention was on him.
you saw him, and wanted to scream ‘boooo’. rolling your eyes, you walked away from your enchanted friends towards the makeshift bar.
a drunk frat brother poured you another drink as your phone dinged. you went to check it, and when you looked back up, there he was, in all his materialistic glory.
“hey angel.” rafe lifted the corner of his lip, handing you the cup the brother just filled.
“thank you.” you smiled for only a second, hopefully fast enough he didn’t even see it, then started to walk away.
“hey, wait!” rafe called behind you, useless. you took a guess that tonight, it was your turn to be the special girl in rafe cameron’s life. you didn’t want that title.
your friends stared in bewilderment as rafe cameron stalks behind you, and pulls on your arm ever so gently to get you to turn around.
“what’s your name?” he asks, his face blank of any little smirk he had before.
“depends on who’s asking.” you shrug, taking a small sip of the juice from your cup. it was strong.
“me.” he clarified, a look on his face telling you should have already known that.
“oh. then, no.” you give him a sweet smile. he scoffs, shaking his head.
“and if it’s for my homeboy over there?” his long finger sticks out and points towards one of his friends, one you’d seen on campus before, but couldn’t put a name to his face.
“oh, if it’s for him, get him to come over here and i’ll tell him myself.”
“what’s your problem with me?” rafe’s face scrunched up, crossing his arms over his chest.
“i don’t have a problem, im just not interested.” you give him one last sickly sweet smile, before returning to the group of friends, patiently waiting to interrogate you.
it had only been a few days since your’s and rafe’s interaction. you hadn’t thought about it much, after getting home to your apartment and debriefing your friends, it had slipped out of your mind completely.
that was, until, you saw him walk into the coffee shop you were studying at.
immediately, you ducked your head, hoping not to get spotted.
he went up to the counter and ordered, fiddling with a straw in his hands, back turned to you.
you thought maybe he had missed you, so with a sigh of relief, you went back to your schoolwork.
“hi, angel.” you cringed at the voice. looking up, there he was.
he was wearing a bandana, tied around his head, some old carhart jacket. he had good style, you’ll give him that.
“oh, hey.” you tried your best to not sound so sincere.
“how’ve you been?” he asked, inviting himself to take a seat across from you.
“great. how about you?” his smile lit up his face, thinking he was finally getting somewhere with you.
he went to answer, when you cut him off, “i’m so sorry, i don’t know your name?” it came out more of a question, a dare.
his smile faltered for a second, and you took that as a win, before he stuck his hand out in between you two.
“i’m rafe cameron.” despite protests, you took his hand in yours to shake it, ignoring how much of a difference in size there was.
he raised his eyebrows, “your turn.”
“still not interested. lovely to see you, though.” you let go of his hand, putting your focus back into your schoolwork.
he scoffed, stood over you for a second, appearing to be looking at something on the table in front of you.
he chuckled, low, then bent down a bit. “i’ll see you later, yn.”
he picked up his coffee and walked out the door without a second glance. alarm bells were going off in your head. how could he possibly know your name?
you grabbed your cup to take a sip, and realization hit you like a brick. on the side of the plastic, your name was written in simple black sharpie.
recently, practice hadn’t been fun. especially since rafe realized the football team practices right next to the women’s soccer team. and also, since rafe found out you were on the women’s soccer team.
he’d made every effort to get your attention, calling your name and throwing footballs towards the soccer pitch, more or less annoying you. your teammates would squeal and giggle, and you groaned.
coach called practice, and as you were packing up your gear and getting ready to make the trek back to your locker rooms, you heard the distinctive voice from behind you.
“angel, how was practice?” you turned, seeing rafe, sweaty and red.
you probably looked the same at him. you’d been running on and off for two and a half hours today, you probably did not look your best. rafe would have disagreed.
“fine, thanks.” you wiped your face with a towel, taking your cleats off and finding your shoes.
“you know, when your face is all red like that, it makes me wonder what you look like when you’re getting f-” you hit rafe on the chest with the back of your hand.
“you’re appalling. does that line ever work on anyone?” you were completely disgusted by him right now, even if the thought did draw a little curiosity from you.
“sometimes. let me take you out on a date.” un phased, rafe cameron persists.
“why would i ever say yes after the comment you just made?” you laugh in his face, earning a shit eating grin from him.
“give me one chance. i don’t know what you think about me, but give me a chance to prove im not whatever it is.”
“please, angel.” the way his voice upped an octave erupted thoughts, lot and lots of thoughts.
so, you’d finally give him a little bait to chew on for a while. “i'll think about it.”
with that, you left him standing by the benches. you rolled your eyes at the boy, but couldn’t help but smile.
three hours later you had a follow and dm from rafe cameron.
rafecam: have you thought about our date yet?
yourusername: no, not really
rafecam: come on angel
rafecam: one date is all i’m asking
yourusername: that’s all it’ll be since you’ll ghost me afterwards! it’s perfect!
rafecam: ohhh so that’s what you think
yourusername: the answer is no
rafecam: i’m not taking that for an answer
rafecam: it’s yes or yes
rafecam: i’ll be the perfect gentleman
rafecam: im the man of your dreams come onnnn
yourusername: you’re funny
rafecam: so does tuesday night sound good?
yourusername started following you!
deciding on something nice, but not too nice, you took your hair out of the rollers and sighed.
it’s your date with rafe tonight. you were feeling a lot of emotions.
you’d gone through rafe’s instagram the night he dmed you, had followed him back. there was even some 'get to know you' conversations somewhere in between.
pictures of his parents and sisters, his friends, pictures of them on a beach, all smiling. no pictures of him out at a party, or arms slung around girls. there was an image to maintain, though. the quarterback at unc, with forty thousand followers, of course he wasn’t going to post that.
you rolled your eyes and jumped up to show your roommate the black silk dress you were wearing for the dinner date at the fancy restaurant in town. anna was funny, bowing down in front of you like you were some god.
the doorbell to the apartment rang and your eyebrows furrowed. you thought, ‘no way he’d find a way to get up here, no way he’d find your apartment, no way he’d willingly come up here and ring my doorbell’.
but there he was, on the other side of the door, holding a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. your jaw almost dropped.
he was dressed nicely, a smile painted on his tanned features.
“how did you know where i live. and how do you know about the flowers?” you invited him in, giving him a undoubtedly suspicious look.
“don’t worry, angel. i have my ways,” he smirked, looking at your roommate. “hey anna.”
“oh, okay. got it. got it, thanks anna.” you shake your head, grinning as you put your head in your hands.
“we’ll put these in water then head out, yea?” rafe grabbed the scissors while you grabbed a vase to fill up with water, moving in perfect harmony.
the dinner went well, surprising you. he was a gentleman, like he had promised.
and as much as you hated yourself for it, you swooned, just like that.
his smile, and his jokes, and the lack of inappropriate ones. you thought maybe the bar was on the floor, right now you didn’t care. you could only thing about maybe, you could have been wrong about him.
he’d walked you back up to your apartment on the second floor, carrying his jacket and your heels over his shoulder as you walked together.
when you got to your door, it was unlocked, thank goodness, because you forgot your keys.
“these are yours. angel, i had a really good time. promise you’ll text me in the morning?” rafe asked as he held out your heels, a true, genuine look in his eye signaling he meant it.
you shrugged, love drunk, and pulled his arm so he fell inside with you. “we’ll see.”
he dropped the jacket and heels on one hump on the floor, grabbing around your waist and pulling you in.
the kiss was so desperate and rushed, but still gentle. one of his arms wrapped around your waist as you clung to his neck.
pulling apart, you grabbed his chin and lifted it upwards, placing light kisses on his neck, then sucking. his hands grabbed at your hips.
“you look so good. holy fuck, angel.” he returned the favor, kissing down your neck and shoulder, playing with the strap of your dress with his teeth.
you pulled him towards your room, and at first, he didn’t hesitate.
he faltered once you got to your door, pulling back from you.
“angel, i’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment i saw you, but i want to do this right.”
you were taken aback, not believing the words that were coming out of rafe cameron's mouth. you almost thought he was kidding, letting out a anxious chuckle, met with a confused stare.
"did you just say no to sex?" you questioned. he nodded, looking just as surprised by himself as you were.
he doesn't fucking like me, you thought. how could you be so stupid? of course, of course rafe cameron doesn't want you the same way you want him. do it right? what does that even mean?
and there it was, surprising you again, because since when did you want rafe? have feelings for rafe?
"okay, um well, goodnight, then." you tried, tucking your hair behind your ears and grabbing your heels from the ground.
"okay. goodnight, angel." he took a step forward to try and kiss you, but you crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head.
he faltered, heart shooting out of his chest. the one time he tries to treat a girl right, and he's fucked that up, too. he grabbed his jacket, stood up straight, gave you one last look and closed the door behind him.
rafe: good morning
rafe: do u maybe want to get coffee with me
rafe: or i could get it and bring it to u
rafe: helllllloooooo
rafe: angel what's goin on
rafe: text me back yn
it had been three days since you spoke to rafe. it'd been three weeks since you met him, officially. your emotions had been twisted, confusing. he’d been gone for an away football game. he stopped texting you after that.
you watched the game with your roommate anna, rafe throwing pick after pick, completely off his game. you sighed, hoping that the small flame inside trying to convince you you're the reason he keeps messing up is wrong.
the game ended, they won by one point. the team cheered on the field as number forty six walked off the field, helmet in hand and head hung low.
rafe: can you please talk to me
rafe: i would take you telling me you hate me over this
you: can you come over?
rafe: be there in ten
he was there in seven minutes, actually. looks of hesitation painting his features when you opened the door for him.
"you've been okay? you didn't text me back on wednesday."
"yea, we should talk about that." you nodded. his face slumped, he looked defeated.
"what? what is it, angel?" he took a step towards you.
"listen, i really only said yes to that date so you'd leave me alone," rafe felt a little bit liked he'd been punched. "but that entire date i felt so good, and i was honestly just fine with having one night with you and never speaking to you again. but then you said you didn't want to and whatever you meant by that, i'm not sure, but it, like, threw me off." you rambled, arms crossed over your chest in defense.
"i wasn't gonna have sex with you if it meant i never talked to you again." his blue eyes hidden under thick lashes, unable for you to get a good read on them.
"but rafe, thats like all you're known f-" your hands went up in defeat as you tried to finish your statement.
"was, it was. i wish you'd just talk to me instead, angel. but this-" he waves a finger between you two- "is different. i don't know if its because you give me shit every time i try to flirt with you or that you're just unlike anyone i've ever met, i don't fucking know. but id rather give this an actual try than pretend i could treat you like you didn't mean something more."
speechless, thats what you were. taking two steps forward and pulling him in. he tasted like mint gum, smelled like wood and vanilla. his lips parted, letting you familiarize yourself with his mouth.
he pulled back, "go on another date with me?" you laughed, then nodded, then pulled him back into you.
he pulled back again, "be my girlfriend?"
"you're pushing it, rafe." giving him a peck on the lips.
"well, just using my logic, here. if you're my girlfriend, then that means were giving it a try and we can fuck all we want." he shrugged, a hand finding its way under your t-shirt and onto your hip.
"you sound insane. ask me again later." you whispered into him, pulling him into your room, this time he didn't budge. rafe cameron, in your small, student housing bedroom, pulling your shirt off.
he kissed your neck, bit at the spots he'd sucked, picking you up and rolling onto the bed with you, earning a laugh from you.
you grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it up, rafe helping you out. your hands found their way to his upper arms, he closed his eyes and flexed under your touch, almost unconsciously.
"you look so pretty, angel. always do." he whispered, leaned down to kiss you again. he pulled your thin, loungewear bra to the side, let out a quiet groan, and kissed.
and he would have done anything to hear that small moan from you for the first time again. your hand reaches up to grab his hair as one nipple is in his mouth, the other being rubbed between his fingertips.
"angel, you want this as bad as i do?" he looked up at you, watched you nod, and smiled, kissing down to your naval.
lifting your lips, he slid the shorts off you, then his sweatpants next.
he lined himself up, pushing into you slowly, memorizing the sound of your gasps and moans. surely, this is what heaven felt like. sounded like. "holy fuck."
two strong arms landed on each side of your head as he slid in and out of you.
his words came out all incoherent, with a lot of 'please', 'angel', and 'pretty''s thrown in there.
this wasn't the kind of sex you'd have with rafe, you thought it would be more rough, not sweet and caring.
your eyes closed, his hand flying to your face, gripping your chin. "open your eyes, pretty girl. i wanna see you. wanna see whats mine." you let out a moan, clenching around him, too deep in pleasure to care that rafe knew you liked that.
"say it." rafe moaned, his pace fastening, a steady hand still on your face.
"im yours, rafe." he pulled you up as you gasped for the millionth time. now, riding him, your face was an inch above his, his features looked perfect under the sunlight.
"are you mine?" you got out, in between moans.
"since the first time i ever laid eyes on you. all yours, angel."
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eyelambspider · 1 month ago
Spider. Eye. Lamb. || COD/Outlast Au
⤷ summary : you and him. together you'll be the ones to make it out of the trials... (drabbles/hcs)
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┊pairing : könig, gaz, price x gn!reader ┊content warning : mentions of gore/death/blood, horror, pining(?) finding comfort in each other ┊a/n : ffffffuck! i love the outlast trials! (forgive me i like scary games) also: for god sakes, i'm doing chapters/scenarios for this
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▹ König
Its nearly impossible for König to hide while in the Trials. He can't fit into the lockers quickly (or the barrels), so he opts to linger in the darker rooms with the burnt out bulbs.
so. he's usually wearing his night vision goggles or his eyes are adjusting to the dark. leading him to be more anxious and feeling exposed in brightly lit places.
Because of his size, König can break through the wooden boards blocking doorways with one kick if he needs to run.
Other reagents (people) in the sleep-room are afraid of him and tend to stay away. He looks too similar to the Prime Assets in the trials, with the cut up pillowcase over his head... and his height.
it doesn't help his mental health, not talking to much people in the sleep room... but the doctors seem to like him. If not only for his physical build.
sometimes, König comes to the metal door of your room and stands there, unsure how to really ask but- he likes laying with you on your bed. the two of you laying there in each others arms for nothing more than the comfort of being with another person who... knows how scary it is.
König likes to protect you in the Trials, intervening just as the grunts try to bring down their weapons on your prone form by shoving them off violently.
▹ Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Gaz is the quietest and is hardly seen by those who roam the halls and rubble-filled streets of the trials.
he always has a lockpick on him, and often uses it to open up medical supplies for himself. always proving to be especially resourceful.
Uses bottles to throw and distract the enemies when he works.
Gaz is one of the braver subjects to be put into the trials, always taking risks and evading the prime assets and enemies by a hair.
Gaz's biggest fear in the trials is that he is too good at it. Trials become easier and easier, but it messes with his head to think that instead of getting this horror show over with as fast as possible-he's actually doing exactly what the doctors want him to do.
Is it just survival... or is Murkoff's twisted form of 'treatment' actually working?
Gaz likes talking to you.
Well, having your company. He doesn't open up about what he thinks and fears. Just sort of... sits with you and chats in the cafeteria during meal times.
And on the shuttles (from the sleep room to the Trials) Gaz likes to sit across from you, even with the TV in front of his face, and the bars on the side of his head (forcing him to watch)... he likes knowing you're right there. Likes reminding you to be angry instead of scared, "Fuck the doctors-remember that-fuck the doctors!"
You actually might be the reason he's still resisting the treatment. He tries to protect you from feeling as... as desperately terrified of becoming what the doctors want.
▹ John Price
Price hates to get paired with you in the Trials. Solely because he'd hate to see you hurt but... "its good to see a friendly face"
Price would do well in his trials, ranking a grade average 'B'.
It would be better, but he despises being apart of these sick games and 'messes up' on purpose.
(When you're afraid in the Trials) Price grabs your shoulders and forces you to look at him, keeping you grounded and giving you something to focus on other than the threat of dying. "Just get the key, alright? Its got a little black star on it. You get it and bring it back here... and we'll both get out of here. Won't let anything bad happen to ya," he assures.
In the sleep-room, Price always tells you to come and play a game of chess with him. "No buts." He knows it will distract the both of you for a while, and if you don't know how to play, he's got all the time to teach you.
(When you don't make it back to the exit) Price always waits for you, has to watch you enter the transport himself to make sure you're okay. And when you don't, he gets antsy, glancing at the red timer above the door that says you have only three minutes... "Fuck," he decides, turning his back on the exit and beginning to run back into the Trial to find you.
he likes taking care of you, gives him something else-something more important-to focus on outside of the trials.
if anyone was getting out of the trials, he'd hoped it'd be you
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lura-valentine · 13 days ago
Where. Is. She?
MHA / BNHA fanfiction
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Dabi x Rain
World of My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
With the exception of Rain all characters belong to Kōhei Horikoshi
Dabi x Rain ➡️ click for Rain's profil ⬅️
Please note that English is not my first language. So forgive me for mistakes.
Where. Is. She?
The warmth of the room caressed her skin as Rain stood in front of the mirror, styling her dark curls with practiced precision. The dim light from the shabby lamp over the sink bathed her face in a golden glow, making her deep red eyes shine like glowing rubies. She touched up her black eyeliner and accentuated her full lips with a dark red, a mask behind which she hid her emerging feelings.
"Hah! See? Perfect!" Himiko's voice was a high-pitched chirp, full of exaggerated euphoria as she appeared behind Rain and grabbed her shoulders. "Say, are you excited? We'll dance, we'll drink, and who knows, maybe I'll find someone to kiss!" A dreamy smile spread across Himiko's face as she leaned on Rain's shoulder.  
Rain snorted, but the smile that played around her lips was hard to suppress. "You just want to slash someone again, Himiko."  
“Oh, always these insinuations!” Himiko feigned outrage and turned around in a circle to show off her skimpy, blood-red dress – exactly what suited her.
Twice, who was sitting on one of the old chairs and debating with himself, glanced at Rain and nodded approvingly. "Wow, you look hot! -No, no, she doesn't just look hot, she looks damn good! -Yeah, exactly, if Dabi doesn't notice you today, then he's blind!"  
At his name, Rain froze for a moment. She lowered her gaze as if she was concentrating on the finishing touches to her appearance, but the quiet, nagging feeling in her chest wouldn't go away. Dabi wouldn't notice her. Not in the way she wanted.  
He had changed recently. Or rather, she had changed. Before, she had never thought about it when he threw a casual remark at her, when his smoky voice formed her name with that mocking warmth. But now she was searching in every look, in every moment, for something that wasn't there. Something she desperately wanted.  
But Dabi wasn't a man for such things. He hardly showed any emotions, kept his distance and lately this distance had become colder and more unbearable. Maybe it was her imagination, maybe just her wounded heart that was interpreting too many shadows in his movements. But if he no longer looked at her, no longer spoke to her, if he even withdrew when she entered the room... then that had to mean something, right?
"Ground control to Rain!" Himiko snapped her fingers in front of her face. "If you look like that for another second, people will think we're forcing you to come with us!"  
Rain pulled herself together and forced a smile that seemed almost convincing. "It's fine. Let's go."
The smell of alcohol, stale smoke and a hint of dust hung heavy in the air as the three walked through the hideout's gloomy bar. The neon lights flickered lazily over the walls, casting distorted shadows on the wooden counter behind which Kurogiri was polishing glasses with his usual calm. Spinner sat at one of the tables, his feet resting casually on the top, while Mr. Compress twirled a coin between his fingers and barely looked up.  
"Ah, the ladies want to go out today?" Kurogiri's deep, soft voice sounded almost amused as his misty face turned toward them.  
"Sure! Rain needs a distraction, so we go dancing!" Himiko announced with an almost childlike enthusiasm, which Rain only responded to with a tired smile.  
Spinner gave her a searching look. "Dancing, then? And you're sure that's the kind of distraction you're looking for?"  
Rain paused, looking at the geckoman for a moment. There was a strange sharpness in his words - or was she just imagining it?  
"Yes." Her voice sounded smoother than it felt. "I just need a few drinks and a little fun. No big deal."  
"Hmm." Mr. Compress flicked the coin, catching it deftly. "But remember, Rain - no matter what you seek tonight, it won't fill the hole you carry inside."
An icy tingle ran down her spine, but she pushed it away with a smug smile. "Oh, come on." Rain snorted, her voice dripping with irony as she leaned on the counter and shot a disdainful look at the crowd. "As if anyone here knows how I feel."  
Spinner laughed. A dry, throaty laugh that sounded more like a snort. "Oh Rain, everyone here knows how you feel."
Rain felt her neck tense, but she didn't move.  
"In fact," Spinner continued with a dirty grin, "it's so obvious that even Dabi understands. And that's exactly why he stays away from you."
A heavy moment came, the air in the room seemed to get thicker. Rain could feel the others' gazes - Himiko's sudden tension, Twice, who was moving restlessly, and Mr. Compress, who seemed frozen.
"Idiot, shut up!" Himiko's voice pierced the silence like a dagger. "That was completely unnecessary, you asshole!"  
Spinner shrugged as if he didn't care, but his eyes remained on Rain as he waited for her missiles.
Rain smiled. Not a bitter, hurt smile, but one that seemed almost bored. She let the words bounce off her as if they had never really meant anything.
"Oh please," she sighed, pushing herself away from the bar. "What a revelation. Dabi doesn't want me, so what? That doesn't mean I can't have fun tonight."  
She threw her hair over her shoulder, her red eyes sparkling with amusement. "There are enough men out there who are interested in me and maybe I'll find someone today."  
Himiko looked at her as if she wanted to protest, as if she saw something she didn't like behind Rain's cool facade. But Rain didn't give her a chance.  
"Come on, Himiko." She linked arms with her and grinned. “Night doesn’t wait.” And without looking back she walked out into the darkness with her head held high.
"Hey, wait!" Twice called after them, his voice oscillating between excited and uncertain. "I didn't dress up for nothing! Or maybe I did? No, I look fantastic! Although... maybe not?"
Just as he was about to rush to the door, a deep, thoughtful voice stopped him.  
"Twice." Kurogiri had barely moved and was still standing behind the counter, but his gaze was fixed on him. The dark mist that hid his face seemed almost menacing in the dim light.  
"Take care of her," he said calmly. "Rain is vulnerable right now. Make sure she doesn't do anything she might regret later."
Twice hesitated. There was a strange heaviness in these words, almost as if Kurogiri knew more than he was letting on. But he didn't want to let that spoil his mood - after all, it was a party night!  
"Sure! I'll look after her! - No, no, I'm guaranteed to fail! - Not true, I'm a perfect babysitter!" He waved an exaggerated hand and then stormed out the door to catch up with Rain and Himiko.
The night seemed restless, a patchwork of neon lights, drunken voices, and the distant screech of a siren fading somewhere in the distance. But the three villains had a goal - a place that not everyone knew and that was hidden from the eyes of the heroes.
They walked through the narrow streets, past greasy walls and flickering street lamps, until they stopped in front of an inconspicuous door. It looked like the forgotten back entrance of an old warehouse, dirty, rusty, as if it had been nothing special. But in front of her stood a man - or rather an animal in human form.  
The bouncer was huge, his broad frame wrapped in a fine suit. His head was that of a lion - thick golden fur with sharp yellow eyes that glittered in the darkness. His paws rested loosely at his sides, but everyone knew they could kill in a matter of seconds.  
As soon as he saw Rain, Himiko and Twice, his face twisted into a grim grin.  
"So who do we have here?" His voice was deep, almost like a growl. "Little Himiko and her usual suspects."
Himiko almost jumped at him. "Leo! Let's go in! I want to dance! I want to drink! I want -"  
"It's okay, it's okay." Leo laughed throatily and stepped aside to clear the way for them. "You know the rules. No trouble, no bodies. And if there are, make it look clean."  
Rain returned his gaze with a cool smile. "We will do our best."  
Leo let them pass and as soon as they were through the door, another world enveloped them - pulsating music that penetrated deep into the body, dim light dancing over sweaty, moving bodies and an air saturated with alcohol, smoke and dirty promises.  
It was just the right place for a night that should have no consequences.
The night was cold, the wind carrying the heavy smell of rain and asphalt, while Dabi walked alongside Shigaraki through the narrow streets, his hood pulled low over his face. The neon lights of the city reflected in puddles on the ground, casting distorted patterns across the dark facades, while somewhere in the distance a drunken scream echoed.  
It was one of those nights when the darkness clung to him like a second skin, enveloping him while the world continued to turn as if it didn't notice that something was brewing inside him - a feeling he didn't want to name.  
Shigaraki was calm, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his hoodie, his gaze barely visible under the hood. But Dabi knew that his boss was rarely this tense. Something was brewing inside him, too, something that made him uneasy.  
They headed purposefully toward the bar, the League's familiar hideout, a place where they would not have to be on guard, at least for a moment.  
The door swung heavily open and the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and stale air greeted them. Kurogiri stood behind the bar as usual while Mr. Compress let a coin slide through his fingers and Spinner sipped his drink boredly.  
Just as Dabi was about to take the stairs to the upper floor, Shigaraki stopped abruptly.  
"Where are the others?" His voice was scratchy, almost bored, but Dabi heard the slight suspicion in it.  
Spinner grinned broadly, his sharp teeth flashing in the dim light of the bar. "Gone dancing." He let the sentence hang in the air for a moment, as if to reinforce the effect, before adding with an amused laugh, "And if I understand correctly, Rain is looking to hook up with someone tonight."  
Dabi froze. The sentence hit him like an invisible blow, making the air around him stand still for a moment.
Had he heard that right? Rain... wants to find someone? It was an absurd thought. Rain, the woman who looked at him like he was the only man in the world. Rain, whose meaningful gaze could almost burn him if he wasn't careful.
And he... he had withdrawn. He had kept his distance. Because he didn't know what to do with her interest, didn't know what these feelings meant to him or whether he even wanted to admit them. But this distance was now driving her into the arms of another man.  
Something dark stirred within him, something he couldn't put into words, a feeling that pulsed hot in his veins, so much more dangerous than his blue flames.  
He didn't say a word and without even looking at Shigaraki or the others, he turned abruptly, left the stairs behind him, pushed the door open with unnecessary force and stepped out into the cold night.
Shigaraki sighed, his shoulders slumping for a moment as he studied Spinner with his red glowing eyes. "Why didn't you stop her?" His voice didn't even sound particularly angry, more like someone who saw an inevitable disaster coming. "We all knew how she felt about Dabi."  
Spinner shrugged, downed his drink and put the glass on the counter with a dull clink. "Yeah, we knew. But nobody knew what Dabi felt. That guy is more sealed up than a damn safe." He grinned crookedly. "Well, until just now. Now we know."  
Shigaraki twisted his mouth, his gaze sliding towards the door through which Dabi had just disappeared. It was rare that he interfered in his comrades personal affairs - he had enough demons of his own to fight. But... Dabi was important and if the fire devil walked into a disco full of strangers in that mood, trouble was inevitable. The League couldn't afford a circus, not now.  
With another annoyed sigh, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and followed Dabi outside.
The night had grown colder, the wind bit unpleasantly through the streets, but Dabi walked as if he didn't notice it. His step was quick, purposeful, almost angry - as if he was fighting the urge to run.
Shigaraki caught up with him easily. "If you set fire to the disco, you'll get into trouble with the owner," he said dryly. "And we can't afford that right now."  
Dabi didn't react immediately. His jaw was tense, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his pants as if he was trying to contain his flames.
"I won't burn anything." His voice was quiet, but it sounded more like a promise to himself than a reassurance to Shigaraki.  
Shigaraki snorted quietly. "I'm coming with you... Not because I'm your damn babysitter, but because I don't feel like dragging you out of the rubble of a disco when you lose your temper."  
Dabi stopped abruptly and turned to him with sparkling eyes. "I won't freak out."  
"Sure." Shigaraki crossed his arms, his expression unimpressed. "That's why you're marching through the night in a wild frenzy, because you *don't* care that Rain wants to find someone else tonight."  
Dabi's fingers clenched in his trouser pockets.  
Shigaraki shook his head slowly. "You could have had her so easily, you know? She handed it to you on a silver platter. Everyone saw it. Everyone noticed the way she looked at you. But you? You backed away like she had the plague."  
Dabi looked away as if he could avoid having to deal with it.
Shigaraki sighed. "I don't usually interfere. But if you're so idiotic, then I'll ask you directly: Do you want her or not?"  
Dabi was silent. The wind tugged at his hood, his throat was dry. He didn't want to talk about it. Not about the moments when Rain's proximity almost drove him crazy. Not about the fact that her touches had ignited something in him that he couldn't control.  
But now? Now it was perhaps too late.  
"Tsk, you should hurry," Shigaraki finally said with a shrug. "Otherwise someone else will warm her bed tonight."  
Dabi gritted his teeth – and without another word he started moving again.
Leo, the bouncer with the lion's mane, opened his eyes wide when he recognized the two men heading towards the club with quick, purposeful steps.  
Dabi and Shigaraki. The two most feared men in Japan.  
His stomach clenched involuntarily. Dabi's expression was different than usual - dangerous, dark, as if he was just looking for an excuse to set something on fire. Leo knew better than to get in the way. Without a word, he stepped aside and let the two pass, his gaze following them for a long time.
As soon as they stepped through the door, the pulsing, bass-soaked music greeted them. The beat was heavy, vibrating in the air like a second heartbeat while colorful lights danced over sweaty bodies. The smell of alcohol, smoke and perfume hung in the hazy atmosphere, mingling with the blurry babble of voices.  
Shigaraki glanced around the room, his red eyes narrowing slightly, as he spotted the two familiar faces at the bar. Himiko and Twice.  
They sat close together, Himiko gesticulating wildly with her glass in her hand while Twice shrugged.  
Dabi and Shigaraki stepped closer, their presence unnoticed due to the two's wild discussion.
"I can't believe it!" Himiko pulled an insulted pout, her eyes flashing in outrage. "All the attention belongs to her! This is so unfair! I'm the cute one here! I'm the one everyone's always staring at! But no—"  
Twice laughed harshly. "No wonder. Rain is a real eye-catcher..."  
Dabi's voice cut through the background noise like a knife and interrupted Twice's sentence.
"Where is she?"  
Both Himiko and Twice flinched in shock. Himiko blinked, her cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol, but the look in Dabi's eyes sent an icy shiver down her spine. Twice, on the other hand, opened his mouth and closed it again, while Shigaraki just stood there quietly, watching the scene with a mixture of amusement and interest.  
"D-Dabi... Shigaraki... what?" Himiko needed a moment to compose herself. Then an uncertain smile followed. "What are you two doing here?"  
Dabi didn't move, his gaze burning into her.  
"Where. Is. She?"  
Himiko swallowed hard. Her finger slowly rose, pointing hesitantly at the dance floor.  
Dabi followed her movement and then he saw her. In the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by sweaty bodies and flickering lights, Rain moved with an elegance that made him hold his breath for a moment.  
Her dark red top clung to her figure, the black miniskirt was short enough to be just decent, while the fine patterns of the black nylon tights accentuated her legs. The red laces of her boots were a small, striking contrast, as was the gleam in her deep red eyes, which sparkled with joy.  
But that wasn't what made Dabi's blood boil. It was the man dancing with her. His hands rested loosely on her waist, his lips dangerously close to her ear as he said something that made her smile.  
Dabi's jaw clenched. He should have seen it coming. He should have realized that at some point she would get tired of circling around him without ever being allowed to land. That she wouldn't wait forever for him to decide whether to let her get close to him or not.
How stupid... So incredibly stupid.  
His fingers tingled with unspoken anger - not at Rain, not even at the guy whose hands were resting far too confidently on her curves. No, at himself. Because he had believed that his restraint would have no consequences.  
But here she was. Dancing, laughing, her lips curled into a seductive smile while a strange man whispered something in her ear.  
Something inside him snapped, he didn't even know when his feet set him in motion. Purposeful, with a dark, inescapable determination that grew with each step, he came ever closer.
The man didn't notice him until it was too late. Dabi's fingers closed around the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards him. The music blared, the lights flickered, but for a moment everything seemed to stand still.  
The guy hesitated and gritted his teeth as if he was thinking about attacking him - a pointless idea that vanished into thin air as soon as their eyes met. Whatever he saw in Dabi's eyes made him swallow.  
“Fuck off.” Dabi pushed him away slightly, just enough to let him know that he wasn't wanted here.
The guy took a step back. Then another. And then he was gone.
Rain blinked as if someone had just thrown a glass of cold water in her face.
"What the...?" Her red eyes flashed with anger as she finally turned to Dabi. "What the hell are you doing here?"
He was silent. The bass roared in her ears, people danced around her, but suddenly everything felt like an arena in which only the two of them existed.  
“Did you just chase away my crush?!”
Dabi's jaw tense again. "He was not your crush."  
"Not?" She laughed briefly, but it sounded bitter. "And how do you know that?"  
He stepped closer, the smell of smoke and ash clinging to him, mixing with the alcohol that permeated the air. His voice was deep, a dark growl beneath the dancing beats. "You're only doing this because you're hurt."  
Rain glared at him, her heart pounding in her chest. Anger and frustration spilled over, tearing her composure away.  
"And even if?" Her voice trembled with anger. "It's none of your fucking business what I do! You're a goddamn selfish person, Dabi. Just because you decided to be alone doesn't mean I have to!"  
His gaze darkened, something indefinable twitched across his face.  
Then she turned around. She just wanted to get away from him, away from the tightness in her chest, from the flames burning in her veins. But before she could take a step, she felt it. A rough hand around her wrist and a short tug - not coarse, but firm. She stumbled slightly, was pulled back, and when she opened her eyes, he was there and much too close.  
His hot lips pressed against hers, demanding, possessive, burning like the flames he controlled. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her tightly to him as if he didn't want to let her go.
The anger in her fizzled out, burned away in the heat of his kiss. Because at last he answered her.
A soft gasp escaped Rain's lips as Dabi's tongue slid demandingly into her mouth. A shiver ran through her body, her fingers digging into his dark hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself even closer to him. He tasted of smoke, of heat, of all the unspoken longings that had been building up inside her for months.  
Dabi pulled her even closer to him, as if he wasn't ready to let go of her even an inch. His fingers slid over her waist, further up until they landed on her back.
Then a chance touch where her wings sprouted. An electric tingle ran through her body and her dark feathers fluffed up involuntarily.
Dabi broke the kiss for a moment, his lips just a breath away from hers. He felt it - the slight vibrations under his hand, the uncontrolled twitching of her wings.  
The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, a mixture of amusement and something deeper, darker. "Sensitive?" he whispered harshly.  
Rain stared at him, her cheeks red, her breathing heavy. But she didn't answer. Instead, she just pulled him back to her - and kissed him again.
Between the flickering light of the spotlights and the surging crowd, the two seemed to be in their own universe. The dance floor had shifted imperceptibly - an invisible circle in which no one dared to approach them. Some continued dancing, but their eyes rested on the couple in the middle.  
In a darker corner of the bar, Shigaraki flashed a faint smile, barely more than a twitch at the corners of his mouth. He crossed his arms and murmured almost inaudibly, "Well finally."
Himiko, who had been stirring her drink with a straw, paused and looked at him in surprise. "What did you say?"  
Twilight, who had just been tugging at his collar, followed Shigaraki's gaze.  
"He said 'finally,'" he repeated, as if he couldn't believe it himself. Then he blinked. "Wait, really?!"  
Himiko turned around quickly, her yellow eyes darting across the dance floor – and then she saw it too.
For a moment she was speechless. Then a broad, almost triumphant grin spread across her face.  
"I knew it!" she cried excitedly. "I knew he couldn't hold back forever!"  
Twice nodded frantically. "Yes, yes, yes, completely predictable – and still damn entertaining!"  
Shigaraki snorted quietly, raised his glass to his lips and took a sip. "Let's not disturb them and hope no one else dares. Otherwise Dabi will reduce this place to rubble."
My moral supporters
@doumadono | @unhinged-bratty-boy | @alexandhisstuff
I mention accounts that my works 💜️ and 🔁. If someone no longer wishes to be mentioned, please write it.
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shinysparklesapphires · 3 months ago
showtime precure!
chapter 5: Primadonna Peacock
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🎀: @baileypie-writes @harufallinwonderland
a/n: i know nothing about dance vocabulary forgive me pls also dance coach debut woo reel we know what you are it's not subtle
"Violet! You need to point your toes!"
The dance studio was empty, except for the coach and Violet, holding on to the bar with one leg up.
She was straining to keep her leg up, she had never possesed a sense of balance, which is exactly why she was being tutored.
The dance coach sighed, "Alright, let's take a break."
"Vi, I know you have the potential to be a great dancer, and you are you just need to push yourself."
"I know Coach.."
the evening bell rung.
"Alright, you should get going, I'm going home."
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"I need to push myself harder...I just want my coach to be proud of me..."
"Vi, you shouldn't get so hung up on what the dance coach says, you're a great dancer, she's just blind.."
"Miya! I thought you were at the beautification commitee meeting?"
"They canceled it last second, due to the president catching a cold."
"I hope she gets better.."
"Yeah, in the meantime, I brought these back from cooking club," Miya held up a small tupperware box of shortbread cookies.
"You can have the rest if you want, I'm going to bed."
"Thanks, I'll eat them later..."
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It was raining outside. Lacey was standing out in the rain, looking pissed off as usual.
"Man why do I have to find a wish coin?? We already had a ton of them, so why do we need to get more of them?! I'm too pretty to be doing all this work it's not fair!"
she quickly hid behind a nearby tree, so she wouldn't be discovered.
Violet was standing under a canopy, practicing her ballet routine, but she had fallen while doing a leap.
"Man, this chick really sucks at dancing." Lacey thought to herself.
"Vi!" Lucia ran up to Violet, hugging her.
"Lucia! Why are you out so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing! Professor needed something, so I'm bringing it to his office!"
"Why are you out here?"
"N-no reason..I just- like the rain."
"Uh Ok?" Lucia ran off back to the audotorium.
Violet sighed.
"I don't want Lucia to think I'm a loser because I can't dance.."
"You are a loser!"
Lacey finally revealed herself to Violet.
"I said, you ARE a loser! I've seen better dancing from toddlers!"
"You should really reconsider being a dancer yknow? Who knows maybe the circus has room for one more clown!" Lacey started laughing, as she walked off into the night.
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"Vi, Violet!"
"Ah!" the next day, Violet was back in the dance studio.
"You've been spacing out for the past 10 minutes, are you alright??"
the dance coach looked at her with a worried expression.
"Y-yeah I'm fine Coach, don't worry,"
she sighed. "alright, practice your leaps again. until you get it perfect every time you mess up, we'll start over."
Hesitantly, she stepped, and jumped.
"Again! point your toes!"
she leaped again.
"Again! keep your knees straight!"
"Your arms are in the wrong position, again!"
Violet clenched her fists. "I'm done with this!" she stormed out crying, leaving the coach bewildered.
Once she ran into a secluded corner, she ripped off her ballet shoes and threw them onto the ground, knees clenched to her chest.
she looked up. there was the coach.
"I'm sorry.."
"No, it's not that, why did you throw your shoes away?"
"Because I can't dance."
"Violet, you can dance, I don't know who told you that but it's not true."
she picked up the ballet shoes and handed them over to Violet.
"Violet, think of doing your leaps as a peacock spreading it's wings."
"Like..a Peacock?"
"Yeah, I want all of my dancers to be like a peacock spreading its feathers, on its own, it's pretty, but when it opens up, you get to see it at its most beautiful form.."
Violet smiled. "Thanks Coach,"
"No pro-"
The Coach's eyes went dark, and she fell over.
"Coach?!" Violet looked panicked.
A small purple coin floated out of the coach's back.
"Well, well, well. This wish coin is especially sparkly!"
somewhere nearby, Reel jumped out of Amber's arms.
"Reel? what's wrong?"
Lyna looked worried.
"I sense an evil presence.."
"HELP!" a voice called from nearby.
"That's Violet's voice!" Lucia took off sprinting away from the others.
"Lucia wait up!" Lyna and Amber dashed after her, Reel following closely behind.
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Lacey took a closer look at Violet, "O. M. G!!! You're the shitty dancer girl I met yesterday!"
"What have you done to the coach?!" Violet looked panicked.
"Oh don't worry, she'll be fine. Or not! Haha!"
"Facade! Wreak your havoc!"
suddenly, Violet's ballet shoes had turned into a monster!
"Lucia?! What are you doing here?!"
"Lyna! Amber!"
"PreCure, Rollback!"
"On it!"
Cure Showtime tried to swing at the monster, but it leaped over her!
"What the- hey no fair!"
"Saw!" It kicked her into a nearby wall.
"Showtime! Let me handle this!" Set jumped over the Facade, "Precure! Set....Lasso!" the monster was tied up!
"Yes!" Set's triumph was quickly soured however when- "Saw!" the monster broke through her lasso, also sending her flying.
Wright had managed to dodge most of the attacks but-
"Saw!" the Facade managed to dodge all of her bullets!
"Now Facade! finish her off!"
"Saw!" the Facade swung but-
"No!" A bright light shielded Wright from the incoming attack, leading to the fourth and final ribbon on Reel's neck to float off to Violet, who grabbed it without a second thought.
"Coach....Lucia...hurting the people I care about, that's a crime that can't ever be forgiven!"
"Precure, Rollback! Lights! Camera! Action!"
"The Diva of the show, Cure Action!"
"Saw?" The Facade was met with a swift punch to the face.
"Cure Action.." Lucia's eyes lit up, "Kick that monster's ass!"
"What are you doing you idiot! Get her!"
"Saw!" the Facade did a pirouette, sending gusts of wind towards Action, who swiftly dodged it.
"Spread your wings, like a peacock..." the cape on the end of Action's outfit burst up, and she spun around.
"Precure! Action Grande.....Jete!"
"Sawwww!" the monster was purified, and the wish coin was returned to its owner.
"Grahhhh! Cure Action....that was just a practice round! I'll be back next time and you better believe i'll pummel you into the ground!" she disappeared.
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"Cure Showtime, Cure Set, Cure Wright, and now Cure Action! The Cure Quartet is complete!" Reel was sitting on the wall seperating the Orchestra pit from the stage, swinging his feet.
"So...the drama teacher's a cat that can turn into a man?"
Violet questioned skeptically.
"Common misconception actually, I'm a guy that can turn into a cat," Reel kept swinging his feet nonchalantly.
"This day has been weird as hell..."
Amber patted her on the back, "Welp, I have a feeling it's only gonna get weirder from here right Reel?"
"Girls..I've fallen into the Orchestra pit again.."
they giggled, "Reel!"
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 months ago
The Bad Seed: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst, feeling broken and utterly helpless to the point of depression, wanting to die
Summary: You're on the hunt for Rowena for her to fix whatever she did to Castiel. The kids are back home where they belong, but you're not sure if you're fully home yet. If you're going to start to fully heal, you're going to need outside help.
Season Eleven Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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You don't know what you were expecting the Bunker to look like when you finally returned home to it. The last thing you remember is the Bunker being in a wreck because Dean killed the Stynes. Right before I came in and almost killed them. You're not sure how you'll be able to walk the halls of the Bunker knowing what you almost did to it, to Sam and Dean. It's different now. You have your soul, your kids are back, and both you and Dean have the Mark gone. Things are going to be better. You're going to make sure of it.
If I'm going to try and make things better, I have to start here. I have to bring myself to be better. The kids deserve it. Zeus and Colonel run down the metal stairs, happy to be home. You hold Maryann in your arms while Dean holds Joanna, and Noah trails behind with Sam. This is going to be a fresh start; you've determined it to be.
"I'm glad to be home," Noah smiles. "So, where were you guys?"
"What?" you ask.
"You were gone for an entire year. What happened?"
You and Dean look at each other. There is no way in hell you're telling your kids about your time as a soulless bitch. They don't need to know how you were on your way to kill them. They don't need to see their mother in that light.
"We'll talk about that later. Right now, why don't you get settled in, okay?"
You step into the library and see someone hunched over at the table. They turn and you see it's Castiel.
"Uncle Cassie!" Joanna squeals happily.
She's about to run to him but he holds his hands up in warning.
"Please, keep her away. I don't want to hurt her." You hold your kids back and look at Sam and Dean who look concerned for their angelic friend. The whites of his eyes are deep red and he looks physically sick. Something is wrong. "I need your help."
"Go to your room. I'll be right there."
Thankfully, the kids listen. Zeus and Colonel slowly approach Castiel, unsure if the angel is good or bad. Zeus growls in warning and you whistle for him to come to you. Both dogs listen obediently and sit by your side even though they are both ready to attack Castiel. This is the first time you've seen Castiel since you got your soul back, and you can't help but be a little emotional. God, will I ever stop crying?
"Castiel... I... I'm so sorry for what I did to Claire... to you... It's unforgivable."
"That wasn't you."
Will you please stop saying that? It was me. Stop giving me a free pass. I don't deserve it.
"Yes, it was. I shouldn't be forgiven. Don't forgive me."
"I understand. Maybe you can make it up to me."
"When we cast the spell that removed the Mark, Rowena took the book and ran. Before she did, she put the dog-attacking spell on me. I'm handling it a bit differently than humans. It's killing me slower. You were able to suck it out of those two men in the bar. Dean told me about it. You can do it again."
You look down at your hands, suddenly terrified. Sweat trickles on your hairline, your eyes go wide, and your hands start to shake slightly. The thought of using magic again terrifies you to your core. You're not sure if you can ever be okay with using it again. You step back once and both dogs look at you in curiosity.
"I can't. I don't know how."
"Like he said, you did it last time," Dean encourages. "You can do it again. I have faith in you."
You clench your hands into fists and remember a time when you ruined yet again someone's life because of your magic.
Ty and his friend come out of the shadows with blood streaking out of their eyes. They look like the girl Rowena spelled when you first encountered her. No matter. They won't have a chance to hurt you. Dean steps away to let you handle witch business, and you turn to Rowena with an amused smile.
"Is this meant to scare me?"
"It should considering you don't have any magic."
You look at your hands and red magic pours from your palms.
"Wanna rethink that?"
Rowena sets the glass of wine on the bar counter and stands up in fear. Ty runs at Dean but you thrust your outstretched hand at him without looking away from Rowena. Ty stops in his tracks and looks confused as to why he can't move. His friend charges at you but you thrust your other hand at him, causing him to stop in his tracks. Your magic shoots at them and encases their bodies. You pull your magic back, pulling the spell from their bodies. You move your hands toward Rowena, use the spell along with your magic, and blast her back. She topples over a table and some chairs, falling on her ass on the floor.
"Come here, boys," you say. Ty and his friend are compelled to listen to you. You stand in between them and place your hands on both of their shoulders. Your eyes shine red as do theirs so you know they're under your command. "Listen here, pets, she's your target now. Go fetch."
Dean puts his hands on your shoulders, pulling you out of that horrid memory. You killed both men to prove to Rowena that they mean nothing to you. You killed them. I'm a murderer.
"I can't," you whisper fearfully.
"It's okay, we'll think of something else."
"I'm so sorry, Castiel," you shake your head.
To keep Castiel at bay, he handcuffs him to the floor so that he can't go anywhere. Castiel locks eyes with you, and you suck in a sharp breath at the intensity of it. You turn and head to your kids' bedrooms. Maryann doesn't need a crib anymore, so you'll have to either move her to another room or transform her room to better fit her needs. You stop by Robert's closed door and touch the wood. He was her twin. She should be right next to him. If you have any other children, you'll move them into another room.
"Mommy!" Joanna's room is right across from Maryann's, so you walk into her room to see her pulling something out of her backpack. "Look what I made in school."
"Oh, wow." You take her artwork and admire the scribbles on the pages. There is one of stick figures with names above their heads. It's your family. Even Noah. Even the dogs. "This is really good, sweetie. I'll hang them on the fridge."
The kids are going to go back to school, you decide. They are on summer break which gives you time to look for schools around the Bunker for them. The only issue is who is going to take them to and from every day. You could do it but you won't be like this forever. You'll want to hunt with magic, and you can't always be here to support them. You love your family and only want the best for them, and the best is someone who can care for them when you can't.
This is not being a bad parent. I'm not a bad mother for admitting I need help. To give your kids the best life they deserve, you're going to need outside help.
"Mom? Can we go play in the backyard?" Noah asks as he approaches from the left.
The backyard. You vaguely remember Dean being in the backyard as he tried to practice his magic. Your magic. From when he had your soul in him. You don't remember much from your time in Dean's head but you know he fucked the backyard up to the point where only you can fix it.
Not now. Not like this.
"Uh, I don't... Why don't you stay in tonight? You and your sisters can watch movies. Daddy destroyed the backyard. It's a long story. It won't be forever, only until we get situated back here. Okay?"
"Okay," Noah nods.
"Thank you, Noah."
You leave his side to let him take care of Maryann and Joanna while you head back to the brothers and Castiel in the library. The angel is wrapped up in a blanket as if he's really sick. Sam's laptop is open next to him but he's not using it so you grab it and sit on the far end of the table, away from everyone else.
"I'm just saying we got nothing. No one saw anything unusual going on at the house the day the baby disappeared," Sam says.
You're not sure what they're talking about and frankly, you don't care. You only have one thing on your mind and that's your own babies. Your family.
"If this is truly the Darkness we're talking about, it's more of a time bomb than a baby," Castiel says.
"Yeah, but it is still a baby, right? I mean, the Darkness I saw was an adult. So, it still has to grow up."
"The Darkness is almost infinite power. I'm not sure what 'growing up' means in this case."
You're not even sure where to start looking. Not just anyone can look after your kids, so you have to be really specific in your search. There are forums for hunters to go on and chat with each other, so you might as well start there. You might be a terrible mother, but you're not going to let your kids stop their education.
"What are you doing?" Dean asks.
"Finding a nanny for the kids who will take care of them when we can't."
"Are you serious?"
"I know what I'm doing," you mumble and continue to type.
"Well, God kicked this thing's ass once before, right?" Sam asks, bringing Dean back into the conversation.
"Yeah, it'd be nice if he put down the Mai Tai and show up for work."
"I wouldn't count on it."
"It's possible he's around. Closer than we think, you know?"
"What makes you say that?"
"Dean's right, Sam. I believe he made a fairly definitive statement when we walked away."
Castiel stands to get the blood flowing in his legs only to realize that he's shackled to the floor. The sound of chains is evident when he moves but you all ignore it. He shuffles his weight from one foot to the next before sitting back down again.
"I hate to point this out, but you both know who we might need to help deal with the Darkness, right?"
"Don't even say it," Dean glares.
"He was God's scribe. He did hear about everything."
"Damn it, that's just like saying it!" Castiel starts to growl lowly. "Cas, you alright, pal?"
"It's the spell," he grunts.
You look at him from over the top of the laptop in guilt. You wish you could help him but you can't use your magic. You're taking a break from that part of you.
"We were hoping your angel wiring would fight it off or slow it down at least," Sam sighs.
"It appears I simply respond differently from humans."
"If you were human, you'd be gone. With you, it's like it's digging deeper."
You look back down at the computer and will the tears away. You're so sick and tired of crying. Now that the kids are back, you can't be crying. You have to keep it together for them.
"You know, Rowena's the only one who can remove it. Besides Y/N, of course."
"We're doing everything to find her, okay? So far, we got nothing."
"It's getting worse," Sam whispers to his brother, but you hear.
You find a forum online where hunters go to chat and spread news about hunts and other things that should stay in the hunting community. You make a new post and immediately start typing, already knowing what to say.
If anyone is looking to watch after three children for hunter parents, please inquire with me. Oldest is almost thirteen, the middle child is almost six, and the youngest is just about three. I need someone to work full time and to stay with us. Someone to take them to school every day. There will be weekends and days where one of us will be with the kids so you don't have to be, but serious inquiries only. I should mention it's for the Winchester family.
Not two minutes later, you're getting replies flooding in. Most of them aren't serious at all. Maybe it's the mom in you, but you can weed out the bad ones just looking for a paycheck.
"Wow, Winchester? Good luck to whoever gets that job."
"Nah, working for the Winchesters is a death wish. They kill anyone they come into contact with."
"Does it pay well?"
Hearing that your family is poison really hurts but you don't listen to what they're saying. You keep scrolling through the comments without hope until you come across one that you have a good feeling about.
"My name is Molly. I've worked with plenty of hunter's families. Should you feel the need for a nanny, please message me."
"Dean, come over here." He gets up and walks around behind you so he can see the screen. "She's worked with other hunter's families before. I have a good feeling about this one."
"Are you really serious about this?"
"What are we going to do, Dean? What happens when school starts again? Are you willing to stay home and take them to and from school? Do you want Sam to stay home? Me? The least I can do as a mother is make them continue school but I can't very well do that when we're hunting all the time."
"You want to bring someone new into our lives? Our fucked up lives?"
"She knows about the supernatural. This is a hunter's forum. She says she nannied for other hunter families. I think this could be good for the kids and give them some stability."
"Are you just doing this because you don't want to face up to anything else?"
You sigh and look down, focusing all of your energy not to cry right now.
"I am doing this to give our kids the best lives they can have. With that comes education. I might not be a good witch or a good hunter but I can be a good mom by doing this for them. We have the room here." You look at your husband with hints of tears in your eyes. "Let me at least talk to her."
"Fine, talk to her," Dean shrugs.
Dean kisses your head and walks back over to the two men. He takes out his phone and dials someone, and you look back at the computer screen. You click on Molly's profile and private message her.
You: Hey, I saw your comment on my post. If you're up for it, I'd like to meet you in person about the job.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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dreamonseems · 2 years ago
Okay so heyy
Erling haaland angst like maybe he was at club while y/n was at home and she was scrolling Instagram and saw erling kissing some girl on someone's story.
You can finish it however you want butt I want haaland to get very emotional and start begging for forgiveness
Thanks you love<33
I'm Sorry
Erling Haaland X Reader
Summary: Erling goes partying with the team and puts himself in a bad situation.
Ok, so I'm not really an angst girl, but I tried my best. I hope this is to your liking. I think it turned out OK. I lowkey had a hard time writing this because I love him so much, I can't see him doing anything wrong, lol
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Erling was away for a match, but he and Y/N had agreed to FaceTime before he went to bed. He missed her so much and couldn't wait to see her face again. As the call connected, he could see her smiling at him, her hair cascading down her shoulders.
"Hey, baby," he said, grinning at her.
"Hi, you," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "How was the game?"
"It was good," he said, a note of exhaustion in his voice. "We won, but it was a tough match."
"I'm glad you won," Y/N said, her eyes shining with pride. "You played so well."
Erling smiled at her, feeling his heart swell with love. "Thanks, babe. I couldn't have done it without you."
Y/N face softened, and she reached out to touch the screen. "I miss you so much," she said, her voice breaking slightly.
"I miss you too," he said, wishing he could reach through the screen and hold her. "But we'll be together soon."
They talked for a while longer, sharing stories and updates about their lives. As the call drew to a close, Erling felt a pang of sadness. He wished he could be with her, holding her close and feeling her warmth. But for now, he was grateful for the technology that allowed them to stay connected even when they were apart.
He hears a knock on his hotel room door. He pauses for a moment and then excuses himself to see who it is. When he opens the door, he sees a few of his teammates standing there, grinning.
"Hey, man! We're heading out to the bar to celebrate the win. You coming with us?" one of them asks.
Erling hesitates for a moment, looking back at Y/N on the screen. "I don't know," he says.
Y/N speaks up, "It's fine if you want to go with your team, Erling. Have a good time."
Erling nods, feeling relieved. "Okay, I'll go with you guys. Let me just finish up this call first."
He turns back to the screen and smiles at Y/N. "I'll call you later tonight, okay? Love you."
"Love you too," she says, blowing him a kiss.
As he hangs up the call, he feels grateful to have such a supportive partner. He quickly changes into more casual clothes and heads out with his teammates for a night of celebration.
Erling was out with his team mates, and they were having a great time at the bar, taking shots and having fun. Suddenly, a group of girls approached them and started flirting with some of the guys. Erling was not interested in any of the girls, but one of them kept talking to him, and he was slowly trying to distance himself from the situation.
Just as he was about to leave, one of the girls slipped, and he caught her. He asked her if she was okay, and she replied that she was. Erling turned to his team mates and said that he was going back to the hotel.
but the rest of the group started pressuring him to stay and have more drinks with them. Feeling pressured, Erling gave in and drank a little too much. He found himself sitting alone in the corner of the bar.
The same girl he helped earlier sat beside him, thanking him again for his help. Erling replied that it was no problem, and the girl asked him for a picture. Erling leaned in for the photo, but the girl turned her head and kissed him on the lips. Erling was shocked and pulled away immediately, getting up and leaving.
He debated with himself whether he should tell Y/N or not about what happened, feeling guilty and afraid of losing her.
Unbeknownst to him, someone had snapped a photo of both incidents and sold it to the tabloids. The next day, when Erling arrived at the airport in England, he was greeted by paparazzi asking him questions about the photo. He was mortified when he checked his phone and saw an article with the photo, claiming that he had a mysterious affair.
When he arrived home, he found Victoria sitting on the stairs, her head in her hands, tears in her eyes.
"Please tell me it's not true...Erling, tell me it's not true!" she begged, throwing her phone towards him. Erling picked it up and saw the photo of him kissing the girl all over Instagram.
Erling's heart was racing as he rushed he got to his knees in front of her tears streaming down his eyes.
"Baby, no God, no," he said.
"I swear to you, I never cheated on you or did anything with that girl or any girl." He pleaded with her, even tears falling down his face.
She was in shock. She had never seen Erling cry before, let alone be this emotional. Erling told her the whole story about what happened in the bar, and Y/N listened in silence. After he was done, they sat there in silence for a while. Finally, Y/N Spoke.
"I've never seen you cry before," she said softly.
Erling took her hands, and she could feel him shaking. "I love you so, Y/N," he said. "Please believe me. I would never do anything to ruin our relationship. I'm truly scared that you believe those pictures are real and will leave me. I don't think I'll be able to live without you. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have put myself in that situation. I should have gone home when those girls came up to us. I promise I wont let that happen again please, please forgive I'm so fucking sorry!"
Y/N looked deep into his eyes and could tell that he was telling the truth and that he truly loved her. She pulled him into her arms, and they stayed there for what felt like hours, just holding each other.
Erling's manager was able to obtain the video surveillance from the bar that night, showing that Erling was innocent. Even the girl came out and said that the pictures were a misunderstanding. The articles were taken down, and everything went back to normal.
It was a rough experience, but it brought Erling and Y/N closer together, strengthening their bond and trust in each other.
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This is just a little headcanon shit post. I may change my mind and add or delete people if I give it any extra thought. Also, I take appeals. So if there's someone you'd like to add or have removed, plead your case to me and we'll see what can be done. I'm flexible sometimes. This is kind of like a part 2 to Cheers To The Crazies.
Cheers To The Good Guys
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Cheers to the good guys who love you so much they don't pay attention to your crazy. They let you rant and rave about how they didn't put the toilet seat // lid down. How they fucked up for the millionth time and didn't clear the microwave timer. The toilet paper is on the wrong way and the world will burn if it doesn't get fixed. A-G-A-I-N. Cheers to the good guys who still keep trying to load the dishwasher even though you've screamed at them relentlessly about how they're not going to get all of the dishes cleaned if they're piled in like that. Let's hear it for the guys who buy some chocolate and salty snicky snacks to have around the house for you when one of those goddamn cravings hits you out of nowhere. Because you know it will. And they know it will. And they know it's in their best interest to be prepared for something like this. Give it up for the good, smart, gentle and tough guys (when you need it) that love you more after you have a fight over something so fucking stupid even you forgot what it was about halfway through it. Cheers to the men who forgive you right away when you apologize for being a nutcase.
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"Wh - oh my god. What the hell is this? Why are the bowls stuck together like this? Come - come here, please, baby. How are they supposed to get clean if they're basically stacked on each other like this? Exactly, they can't. So why did you - ugh. Never fucking mind." You walk to the bathroom and don't look where you're sitting and somehow still manage to make it all his fault, the seat being left up AND your utter lack of spatial awareness. "{S/O name}!!! Why do you keep leaving the toilet seat up? I damn near fell in this time!" Which only makes him laugh. It pisses you off that he's blatantly laughing at you. But you're also reminded of how beautiful his laugh is. How true and real it is. How true and real he is. He comes to the bathroom and peeks in at you, "Are you ok, y/n? I'm sorry, I'm sorry for laughing like that. But the image of your ass stuck in the cold toilet water, your legs hanging over the bowl --- ah, Jesus. S'too fuckin' hilarious to not think about, baby. Are you ok, though? Yeah? Come here, sweets. I'll rub yer bum to make you feel better after almost flushing yourself down the head. You want somethin' sweet? I grabbed your favorite candy bar the other day. Want me to get it for you? Go lay down on the bed. I'll be right there." You go lay down in your shared room and see that he's made the bed and folded the clothes (incorrectly) and put them away. Some of the hangers are backward and your OCD is raging off the charts right now. But he tried. He did it all without being asked. "Fuck. I'm a monster." You say to yourself as he comes back into the room. "What's that, baby? Did I do something wrong?" He looks at you with his sweet face and happy eyes and he's thinking about how much he loves you, no matter how much of a psychopath you are most of the time. Meeting his gaze, you start in. "You ... yeah. NO, no honey. You didn't do anything wrong. Thank you." You kiss him as you stand on your knees on the edge of the bed. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him. “Ahh, didn’t do nothin’ special.”
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akiumzeno · 5 months ago
A love letter to Haru Tsugino
Is this an analysis? Maybe.
While Fuyu is my favourite character bar none, today, I gained a new emotional appreciation for Haru in the form of relating to him. And this is just me jotting down my thoughts as I go through his past.
When we start with Haru's memories, we see him talking about how everyone bullies him at school and making fun of how he is unloved by his parents. He begins contemplating what love is and what does it look like.
And of course, that sort of thing is natural. He doesn't know it because he was never raised in a home with loving parents. How can he know if he's never experienced it? His parents love his sister but not himself. They're capable of loving him but it's not given to him. And he can't understand one bit of it.
The next thing we see, he goes inside his home and tries to say hi to his "mom" with no response back. Unlike himself, when his "father" and "sister" announce they're home, his "mother" does reply back. He soon gets kicked out of the house by his "dad" and forced to watch his family eat together while he remains in the cold. In his household, he's only invisible. He's not acknowledged, let alone loved. And he tries so hard to get himself to be acknowledged by being a good boy, getting good grades, smiling, etc.
And that hurts. Trying to achieve things and trying to be the best you can be in order to not be ignored, yelled at, or punished by the people who, despite everything, you look up to because it's a natural instinct to. It's a natural instinct to love your parents and want to be loved by them. But it hurts to only get that in return through achievements and that may not even work all the time.
Why can't our parents just love us as we are? Why do we always have to prove ourselves to be loved? We try all the time to gain that but we'll never be enough. Is it so hard to love us like that? We try to be good, we try our best. But the best isn't enough for them.
One day as Haru is at a shed on a beach, Aki and Natsu run inside and Haru hides away. But he later sees Aki begin to eat Natsu as Natsu's selfless act to help fulfil his desires and let him remember her while she's still herself. It's an act that would hurt her, would kill her. But she accepts it because it's all for her brother.
And this moves Haru. To be hurt by someone, to be dying because of them but still be able to say "I love you and forgive you" to them. We're all messy humans with flaws. We do bad things, we make mistakes. We hurt others, and we make people cry. But to still forgive those who hurt you and love them, that's a love so beautiful. And he wants that so badly. For someone to say "I love you with all your messy flaws and you're not unloveable because of what you do. I'll love you no matter what".
And so, he begins searching for that.
Every time he makes a new connection with someone, he immediately tries to kill them and get them to say that they love him despite what he's doing. But of course, none of them do. They don't know him well enough for them to accept his version of love. So every time, he gets a 'no'.
Eventually, his parents find out about his murders and scold him and call him a monster for what he does. And he's had enough of them. Their "love" is not love and never will be. Love is not trying to be something else so that they will love you. Real love accepts you as you are. Real love is unconditional.
He tries to get them to say "I love you" to him as he threatens them but it's not genuine and he knows that. And so, he kills them out of anger for lying and because he sees no purpose in them if they can't love him.
But this creates a sense of emptiness. If his own parents can't love him when they're meant to be the people who love you no matter what, then what hope does he have? No one will ever be able to give him his ultimate love. So his desire to kill others---his form of love---goes away. In fact, so does his voice. He can't say anything now that he believes his life has no purpose.
Then that's when Aki comes back into the picture. But instead, as his doctor. But, Aki's heart can see into his so easily. Seeing that he is disappointed and that's why he doesn't say anything. And that's when a connection (of sorts) is formed.
And as they get to know each other more and more, Haru begins to learn more about Aki. He's caring, he genuinely wants to be friends with Haru, he shares his treats, he's open, he's warm... These traits make Haru fond of Aki and become close to him. But at the same time, he's also confused. Why is he treated so nicely? Every time someone has treated him nicely was only because he was acting good. But he doesn't act his happy, good self. So why is he treated like this?
People have only hurt him time and time again, never giving him love. So why does this person do so? What for? Why? Why is he being treated like this? Why can he be treated like this by someone who's not his family but his own family treats him like crap? Why?
And then that's when Haru sees Fuyu and Aki fighting and he learns that Aki has killed people before. He later asks why Aki did so and ends up spilling his own feelings out to Aki. He lets himself be vulnerable and lets himself just talk about his feelings. And Aki listens carefully.
And for once, he feels understood. For once, someone understands him. To be accepted no matter what, to be loved no matter what. He so desperately longs for it because he was never given that type of care and affection.
Love me. Love me. Love me. Please just love me. Accept me for what I am. Love me for what I am. I'm dirty, I'm messy, I'm not a good boy. But love me even though that's what I am. Please give me love.
Those feelings bubble up until he wants to kill Aki and get that love. And he tries and fails to kill Aki. He ends up separated from Aki. And he ends up contemplating his existence.
Is there a love out there for me? Does it exist? Or does it not? Will anyone ever love me? Or will everyone just reject me and there's no purpose?
(Vent session, you can skip if you wish)
Everyday I try to appeal to my caregivers. I try to act good, I try to get good grades, I try to never yell at them or act mad with them, I try to never cry in front of them. But no matter what I do, I get ignored, yelled at or punished. The few compliments I receive from them tend to come from when they're speaking about me to strangers. Whenever they talk to me, it tends to be only yelling and throwing insults at me. Whenever I cry in front of them, they shout at me and roll their eyes.
I remember how my dad said to me that he wouldn't have given birth to me if he knew I was autistic. He did try to say something after that to discredit what he said but I don't even remember it. All I remember was those words. I remember those more than anything else that happened that day, moment or second.
I also remember how he said that my mother once got up in the middle of the night to go to the airport and take a flight somewhere to abandon our family because she was tired of us. She ended up being convinced to not leave my family. It happened while I was a kid and I had no idea. And that hurt. I remember crying at that moment.
But despite this, I try to convince myself that maybe I'm wrong. They do love me, just in their own way. They just want me to be better. They're still people, they're not perfect. They love me. I'm not someone who they regret having in their life. I'm not that. Please love me. Love me. There's love there, right?
But each and every time, I only get beaten down and cry because I feel unloved.
I keep trying to seek love from them. But it feels useless. I hope that one day they'll love me. I keep hoping. And I keep trying not just because I want their love but also because if I don't try, I'll get yelled at.
And it's hard for me to seek love from someone else. Every time I've tried to make friends, it doesn't end well because I end up getting bullied. I'm trying to open up my heart more but I'm not sure if it'll ever be open again. Only the future will tell.
Back to your scheduled ZENO talk.
Sometimes I wish I could meet Haru himself. I wish I could tell him about my life and say I understand how he feels. I want to give him love. I want to show him that love does exist and it's out there. Maybe I could let him kill me and eat me up. Maybe.
And I wish there's someone out there for me that will do the same. I hope there is someone out there who will love me for me. I want that. But I don't know if I ever will get it. And that's scary. But I have to keep trying. I have to. No matter what.
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jacklucian2000 · 9 months ago
Leon Kennedy x Luis Serra
Serennedy smut ♡
Luis was trapped within the bars of his confines. His eyes glazed over the other scientists who, much like him, were trapped here to die. If it was only death that waited for him. But it wasn't. He overheard his prison guards talking, he always did. He was deaf in their eyes and incapable of understanding their speech. They planned to torture him first. He had two things they wanted; a crystalized piece of a parasite he was working on and a cure to the disease they were spreading. If he could, just could, save his friends then maybe he could forgive himself for letting his hometown fall to ruin. For his home to burn, for his family to die, to let Raccoon City die, to help Umbrella strive, to kill his heart. A heart only beats when it's connected to the veins of its home. He could've saved them but he fell to snares of evil. He felt so betrayed and used. The way they made him feel so special on that assignment, he felt guilty to wish for more of it. He had no one to blame but himself for falling for such a destructive cult. He prayed to his god to be forgiven, to be granted a second chance, and thus Ada was sent to him. He would again devote his life to god, even if it ended in a chair or a moldy cell. His thoughts froze as footsteps approached his door. He didn't know what to expect but he was scared. These barbaric Neanderthals didn't stop at chains or whips, they continued to iron chairs, heated metal, empulgueras, y más. He backed away from the door and then shouted.
"Luis?" A familiar voice spoke.
"¡¿Qué?!" Él lloró, "¡¿No podrían tus trabajadores imbéciles darme una celda de mierda limpia?!"
"Leon?!" Luis lost control and began to cry. "Los cultistas iban a atarme y azotarme, quemarme y romperme los dedos." Leon was dumbfounded.
"Oh well, the cultists will be dying... soon. Any updates? In English please." He improvised. He knew Spanish just not whatever Luis was saying.
"Excuse me but a teacher from Mexico taught me English so I'm sorry if her bad Spanish transmitted to me." Leon looked aside. He learned about American racism but he never considered Spanish speakers being racist.
"Well? What's your status on the cure?"
"In progress..." Luis felt guilty for it being so late, "I am waiting for someone. So it might be a while."
"I'm waiting for someone too." Luis perked up.
"I sent Ashley run an errand."
"While sick?" Luis snarled.
"She can handle herself surprisingly well."
"I see... Well, I maybe have twenty minutes until my... accomplish arrives, so I have nothing to do but wait until the guards come."
"If there are any more." Leon sarcastically responded. Their dead bodies littered the front of the dark room. Leon shone his flashlight.
"Then that leaves us to wait for Ashley."
"For probably twenty minutes too."
"Yes..." Luis looked away. "We could try to pass time."
"In a maybe touchy way?" Luis folded at Leon's words.
"Yes." He let out. He straddled Leon and began to kiss him while swaying back and forth. He felt Leon's arousal harden. His mouth was too occupied for words. His hands reached down but Leon caught them and then flipped their positions. Luis lay helplessly under Leon, their kiss now broken.
"Let's make it quick. Pull down your pants. We'll do doggy position." Luis obeyed. He didn't want to be caught in such a compromising position. Leon pulled out his cock and Luis looked back to watch it slowly fold out. Luis's ass was in the air, his body weight on his forearms and knees. He felt a strong hand on his upper back forcing him down. He grunted intentionally to strike arousal in Leon. He could hear his heavy breath. Leon pulled out a water pouch. the water poured out onto his fingers not effectively lubing them. His hands lost moisture quickly but after the first few minutes, Luis was wet enough to enter. Leon pressed the tip slowly entering. Luis moaned lowly. Even if he was faking his moans the pressure on his throat let out aroused huffs. Leon quickened his pace. He poured water on his cock as it slid in and out. The cantine fell to the ground and Leon hunched over to kiss Luis's neck, his hands searched around underneath his jacket and shirt. His fingers pinched and caressed Luis's nipples. His cock rubbed against Luis's prostate. It was like an itch being scratched but a kind that sent vibrations through your stomach. Luis panted and moaned as Leon's hard-on hit against his prostate. Luis felt him reach a climax that was strong enough to shake his legs. As they shook he released semen below on the floor. Leon kept hitting it, Luis was frozen in a moment of ecstasy until Leon pulled out. He slapped his ass then pulled his pants back. Luis smiled with a pout. He dressed back up and then fell into Leon's arms.
"You're very good."
"I'd enjoy it more if we weren't so pressed on time."
"I feel the same." Luis sighed. Only if it wasn't their last time with their bodies intertwined.
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liviavanrouge · 1 year ago
Some people got the real problems
Livia(2nd Life): *Stands behind Silver, her back facing him*
Silver: *Glares at the staring crowd, shielding her from their eyes* We can leave, Liv...
Livia: Cynthia says I have to stay
Silver: *Sighs annoyed with Cynthia already* Alright..we'll stay...
Livia: ..thanks...
Some people out of luck
Livia: *Sits on her hands and knees her eyes wide* I didn't-
Malleus: Silence
Livia: *Flinches back trembling*
Cynthia: *Peeks out from behind Livia then grins smugly*
Livia: Lady...
Cynthia: Mal, please forgive Livia, she didn't know any better
Livia: *Looks down silently*
Some people think I can solve them
Livia: *Yells in surprise as a vase shattered near her face*
Henry: HAH! You call yourself Lady Cynthia's maid, you're just an imbecile who can't do anyting
Cynthia: *Watches silently then smiles*
Lilia: Pick that up then leave...
Livia: Yes...understood
Lord heavens above
Edric: *Floats down to Livia's balcony* Hey lovely~
Livia: *Looks up surprised* Huh?
Edric: *Lands on the railing, smiling at her* The moonlight was shining on your hair, made you look ethereal..
Livia: *Stares at him* Who are you?
Edric: *Laughs* Names Edric, nice to meet you, Lady Moonlight!
Livia: *Perks up, her face turning red* You as well...
Edric: *Chuckles, poking her cheeks* Cute~
I'm only human after all
Cynthia: *Screams in shock as purple flames flew past her head*
Livia: *Stares in surprise, her hand touching her reddening cheek*
Edric: Damn bitch...who are you slapping
Malleus: Lord Edric.
Edric: *Grabs Livia's arm pulling her up* Come on, I'll tend to your cheek..
Livia: O-Okay...
I'm only human after all
Livia: *Sits beside Silver, her feet in the lake water*
Silver: Better?
Livia: *Nods* Thanks
Edric: *Grabs Livia's foot, pressing a kiss to it*
Silver: *Glares at him* HEY!
Edric: *Looks at Silver then peppers Livia's foot with kisses causing her face to turn red*
Livia: *Covers her face embarrassed* Edric...
Don't put the blame on me
Livia: *Stares in shock, sitting on her knees* I didn't poison her!
Sebek: She-
Lilia: *Steps forward, staring down at Livia*
Livia: *Reaches forward, her eyes wide* You know I didn't poison her! You were there-
Lilia: She's guilty....and should be hung tomorrow morning..
Livia: *Stares at him trembling as she lowered her hands*
Lilia: *Turns and walks away*
Don't put the blame on me
Cynthia: *Looks at the cells then smiles when she found the right one* Livia!
Livia: Cynthia...
Cynthia: *Stares at her then throws her head back laughing* IT WAS SO EASY!
Cynthia: *Crouches down, placing a hand on Livia's cheek* You naive stupid little bitch...
Livia: Cyn..thia..
Cynthia: *Grabs the bars a crazed look on her face* After tomorrow everything is mine! Sebek, Your father, your brother, everything! It'll be mine!
Livia: Ah...
Cynthia: *Stands up, laughing* Enjoy your last moments, Lilia's Monster
Livia: *Looks down, closing her eyes*
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiresss @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198
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suffering-is-cute · 1 year ago
I don't understand or remember you sometimes, and your soul is unfamiliar to mine, but we've shared the soup. Minestrone stains. Crumbs from that time I broke bread in bed. Tomato under a corner. We've shared the soup. Imprints of you in me.
why else would I write poems?
I forgive myself for wanting to love you so badly i lied about it. I forgive you for pretending to believe it. Distance will blur everything. You can fly now. Still, come back to see me sometime. I think you'll still miss me, so I'll meet you by the gate where the cornflowers, long grass, and thistles grow.
You can pick some of the miniature violets. You planted them, afterall.
I'll play you couplets and you'll read me cello. Maybe one day we can write a beautifully messy, entirely distracted script together and the notations will be written in soft black ink the colour of berries. I'll hum the tune under my breath when I'm alone at home and you'll play it on guitar on a bench at a bar on your holiday and when pressed for more information we'll tell the birds and the drunkards who hear that this is a song we wrote together to sing as a duet,
as a couple,
to an audience.
and when we meet again, when you come home, we'll turn our faces away from each other and pretend to have forgotten ever writing such a song whilst making pointed references to it and refusing to look at each other while trying not to mutter and whisper the lyrics under our breath.
And we'll get drunk on cooking alcohol in the kitchen while our German potato pancakes burn and curse out the local politicians with no lock on our door, the car engine revving outdoors, and the birds chirping at a twilight that seems entirely too rowdy for just the two of us in a house more like a barn with gaps in the wooden steel-banded door. You'll sit on the step and give me a long look and I'll stand in the doorway and fall over immediately, wobbly as a horrid
drunk, and you'll let me fall in the mud without catching me.
the mud will splash on you too and then, then you'll pull me up with one hand and drunk, you'll whine a soft growl into my ear and we'll giggle like kids, again - again, when the sun starts to set and we get inside to shower and sober. Sober, we might do something inexplicable. We might watch TV together with the fuzzy static on the channel and one of your hands on mine, the other holding up the remote as you surf focused through the channels, tilting your chin in concentration. I'll have my leg linked over yours and the other foot on the coffee table and we'll lean over each other to savour the only warmth we've had in a long time and sabotage our relationship.
whatever I have with you, I cherish it, even when I can't name it. Especially because I can't name it. I feel like what I have with you defies naming. And that makes me happy.
happier than I've been in a long time. Being with you helps.
inspired by @viverid 's poetry
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coldflasher · 1 year ago
I can pretty much envision what the bingos will look like, but the still/strength/sage forces? I forget the names of their avatars
hooo boy anon you asked for it
we'll start with dion/deon (unsure how you spell it) aka the still force. he was the still force, right? the green one? i have tried to colour code them for helpful reference for myself
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he's the worst one. i hate everything about this man. i want to bite him but in a bad way. realistically i probably hate him the most cos he is the force that shows up the most, even after that plotline was over, so i project all my sheer fucking hatred onto him but GRRRR I AM SNARLING AND BARKING AND FIGHTING AGAINST MY CHOKE CHAIN TO GET TO HIM AND TEAR HIM TO PIECES. i also hate him cos he took iris away for like half a season so he could do magic on her or whatever. yeah he was "saving her life" apparently, i don't care, i blame him for everything that was wrong with her. i am so glad candice patton got to rest for a few eps but i HATE THIS MAN. to me he is the embodiment of everything i disliked about the last 3 seasons: bad writing, bad acting, and terrible cgi. and speaking of awful cgi...
the strength force: fuerza
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i forget what the actual woman's name is, like who she is when she isn't a dollar store she-hulk. she's fine i guess. i have no strong feelings, as a person she is relatively inoffensive. but the weird rage monster she turns into? it's stupid, it looks bad. if there was a reverse version of the "solid design" square i would have filled out that because the design is genuinely EMBARRASSINGLy bad. and her whole thing is a cheap rehash of the killer frost plotline. "wahh i have a dark side i can't control!!" sorry i don't care, we did this 3 years ago. and then she's like "omg we're all a family! you two random men i've never met are my brothers <3 let's all go live in the magic fairy dreamhouse version of joe's house in the clouds and live happily ever after!!" like oh shut UP.
then we have the sage force, bashir, and this one is a plot twist cos i actually kinda like him lmao
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if bashir was a one-off meta of the week and not one of the forces i'd actually really like him? he's a douche but in an enjoyable way, i genuinely think the part of his intro ep where he shows all the characters their greatest fears is really interesting (bar the part where iirc cisco's greatest fear is "working at star labs with the people he loves and cares about forever", like... okay. and then this was the catalyst for him leaving... nvm i hate bashir actually
nah jokes aside i genuinely kinda don't mind him as a character in his own right. again my memory is fuzzy but im pretty sure he had psychic mind control beef with cecile which was fun. he was also basically the only one of the forces who was like "this is fucking weird and i hate it", at least at first, so he has my respect for that. and again, im just gonna say it, he's hot, which makes his sins easier to forgive. remove him from the overarching concept and he's fine, he just had the misfortune of being part of the worst plotline in the show's history.
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cutekittenlady · 1 year ago
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 7
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Oh. ohhhh god. Oh it stinks.
Ew. Ew. Ew.
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Screw you Hugh. Its a sewer. We'll be lucky if we dont see a dead Patrat getting eaten by a Rattata or a wild Krookidile jumping out at us after getting flushed.
Thats a thing right? Krookidile in the sewers?
Look man I only have a few potions and pokeballs. Are you sure we're ready for this?
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Well if you think you have enough healing potions and stuff to heal both our pokemon then I guess its okay. But I'm warning you, if I see even one rage candy bar floating in that water...
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Huh... so its true what they say about death, taxes, and Zubat.
Look Hugh I know we're hunting for Plasma but just let me catch a couple of these guys for the dex. I really dont wanna have to come down here again for the entries.
Thanks to fighting through the horde of zubat. Molly learned flame wheel. That'll come in handy.
I manage to catch a Zubat I dont intend to use, but catching a rattata proved shockingly difficult cause everytime one popped out Hughs pignite slaughtered it. Guess Bentley wasn't the only starter with a dark bone in his body. Eventually did manage to catch one though. Ugh Juniper had better appreciate all this work I'm doing.
There are supposed to be grimer down there to but... no. Just... just no.
As we're going along Hugh does apologize for getting me mixed up in this whole mess, so I opt to forgive him for being so gungho about this. He is trying after all...
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Huh...well that was both shockingly quick and excrutiatingly long.
Okay Hugh they haven't noticed us yet. If we stay far enough back and listen in maybe we can find out where the rest-
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Dammit Hugh!
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Yeah your just good Semaritins cleaning up the sewer. In front of a really suspicious hole. In matching uniforms.
Come on man.
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Over my dead body.
Bentley show them the meaning of words "Your ass is grass."
Hugh and I face of against the Plasma grunts. Its my Bentley and Hughs Pignite versus their sandile and scraggy. I opt to have Bentley use Leaf Tornado on the Sandile. PIgnite hits Sandile with a flame charge before i can though, taking it out.
Dang Hugh you've been leveling these guys up! Bentley used Leafe tornado on the Scraggy instead. It doesnt do nearly as much damage, but it lands. I opt to back Hugh up by having Bentley use wrap on the Scraggy. Trapping it and letting Pignite land a solid blow.
Maybe it was seeing how much Pignites grown, maybe it was just that this last battle was the last push he needed, or maybe the stinky sewer air activated something in his genetics, but once the battle was over...
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Bentley evolved into Servine!
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Heck yeah we are!
After that the plasma grunts take off. These guys sure like running away. Hugh wants to go farther in, but just as i was about to dissuade him (theres only two of us, we have no idea how many more there might be, we only have a limited number of healing items) someone else beats me to it.
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And just like who should pop out but Gym leader Burgh!
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Evidently Burgh had already gone through the furtherest parts of the sewer looking for team plasma but found no one. After making a stellar pun, Hugh brings up about how Burgh and the other gym leaders fought against Team Plasma two years ago.
Hugh then gives me the HM for Strength and takes off.
I think Burgh made him feel a little... inadequete. Just when burgh and I were about to follow some other weirdo pops out of the hole in the wall.
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He says some gibberish about how interesting out battle with plasma was and then just... walks off.
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I haven't the foggiest idea Burgh.
After that Burgh takes off. I could follow after him and beat his gym but... well after seeing how strong Pignite i think it might be best if I tried training in the sewers awhile.
But right now I need air. THeres a stair well across the way. Maybe it leads up to the street.
Wow its... A little park?
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Maybe I'll jusst chill here a bit and sip some lemonade before going back down into the stinky sewer.
((Going ahead and posting this. Eevee won the catching poll for this area and finding one is going to take... awhile.))
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iriswestallenn · 2 years ago
The final season of Ted Lasso wasn't good
Long Post Warning
In my opinion of course, it was just wasn't very good and the finale was bad.
They didn't know what to do with Keeley. Her friend, Shandy, didn't add anything. Her relationship with Jack was stupid. Jack fucking with Keeley's business didn't matter because it was resolved in one episode thanks to Rebecca. Then they decided to make the love triangle a thing again. We'll come back to that later.
Nate lmao you can forgive people. They don't need to bend the knee or buy you flowers for you to forgive them or to prove they are worthy of forgiveness. All they need to do is show they've changed, grown, and learned from their mistakes. The problem with Nate is not that they ALL forgave his slimy ass. The problem is we never see the change. He cries to his dad, he gets a gf, he realizes Rupert is an asshole. We spend no time with Nate being worthy of forgiveness to THE RICHMOND TEAM. He gets the girl and he's cured of his asshole-ness. The girl in question btw? Bland. No personality, we don't know why they like each other. The end.
Sam and Zava. Nonsense. Colin's storyline was cool. I like that he didn't want to be an out player because he didn't want to be the spokesperson for that or for that to be his main identity. A good amount of time was spent on that story and I liked it (see I can like things) but the same can't be said for Sam and Zava. They gave Sam a racism storyline which resulted in his restaurant getting vandalized and the end. No, wait, I'm sorry! Sam is gonna keep shattered glass in the restaurant as a reminder of the criminal act because... believe??? Never mind that could injure the guests, we're an inspirational show people we gotta keep inspiring! All Zava did was get Jamie to want to be better. That's it. So much of Zava should have been cut, oh my god.
Ted. Who? Barely in the final season. Apparently has had panic attacks since his father passed away and his mom knew and just ignored them? Episode 3 (I think) Ted reached for alcohol and we just skated past that. I have no idea how Ted is doing lmao if he's "obviously" doing well, I couldn't tell you how he got there. We got so many fucking shots of his therapist during the finale. More than we did the entirety of season 3. Oh well I guess hope he's happier back home
Maybe I'm being dramatic but Beard and his gfs relationship came off super toxic but they're married now so who cares I guess
Rebecca spent the whole show obsessed with Rupert and when we finally got away from that, surprise! She wants kids. Okay... sure. It's not easy to get over a man you loved who treated you like shit and who you felt robbed you of so many years. I'm not saying she should have gotten over it quicker. I just feel disappointed this was her whole story. There could have been so much more for Rebecca but instead all we got was her getting back at her ex and finding a new man on a boat and kids and blah blah blah
Roy and Jamie. My favorite part of the season. Jamie's arc was excellent and the actor did a fantastic job. Brett Goldstein is also great and has been at this acting/writing thing since 2005! I am so happy he finally got this huge show. Roy is such a cool fucking character. Too bad they went to shit in ONE EPISODE. Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, I'm glad Roy went to therapy in the end there but that bar scene irritated me. - Actually we fucked last month. - Well that video was sent to me! What the fuck??? Gross gross gross. They put Keeley back in the love triangle and then gave no real resolution? She chose herself? Okay. Can we get a scene of her realizing both these dudes need to work on themselves and she doesn't want either of them ever again or? No? We're just gonna shut the door? Oh okay.
Overall, I'm just disappointed. I know no one will read this but Ted Lasso was a comfort show for me at one point. It premiered in 2020 when we all needed something wholesome and funny. Shame it couldn't stick the landing for me.
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mytalemyworld · 5 months ago
Hello dear admin ❤️ with your permission, I would like to ask you a question about Alaz in the TV series Wild. When I watched the series, what caught my attention was that Alaz is in love with his girlfriend, he is very passionate (he thinks about sexuality with her anytime, anywhere) and although he doesn't try hard, he tries to comfort her in his bad times, as in the case of Zafer. .But on the other hand, he is someone who always tells Asi that she has no family, who pushes her away from him every time she gets bad, who gets offended like a child, and who takes out his anger on Asi when the time comes. He kisses another girl and goes so far as to make groups with girls at the bar. He is in Asi's place. If I were him, he had group sex with girls many times before me. If we are talking about Alaz, he has done group sex a lot 😐How can he be like this towards his girlfriend whom he loves more than his life. He always tells her in his face that he has no family. I don't think he does this because he is jealous of her. Because no matter who he is, he has never done this. No one is happy or jealous because they don't have a family. Alaz is a character that is truly hard to bear. And he constantly upsets Asi. And Asi is currently carrying his child in her womb. I'm sure that if Asi still hadn't forgiven Alaz when the baby was born, Alaz wanted to be close to Asiye. He even uses his babies. Like Fatih frequently using Cemre to talk to Doğa in the TV series Cranberry Sherbet. He told her that he had to get rid of the child last, then he came and said what he wanted. These are behaviors that do not inspire trust at all. Asi wants the baby today, he won't want it tomorrow. And that consumes Asi. The last thing is that she doesn't want their baby, which belongs to both of them and is a part of them, and she goes so far as to say get rid of him. She has a very narcissistic boyfriend and poisons him day by day. I feel sorry for Asi with all my heart. She never had this child on her own. Moreover, Alaz He was the person who always wanted to have sex with her and never left her alone. (If Asi Alaza had said let's make love every day, Alaz would never have said no!) And he gives all the responsibility of the baby only to his mother. Moreover, Asi is someone who has always suffered difficulties, pain and sadness throughout his life. Yes, he grew up in the same house with Yaman, Umut and Cesur, but they are not from the same blood as him. He wants someone of his own blood in his life and I understand Asi very well at this point. I mean, what do you think about Alaz's personality? Why is he doing this? It ruined their relationship 🥺 My question was too long, please forgive me. I'm so full of Alaz on this subject 😖
He didn't make group sex, dear anon, but I get your point. He was very out of character in that era, I especially hated his comments about Asi's family situation. The writers tried to give an explanation about his demeanor: he said it because he thought having no family was better than having a problematic family. No matter what his intention was, this was rude, there're some lines you can't cross, not even when trying to make a point. Because this is your loved one, you can not use some truths in that way.
Yes, he constantly makes wrong choices. Like, we don't even need to acknowledge that. He has never done any constructive thing since the beginning of the show, he's prone to ruin things. That's how he is. But she said it: she loves him with his wrongdoings. That's a choice but this is what the show promises to tell us. They're problematic however not every relationship is about the right choices.
The baby situation is complicated. Season 2 hasn't given us enough scenes to make a comment what their dreams and wishes are. I hope we'll watch good, meaningful scenes.
These people love each other crazily however I don't think he forced her about anything, Asi never allows him to do that anyway. They're just too broken to live their life in a healthy way. And this show is very dark, believe me. So going through lots of heartbreak and angst is not shocking anymore.
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