#(CAN SOMEONE PLEASE. PLEASE. Try to Genuinely Get what I'm aiming at here and I was rambling about INITIAL impressions of Semantics)
yuenthevoices · 1 day
Okay so I haven't seen Transformers One yet (just had midterms) but honestly from the bits i've seen of it - from movie clips on tiktok to some of the hilarious promo stuff they have Bee do - i'm ABSOLUTELY in love with it. some of my favorite stuff i've seen are the little, more niche details i don't see enough of that really show how much care has actually been put into the movie. don't worry, no spoilers for the actual movie - mostly about official promo clips and such.
for example, i saw a bit of an interview where it's said the animation team all grew up with transformers, and were even fighting to animate their favs. there was also another interview i saw where someone - i believe a story boarder/director - seemed genuinely pretty sad that they couldn't do the Megatron gladiator and Orion Pax archivist backstories because it would make the movie too long. like, there is just so much genuine love for the franchise that makes the movie so good and so interesting its crazy like ahduaogeuaisahe
alright alright so enough of my rant i know some of y'all are here for the x reader stuff soooo here's some TF One headcanons! also do keep in mind that this is from my very limited knowledge of the movie characters so prob oc? if they were to somehow meet humans
B-127 (Badassatron)
first off, he's such a silly guy and so adhd coded
but honestly, as a human, be just a bit careful around him, seeing as he accidentally knife-handed quite a few people, and some on purpose
he'd either be as clumsy as he is with his friends that he built, or would literally be too scared to get within touching distance of a human
if you want to get closer to him, honestly just listen to him - with some small input here and there to show you're listening - and he'd want to hang around you a lot more
really, just be nice, don't baby him, and let him yap as much as he wants - bonus points if you sometimes yap to him as well, i'm sure he'd be a great listening, with a lot of input from him, of course
Elita One
honestly, i wish i knew or could tell more about her, but any clips or trailers i've seen her in are pretty limited glimpses into her character
the trait i see the most from these glimpses however, is how she's ambitious and diligent
she'd probably respect you a great deal if you're as ambitious and diligent as she is, and would probably be a bit proud if you compliment her work ethic as well
i think she'd like someone who matches her, aiming for higher goals with the work and strength to prove it - especially since you're a human
bonus points if you can kick ass as well
similar case to Elita, except i think i have a bit more to go off of, considering how much he shows up in promo trailers and stuff
honestly, kinda hard for me to say?
again, i think he'd appreciate someone similar to him, considering how much time he spends with orion, it'd be a nice change of pace
someone who won't take bs, maybe a teeny bit of malicious compliance, and someone who doesn't try to hide their opinions
considering how mush shit miners seem to take from those who can transform, seeing someone else - especially some smaller, squisher being - being proactive and not taking shit, he'd probably be interested
Orion Pax
ok so only doing orion pax and not optimus prime because in total i've only seen like 3 clips of him as optimus soooo yea
i could see him with a jokester kind of person, but also with a more calm caretaker kind of person as well
being a jokester with him would be fun, and he'd probably have no problem with carrying you around to places for plans
being a calm caretaker would possibly be a little more stressful, but still fun with him nonetheless
either way, he'd still be somewhat careful, keeping in mind that he is much larger and sturdier than humans are
just don't play dead on him please, he'd genuinely freak out and run you over to D-16 and ask him what's wrong (D-16 probably won't find it nearly as funny lol)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
{Major Implied} #TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
('The Beginning' initial rambling under 'read more') {Note: This is some of my reaction BEFORE Seeing} [So please note I Will Add Additional Contexts I got later but for the most part...]
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THIS IS THE CLIP I was Referring to in advance {WARNING FOR} MAJOR RUI-INVOLVED The Beginning Spoilers (I was talking to a mutual who gave me a run-down review)
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(If you can't tell, I was Venting at concepts like infertile parents being treated/handled as a potential) Negative
Further Reading: Koushiro's + Izumi Family's Timeline {Notes} in Hikarigaoka
*I mention something towards end but I was mis-remembering what it was called and it's more like 'premature birth' that leads to "early" death... {And yes we've even had this happen in my ancestors' pasts too, notably on my Grandpa-married-to-J E W I S H-grandma ends' end. Grandpa E.'s youngest sibling {not even a year old} passed that way, along with the child of a cousin + their fam much later on, and they (both) have dedicated spots in our familys' plot, also very near where my J e w i s h Grandma is now buried. ... So I Have Feelings on Such Issues, Too.}
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uriwoos2 · 6 months
The Last One. (ksw)
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pairing: sunwoo x gn!reader. genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, friends to lovers. overview: sunwoo comforts you after an unpleasant event. you go for a drive in his car, in the sunset. a confession at the beach. kissing. word count: 3k. warnings: depictions of feelings of anxiety/social anxiety and loneliness; self-conscious and self deprecating thoughts. please avoid reading if you find these themes triggering. ♡ notes: I'm finally giving this a try! I'm super excited to write on here!! the beautiful pictures sunwoo posted on ig made me think of the idea for this fic. I got inspired to write it while I was feeling really down myself, and even though it's pretty self-indulgent, I felt like I could share it here, in hopes that this might comfort anyone else who needs it. it took me a week to finish this, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I'd love to hear what you think about it!! like & reblog if you enjoy <3 with love, cream.
♪₊˚ song: tejano blue — cigarettes after s*x.
it's so loud.
you can hear the noisy chatter of the people in your group, bantering and laughing out loud.
what are they laughing so much about? are they laughing about.. about me?
you sink in your seat, hands in pockets, body slumping even more than before, aiming to merge with the chair. your eyebrows set low, unknowingly glaring at the group.
"hey, you okay?" one of them calls out, making you perk up, but you know it isn't a genuine question, so you lower your eyes, nodding briefly.
a scoff. "it's no use talking to them, they're not gonna answer you." another voice retorts, clearly tipsy. you try to pay it no mind.
it was fine before, they didn't care much. why now?
but before you can come up with an answer to your own question, your thoughts are interrupted with laughter, even louder this time.
they're laughing at me.
the discomfort that gradually began setting in since you first stepped into the building, was about to overflow. so you go to stand up and leave, while your mind imagines the remarks they could be throwing at you.
"leaving already? so boring."
"they're so weird"
"wow, that's one scary kid."
"not worth our time."
"yeah, you better leave."
real or not, it didn't make much of a difference for you. you still cared, it still bothered you, no matter how miserable that might sound. the non-spoken words, thought up by your own mind, sharp and piercing, biting at your skin. you brushed your hands on both of your arms up and down roughly to rid your mind of the thoughts.
it burns.
so much for trying to socialise.
you awkwardly squeeze through people crowded in groups outside, keeping your eyes on the ground, paying no mind to where you're headed.
you just need to get away from there, as far as possible, and quickly. you don't even check your surroundings, as your legs seem to be taking charge right now, shaking but not able to stop moving ahead.
I'm so embarrassing. I'm so disgusting.
you're continuously reminded of what happened at the bar, the image seemingly stuck in your brain. the mocking laughter replaying over and over, taunting you, leaving no choice but to think about it.
why can't I just do it the way they can, what is wrong with me?
they all seem to like it.
why doesn't it come naturally to me too?
why do I have to force myself?
you walk with your head down, trying to hold in your tears. you knew this wouldn't end well, you didn't expect anything from it, and yet,
I'm pathetic. I'm disgusting. and I'm miserable.
I knew this wasn't a good idea, why did I even..
they all probably hate me now. the way I am.
I feel so sorry for myself-
there's a halt in you thoughts, as in your steps. you notice you've bumped shoulders with someone.
wait- what am I doing, where am I?
you frantically take a look around, only to find yourself in an unfamiliar place, yet again, the anxiety sets in. you have no way of telling where you are.
the sun will set soon, too. shit-
you walk around in hopes to find a way to get back to your place, maybe think of something. but, you remember-
sunwoo has my location! yes. he'll help.
you mentally thank yourself for thinking of that, taking your phone out to text your friend.
"changed my mind, come get me please."
the reply is almost instantaneous, as it always is whenever it's sunwoo you're texting.
"be there in 10. stay where you are."
a sigh of relief escapes through your lips, your shoulders feeling lighter, knowing you'll be on your way soon. but you still need to-
I have to go back to that place.
reluctantly making your way back to the bar, you linger nearby, just so sunwoo can find you, but far enough not to be spotted by anyone else. pulling your hood up, you put your hands in your pockets, shifting back and forth, unable to stay still.
it's fine. it's alright now. it's over. he'll be here soon. I'm okay..
letting a big puff of air out, you try to steady your stance, your breath shaky. you lean your elbows on the railing in front of some shop, as the light from inside gives you shelter from the darkness of the street.
I wish I didn't have to be like this.
you tuck your head into your arms.
this always happens, I don't know why I thought this time would be different.
I should've never come.
I'm shameful.
I'm ashamed!
regardless of your efforts to hold back, you still feel a single stubborn tear touch your skin, staining your sleeves. a sniffle. you can't be crying like this outside,
but I've already embarrassed myself anyway.
another involuntary sniffle, and a tear on the other side of your face. it's gotten colder. there's a warm hand on your shoulder.
frightened, your head springs up, eyes frantically searching for the person the hand belongs to. your body slackens in his grip. thank god. the hand on your shoulder moves to stroke your back.
"I'm here." a gentle smile.
you feel the tear streaks drying on the sides of your face in the light breeze as you look back at sunwoo. you're so drained that you feel as though you've lost the ability to form words, so you can only hope your eyes are able to relay your thoughts to him.
I'm exhausted.
sunwoo's gaze shifts between your eyes trying to gauge anything that hints at your mood. his other hand comes up to wipe your cheekbone. and it stays there, holding the side of your face.
a quiet gasp. "god, you're freezing! I should've been quicker. I'm sorry." he retracts his hand on your cheek. the one on your back guides you in a certain direction, your body completely relaxed and yielding in his hold. you're safe now, sunwoo knows what to do. you know to trust him.
before you know it you feel warm again. even though the roof of sunwoo's cabriolet is folded, even though it's even colder now, even though the breeze blows rougher. the warmth seems to be spreading from within, a feeling, your heartbeat slow and steady. sunwoo buckles your seatbelt for you and closes the door.
don't go.
he rounds the vehicle to get in his seat on the other side. you knew he wouldn't leave, but
"I'll pull the roof back up in a minute." he has taken off his jacket and it's now spread over your lap. "I didn't know it'd get this cold, should've thought of fixing it before coming to get you." he halts his movements when he feels your hand on his arm.
I want to feel the breeze.
"you want me to leave it?" a mild nod from you, eyes downturned. he gazes back at you, eyebrows furrowed. "okay... but put the jacket on properly, the breeze is strong."
when you don't make a move to comply as he instructed, he leans over and carefully adjusts the jacket so that it covers more of you, giving you a sliver of a smile. a whispered, barely there "thank you" escapes through your lips, which he responds to by patting your head. he's so warm.
soon enough the blow of the wind picks up, as sunwoo starts driving. you lean your head back, resting it on the headrest. the bitter gusts of wind crash into your face, turning it red, keeping you awake. you can feel the frigid air burning your skin, soothing your body. your eyelids drop to focus on the feeling as you take in a deep breath.
that feels nice.
I can breathe again.
you open your eyes and look out the window. the city lights are harsh and bright, dazzling you, making you squint, your view of them softening.
"are you cold?" asks sunwoo in a low voice. yes. but it feels good. slowly tilting your head, you face him, beyond him a glimpse of the beach.
your gaze fixes on sunwoo, eyes listless. only now taking notice of his appearance. laid back in the seat, his elbow rests on the door, the other hand grips the wheel. his arms are bare, making your eyes linger. soon enough they shift to look at his dark hair flying around with the wind. thick eyebrows set firm in concentration. eyes half lidded, but alert. you can still see the restlessness in them. he keeps stealing sideway glances at you, eager to grasp your thoughts. you pay it no mind, because..
he's so beautiful.
and most of all, his skin is glowing golden even in the dark, now illuminated scarlet as you stop at a red light. he turns his head toward you, "hmm?"
you forgot he'd asked a question. that snaps you out of your dazed state effectively. blinking rapidly to rid your eyes of the haze.
shit, I got distracted.
clearing your throat, your voice raspy, "sorry. no, I'm not cold." you fidget with the sleeves of your hoodie. you hear him sigh softly. he's facing ahead again, the light green. "you.. are you okay?" you can hear the concern in his voice and your heart swells.
"yeah, I'm good." averting your eyes from his face, feeling sheepish.
your response doesn't seem to ease his worry, "you can talk to me, you know I don't mind. I'll listen." his words so gentle, you barely hear them.
he's so kind to me.
your eyes shift to your lap. sunwoo's jacket has slid down, and you can see your fingers picking at the skin on your hands.
why... does he treat me like this?
when other people seem to have given up on me completely?
he's too kind.
"I..." you try to form an intelligible sentence. an exhale- "I'm alright. I'm just fine.. if you're with me." you try not to look over at him. "everything sort of.. feels okay when you're here." you breathe deep, in and out. voice trembling, "I just want you to know that.. I'm thankful- for everything you do for me. even though, I don't get why you do this... I know I can be... difficult. to understand, and to talk to most of the time. I guess, I'm grateful that you try. and that you've kept me with you despite.. that, I don't give anything in return. and I'm sorry." you trail off, tears welling in your eyes. "anyway, just thank you." you finish with a sniffle.
sunwoo is quiet. you're too afraid to meet eyes with him, so you keep your head down.
why isn't he saying anything?
did I make him uncomfortable?
you wipe your nose with a sleeve. another awkward sniff.
should've just stayed quiet. it wasn't even that serious..
I'm sorry for being like this.
however, before your mind can make your grey thoughts into a whirlpool and suck you in, you see colors seep into the darkness. you look up in surprise and find the source. the car has come to a halt. the now setting sun seems to be casting the purple-pink light on the waves just before you.
"it has never once felt like that to me." you turn your head, the beams reaching his face too, making you stare. he's looking ahead.
"our.. friendship. I have never thought of it as a chore, a challenge- maybe. purely because we're so different from each other, there's a lot to consider. but.." he shakes his head, lowering it, "oh my god- I always thought of this-" he gestures between the two of you. "as something precious, something I needed to protect. if anything, it felt like it was you keeping me close." he brings his head back up, but still doesn't glance your way.
eyebrows furrowed in deep confusion, you question, "you.. but, why? there's nothing I have to offer, I mean.." he brings his head back up, concern evident in the way he looks at you. you avoid his eyes, bashful. "you're.. you're so ordinary. you know.. you can befriend anyone, do anything you want.. you're likable, and I don't know.. I'm- I'm just me. and I can barely take being alive, at least..." you sigh shakily, it's so hard to talk about this. "but that was before, now I don't think it's all that bad. and it's all because you came into my life." you didn't even notice you'd started to cry, until you felt sunwoo's thumb on your face, wiping the tears away. you let him, eyes glazed over.
he makes this even more difficult than it already is.
he retracts his hand. you shift your eyes once more. "you know, whenever I think of myself, I'm always out of place. nothing comes naturally to me, like it does with others, and it- it's so frustrating... it's lonely. and it makes me hate myself. but.. weirdly enough, all it took for me to feel at least a little bit normal, was one person who understood me, understood my pain. who listened to me. you're my link to the rest of the world, the only thing that keeps my feet on the ground. I- I really don't know where I would be right now, if you weren't by my side." you feel more silent tears escape.
my whole existence is disgraceful.
but I don't regret this, he has to know how much he means to me.
even if I look like shit in the process.
"I know it's selfish as well, that I wish for you to stay with me forever. but.. truly, you're the sole good thing in my life." you've never felt so exposed and vulnerable before, putting your heart on display, right in front of sunwoo.
"it isn't. selfish- I mean." he catches you off guard, so you turn to look. you notice colors dimming on his face, the sunset imminent. he's got a warm expression on his face, one full of tenderness. "well if it is, then I must be selfish too. because I can never imagine my life without you in it either." he leans over, resting his elbow on the armrest in-between your seats. "it honestly breaks my heart that you think that way about yourself, I wish I could take those feelings away from you.." he reaches over with his other hand and takes your hood off. you can feel your heartbeat pick up. "I don't know how much I'll be able to help, but I can promise, that I'll always try to. I'll be here, whenever you need me." his gaze shifts to the top of your head briefly, patting your hair into place. "and I need you with me, just as much. so, don't ever think like that, okay?"
you should've known better than to doubt sunwoo's feelings. he's the one that gets you, even if no words are exchanged. of course, he'd understand. he always has. I'm so grateful to have him. you feel emotional as you wipe the remainder of your tears, sunwoo waiting patiently. but.. it's hard to focus right now, when he's just
he's so close.
your heartbeat picks up, alerting you of the proximity between your faces. you can feel the heat of sunwoo's breath on your ice cold face, as you try to keep your own even. try to keep your mind clear, aware.
oh god...
he eyes your lips for a moment, and you can hear it in his slightly quickened breaths-
he feels it too.
your eyes lock, and you feel like you're going insane. with the way he's looking at you, gaze filled with longing. with the way his hand's still resting in your hair, tugging at it softly. with the way your heart just can't seem to calm. with the way your faces have frozen into place, neither moving an inch to break the distance. it all makes you want to..
I desperately want to kiss him.
"I want to kiss you." you're not even sure who asked the question, because it was whispered, and because you're too tired to make sense of anything. "...can I?" oh, it was him, after all. his voice so soft, but breathy- rushed with desire.
instead of answering, you pull him in by the back of his head, rushing to connect your lips. your eagerness visible in the intensity of the kiss. this stuns sunwoo for a brief second, but he meets your lips, mouth turning up at the sides. he steadies the kiss, slowing you down.
he holds you by the jaw. your lips moving in sync, almost naturally. you pull at his hair. you can feel him smiling into the kiss at that, letting out a deep whine.
he's driving me crazy.
the kiss can't last forever, having to pull away to take a breath. you can feel the dissatisfaction in the way sunwoo whimpers. it pleases you, to know he yearns for you the same way you do, for him.
I can't believe we just kissed.
your faces remain close still, seemingly unable to pull apart, now that you've connected. the sound of your heavy breaths and the waves crashing, the only thing to be heard. you wait for each other to regain oxygen back in your lungs. sunwoo's cheeks are flushed cherry, but you're sure yours are worse.
I can't believe I just kissed sunwoo.
he holds your cheek in his palm now, thumb stroking the blush on it, gaze filled with adoration. his eyes twinkling, telling you all you need to know about how he feels for you.
is this really happening?
sunwoo's half lidded eyes are relentless in raking over your face, noticing every detail, staring. but it isn't uncomfortable, you don't feel self-conscious. you feel seen.
"you're beautiful." he confesses with care.
he likes me.
he finds me beautiful.
his bold words don't make you question their genuineness. you feel confident in the way you look from his point of view, you know you're beautiful, because he sees it.
tightening your grip on his hair, pulling a strand, you look at his swollen mouth, your words coming out hushed, "you have no idea, how long I've waited for this." he ducks his head, smiling shyly. ...he's so.. cute.
bringing both of your hands together, you cup his flushed face.
you take a moment to study him. he lets you. after a few moments of silence, he whispers "me too. I've longed for you.. without even realizing." he's a bit hesitant in his words, avoiding your gaze. you didn't know shy sunwoo would come as a punch to your heart, making your affection for him grow.
so adorable.
smiling softly, you lean in to taste his lips once more. this time you make sure to go slow and sunwoo melts into the kiss. he moves his lips according to your pace, kissing you back tenderly. you feel content in his presence, his lips touching yours, comfortable and familiar.
I feel so... warm.
you gently lift your lips from his, but stay near, foreheads joined together. you can feel the breeze biting. your mind screams at you, begging, to connect your mouth back with his again. sunwoo's low breaths grazing your lips not helping the case.
I miss his touch.
the side of his mouth upturned, as if reading your mind, sunwoo briefly brushes your lips with his plump ones.
I need more.
but brief isn't enough. you yearn for him, his touch in the way that wouldn't be sated with a momentary peck. a noise of frustration leaves your lips, and he catches on, finding your impatience cute.
a chuckle, his lips back on yours.
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wings-of-ink · 5 months
Pls I love how you answer angst and it's all dark and gloomy and then there's this cute emoticon at the end ^_^ and suddenly it makes all the worry go by sheer power of cuteness, you are so real for that
I'm gonna pull the "chaotic neutral" on an angst galore and humbly ask for ROs reacting to MC coming to them looking all pretty (gn) and asking RO how do they look only for the RO to find out MC is going on a date.
...and what if MC after seeing ROs reaction smiled gently and said "Well... It's for our date, actually. If you would have me"
(hehe did I got ya? Thought I'd ask some irredimible angst?)
Okay, you did actually get me with that! LOL Totally turned it around at the end, and I made a very unglamorous noise.
I don’t know why, but I always gotta get my little smile in there somewhere, lol. Even if my eyes are a bit watery. ^_^
As for your adorable ask (assuming at least some feelings or romantic words have been exchanged between RO and MC of course):
Big lump in his throat off the bat. MC looks wonderful, and they're going on a date with someone else? He smiles through it and nods emphatically. “You look amazing. The lucky person will be well-pleased.” Has he misread everything between them?
At the reveal:  His knees actually buckle. “Our? Our. *OUR* DATE!?” His heart is absolutely pounding. “What do you…what should I wear?” MC will need to help him out with that one.
There’s some genuine enthusiasm there when they tell MC they look gorgeous - because they do. They’ve always thought that about MC. They shine inside and out. Maybe that’s why they confused the things stirring between them. But they’ll be happy for MC and cheer them on.
At the reveal:  Zahn has a smile that would make the sun jealous. They run and grab MC’s hand. “Let’s go! Let’s go right now!” They have zero idea where they’re going…
“Well that’s hardly fair. Are you trying to tease me? It won’t work.” *pouts* (it’s working) *Walks around MC studying the outfit. “You look delicious as ever, but is this person really deserving of such a feast? Never fear, I have just the thing. We’ll borrow Zahn’s ratty cloaks - trust me on this - you’ll still make a statement.” *If MC allows this to run its course, Duri will deck them out in the most atrocious outfit they can make with the items on hand. MC is probably wearing a basket on their head.
After the reveal:  They go quiet for a long moment. “Well, of course, I knew that. You can’t fool me - ha! …What in the stars are you wearing though?”
Swallowing their feelings. Checks MC out, straightens their collar (it wasn’t crooked), smooths the wrinkles (there weren’t any), and gently fixes their hair (it was fine). “You should already know how fabulous you look as well as I do. You’d be enchanting even if you wore robes of grass and leaves.” They fidget. “If…if you aren’t sure about this person - be careful…and I’d also like to take you out too, if you’ll allow it. I apologize for asking like this.”
After the reveal:  The smile takes over before they can stop it. “Well played, I’ll admit it. I suppose that’s a yes to my request then?” MC gets a nervous laugh out of them. Is that a tinge of red on their cheeks?
“Date!? Well, that isn’t fair, I’ve been flirting with you for ages and we haven’t been on a date yet.” He takes a flower from a vase and slips it into the outfit or tucks it in MC’s hair. “Here’s an idea - I go with you and you can show me how a date works. I’ll make some notes and I promise not to glower menacingly at your date.” *He’s lying* “And…yes, for the record, you are a vision. Always.”
After the reveal:  “No need to change your plans on my account, MC! Go on then, and have your fun - tell me how it went tomorrow.” He pushes MC to the door. “Don’t stay out too late, aim for the throat if they get too fresh with you.” *Door shuts, MC is made to wait a few minutes before ??? comes back out with a big stupid smile.
Thank you for the Ask, Anon! This one was a lot of fun! ^_^
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ariaste · 2 months
Hi! Regarding your recent post about how you taught your writing workshops, I was reading through it and was feeling very inspired (you sound amazing as a teacher), but I also really wish I had a community like that. Since I'm currently focusing on an original work, I was wondering how do you go about finding fellow writers/betas that you can trust with work and form a mutual writing relationship with? I've looked for and joined many communities like Nanowrimo and discord servers over the years, yet nothing seemed to click? So yeah sorry for the bother but I was wondering if you had any advice :D
Re: "you sound amazing as a teacher" -- aw thanks! I was an INCREDIBLE teacher. That might sound kind of vain to say with so much assurance, but it truly was the first time in my life where I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was doing a really, really fucking good job. (And that's WITH my anxiety, so like. Oof.) I just set out on purpose to be the kind of teacher I always longed to have when I was an apprentice writer, and that got me most of the way there. The rest was just spite for all the shitty creative writing classes I'd had before LOL. I'd already seen all the mistakes myself from the other side, so I just came up with better ways of doing things. And then day one of class, I had them all do a self-assessment of what they wanted to learn in the class, what fears they had, etc, and I was really struck by how universal the sense of insecurity and under-confidence was in all their replies. So that just confirmed what I already suspected, to wit: my ONE JOB (and again, this was a "writing and publishing scifi/fantasy" class) was just to hammer in the idea of, "Your ideas ARE cool, the things you think are cool ARE IN FACT COOL, you ARE allowed to write about queer dragons or whatever and that's an awesome thing to be doing and I'm HERE FOR IT." If the one thing a student takes from a creative writing class is more confidence in their writing and more trust in themself, then the goal has been achieved. If a teacher says anything else, we're verging on snobbery (Iowa Writer's Workshop can go get fucked btw)
Finding a beta you click with is a lot like finding a friend or a romantic partner who you click with. That is: there's a lot of fish in the sea, but not all of them are going to be right for you, and sometimes it takes a while to find that special person. It sounds like you're doing all of the right things, though, so just keep at it.
That said, a couple lifehacks: do NOT talk about your work with the vibes of "hey, i'm looking for a beta, does anyone want to beta for me?" because (at least in my experience) those acquaintances often turn out to be sort of transactional and shallow -- think of people who walk into any situation like "hey will you be my girlfriend? i'm looking for a girlfriend. do you want to date me as my girlfriend??? will someone please be my girlfriend?" rather than trying to make genuine connections with people as *people* versus the role that the girlfriend-seeker wants to put them in. (Exception to this: Fandom-specific servers where you are looking for a beta for a fic. Then it's less weird to ask out loud for a beta, because you've already established a mutual shared interest/passion. It's not cold-calling in the same way, you get me??)
Instead, aim to project vibes of "I'm having so much fun playing in my sandbox :) I am having so much fun by myself, maybe too much fun in fact [psychically broadcasting that the fun is in such abundance around here that there would be enough to share if someone happened to wander past...]" Post about your work, talk about it in public, give people little excerpts or tidbits you're proud of. Look for people who express interest in the sort of fun you're having, and then start up conversations about it. Look for people who are having the sort of fun of their own that you're interested in, compliment them on it and ask questions, and build a relationship. (If they're writing the sort of thing you're into, chances are that you're writing the sort of thing they're into. Not always, but frequently!)
Sometimes it is possible to take an existing friend who is interested in your work (or at least supportive of it and loving of you) and kind of train them into being a great beta reader even if they themselves are not really a writer. It takes a lot of self-knowledge of what you're looking for and what you need in terms of feedback, it takes some patience and trust in your relationship with them, it takes the ability to negotiate boundaries and ask really good questions, and it takes a friend who is game to try and who likes the sort of things you like. (Personal recommendation: Don't try to get feedback from someone who isn't even interested in the genre that you're writing. A dedicated literary fiction fan is probably going to have a REAL hard time appreciating your gruesome scifi horror book for what it is, and if they're not familiar with the genre conventions, their suggestions are predisposed to be kind of Weird and Not Right For What You're Writing. Accept their love and support, but also accept that neither of you are going to have a good time if they try to beta for you.)
Trying to build relationships in an open community like a forum or a Discord server is a good way to cast a wide net, but all deep lasting relationships happen on a single line between you and the other person, so look for opportunities to talk to people one-on-one in DMs to build that kind of creative intimacy.
It takes time! But if you're open about the things that are bringing you joy and you're talking about them and setting them out in plain sight, the right people will eventually be drawn to your joy/fun like moths to a flame. Humans cannot resist that shit.
If you've been doing that and it's still not working, check in with yourself -- is your project actually bringing you joy, or are you going through the motions? Readjust, reorient yourself, try again. Lean into it. Go hard or go home. If you're really truly genuinely having fun by yourself, then your eventual readers will too.
If you're doing all THAT and it's STILL not working (that is, if people are expressing initial interest but you can't hold their attention and they wander off once they read your work), then that's a signal that you've got a tension problem.
GOOD LUCK. You will find your people eventually, just keep going! :)
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terror-punk · 2 months
On safety:
I didn't want to go off about this but it keeps happening, so. @ the people in our notes repeatedly asking if we're trying to get people hatecrimed or killed or telling us to shut up because we're talking about people being more open about stigmatised things: No, we absolutely are not trying to get people hurt. That's the literal opposite of what we want.
We're not telling people to put themselves in danger. We're not telling people to walk up to people who hate whatever they are and scream "I'm the very thing you hate, here I am!" or what have you in their faces. We can't control what people do, but... A very important part of the post people keep having issues with has clearly outlined within the body text itself a note about safety.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a tumblr post reading: Don't make yourself small because others can't handle you. Be open where safe. Be you. Be scary. /end ID.]
"Be open where safe". We literally said that on the post. It has no ulterior meaning behind it. I genuinely don't know what other meaning it could have.
We're advocating for people to be open where they're able to. We're advocating for the destigmatisation of things like psychosis or "weird" LGBT identities or things society hates in general, because these things SHOULDN'T result in people getting harmed. We're advocating for people to have their voices heard if they so choose to speak, we're advocating to boost the voices of marginalised communities of all sorts. But we are NOT advocating for people to be forced out of safety and into the spotlight if they don't choose that themselves.
It's a post about positivity surrounding those identities or disorders, about how your voice as someone marginalised DESERVES to be heard, and about how if you have the choice (specifically if you are SAFE TO), being who you are and not masking things you can hardly control is what we're aiming for. People shouldn't have to hide.
Are we, as a heavily stigmatised psychotic, queer and generally disabled system, being a little "too open" to be considered safe sometimes? Sure, but that's our experience and our decision. We can't hide half of what we are anyway--it actively hurts to do that most of the time. And hell, we want to be open because sometimes? People who are hurting and shunned by society end up thanking us or reaching out for making them feel less alone. Something we sorely needed growing up--a way to feel less like the entire world was against us. We're not here to tell you what to do, we're here to tell people they aren't alone, and there are some safe spaces out there, even if few. If other people want to do the same, that's their decision.
We're here for solidarity, NOT harm, and this is OUR choice. The unfortunate reality is that we're unsafe anyway, but we're not going to live our life personally trying to hide things that change the very fundamental reality of what we are. WE get to do what we want. WE get to choose to speak. So does anyone else--and they get to choose to remain quiet, too. We literally never told anyone to put themselves in the line of fire, and we wouldn't expect you to.
If you can't be open, or you're unsafe, you're no lesser and you aren't excluded from the label "terrorpunk", that's for sure. It's not about getting yourself hurt.
Please read what we're saying before hitting us with "as a psychotic person, this is putting us in danger"--we specified "where safe" and we never said people should get hurt. We're also psychotic, and tired of the way the world is, so we're not going to shut up, we're not going to hide anymore, because that's our decision.
I don't know how we got from "be openly you where safe because these things shouldn't be so shunned" to "wow these guys want people hurt", but we're not putting up with words being put in our mouth. Please actually read and digest what we're saying.
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pico-digital-studios · 8 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Prime Encounter
This scene was co-written with @mcgamejolter. The scene is also based on this animation by DedGrafic.
During Cosmic Discoveries, OMT!Tails was thrown into the Prime Sonic universe by Lost Memory Sonic and knocked out from the impact. A few moments later, Sonic Prime/Modern Sonic showed up, seeing the alternate version of his best bud lying on the floor.
Modern Sonic: Huh? What's up with the blue shoes? Yo, Tails!
As he knelt down to have a closer look, another portal opened behind him, prompting him to leap out of the way as LM!Sonic showed up.
LM!Sonic: Urgh... You could've just stayed out of my business, Prower, and you managed to screw up even THAT.
He held OMT!Tails up by his ankle.
LM!Sonic: You should never have become the hero of your world. You're a mistake, child.
OMT!Tails (in a daze): Uh... Mom, I don't wanna go to school today... I've got a headache...
LM!Sonic: You're an abomination, a danger to others AND to yourself.
On cue, Sonic Prime sped right through him, moving OMT!Tails to a safe position before going back to confront his alternate self.
Sonic Prime: Hey, man. If you're part of Eggman's new army of creepy eyes, you'd better hit the hay if you know what's-!
LM!Sonic promptly bashed him out of the way.
Once Sonic Prime impacted with a tree, his hands were quickly restrained via energy spheres.
LM!Sonic: To think you're the "Prime" version of myself. Disgusting... You once fragmented this reality, creating wars between dimensions and threatening thousands of lives. There's not much difference between you and this two-tailed freak; you're both ticking time bombs that could wreak havoc on reality.
Sonic Prime: Oh, brother. I found someone even grumpier than Shadow. Hey, what's up with you beefing about the whole Shatterverse incident that happened a while ago?!
Shadow Prime arrived on the scene.
Shadow Prime: Well, to be fair, he's right.
Sonic Prime: Hey, wow!
Shadow Prime (to LM!Sonic): However, that still doesn't justify why you've come here. So I suggest you leave now!
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LM!Sonic glared at Shadow Prime hatefully, seeing ANY Shadow being his big berserk button.
LM!Sonic: Get out of my way! That sorry excuse of a sidekick is coming with me!
Shadow Prime: So it's the kid you want, huh?
Sonic Prime: Hey, now. I don't want another Nine situation, so I hope you're not thinking about giving Tails to red eyes over there-!
Right then and there, Shadow Prime charged at LM!Sonic as they engaged in combat.
Sonic Prime (genuinely surprised): Huh. I'm... I'm actually surprised.
As the fight went on, OMT!Tails wearily woke up, noticing Sonic Prime restrained.
OMT!Tails: Oh? Hang on! I'll get you down from there.
He disabled the spheres, letting Sonic come back down to terra-firma.
Sonic Prime: Thanks, dude! So... alternate universes... Tell me about it.
OMT!Tails: You know, I remember seeing you a few months back. Weren't you being chased by that robot that wanted the Paradox Prism?
Sonic Prime: Metal X? Yeah, that would be me.
OMT!Tails gasped in awe, his thoughts ultimately confirmed.
OMT!Tails: So you ARE Prime Sonic!
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Sonic Prime: The one and only! Fastest thing alive with no-one to serve except the wind that flows free! What more can I ask for than the freedom to go wherever I want! Well... Except, it's clean-up duty again. Someone's gotta fix the mess Baldy McNosehair did.
OMT!Tails: Heh, figures. So, will Shadow be alright trying to fight off that psychopath on his own?
Sonic Prime: Shadow? Oh, please! He's fought a giant lizard and an alien god trying to destroy humanity. What else could some edgy-looking version of myself possibly do?
OMT!Tails: I mean, there's all sorts of variations of you out there, several of which have got this huge Society aiming to keep the wider multiverse safe!
Sonic Prime: So I've heard. I gotta admit, it's really weird seeing hedgehogs that look like me but with different-coloured fur across those multiversal stretches. Speaking of that... is it me, or was that a version of Nine I saw the other day?
OMT!Tails: It sure was!
Sonic Prime: So, where do you plan to go from here? Besides obviously running from that psycho.
OMT!Tails: Well, I've still got some more work to be doing with my own multiversal team once I get moving again.
On cue, LM!Sonic was kicked close to the two.
LM!Sonic: H-How is he so strong...?! This isn't fair! He should've fallen by now!
And fittingly, Shadow Prime kicked him right in the face.
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Shadow Prime: Leave now, freak, unless you want me to kick your ass a second time.
Sonic Prime: (to Shadow) Nice work, Shadow! (to OMT!Tails) See? Told ya he could beat him no problem!
OMT!Tails: Heh, sweet!
LM!Sonic got up, frustrated.
LM!Sonic: You weren't even giving it your all! Urgh, Maria would be so ashamed of-.
OMT!Tails: Woah woah woah WOAH! Haven't you even researched the golden rule related to Shadows?
LM!Sonic: Enlighten me, "genius".
OMT!Tails: Do. NOT. Mention. Maria. Out loud. When Shadow is in proximity!
Shadow Prime cracked his knuckles, not at all chuffed with this version of Sonic speaking foul of Maria.
Shadow Prime: So unless you're looking for a death wish, leave our world... and never come back!
LM!Sonic: Fine, then! (to OMT!Tails) But this isn't over, fox! I'll get you yet!
LM!Sonic made his retreat through another portal.
Sonic Prime: Aaaand we'll never see him again.
Shadow Prime: You'd better get back to wherever you came from, Tails. We're not looking to get involved in whatever situation this is.
OMT!Tails: Yeah, that's a good call.
OMT!Tails prepared to leave.
OMT!Tails: Oh, yeah. Before I go, if it at least helps you feel a little better, Shadow, there's always at least one universe where she's alright. Well, see you both around!
OMT!Tails left, Shadow Prime being left to process Tails's words.
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Shadow Prime: You know... I prefer him over Nine any day.
Sonic Prime: Oh, come on! Nine wasn't that bad either!
The two began running off.
Shadow Prime: Yeah, but at least this Tails didn't try to kill us.
Sonic Prime: Uuurgh! You're never gonna live that down, are you?
Shadow Prime: Nope.
Sonic Prime: You know what? I shouldn't have asked.
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Is this blog just for SMG4 content?
Yes! This blog is just for SMG4 content! None of my other work will be on this blog, nor will any non SMG4 related reblogs be on here, this is my gay little SMG4 corner of the internet! I may sometimes talk about other things on here, such as other interests and crossovers and stuff like that, but the main focus of this blog is SMG4! I may also sometimes post about Mario in general (as I am just a big fan of Mario) but it’ll always be in an SMG4 context.
Is your blog SFW?
Yes! My blog is SFW! I try to keep my blog as 13+ as possible as I know there’s a lot of teens in this fandom and the last thing I want is for anyone to get uncomfortable with my blog. I may occasionally make jokes or references to more mature content, however I will tag these things as “Suggestive” if needed, please be sure to filter this tag if you’re not comfortable with seeing them. I will never explicitly post anything NSFW on this blog, I am just a 25 year old who still thinks sex jokes are funny.
With that in mind, I do not censor myself, I don't put symbols in words or use words that sound like what I'm saying, you don't need to do that on Tumblr and it can actually be harmful to people who do need those words filtered! I will say cunt, I will say sex, I will say porn, I won't censor myself to try and get around someone's filters at all, so please keep that in mind also.
Why do you take so long to respond to asks/messages/posts?
ADHD. I got no better answer for this, it’s all to do with energy for me and wherever my motivation is! I like to space things out on my blog whenever possible so that can sometimes lead me to have things sit around for a while with no response. I also like to respond with art wherever possible so that also can take a while. I can assure you if I am active and posting, I have seen your ask/message/post, please be patient with me when it comes to responding!
Why have you not responded to my ask/message/post?
Oh this is easy, it’s because of one of 2 things:
ADHD, again. I’m just taking my sweet ass time with responding! As mentioned before I sometimes respond with art (mainly for suggestions) so that can sometimes take me a while to get around to!
I don’t know how to respond, I do try my best but sometimes I have nothing good to respond with, so I just don’t! I’m not a very social person either and I kinda suck at having conversations so there’s that to consider as well.
I do read/see everything that is sent in to me and I do genuinely appreciate people's interest in me and my work, please do not take it personally if I do not respond to you! You are always welcome to send me more asks/messages/posts even if I have not responded to your previous one, there’s no limit on how much can be sent to me and I love seeing recurring profiles pop up with new stuff for me!
Can people tag you in posts?
Yes you can! I cannot guarantee that I'll respond/reblog every post that I'm tagged in but I do not mind being tagged (as long as its not excessive lol). I'm very hesitant to tag people myself unless I have something for them, so much like before, don't take it personally if I don't respond to posts I'm tagged in, I'm just shyyyyy.
Why do you not follow/message people?
I am on a side blog, this is my side blog, I cannot follow or like from a side blog and I don't want to interact from my main as of right now, I don’t care if people stumble upon it I just don’t want to link it to this blog right now. It’s the same reason why I don’t like people's posts either, trust me I wish I could, but I don’t want to make a whole new Tumblr account. I am perfectly happy running things like this, even if it means I can’t interact as much as I'd like to.
How active are you here?
I check this blog every day at least, and I like to reblog/post as much as I can. As stated I have ADHD so my interests can change around and fluctuate whenever, but I do at least aim to be here once a day. If I ever go quiet for any reason, I can still be contacted easily so don’t worry about sending in anything at any point! I’ll usually say if I’m going away at all but again, ADHD, so if I go on an unscheduled hiatus, it’s just me fixating on something else, don’t be afraid to message or interact with this blog if it goes quiet, the notification will probably bring me back anyway lol.
Are you on any other platforms?
I am not on any other platforms except Tumblr and Twitter!
I am on DA under my main account's name where I sometimes upload my SMG4 pieces there but that is it, I have a YouTube which has nothing on it (I’ve made like one comment from it lol). I will announce here if I'm on a different platform, I am not on discord under this username and I do not willingly give it out to people.
You said something that was not so great/problematic!
Please tell me! It is never my intention to offend or upset anyone so anything of that nature is 100% by mistake, you are welcome and encouraged to reach out to me and tell me if I make a mistake like that, I will not be upset or angry! This includes telling me about people I interact with that go against my DNI, I cannot check everyone I interact with so I appreciate any heads up on that too! I’m unlikely to answer or post about it unless it feels necessary to do so, but I will read and act accordingly to any concerns people have!
You do know DNI banners don’t really work right?
I know, I cannot stop TERF’s, Proshippers, Zionists or any other scumbag from looking at my blog, the most I can do is block anyone who sets off any immediate red flags to me and move on. I do not have the time nor patients to crawl through every single follower of mine to see if they fit my DNI criteria, I will usually ignore most people who give me the ick unless they insist on interacting with me. My DNI is mainly just to state where I personally stand and to let others know I don’t associate with those groups of people.
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fayrobertsuk · 3 months
Carpe Caput, not Kaput...
... or something.
The other evening, a new acquaintance was asking advice in a group about how to make a solid go of it in a creative field I'm only just starting to peer into, so I felt I had nothing to offer, but actually, in hindsight? I'm pretty sure a lot of the same advice applies to pretty much most creative fields (and possibly broader), so here goes:
Show up. I'm serious. Practise, try new methods, work hard at your craft. Put in the hours. Turn up to events, reliably. If you're booked for something, turn up on time. Check what the producer/ host means by "on time" - too early can be as stressful for them as too late. If you need to cancel, postpone, or let them know you're running late, do your best to tell them that well in advance of the event starting. They probably won't be able to take messages otherwise. This goes whether you're an open mic attendee or a headliner, and everything else in between. If you do this too much, don't expect people to ignore that, no matter how nice and/ or talented you might be.
Be helpful, polite, and/ or personable. If you struggle with what that looks like, for neurospicy or other social anxiety/ processing reasons, the best, very best thing you can do for a producer is ask what they need and pay attention to what they actually say, especially if you can give a short list of the kind of things you know you're good at doing. Including fetching refreshments for in-venue events. Hell, offering to keep them company while they do a boring-but-fiddly thing it would take too long to explain to other people is great. Do not be offended if they say no at first. They don't know you. You haven't turned up enough for them to form an impression of your utility. The same goes for compliments - work out what actually makes them feel pleased about themselves or their work, which means observing. Fending off meaningless/ unwanted compliments can get really tiring.
Thank people. It's amazing how far properly and sincerely thanking people goes. This applies so far across the board, and not just in the arts. Doesn't have to be elaborate or embarrassingly effusive, but genuine thanks are a wonderful gift.
Take criticism, but don't take shit. I have stolen this phrasing from an excellent producer I know. It's a really succinct way of putting something it took me a long while to learn. Take opportunities to learn from people who know better than you, but don't feel you're supposed to please everyone at every turn, whether they're the producer or you're the producer, especially if it means sacrificing too many bits of your own psyche, let alone any of your own soul. You can leave a situation without sacrificing everything. Which leads us to:
Not everyone is going to like you. They're just not. You're not going to be to everyone's taste. That's fine. I do not mean by this to aim to become some tedious edgelord. There are already far too many of those. I just mean: let go of the grief that comes with incompatibility. Use it to learn how to choose your targets better, but don't let it rule you. RSD is a bastard, but it generally doesn't have all the facts. Be prepared to let go with grace. Talking of which:
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback/ give it if asked. You never know. And see #4.
You are going to fuck up. Own it. Learn from it. Process and communicate the lessons. Don't let it stop you striving (but do let it stop you being a dick about it).
Don't burn your bridges. I can barely believe I'm typing this on the internets in the year 2024, but holy shit - making a life as a creator is hard enough without alienating people. And creators look out for each other so yes: people will talk if you start flinging insults and other harm around when someone doesn't give you what you want. Stop. Think. Outsource your common sense to a proper friend (i.e. one who will tell you that you're overreacting) if necessary. Do not publicly insult other producers and creatives in your field. If someone has done grievous hurt to you, of course talk to other people about it, but please, for the love of all that's holy, if you find all your friends giving up on you, one-by-one or in droves, you need to stop, breathe, find another way, work out how you can (re)construct rather than (self-)destruct in the wake of a disappointment. I do not mean to ignore or play down actual harm done to you. Emphatically not. Just consider whether e.g. not getting an opportunity you really, really wanted is actually a conspiracy, or maybe you didn't learn from some spectacular #7...
Acknowledge your privilege. Probably preaching to choir here on Tumblr, but if you find yourself envying people of less privilege than you, saying "Huh, I don't get booked because I'm not [insert marginalised demographic here]!" you definitely want to stop and consider your motives, and what your brain is actually telling you. Are you missing community? Are you missing cohesion? Are you missing feeling special? You're a fucking artist - you're already special, and there's a great deal of community to be found, even if you think your work/ style/ taste is too niche. Possibly especially if you think your work/ style/ taste is too niche. But if you find yourself putting effort into believing that there's truly a conspiracy to put [insert mainstream demographic(s) here] out of work or out of the limelight, I hate to tell you this, but you're not coming from a place of good faith at all. Work out what the actual problem is, and solve that. But not by joining the fascists. Please. Those people are not your friends.
Don't quit the dayjob. I learned this the hard way. Whatever your Next Great Move is, try it out first in bitesize increments. Unless you're independently wealthy, in which case fucking go for it. And maybe share some of the wealth while you're at it. 😉 Sometimes we don't have much of a choice and we have to make a go of the creative career because of diverse Difficult Times. If that happens, don't be afraid to ask for help. Seriously. Ask for help.
I'm manifestly not the world's most successful poet/ musician/ voice artist/ storyteller/ publisher/ event promoter, and I've definitely screwed up a bunch of times (although I sincerely hope I haven't done an #8 or #9!), but I think these are reasonably sensible things to take into account (and I need to work harder on many of them myself). The thing is: I've seen too many people founder on their own entitlement with too little to back it up. I've witnessed people succumb to the temptation to steal ideas, sometimes word-for-word, because certain measures of success seemed more important than creative integrity and pride in their own work. I've seen people burning their bridges and then complain very loudly about the smoke inhalation. I've seen people surrender to jealousy and untapped depths of bigotry because they felt lonely and out of place. And I've seen people act as though no-one else is real and this means that they can take whatever their ego demands they be fed.
None of these things work for long, and none of them seem to satisfy - there will always be something missing in the attention and stimulation these dark paths cast an artist's way. And I'd feel sorry for all of them, if the more extreme exemplars weren't causing awful damage as they go.
Anyway, if you've more to add, please do so - no matter how slowly, sometimes, I do love to learn!
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aureli-us · 2 years
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having watched punk hazard and just rewatched stampede, we need to talk more abt how much of a literal SASSPOT smoker is. like holy cannoli this guy is just so smug sometimes it's the GREATEST thing known to man
some notable lines:
"i'm listening" (vaguely sultry, while law is explaining a plan, one boot on top of buggy)
"well, you can tell me at least" (still vaguely sultry, law still explaining plan)
"what now, genius?!" (to law while they are in total freefall)
"i can do both" (somewhat sultry? to hina when she asks him to do his job and not his super secret personal agenda)
"doesn't sound like much of a plan but what can i say" (hilarious. talking shit abt law's plan to his face)
"you little-" (to sabo after being called "smokey")
"were you trying to fly into his fist?" (upon luffy getting smacked by douglas bullet)
"can someone stop him? moron, he never learns" (affectionate, but luffy getting smacked again)
"i'm so sick of running from this crap" (on punk hazard running from the poison gas for the 80th time)
"undone by your own powers, huh? that is some record-breaking stupidity" (stuck in the cage in punk hazard w law. this one is GENUINELY MY FAVORITE, ITS SO OUT OF POCKET)
"quiet, dumbass! stupid pirates, don't you realize the gravity of the situation here?" (to luffy. need i say more)
"QUIT YOUR BITCHING! YOU FOOLS COULDN'T STEAL CANDY FROM A BABY! you're not even worth suspecting🙄" (yelling at the G-5, one of my fav lines as well)
"you don't get to lecture me on the law" (i can't remember this one verbatim but towards the start of PH, aimed at the G-5)
- calls pretty much everyone younger than him (aka everyone) a "punk"
- says "crap" a lot bc PG-13 but absolutely means "shit". please let him say shit. just ONCE
- also lots of "well, damn" or "i'll be damned", sometimes in just the most (un)impressed voice and it makes me giggle
he probably has some zingers in loguetown and elsewhere (maybe his brief appearance in marineford) but these are all i can think of for now. anyway please spread smug smoker far and wide and never forget how insanely sassy this 36 year old dilf is
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
I just wanted to say that there's an odd comfort to reading your posts that there are REAL soft doms in this world.
This is kind of embarrassing but what are your thoughts on/advice you may have for older inexperienced gals? I'm a few years shy of 30 and have zero experience (it comes mainly from a boundary issue with family and just a lack of genuine connection with anyone). I kind of have an idea of the type of relationship/partner I want/need in my life and I feel like a trusting soft dom relationship would be great but I get super insecure that most guys wouldn't understand or have the patience for my wanting to build a connection first and then ease into that type of sexual relationship.
I suppose I just wanted to vent a little and hear a guys perspective and thoughts on older inexperienced girls.
Thanks for listening and I wish you the very best in your life! 😊💌
Hello there 🫶🏼
I’m so happy that my blog can bring you any comfort. It really does mean the world to me.
Please don’t be embarrassed to share your thoughts with me. We do not judge here. And honestly, subs in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are still as beautiful and valid as any sub in their 20s. My advice to you is to always be yourself and to always go for what you want in a partner. So if you want to take your time with someone and build a strong loving connection with them even before the sexual stuff, then you do just that, and if they’re trying to force you into something you’re just not ready for, cut them short. In my opinion, the relationship you seek is beautiful, and it’s what I aim for one day as well, so believe me, I totally understand.
I know this is easier said than done, but don’t let your age get in the way. Your partner, if the right partner, will not see your age or your inexperience as an issue and will want to grow and learn with you.
I’ll be rooting for you friend! Please stay safe and may you find the love you deserve 🥰🫶🏼 sending hugs!🫂
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ngt48fanshub · 13 days
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"I want to be someone who fits as a center."
The first interview is with Otsuka Nanami, one of the triple center members.
Ⓠ How did you feel when you were chosen as one of NGT48's first triple centers? Nanami: I was genuinely happy to be selected as one of the senbatsu members and as one of the triple centers; it made me feel that what I have been doing until now wasn't wrong. I'm excited to see what colors the 10th single "Isshun no Hanabi," which is filled with so many firsts, will take on from here. I will do my best so that the position of the center, which I have been given this time, will be recognized by the fans and members as soon as possible.
I have always aimed to be the center, and I have worked hard together with the fans to stand in this place. When I first heard the news, I was very surprised, but I was truly happy to have been chosen. At the same time, it motivated me to become a person who fits the role of the center.
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Ⓠ What was your first impression when you heard the single "Isshun no Hanabi"? Nanami: The beautiful and bright melody that naturally touches the heart, combined with the slightly bittersweet lyrics, is very characteristic of NGT48, and I was deeply moved. Once you hear it, it gets stuck in your head!
Ⓠ How would you describe the outlook of the song? Nanami: This song is like a firework with a sense of speed from the intro to the outro. Just like how the memory of fireworks remains in your heart, I want to deliver a performance that makes the memories and time spent with me unforgettable, even after many years.
Ⓠ What was your impression of the coupling track? Nanami: This time, I will be participating in "Namida ga Kareru Made Soba ni Iru". When you listen to this song, it gives you the feeling that you can overcome anything! It's a song that gives you power.
Ⓠ Could you share any memorable episodes related to the recording or music video (MV) shoot for the 10th single? Nanami: During the MV shoot, the three of us as the triple centers jumped into the pool while still in our school uniforms, and the 11 of us played with handheld fireworks. We really got to experience "youth"! I think the mood and structure of the video are unlike any MV we've had before.
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"I want to work hard to become the face of the group."
Ⓠ Can you tell us about your special skills or something you won't lose to anyone in? Nanami: Right now, I still have a lot to improve, but I want to be able to proudly say that my talking skills are second to none. I enjoy talking to people and conveying things through words, so I want to gain a lot of experience in hosting and reporting work to make people and things shine through my words. Ⓠ What is your charming point? Nanami: It's my performance in theater shows. No matter what position I stand in, I always try to be the protagonist in my mind while on stage. I enjoy reading the lyrics thoroughly and thinking about how I want to present each song. I'll keep working hard to improve my singing and dancing. Ⓠ What are your dreams or goals for your future activities? Nanami: I want to take on more challenges in TV and radio work. Since I like hosting and reporting, my goal is to first become well-known in Niigata and eventually have my own regular show! Right now, I'm fully committed to each job I receive, striving to achieve good results, and working hard to become the face of the group. I also want to become someone who can continuously stand at the center of NGT48.
Currently, I'm performing in our theater show called "Omoide Ippai Kouen," which consists entirely of NGT48's songs. It's full of great songs, and the MC parts are always friendly and fun, making every performance a blast. Please come and enjoy my comments!
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Ⓠ Can you recommend some spots in Niigata? Nanami: This spring, Niigata Station was renovated and now has an even better selection of restaurants and eateries. Among them, as a member of NGT48's Ramen Club, my top recommendation is "Tsubame-Sanjo Shumentei Jun." It's a sublime bowl with rich soup full of back fat and chewy noodles, which really hits the spot after a live performance. I highly recommend you try it!
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Ⓠ Which NGT48 member are you paying attention to? Nanami: 3rd generation member Rua Isobe. Her dance skills are incredibly high, and lately, I've often seen her guiding her juniors during rehearsals. I hope she'll take the lead in driving NGT48's performances from here on! Ⓠ What TV shows and music do you like? What do you like about them? Nanami: I often watch morning news programs. I love how they always introduce new things and make the day ahead feel exciting. As for music, I mostly listen to idol songs! (LOL) I always find myself realizing how much I really love idols. Ⓠ A message to fans and readers? Nanami: Thank you for reading all the way to the end. We're putting our all into making the 10th single "Isshun no Hanabi" (A Momentary Firework) the best it can be! I hope you'll come to love NGT48. Please continue to support us!
(From The Television web, published 2024/08/18)
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mx-werebat · 2 months
Honestly this may be my sleep deprivation talking but I do need to get this out here. This isn't aimed, please don't think it's aimed. Anyone this is potentially "aimed" at has been blocked for a bit. Putting under a cut cause I probably won't be able to see this later.
I don't know, but what the fuck is up with her getting triggered constantly? We have this deep paranoia that it's literally happening on purpose and that others have been literally trying to get a rise out of him. I know this is irrational, but it's so fucking constant, we've constantly had to do fucking damage control because she either fronted or emotionally bled onto me and there was shit that went down due to it.
Like this shit feels genuinely dangerous especially due to her past life and what would happen back then if this shit happened to him. There have been so many times I felt something was going to go SO fucking wrong and at this point we are legitimately scared and all I can do is just fucking pray it doesn't get to the point she suddenly harrasses someone and/or does something completely irredeemable.
She feels like he's some fucking monster for all of this. I keep tryna tell her that that's not the damn case, he was literally formed to do this shit, but my words aren't too helpful. It's all a tangled fucking mess and I just wish I could go. ONE FUCKING WEEK without feeling the need to go on a block spree because I'm afraid Ula is going to absolutely lose his shit and bring us to a dangerous point.
Like for fucks sake we just want. One. One fucking week where something doesn't happen. Honestly Ula being scary ain't the worst part, it's when he starts god damn crying because then, THEN I know shit's down the drain, hit the fan. It absolutely fuckin' terrifies me when Ula cries.
It's just eyeheysydbdhevrgwh fuck. I'm done. Don le with what I dunno. It's about 6am, I am sleep deprived off my ass and my period is wrecking my shit rn
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bikelock28 · 2 years
say something about the process of your writing, please! anything you like
I love all these questions :) This one especially is thought-provoking as I don't really consider my process. So here's a list of random points about it:
I see writing as solving a puzzle. I view it as the "correct" answer is in there somewhere, and I have to use my imagination, and my words and punctuation, to work out what it is. It's trial and error and looking at the words to try to find out how they should go.
Writing on phone, emailing to self, working on it as an email so if I'm writing at work and someone walks quickly by my computer they will (hopefully?) just think I'm writing an email.
Generally, dialogue first. Like many writers, I consider myself better at it than prose and find it more fun to write. Filling in the thoughts and actions and prose is more like homework.
Loads of unnecessary research, much of it unused.
I don't have writing playlists, I'll have whatever music or YouTube clips on in the background.
Daydreaming, daydreaming, daydreaming. Tbh I think I genuinely, subconsciously view my job as just an inconvenience to my busy schedule of daydreaming.
Sometimes I get an absolutely killer opening line in my head. Often I write it down and it looks shit.
Editing is fun! I find it a really fun and interesting thought of writing. You're really get into what you actually want to capture/say, and you have to problem-solve the words to do so.
Procrastination, OF COURSE.
Thesaurus.com is your best friend. #BabyKangarooTribbiani
I generally know with certainty if what I've written is Decent, Good or Excellent. If course one always aims for Excellent, but sometimes the words won't do what you want them to, and then you've fiddled about so much you just think, "Sod it, I'm publishing this". And that's OK- it's only fanfic, and perfection is the enemy of progress.
If there's one part of my process I would advise other writers to copy, it's to finish editing you final version, ready to publish- then sleep on it and come back to it the next day. Sometimes this revisit will make you feel better about a story, sometimes worse. Sometimes you will have to re-edit and the, yes, you still have to come back the next day. Yes, this can extend the process and yes, that does get frustrating and boring. But I think it's absolutely necessary and I never publish anything without doing it.
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
I know you're tags about 'are all these men irreplaceable blobs to you' and that post in general is a little tongue in cheek but I genuinely think that's how far far too many football fans actuality see players. I'll spare the anti-capitalism rant but like basically they're treated as commodities by the clubs and fifa etc. and that translates to the fans (and media) as well. just look at the language we use for transfers, it's incredibly dehumanising. If we all picked a 'flop' to unapologetically root for it probably would make fan culture an awful lot better because at least they'd be far more people seeing players as human beings or even just praising them for the shit they do right
lemme do a read more cause i think I'm just rambling to be cathartic and it's a Friday afternoon and i don't wanna do any damn work.
god, the way that football organisations treat players is insane like i'd like to see anyone making decisions about the football calendar and adding more and more matches into a season try and do that themselves let alone pushing a bunch of athletes to do it year in year out. fuck me the fact we have 2 instances of UEFA going "i know the incident that just happened to you (bus bombing/ teammate resuscitated on the pitch) was traumatic but like could you please just get on with playing the silly little football game now anyway? thanks xx"
i think "treat players as humans" is literally the easiest thing in the world to do and the fact there are many fans that fail to clear that bar is just.... holy shit. idk if it's because of the wealth they earn or because their job is essentially "kick about with my mates every week" that makes people feel as though they can go and abuse them on social media or whatever but it's such an insane mindset to have.
i think because so much comes down to player performance our approach to players obviously enters more nuanced and complex territory than just treat people with respect/don't harrass people to the point they have to limit their insta comments (which is what spurs fans did to royal and i wish those people a very get hit over the head with a brick). this comes into like you said the language used for players where you know... they're there to be bought and sold. and obviously no team can afford to carry players or should keep players that aren't good enough that would be bad. i've said multiple times i'd dropkick players to the antarctic 5th division when the team is playing like crap.
but idk if it's just because i could get emotionally attached to a piece of dust but the way some fans approach players is just so distant to me???? sometimes it feels as though the aim is more to just criticise and nitpick rather than support and cheer on (eg royal or ryan). and it's frustrating as hell to have a player go out there that isn't very good, I'm not saying fans have to be super positive and like every player all the time, I don't myself. but even players like hugo who have genuinely earned a shit ton of good will and love from being here for over a decade are seeing none of it. not that we shouldn't say he's past his prime or should be dropped but fans are rewriting his legacy at the club or just slagging him off in ways that are genuinely so mean you'd think he played for arsenal. like there's just no sadness about him coming to the end.
and especially when your team is shite it's more fun to root for an outside player's success. i get that when your team is bad you feel less connected to the team and its players but i think if you then choose to root for someone, literally anyone, in that squad you're going to have a better time. shit I've been saying ryan redemption season since 2019, i had the Sissoko Goal Campaign, my URL is bloody KWP. like as a fan you don't need to be as clinical and cutthroat as the board of a football club you can actually inject some love and passion and emotional connection into your football watching experience
wait no the better example is tripps having his dogshite season and i was obviously critical of his performances and shit but it was always coming from a place of love and shit and i was so upset when he left you wouldn't believe. like you can literally have the best of both worlds i wish people would embrace that
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aztralsea · 2 years
Things I noticed about the newest One D&D playtest (Cleric and revised species)
Avoiding using the term "Race" and moving to "Species" as far as the statement they put out about this change they seem pretty certain this is the way to go forward (and I agree) and it would take A very large negative reaction to change their mind.
There is a new type of action called the "magic action" this is to help codify and explain what was already in 5e. I think this reflects a larger change we're seeing in One D&D which is that though things are being streamlined, more "crunch" is being added (at least the way I see it) and bringing us to a nice balance between 4e and 5e's approaches, by this I mean, One D&D will likely retain 5e's tone of voice and aim to try and sound like it could be a real tome of ancient lore (like 5e) but also be more open in it's use if keywords to simplify things. Take for example, a magic item that stops other magic. In 5e you might say "any creature that fails the save cannot cast spells or use magical items or abilities" whereas in One D&D it would say "a creature that fails the save cannot take magic actions" this is another good change in my eyes
There's a channel divinity option called divine spark, which seems a little strong for me, it's an ability you can use at a very early level (1st or 2nd I forget to be honest) and it either heals (PB)d8 hp to any target within range OR forces a save (wisdom I believe) against taking that as DAMAGE (and it's half on a failed save as well so it's a pretty reliable combat option if you have the channel divinity to spare). It's very difficult to judge however seeing as we haven't seen the monsters yet (more on that in a sec)
Something that stood out for whatever reason was that they chose to use the word "can" instead of "may" which they had previously used all over the place. This is either an oversight, or One D&D is going to use slightly more natural language which might be both a blessing and a curse.
The Cleric now gets a "Divine Order" that seems reminiscent of the Warlock's pact boon in that it's not the subclass but rather a small little bit of customisation for your character. They get 1 of these at 1st level and another one later.
The choice of Divine Domain has been moved to second level rather than first. I see this as a good thing, for one, new players can now play a cleric faithfully (see what I did there) without worrying about who they worship until later. It just gives them more time to feel it out
Divine intervention is now an 11th level ability rather than 10th, doesn't seem like a big deal to me
The Dragonborn seems to have been given a slight buff, though I haven't had the time to read through it extensively
The Ardling has been given more of it's own identity in comparison to the Aasimar. All looks pretty good to me excuse for a couple of things. For one, I don't want a flying race in the PHB. I'm not gonna ban flying races but being honest, they do kinda make things like pit traps etc. Practically nothing, compared to the deathtrap they can be otherwise. Also I still think they should just put a new version of the Aasimar in the PHB rather than the Ardling. I'd love to see the Ardling in a sourcebook but it just feels unnecessary here.
Last thing is that I noticed when saying "or half damage on a successful save" they added "(round down)" this is odd to me as previously the rule had been to always round down unless stated otherwise, making me wonder if that is no longer the case.
I'm also very happy to have watched the video made in response to the survey feedback that genuinely seems to be addressing problems the fans had (nat 20 always succeeding, that was a big problem) and being a little transparent about the design process.
Overall I'm pretty happy with this UA and can see things going one if two ways
a) they build in more and more keywords and customizability (someone tell me how to spell that word please) but maintain the streamlined-ness to create my dream version of modern D&D
b) they basically just do 5e but with more little rules and natural language making things confusing. Still fine but not as glorious as option a
Though ofc it's likely to be somewhere in between and things will change as we playtest more and more.
I'll add more to this list as I continue to read
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