#'we cant say people should do this without someone saying well what about the people who CANT'
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
The reason I made this post was because after multiple people spoke to you asking you to leave all of us alone, you continued posting about us and crossing our boundaries while expecting us to respect yours. I don't speak for Vera, she isn't even on Tumblr anymore, but the links I included mentioning her or about her also included generalization and vague mentions to the people friends with Vera and surrounding Vera. Many of those posts were made after the inciting event of the controversy of my art. So let me get into it as well:
7. "all ive gotten from this is 1. theyre still talking about it in discord and tumblr while simultaneously saying that u should stop talking about it 2. theyre victim complex is so bad they cant seem to decipher whats real or not 3. theyre still stalking ur blog and talking about 2 anons that r riding u and 2 blogs who keep liking ur posts 4. none of them know how to move on" (anon)
call me the sun the way i’m at the center of everyone’s universe (mar)
Yes, this is a post about Vera, but includes reference to the group of friends talking to Vera. This happened when my art was still up for debate and there were still eyes on my blog and anons in my askbox that I was deleting and trying to avoid.
9. "I’m glad i wasn’t there for them defending drawing the right to draw dream fat or whatever they did" (anon)
‘just wait until mar stalks my posts and posts about how she hates this art!’ so like do you got a rolodex of my opinions on everything because i’m just repeating what i’ve already said about wolfylyn’s art about another artist that’s like giggling at predicting someone saying the sun is bright (mar)
This is a direct response to Vera defending me and, yes, while you are talking about your opinion on Wolflyn's art, you are clearly stating that you are doing this again to a new artist, me. Again, note the date and how even if this was a conversation about Vera, it was in response to the drama following my art.
10. "it is such a big problem all her friends have to join in and start talking about it :( oh but what about the "dogpiling" nen received and how vera hated every ounce of it but its ok once its mar right? mar cant express opinions without getting shit talked in a private discord and theyre the ones who r dragging this out for no reason but mar the bad guy okay" (anon)
mind you this started with me saying we should draw dream how he actually looks on my own blog then the clown brigade had to come in with how they think it’s sooo funny how they predicted me bringing up something i’ve already talked about having an issue with before? i know it’s a foreign concept but the world doesn’t revolve around vera i saw the art on my mainblr account and wanted to talk about it here so like congrats? you dug your own grave? (mar)
Your response to this ask started with a direct response to me and my art. Again, not only about Vera.
11. can’t even comment on art you don’t like without someone turning into a big 3-day ethical dilemma with about ten different side plots. because of woke. (mar)
Reference to me and my art. I know you say this is simply referencing the "catalyst" and "context" of all this, but you yourself admitted that your issues with Vera at the time were separate from the art. If this was truly about Vera, there would've been no reason to mention me. And even then adding that context alludes to me.
12. she’s not other blogs she doesn’t like doing this how admirable what do you want a purple heart or a sticker or something for also engaging in fandom wank but in a more ‘respectable’ way i’m trying to gauge how we should be adequately extolling your virtues here (mar)
The initial reason I thought this was about me was because it was posted immediately after I made a post about how upset I was with the anons I was getting and the unnecessary hate, not critique, hate I was receiving. In my post I mentioned planning on deleting a lot of the anons, especially ones where I tried to use humor to deflect strawman arguments, so when that post was shared with me I assumed it was mocking me as if I were acting from a high horse. I've since deleted that posts and a lot of the asks I received during that time.
This was my mistake in perception.
15. "i brought up a point to her about how she sat and defended nen for having an opinion which was straight up invalidating dreams sexuality but she finds a problem with u expressing ur opinion on artwork that is genuinely weird and now she wants to say "im not responding to u" like ok! i see where ur head is at now 😅 it was never about real problems and finding issues with stuff its plain old favoritism" (anon)
guys remember opinions are opinions and valid unless i’m the one expressing them it gives me +1 fandom oppression points i also get one for being the only drolo here do you feel bad for me please do (mar)
About Vera, references my art.
16. "I feel insane because Dream is skinny he's just broad but he's skinny like being broad doesn't cancel out skinny" (anon)
every other week someone sees a new picture of him and is literally terrified that he’s wasting away like that’s how skinny he looks sometimes broad is big but not big the way you’re drawing him (mar)
Universal "you" or not, this was still posted on the same day the drama took place and my ask box was flooded for nearly 10 hours straight. I still think this point stands as a reference to me because it is not removed from the context of the drama because the context is me and my art.
17. post
I reacted negatively to this one because of the situation and the context, but I agree that it shouldn't be included now.
18. can i cry bullying because it’s them and their entire friend group ‘harassing’ little old me (mar)
Once again, about Vera but a reference to the group surrounding her, including me and the inciting drama at this time. You were still actively checking my blog and my activity at that time, as well as the other people surrounding Vera.
19. and 23.
You deleted these after I made my post. They were still up for four months. I did not get screenshots to display the content of the posts and with how much I had to search through, I cannot remember them off the top of my head, but they were included for a reason and clearly deleted before your response.
33. reading people now having to reluctantly concede dream some grace because of that reddit post because they couldn’t figure out on their own or remember all the harassment that preceded this and put it into context themselves to understand that literally the entire point is there are a certain set of rules about everything and they always get rewritten so that they don’t apply to him and he can get attacked (mar)
#but even with that there’s the bizarre stipulations that he should’ve talked to someone before he posted that <3 like he’s some kind of#fucking child who shouldn’t be allowed to do anything himself gtfo#fandom wank (tags)
I included this because it was posted after a post I made gained traction and in my tags I mentioned how I think he should've spoken to somebody before posting any of this happened and I was the only one at the time having specifically said that publically.
35. post
I included this as it was a continued post about me, PT, and those surrounding us that have all asked you to stop posting and leave us out of it where you continued to post about this "super secret private situation that you couldn't talk about."
36. post
Same as previous.
37. post
I included this because "critique" has most commonly been used by you and other blogs in reference to my art, and the general mocking of people within this group. Prev applies.
38. post
I don't know what exactly you and PT talked about and I do not speak for PT, but in our own group there was a lot of discussion about the discomfort and grief caused by behavior and posts that seemed to target all of PT's close friends. This wasn't a case of us rallying PT to stand up to you and break ties, but PT expressing their own discomfort and unsure how to go about it. Even after they expressed their discomfort, you continued the very same behavior that upset them, disrespecting that conversation while expecting them to uphold that respect/boundary for you.
You do not know the full scope of my engagement in this fandom or any of that matter. I don't know what makes you think that I would otherwise condemn the behavior of my friends if we had dissenting opinions. I share many dissenting opinions with my friends and there is content that I don't personally engage with from them. On top of that, most of the content I do engage with is headcanon related to rpf, fics, art, or screencaps. As far as engaging in certain spaces I "don't have the mindset for," I don't think this is a fair point because all of this started with crit blogs and anons coming into MY space, knowing MY content, and being aware of MY posts and discussions. I am always very open to discussion and new information or ideals, even if I don't fully agree with certain perspectives or issues. I don't think I have to be everyone's friend, and I don't think everyone has to be friends with me, but I try to treat people with respect and fairness until it becomes clear that there was no respect to be given to me. Why would I respect somebody that doesn't want to engage in good faith conversation and would rather insult me, even if we disagree?
The only issue I have had in this fandom has been with you and the way your blog has stoked flames against me and my friends. The very first ask I got about the drama with my art was "Now why is Dreamie fat," which is not a conversation starter that seems open to discussion, so it immediately raised red flags as veering into a bad faith discussion, so I responded very tongue and cheek both in post and tags. Immediately, I followed this up with a sincere and neutral explanation of the au and my intentions with this art. I also received this ask that opened with "The fact that one embraces being overweight is amazing..." which comes off backhanded with the use of a medical term in a conversation about body neutrality/positivity. I explain this in the post while also giving benefit of the doubt, recognizing and validating the concern, but standing by the art and beliefs I believe to be true. There are several other posts I kept up from that time that, once again, show how I validate, understand, and agree with some of the opposing opinions and critiques.
I don't know how you want me to personally respond about whatever happened on critblr. I didn't see it. I wasn't a part of it. But you've lumped me in with a group you have issue with and you've made that very clear. When I was dragged into this, not knowing who you were, I didn't feel like I was spared any offense and I can only speak to how my name has been dragged through all of this.
39. post
I included this post because historically you've lumped me in with this group despite me not being crit, and you've tracked my activity with and around blogs that are crit or crit-adjacent, PT's blog being one of them. Also I have been the only blog using "gautism" as a tag and actively discussing speculation around George and neurodivergency, so that's not so out of reach to believe it's related to me. You can look up the tag, or search any posts connecting George and autism, and you'll see it is almost completely me, with most posts that aren't mine being years old.
43. 44. 45. 46.
I included these for the same reasons I mentioned previously. I understand they aren't directly about/referencing me, yet all of these posts came right after my own direct discussions about George's possible neurodivergency. Once again, I am the leading blog talking about this topic and haven't seen others publicly commenting on this. My posts were directly referenced/quoted in 40 and 41, proving that you and your anons had to be actively surveying my blog, also the direct link to my blog. My blog was the diving point for this conversation and the points referenced in it.
So even going off of what you have presented, these posts, except the ones I have admitted to wrongly including upon retrospect, prove a pattern of actively tracking my blog and my activity, inciting and/or entertaining inflammatory conversation about me and my art, or discuss a situation/group that involves me and my connection to Vera. Even with what you've disproved and whatever percentages that relates to the rest of your blog, you've still made me a point of conversation and mockery, with little valid or fair criticism, in the last four months of me not interacting or engaging with you.
I blocked the two blogs of yours I knew existed and you still went through the time and effort to bypass my blocks to read through my blogs, including reading non-fandom related posts for one indirect mention of you being that I've only blocked one person. A post you had to scroll through 10-15 other posts to even find to then read through the tags. Even within the friend group, there were many instances where someone would post something and it would be posted onto you blog within the hour. Whether it's me, or someone adjacent to me, we've been a constant target of mockery on your blog, not criticism. You claim that the majority of this is about Vera and not me or anyone else in my group, but the fact is that you have posted about me continuously even without Vera even being on Tumblr anymore.
I have received criticism in the past that was fair. I received criticism for my spreadsheet on content statistics when I unintentionally left out Dream's Twitter Spaces and appearances. When I received backlash for that, I admitted my mistake, amended the spreadsheet, and allowed anons to help me fill in content I missed. I directly messaged with Hata about this and had a very respectful and fun conversation about the spreadsheet and fandoms. I love critique and criticism that promotes constructive and thoughtful discussion surrounding discourse. I make the effort to engage in discourse in genuine and meaningful ways. I've made mistakes and I've been sarcastic and joking in my responses, but I've corrected past mistakes and still done what I could to provide relevant and fair responses.
What I don't appreciate is needless assumption and blame surrounding my personhood, and more often than not, that's what this has been and this all upholds it.
All of this started because of one drawing of a fictional au based on Dream Team that was meant to be a silly, lighthearted "for the girls" kinda thing. It isn't my true representation of the Dream Team, and it's not the main focus of my blog, and never has been. I've only drawn Claire four times. Majority of the discussion has been about the two pieces I drew of her way back in November. The way I draw Claire is not the way I draw cc!Dream, and that's evident from the simplest scroll through my art tag. You've labeled me the "Dream Fat Artist" all because of one au with only four drawings of Claire, compared to the roughly 30+ times I have drawn Dream as a cartoon version of what he actually looks like (with the exception of one of those being him as a popsicle and another being him as a cat beanie).
If any of this were truly about Vera, you wouldn't feel the need to continue reading my blog, continue referencing my content, and continue posting about my blog long after the inciting issue. If any of this were still about Vera, you wouldn't need to bring up Surecop (Dot), Dizzy, Catnon, or PT. You wouldn't need to speculate on the identities of Golo blogs and keep track of who owned what URLs. You wouldn't feel the need to directly quote or respond to tags in posts about topics you would never have brought up without having read through mine or others' content.
(If we really want to bring Vera into any of this, you can find reposts of her original arguments here.)
I never claimed you were trying to "run me off" either. I've had this blog for years and cycled through dozens of fandoms and fandom drama and controversy. I've never faced someone who has behaved the way you have toward me and the people surrounding me. I've never posted on this blog with the fear that someone was watching me and reporting my activity the way I've felt that anxiety with you and your anons. I posted my message to you because I was fed up, overwhelmed, and truly at a breaking point knowing that you would be on my blog no matter what, and I didn't want to feel isolated and helpless over it anymore.
I've talked to so many people outside of the fandom about this and how much it has affected me and how to cope with the distress, which is why I took every step I could to avoid and ignore you. But none of that worked and you were still posting about me and anons were still in my inbox every week. I just want it to stop. Genuine full stop.
I won't be responding to this any further. I hope you have a good day following this and that you find joy in this fandom and Dream Team content again soon. I wouldn't want anyone to feel like they need to leave or deactivate for any reason.
I just want to be left alone by you.
I've been pushed to an extreme recently and I need to get this off my chest for my own sanity. I've been ignoring this for months and doing what I can to avoid it, but things have increasingly gotten worse and I'm at a breaking point.
I know there are a lot of people keeping tabs on my blog for all the wrong reasons. This has led to a lot of my posts, fandom related and not, being taken and manipulated in ways to frame me negatively and warp any and all of my genuine intentions. I've done my best to address situations brought directly to me in good faith and with sensitive context, but everything has gotten out of hand and turned into a situation that has left me paranoid, anxious, and distraught. I need it to stop, even though I know it most likely won't.
This all started with my first drawing of the Dream Team girlfailures au in November and how I drew Claire. I understand the issue people had with it and I recognize some of the counter arguments and their valid points, but I think I explained my points well and they are equally valid. I stand by my explanation and I won't be rehashing all of it. The most I'll say is that my representations of cc!Dream in fandom context and of Girlfailures!Dream/Claire as an AU character are derived of a similar foundation but the latter is a fictional entity and not the real man.
I am always open to critique and discussion, but the feedback I've received and the long standing fixation on that art piece hasn't always been good faith critique, and has much more often been harassment and degradation of me as a person. That one drawing has led to an ongoing issue with what I would consider to be stalking and harassment.
Mar, @/cuntdrolo, has made at least 50 posts about and/or involving me, in those either directly linking my blog, indirectly mocking me and my posts, and harping on topics and discussions I was an active participant in. She claims none of this is harassment and stalking, that all of it is derived from me being a "sensitive golo" and normal fandom drama, when it's not. This hasn't been about fandom drama for a long time.
The only time I've directly interacted with her was to send her this message today:


She responded and blocked me, which is what I wanted, but has continued to post about me and this entire situation (which involves other people but I won't be dragging them into my part of this).
Here is a list of every post about me since mid-November. A few links I know for certain are missing, but I was unable to find the posts and two screenshots I had from that time saying I deserved to be killed for my art were deleted long ago. You will have to take my word for that unless I find them, but I understand and respect it if you don't.



I know she won't stop. I know there are people who will agree with her and support her, seeing only one side of this all. I don't care if people like my art. I don't care if people like me. I just want to be left alone and enjoy this fandom space without feeling like every action of mine is being watched and picked apart to an audience that don't know me and don't care to know me.
I've been in fandoms my whole life. I've dealt with plenty of fandom and personal drama. I've never experienced something to this degree of obsession, stalking, and harassment. I know a lot of this may get twisted back on me, but know I've done so much to ignore this and move on, but after this week with so much more being brought to my attention. I cracked.
Do not go to her blog. Do not interact with her posts. Do not send her anons. Do not involve yourself in this beyond reading this post and understanding my current mindset.
I don't want to be involved in this anymore. Stop making posts about me and leave me alone.
Thank you.
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sometimes people who struggle like to make jokes or find positives about their condition that causes them to struggle so they can escape the constant negative and struggle. sometimes autistic people will say things like "the 'tism" or use the "autism creature" or say their autism helped them have a *positive trait* to feel better about their struggles. because living your life only focusing on the struggles and negatives is depressing and makes it hard to want to live, even if those struggle take up 100% of your life and you can't actually escape them. sometimes any little seemingly positive thing can help a lot.
but there's so many other autistic people that hate when we do that and call it "reducing autism to a cute trendy thing" and say it takes away from *their* struggles and is bad and shouldn't be used. maybe *you* want to only focus on your struggles, but some people can't live in constant negative and need some positive or to find ways to make their condition more positive so they can feel better about living with their struggles. life is hard. I take anything I can get.
I cant get jobs. I can't make and keep friends. I can't get help and support for doing "normal" things so sometimes I go weeks without being able to shower and without eating more than a bowl of cereal a day. most times can't even do things I like. struggle to communicate. have meltdowns. i'll never be able to live independently. I struggle a lot. but instead of sitting here always depressed and having no motivation to live, i'd rather try to joke about "my 'tism is acting up again" when i'm struggling (just an example. don't think I ever actually used the 'tism thing but i saw others use it) or say "i'm just being a creature" when I need to stay in my dark room because everything is too much and I personally find it cute to be a little creature meant in a positive way. i'm not actually downplaying mine or anyone else's struggles. I still acknowledge them and that silly jokes dont make them go away. i'm not trying to be trendy. i'm not doing any of the things people say we do by making silly little jokes. i'm using the silly little jokes to convince myself life can be a little more than pointless, painful garbage all the time.
(continue in tags)
#dont know why continuing in tags but here is more#sometimes we need to ask “why” and not just get mad about how we feel personally. because other people feel differently#yes im guilty of only thinking my feelings and situation and how it relates too and forgetting other peoples. i also need to learn#and everyone's feelings should be valid. just because something might “hurt” you it might be important for someone else#everyones feelings are valid. but we cant protect everyones feeling. so idk the solution#but stopping someone from having a small positive among a sea of nevgative seems a little mean to me#youre not being empathetic to their side. and i can turn it around and be not empathetic to your side and say stop being upset#and get over it and let people have fun. but i wont. i hear you. but at the same time maybe hear us too.#not everyone wants to live only negatively. youre allowed to but dont expect others to.#and yes i GET IT these things can make the allistics and neurotypicals be even worse towards us. but what do we do?#throw out any positivity we can find and grovel in our struggles because the allistics wont take us seriously?#DO THEY TAKE US SERIOUSLY WITHOUT THOSE SILLY TRENDY THINGS? NO! THEY NEVER HAVE#like i said i dont know the solution and everything still be used against us by those people anyway so might as well have fun?#if we focus on struggles they baby us and dont let us do things and block us from living life#if we focus on positive they dismiss our struggles and try to make us do what we cant and dont help us#we cant win! so its not “the 'tism” or whatever other things people made up that cause them to act this way#they already act that way and wont stop unless we figure out how to teach them! but i dont know how! im just a useless little creature#this is probably controversial and someone will get because i dont agree with their perspective despite respecting it#someome will comment to lecture me even though i get it. i do. but two things can exist at the same time!! idk what to tell you!#autistic#autism#actually autistic#lee rambles#words are hard so dont know if i worded it well or not. probably not#also why take away fun things because another group used it for bad? make them stop the bad not stop the good!#i also might be missing more context. i think is about tiktok using these for bad. tiktok is just bad in general and i refuse to use it#why tiktok dictate and ruin our lives now in general? tiktok is really bad 😂 but that another conversation#no one yell at me and say i dismiss struggles of struggling autistics. maybe you dismiss me needing negative thing to have positive?#not in mood for negative response. will probably cry fhhddhsjdjdjkd#today is real struggle day but if i be little creature i feel better
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how are you human?
so many interesting comments and thoughts on my post saying buds should consider not coming up to strangers in marginalized groups and saying 'how are you a real person that actually exists?'. i will point out this: despite my VERY gentle tone a few buds said i was having a 'meltdown' for even mentioning it
others said i was being too serious for someone who is ‘not a real person’. so if you would any more evidence of what it is like to be a buckaroo like myself there it is. every day, autistic folks who may seem ‘weird’ are bombarded with messages and comments and implications that they are fundamentally not human beings
sometimes it is outright and blatant like the comments on last post saying ‘well why are you getting mad? you are not even real’ and sometimes it is in the very subtle ways that folks use language when they talk to us. there is huge difference between ‘how do you exist?’ and ‘i am glad you exist.’
anyway, something that i think many people who have not lived this experience dont seem to understand is i KNOW the poster who said ‘how are you a real person that actually exists’ probably meant it as a compliment. that is THE POINT of why i am taking a moment out of my trot to gently and anonymously let them know how it might feel to be on other end of something like this as a queer or autistic or otherwise marginalized buckaroo. it is obviously not their intent to actually hurt someone, so i am letting them know
maybe because queerness and autism are not physically apparent it is hard to explain, but imagine going up to very tall or very short person and saying ‘cant BELIEVE you are real’ as a compliment. not a great way to treat others. on my original post, an indigenous author chimed in with their own experience and feelings similar to my own. a woman who said she was very tall told her story. point is, while i do not have their experience, what i am saying has a universal thread for 'othered' folks
point is: i UNDERSTAND there is this sort of exaggerated or ironic (or maybe even sometimes very literal) language around fandom to say things like ‘how are you a human?’ to creators, but since it is not your intent to hurt, i think you might want to know how that feels to marginalized buckaroos sometimes.
obviously you can say anything you want. i do not hold it against you. also, if you think ‘oh no, did i say something like this to chuck at a convention? i am so embarrassed' then DO NOT WORRY i promise you buckaroo you are just fine. i present myself in a way that is unusual by definition, so i have pretty thick skin about this type of thing and a lot of patience. MANY buds start off thinking i am ‘a joke’ and then become fans over time and i am glad to trot beside them and prove love is real.
however there are other autistic or queer or marginalized buckaroos with smaller platforms who hear this just as much as me, so i think it is important to say it loudly and maybe together we can work on making a very slight shift in the way we speak to the ‘others’ in our lives
we do not NEED to let subtle dehumanization slip into our language. in some cases it has been called ‘micro aggressions’ but i think buds dont often consider what that means for COMPLIMENTS. ultimately, telling marginalized people YOU ARE SO AMAZING YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY EXIST may seem very fun and silly on the surface and for some folks it probably feels that way, but for others it can feel like a reminder of the broader doubt about their humanity. you can just say ‘YOU ARE AMAZING’ without the reminder of the many times autistic or queer or marginalized folks are told in a very serious and pointed way (like comments on the last post) ‘YOU ARE SO WEIRD THAT I HAVE DECIDED YOU ARE NOT REAL’
buckaroos can take this information and apply it to their interactions, or they can ignore it, that is totally fine. we are all trotting our own trots and proving love in our own way and thats okay bud, HOWEVER i feel like it is important to at least let folks know, even if that means getting told i am having a ‘meltdown’. i think it is important to have complex or difficult conversations if it will prove a little more love in the long run. THANK YOU FOR READING BUCKAROOS. i am honored to trot forward with you can tackle this kind of thing with you, and honored you buckaroos have created such an amazing space with me to pull apart these kind of feelings. THIS IS PROOF THAT LOVE IS REAL LETS TROT
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This isn't blocking the subway. This is literally existing on the subway. They're not preventing anyone else from getting on, they aren't setting up baricades. Just existing is enough to derail the current system. And that's a very important point they are making by doing this.




This kicks ass. Disabled activists are protesting for their rights in South Korea by literally just riding the train during rush hour.
#the language used here is a little agressive for just using the train at certain times to prove a point#i remember one tweet i saw that was like#'we cant say people should do this without someone saying well what about the people who CANT'#and yes??? disabled people are sidelined and pushed out of mind more than included#yes where in your plan do you consider us?
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Can you please, pretty pretty please do another Zendaya one??
fake social media
okay i’m kinda nervous bc this is the first time i post for someone who’s not harry so HI i do social media au blurbs and i hope you like this one i did for tom 🥲 let me know your thoughts and send in requests if you have any !

liked by hunterschafer, tomblyth and 5,119,083 others
yourinstagram Thank you so much @vogueitalia for having me 🤍 Interview out tomorrow
view all 36,196 comments
alexademie ❤️⭐️!!!
ynfan2 models should be glad she chose acting as a career
dualipa MOTHER 🤍
ynfan3 i wonder what kind of tea she spilled on the interview
tomblyth ❤️
↳ tomfan1 HELLO?
↳ tomfan2 ariana what are you doing here

liked by ynfan1, tomfan1 and 302,922 others
enews We’re losing our minds over this new Hollywood romance. 🥹 Link in bio to see how YN hard launched their relationship (📸: Getty)
view all 5,027 comments
tomfan1 OMFGGGG
tomfan2 NOOOO 💔
ynfan2 “my love life has always been private but this time just feels right to let the world know” NO I CANT MY HEART
↳ tomfan3 DYING

liked by rachelzegler, yourinstagram and 502,826 others
tomblyth Sneak peak at our inconspicuous movie about 2 totally chill birdwatchers with no emotional damage whatsoever… 😏
view all 6,065 comments
ynfan1 this movie is going to be so good
hunterschafer ❤️
ynfan2 okay now i get yn
yourinstagram Those are my babies 🤍
↳ ynfan3 we love a supportive girlfriend
↳ tomfan3 i’m definitely not jealous

liked by ynfan1, tomfan1 and 6,927 others
tomupdates Tom and YN in Los Angeles today !
view all 509 comments
tomfan1 STOP THIS
ynfan1 WELL
tomfan2 AHHHHHH
ynfan2 people who don’t support this relationship are so lame bc look at them
tomfan3 she visited him on set 👀

liked by hunterschafer, yourinstagram and 511,028 others
tomblyth Come back to the beginning of the games with us @songbirdsandsnakes
view all 6,919 comments
tomfan1 AHHH OMG
ynfan1 what a time to be alive
rachelzegler YES !!!
songbirdsandsnakes We are SO there! ❤️
yourinstagram SUPER PROUD MY LOVE 🤍🤍
↳ ynfan2 AHHHHHH
↳ tomblyth I love you ❤️
↳ tomfan2 I JUST DIED DEAD

liked by tomblyth, sza and 5,287,209 others
yourinstagram Exciting things coming
view all 37,028 comments
ynfan1 SAY SIKE
tomfan1 she’s dating my man i can’t
hunterschafer they’re not ready
ynfan3 the way this could literally be anything
tomblyth Gorgeous ❤️
↳ tomfan2 im still in the denial phase btw



liked by tomblyth, oliviarodrigo and 6,927,019 others
yourinstagram CAN’T CATCH ME NOW from @songbirdsandsnakes will be out today. The film and the rest of the soundtrack are out November 17th. Thank you to sweet angel @oliviarodrigo for writing this song and letting me sing it, this is so special to me 🤍
view all 76,207 comments
mtv Our skin is clear. Our grades are all A’s. This is exactly what we needed
hunterschafer ❤️❤️❤️😭
tomfan2 she 🥹 did this 🥹 for tom 🥹
ynfan3 the things she does for love i guess bc i thought she was allergic to studios
tomblyth So proud of you 🤍
↳ tomfan3 WHAT IF CRY
↳ yourinstagram Wouldn’t have done with without your encouragement 🥺
↳ ynfan4 IM MELTING

liked by hunterschafer, yourinstagram and 639,573 others
tomblyth HG film dump. Just some of the many people I love who breathed life into this movie. @songbirdsandsnakes opens tomorrow 🤍
view all 7,022 comments
tomfan1 CRYING
rachelzegler See you on the big screen 🙌🏻
ynfan1 i can’t wait to see it omg
yourinstagram SUPER PROUD ❤️ I love you !
↳ ynfan2 AHHH SO CUTE
↳ tomfan2 that should be me
tomfan3 i was here before hunger games

liked by tomblyth, alexademie and 6,926,209 others
yourinstagram TBOSBAS is on theaters now and all I can say is that I love every single human being involved in it and I’m so proud of them 🤍 Oh and thank you for all the support for Can’t Catch Me Now, you make me all mushy 🥲
view all 39,026 comments
rachelzegler We love you sweet angel ! Having you on set was a blast❤
ynfan3 okay can we get a full album now
↳ yourinstagram I only release music for special occasions 🤍
tomblyth Thank you for being my rock and bringing me bagels, I love you honey ❤
↳ ynfan1 i'm melting

liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 409,299 others
people Our favorite off-screen couple has arrived to the #BalladOfSongbirdsAndSnakes premiere ! Link in our bio for more pictures.
view all 21,065 comments
ynfan1 they're matching my heart
ynfan2 yn is such a supportive girlfriend tom is so lucky
↳ tomfan3 they're so lucky to have each other 🥺

liked by tomfan1, ynfan2 and 13,038 others
tomupdates Tom and YN at the TBOSAS premiere ! 🥺
view all 822 comments
tomfan1 AHHHH
ynfan1 i can’t take their cuteness anymore
tomfan2 i’m so damn jealous ngl
ynfan2 WHIPPED
tomfan3 i’m bisexual bc of them

liked by tomblyth, dualipa and 6,028,984 others
yourinstagram Snow lands on top. The man of the hour
view all 78,019 comments
ynfan1 AHHHHH
tomfan1 SO TRUE IT BOY
hunterschafer Love you both 🤍
ynfan2 she’s down horrendousss omg
tomfan2 i get her if tom was my boyfriend i would post pics of him all the time
tomblyth I love you so much ❤️
↳ tomfan3 WHAT IF I CRY
↳ ynfan3 they’re equally down bad

liked by yourinstagram, rachelzegler and 1,002,109 others
tomblyth Dream girl ❤️
view all 21,299 comments
tomfan1 NO WAY
ynfan1 IM CRYING
alexiademie 💘⭐️
ynfan2 ahhh this is what she deserves
tomfan2 tom is such a soft boyfriend i could cry
yourinstagram 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️
↳ ynfan3 they’re endgame i swear
#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth fanfiction#tom blyth imagine#tom blyth blurb#tom blyth x you#tom blyth fake instagram#tom blyth social media au#coriolanus snow#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus snow fanfiction#tom blyth fic#harrysfolklore#tom blyth fluff#tom blyth smut#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#coriolanus snow smut#social media au#tom blyth au#tom blyth story#tom blyth masterlist
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nouvelle vague
↳ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴏʀᴇᴅ? [12]
masterlist || prev chap || next chap
pairing: korea local!yunho x new to city!reader [smau]



third person pov
y/n was working at their desk when they were called into their bosses office. “you asked for me?” when say walking into the office and sitting down. “yes i did” the boss hums typing on her computer. she gestures for them to have a seat though they were already seated.
"you've been here a few months now, yes?" she asks. "yes I have" y/n replies. "im sorry.. did I do something wrong? I thought I reported everything in a timely mann-" y/n starts. "nothing like that" their boss assures them.
"you've been doing great. really incredibly" their boss continues. "its not confirmed but we may move you back to the Australia branch" she drops finally to which y/n freezes on the spot. "i.. im sorry what?" y/n makes sure they heard her correctly. "the employment isn't going as well there since to be honest we moved a lot of people abroad this quarter" their boss continues.
"I was told i'd be here for minimum a year its barely been 8 months" y/n says in disbelief. "I know.. im sorry" the boss replies though it honestly didn't seem that convincing. y/n leaves the office in defeat. it of course wasn't confirmed but the fact that it could happen made them freak out.
they tried texting yunho who wasn't responding again but he's busy they shouldn't bother him its fine. they texted chris for a bit, texted san as well. started getting worried about yunho since he wasn't responding and started freaking out about their job again. they panic FaceTimed chris who picked up immediately.
"everything ok?" chris asked through the phone to which he got a quick "no" from y/n. they re-explain everything their boss had told them "I miss you so much but I also love Korea so much now and I know nothings confirmed but im still scared" y/n rambles. "everythings going to all work out y/n don't worry" chris reassures them.
"I know.. im sorry I shouldn't be freaking out right now" y/n sighs. "don't apologize" chris hums. "I cant confirm what will happen of course but youre strong y/n it'll all work out and be okay" chris finishes. "thanks chris" y/n says.
the two hang up the call and y/n goes back to trying to test yunho with no success. he was at work for another couple hours but they thought he'd at least be able to look at his texts. maybe he was sick of them already.
they tried not to think that way but it only made the thoughts they had in the back of their head stronger. he didn't really like them did he? who were they kidding.. he was too busy for someone as high maintenance as they were. they should have known he'd get tired of them.
maybe he was ignoring them to send them a message without actually telling them. that had to be it? did they do something wrong? did they screw up that bad that he didn't even want to talk to them. all these thoughts rushed into their head till they got an abrupt phone call from mingi that broke them from their thoughts.
"hi mingi" they say picking up the call. "y/nnnnn" mingi says excitedly. "what's up? hope im not bothering you I know you have work right now" he giggles over the phone. to not let him know the anguish they were going through they pretended everything was completely fine. "hi mingi" they chuckle. "yeah im good what's up?"
"just wanted to call you its been a hot minute want to hang out later?" he asks, y/n hears yeosang's distant voice telling him not to bother them at work. "tell yeosang I say hello" y/n hums. "sang y/n says heyy" mingi practically yells. "hi y/n" yeosang chimes in.
y/n got off the phone in a bit of a better mood. mingi always had that charm of helping them feel better. they decide not to think about the potential doom of leaving Korea and head home for the night. they send one last text to yunho wishing him goodnight before crashing and falling asleep.
a notification chimes just as they're falling asleep, from yunho..
y/n overthinks a lot
mingi #1 y/n cheer upper!
ty for reading!
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how to lose a guy in 10 days- t. oikawa

day zero
you sit in the paper room, editing every last one of your pages for this weeks paper. your pages are filled with advice. “what to do if i caught my boyfriend cheating on me, and he doesn’t know i know?”, “how to make new friends in college?”, “what can i do if my best friend from back home is ghosting me?”. as you read over them, you feel a slight sense of pride about how many people you’ve helped with your advice. i mean, the reviews are glowing. you cant walk on campus without someone coming up to you and commending you on your column, but you also feel a slight sense of embarrassment.
you wish you were out like your roommate, koushi, writing about the actual news around the school, or your other roommate, tetsuro, covering sports events.
your thoughts are interrupted when your fourth and final roommate, yui michimiya, slams open the door to the room. she's crying, you notice quickly, due to her loud sobs. she quickly crosses the room to her designated seat next to you and throws herself into it as the other club members rush around her.
“whats wrong yui?” you ask, helping her unpack her computer from her bag.
“he dumped me!” she exclaims before her sobs grow louder. you shoot a look to hitoka as yui buries her head in your shoulder.
“what’d he say?” tetsuro asks, making himself comfortable in the seat next to her. that guy loves gossip so it’s no surprise he’s there as soon as he hears a snippet of it.
“he said it wasn’t working!” she burrows deeper into your shirt, you can feel her damp tears, and hopefully not snot, hit your shoulder.
“and what did you say?” keiji asks, not even looking up from his computer. you’ve all heard this story from yui plenty of times before.
“w-well, i dropped to my knees and begged him to stay! i said, honey-muffin, please you cant do this to me! please please please-”
you cut her off, as the other present club members sigh, most of them returning to their work, except for tetsuro.
“and you were dating for how long?” you ask.
“um…. about 2 and a half weeks.”
you stare at her, with a disappointed look.
“oh y/n i didn't even think i was ugly until i got to college and now i just keep getting back to back dumped because of it!”
“i don’t think its cause of your looks yui.” tetsuro answers, before turning back to his work.
“hes right, its defientely not because of your looks. and i mean this in the sweetest way, but i think it may be the way you act.” you look at her with a nervous grin.
she cocks her head at you, “what?”
“i mean, don’t you think maybe… just maybe its because of how clingy you might be? i mean especially after 2 weeks…” you trail off, careful not to upset your best friend.
surprisingly she answers cheerfully, “no, that cant be it!”
you let out yet another sigh before it hits you. maybe you could help out yui with an article.
“how bout this, i’ll write a column for you, to prove its not because of your looks.” you stand up and approach shimizu and keiji as they talk over their pages.
“hello bosses!” you greet, they don’t turn to you. “i was thinking of doing a how to, on how to lose a guy in 10 days. thoughts? it’ll help people know what NOT to do in a relationship!” you give them your cheesiest grin, and they dismiss you with a simple “sure, do that.”
with that lackluster approval, you head back to your seat, pulling out a notebook. in big letters at the top, HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS. below that, THE PLAN!
step one: find a guy
step two: get him interested
step three: be the worst
step four: he breaks up with me in less than 10 days
yui looks over your shoulder as you write. “well lets go find a guy tonight, we should do roommate party night anyway! i need to get over my breakup…”
you smile, “great plan!”
toru oikawa is standing in the middle of the bar, surronded by the rest of his volleyball team, give or take a few.
“i mean between oikawa and me, im defienitely easier to fall in love with.” atsumu miya protests.
“yeah right, i could make any girl fall in love with me.” toru retorts back
“you wanna bet on it?” daichi throws out.
“sure. lets add some stakes. i could make any girl fall in love with me in less than 10 days.” toru smirks after saying this. as he leans on the counter, he spots a girl from across the bar. shes beautiful, he thinks. “her. i’ll make her fall in love with me in less than 10 days.” he points her out in the crowd.
“her?” koutaro exclaims, “she’s wayyy too pretty for you!” the boys all burst out laughing.
toru simply rolls his eyes. “watch and see!” with that he waltz over to her. to you.
“toru oikawa.” he smiles, putting out his hand to be shaken.
“i know who you are, i’m y/n l/n” you smile, shaking his hand.
“oh really?” he says, leaning in closer to hear you, ears ringing from the loud music playing.
“yeah, you play volleyball.” you laugh, “thats where my knowledge of you ends though.”
toru laughs with you. “don’t worry, you can have the chance to learn more at any time.”
“was that a pickup line?” you quirk your eyebrow at him.
“how bout you walk me home tonight, and then tomorrow you can start using those pick up lines?”
"works for me.”

a/n: first chapter woohooo!!! theres a lot of writing in this, but more smau in future chapters, just gotta get the basis down! also taglist will be in the replies because it is NOT working for some reason.
#haikyuu#haikyuu smau#haikyuu x reader#hq#hq x reader#tooru oikawa#haikyuu oikawa#hq oikawa#oikawa toru#oikawa tooru#oikawa x reader#toru oikawa x reader#oikawa toru x reader#tooru oikawa x reader#haikyuu x you
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Getting in trouble
Summary: you expect your day to go peacefully with your crew arriving to a new village until some boy with a straw hat messes your day.
Pairing: Monkey d. Luffy x reader
Warning: robbing a bank?
The sun was shinning and the ocean was calm, thats how you started the day, optimist and peacefully... right now, you are running from the marines with a strange boy with a strawhat.
"Ahhhh, this is really fun, you should join my crew."
"What?! How can you be talking about that right now?! And beside i have my own crew."
His gum arm traps you and lifts you two in the air thru the buildings. You took that oportunity to start to shoot some of the marines, not deadly, of course. He got to the top of the bell tower of the village and finally put you down.
"I don't like being carried, less when it's like that."
"What did you mean when you said you had your crew?"
"I am a captain, i am (y/n), i have the same bounty as Boa Hancock, but because i don't look as pretty as her many people doesn't know me."
"You are more pretty than Boa," His face was absolutely clueless and that comment made you blush.
"Th-thanks, you are pretty handsome too,"
"Thanks, but i am not going to forgive you," you didn't understabd what he was talking about, "i wanted you on my crew... But i am a captain too and i know that a bond with your crew is unbreakable."
He sat on the ground making a sad face like a little child who cant have a candy, it's cute. You went to sit next to him.
"Today i thought It would be a normal day, enjoying the new village my ship arrived to, buying new things, eating food... and instead i ended up involved on a fight with the marines thanks to your appetite and your lack of money," he let out a little laugh at your tale of the day, "at least tell me your name."
"Oh, right, i'm Mugiwara Luffy, the next pirate king."
"Ooohhh, you are that Mugiwara, that's awesome, but i must say that i am going to be the pirate queen, maybe we can get to an agreement where we can both be pirate royalty."
It looked like he didn't like that idea but he didn't say anything to complain. Some time later the marines abandoned the search of you two so you decided to go down.
"Well, i think i will go back to my crew, i think they will be searching for me, don't get in trouble without me, i hope we see again," and just like that Mugiwara runned away.
And then you thought, if you already had a chaotic morning then it would be worthy to have an equally chaotic afternoon.
Robbin the bank of the village with your second in command can be considered a risky move but you had all the adrenaline of the previous morning on your body and you needed to rush it out. It was really fun, running around with big bags full of berry and explosions behind. The ship was already visible, you ordered your crew to get going without you, to save time.
You saw a ship with the bow in shape of a lion or a sun, it's just running fast thru that ship and jump to yours, easy. You start to pass at high speed when you saw Mugiwara.
"(y/n)!? what!?" he had a piece of meat on his mouth.
"I was just robbing a bank, sorry to pass thru your ship and couldn't stop to take dinner," you did a goodbye sign and jumped to your ship.
"I thought you agreeded to not get in trouble without me," he shouted.
"I never said that, but maybe the next time, i am more than glad to renegotiate our deal about the pirate title."
"Never! that would only happen if we get married and i am not going to marry someone who doesn't wait for me to do trouble," that comment made you blush, officially he is completely clueless about compliments.
"We will see that Mugiwara, until our next meeting," you tried to sound fierce but the previous remark keeps repeating on your head.
"Count on it!!!!" you two didn't say it but you two hoped that encounter happens sooner that later.
#one piece x reader#one piece#one piece imagine#monkey d. luffy#luffy#one piece luffy#straw hat luffy#mokey d luffy x reader#monkey d luffy x you#monkey d. rufy#monkey d luffy#luffy x reader#luffy imagine#mugiwara no luffy#mugiwara luffy x reader#mugiwara luffy imagine#monkey d. luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy imagine#monkey d luffy imagine#monkey d luffy x reader#straw hat luffy x reader#straw hat luffy imagine
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Friendly reminder. Bruce Wayne hung up the suit and retired after THREATENING someone with a gun and this was his reaction.
And then his immediate reaction is to shut down and close the Batcave and his only words were. "Never again"
A truly tragic, but fitting way for Bruce’s career to end. Powerful stuff. Batman's career ended the same way it began: with a desperate man wielding a gun
Batman choosing not to be weak like Joe Chill >>>> Batman going on a killing spree because fighting crime is hard.
And by the way, since Zack Snyder says his inspiration was Dark Knight Returns, I got news for you, TDKR Batman doesn't kill either.

Zack Snyder is a complete blithering fucking idiot.
his statement on Batman just lines up with what I’ve seen from all of his work. He likes the idea of the comics he makes movies out of but he doesn’t actually understand their themes. A Batman that kills is pointless. An edgy Superman is not only the most boring way to write him, but doesn’t make any sense without the wholesome one. That’s why injustice Superman/brightburn/Plutonian/omniman/homelander kind of make sense in their own ways because the original exists to compare them to.(mostly also boring though) His take on watchmen was pretty much devoid of any of the actual commentary from the graphic novel, but instead was just a dark justice league that were pretty bad at their jobs. Rorschach was just framed as a kind of unhinged Batman, but still a badass that does good, which is wildly generous compared to the way he’s originally written. I can understand turning your brain off and coasting through an action movie, but his fans are delusional if they think he does any of these stories justice. I wouldn’t take any of his comments seriously if they would stop letting him make these mediocre movies.
Zack Snyder is all flash and no substance. His films are visually stunning but utterly lacking in compelling storytelling.
The point of Batman is he cannot 'stoop to their level'. He HAS to be better, he HAS to believe these criminals can be rehabilitated, because if he kills them, he becomes just like them. With his wit, his intellect, he could future proof the city against crime ever happening by just killing the criminals before they commit crimes based on probable statistics and similar themes. But a Batman who refuses to kill is a murderer by inaction. Every time he chooses not to put Joker in the ground, he's allowed him to slaughter dozens, hundreds more, just for a laugh. Batman is equally guilty for every one of those deaths, because he could simply kill the Joker, and stop him from ever killing again. But he doesn't. Snyder saying Batman can kill, Batman SHOULD kill, is to say that without batman doing so, or being able to, he is just as bad as the villians. Except dipshit doesn't even have his Batman kill The Joker. "Oopsie daisy, Joker got out and bombed a hospital full of people, sowwwwyyyy, I put him back in jail again dunt worry TeeHeee :3". And then next week we do it all over again. OR. You kill the Joker, and he never hurts another person again. Which is why Jason Todd works so well as a counter to batman, and SHOULD be what Snyder is looking into. The reason why Zod works so well as a villain is because Humans are flawed apes who cant be trusted to govern themselves and should be conquered, and Superman, a literal God, could fix all that, but doesn't, because of Hope. Its foolish, childish even, to consider that a solution. And when placed in the vacuum of a comic book it works because you have to suspend disbelief, and forget that Superman let a city full of people die while he punched Zod through skyscrapers.
If you want Batman to kill people, just go and read one of his 1784956th copies that kill people. Go read Midnighter. Go read Punisher. Go read Moon Knight. Go read Peacemaker. Go read Nighthawk. What is stopping you?
I'm sure all those characters have brought about the peace and prosperity and the crime-free society that a "killer Batman" was supposed to. "Punisher would clean Gotham in under a week", right, just like he cleaned Marvel's New York, didn't he?
It has to be Batman specifically the one doing the killing? The number of superheroes that kill is nowadays much higher than the number of heroes who don't. Remember how Hawkeye spent the better part of his existence being the most anti-killing Avenger? Nowadays he is known as a super-assassin that "never had a non-kill rule". Should heroes who don't kill go extinct?
I like that Batman doesn't kill people. I feel no need to turn him into something he isn't like it was done to Hawkeye. If I wanted a Batman that kills, I would go and read one of the thousand "Batman who kills" out there.
Batman should not kill and should never kill.
"Gotham would be better off if Batman just killed The Joker"
You. Miss. The. Entire. Point.
Bruce Wayne lost his parents to crime and Bruce Wayne is a child who died alongside his parents and was reborn as a creature dedicated to insuring it never happened to any other child. He made a vow never to reduce himself to the criminal scum’s level or to Joe Chill’s level. He never kills for a reason.
Batman not killing is what makes him so compelling, if he kills criminals, there is no moral conflict, he is no better than the Punisher, Wolverine or any other dark edgy hero. Hell, if he starts to take a life, Batman is no better than Ra’s Al Ghul.
In the Daredevil Netflix show, Frank Castle told Daredevil this “That’s not how this works. You cross over to my side of the line, you don’t get to come back from that. Not ever.” That alone is why Batman should not kill, not even The Joker. Bruce Wayne is not Frank Castle, stop trying to make him Frank Castle. I mean…Stan Lee was absolutely disgusted when someone called The Punisher a hero, Frank Castle is a murderer, not a hero. How is this so hard for people to understand?
I don’t want to hear that Batman killed in the old comics and I don’t want to hear Elseworld stories. It’s an established fact that Batman does not kill and it’s a big part of his character.
Guess what? We already got a Bruce who killed The Joker, it happened in the Burtonverse/Schumacherverse and he was disgusted with himself. “So, you're willing to take a life.” “Long as it's Two-Face.” “Then it will happen this way: You make the kill, but your pain doesn't die with Harvey, it grows. So you run out into the night to find another face, and another, and another, until one terrible morning you wake up and realize that revenge has become your whole life. And you won't know why.”
A huge part of Bruce’s character is that he doesn’t kill, no matter what. Same with Clark. But edgelord writers from the New 52, DCEU and the Injustice abominations think it’s cool to make heroes kill. Heroes should not kill. You can’t be a hero and a killer. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!
Guess what would happen if Batman kills The Joker? The Joker wins. The Joker and Batman are each trying to prove a point to society - and really to us, the readers. The Joker wants Batman to kill him because he perfectly embodies chaos and anarchy and wants to prove a point to everyone that people are basically more chaotic than orderly. This is why he is so scary: we are worried he may be right. If the Joker is right, then civilization is a ruse and we are all truly monsters inside. If the Joker can prove that Batman - the most orderly and logical and self-controlled of all of us - is a monster inside, then we are all monsters inside, and that is terrifying. The Joker is terrifying because we fear that we are like him deep down - that he is us. Batman is what we (any average person) could be at our absolute best, and the Joker is what we could be at our absolute worst. The Joker’s claim is that we are all terrible deep down, and it is only the law and our misplaced sense of justice that keeps us in line. Since Batman isn’t confined by the law, he is a perfect test case to try to get him to "break.” The Joker wants Batman to kill a person, any person, but knows that the only person Batman might ever even remotely consider killing would have to be a terrible monster, so is willing to do this himself and sacrifice himself to prove this macabre point. Batman needs to prove that it is not just laws that keep us in line, but basic human decency and our natural instinct NOT to kill. If Batman can prove this, then others will be inspired by his example (the citizens of Gotham, but again, also the readers), just as we are all inspired every day to keep civilization running smoothly and not descend into violence, anarchy, and chaos. This ability to be decent in the face of the horrors and temptations present all around us is humanity’s superpower, the superpower of each of us. The struggle of Batman and the Joker is the internal struggle of each of us. But we are inspired by Batman’s example, not the Joker’s, because Batman always wins the argument, because he has not killed the Joker.
Batman not killing matters. Batman stories to me are the ultimate tale of turning pain and suffering into something positive. That is a story that everyone can relate to because let's be honest here. The world can suck. I've experienced and probably will always experience feelings of fear of depression of anger of angst. It's in my nature as a human being to experience those things. It's in all our nature it is what we choose to do with that pain that we all feel that defines us. Batman chose to turn all those negative emotions, he feels into a symbol that can bring people. Hope that Batman will save us from pain but more importantly hope that we can all be Batman. Why do we fall? And Batman Begins explains this best “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
Yes, Bruce Wayne is a flawed crazy person. He is at times mean stubborn and even abusive but he is still good. He is still someone we can aspire to be. We can try our hardest to be Superman but no human being can fly, but we can still try to be Batman We can all try to turn our pain into something good when I see Batman killing people or fans saying he killed before and he should kill The Joker, It pains me. It actually hurts my soul. Batman is not about finding a way to kill evil. But try to redeem it. His mission is an impossible task. Maybe he should kill people. Maybe he should kill The Joker, but what makes him fascinating what makes him a hero Is the fact that he has that moral code and stopped himself from crossing that line That's why I always looked up to Batman even as a kid despite all the adult subtext or mature themes superheroes are for kids. And killing is not Batman and it is not Bruce Wayne. This is why I hated the portrayal in the DCEU and the Burtonverse and why I really hated the implication that Batman killed The Joker in Batwoman. A Batman who kills is certainly not Bruce Wayne, that is an interpretation of Bruce Wayne that completely misses the point of Batman. It's easy to kill. Batman does not make the easy choice… Batman does not kill.
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Am I Okay? Chapter Three
summary: in part twelve rafe mentions a work party and i took that as an invitation to dive into how they interact and think about each other a bit more from rafes perspective!
word count: 1295
a/n: I KNOW I POSTED THIS CHAPTER PREVIOUSLY, it had some mistakes i wanted to fix that i just relaized. also im not saying this is the most accurate portrayal of rafe however its how im using it for the story and i really hope this doesnt suck as much as i think it does! also im so sorry for how long its been since ive written, i shouldve put out a hiatus notice but tbh im not entirely sure im back. well see how it goes lol. thank you for reading!
this shouldnt feel as daunting as it does right now. shes just a friend. its just a dinner party, theres no commitments attached or technicalities to worry over. its just me and her making a boring evening more exciting.
thats all.
i knock on the door and wait patiently for her to answer. i did come a bit early so i wouldnt be surprised if she was still getting ready. she has a tendency to get swept up in the music shes listening to when shes at her vanity.
but as soon as she opens that door and i turn to see her... i suddenly forgot all the convincing i was doing, cause i know after tonight theres gonna be no more hiding just how into her i am. she looks incredible.
it does something to me knowing its the dress i bought her.
"hi," thats all she says and i swear i forgot how to breathe. how does she do this to me?
"hey," my smile widens, "you look... gorgeous. really, you look great."
"cant take all the credit, the dress was all your doing. im just wearing it."
"and you wear it beautifully," just like that, a natural blush replaces the artificial pink on her cheeks "we should get going, are you ready or do you need more time? i can wait."
"i think im ready..." she searches through her purse, going over its contents making sure she has everything. "yep, im ready."
"perfect," i close the door behind her as she walks out, "its a little jarring to see you without your boots."
she chuckles as i open the car door for her, "i tried to clean up as nice as i could."
"you clean up just fine cowgirl," i cant hide my smile.
the drive to the event was that comfortable kind of quiet. i always let her take aux when we drive together. country music definitely isnt my favorite but she could play a lot worse. besides she throws in the occasional kid cudi or metro boomin for me.
shes thoughtful like that.
"oh theres valet? how fancy," the valet opens her door for her before i can even get out of the car. i suppose thats his job.
"thats kinda how these things go. theyre a bit much."
"well i think its refreshing being so spoiled. dads done a lot of fancy business but nothing like this. its fun."
taking her hand, i lead her up the stairs into the building, "ill spoil you as much as you want cowgirl. all you have to do is ask."
"youre such a sweet talker city boy. for someone who, supposedly, is a serial bachelor youre an absolute flirt."
"nah, i only flirt with you," i tell her, truthfully. part of me said it to see her all flustered but really there isnt a point in lying about it.
i know everyones got me figured out already, the guys and their girls are better gossipers than the real housewives. not that id know anything about the real housewives. i definitely dont watch that shit.
"thats exactly what im talking about," shes giggling as we walk into the giant room filled to the brim with investors, partners, staff, clients, a bunch of people i really want to avoid. i was about to lead her over to the bar when we run into someone conveniently.
her father. that i work with. awesome. i knew hed be here, but i thought it might be possible to avoid him.
"cameron! thought i wouldnt be able to catch you tonig- y/n? pumpkin what are you doing here?"
"dad! were in public could you maybe not call me that-"
i let a smile peak through, "pumpkin?" its just too easy to tease her.
"rafe," she sends me a warning, and you know she means business when she uses my ‘government name’ as she likes to call it. i throw my hands up in defense jokingly.
"its good to see you y/l/n," i reach out to shake her dads hand, "i invited her, hoping a friendly face would make the night more barrable. i hope thats alright with you."
"nah its good for her. she needs to get out more. i trust youll take care of her."
"dad!" she raises her tone while keeping a hushed voice, "dont talk about me like im not here. please."
"you kids have fun tonight," her dad wraps an arm around her before pressing a small kiss to her temple before shaking my hand again, "good to see you rafe. take care of my little girl."
i nod with a smile as he walks away, heading over to a table of some other clients i recognize.
"unbelievable! rafe im so sorry that was embarrassing. he doesnt know how to act normal. i shouldnt let him out of the house. i need to put him in a home."
"cowgirl, youre rambling. its fine, i get it. hes a dad its his job to embarrass you a little. besides, pumpkin, i thought it was endearing," theres a smirk on my face as i mention the nickname.
she rolls her eyes leading the way back to the bar like we intended in the first place. leaning against the bar she tells the bartender her order and mine, already knowing id like a whiskey.
how am i not supposed to like this girl so much when she knows me so well? i dont care if we come from two completely different backgrounds. a part of me knows this is the girl for me. if im deserving? thats a different conversation…
taking our drinks off the counter i lead her over to our table for the night, pulling out her seat for her to sit when suddenly i see some investors walking my way.
i knew id have to work a little tonight but it doesnt stop me being disappointed from being pulled away from her.
the night goes on, i introduce her to a few of the people i know better than others, but i give her the chance to mingle when she wants too. shes so well spoken and holds her own well.
shes mesmerizing.
at one point, i return from the restroom, and when i come back i see that one of the investors sons is making conversation with her. a particularly annoying one at that. hes far too close to her for my liking, touching her arm subtly, desperately trying to make her laugh. but i can see shes only doing it to be polite.
i step up right beside her, my hand naturally falling to the small of her back, innocently of course.
"jared! good to see you man, your dad let you come?"
theres nothing i love to see more than his confidence falter. he needed to be put in his place, what can i say? im just happy i was the one to get to do it.
"something like that. it was good seeing you rafe. nice meeting you...?" he smiled in her direction, asking for one more chance silently, i couldnt contain my laughter.
"have a nice night jared. tell your dad ill see him at mondays meeting," and with that i lead her away in the direction of our table.
"you didnt have to be so rude to him you know?"
"cowgirl, that was hardly rude of me. i was doing him a favor."
she plasters on an offended face, pretending to clutch her pearls, "how dare you, im a catch. hed be so lucky to have me, and so would you."
god, shes such a tease.
believe me gorgeous girl, i know id be so lucky to have you. its all i think about nowadays.
[ masterlist ]
#rafe fanfiction#rafe smut#rafe imagine#rafe fic#rafe x reader#obx rafe cameron#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron ruin me challenge#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron#fic recs <3#my writing <3#my stuff!
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thank you for speaking rational thought AS AN ARTIST into the ai debate. i get so tired of people over simplifying, generalizing, and parroting how they’ve been told ai works lmao. you’re an icon
some of the worst AI art alarmists are professional artists as well but theyre in very specific fields with very specific work cultures and it would take a long and boring post to explain all the nuance there but i went to the same extremely tiny, hypefocused classic atelier school in San Francisco as Karla Ortiz and am actually acquainted with her irl so i have a different perspective on this particular issue and the people involved than the average fan artist on tumblr. the latter person is also perfectly valid and so is their work, all im saying is that we have different life experiences and my particular one has accidentally placed me in a weird and relevant position to observe what the AI art panic is actually about.
first thing i did when the pearl-clutching about AI art started is go on the Midjourney discord, which is completely public and free, and spent a few burner accounts using free credits to play with the toolset. everyone who has any kind of opinion about AI art should do the same because otherwise you just wont know what youre talking about. my BIGGEST takeaway is that it is currently and likely always will be (because of factors that are sort of hard to explain) extremely difficult to make an AI like Midjourney spit out precisely wht you want UNLESS what you want is the exact kind of hyperreal, hyperpretty Artstation Front Page 4k HDR etc etc style pictures that, coincidentally, artists like Karla Ortiz have devoted their careers to. Midjourney could not, when asked, make a decent Problem Glyph. or even anything approaching one. and probably never will, because there isn't any profit incentive for it to do so and probably not enough images to train a dataset anyway.
the labor issues with AI are real, but they are the result of the managerial class using AI's existence as an excuse to reduce compensation for labor. this happens at every single technological sea change and is unstoppable, and the technology itself is always blamed because that is beneficial to the capitalists who are actually causing the labor crisis each time. if you talk to the artists who are ACTUALLY already being affected, they will tell you what's happening is managers are telling them to insert AI into workflows in ways that make no sense, and that management have fully started an industry-wide to "pivot" to AI production in ways that aren't going to work but WILL result in mass loss of jobs and productivty and introduce a lot of problems which people will then be hired to try to fix, but at greatly-reduced salaries. every script written and every picture generated by an AI, without human intervention/editing/cleanup, is mostly unusable for anything except a few very specific use cases that are very tolerant of generality. i'm seeing it being used for shovelware banner ads, for example, as well as for game assets like "i need some spooky paintings for the wall of a house environment" or "i need some nonspecific movie posters for a character's room" that indie game devs are making really good use of, people who can neither afford to hire an artist to make those assets and cant do them themselves, and if the ai art assets weren't available then that person would just not have those assets in the game at all. i've seen AI art in that context that works great for that purpose and isn't committing any labor crimes.
it is also being used for book covers by large publishing houses already, and it looks bad and resulted directly in the loss of a human job. it is both things. you can also pay your contractor for half as many man hours because he has a nailgun instead of just hammers. you can pay a huge pile of money to someone for an oil portrait or you can take a selfie with your phone. there arent that many oil painters around anymore.
but this is being ignored by people like the guy who just replied and yelled at me for the post they imagined that i wrote defending the impending robot war, who is just feeling very hysterical about existential threat and isn't going to read any posts or actually do any research about it. which is understandable but supremely unhelpful, primarily to themselves but also to me and every other fellow artist who has to pay rent.
one aspect of this that is both unequivocally True AND very mean to point out is that the madder an artist is about AI art, the more their work will resemble the pretty, heavily commercialized stuff the AIs are focused on imitating. the aforementioned Artstation frontpage. this is self-feeding loop of popular work is replicated by human artists because it sells and gets clicks, audience is sensitized to those precise aesthetics by constant exposure and demands more, AI trains on those pictures more than any others because there are more of those pictures and more URLs pointing back to those pictures and the AI learns to expect those shapes and colors and forms more often, mathematically, in its prediction models. i feel bad for these people having their style ganked by robots and they will not be the only victims but it is also true, and has always been true, that the ONLY way to avoid increasing competition in a creative field is to make yourself so difficult to imitate that no one can actually do it. you make a deal with the devil when you focus exclusively on market pleasing skills instead of taking the massive pay cut that comes with being more of a weirdo. theres no right answer to this, nor is either kind of artist better, more ideologically pure, or more talented. my parents wanted me to make safe, marketable, hotel lobby art and never go hungry, but im an idiot. no one could have predicted that my distaste for "hyperreal 4k f cup orc warrior waifu concept art depth of field bokeh national geographic award winning hd beautiful colorful" pictures would suddenly put me in a less precarious position than people who actually work for AAA studios filling beautiful concept art books with the same. i just went to a concept art school full of those people and interned at a AAA studio and spent years in AAA game journalism and decided i would rather rip ass so hard i exploded than try to compete in such an industry.
which brings me to what art AIs are actually "doing"--i'm going to be simple in a way that makes computer experts annoyed here, but to be descriptive about it, they are not "remixing" existing art or "copying" it or carrying around databases of your work and collaging it--they are using mathematical formulae to determine what is most likely to show up in pictures described by certain prompts and then manifesting that visually, based on what they have already seen. they work with the exact same very basic actions as a human observing a bunch of drawings and then trying out their own. this is why they have so much trouble with fingers, it's for the same reason children's drawings also often have more than 5 fingers: because once you start drawing fingers its hard to stop. this is because all fingers are mathematically likely to have another finger next to them. in fact most fingers have another finger on each side. Pinkies Georg, who lives on the end of your limb and only has one neighbor, is an outlier and Midjourney thinks he should not have been counted.
in fact a lot of the current failings by AI models in both visual art and writing are comparable to the behavior of human children in ways i find amusing. human children will also make up stories when asked questions, just to please the adult who asked. a robot is not a child and it does not have actual intentions, feelings or "thoughts" and im not saying they do. its just funny that an AI will make up a story to "Get out of trouble" the same way a 4 year old tends to. its funny that their anatomical errors are the same as the ones in a kindergarten classroom gallery wall. they are not people and should not be personified or thought of as sapient or having agency or intent, they do not.
anyway. TLDR when photography was invented it became MUCH cheaper and MUCH faster to get someone to take your portrait, and this resulted in various things happening that would appear foolish to be mad about in this year of our lord 2023 AD. and yet here we are. if it were me and it was about 1830 and i had spent 30 years learning to paint, i would probably start figuring out how to make wet plate process daguerreotypes too. because i live on earth in a technological capitalist society and there's nothing i can do about it and i like eating food indoors and if i im smart enough to learn how to oil paint i can certainly point a camera at someone for 5 minutes and then bathe the resulting exposure in mercury vapor. i know how to do multiple things at once. but thats me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#ai#asks#blog#this post is bugged and keeps changing itself and moving the Read More around#if you see multple versions thats why
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Goonion's Ghoul (Part 4)
Bruce does a little digging. This one's a little more serious, but dont worry, the shenanigains resume next chapter <3
Part 1 & 2 Part 3
The pool hall was fairly quiet tonight. It was a dim place who's customers were the only thing shadier than its corners. The smell of smoke lingered in the whole building, but the usual cloud that held over the room seemed to be gone.
The "No Smoking" sign on the door was new, and it seems like people were listening. Bruce fiddled with the stick match between his fingers - he wondered if it was going to be a problem.
"8 Ball, side pocket" Clack!
"Tch. Good game, whatever."
As the men and small crowd around them get their bet earnings, Bruce approached with a predatory grin. "Hey fellas, mind if I get in on a game?"
Most of the men seemed to be sizing him up, but one in particular (the one who won the last match) inhaled sharply. "Matches fuckin' Malone, I haven't seen you 'round here in a while! You sonofabitch, where ya been?"
'Matches Malone' pulls his titular match out from his teeth, and puts on an annoyed face. "Bah, deal went south, had to lay low for a while." Someone handed him a pool stick, prompting Bruce to nod and grab some pool chalk.
"I getcha. We can go a round, Matches. Loser buys a round at the bar for everyone."
"Jeez, I said I was just layin' low and thems are the stakes?" Matches' grin comes back, a gleam rolling along his aviator shades. "Guess I could use a free drink, so why not?"
The other guy rolls his eyes. "Well, aren't you confident. Promise that'll changes once the game starts."
The game gets set up quickly, and they let Malone break. He lines up his stick, but isn't too concerned about exactly how to hit this shot.
"Say," Bruce asks, "I heard there's a new way of gettin' some help around here. Any'a you know about it?" The cue ball slams into the triangle of other balls.
"Oh, you're askin' about the Goonion? You don't gotta beat around da bush. Even if you weren't in good company, there ain't no need to be hush about it." The 7 ball rolls into a corner pocket, a solid color sunk.
Its an easy shot to the 5, side pocket. "Wouldn't expect that from a big band 'a criminals," Bruce says, casually lining up the hit, "but I guess that's Gotham for ya. So, how do I get in contact?" *Clack!*
"There's a big place on 29th street, down by Proctor Ave." The 5 cleanly rolls into the next pocket. "They put up a big sign just yesterday, you cant miss it."
The next shot is a bit more tricky, trying to get the 3 without hitting the 10 in. "No shit? A big ol' sign that says 'Hey, a buncha lackeys here!' right out in the open?"
The other guy snorts. "I mean, the cops don't give a damn, and the criminals are already in on it. That just leaves the bats, but between you and me? I hear the robins are in on it."
Not only does Bruce miss the 3, he knocks the 10 in, closely followed by the cue itself. A scratch. "Well, now I know you're just fuckin' with me."
His opponent grabs the cue ball with a chuckle, and puts it just by the 12 for a clean corner pocket hit. "Like how you were with that last shot? Yeah, yeah, I'm messin' with you... kinda. There's a runnin' joke that the robins should be considered one of us."
Second stripe down, Bruce's eye twitches, hidden by his large sunglasses. "I don't see whats so funny about it, considering how many times we've had our ass handed to us on a black-n-blue platter by 'em."
Its a more difficult shot to hit the 9 in the side pocket, but the opponent aims anyway. "Yeah, Danny's got this big ol' thing about how Vigilantism's a crime and Batman's a crime lord. Ya kinda have to hear him say it, but damn if it isn't funny." He makes the shot, but the cue ball slides in the pocket with the 9, as Bruce bites back a grumble.
Its his chance to get back in the game, and clean it up. Bruce puts the ball on the table, and lines up a shot that should also get him in position for the next few. "Danny, eh? Whats his deal anyway? Everyone seems all buddy buddy with the guy, but I can't find out a thing about him. He some kinda "
The normal sound of a pool stick hitting the cue is clean, crisp, and short. A satisfying ricochet right to where it was aimed, sealing a calculated move into victory.
That is not the noise that echoes through the hall.
Instead, the stick bounces off of the cue strangely, shaking awkwardly as a much harsher CLACK! attacks everyone's ears, as the ball rolls slowly in the wrong direction, and hits nothing.
His opponent, and everyone with and without money on the game, look right at him. Some are giving dirty looks, some seem angry, others just discontent. A few look ready for a fight to break out, as the sudden tension ensnares him. He gets the feeling its not the bum shot they're upset about. "Uh... any chance I can try that hit again?" He asks sheepishly, analyzing exits, preparing for the brawl that might happen, and a cover story for how Matches got out of being attacked by this many people.
Bruce winces as his opponent places their hand on his shoulder, but doesn't strike back just yet. His opponent still seems tense, but not rearing back an attack. "Matches, you'se a good guy, so I'm gonna let you off easy on this one. But for 'da future, dont go askin' around about Danny. He doesn't like people poking into his business.”
The crowd seems to calm down a bit, but there's still a few bad looks being sent towards Bruce. He puts some hint of worry in his voice, dusting off his suit to sell the idea that that shook him up. “I.. I see. Caposh.”
His opponent goes back to the table, picking the cue off the table after Matches' bad hit. “...He's just a kid, Matches. Smart, kind,” he lines up his next shot on the 11, “I'd call him naive if he didn't prove he knew what he was doing.” A clean shot, into the side pocket.
“If you're goin' to the Goonion, you'll meet him and see.” Another easy shot, 13 into the corner. “He does good work. The Hood may have started the union, but Danny stoked the flames, kept us together when we wanted to fall apart.” A hard hit, the cue ball stopping dead as it strikes its target, knocked straight into the pocket. “He fought for us, went up against some of the most dangerous people in Gotham and told them to kneel.” Someone in the crowd murmurs, “Stronger together,” which has him roll his eyes. “Yeah yeah, we all did it, sure. But someone needed to face 'em down, and not only did he bite the bullet,” 14 ball, corner pocket, “he spat it right back out at 'em.”
“He got us dental!” Someone cheers, and most of the crew cheers with him, clinking beer bottles together.
“Point is, he's a good guy who does a good job, and the least we can do is stick our noses out of his business.” 15 ball, opposite corner. “We don't need him getting hurt because we couldn't do that.”
Something flickers in Bruce's eyes at that last comment, noting the slightly somber tone. “...he didn't ask you to stay away, did he?”
“He didn't need to. I told ya, you'll get it when you meet him.” He points out his last shot, “8-ball, corner,” and hangs over the table to aim his cue. “People like him don't usually stick around Gotham, and not by their own choice. If someone finds out you're the one who made him leave, whether you meant it or not...”
The 8 ball rolls cleanly into the pocket, a promise fulfilled. “You'll be lucky if you're found with a bullet to the head.”
An open secret. One that puts him in harms way if the details get out. Details people are purposefully avoiding, out of gratitude. Makes things difficult for him.
“...Well, a deal's a deal. A round on me, everyone!”
@akikkobara @thegatorsgoose @addie-lover-of-stories @apointlessbox @screamingtofillthevoid @semiprofessionaldumbass @sailor-goddess @malice-of-the-sunrise @savaton @spikedlynx @emergentpanda-blog @starlightcat04 @demented-trashcan @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff @soren1830 @vixen-uchiha @rowanaway-fromthisbs @space-dreams-world @wolfeyedwitch @the-legal-shipper @gmkelz11 @dannyphantomphan @idkmrpianoman @somuchyikes @blankliferain @thatonegirl10 @thewondersoflebanon @cass-brightwood @coruscateselene @hallowsden @avelnfear @ultimatebluff @kryzs2000 @blep-23 @jaguarthecat @all-mights-asscheeks @meira-3919 @ricekristytreaty @illya-roma @mentalcarebear @wackyattack @fisticuffsatapplebees @love-has-no-labels @dat1angell @igotafewbadideas @thordottir45 @idfk-man10 @choppedphantomsweets @dragonfirefeather @smol-book-nerd @randomkiddoscrewingaround @alinmenttreasure @queen-of-the-grapefruits @cyber-geist @bianca-hooks123 @gaelic-holiday
#the goonion#dc x dp#dp x dc#goonions ghoul#haha bruce get fucked#also please dont put danny in danger ;c#told you the goonion takes confidentiality very seriously
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You don't own the copyright to words. People do not have to listen to you.
"Waaaaaa people without CDDs using terms that are for CDDs and it has such a big effect on my life that I have to bitch and moan about it!"
Please point to who said those terms are exclusive.
Where's your sources?
Again, you do not control what words people can use for themselves.
Also stop speaking for everyone with a CDD. You also act like all the people asking you questions are endogenic, which is basically fakeclaiming if they aren't.
And you don't own the word either, stop acting like I'm not allowed to not like certain people using certain terms. Even if I cant make endos stop using system terms, I'll still make my voice heard, and yall aren't gonna make me shut up.
Also, guess what? I don't have to listen to you either, if yall wanna ignore every word we say, whatever, don't go bitching to me about it if you won't listen. If you will, great, if you won't, block and move on.
"Waaa I'm gonna bitch about people using CDD terms!!" And you're anon bitching to us about how endos should use them, what's that make you? You're not exactly on a moral high ground here.
Oh, and since you asked for some sources:
(Literally says point-blank that alters are exclusive to DID/OSDD)
(Talks about system terms, including community terms)
And on the point about how I can't control what terms people use, you're right, I can't, but I can talk about how it's harmful for endos to use these terms. I can't control if they'll listen or not, but I can still very much fucking speak my mind.
I'm not speaking for everyone with CDD, just sharing my own perspective as someone with one, as well as some other perspectives from other CDD systems. I'm not trying to speak for every single one. And I really don't do that?? I don't treat the people asking us things as endos automatically, I'm well aware that there are many pro-endo CDD systems asking us things.
#You're such a goober anon /neg#anti endo#syscourse#osdd system#syspunk#system#systempunk#osdd#traumagenic system#osddid#actual system
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The thing about my living situation........ as I've previously established, Pins Girl took it upon herself to move her door-scratching babytalk bestie into the basement without telling the landlord. Months pass– suddenly a lightbulb pops over PGs head and she realizes that this could lead to some issues. She blasts into the landlord's email announcing that she would like to add someone to the lease. This comes across as less of a request and more of a...... well, it's not a request. LL says she will have to interview the tenant first. Everyone spirals. "She cant do that!!!!!"... and why can't she? Some time passes and PG is at the helm of the Demands brigade, crawling up the landlord's ass about things that dont particularly matter and should probably be set aside until the landlord is finished considering her first command. After a few weeks of this, and further pestering about the new girl (who has been an illegal tenant here for quite some time)– the landlord finally just tells us point blank that she isn't interested in any new tenants right now. Incredible. Immediately after this email, pins girl announces her departure. Amazing. Of course I'm interested to see how this will affect the whole "no new tenants" thing. But the real thing is that this is how these people are responding to all of this:


oh right the unemployed acab tattoo ftm is planning on declaring bankruptcy because he took out a 7.5k loan from some sketchy loan company at a 30% interest rate so that he could pay off his multiple debts (just over 2k) and immediately blew the rest on takeout, new tattoos, neutering his rabbit, and of course paying off that damn interest rate. I'm curious what he means by "I'm out". To where exactly? A homeless shelter? Get a damn job buddy rent is $400 you ain't gonna find that anywhere else in this city
Anyways. PGs legacy thus far: walked out on her job because she refused to stop wearing one billion pins after a complaint about her attire was spread on social media (someone thought she was an employee of the store we were doing week-long contract work for, although I'd hesitate to call what she was doing "work" and it was nice to finish the project with her out of the way), got on government neetbux, refused to speak to me for a week because I made a colloquial "bombed" comment, has said few words to me since, destabilized our situation by illegally moving one of her freaks into the basement and then out of nowhere regretting it and trying to backtrack thus making the situation worse....... and then, after everything, she's just gonna bounce. God I love it here.
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latino songs i relate to one piece characters and why!
info: not proofread as always, put spotify links in all of them, open to suggestions if yall want this to b a lil series or sum lol, mentions of stabbing (?)
PORTGAS D.ACE : SOU MUSA DO VERÃO - marshmello, luísa sonza
there's something about this song that makes me think of ace in the most... unhinged way. the main chorus is the thing that really stands out to me, because not only he would look gorgeous in a edit with that, it have the same hot energy that ace exhales. he is the kind of man we would see shirtless and imagine things that become a concern to feminism; and that song is exactly what we all, ace simps, want to say to him.
NAMI : ASSANHADINHA - pocah, mc durrony
nami gives the vibes of someone that does not care, period. she just does what she wants and is not afraid to own it too. i can definitely see this song on her playlist too, not only because of the way she relates to the lyrics, but also the beat itself. another big reason is simply: my girl likes to throw it back, and this is a great song to do it without problem.
NICO ROBIN : PILOTO - flora matos
i put piloto as robin's song, because 1. i ship her with franky; 2. she would totally be the type of person (the 'pilot') that is described in the song. careful? caring? loving? a good person? a scholar? pays attention? courageous? a mate? truthful? a armor bearer? if you need, dangerous? she is all of those things and much more. and that's why she will be forever the woman that holds my heart and she should hold yours too.
SABO : EU VOU COM CARINHO ELA QUER COM FORÇA - mc don juan, mc g15, mc davi
this one i will keep short and simple. a loooong time ago i saw a tiktok that had this song as a "sabo sounds like this" and i couldn't unhear it since (i cant find it again, im sorry); plus the lyrics match very very well. thats it. i cant elaborate further.
USOPP : PAPIN - mc kevin o chris, mc caja
the lyrics say everything i need to say: "fell for my talk, it's over". it's proven over and over again that usopp can lie to people easily, when he wants to. and, after the live action, i can't stop thinking about usopp trying to win you over with a sweet talk, his eyes and voice tone nervous, but so sweet it wins you over. plus, the song weirdly fits his vibe.
SANJI : RITA - tierry
i kinda refuse to explain this one, because it's almost a joke for myself, but i shall translate some of the lyrics (think that he's singing it to you): "oh love, come back. come back, love, and i will forgive the stabbing. oh, love, don't leave me alone, come back and i will pull out the charges."
DRACULE MIHAWK : ME RECLAMA - mambo kingz, dj luian, luigi 21 plus, ozuna
THIS SONG IS SO MIHAWK CODED, IT MAKES ME SICK. he knows he's the best, he always goes to you when you call him and he's not afraid to tell others that it's "not his fault he is the one you call for". his entire persona with this song in the background makes me shake, he would look extremely ethereal with his hand on your waist, pulling you closer, and his head tilted – all while his lips are whispering sweet spanish into your ear.
2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
#portgas d ace#nami#nico robin#sabo#dracule mihawk#usopp#sanji#portgas ace x reader#ace x you#ace fluff#ace x reader#one piece x reader#op x reader#one piece x you#op x you#one piece x reader fluff#nami x you#nami x reader#robin x you#robin x reader#sabo x reader#sabo x you#mihawk x you#mihawk x reader#sanji x you#sanji x reader#usopp x reader#usopp x you
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hi ghoul i have a question of the sex-ed variety sorry for rambling: why do you think performing oral sex is so villainized / demonized in conversation? we live in the most modern of times where casual approaches to sex seem so commonplace and ppl are more willing to talk abt things they enjoy etc. Receiving oral sex seems all the rage in popculture mentions etc but there still seems to be so much stigma/judgement about everyday convos re: performing it? i’m so confused when imo one cant exist w/o the other? ive heard ppl say its a lack of selfrespect thing for those afab or for those amab its not manly to do. which seems like an oversimplification but as an abstinent, religious-trauma virgin idk if i have the range to see all sides of the convo lmao
So this is going to be mostly personal opinion since I can't speak to this on a scientific or sociological level.
I think there's a massive disconnect culturally between pleasure for yourself and pleasure for others that stems from what you could call "radical individualism." There's this mentality of "I want to get mine, I don't care if you get yours" that a lot of people have and it can bleed into sexual conversations as well. So that's one part of it: the idea that getting something for yourself is good, but why would you go out of your way to help others?
Then another part, which I've talked about before, is the disgust around male bodies. This is a lot to do with the way terf politics and exclusionary "feminism" has seeped into common culture. There is a recent and evolving idea that vagina=good and penis=bad, that I think a lot of afab people are beginning to fall into because it feels retaliatory. All your life you're told that you're lesser for having a vagina and suddenly you're allowed to say that the opposite is true! It feels liberating, but it's a trap.
I see this in queer circles as well. Bisexual women will talk about being "unfortunately" into men, or they'll be accused of faking their attraction to women because of their attraction to me. People will talk loudly about how gross men are and how they hate men and how they think being attracted to men is a moral failing. So we begin to associate amab bodies with disgust. Penis=bad, right? So then attraction to penis=bad too, right?
Then we get into pop culture. Women in media are still very much centered as being forced or coerced into alternative forms of sex. We hear jokes about anal on birthdays, about having to convince your girlfriend to give you a blowjob, about various non-missionary positions being reserved for special occasions, and all of them center the amab person as undesireable. They focus on afab people not enjoying things that their amab partner does. And the implication often is that because the afab person doesn't get any sexual gratification out of this they must not want to do it. After all, men don't get any sexual gratification out of giving oral, so why should women?
(that's a lie of course, plenty of people --I would say most people-- enjoy giving their partner oral, but you understand the hyperbole here.)
So. Why can we enjoy receiving oral, but we can't enjoy giving it? Because we have been told we aren't supposed to. Sex is framed as a grand sacrifice that afab people make for their amab partner. Oral is something that media says no one enjoys giving. People talk about enjoying oral in terms of oral fixations and kink and "oh you only like that because of your deviance" seems to be the message that gets thrown out when someone mentions it. Biting has become more socially acceptable than sucking dick. The idea that people want to hurt their partner, is more socially acceptable than bringing them pleasure.
Just sit with that for a second because I have to.
You're absolutely right, there can't be one without the other, you can't receive oral without your partner giving it. I struggle with this A LOT and Mr. Ghoul is a saint for working with me on it, but I feel guilty asking for oral, like I'm forcing my partner to do something they don't enjoy. Despite being told by my partner that he likes eating me out, despite the fact that I like blowing him, it's hard for me as an afab person to accept that my partner enjoys pleasuring me. I've never been told that's an option.
While I think there's a lot that we as a society need to unpack in terms of sexuality and sexual expression, I think this movement of "I don't pleasure my partner, my partner pleasures me" is going to lead to a lot of unhappy relationships. A very small but loud group of men says they don't care about making their partner come, the general population does, but as it often happens shitty people focus on shitty people.
I don't want this to devolve into Ghoul talking about terf-cult politics and the way they love alt-right men's movements, so I'll leave it there, but those are my thoughts on it.
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