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roundtripjp · 1 year ago
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asuna20163 · 1 year ago
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onpointbible · 1 year ago
男女相戀之時,激情之中往往會許下山盟海誓:即使海枯石爛,也長相廝守。可惜不少人在婚後,卻未能實踐承諾。為要確保夫妻關係不被輕視及合法,大多數國家的男女結婚要簽署一張結婚證書,方能正式成為合法夫妻。在簽婚書之前,正常情況,雙方會宣誓遵守婚盟,應許一生一世在一起,無論疾病或艱難都永不分離。可惜在目前社會,離婚的風氣越來越普遍。因此,有人懷疑還需要一紙婚書嗎? 由於夫妻在法律上有權利及責任,因此一紙婚書仍然是很重要的。但在維繫婚姻上,結婚證書的作用似乎真是可有可無。不過,從心理學來看,若果婚姻盟誓及婚禮在適當的環境下進行,確實有些作用;尤其是對男士來說。男士若私下和愛人簽署結婚證書用處不大,若在公眾場合,特別是在眾多親朋戚友面前這樣作了,仍然有一些約束力。因為一般男士對信用相當看重,若在摯愛親朋面前許過誓言,會盡量信守承諾,免得失去面子。另一方面,對女士來說,結婚時宣誓是非常認真的;可惜她們…
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guangyaw · 2 years ago
Diablo2 天梯第4季 死靈法師拓荒
雖說暗黑破壞神新作即將上市, 但舊款的遊戲並非因此結束運營, 不包含新作的話, 目前暗黑破壞神系列有三款遊戲依舊運營正常, 今天要帶大家來看的是 Diablo2 天梯第4季 死靈法師拓荒 目前運營中的暗黑破壞神II, 其實是之前提到過的重製版本, 遊戲的畫質提高之外過場動畫也有所更新, 玩法並沒有多大改變 在新創角色之前, 記得前往儲物箱將之前賽季想留下的物品取出, 才不會等到更新的賽季出來後, 物品被刪除 此次賽季選擇了死靈法師來拓荒, 剛開始沒有多少選擇, 朝招喚系邁進的話就只能選骷髏專精、復生骷髏 ACT1 首個任務是位於鮮血荒地的邪惡洞窟, 玩家需要將洞窟中的所有怪物清除, 死靈法師對於力量與敏捷的需求不���, 點到能夠穿裝備即可, 此處採力量、生命、法力 2:2:1 的方式來點 ACT1 Q2 是位於埋骨之地的血鴉, 到這邊的話建議…
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animepopheart · 6 months ago
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★ 【Papo Milk】 「 天空ノ靈石 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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journeytothewestresearch · 1 year ago
One question is if the six-eared macaque is a negative aspect of Sun Wukong's personality, that means that the other two mystical monkeys are also aspects of the personality except that unlike the Macaque, they are both positive aspects or simply part of Sun's personality. and the reason why they do not appear directly or are agonistic in jttw is because they do not go against the path of Buddhist enlightenment
Sorry if you don't understand, I don't speak English and I'm using a translator.
I've also speculated that the other two cestial primates are aspects of Sun Wukong's mind. An update to my Six Ears article reads:
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I'm not really sure why the other two don't explicitly appear in the narrative. But I do know that, including Sun Wukong, the four celestial primates mirror the four kinds of monkeys and apes living on Flower-Fruit Mountain. As I write here, chapter one reads:
The Handsome Monkey King thus led a flock of gibbons [yuanhou, 猿猴], macaques [mihou, 獼猴], and horse-monkeys [mahou, 馬猴], some of whom were appointed by him as his officers and ministers (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 106). 美猴王領一群猿猴、獼猴、馬猴等,分派了君臣佐使。
The gibbons are also called "long-armed gibbons" (tongbei yuanhou, 通背猿猴; lit: "(arms)-through-the-back gibbons"). [1] (This refers to the belief that the long, agile arms of the gibbon were somehow connected (i.e. tongbi, 通臂), passing through the back (i.e. tongbei, 通背) (Gulik, 1967, p. 92-93).) The horse-monkeys are also called "red-buttocked horse-monkeys" (chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴). [2] These terms are important to remember.
Here is the list of the four celestial primates:
Stone-Monkey of Numinous Wisdom (Lingming shihou, 靈明石猴) - i.e. Sun Wukong
Red-Buttocked Horse-Monkey (Chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴) - The exact same kind as that mentioned above.
Long-Armed Gibbon (Tongbi yuanhou, 通臂猿猴; lit: "Connected Arms Gibbon") - As mentioned above, tongbi (通臂) and tongbei (通背) refer to the ape's long arms.
Six-Eared Macaque (Liu'er mihou, 六耳獼猴)
The apes and monkeys of Flower-Fruit Mountain and the Four Celestial Primates both include Sun Wukong (i.e. the Stone Monkey), Red-Buttocked Horse-Monkeys (Chikao mahou), Long-Armed Gibbons (Tongbei and Tongbi), and Macaques (mihou), one of which has Six Ears (Liu'er). Therefore, the two groups are practically the same.
Based on this, a person might suggest that if one celestial primate (Sun Wukong) is born on Flower-Fruit mountain, then others can be, too. This opens the door to all four of the celestial primates having been born (or at least manifesting) there. And since Six-Ears is an aspect of Monkey's mind, the missing two celestial apes could be as well.
I should note that Wukong's Four Might Commanders are two long-armed (tongbei) gibbons and two red-buttocked horse-monkeys. Someone could suggest that two of them make up the missing celestial primates. But they are never shown to have great powers, just knowledge about the world outside of Flower-Fruit Mountain.
In the end, though, the missing celestial primates may not appear simply because they are not important to the overall narrative.
1) Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) incorrectly translates tongbei yuanhou (通背猿猴) as "bare back monkey" (vol. 1, p. 131).
2) Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) incorrectly translates this as "baboon" (vol. 1, p. 106). The horse-monkey was a nickname for the macaques placed in horse stables to keep away sickness (refer to here).
Gulik, R. H. (1967). The Gibbon in China: An Essay in Chinese Animal Lore. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months ago
"I am the 10th King, Prince Consort of Jisai, the Nine-Headed Demon, Xiangliu, The Emissary- Eh, the list goes on. The name's not really important." His design is also inspired by Jiu Feng, so classic lore mixing in LMK. Anyways, it's that Prince Consort- part, as the Nine-Headed Beast is the ONLY part of JTTW to tie him to Wukong lol. Here's that segment from the Wiki.
"The Wansheng Dragon King (萬聖龍王) is based in Emerald Waves Lake (碧波潭), Rocky Mountain (亂石山), Kingdom of Jisai (祭賽國). He marries his daughter, Wansheng Princess, to the Nine-Headed Beast. He plots with his son-in-law to steal a Śarīra from the pagoda in Golden Ray Monastery (金光寺) in Jisai and release a rain of blood in the kingdom. Without the Śarīra, the pagoda loses its magical shine, and the king perceives the blood rain as an ill omen. He believes that the monks in the monastery are responsible for stealing the Śarīra and starts persecuting them. Sun Wukong uncovers the truth when he and his companions arrive in Jisai. The dragon king and his family are eventually killed by Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie. The Śarīra is returned to the pagoda.
The Wansheng Princess (萬聖公主) is Wansheng Dragon King's daughter and the Nine-Headed Beast's wife. She stole the Nine Leaves Lingzhi Herb (九葉靈芝草) from the Queen Mother of the West. She is slain by Zhu Bajie.
The Nine-Headed Beast (九頭蟲), also known as the Nine-Headed Prince Consort (九頭駙馬), is married to Wansheng Dragon King's daughter. He is armed with a Crescent Moon Spade. (月牙鏟). He collaborates with his father-in-law to steal the Śarīra from Golden Ray Monastery. Sun Wukong enlists the help of celestial forces to deal with the demons. The Nine-Headed Beast has one of his heads bitten off by Erlang Shen's celestial hound but manages to escape."
oh my god i missed the Prince Consort part 🙈 that’s embarrassing
but that does make me wonder…..since he is included in jttw and Wukong did meet him during the journey….did Wukong, like, run into so many enemies that he basically cannot remember them all?????
imagine, you have a chapter for yourself in the legendary Journey to the West, and Wukong fucking forgot who you are 🤭
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noink131 · 1 year ago
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#柳沈 #渣反 #SVSSS
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mythologyfolklore · 1 year ago
The 4 Monkeys of Havoc
(A/N: This is mostly for me, because I can never remember the right diacritics or special symbols.)
Língmíng Shíhóu (靈明石猴): “Stone Monkey of Numinous Wisdom” (=Sūn Wùkōng)
Chìkāo Mǎhóu (赤尻馬猴): “Red Bottom Horse Monkey”
Tōngbèi Yuánhóu (通背猿猴) / Tōngbì Yuánhóu (通臂猿猴): “(Arms) Through the Back Gibbon” / “Through the Arms Gibbon”
Liù’ěr Míhóu (六耳獼猴): “Six-Eared Macaque”
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gaetanchiao · 9 months ago
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他試圖專注於超越痛苦,控制它,但這不是真實的痛苦,它存在於他的內心。他曾經對槍傷不屑一顧,那些傷口並沒有像這樣痛……這是壓倒性的。 「那麼,隊長,告訴我更多關於像你和我這樣的人吧,」那個男孩說,看著肌肉英雄在床上扭曲翻滾。 「停下……」史蒂夫懇求著,不確定自己還能忍受多久。 「你給我住口,」盧卡斯怒斥道,「跪下!」他命令著肌肉英雄,指向他腳下的地面。史蒂夫吞了口口水,心臟在胸腔裡狂跳,面對向這個年輕人投降的前景。 他拚命忍住淚水,試圖控制自己的身體。「你只是在延長你的痛苦,乖乖跪下來吧。」盧卡斯命令道,手勢指向冰冷的石地面。 史蒂夫咬緊牙關,汗濕的頭髮黏貼在他的前額。他怒視著那個年輕人,感覺到內心的掙扎在肆虐。每一刻的沈默都在拉長,每一秒的流逝似乎都在痛苦中持續了永恆。 最終,無法再忍受,肌肉英雄不情願地爬下床榻,向著場地移動。 他走到盧卡斯面前,看到那個男孩的眼中閃爍著娛樂的光芒。最後,史蒂夫緩緩地跪在雙膝上,臉貼著地面。當他這麼做的時候,痛苦隨即消失,快感回歸,完全充斥著他的身體。 史蒂夫重重地呼出一口氣,感到心臟在胸腔裡狂跳。他的陽具立刻恢復活力,強烈地跳動。那個年輕人俯視著他,目光欣賞地掃過史蒂夫的身體。 「真是令人印象深刻,親愛的隊長,」他說,聲音中帶著惡意。「你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫困惑地抬頭看著他。 「我問你話了,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 「我問了你一個問題,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫怒視著他,「我沒有那麼說。」 盧卡斯只是挑了挑眉,快感又一次消失了。 史蒂夫四肢著地尖叫,痛苦似乎是上次的十倍。「我問了你一個問題,Herrcaptain,你是個乖孩子嗎?」施密特堅定地重複道,他的語氣要求服從。 史蒂夫努力忍住尖叫;他的身體因痛苦而扭曲。他考慮了再次違抗施密特的後果,很清楚地知道抵抗意味著要忍受無法忍受的折磨。他不情願地強迫自己說出這些話,「是的,我是個乖孩子。」 就這樣,快感回來了,史蒂夫鬆了口氣,緩解是立即的,再一次他所知道的只有幸福。盧卡斯放下了場域,和他一起走進了牢房, 「那麼,我們學到了第一課,」那男孩在史蒂夫的頭髮間遊走著手指,而肌肉英雄討厭這觸感就像是成千上萬的小小快感爆炸。他抗拒著將頭推向觸感以尋求更多,而是試圖集中注意力。 「很簡單,違抗我,」快感消失了,取而代之的是他血管中的熔岩般的火焰,「服從我,」而那達到涅槃的快感又回來了。 史蒂夫在地上喘著氣,無法完全理解他的處境。「現在,過來,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,「我們將學習剩下的課程。」史蒂夫抬頭看著他,他完全被這個年輕人所支配,他的身體背叛了他,他的思維失去了所有連貫的思想。 他的陰莖堅硬如石,痛苦地在他的雙腿之間跳動。他知道自己正在遭受的羞辱,但快感如此壓倒性,以至於他發現自己無法抗拒。 「面對我,」男孩命令道,「看著我。」 史蒂夫猶豫了,但無情的快感波浪穿過他,迫使他服從。他的腿搖晃,但他設法站直,面對盧卡斯。那個邪惡的醫生審視著他的俘虜,欣賞著肌肉英雄完美的體格。 史蒂夫的胸膛因期待而劇烈起伏,他的心靈因感官的折磨而旋轉。「現在,打開我的長袍,看看我的身體。」 在命令下,史蒂夫顫抖的雙手伸出,輕輕地解開了綁著長袍的腰帶。慢慢地,他推開了衣服,露出盧卡斯緊實、雕刻般的身體。史蒂夫驚訝地盯著這個年輕人,當他看到那巨大的陰莖橫亙在他的雙腿之間時,他的眼睛瞪大了。 那比史蒂夫以前見過的任何東西都要大——一個真正巨大的標本,粗大而未割包皮,它軟軟地懸掛在那裡,比大多數男人勃起時還要大。肌肉英雄緊張地吞咽著,感覺到自己的陰莖不由自主地在腹部變硬。 「看著它,」男孩命令道,「那是一根精美的德國陰莖,一根主人的陰莖!」他伸手撫摸史蒂夫硬挺的陰莖,「這是一根精美的作品,一根偉大的美國陰莖,但這個,」他將史蒂夫的手放在自己的陰莖上,「這現在是你的主人。」 史蒂夫的手僵硬著,只是抓著男孩的陰莖,感受到它在手中慢慢變硬的熱度簡直瘋狂。 他感覺到陰莖抽動和脈動,一秒秒地變得更硬。史蒂夫幾乎能感覺到陰莖似乎有了自己的生命在跳動。他無法相信它有多大,它變得有多硬。史蒂夫自己的陰莖也跳動著,滲出液體,因為裝置讓這一切對他來說是愉悅的。 「做吧,」施密特命令道,「撫摸我的陰莖。」史蒂夫顫抖的雙手握住那巨大的陰莖開始撫摸,感受著每一條靜脈,每一個凸起。「崇拜那根陰莖吧,親愛的隊長,向我展示你理解它的力量。」 當史蒂夫聽從命令時,他的手自動地動作更快,摩擦著那粗大的陰莖,感受著掌下的隆起和凸起。肌肉英雄的心跳加速,他的陰莖在腿間跳動,每一次撫摸都讓他因為裝置而心跳加速。 他越是猛烈地手淫那男孩,自己就越是感到快樂……他催促自己停下來,但他無法停止這個循環。 他能嗅到盧卡斯激情的麝香味,這只是讓他自己的興奮感更加強烈。儘管他努力抗拒,史蒂夫發現自己完全屈服於這位年輕男子的要求。 快感太強烈了,他雙手抓住陰莖,想要在取悅那男孩的同時也取悅自己。 隨著他的努力,它變得更大,達到了令人難以置信的長度和厚度。史蒂夫對這個尺寸感到驚訝,被這個怪物般的陰莖嚇到了。當他繼續抽動它時,他感到自己的陰莖也變得更硬更大,渴望釋放。「乖孩子,」盧卡斯低聲說,他的陰莖在史蒂夫的握持中變得不可思議地巨大。"真是個乖孩子。" 這些話讓肌肉英雄的身體感受到更多的快樂,他作出呻吟的回應,雙手動作更快。 史蒂夫用力而狂熱地撫摸著那巨大的陰莖,看起來幾乎是絕望的。他自己的陰莖隨著手的每一次撫摸都跳動著,渴望釋放。他無法相信自己是多麼願意地屈服於這位年輕男子,他的身體渴望更多的快樂。 他看進那男孩的眼睛,看到其中的娛樂感,他知道這才是真正的折磨。 「很好,」他說著,拉開史蒂夫的手,「你可以被教導,現在……跪下。」 史蒂夫停下來,抬頭看著這位英俊的年輕男子,知道如果他拒絕的話會受到懲罰。他慢慢地降低自己,跪在這個高大身影前。「向我展示尊敬,向我展示忠誠,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,抓住史蒂夫的下巴抬起他的臉。 史蒂夫凝視著那雙藍眼睛,看到其中反映出的純粹邪惡。「好好崇拜那德國陰莖,」盧卡斯低語,他那深沈的聲音帶著黑暗的意圖。 史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的身體本能地對那挑釁的命令作出反應。他的手顫抖著,伸出去撫摸那巨大的軸心。他以溫柔的關懷輕輕追蹤著那條脈絡分明的表面,對其龐大的尺寸感到驚奇。 當他包圍著那腫脹的頭部,拇指輕輕掠過頂端時,他能感覺到盧卡斯強勁的勃起在他觸摸下跳動。 「它已經厭倦了你的手,它渴望更多,」盧卡斯說,等待著史蒂夫的理解。 史蒂夫低頭看著他手中的巨大陰莖,它似乎隨著每一次心跳變得更大更堅硬。「吸吮它,」他終於聽到自己低聲說出,那話語在他耳中聽起來如此陌生。他抬起臉,與盧卡斯的目光相遇,眼中充滿了羞愧和絕望。 這個男孩微笑著,將手放在史蒂夫的肩膀上,引導他靠近。史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的喉嚨收緊,當他向前傾斜時,感受到臉上的溫暖濕潤的空氣。 「拜託……」史蒂夫啜泣著,「不要逼我這麼做……」 「沒有人在逼你做任何事,隊長,這全是你自己的選擇……」那個男孩向他保證,「只要記住沒有快感時的感覺……」 史蒂夫呻吟著,張開嘴,輕微地張開嘴唇。他能感覺到陰莖壓在他的下唇上,當他為即將到來的侵入做準備時,眼睛充滿了淚水。他猶豫了一會兒,深吸了一口氣,然後猛地低下頭。 史蒂夫的嘴巴吞下了那巨大陰莖的頭部,他的舌頭自動地纏繞著它。那種味道讓他不知所措,一種麝香味和前列腺液的混合味道似乎覆蓋了他整個嘴巴。 當他開始吸吮那個男孩的陰莖時,裝置的指數飆升,給史蒂夫完美的身體帶來了更多的狂喜,就好像他在吸自己的陰莖一樣。當他更用力地吸吮那個男孩時,他得到了更多的快感,他呻吟著,感覺自己失去了控制。 他口中充滿了前列腺液的味道,陰莖在他口中膨脹。史蒂夫的呻吟聲更大了,他的臉頰凹陷下去,當他的頭上下搖晃時。 他喜歡陰莖滑過嘴唇的感覺,吸吮造成緊密的封閉,當他越吸越深時。每一次舔弄都給史蒂夫滲漏的陰莖送去了色情的火花,使他更加崇拜那根陰莖。 他想要取悅這個年輕人,因為這意味著對他來說更多的快樂。他的手抓住了陰莖的根部,幫助引導它更深入他的口中。史蒂夫的嘴越張越大,容納了那根巨大成員的驚人圍度。 這位肌肉英雄驚訝於他的嘴巴是多麼容易地接受這個入侵者,毫無抵抗地吞咽下去。他繼續上下搖晃著頭,品嚐著年輕人前列腺液的味道。 「你以為你會回到這裡嗎?回到你的膝蓋上吸德國人的陰莖,隊長?崇拜那肉棒!向我展示你服務於更優秀的男人!」盧卡斯在看著這位活著的傳奇人物吸他的陰莖時命令道。 史蒂夫感到他的下巴開始疼痛,當他深喉那根粗大的軸時,他的喉嚨肌肉掙扎著要適應那根巨大的成員。史蒂夫感到他的陰莖在他的腹部跳動,渴望得到關注,而他專注於取悅那個年輕的德國人。 「嗯,對,就是這樣,」盧卡斯低聲說,「更用力地吸,我的好孩子。」 這些話送來了一股快感,史蒂夫急切地遵從,他的嘴越張越大以容納那根跳動的陰莖。他能感覺到從那根巨大工具散發出的力量,用一種迷人的慾望和屈服的混合物充滿了他的整個嘴巴。 這位肌肉英雄沈醉於這種感覺,他的陰莖隨著時間的推移越來越接近高潮。 「哦,我看到你很享受自己,」盧卡斯觀察到,他的藍眼睛閃著娛樂的光芒。「告訴我,隊長,被貶為紅骷髏孫子的單純性交洞,感覺好嗎?」 史蒂夫的下巴緊緊地咬合,那羞辱性的指控刺傷了他的自尊。然而,他無法否認那湧上心頭的感覺——一種由痛苦、慾望和徹底無助混合而成的強烈情感雞尾酒。他把雞巴拔了出來,「閉嘴,」他憤怒地吐出這句話,聲音沙啞而緊張。 盧卡斯笑了,快感消失了,史蒂夫尖叫一聲,又回去吸那男孩的雞巴,渴望再次被性愛的極樂世界所包圍。 當盧卡斯向前挺腰,讓史蒂夫的嘴巴被他的雞巴刺穿時,羞恥感充斥了他的大腦,「偉大的美國隊長在崇拜一根優越的德國雞巴,來吧隊長,你享受這個!」 這位年輕人的話深深刺入史蒂夫的心靈,撕裂了他尊嚴的殘餘。男孩的前列腺液的味道充滿了他的嘴巴,與唾液混合,他繼續越來越狂熱地吸吮著雞巴。
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asuna20163 · 1 year ago
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jaunepastel · 7 months ago
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Inquiry about rental in New York
Inquiry about rental in New York
Inquiry about rental in New York
我被這則發文的豪邁給吸引住。 「······我們找房好一段時間了······衷心希望有機會入住您的套房。」
雖然依舊是剪下貼上,但文字背後的焦慮無助,或多或少成功傳遞到銀幕外的另一個空間去了。同一時間,我正糾結於三四個物件當中,短租的日期該如何兜湊,才能無縫接軌這半年;森林小丘上課要通勤一個���時,曼哈頓一樓要擔心老鼠和醉漢入侵,威廉斯堡房租要六個月全付會不會是詐騙,我像童話故事裡撿石頭不能往回走的女孩,再挑下去可是一顆石頭都沒有了。距離出發還有兩個多禮拜。 「小孩我是沒問題,只是我家在四樓沒有電梯,你們會不會不方便?」 莎拉簡短的答應,讓我想起她發文時的爽朗用字。「住很重要!我會幫你們打點好,請好好享受我的公寓。」這麼一句話,彷彿給我吞了顆定心丸,安撫行前騷動的思緒。搭機前一晚,包袱所剩不多,不安盡拋腦後,心情輕鬆的不可思議。我看著逐漸縮小的地表樓房,龐雜的台北城,我的故鄉,想著哪天我會不會愛上這輕飄飄的感覺。 於是,我們擁有了第一個結尾是New York的地址,位於曼哈頓百老匯區。
十二點十分,東部標準時間。與台北相隔十二個小時的曼哈頓午夜。從甘迺迪機場搭上華人計程車,行駛在平板無憂的快速道路上,兩旁盡是皇后區黝黑大遠景,此時還感覺不到紐約的形貌。空氣粒子旋轉收縮,直到出了中城隧道,我們隨著車流,一舉穿進曼哈頓的心臟。高樓百窗,霓虹街燈鼓譟,打亮了巨大看板上的秀顏,女明星眼眸深邃,企圖引人犯罪。三十七街經過第五大道,塞車的步調,讓我用慢動作欣賞了帝國大廈,那棟建築是你一看到就會認得,不需贅述的經典,這不是夢,卻像夢遊迷幻沈醉,我正在電影場景裡。 夜深,暖氣徐徐放送,驅散我體內的累積疲倦,遠方傳來救護車的高頻呼喊與零星槍響。我閉上雙眼,腦海不由地響起《計程車司機》中憂鬱的薩克斯風,寂寞都顯得立體。喝完母奶的溫溫被西恩抱在懷裡,早在柔軟大床上睡去,只留我與這城,遲遲捨不得入眠。 ♦
簡單梳洗,我們輕裝上街。地底白煙卷卷升起,南北向的道,費里尼電影般的靜止車陣,幾何玻璃帷幕,抬頭讚歎資本主義的雄偉;東西往的街,消防梯鏽得煙灰,鷹架層層堆疊,衰敗與生長同時交織成紐約的血肉。小販高聲兜售自由女神,芭蕾女伶頂著包頭,黑衣曲線魚貫沒入窄門,三件式西裝的俊俏男子,用力咬了手上的貝果,一步作兩步橫越馬路。 售票亭外熱熱鬧鬧,我和巷口的《貓》四目交接,黑底黃目如紐約客犀利,這貓名氣響亮,而我竟然一次也沒走進去過;徘徊中城一圈,在Wholefoods超市採購生鮮、酒足飯飽後,金黃燈光齊下,十字路口變成大型伸展台,時髦男女自信耀眼,提著大包小包的我們硬生生穿過《芝加哥》滿溢的開演人潮,美腿包圍爵士樂,上一秒還沈浸在感官享受,下個轉身就被《西方壞女巫》的綠臉紅唇給嚇個正著,衛生紙差點從紙袋裡滾了出來。
A new day has begun. 明天又有什麼等著我呢? 寫在2017年.春
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 8 months ago
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靈鳥 /重明鳥 /Four-Eye Bird(chóng míng niǎo - a legendary bird from China)its call likes the phoenix. 上古時代的神獸靈鳥。
先知 The Prophet 《論法律》 On Laws By 紀伯倫 Kahlil Gibran (Lebanese-American, 1883-1931)
Then a lawyer said, But what of our Laws,
    And he answered:
    You delight in laying down laws,
    Yet you delight more in breaking them.
    Like children playing by the ocean who
build sand-towers with constancy and then
destroy them with laughter.
    But while you build your sand-towers the
ocean brings more sand to the shore,
    And when you destroy them the ocean
laughs with you.
    Verily the ocean laughs always with the
    But what of those to whom life is not an
ocean, and man-made laws are not sand-
    But to whom life is a rock, and the law
a chisel with which they would carve it in
their own likeness?
    What of the cripple who hates dancers?
    What of the ox who loves his yoke and
deems the elk and deer of the forest
stray and vagrant things?
    What of the old serpent who cannot
shed his skin, and calls all others naked
and shameless?
    And of him who comes early to the
wedding-feast, and when over-fed and tired
goes his way saying that all feasts are
violation and all feasters lawbreakers?
    What shall I say of these save that they
too stand in the sunlight, but with their
backs to the sun?
    They see only their shadows, and their
shadows are their laws.
    And what is the sun to them but a caster
of shadows?
    And what is it to acknowledge the laws
but to stoop down and trace their shadows
upon the earth?
    But you who walk facing the sun, what
images drawn on the earth can hold you?
    You who travel with the wind, what
weather-vane shall direct your course?
    What man’s law shall bind you if you
break your yoke but upon no man's prison
    What laws shall you fear if you dance
but stumble against no man’s iron chains?
    And who is he that shall bring you to
judgment if you tear off your garment yet
leave it in no man’s path?
    People of Orphalese, you can muffle the
drum, and you can loosen the strings of the
lyre, but who shall command the skylark
not to sing? 
對那些把生命看做石頭, 將法律視為鑿子能在石頭上雕出自己形象的人又當如何呢? 
對憎惡舞者的瘸子,能怎樣 ?
對年邁卻無力蛻皮的老蛇,卻把自己以外赤裸的人都認作不知羞恥, 又該如何呢 ?
對早赴婚宴、飽餐離去卻聲稱 "一切筵席都是對法律的褻瀆、所有賓客都是罪犯"的人,該如何呢? 
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guangyaw · 2 years ago
Diablo3 第28賽季 死靈法師 燃燒狂歡節舞會裝束
之前使用了散裝練了第 28賽季的死靈法師, 除了換個角色體驗賽季之外, 其實就是補全套裝實測缺少的一角, 若有關注站上介紹的玩家應該會發現少了這套 Diablo3 第28賽季 死靈法師…
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year ago
How many kingdoms and realms exist in JTTW, could you give us a short explanation of these please? I understand there are like three realms according to Chinese mythology
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How many kingdoms and realms exist in JTTW, could you give us a short explanation of these please?
There are many kingdoms that are visited in Xiyouji on their path, but I cannot say how many were during the Tang dynasty in general, you might wanna do some personal research for that case
The dragon prince was spared from death and banished to Yingchou Stream (鷹愁澗) in Shepan Mountain (蛇盤山), in the region that belongs to the Hamil Kingdom of the western barbarians.
Zhu Bajie found in Gao village and find that a daughter kidnapped in the the territory of the Kingdom of Qoco.
Yellow Robe Demon (黃袍怪) is based in Moon Waves Cave (波月洞) on Bowl Mountain (碗子山) in the Kingdom of Baoxiang (寶象國)
The Lion-Lynx Demon (獅猁怪) is actually the Azure Lion (青毛獅子), the steed of the bodhisattva Manjusri. He drowns the king of Wuji Kingdom (烏雞國) and took his position.
The Immortal of Tiger Power (虎力大仙), Immortal of Elk Power (鹿力大仙), and Immortal of Antelope Power (羊力大仙) are three demons who disguise themselves as Taoist magicians to deceive the ruler of the Kingdom of Chechi (車遲國).
The Ruler of Women's Country (女兒國國王) is the ruler of a nation in Xiliang (西梁) in Western Liang Kingdom with an all-female population in Women's Country (女兒國).
The Wansheng Dragon King (萬聖龍王) is based in Emerald Waves Lake (碧波潭), Rocky Mountain (亂石山), Kingdom of Jisai (祭賽國). He marries his daughter, Wansheng Princess, to the Nine-Headed Beast.
Sai Tai Sui (賽太歲; literally "Equivalent to Tai Sui") is a demon king based on Qilin Mountain (麒麟山) in the Kingdom of Zhuzi (朱紫國). He is actually the Golden Haired Hou (金毛犼), the steed of Guanyin.
The White Deer Spirit (白鹿精) is actually the mount of the deity Old Man of the South Pole (南極老人). He stole his master's staff and escaped into the human world. He accepts the White-Faced Vixen Spirit (白面狐狸精), a female Fox spirit, as an adopted-daughter, disguises her as a beautiful maiden, and presents her to the ruler of the Kingdom of Biqiu (比丘國).
The Ruler of the Kingdom of Miefa (滅法國; "Miefa" literally means "destroy dharma") hates Buddhists and once made an oath to slaughter 10,000 Buddhist monks. He realizes that he has done wrong in persecuting Buddhist monks so he repents and renames his domain "Kingdom of Qinfa" (欽法國; "Qinfa" literally means "respect for dharma").
The Grand Saint of Nine Spirits (九靈元聖) is actually the Nine-Headed Lion that Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun rides on. The lion seizes the opportunity to escape. He builds his base at the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave (九曲盤桓洞) at Bamboo Links Mountain (竹節山) near the Kingdom of Yuhua (玉華國).
The Jade Rabbit Spirit (玉兔精) is actually the moon rabbit that pounds a mortar and pestle in Guanghan Palace (廣寒宮) on the Moon. The fairy Su'e (素娥) once hit her and she bore a grudge against her. Su'e was later reincarnated as a princess of a Great Kingdom of India (天竺).
Su'e hid in the Monastery of the Anathapindika Garden in the Kingdom of Sravasti.
Honorary mention: Surya Kingdom is the place where the sun sets, and that's why its popular name is 'The Edge of Heaven.' During the time of late afternoon each day, the king will send people up to the battlements to beat the drums and blow the bugles, in order to dilute and weaken the sound of the sea boiling. (mentioned by Bajie)
Honorary mention: In years past, barbaric tribes of all four quarters came to pay us tribute: to the south, the Yuetuo Kingdom, to the north, the Qoco Kingdom; to the east, the State of Western Liang; and to the west, the Benbo Kingdom. (mention by Kingdom of Jisai).
Honorary mention: The state, Flowing Sand, was my ancestral home. My father was Flowing Sand Kingdom's king. Illness plagued me at the time of youth, A victim of a baleful natal star. (mentioned by Yellow Brows Demon).
Honorary mention: The spot releasing black vapors over there is the Lion-Camel Kingdom. (only called kingdom once by Sun Wukong).
Honorary mention: Master, my home is located in the Bimbana Kingdom, some two hundred miles from here. (mentioned by Lady Earth Flow.)
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I understand there are like three realms according to Chinese mythology
There are three domains in the cosmos — Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld — and each domain is populated by a host of important gods and goddesses. The Heavenly Domain is ruled by the Jade Emperor, who presides over a court of important deities who are worshipped throughout China. Three Realms (三曹) – the belief that Heaven, the living and the deceased exist side by side; heaven is a place for saints or rested souls, the Underworld for the criminous deceased. Three wun seven pak (三魂七魄) explains a person's existence. The three realms is where a person exists, and the seven states are what makes a person exist.
Also suggest reading JTTW's article with just how Xioyuji uses these domains in regard to the 36 heavens and the 18 hells as well.
accompanied by my realms question, are the six realms something canon in JTTW or are the six realms something completely separate from JTTW and considered a different religion than the three realms mentioned in JTTW?
The Six Realms in Buddhist cosmology are the six worlds where sentient beings are reincarnated based on their karma, which is linked to their actions in previous lives. These paths are depicted in the Bhavacakra ("wheel of existence"). The six paths are
Hell (地獄道)
The Hungry Ghosts or pretas (餓鬼道)
The Beasts (畜生道)
Humans (人道)
The Titans or Asuras (修羅道)
Heaven, or the realm of the gods (天道).
Above these lie the four holy states: the Śrāvaka (声聞), the Pratyekabuddha (縁覚), the bodhisattva (菩薩) and finally completely enlightened Buddhahood.
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We know that the wheel of reincarnation is very much real in Xiyouji and that the novel has Hindu and Buddhist mythology it wouldn't be out of the question that they have this specific cosmology, even if most of the time the novel is within more Easten heaven and dealing with Taoist gods.
There is a more modern take that is seen more fantasy novels where these 6 relams but that is far more used for the sake of fantasy where they are Gods (神界), Immortals (仙界), Spirits (妖界), Demon (魔界) Mortal (人界) and Ghosts 冥界(鬼界). Again this are more used for a fantasy setting in modern terms so this is a far more modern idea.
(heaven, mortal realm and diyu), like, the Demon realm and spirit realm are a thing in JTTW?
Demons and yao do not have their own realm. Demons are rather animals, plants, or other spirits that they to escape Hell (地獄道), The Hungry Ghosts or pretas (餓鬼道), or The Beasts (畜生道) and move on the human form. Or even celestials that abandon their posts and turn into demons as well. It is because they don't have their own realm that they are considered unnatural and going against the laws of nature.
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journeytothewestresearch · 1 year ago
I actually curious what kind of being Sun Wukong is. Is he kinda in similar category as Japanese Yokai. I know Japanese Yokai are different entirely but what do you think?
The novel is clear that he is a unique being, one who is “not classified in the ten categories of life, nor contained in the names between Heaven and Earth” (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115). He is one of four spiritual primates and the lone member of his own magic species, the "Stone Monkey of Numinous Wisdom" (Lingming shihou, 靈明石猴) (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115).
But heaven does consider him a form of monster during his rebellion. He is commonly referred to as a "demon monkey" (yaohou, 妖猴) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 154, for example).
Religiously speaking, though, I have previously suggested that Sun Wukong is a "Wrathful Destroyer of Obstacles," a neologism for a powerful Buddhist guardian deity from Esoteric Buddhism.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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