#>8 </span>–
aarchimedes · 8 months
for context: I read the hobbit first over the course of two years when I was like 13, but I'm only now starting to read lotr. having a blast tho!
anyways, reblog if you feel like it 🙌🏻
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gwinverarrouz · 1 year
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July 22 is the date I chose as a birthday for Bisig, my beloved little sailor cat, and to celebrate the occasion here is a mini-comic about her and how she met her crab fam :D It's kind of a continuation of something I've drawn back in 2020 as a way to explore her backstory a little and it's very dear to me.
(Please watch it in full view, I worked really hard on it! ^v^)
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chrisbangz · 6 months
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channie of the day (8/∞) GDA Backstage Interview ✦ 190106
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shannonsketches · 2 months
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I grabbed a bunch of caps for that last post so here's a few more in my favorite genre of bejíta
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zero1qn2 · 2 years
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a collection of weird pathologic people
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texasbama · 6 months
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Another one thank you!!
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hongtiddiez · 2 months
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starting soon
ot8 polycule
from the moment the metal spheres entered the sky mankind began to lose its luster; ambitions halted, emotions became a distant memory, and survival was the only thing left on anyone's mind. little fires of rebellion rose here and there only to be snuffed out as quickly as they had come. resistance became compliance and the human race drifted through the years without any further inklings of freedom.
{continued beneath read more, with character teasers}
change was never instant, instead it seeped slowly like a leaky tap. with each drop a new one appeared - a person with hopes, dreams, passion, desire. you could always find them by the sparkle in their eyes where their soul reflected outward. a leak became a trickle and those with the spark for life flocked together to stoke the embers again.
eight particular men found themselves drawn to the flames almost by an invisible tether (or a noose.) they were special for more than just their lust for freedom, each of them touched with abilities almost beyond belief if each of them hadn't witnessed it themselves. hope brought them together, ambition drove them forward, and care kept them close. they were a unit, eight broken pieces coming together to form a mosaic of love, devotion, and a promise of a better future.
this is how eight men promised to reclaim humanity and learned the truth of love and mankind along the way.
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◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 ►
hongjoong could barely remember a time before the other seven were part of his life and frankly, he didn't want to. he remembers shying away at every touch, closing his eyes tight against an onslaught of thoughts that weren't his own, and pulling in ragged breaths until the buzzing pain stopped and the nausea settled. there was always a mark left behind, mottled red and blue against the canvas of his skin.
he'd nearly lashed out the first time one of them touched him, hwa reaching out a gentle hand to check a wound. he had meant to growl but instead he had whimpered like an injured dog, unable to lash out at one of the few people he truly cared for. to his surprise the touch was gentle and the thoughts that flowed alongside his own were quiet, soothing, and welcome.
with time, he came in contact with the others and experienced the same; no painful touch, no mark left behind, and no deafening thoughts that threatened to bring him to his knees. to call it fate felt far too convenient but any answers were not forthcoming.
◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 ►
he knew he was known as something of figurehead among the rebellion and seonghwa did not care to stop the rumors. if he was the face the people needed to follow he was happy to fill that role for them, happy to tend to the flock of free thinkers overwhelmed by the 'new' world around them now that their eyes were open. as much as he wished to take away their confusion and pain there were some ailments even he could not heal
it was something he'd had to come to terms with quickly after meeting the other seven. as badly as he had wanted, he could not mend all of their hurt and one haunted him day in and day out. his eyes followed broad shoulders, traced over a dimpled smile, soaked in the sight of his most formidable and yet most delicate lover
he only wished someone could heal away his own worry.
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◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜 ►
the amount of comfort yunho found around the other seven was almost unfathomable. he had always felt othered for his abilities, strange in a way no one understood, and then one day he met seven other men that could see him in a way he'd never expected. they didn't mock his fear of heights, the way he woke up with a jolt almost every night, nor did they ask him for an explanation. they simply held him close, knowing smiles on their faces as they sheltered both him and themselves from their inner demons.
he loved them, deeply and intensely, and for once he was all too happy to utilize his ability to keep them safe. he wasn't strong like san, couldn't read minds like hongjoong, and he wasn't a healer like hwa. what he could do, however, was move the world around him.
pebbles became bullets, metal sheets became shields, glass shards became lethal arrows. the violence would have bothered him once but he found he no longer cared when it came to protecting his sanctuary, for each of them was a brick that formed his home.
◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞 ►
he knew he should listen to hwa's cautionary words but it was nothing he hadn't heard before. it was a dance they performed routinely; he hurt himself, flayed himself open for the greater good, and seonghwa pieced him back together again.
he remembered a late night spent together, freshly bandaged and with hwa holding him close, pressing a kiss to his birthmark before asking, "can you even feel it?"
he hadn't meant to make him cry with his response but he had never been a liar. "the pain? not anymore."
it was hard to feel pain the same way as others when it was so intrinsically part of you. he was built for it after all, born to endure and redirect. he sank a knife into his own gut only to watch a member of the imperial watch sink to his knees across from him, free of any blood or wound and yet still writhing in an agony yeosang only felt somewhere in his periphery.
the others hated it, hated watching the lengths he would go to to secure a victory and often worried that one day he would go too far. he would argue that there was no such thing when it came to his family.
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◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 ►
the first time his chest felt as if it was collapsing on itself he was alone, muscles straining as he moved a concrete slab aside to crawl through the doorway of what would make the perfect hideout. he'd collapsed just inside the threshold, hand clutching over his heart and eyes shut tight in pain. he still didn't know if the tears that slid down his face had been from pain or sorrow. if he died there he would have died alone; no one to ever remember he had existed. somehow he'd survived to pull in slow, measured breaths, though the fear of another attack lingered.
the second time his chest felt as if it was collapsing on itself was when five gazes turned towards him, cautious but deep. san felt like he was drowning but he found he didn't mind dying here, not with such bright eyes to witness him, to remember he had lived.
he doesn't tell them even after five becomes seven. he doesn't want them to worry. he pretends not to hear seonghwa crying himself to sleep beside him some nights.
◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐫 ►
mingi was the eighth, slotting in to complete the puzzle. he'd come to them with relief on his face, head tilted to the sky and eyelids fluttering closed.
"finally, i found you."
he'd seen them for as long as he could remember; seven men with hearts of gold, eyes full of love, and a thirst for life he felt mirrored in his own chest. he'd learned early on not to mention them, only ever met with either firm denials or total dismissal. he tucked them in his heart like a secret, vowing to find them as soon as he built up enough supplies and enough life experience to survive the journey.
he knew they would change his life, had seen it nearly every night when he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. he couldn't wait to see where they led him.
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◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨 ►
wooyoung had always been too much; too loud, too excitable, too full of all these emotions he couldn't put words to for the longest time. it only made sense that his power burned as brightly and felt as destructive as he felt sometimes. he felt like he destroyed everything he touched, every connection burned away with apathy or outright scorn. he wished loneliness didn't sit in his chest like a stone, wished he could sit alone with his thoughts instead of run from them.
restlessness drove him to travel, aimless and desperate to find someone, anyone that understood. at least he never spent his nights cold, though the flames were never as comforting as he imagined another person's warmth to be. he never imagined he'd find himself cradled between seven others, warm and safe and loved with an incandescence that rivaled his own fire.
◄ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭 ►
paranoia and caution were a slippery slope, jongho knew, but it was a tightrope he couldn't stop walking. the feeling of being watched itched at his skin constantly, prickled the back of his neck and clenched the pit of his gut. he knew he'd wandered into someone's territory, knew they were keeping a close eye on him. he just wanted somewhere to exist, somewhere to hide away alone and secure.
curiosity eventually got the best of him, the sounds of life drawing him in like a siren's song. he knew it was dangerous, knew he was putting himself at risk, and yet he couldn't help but peer beyond the walls that separated him from them. four glowing masses illuminated his vision, seemingly talking amongst themselves before turning in his direction. his breath caught, vision fading to sightless black as he staggered backwards and stumbled against a half-broken wall.
he swallowed the spit gathering in his mouth, certain he would die here for his hubris. he never expected the gentle hands that cradled his elbows and deep, warm voice that instantly relaxed his shoulders.
"it's okay. you're okay." and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to believe those words for once in his life.
🌸 if you've read this far i'm kissing you on the forehead, please feel free to jump in my ask and tell me all your thoughts. i'm SO excited to work on this fic, i'm already so in love with these boys and this world.
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dramagenes · 2 months
need more people to get on the serendipity’s embrace train it’s so cute and lovely and i am obsessed with the trope that she’s his first love and he’s her last love like 🥰🥰🥰
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I wasn’t expecting my emotions to be gone this soon
I wasn’t expecting to no longer want to bleed my thoughts and feelings away with poems
I wasn’t expecting for my heart to feel dull this soon, still aching with the dull, slow pounding of long-forgotten love
Why am I like this? Did it only take me three days to forget
what it’s like to hug you, or what it’s like to see your smile when you see me,
Was it all a bad dream,
If it wasn’t then why do I feel so hollow? Why do I feel so empty, like I never had emotions to begin with
What leech stopped by last night and drained me of all my thoughts, all my feelings, all my hopes, Why don’t I feel anything anymore? What happened to me?
What is wrong with me?
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diathadevil · 2 years
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Day 3 - Inspire
Ahiru ONLY gives Bardic Inspiration in the form of puns.
(This comic is part of my Ptutu DnD AU! They’re early in the campaign here, around level 4-5 in the party.)
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mexipoopy · 4 months
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Sometimes, I finish a drawing...[featuring these two..] [Lineart under the cut]
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adodalinil · 1 month
i hit somebody's car with my car today trying to park and they are going to file an insurance claim against me but it is all ok bc after wards i went to a house party and played rage cage and got so so so so drunk and everything is ALL GOOD NOW 🫵👍👍👍👍💪🔥🔥👍
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lumikinetic · 7 months
Man it makes me so bummed out that shows like Scorpion and Leverage just do not exist anymore, and not like the way I usually say "they don't make em like this anymore!" I mean literally if you went to an exec today and told them you had a show idea about:
A mainstay cast of 5-7 people with their own clear, distinct personalities and motivations
In a family dynamic that go through a new plot every episode
Over the course of 15-30 episodes per season with a 3-5 season run
Oh and each of those episodes are a tight 25 minutes, once you drop the commercials
We do a 40 minute episode ONLY for the season finale
They would look at you like you grew a second head. What do you MEAN shows don't work the way movies do and they need time and investment to gain traction! The Bear is like the closest thing to this but it's still so far away cause it's very much still a Streaming Era Show and the tone is just so radically different. The average media executive mind cannot comprehend a [Blank] Of The Week format anymore.
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pinetreesonfire · 7 months
queen has been one of my favorite bands for about three years. i watched good omens only three months ago and now whenever i hear a queen song that's been in the show, my mind instantly goes to aziraphale and crowley
what the fuck, this show has ruined me
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joanna-lannister · 2 months
okay, but the growth (first gif is from 2016 and second gif is from yesterday)
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permanentreverie · 3 months
if nobody’s got me i know a large vanilla latte got me can i get an amen
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