#tumblr plays pokemon white 2
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Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 1
And so it begins.
After several polls, we're going to FINALLY start playing through our first (and maybe only if i cant keep it up) installment of Tumblr Plays Pokemon!
You voted and now I will begin playing as Polly. An eager young trainer whos catching choices have been decided by YOU loyal tumblrites!
Just to refresh your minds as to the rules of this playthrough, here is the rough outline;
You, tumblr user reading this right now, will vote on a series of 24 hour long polls I post up on this blog deciding what pokemon we will attempt to catch in each area. When we've voted on all the available areas between the gyms (been using bulbapedias White 2 walkthrough to help me sort that out) I will play through the section attempting to catch the pokemon in question, and playing through the game with them.
Seems simple right?
Well not quite. To keep things interesting I added some additional rules to keep things interesting for all involved. After all it wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we had it all our own way right?
Here are the rules in full;
(warning; long post ahead)
All attempted Pokemon catches on each route will be decided by tumblr poll. This includes choices regarding trade pokemon, gift pokemon, fossils, etc when they come up.
Can only catch a single pokemon from every route.
Can only catch a single member of each evolutionary family. (No team of all eevees)
Can only attempt to catch each species of pokemon ONCE. If I fail we don't get a second chance. (Can't catch pidgey on route 1? NO pidgeys on the team for the rest of the game)
Can only have a single pokemon of every type.
No repeat natures.
Any HM slave/mule will be a permanent member of the team and count towards all previous rules.
Outside of the pokemon there are two additional options on polls; Randomize will mean choosing a pokemon based on the results of a random number number generator. Choose this if you want a pokemon but don't care which or otherwise just want to cause a little chaos.
Abstain will mean skipping the route without catching any pokemon. Choose this if you want to reserve the catches and typing for the pokemon on another route.
So keep in mind that winning the poll for a route doesnt necessarily mean that that pokemon will be a 100% guranteed catch or member of the team. If I fail to catch them, or if they have a conflicting nature, they will not be added to the team.
(Note; Also please note that this is NOT a nuzlocke. There are no permadeath rules in this playthrough. So a pokemon added to the team is a permanent member of the roster both in and out of the PC.)
With all that rigmaroll explaind lets get started!
Our name is Polly and we're a freshly minted trainer starting out on our pokemon journey for the first time on a lovely Spring evening! See our mom is friends with Professor Juniper, one of the pokemon professors, and shes offered to give us a pokedex of our very own!
Which she tells our mom at the last second, the DAY Biana arrives with our pokemon. What a character that Juniper.
Naturally we're not going to say no to having a Pokemon of our very own. With a Pokemon we'd finally get to leave town on our own, and maybe Hugh would finally stop asking us if we have one every damn day.
Speaking of Hugh;
We meet him outside and he more or less INVITES himself to find Bianca. Ah well, the more the merrier. Maybe.
Found her...
So in the first ever poll to decide our roster you guys voted that our starter should be...
First off the table is the grass type. As one of the three starters in the game, Snivy is bound to be a longstanding addition to the team.
Sadly in the older games you can't rename your pokemon until you find the Name Rater, and in this game you don't run into him until Castelia City. So we won't be able to gurantee any nicknames based off of natures. As a result we're going to have to name this guy blind!
With that in mind I decided to name him Bentley! Which is a name that refers to a meadow with course grass.
He has a Quiet nature which actually fits well with the stuffy british name we wound up giving him XD And he has Overgrow as an ability which should be expected.
All the same with this decision we can cross all grass types off our options in the future, and any pokemon we catch with a Quiet nature outside of Bentley will need to be released! The nature rule is first come first serve!
After we get our Pokemon Hugh comes up and basically demands poor Bianca give him a pokedex. Which, by some miracles, she actually HAS.
I try to leave but Hugh won't let me. Guess we gotta fight.
Hugh is going to use the little Tepig hes raised from an egg, adn we're gonna use out newly minted Bentley.
I start things off with leer, but tepig hits back with tackle. After that it was tackle after tackle until Bentley laid a critical hit and beat Tepig! Which is odd considering Hughs had his pokemon for longer.
(Lol if this were a written story I'd have us lose. I mean it'd only make sense. But eh. Video game logic.)
After the obligatory Pokemon Center tutorial (which we arguably wouldn't need given out mom works there) Bianca gives us some free pokeballs. Then we meet our mom outside who gives us some running shoes (you kids have no idea what a god send these were back in the day) and Hughs sister gives us a map. As we head to Route 19 for our obligatory catching tutorial the lady at the gate gives us a free potion.
Bianca gives the practice tutorial against a Purrloin which, coincidently, is the pokemon that we were voted to catch for Route 19! So after Bianca finally leaves a get into the grass and make my search for a Purrloin... which I found right away!
It was level 2.
Bentley one hit KO'd it with a critical.
I don't know what to tell you guys. I legit thought Purrloin was going to be a guranteed member of the team but uh... Bentley decided against it and went in for the kill. Maybe thats why Tepig lost despite Hugh having it for longer. Bentley is a quiet little guy who hides the soul of a killer.
So, uh, yeah Dark types are still on the table going forward. Purrloin and Leapard not so much. Oh well at least it gave Bentley enough exp to learn Vine Whip.
We continue on our way and find another potion in some grass.
And then a spiky haired old man jumps out at us.
I'm not kidding.
He jumps off that cliff by the way.
Are your legs okay?
I feel like hes dodging the question.
He encircles around us and then says our "snivy" is fine-looking. He then asks us to follow him.
Remembers folks theres no "stranger danger" in the poke-verse XD
Alder invites us to visit his house, but I opt to explore the town a bit instead. This bit of independent thought netted me another free potion from an old man in one of the houses. Nice guy.
We run into Alder again who tells us Hugh is probably on route 20 training his mons. And it just so happens that route is out next goal!
The attempted capture we aim for on route 2 is Pidove! Hopefully since it has a type advantage against Bentleys grass type it won't go down in one hit!
Before that though I have to fight some trainers. Not that its a huge difficulty. Bentley took them both out no problem. Issue is... hes now level 8. Hope that PIdove hops out soon...
And as I type that we find another trainer. Oh boy.
Of note though is that in the Unova games you'll often have moments like this where you'll see unreachable items.
These are here to encourage you to revisit routes during different seasons. We're in Spring at the start of the game so this pokeball will likely become reachable in the Fall or Winter when the holl around it fills with leaves or snow.
Thing is, the seasons in Unova change monthly. Back in the day you coudl adjust the season by changing the time on your switch buuuuut I'm playing on PC so that options isn't available. Lol here's hoping the polls keep us busy.
Still I liked this mechanic a lot growing up. It kept you invested in the game for a longer amount of time, and enouraged you to backtrack to older routes to see what new things you could find there.
North of this area is Floccessy Ranch but we gotta try and get our Pidove encounter before then. After running away from a few sewaddles we come across a Pidove.
Who is level 2.
Bentley is level 8.
Oh boy.
The thing is. I could just throw a pokeball. That could catch the Pidove. But I dont want to get into the habit of doing that because having to battle the pokemon just... makes things more exciting? But I don't want to just ignore your guys votes either.
So, at least temporarily, I'm going to give myself one chance to throw a ball at a wild pokemon if I think its too low level or that my pokemon might one hit KO it. However I don't want to resort to doing that the whole playthrough. So if I don't do it again in future, well... the lack of excitement is why. Plus once you unlock quick balls, doing this just kills the fun entirely so yeah. With that in mind I'm limiting it to the basic red and white pokeball.
With that being said here we go...
opening the bag
selecting the ball
throwing the ball
it busts out.
Okay. Still a chance though. I mean its a flying type. It has a type advantge on Bentley. Maybe if I just use the normal type attack tackle it'll leave it with a bit of health.
Okay Bently use tackle but do not under any circumstances=
... aaaand youve killed it....
. . . . .
.... Bentley I'm starting to think there's a reason Juniper and Bianca gave you away.
((Is the game designed this way? Am I supposed to be one shotting the beginner route pokemon? I havent played this game in years so I have no idea.))
Okay Okay. Floccessy Ranch is our last chance. We NEED a pokemon from there or else we're going into the first gym with JUST Bentley and while hes turned out to be a tiny murderous green bean, I don't ultimately think it'd be wise.
Nows a good time to delve into an aspect of this method of playthrough that I am only just now realizing is an issue. See because Pidove won the poll for Route 20, I removed it from the polling from the subsequent routes in this section of the game. Which mean pokemon like Lillipup, patrat, and azurill weren't on the poll even though the normal typing didn't wound up being used up.
This is a bit of an early game mistake on my part, as its an eventuality that simply didn't occur to me. However rather than redo the whole poll, I think I'm just going to keep the result of the Floccesy Ranch poll as is and just refrain from making the same mistake in future.
So from now on, I will only remove pokemon from the poll if their typing/species/evolutionary family are confirmed members of the team. Beyond that they remain on the polls. If a Pokemon wins two routes in a row or something like that, I'll just count it towards the route it was caught on and label the second one "abstained" and do another poll for it later.
Sorry I didn't catch this eventuality sooner, but this is the first time I'm attempting this kinda thing and these growing pains were to be expected. Regardless here's hoping Bentley doesnt decide to make all this musing pointless by killing our next potential team member.
Continuing on we enter Floccesy Ranch and fight Hugh. I'm not sure if there was a chance to catch any pokemon here BEFORE fighting Hugh, but I'm here now so eh. He only has one pokemon still so I think it'll be okay.
Bentley starts off with a couple of leers again, bu Tepig does a couple of tackles and hits with his own tail whip. Since Tepigs a fire type theres no relying on vine whip here. So I'm gonna rely on tackle.
A strategy which works and takes Tepig down. Raising Bentley up to level 9.
Oh joy. This is gonna go straight to Bentleys head I just know it.
After the big fight the ranch owners arrives and are shocking chill about two teenagers having a monster fight on their property. They even give me a potion for Bentley.
They tell us one of their Herdier has wandered off and Hugh just flips out on the poor guy and his wife and runs off to find it. Guess we better help find it. Could be a good chance to catch us another team member.
Assuming Bentleys blood lust is finally under control.
The pokemon who won the poll for Floccesy Ranch was mareep which seems thematically appropriate for the location. I try to run from as many battles as possible while hunting for a mareep sine Bentley does NOT need anymore levels! A lot of the pokemon in this area seem to be at least at level 4, but since Bentley is at level 9 at this point and is eyeballing level 10 I really gotta be careful to avoid battles.
i guess I should be happy hes not managing to kill this purrloin in one hit but hes basically guranteed to level up from this trainer battle.
You see what I mean?!
Honestly when I started this I did NOT think quick leveling or weak wild pokemon was going to be a problem. At least not this early on. I'm really really really hoping that when we find that mareep its strong enough to survive Bentley.
Bentley did learn wrap which may be useful but I can recall if you can still catch a pokemon caught in wrap or not? I'm not sure I want to risk it. Especially since mareep has, I think, a 10% appearance rate? So it'll take me a hot second just to find one and I'd prefer not to have this murderous little grass weasel make all that for naught!
Finally found a mareep!
Aaaand its level 5
Okay. Bentley. My starter. My partner. My friend. Do not, and I neeed you to listen to this! Do NOT kill this mareep in one hit! Yes, I know it is raining right now and as a grass type in a gen 5 game thats basically a god send, but just.... please.
Now if the pokeball gods don't hate me...
Okay okay okay. We gotta name our new little friend.
I took a while deliberating on this one and after way too many various google searches I've decided to call her Aries and be done with it.
"But isn't Aries a boys name?"
I have no idea. I did way too much googling by this point, and I was, like, 80% sure Bentley was going to murder her. Now as long as she has a nature that doesnt conflict wtih Bentley (which is likely) then we're good.
Bentley had a quiet nature, so as long as she has literally ANYTHING different then we're fine.
Now I know this is a rather abrupt play to end this, but after that wild ride of Bentley going on a murder binger and this post already being incredibly long, I think I'll start a new one to detail finding the pokemon and taking on the gym!
Thankfully this DOES mean that I can go ahead and make some new polls for the next section of the game. So look forward to that.
#pokemon#tumblr plays pokemon#pokemon poll#pokemon white 2#white 2#pokemon black 2#black 2#b2w2#pokemon b2w2#pkmn b2w2#tumblr plays pokemon white 2#pokemon playthrough
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happy birthday N i love you <3 <3
#i played around with my style and filters for this one#he looks crunchy like a cracker i could snap off and eat <3#also peep i put my ig and tumblr signature cuz i was too lazy to download it twice#pokemon#pokemon black and white#n harmonia#pokemon bw#pokemon n#natural harmonia gropius#zoroark#pokemon black 2 white 2#pokemon bw2#cw eyestrain#tw eyestrain
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"dude its not that embarassing to rewatch some creepypasta stuff you liked as a teenager" the character i imprinted on like a baby duck at 16 was a demon from new jersey that acts like the humanization of every offspring song and canonically listens to scissor sisters. His favorite color is purple and his favorite pokemon are gengar and haunter. His favorite candy is reeses cups. He leaves people notes with emojis on them. He acts like a beetlejuice scare actor at halloween horror nights. His catchphrase is "feeling sassy?" Hes (allegedly) worked with every war criminal throughout history and been every serial killer. even the gay ones. He ate a baby. His animal motif is a rabbit. Hes kind of based off the donnie darko rabbit. He almost exclusively wears merchandise of the quentin tarantino movie death proof. He talks to his cats in a baby voice. He wears a white fedora that makes every video he wears it in feel dated by like 7 years. Hes 5'3. Sometimes he barks like a dog. Hes from new jersey. He hacked a girls tumblr blog so he could post about how awesome he is. He added a laugh track over a video of him killing people. He named a chainsaw rex. He torments people by playing frank sinatra at them. His name comes from an animal collective song. His creator drew his "true form" as a giant buff wolf bug anthro. Theres a (semi)canon blog entry where he makes the speakers blare rob zombie before he enters a room, then holds a guy at gunpoint to describe what he did to to him while "making sure to leave in all the cool parts". The guy hes possessing has radioactive blood. He tried for 2 whole minutes to pick up a bottle of ketchup with a grabby hand. Hes kind of suicidal.He can be reasonably compared to pretty much every major tumblr sexyman. His actor has gone on record saying heath ledgers joker inspired his acting choices. His creators were too attached to him to permanently kill him at the end of the series. Sometimes his voice gets distorted and it makes him sound like bill ciphers first year on HRT. Hes basically like my artistic muse. For some fucking reason i associate the song cake by the ocean with him. I firmly believe that if everymanhybrid didn't require a masters degree in creepypasta autism to comprehend, he would've caused more teenage stabbings than the slenderman incident and more kin war tumblr scenarios than nagito komaeda.
#slenderverse#everymanhybrid#emh#speakeasies#emh habit#habit everymanhybrid#habit emh#and the problem is that every new fan of the series is like#teenagers who like columbine#so i cant even make friends in those circles#because im fucking 24#like im almost ten years older than some of u omfg???#so#he IS that embarassing and thank GOD emh is niche#okay so#he is embarassing but emh is not embarassing it is not cringe its oomf#emh is genuinley one of the coolest found footage diy low budget horrors ive ever seen#genuinely would love to make found footage bc of the impact it had on me#anyway i really did imprint on him like a babyduck#i was a baby trans guy that didnt know it yet rewatching the :D video with absolutely nobody to talk about it with#like huh hope that doesn't affect me in the future :)#it did#spoiler 17 yo me thats why you watched :D three times in secret#it's not because you're trans. It's because you're a sicko#Despite it all hes essentially my artistic muse.
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Anime Poll to Ignore my Zoom Class
I have 10 episodes of Fairy Tail season 1 left, so I'm being ambitious and starting the next poll.
If you're new here, I like anime, but sometimes finishing series and starting new series is hard, so I eliminate the decision paralysis by letting Tumblr tell me what to do.
As always, propaganda* (*semi-entertaining rambles) below the poll. You are 100% allowed to reblog and bully your followers to your cause or just gush about how I'd love this series. For other peoples' followers and assorted Tumblr users who stumble onto this poll: you do not have to know me, follow me, like me, or even like or know much about anime to pick a button and give it a press.
A Note on Long Series - For the superduper long series we all know and love, each poll option will count as roughly a season/arc/however-the-series-is-divided of watch time (give-or-take for any short seasons, but we'll play it by ear there). I will always specify how much I am watching for the particular poll here in the propaganda.
Pokemon - I've straight-shot binged Kanto -> Sinnoh in my lifetime. For this poll, I will be watching Season 14 (Black and White) and any movies that fall within that season's timeline.
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation - Movie night! You'll force me to pay attention to something for like 2 hours because there's no dub (Kellen Goff pls. Pls go beg Crunchyroll). The downside is there would be an immediate poll right after so you'd get poll-spammed yet again.
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces - Romantic shenanigans. Also please tell me I'm not the only one who gets relentless bisexual vibes out of literally every character.
Bungo Stray Dogs - Heeeeey guys. I was talking to someone in my program and long story short, you can vote for this if you want me to make friends! Also, hi, I'm an English Major-
Buddy Daddies - Same for the above; new friend also recs Buddy Daddies. And I'm already very in love with the visual designs of Rei Suwa.
Tokyo Revengers - Wild that time traveling gang wars is on Disney+. That's all I have to say about this really. Y'all seeing this shit?
#pokemon#pokemon black and white#pokeani#sasaki and miyano#horimiya#kyoko hori#izumi miyamura#bungo stray dogs#osamu dazai#buddy daddies#rei suwa#tokyo revengers#anime#anime poll
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Hi! My name is Kai. I’m 23 and use he/it pronouns. I am bi, trans, and poly. Pre op but on and off T for over 2 years now. Almost always smokin 🍃
OF is up! I try to do small photoshoots and videos about once a week. Teasers will be posted on here as well! Teasers will be from photo sets that gets posted on OF. Any photosets can also be purchased through DMs and Cashapp. I also do custom content too! Message me for info about that
I looove being a cute little puppyboy and that’s what most of this tumblr is about but it’s basically anything I am into.
Yes - breeding, cnc, petplay, size difference, intox
Hard No’s - scat, vom1t, detrans/misgender, p1ss in mouth, age/play
If it isn’t a hard no, I’m at least willing to try.
DNI - homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist. MIK/MAP. Under 18
Names you can call me -baby boy, prince, pup, puppy, kitten, slvt, etc. as long as it’s not super feminine
Also feel free to ask any questions or message if you wanna be friends! Would love more subby puppies to be friends with and be horny with
Non horny about me under the cut!
I have two partners, one who I live with and the other (I know you’re reading this XD so stop lurking and message me on here ;) ) is long distance for now. I also have a cat named Louie who I love with all my heart XD
I am autistic. This makes me very awkward and hard to keep conversation with. Don’t let this stop you from talking to me. I’m just weird XD
My current hyperfixations are trolls, fnaf, tadc, and greys anatomy. I also like stuff like Minecraft, the owl house, hazbin, pokemon, miraculous and a lot of other shit. Music, I mainly listen to stuff like pierce the veil and motionless in white but honestly, my main playlist is all over the place
Thank you for taking the time to actually get to know me cx I am high as shit writing this so props to you for getting through it
#ftm puppy#t4t nsft#ftm t4t#t4t bd/sm#t4t bottom#t4t breeding#t4t kink#t4t mlm#t4t ns/fw#t4t puppy#ftm sub#ftm bottom#ftm breeding#ftm ns/fw#ftm nsft#can’t think of anything else but it’ll come to me eventually#ftm onlyfans#ftm of
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Top 23 of 2023
Top 23 of 2023 on Tumblr is out and it made me remember something....!!! For those who also remember, I started this game last year and I just thought it would be nice to do it again. For reference, my post is ofc long gone, but here's Mia's~~
Tagging: @ticklygiggles & Everyone who wants to do it lol
Part 1: Fandom Faves
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: Red, White & Royal Blue, Honkai Star Rail
02. Favorite new ships since this year: Henry x Alex (RWRB) Sampo x Gepard (HSR), Ballister x Ambrosius (Nimona)
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year: Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen, Our Flag Means Death Season 2, Niehime to Kemono no Ou
04. Favorite movies of the year: Red White and Royal Blue, Nimona
05. Favorite characters of the year: Furina!!!! (Genshin Impact), also Gepard Landau (Honkai Star Rail), Miguel O'Hara (Across the Spiderverse), and a big honorable mention to the Fontaine gang in Genshin Impact (especially Freminet and Neuvillette)!
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: Genshin Impact - Fontaine soundtrack and the Our Flag Means Death Season 2 soundtrack
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: The Work Love Balance manhwa, and RWRB which is older but I discovered it thanks to the movie coming out.
08. Favorite games of the year: Genshin Impact, still my fav^^
09. Highlight of this year to remember: Bowuigi trending as a ship.
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023: Tickletober with the very own list Mia and I created, and even though it was a negative thing at first - getting swarmed with kind words from you guys after I lost my blog. I'm a mere humble person but you guys seriously made me feel a little important for a moment there ^///^
11. Favorite fan art of the year: Hard to say, but I'll say this sampard piece I got from Val baby for my bday, and this Ukatake commission by @dokidoki-muffin, this spiderdads commission by @giulscomix, and this Ittorou commission by @chibimochii have also stolen my heart!
And ofc all other commissions of this year (the bowuigi one fs;ijogij; and miguel one omggg, the pokemon commission so CUTE). And *wiggles fingers* I have more on the way....
12. Favorite fic of the year: Hard to say but I've been enjoying a lot of the Tickletober works specifically by @lovelynim and @ticklygiggles, and also this Nimona fic by @bambinella has become a fav, and all RWRB fics by @kourtniwritesagain!!!!! I still need to reblog them here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: I can't remember which ones I played, but I remember there was a time I had reblogged "post your anonymous confessions" or something, and it resulted in the most interesting asks and conversations with you guys^^ I liked that.
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: If I'll be around in a year, this won't be 'writer' but 'blogger', but for this one as a writer, it'll again be completing all 31 days of tickletober right on schedule despite a minor intervention.. :"D
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I have no idea! But if I ask AO3, it answers that my best fic of this year is my bowuigi fic mahahaha (based on kudos btw).
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Let's give that award to these 2 poor Tickletober fics (which I enjoyed writing a lot) that were not reblogged by anyone meaning they are no longer on Tumblr since my account loss:
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou)
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen)
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: My comeback post! The comments, likes and even reblogs, I couldn't have ever imagined.
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: You tell me 😂 No but besides the whole blog change, another change is that I got over my embarrassment and was brave enough to commission a couple of artists this year. Me and my money are now in a happy place!
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: A fic recommendations/faves post (from other writers). Wonder if I'll ever get to it, since my reading and fic reblogging is already not what I like it to be, meaning that every fic I reblog would probably belong on that list lol. But alright, I'd like to make a faves of the faves list then.
20. Goals for next year: Read more...!!! Read more books, more manga, more webtoons, more tickle fics. I love them, so I should read more! My truest ambition.
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most: Every single update for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and also: Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, Inside Out 2, Deadpool 3, Venom 3, Kimi ni Todoke S3, and Beastars Final Season!
22. Something else I look forward to next year: Traveling to Japan with my boyfriend! Also: receiving more tickles cuz why not. And last but not least, seeing Taylor Swift live at the Eras Tour in Amsterdam!
Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year: I know, and you might know, I didn't do so well last time since I tagged a bunch of friends but also forgot to mention some... not because I didn't care about them but because I am a flopper. So to prevent this embarrassment I won't mention any names this time.
I especially would like to thank everyone who is still around, who is reading this, who followed my new blog. To be honest, on my old blog I felt flattered to have so many followers but I was also aware it was the effect of being active for 7 years in a ton of fandoms, and that it didn't say anything about the accurate number of people appreciating what I was posting.
But to be at already almost 500 followers on this blog? Where I only post shit? Now that's a compliment I will gladly accept. Thank you to all of you for the support!
Last but not least, special shoutout to the friends I talk to on Discord sooo much now, you know who you are!
Question list for copy paste below!
Part 1: Fandom Faves
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year
02. Favorite new ships since this year
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year
04. Favorite movies of the year
05. Favorite characters of the year
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year
08. Favorite games of the year
09. Highlight of this year to remember
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023
11. Favorite fan art of the year
12. Favorite fic of the year
13. Favorite ask game of the year
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger
15. My own best fic/post of the year
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year
20. Goals for next year
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most
22. Something else I look forward to next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year
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call me BEELETH, HALBERD, 255, any name, or no name. nicknames are fine
refer to me with he/it/they or no pronouns.
im in my early 20s; minors can follow, but posts may be suggestive.
if mutual, ask for new tags; current: flashing, loud, clown, bug, unsanitary, apocalypse — bug is for realistic/descriptive bugs, unsanitary is for more descriptive/visual posts, and apocalypse is for world-ending scenarios. i will also try to use mdni whenever i remember or am aware that im reblogging from anyone who specifically does not want interactions from minors.
if adult mutual/follower, message me about my adult art blog and i may share it privately (no guarantees)
fat intersex asian man-thing with memory issues. please give me a nudge if im not responding to your messages quickly enough
if you have seen me around before, you may know me as the Green Guy or the Yoeko Guy or the Demon Guy or the Volo Guy. all of these are true. you are free to direct me towards posts containing things i like btw, ESPECIALLY volo posts + green posts
art blog -> @halberdaswang
Pokémon - mostly BW/BW2 and PLA (i dont tag spoilers for these sorry)
Puyo Puyo
DJ Technorch
rhythm games
vocal synths, mostly vocaloid and utau
my OCs — feel free to draw them or ask about them
i am also interested in Klonoa, Sonic, Kemono Friends, demonology, werewolves, mecha/robots, knights, media preservation, console emulation, and Nintendo homebrew among a billion other things. if i reblog something with a group of characters but only tag one of them, it's because i only tag my faves in reblogs (original posts are fair game).
more about me @ https://beeleth.carrd.co
aside from mega banette, some of my other favorite pokemon are incineroar, regigigas, purugly, emboar, deoxys, beheeyem, and mega rayquaza
i'm in the top 100s for a good handful of songs on muse dash, check it out!! i've even gotten into the top 50s before
if you know me specifically as the r/YoekoKurahashi guy and/or as a translator, i am so sorry for being frightening and uncouth on tumblr. that being said i do like making yoeko friends so please do feel free to chat with me about her music (BTW I AM BY NO MEANS A YOEKO EXPERT!! IM JUST SOME GUY!! if you're looking for information about yoeko, check out yoeko.club, the subreddit's wiki, or our discord server).
my favorite yoeko album is fujin'you. tokyo piano is also really good. i'm not sure what my favorite yoeko song would be, but i like kidzukubeki koto, renaitemu, and shabada tengoku a lot.
while my favorite pokemon game is legends: arceus, i'm also very fond of the gen 5 games. overall i can comfortably say that in terms of main series pokemon games, i've played black, white, black 2, x, omega ruby, let's go eevee, and legends: arceus. my favorite region is hisui!
"#for X" is for posts that remind me of friends or are somehow related to conversations / events
"#X tag" is for posts that remind me of or actually contain oc/setting stuff. it's mostly ocs but there are exceptions (i.e. #vljs tag, #soapsmp tag, #vololeth tag)
"#loreposting" is long and/or informative oc lore posts
"#just like me fr" is me-like posts (NOT to be confused with "#beeleth tag")
"#volo" is my volo tag. you WILL see him. this is non-negotiable. (NOT to be confused with "#volo tag")
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omg an intro post
i post consistently enough i feel one of these is appropriate so hi!
i'm alt or laur (she/her) and i post about mcsr. i'm a senior chemistry major so i tend to yap a lot about that stuff too :)
tags/other info under the cut
my pfp is by nervousmonolith and you all should go check out their art :D
my twitch username is the same as here so if you see me say hi! i always love seeing tumblr people in chat :3
my asks and dms are basically always open- im pretty friendly and i love yapping so don't hesitate to send me stuff. also dont get nervous if i dont answer right away- i spend a lot of time in lab but trust ill answer as soon as i see it.
some other interests i have that i love chatting about (but dont post about as often) include d&d, haikyuu, video games, chemistry, makeup/fashion, and band (specifically marching band, im my college's tenor saxophone section leader).
video games i <3:
the persona games
baldur's gate iii
stardew valley
minecraft (duh)
pokemon (specifically legends arceus + black/white 2)
i was a teenage exocolonist (pls play this game it's so good)
road 96
slay the spire
mirrors edge
any/all mario party games
unironically the game of life on the switch
tag list:
alt yaps: legit me talking nonsense most likely
lab stuff: anything to do with the lab i'm currently working in
mcsrd&d: i've been making d&d character sheets and minis for speedrunners, you'll find all of those here
volleyball au: a volleyball au for mcsr, less formal than the d&d stuff mostly just a bunch of scattered thoughts
ask box: answered asks
most other tags are simply general (such as mcsr or a cc's name)
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List of Cuttletavio AU ideas that become more weird and deranged as you keep reading:
Modern day AU were they're idols too
Modern day AU were they're normal people
Everyone's dads AU were they get married and take care of their deranged children aka all the agents and the idols and Octavio's army of child soldiers.
Role swap AU with Pearlina (not confuse with the previous ones, as there the idols remain unchanged. Here, I imagine the Squid Sisters design would change to reflect that Pearl is their grandma now)
Pokemon AU!
High school AU but you think Craig's a jock? NAH HE'S A CHEERLEADER and Octavio is a nerd.
Minecraft AU!
Role swap AU between them which makes Craig a prince and Octavio some sort of captain (Craig would be more like a western prince because you know)
Pop Team Epic AU!
Romeo and Juliet AU (how we interpret them is already very Romeo and Juliet so it really is just a change of setting and different ending)
Roblox AU.
Assassin AU were Craig has to infiltrate octoling forces to kill Octavio but ends up falling in love (inspired by AO3 fic called "Operation: Femboy" DON'T LET THE NAME FOOL YOU, IT'S REALLY GOOD)
Racist AU- wait that's just the og-
2000s emo AU. They met through MySpace and started flirting through Tumblr.
Arcade AU. You know how arcades let you put nicknames on your high score? Well Craig is really good at this arcade game but there's someone who keeps getting higher scores than his and so they start remotely beefing but never seeing each other because they go in at different hours, until one day he finds that someone playing on the arcade and it turns out is Octavio and it's basically enemies to lovers but they're enemies because of an arcade game.
Grafitti AU. The same as before except it's grafitti. Craig makes a grafitti, Octavio goes over it and rinse and repeat until one of them finally finds the other doing it.
Sailor Moon AU! Craig is Serena and Octavio is Darien because yeaaa!
ENA AU. Craig is an Ena and Octavio is like Moony but actually supportive when his boyfriend has a mental breakdown.
Chainsaw Man AU. Craig is Denji and Octavio is Makima.
Lupin III AU. Craig is Lupin, the white glove thief, and Octavio is Zenigata, the detective whose existence revolves on catching him.
Jojo part 2 AU. Craig is Joseph and Octavio is Caesar.
News reporters AU, were they're both serious news reporters and shit.
Drift king AU. Octavio is the drift king and Craig is a guy who wants to beat him, but also Octavio is the heir of the Yakuza and it all becomes Craig helping his lover escape by winning competitions and getting money to run away.
Skullgirls AU were Craig wants to keep the Squid Sisters away from the Skullheart however Octavio is attempting to get it to harness its power without making a wish. They also both fought against the Skullheart side by side on the past, but when the Canopy Kingdom went to war with the other kingdoms (one of them being Octavio's kingdom), they had a falling out
Technical support AU. Octavio fixes computers and Craigs keeps busting his because he's cute, even tho Ammoses can literally fix it for free but oh well let the bi be bi.
Kill Bill AU but Octavio is Bill. Craig is the bride of course.
Car dealer AU were Craig wants to sell a car to Octavio so he fucking resorts to fucking.
AU of my OCs-verse were basically they're both assasins for Albert Richter, CEO of the company that owns the country, who is also their lover so trio, and they're being chased by T and D for their crimes UNLESS they stop working for the guy. Octavio wants to keep working for him but Craig doesn't, so yeah (This is a very self indulgent AU that most of you won't get unless you're my boyfriend, love you my love muack muack)
Spongebob AU. Craig is Spongebob. Octavio is Squidward.
Company AU. Craig is Octavio's secretary who is the CEO of some corporation or some shit.
Vtuber AU.
Omegaverse AU.
Big Bang Theory AU.
Fifty Shades of Gray AU.
JFK AU. Octavio is JFK. Craig is his wife.
Coffee Shop AU.
#i apologise in advance#cuttletavio#djvorce#splatoon#dj octavio#cap'n cuttlefish#capn cuttlefish#craig cuttlefish
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Ooc post, but. I've been seeing polls both on and off of Tumblr about "what your first Pokemon game was". And that's a valid question, because in many cases, that's all she wrote. That's the end-all, be-all of when you got invested into the franchise.
But what about those that it took a game or two? Or enjoyed the game, but didn't get truly hooked or invested in the fandom properly, like me? So I'm gonna ask a different question.
As an example, I answered Gen 3 despite STARTING with Gen 2. I played Gold first, went back and played Yellow, but I wasn't truly invested in the series as a kid until Emerald was being released. So I bought Sapphire, gave that a try, and that was when I was genuinely "hooked". That "Aha!" moment where the series caught me.
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Honestly, I just kinda wanna hear you talk about this Pokémon line. I’m really interested to hear why you love it so much. I don’t really think about this line too much, and honestly, would not have attributed this line to you first try.

(Man, I lowkey feel bad, the article I pulled this image from was called something like Top 20 Worst Pokémon Designs which is honestly just foul considering the context of this ask.)
1. Klink klang :] fun words Klink klang klinklang :]
2. I just like the metallic /object ones, my other favorite Pokemons include the chandelure evolution set, magneto/magneton, etc. my other favorite pokemon are usually water pokemon starters that I can never remember the name of since I always rename my starters and then forget THOSE names, whooper because no shit, ghost types because no shit have you seen my Tumblr page, and ditto when I was 7 because who didn't like ditto when they were a little kid. Also mimikyu because I'm basic I have a build a bear mimikyu and her name is hamburger. All of them are my favorites since I can't really choose, I also have some favorite pokemon cards but my mom has my collection since they're in our animal crossing amiibo card holder and she's playing totk rn, but I know I have like 3 copies of chandelure and my favorite card is a shiny lady trainer card, ill put a picture at the bottom of her
3. The design is cool and fun and the colors are pleasing and it's easy to understand. Any large pokemon [watching the anime episode of gyrados KILLED ME when I was a kid] or ones with bright colors really hurt my eyes or confuse me, probably because of my astigmatism/shit eyesight, but all of my favorites have muted colors, are small, or have a large amount of black or white [litten and gangar are good examples]. I also just tend to not like fully evolved Pokemon, in my rarely played Pokemon yellow and Pokemon Violet files none of my Pokemon are evolved and I only ever catch copies of Pokemon for the evolution on the pokedex and then release them.
But yeah as far as I'm aware, most of my favorite pokemon are absolute shit strategy and moveset wise, ESPECIALLY because I refuse to evolve them <3
This isn't MY card, I got this off of Google but it's the same card, i also have a version of her that's not shiny and i have a kind of old shiny pikachu with special art but i cant be bothered to find it since theres like 50 pikachu cards. I don't collect Pokemon cards, don't know anything about it but people just keep giving me pokemon card packs so I have quite a few special arts/shinies. No holos I think tho

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Tier list of possible @mtg-cards-hourly expies and knockoffs
S: @playing-cards-hourly - something very funny about being like "THE 8 OF DIAMONDS HOOOLY SHIT". Also you queue 52 posts and ur done. @greeting-cards-hourly - lotta funny greeting cards out there. @1000-blank-white-cards-hourly - 1000bwc is a game where you make up the cards so this is just "make up funny jokes and post them" but also i love a self modifying game. @blackjack-cards-hourly - you can imagine this being a bot that posts a poll of hit/stand/(split/double) for each hour and tumblr can get really into trying to count cards against it.
A: @mtg-cards-hourly @pokemon-cards-hourly @balatro-cards-hourly @hearthstone-cards-hourly @netrunner-cards-hourly @runeterra-cards-hourly etc etc - its a fun concept i like seeing a card on my dash! Sidenote i think a fun gimmick for these blogs would be: if you post a "draw 2 cards" spell you queue the next 2 posts for instantly after that.
B: @cards-against-humanity-hourly - do ya really want that discourse on your dash. @id-cards-hourly - fun to look at how different government entities do drivers licenses and such. Like the California DMV vanity plate blog.
C: @postcards-hourly - there's some interesting things to say about postcards as a format, but mostly that's called a landscape aesthetic blog. @tarot-cards-hourly - i feel like people would use it as a 1-card spread and i find those unfun. You can do more interesting things with a tarot gimmick blog.
F: @yugioh-cards-hourly - tumblr image quality too small to read em
Other sidenote i highly endorse doing tarot w/ magic or CAH or balatro jokers i think itd be fun
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for the video game ask game - 5, 12, 19? :D
hiiii!!!! thanks for the ask!!! sorry it took so long to get to it, i took like a week to type up an answer and then tumblr ate it -_-
5. Most memorable gaming moment?
Ohhh, this is a REALLY hard one 😭 But I'm gonna say the Prologue of Mother 3 is probably the moment that hit me the hardest and stuck with me the most. Just... tragedy after tragedy... Mother 3 really knows how to hit you when you're down T_T
12. Favorite game character?
ANOTHER VERY HARD ONE... It definitely shifts depending on what I've been playing the most of recently, y'know? But, for today at least, I'm gonna say... *guilty averts my eyes from Lyn Fire Emblem* I have to say Aigis from Persona 3. I just beat Reload and oh my god. Aigis's character development never fails to just utterly destroy me emotionally.
19. A game you wish you could play for the first time again
Hmm, I think I'm going to say... Pokemon White 2. It's my favorite Pokemon game, and I've played it so many times by this point that nothing in it really surprises me anymore. To explore Unova for the first time again would really be so cool
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Hi :3 call me Cavee! (Ka vi) I had Tumblr before but like, I used it for publishing fanfiction and I kinda just wanted to have my own personal blog to just do whatever. So, I'm looking for moots!
Things about me:
She/her (cis girl)
I'm in highschool, I'm a minor, so please ADULTS DNI (or interact but don't be weird or dm me please 😔)
I think, I'm a lesbian, but idk I am girl, I like girls and other people ig? So I mostly just say I'm sapphic. I have kinda sorta been dating my partner (Nb spec) for around 2 years so.
I am bilingual! My first language is actually Spanish so I'm sorry if I have bad English at times :(
I sometimes write but I don't usually finish any of my projects 😕
I like to program! I mostly code in c++ and python. I mostly use c++ for schoolish related stuff but all my personal projects are coded in python (renpy)
I play videogames such as:
The sims 4 (haven't played in a while because I definitely didn't try pirating the game with all expansion packs but later didn't know how to add mods so I panicked and tried playing with my official game but it didn't work and now I don't know how to launch the sims)
Stardew Valley (similar situation, the game updated, for some reason I couldn't update my portrait mod and since I didn't want to play without it I haven't played in several months)
Genshin Impact (haven't played in like two weeks because of school)
Our Life Beginnings and Always
Doki Doki literature club (I have like 50 hours on MAS send help)
Class of '09
Mystic Messager (I have had the game for years and the only good ending I have is Jaehee's)
The Arcana
Obey me! Shall we date?
Colorful stage / project sekai
My Candy Love
As you can tell I am a big fan of visual novels, and I have been slowly working on making my own! I have other games like Cult of the lamb, FNAF, omori, hollow knight, Undertale, Roblox, and Minecraft but I either haven't played that much if them or haven't played them in a very very very very long time.
I am also in other fandoms such as:
My little pony
Monster high
Demon slayer
I would also say I am an artist, although I don't really post much of my art online.
Soo... Moots? Anyone??
#adults dni#undertale#stardew#dating simulators#otome game#visual novel#moots?#looking for moots#genshin impact#art moots#writing moots#doki doki literature club#monika after story
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Game Schedules
Well, since I returned to this Tumblr, I might as well continue with the game posts as well, like those Yellow version runs, Lonk games, etc. So, here's another loose schedule for gameplays I plan on posting for the foreseeable future.
1) Pokemon Yellow "Free to Play" run I did this before I went away last time so I figured, why not give it another go? Beat Pokemon Yellow using only gift Pokemon! And this time, with added objectives. Last time, I only beat the Pokemon League. This time, I need to beat Oak and the level 205 Agatha. ... If I can. If I recall, the available options were: Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Eevee, Lapras, Aerodactyl, Kabuto/Omanyte, Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan. I can already tell right off the bat that the moment I get an Eevee, I'll turn that into Jolteon and then sack the Pikachu. And I'll probably do this run before Yakuza 8 comes out next week.
2) Lonk: LAD I'll continue with it. I don't remember where I left off so... that'd be interesting. Lonk: Like a Dragon coming... probably in February, as I'd imagine all my free time next week would be devoted to Yakuza 8, and then I'd probably be reeling for a while, and I'll definitely need something to cheer me up. Would Lonk be up for that task?
3) Pokemon Crystal "Free to Play" run Why not give that a go too? I don't know how many gift Pokemon there are in GSC though. Starter, Togepi, Eevee, Tyrogue (WAY later into the game), and... um... Shuckle. ... Uh oh. ... Oh, a Spearow too because that'll make a difference. ... Hmm... There's a chance I wouldn't be able to go through Whitney with this. Hehe.
For now I'll just start with those three. Then I might move on Emerald version which I don't remember all that much, and maybe even BW and BW2. I barely remember anything about Generation V games since those I haven't restarted almost ever. I've gone through Emerald version twice for RNG abuse on Latias and Latios, both with Mimic for Mimic-Rage glitch abuse in Generation IV, and those require separate runs. That was years ago. I've gone through White version also twice, and that was... when BW just came out. White2 I've gone through a few times for RNG and Dream World RNG abuse, but again, years ago. I don't remember much of anything in those games. So that'd be interesting.
And since this Tumblr is making me go down old Pokemon memory lane, I guess I'll take a look at my Ultra Moon to see what Pokemon I had there. I remember leaving a whole ton of redundant/unnecessary Pokemon in the Pokemon Bank which probably disappeared many years ago, so those are lost to the ages. But it would be fun to see what Pokemon I had and what nicknames I gave them for what reason. I expect there would be a crapton of Starcraft related nicknames because of course there would be. Like I said. Those references are everywhere. ... I know I have an Sp. Atk focused Salamence named Tempest because Mega Salamence looks like a Protoss Tempest. I remember that one.
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Showing up for my random monthly check in. This time, your favourite tumblr account ever has gotten back into pokemon. Playing (Volt) White 2 in particular!! I didn't realise my version was a hack until I booted it up, which is pretty fun!!
Also, that drawing took me thirty or so minutes. My tools were quite archaic, alright?
#not compress#pokemon#pokemon hack#pokemon white 2#volt white 2#pokemon volt white 2#Baby's first Romhack!!!
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