#ancient baatorians
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shellem15 · 9 months ago
The Case of Baalphegor
So, in DnD lore, there's this one character who gives me a lot of brainrot: Baalphegor, the she-devil consort to the Archdevil Mephistopheles. (For my bg3 girlies, this would be Raphael's stepmother!) As you can imagine, she isn't really talked about much, but what we do know about her is super cool!
(Note: Though I don't subscribe to their theories, @inaconstantstateofchange has a pretty good compilation of some of the lore and sources I'm using here.)
Baalphegor is an archdevil who's been around since the beginning of Hell (Baator), described as a skilled diplomat, tactician, and unmatched sorceress, as well as an inventor who's created a ton of artifacts and techniques used in the Hells. She's well-respected, and has many allies among Hell's upper echelon (Pit Fiends in particular).
So already, she's got a lot going for her (we love evil women in STEM). But here's where things get interesting:
Baalphegor is, apparently, extremely respected and valued by Asmodeus himself. So much so that he lets her live with Mephisto, and is one of the major reasons why Asmo tolerates him and his constant scheming. Now this is crazy, considering Asmo and his Big Fuckin Massive Ego™ and general lack of respect for anyone he considers "lesser", which is everyone.
Baalphegor toes the line between the two archdevils, keeping her goals "to herself" and being minimally loyal to Mephisto, while also maybe vying for a spot at being Asmo's new consort (or at least getting closer to him). Mephisto tolerates this because of the protection she gives him, but I imagine that he's not too happy about it. (Also she's gone missing? Which isn't really relevant to this post but is still something to note).
All of these details combined suggests to me that she has way more sway over how things are run in Cania (the 8th Hell) than we're told, perhaps even more so than Mephisto! The devil behind the throne, whispering into her arrogant consort's ear. I think this is neat, and makes Mephisto even more of a girlfailure, which is funny as hell (pun intended).
Small sidenote: in the lore of Hell, there's these guys called the Ancient Baatorians, the original rulers/inhabitants of Baator (Hell). These guys were pretty much all murked by Asmo and his devils when they conquered Hell, but some remnants of them survived: In the Dogai (assassin devils), who were transformed into devils; in the nupperibos, which are their larval stage; in more grown ancient baatorians called life stealers (an invisible monster which eats light and your life-force). These more mature forms are only really found in the cave systems beneath Malbolge and Maladomini (the 6th and 7th hells), places which even devils don't enter. There are also some of these guys trapped in the ice of Cania, as well. (Lore about them is compiled in Power Score RPG's Blog here.)
Why did I bring up the Ancient Baatorians, you may be asking? Well, some people on the internet really think that Baalphegor is an Ancient Baatorian. The original ruler of Cania, even. Now, I've looked and there seems to be no lore basis for this at all, but its fucking awesome so I've decided to include it here.
Additional Sidenote: So Asmodeus (and the Hells, by extension) has a lot of origins stories, all of which are iffy at best. One of the origin stories is that he's secretly a giant evil snake called Ahriman who, along with his goodly snake-sibling Jazirian, created the universe and the planes out of the primordial soup with the power of Law™. They disagreed on where to center the universe, and in the resulting conflict Ahriman fell into the Hells where his body now lays wounded at the bottom of Nessus. Ahriman eventually disguised himself and now rules the Hells  as Asmodeus, biding his time and eating the souls of atheists to heal his wounds and eventually rule the cosmos.
Now I don't particularly like this origin story (I find it just makes Asmo less interesting), but the idea of a big giant snake being the original ruler of Hell is sick, so I propose we take a page out of Pathfinder's book and give it to someone who's not Asmodeus. Who, you may asking? Baalphegor, of course!
The frozen peaks of Cania hold many dangers, but none so insidious as its dark mistress, the Lady Baalphegor. Consort to the Archduke Mephistopheles, Baalphegor takes a backseat role in the rulership of Cania, but is by no means unimportant—she is, perhaps, the smartest devil in all the Hells; A trait which has seen her rise to a position of great power.
Baalphegor holds immense sway and influence in the Nine Hells. Preferring diplomacy over brute force, her power is subtler than her consort's explosive dramatics—but has far greater reach and longer-lasting impact. That is not to say she is physically weak—she is an unmatched sorceress in the Hells and beyond—but that she'd rather make a friend than an enemy. A rare trait in the Hells, indeed.
Much like her husband, Baalphegor is an inventor, one who has created many of the profane artifacts and diabolical techniques used throughout the Hells. Her knowledge is as vast as Cania's great glaciers, collected over many eons with perfectly preserved clarity. Her spellcraft is precise and calculated, in contrast with Mephistopheles' volatile magics. In addition to her role as the Lady of Mephistar—Mephistopheles' great citadel—Baalphegor oversees the operations of the various libraries and laboratories in the frozen citadel. It is said that she can recite, by word, all the texts and tombs found within Mephistar's halls.
These traits have earned Baalphegor a position of great esteem in the Hells, so much so that she is respected by even the Archduke of Nessus, Asmodeus himself. The Lord of Lies counts her as a great friend and ally, often seeking her advice and counsel in matters requiring a more delicate hand. Rumors persist that Baalphegor's influence is one of the major reasons why the Lord of the Hells has not deposed her unruly consort.
In any case, an understanding exists between the two that Mephistopheles is not privy to, a fact which ignites much jealousy and insecurity within the Cold Lord. Despite the tensions between them, Baalphegor manages to walk the fine line between the two Archdukes, appearing loyal to both her consort and her King without making a distinction between the two.
Baalphegor's talents and connections have made her an invaluable asset to her consort, but also a grave threat. If she so chose to, she could quite easily overthrow the Lord of Hellfire. Luckily for Mephistopheles, however, Baalphegor has no current desire for usurpation, content with being the power behind Cania's icy throne.
While all in the Hells know Baalphegor to be an old and powerful devil, few are aware of the true extent of that fact. The entity known as Baalphegor is an ancient being—older than the Hells, older than Asmodeus, older than the Outer Planes itself. A serpent as vast as a galaxy, devoid of any light save for the stars in its belly. A devourer of suns and stars, one who feeds off of light and life and hope itself.
Somehow, this great serpent found itself trapped in the depths of Cania, long before any devil stepped foot in the realm. It found kin amongst those strange and incomprehensible Ancient Baatorians, the original rulers of Baator. This state lasted for countless eons, until the arrival of the Heavens' greatest angel, a young Asmodeus.
Before his fall, the Lord of the Hells discovered the plane of Baator on one of his many expeditions to the Abyss. Intrigued, he ventured deep into the bowels of this dark realm, until he found the great serpent in its nest. Instead of devouring him, the serpent hosted the Son of Light, sharing with him secret knowledge and long-forgotten truths of the cosmos. Asmodeus left the serpent's nest with his life, and, more importantly, a newfound friend.
When Asmodeus returned to Baator with his infernal host, he entreated the serpent for its aid in his conquest over the plane. The serpent agreed, on condition that the favor be repaid at the time and place of its choosing. This is the only debt that the Lord of Nessus still yet owes.
The serpent donned the guise of Baalphegor, and served as Asmodeus' advisor in his war against her former kin. With her knowledge, the Lord of the Hells vanquished his foes and seated himself upon the throne of Nessus. He rewarded her with a position of power in Cania, but cleverly did not grant her the title of Archduke, instead bestowing it to the obstinate yet controllable Mephistopheles. Baalphegor was made consort to the Lord of Cania, a station she holds to this day.
The truth of Baalphegor is only known to herself and Asmodeus, a secret well-kept and well-hidden. Only the lady herself can say what her true goals are, but for now she bides her time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
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kyuss6161 · 2 years ago
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Baernaloth from Dungeons and Dragons
The baernaloths are a race of fiends from Planescape 2e that live in Hades and created the yugoloths.
In the homebrew setting me and my friends made the baernaloths are an ancient race of fiends that created the baatorians (proto devils), yugoloths and obyriths (proto demons) by sculpting them from the clay of the lower planes.
This art was made by the talented warlocklord on Fiverr. 
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years ago
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Image by Jim Holloway, accessed at Power Score here
[Commissioned by @tar-baphon. Another retro D&D villain, only I got commissioned for this one. Zargon first appeared in the basic D&D module The Lost City, and reappeared as one of the Elder Evils in the late 3.5 book of the same name. This statblock is based off of the Elder Evils one, although toned down somewhat, and advanced from CR 16 to 18 despite it. In that book, Zargon was a deposed Ancient Baatorian, introduced in Planescape. Since the asuras fill a similar role in Pathfinder RPG (being the dispossessed inhabitants of Hell driven to the margins by devils, although they currently have a more peaceful coexistence), I figured that a former asura would be a good fit. The commissioner also requested a “full power” Zargon to reflect his former glory, so that is forthcoming.]
Zargon CR 18 LE Outsider (native) This massive horror has a reptilian head with a single eye and a single horn. Its body is a column from which grow twelve tentacles, six in the midsection that serve it like arms, and six at the base on which is drags itself. Slime oozes from its every surface, and it is covered in scars, tumors and other irregularities of the flesh that bubble and warp as it moves.
Zargon the Returner is a testimony to corruption, a cursed being that constantly regrows his broken body from slime and ooze. He is worshipped as a god in the deep parts of the earth, and delights in keeping his vassals drugged and distracted, the better to eliminate pesky thoughts from their heads. From his body seep vile liquids, and his touch infects the living with a disease that turns them into gelatinous parodies of their former form. He commands oozes of all kinds.
In combat, Zargon is a terror, mixing blasts of acidic bile with devastating physical attacks. If he faces a party, he usually summons whelps to his side in order to distract enemies, and blankets the battlefield in area of effect spells to soften his foes up. Zargon trusts to his incredible regeneration to protect him from harm. Only by severing his horn does he lose these healing properties, and only by dropping the horn into magma can he be permanently slain. Zargon guards knowledge of his weakness carefully.
In the distant past, Zargon ranked among the most powerful of the asura ranas, divine mistakes who ruled Hell before the devils. When Asmodeus descended into Hell and claimed it as his own, Geryon betrayed Zargon and gave Asmodeus knowledge of the weakness of the Returner’s horn. Asmodeus snapped the horn from Zargon’s head and hurled it into the Material Plane. Zargon spent millennia regrowing from this insult, and only has been able to sustain a body in this weaker form. If he can somehow return to Hell and unlock the blasphemous mysteries still hidden in Stygia, he can reclaim something of his former glory. But for now, Zargon is content to remain indolent, basking in the worship of mortals and distantly dreaming of revenge.
Zargon           CR 18 XP 153,600 LE Huge outsider (evil, law, native) Init +6; Senses blindsense 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +29, true seeing Defense AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 30 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +11 profane, +11 natural) hp 297 (18d10+198); regeneration 20 (cold and fire) Fort +20, Ref +16, Will +23 DR 15/epic; Immune acid, charm and compulsion effects, disease, energy drain, petrifaction, poison, polymorph; Resist cold 20, fire 20; SR 29 (34 vs. divinations) Defensive Abilities blasphemous armor, freedom of movement, horn, rejuvenation; Weakness anchored Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee bite +27 (2d6+11/19-20 plus 3d6 acid plus disease), gore +27 (3d6+11), 6 tentacles +25 (1d6+5 plus grab) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles) Special Attacks breath weapon (60 foot cone, 9d12 acid plus disease, Ref DC 30), constrict (tentacle, 1d6+16) Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +29 Constant—freedom of movement, nondetection, true seeing At will—magic circle vs. good (DC 24), rusting grasp, transmute rock to mud (DC 26) 3/day— acid fog, cloudkill (DC 26), control ooze (DC 28), feeblemind (DC 26), quickened lightning bolt (DC 24) 1/day—control weather, heal (DC 27), horrid wilting (DC 29), mind fog (DC 26), summon (2 whelps of Zargon, 100%, 8th level) Statistics Str 32, Dex 15, Con 32, Int 21, Wis 28, Cha 33 Base Atk +18; CMB +31 (+35 grapple); CMD 43 Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (lightning bolt), Staggering Critical Skills Climb +30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana, religion) +22, Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes) +25, Linguistics +21, Perception +29, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +14, Swim +38 Languages Aklo, Infernal, Undercommon, 16 others, telepathy 300 ft. SQ divine source Ecology Environment underground Organization unique Treasure double standard Special Abilities Anchored (Ex) As a result of Asmodeus’ curse, Zargon cannot teleport or engage in any form of planar travel. No spell or effect can remove this ability short of a miracle or wish. Blasphemous Armor (Su) Zargon gains a profane bonus to his Armor Class equal to his Charisma modifier. Control Ooze (Sp) This functions as a control undead spell, except that it is treated as being a transmutation effect and effects only creatures of the ooze type. This is the equivalent of a 7th level spell. Disease (Su) Zargon’s Slime; Bite or breath weapon—contact; save Fort DC 30; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; damage 1d6 Con drain and 1d6 Wisdom drain; cure none. A creature reduced to 0 Constitution while under the effects of this disease dies and is reduced to a puddle (and cannot be returned to life by any effect that requires an intact body). A creature reduced to 0 Wisdom while under the effects of this disease immediately transforms into a whelp of Zargon under Zargon’s control. The save DC is Constitution based. Divine Source (Ex) Zargon can grant divine spells of up to 6th level. He can grant spells from the Earth, Evil, Healing and Law domains, but no subdomains. Horn (Ex) Zargon’s horn is the source of his protection, granting him regeneration 20 and a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The horn can be cut free with a successful sunder attempt (hardness 15, DR 15/epic, hp 29), whereupon Zargon loses these abilities until he can reattach the horn as a full-round action. Rejuvenation (Ex) Zargon regrows from his horn when slain, returning to life 1d4 days after death. The only way to stop this is to cast the horn into an active volcano before Zargon returns to life.
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jaytaro-art · 4 years ago
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Lore 065: Beelzebub (read more) ... Nupperibos were bloated, 5 ft (1.5 m) tall devils that waddled about with their 250 lb (110 kg) pound bodies. They were similar to lemures, being humanoid monstrosities with even less discernible features. They had lanky, arm-like appendages and a head with the eyes and mouth sewn shut, a fact that didn't prevent them from shrieking or sensing those around them. Nupperibos were counted among the baatezu devils and the baatezu claimed that they were a part of their race. In truth, the nupperibos, and by extension, the beings they could evolve into, had existed on Baator (the Nine Hells) far longer than the baatezu did. Whatever the ancient Baatorians were, when the baatezu came to their lands, they disappeared. It was because they were the original denizens of Baator that nupperibos naturally grew from undisturbed larvae and were expected to grow into mature specimens of their race if given time. The baatezu lie that the nupperibos were members of their race was perpetuated in order to safely turn the nupperibos into lemures and prevent new members of the old race from reemerging, with only the archdevils and possibly members of the Dark Eight knowing the truth. And yet one most ancient Nupperibo existed outside the Nine Hells and resided in a deep slumber in the deepest caverns of the Underdark; Beelzebub, the Old Glutton. Beelzebub stood 25 feet (7.6m) tall and weighed over 8,000 lbs (3,600 kg). After thousands of years maturing in a deep sleep, he had awoken. And unlike the Nupperibos of the nine hells, his eyes and mouth were not strewn together, instead gaping open in malice and hunger. CR: 30 (homebrew) #demon #devil #dndtoken Get access to art & tokens for your tabletop adventures: link in bio ⠀ #dnd #dndmonster #dndart #dnd5e #dndmonsterart #ilovefantasyart #dungeonsanddragons #rpg #dungeonsanddragonsart #rpgmonster #rpgart #pathfinder #fantasy #creature #creaturedesign #monsterart #fantasyart https://www.instagram.com/p/CHLo39pjiqb/?igshid=6xfflhp34wue
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oeskathine · 5 years ago
Mhyrcala looked into Valen’s eyes, hoping she didn’t hurt him with her request. For her it wasn’t about trusting in her, she knew he would always give all of him to her. Yet she kept quiet, after all she still have to think on how to properly use it. She squeezed his hand back, as reassurance. “I wish to know Valen Shadowbreath’s true name”
“The price of that name is 200,000 pieces of gold.” The answer almost took Mhyrcala’s breath away. She was sure both of them had more than enough money, but for a name…
“Who would’ve thought, the gods use the same currency as us.” she muttered while giving the money away.
“The one you know as Valen Shadowbreath is called Oeskathine the Demonwrestler in the gods’ tongue.” Said the Knower of Names calmly after  recieving her payment.
Mhyrcala had to say it sounded very pretty and adequate for him, he was a demonwrestler after all. She smiled softly at him, looking for his approval.
“Mephistopheles’ name is  next…”
Valen’s breath hitched as the words of his True Name were spoken. His eyes grew round in wonder. Now that he heard them, he knew them as a part of himself. It was thrilling and terrifying in the most mystifying of ways. But now she knew - they both knew.
Oeskathine the Demonwrestler.
Solemnly, he turned Mhyrcala’s cheek to face him so that he could press his lips to her forehead. It was a soft and slow gesture rather than an impulse finding action through sudden affection. It was a sign of his approval... and a promise.
When they parted, he smiled in an attempt at levity, though his eyes still gleamed a bright red. “I’ve heard it said on the surface that there's only two inevitabilities in life: death and taxes.” He chuckled lightly, then switched his gaze to the Knower. “I think being encased in ice has spared her one but not the other.” That interest rate must have went in for the whole coinpurse and then some.
Then came the matter of seeking Mephistopheles’s True Name.
Seemingly forlorn, the ancient Baatorian closed her eyes and clasped her hands to her chest. A frown tugged the corners of her full lips into a solemn look. “The one thing that could have unraveled my love’s duplicity during the False Rebellion,” she said, “would have been the realization that he and Baron Molikroth were one and the same.” The Knower’s eyes opened a sliver and she gazed through her eyelashes to Mhyrcala. “He took steps to ensure the truth would never come to light and he forbade me to ever speak his name. Forgive me and my heart that loved him but that is one name I cannot tell you... Perhaps there is another?”
At Cania’s Edge
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the-arch-lich · 6 years ago
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shellem15 · 9 months ago
The Nine Hells of Baator
As a devil fangirl, I finally decided to write a basic overview of the Nine Hells, which has consumed my brain since forever. While most of this is taken straight from forgotten realms lore (shoutout to the wiki!), I've put my own spin on things and emphasized certain details I found interesting. The list of sins associated with each layer (Wrath, Fear, Greed, Lust, Deceit, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, and Pride) is taken from the Enneagram sins, because I needed 9 of them instead of just 7.
I might decide to go more into depth for each layer/archdevil, but no promises!
The Nine Hells of Baator is a plane of pure law and evil, a place where tyranny reigns supreme. Devils, or Baatezu, make their home here, crafted from the souls of the damned and eternally bound to serve their betters. The Hells consist of nine descending layers of sin and punishment, connected by the flowing waters of the river Styx. Each layer is ruled by an Archdevil, a devil of immense power and influence who exerts total control over their domain. While the layers are distinct, they are still interconnected, each serving a purpose to further the Hells' agenda.
Devilish society is centered around power, hierarchy, and order, with those without power seeking to claim it and those with power seeking to keep it. The Blood War, the endless conflict between Devils and Demons, keeps the Hells running; an eternal enmity that keeps the populace from turning against their masters. Everything in the Hells ultimately serves to further the goals of Asmodeus, the Lord and Master of this dark domain.
The first layer of Hell is Avernus, a blasted plane of endless trenches and rivers of blood. It is a war-torn battlefield, the Hells' first line of defense against the ceaseless hordes of demon-kind. This is the layer of Wrath, of eternal bloodshed and unending hatred. The armies of the Hells are stationed here, ready to be thrown to the crushing wheel of the Blood War.
Avernus is ruled over by their fell general, the Archduchess Zariel. A fearsome warrior—a fallen angel—who lives for the kill, for the next great conquest.
The second layer of Hell is Dis, a plane of those who watch, and those who are watched. An iron city, one of smoke and steel and hidden eyes. This is the layer of Fear, whose denizens live in terror of those beyond the walls—and of those within, as well. Dis acts as a multi-tool for the Hells: it is a hub of interplanar trade, a great titan of industry that produces the arms and means needed to fuel the Blood War, and, most critically, it contains the greatest surveillance network in the outer planes. Knowledge is as valuable as souls in the streets of Dis.
The overseer of this foul city is the Archduke Dispater, an old devil, paranoid about usurpation despite the tight grip he keeps over his domain. He locks himself away in his iron tower, a panopticon from which he monitors all dealings in his realm.
The third layer of Hell is Minarous, a plane of those who have, and those who have not. It is a thick swampland, home to monstrosities that slither and crawl through the muck and mud. This is the layer of Greed, of crushing poverty, sinking debt, and grabbing hands. The heart of this fetid realm is the Bank of Minarous, the center of all commerce in the Nine Hells. This is only bank allowed to mint soul coins, the official currency of the Hells. The Blood War runs on the souls of the damned, and all souls pass through Minarous' coffers.
The master of the bank is the Archduke Mammon, a miserly, serpentine devil who sits upon a hoard larger than any dragon's. He is a devil loved by none, but money speaks louder than words, and power is oft bought rather than earned.
The fourth layer of Hell is Phlethegos, a plane of flame and rock, pleasure and penance, judges and those who whisper in their ears. The great courts of the Hells reside in this volcanic realm, and so too do the pleasure houses and casinos. This is the layer of Lust, of tipped scales and weighted dice, of burning passion underneath cool indifference, of great rewards and dire consequences. Law and order is the backbone of Hellish society, and it is here where "justice" is served.
Reflecting the dual nature of Phlethegos, the rulers of this place are the Archduke Belial and Archduchess Fierna. Belial is the original ruler of the fourth Hell, the great Justiciar who presides over the court system. Fierna is the newcomer, Belial's daughter and rising challenger, the Lady of Lusts and Pleasures. On the surface, it seems that father and daughter are at odds, each vying for power over the other; Much like their realm, however, their interests are more entwined then one might think.
The fifth layer of Hell is Stygia, a plane of lies and exaggerations, of truths distorted in icy reflections. A frozen ocean of dark waters and bright glaciers blinding those who gaze into the ice. This is the layer of Deceit, of endless news cycles and lies sold as truths. A war cannot be fought without support, and the broadcasts of the fifth ensure the thirst for blood among Hell's populace is never sated.
The chief of this artic bureau is the Archduke Levistus, a handsome, silver-tongued devil frozen in a vast glacier. The conniving charlatan was trapped as punishment for his own treachery, and now can only speak though the forked tongues of his servantry.
The sixth layer of Hell is Malbolge, a twisted plane of cushioned cellblocks, of iron bars and shackles disguised as sweet salvation. It is an endless labyrinth, a prison of luxury and extravagance which traps its inmates like flies in honey. This is the layer of Gluttony, where excess and indulgence bind souls tighter than any chain. Even the Hells have its lawbreakers, its criminals and traitors, and here is where those souls are sentenced, forced to pay penance for their crimes and misdeeds.
The warden of this dreadful prison is the Archduchess Glasya, Princess of the Hells and daughter of Asmodeus. While she oversees the Hells' penal system, she is also the Hells' greatest criminal, bending Baator's laws and rules as far as she can while skirting her way out of consequences.
The seventh layer of Hell is Maladomini, a once-bustling plane now fallen to rot and ruin. It is a place of the lost and forgotten, of decaying cities, crumbling infrastructure, and long-abandoned ghost towns. This is the layer of Sloth, of malicious negligence and crushing complacency, of rusted factories and strip-mines long since dried up. Bureaucracy is the bane of progress, and here, where all the records in the Hells are kept and stored, bureaucracy reigns supreme.
The chief executive of this putrid domain is the Archduke Baalzebul, the Lord of the Flies. Once a beautiful angel of the Heavens themselves, he is now as grotesque and wretched as the realm he rules.
The eighth layer of Hell is Cania, a plane of melting ice and rapid development, of forbidden knowledge and those who wield it. It is a frozen mountain range, one where vast glaciers and snow-capped peaks hide secret laboratories and great libraries, where "progress" is made at the expense of morality and reason. This is the layer of Envy, of the relentless strive to be greater than your peers, of the pain one feels at others' success. The Blood War demands bigger weapons and greater firepower, and Cania is at the forefront of these advancements.
The mastermind behind this frigid realm is the Archduke Mephistopheles, the Hells' greatest wizard and second-most powerful Archdevil. In his resentment of his fellows, the Lord of Hellfire has thrown himself to invention and experimentation, creating new and terrible magics that melt the very foundations of his icy domain.
The ninth and lowest layer of Hell is Nessus, a plane of those who rule and hold themselves above all else—a plane of power itself. It is a wind-swept wasteland scarred by endless chasms and ravines, where grand citadels and fortresses light up the darkest trenches in the Outer Planes; where the greatest deals are struck behind closed doors. This is the layer of Pride, of great hubris and unwavering conviction—the mother of all vices. It is here where laws are made and authority is unchallenged, where power is held as most sacred and holy. All the Hells are beholden to the will of Nessus.
The Lord of this realm, and of all the Hells, is the Archduke Asmodeus. The greatest of all devils, the Lord of Lies and Prince of Evil, the mastermind behind the Hellish Project. He is ancient and powerful, unchallenged in his dominion, and a being of pure, unfettered arrogance. A tyrant who seeks absolute domination over all of reality, and one willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.
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the-arch-lich · 6 years ago
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