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喉紅石斛(Latin name/Dendrobium christyanum)是一種喜陰涼的多年生草本植物,喜在溫暖、潮濕、以年降雨量1000毫米以上、半陰半陽的環境,1月平均氣溫高於8℃的亞熱帶深山老林中生長為佳,適宜生長溫度為15到28度,適宜生長空氣濕度為60%以上,對土肥要求不甚嚴格,野生多在疏鬆且厚的樹皮或樹幹上生長,有的也生長於石縫中。屬氣生根系,主要要求根部通透性好,採用的基質最好能通風透氣濾水,在適宜的溫度濕度下,生長速度快,生存能力非常強。每年春末夏初,二年生莖上部節上抽出花序,開花後從莖基長出新芽發育成莖,秋冬季節進入休眠期。
該屬植物被認為“秉性剛強,忠厚可親”,西方社會/文化人們常把她敬獻給自己愛戴的尊長。並在每年6月19日時,將石斛送給父親,被稱之為“父親節之花”(Father's Day Flower)。它有著“歡迎你,親愛的”的花語,可將其與非洲菊、圓葉桉樹製成胸花,佩在胸前。在歐美常用石斛花朵製成胸花,配上絲石竹和天冬草,表示“歡迎光臨”。至今,廣泛用於大型宴會、開幕式剪彩典禮或招待貴賓。
Dendrobium bellatulum is an orchid from low to moderate altitude mountain forests in southern Asia. It is an epiphyte with cane pseudobulbs and the flowers which emerge from leaf nodes on leafless stems are known to be fragrant.
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東區首間川式燒烤料理,特���燒烤有烤心管、吊龍、牛胸油、豬鼻筋、月牙骨等,必點有火爆黃喉、燒椒皮蛋、藤椒小鮑魚、炒心管等川式料理,還有獨家酸梅汽泡水必喝!Google高達4.9顆星! Continue reading 【川火成都燒烤】台北東區燒烤店.聚餐喝酒推薦
#台北串烧#台北東區燒烤店#台北東區燒烤店推薦#吊龍#回鍋肉#天梯#小姨子豆腐#小膳香成都麻辣火鍋#川火成都燒烤 inline#川火成都燒烤 菜單#川火成都燒烤 訂位#川火成都燒烤的菜單#川火烤魚片#成都燒烤#檸檬豬五花#江湖火爆黃喉#烤芍皮#烤饅頭#燒焦皮蛋#牛胸油#紅蟳醬蟹#自貢仔姜牛蛙#茅台排骨#蒜味生蠔#藤椒小鮑魚#蟹黃拌飯#豬腳#豬鼻筋#超大雞屁股#雞頸肉
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他試圖專注於超越痛苦,控制它,但這不是真實的痛苦,它存在於他的內心。他曾經對槍傷不屑一顧,那些傷口並沒有像這樣痛……這是壓倒性的。 「那麼,隊長,告訴我更多關於像你和我這樣的人吧,」那個男孩說,看著肌肉英雄在床上扭曲翻滾。 「停下……」史蒂夫懇求著,不確定自己還能忍受多久。 「你給我住口,」盧卡斯怒斥道,「跪下!」他命令著肌肉英雄,指向他腳下的地面。史蒂夫吞了口口水,心臟在胸腔裡狂跳,面對向這個年輕人投降的前景。 他拚命忍住淚水,試圖控制自己的身體。「你只是在延長你的痛苦,乖乖跪下來吧。」盧卡斯命令道,手勢指向冰冷的石地面。 史蒂夫咬緊牙關,汗濕的頭髮黏貼在他的前額。他怒視��那個年輕人,感覺到內心的掙扎在肆虐。每一刻的沈默都在拉長,每一秒的流逝似乎都在痛苦中持續了永恆。 最終,無法再忍受,肌肉英雄不情願地爬下床榻,向著場地移動。 他走到盧卡斯面前,看到那個男孩的眼中閃爍著娛樂的光芒。最後,史蒂夫緩緩地跪在雙膝上,臉貼著地面。當他這麼做的時候,痛苦隨即消失,快感回歸,完全充斥著他的身體。 史蒂夫重重地呼出一口氣,感到心臟在胸腔裡狂跳。他的陽具立刻恢復活力,強烈地跳動。那個年輕人俯視著他,目光欣賞地掃過史蒂夫的身體。 「真是令人印象深刻,親愛的隊長,」他說,聲音中帶著惡意。「你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫困惑地抬頭看著他。 「我問你話了,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 「我問了你一個問題,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫怒視著他,「我沒有那麼說。」 盧卡斯只是挑了挑眉,快感又一次消失了。 史蒂夫四肢著地尖叫,痛苦似乎是上次的十倍。「我問了你一個問題,Herrcaptain,你是個乖孩子嗎?」施密特堅定地重複道,他的語氣要求服從。 史蒂夫努力忍住尖叫;他的身體因痛苦而扭曲。他考慮了再次違抗施密特的後果,很清楚地知道抵抗意味著要忍受無法忍受的折磨。他不情願地強迫自己說出這些話,「是的,我是個乖孩子。」 就這樣,快感回來了,史蒂夫鬆了口氣,緩解是立即的,再一次他所知道的只有幸福。盧卡斯放下了場域,和他一起走進了牢房, 「那麼,我們學到了第一課,」那男孩在史蒂夫的頭髮間遊走著手指,而肌肉英雄討厭這觸感就像是成千上萬的小小快感爆炸。他抗拒著將頭推向觸感以尋求更多,而是試圖集中注意力。 「很簡單,違抗我,」快感消失了,取而代之的是他血管中的熔岩般的火焰,「服從我,」而那達到涅槃的快感又回來了。 史蒂夫在地上喘著氣,無法完全理解他的處境。「現在,過來,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,「我們將學習剩下的課程。」史蒂夫抬頭看著他,他完全被這個年輕人所支配,他的身體背叛了他,他的思維失去了所有連貫的思想。 他的陰莖堅硬如石,痛苦地在他的雙腿之間跳動。他知道自己正在遭受的羞辱,但快感如此壓倒性,以至於他發現自己無法抗拒。 「面對我,」男孩命令道,「看著我。」 史蒂夫猶豫了,但無情的快感波浪穿過他,迫使他服從。他的腿搖晃,但他設法站直,面對盧卡斯。那個邪惡的醫生審視著他的俘虜,欣賞著肌肉英雄完美的體格。 史蒂夫的胸膛因期待而劇烈起伏,他的心靈因感官的折磨而旋轉。「現在,打開我的長袍,看看我的身體。」 在命令下,史蒂夫顫抖的雙手伸出,輕輕地解開了綁著長袍的腰帶。慢慢地,他推開了衣服,露出盧卡斯緊實、雕刻般的身體。史蒂夫驚訝地盯著這個年輕人,當他看到那巨大的陰莖橫亙在他的雙腿之間時,他的眼睛瞪大了。 那比史蒂夫以前見過的任何東西都要大——一個真正巨大的標本,粗大而未割包皮,它軟軟地懸掛在那裡,比大多數男人勃起時還要大。肌肉英雄緊張地吞咽著,感覺到自己的陰莖不由自主地在腹部變硬。 「看著它,」男孩命令道,「那是一根精美的德國陰莖,一根主人的陰莖!」他伸手撫摸史蒂夫硬挺的陰莖,「這是一根精美的作品,一根偉大的美國陰莖,但這個,」他將史蒂夫的手放在自己的陰莖上,「這現在是你的主人。」 史蒂夫的手僵硬著,只是抓著男孩的陰莖,感受到它在手中慢慢變硬的熱度簡直瘋狂。 他感覺到陰莖抽動和脈動,一秒秒地變得更硬。史蒂夫幾乎能感覺到陰莖似乎有了自己的生命在跳動。他無法相信它有多大,它變得有多硬。史蒂夫自己的陰莖也跳動著,滲出液體,因為裝置讓這一切對他來說是愉悅的。 「做吧,」施密特命令道,「撫摸我的陰莖。」史蒂夫顫抖的雙手握住那巨大的陰莖開始撫摸,感受著每一條靜脈,每一個凸起。「崇拜那根陰莖吧,親愛的隊長,向我展示你理解它的力量。」 當史蒂夫聽從命令時,他的手自動地動作更快,摩擦著那粗大的陰莖,感受著掌下的隆起和凸起。肌肉英雄的心跳加速,他的陰莖在腿間跳動,每一次撫摸都讓他因為裝置而心跳加速。 他越是猛烈地手淫那男孩,自己就越是感到快樂……他催促自己停下來,但他無法停止這個循環。 他能嗅到盧卡斯激情的麝香味,這只是讓他自己的興奮感更加強烈。儘管他努力抗拒,史蒂夫發現自己完全屈服於這位年輕男子的要求。 快感太強烈了,他雙手抓住陰莖,想要在取悅那男孩的同時也取悅自己。 隨著他的努力,它變得更大,達到了令人難以置信的長度和厚度。史蒂夫對這個尺寸感到驚訝,被這個怪物般的陰莖嚇到了。當他繼續抽動它時,他感到自己的陰莖也變得更硬更大,渴望釋放。「乖孩子,」盧卡斯低聲說,他的陰莖在史蒂夫的握持中變得不可思議地巨大。"真是個乖孩子。" 這些話讓肌肉英雄的身體感受到更多的快樂,他作出呻吟的回應,雙手動作更快。 史蒂夫用力而狂熱地撫摸著那巨大的陰莖,看起來幾乎是絕望的。他自己的陰莖隨著手的每一次撫摸都跳動著,渴望釋放。他無法相信自己是多麼願意地屈服於這位年輕男子,他的身體渴望更多的快樂。 他看進那男孩的眼睛,看到其中的娛樂感,他知道這才是真正的折磨。 「很好,」他說著,拉開史蒂夫的手,「你可以被教導,現在……跪下。」 史蒂夫停下來,抬頭看著這位英俊的年輕男子,知道如果他拒絕的話會受到懲罰。他慢慢地降低自己,跪在這個高大身影前。「向我展示尊敬,向我展示忠誠,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,抓住史蒂夫的下巴抬起他的臉。 史蒂夫凝視著那雙藍眼睛,看到其中反映出的純粹邪惡。「好好崇拜那德國陰莖,」盧卡斯低語,他那深沈的聲音帶著黑暗的意圖。 史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的身體本能地對那挑釁的命令作出反應。他的手顫抖著,伸出去撫摸那巨大的軸心。他���溫柔的關懷輕輕追蹤著那條脈絡分明的表面,對其龐大的尺寸感到驚奇。 當他包圍著那腫脹的頭部,拇指輕輕掠過頂端時,他能感覺到盧卡斯強勁的勃起在他觸摸下跳動。 「它已經厭倦了你的手,它渴望更多,」盧卡斯說,等待著史蒂夫的理解。 史蒂夫低頭看著他手中的巨大陰莖,它似乎隨著每一次心跳變得更大更堅硬。「吸吮它,」他終於聽到自己低聲說出,那話語在他耳中聽起來如此陌生。他抬起臉,與盧卡斯的目光相遇,眼中充滿了羞愧和絕望。 這個男孩微笑著,將手放在史蒂夫的肩膀上,引導他靠近。史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的喉嚨收緊,當他向前傾斜時,感受到臉上的溫暖濕潤的空氣。 「拜託……」史蒂夫啜泣著,「不要逼我這麼做……」 「沒有人在逼你做任何事,隊長,這全是你自己的選擇……」那個男孩向他保證,「只要記住沒有快感時的感覺……」 史蒂夫呻吟著,張開嘴,輕微地張開嘴唇。他能感覺到陰莖壓在他的下唇上,當他為即將到來的侵入做準備時,眼睛充滿了淚水。他猶豫了一會兒,深吸了一口氣,然後猛地低下頭。 史蒂夫的嘴巴吞下了那巨大陰莖的頭部,他的舌頭自動地纏繞著它。那種味道讓他不知所措,一種麝香味和前列腺液的混合味道似乎覆蓋了他整個嘴巴。 當他開始吸吮那個男孩的陰莖時,裝置的指數飆升,給史蒂夫完美的身體帶來了更多的狂喜,就好像他在吸自己的陰莖一樣。當他更用力地吸吮那個男孩時,他得到了更多的快感,他呻吟著,感覺自己失去了控制。 他口中充滿了前列腺液的味道,陰莖在他口中膨脹。史蒂夫的呻吟聲更大了,他的臉頰凹陷下去,當他的頭上下搖晃時。 他喜歡陰莖滑過嘴唇的感覺,吸吮造成緊密的封閉,當他越吸越深時。每一次舔弄都給史蒂夫滲漏的陰莖送去了色情的火花,使他更加崇拜那根陰莖。 他想要取悅這個年輕人,因為這意味著對他來說更多的快樂。他的手抓住了陰莖的根部,幫助引導它更深入他的口中。史蒂夫的嘴越張越大,容納了那根巨大成員的驚人圍度。 這位肌肉英雄驚訝於他的嘴巴是多麼容易地接受這個入侵者,毫無抵抗地吞咽下去。他繼續上下搖晃著頭,品嚐著年輕人前列腺液的味道。 「你以為你會回到這裡嗎?回到你的膝蓋上吸德國人的陰莖,隊長?崇拜那肉棒!向我展示你服務於更優秀的男人!」盧卡斯在看著這位活著的傳奇人物吸他的陰莖時命令道。 史蒂夫感到他的下巴開始疼痛,當他深喉那根粗大的軸時,他的喉嚨肌肉掙扎著要適應那根巨大的成員。史蒂夫感到他的陰莖在他的腹部跳動,渴望得到關注,而他專注於取悅那個年輕的德國人。 「嗯,對,就是這樣,」盧卡斯低聲說,「更用力地吸,我的好孩子。」 這些話送來了一股快感,史蒂夫急切地遵從,他的嘴越張越大以容納那根跳動的陰莖。他能感覺到從那根巨大工具散發出的力量,用一種迷人的慾望和屈服的混合物充滿了他的整個嘴巴。 這位肌肉英雄沈醉於這種感覺,他的陰莖隨著時間的推移越來越接近高潮。 「哦,我看到你很享受自己,」盧卡斯觀察到,他的藍眼睛閃著娛樂的光芒。「告訴我,隊長,被貶為紅骷髏孫子的單純性交洞,感覺好嗎?」 史蒂夫的下巴緊緊地咬合,那羞辱性的指控刺傷了他的自尊。然而,他無法否認那湧上心頭的感覺——一種由痛苦、慾望和徹底無助混合而成的強烈情感雞尾酒。他把雞巴拔了出來,「閉嘴,」他憤怒地吐出這句話,聲音沙啞而緊張。 盧卡斯笑了,快感消失了,史蒂夫尖叫一聲,又回去吸那男孩的雞巴,渴望再次被性愛的極樂世界所包圍。 當盧卡斯向前挺腰,讓史蒂夫的嘴巴被他的雞巴刺穿時,羞恥感充斥了他的大腦,「偉大的美國隊長在崇拜一根優越的德國雞巴,來吧隊長,你享受這個!」 這位年輕人的話深深刺入史蒂夫的心靈,撕裂了他尊嚴的殘餘。男孩的前列腺液的味道充滿了他的嘴巴,與唾液混合,他繼續越來越狂熱地吸吮著雞巴。
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Episode 6 : Layered Memories / 第六話『重なる記憶(かさなるきおく/Kasanaru Kioku)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “アニオリ/ani-ori(アニメオリジナル/anime-original)".
Daki “Shakuni sawaru-kara, tsugide omae’o korosu.”
Daki “It’s annoying me, so this time, I’m going to kill you.”
Kamado Tanjiro (Hinokami Kagura. Retsu-jitsu Kokyo!)
Tanjiro Kamado (Hinokami Kagura… Raging Sun!)
Tanjiro “Enbu!”
Tanjiro “Flame Dance!”
Daki “Taishita koto nai-wane. Shosen… kono teido-yo! Ha! Doko?”
Daki “That was nothing to write home about. In the end, this is all it amounts to! Where is he?”
Tanjiro “Hinokami-Kagura. Gen-Nichi-Ko!”
Tanjiro “Hinokami Kagura… Fake Rainbow…”
Daki “Ha!”
Tanjiro (Ikeru!!)
Tanjiro (I can do this!)
Tanjiro “Hinokami-Kagura. Kasha!”
Tanjiro “Hinokami Kagura… Fire Wheel!”
Tanjiro “Ha! Ua! U…Ku…Ku”
Tanjiro “Kaifukuno Kokyu! Fu! Kuu! Haa, haa…”
Tanjiro “Recovery Breathing!”
Tanjiro (Tatakae-teru… Jogenno onito!)
Tanjiro (I’m able to fight… an Upper Rank demon!)
Daki “Kono busaiku-ga!”
Daki “You ugly piece of trash!”
Tanjiro “Fu!” (…Ha! Nanda? Obiga karadani haitte-itteru. Iya, modotte-iru-noka, bunretsu-shite-ita bunga.)
Tanjiro (What’s going on? The Belts are entering her body! No. Are they going back into her? The ones that were split off from her?)
Tanjiro (Hirumuna. Kokyu’o totonoero. Ikuzo!)
Tanjiro (Stand your ground! Get your breathing under control! Let’s go!)
Daki “…Yappari.”
Daki “I knew it.”
Tanjiro (Kieta!)
Tanjiro (She’s gone!)
Daki “‘Hashira’ne. Hashiraga kiteta-none. Yokatta. Ano katani yorokonde-itadakeruwa…”
Daki “A Hashira… So a Hashira did come, after all! That’s great! That will certainly please my master!”
炭治郎(姿が変わった… 何て禍々(まがまが)しい匂いだ。喉の奥が痺れて痛い。力が更に増している!でも、伊之助たちの方に宇髄さんがいるのか?だったら安心だ…)
Tanjiro (Sugataga kawatta… Nante maga-maga-shii nioida. Nodono okuga shibirete itai. Chikaraga sarani mashite-iru! Demo, Inosuke-tachino-honi Uzui-sanga iru-noka? Dattara anshinda…)
Tanjiro (She’s transformed. What an ominous scent. It’s making the back of my throat sting with pain! She’s gained even more power! But is Uzui with Inosuke and the others? Then I can rest easy.)
男性「うるさいぞ、お前ら!何だ、その刀は!人の店の前で揉め事を起こすんじゃねぇぞ!! どこの嫌がらせだ!」
Dansei “Urusaizo, omaera! Nanda, sono katanawa! Hitono miseno maede mome-goto’o okosunja neezo!! Dokono iya-garase-da!”
Man “You guys need to shut the hell up! What’s the deal with that sword? You have a lot of nerve, brawling in front of my House! What kind of harassment is this?”
炭治郎(しまった!! 騒ぎで人が…)
Tanjiro (Shimatta!! Sawagide hitoga…)
Tanjiro (Oh no! We made too much noise, and now people are…)
Dansei “Kono hana-machi-wana, miseno monmo okyakumo kiritsu’o mamotte nari-tattenda. Omaera-mitai-nowa oyobija neen-dayo! Tottoto usero!”
Man “I’ll have you know that this Hanamachi is viable because we and our clients all follow the rules! People like you aren’t welcome here! Now get the hell out of my sight!”
Daki “…Urusai-wane.”
Daki “Why don’t you shut your trap?”
Tanjiro (Dame-da!) “Dame-da! Kocchini kicha!”
Tanjiro (Don’t do it!) “Don’t do it! Don’t come this way!”
Dansei “Na…”
炭治郎「下がってください!! 建物から出る��!!!」
Tanjiro “Sagatte kudasai!! Tatemono-kara deruna!!!”
Tanjiro “Step back! Stay inside your buildings!”
Dansei “Oo.”
Dansei “Guaaa!”
Tanjiro “A…Uu.”
Josei “Gyaa!”
Josei “Gyaaa! Hi, Hiro-san, iyaa!!”
Woman “H-Hiro! No!”
Dansei “Uu.”
Tanjiro “Ochi-tsuite. A… Anatawa tasukari-masu. Ude’o… himode shibatte…”
Tanjiro “Stay calm. You’ll survive! Your arm! Tie it up with some string!”
Dansei “U, uu…”
Daki “Fu.”
Tanjiro “Mate. Yurusa…naizo. Konna koto’o shite-oite.”
Tanjiro “Come back here! I won’t let you get away with this! Not after what you just did!”
Daki “Nani? Mada nanika itteruno? Mo ii-wayo, busaiku. Minikui ningenni ikiteru kachi nain-dakara. Nakayoku minnade shini-kusarero.”
Daki “What? You still have something to say? That’s enough, ugly one. The repulsive have no reason to live, anyway. So you can all just die and rot together.”
Josei “Hiro-san! Hiro-san! Iyaa dareka tasuketee…!!”
Woman “Hiro! Hiro! No! Somebody help us!”
男性「みんな、出てくるな…!! 危ないから隠れていろ!」
Dansei “Minna, dete-kuruna…!! Abunai-kara kakurete-iro!”
Man “All of you, stay inside! It’s too dangerous, so stay hidden!”
Tanjiro “Kuuu… Kuuuuuuuu!”
Rengoku Shinjuro “Kamado-kun. Kimi-niwa warui koto’o shita. Kyojurono tameni naite-kurete arigato. Kono yon-kagetsu, Senjuro-tomo tegamino yari-tori’o shite-kurete-ita-sodane. Ano komo zuibun genkini natta.”
Shinjuro Rengoku “Dear Kamado… I know that I wronged you. Thank you for shedding tears over Kyojuro. I hear that you’ve also been exchanging letters with Senjuro for the past four months. He seems to be in a much better place now.”
Shinjuro “Shotaimenga ano-yona kotoni natte-shimai, hazukashiku omou. Jibunno munoni uchi-nome-sarete-ita-toki, tatami-kakeru-yoni, saiaino tsumaga byoshi-shita. Sorekara sakeni obore, uzukumari-tsuzuketa watashiwa, tondemo-nai oo-baka-mono-da.”
Shinjuro “I’m ashamed that our first meeting went the way it did. At a time when my own incompetence had left me shattered, things went from bad to worse when my beloved wife succumbed to illness. Since then, I’ve done nothing but drink myself into a stupor and wallow. There’s no bigger fool than me.”
Shinjuro “Kyojurowa watashi-nadoto chigai, subarashii musuko datta. Watashiga oshieru koto’o hoki-shita-ato-demo, Honoo’no Kokyuno ‘shinan-sho’o yomi-konde tanrenshi, Hashirato natta. Tatta san-kan-shika nai honde. Rukano… haha-oyano chiga koino-daro. Kyojuromo Senjuromo rippana koda.”
Shinjuro “Unlike me, Kyojuro was a fine son. Even after I abandoned him as his instructor, he trained by reading the Guide to Flame Breathing, and became a Hashira. Even though there were only three volumes. He must have had more of Ruka’s… Of his mother’s blood. Both Kyojuro and Senjuro are fine boys.”
Shinjuro “Soshite Kamado-kun. Kimiwa motto sugoi chikaraga aru. Hino Kokyuno erabareta tsukaitewa, kimino-yoni umare-tsuki akai azaga hitaini aru-soda. Dakara, kitto kimiwa…”
Shinjuro “And Kamado… You have an even more amazing power. I hear that those who are chosen to wield Sun Breathing… are born with the same red mark on their forehead that you have. And so I’m sure that you…”
Tanjiro (Iie, Shinjuro-san. Kono kizuwa umare-tsukino monoja nai. Korewa moto-moto, ototoga hibachi’o taoshita-toki, kabatte dekita yakedo desu. Sarani sono-ue’o ‘Saishu-Senbetsu’de fusho-shite imano katachini nari-mashita.)
Tanjiro (No, Shinjuro. I wasn’t born with this scar. Originally, it was a burn mark from when I protected my brother from a falling brazier. Later, I injured myself there during Final Selection, and that’s how it ended up the way it is now.)
Tanjiro (Oreno chichiwa umare-tsuki hitaini usuku azaga atta-yo-desuga, orewa chigai-masu. Orewa kitto, erabareta tsukaite-dewa naino-desho.)
Tanjiro (I hear that my father was born with a faint mark on his forehead, but that wasn’t the case with me. I must not be a chosen wielder.)
Tanjiro “Fuuuuuuuu…”
Tanjiro (Demo, sore-demo, erabareta-monode naku-tomo, chikaraga tarizu-tomo.)
Tanjiro (But… even so… Even if I’m not one of the chosen ones… Even if I’m not up to the task…)
Tanjiro “Kuuu.”
Tanjiro (Hito-niwa do-shitemo, hike-nai tokiga ari-masu. Hitono kokoro’o mota-nai monoga, kono yo-niwa iru-kara-desu.)
Tanjiro (there are times when I just can’t back down! Because in this world, there are those who lack human hearts!)
Tanjiro (Rifujinni inochi’o ubai, hanseimo sezu, kuyamu-kotomo nai.)
Tanjiro (Killing for no reason without a second thought! Without any hint of remorse!)
Daki “Ha.”
Tanjiro (Sono obo’o orewa zettai, yurusa-nai.)
Tanjiro (I won’t allow… that kind of tyranny… no matter what!)
Tanjiro “Ushina-wareta inochiwa kaiki-shinai. Nidoto modora-nai.”
Tanjiro “Those lost lives will never return! They can never come back!”
Daki “Ttsu…”
Tanjiro “Namamino monowa, onino-yo-niwa ika-nai. Naze ubau? Naze inochi’o fumi-tsukeni suru?”
Tanjiro “Those made of flesh and blood can’t do what demons do. Why would you rob them? Why would you trample over their lives?”
堕姫(この言葉、どこかで聞いた… ハッ!)
Daki (Kono kotoba, dokokade kiita… Ha!)
Daki (I’ve heard these words before.)
Yoriichi “Naniga tanoshii? Naniga omoshiroi? Inochi’o nandato omotte-irunda.”
Yoriichi “What do you find so entertaining? What’s so amusing about this? What do you take life for, exactly?”
Daki (Dare? Shira-nai.)
Daki (Who is that? I don’t know.)
Tanjiro “Doshite wakara-nai?”
Tanjiro “Why can’t you understand?”
Yoriichi “Doshite wasureru?”
Yoriichi “How can you forget?”
Daki (Korewa, atashija nai. Atashino kiokuja nai. Saiboda. Muzan-samano saibono kioku……)
Daki (This isn’t me. These aren’t my memories. It’s the cells! Master Muzan’s! The memories of the cells…)
Muki-muki-Nezumi-tachi “Muki, muki, mukkiiin!”
Muscle Mice “Muscle! Muscle! Mus-cle!”
Hashibira Inosuke “Oi!”
Inosuke Hashibira “Hey you!”
Uzui Tengen “N?”
Inosuke “Mimizu-Obi-domoga, ana-kara chitte nigetazo!!”
Inosuke “That Worm Belt just scattered through that hole and escaped!”
天元「うるっせええ!! 捕まってた奴ら皆助けたんだから、いいだろうが!まずは俺を崇(あが)め讃(たた)えろ!話はそれからだ!」
Tengen “Urusseee!! Tsuka-matteta yatsura minna tasuketan-dakara, iidaroga! Mazuwa ore’o agame-tataero! Hanashiwa sore-karada!”
Tengen “You shut up! I saved everyone who was trapped inside, so what’s the problem? First, worship and praise me! We’ll discuss that other thing later!”
Makio “Tengen-sama, hayaku owanaito, higaiga kakudai shimasuyo.”
Makio “Lord Tengen! You have to go after it, or there’ll be more carnage!”
Suma “Uwawa… Watashi-tachiwa ii-kara, itte-kudasai!”
Suma “Don’t worry about us! Please go!”
Inosuke “Uowa, a…Oo.”
Tengen “Yaro-domo! Ouzo. Tsuite-koi!”
Tengen “Come on, boys! We’re giving chase! Follow me!”
Inosuke “Unnyarooo!”
天元「さっさとしろ!どけどけェ!! 宇髄様のお通りだ!! ハッハッハッハッハッ!」
Tengen “Sassato shiro! Doke dokee!! Uzui-samano otoorida!! Hahhahhahhahha!”
Tengen “Move it now! Out of my way! Lord Tengen is comin’ through!”
Inosuke “Kusoo, haee!!”
Inosuke “Dammit! He’s too fast!”
Daki “Nani? Omae.”
Daki “What is it?”
Tanjiro “Ningen-dattaro, omaemo. Katsutewa, itamiya kurushimi-ni mogaite namida’o nagashite-ita-hazuda.”
Tanjiro “You were a human once, weren’t you? You must’ve shed tears once, struggling against pain and suffering.”
Daki “Gocha-gocha, gocha-gocha urusai-wane. Mukashino koto-nanka oboecha inaiwa. Atashiwa ima oni nan-dakara, kankei-nai-wayo. Oniwa oi-nai! Kuu-tameni kanemo hitsuyo-nai! Byokini nara-nai! Shina-nai! Nanimo ushinawa-nai! Soshite, utsuku-shiku tsuyoi oniwa, nani’o shitemo iinoyo…!!”
Daki “You really are annoying, rambling on and on like that! I don’t remember anything about the past! I’m a demon now, so who cares about that? Demons never grow old. And they don’t need money to eat. They don’t get sick. They don’t die. They have nothing to lose. Not to mention… we beautiful, powerful demons… can do anything we want!”
Tanjiro “Wakatta. Mo ii.”
Tanjiro “Fine. Enough, then.”
Daki “Kekki-Jutsu. Yae-Obi-Giri!”
Daki “Blood Demon Art… Eight-Layered Obi Slash!”
Daki (Saa tomare-nai-desho, baka-dakara. Nigebano nai kosano ichi-geki. Hana-machi’o shihai-suru-tameni bunretsu-shite-ita watashino karada. Hitotsuni modottara, sono sokudowa hija nai-noyo. Kekki-Jutsu-demo-nai kogekide te-ippai datta antaja, mo muri. Oshimai-ne, sayonara. Sono namakura-goto, kitte-ageru. Atashiwa Hashirano-honi iku-kara――)
Daki (Now, you can’t stop this, can you? It’s because you’re an idiot! This interweaving attack leaves you with nowhere to run. The parts of my body that were split off to take control of this Hanamachi… Now that I’m whole again, my speed is in a class of its own! You could barely hold your own against my non-Blood Demon Art attacks, so you have no chance now. It’s all over for you, isn’t it? Farewell! I’m going to slash you, dull sword and all! And now, I’ll be making my way to that Hashira!)
Tanjiro (Hinokami-Kagura, Shakkotsu-En’yo.)
Tanjiro (Hinokami Kagura… Burning Bones, Summer Sun.)
堕姫(痛い!! 何この痛み。斬撃を受けた所、灼けるように痛い。上手く再生できない。コイツの傷も深いはずなのに、こんな激しい動きをしたら、そこから体が裂けるわよ、普通)
Daki (Itai!! Nani kono itami. Zangeki’o uketa-tokoro, yakeru-yoni itai. Umaku saisei deki-nai. Koitsuno kizumo fukai-hazu-nanoni, konna hageshii ugoki’o shitara, soko-kara karadaga sakeru-wayo, futsu.)
Daki (That hurts! What is this pain? It’s like a burning pain where I received that slash! I can’t regenerate like I’m supposed to! But his wounds must be deep, too! Making such violent moves would normally rupture his body on the spot!)
Daki (Somo-somo nande watashino obiga kirareruno? Kodomo agatteru-noyo. Yubi-sakiga furueru. Korewa watashi? Muzan-sama?)
Daki (In the first place, how can he slice my Belt? When its durability has increased! My fingertips are trembling. Is this me? Master Muzan?)
堕姫(コイツ…!! さっきより速くなってる。おかしい、おかしい!! 痛みを感じないの?人間なの!?)
Daki (Koitsu…!! Sakki-yori hayaku natteru. Okashii, okashii!! Itami’o kanji-naino? Ningen-nano!?)
Daki (Damn him! Now he’s faster than before! It doesn’t make sense! Doesn’t make sense! Don’t you feel any pain? Are you human?)
Daki “Anta-nankani, atashino kubiga kireru-wake nai-desho…!!”
Daki “As if someone like you… could ever hope to decapitate me!”
Tanjiro (Yawara-kainda. Yawaraka-sugite kire-nai. Shinatte zangeki’o yuruyakani sareta.)
Tanjiro (It’s soft. It’s too soft for me to cut through. It blunted my sword slash by bending and weaving.)
Daki “Nigasa-nai-wayo, minikui kuso-gaki!!”
Daki “I won’t let you get away! You ugly, vile brat!”
Tanjiro (Obiga fueta… Ju-san-bon. Yokeruto mata higaiga hirogaru-kamo shire-nai. Demo nan-daro? Sugoku osoina.)
Tanjiro (There are more Belts now. Thirteen of them. If I dodge them, they might wreak even more havoc. But for some reason… they’re awfully slow.)
堕姫「斬らせないから、今度は!! さっきアタシの頚に触れたのは偶然よ!! ハッ」
Daki “Kirase-nai-kara, kondowa!! Sakki atashino kubini fureta-nowa guzen-yo!! Ha.”
Daki “I won’t let you cut me! Not this time! Making contact with my neck just now was just a fluke!”
Daki (Shinogide uke-naga-sareta obiga ikkasho-ni…)
Daki (Huh? The Belts he warded off with his sword ridge are now pinned in one spot!)
Daki “Sorede tometa tsumori? Hajiki-tobashite-yaru!”
Daki “You really think you’ve stopped me? I’ll blow you away!”
Daki (Obi’o hatte, shina-rasezuni kiru kika. Mabataki suru-mani obiwa nobaseru-noyo. Sonna isshunde kore-dakeno kyori’o donika dekiru-wake…)
Daki (You think you can pull them tight so you can slash them? But I can let them loose in the blink of an eye! There’s no way you can overcome this distance in an instant―)
Daki (E? Kirareta? Haya…)
Daki (Huh? He slashed them? So fast!)
Tanjiro (Tanjunna kotoda. Shinaru-yorimo nao hayaku katana’o furi-nuite kireba ii. Kondowa ikeru. Kireru.)
Tanjiro (It’s simple. I just have to bring my sword down faster than they can start bending. I can do it this time. I can slash her.)
竈門花子「お兄ちゃん!お兄ちゃん、息をして!! お願い!!」
Kamado Hanako “Oniichan! Oniichan, iki’o shite!! Onegai!!”
Hanako Kamado “Big Bro! Big Bro, breathe! Please!”
炭治郎「うっ!ああっ!ああっ… ゴホッゴホッゴホッ…」
Tanjiro “U! Aa! Aa… Goho goho goho…”
Daki “Mijime-yone, ningentte iu-nowa hontoni. Kore-dake hisshi-demo shosen kono teido damono. Kino-dokuni natte-kuru.”
Daki “So pathetic, you humans. Seriously. No matter how you struggle, that’s the best you can do. I’m starting to feel sorry for you.”
炭治郎(咳が止まらない。苦しい…息が… とっくに俺は体力の限界を超えていたんだ。目の前が真っ暗だ。自分の心臓の音しか聞こえない)
Tanjiro (Sekiga tomara-nai. Kurushii… Ikiga… Tokkuni orewa tairyokuno genkai’o koete-itanda. Meno maega makkurada. Jubunno shinzono oto-shika kikoe-nai.)
Tanjiro (I can’t stop coughing! It’s so hard to breathe! I must’ve gone way past my stamina threshold! All I can see ahead of me is darkness. All I can hear is the sound of my own heartbeat.)
Daki “Soyone. Kizumo kantan-niwa naora-naishi. So-naru-wayone.”
Daki “That’s right. Your wounds won’t be healing any time soon, so no wonder you’ve ended up like this.”
Tanjiro (Kamaero, katana’o.)
Tanjiro (Wield your sword!)
Daki “Okaeshini, antamo kubi’o kitte-yaru-wayo.”
Daki “I’ll return the favor by slicing your head off!”
竈門禰豆子「ウ゛――ッ! ヴ―――――ッ!」
Kamado Nezuko “Uuuuuuu! Uuuuuuuuuuuu!”
堕姫「よくもやったわね!アンタ…!! そうアンタ!アンタなのね!あの方が言ってたのは、アンタなのね!」
Daki “Yokumo yatta-wane! Anta…!! So, anta! Anta-nanone! Ano kataga itteta-nowa, anta-nanone!”
Daki “You have a lot of nerve doing that to me! You! Right, it’s you! It’s you, isn’t it? The one he was talking about was you, huh?”
Kibutsuji Muzan “Daki. Watashino shihai-kara nogareta oniga iru. Tamayono-yoni. Mitsukete shimatsu-shite-kure. Omaeni-shika tanome-nai. Asano-ha-mon’yono kimononi ichi-matsu-garano obino musumeda.”
Muzan Kibutsuji “Daki… There’s a demon who slipped from my grasp. Just like Tamayo. Find her and get rid of her. You’re the only one I can turn to. She’s a girl clad in a kimono with a hemp leaf pattern, and a checkered belt.”
Nezuko “Uu!”
Daki “Ee mochiron. Naburi-goroshite sashi-age-masu. Onozomino mamani…!!”
Daki “Yes! Of course I’ll be happy to torture her to death! As you wish!”
Tanjiro “Goho, a…”
Nezuko “Uu!”
堕姫「蹴るしか能が無いのか!! 雑魚鬼(ざこおに)が!!」
Daki “Keru-shika noga nai-noka!! Zako-oniga!!”
Daki “Is kicking the only thing you know? You damn bottom-feeder demon!”
Nezuko “N! Nn!”
Daki “Yowai-wane. Taishite hito’o kutte-nai. Nande ano katano shihai-kara hazuretano-kashira?”
Daki “Could you be any weaker? I can see that you’ve hardly devoured any humans. I wonder how you managed to escape his control.”
Daki “Kawaisoni. Dotaiga naki-wakareni natteru-desho. Ugoka-nai-hoga iiwayo. Anta-mitaina hanpa-monoja, sore-dakeno kizu, sugu-niwa saisei-deki-nai-daroshi. Onaji oni-damono. Mo ijime-tari shinaiwa. Obini tori-konde, asani nattara hini atete koroshite-ageru. Oni-doshino koroshiai-nante, jikanno muda-dashi…”
Daki “You poor thing! Your torso and lower body went their separate ways, didn’t they? You’d better not move. A half-developed demon like you can’t possibly regenerate right away, I’m sure. We’re both demons, after all. I won’t bully you anymore. I’ll absorb you into my Belt, and when morning comes, I’ll kill you by exposing you to the sun! Demons killing each other… Such a waste of time!”
Daki (Ha? Chotto matteyo. Nan-nano? Ashiga saisei-shiterun-dakedo. Ashi-dokoroka… Nande tatteruno? Sakki karada setsudan-shita-wayo. Tegotaega atta-mono. Kitta-nowa machigai-nai.)
Daki (Huh? Hold on a second. What’s this? She’s regenerated her leg. Never mind her leg, How can she be standing? I know I just severed her body! I know that I felt it! I slashed her for sure!)
Nezuko “N, nn…N!”
Daki (Imano kaifuku-saisei, sokudowa――Jogenni hitteki-suru.)
Daki (Her healing and regeneration speed… is… Upper Rank caliber.)
Nezuko “Nn!”
Daki (Nani kono appaku… Iatsu-kan. Kyuni kawatta.)
Daki (What is this cruelty? This intimidating air? She changed all a sudden.)
竈門竹雄「兄ちゃん。兄ちゃんと姉ちゃんは、よく似てるよな。優しいけど、怒ると怖い。姉ちゃん昔… 小さい子にぶつかって怪我させたガラの悪い大人にさ、謝ってくださいって怒ってさ。その時は周りに大人が大勢いたから良かったけど、怖かった、俺。人のために怒る人は、自分の身を顧(かえり)みない所があるから。そのせいでいつか、大切なものを失くしてしまいそうだから、怖いよ」
Kamado Takeo “Niichan. Niichanto neechanwa, yoku niteru-yona. Yasashii-kedo, okoruto kowai. Neechan mukashi… chiisai koni butsukatte kega-saseta garano warui otona-nisa, ayamatte-kudasaitte okottesa. Sono Tokiwa mawarini otonaga oozei ita-kara yokatta-kedo, kowakatta, ore. Hitono tameni okoru hitowa, jibunno mi’o kaeri-minai tokoroga aru-kara. Sono seide itsuka, taisetsuna mono’o nakushite-shimai-so-dakara, kowaiyo.”
Takeo Kamado “Big Bro… You and our sister sure take after each other. You’re gentle but scary when you get mad. Like our sister… when that rough-looking grown-up bumped into a kid and hurt him, she got in his face, asking him to apologize. I mean, luckily there were tons of grown-ups around, but… it was scary. For me. Since people who get mad for others tend not to have any regard for their own safety. And because of that, they may lose something precious someday. That scares me.”
Nezuko “Uu!”
堕姫(また蹴り…!!)「馬鹿の一つ覚えね!! 次は頚よ!!」
Daki (Mata keri…!!) “Bakano hitotsu-oboene!! Tsugiwa kubi-yo!!”
Daki (Another kick?) “You’re a one-trick pony, aren’t you? Your neck is next!”
Nezuko “Uu!”
Daki “Uaaa.”
大正コソコソ噂話/Taisho Koso-koso uwasa-banashi/Taisho Secret
Tanjiro, Inosuke, Agatsuma Zen’itsu “Nin-nin!”
Tanjiro & Inosuke & Zenitsu Agatsuma “Nin-nin!”
Inosuke “Monjiro! Ima-sugu tasukeni itte-yakkara, sono maeni kutabanja neezo!”
Inosuke “Monjiro! We’re coming to save you right now, so don’t you croak before we get there!”
Zen’itsu “Kuu…”
Inosuke “Omae, yoku nenagara hashirenna.”
Inosuke “How can you run while you’re sleeping?”
Zen’itsu “Kuu…”
Inosuke “Mae mieten-noka?”
Inosuke “Can you see ahead of you?”
Zen’itsu “Kuu…”
Inosuke “Kore-nara doda!”
Inosuke “How’s this? Better?”
Zen’itsu “Kuku, kuuu…”
伊之助「お前、いつになくやるな… てか祭りの神はどこ行った?」
Inosuke “Omae, itsuni-naku yaruna… Teka Matsurino Kamiwa doko itta?”
Inosuke “Hey, that’s pretty good for you! Anyway, where did the God of Festivals go?”
Tengen “Osseen-dayo, omaera!”
Tengen “You two are way too slow!”
Inosuke “O! Matsurino Kami!”
Inosuke “God of Festivals!”
Tengen “Jikan nee-kara Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashiwa nashi-da! Jikai, dai-nanawa, ‘Henbo.’ Guzu-guzu sunja nee. Ikuzo!”
Tengen “We’re out of time, so no Taisho-era secret today! Next, Episode 7, ‘Transformation’! Get a move on! Let’s go!”
(Continue to Episode 7)
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發表於 2022-11-14 03:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵
我叫李想,今年2 0歲,是個體育生,平時除了固定訓練外我還喜歡去健身房,所以在這個年紀就有著1 7 7的身高和7 0公斤的體重,帥氣挺拔的���材,健壯的體格,發達的肌肉,尤其是塊狀的胸肌和腹肌,看上去給人第一感覺就是高大、結實、有力量。雙腿孔武粗碩,特別是我那渾圓緊翹的雙臀,好像兩顆球一般。我的性慾很強,每次洗澡都忍不住對著鏡子自慰一番。, b$ l& ~; F: f+ b* Z
週末在約炮軟體附近聊了一個精壯民工大叔1,3 5歲,身高1 7 3,體重6 8。大叔說他有0號膠囊想找個0玩,問我要不要去?因為我是0.5,剛好週末無聊又好奇,於是就答應了去大叔家裡找他。9 U+ g4 J$ G# Z% g0 s I6 N4 i
' b: j: d( |" b8 v; D
一進大叔家,就見他剛洗完澡裸著身體,大叔其貌不揚,全身皮膚呈黝黑小麥色,個子雖然不高,但是身上肌肉很緊致,線條也很明顯,沒有多餘的贅肉,雙腿間懸掛著他的雞巴,黝黑軟趴,估計操過不少人!0 s _, l; e9 L1 a. M6 h0 f+ d
我來到浴室洗完澡後特意把後面洗的很乾淨,把蓮蓬拆下來對著菊花灌腸,每次都灌的小腹隆起再趕緊蹲坐在便器上,痛快的噴射而出,就這樣循環很多次直到流出清水來。6 Z" z9 S6 z+ i' i9 N6 l \
洗完澡擦乾後來到臥室,大叔坐在床邊看著GV,雞巴已經半硬狀態,尺寸不小��散發著迷人的氣息,我上了床趴了上去含在口裡開始吃。大叔說道:“騷貨,這麼著急啊,先等著,我給你拿膠囊。”看他從一個瓶子裡倒出一個膠囊來,他說:“剛好只剩下三分之一夠你用一次了。”大叔讓我像狗一樣趴著,先用手捏掐我那兩顆圓球般的肥臀:“草,這屁股比女人的還肥!”說完用手拍了我翹臀兩下還舔吸了我幾下屁股蛋,然後先用手指沾滿潤滑劑慢慢給我擴肛,等我適應好了就放入兩根手指,他把膠囊塞進我菊花裡,壞壞地笑著說:“等下有你爽的!”1 p* l2 ?, `3 G n0 ?4 s. o$ L5 t
K7 a: Z9 G4 w2 @# }8 O4 D M4 O: }
我又開始貪婪的吮吸著他的雞巴,他的雞巴也慢慢甦醒過來,我看了一下大概有1 7 C M左右。他也開始主動配合我一深一淺的插著我的嘴,偶爾還猛烈深喉幾下,我能感覺到他的大雞巴在我的嘴裡一跳一跳的,我吐出黑雞巴慢慢欣賞和吸舔著馬眼,大叔粗魯的抓著我的頭髮繼續給他吃雞巴,突然猛的一下深喉,猝不及防的讓我想嘔吐,喉嚨被大叔的黑雞巴撐的隆起來。大叔下到床下,讓我頭朝窗外躺著,我張開嘴後大叔把他的雞巴操了進來,插的很深,兩顆睾丸就在我眼前不停的晃動,我嘴巴被操的口水外流,他時不時拿出雞巴狠狠抽打在我的臉上,有些前列腺和口水黏在我的臉上:“臭騷逼,喜歡爸爸這樣對你嗎?”他在上面壞壞的俯視著我,我有種強烈的被征服的感覺,變得越來越騷:“喜歡!” “草,就喜歡玩你這種肌肉騷逼了,來給爸爸舔屁眼!”說完大叔整個屁股坐到我臉上,大叔的屁股也很緊翹,屁眼周圍毛很多,從大腿一直長到屁眼再蔓延到兩顆睾丸上,我抱著他的翹臀又吸又舔又毒龍的,爽的大叔直叫:“草,真爽真會舔,看來沒少給人舔屁眼啊!”! L2 \ B7 d% B% C
8 L9 s* B7 e1 V S9 U
過了幾分鐘,我的菊花開始慢慢變熱,大腿偶爾還會抽動幾下,屁股也會不自覺的收緊兩下,大叔說應該是膠囊起作用了。大叔讓我吸了幾口R U S H,用手指在我開始流淫水的菊花邊上划來划去的,彷彿有千萬隻螞蟻在啃咬我的菊花,讓我瘙癢難耐。我像只發情的母狗一樣不停的扭動我的身子,我實在受不了這種挑逗:“叔,求你,求你快用你的大雞巴操我!”大叔沒有理會我,而是繼續挑逗我:“騷逼癢了嗎?” “好癢啊,求你別挑逗我了,快點用你的大雞巴幹我。”大叔仍然一副不緊不慢的模樣:“叫我爸爸,我就操你!” “爸爸……爸爸……快點,兒子的逼好癢啊!”聽我說完,大叔狠狠的拍了我屁股幾下:“操,這麼壯還這麼騷!”屁股瞬間傳來一陣火辣辣的感覺,紅了一片。大叔從抽屜裡拿出套子戴上,然後往我菊花倒了很多潤滑油,一桿到底!很奇怪,可能是藥物加R U S H的作用,一點疼痛的感覺都沒有,而是菊花的飽脹感充斥著全身肌肉,我開始迷迷糊糊的趴著……大叔快速在我菊花裡抽插他的大蛇,而我沉浸在我的快感裡,菊花快感蔓延到全身上下,我開始越來越騷:“爸爸!爸爸!大雞巴干死騷逼了!啊……啊……好爽啊!”身體不受控制的任由他擺佈,辛虧他也很壯碩,擺佈我7 0公斤的身體不成問題。大叔又一次站到床下,一下子把我拖到床邊抬起我兩條粗壯的大腿找準角度開始猛烈抽插,前列腺被肆無忌憚的撞擊著,我的雞巴也被操的流出一灘淫水,還一直跳動著……在他持續猛烈的撞擊下,我竟然毫無防備的被操射出來,沒動手完全只靠著他頂撞著我前列腺然後射出來了!“啊……啊……爸爸,騷兒子被你幹射了!”他每操一下我的雞巴就射一次,因為太爽了精液直接噴到我的臉上、胸肌和腹肌上滿滿皆是。大叔一邊操一邊笑著說:“操,這麼陽光這麼壯碩還喜歡被大雞巴操,被人幹射是不是很爽啊。”說完還把我射出來的精液抹到我的嘴裡讓我舔舐。“對啊,爸爸,好爽啊!我就是欠干的騷貨!用力幹我……啊……”如果是以前射完,後面的快感肯定是大打折扣,但是這次毫無想停下來的慾望,屁眼不由自主的收縮著,全身肌肉緊繃著,只想狠狠的夾住菊花裡的硬棒,讓他撞擊的更猛烈些。大叔的戰鬥力也確實驚人,不愧是經常幹工地的,體力驚人!我躺在床上,只顧享受著他帶給我的快感,肉體上以及精神上的雙重刺激!4 G* m9 | k+ l6 G+ o
接著,大叔把我拉到落地窗前讓我趴著抬起菊花,他對準我的菊花操了進來又開始猛烈衝擊,因為射了一次腳有點站不穩,大叔一邊操著我一邊抽打我的翹臀,此刻我的兩顆圓臀已經遍佈無數的紅掌印。“操,騷逼,有人在看我在操你,是不是很刺激!”我看著街下人來人往,確實有人看到我們在做愛。一個陽光壯碩的男孩後面有一個皮膚黝黑的其貌不揚的壯漢正在猛烈抽插著他的菊花,這種不僅心理上還是生理上都是一次衝擊!“啊……啊……好刺激啊,爸爸,好多人看到你在操我了!” “哈哈哈哈,要不要叫上來一起操你的騷逼啊?騷貨……干死你!”大叔越操越猛,每次都頂到我的前列腺上,剛射的雞巴也處於半軟狀態,隨著大叔的抽插也隨著搖曳,前列腺快感越來越強烈,終於在他的猛烈撞擊下,我竟然被操尿了!“啊……啊……干尿了!干尿了!”液體一點一點的流了出來了,從我的大腿緩緩的流到地上,有些被甩到前面玻璃上,大叔邊操手還抽了幾下我的翹臀:“操,賤逼,剛被操射現在被操尿,是不是爽死你了。” “是啊,爸爸,好爽啊!干死兒子了!”大叔抱著我的公狗腰猛烈的撞擊,好像把我當成一個發洩的工具一樣,整根拔出來又狠狠的操進去,我整個人攤跪在滿是尿液的地上,大叔騎在我的菊花上,此刻他彷彿一個騎士,英明偉岸,而我就是他的一條母狗。大叔又狠狠的操了十幾分鐘以後說他想射了,我也最願意享受這一刻,猛1射在我體內是最讓我自豪的,也是1最性感的時刻,他抽插更快了,毫不顧忌我的感受,瘋狂的操著……“啊……啊……操死你個騷逼,這麼壯還喜歡被大雞巴操,操死你操死你操死你,啊……啊……”只見他一聲大吼,精液全部射進我的菊花裡了,雞巴強而有力的彈了十幾下,就慢慢的拔出來了,滿滿的一套子精液。我看著他手裡滿是精液的套子,他看我一眼:“你要吃嗎?”我點了點頭。大叔罵了句騷逼就把熱乎乎的精液全部倒進我的嘴裡了,因為太多了有些流了出來,我又把他雞巴上殘留的精液還有我的淫液舔的乾乾淨淨。他說他要去尿一下,我突然發騷的說道:“要不然直接尿我嘴裡吧!”大叔笑了笑:“哈哈哈,你喜歡我也不介意啊。”我癱坐在地上,大叔拿著雞巴對著我,接著一條黃色的尿液從他的馬眼裡射了出來,我張開嘴迎接他的聖水,第一次喝卻不會覺得排斥,不知道是不是跟剛剛做0號有關係,大叔尿的太急了,我咽得沒那麼快,有些溢了出來,慢慢的流到我的脖子、胸肌、腹肌和大腿上,此刻的我感覺自己就是一隻低賤的母狗。
3 {$ H# ]/ o. v5 Q! u3 f2 Z
我們洗漱了一下回到床上休息一會兒,瞎聊了一會兒,期間我的後穴還是一陣瘙癢,渴望被大雞巴填滿,我又趴了上去含住他半硬的黑雞巴,他笑罵道:“騷逼又癢了?” “對啊,現在菊花還是感覺好熱好癢!” “哈哈哈,騷逼,那就把勞資伺候爽了,等下在狠狠操你!”我把大叔整根雞巴舔的油亮油亮,把他的睾丸輪流吸進嘴裡再吐出來。大叔自覺的抬起兩條大粗腿來,我鑽到他屁股下不停的用舌頭吸舔他的屁眼,“哦……哦……好爽啊,騷逼……”受到大叔的褒獎,我更賣力的去服務大叔,順著大叔下體的毛沿著大腿舔到大叔的腳。一個一個腳趾頭慢慢的吸吮,大叔的另一隻腳則不停的踩在我半硬的雞巴。“哦……哦……好爽啊!”我雞巴不停的在他的腳下和竹蓆上不停的摩擦,我抱著他厚實的大腳一點也不放過的慢慢品嚐。他的腳有點輕微腳臭味但不是很濃,聞到這個味道彷彿一個興奮劑不停刺激我的神經。大叔把雙腿張開,我爬了過去又開始舔他的黑雞巴,我伸出舌頭鑽他的馬眼,順著龜頭不停的吸吮。爽的大叔直叫:“哦……哦……操……爽死老子了!”此刻大叔再也受不了我的挑逗,一下子把我翻過去,從後面直接插了進來,沒有潤滑沒有戴套,我感覺很刺激,又開始享受菊花帶來的陣陣快感,我感覺自己是他的性工具,任他擺佈,任他抽插。但是遇到這麼爺們兒的民工大叔我願意做他的性奴,哪怕是一條狗!
我趴在床上,大叔在我身後不停的耕耘著,每一下都拔出來再狠狠的操進去。兩顆大睾丸不停撞擊我的會陰,發出了啪啪啪的聲音,我爽的語無倫次,期間大叔放慢速度從桌上拿來兩瓶R U S H,一瓶遞給我,我猛的吸了十幾口後腦袋又開始發熱,大叔下到地上把我拖到床沿抱著我兩條粗壯大腿又開始一陣猛操……“干……這麼壯還這麼騷,干死你,哦……哦……”我閉著眼睛默默承受他的撞擊,一隻手玩弄自己的奶頭,另一隻手跟著他撞擊的節奏打著飛機……“哦……哦……爸爸!干死騷逼了!啊……啊……騷逼要被你幹爛了!哦……哦……來了來了!”終於在他的一陣猛操和我的擼動下,我射出了今天的第二炮。
3 m! E5 f9 m+ Z- }, ?
此刻我也開始慢慢清醒了,聽到大叔這麼說,我瞬間覺得不好意思了,趕緊到廁所去洗漱,順便把內射的精液給拉出來。“要回去了嗎?” 出來後大叔問。“嗯,得回去了。” “那行,以後想玩可以再來找我!”
6 Q/ p; @* d( u, X3 D2 k
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小林製薬は28日、7~8月にかけて、 口腔こうくう 咽喉薬「のどぬ~るスプレー」や、使い捨てカイロ「 桐きり 灰カイロはる」など計29品目の出荷価格を7~10%引き上げると発表した。 同社は、円安の影響を受けた原材料価格の高騰や物流費の上昇で、生産コストが増加しているためで、「 紅麹べにこうじ 」成分入りサプリメントを巡る健康被害問題の影響はないとしている。
「のどぬ~るスプレー」「桐灰カイロはる」などの出荷価格、小林製薬が最大10%引き上げ | ヨミドクター(読売新聞)
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holy basil au stuff
.this AU is based on bad ending .Main characters are Basil and Sunny .written in Chinese The day he decided to become a priest 事不過三,他是這麼認為的。 第一次是在她落下後,第二次是輪到他。 「為什麼我們身邊總是發生這樣的事?」Kel的質問直到現在Basil���然無法解答,他也放棄去思考了。已經沒有去探尋的必要,他選擇自力扭轉這種沒人樂見的淒慘結局。 而身邊熟睡的,比他個子還小一些的黑髮男孩,就是他努力至今的成果。
「對,這樣就好。」 要是Sunny第三次的離開自己,像這樣的可能性他想都不敢想。為了不讓自己心死,他這次也完美欺瞞過自己的認知。
即使他和朋友們用最快的速度趕到醫院一樓,等待著他們的只有破碎四散的事實。落到地面的軀體四肢扭曲、頭顱變形,腥紅肉末和鐵鏽味影響人們的理智,難以辨別這灘肉原本是什麼東西。 但Basil很清楚,他的朋友們也是。
Aubrey不再來教堂了。 那天之後就不再來了,取而代之是Basil天天都會來探訪Sunny和Mari的墓。 有時給他們倆換上鮮花,有時像是開三人茶會那樣談天說地,有時只是什麼也不做的待在一旁。
「你今天也來了呢。」 已經把自己給記住了的某個神父率先出聲打招呼。即使多麼虔誠的信徒也不至於來的如此頻繁,偶爾甚至待上一整天,像這樣特別且面容憔悴的孩子吸引了神父的注意和關心。
他收起剛使用過的鑰匙。「是要去後面對吧,剛才已經打開門鎖了,隨時都能進去。」為了總是一大清早來探望親友們的男孩,神父總是會提早幾分鐘將進入墓園的門鎖打開。 「有你這麼關心朋友們的孩子在,他們真幸福呢。」
Basil想反駁,可話全卡在咽喉吐不出來。 像那樣的結局怎麼能稱得上是幸福。
這次帶上了給Sunny和Mari的花——鬱金香和鈴蘭花。 不會有這兩種以外的選項。 幾天前放在墓前的花已經開始泛黃乾枯,他拿出包包裡的小鏟子挖了個坑埋進去。 他們兩人被埋在冰冷土裡會難受嗎?會責怪自己嗎?像這樣和凋謝花朵同樣的下場,最終被分解成塵土回歸世界的一部份。
「你總是帶上這兩種花啊,因為他們喜歡嗎?」 多事的神父因為一大早沒人上門,偶爾會像這���來搭話。 「我不知道。」 「真好,重回上帝的懷抱後又總是能收到美麗的鮮花。」 「……」 那祂可真是殘忍,總把自己重要的東西奪走。
神父注意到Basil身上的新傷痕,這不是第一次了。「為了不讓逝去的人有掛念,活著的人要好好過生活啊。」 不料似乎是重重踩在Basil的地雷上,他得到的是比死人還難看的眼神。 「那樣做難道他們就能回來嗎?」 「沒辦法呢。」 「那就閉嘴。」
話一出才意識自己有失禮節的Basil這才後悔。 「……我很抱歉。」 「沒事的,是我不顧你的感受說了不妥的話。」
他讓Basil出來坐坐,倒了杯水給他稍作休息。 作為神父他總要面對來自不同人的情緒。這裡匯集了人們的感情、身離死別,像Basil這樣的人也不是沒見過。
「……其實的確有讓逝者回歸的相關紀錄。」 坐在一旁的神父思考了一會兒,他不確定是否該向這孩子說這種事,也許會給予他多餘的希望。 但若能稍微給他生活的動力那何嘗不是件好事,至少比現在好多了。
「你能夠再多和我說一些嗎,剛才你提到的。」 Basil本來如同死水的眼眸多了一分以往不曾有的希望和執念。
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雨男のベストバイ 2022
無印良品 2通りにたためる 折りたたみ傘 | 無印良品
トワイニング オレンジ アールグレイ 10P×6箱
ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 10
大体6年に1度くらいの周期でPCを買い替えていますが、今回 2016年導入のvaio s11からの乗り換え。ThinkPad X200s→vaio s11ときて、またThinkPadに戻ってきました。
薄くて軽く堅牢性に優れ、しっとりとした触り心地のボディ、頬擦りしたくなるくらいですが、皮脂汚れがすごく目立つ素材なので我慢。第12世代Intel Core i7、メモリ32GBのウキウキスペック、docker on WSL2でのコーディングも、LightroomでのRaw現像も、すごく快適。画面比率が16:10の戻ったディスプレイ、薄型PCとは思えない打ち心地のよいキーボードも見逃せないポイント。大満足!!
排熱機構があまり強いとは言えず、CPUがパワーを出しきれていない&左側1/3くらいから比較的熱い点が気になる。いまはまだCPUパワーを求めることをそれほどしていないので熱々頻度は低いものの、この先 数年経ちOSやアプリが求めるリソースが増えていった際にどうなるか……
Anker 735 Charger (GaNPrime 65W)
CIO L字型 柔らかいシリコンケーブル C to C(Type-C/USB-C)
X1 Carbonの充電用に購入。あえてイマイチポイントには書きませんでしたが、付属のACアダプタが昔ながらのやや大きめのものなので、それに変わるものとして購入。今のところ何ら問題なく使用中、本体の熱もそんなに気にならないです。
エレコム クリーニングクロス 超極細繊維 Mサイズ クリーナー
今年はPCの乗り換えというイベントはありつつも、それを除くと比較的 大人しい散財だったな、とAmazonとヨドバシ、マップカメラの注文履歴を見ながら振り返る今日この頃(もちろんPC乗り換えは数年に1度の大イベント & 大出費で、心のときめきはひとしおですがね)。
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超人 洗腦掰彎淫墮(End)
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It's Been Long Enough / Kitsune's Return
"Lady Kyuushi?"
A lack of response, little more than the static buzz of a broadcast experiencing difficulties from beyond the door. Followed by a voice, one of a man, screams, and explosions all distorted slightly by various degrees of electronics. A voice, on a slight delay, seeming to repeat the words in translation.
-"In the midst of the chaos, interference seems to be affecting our equipment."
-"We are committed to continuing to report events as they occur."
-"As we have seen before, some sort of Dragon has appeared in the skies over Tokyo and now something appears to be fighting the Dragon."
-"The dragon appears to be already damaged, with parts of its body missing and other parts looking like bone."
-"Although it has not been possible to clearly confirm what is engaging the Dragon, there are multiple reports of seeing what appears to be a flash of crimson and a tail."
Another burst of static cutting off the audio of the broadcast. The Doll takes a redundant breath, and sighs a few seconds later. "Lady Kyuushi, you've watched that broadcast a number of times now. I understand your worry, and all of us share in that worry, I assure you, but it has been a month. Records have shown that, in the past, their response has been near instant. If the Gods have not acted by now, it seems safe to assume they aren't going to."
Silence, still, beyond a shift of fabric and the sounds of chaos resuming.
-"Sorry, but we are back near the Shibuya intersection. The Dragon has been knocked out of the sky and the battle appears to be continuing on the ground."
-"Thus, we sometimes get a better view of the being fighting the Dragon."
-"At first glance, they appear to be human, but they seem to possess a variety of non-human characteristics."
-"It appears to have several tails, and the top of its head appears to have ears or horns."
A pause in the report is met with a scream from the reporter just barely audible over a loud, horrid roar. It's tone deep, volume loud, yet while it sounds rather intimidating, it also seems rather hoarse as well. As if the vocal cords of whatever was making the sound were strained, or perhaps damaged. Static briefly bursting from the report, before clearing again. The prior scream replaced with a loud crash of glass.
What sounds like a burst of flame can be heard, before a rush of wind follows, and a war cry from a feminine voice immediately after. The roar of the Dragon heard again seconds later, though what sounds akin to a gurggling is now present among it. The noise dragging on for a moment longer, waning, before a loud thud could be heard. Some kind of hissing starting, a shallow growl behind it, until a high pitch whine takes over that builds until a loud chime rings out.
-"It looks like…the Dragon has been defeated?"
The reporter speaks after a pause, some disbelief in their voice.
-"The being that was fighting the Dragon had just been thrown against the side of the building."
-"But they somehow stopped just before and stayed in the air as if on an invisible platform!"
-"Then a kind of light enveloped them, made them change their clothes, and somehow gave them a large sword."
-"They lunged at the Dragon, piercing its throat and flipping it over."
-"While the Dragon was trying to recover, they were again enveloped in light, their attire changed a second time, and their sword turned into a staff."
-"Then they cast some sort of spell, which pulsed outward from themselves and struck the Dragon. The Dragon now appears to be disintegrating."
-"They are descending from the Dragon."
-"They look like a Woman."
-"Long red hair."
The reporter's words are interrupted with a quick, soft gasp. Then a whispered...
The audio stops, either cut off entirely or merely paused, some ruffing able to be heard through the door. Hotaru, once again, taking an unecessary breath as she adjusts her stance. Crossing her arms before the sigh that follows this one, just as it had the last. Her foot starting to lightly tap against the wood floor of the home.
"I've frequented the Mythos communities nearby, and in Tokyo itself, throughout this past month. None have reported hostilities towards them from Humans, neither those of the common people or the few who have been aware of us already. Some have been experiencing an increase in Human visiters who have been genuinely curious, but they've been few and far between." Taking a brief pause, ceasing her bouncing foot and shifting her weight.
"The Elves appear to be a aggited, but that's mostly just their old ways, spouting nonsense about how we can't disturb the balance of the world and what not. Elders of various Species have been working to help prepare the Mythos community for the possibility of becoming more entangled with Humanity, both the good and bad outcomes of such. Not to mention that there's been no sign of anyone searching for Kitsunes with intent to harm them, nor has anything attempted to enter the Shrine Lands that isn't supposed to be here."
As her voice stops, silence falls again. The ocassional breath beyond the door or shift of fabric being the only sound to break the pause that starts to hang in the air. Joined a few seconds later by the tapping of claws against wood, and a soft and curious cry of "-sol?" Emerald eyes drawn to look to her side where Hotaru sees Tsuki, the Absol Kyuushi had caught and brought back to the Shrine Lands, standing at her side. His red eyes looking back at her, their gazes meeting for a moment.
Clearing her throat, Hotaru squats down next to the Pokemon, reaching a hand over to gently stroke through the fur mane around it's neck a bit. "We all miss you, Lady Kyuushi. Us here in the Shrine Lands, and those in the Mythos communities that know you. Not to forget how much your Lovers across other Realms might be missing you. Plus, it's likely that the Sovreign of Dawn has recovered your Mother's White Whistle by now, don't you think?"
Silence, again, though for a much shorter period of time now before shifting sheets again. The soft creak of wood, and a series of steps approaching the door. A familiar sliding of cushioning material against wood as the door is slid open, Kyuushi stepping through in her full humanoid form. Blue gradient sections of skin, long dark claws, tall horns, furred ears, collective tail hanging just above the floor. Bags under black sclera eyes, ocean blue irises rimmed by the faintest bit of piercing yellow, tired, full of worry, hints of fear and uncertainty, but a touch of renewed determination.
Though an odd moment falls where the Kitsune simply just... stands there, taking slow and deep breaths, not saying anything or looking to the two in the hall. Until, finally, she turns her gaze to them and inhales to speak.
"I'm going to bathe. Bring a change of clothes, my delving gear, Perditor, and the stored vials of my blood."
Short, direct, commanding, but it was better than silence. It got a small smile across the Doll's face, and the Absol trotting over to nuzzle against her leg with a wag of it's curved tail. An action which was met by the Kitsune easing down a little to pet the top of it's head, before she stands again and steps past and through the hall filled with her vast collection of foreign Realm objects toward the foyer. Trodding straight through and to the front door, which she slides open, stepping outside onto the veranda and taking a deep breath under the sunlight.
Raising her hands, she clasps them together and reaches them high above her head as she stretches with a groan. Some joints popping, a bit of chittering rumbling from her throat amid the groan of effort, her tails separating and splaying out behind her as their fur puffs out. A shake rattling her entire form, then a deep sigh as she lets her body relax again.
Beside her, during all this, Kage had sat up from where he was rested against the wall. The Zoroark lifting it's head, excitement making it's tail flail, before it releases a howl that echoes through the Shrine Lands. Almost as if signalling her return, to which movement starts to take life across the landscape.
The sands of the beach shifting and rising, falling away to reveal Blu, the massive Garchomp, who stomps over and happily greets her trainer. Flapping metal wings following shortly after as Ser, Kyuushi's Corviknight, lands atop Blu's hammerhead and caws out with a flare of it's wings. Stepping down from the veranda, the Kitsune takes a moment to greet both of them, or at least she was about to when a burst of movement slams into her, almost knocking her over completely. The source of which now wrapped around her, giggling, and lifting it's bright pink eyes up to look at her.
"Friend Kyuushi! Friend Kyuushi! Axel happy to see Friend Kyuushi!"
Ever the giant ball of energy and happiness, it was almost contagious. A smile starting to curl the Kitsune's lips as she wraps one arm around him, raising her other hand to pet the top of his head. The attention quickly getting his head lifting to press into her touch like a cat or dog.
"Yes, Axel, it's good to see you again too my adorable little friend." She returns the energetic greeting with a warm, affectionate tone. Not even getting to set the Chimera down before she's approached by others. Saku flying over to nuzzle her cheek, Zip and Puff bounding over to her feet, Kit gekkering from the edge of the roof above. She could even smell and sense Artig nearby, though a quick glance around wouldn't grant visual on the odd Feline being.
"Thank you for checking on me, everyone, I'm fine, and I'll recover before too long. My mind's just been a mess for a while with everything that happened." She speaks to the group that had gathered around her, easing Axel down to the white sands as she does. "Mind waiting a little longer for me, everyone? I want to clean up then I have some business to wrap up before I get back to work."
Those around her give nods and noises of acknowledgement, though it's only now that she really notices one hasn't greeted her yet. Takibi, her Quilava, wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor did she smell or sense them in the vicinity. First to cross her mind was that, perhaps, they were in the Sanctuary with the others from their Realm. Nothing had been brought to attention to make her consider anything had happened to Takibi, so for now she decided to let them be and focus on her business.
A bit more short interaction with other residents of the Shrine lands, a brief walk along the river that fed into the lake around the Grand Tori, and Kyuushi arrived at the pristine waterfall. It's chill waters felt fantastic on her sore, stiff body as she stood beneath it. The magickal aspects the waters of the Shrine Lands had been blessed with were quick to work on her body, easing built up tension and losening tightened joints. Of course it wouldn't be as thorough at loosening her up as a proper massage, but maybe she could venture to the Gegenees Masseuse after she returns from the Ido Front.
It would be a short while after that the Doll would eventually approach. Perditor slung over her shoulder, a set of simple clothing on one arm, her delving gear on the other, and a small container carried by an ethereal hand of emerald energy. A small bow of the head as their eyes met, before Hotaru would await her Lady's exit from the waters. She wouldn't even be two steps out of the river before being engulfed by blue flames as she takes her true form. Trotting over toward her companion in such Feral form, before being enveloped again and emerging in her humanoid state once more, dried of the water that had been clinging to her body just seconds prior.
A mere two minutes would pass as the Kitsune dressed, swiftly donning her equipment and receiving her Artifact from Hotaru. She had a meeting to get to that, by this point, was likely long overdue. Enough time had been wasted, and she didn't want any more to pass unnecessarily. Collecting the container from Hotaru last, once everything was set in it's place and secured, she opens it briefly to check on the contents. Five sealed vials of bright, flowing, Kitsune blood. Sealing the case again, she stores it away safely, gives the Doll her thanks, and in a blur of motion darts for the Tori.
Those still gathered in front of the home atop the white sand beach don't even have a proper moment to glimpse their host leaping from the edge of the crater. One swift blur of red dashing toward and through the Grand Tori Gate and vanishing with a gust of wind as she passes through.
Meanwhile, for the Kitsune herself, it's all a rush of color. An exciting rush, but a rush nonetheless. The familiar shades of her home, her companions, then the brief endless expanse of all existence. Seconds after, a setting sun over the edge of the crater that the grand city of Orth had been built within. The sky a beautiful mix of oranges, reds, blues, and the faint beginnings of deep dark shades of the coming night sky in this Realm.
She doesn't even stop to take in the familiar, beautiful view, however. Not bothering to watch for anyone who may be watching the entrance of the Abyss in this moment, she launches herself out and over the center of the pit and eases herself into a dive down to it's depths. Passing straight through the layer of clouds that obscurs it's entrance into the first layer. Passing straight through in seconds, into the Abyss proper, all coated with countless layers of subtle, thin, colorless, gossamer like haze to her eyes now.
Down, slipping through hundreds, thousands of the gossamer sheets that were the curse of this place. Surging past the vast hill scapes, cliffs, and forests that lined the expanse that was the Edge of the Abyss. Passing into the inverted massive trees that hang from beneath the first layer that makes up the second, the Forest of Temptation. Plummeting past their canopies to the entrance of the grand chasm that was the third layer, the Great Fault. She can already spot a Crimson Splitjaw flying about, even at the distance she was, but she wasn't about to let it halt her descent.
Though she wasn't about to waste a use of Perditor's Arrow of Light, not on something that, at the moment, felt so trivial. Waiting as she continued to speed down through the vast pit, drawing closer and closer to the beast. By the time it notices her, she would already be too close for it to intercept her if it were to head straight for her. If the Beast wanted to chase her, it'd have to let gravity take it much like she was doing.
Sure enough, it would do just as she expected. Immediately twisting it's thick, serpentine body into a downward angle and surging down. It's added weight and the aerodynamic aspects of it's form would grant it the speed needed for it to not only keep pace, but make enough room between itself and it's supposed prey. After a moment longer of it's downward trajectory being able to turn and begin up towards Kyuushi, opening it's large maw with a loud hiss.
She would meet such a frontal assault with a shift of her tails, the nine furred appendages curling, stretching, and sliding down along her form to envelop herself. Surrounding her body, they twist and mold to her form, stiffening as their tips meet past her head. Their formation taken and the grooves along them starting to spin the now encased Kitsune rapidly as the air catches.
A slight adjustment to her overall form would set her path ever so slightly off from the Crimson Splitjaw. Combined with the rapid rotations and the speed of her descent against it, the beast would be met with a swift, brutal impact. The point formed by her stiffened tails catching the side of it's open maw, and carving through it to push past along the side of it's long body and shoot past to continue down.
The beast, crying out in pain and frustration, though unable to properly attempt to correct and follow. Disoriented from the hit, it can only veer off and crash into one of the cavern openings in the cylindrical wall of the chasm. Kyuushi, hearing the sound of it's impact quickly getting quieter behind, quickly flares her tails out around her. Knowing the speed she was going, and the shape of the descent path through the Abyss, the fourth layer would demand she slows herself.
Letting her tails puff out as much as they can, it works to create more drag and slow her a fair bit. Not by much given her speed and the less than proper method she was using, but it was more than enough for her to flip herself head over foot. Calling upon the Magicks her Kitsune blood granted her, the soles of her shoes start catching on an unseen surface as they alight with blue embers.
Utilizing her air-walk, she adjusts the angle of her feet, slowly easing herself out of the downward descent into more of an angled path just as she exits the grand chasm. Steam from the warm, constant shifting waters of The Goblets of Giants greeting her instantly felt pleasant to her skin. She would adjust her angle, continuing her angled descent for the moment and let her eyes wander to take in the landscape below.
With the nature of this layer, the placement of everything was never the same between visits. At least not this high up in the layer. The formations that made up the 'goblets' were always collapsing as others grew in around or below them, thus the initial entry would always shift and change. The land below, however, as the Abyss would begin to adjust and curve toward the fifth Layer, was thankfully fixed in it's placement and formation. Offering a vast contrast between the two that, at times, was a little baffling to see the two extremes in the same space.
Just another reason Kyuushi loved this Realm, loved the Abyss, despite all it's dangers and the life-threatening conditions she had to contend with. It felt rather freeing, returning here after having been away for so long, and with the Abyss blessing no less. The way the gossamer cover of the curse was constantly in flux, shifting this way and that, opening up in some places while others closed off, she could truly travel this place much more freely now than she could before.
She would have to remind herself she wasn't here for such a thing, a short shake of her head and focussing her mind back to her task. Scanning for any threats, thankfully no Orb Piercers were in sight, allowing her to turn her gaze to pinpointing a path down through the Goblets. Finally easing to a stop mid air after a moment longer, the Goblets a mere hundred feet or so below, her movement changes into a series of leaps. Lunging forward and down bit by bit, catching herself in the air upon more ethereal embers, then launching again.
Dipping down past the edge of one Goblet, she catches herself just above the waters of another. Doubling back to slip between the edge of this new one and the underside of the prior, where she can drop for a bit before having to stop again. Darting over a smaller Goblet, past a waterfall that feeds into it from one above, she finds another opening to drop through that gets her past the Goblets' caps.
Finally letting herself land proper, her feet meet one of the support structures for a Goblet. One that curves off and around, under others, which she follows for the moment. Descending more casually now, through still at a sprint, until her path is intersected by another support. Here she leaps onto the new one, following it briefly before letting herself drop to another that's further down. One after another, down further and further through the maze of growth, the solid ground below growing closer and closer by the minute.
Until, finally, her feet set down on dirt once more. Dark, thick dirt which puffs into the air ever so slightly on impact. Her coat and tails easing down around her, a hand rising to adjust her hat and ensure it secure atop her head before checking on her Artifact still set o'er her shoulder. A satisfied nod, a little proud of herself for such a swift descent, even though she had more to travel still.
Though, with her location in mind, she did wish to take this leg a little slower. To check in on a specific part of this layer, and to inspect it's condition. Thus she would begin this last leg of her trek, through a few caves, down a cliff, past a few ponds, then through a small forest to a vast hillscape which granted a vast view. Rolling hills along the ground before her in a slight decline. The Goblet supports in the distance rising above, waterfalls pouring down from the caps, steam filling the air lightly.
Most still scorched, dead from the Sovreign of Dawn's method of exterminating an infestation. Though she could spot a few scant spots here and there, smell them even, where greenery was starting to return to the landscape. No sign of the flowers that once decorated it so beautifully, sadly, but she could still take comfort in knowing the land was recovering. If there was anything she was sure of with the Abyss, it would be that it was capable of a great many things.
With her curiosity satisfied, and a bit of hope improving her mood, Kyuushi would launch herself over the hillscape to get to the remaining descent proper. Dirt becoming pale sands, the light of the landscape prior fading away and darkening as the walls of the abyss close off over head. The sounds of life and rushing water fading into the background as silence starts to take hold. The Ido Front, dark, cold, still imposing in the distance even with the large section of it missing, ever present in the distance at water's edge.
Instead of crossing the sands directly, knowing full well the dangers that were present in this place, she would tread across the air just a foot above. Not dedicating herself to a full sprint this time, but still pressing onward quickly wishing to be done with this deal and to return home. There was still so much for her to do, after all, the sooner she could get back to it all the better.
Just a few minutes would be all that passed before she was approaching what acted as the entrance to the ruined Ido Front. Having spotted one of Bondrewd's Hands on her path, despite it's attempts to avoid her, she wasn't surprised one bit to see the White Whistle himself standing in wait to greet her. Stepping just out from the entry and putting his hands forward and out in a familiar, excited gesture.
"Ah~ Lady Kyuushi, how splended it is to see you again! It has been quite some time, you are alright I hope?" He bellows out in his usual grand tone, with only the faintest hint of actual concern.
"Don't try and make it seem like you were actually worried about me, Bondrewd. We both know you merely wanted the samples of my blood now that I've adapted." Shot back quickly, almost coldly, even with how good a mood she was currently in.
"My my, rather blunt and direct don't you think? It is true that I have been anticipating this delivery, but to think I wouldn't be worried about whether such a marvelous being such as yourself was in good condition? I would so love to run a great number of experiments on you, and I could only do so if you were alive..."
Silence falls between them for a few seconds. The helmeted man seeming to freeze in place, while Kyuushi's eyes narrow and her tails puff, readying herself for some kind of assault. Thankfully, such would prove to be unnecessary. The Sovreign of Dawn moving one gauntletted hand behind his back into his signature stance, while his other rises as if giving a signal.
One of his Hands, the assistants that aid his work, stepping forward from the shadowed hallway that was past the entrance. His hands cupped together in front of himself, an object wrapped in cloth set in his hold. Walking out past his leader, he makes his way to stand before Kyuushi, holding out the object for her.
With a bit of caution, the Kitsune moves a hand to pull the cloth from it's folded state to see the item beneath. Sure enough, as promised, a White Whistle. Some small chips here and there, but a little surprisingly clean. Likely cleaned by one of the Hands on Bondrewd's order so it would be in good condition for when she came to claim it. Intricate carving and detailing giving it an appearance akin to a sakura bud right on the verge of blooming.
The sight of it causes her mind to flash back to her memory of her true first visit to this Realm. To being a young, curious Kit, only barely having learned to take Human form a year prior, being lead through the Torri and exiting into a vast cavern. Impossibly lit, it's landscape twisting, turning, and dipping wildly, it's plant life vibrant and countless ruins of buildings long abandoned everywhere. Of course, the vast array of wild life that existed too. Including the tall, almost giraffe like Turbinid Dragon that attacked her and her Mother...
Such was the last time her eyes saw this treasure of her Mother's. To see it here, now, was almost magical. So much so that her vision began to blur as her chest grew tight, tears welling in her eyes. A few blinks to let what was present loose, she would ever so gently take the whistle in hand. Immediately able to feel the power that seemed to vibrate in it, and the odd gentle warmth that it seemed to inherently emit, even now all these decades later.
Bringing it to her chest, she clung to it a moment in silence. Taking a deep breath to gather herself and calm her emotions. Letting one hand free so she could retrieve the case with the blood samples promised, replacing the Whistle's place in the man's hands with the case. Taking a second to look up to his helmeted head, give a small but genuine smile, and bow a little to him.
"Thank you so much for taking such good care of it."
The Hand doesn't speak in response, but returns the slight bow of the head in both acceptance of her gratitude, and reciprocation for what was provided in return. Gently securing the case in his grasp before he turns to return to the interior of the Ido Front, continuing down the hall likely to whatever labratory room the Sovreign wished.
Bondrewd himself, still remaining in his spot, would bring his hands in front of himself again. Clapping them together once, and bowing forward a bit himself.
"Marvelous. A deal fulfilled on both sides, without any harm or destruction. A Mother's treasure returned to her Daughter, and samples for tests provided. I will sorely miss your visits, Lady Kyuushi, but I will forever appreciate your generous donations. I do hope we will meet again."
She can practically feel his thirst for whatever experiments were rushing through his mind in his voice. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to be snarky, not right now, not with what had just been done for her. Kyuushi, instead, takes a quick breath before bowing in return.
"And I thank you greatly for agreeing to utilize your resources to recover this for me. I won't forget this good will, but please do still refrain from trying to pull anything with me. I may visit again in the future, if anything else comes up. Otherwise, your Hands might see me around. Goodbye, Sovreign of Dawn."
The masked head bows again after her words, an action she reciprocates this one last time. Watching him turn, folding his arms behind his back as he disappears into the darkness of the Ido Front's interior. Vanishing into the shadows, such a fitting way for him to make his exit. Much like the star speckled and nebula riddled expanse that was her path home as, with none watching her, she calls upon the Grand Tori and takes a simple step backward.
Her next step lands upon those familiar ethereal embers, just above the sparkling waters of the lake that surrounded the Tori Gate. Taking in a breath of the familiar, comfortable, safe air of her home, then looking down to the whistle in her grasp again. Finally letting the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth take form across her face.
Turning to begin her return to shore, to the white beach that was the foundation of her home. Her gathered companions had dispersed, mostly. Tsuki and Kage cuddled up together on the veranda by the door, their heads rising as they notice her return. Hotaru, kneeling opposite from them by the door, who's head rises and her eyes scan Kyuushi. Quickly taking note of the whistle in her grasp, to which a smile of her own takes hold. Blu, the massive beast she was, laid across the sand just in front, though it would appear she was asleep given the loud snoring rumbling from it.
A small, gentle jump would carry Kyuushi up, over, and past Blu's slumbering mass and onto the small walkway directly. Stepping over to the Doll as she rises, Hoshi's fluffy white head poking out from the collar of her top, she holds the recovered treasure forth for them to see.
"A beautiful treasure, Lady Kyuushi, it makes me happy to see it returned home. I'm certain your mother cherished it greatly, and is happy to know it has been recovered." Her tone soft, genuine, caring. She knew such topic was sensitive, but she was also aware of how accurate such a thought surely was. Even if she hadn't met the Matron herself, from what she had been tld of her, she felt she understood well enough with what she had been told of her.
"Yes... I'm sure she would be overjoyed... I can remember how down she seemed to be back when she first lost it. Happy that I was safe and secure considering the dangers that had presented themselves, of course, but I could tell there was something off for a while after. I'm certain they held on the best they could all this time for her sake, considering how warm it still is to the touch."
Hotaru, taking a moment to allow silence to fall as they simply just... take in this moment briefly. Easing a hand up to gently close Kyuushi's around the whistle, holding it over the Kitsune's. Looking up to meet her eyes again in a silent expression of understanding and relief before opening her mouth a second later to speak again.
"While you were in the Realm of Orth, I took the liberty of contacting Alexis to schedule a massage for you for tomorrow. I figured your bath earler wouldn't have been enough to recover from your isolation entirely. I also spoke with others of the Mythos community in the area, and none have reported anything wrong or off since the event. No issues with Humans, or Gods, still. I have heard some talk of an Oni of deep blue asking around about you, however. He apparently seemed excited by what you had done."
"Do you think anyone told him about me?"
"Those who I spoke to mentioned they did not tell him anything he didn't already seem to know. Which, one mentioned, seemed to be quite a bit, despite his time away from you."
"Not entirely surprising, given what little of his past I do know." A brief snicker from the Kitsune. "I'm just glad to hear he's still okay. To know he's so close is nice too, I will admit, but just knowing he's still active is good enough... I can't let him down by falling behind on projects we have going."
"Might I suggest checking in on The Sanctuary, then? Someone's been leading the construction efforts when I've not been present, and they'd be quite happy to see you after so long. Though he may look a bit different." A small smirk crossing the Doll's face.
The suggestion got a brow to rise above the Kitsune's eyes in interest, a bit of curious excitement spurring her collective tail to start swinging about behind her. "I will do just that, thank you, Hotaru."
Before she moves to leave again, Kyuushi takes a moment to hug her companion. A gesture that's reciprocated happily as the two take a moment to simply enjoy the embrace, and turn their minds forward to whatever would come next. Easing away from one another, though still holding on, they share a short look of renewed confidince and determination.
After which, they part and begin about their separate business. Kyuushi setting into a quicker pace across the veranda then down to the sands to head uphill to the pagoda past the shrine. Hotaru stepping aside before vanishing, entering her Pocket Dimension to work on some things herself.
Pacing up the stone-step-covered hill, approaching the shrine atop it, Kyuushi eases her pace a little. Turning her gaze to the shrine itself, a small smile and a soft sigh escaping her. "Things are changing for the better, it seems, dear Ancestor. Perhaps you can watch it change through my eyes, seeing how they've got a hint of yours in them."
A small bow given in reverence to the Grand Kitsune of which she spoke to, a few seconds pause, before straightening herself to continue her path. A full turn awau from the shrine, then a light jog for the Pagoda and up it's small set of stairs into the structure proper. Immediately letting her eyes drift to her left, where the new podium had been installed a short while before everything happened.
A fairly simple podium, wooden, not secured to the floor so that it could be moved if needed. Atop which, however, sat a small shrine with it's doors open wide. Within, atop a small cushion, sits an orb of what appears to be glass with a green tint. Though, when looking at it, one would see that it is anything but opaque. A landscape visible within, though vastly smaller and yet so finely detailed. The sky above similarly visible, and the hints of a storm present in the form of dark clouds off to one side.
What catches her attention about it first is the change at the center of the landscape. She can't quite tell what exactly has happened, but at the very least she could see that a fairly sized clearing had been made in the forest at the center of the sprawling land. Reaching a hand forward to it, she concentrates on her connection to the pocket space to grant herself entry.
When next her eyes open, sunlight shining on her from above now instead of being in the shaded pagoda, she's greeted by the sight of a great many uniquely colored Pokemon. Some are carrying supplies, others are lifting objects or holding them in place, a few are securing things together. Various buildings all being constructed, a small village of sorts almost completed around the entry point of the Sanctuary. All in an older, more traditional style similar to her home outside.
At her arrival, however, there are a number of the creatures who rushed over to greet her excitedly. A pair of Pichu, a Noctowl, a Teddiursa and it's Ursaring parent lumbering behind it, among others. Though it would be a moment before one in particular darted over, practically tackling the Woman with a hug. Immediately the scent and sense from the being was familiar to her, but as her gaze turned to take in the view of them, it was... a Typhlosion?
She reciprocated the embrace regardless, but she was admittedly confused for a second. Though seeing it's wildly happy expression at seeing her as it looked up, it finally clicked. "Takibi?" Asked with some excitement behind her voice as the new form began to make more sense to her. The Typhlosion, hearing it's name called, excitedly crying out and rapidly nodding it's head.
"Well well!" Amusedly responding to the confirmation, she gently breaks the embrace and moves herself and Takibi both to provide some space to allow her to look over his new form in full. "Look at you! So big and strong now, much different from the little Cyndaquil I saved! Plus I hear you've been leading the others in aiding the construction too, yeah?"
" 'Phlo'!" He starts to reply, going into a series of shouts and chatter that, thankfully because of the Magicks of the Kitsune species, Kyuushi could understand. Tell of how, at first, Hotaru had been leading the construction for entire days in a row. Of how, at first, it was only him and Kyuushi's prior caught Pokemon helping with the efforts. Though, after some time, he had started paying more attention to how the Doll was guiding everything, and learned how to read the blueprints provided bit by bit. Eventually starting to aid Hotaru, then taking over from time to time so she could return to other duties.
For Kyuushi's side of this exchange, she couldn't help but feel so much pride and appreciation for the Typhlosion. A wide smile crossing her face, her collective tail swinging about behind her, and excitement bubbling up within. Once he was finished, she would embrace Takibi again, firmly hugging the sepia toned Pokemon. "Thank you for putting in so much effort, Takibi. I'm sorry I locked myself away for so long."
A moment of the two taking in one another's presence again passes before they separate once more. The Kitsune setting a hand atop the Typhlosion's head and petting him a bit with some chuckling. "Now, how about you show me around?" After lifting it's head into her touch, the Fire Type happily cries out and nods it's head. Turning to begin guiding it's Trainer through the in-progress settlement and show off what was completed, and what was still needing to be done.
Kyuushi would be present for the rest of it now. At least, as much of it as she could with other things needing her attention still. Not to mention the many people she missed greatly.
#The Kitsune {Kyuushi}#The Dolls {Hotaru and Hoshi}#Veiled Legends {Story}#Truths Among Myths {Headcanons}#The Chimera {Subject 251 | Axel}
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……あの人、だよね? ここのレジの人。サボってるのかな。それとも休憩?
「そうだなあ。君は? このあと予定とか」
「何か食べる? おごるよ」
シルバーリングには、いつまでも知らないふりをしていた。だって、こんなの火遊びなんでしょう? 期待したって、私の「恋心」を知ったら、あなたは白けて逃げていく。
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