#''the rice is too soft'' ''this curd is like milk''
yunogasaikinnie · 21 days
I made tonyuu zōsui (Japanese soy milk rice soup.)
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Zōsui is a nourishing Japanese rice soup cooked in dashi broth with vegetables and tofu. Ready in under 20 minutes, this tonyuu zōsui is hearty, satisfying, and the perfect comfort meal for the cooler season.
(I made it vegan + gluten free, because why not?)
Say hello to this cold weather essential soup that will warm you right up and keep you feeling well & cozy.
Zōsui, or Japanese rice soup is something my mom would make for me anytime I was sick or feeling unwell. I kid you not, my colds and fevers never last for more than a day or two after having copious amounts of this.
What is zōsui (雑炊)?
Zōsui (雑炊) is a rice soup made from pre-cooked rice and a soup base flavored with dashi and soy sauce. This dish is often made after hot pot (nabe) with the leftover soup. Made with easy to digest ingredients, it’s known as a healing or recovery soup which is ideal for when feeling sick or to cure hangovers.
What's the difference between zōsui and ojiya?
I think that ojiya (rice-based soup) is more well known outside of Japan. It’s known as the Japanese version of congee or jook where the rice is cooked in broth and almost resembles a thick soup. While both zosui and ojiya both have simmered rice in dashi broth, there are subtle differences between the two:
Zōsui (雑炊)
Dashi broth is flavored only with soy sauce.
Day old or frozen rice is rinsed first to remove excess starch.
Cooked for a short period of time to prevent the rice from losing its shape.
Ojiya (おじや)
Dashi broth is seasoned with soy sauce or miso paste. The flavor is much lighter and always uses water or a clear broth.
The rice is not rinsed, since we want that thick porridge-like consistency.
Cooked for a longer period of time purposely, so that the rice is softer and the grains of rice aren't visible.
Ingredients & variations
Zōsui is comprised of four components:
Dashi broth: You can use leftover hot pot broth, homemade dashi, dashi packets, or dashi granules. All these options are quick and easy to make. Be sure to sure to use kombu or shiitake dashi to keep it vegan. I used soy milk for a creamier zōsui, but you can also use water for a lighter broth.
Cooked rice: I like to use short grain Japanese rice, but medium grain can also be used. You can use frozen rice, rice cooked from the night before, or fresh rice.
Vegetables: Shiitake mushrooms and green onions are typically added for flavor. Plus, you can use any vegetables you have on hand.
Protein: Any protein of your choice! Typically ground meats like fish and egg are used. But to keep it vegan, use tofu or nattō. There are so many varieties of tofu so you can switch it up, too! Soft tofu, aburaage, smoked tofu, and etc. Here, I’m using yuba (dried bean curd), because it kinda mimics cooked eggs.
This rice soup is super customizable and a great way to use leftover vegetables at the end of the week!
This rice soup isn’t just tummy-warming and big on flavor, but it’s also packed with nutrition which is perfect for the colder season. It’s a great healthy meal for when you’re feeling under the weather, recovering from a cold or for when you just want something quick and easy yet still delicious and hearty. I hope you try and love this cozy-wondersoup as much as I do! ♡
Ingredients you'll need for tonyuu zōsui
2 1/2 cups unsweetened soy milk (625ml)
2 tsps. kombu dashi granules (8g)
2 1/2 tbsps. tamari sauce (38g)
1 cup cooked Japanese short grain rice (200g)
2 dried shiitake mushrooms, rehydrated (44g rehydrated)
2 sheets of yuba, rehydrated (30g rehydrated)
2 green onions, sliced
2 cups spinach (35g)
Over medium heat, add the soy milk, kombu dashi, and tamari sauce to a small pot and stir to combine. Once the broth starts to boil, reduce the heat to simmer. Add the rice, mushrooms, yuba, green onions and spinach. Stir everything to combine.
Turn off the heat, cover the pot with the lid and let it rest for 5 minutes to let it thicken. Serve in a donabe (clay pot with a lid) and enjoy!
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jashne-bahaaraa · 2 years
I'm going to fucking kill this guy
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kairos-ed · 4 years
Obese anas let's start a thread!
Skin care! Food diaries! Hair care! People who have to lose 50-100+ pounds need a completely different regime from those who have to lose 10-20+ pounds.
Here's all I have learnt and added to my routine.
1) Use an exfoliator every day. EVERYDAY.
I use three different exfoliators alternatively.
This is my routine. I have two gentle exfoliators and one harsher exfoliator.
Monday & Thursday - Turmeric + Besan +Milk/Yogurt/Curd with a little coconut oil (you can use any carrier oil). This helps with brightening your skin and has helped me lighten the discoloration of the back of my neck (poc anas you know what I'm talking about), my underarms and my inner thighs, overweight/obese bodies are more prone to discoloration caused by chafing and rubbing of skin and this helps sooooo much. You can look up different youtube videos to find the recipe and DON'T TRUST THE VIDEOS WHICH SAY YOU CAN STORE IT. you can't store it if you've already added milk or yogurt to it, but you can store it if you've only mixed the dry ingredients. I just put the stuff needed for them in my bedroom so I don't have to go to the kitchen constantly. Don't store dry ingredients for more than a month cause it'll attract bugs. If it gets bugs then you don't necessarily have to throw it out, you can sieve it and use it again.
Tuesday & Friday - Oatmeal scrub. GRIND THE OATMEAL INTO A POWDER. Don't grind it too fine but till it looks like rice powder, properly grinded but still coarse. Trust me, grinding it up makes it so much easier to scrub with and it won't clog your drains. I add honey and some milk/water to it. DON'T ADD SUGAR. This is also a gentle exfoliator so adding sugar will make it too harsh and it'll be bad for your skin. I let it sit for 5-10mins so it becomes a paste and then use it to scrub my body.
Wednesday-Saturday - Coffee scrub. This one is the most common one BUT I've found using 2 parts of coffee and one part of sugar instead of the same quantity of both works better. My skin is soft and glowy and it helps with stretch marks. I add vitamin e oil and coconut oil to this (I use a shit ton of oil). And I store this in a glass jar. I make enough for a month at a time and I've had no problems with it being stored for long periods of time.
I know this is a no brainer but I wanted to add it here either way. I stand in my shower and scrub my ass cheeks and back rolls for 5 mins every day, it helps with toning the skin and lightens the strech marks you have back there and helps you avoid loose skin. I know our favourite thing to scrub is our stomach and boobs (if you have em) but give your butt and back rolls some love too, your thighs need to get exfoliated too. I usually relax in the shower for a few mins with the scrub on too. Idk monkey brain says wait for it to work.
I know I know, we have all seen the ads saying they work BUT we have a LOT OF BODY, lotions are expensive and gets soaked up by your clothes or evaporates immediately. Use body oils instead, they stick to your skin the whole day and you can SAVE BANK. I make my own body oil with coconut oil + black castor oil + olive oil + peppermint oil and vitamin e oil but you add whatever you feel like to it. Oils help a lot more than lotions.
I have both of these and sometimes depression makes it hard for me to look at my own body. I skip getting a shower when it gets too bad and I know exactly how it feels like to not shower for weeks. During these slumps I have made it a rule to shower atleast once every 3 days. I know it's not hygienic to not shower everyday but I also hate my body don't come @ me. I use EXFOLIATING GLOVES to wash my body (even when I'm using my diy scrubs). They clean me better than just using my hands and soap or a loofah. I use the gloves as scrubs and this has helped me with skin infections caused by not showering (I said don't come @ me). I also only use anti bacterial/fungal shower gels now. They help kill any bacteria growth which happened on your body during the time you didn't shower. I have stopped using loofahs cause the net is bunched up so it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria especially cause you might not use it for long periods of time between showers cause of the absolute chaos in my brains.
We will lose hair. It's gonna be fine! Use peppermint oil with a carrier oil, I use black castor oil. It helps stimulate your hair follicles. Onion oil is great too, I've found that coconut oil makes me lose the hair on my head so I steer clear from it. Oil atleast once every 3 days and let it stay over night. It makes your follicles stronger and nourishes your hair.
We will sweat a lot and during this time you need to take extra care of your feet, do diy pedicures atleast once a week and wash your shoes every weekend too. ALWAYS wear socks.
Fungal infections are a real thing people.
You might have noticed that I don't have a scrub for Sunday and it's because I have a completely different routine for Sundays. Its my pamper yourself routine. I use SKIN TIGHTENING AND FIRMING FACE MASKS BUT! ALL OVER MY BODY. I stole this from Alexandra girly talks. I use Aztec indian clay and white clay with Apple cider vinegar for this. I make a paste and sit with it for an hour. It might seem like a lot but honestly I just watch bobs burgers and the time flies by. I have also used stuff like orange peel (NOT PEEL OFF) face masks, and other face masks on my body. It helps with avoiding loose skin.
TONER! USE TONER ON YOUR SKIN! I have a mini shower in the morning too, it's not a whole ass routine but I just wet my body with warm water and let the steam open my pores and just clean myself with water essentially (I don't really need to use soap again cause I shower at night and I live in a hot place so taking a shower twice isn't a big deal) I then use toner (use any liquid toner and put it in a foaming pump and use the foam it's easier) all over my body and then use sunscreen and oil. (Yeah I oil my body twice a day). I do this before going out so that the sunscreen protects my skin.
I'll add more when I think of more stuff. Add to this if you have anything!!
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klarastjarnljus · 4 years
So much of normal season prep was lost this year that the most important decision I've made was to not stress or worry about missed musts or missed opportunities. Tradition-wise, christmas cleaning is to be done either (family) before first of Advent or (old tradition calendar) starts 20/12.
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We put up advent decorations even though it was still messy and kept tidying little by little.
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Christmas laundry should be done on the 2/12, but since I chose just one tablecloth and the christmas curtains has stayed up for years, and I have no christmas rugs or bedclothes to change to, etc, focus has been on eliminating the laundry before my winter break is over.
Anyway, holiday atmosphere settled, school break started and solstice rolled around. Usually, I bake saffron buns for Lucia day (13/12), and make sun bread from the same dough, to eat on solstice after singing a song about the longing for the sun's return. This year, I spent Lucia day at work without any celebrations, and had spiced wine and gingerbread in the evening.
This year on solstice I sang to myself on the couch, caught in a grey bubble of not feeling like much, with spiced wine, and thought of my friends.
A tradition my husband and I have kept to for almost two decades, is watching Nightmare Before Christmas before christmas, and we did it this year as well.
After a week in quarantine, I was able to spend Christmas Eve (that's the big day to celebrate here) with my parents. My husband wasn't well so he stayed at home with the cats.
My mother makes most food for christmas, herself, but I chip in by baking something sweet. My mom makes pickled herring of different flavours, she bakes spiced bread, meatballs, cook brussel sprouts from her garden and prepare the ham. The broth from boiling the ham is often salty and spiced and used for dipping bread in.
For dessert, she makes risalamand. That's rice porridge with whipped cream and diced orange, and I cannot by any physical law eat too much of it.
For after dinner coffee, I had made chocolate peppermint cookies especially for the occasion. Baking is both a family tradition and a passion of mine, and chocolate peppermint is one of my very fondest childhood christmas flavors.
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I also baked butterscotch cookies, but I didn't get any good pics of them.
The process of mixing, kneading and shaping is always a ritual for me, especially when baking for a person or an occasion. The physical work transfers love and purpose.
As the days grow longer, I miss 2nd day and 13th day dinners at my Grandma's. She sent pics of her living room and of herself with a present ribbon as a headband, so silly and cute that it hurts me not to be able to be near her.
Tomorrow I will make what I'd really liked to choose for this post, so you'll get another post a day too late.
For new year's eve every year, in my family we make egg cheese, an old traditional Swedish westcoast dish that's made by heating and curdling a mix of egg and milk, collecting the curds in a cheese mold and letting it drain and set overnight. The result is a soft, almost pudding-like, cheese, with a fresh, neutral taste.
Some eat it as-is with herring, but we prefer to sweeten the curd and eat it with berries or jam.
The recipe I have is the one my mother taught me, that she learned when she was young. My aunt's husband has another recipe that he swears by, and my paternal grandmother yet another one. The recipes were dearly kept secrets back in the day, and in some places still are. Contests between households in the Bohus peninsula were taken very seriously, and disputes about who makes the best egg cheese could go on for years.
This is probably the tradition I value the most, as it's deeply personal and also signifies the returning sun, but that post is gonna have to wait until tomorrow.
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befitnesshub1 · 4 years
10 Substitute For Mushrooms For Kitchen Recipes
Mushrooms are commonly used in a wide variety of foods around the world. Their earthy, meaty flavor adds a unique umami element to the dish. If you are looking for Substitute for mushrooms, we have compiled our top ten options. Some other options may be helpful if you do not enjoy mushrooms and want good alternatives. Other backup options are on the list because they reflect the mushrooms’ taste; Useful if you are allergic to them
Most people prefer healthy mushrooms as part of their daily diet, and not all entries and diets tend to work with this healthy vegetable. However, some people hate this vegetable, especially children, and even those with mushroom allergies cannot eat them.
Only vegetables can only replace if the particular food is suitable for cooking. Not every alternative works for a specific diet.
For example, since you are considered chicken, you can easily replace turkey with chicken in rice dishes. Let’s look at some of the most suitable substitute for mushrooms in cooking and the best food preparation.
What Are Mushrooms?
Mushrooms grow into an umbrella-like structure called the primordium, which then matures into a substrate. Mushrooms are a type of edible fungus. There are more than 14,000 species worldwide. However, you cannot eat most of them. Some of the most popular varieties of mushrooms include a white button, crimini, and portabella.
There are some edible varieties like oyster sauce substitute, enoki mushroom recipe, chanterelles recipe, porcini risotto, shiitake mushroom recipes, and many more.
Mushrooms are earthy and have a delicious taste called Umami. They usually grow on a firm, meaty texture when cooked. The fresh ones give a relatively subtle nut flavor.
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10 Best Substitute for Mushrooms to suit any Situation
You will find Top 10 mushrooms substitutes everywhere you go. We have wrapped up some options that will allow you to match the umami taste of this fungus.
1) Canned or dried mushrooms
If you cannot get your hands on fresh mushrooms or avoid them because they are too expensive, would you like to consider the canned or dried variety? This option will give you a taste similar to the new version.
You can enjoy canned mushrooms as a substitute for the taste of mushrooms. They are not allergic but cannot access fresh ones.
Dried mushrooms build up a sponge in the flavor field, so if you use them in a sauce, use less than what you would call a soup or casserole recipe.
Otherwise, your dish will have an excessive mushroom flavor.
2) Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Sun-dried tomatoes were very popular in the early 1990s. However, this vegetable went off the radar, with more and more people picking regular tomatoes at the time. Since then, it has seen a good rise in popularity, especially among chefs. Tomatoes can dry in the heat of the sun.
Cut these tomatoes into thin slices and fry them in olive oil. They work well with seasonings that include dried herbs, parsley, coriander, and more. They are an excellent choice for mushrooms, and they are popular in many dishes.
You can buy tomatoes that pop with natural flavor and essential vitamins. Cut or dice these vegetables for pasta, meat dishes, fish dishes, and poultry specialties. This vegetable can eat as a fruit to increase energy, improve digestion and eject harmful toxins from the body.
Once that happens, they may become an alternative to mushrooms. This is due to the taste of the soil produced throughout the drying process. Many chefs prefer to use sun-dried tomatoes because they can provide a unique taste in any recipe they touch. You can dice or chop them depending on the dish requirement.
3) Eggplant
Eggplant is very popular in the kitchen. These are egg-shaped vegetables that have vibrant purple skins and taste good. Eggplant is a mild flavoring ingredient that has a “meaty” texture similar to mushrooms. Although not everyone likes eggplant, it is rich in vitamins and is preferred by many cooks due to its sweet taste. While a good alternative to mushrooms, eggplant can easily overcook. Hence, it is essential to take good care of it when preparing food.
As always, the eggplant should be uncovered and then cut into pieces for easy consumption. Eggplants will darken after peeling, so place them vertically in the water to prevent this from happening.
You will not use this to copy the flavor, but it will become a good mushroom alternative if it is the texture you want to change.
Eggplant has a slightly bitter taste, which has the potential to contaminate your food. To avoid this, you need to chop the eggplant and then add salt. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe with a paper towel. Salting reduces bitterness and water content.
4) Zucchini
Zucchini is an excellent substitute for mushrooms and comes from the squash family. Eaten primarily as a summer vegetable, its tender flesh, and sweet taste make it ideal for pasta dishes. This vegetable can grow up to a meter on average and is very handy in cooking delicious food.
A young zucchini has a mildly sweet taste, which is similar to mushrooms. Its flesh structure is somehow nostalgic for mushrooms. According to leading chefs, zucchini are good to chop into small pieces.
It is also healthy, nutritious, and delicious. No one would think that zucchini could be used as a mushroom substitute either. The soil taste of this food will somehow simulate the products produced by mushrooms.
The beauty of zucchini is that it can get the flavor from other ingredients in the diet while at the same time adding a little to your diet.
Keep in mind that zucchini has a high water content, which can make some foods too tiring. To deal with this, cover the chopped zucchini with salt and allow resting for 10 minutes before drying with a paper towel. This is the best way to get rid of moisture.
5) Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)
Garbanzo beans are also known as toast. This particular ingredient grows only in a few parts of the world. There are two types of beans: The first size is large and has a unique cream color, popular in tins on salad bars or grocery shelves. The second is smaller in size and darker in appearance. However, both options are suitable for a myriad of hot and cold recipes.
Chickpeas are nutritious and add good flavor to salads or dishes. If you plan to cook them, make sure they are well washed and remove all spoiled or discolored beans.
Sometimes, peanut tin cans have so much time that they lose flavor and nutritional value. With this in mind, make sure you have fresh, healthy, and fresh beans packed in cans and look for both dates.
When using these types of beans to replace mushrooms, you first need to know how to cook them.
First, there are a few basic steps to rinse them carefully and inspect them to remove any waste.
Rinse the beans back in the pot filled with water.
Place the pot in your oven and bake the beans for about 3 minutes. Cover the pot.
After this, turn off the oven, but do not remove the beans yet. Let them stay for 2-3 hours.
When finished, the beans are already safe to use as a mushroom substitute.
6) Tempeh
Tempeh is a nutrient-dense soybean product made from cooked, fermented soybeans, high in protein. It is a common ingredient in Indonesia. In particular, it is a soy product that has a strong feeling and characteristics.
The Tempeh tastes almost like mushrooms. If you cut the Tempeh as thin as possible, you can also compare their taste. Tempeh is made by soaking soybeans in water and then cooking them partially. However, if you are allergic to molds, Tempeh is not a good substitute for you.
It gives some subtlety and some acidity, making it a close substitute for mushrooms.
Tempeh is considered a rich source of protein, especially for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Due to the fermentation process from whole peas, Tempeh has more nutrients compared to tofu. On average, 100 grams of Tempeh contains about 193 calories and 11 grams of fat (of which 2.2 grams is saturated fat).
7) Tofu (Substitute for Mushrooms)
Tofu is a food made with soybeans; condensed soy milk is change into solid, white brick-shaped pieces. It is one of the most popular substitute for mushrooms because of its mild flavor, especially when paired with soy sauce and other umami creamy sauces and herbs. Tofu first appeared in China and quickly spread throughout the continent.
This type of soy diet has expanded its territory to the West and other parts of the world. An enhanced feature of tofu is its rich nutritional and comfortable soft feel. Vegetarians need this food because they need a lot of protein to replace meat or fish.
It is perfect for women. Tofu contains high levels of amino acids and isoflavones, which help the body, activate estrogen.
Also, tofu can use in many dishes, from soups to fried foods. It often comes in large, white blocks. So, you can use a knife or cheese cutter to shape them as you wish for convenience.
Tofu is a popular ingredient used by bean curd and plant-based dieters. Its high protein content makes it a popular meat substitute. A tasty addition – make sure no one you cook is allergic to soy.
8) Russet Potatoes
Rusted potatoes are using as a substitute for baking or frying mushrooms. Potatoes have many varieties in their family. One of them is the russet potato, described as a long and large potato with thick and hard skin.
These potatoes have a relatively large amount of starch, so their flesh is the right color and very dry. Rusted potatoes have an excellent ability to absorb liquid or other concentrates, so they are trendy in making delicious mashed potatoes.
They are not suitable ingredients for boiling dishes such as soups or salads. Based on that, you can easily find out which cases russet potatoes are needed to replace mushrooms.
Rusted potatoes in the preparation of grids should be considered ordinary potatoes.
Clean the skin, especially peel the potatoes.
Dig into the eyes, and then cut them into pieces of suitable shape and size for cooking.
Using this potato substitute can revitalize the fried foods that come with the mushroom topping.
9) Onions
Onions are commonly grown in all over the world and are closely related to garlic, chives and scallions. Onions are an essential ingredient in many dishes and are processed in many ways.
The most common type of onion is usually white, although it varies in size, shape, and color. Interestingly, the onion’s taste is mild and slightly sweet depending on the type and season from very spicy and intense. Red onions are mostly spicy and not suitable for every meal. However, white onions taste a bit sweet and are the perfect place for burgers, chicken, fish, and poultry dishes. Onions can be steamed, fried, or even served as part of cooked dishes. This gives them the versatility that most people are looking for when deciding which vegetables to include in their diet.
When it tastes different from mushrooms, onions should always be on your list for last-minute cooking or making fast, healthy snacks.
Onions can be spicy, but of course, they can pack a lot of flavor and vitamins. Raw onions are very low in calories, only 40 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 g). A fresh onion contains 89% water, 9% carbs, and 1.7% fiber and contains small amounts of protein and fat.
10) Yellow Summer Squash
Golden zucchini has a long, rounded body with an eye-catching golden outer shell. The flesh inside is usually thick, pale yellow, or cream in color, which is very lovely when processed in foods. Yellow Summer Squash is an excellent choice for making soups or porridge, Risotto Nero rice when you go out with mushrooms.
Scientific studies show that golden zucchini contains many nutrients that the body needs. Specifically, it includes various minerals (Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, etc.) and vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, K, and beta carotene. Along with it is the excellent fiber which helps the digestive system to function more efficiently.
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womenoffatorda · 4 years
9 Must-Try Goan Dishes and their Recipes
Goa is a world-famous tourist destination. Every year, lacs of tourists flock to Goa to experience it’s blue beaches. Goa’s sunny weather is a perfect getaway during winters for these tourists to escape the harsh winters of their countries.
In addition to it’s tourism, Goa has also garnered popularity for it’s food dishes. Goan foods are a fusion of Portuguese and Konkani cuisine.
Here are a the names and recipes of 9 Goan dishes that must-try:
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Take 1 kg of Bangda (Mackeral) gutted and thoroughly cleaned. Season it well with salt and pepper and leave it aside for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
Apply the Green Raechado masala both on the inside and outside of the fish generously and again leave it aside for another 10 minutes.
Coat the fish with Rawa (semolina) or breadcrumbs by rolling the fish in it. Heat 2-3 tbsps of oil in a frying pan and shallow fry until the fish is firm to the touch.
Serve hot with fresh mint or coriander chutney, and slices of fresh lime. You can also use pomfret or even sardines, and depending on your preference, you can shallow fry, deep fry, grill, or even steam. You can also use this as a marinate for small fish and even meats.
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Boil 1 kg of basmati rice and keep it aside.
Marinate 1 kg of mutton on the bone, cut in bite-sized pieces, with 1/2 a cup of curd, lemon juice, and salt, and keep it aside for at least 2-3 hours.
In a kadhai, add 5-6 tbsps of oil, 2 tbsps of ghee, and fry 3 sliced onions. Add the puree of 2 tomatoes and cook until the oil separates.
Add all the Goemchi Biryani masala and cook for 2 minutes. Now add the mutton to the masala and cook until the mutton is well cooked.
Add rice into the kadhai and mix well. Garnish with fried onions and coriander leaves.
You can substitute the mutton with chicken too.
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Fry 1 kg of mutton, cut into bite-sized pieces in 6 tbsps of ghee, in a frying pan until it turns slightly brown. Set aside.
In the same pan, heat 3 tbsps of oil, fry 4 finely sliced onions until they turn golden brown.
Add two tablespoons of Chandrawado Mutton masala and saute for 2-3 min, then add the mutton, and salt.
Fry for 7-8 min, add 1 cup of water and cook until meat is tender. While on the gas flame, add 1 cup of unsalted curd or yogurt, and mix well to combine.
Simmer on low flame for 5 min. Garnish with chopped mint or fresh coriander and lightly roasted cashews.
Serve hot with rice or poi (Goan bread).
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Clean and wash about 40 to 50 Tisryo (clams), cut in two or shelled. In a vessel, add 2 to 3 medium onions, finely chopped, along with the clams and add 2 cups of water. 
Bring to boil and continue cooking until the onions are tender. Add 2 to 3 tbsps of Kunbi Xasti masala, 1/2 a cup of grated coconut, chopped coriander leaves, and salt to taste. 
Stir well, and continue to cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from fire and serve with rice or Poi (Goan bread). It’s advisable to soak the clams in some salt water to remove all traces of sand. 
Fresh clams will open up when cooked. You can substitute crabs for the clams, in which case you should take 2 to 3 medium sized ones.
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Take 2 medium sized seerfish, scaled, gutted and the fins removed. Using a pairing knife, make three slits on each side of the fish and then marinate them inside and outside throughly with lemon juice and salt. 
Stuff the fish with the Fisherman’s Barbeque masala. Oil one side of the banana leaf and wrap the fish in it, securing with butcher’s twine. Repeat with the other fish and grill them on a barbecue grill over medium heat for 10 minutes each side. 
Remove and let it rest for 5 minutes. Open the banana leaves and serve the fish with a dash of lemon and chopped mint. You can try this with other popular Goan fish like Chaunak (Giant Sea Perch) or Pomfret.
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Take half a kilo of fresh Mori (shark), clean well, and cut into bite-sized chunks, season with salt, and set aside for 10 to 15 minutes.
Heat 2 to 3 tbsps of oil in a Tawa and fry 1 finely sliced onion until it turns brown.
Add 2-3 (add more for more gravy) tbsps of Aamso-Tiksso masala paste and fry for another minute.
Add a cup of water and allow it to come to boil. Add the shark and cook over a low flame until the fish turns firm to the touch.
Adjust salt, garnish with fresh coriander leaves, and serve with steamed rice or poi (Goan bread). Though traditional Ambotik is made with sharks, you can use also Rohu, Catla, Catfish, or any fish that has chunky flesh.
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Clean 1kg of chicken, cut into bite sized pieces and season with salt. Marinate with 1 tbsp of ginger-garlic paste, 1 tbsp of coriander paste (from coriander leaves) and set aside. 
In a frying pan, fry 2 large onions, thinly sliced, until they turn translus- cent. Add the chicken and cook on high heat until the water begins to evaporate (about 3-4 minutes). 
Mix 2 to 3 tbsps of the Pedne Shagoti masala with 1 cup of coconut milk and add to the chicken and cook for 10 minutes. 
Stir well and cook for another 15 minutes till the gravy reaches the desired thickness. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with Poi (Goan bread) or rice.
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Take 1 kilo of sweet potatos and cut them in bite sized pieces. Cook until three-fourhs cooked. 
In a pan, fry 2 finely chopped onions and 2 tbsps of ginger-garlic paste until the onions become translucent. 
Add 2-4 tbsps of Gavli Bhaji masala and fry for a minute. Add 1 finely chopped tomato and cook until it becomes soft. (at this point you can make this a mixed bhaji by adding a cup of chickpeas to the mixture) If not, add 1 cup of coconut milk and bring it to a simmer on a low flame. Add the sweet potato and salt to taste. 
Cook for another 3-4 minutes until the gravy reaches the desired consistancy. Serve hot with rice or Poi (Goan bread). You can also use potatos or yam.
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Heat 4 tbsps of oil in a kadai, and fry 1 finely chopped medium sized onion until it turns pink. 
Add 250 grams each of the prawns (cleaned and deveined) and the okhra (lady’s fingers) and sautee for about a minute. 
Add 2 to 3 tbsps of the Soongta Hooman masala along with a cup of thick coconut milk. 
Stir well. Add salt to taste and cook until the prawns and the okhra are done––the prawns should not be overcooked––and the gravy reaches the desired consistency. 
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves or mint leaves and serve hot with steamed rice or poi (Goan Bread). A variation on this is substituting okhra with white radish.
For more interesting Goan food recipes, visit our website.
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Rio de Janeiro Brunch Restaurants: 10Best Restaurant Reviews
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/rio-de-janeiro-brunch-restaurants-10best-restaurant-reviews/
Rio de Janeiro Brunch Restaurants: 10Best Restaurant Reviews
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In beautiful Rio de Janeiro, there are few better ways to spend a lazy morning than lingering over over a meal that crosses the breakfast/lunch divide with style.
Brazilian breakfasts tend to be feasts in themselves, with cakes, fresh fruit, freshly-baked breads, cheeses and sliced cold meats all present and correct, alongside fresh-squeezed juices and wonderfully strong Brazilian coffee.
Brunch is a concept that has been slow to take off in Brazil – in fact, there’s no Portuguese word for it, but nobody will bat an eyelid if you order breakfast items at noon. Our top pick,  Da Casa da Tata, offers indulgent breakfast and lunch spreads as well as a-la-carte sandwiches, soups and the like, while the cakes and cookies here are legendary across the city.
One restaurant that has picked up on the brunch concept is Pergula, Copacabana Palace hotel´s famously chic poolside restaurant, the Sunday brunch is appropriately grand (smoked salmon and Champagne are both part of the indulgent offering.) It comes at a predictably eye-watering price, too, but it makes for a memorable experience.
More accessible prices can be found at Cultivar Brasil, up in the hills of Santa Teresa. This tiny organic cafe has delicious vegetarian-friendly snacks, including the best Pao de Queijo (little rolls made from manioc flour and cheese) in town.  For brunches with a sea view, it’s hard to beat Copacabana’s Cafe 18 de Forte, which has some extremely good cakes and pastries as well as fruit salads and the like. Meanwhile, visitors hankering after hash browns, waffles or other home style North American goodies, meanwhile, can join the hordes of ex-pats who flock to Ipanema’s  Gringo Cafe for a taste of home. 
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Whether you’re a staunch vegetarian, a health-food enthusiast or even a carnivore who has tucked into one steak too many, this cosy corner restaurant in Leblon is just the ticket. Healthfood and organic eating is a growing sector of Rio’s dining scene, but this Leblon favorite was one of the first to open, and is still unarguably one of the best. At lunch, diners can load their plates high at a wholefood buffet including soups, salads, beans, rice, soya dishes and a range of healthy pies and pastries for a set price, while a-la-carte options are available in the evening. The vegan version of ‘feijaoda’, the usually-meaty national dish, made here with smoked tofu, is legendary.
Recommended for Brunch because: You don’t need to be a vegan, or even vegetarian, to appreciate the yummy buffet at this Leblon instition.
Lucy’s expert tip: Fancy a drink that doesn’t come loaded with too many toxins? At Vegetariano Social Clube you can choose from a range of organic wines, or enjoy a caipirinha made with organic cachaca.
Read more about Vegetariano Social Clube →
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Located a few blocks from Ipanema beach and right next door to the strip of backpacker lodgings dubbed ‘Hostel Alley’, this health food store, buffet restaurant and snack bar offers a huge range of wholesome ingredients for self caterers as well as a range of eat-in dishes that are every bit as tasty as they are nutritious. While there is plenty of choice here for vegetarians, New Natural is not entirely meat-free, with low-fat chicken and fish putting in a few appearances on the menu. The buffet operates on a pay-by-weight system, and prices here, while on the high side, are reasonable for the neighborhood. There’s an air conditioned lounge upstairs and a couple of sidewalk tables and chairs, making New Natural a favourite spot among backpackers looking for a quick, healthy lunch.
Recommended for Brunch because: This health-food cafe opens early in the morning until late at night, and serves coffee and light snacks as well as full meals.
Lucy’s expert tip: Don’t feel like a sit-down meal? There’s a range of takeaway snacks too, among which the oven baked, wholemeal pasties are stand outs. The palmito (palm heart) with soft cheese version is addictively good.
Read more about New Natural →
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For a taste of Rio’s Belle Epoque past, head to this historic cafe-restaurant in downtown Rio. Ornate chandeliers and jacaranda wood mirrors make an elegant setting for breakfasts, brunches and afternoon teas, and this is the ideal place to take the weight of your feet and soak up the opulence during a Centro shopping or sightseeing spree. While most people head here for the experience of diving into Rio’s past, the food and drinks are top-notch, too. Come with the family for a long, leisurely brunch, or by yourself to get a morning coffee fix and try some of the lovely cakes and pastries.
Recommended for Brunch because: The opulent setting is the real draw, but the coffee, cakes and pastries here are delicious.
Lucy’s expert tip: If you’re in a rush, grab a pastry and coffee at the stand-up counter, but for a leisurely afternoon tea try to find a table in the outdoor atrium.
Read more about Confeitaria Colombo →
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Given its abundant supply of coffee beans, Brazil has been surprisingly slow to pick up on the coffee bar trend, but Cafeina is one spot where caffeine boosts are more inventive than simply with-or-without-milk.
Alongside a range of cappuccinos, lattes and espressos, there are some seriously tasty cakes, pastries and other goodies that make wonderfully indulgent companions to a creamy coffee. Sandwiches here are good lunch options, and the place also serves lavish breakfasts and afternoon teas.
A good place to linger over a book with a good cup of strong coffee, Cafeina has truly earned a place in locals’ hearts.
Recommended for Brunch because: Cafeina serves delicious coffee, cakes and sandwiches at all hours of the day.
Lucy’s expert tip: If you want a hearty start to the day but are keen to keep in trim for the beach, opt for the low-fat breakfast platter with plenty of fresh fruit and wholegrains.
Read more about Cafeina →
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For the ultimate indulgent Rio experience, head to the Pergula, the elegant poolside restaurant at the enduringly elegant Copacabana Palace hotel. Less formal than the hotel’s fine dining Italian restaurant, Cipriani. at Pergula you can dine in your (suitably stylish) swimwear and sarong. Watch beautiful people splash around in the pool as you sip Champagne cocktails and dine on seafood and light pasta dishes, or head here for the famous breakfasts and brunches, which include salmon and even caviar washed down with a spot of bubbly. The likes of the Obamas, Will Smith and Madonna have all dined here, so keep your eyes peeled for A-listers.
Recommended for Brunch because: Brunch at Pergula is a wonderfully romantic way to start the day.
Lucy’s expert tip: You don’t need to be a guest at the hotel to dine here, but it pays to dress in your most chic casual wear if you want to make it past the doorman.
Read more about Pergula →
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Occupying a corner building on Santa Teresa’s liveliest square – Largo do Guimaraes – Cafe do Alto has carved out a reputation for serving delicious dishes at fair prices, in a wonderfully colorful setting. The emphasis is on food from Brazil’s Northeast, but but avoids the stodginess that sometimes weighs down Nordestino cooking. Light dishes include tapioca panckaes filled with everything from tomato and marinated tomatoes or shredded jerk beef, to sweet versions filled with fruit and curd cheese; while recommended mains include moqueca – a typical seafood stew, here adapted to include veggie friendly versions made with palm heart or yucca. There are abundant breakfast options, and the weekend breakfast buffet – which runs until 1pm – is the ideal hangover cure for anybody who partied hard in nearby Lapa the night before. Service is attentive, the decor is cheery and the cafe scores major parental brownie points for its kid-friendly menu and drawing materials.
Recommended for Brunch because: This place serves enormous, and delicious, breakfast spreads that will cure any caipirinha-induced hangover
Lucy’s expert tip: There’s a good – if pricey – range of wines, along with an extensive craft beer selection and yummy batidas (mixture of fruit, condensed milk and sugar cane rum).
Read more about Cafe do Alto →
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Your leisurely brunch comes with a refreshing sea breeze and stunning sea views at this al-fresco spot in the grounds of Copacabana Fort. Breakfast is served at several outdoor table and, while service can be a little on the slow side, who’s in a rush when you’ve got a view over Copacabana beach and out to sea? The ‘farmhouse breakfast’ (R$29) features corn cake, coffee cheese, baskets of bread, fruit and the delicious Brazilian speciality that is pao de quejo – little rolls of manioc flour and cheese. Come here with time to spare and take your time just soaking up the view and enjoying the cooling breezes.
Recommended for Brunch because: The gorgeous sea view makes this a top spot to relax with coffee and cake.
Lucy’s expert tip: Reward a walk along Copacabana’s 4-mile sweep of sand with a drink and bite to eat here.
Read more about Cafe 18 do Forte →
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Aimed squarely at North Americans with a hankering for taste of their homeland, Gringo Cafe does a roaring trade in US DIner-style favorites such as hash browns, bottomless coffees, pancakes, waffles and French toast, as well as delicious cakes, milkshakes and cheese burgers made with imported American cheese. The breakfasts, served all day, are manna from heaven for many homesick ex-pats, who can indulge a craving for bacon, eggs made any way you choose, while mains such as mac & cheese and spaghetti with meatballs also help to keep homesickness pangs at bay. A couple of blocks back from the beach, Gringo Cafe is also popular with wealthy locals keen to experience a taste of North America, but the English-speaking staff mean that bedazzled visitors to the city can relax and put the phrase book away here.
Recommended for Brunch because: Gringo Cafe offers North Americans a taste of home, with all-day breakfasts and endless coffee refills.
Lucy’s expert tip: The muffins, cooked breakfasts and burgers here are all good, but the bagels don’t quite hit the mark.
Read more about Gringo Cafe →
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Photo courtesy of Lucy Bryson
This small, unassuming, unsigned little lunch and brunch spot is a great option for anybody with an aversion to gluten or a preference for natural, organic ingredients. Alongside a range of wholemeal sweet and savory tarts and pies and some yummy sandwiches, there are gluten-free cakes, tarts (try the palm-heart and yogurt) and a mini-store stocked with a range of pastas, biscuits and other goodies to take away. In addition, Cultivar Brazil serves unarguably the best Pao de Queijo (little cheese breads made with manioc flour), here made with organic ingredients. There’s no sign above the cafe, but Cultivar Brazil opens right onto Santa Teresa’s main drinking and dining strip.
Recommended for Brunch because: This place serves some of the yummiest breakfast dishes in town, and it serves them all day long.
Lucy’s expert tip: Wait until a fresh batch of pao de queijo comes fresh out of the oven, as these little lovelies are at their best when hot.
Read more about Cultivar Brazil →
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A welcoming spot where staff go out of their way to make customers feel at home, Da Casa da Tata frequently crops up in food and drink magazines’ ‘Best of’ lists, with its breakfasts in particular garnering rave reviews. The range of home-made breads is in itself a reason to visit, and the fresh-out-of-the-oven smell hangs in the air as you enter, to mouthwatering effect. Breakfasts range from inexpensive and simple, yet truly tasty, plates of bread, butter, jelly, juice and coffee – to lavish spreads of cakes, pastries, breads, cheeses, fresh seasonal fruit and juices, and the coffee is seriously good.
Recommended for Brunch because: Da Casa da Tata is regularly cited by Rio food and drinks magazines as the city’s best lunch spot.
Lucy’s expert tip: Come here with a hearty appetite and time to spare, and enjoy Brazilian brunch at its lavish best.
Read more about Da Casa da Tata →
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payalmaternityhome · 3 years
Pregnancy Diet
A healthy diet is necessary part of a healthy lifestyle at any point, but especially vital if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Healthy eating habits makes you feel good and offers the essential nutrients your baby needs in the womb. As we know the foetus eats what the mother eats. Therefore it's crucial to take a healthy and balanced diet in meals.
Pregnant mothers should eat fresh fruits and vegetables.You should eat a diet full of proteins and vitamins. This will also enhance the quality of breastmilk. You can eat flavours like sweet, salt, sour. Though you should avoid very spicy food and food with preservatives. You should consume calcium, folic acid, iron, milk, yogurt, cheese.
Ayurveda suggests to consume panchamrut which helps to boost immunity and build potential. Panchamrut can be made by one spoon of curd, honey, sugar and two spoons of ghee or clarified butter and some milk. Mix well these all ingredients and your panchamrut is ready.
Key Pregnancy Nutrition
Folic Acid:
It is a vitamin B that is crucial in helping to prevent birth defects in the baby's brain and spinal cord, known as neural tube defects. If you are planning for a baby, it's recommended to have 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for at least one month before becoming pregnant. During pregnancy, it is recommended that women increase the amount of folic acid to 600 micrograms a day.
Its an important mineral which helps in building and strengthening the bones and teeth of baby
Women who are pregnant 27 milligrams of iron a day. Taking adequate amounts of minerals will help making more blood to supply the baby with oxygen. Lack of iron during pregnancy can lead to anemia, a condition resulting in fatigue and an increased risk of infections.To increase the absorption of iron, start taking food rich in vitamin C. For example, you can have a glass of orange juice at breakfast.
Adequate amounts of proteins are needed for the development of the brain, heart and other body parts of the baby.
Food to eat
During pregnancy, you should eat food items like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and dairy products.
●      Fruits and vegetables
You should eat plenty and fruits and minerals as they will provide you lots of vitamins and minerals. You should eat broccoli, dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach as they contain fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. It helps in reducing a major problem which is constipation as it has fibre in it.
●      Dairy Products
You should eat dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt because they contain calcium, protein, phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. They have two types of high-quality protein: casein and whey. Choose low-fat varieties
●      Legumes
This includes lentils, peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts etc..They are great plant-based sources of fiber, protein, iron, folate, and calcium.
●      Lean Proteins
You should eat good protein sources at every meal to support the baby's growth. They include eggs, beans, tofu, cheese, milk, nuts and seeds.
●      Whole Grains
Whole grains foods will provide you energy in the diet, and they also provide fiber, iron and B-vitamins. They include oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta or breads and brown rice
●      Berries
They have a lot of goodness in tiny packages like water, healthy carbs, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Berries have a relatively low glycemic index value, so they should not cause an increase in blood sugar levels.
●      Avagados: This is a fruit containing a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. This makes them taste buttery and rich. They also have high amounts of fiber, B vitamins especially folate, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
●      Water: Drink plenty of water as it will keep you hydrated. If you do not take optimum amounts of water, you may have symptoms of dehydration like headaches, anxiety, tiredness, bad mood, and reduced memory. Adequate amounts of water intake will help relieve constipation and reduce your risk of urinary tract infections
Food to Avoid
Foods that should be limited are:
●      Food which are high in sugar, such as chocolate, biscuits, pastries, ice-cream, cake, puddings and soft drinks because taking them will lead to weight gain, obesity and tooth decay
●      Foods that are high in fat, such as butter, oils, salad dressings and cream. They contain very high amounts of calories, and eating more fatty foods will make you overweight. Having too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases the chance of having heart disease.
●      Alcohol consumption should be strictly prohibited during pregnancy as it wil have very harmful effects on your baby.
●      Foods that contain added salt
Prepare Food Safely
●      Wash fruits and vegetables properly
●      Heat foods properly before serving
Best Women's Care center in Rajkot and Best Maternity home in Rajkot
Best Pregnancy diet care center in Rajkot
Visit Rajkot's best maternity home, which is Payal Maternity home led by Dr. Pratixa Desai and her team. Visit the website http://www.payalmaternityhome.com
Contact +91 81000 43000 to book an appointment.
They have the best team of doctors and well-experienced staff that are always eager to help you in your parenthood.
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yeshanee · 4 years
2021 Chiayi Trip, a Well Spent CNY!
This is my first time spending Chinese New Year away from home. Due to COVID-19, I could not fly back to Indonesia. Well, I could. But being in quarantine for two weeks once I am back in Taiwan does not sound wise considering this is my last semester and I must focus on my thesis :-(
So, to fill the emptiness in our hearts for not being able to gather with our beloved families, from February 14 to February 15, my friends and I decided to visit Chiayi (嘉義). We took the High-Speed Rail (HSR) Train from Taoyuan (桃園) to Chiayi (嘉義). We were lucky to get the ticket! It was an hour train journey and it cost us $930/person. You can order the ticket on the HSR ticket booking application. However, if you do not have one yet, you can download the application on PlayStore or AppStore, it is called “T-EX行動購票”
We intended to visit Ali Shan (阿里山) on our first day in Chiayi (嘉義). But things happened… Once we arrived at Chiayi Station (嘉義車站) we found out that there is no direct train from Chiayi Station (嘉義車站) to Ali Shan (阿里山)! We can take bus #7322 and it will be a 2-hour drive. However, we decided not to go that day considering it was already 10.30. So what did we do next? Yup! We went to look for our lunch. We had the famous Grace Lin’s fish head soup (林聰明沙鍋魚頭) :-) could not be any happier!
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Then we headed back to our hostel to check-in. We stayed at the KM hostel, booked it through booking.com. It was such a nice place to stay with a reasonable price! It is clean, comfortable, neat, and close to Wenhua Night Market (文化夜市)!
As for dinner, we had turkey rice. We originally wanted to go to Magistrate Liu’s Turkey Rice (劉里長火雞肉飯) but the store was closed. So we had 噴水雞肉飯 (read: pen shui ji rou fan) instead. One portion of turkey rice (雞肉飯) costs $50. You can order more dishes such as vegetables or pork.
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Lastly, we had another Chiayi famous food which is A-Er soft bean curd (阿娥豆漿豆花). Sorry! I forgot to take the picture of the food but I took the picture of the people queuing. The queue was incredibly long and the long queue tells you how famous the food is :-) I like the soft bean curd. It is not sweet but it is a great combination when we eat it with soybean milk (豆漿). The soybean milk is fresh too. Tips: ask for an additional topping like red bean (紅豆, read: hongdou) or sweet potato (芋頭, read: yutou) to make it sweeter!
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Now it is time to go back to school!~
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helpageindia · 4 years
Elder Diet: Simple and Healthy Recipes for Seniors
Though one can’t stop aging, one can stay healthy. The first step towards good health for seniors is to eat right. When one can make & serve food meant for elderly it simply amounts to Joy of Giving.
As one approaches the latter years, the body experiences certain changes which consist of physical and hormonal changes. The result of such changes leads to slow metabolism, reduced appetite, diminished digestive health and oral problems along with a few common health problems like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.
So here is what seniors need to consume for a healthy living.
1) Fruits And Vegetables– Rich in high fiber and antioxidants rich like broccoli, carrots, orange, amla, grapefruit and restrict the addition of starchy foods such as potato, sweet potato, yam, etc. and instead switch to soups and salads like Chatpata Chawli, Broccoli Soup, and Fruit Salad.
Foods that are easily Digestible: Foods that need little or not much chewing. This is helpful for the elderly who have difficulty chewing food due to dental issues, which can lead to many nutritional deficiencies and can be harmful to their health.
Be it seniors living under the care of their loved ones in their own homes or those provided by Social Work Organizations, caretakers should not compromise on the nutrients, therefore serving seniors food that is made soft by grinding, grating, stewing, and mashing making it easier to swallow.
Harder foods can be swallowed easily if they are boiled or steamed. Again the number of spices needs to be less& sometimes there should be none at all being added to their meals as extra spice may lead to acidity and cause stomach upset. Seniors should be served smaller and frequent meals and snacks that are rich in nutrients. They should not be served crispy and fried food like potato chips, wafers, chivdas.
2) Light Nutritious Breakfast – Breakfast is truly the most imperative meal of the day. It’s worth eating a wholesome breakfast to stay energetic throughout the day. Seniors need to have a healthy breakfast that is full of protein, carbohydrates, and other key nutrients that will get absorbed by the body as the day progresses.
RagiUpma is a great breakfast option for seniors. It gives sufficient protein and iron. A good level of iron guarantees a good hemoglobin count which helps to transmit oxygen to all parts of the body. This ensures that seniors do not feel exhausted in the latter part of the day.
Another good source of iron is JowarRagi and mix-veg daal Porridge. This is a soft food and works wonders for seniors Pancakes/dosas are other kinds of soft food too which can be made instantly and is preferred by seniors as it tastes good served hot off the Tava. Using refined Maida should be avoided and instead of a range of other flours like jowar flour, bajra flour should be used. Idli, is the best and is now made everywhere throughout India. Softidlis is one of the best breakfast senior citizens would love to cherish.MultiflourIdli and Moong Dal and Spinach Idli, are also light & nutritious providing enough protein, calcium, and iron.
3) Juices and Smoothies– Best desserts for seniors
Whole fruits and vegetables are certainly the best option to depend on. As for senior citizens it could pose a challenge, especially if they have problems with chewing. Nevertheless fruits and veggies are to be made an essential part of senior’s diet. In fact seniors can go for juices and smoothies. They are absolutely easy to swallow.
Although fruit based juices &smoothies are good for the elderly but without adding any sugar. As sugary food not only can trigger glucose imbalance but may cause tooth decay too. Also when consuming juice, it is preferred not to strain them so as to retain the much needed fiber.
Spinach and Mint Juice during the start of the day helps to cleanse the system, and can be had in between meals as wel.
Natural  sweeteners like dates and sweet fruits like apple, banana or melon along with Blackberry, Banana Smoothie or Oats Apple Almond Milk Smoothie offers good amounts of Antioxidantsand  also taste incredible & have manynutritional benefits for seniors.
4) Lunch & Dinner - A main course either for lunch or dinner makes up a significant part of nutritional intake. Dal, rice, sabzi and roti are the type of food which suits seniors. Including cerealwith pulses &sufficient veggies makes up for a soft or semi-soft food which seniors enjoy to eat.
Wheat based Khichdi or the extremely soft Rotis are good. When served with a bowl of curd or kadhi, it becomes good for gut health as well. If chewing is not a problem then some dishes made using Bajra, Whole Moong and Green Pea Khichdi can be an energy rich meal with the goodness of protein, calcium, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. While protein and calcium are needed to support bones, potassium and magnesium will support the heart and B vitamins will help in cell metabolism keeping energy levels up and increase brain function as well. Also what makes for a light & nutritious lunch is assorted sprouts which optionally can be added to flours to make healthy rotis. 
Serving soft, well-cooked subzis like Gavar Pumpkin Vegetable makes up for an enjoyable main meal. Methi Pitla (Maharashtrian bhaji made with gram flour) as well as Cauliflower Greens, Methi and Palak Sabzi are simple soft options for those who have chewing problems. Limit the consumption of raw vegetables and hard to chew veggies with thick skin such as carrots, corn kernels, radishes etc. So discussed above are the many combinations of food ingredients. Nevertheless one can come up with one’s own food menu that best suits an elderly’s diet depending on the person’s health condition, age &other preferences. We at HelpAge India say that to make food be of such quality, that itresonates #CareforElderly.
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ishikajain16-blog · 4 years
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😍😋BALUSHAHI ,Indians mouthwatering dessert :-
Balushahi (or Badusha/ Padusha as it is referred to in the southern states of India) is a sugar glazed deep-fried flaky North Indian pastry that resembles a doughnut. I know many people call it an Indian doughnut, but that’s doing the Balushai an injustice as it is nothing like a doughnut, except possibly in its appearance. A doughnut is soft and spongy while a Balushahi is flaky.😋😋😋😋
Balushahi, or Badusha is as well known in South India as it is in the North and some might argue about my saying it is North Indian in origin. 
The first indication is the name itself. Dishes which have “shahi” which comes from the Persian “Shah” meaning royal, invariably have their origins in Mughlai cuisine which is a style of Indian cooking that came with the Mughal invaders or tradespeople from Persia. The “Shahi” cuisine is also incredibly rich usually, and the Balushahi is nothing if not rish considering the ghee in it! Also, the deep-fried pastry dipped in sugar syrup is reminiscent of sweets from the Middle East.
Second, this is a sweet made with refined flour (maida). Traditionally, most sweets in the South are made with rice or rice flour because wheat is not grown in the South but in the North.
And third, is that Balushahi is usually garnished with pistachios and/ or almonds. Now, both these nuts used to be rarely found in the South where cashewnuts and groundnuts (peanuts) are more common. In fact, the version of the sweet which we call Badusha in the South is usually not garnished with nuts at all but covered in a thick white dry sugar glaze, whereas the Northern version is glazed with a shiny transparent sugar glaze.
The choice of fat in this recipe is ghee. I understand some people make it successfully with unsalted butter too but butter would never give the Balushahi the nutty taste and fragrance that ghee does. Ghee is nothing but clarified butter and can be made at home (the best option) or bought from the store. Ghee gives the flavor and texture to balushahi. This recipe uses fewer ingredients and the star of the dish is ghee.
# Indian Dessert Balushahi Recipe Ingredients are :-
All purpose flour 3 cup
Baking soda 1/2 tsp
Curd 1/4 cup
Clarified butter (ghee) 6 tbsp
Milk 2 tbsp
Clarified butter (ghee) for deep frying
Sugar 2 cup
Water 1 cup
Cardamom 2
Saffron strands 1/2 tsp
Dry fruits as per choice.
When Mamma explained the recipe, I was surprised to see the ingredient yogurt instead of milk. I might have confirmed an n number of times and at one point she gave up and asked me to check with my grandma. ;-)  No, I didn’t check with my grandma. I know it’s the family recipe and I wanted to try it the same way. The end result – all of us loved it and Just came up with the comments that __“It’s better than the cookies mamma” ..!!!
So finaly No one can dispute the fact that Moms make the best dishes and are the best teachers though! ♥️My mom too!!
Sometimes People's also finds difficulties to make it a Tasty Balushahi. In that case it's also can be purchased from the market or you can go for placing Orders at @momskart as they provide you the best deals in Food's made by the moms of india with Lot's of care love and best in tastes..😊😊🤪😋😋💟💟
Visit on to this link :- https://themomskart.com
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midwestmatchalabs · 7 years
potential avenues of inquiry:
Matcha Latte - they’re delicious, my go-to form of matcha consumption, and there can always be more of them.  - possible test - Matcha Latte mix. I’ve made homemade hot chocolate mix, and even hot chocolate mixes with matcha, why not cut out the chocolate entirely and go for a matcha mix? - if preliminary tests are negative, maybe a white hot chocolate mix with matcha will be acceptable.
Matcha White-Chocolate Chunk Cookies - let’s face it, glorious soft and squishy green cookies with melting white chocolate chunks within sounds like heaven. - testing - does the type of matcha I was so generously gifted go brown in baking? Some types do, and others don’t, and the bag I have does not say either way. - if this test turns out as a ‘yes’, that opens lines of research to see if there is any way it can be baked without going brown. Matcha shortbread would have less moisture, for example.
Matcha Mille Crepe Cake with Meyer Lemon Curd - I already know that matcha crepes taste of glorious springtime, and so do Meyer lemons. This is an excuse to make something that is simple but looks impressive, and then shove vast quantities of it into my mouth. - testing - if the matcha goes brown in baking, does it stay green in the more brief cooking of the crepes?
Matcha Banana Milkshake - another of my old standbys. It’s great with half an avocado in it too, and super satisfying. Definitely worth experimenting to maximize it’s deliciousness.
Mochi - I mean, you can’t go wrong with green tea mochi.
White Chocolate Matcha Truffles - I’ve been wanting to do this one for ages. Meltingly soft white chocolate truffles, with the green of matcha to compliment the sweetness. (this is to go with rose-water dark chocolate truffles and hazelnut milk chocolate truffles, but that’s beyond the scope of the Matcha Lab)
Green Tea Rice - got to break out of the sweets eventually! I’ve seen some pretty cool recipes around, and it looks good.
... And more, as the muse strikes!
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jeepsister72-blog · 5 years
20 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year’s Day
[Photographs: Morgan Eisenberg, J. Kenji López-Alt, Vicky Wasik]
Everything you need to make the most important meal of the day delicious.
I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I'm at a party past midnight, I have a tendency to overdo it on the drinks. That can make New Year's a dangerous time. The obvious solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I often wake up on January 1 a little worse for the wear.
If you, like me, can't guarantee you won't wake up hung over on New Year's Day, we can at least ensure that we have the right recipes on hand to nurse ourselves back to health. To that end, we've got 20 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year's Day, from simple, homey cures like fried eggs and pho ga to total gut-busters, like croque madames and Doritos migas.
[Video: Serious Eats Team]
If you're looking for a simple breakfast that's doable even when you're suffering, it's hard to beat a plate of fried eggs. We have a version to suit every taste: puffy, extra-crisp fried eggs (linked below); sunny-side up (for the utmost simplicity); or over easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time).
Crispy Fried Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren't hard, but doing them well takes a little more finesse than I'm capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make fluffy scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a range of scrambled-egg recipes to choose from if a classic fluffy scramble isn't what your aching brain is craving: Varying the heat level and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are just slightly soft and barely set, or super soft and spoonable.
Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with your eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast, and you can't go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns. When we're feeling a bit too lazy to do the cooking ourselves, we like to use a waffle iron, which automatically ensures a crunchy exterior and smooth, creamy interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My signature move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I'm talking about. Here, scrambled eggs are packed with so much mozzarella (along with a little feta and dill) that you might confuse them for queso fundido at first glance, before getting sandwiched into fluffy little drop biscuits. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, especially for New Year's Day, but this version takes only 15 minutes of active work.
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I happened to have a professional cook around to make me breakfast on New Year's Day, I might ask for a plate of traditional migas. But honestly, if I'm on my own at home, there's no way I'm going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. If you feel the same, go lowbrow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper Jack cheese.
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I love to drown a hangover in eggs and cheese, and I know many of you feel the same. But vegan eaters get drunk, too, which is where this vegan variation on migas—made with silken tofu, for a creaminess similar to what you'll find in soft-scrambled eggs—comes in. We shallow-fry the chips to make the recipe a little easier; they don't need to be perfectly crisp.
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night, my stomach can't usually handle anything too intense, so I prefer a mild breakfast to a greasy plate of eggs, cheese, and potatoes. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with granola—and if you really want to treat yourself, homemade granola is the way to go. This one uses rolled oats soaked in a surprising ingredient—buttermilk, which tenderizes the oats and seeds and helps prevent excess browning—combined with raw pumpkin seeds, flax, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries. Yes, it takes some time to make, but the effort involved is minimal, and you'll have plenty of granola left over for future mornings.
Crisp Homemade Granola Recipe »
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
More into the gut-busting side of the hangover-cure spectrum? Ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity, an epic brunch burger constructed from a crispy smashed patty placed on a toasted, buttered English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack cheese, a fried egg (!), and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise. It's rich, messy, and over the top, and it's enough to scare any hangover into submission.
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Another ultra-rich option, the croque madame is a brunch classic that's made simply by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur. If you don't eat eggs, or just don't want to bother with the trouble of making them, the latter is itself a plenty rich sandwich, made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that carbs are a necessity for soaking up booze, and these tacos have plenty of them. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping off the tacos with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk, it'll blend with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but satisfying sauce.
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—a plate of fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour, even if you include the time to make our homemade tomato and red-chili salsa. It's totally manageable on a hangover, but on New Year's Day, no one will blame you for simplifying the recipe even further by using jarred salsa.
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after you've had one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Far from their creamy, softly set French cousins, diner-style omelettes feature big, fluffy curds; avoid overworking the eggs as they cook to achieve the right consistency. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want, but diced ham and cheddar is a good, straightforward choice.
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald's, so I've eaten more Egg McMuffins in my life than I'm proud of. These days, if I'm craving those same flavors in a better-quality package, I just make the sandwich myself, using this ingenious recipe. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cook the egg in a Mason jar lid ring placed in a skillet to give it the perfect round shape, and wrap the sandwich in foil after assembly, which helps melt the cheese and soften the English muffin.
Homemade Egg McMuffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
There are few breakfast items I love as much as creamy sausage gravy, no matter what kind of night it's been. Our recipe is fairly standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don't forget the biscuits! Our two-ingredient cream biscuit recipe is too easy to skip.
Sausage Gravy Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is an impressive enough dish for a fancy brunch, yet simple enough to make on a rough morning. It's also extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and, of course, tomatoes and eggs, but you can vary the aromatics and spices in accordance with your pantry and your preferences. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Shakshuka (North African–Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Okay, not everyone is going to want to start the New Year off with raw eggs. But those who've had it before know that this Japanese dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make, so it's a great choice for New Year's Day breakfast. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and an extra raw egg yolk.
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam, and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so a morning bowl of chicken pho makes perfect sense to us as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours is a daunting prospect even on a good day, but if you have a pressure cooker, such as an Instant Pot, you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Sometimes a sweet breakfast is just what you need to start fighting off a nasty hangover, and this upside-down blueberry muffin does the job well. It consists of a thick layer of jammy fruit complemented by a tender muffin base; once baked in a 10-inch cast iron skillet, it's ready to be cut into wedges and served warm. A pinch of lemon zest and a bit of coriander highlight the blueberries' flavor without overpowering the cake.
Upside-Down Blueberry Muffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This savory French toast recipe turns out spicy and funky thanks to store-bought green curry paste, which we jazz up with fresh herbs, lime juice, and fish sauce. Combine the paste with coconut milk, then pour the mixture into a pan and soak the bread in it for at least one hour to ensure the curry flavors get right to its core. After that, there's nothing to do but fry it up, preferably with a couple of eggs on the side.
Savory Green Curry French Toast Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
When you aren't at your best, whether due to a hangover or a persistent cold, rice porridge is a great dish to have in your back pocket. This Bengali porridge consists of jasmine rice and lentils, flavored with ginger and turmeric and simmered in chicken stock. Once the grains are tender, add potatoes and chicken thighs to the pot to cook slowly, and prepare a bright cilantro chutney to cut through and balance the rich porridge. It's a dish that will cure your hangover in record time, but you'll crave it even when you're feeling perfectly fine.
Bengali Rice Porridge With Lentils and Chicken Recipe »
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Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/roundups/hangover-breakfast-recipes
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poolenick-blog · 5 years
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Singapore is not only known for its world-class airport facilities, heart-pumping theme parks and awe-inspiring city skyline but also for its finger-licking dishes — after all, much like what the famous show of ‘Crazy Rich Asians‘ had shown us, Singapore food is a wonder of its own!
As time has it, Singapore’s seaport history surely gave way to a diverse culture with various Asian and Western influences, and this has been perfected for years. No matter where you go, you can enjoy a myriad of options: from cheap hawker centre fare to heritage restaurants serving fresh seafood and hearty rice and noodle meals.
Traveling in Singapore is definitely a delight and in order to help foodies like you, I’ve put together a list of some of the most flavorful Singaporean dishes that you must try as you eat your way through this mega city!
RELATED READ: – Things to Do During a Singapore Layover – Singapore Tours – Best Hotels in Singapore
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Top Singapore Food
#1 – Chili Crab
Photo from bonchan/Shutterstock Ask any local about Singapore’s national dish and chili crab is bound to be a clear favorite! Truth be told, it was even voted as one of the world’s 50 most delicious foods in a survey by CNN.
So while in Singapore, make sure to enjoy these juicy crabs soaked in a sweet & spicy tomato and chili sauce and then pair it off with steamed or fried mantous (buns).
Where best to eat it? Try out the spicy chili crabs at Long Beach Seafood Restaurant found in East Coast Seafood Centre, 1202 East Coast Parkway. This place actually serves a variation of the chili crab: the black pepper crab. Instead of the chili sauce, this signature dish is created with black pepper seasoning.
#2 – Chicken Rice
Photo from showcake/Shutterstock Another contender for the nation’s most popular dish is chicken rice — also called as Hainanese Chicken. In this Singapore dish, the chicken is cooked in a blend of pork and chicken bone stock for a flavorful bite. After cooking, it is sometimes immersed in ice water to create a glazed look. The rice is then cooked in chicken stock, ginger, and garlic. Now of course, don’t forget the garlic and chili sauce before digging in!
Where best to eat it? Brave the long queues at Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken Rice found in 1 Kadayanallur St, Maxwell Food Centre.
#3 – Char Kway Teow
Photo from wong yu liang/Shutterstock Savor these wide flavorful rice noodles that are stir-fried with crispy bean sprouts, Chinese sausage, clams, dark soy sauce, and shrimp paste.
Relish in the filling meal with a distinct smoky or wok hei (‘breath of a wok’) flavor.
Where best to eat it? Hill Street Char Kway Teow found in 16 Bedok South Road,  Bedok South Market & Food Centre.
#4 – Nasi Lemak
Photo from Ariyani Tedjo/Shutterstock Delight in the different textures and flavors of the Malay dish: nasi lemak. The term translates to “rich rice”, perfectly describing the rice steamed in creamy coconut milk.
This national dish of Malaysia comes with fried chicken, ikan bilis (dried anchovies), roasted peanuts, egg, otah (grilled fish cake), and of course, sambal (chili paste). Switch up your meal with add-ons like ikan kuning (fried yellowstripe scad) and paru (beef lung).
Where best to eat it? Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak found in Boon Lay Place Market and Food Centre, 221 Boon Lay Place.
#5 – Kaya Toast
Photo from bonchan/Shutterstock Start your day at a kopitiam (traditional coffee shop) and order a delicious kaya toast. This dish might seem simple at first but it’s a well-loved Singapore food. It basically consists of sweet kaya (pandan-flavored coconut jam) and a slice of butter that are sandwiched between toasted slices of bread. Typically, this is dipped in a mixture of soft-boiled eggs, pepper, and dark or light soy sauce.
To complete the authentic experience, sip on full-bodied kopi (coffee) with condensed milk!
There are also variations on this breakfast staple such as round buns, a baguette, or even crackers instead of the usual sliced bread. Other coffee shops, like Good Morning Nanyang Cafe, puts their own unique spin with the addition of caramelized orange peel.
Where best to eat it? Ah Seng (Hai Nam) Coffee found in 7 Maxwell Road Amoy Street Food Centre for traditional, char-grilled bread. Otherwise, Good Morning Nanyang Cafe found in 14 Scotts Road, Far East Plaza and 32 Maxwell Rd.
#6 – Satay
Photo from szefei/Shutterstock Any trip to a hawker centre will not be complete without your fix of satay. Relish in this delectable skewered, grilled meat, that’s typically served with ketupat (steamed rice cake), peanut dip, and sometimes cucumbers and onions too.
The meat can vary: pork, chicken, lamb, beef and so on. Personally? I like pork satay best!
Where best to eat it? Haron Satay found in 1220 East Coast Parkway, East Coast Lagoon Food Village.
#7 – Bak Kut Teh
Photo from Sirisak Chantorn/Shutterstock Bak kut teh, which translates to “meat bone tea”, gets its name from the Chinese tea that’s typically paired with this pork rib soup dish. Basically, pork bones and meat are boiled together with a delicate amount of herbs and spices.
Afterwards, it is served with tofu puffs, mushroom, rice, and you tiao (dough fritters).
Where best to eat it? Song Fa Bak Kut Teh found in 11 New Bridge Rd. (Upp Circular Rd,
#8 – Sambal Stingray
Photo from Fariq Amin/Shutterstock Another well-loved hawker centre or Singapore street food fare is sambal stingray, also known as ikan bakar (barbecued fish) in Malay.
This Singapore invention is quite a treat as it is originally grilled in banana leaf in order to retain its natural flavor. To complete it, top it with some spicy sambal paste made from chili peppers, belacan (shrimp paste), shallots and spices. Balance your meal with the salty chinchalok or cincalok, a dipping sauce made of fermented krill/shrimp, lime, and chili.
Where best to eat it? Chomp Chomp Food Centre found in 20 Kensington Park Road.
#9 – Laksa
Photo from richardernestyap/Shutterstock A highlight of Peranakan cuisine, combining Malay and Chinese influences, laksa is a creamy coconut curry sauce that is often served with cut-up noodles and fried bean curd.
As a delicacy, laksa is offered in many variants and much like the other famous Singaporean dish, fish head curry, the Assam-style has hints of sourness from mixing tamarind.
Where best to eat it? Katong Laksa, a street food stall found at 328 Katong Laksa, 53 East Coast Road, Singapore.
#10 – Bak Chor Mee
Photo from Hatchery Design Studio/Shutterstock Chow down on the hearty bak chor mee, which translates to “minced meat and noodles”. This is a delicious bowl of noodles topped with sliced pork, dumplings, pork liver, and salted fish or fish cake slices coated in a spicy vinegar sauce.
You can also choose from different noodle types such as the mee pok (flat noodle), mee kia (thin noodle), bee hoon (rice vermicelli), mee sua (wheat vermicelli), and mee tai mak (rice pin noodle).
Where best to eat it? Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle found in Blk 466 Crawford Lane.
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Singapore Food Tour Sample the best dishes at famed hawker centers.
Universal Studios Singapore Friends and family fun!
Gardens by the Bay Singapore’s iconic attraction!
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There are obviously a lot of other amazing Singapore food such as fish head curry, hokkien mee, oyster omelette, chwee kueh, durian, roti prata, popiah, and so many others!
But hopefully, this list is already a start to treating yourself to these delectable eats.
How about you?
What do you think of these Singaporean food?
Would you like to try them out? Why or why not?
Or have you tried any of these before? How was it?
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The post Singapore Food: Top 10 Must-Eat Local Dishes appeared first on I am Aileen.
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Bangalore Famous Foods | Explore a Few of the Best Food Stalls in Bangalore
The key to the city's soul is its streets. And that goes true when it comes to the best food of the land as well. You can find even the richest folk coming to savour the delicious food available at the food stalls in Bangalore. Which is why, we bring to you a definitive list to the best food stalls in Bangalore!
Bangalore’s claim to fame is not just its IT companies and great weather. The city is home to several cultures from around the world. These glimmerings of mixed cultures come through in the food that Bangalore is known for. Just take a walk along its streets to sample some of these delightful delicacies. The best part? They are easy on the wallet!
1.Food Street, VV Puram, Bangalore
Vegetarians, delight! For here is an entire street dedicated to gastronomical adventures of the vegetarian kind. From one end of this short street to the other, you can expect to find different varieties of well cooked, high quality street food that is popular in different parts of Karnataka, as well as some popular chaat items from other parts of the country.
This street is located in Basavangudi and pretty easy to find on Google Maps. You can park your vehicle in the allotted neighbouring lane and then make your way down this street on foot, sampling different items as you move along. The food street is open from 5PM to 8PM and is typically filled with students and families who come here to enjoy the different offerings.
Here are some of our top picks from Food Street:
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Holige and Obbattu at Idli Mane: These roti like piping hot food items come stuffed with dal or coconut or plain. Have these plain or with a splash of ghee to understand why they are savoured here.
Rabri custard at Mumbai Lassi Center: If you are thirsty after your meal, come find the Mumbai Lassi Center where you can enjoy several types of lassi, rose milk, etc. We also recommend the rabri custard to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Crispy Jalebi at Arya Vyas Refreshment: Here’s a place where you can find delicious syrup filled jalebi and delicious curd kodubale. It’s been around for the past 75 years and is definitely a stop you cannot miss on this street.
Rasgulla chaat at Dev Sagar: Come for some good old fashioned north Indian chaats at Dev Sagar. The rasgulla chaat here is made from unsweetened rasgulla mixed with chaat masalas and is a must try.
Gobi manchurian roll at Sri Subramanya Chinese Fast Food: Let the name not put you off; here you can sample some of the best Indo-Chinese street food in Bangalore. There are different types of Chinese chaats available here and the gobi manchurian stuffed roll is a popular dish here.
Capsicum Bhajji at Bhajji Stall: Try the banana bhajji or the chilli bhajji and the ever popular capsicum bhajji right here at this land of bhajjis. Constantly being fried and dished out, you can get them hot and fresh right here.
2. Fanoos, Richmond Town
If you crave the best non vegetarian rolls in town, make your way to Johnson Market in Richmond Town. Fanoos has been around for decades and is especially known for its beef kebab and rolls. Fanoos has always been a late night destination for party goers who are looking to quickly satisfy their hunger cravings.
We really loved the beef seekh jumbo rolls here, which come wrapped in roomali roti and are cooked to perfection. We highly recommend that you wash down your roll with the pulpy Arabian grape juice, which you can obtain from the nearby Madeena Stores overlooking Fanoos.
3. Khan Saheb’s Grills and Rolls, Indiranagar
While we are on the topic of rolls, let’s move on to Khan Saheb’s. One of the oldest running establishments in Bangalore, Khan Saheb prepares juicy rolls that literally dribble down your chin as you bite into them. This is not your run of the mill kathi roll. The rolls here are by Khan Saheb’s own admission, similar to the ones grilled by Afghani troops, back in the day.
You can choose between different sizes of the rolls and even opt to have the roti made with egg or not. Khan Saheb’s rolls are great whether you opt in for the vegetarian or non vegetarian options. Among the vegetarian rolls, we highly recommend the baby corn tikka roll. You can have this wrapped in rumali roti and enjoy it piping hot. Among the non vegetarian options, we loved the mutton seekh roll here. Besides rolls, Khan Saheb also serves some delicious chicken tikka which you must try.
4. New Prashanth Hotels, Jayanagar
The street food of a city should be reminiscent of what the city itself stands for. That is exactly why you should visit New Prashanth Hotels. The naati style cooking here is authentic and delicious, making a person realise the charming side of Karnataka cuisine. If you don’t have Kannadiga friends who will invite you over for a home cooked meal, then New Prashanth Hotels in Jayanagar is the place you can get your fill.
Try the ragi balls here with mutton chops. This is a typical food eaten traditionally in non vegetarian Karnataka homes. The ragi balls, or ragi mudde as they are called, are soft and melt in your mouth along with the delicious mutton chops. Have some naati chicken fry along with your meal and your tummy will thank you!
5. Darjeeling Hot Momos, Koramangala
Momos are little clouds of heaven, gifted to us by the North Eastern states of India. Filled with chicken, paneer, etc, these delicious hot momos are iconic in Bangalore, especially at Darjeeling Hot Momos. If you are a fan of momos, you should make a beeline here and try out the steamed or fried variants of their momos. In fact, you also get cheesy momos, all of which are served with the trademark spicy chutney.
While hot momos is what Darjeeling Hot Momos is known for, that is not all that they have on the menu. You can also pick their egg fried rice to go as a main meal with the momos as a starter. Try the noodles here as well.
6. Savoury Restaurant, Mosque Road
Shawarmas are a delicious Middle Eastern roll that are best eaten when prepared at a side street restaurant. If you want to try the best shawarma in Bangalore, we absolutely recommend the shawarma rolls at Savoury Restaurant on Mosque Road. Prepared right in front of your hungry eyes, these shawarma rolls are made from sliced meat that is mixed with plenty of locally made creamy paste or hummus. They are served along with vinegar soaked pickles for the ultimate treat.
If you have a preference for a proper meal, you can have the open shawarma, which is served with just the meat and loads of hummus, outside of a roll. This makes for an even more delicious dish that feels like a complete meal on its own.
7. Kota Kachori, Koramangala
Kota Kachori is one of the most popular joints in Bangalore for all sorts of Rajasthani snack items. The food items on offer here are all authentic in terms of their flavour and are also low cost. We highly recommend that you try the alu pyaz kachori here along with the lassi. Among their other offerings are also other popular namkeen items like samosa, kichadi and falahari.
One of our favourite items was also the kota kachori, which is stuffed with urad dal and spices to make a crispy and delicious snack. The kachoris are served along with tamarind chutney. You can also try their sweet mango kalakand and the malai ghewar as dessert options here.
8. Corner House Ice Cream, Indiranagar
We didn’t want to fill up this street food list with only proper meal items. Where there is street food, there is undeniably going to be some ice cream on the menu as well! And it doesn’t get more real than Bangalore’s iconic Corner House Ice Cream with its outlets all over Bangalore. Corner House has been around for more than 30 years and certainly does not seem to be reducing in popularity even though several other ice cream joints have come up in Bangalore over the past couple of years.
The most popular sundae here is easily the Death By Chocolate. True to its name, this sundae is a chocolate lover’s dream. It consists of a layer of chocolate brownie, covered with chocolate ice cream,  drizzled with chocolate sauce and finally covered with nuts. The end result is a meal all on its own! You can also try their other ice cream flavours and shakes to understand just why this ice cream joint is all the rage in Bangalore.
9. Hari Super Sandwich, Jayanagar
Sandwiches are the ultimate street food that any Mumbaikar would be familiar with. Here in Bangalore, we have local sandwich centres, too! One such low budget sandwich joint is located at Jayanagar and is pretty popular with the locals. Hari Super Sandwich has film stars who come to eat here, along with common folks to devour the delicious tawa fried sandwiches.
As is done in the Mumbai sandwich stalls, here too the bread is tawa fried and layered with plenty of butter and cheese. Choose to have their American Sweet Corn sandwich, which is filled with capsicums, tomatoes, cheese and corn. For those who like unusual sandwiches, there is the chocolate sandwich, a chocolate bar and a slice of amul cheese served on freshly fried bread. This stall also has chaat options in case you are still hungry after eating your fully loaded sandwiches.
10. Food Street, Mosque Road, Frazer Town
Like its vegetarian cousin over in V V Puram, food street on Mosque Road dedicates itself to a whole street filled with non vegetarian food stalls. These food stalls offer a wide variety of different types of delicious non vegetarian foods, especially during Ramzan. You can expect to find mutton or cheese filled samosas, pathar ghost, and seekh kebabs, to name just a few.
Our favourite food items on mosque road have traditionally been the kheema paratha, which is basically a square sandwich sized tawa fried keema filled paratha. The end result is crispy and delicious, especially if you eat it while it is hot. There is also the chicken kadai ghosh, which might go by different names depending on where you eat it. This delicious chicken on a stick snack is a flat, fried batter covered chicken offering that is absolutely scrumptious. For those who are craving Hyderabadi haleem, well Mosque Road does not disappoint! You can get hot, savoury Hyderabadi haleem that tastes just like the one you loved eating in Hyderabad. Made with chicken or mutton, ghee, and dry fruits. This dish is best eaten with rumali roti.
In Conclusion
Bangalore is known for its prestigious pubs and restaurants, but you cannot beat the street food on offer here. From fabulous sheekh rolls to amazing chaats and momos, there is something for everyone on the streets of Bangalore. Besides these foods, there are also plenty of paani puri wallas that line the streets of Bangalore. These are the perfect place to quickly fill up your stomach with ten jeera water filled puris or more.
Try out some of these amazing food stalls on your day out in Bangalore city. The options available here are diverse, giving you a real feel for the city you call home. What’s more, the food options at these stalls are always pocket friendly, making them a great place to go to when you are broke at the end of the month and waiting for salary to be credited!
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Top ten popular Indian dishes
Whether it is brand, sports, actor, movie, politician, food & drink, we rate different categories and their value in terms of their popularity. How popular a particular thing is…..we believe that is good, most of the time it is right also.
 How a particular thing does gains popularity or becomes famous? When people like it more and more then that particular thing becomes famous among the people because the spread of word plays a vital role in the popularity of anything.
 So here as in my topic mentioned above I am presenting you top ten popular Indian dishes….we may observe that when we usually search for any delicious and tasty recipes we search like
Popular dishes,
Popular cuisines,
Popular breakfasts,
Popular sweet recipes,
Popular snack recipes,
Popular nonvegetarian recipes
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 So like this, we believe that whichever dish is popular it is very good to taste and enjoyable as food because here the logic is so many people liked this dish means the dishes or recipes have been tasted which have something unique and delicious taste compared to other dishes.
So like these popular things become more popular, so here we will discuss top ten Indian dishes which are most popular.
We will start with breakfast as our day starts with breakfast, in this category we have many different breakfast recipes, in them, dose recipes which are most popular among the Indians especially in south India, and it is like a staple breakfast food.
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This breakfast is becoming very popular in all over world, because of its varieties, taste and deliciousness and enhances the taste when we eat this crispy plain dosa with aloo curry and coconut chutney.
 As we talked about the south Indian breakfast recipes, now let’s come to the north Indian recipes and their paratha recipe which is their most popular breakfast and it is like a national breakfast.
 Aloo Paratha is stuffed with cooked and mashed potatoes and roasted with oil. Aloo Paratha is a simple yet tasty alternative to chapathi, which you can have any time for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.
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 The good thing about Paratha is that it does not need any special Curry, even with curd also it gives a good taste. Try in your Kitchen and serve with butter to get more taste, especially kids will love this because they can eat parathas by making it as a roll.
Now after breakfast recipes here will talk about one more popular vegetarian recipe called vegetable biryani.
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 Biryani does not require any introduction because it is one of the most famous category of rice recipes, we have much famous non-veg biryani recipes and in between them, it has its own group of biryani lovers and followers.
 Veg biryani or vegetable biryani which is prepared with different healthy vegetables and with some masala used for nice flavor which makes this delicious and healthy too.
If you want to prepare delicious vegetarian recipes for someone, veg biryani is one dish you can prepare and it never goes wrong.
 Now coming to the non-vegetarian recipes… In this category the non-veg starter recipes are most popular for example. Onion Chicken Kabab, which is very much famous among the non-veg lovers. Why do you want to go to a Restaurant when you can bring the restaurant to your home!!!... Restaurant Style Tasty Crunchy Chicken Kababs can be prepared at home by just following this simple & Easy Recipe...Try this at the comfort of your home and serve it among your loved ones and watch them munching and asking for more.
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 One more popular category of food is non-veg biryani recipes
What is a Biryani without some succulent pieces of chicken wrapped in a perfect blend of aromatic spices and herbs??? Yes, all the non-veg biryani lovers know this taste of delicious biryanis… That’s why I am sharing one of the most popular recipes which fall in this type of categories which is called Chicken Dum Biryani. Most commonly basmati rice is used to prepare this One Pot Recipe which tastes better when it is cooked in the cooker. This recipe can be prepared in two ways one is kachhi method and another one is a pakki method.
 Try this perfect Dish in your Kitchen whichever way or method you like or prefer and enjoy the delicious biryani!
In the coastal regions which are surrounded by sea,river or beaches their seafood recipes are famous.
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 Ayala Fish Fry MackerelFishFry Recipe… Mackerel Fish which are commonly found in the Indian Ocean and surrounding seas are also known as Bangada, Bangde, Ayala, Kumula in various Indian Languages. This Recipe comes in Sea Food Categories and it is a simple and easy recipe, which is one of the most popular fish recipes. This is Healthy Food which can be prepared with very few ingredients, especially for Sea Food overs.
 Now coming to snacks and cookies, cookies are commonly used with evening coffee/Tea as a tea time snack.
Here I like to mention one cookie or you may call it as biscuits because these are famously known as biscuits here in India, tutti fruiti cookies or Karachi biscuits. These biscuits are not only popular in India even these are very famous biscuits in our neighboring countries especially in Pakistan, this biscuit is also named after the city of Pakistan called Karachi.
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 Try this World famous Karachi Biscuits Recipe Kids will definitely love this one, Easy to make and fun to serve...do try this at home and share how it turned out to you.
As we are talking about snacks or time pass foods here I like to share one recipe which is my favorite too.
 One street food which will make you drool literally when you hear the name of it and that is Pani Puri, which is one of the most popular snacks of India. Popular street food in North India it is also known as Golgappa.
 Nowadays many people are afraid of eating outside pani puri because of hearing unhealthy ways of preparing puris. Don’t worry Prepare this crunchy puris for pani puri at home and enjoy the pani puri street food in a healthy way with same flavor and taste of Pani as outside.
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 And you may be thinking of how I left out mentioning any baking recipes which are most popular among all. Here I will share one cake recipe, a flavor of cake most popular which you can get in any category of cake recipes and it is chocolate flavor recipe.
 Do you want to learn Cake making??? And still, you are a beginner? For that, I think this Cake Recipe is perfect to start with a simple and yet Delicious Cake called Eggless Chocolate Cake.
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 It can be used as a base for any cake recipe, which can be prepared with very few ingredients even without egg and butter. As in its name eggless, without egg also the cake is moist with soft and beautiful texture and taste. Prepare cake in your Kitchen and celebrate happy moments with self-made cake.
 Any meal, we would like to end with one recipe and that is sweet dishes or deserts recipes as India is filled by many cultures and it follows different languages, culture, food and the way of leaving.
In this, the sweets also have different names, in different languages of the Indian states or region, a sweet is called by numerous names.
 One common name is "Mithai" commonly its main ingredients are sugar, milk etc.
So here we get different region dishes like
North Indian sweets
South Indian Sweets
Festival sweets
But here I like to end with one simple sweet recipe called semiya payasam or shavige payasam which is prepared in all over India.
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 Semiya Payasam is one sweet recipe which can be prepared during any simple occasion to big festival season. It is one of the simple yet popular tasty Payasam recipe, which can be prepared even by bachelors or newbies just under a few minutes. Try this quick and delicious sweet dish and enjoy with family.
I hope you all like the popular recipes from all over India
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