#💙 | keep it there / save tag
rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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“If I could go back, one thing I would do / Try to unravel, cut down, and unscrew / The first double helix that links me to you”
Wow, get a load of these guys. What’s wrong with them?
Also song inspo if anyone would like it! It’s where the top quote is from!
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Hello mod of HADAW blog, idk why but I feel like it's now the good time to actually send you this before I backpedal out of embarrassment uhhh (I have never sent any asks before besides to the cfs blog-)
I actually just want to thank you for all the efforts you have been putting in your blog, is all. Before I actually tried posting art of Arjuna here, I have skimmed through your blog (this sounds so weird jsjsjsh) and, well, it feels like to me that you, among other bloggers, have made my experience on Tumblr a good one again, in regards of Arjuna contents. Idk how long I will stay here but I'm glad this time isn't so bad.
Clearly, I'm not good with wording and this has sounded better in my head but... Thank you for creating your own contents for Arjuna(s), with all the silly to memey to distinct-with-seriously-dedicated-effort arts, facts, spitting facts, aggressively thirst posts, reblogging other Arjuna related posts with enthusiastic commentaries in the hastags (you probably don't know but I appreciate this a lot) and so on so on... I give my kudos to you!!
Oh also thank you for scanning the official materials of Arjuna(s) as well. I feel guilty but I admit in saving them secretly and storing them away in Google Drive as references for drawing the bae(s). They just really helped me a lot sjsgjwbve forgive me,,,,,, SO, that's all, now I will skiddadoo away. Have a good day!
Anon this blog is 100% for people like you. I love arjuna SO much, and while he has lots of different types of content in the jp fandom most of the other English arjuna artists are on other sites nowadays so I wanted to provide something for tumblr. I like to switch between all sorts of art (funny, sad, sexy, serious, epic, goofy) bc I want to show people his different sides and kinds of appeal that i feel from him. I also wanted a place where I could support (and gush) over all the talented arjuna artists that are here! (Bc there’s really talented people aaaa)
He’s such a lovely character and I wanted to talk about all the different things I’d learned about him and how important he was to me, and to try and see if I could get some more people to appreciate him! He got kind of a rough start in fate with how they handled him but I think that even with that he has a lot of good qualities that shine through and he deserves the world a little love from people
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I love him! And I’m glad that this blog has been nice for other people who love him! It mostly started as a place where I could quarantine my massive love for him so I’m happy to know the stuff I’ve put here is useful for others ;v; overall I’ve had a lot of fun here and I hope for however long you stay you have a nice time too!
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vioshipping · 8 months
How do ya imagine valentines would be spend with them
Ooooh that’s a good question! Lemme think uhhhhhh
BF is tough. Cuz there’s not a lotta romantic stuff to do in the Literal Apocalypse. I think we’d def take the day off from the whole. Fighting zombified cartoon characters thing. We’d prolly try and find a more peaceful universe to stay in, and spend the day looting abandoned shops. The day would end with us havin dinner together and falling asleep in eachother’s arms.
ok. Vloo. We’d watch some romantic movies together for sure, I feel it in my bones. Probably also bake some stuff together, maybe like some of those heart shaped pizzas I think that’d be neato. Then we’d watch the sun set at the end of the day and end up stargazing after.
And Wacky! Definitely would have a busy day with her. I think she’d show me around her world, and we’d do some exploring together. Maybe do some swimming in Pastel Palms. Also. I think it would be extra romantic if we slow danced together. So that as well!
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
silas i am going to EXPLODE that was so good. i feel like my brain will never be the same. everything was so present and yet it had this feeling of happening almost in a dreamlike state. the carfucking metaphor. the flow and the exposition. if it was a colour it would be a pale purple (pun intended but it does FEEL like it idk how to explain it) and if i could i would eat it a la mode. bravo you mad lad. bravo
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SO glad u liked it <3<3!! *prints this comment out and slaps it onto my wall* 6 more chapters of that particular silliness to come :o)
I feel like I'm finally at a place where I am writing something and not just enjoying the process, but the outcome as well. Tbf I'm getting a lot of practice in by writing my other WIP, which I keep pushing myself to improve with. It feels really great!
That being said, I am struggling a bit with like. I always want to explain my thought process in my fics explicitly, but I'm trying to allow myself to a. write mspar as a flawed/unreliable narrator and b. let my readers figure it out. But I'm worried now that some of it is a little unscrutable? It's a tough scale to balance, but I'm sure I'll figure it out with practice.
Amazed that you associate this with pale purple (hehe) bc "lilac with glitter and sparklies" was the color I was feeling as I wrote it :o!!! Here's the song that captures that color (and that was the soundtrack to their date in my head). I must have done something to bring that color to mind :o
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captainseamech · 9 months
I just want to say, that for having never managed to get into TF:RB long enough to meet Captain Baywatch over here, thank you for blessing my dash with him.
I like that from our mostly chatbox interactions, plotting poor High Tide's demise with a combo of seacon shenanigans, pining for princes, horrible puns on his alt mode, or just straight up cheering when High Tide goes redder than Heatwave when shown any affection by Griffin Rock's hottest firefighter of the year. Again. Commemorative calendar under the tree, btw.
But seriously.
You, as the mun, are an absolute delight, I love our chats, I hope both our schedules line up to write together more, and I don't think i could watch TF:RB without comparing what I see to our Dreamboat over here and closing the tab. Your boy is too perfect. I'll only squint in disapproval at the show having met yours first.
2023 appreciation meme (yes I'm stealing the name)
I'm actually so happy that you find joy in my silly ocean man! Admittedly he didn't get as much development as he needed and deserved in the show (which led me to snatch him and write him myself) but some thingies that I settled here are actually from the episodes he appears the most!! You can still watch it regardless because he's just so good in there!
Also we do hope we can interact more as well! Your silly creechurs (affectionate) are a blast to witness on my dash and I'll forever love the sillies they can and will bring! Hopefully our schedule can somehow clash nicely in this upcoming since I really wanna write more with you!!
I actually screamed when you mentioned loving my portrayal of him I sob and cry
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positively-mine · 6 months
You’re a girl?!
how they find out & they're reaction
tags: slightly ooc, afab, female anatomy, slight favouritism..., grammatical and punctuation errors 😔
a/n: rewatched Saiki k and so I've been procrastinating lately BUT YEA I GET TO WRITE SAIKI K NOW
Series: ❤️ 🧡 🩵 💛 💜 💙 💚
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Sleeping beauty over here didn’t know until one fateful afternoon nap. First situation is when he’s napping in an unconventional area and out of sight. He hears people talking (this school and their problem of talking too loudly 😒) and he overhears this price of information. Secondly, (he's sharp but doesn't show it) and straight forward asks you. Like he has his suspicions but just wanted to make sure in case he makes you uncomfortable.
Does get slightly protective of you. He knows that you can handle yourself just fine but in case you ever get put into a difficult situation he will wake up from his slumber and help you.
I want to say that he barges into your room over a range of reasons. Could be because he wants to talk about how amazing malleus is, scolding you for not appreciating said amazingness, or simply just because he wants to spend some quality time with his "friend". Whatever the reason, it causes him to forget about his manners and slams your door wide open. "Human! Listen to w-" and before he can even finish his sentence he's screaming and slamming the door shut.
"Stupid Human!" as one of malleus's guard, its important that he has fast reaction speed to protect his liege. That also became useful when you find your friend half naked and that they're also now a girl (?) the fast reaction speed does not apply to his head at all for this part.
This silly fool will avoid you. please confront him and do something about it because he's not even keeping it discrete. If he sees you down the corridor while hes walking with malleus he may not know it but he shifts his body to hide behind him a bit. Things will get better, just talk to him 😭 Once that's settled he does say things like "ofc as malleus's guard it is my duty to help those weaker around me!" not straight forward with his intentions but it's there at least.
i feel like he would know it from the start. It's his old man senses tingling. Many long years of exisiting makes you gain the ability to just suddenly know about such information as well. That or either when hes hanging around trees and overhears you talking about your dilemma with Grim. But doesn’t say anything about it. He’ll wait till when you’re ready to tell him.
In the meantime though, he treats you as per normal. Except those few times where he purposely puts you on the spot to try and get you to tell him faster. He can be a bit impatient and whether you tell him now or later, he will get it out of you eventually.
Might be biased with this one but precious pookie pie over here didn't know. He has to have some miracle happen before he finds out. Or Lilia tells him. Like maybe he overhears from the Adeuce duo about your situation or your suspicious behavior around others. He may not know customs outside of his but he can tell when you're feeling awkward. Asks Lilia about it.
Well he's not sure why you're hiding it but in whatever case he will help you. You're his child of man after all. He knows others are intimidated by him and he'll make use of it. Save for a few select others...
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theswiftheartsystem · 7 months
Guide to Pluralkit
So pluralkit is a tool used very commonly for plural systems. Basically what it does is proxy who’s speaking (this can have an alters name, pronouns, a custom profile picture, ect.) it’s very easy to use once you get the hang of it!
Step 1. Make yourself a private discord server. The reason why is because that way it’s easier to edit and save what you need in the server.
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after this you will need to add pluralkit to the server. You can do this by going to the website (https://pluralkit.me) or clicking the bot in a server you share with it, and adding it to your server.
Okay so after that, set up your server. All it needs is the channels you guys need. Obviously general can be whatever, we use it for bot commands. Would recommend a system chat channel, especially if you cannot speak internally. Other channels that might be helpful, or channels to store picrews and things of that nature, we have one for storing alter intros, if you don’t want to have a psychical diary, you could start one in the private server, and basically anything you need. The idea is that this server only has you guys in it
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Step 2. Okay so you’ll need to set up a system now. To get started you’ll need to do pk;s new keep in mind you can only have one system per discord account, and only 1k members (we have heard you can request more in the discord server, but we haven’t tried it ourselves)
Most system servers require a system tag. To set one you do pk;s tag (tag here) tags can be anything in a character limit. Ours is 💙. Some servers don’t like when people have the same tag, so if you need to change it in a server you can do pk;s server tag (tag here)
After setting up your system to add a member you do pk;m new (members name) keep in mind you want it to be one word with no spaces or hard to use symbols. This is so it’s as easy as possible to edit. Also would like to add, if you throw in a image while doing this command, it will set that alters avatar without having to do another command (image below is a random image we had saved) if you are like us, and have alters that share names, it’s best to just add a number (no space still) infront, this makes it way easier to edit.
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To set up a display name you do pk;m (members name) dn (what you want it to say, we normally have name and pronouns, and if a alter has like a specific role in the system, sometimes that gets added if the alter wants it)
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If you accidentally set the wrong profile picture, or a alter wants a different one for whatever reason, the command is pk;m (name) avatar and then insert the photo
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Finally to set a proxy do pk; (member name) proxy (proxy here)text (the text can also be behind the poxy, it just has to be behind or above) proxys can be anything basically! We usually use emojis, although whatever you do, make it something you don’t use. For emojis we have one or two emojis typically that represent the alter, and then the blue heart emoji in front that way if it’s a emoji we use a lot, it isn’t going to proxy us by accident. You can either do the proxy everytime you speak, or do a few commands.
Pk;ap latch this latches to the last used proxy. Good when one alter is having a conversation, but others aren’t.
Pk;ap (name) this latches to the alters name that is used. Does not change until turned off, or switched to a different alter, or auto proxy command.
Pk;ap front this command sets whoever is set as fronting as the auto proxy. The front is set by doing pk;switch (name) To turn off all of these the command is Pk;ap off
Step 3. With pluralkit you can add alters to groups!
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To make a group you do pk;g new (groups name) like with the base names you want it to be one word, no spaces or weird symbols.
with groups you can set display names, descriptions, avatars, just for that group!
pk;g description (put the description you want with the command)
pk;g avatar (photo)
pk;g dn (name)
To add members to the group do pk;g (groups name) add (name) (name 2) you can add as many as you want, just make sure to not use commas or and, just name after name separated by a space
Step 4. To set a system/alter description and banner is pretty easy.
For system:
pk;s description (desc goes here)
pk;s banner (add image)
For Alters:
pk;m (name) description (desc goes here)
pk;m (name) banner (add image)
Step 5. Finally, some good commands to just know.
If you react with a question mark emoji on an alter using pluralkit, it gives you information about the person. (Username, ect)
If you have a member you feel needs to be private the command is pk;m (name) private
to delete a member you do pk;m (name) delete and then enter in the code it gives you
to change a alters base name, (not dn) do pk;m (name) rn (new name)
A fun little pluralkit game is going “pk;r (random silly thing here)” Pk;r randomly picks a alter, so putting a random caption over it can be fun sometimes.
if you do set a alters name as something with a space, you’ll have to edit it in qoutes. (Pk;m “Example name with a space” (command)
to look up a list of alters do pk;m list or pk;s list
Thanks for reading! Pluralkit is confusing at first, so we thought we would make a simple guide!
-Carrie + a few others
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bjorkshire-pudding · 3 months
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Calling all Grimmjow fans!
As you all know, July 31st is Espada number 6's birthday. With the TYBW arc finally being animated, I've noticed many longtime and new fans emerging (and re-emerging) to craft stories and art featuring our favorite lovable murder cat. And it made me think: why not gather all that talent in one place and do something special to celebrate?
Thus an idea was born. Welcome to the "6 Weeks of 6" Event, where you can celebrate Grimmjow in the way that you choose!
This is your chance to make it all about Grimmjow. The theme is celebrating his birthday, but you can choose how you do so. Want to write a fic detailing the events of his special day? Want to make a moodboard based on how you think he would celebrate? Want to draw or paint him wearing a silly birthday hat? Want to write headcanons about how he spends his birthday? Whatever you choose, it's up to you - just make sure you have fun with it!
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One submission per blog.
Please keep fics and drabbles between 400-3000 words.
Must be an original (not already posted) piece, created specifically for the challenge. (If you'd like to connect to an already-existing universe or series, that's fine!)
NSFW is allowed, but please be sure to tag it accordingly.
Any genre is accepted - again, please be sure to tag it accordingly.
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This challenge will run from June 30th to August 11th, 2024. All submissions must be posted on your blog, tagging me @bjorkshire-pudding, between June 30th and August 11th.
I plan to make a masterlist at the end of the challenge with all the works created, so please make sure that if you'd like your works included in the masterlist, you post within the 6-week timeframe allotted for the challenge.
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If you would like to be tagged in the works created for this challenge, please fill out the form here by or before June 30th. I will add the names of the blogs who would like to be tagged to this post, so creators - please save this post where you can refer to it again for tagging purposes (you don't have to use the tag list, but you can if you want!).
Update to add blogs who would like to be tagged here:
@kryptoniteforsale @villainsrtasty @shimadalluvia
Have fun, and I look forward to seeing what you all create!
-Val 💙
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mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
✨Just Breathe: The Dinosaur Diaries - Sticky Situation ✨
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Series Masterlist
A/N: This is my contribution to @undercoverpena April Showers Challenge! This was a really fun write, and I loved exploring an AU that is near and dear to my heart 💙 Please consider reblogging or leaving comments if you like this piece ☺️ I expanded and decided to do a little series, so be on the lookout for more parts to this 🥰
Series Summary: After going under the wings of doctor Miller, the hottest paleontologist you’ve ever seen, he takes you on a little adventure as his research assistant. You’ll get more than just knowledge and dinosaurs, you’ll also end up getting the sweet scientist who can’t seem to keep his hands off you.
Chapter Summary: You find yourself in the middle of a sticky situation in the pouring rain, not to mention a large T-Rex stalks the area you’re in. Joel steps in and saves the day, and he’s the best at calming you down.
Pairing: paleontologist! Joel x fem! reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Tags: Fluff, tension, dinosaurs au, Jurassic Park au, kissing, mentions of smut, paleontologist Joel, protective Joel, cute nicknames
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Your heart thunders in your chest, lightning crackling through your spine as you lean against the dented RV. Rain pours down like a raging monsoon, raindrops like glass cutting into your skin as you shutter in your drenched sweater. You have no breath, no words in your constricted throat as your eyes stay wide, sheer terror coursing through your veins.
“Don’t move,” Joel whispers as he slips his hand around your wrist, his calloused fingers burning through your skin as the heat of his touch makes you feel a little less like you’re on thin ice.
His movements are slow, steady, composed as he pushes his broad back into your chest, his large frame towering over you as he covers you from view. From the large, starving T-Rex that stands mere inches from your face.
You feel its breath, its slimy drool as it dips its massive head and sniffs for its prey. Which is you. You are the prey, and it’s your own damn fault for going outside when it was dark. You knew it wasn’t safe. You knew. Joel warned you. Why didn’t you just listen?
The dinosaur's leathery skin collides against yours, just barely skimming its scratchy body against the surface of your arm as it lifts its head and lets out the loudest roar you’ve ever heard in your life.
Joel squeezes your hand and presses a little closer as he turns his head carefully and whispers against the shell of your ear. “Stay calm. It’ll go away as long as you're silent. Focus for me, sweetheart. Breathe,” he whispers gently against your skin as you feel his plush lips graze against yours, his pine scent filling your senses as it automatically calms your panicked body.
“Joel,” you whisper out terrified, your mouth brushing against his jawline where his soft salt-and-pepper scruff sits, the area you so hungrily lapped against earlier as he had you pinned against the little wooden table in the vehicle, rutting deep inside you as he painted you shades of white between your sticky thighs.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. Just stay put, sweetheart. Ain’t gonna let anything happen to you,” he says adamantly as his deep, gravelly voice soothes every aching bone in your body.
Your foot catches on the side of a slippery rock and you freeze as you see the ravenous dinosaur turn toward you as its sharp claws dig into the sinking mud that turns into a dirty swimming pool. You hold your breath and close your eyes, trying your best not to make a single sound as Joel takes a step back, crowding your body as you feel his heat encase you as the rain continues to pound against your shaking body.
You can practically hear his soothing voice graze through your mind. Don’t make any movements. Breathe. You’re gonna be just fine.
You feel the rumbling of the jagged rocks underneath and tense your body as you wait for its teeth to rip into your flesh as it swallows you whole. You sink against the side of the RV just waiting for that awful moment when suddenly, you hear a distant roar in the distance. You feel the T-Rex turn toward the noise as it stomps off into the direction of the roar, saving you from what you thought was your watery grave. You hear the distant crashing of green vines and towering trees that fill the jungle. And then it’s quiet, only the sounds of pelting rain hitting the muddy ground.
You keep your eyes closed tight, your fingers flexed as you concentrate on not falling completely apart where you stand. You feel Joel try to pull you out of your misery, but his voice is far away. That deep rumble in a fog as you pretend this didn’t happen, that you didn’t nearly get yourself killed, along with Joel.
“Hey, sweetheart, open your eyes,” he says softly against your ear as you try to fight him off, keeping your eyes closed until you know it’s safe.
Joel shakes you, stirs you from your anxious thoughts and calls your name adamantly as he cups your face and whispers words of affirmation. “You’re alright. C’mon now. Open those pretty eyes for me.”
You bite your lower lip and slowly peel your eyes open and then gasp at the vision that stands before you. Joel stands there in the pouring rain, deft fingers clinging to your jawline as he cups your face affectionately, soft honey eyes staring straight into yours as rain pelts against his tanned skin. Water slips down his hair, his tousled curls slicked back by the rain as his green flannel sits soaked to his broad shoulders, his biceps flexing as he focuses solely on you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come out here so late. I knew better, and I…”
He cuts you off as he pushes you up against the cool metal of the RV, one hand lingering on your jawline as his other snakes around your hip. His lips crash against yours as you taste sugar and coffee, the perfect mix that sets your taste buds on fire as you drink him down hungrily.
You part your lips and allow him to slot his tongue in. He laps at the inside of your mouth, your tongues colliding together as you breathe in the smell of autumn leaves and rain water that drips off his lips onto yours.
The kiss is hungry, romantic as you slide your hands through his dripping wet curls, twisting your fingers around him so you can be that much closer to him. He lifts you up and wraps your legs around his torso as you pant into his mouth, his calloused fingers digging into your skin as it burns for him.
It’s like a dream, the pouring rain and muted sparks of lightning across the dark sky mixing together to make the heated kiss that much more romantic. You stay like that for minutes just getting lost in each other, lost in the flavor of him.
When you’re both completely out of breath, Joel sets you down on the ground and rests his forehead against yours as he chuckles lightly, his smile lighting up his honey eyes like Christmas lights that shine bright just for you.
“What’s so funny?” you ask as you push against his broad chest. “I nearly got us killed,” you groan as you sulk into the back of the RV.
Joel cups your chin and pulls your face up to his as he looks calmly at you with a soft smile playing on his lips. “Next time jus’ be a little more careful, sweetheart,” he murmurs as he dips down and places a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Before you can ask why he isn’t mad, he bends down and picks something up against the rocks that sit at your feet. “Besides, I wouldn’t have found this if it wasn’t for you,” he grins as he holds up a broken, sharp black claw that clearly came from the T-Rex.
Your eyes go wide as you trace the edge of the claw. “Is this…”
“Yeah, it sure is,” he beams as he slides his thumb over the sharp curve of the claw. “Came right from that Tyrannosaurus rex. Now I have physical proof. Exactly what I needed to collect to do some data research and some tests in the lab.”
His eyes light up like sparkling fireworks as he places the specimen in the pocket of his denim jeans. He hooks his arms around the back of your waist and brings you closer to his chest as he grazes his lips over the sheen of your rain covered lips.
You grip his damp flannel shirt and smile up at him as you brush your nose over his. “My smart paleontologist finally gets his real life dinosaur experience, yeah?” you hum as he brushes his wet lips over yours.
“Mhm, this smart scientist wants to go make love to his gorgeous assistant in the RV. Maybe take a warm shower first, make some hot coffee, maybe sit you on my lap so I can kiss you again and again and again.” He grabs a hold of your hair and presses his plush lips against yours once more as you fall into his arms, completely and utterly hooked on him. The man you fell head over heels for that first day in the lab.
When you pull your lips from his, he takes your hand and squeezes as he drags you back inside. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get you back inside where it’s warm. Wanna go make love to my girl.”
Tags 💙 @keylimebeag @sawymredfox @amyispxnk @princesatracionera @mountainsandmayhem @lotusbxtch @littlevenicebitch69 @syd-djarin
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lumienyx · 11 months
Hi! Could you write some soft BDSM featuring gn Tav?
i saw 'soft BDSM' and my brain immediately went to lightning play, i have no excuses sorry. hope you enjoy💙
soft shocks
Rating: E | Pairing: Astarion/Tav, Astarion/Reader | Words: 1,321
Tags: Gender-Neutral Tav, Smut, Plot What Plot, Light BDSM, Blood Drinking, Established Relationship, inappropriate use of magic, lightning play, listen Astarion gets… creative in the bedroom, that's it that's the plot
Read on AO3 or continue under the cut ↓
You feel the first kiss of pain against your hip, a sizzling sensation trailing soft shocks along your skin. 
The moan comes unbidden, and you find yourself leaning into Astarion’s touch, chasing that tantalizing feeling of pain and pleasure bleeding into one. Flashes of lightning flicker around Astarion’s hands, a gentle sting following in their wake up your sides as his fingers move to hover above your chest.
“All right, darling?” Astarion asks, even as a smirk tugs at his lips. “I warned you it would hurt.”
“’s amazing,” you gasp, your voice straining with want. “Please.” The magic still reverberates along your skin with a welcome warmth after the momentary soreness.
“I do so love it when you beg.”
“Ah. ”
It's not electricity that pulsates through Astarion’s fingers now as he starts playing with your nipples—there’s just the heat of magic coating his hand. But even just the promise of pain sets you alight with tingling thrumming along your limbs. He squeezes, and tugs, and caresses as you writhe under his weight, relishing the cool skin against yours which runs white-hot in comparison. You press your hips against his, pleading silently now as coherence slips away. All that’s left for you to voice are wanton groans and breathy gasps amid barely understandable whispers for more and please.
Astarion only grins at you, satisfaction and mischief lighting up his eyes. 
He kisses you then, tender and languid in contrast to his touch. 
He teases your lips with his tongue before pulling away, too quick for you to catch him back into a kiss you crave more of. 
You moan as he mouths down to your neck to place playful and painful bites that almost sink into your skin but not quite, while his hands set the rest of your body on fire. 
There's the lightning shocks that follow Astarion’s touch as he strokes the inside of your thighs, the bottom of your belly, your hip bones, anywhere and everywhere save for where you want it most. And maybe your begging is enough for him—maybe it’s too much—but Astarion grants your wish soon enough, at least in part. He times the bite on your neck that finally does break skin with a featherlight electric shock right above your groin that stokes your arousal even more. So much so that it's the absence of him inside you that hurts most, not the sting of lightning and not the bite. 
And as he drinks, you hope he leaves another, deeper mark. Evidence of his claim on you. You lean into his mouth, feeling the fangs lodge in further, harder. You feel light-headed already, and it's too much yet not enough. It’s exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure, how your body yearns to fight for survival while your mind craves to give in to Astarion completely. 
You love how he drinks so deeply and hungrily from you, how his zeal betrays the coy smirks and the teasing, revealing just how much he wants you, too. The thought draws a chuckle out of you—and you get a flare of lightning along your side in retaliation as Astarion withdraws. 
“Whatever is so amusing, sweet love?” There’s a teasing hint of a playful threat in Astarion’s voice, even as he breathes somewhat shallowly. “Do share.”
His hands still thrum with magic as they’re stroking and kneading where he knows you’re most sensitive. There’s barely any presence of mind left in you to talk, yet you manage, 
“Wondering how long you can keep this up before you lose control,” your voice weak and trembling. Honestly, it does always sound so much better in your head.
Astarion huffs out a laugh in turn. “As long as I need to get you to beg.”
“I already did!”
“Maybe.” Astarion leans in to mouth the words against your ear, making the sensitive skin there prickle from the cool breath. “I’d like to hear it again.”
“I…” Surrender is sweet when it’s him that you fall to, completely unarmed against that piercing gaze. “Please.”
“Please what?” Astarion drawls, voice low and silken, almost a whisper.
His pupils are blown so wide there's just a thin red rim around them, his face slightly flushed from the blood he’s drunk, lips parted and streaked crimson. His eyes show it all—he’s lost in the pleasure just as you are lost in him.
“Please, please, please fuck me.”
Astarion doesn’t make you wait anymore—maybe he can’t, either. He makes such short work of getting rid of his trousers and mounting your legs on his shoulders, you can’t help but think maybe there's a chance he can get lost in you, too.
You've long been ready for him, aching with it. That simmering heat is now fire searing from your core to every nerve in your body as Astarion slides inside you, agonizingly slow, as ever careful not to hurt even as you both crave the connection. He stretches you wide, fills you perfectly like you were made to fit one another. You pull him closer, urge him deeper, and he says something about you being oh so eager—but you’re too far gone now to discern the words properly. 
The only sound you really hear is just the raw, crispy-sweet cadence of Astarion’s voice. 
The only sensation you can focus on is all the places your skin touches his. 
His lips once more paint your neck with lightning-bright kisses. There are the hands digging into your hips, no doubt lovingly bruising them for tomorrow. There’s the feel of him buried deep inside you, fucking into you faster and harder with each thrust.
You’re completely gone by then, split in-between tingling touches, sharp kisses, searing bites, and the slick slide of Astarion’s cock inside you. It feels so hot—too hot, too good—overwhelmingly so. He whispers sweet nothings against your skin and all you can answer with are broken moans and whimpers.
The release hits you hard and sudden, knocking the breath out of you as you clench around Astarion and dig your nails into his back. Your limbs seem to lose all control, trembling and twitching as you ride it out. But Astarion is still moving inside you, the friction building up the heat all over again. You squeeze your eyes shut against the onslaught—you can’t—you’re too sensitive—you want to tell him, but all that comes out is another choked groan as your body keeps singing with the orgasm he doesn’t let end…
“That fast, darling, really?” Astarion’s voice is the first thing you hear when you come to. Then your heavy panting mingling with the stray whimpers that still escape as you shudder from the aftershocks. “Still with me?” 
“Mm,” you try, still catching your breath. “Think so.”
A cool hand covers your cheek. Astarion runs his thumb against your lashes, coaxing your eyes to open.
“I did promise to take you apart, didn't I?” Astarion tries for a coy smile but you see the desperate need glinting in his eyes, the slight trembling of his hand that’s gripping you by your side. Like he’s hanging on to the last vestiges of his control. 
You're only coherent enough to reach up for a messy kiss, thrusting your tongue into his mouth and savoring the closeness, the taste tinged with hints of salt and iron from your own blood. He’s still hard and heavy inside you, shifting as you move but staying motionless himself, waiting for your next move. You purposefully tighten around him, then, satisfied by the muffled groan it earns you. You grip him by the waist, pulling him closer, impossibly deeper.
“I believe,” you whisper against his lips, “you promised I’d forget my name by the time you’re done with me. I still remember mine,” you tease him.
“My sweet.” Astarion’s lips curl into a wicked grin. “I'm only just getting started.”
thank you for the read💙 would love any and all feedback if you liked it :3
tag list (lmk if you'd like to be added!)
@satanicspinosaurus, @tallymonster, @tragedybunny
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 7 months
Ok so I wonder how the TMNT boys (any version you want) would react if they had an S/O who they loved a lot, and they get sent to the future and in the future they get to meet their grandkid, and sadly their now old S/O who waited for them the whole time and never moved on. it turns out the S/O had been pregnant before they went on the mission and technically lived out their life raising the kid on their own.(due to the turtles being in the future) Also said kid is now an adult and is very unhappy with said turtle but the grandkid is over the moon to meet his cool ninja granddad of course its resolved they eventually go back to their past S/O who didn't know any of this but of course is happy to see them again.(and said timeline is avoided) I wonder how the boys would react to that scenario Also sorry if this was super long winded or a not very well written request, its my first time asking one, Thanks for your writings!
Okay first of all anon, this is probably one of the coolest asks I’ve ever seen, I love your imagination dude!
Second, I AM HERE FOR THIS ANGST AND FLUFF DUDE CRYING. Also thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing!! 🫶🫶🫶
Sent to the future!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word count: 2374
CW: This one is a long one, AFAB reader due to pregnancy, being mom/grandma, still tried to keep it gender-neutral. I haven’t gotten far enough into the 2003 series where they actually go to the future, so keep in mind this is my imagination going into overdrive, angsty, lots of crying, minor cussing, it gets fluffy in some moments though!
🐢 T/N stands for turtle name.
Tags: @sharkie-inthesea, for looking over this before I posted! <3
Sorry for the longer wait, I spent a lot of time the first day writing, then yesterday I was out of commission unfortunately 💔 But I finished today, I really hope you guys enjoy, because man, I enjoyed writing this!
Due to some circumstances, unfortunately the turtles had to travel to the future for a very important mission, I mean it’s not everyday you receive a hologram from a random stranger urging you to come save the future. And the idea of their future being in danger, meaning you, everyone they knew and New York would be in danger, so they had to take this mission.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip anxiously as you watched as they geared up, you wanted to hold them back, tell them to stay, tell them New York needed them here. The growing pit in your stomach telling you that you’d never see them growing much larger and even agitated, you absolutely hated the thought.
You looked at your lover, the feeling growing even worse, “T/N I—” you started, but was interrupted, “Hey, we have to go.” One of his brothers said, and your heart dropped as he turned to you and smiled. “Hey, I’ll be back, Y/N.” He pulled you close and pressed one last kiss to your lips, “I’ll be back before you know I’m gone, okay? I love you.” And that’s when you knew, you couldn’t talk him out of it, and with a defeated sigh you said with a forced smile, “I love you too.”
He squeezed you closer before finally pulling back, nodding at his sensei, before walking into the TV that took them to the future with his brothers, and just like that… They were gone.
“No…” you start, tearing up, before Splinter placed a hand on your shoulder. “It will be alright, my child.” He tried to soothe you, “It is okay to cry.” He said, and right then and there, you cried into the older rat’s shoulder as he comforted you. He stared at the TV and hoped for his sons safe return home…
Once the turtles arrived in the future, they were all honestly quite surprised how the world turned out to be. For Donnie, this was ABSOLUTE heaven! Everything is made from the ground up with technology! How amazing! The turtles couldn’t stare in awe for long, they had a mission to take care of.
They split off to cover some ground, and as T/N searched, something peculiar caught his eye. In a nearby alleyway, some cyberpunks came flying out, and they looked awfully familiar. He jumped down and took a closer look and saw an all too familiar tattoo. “The Purple Dragons…” he muttered bitterly. A sinking feeling grew in his gut, so it seems that Shredder’s influence didn’t die in the future and even to this day, they were still here to give New York trouble.
“Hey!” An unfamiliar voice called out to him, and a teenager came out, holding his weapon(s)?! The teen looked awfully similar to him too… Turtle features but had human features too, such as hair that looked a lot like yours, tied back, he had your eyes too, he wore a torn cloak around his shoulders and he eyed the turtle suspiciously. The teenager pointed his weapon at him, “What’re you doing here?! Helping those Purple Punks?!” T/N’s eyes widened. “No! Never! I never liked them much in the past, why would I ever like them in the future?!”
The teenager paused and eyed him suspiciously again, “Past?” He did a quick once-over before the kid looked shocked, “Wait… GRANDPA?!?!”
And that’s what led T/N to sit in a house, sitting on his knees in front of the low-dining table, walls covered in family photos. Some he could make out as, it was the teenager, which he came to learn his name was Lucas, with his father. Another turtle who Lucas obviously took after in looks.
Lucas came back into the dining room, basically dragging his father as he was babbling non-stop about who he just met. His father’s ridges were furrowed in confusion, “I thought I told you to stop fighting those stupid—” before he looked up and everything seemed to stop, his eyes widening at the sight of his own father who sat in front of him. “Lucas, who is this?” He grit his teeth as he held back his rage. Lucas would go on to cheerfully say, “It’s grandpa T/N! He said he came here in the future to help save it!” The young lad beamed excitedly.
“Get out.” He said in a voice full of anger, directed all at T/N, catching him by surprise, “What—” he started before being yelled at, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SON OF A BITCH!” He raised his fists, about to fight his own father when he was stopped. “Giovanni, what’s going on?!?” A familiar voice spoke out as an older version of you rushed out and stopped, eyes widening at the scene in front of you. “T-T/N…?!” You stared in shock.
💙 Leo’s whole world stopped once he saw you, and he was quick to stand, “Y/N…” his heart ached when he saw the tears form in your eyes, “Leo… You finally came back to me?” You would rush to him, hugging onto him tightly, “It really is you…!” You sobbed out. Leo was quick to hug you back, holding you close as he comforted you. “Y/N, what happened?” He asked as you pulled away, cupping his face, “So much…” You whispered.
💙 Once everyone settled down, you sat across from Leo with Giovanni and Lucas beside you. Giovanni was giving Leo the harshest glare he ever gave someone, meanwhile Lucas was practically bouncing in his seat. You take a deep breath before looking at Leo, who waited patiently. “When you went to the future, I found out I was pregnant… I didn’t think it was possible, but… I had Giovanni.” You start, “Master Splinter helped me name him because I wanted to keep the line going with naming my kids after Italian artists, like he named you all…” you would lower your head, Giovanni placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. “Master Splinter passed away a few years later after you all went into the future and never came back…” you tear up again, “I don’t even know if in that future you’re still alive or not.” You began to weep softly, making Leo’s heart ache at even the idea of him ever abandoning you. He would never, and he knew that.
💙 He placed a hand on yours, “Y/N, I loved you more than life itself, I would’ve come back to you if I was still alive.” You look up, tears still falling, “I know.” Leo squeezed your hand gently, “Good…” he then finally stood, “I’m going to fix this, I can’t stand to see you suffer because of me.” He smiles at you and gently kisses your hand, “I’ll come back home to you.” You smiled as more tears fell, “Good.”
💙 Leo would leave after giving you a tight hug and wishing his future family well, despite the fact Giovanni barely wanted him there in the first place. Once meeting up with his brothers, they’d work hard to save the future so he could get back home to you, and to start that family together.
❤️ Once Raph’s eyes laid on you, he felt a sudden rise of emotions that made him want to tear up, but for your sake he held back. “Dollface…” he stood up quickly and hurried over to you, Giovanni wanted to protest, but stopped himself when his mother hugged onto Raph tightly, crying into his chest. “Dollface, what happened?” He asks softly, stroking your cheek as he stares at what seemed like a hollow version of yourself. What had happened to you while he was gone, and why on earth was he not with you?! He was supposed to be here protecting you…
❤️ “Oh Raph… After you left, I found out I was pregnant and ended up living with Master Splinter.” You sigh, “He ended up passing away a couple years ago, after Mutants became more accepted here.” Raph’s brows furrowed at the thought, his father was dead, of course that would happen, he was an old rat after all, but it still hurt to think about. He shook his head, “And where was I?” He asked the burning question, watching as your face fell more, “You never came back. None of you guys did, and I fear you might’ve died in the future.” You whisper shakily as more tears escape you, and Raph could only hug you tighter to himself.
❤️ “Oh Dollface…” he would pull away, gently grasping your shoulders with a determined look, “I’m gonna make it better.” He says firmly, “I’m gonna finish this mission, and I’m gonna get back home to you.” He teared up, “I’m gonna help you raise Giovanni, and I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna grow old with you, and you can count on it.” He promised as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, a soft sob escaping you as you hugged onto him tightly once more.
❤️ Soon it was time for Raph to go, and as he walked off to meet up with his brothers, he looked back and gazed at his family one last time, he vowed to you, Giovanni and Lucas that he would make it home, and he would make sure of that. When his brothers saw him, they saw a certain fire in his eyes, and the boys knew it was game time, and he sure as hell was gonna keep his promise.
💜 When Donnie saw you, he was still processing everything, how did you two have a baby? How is that even genetically possible? But his mind finally stopped and his heart sank when you came rushing towards him, making him quickly stand up and holding you close to his person. “Y/N…” He whispered breathily, pressing soft kisses to your temple, making you cry harder.
💜 “I’ve missed you so much.” You say, and Donnie knew, he put two-and-two together. “I never came back, did I?” He asks, pulling away as he gazes into your dull eyes, “No.” You shake your head with a whisper, staring back into his eyes. “And you never moved on?” He asks again, his heart breaking at the thought. “No.” You whisper again. Donnie would rest his head on yours as he would rub his hands over your arms, before gently taking your hands, seeing the ring he had crafted for you many years ago, still resting on your finger. He bit back his emotions and inhaled sharply, “Why? Why didn’t you move on?” He asked.
💜 “I don't think I could ever have found anyone who could fit the role that only you could fill.” You would cry again, making him finally break down and cry with you. He hugged you tightly, whispering how much he loved you, promising you that he’d go back to you, that he’ll come home to you. Promising you that you wouldn’t have to raise Giovanni alone. You would have him by your side…
💜 Finally off, he waved goodbye to you, his son and his grandson, and he held his head high, ready to take on this mission, to go home, and to kiss you. To spend every night with you like he always did, to hold you, to create with you, to enjoy peace and life’s gifts. Once he found his brothers, he got straight to work with Leo to make a plan to ensure they all made it home safe and sound.
🧡 Mikey would immediately begin to cry when you cried, the way you looked so sadly at him, the years of pain without him was more than apparent. “Babe…” he stands up quickly, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m here.” He smiles, holding you to himself, but he couldn’t stop those cries, and he couldn’t stop himself from crying either. He held you tightly, letting your emotions run free. He glanced up and saw Giovanni glaring at him but keeping his distance, he knew his mother needed this…
🧡 Mikey pulled back and would place kisses along your face, trying to cheer you up, “I’m here… You don’t have to cry anymore.” He tried to assure you about everything that happened between sobs. He would rub your back soothingly as he hummed a soft tune to try and see your mind. You felt complete once again when he hugged you, and soon, you calmed down. You guys spent a lot of time in each other's arms, mostly Mikey trying to cheer you up and make you smile, making you relive the old days of when it was just you two being dumb and in love, and the thought made you smile.
🧡 Forgetting about the mission for a while, Mikey instead spent time with his soon-to-be family. Playing board games, getting to know Lucas, and trying to get Giovanni to open up, which he refused, as he very much disliked his own father for reasons such as he left his mother and never came back, not something Mikey could control, but Giovanni still held a grudge. Lucas on the other hand was thrilled to get to know his grandpa, and overall, thought his grandpa was amazing.
🧡 Soon it was time to leave, but Mikey wouldn’t leave until he gave you a sweet departing kiss and, against Giovanni’s protests, gave his son and grandson a big hug, promising to fix everything, to make sure that they don’t live a future without him! And off he went, being sure to fight his hardest on this mission to get back home to you.
Once T/N made it home, he didn’t hesitate to hug right onto you, leaving you surprised by this sudden burst of emotions, “T/N…? Is everything okay?” You ask, noticing his injuries, you pull away. “T/N, we have to take care of those—”
“No.” He says, “Just let me hold you.” He says as he hugged you tightly, resting a hand on your stomach as he did so, feeling his own chest swell with gratitude to be here again. This was the beginning of something new, and he was happy to be here with you, and to start this family with you.
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ramblingoak · 5 months
Grading Papers
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow: Day 3 - Massage
Copia x Aether
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Copia teaches history at the high school and Aether is a firefighter. ~
Warnings: fluff and stuff, sfw, 500 words (thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers and @foxybouquet for the Italian help!)
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“Sono tutti imbecilli!”
Aether sighed at Copia’s outburst, adding a few more cookies to the plate before heading towards his husband’s office.  He had been in there all afternoon grading essays and from the increasingly alarming sounding Italian it didn’t seem like things were going well.  Most of the time Copia was extremely patient with his students, sometimes overly so.  But with the end of the school year getting closer and closer Copia was clearly low on patience.
Luckily Aether knew exactly what to do.
He knocked gently at the door a few times before going inside, immediately having to clamp down on his bottom lip to keep from laughing at the sight before him.  Copia was turned towards the elaborate cage that took up one side of his office, a somewhat crumpled paper held aloft and a look of disbelief on his face.
“Are they much help?”  Copia flinched, slapping the paper down on his desk and giving Aether a sheepish look.  The ghoul just smirked and strolled over to his husband’s side.  He set the plate of snacks down and leaned down to plant a kiss onto the silver hair at Copia’s temple.  “I didn’t realize Brizio knew so much about the politics of Ancient Greece.”
Copia mumbled something under his breath but Aether could see the pink on his cheeks so he knew the man didn’t mind being teased.  The rats had been part of the deal since the beginning, not that Aether ever had minded them.  They played a big part in the start of their relationship.  Aether smiled fondly as he remembered practically tackling Copia in his front yard to keep the man from running back into his smoke filled house.  Thankfully he had finally listened and Aether had been the one to save the day (and the rats).
“He knows more than some of these kids.”  Aether chuckled at Copia’s remark, taking a moment to card his fingers through Copia’s hair and lightly scratching his scalp with his claws.  “Ah, sì.  That’s very nice.”
Aether smiled while he continued, eventually moving to stand behind his chair.  Copia leaned back with a groan when he moved both of his hands to his shoulders, digging his fingers into the tight muscles there.
“You should take a break for the night, they’ll still be there in the morning.”
“Not if I burn the house down.  Hey!”  Copia looked up at Aether with a pout when the ghoul flicked his ear.  “Ugh, fine.  Just let me finish these tonight, per favore?  I only have a few left and then I don’t have to think about them the rest of the weekend.”
“Deal.  But you have to go with me to the farmer’s market tomorrow.”  Copia hummed in agreement, wiggling his shoulders when Aether stopped rubbing them.  “Need something?”
“Don’t stop, this makes reading this nonsense somewhat bearable.”
The ghoul grinned, pressing his fingers into Copia’s muscles once more as his husband got back to work.
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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bestdemigodarcherever · 3 months
Sup World, I Am Here To Grace Your Lives With My Amazing Presence‼️‼️
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Hey, It's Kayla Knowles, your favourite child of Apollo and the best demigod archer EVER!!!!
I am 15 and Canadian🇨🇦🇨🇦
A Greek Daughter of Apollo that isn't a year-rounder because my super amazing dad, Darren Knowles, is still alive and teaches archery!!
People will tell you I'm not Apollo's favourite. They're wrong😜😜
I'm bisexual and female-leaning 🩷💜💙
I'm also super cool and single, plus open to relationships!!
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Now for cool people I know!!
@totally-percy-jackson Percy! Cool dude, saved the world twice, blue food enthusiast🌊🌊
@wise-girltm Annabeth! Extremely smart, aspiring architect, also helped save the world twice, dating Percy🧠🧠
@goat-boy-underwood Grover! Best satyr, loves eating cans, did what no other satyr could do and found Pan, god of the wild🌱🌱
@gemstonequeen Hazel! Kind, pretty, apparently died and came back to life, dating Frank💎💎
@fire-boy-official Leo McShizzle Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme! (there I said it Leo happy?) Flirt, coolest Hephaestus kid I know to be honest, fun, annoying🔥🔥
@thalias-amazing-brother Jason! Cool dude, helped my Dad become a better person, stickler for the rules, Superman🍃🍃
@iguanaurwayoutofhandcuffs Frank! Can transform into animals, Canadian (partially) so kinda like me(!), dating Hazel🐻🐻
@miss-beauty-queen / @tis-i-piper-mclean Piper! Made two blogs to mess with people, pretty, cool💞💞
@king-of-the-ghosts Nico! Honorary Apollo camper, Will's boyfriend, would choose to date Darth Vader(worst choice ever dude)💀💀
@sunshine-and-socialanxiety Will! Nico simp, my big brother, dork, head counselor, probably needs a pay raise🔆🔆
@not-so-dead-sister Bianca! Beautiful, super cool, Nico's big sister, honestly amazing🩻🩻
@jasons-amazing-sister Thalia! Was a pine tree(formerly), another super cool kid, girlboss🏹🏹
@reyna-dontcallmerara Reyna! Very cool, one of my favourite Romans, strict👑👑
@silenasblogies Silena! Pretty, kind, very fun💄💄
@official-drakon-slayer Clarisse! Honestly not exactly very friendly, pretty cool, fierce🗡️🗡️
@i-can-see-stars-again Zoë! Old-timey, cool, pretty⭐⭐
@best-country-singer Ms Naomi Solace! Will's mom, mother of the year, VERY cool🎤🎤
@arisdaughter Serene! My favourite sister, also cool, great archer🎯🎯
@kit-kat-flowers Katie! Also needs a pay raise, my favourite Demeter kid, the BEST🌱🌱
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@ex-god-apollo My dad, god of the sun, Apollo! Though, he's currently stuck as Lester, a teenage mortal with acne☀️☀️
@yes-im-aphrodite Aphrodite! Extremely beautiful, goddess of love, mostly cool💖💖
@by-the-decree-of-my-bolt Zeus! Needs to keep it in his pants, worst parent ever, god of lighting⚡⚡
@my-sisters-and-the-moon Aunt Artemis! My favourite goddess, coolest aunt ever, goddess of the moon🌙🌙
@yes-im-hades Hades! Pretty good dad, my favourite Big 3 god, god of the dead, kinda deserves better☠️☠️
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Back to me!
I am a girl of many talents! I'm an aspiring Olympic archer, a great musician and skilled at physical contests and games!
I can also heal people by singing to my dad in Ancient Greek, curse people to only speak in rhyming couplets and again, a really amazing archer!
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DNI if racist, transphobic, homophobic, NSFW, aphobic, sexist!!
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#shut up everyone i have arrived☀️☀️ (ic posts)
#blesses you with my presence and acknowledgement☀️☀️ (ask answers)
#(zah)rawr🗣️🗣️ (ooc)
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hey!! tis i, @/sillylilpinkblob, the admin of this blog!! im a minor, and so is Kayla, so no inappropriate stuff, kay? great!!
dividers by @samspenandsword
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Shoot your shot—
Quinn Hughes x reader
This is not my best, but I love a good insta edit so it’ll a do :)
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Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by user737 and 1 833 others
Ynofficial I was kidnapped and dragged to a Canucks game, and I would now like to announce that I’m in love with a wet paper towel looking man with the number 43…
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User73 the Taylor cake is my everything 😌
User82 the prettiest girl out there <3
Ynofficial says you!!
User29 you need to come back home and visit soon
Ynofficial miss you girls so much 🫶🏻 once the semester ends I’ll be home to visit
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by user73 and 1 273 others
Ynofficial @_quinnhughes this is me shooting my shot, you’re hot, I’m hot, we should go for dinner
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User92 gurl please let this crush die 😂
User83 I can’t believe you didn’t let me buy that red sweater 😪
Ynofficial you own literally like three similar sweaters, I’m saving you from debt <3 much love
_quinnhughes okay :)
Ynofficial I’m suddenly very embarrassed…
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by bboeser and 1 927 others
Ynofficial guess whose now a university graduate!! #isurvivedartsschool
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User39 the proudest mother!!
User29 you did that babes 💛💛
Ynbestfriend I literally do not care abt your grad… I NEED TO KNOW WHOS HANDS THOSE ARE??
Ynofficial a very very attractive man’s 😼
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by user92 and 2 192 others
Ynofficial guys I got a cat!! I named him Bertram 😼
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Jackhughes does that make you and ***** cat parents
Ynofficial yes? Idk? We haven’t talked abt it?
User28 I’m sorry what…
Ynofficial my very own personal designer 😽
_quinnhughes just posted!!
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Liked by TrevorZegras and 49 928 others
_quinnhughes off szn lovin ☀️
Tagged: @ynofficial
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Ynbestfriend @ynofficial YOU BITCH YOU DIDNT TELL ME
Ynofficial I was coherced by romance, I wanted to keep him all to myself 🤭
Ynbestfriend yucky.
User83 omg wet paper towel guy…
Ynofficial my love 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes love you
Canucks Huggy bear has the biggest heart 💙
Lhughes_06 you literally posted the most awkward picture of me 😒
TrevorZegras he really got a gf and forgot abt his bros #brosb4hoes
Ynofficial I’m sorry what??
User10 🐳
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bylerday2023 · 1 year
save the date, byler tag.
meet us when a seven meets another seven. bail on your friday plans on july 7th and take part to the very first international byler day! 🥳🎉
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there are no rules, besides, of course, celebrating byler.💙💛
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so, post a photo of yourself in your favorite blue and yellow outfit and tag it using #bylerday or #bylerday2023 - we will be keeping an eye out for your crazy fits. 👀
and for those of you who do not feel comfortable enough to post a picture of themselves on the internet, don't worry, we have the best of the news: you can post your art, your fics, your edits, your playlists, even your byler home decors if you have any. 🤷‍♀️
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all of your posts will be reblogged on here, as if this was a big scrapbook of the 7/7 celebrations.✨
asks are open for you to find answers to your doubts. 🧙‍♂️🔮
7/7, it's deal then?
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tinyluminaryzombie · 2 months
thank you for the tags @lonestar-s5countdown and @lemonlyman-dotcom! 💜
1. ) Which 911 Lone Star character redemption moment is your favorite?
TK!! TK's season 1 finale bus driver save is such a great scene! Here, he proves to himself that 1) this is what he is meant to do 2) that he wants to keep doing it here, in Austin with his dad and the 126, and 3) that he and Carlos make a pretty good team, despite the non-breakup breakup minutes before.
TK goes from being (understandably) unsure about his professional and romantic life to knowing exactly what to do and doing it with his full heart, despite the risk.
Also, in true Lone Star fashion, the lyrics beautifully parallel the scene.
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(2) Is there a character you think deserved more of an on screen redemption moment than we got in the show?
I would have loved to see Owen apologizing for the "I'm going to be a father" comment to TK. Do I think he meant to hurt TK? Absolutley not. But it was still incredibly hurtful and hit on a lot of TK's insecurities.
That being said, I do think Owen has risen from that moment, despite it never being addressed. He makes mistakes and often speaks and acts without thinking. But he usually doesn't repeat the Big Mistakes - like lying to TK about his medical conditions. He's not perfect but he fiercely loves TK.
(my other answer for this question was Carlos but I saved it for the Question 4 🙃🙃)
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(3) Is there a recurring (or even one-time guest) “villain” that you would like to see return with a redemption arc? Or if not, is there a “villain” you absolutely would not want to see get a redemption?
Maybe Billy? I don't mind him (compared to all of the other "villains")
(4) Are there any unresolved conflicts from the first four seasons that you wish were reconciled on screen?
I wish we could have gotten more scenes where Carlos and Iris (and perhaps TK) talk about why they both felt they needed to get married. Honestly, we got more introspective scenes about young Carlos/ Carlos's coming out than I thought we'd get, but I will always want Carlos to reckon with his terrified and lonely teenaged self and come to terms with the fact that he did the best he could to protect himself (and keep his family intact) with the information he had.
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(5) Which main character would you like to have a more developed backstory?
Nancy all the way!!! We know so little about her life pre-pilot / Owen becoming Captain - what did her life look life before? Why did she become a paramedic?
Also, I will forever love the casual way Nancy came out 💗💜💙
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A lot of people have been tagged already so I'm leaving this as an open tag and the sign you have been waiting for to share your own answers :)
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