#her wife and daughter are just freaking amazons
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incorrectdwpquotes ¡ 1 year ago
Emily: Could you just try to see this from my perspective, please?
Izzy: [leans down]
Serena: [trying not to laugh]
Emily: I can’t believe this! Serena…
Serena: I’m sorry dear. You’re right, we should try to see this from your perspective.
Serena: [leans down]
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aj-allen97 ¡ 4 years ago
Reactions on Jungles Cruise the Movie!!!
Tears of healing???? Rapunzel is that you?
Wait is Disney mixing up their movies again? Or did they see the Healing Flower of the Sun and go sure people loved that let’s use that again!
So basically the Fountain of Youth?
So Conquistadors being Conquistadors?
I’m guessing guy in purple is the bad guy?
Yep definitely the villain.
😂 fare please 😂
Prince? Prince of what?
Whoa this guy just got homicidal over his name.
Ahhh the mighty jungle!
Ahh yes let’s bring our kids on the cheapest jungle cruise money can buy! I’m sure it’s safe!
Dude Move! If your that worried about being impaled then move!!!
The Dad Jokes! They brought the Jungle Cruise dad jokes to the film! And the jungle Cruise props animals!
Not only the cheapest but the most traumatizing!
The also brought over the back side of water jokes!!!
Cue Title Card!
Time for the Mistaken Identity dance!
CGI Jaguar ignoring at the easy fresh targets for the main characters trope.
I’m gonna bet that Prince in a purple suit that speaks German is behind the CGI Jaguar?
Ahhh it’s Frank’s CGI Jaguar reeling in new customers for Frank!
😂😂😂😂 Man has more luggage then his sister.
Brother also dropping the ball on keeping his sister safe.
The local salvaging brother dearest luggage - probably to sell.
Ok so we have Frank, Lilly, Lilly’s Brother, and Possibly German Prince yeah?
Leave the monkeys the monkeys are fine - Frank
She was on a roll Frank - she was on a roll.
I’m putting my money down on the fact Lilly can’t swim.
Poor Lilly can’t catch a break.
Called It!
Also check your person, make sure you still have the token necklace.
Wait is German dude a Nazi? What year is the movie set in again?
Is a submarine in the Amazon River possible?
So does Franks Jaguar live in the boats engine house? If so is he ok?
Technically Mr. Nino this isn’t Frank’s fault more like Lilly’s fault and that German dude?
Also it was sweet of Frank to include the brother in the hug.
Frank Finally found someone who found his jokes funny.
Maybe don’t put your fancy camera right there - it’s just asking to accidentally lose it in the Amazon river.
Piranha Dinner!
I feel like Franks gonna try to steal the arrowhead!
They were having a moment until it was broken by Frank’s Jaguar.
So would Lilly be the Rapunzle of this movie (both blonde, both be named after flowers/plants, both are linked to a magical flower?) if yes does that mean she becomes the flower?
So if Lilly is Rapunzel does that make Frank Flynn Ryder? And German Dude Mother Gothel?
Some one is cranky after their nap/death.
I feel like the Medusa Conquistador hybrid is gonna betray Nazi Dude.
So did Lilly have a prophetic dream/nightmare or did her nightmare just lined up perfectly with that jump scare?
Yep called it Frank wants the Arrow Head.
Poor Lily
Poor Jaguar got a hangover
Now everyone is sick except Frank
😂😂😂 the Log scene
Spy Snake! The best spy to use in the Amazon
Awww did Frank install kitty doors for his Jaguar?
Frank likes Motocars?
Is that Disney’s way of saying Brother is gay? Without saying gay and alienating certain audience?
Poor Lilly realizes Frank is shady?
Onion of Deceit
Uh oh tribal people - just when Frank and Lilly were making headway into their relationship
Ooh Fancy! Now I want a cool moving throne!
Brother may be a dandy but he’s got a punch to him!
Trader Sam is Back!
Brother Dearest knows his baby sister (is she baby sister?)
Well that’s convenient.
Why do I think Lilly needs to do a ultimate sacrifice?
Poor Trader Sam is stuck in between a lovers quarrel and she looks like she rather be anywhere but there.
Ahhh the snakes are back!
The heck? The heck!
Not just the snakes! But the Medusa Conquistador is also back!!!!
Wait? Was there a conquistador buried in the back of that throne?
So we have Medusa Conquistador? Throne/tree Conquistador? Honey Bee Conquistador? Mud (???) Conquistador?
Now they gotta find the Moon Tears so Lilly can pull a Rapunzel and save Frank
Ahhh the good ol River ex macia
Sooo…kind of like the curse in the first Pirates of the Caribbean Movie?
So wait? Is Frank Also immortal? Is that why he never returned home?
He Is!
Even the kids come to watch! 😂😂😂
This must be a normal occurrence for Frank!
Didn’t Trader Sam tell Lilly to stay away from the river??? Why did she go back to the river?
Poor Big Brother trying to shield young eyes only to faint himself.
Again isn’t this the plot of Rapunzel except instead of a sick wife it’s a sick daughter?
A chant! Just like Rapunzel hair!
Rock music appropriate.
And no one noticed Frank was never aging?
Poor Trader Sam stuck with Big Brother!
😂😂😂 Trader Sam just bailed! Can’t say I blame her!
They really should have brought brother with them!
Ahhh romance! Only took removing a blade from his heart to jump start it!
But not moving picture! Or automobiles!
And you don’t think Honey Bee Conquistador won’t end up noticing he’s a few bees short?
Wearing White Underclothes to go swimming in! I hope you don’t mind the male gaze
Well that was a quick swim lesson - so much for being afraid.
They kiss? Odd time to be doing that? Or is that a way to give her oxygen?
Technically “We” Frank.
Just accept her proposal Frank.
Ok Ok fine I get his reasoning.
Uh Oh
Welp the rest of Conquistadors are a coming!
And they will (hopefully) kill this German prince.
Ok so the brother is the baby brother?
So what’s with the singing? To freak them out? Cause I’ll admit it making me nervous.
But only Frank knows the chant. The chant is still important right? To make the petal work?
German Prince is impressed by Lilly
Where your Jaguar Frank. I feel like she would be really useful about now.
There she is!
Murder Cat!
She Got petal!
Here Comes The Conquistadors!
Go Frank Go!
How is that Dude still Alive?
Oh hey now we got Wizard of Oz!
Frank we barely knew you
Ok Lilly go pull a Rapunzel and save Frank now.
What No Chant?
Lilly? How about True Love Kiss? You didn’t try that yet?
Oh! Petal worked without the chant!
Baby Brother approves of this union!
Frank should definitely bring back his Jaguar with him to London!
Magic? Sure these old men can accept that. Lady Chief? Gasp!
Women in the gallery! Heck Yes! Go Dr. Lilly!
So no more illness? They have cured every disease known to man with one petal?
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fantastic-bby ¡ 4 years ago
Books & Poems I love
Hello, I am just dumping my favourite books and poems here because I like them and I want people to read them too bcs they're cool. Disclaimer: I haven't read some of these books in a REALLY long time, so the explanations might be a bit off since this is mostly what I remember from when I had read them. All will be under the cut and I hope someone out there finds these as enjoyable as I do!
1. Huntress by Malinda Lo
Nature is out of balance in the human world. The sun hasn’t shone in years, and crops are failing. Worse yet, strange and hostile creatures have begun to appear. The people’s survival hangs in the balance.
To solve the crisis, the oracle stones are cast, and Kaede and Taisin, two seventeen-year-old girls, are picked to go on a dangerous and unheard-of journey to Tanlili, the city of the Fairy Queen. Taisin is a sage, thrumming with magic, and Kaede is of the earth, without a speck of the otherworldly. And yet the two girls�� destinies are drawn together during the mission. As members of their party succumb to unearthly attacks and fairy tricks, the two come to rely on each other and even begin to fall in love. But the Kingdom needs only one huntress to save it, and what it takes could tear Kaede and Taisin apart forever.
I cannot express how much I adore this book. It's so well-written and the entire book feels like such an adventure to read. I have to warn everyone who will read this that it is quite violent. I also love the WLW inclusion which is carried throughout the story. It's also mentioned in the beginning that Kaede does not want to marry a prince because she could never marry a man. It's filled with lots of romance and it's fantasy because I'm a sucker for fantasy reads.
My sister had bought this book for me after I had lost my first copy and my cat peed on my second copy. The first time, I had bought it from a Big Bad Wolf sale in about 2014. The second, I ordered it through Kinokuniya, but I'm pretty sure you can get it off of Amazon as well.
2. Teardrop by Lauren Kate
Never, ever cry . . .
Seventeen-year-old Eureka won't let anyone close enough to feel her pain. After her mother was killed in a freak accident, the things she used to love hold no meaning. She wants to escape, but one thing holds her back: Ander, the boy who is everywhere she goes, whose turquoise eyes are like the ocean.
And then Eureka uncovers an ancient tale of romance and heartbreak, about a girl who cried an entire continent into the sea. Suddenly her mother's death and Ander's appearance seem connected, and her life takes on dark undercurrents that don't make sense.
Can everything you love be washed away?
This is also a book that I've read multiple times. I've even read the sequel, Waterfall, but I don't think I actually got around to finishing it since I bought it right before my exams. Another love and fantasy novel, it covers a lot of grieving and pain that Eureka goes through after losing her mother and at one point, she actually wishes it was her that had died during the accident.
Her relationship with Ander is quite sudden since he just shows up out of nowhere and just happens to know practically everything about her. I, personally, enjoy this book out of the amount of angst that it's filled with. It's very well-written and I still have the first copy that I bought at the same Big Bad Wolf sale that I had gotten Huntress. I think I had gotten the sequal at Kinokuniya as well (?), but I'm not entirely sure because it's been a really long time.
3. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal, but The Reestablishment has plans for her. Plans to use her as a weapon. But Juliette has plans of her own. After a lifetime without freedom, she's finally discovering a strength to fight back for the very first time--and to find a future with the one boy she thought she's lost forever.
Another very angsty book. It centres around Juliette, a girl who, for some reason, kills everyone she touches. It's also written in First POV and in the format of a journal. It feels more personal because some of the lines are striked through to show a thought that Juliette had in the moment of writing that she decided to replace with a different approach instead.
The beginning is basically Juliette being locked away in some sort of a prison because of her 'gift' and she writes to keep herself from going crazy, but then one day some guy is put into the same cell as her. It's another romance novel and also a kind of superhero novel It also gets pretty... ahem... seggsy... at one point, but it's a good read.
I've read the entire series aside from Restore Me. I have it, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Shatter Me is also from the same Big Bad Wolf sale as the other two lol. Juliette is also trapped in a love triangle at one point, but I won't get into it. It also gets a bit violent, but slightly less graphic than Huntress is and is also another 'self-discover' kinda book. (can you see a theme here that I read lol)
4. Winter's End by Jean-Claude Mourlevat
Four teenagers escape from their prison-like boarding schools to take up the fight against the tyrannical government that murdered their parents fifteen years earlier. But only three of the friends make it safely to Jahn's restaurant, the headquarters of a secret resistance movement, where they discover the astonishing power that one voice can have in the fight for freedom.
As the battle rages, the three friends are in a race against time to save their companion, who has been forced to participate in a deadly, ancient game for the amusement of his captors. Will this new generation prevail, or are they destined to meet the same grisly fate as their parents?
This is also extremely angsty. It's also pretty violent as well, so that's a warning for whoever will read this. Once again, well-written, nice flow to the story and I just really like this book. There's a lot of uncovering in the book that makes you go HUH because the four students end up uncovering a lot about their government and the secrets that involve the four of them.
It has a very heavy dark tone to it, which I really enjoy. It's a bit different from the other three which is less fantasy and more of a dystopian book. It's a very heroic, determination feeling that follows the students as they journey throughout the book. Also something that follows the students are a group of dog-men... things... that I'm pretty sure I actually had small nightmares imagining when I had read this in around 2013 or 2014.
Disclaimer: Half of these were poems I did essays on in high school aside from L. These are my illustrations of it and they're the ones that stood out to me when I had first read them.
1. Daffodils by William Wordsworth
I read this in high school when I was taking English Literature. It's a poem that Wordsworth wrote after his wife had passed away. I love the way it's written and William Wordsworth is one of my favourite poets. It's filled with the feeling of being lost and rediscovering the joys of the small things in life. There's a lot of imagery that refers to the flower, daffodil, and overall, it's just a a very soft themed poem.
I think the reason this poem stood out to me was because I was feeling a bit lost at the time I read it (the end of highschool) and I was desperately trying to find something I could relate to in some way.
2. Winter by Andrew Young
Another one that contains a lot of imagery. It's a poem about the beauty of Winter and how, while it's seen as a dark and gloomy season, it has hidden beauties that you can see if you're able to look past the initial image of it.
This poem in particular, I'm pretty sure I have a soft spot for in my heart mainly because of the soft spot I have for Winter in general.
3. London by William Blake
This is a more dark toned poem. It covers what old London used to be like with the raging poverty at the time. A lot of child labour and sex workers that would struggle with making money when they would accidentally get pregnant.
It's quite a depressing poem that I like because of the dark undertone and I, personally, really enjoy William Blake's works.
4. L by Bernice Chauly
L is a poem about how her daughter had cut her hair right after going to the hairdressers. While Chauly's daughter is crying when she yells at her, Chauly is reminded of when she had done something similar when she had just turned five years old. She thinks back to it and remembers that, at the time, all she wanted was to see her late father.
This is also more heavy set and it makes me think of the way children must feel when they lose their parents at such young ages.
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jaxsteamblog ¡ 5 years ago
I started writing an outline for a non existent Flower Shop AU series but it just turned into Loving Avatar Thuy Hours.
Here are some great things about Avatar Thuy (SUPER long post because I love Thuy):
She tells her folks that she’s a girl around the same time she tells them about the bald man who taught her to sling mud. Because there’s not a lot of gendered differences in the Swamp Tribe, the trans thing wasn’t a big deal. Finding out their daughter was the Avatar, on the other hand, REALLY WAS.
The concept of “kin” (FOLKLORE TERM) and the connection of all life in the swamp via the root system has a profound spiritual effect on Thuy. She can perfectly call up any Avatar and, as she gets older, can channel them easily when in the Avatar State. For the on-screen Avatars, here’s Thuy’s hot takes:
Wan- She is Not A Fan. Doesn’t like how he shifts between being super cocky and super insecure. Wishes he had not closed off the Spirit Realm. (Not like it worked, as she gestures angrily around the swamp)
Yangchen- When Thuy learned about Fairy Godmothers from a book of Fairy Tales someone brought into the Swamp, this is immediately who Thuy thought of. Yangchen was always calming and patient, and listened every time Thuy would rant about her cousins stealing a toy or when someone pushed her into the swamp. Family is big in the Swamp and Yangchen became another mother.
Kuruk- He can’t handle kids. He also cannot handle the concept of hick Waterbenders. He is a North Pole Waterbender and (SPOILERS) fell for a high class Fire Nation Lady so, he does not like the Swamp. The Swamp is not a fan of his either.
Kyoshi- TBH Thuy was intimidated by her at first. However, when puberty hit, they talked a lot about body dysmorphia and what it means to be a woman. Thuy was able to accept her body with the continued help of Kyoshi. 
Roku- Roku is a story-teller. He told Thuy about the start of the war, and his time with Sozin. He talked about Azulon and what the royal family used to be like. Thuy was fascinated by the Fire Nation, wondering how such a mythological sounding people could do something so human like wage war.It allowed her to think of the Fire Nation as something more than just The Enemy.
Aang- The first Avatar to greet her. He was her confidante and like a very fun grandpa. He taught her to meditate and throw mud pies (breaking the rules by tiptoeing into Earthbender territory). He talked about the war as it was happening, and explained to her how important it was that she grow up safe. He talked about his kids and asked her about the Swamp. He explained how important it was to understand how all things, all nations, were connected and to make friends in every nation. He told her about Zuko, and about his grandkids. Especially Rohan, who might know a thing or two about pronouns. 
Sometimes, catgators are tame enough to keep near the residents. However, this is similar to things we see in the news when people keep exotic pets. Tame does NOT equal domestic, and bad things happen. So when Thuy shows up with Mister Whiskers, Everyone Is Quite Alarmed. 
Catgators, like real life catfish, are also borderline cryptids. No one knows how old they get. Or how big.
I imagine catgators move like alligators and can be surprisingly fast for their flat, fat bodies. Remember kids, run in a zig zag because they WILL get you.
I am from Florida. I live in Florida once again. My family has lived in Florida since we came to this country. I was “poor white trash” and had an accent. I am NOT indigenous (see above comment about coming to this country). I give Thuy a lot of traits from what I remember about growing up, things I know about the rural south via my family, and throw in the pieces I like from canon. I also want to explore topics that are indigenous specific like what’s happening to the Amazon and the continued sins my country commits on native and/or sacred land. As a sensitivity point: I do not wish to ever write about the trials and tribulations of these issues. That is for native people, as they are the ones who truly understand the generational trauma surrounding it. What I would hope to do is bring awareness to real world situations where we as non-indigenous people can assist.
Don’t let them cut down the Amazon y’all for real. And blowing up Mount Rushmore is RIDICULOUS.
Thuy loves people. Because she’s so used to being around a supportive community, and being a teenager, she doesn’t understand when adults are rude or mocking at first. 
However, she is VERY secure about who she is as a person. Her family and tribe has always supported her, so she has a very strong foundation. It takes a lot to rock her. Mostly, she gets embarrassed when people call her out or make fun of her for being loud and overly excited.
She is scared to meet Katara at first, because she learns a little about what Katara did in the war. What and who she lost. She feels bad that she wasn’t there. Thuy doesn’t know how to start a conversation with her, which is bad because Thuy not so secretly wants to replace Kuruk with Katara as her Water Tribe connection. She doesn’t want to go to Arnook, who lost his daughter, or Hakoda, who lost his wife, and Sokka is in the same category as Katara, obviously.
Suki finds her freaking out. And remember, Thuy is a close friend of Kyoshi. They talk and Suki relaxes Thuy by putting the Avatar in Kyoshi robes. Sokka finds them with Thuy thoroughly disguised and, I might actually write this scene so you’ll have to wait.
Thuy likes Azula at first because she is oddly fascinated by the performative femininity of the Fire Nation. Azula is powerful, confident, and very feminine, and that intrigues Thuy. But Azula is Azula and has very little interest in some backwater peasant, even if she is the Avatar.
Toph embraces everything about the Swamp Tribe, as does Rohan, so they are the ones Thuy is the closest to. Toph, as a more destructive Gyatso, figures out how to rig a pressurized device that launches mud projectiles and the two of them wreck havoc at fancy Beifong dinner parties. Rohan takes the technology up a notch and they all terrorize the Air Temples. Doesn’t have the same impact, because they all survived Aang. Toph teaches Thuy to take no shit and give no fucks.
Thuy is insecure about her inability to communicate with the Spirits. Having grown up in the swamp, she could see them and heard how other people ran into them. Especially the refugees that were allowed in. The Spirits seemed to guide certain people to Thuy, which meant they didn’t hate her, but they never seemed to engage. The only thing she could think of was Wan and blamed him unfairly for a long time.
Thuy does a traditional education as the Avatar. She works for a few years with Toph, having a basis in earthbending already from Aang. Crystalbending is her special talent and Toph dismisses it as playing with jewelry (but never discourages her pupil ofc). 
Jinora is Thuy’s airbending teacher and spiritual advisor. She is very good about calming Thuy when she continues to have this disconnect with the Spirits, but is unable to help her overcome it.
Tenzin deems Rohan too irresponsible but allows them to ferry Thuy around so they still teach the Avatar new things. Plus, in this world, there’s a secular sect of Airbending that Bumi - Aang’s son and an Airbender since apparently all Air Nomads are Benders?? - started during the war. They have a very loose relationship with the Air Nomad commitment to non-violence and can live in permanent residences. They are required to do their initial training at the temples, but many go back to their homes, don’t shave their heads, don’t live a monastic life, etc. Rohan goes back and forth about their place, but ultimately takes over as the head of the secular branch. It appeals to Thuy more and they take their role very seriously because of the responsibility. 
Zuko teaches Thuy firebending. His adaptations to include other styles makes it easier for Thuy to pick up, though she still learns the basics at the Royal Academy for Girls (where she meets Suzu and Zula). 
Katara is Thuy’s “master.” She helps Thuy navigate the political world and they work together on the Water Tribe restoration and re-unification plans. Katara oversees the training schedules, the visitations, the summits, the tributes, and every other bit of minutiae. She also gives Thuy a break and they hang out doing Waterbender stuff.
Sokka and Suki teach Thuy non-bending martial arts. Thuy can kick your ass in a multitude of ways basically.
Thuy gets her Avatar Companions at very different stages. You’d think they wouldn’t get along, but Thuy has collected them and they like her, so they make it work.
Suzu and Zula (those are their names, not nicknames) are twins. They are Firebenders and are not related to the royal family at all. They grew up near the palace, went to the Royal Academy for Girls, and were sent to the palace to keep Thuy company and it was supposed to be very formal and politically advantageous for their parents. Except they actually became friends with Thuy and escaped the Fire Nation to go on adventures, which their parents did not like.
Suzu is a blend of Azula and Ty Lee in my mind. She is named in honor of Fire Lord Sozin. (Her family is SUPER into Fire Nation superiority) She is cheerful and enjoys playing around. She and Thuy get overly excited about things together instead of being “mature” and “above such things” as many noble girls tell them repeatedly. Her “Azula” traits come out when someone insults her family or Thuy. She ends up learning chi blocking from Ty Lee. Suzu is not to be left unsupervised.
Zula is a blend of Azula and Mai. She is “the eldest” and does everything her parents tell her to do, even if she hates it. She is named in honor of Fire Lord Azulon (and I guess Azula?). She ends up becoming an instructor at the Royal Academy for Girls until Thuy whisks her away to go adventuring. Zula hates the rigid society among the nobles and very happily dashes off. Can’t say no to the Avatar right??? Her firebending skill is in marksmanship. She can and will singe the sleeve of some snotty little noble from across the room if they irk her. She learns to bend lightning from Iroh and even Thuy is a little scared.
When Thuy moved from her earthbending lessons and onto air, Toph opened up her metalbending academy to have something to do between professional bending competitions. Jae-hwan was a late addition because he couldn’t afford the fees. Then he found out that the fees were arbitrary because Toph is a Beifong and she gave him a room to stay in. Thuy met him when she visited her Sifu and he, not knowing she was the Avatar, stole her purse as a joke. When he did find out, instead of freaking out, started to make fun of her because some lowly Earthbender orphan was able to steal the Avatar’s wallet. He never lets her forget that or any other embarrassing thing he witnesses.
Tashi is very quiet. He surprised everyone by choosing to join Urban Dust, the secular branch of the Air Nomads, instead of continuing on at the temples. People thought he would become a great sage and possibly live old enough to see the next Air Nomad Avatar. But Tashi is a true child of the sky and would live on his Sky Bison Dawa if he could. He does not like being on the ground for long and frequently disappears to go flying. Tashi specifically asked that Rohan be his mentor, again shocking everyone, but Rohan understood. Getting older, Rohan calms down and becomes very philosophical. Tashi finds them to be very wise and they contemplate the nature of things together. Thuy appreciates the one friend of hers that would never end up in jail with her. Tashi brings the bail money. Tashi also hides the body. Tashi can keep secrets.
Aktuk was born and raised in the North Pole. His father is a waterbending master and his mother is a waterbending healer. His older sister is a waterbending prodigy. He lost his leg during his ice dodging ceremony when the boat crashed. As a non-Bender, he had almost drowned and has a fear of the open sea. He makes his own prosthesis and is very into mechanics. When Thuy attended a festival in the North Pole, they had collided because Aktuk was carrying a bunch of parts and material for a project and didn’t see her. Freaking out, Aktuk tried to scurry away as quickly as possible but Thuy kept asking him questions. When she asked how he kept his leg from freezing, Aktuk immediately started to infodump and forgot about being scared. Thuy had to drag him around for awhile, because Aktuk had been basically taught to defer to Benders, but they refused to let him. Suzu and Zula hated the reminder of Fire Nation propriety, Tashi accepted everyone, and Jae-hwan only cared if people were paying attention to him. Thuy and Aktuk date for awhile, but part amicably after they grow into different people.
Thuy saves the world and I steal Korra’s ending for her own. She balances the Spirit World and the Physical World, opening up the portals. She brings back DRAGONS.
Zuko and Katara ultimately retire. Their daughter Izumi becomes Fire Lord. Sokka and Suki’s daughter Kya surprises everyone when they find out she’s a Waterbender and sits on the Water Tribe triumvirate as the chief of the South Pole. Kya and Izumi, having been born on the same day, terrify the rest of the world with their closeness. They consider themselves more like sisters than cousins and have to be repeatedly talked back from their plans to rule the world. They aren’t killing machines, more that they think they know what’s best and only listen to each other. Sometimes Lu Ten. But ALWAYS Suzu. 
Rohan becomes the head sage of the Urban Dust and creates a flying society that freaks everyone out for awhile. Tashi goes to the Spirit World for a long time and comes back, a little weird. IDK, I have stuff to explore with him. It’s not bad, just very different. 
Suzu marries a nice, minor Fire Nation lord and settles down to teach firebending in his rural home. She adores the royal children and they adore her. When Suzu shows up at either the Fire Nation palace or the South Pole, other people know it’s because either Izumi or Kya were planning something.
Zula never leaves Thuy and they travel together forever. Are they together? IDK, it might just be my attempt to fix (what I think is wrong with) k*rr*sami tbh. 
Toph DOES end up going to the Swamp, but her family knows about it and visits her often. Toph does not become a cop ffs, she becomes Willy Wonka but without the candy and slave labor. Lin tries to head the Beifong family after her mother just leaves one day, but she is much more suited to being a metalbending instructor. Once Suyin settles down, she gently pries the Beifong stuff from her sister’s terrified hands and does a really good job at managing Gaoling. They both studied under the Avatar for a little bit, and their rivalry came about with Suyin getting along better with Thuy. 
Sokka, pulling an Iroh, never leaves his flower shop. People ask him if he’s THE Sokka, brother of the Queen of the Water Tribes, brother-in-law to the Fire Lord, friend of the Avatar, then the father of the South Pole chief and he always goes “No, I just look like him and we have the same name.”
He often says this while Zuko is sitting with him behind the counter, drinking tea. 
Aktuk helps rebuild the South Pole and the Water Tribe navy is reborn. The Earth Kingdom is shook. Toph introduces him to another Swamp Tribe member and he marries her. He loves the Swamp. The Swamp Tribe gains a lot more replacement limbs that were lost to catgators. 
Jae-hwan has a hard time letting go of the metalbending academy. He basically grew up there, and spent every free moment there if he wasn’t travelling with Thuy. When Toph has kids, he realizes he had thought of her as his mom and freaks out. She assures him that it’ll be okay. Before she runs off to the Swamp, she legally adopts him, making him a Beifong. He opens more metalbending academies but runs the one in Gaoling because of familial pride. He encourages Lin to take up pro-bending, and becomes a coach when the mixed bending circuit opens. Rohan is OBSESSED with mixed bending matches. 
Ultimately, Thuy gets to relax in a way Avatars had been unable to for many cycles. The Water Tribe navy keeps the coastal city-kingdoms in the Earth Kingdom in check, while also reinforcing the United Republic. With the Swamp Tribe literally in the Earth Kingdom, the city-kingdoms become more firmly established and the Earth King becomes the Earth Emperor, but has to manage all of the city-kingdoms and it’s just a lot you guys he is so tired. The Fire Nation goes through an artistic renaissance under Zuko’s rule and the former colonies turn into industrial powerhouses. They are an economic force unto themselves and protect the Fire Nation from Earth Kingdom advances. 
With the world in relative harmony, Thuy travels often, since her friends and family have settled all over the world. Mister Whiskers grows to ENORMOUS size and they put him in a wagon when they go around. He does not eat people (anymore) but the wagon still warns others not to get too close. 
Zula is always there, with her RBF and scary fast bending. Thuy is still prone to gleeful outbursts and Zula smiles lovingly. They like to read together and will fall asleep resting on Mister Whiskers as they all bask in the same sunny spot. 
Aw crap, they are together.
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electronicdelusionstarlight ¡ 6 years ago
Juturna's Revenge
At the end of his journey after the fall of Troy, Trojan Hero Aeneas, his son and his goons, reaches the shores of Latium, where he's easily greeted by the Local King and his court.
He later proceeds to start a fratricidal war in the region, as he demands to marry the daughter of the local king, the young Lavinia, despite her being already promised to her coeval and childhood friend Turnus, king of the Rutuli, thus forcing the young man hand into descending in war with the Trojan Hero to defend his loved one.
However, Aeneas is aided by his divine mother, Aphrodite, later Venus, who has asked her husband Hephaestus and her occasional lover Ares to give her bastard some magical weapons and armor, to greatly tip the field in the Hero's favor, especially in the events of a "fair" duel.
Turnus doesn't have that. He is a mortal man, a "barbarian", a teenager whom a man twice his age, a well-known, has demanded to stand aside as he took his fiance as his wife. Gods do not want to help him, Turnus is lucky if some gods just want to fuck shit up for Aeneas, they don't care about him and his pathetic mortal struggles as the Trojans already divide the land among themselves and fashion themselves Kings.
Turnus doesn't have divine aid. What He has are his weapons and his strength, and his wits and his cunning. He has his people and his friends, alone against the man blessed by the goddess of beauty and destined by fate to gather a empire that will last centuries.
And most importantly, Turnus has is his sister.
Juturna, Nymph of the Fountains, Goddess of the Streams, the wild she-warrior "tamed" by Zeus with the gift of immortality, patron of clear waters and slayer of men, who had to surrender herself to Hera as her agent on the mortal realm to escape the Goddess' Wrath... her powers and strengths beyond belief as she uproots trees and changes her form and fights alongside his brother and his men as their equal with her """friend""" the local queen of the Amazons and her people...
And yet...
And yet, she Doesn't even manage to save her brother.
All her powers and prowess and immortality and allies, be them she-warriors or the winds, only managing to delay the inevitable, her brother, the only man she ever loved or cared for, slain in a feat of rage by the man, the hero, the monster he was trying to repel, his Fiance's mother killing herself in grief at the prospect of what was going to happen, the Trojans losing their identity and integrating themselves as "Equals" to the locals, as their cronies and allies rose to power after the purge of Turnus and his Friends, Lavinia sold like cattle to the conquering hero, awaiting her fate in the palace that was taken from her by force in everything but name.
And so Juturna weeps, weeps for her brother, as she descends in her rivers and streams to sleep, her eternal life now a prison, he powers only new testaments of her failures, even Hera abandoning her to herself, as the story abruptly ends and Aeneas becomes ruler of the land...
Or so we are Told.
After all, Mythology is 99% interpretation, and 1% fanfiction, and many things can happen when a author dies before he can finish to tell his tale, if you frame it just right.
For starters, the real person the fates need to ensure the birth of the Roman Monarchy and Future Republic and Future Empire, could be Ascanius, spawn by Aeneas' Seed, and not Aeneas, and Ascanius has just become king of Alba Longa at 8-11 due to his father victory, so that's settled for now...
So, really...
Who needs Aeneas now?
Surely not the Gods or the Fates. The hero is victorious, so why should they keep hovering over his shoulder, and they surely have better thing than to fret over a scheme that will only hatch centuries later, so why not leave him at it, it's not like Aeneas can't do anything by himself when it comes to wives, despite what his dating history might suggest...
And surely not the people he conquered or he ruled over, they don't need Aeneas, the hero has won and no one will contest him and his rule now, with Turnus dead, no, they don't need him to fight for them, they just need someone...
Someone who looks just like Aeneas.
And so, Juturna, warrior-nymph of the waters and mistress of shapeshifting, rises from the waters.
She gets in the palace, following her stream, and with the help of the dark, and slips away inside Lavinia's Bedroom.
The girl is terrorized. The Marriage cerimony has just ended, and she knows The Trojan will want to consume, to make it "real in front of the gods, just like I did in Carthage", whatever that means, and he doesn't care if she's mourning her mother and her fiance at the moment, or if she actually wanted to marry him, to him she's just a prize to start a war over after all...
She's on her balcony, just like her Mother was on her own balcony, when she saw the Trojans slaughtering Turnus' Armies, when she saw their soldiers dieting the city, the palace, ready to do unspeakable things to her or her daughter...
Perhaps she should jump, just like she did, the little girl, the princess tells herself. Escape this situation, and hope for the ground to not hurt her as much as it will.
And this is when Juturna, Warrior-Nymph and Shapeshifter, appears to Lavinia.
And offers her a out.
Minutes later, Aeneas, exalted by wine and the thrill of victory, enters his third wife's room, and finds her on her balcony, her back to him. He lears as he unbuckles, his weapons and armor forgotten somewhere else, ready to unleash his sword upon the unsuspecting maiden...
Only to be stabbed in the back by Lavinia, appearing from the shadows of her room, before he can even lay a hand on a disguised Juturna...
Again and again she stabs him.
47 times.
It's pretty messy.
Even Juturna is freaked out a little.
The unsuspecting hero falls, for only Lust could bring down the spawn of love and beauty, the cover of darkness aiding the princess and her Nymph co-conspirator into keeping the deed a secret from the eyes of Gods and Mortals, binding the body of Aeneas to the same stream Juturna was weeping in. Immortality seeps inside the Hero's bones, binding him to the living world, no divine intervention there to save him, or to bring him back, a eternity chained to a river bed as his son's progeny grows and builds and conquers and, eventually, dies.
And then, to maintain appearances, and to ensure for Lavinia not to be fall prey of any other man again, because that's what her brother would have wanted, Juturna takes Aeneas' form, steals the identity of her brother's killer as much as she steals his third wife and son and people, just like he did to her Brother, and lives happily ever after in her "Fake/Pretend Marriage AU" where she gets to console her brother's fiance and help her grieve the losses of him and her family, together, in a new kingdom filled with possibilities.
And with lesbian sex. Lots of messy, angry, shapeshifting, angsty lesbian sex.
Or Something Like That,
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gaaralover55 ¡ 3 years ago
It's a long time coming but I have to do it!
I have seen the trailer, fotos and read the story for amazon next "so called" top serie.
Rings of power!
A serie based on J.R Tolkien's lord of the rings and Sillmarion series. This is suppose to play out during the second age and we got follow Galadriel, Elrond and many more characters (Amazons Original Characters) in different stories and much more.
I know many are asking. What do I think about this serie? Do I like it? Do you think it's going to be good?
Well I have to say. If someone had not come put with it's based on J.R Tolkien's work. I would have belived this was some spin off serie of the Witcher.
Yes I would belived that. And no it's bot because there pepole of different colors that is in the serie. Because I am not Raistc and I love that it's not white cast. It's Because the serie is to realistic!! It dosen't follow Tolkien's source material! And turns the characters ooc!!
Like a exempel Galadriel! In the Lord of the rings film she was this calmm, wise, respected and gorgeus Royal elf that ruled over forest LothlĂłrien as the lady with her husband and lord Celeborn. She is a walking powerhouse because of her magic, heritage and her ring of power Nenya.
And what made her amazing was this! She didn't need to show her strength through being a warrior. But instead with her power and grace!!
So why did they made her into a warrior!?!
She is at least around 5000-6000 years old around this era! She is married! She has a daughter that will later become the wife of Elrond! You know one of the most well known elves in J.R Tolkien stories!! And in the serie he is in politics when in J.R Tolkien's stories what i heatd was sriking, playing music and living the life!!
And I got to know thoose idiots that works on amazon prime made her so-called "young" and "hipp" again and she is not married to Celeborn! She dosen't have daughter and acts like a rebel teenager! It's true that they are currently shitting on J.K Tolkien's work!!
Another thing that annoys me with Galdriel is her armor. Why does she have and I hope it's not what I think its the freaking star of Feanor! If it's the star of Feanor then the writers of the show are going to get hell from FEMALE and MALE fans! Because that's not a a so-called "empowering move"! It's destroy Galadriel's character even more! (Like other elves who was against Feanor and wears it in the serie)
And that is 99.9 procent of the actors who plays elves in the serie( That we have just seen in trailers, pics and more) have modern hairstyles!! From super short to modern styled with long ears with. It makes the actors looks so stupid!! It takes away the beauty and mythical of elves represents!
And why are hobbit's in the story?! They were wandering during this age and was not seen by the other races! And they made into Hobo's!! Crazed hobos!!?? And to thoose who dosen't know! The hobbits where not focused on in the second age!
And why dosen't women dwarfs have beards? In the J.R Tolkien stories the dvarven women was very manly that made male elves look like weak! And juat like the male counterparts they were hardworking and proud over their beards! So why dosen't the dvarf princess have a beard? And is she gonna be a priestess in the serie? Because she is dressed like that.
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scary-movies-on-netflix ¡ 7 years ago
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The “Slender Man” movie comes out later this year, but the Marble Hornets crew beat those folks to the punch with this film from 2015.  “Marble Hornets” was, of course, a YouTube series about Slendy that ran from 2009 through 2014.  I watched most of the early episodes, but the story lost my attention over time and I don’t think I ever finished watching it.  The movie here is currently streaming on Amazon Prime.
(EDIT: Someone asked whether or not the original “Marble Hornets” people were involved.  I did check to confirm that some of the same writers helped with the script, and were also listed as producers, so...sure, why not.)
Anywho, this story follows a news team consisting of a hot producer dudebro, a hot reporter woman, and a schlumpy cameraman. They’re making a series about foreclosed houses and come across a home where it seems that the family just up and disappeared.  They find some videotapes and the cameraguy starts to watch them.  Turns out the family was being terrorized by some tall creepy guy in a suit with no face!  Shit!  Naturlich, the cameraguy is freaked out, but then the tall creepy guy in a suit with no face starts to terrorize him!  He figures out that this creature, let’s call him…Slender Man, can only be seen on video, so he sets up cameras to keep an eye on his house.  Which is really convenient because this is a found footage movie.
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He finally loops in the hot producer guy and the hot reporter lady, and they don’t believe him at first, but then they’re scared too and no one knows that to do.  Suddenly, they receive some information on the missing family and the movie becomes a road trip across the country.  They arrive at the location and discover a burned-out home, but they find a cellar with yet more videotapes!  They show that the dad ended up killing his daughter, but then his wife shoved him down some stairs and set the house on fire.  Miraculously, she survived, and the trio locate her at the local mental hospital, where the woman rants that things have been okay (overall) since her husband died.
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FINALLY, the trio check into a lodge in a forest, but then Slender Man arrives to…kill them I guess.  It’s never made exactly clear what’s supposed to happen once he gets you.  Does he drive you crazy?  How does he kill you?  I don’t know.  The cameraman hangs himself, thinking that his death will free the others from being pursued, but Slender Man just possesses his dead body and beats the producer guy and the reporter woman to death with a stick.  The movie ends with a flashback to where the dad buys an old video camera with an original “Marble Hornet” tape inside.
This is a typical entry into the “found footage” genre.  It benefits from an established mythos and nice production values, but it’s mainly just repetitious.  The first few creepy scenes are effective, but then it’s more of the same.  Slender Man is coming for you.  He can only be seen via video.  Repeat, multiple times.  There’s also some interpersonal stuff, but it’s mainly just filler and does not enhance the story or the scares in any way.  As for Slender Man, it’s obviously just a guy in a skintight mask. I sort of wish that they’d found a way to actually remove the face-make the character more inhuman.  A lot’s been said about Slender Man already, so I won’t delve into the topic, save to state my appreciation that he remains undefined.  The characters here are just as bewildered as the rest of us about this tall creepy guy in a suit with no face.
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amzngphil-rp ¡ 6 years ago
I See a Little House on a Hill and Children’s Names|| A Phan AU
Disclaimer: Some timeline events and people were changed for the sake of the AU. Reader discretion is advised.
Phil got out of his meeting with his sponsors, happy to have his brand getting taken seriously.  He gathered his things and walked out of the meeting room checking his phone and seeing the messages from his husband and their surrogate.
From: Bryony, Hubby Danny Bryony-“It’s a boy! We’re so excited!” Dan- “Oh thank god I have a chance...I don’t think I could have handled another  girl..” Bryony- “I ordered the blue decorations for the party off Amazon from your          account, is that okay?” Dan- “Yeah whatever you need. I just sent out the invites. I was able to get a special Uber code! It’s DNP68. It gives people a free ride to the venue.”
He couldn’t wait to get home and see them.
The day of the party was absolutely beautiful. All of the balloons were set up just right and Rosanna’s sister Mo and her husband Mark helped her with the decor, since she was very pregnant with Sylvan. All the dogs running around and playing in the grass. Ro did what she does best and made a full spread of their greatest themes with every treat and dish she had made. 
Dan and Phil felt a little bad that she had been baking and taking care of a toddler and had just done a cupcake cake for Persephone’s birthday not long before. However, her determined spirit and her love for baking, parties, and kids shown through. The least they did was buy her all of the ingredients for her so that her and Mark could focus on making the food and desserts. They were even able to make a couple of videos collabing with them on the dishes.
Mark, who wanted just stop to check on his wife every 5 seconds, worried about her to the point where he was sweating through his dress shirt. Good thing he packed another one in the car. He finished helping decorate and went to his wife sitting on the couch, Reiner sleeping on her stomach. She looked up from staring at their son- who looked so angelic rising and falling on her bump that both of them could have cried- and gave a small smile to Mark, “They’re both asleep..You okay? Are the decorations up?...Did you take pict-” she started off in a hush, careful as not to wake her children. 
“Yes...yes...Rosie..you’ll see it later, honey..Phil put a tent in the next room so that if the kids tired themselves out they can sleep there,” he said, matching her volume, sighing that even in this beautiful moment she’s worried about her job. He had to keep himself together. Slowly, he caressed his daughter’s back and picked him up, his lame figure clinging to him, he knelt down and kissed Ro’s baby bump and then shifted to kiss the side of her head. “You need anything?..Hungry..Thirsty?..”
“Uhhmm...grab me my fruit water from the cooler that had the uhh...jello stuff in it...” she said, scrunching her face in thought while thinking and watched him walk away after she requested. 
Once he set his son down, the guests started arriving, Bryony greeted most of the guests while Dan stayed by her side- doting after her and protecting his new favorite child. He really did try to love his first born, but it was hard when she was so...polarizing to him.
Persephone was pretty confused about having a party for someone who’s not here. So it just looked like a weird party for a fat lady. She got some of the attention of becoming a big sister but the focus was on a woman who wasn’t her mother but supposedly had her baby brother somewhere she couldn’t figure out for the life of her. She thought that if her parents were happy and this works, then she can’t ruin it for one of them at the least. 
She saw that some of the cakes and foods had Dan’s face and monikers on it, so she crawled around under all of the tables and started eating Dan’s face off or breaking it off or simply defacing it in some way. She meticulously got to as many as she could before Phil spotted her. “Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Persie...what are you doing?” he ran over with a napkin and wiped her hand off quickly. He picked her up, putting her on his hip and taking her outside. She loved being on her father’s chest. His heartbeat calmed him and she could get lost in his cologne. She will probably always be a daddy’s girl, just not to Dan. He didn’t deserve that. Phil set her down and started straightening her dress and cleaning it up a little. “Baby..sweetie..look at me..why were you messing with all the food?..Hm? What’d I say about making Daddy sad? You can’t do that....You wouldn’t like it if the only things you have to look forward to and be happy about were messed up and you didn’t say sorry....Now..you gotta say sorry to Auntie Ro because she and Uncle Mark worked very very hard for your little brother and Otosan, and you see Reiner is getting a little brother too!...So I want you to go and tell her sorry...You know Daddy loves you..I’ll let you open his gifts okay? You get to rip them open for him and show him when he gets here alright? He’ll really like that...You know..you need to be there for your baby brother and you gotta be his Onee-san..his big sister..Bry-san isn’t going to be with us because she’s almost done helping us out..”
As Phil sat with Persephone outside and calmed her down, they started serving the cakes and food-stuffs to the people. Most people took the smudged Dan parts and sabotaged food with a laugh, knowing that it was probably the big sister-to-be looking for attention. Ro gasped when she saw the whole table messed up and Mark had quickly led her away- even having to make her sit down because she was attempting to apologizing to everyone about the presentation of her treats. Mark was angry briefly but then understood that it wasn’t his little boy who did it, and given a quick peer outside he nodded at Phil for handling his daughter. 
Dan was mortified. He was at first confused why Ro was freaking out because he was so busy with Bryony and being around the guests, even playing with some of their other friends’ and family’s children. Like Ro, he had first attempted to keep people from taking his labeled food but then realized they all went first, thinking it was a funny joke. And people still ate them, and it gave everyone to talk about. So he once again had to suck it up and accept that his daughter humiliated him for her personal entertainment. He ran around trying to find her after Mark came back and saw her outside with her father, then peered out of the glass door towards him and gave him a cold stare. Phil obviously seeing and looking back and then talking to her again before she hugged her dad tight.
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yorkhornby ¡ 4 years ago
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It is one of the fundamental forms used in metalworking, and can be cut and bent into a variety of different shapes. There is various ways for cutting sheet metal, from hand tools called tin snips up to very large powered shearing machine. WJZ 13Watch WJZ's Eyewitness News Mornings 5 7AM, Noon, 4,5,6 11PM. It's WJZ Maryland's News Station. Follow Us: Listen to 105.7 The Fan. Women know all about this. Society put them on a psycho emotional roller coaster ages ago. And it has not been a fun ride. I made club tracks because I didn have a sampler yet and the 4/4 drum pattern was easy to freak with quantized drum machines. It helped me learn how to play keys and arrange. Then, Chico (aka Sagat, maker of the song Dat loaned me his Ensoniq EPS and I slowly transitioned out of doing bdsm puma tracks at 120bpm and started doing slower Hip Hop with samples. He is a lovely guy. They were so well suited. It was the first time I had seen Lauren happy in a while. The movement to low cost locations is hardly new. As we well know, the first low cost moves are to go from New York and Los Angeles, to lower cost locations in the US. Then, one looks farther afield first Canada and Mexico, then further still to Europe, Latin America, then Asia. I was told that even if there were no issue it was absolutely necessary for the Poles to affirm their national existence. Passivity, which could be regarded as a craven acceptance of all the material and moral horrors louis vuitton store 2015 ready to fall upon the nation, was not to be thought of for a moment. Therefore, it was explained to me, the Poles must act. His next proceeding was to tell Marie that nike dunk tweed the Procurator Revel wished to speak to her, and to nike max air propose that she should accompany him to the presence of nike zoom vomero that gentleman forthwith. 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He coached football, baseball and wrestling in Highland Park. Companies such as Nike, Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger invest heavily in advertising to maintain their place in the market, although there is evidence that demand for certain labels is waning. But the fashion for such clothes is not. Guinness produces its own line of tops and sweaters; typically, a rugby shirt embroidered with its name and logo retails for 22.99. In this grand pattern of things you'll get an A+ just for hard work. Exactly where you misplaced us was on the specifics. As people say, the devil is in the details. But they ikea molnig csillĂĄr will wear it on birthdays, when they go to Grandmas, and when they go out to dinner with Mom and Dad.When he looks great, you want little Johnny to smell right, Perini said. When jeans moda 2015 donna amazon hes gone to that trouble, you dont want him to go out smelling like a bobcat.A child psychologist didnt think children want to smell like novolux 60 led bobcats, but they might not appreciate smelling like lemon, orange and lavender.I think at that age, they would rather smell like nike sb prod nike sb prod x x chocolate cookies, said Marilyn Segal, director of Nova Universitys Family adidas goalkeeper jersey Center.Segal also thinks designer jeans and shirts are a parent purchase, not a childs purchase. In other words, Segal says, unless parents have imposed snob appeal values on their children at a young age, most young boys would rather have a picture of Transformers cartoon characters on their shirt than Ralph Laurens Polo pony.Perini, however, agrees that no boy needs cologne, just as he doesnt need designer jeans. Although he has a point, there's no escaping the fact that his rise through the bdsm puma highly competitive ranks of polo can be put down partly to his looks. Because, while there may be higher ranking players, there are few more famous and it's more than his skill on horseback that saw him being interviewed by Oprah and taking on a cameo role in Gossip Girl. When he plays in New York, Madonna, Chlo Sevigny and Kate Hudson turn out to cheer him on, because his modelling career has made him into something of a celebrity..
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raisingsupergirl ¡ 7 years ago
Pre-K, Go Away
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I think I might have a problem. I mean, I know I have a problem. It's just that I always claim to be a laid-back dude, all calm and collected. But ever since my wife gave me my first daughter, there's been this thing. It's not fear, exactly. And dread is too strong. It's more like reverse nostalgia—like my heart aches for the memories that I'm creating currently, and even for the ones that I haven't even experienced yet. I look at my three year old and my 8 month old, and I wish I could get back the time I'm spending with them right now. And as if that's not confusing enough, time got away from me somewhere. I spend every day cherishing the little things—the milestones and the giggles—but I blinked one day and missed something. So what did I miss, exactly? Well, at some point, my beautiful first-born went from being a toddler to a preschooler.
You'd think I would have noticed. I mean, her pre-K screening last month should have tipped me off. She counted to fifteen, named shapes, and said most of her alphabet (for the record, she can count to twenty and say her whole alphabet, but she gets a little distracted sometimes… wait, what was I saying?). She didn't do perfect, but the standardized assessment of her abilities, performing for a judge and receiving a score, it was all so surreal. It got me thinking, which is never a good thing, and suddenly I was seeing the writing on the wall everywhere I looked (not literally, thank the Lord. She hasn't reached that stage yet).
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The second thing I noticed was her eating.  I've said in the past how Avery is a terrible eater. Not that she's picky, exactly. My lovely wife has made sure her palate is about a mature as a middle-aged Californian. Seriously, she loves everything from avocado toast to zucchini noodles. BUT, she takes somewhere around twelve hours to eat a single meal. At least, she used to. But as of a couple of weeks ago, she routinely "beats" my wife and I, meaning she finishes everything on her plate before we do. Which is something she did maybe once her entire life before this new change.
And as if the improved eating wasn't enough, we had to deal with the consequences of this change when we went to the dentist and were told she had not one, not two, but three cavities. Even though she—with the help of Mommy—brushes her teeth twice a day and eats less candy than any child I've ever seen, she still inherited horrible teeth with "deep grooves" from said Mommy. Two of the cavities can be filled, but the third is so bad that it's going to need a crown. A crown! Even I don't have any crowns. But what's a $600 bill when it comes to the health of a bunch of disposable baby teeth, right? Especially if they use laughing gas. Getting that on video would be worth the price on its own.
And then came the big one. A couple of months ago, we moved our youngest daughter from her cradle to a convertible crib (yes, the top comes off), which our oldest was previously using as a toddler bed. But with the baby now occupying it, where did that leave our oldest? On a mattress on the floor next to our bed, that's where. And because it was so temporary, it didn't really impact me much. But no child can survive on her parents' floor forever (at least, the parents can't survive it forever), so the day came when we had to get her an actual big-girl bed. And that day was this Sunday.
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After Mommy and daughter picked out the PERFECT day bed, I tore open the package, unwrapped all 1,425 parts, and got to work. Even after doing our taxes and getting pinched all day for not wearing green (I’m like half Irish. I shouldn’t have to wear green on St. Paddy’s day!), product assembly actually took less than an hour, and I only stripped one bolt, but it wasn't the assembly that had me worried. It wasn't even the level 99 Tetris game of trying to fit the bed into the same tiny room as our baby's crib. What really had me nervous was waking my precious angels up in the morning and seeing one of them roll out of bed to greet me.
But all of this doesn't nearly do the situation justice. Her personality, her habits, phrases, and mannerisms—they surprise me daily. She has conversations with Alexa (yes, my wife allowed the devil Amazon Echo into our home, thus giving up our final thread of privacy, but happy wife, happy… never mind, I think they're listening) that astound me, and her moments of child-wisdom are matched only by her creative whimsy. It's all just too much.
Meanwhile, my wife is freaking out about our second daughter. "She's almost a year old!" she exclaims. The little monster's eating solid food, propping up on hands-and-knees, pulling up on every piece of furniture she can find, and saying, "Mama," and "Dada," like a champ. Her first tooth has popped up on the bottom, and she's trying it out on everything (let's hope it doesn't have a cavity yet). My wife's premature detachment anxiety even had her rethinking her, "I'm good with two kids," verbal contract, though only briefly. And yet, I can't help thinking I've been through all of that before. I'm not the one breastfeeding her (you're welcome for that mental image). I'm usually not the one putting her down for naps (though she's passed out on my chest as I write this, which is pretty awesome). I'm not the one who grew her in my belly.
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For me, I'm not scared about our baby becoming a toddler because I already have one of those. I'm actually excited about it because our first is so awesome that I can't wait to do it all again. What I'm worried about is our first child growing PAST that awesome stage. I'm worried that what comes afterward is a bratty, know-it-all teenager who doesn't need Daddy anymore. I just want to keep her snuggled up beside me watching Clifford and Voltron forever.
Of course, I know I can't slow down time. I know change is the spice of life, and it's cyclical and all of that dumb stuff. But I think this has been the hardest stage of all for me because it's the beginning of the end. She'll likely be in pre-K this fall, in kindergarten the year after that, and then grade school. Up until now, she's been growing with us. She's learned from Mommy and Daddy, changing in our presence, depending on us. But a time is coming very soon when she's going to get her first taste of independence.  There will be other people in her life who will teach her, and feed her, and take her to prom, and steal her away from me. Okay, yeah, dramatic, but it's how I feel, so get over it.
But there's still time. I'm still my oldest's "boyfriend," and she still gets excited when she makes me proud. And, hey, even when she gets older and thinks she knows everything, I still have a few years before my second daughter's flies the coop, right? Okay, fine. I give up. Looks like the only option is to have a few more kids and keep the party going. In fact, I think I'll bring that one up at the next family meeting. And if I go missing, you'll know why. But until then, I guess I'll keep on cherishing every moment. I mean, in the end, what else is there?
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themultiimagines ¡ 7 years ago
If ANYTHING happens to my daughter...
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A/N: just a bunch of protective mom diana
"Mommy why are you crying?" Your daughter, Athena had to ask. You sigh as you grip the steering wheel, feeling a lot of emotions. Unlike your wife, Diana, she was a crying mess as she gripped your daughters hand the whole time.
"Because my little one is going to school!" She exclaimed, looking back at Athena, grinning. "My beautiful baby is all grown up."
You hear your daughter giggle. "Mommies! Can you please come in."
"Yes ho-"
"Of course baby!" Your wife interrupted. You couldn't help but chuckle at how enthusatic the brunette was about your guys daughter.
Ever since Athena was born, she vowed to protect you and Athena and although you were grateful, she could be very over protective.
"Did you get everything?" Diana asks Athena and the little girl nods eagerly.
"Yes Mommy! Mama gave me everything this morning." You grinned happily as you turned to get a glimpse of your beautiful daughter. She was dressed in assortment of colors, not just one, with a hello Kitty backpack and a lunch bag to match it.
Athena looked a lot like Diana, brown, long hair, beautiful creamy skin and plump lips, but you were both certain she had your eyes and nose. She was probably the most beautiful kid ever (not to mention she was technically a demi god.)
You pulled the car in, parking and you could've sworn Diana was already out the door before you even parked. She picked up Athena, putting her up on her very big shoulders as you watched happily.
"be careful, Diana, you are very tall and she could hit her head." You heard a little gasp from the Amazon and she made sure to protect Athena's little head.
With a little guidance from the teachers (and a lot of apologies because all Diana did was glare and threaten for the safety of her daughter) you found her room. It was small and perfect just for kids her age. Diana looked around, very confused and new to this kind of environment but you grabbed her hand, reassuring.
"It's alright," you whisper, and you hear the superhero sniffle. "I swear to zeus himself," she grumbles. "I will destroy anyone who even look at Athena wrong-"
"Baby!" You wrap your arms around Diana, pulling her close so she didn't actually hurt anyone. "it will be alright. Trust me."
She grumbled again, kissing the top of your forehead before pulling away slightly.
"let's go home before I actually freak out."
"good idea."
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carsoncommacollin ¡ 7 years ago
love in a mist
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
My latest dream? Oh god you’ll love it. So I was in Brazil with my ex-wife, @h-s-carson was, like, eighty seven but me and Bridget had just graduated from Ilvermorny. It was weird. So anyways, we’re chest deep in the Amazon and all of a sudden, a dragon swoops from the sky and eats Bridge and that kind of sucked because old lady Holly just witnessed her mom be eaten by a dragon. But don’t worry, Bridget will be fine.
Holly and I reach wherever we were supposed to be, drink some water, I turn into a baby and Holly turns into a mermaid who has to carry me around because I can no longer walk or communicate. It’s insane. So as we’re in the Amazon, the dragon comes back and Bridget’s riding the dragon. She flies off into the sunset or whatever. The dream escalates because we somehow end up at the castle? And in order to save me and make me not a baby, Holly has to throw me into the castle from the river and so I’m soaring in the sky as a tiny tiny baby, break a window, and I somehow survive. So I’m a baby in a strange castle who doesn’t know what the heck is going on.
I begin to wander Ilvermorny, and I run into some weird stuff. I don’t even know. All the students are wearing Beauxbatons robes, and also have overly enlarged ears. I end up finding my way into the potions classroom where @ezekielsimmons is making a really, really big cake. Because I’m a baby, I want the cake and I start crying because I can’t reach it with my tiny baby hands. I guess it’s also June because Zeke thinks I’m his baby. But I’m not Zeke’s baby, so when he picks me up to take me to @adelesimmons, imagine his surprise when he sees that there is already a baby with her! 
Zeke freaks out and drops me which is something he would never do. @ryderfielding sees this, takes me away, and takes me to his dad, @ianfielding. He thinks maybe Ian had a secret love child with one of the professors, which is totally off base because Ian wouldn’t have a secret love child. Ian sees the ugly baby that is me, pokes me with his wand, and BAM! I’m back to normal! But Holly was a mermaid the last time I saw her. As soon as I can, I apparate back to Ilvermorny to check on her. Holly is gone. She’s not where I left her. 
I’m freaking out because I lost my mermaid daughter. All of a sudden, Bridget shows up with the dragon and riding next to her is Holly back to normal. Thank god. And then I woke up. It was weird.
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kmomof4 ¡ 8 years ago
Fic Rec List Post 1 of 3 tonight
Hi everyone! Ok, first of all I’d like to thank everyone for their patience while I’ve worked on this list. I figured since it’s been over 6mos since my last list, it was time to do it again. My original post was too long, so I’m having to break it up into 3 posts tonight. The whole thing is the definitive list of all my favorite fics. Hopefully the rest of the list will be up Monday. This will be the last time I post everything in one list. It’s just too much. From now on, I’ll only list new favorites. On a scale of 1-10, all of these are rated 11 or higher. A single asterisk next to a fic is a desert island fic that I couldn’t do without. A double asterisk is a #1 all time favorite fic that I reread regularly. All links, Tumblr handle (if I know it), ao3 and/or ff profile, links to fics on ao3 and/or ff, are included.  So settle in for some fabulous reading from this EXTREMELY long list. 
From @winterbaby89 on Tumblr, ao3, and ff 
*The Red Dress Affair is a smutty one shot where Emma is tired of waiting for Killian to make a move. Rated M on ao3 and ff.
*As Destiny Has It’s Eyes on You is a EF AU. Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven has been prophesied as the Savior since before her birth. Now with the help of a Lieutenant from her past she is going to take her destiny into her own hands, to defeat the Evil Queen. 16 ch, rated M. On ao3 and ff. 
From @hollyethecurious on Tumblr, HollyeLeigh on ao3 and ff
***A Knight for a Swan is a medieval/fantasy AU. The kingdom has been overthrown. Sir David's lands have been conquered, and his daughter has been captured. The new king offers her and her family's lands up as prize to the winner of the celebratory tournament. Many Lord and Knights throw in their lot to claim her, but only one sees her for the prize she truly is. Rated T (except for the last chapter), 10 chapters. ao3 and ff.
And I Don’t Want to Go Home right Now is a modern AU. Killian Jones had not left his apartment in two years, four months, and thirteen days. Not since he’d finally decided to shut himself away from the whole blasted world after a freak accident had left him without his hand, and for all practical purposes, his heart. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation Pirate Law is a canon divergent. All of Liam’s efforts to get his older brother together with the town Deputy have not had the desired effect. Maybe he needs to change tactics and find himself an accomplice? Fortunately, the Deputy’s son has the same idea, and together they put into action -- Operation Pirate Law. Rated K 2 shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation TouRING, sequel to Operation Pirate Law. Rated G one shot. ao3
Until We Meet Again is a canon divergent one shot. All wishes come with a price. Now that a wish has brought Liam and Nemo to the very time and place that Liam's older brothers washed up after the tempest sunk their ship, what will the price be, and who will have to pay it? Rated K on ao3 and ff
*A Harem of One is an AU 1 shot, with a possibility for more. Killian Jones, younger son of Prominent Turkish Businessman, Brennan Jones, meets Lady Emma during the height of the London season just a few weeks before he must head back to Constantinople to take over the family shipping business. Despondent over the fact that he had to leave the woman he loves behind, things get interesting when Brennan tries to give Killian a welcome home gift. Rated M. ao3 and ff.
And COMING SOON from @winterbaby89 and @hollyethecurious Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke. Captain Hook has succeeded in killing the Dark One and is sucked up in the curse. A season 1 canon divergent coming in October.
From @totheendoftheworldortime on Tumblr, totheendoftheworldortime79 on ao3 and ff
***We Own Tonight is a canon divergent in which Princess Emma and Lieutenant Killian Jones are inserted into the Frozen storyline. With the added bonus of FrozenJewel! Rated E, 35 ch. ao3 and ff.
***The Unlocked Series is a rated E modern au polyamory series featuring Emma, Liam, and Killian. Includes Unlocked with 8ch ao3 and ff, Unbound with 14ch ao3 and ff, Unchained with 21ch ao3 and ff, and Unbroken with 11ch so far ao3 and ff. There will be a 5th book to complete the series. Link to the series on ao3.
Poem Without Words is a modern AU in which Emma is a struggling college student who poses in Professor Killian Jones art class. Rated E with 32ch. ao3 and ff. 
Forbidden is an AU in which Emma is an Amazon and Killian is a Spartan captured at the battle of Troy. Rated E with 11ch. ao3 and ff. 
*Within Temptation is a canon divergent season 2 one shot in which Killian confronts Emma after he arrives in Storybrooke. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
Burning Bridges is a canon divergent one shot in which Emma makes her choice between Neal and Killian. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
How Lucky We Are is an EF AU. What happens when a revenge obsessed pirate meets a princess at a ball? Rated E, WIP with 13ch so far. ao3 and ff. 
Mischief Reimagined is a Harry Potter/Swan-Jones trio crossover. Rated E WIP with 5ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Out of Sight ao3 and ff and its sequel I Can’t Change the World ao3 and ff are modern AUs in which Emma is a bounty hunter looking to take down thief Killian Jones. Both rated E one shots.
Alone With You is a modern AU in which Emma is a star investigative journalist and Killian is her boss’s brother. Rated E with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
This Isn’t Everything You Are is a canon divergent from season 2 fic with 13ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel Fallen Empires ao3 and ff, has 18ch. Both rated E.
From @kymbersmith-90 on Tumblr, Kymbersmith90 on ao3
Patience is a canon divergent season 2 WIP with 4ch so far.
*Read All About It and its sequel *Rule the World are modern AUs in which crown princess Her Royal Highness, The Princess Emma of Cambridge meets and falls in love with Killian Jones, lead actor on her favorite television show. Both rated E. RAAI is complete with 143ch. DO NOT LET THE CHAPTER COUNT SCARE YOU!!!! The chapters are very short. These are both beautiful, fluffy sweetness!!! RtW is a WIP with 31ch so far.
Fairytales is a modern AU in which Emma Swan meets her favorite actor Killian Jones at a convention. Rated E WIP with 15ch so far.
From @seriouslyhooked on Tumblr, EmilyBea on ff
***Within Your Ocean Eyes is an AU story set in our world where Killian is a pirate in the early 1800s and Emma is a local girl, who though an orphan is beloved by the people of her small town of Storybrooke Maine. They fall madly in love despite staggeringly different ways of life, and become the stuff of legend. Rated M with 22 ch.
*Lifted by Love is a modern AU 8 part series that follows Emma, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Belle on a girls' vacation in the white mountains. Killian, David, Graham and Will also happen to be in the same complex. Thanks to some typical male stupidity, the groups cross paths and sparks fly as a result. One part per day of the trip and eventual epilogue. Rated M with 8ch.
*Some Call It Magic is a modern AU. When Killian moves to Storybrooke he instantly senses something strange about this little town in Maine but he's willing to overlook it for one reason: the single Mum living next door. There's only one problem. Killian is nearly positive she's a witch, a brewing potions and casting spells witch. But when true love is involved, does a little thing like magical powers really matter? Rated M WIP with 13ch so far.
*Wedded Bliss and Asterisks is a modern AU in which Emma is an up and coming wedding dress designer who meets magazine editor Killian Jones on the train. Rated M with 22ch.
False Alarms is a modern AU with fake dating that turns out to be not so fake after all between cop!Emma and firefighter!Killian. Rated M with 11ch.
Accidentally on Purpose is a modern AU married in Vegas fic. Killian tracks his wife down to convince her that what is between them is real. Rated M with 15ch.
In Your Light is a modern AU. Killian Jones is a recently discharged British soldier trying to start over. His brother Liam has found happiness in a small town in Maine and while visiting, Killian meets Liam's fiancÊ's sister Emma Swan. Before he knows it, Killian finds himself completely and irrevocably in love. Now all that's left is to convince Emma to let him stand in her light and by her side forever more. Rated M with 19ch.
Like You Do is a modern CS college AU. AU in which Emma lives in a co-ed dorm at a college in Maine. She hates crowds and so tends to shower at 2 am. One night, she gets caught up in singing, drawing the attention of Killian Jones, and sparks fly. Rated M with 26ch.
*Souvenirs is a modern AU in which Killian finds Emma after spending one night with her. Rated M with 14ch.
*Hope Springs is a modern AU in which Emma meets Killian Jones after Ruby comes home from her vacation married to Liam. Rated M with 20ch.
From @whimsicallyenchantedrose on Tumblr, jdmusiclover on ao3
By Land or By Sea series which is a rated T canon divergent from 3x11 and includes A Wish Your Heart Makes with 33ch, Getting to I Do with 10ch, and Mysterious Fathoms Below with 30ch.
Taking Back Neverland is a retelling of 3a in which the gang are working on the movie Taking Back Neverland. Originally part of Jen’s Fluffy Fridays series, which is also highly recommended. Rated T with 10ch.
Under the Apple Tree is, I believe the only OutlawQueen fic on this list. I’ve never read OQ, but for Jen I made an exception and I’m so glad I did!! This is a season 6/7 canon divergent fic that is fabulous and marvelous and brings Robin and Regina back together again for their happy ending! Rated T with 10ch.
The Princess and the Pirate is a canon divergent EF fic where Killian is recruited by Snow and Charming to get their daughter to safety so she can prepare herself for the Final Battle against the Black Fairy. A rated T WIP with 11ch so far.
From @flslp87 on Tumblr, flslp87 on ao3 and ff
***The Beach House is a modern AU based on the movie The Lake House. Will Emma and Killian be able to overcome their separation by time to find their happy ending? Rated T with 19ch. ao3 and ff.
The Promise is a brand new WIP that is already giving The Beach House a run for its money as my favorite in Misty’s repertoire. Rated T WIP with 2ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Flickering Lights- CaptainSwan Style is a canon divergent/missing scene of CS’s first time and Emma’s magic goes a little haywire! Rated T with 3ch. ao3 and ff.
A Gift From a God is a rated G canon divergent one shot where Emma and Killian are married with a very special guest in attendance. ao3 and ff
A Family Addition for CS is a future fic covering from positive pregnancy test through birth. Rated G WIP with 8ch so far. ao3 and ff
From @bromfieldhall on Tumblr, bromfieldhall on ao3 and Katrina on ff
*Just Tonight and its sequel *Just Forever are modern AUs. JT is rated M with 5ch. A night of unexpected passion leads to something infinitely more precious between two friends who don't realise the hidden depths of affection each has for the other. Romance/Angst and a little bit of Christmas fluffiness...eventually. ao3 and ff. JF is a rated G 1 shot of CS’s first Christmas together as a family. ao3 and ff.
Glimpses of Love and Affection is a season 3 canon divergent. Rated T with 26ch. Rated M for ch20 only. ao3 and ff. It’s sequel No Quarter is a WIP with 6ch so far, but hasn’t been updated in over a year. ao3 and ff.
From @its-like-a-story-of-love on Tumblr, captainswanismyendgame on ao3 and its-like-a-story-of-love on ff.
I Can Make You is a canon divergent one shot from the mid-season finale of season 3. What if TLK brought back memories? Rated M. ao3 and ff.
4 Bodies, 3 Swords, 2 Hooks, and a Savior is a canon divergent season 6 fic where Killian gets shot with Dr. Jekyll’s serum. One shot rated E. ao3 and ff.
To Guard You and to Guide You is a rated E one shot in which Killian is commissioned to protect Emma as she enters adulthood. ao3 and ff
Extra Credit is a rated E one shot where Emma is getting distracted in substitute teacher Killian Jones’s calculus class.
From @qqueenofhades on Tumblr, qqueenofhades on ao3 and ff
***The Dark Horizon is a OUAT/Black Sails crossover. You do not have to be familiar with BS to enjoy the fic. Set in 1715 in the Caribbean. Rated M with 42ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel, The Rose and Thorn is 25 years later when ghosts from Killian and Emma’s past come back to haunt them. WIP with 15ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Incarcerus is a vampire fic where Emma and Killian are vampires and solve a murder mystery together and help prevent a supernatural war. Rated M with 31ch. ao3 and ff.
When In Rome and its sequel Ghosts of Britannia are historical AU’s. WiR tells the story of slave gladiator Killian Mac Daithi and his forbidden love with Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 7ch. ao3 and ff. GoB picks up 10 yrs later when Marius Henricus Maximinus loses his parents in a fire and sets out to find his birth mother, Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 8ch. ao3 and ff. 
From @pocket-anon on Tumblr, PocketAnon on ao3
Scar Tissue is a modern AU in which Killian is starting to wonder if the scars on his heart are as permanent as his physical ones. Until he meets Navy surgeon in training Emma Swan. Rated M with 20 ch.
***A Fairytale Beginning is a CaptainSwan/Enchanted AU in which Killian tries to outwit the Evil Queen and finds himself in the Land Without Magic and in the company of one Emma Swan. Rated G with 9ch.
From @joneskillian on Tumblr, joneskillian on ao3 and KillianJones on ff
Love, Kindness, and Other Useless Things is a historical AU set in 1815. Lord Killian Jones has hired Emma as nanny to his daughter. Rated M WIP with 19ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Beautifully Dangerous is a modern AU that is too much fun! Emma and Killian are both trained assassins. Rated E with 4ch. ao3 and ff.
The Importance of Taking a Break is a modern AU in which Killian and Emma are the adult children of business competitors and go make out whenever they're forced to sit through meetings. Rated M one shot. ao3 and ff.
Love Is a Ghost You Can’t Control is a rated T WIP with 2ch out of 3ch posted. Emma has lived in her small apartment for as long as she can remember, when things start to get strange, she's convinced she's dealing with a ghost and calls professional medium Killian Jones to help her get rid of the ghostly presence. ao3 and ff.
From @welllpthisishappening on Tumblr, WelpThisIsHappening on ao3
You Play Ball Like a Girl is a modern AU where Emma is the newest sports columnist for The New York Record. Killian is her editor. Rated M with 47ch.
Out of the Frying Pan is a modern AU where Emma and Killian are both celebrity chefs doing a year long Food Network all-star competition. Rated M WIP with 36ch so far.
From BlackWidowNat on AO3 
 Never Forget (How Much I Love You) is a modern AU WIP with 14 chapters so far in which Killian Jones learns a big secret when he returns home to Storybrooke to help Liam adjust to civilian life. Rated T.
From @xhookswenchx on Tumblr, AO3, and ff
 Storytime is a modern AU. After getting out of prison, Emma Nolan returns home, and tries to piece her life back together. Dealing with a betrayal that led to the false charges and imprisonment, a divorce, and getting to know her toddler son again, she doesn't have time for the blue eyed charmer who helps run the StoryTime program at the local library. 10 chapters, rated T on ff and ao3
From @thegladelf on Tumblr and  ao3, TheGladElf on ff 
An Open Heart is an Open Wound is a CS AU WIP with 11 chapters so far. What if Emma met Killian before she met Neal? How would that change things? If it changed things at all. Cursed!Killian AU. Sort of. Rated T on ao3 and ff.
From Katie_Dub on ao3, @katie-dub on Tumblr The Masks We Wear is a modern AU WIP with 8 chapters so far in which Killian and Emma are madly in love with each other and work together at their day jobs and their night jobs as superheroes. Unfortunately they don’t know they work together at their night jobs... Rated M.
From @spartanguard on Tumblr, SpartanGuard on ao3 and ff
A Tall Tail is a canon divergent from when Ursula throws Killian into the sea in 4x15. Rated K with 29ch. ao3 and ff.
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas is a fic based on the movie with Killian and David following sisters Emma and Mary Margaret to Maine for Christmas. Rated G with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
***A Rose In the Deeps of My Heart is an AU in which Killian is an immortal fae. Rated T with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
From @dassala on Tumblr and ao3
Kentledge Hall is a historical AU in which a penniless dock worker inherits a title and his family's destitute estate. In order to save the house and grounds, he puts an ad in the paper for a wealthy wife from the United States. The damaged Emma Swan is desperate for a new start anywhere but New York. Together, will they save Kentledge Hall? Rated M with 17ch.
A Lesson is a rated E one shot where Professor Emma Swan has to teach student Killian Jones a lesson after he acts up in her class.
Deep Cover is a modern AU in which Killian goes undercover to nab a drug dealer in a small town in Maine. Unfortunately, he starts to fall for his target’s girlfriend. Rated M with 11ch.
Reward is a EF AU in which Emma gets a lesson in pirate behavior and charm on her first night as a prostitute. Rated M WIP with 9ch so far. It hasn’t been updated in over a year, but as I love it sooooo much, here it is!
From PhiraLovesLoki on ao3 and ff, @phiralovesloki on T,
 Once Upon a Kinky Prompt Ch. 21 Emma and Killian are getting busy and Neal is nearby and watching. The rating for the fic overall is Explicit, this chapter is probably a hard Teen. 
Killian Jones, Concertmaster Extraordinaire is a modern AU in which Killian, as concertmaster of his youth orchestra is furious that flutist Emma Swan will be performing HIS solo. So he sets out to sabotage her. He didn’t count on falling for her. 5 chapters, rated T. ao3 and ff
Falling Slowly is a canon-divergent set after season 5. When Henry is kidnapped by the Evil Queen, Emma rushes to save him. Along the way, she receives the help of a ship's captain with a shared past, though she has no idea just how deep that shared past really goes. 15 ch, rated M. ao3 and ff.
The Fix-It Sisters is a modern AU in which sisters Emma and Mary Margaret team up with Killian Jones to fix up his house for their reality TV show. Rated T with 4 chapters. ao3 and ff
Rescue Me is a modern AU in which Emma and Killian meet through a save-me-from-my-horrible-date app appropriately called Hinder. A rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Capture the Flag is a canon divergent where Emma gets roped into an extremely competitive match of capture the flag during Granny’s annual 4th of July bash. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff. 
Expect part 2 early next week. Tagging those authors listed here who are on Tumblr. @winterbaby89 @flslp87 @hollyethecurious @whimsicallyenchantedrose @totheendoftheworldortime @seriouslyhooked @qqueenofhades @pocket-anon @spartanguard @phiralovesloki @dassala @katie-dub @thegladelf @xhookswenchx @welllpthisishappening @joneskillian @its-like-a-story-of-love @bromfieldhall @kymbersmith-90
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malapkv ¡ 5 years ago
Thappad-The Slap
The lockdown has been a great time for films, specifically on platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. I am entertained by the sudden waking up of humankind to Malayalam films on these platforms and I laugh at some of the neo-Mallu reviews of new-entry fans, and that’s a separate subject I would write about anyway.
But this one is about a Hindi flick called Thappad, the latest entry into Amazon Prime.
I have always loved themes that question the inherent Indian patriarchy. I have been branded as a feminist and it’s a tag that I do not intend to shy away from. This world is still under the clutches of male dominance. I remember a visit to the Thiruttani temple, not too long back- And as much as I was soaking in the bhakti, the beauty and serenity of the hilltop- I am unable to forget a scene- Of one of the flower vending women being harassed by her drunken husband for money, right in front of the temple and in public view. It was a sight hard to see, even harder to digest because it was injustice at many levels.
Thappad is a hard slap on the face of the male privilege  that still runs through the veins of this nation! Nurtured by both men AND women, aunty jis and nani jis alike.
Wait, no, this film is not about male bashing. Thappad is also a film that beautifully sketches characters of men who can be blessings in women’s lives. Like Amrita’s( Taapsee) father or the man Shivani ( Dia Mirza) had as a husband, that she never found an equivalent of, so is content remaining single, after his death. The celebrated “right”man exists-no doubts, but is more uncommon than common.  Simply because of the way the Indian male is nurtured and the privilege that he assumes. That even Amrita’s father while being completely endorsive of his daughter may have ignored the life goals of his wife..
Thappad is a simple storyline and a simple plot. But what makes it extraordinary are the strong characters played by outstanding women. It shows beautifully how women at every level are a part of this patriarchal net-be it a house maid or a successful money-minting lawyer. Whether it is the mother, mother in-law or a young girl- Nobody is spared.
Amrita, Netra, Sunita,Shivani, Swati- We relate to them ALL.
Taapsee is becoming the star of this decade for her choice of roles and the brilliant execution. A very close second is Maya Sarao ( Netra). One is a “ content with my morning ginger chai and salwar kameez” housewife. While the other is a boy-cut, workout freak, smart ,elite and ultra-expensive lawyer.  And in the end the plainclothes housewife challenges the cut throat elitist to question her own views on her own marriage. Both these women have built this film.
And Sunita the maid- oh when she finally confronts her own life in her own style- I cried out loud with tears flowing,sitting in my room, for it felt like personal liberation. Hats off! To the character and the actress.
But the real heroine of the film are the strong powerful dialogues.
“ I did everything for you when I was in love with you-Now I am not in love with you anymore”
“ Marriage is a contract, a compromise between two people- Not every marriage has love in it”
“ Women are not important, our emotions are not very important as long as the men are happy”
“ Suddenly I became aware of all the unfairness I had learnt to accept”
“ I respect men a lot-So let me just forget that you,as a man, uttered these words”
And so many more....stopping here so this write up doesn’t become a first class spoiler J
Almost all the dialogues and the points of view that made sense from their respective points of view.
This film is bound to delight you or make you uncomfortable, based on where you stand in your own life. To that extent, this film is more of a trigger film than a feel good flick.
We can have our varying views on marriage – Being married, not being married is an individual choice. But each choice comes with its consequences-And the film is a beautiful portrayal of this fact.
And that women deserve to be respected, irrespective of their choices. Men take respect for granted but when women demand the same, they find it difficult to even adapt to this “need for respect”
The film has many more layers and shades to it-And in my personal experience, I discover these shades when I watch some good films over and over again.
But here is a note to all men who treat their partners right in every way- you guys are a rare breed! And you deserve to be celebrated! And hey you “housewives” who gave upon your own dream genuinely for the sake of your partners- You are all the real stars!
Meanwhile, this film is a MUST watch – I would have preferred a “Queen” like ending to Thappad , but still not disappointed with the film J
I love this film, period! And I am going to savour it as much as I savoured “Queen” a few years back and “Pink” a few days back.
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#thappad #taapsee #wowfilm 
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penguinking-universe ¡ 5 years ago
@terrible-my-hero-academia-aus​ Ochaco is Izuku’s girlfriend in the AU (Ochaco had a massive crush when he saved her, and so did Izuku when she caught him). He didn’t get a good look at her during the Entrance Exam, but when they went on a date (they exchanged Phone Numbers) and Izuku picked Ochaco up, he was immediately put into a bear hug by the massive Ochaco. Ochaco had bad experiences with previous boyfriends, only caring about her body, and she was nervous that Izuku was the same, but he wasn’t. He cared about her personality than her body, and it made her so happy. It made her parents and Inko happy too, seeing there daughter (and Izuku’s future wife, as Inko puts it) happy. Ochaco is very protective of her Green Bean, which is Izuku’s nickname. When Izuku was being bullied by his classmates, Ochaco showed up, and managed to frighten away the bullies, learning that Izuku is Quirkless. Izuku was nervous about being dumped because of it, but it made Ochaco even more protective. Thus, a beautiful relationship was formed.
When class 1-A and 1-B came to the dorms, while everyone was waiting for the last two students, Izuku came in and Bakugou tried to explodo-murder him (Izuku’s still quirkless, but he’s Nezu’s personal student, so he’s kinda important). Before Bakugou could hurt Izuku, Ochaco drawed attention to herself, before telling Bakugou to lay off Izuku (she got there early, do to a lucky train ride). Everyone thought she was suicidal to challenge Bakugou (everone learned that he’s a walking time bomb with a really-short fuse, just by how he reacted when Izuku called him Kaachan) Izuku tried to dissuade Bakugou from challenging Ochaco (Bakugou thought she could be an example to those who piss him off, while Izuku was nervous about Ochaco killing Bakugou), Bakugou went up to her to teach her a ‘lesson’, and then Ochaco stood up. While everyone looked at Ochaco’s head and thought “She’s just averaged sized”, she was, infact, massive, toned, and well-endowed in both regions (not Amazon-levels, but hot enough to make you look twice). Bakugou, having no self-preservation instinct, still tried to attack her. Ochaco picked him up, and chucked him at a wall, not very hard, but still hard enough to cause pain. Then, she picked up Izuku, put her hands underneath his armpits, and said:
Ochaco, holding Izuku like a cat: This is my Green Bean, and if anything where to happen to him….
Ochaco, holding Izuku very close to her chest, making sure not to harm him, all the while glaring at everyone: I’ll kill everyone in this room and myself.
When Aizawa and Vlad King came in, they saw was a massive student holding another, while threating the class with death and immediately stated that an explanation was in order. Ochaco went on to state that Bakugou threatened her Precious Green Bean, much to Izuku’s embarrassment, Bakugou, with the subtlety of a flying sledgehammer, stated quote ‘Why do you care about the Quirkless Freak?’ (Most of the Class members are fine with Quirkless people, though Monoma before he learned about Midoriya’s past and Mineta for stealing Ochaco disliked him for it), and while Izuku stammered over himself trying to explain why while still in Ochaco’s bear hug, Ochaco states that he’s her boyfriend. The students lost there collective shit, stating that Izuku’s lucky out of jealousy or respect, congratulate Midoriya, or congratulate Ochaco. 
In the Dorms, when ever the classes are chilling, when Ochaco is with Izuku, she does a few things with him. She makes him lay his head on her lap (it’s really soft, like a extra fluffy pillow), sits on his lap (she’s heavy, but not too heavy to hurt him), lifts him up when he’s playing video games to make him sit in her lap (she’s practiced to not fuck up Izuku’s concentration), and straight up kiss him.
AU where everything is the same but Uraraka is 6'5 in height.
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wonderbat1216 ¡ 7 years ago
Justice League Review
2017 has been a great year for superhero films with “Logan,” “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2”, “Wonder Woman,” “Spiderman: Homecoming,” and “Thor: Ragnarok.” Now in mid-November, it’s time for the cherry on top, DC Comics’ “Justice League.”“Justice League” has opened to mixed reviews from critics but adoration from DC fans, reminding me of another DC film directed by Zack Snyder. (You can read our review of that movie here.)
Here is where I start talking about the specifics of the movie. MASSIVE SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT.
Much like my BvS review, I’m going to go pros and cons. Let’s start with the relationships in the film. A fundamental dynamic in the movie is the connection between Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Diana Prince (Wonder Woman). They work perfectly together in this film with their relationship shown as friendship and admiration, possibly blossoming into something more. 
The romantic subtext is subtle and reminiscent of the character’s relationship in the “Justice League” cartoon of the early 2000’s. Bruce and Diana genuinely respect one another, and in the one time that the respect lapses and Bruce says something out of line, Cyborg calls him out, and Bruce apologizes a couple of scenes later.
Another critical couple is Clark Kent (Superman) and Lois Lane. The dynamics of this relationship are proudly on display long before Clark is resurrected. Early in the film, we see Lois mourning the loss of Clark and sharing a thoughtful scene with Clark’s adoptive mother, Martha.
About halfway through the film, When Clark is resurrected, he is confused and attacks the other heroes. Lois is the one who snaps him out of it. This leads to a beautiful reunion scene at Clark’s home in Smallville and a heartbreaking reunion with his mother. Bruce knows how deep Lois and Clark’s connection is and uses it as his contingency plan for when things go south during the resurrection, calling Lois “The big gun.”
Sadly, two crucial relationships are almost entirely cut from the movie. Actress Kiersey Clemons shot scenes as Iris West, who DC fans know as Barry Allen’s girlfriend or wife, depending on the continuity. Unfortunately, her scenes were cut entirely. 
Mera of Atlantis, known as Aquaman’s romantic interest was only in one scene, and her character isn’t named. If you didn’t know better, you would just think she’s a random Atlantean.
Now let’s move on to the big bad of this movie, an alien named Steppenwolf, who comes to earth looking for three ‘Mother Boxes,' sources of almost infinite power, hidden away on earth long ago after Steppenwolf’s first attempt to use them thousands of years ago. 
I have a few issues here.First, unless you are a DC fan, you have no clue who this guy is, what the mother boxes are, or why Steppenwolf wants them. Since the movie fails to explain, I will. 
Steppenwolf is the uncle of Darkseid, a primary villain in DC Comics (comparable to Marvel’s Thanos) and is the leader of Darkseid's elite forces. Steppenwolf and Darkseid are members of a race of ‘New Gods’ from Apokolips, a hell-like alien planet. The mother boxes are Apokoliptian technology that can be used to destroy and remake planets and used as tools of conquest. Steppenwolf’s objective is to find and use the boxes to conquer earth for Darkseid
.Second, we’ve seen this type of villain before in the DCEU. We have a big guy with horns, bent on either the destruction or conquest of earth. Am I talking about Steppenwolf, Ares, or Enchantress’ unnamed brother? They’re all the same.
I will say, I liked how the villain plot tied in Cyborg. Usually, when Cyborg is included with the league instead of the Teen Titans, he’s treated as less because he’s younger. In this film, he’s integral to the league’s success. 
Without Cyborg and his mother box tech, our heroes would not have been able to resurrect Superman, or find Steppenwolf and the boxes, or separate the boxes to end the threat. Basically, without Cyborg everybody would’ve died and we would have no movie.
(This paragraph contains a “Wonder Woman” spoiler.) I appreciated the interactions between the members of the league. The mentor relationship Bruce had with Barry, was like the relationship between Iron Man in Spiderman in “Spiderman: Homecoming.” Jason Momoa was brilliant as Aquaman, transforming him into a valued member of the group instead of the underrated character that no one cared about before. Barry freaking out about Clark’s speed was hilarious, and a nice echo of both the 1967 race in the comics and the Flash/Supergirl tv crossover last year. Diana was a treat as always, trying to be the voice of reason, and taking on the leadership role with Bruce. The boys respect her authority. I also appreciated the film showing that even a century later, Diana is still struggling with the loss of Steve Trevor. 
Bruce’s butler and confidant, Alfred, played a more significant role in this film than he did in BvS, bringing with him the sass and one-liners of his comic and cartoon counterparts. While not members of the league, the early scenes with the Amazons were excellent and showed that even though Hippolyta exiled her daughter, she still deeply cares about her.
My last positive note is the setups. Early in the film, during the flashback fight during Steppenwolf’s first invasion, we see a Green Lantern fight alongside the Amazons, Atlanteans, and Man. When he falls, we see his ring fly off, presumably to find a new host. While this scene is too early in history to point to Hal Jordan or any other modern lanterns, it confirms that we will eventually see a Green Lantern from earth. 
The second setup is in the end credit scene that many people missed the scene involves Lex Luthor recruiting infamous DC villain, Deathstroke. (Fans who watched the Teen Titans cartoon will know him as Slade.) Lex wants to form a league of his own to combat the heroes, possibly setting up a version of the Injustice League or Legion of Doom. Very Exciting.
To wrap up, I’m going to go in the style of “The A.V. Club” and list some stray observations, thoughts that don’t fit into my neat little categories.
For most of the resurrection scene, Superman is shirtless. You can take that as good or bad.Near the very end of the film, 
Cyborg utters his famous catchphrase from the “Teen Titans” cartoon, “Booyah.” The entire theater erupted in applause.
Barry is never once called “The Flash.” For the third movie in a row, Diana is never called “Wonder Woman.”
Danny Elfman’s score was alright, but I wish he would’ve used more of Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL’s music from Man of Steel and BvS. I don’t think he should have used John William’s Superman theme, and I don’t think he should have recycled the theme he wrote for Michael Keaton’s 1989 Batman. A big part of interconnecting franchises in the musical motifs and I think Elfman wrecked it.
When Zack Snyder had to leave due to personal tragedy, Joss Whedon replaced him and ordered vast reshoots. This extended the production schedule forcing Henry Cavill (Clark/Superman) to switch back and forth between shooting “Justice League” and “Mission Impossible: 6.” For MI:6 Cavill is contractually obligated to have a mustache. He couldn’t shave to be Superman, so they had to CGI it out. If Clark’s face looks weird at any point, that's why. I blame Whedon.
I counted at least seven times where Diana and other Amazons were needlessly sexualized. This included wearing more revealing armor than in “Wonder Woman,” camera angles that went up skirts and lingered on backsides, and the scene where Barry trips and face plants into Diana’s chest. Again, I blame Whedon (This type of sexualization is also present in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” which Whedon also directed.
This might not be anyone’s fault specifically, but the 3D is not worth it. I watched the standard version and 3D back to back. It was barely noticeable. The only part that was made better by 3D was the “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” trailer
Overall Justice league was a great film for DC fans. It follows “Batman vs. Superman” and “Wonder Woman” well, and it sets up future DC films nicely.
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