#'shes the devils wife!'
nejackdaw · 8 months
Just watched Sweeney Todd with Bread. They get why I'm like this now
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add1ctedt0you · 6 months
Canonically speaking, jc' reaction to someone he doesn't like/has strong negative feelings towards, because that person was a jerk to his sister, is to regulate his emotions according to how his sister feels. In a jyl lives au, after wwx's return, canon jc is going to his sister, saying something like: 'while I think we should throw at least a cup of tea at him because he left us you and a-ling like that, it's your choice, jin zixuan was your husband. What are we feeling now, jiejie?'
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rhymesswith · 2 years
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Thinking about this video in particular.
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hold-out-my-sweet · 6 months
okay folks, it’s Katie Rose Clarke appreciation time.
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she is an absolute icon. i’m telling you, she was born to play Glinda. she is one of few actors i’ve seen who highlight the stark difference in Glinda’s life in Act One and Two so well. i mean the difference between her Popular and Thank Goodness is CRAZY.
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not only that, but she’s played alongside SO MANY elphaba’s, yet brings something different and refreshing to the role every time she’s alongside someone new. and that’s not easy, considering that she’s literally the longest running Glinda (on Broadway? in total? not completely sure but she’s played this role a lot).
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she’s utterly hilarious but she’s also completely heartbreaking, soul twisting, gut wrenching, whatever other words you wanna use i ran out. the emotions are so raw, you can tell she loves this role and she loves her job. if you haven’t seen her perform anything (not even just wicked. her light in the piazza performance is astounding.) RUN your little legs over to youtube and search her name because she’s SO GOOD.
anyway long story short i love KRC and you should too.
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yoku-yukihime · 8 days
unholy lovers [oc]
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ghouljams · 4 months
The Drabble? Blurb? Ficlet? Idk- was very sexy! I love accurate period pieces!! I saw you used ‘stays’ and that made my history nerd giggle like a giddy idiot. Thank you! So, you were using the terminology the anon used- I don’t want to come off rude or accusing! I promise: I love your work.
But uh- back then bodice ripper meant r*pist…
I think it would be appropriate for your story in everything but the dialogue between Lord Mactavish and Lady-… us. Unless reader get’s feisty with him- though I don’t think Lord Mactavish wouldn’t approve of the terminology because in his eyes she’s his. It’s his right as her husband.
My favorite terminology from back then is: He is Admiral of the Narrow seas. (Which was to say: He’s drunk enough to throw up in your lap)
-a very bored history nerd. (My nephew is sleeping on my chest therefore, I’m not allowed to move. So I’m scrolling. I’m very sorry)
I'm such a nerd for historic fashion, I must use the correct terminology or I will die. They're stays! (More specifically they're probably transitional stays, but that's unimportant)
Bodice rippers..... What can I say about them.... What can I say about Lord Mactavish(which just typing out makes my scream AAAAH(I'm normal I'm normal))
I'm very specific in my terminology for everything really.. Yeah I know Bodice ripper is another term for a rapist, in this context it's also a gothic romance genre. Definitely a lot of dubiously consenting sex in those novels, but I've talked before about how women really couldn't consent to sex in this period without labels being thrown at them.
Now LORD Mactavish (hehehehehe) oooooh this man... He can take whatever he wants from me. I think if his lady wife called him a bodice ripper he'd laugh and haul her off to show her just how much of a rake he is. He's only one for her. Rest assured my lovely ladies are never laying back and thinking of England, they're enjoying every moment, even the dubiously consenting ones. It's his right as her husband to make sure she's well taken care of, even when it makes his lovely wife sputter and swear at him because this is terribly inappropriate timing(but also don't stop...).
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incorrectdwpquotes · 5 months
Emily: Could you just try to see this from my perspective, please?
Izzy: [leans down]
Serena: [trying not to laugh]
Emily: I can’t believe this! Serena…
Serena: I’m sorry dear. You’re right, we should try to see this from your perspective.
Serena: [leans down]
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lenaluthcr · 2 years
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Valentina flirting “annoying” Luiza in 1x01 (Stupid Wife)
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clowningoose · 1 year
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scvereignreigned · 3 months
🕷​ – sarah sanderson
🕷​ – winifred sanderson
🕷​ – mary sanderson
🕷​ – thackery binx
🕷 – max dennison
🕷 – emily binx
🕷​ – dani dennison
🕷​ – billy butcherson
🕷 – gilbert
🕷 – becca
🕷 – izzy
🕷​ – mother witch
🕷​ – cassie
🕷​ – jay
🕷 – ernie
🕷 – aesthetic
🕷 – wardrobe
🕷 – musings
🕷 – about
🕷 – headcanons
🕷​ – book
🕷 – count dracula
🕷 – the devil
🕷 – devils wife
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amethystina · 6 months
I've been making many comparisons between Hannibal (Series) and TDJ, so I need to know if you have ever watched Hannibal and if you also saw any similarity between the two or if I'm just going crazy 😞
I have watched it, yes! I binged it in a matter of days (several years ago now) and, BOY, was I loopy afterwards. I had to call a friend and legit go: "I have to talk to someone about something that isn't Hannibal because I feel like I am losing my mind a little."
(Which sounds corny but, uh, I have a tendency to sink really deep into the feelings and mindset of the characters I watch — not unlike Will Graham, hilariously enough (which is also why I'm so good at writing them, I guess?) — and that makes any show a bit of a journey but Hannibal even more so. It was NOT good for my mental stability x'D)
Anyway! Yes, I can see it, at least to some degree. There are definitely a couple of similarities but, in my opinion, honestly more differences, at least when you start looking at it a little deeper. For me personally, it's easier to compare Hannibal to a drama like Strangers From Hell than The Devil Judge.
Like, say what you will about Kang Yo Han and his habit of manipulation, gaslighting, and lying (which I do, very frequently) but it wasn't anywhere near Hannibal or Moon Jo levels of viciousness and depravity. Though I admit that's a very low bar.
Congratulations, Yo Han — you're less despicable than two cannibalistic serial killers.
That's not to say that what Yo Han did was good (he is, by definition, a mass murderer x'D), but the framing is completely different. Hannibal does it for the heck of it — to see what makes Will tick — and also because he wants Will to join him and become his other half, a.k.a. his murder husband. Meanwhile, Yo Han is looking for a useful accomplice to help him avenge his dead brother and, if he happens to get a husband out of it, that's just a bonus.
Hannibal does it for his own amusement and enjoyment, while Yo Han has a purpose behind his actions that's actually connected to his love for someone else. And while his actions DO hurt Ga On on more than one occasion, he's by no means as flippant about Ga On's life as Hannibal is about Will's.
Adding to that, Ga On was a lot more willing to be seduced than Will Graham, probably because Yo Han is by no means as wicked as Hannibal. He's got a lot of soft sides that Hannibal just... doesn't. Which alters the tone of their story and turns it into something quite different.
So yes, on the one hand, there are some similarities in the concept of an older, dangerous yet suave man trying to tempt a younger, idealistic man into committing crimes with them, but the lengths which they go to, the methods they use, and the motivation behind it are too different for more than a surface level comparison for me.
And that difference is honestly one of the reasons why I never wrote Hannibal fanfics. I was tempted, but I soon realised that Hannibal is too rigid. He's pretty one-dimensional in the long run and while the show does make a point out of showing that Will could change him at least a little bit, it's still too little to make him fun to write for me.
But, more importantly, when it comes to ships like these (i.e. the morally grey ones) it's never the dark one that will make or break it, but the other party. For me, a pairing like that only works if the softer/weaker/brighter/whatever you want to call it person is, on some level, in on it. And sure, Will does eventually end up being Down With Murder, but he didn't start out like that. He truly was a good guy at the beginning and the only reason why he ended up a murderer was through emotional and psychological osmosis — which he struggled against every step of the way until he eventually gave up.
Compare that to Ga On who, clearly, had a lot of darkness even before Yo Han showed up and pulled it to the forefront. Like, he dove headfirst into it after a while because he'd clearly been waiting for someone to tell him it was okay to do so — he wanted to come along for the ride Yo Han invited him on.
Or Jong Woo from Strangers From Hell, who had violence and anger-management issues long before he met Moon Jo and got pulled into becoming his murder husband. Or Pete from KinnPorsche, who clearly had a dangerous and kinky side long before Vegas showed up and... uh, made him embrace it?
Sometimes, it hinges more on the other person, is what I'm trying to say. And that can totally change the tone of the story being told. Like, while I am 100% certain that Hannibal loves Will in canon (or as much as he is able while being who he is) I can't say the same for Will. He's attached, sure, but love? Not sure. But what I am sure of is that Will would be better off without Hannibal. Without a doubt. Yeet him off a cliff (pun entirely intended). There's just too much violence between them and while it is fascinating to watch, I don't really want to see them as a couple xD
Yo Han and Ga On, on the other hand? There is genuine attachment between the two of them, and a genuine desire to see the other safe and happy. And while Yo Han definitely isn't the easiest person to live with — and much too vicious and dangerous for things to be entirely healthy between them — he does give Ga On something that, arguably, very few can, by embracing Ga On for who he is WITHOUT trying to change him. Like, the very core concept of their relationship is different from Hannibal and Will's.
Basically, while Hannibal turned Will into a killer to make them more compatible — sawing off the pieces of Will that didn't fit and tacking on new ones where he pleased — Yo Han and Ga On kind of fit from the beginning, because there was already a darkness in Ga On that called out to the darkness within Yo Han. They just have to figure out which way to approach each other for everything to fall into place but, once they do, the puzzle is easy to solve.
So, in essence, they're the opposite of Hannibal and Will. Will is forced to become someone else for him and Hannibal to work, while all Yo Han wants is for Ga On to accept and embrace who he truly is. Yo Han doesn't have to change Ga On for the two of them to work, they just need to love each other, flaws and all.
(which they do, in my subjective opinion)
... that became a lot longer rant than I had planned. I'm so sorry x'D
TLDR: Yes, there are some similarities but, on the whole, they're surface level in my opinion. Their dynamics at their cores are too different.
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lpa6zn · 1 year
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i made a collage about my new fav character
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i love xie wanqing and im going to marry her, everyone else go away
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hero-in-high-tops · 5 months
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New favorite panel of these two
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ah0yh0y · 2 years
friendly reminder that Audrey Rose  Wadsworth is poc and south asian specifically indian
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rei-is-hiding · 2 years
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@maiweek day 3: knives + vampire au
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