Advanced Spine Centre
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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#Osteoarthritis, #Patellofenural pain syndrome, #PatellarTendinitis, #IliotibialBandSyndrome, #PatellaDislocation are a few of the conditions that cause knee pain. The diagnosis of them at a right time is necessary to get relief.
For this #AdvancedSpineCentre offers expert physiotherapist treatment sessions. Visiting them you will experience pain relief along with improved knee movement. Their treatment involves electro-therapy, modalities like hot/cold therapy, Ultrasound, Interferential current therapy.
To schedule, the appointment connect with 416.440.2999
#Physiotherapist #KneeProblem #KneePain #Physiotherapy
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Fact: Did you know there are over 150 types of headaches that are categorized into different types. #Migraine falls into the primary category. If you are experiencing throbbing and pulsating sensations along with a headache then there are chances of you having migraine.
If you do not seek medical treatment the condition can get worse.
For a quick relief schedule appointment with the #AdvancedSpineCentre #Physiotherapist.
Their sessions will help in getting long-term relief.
#Physiotherapist #AdvancedSpineCentre #Headache #Migraine #MigraineIssues
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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The spine is composed of vertebrae, disc, and ligaments that shield the spinal cord. Chiropractors focus on creating movement in the spine through adjustments to allow for optimal functioning of your Nervous system. Your Nervous System is the master wiring system that controls the way we walk, talk, and breathe.
To get rid of the pain and inconvenience, it is advisable to seek treatment from our Chiropractor! #AdvancedSpineCentre.
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Advanced Spine Centre is a multi-disciplinary clinic that provides non-surgical and comprehensive care to address your musculoskeletal complaints.
They have different modalities that can help reduce pain and get faster results.
Advanced Spine Centre offers a team approach combining Physio and Massage to get you back on your feet!
Know more
#Physiotherapist #Chiropractor #MassageTherapist #SpinalManipulation #SportsInjury #AdvacnedSpineCentre
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Myth busted! If you are experiencing pain in muscle & tissue or having trouble in movement you can reach out directly to a #Physiotherapist.
They will diagnose the problem and offer a comprehensive cure.
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Untreated #RotatorCuffInjury can cause you long-term issues. To avoid frozen shoulder, seek natural and safe pain relief treatments from a #Physiotherapist. The therapy will help improve flexibility and strengthen muscles around the shoulder joint.
Reach out to an experienced Physiotherapist to have a non-surgical procedure.
Check out #AdvancedSpineCentre services to get a comprehensive cure.
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Post Surgical Rehabilitation is important. Scheduling appointments post-surgery with a Physiotherapist helps improve mobility and promotes blood circulation. This also eliminates the chance of blood clots and also gains muscle strength, tissue repair, and have better coordination and control of the muscles.
To get back on your feet, ask #AdvancedSpineCentre experts for diagnosis & treatment.
Read more about the treatment and process by visiting the link
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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We are happy to announce that Advanced Spine Centre is growing with experienced medical professionals.
Maziar graduated from Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy and London College of Osteopathy.
He prides himself on the development of continued growth and has an in-depth knowledge of a variety of treatment styles in therapeutic massage and osteopathy, ranging from Swedish, Sports, Scar Tissue and Head & Face Massage to Lymph Drainage, Medical Acupuncture, Myofascial Release, Remedial Exercises, and osteopathic manual therapy.
Extensive knowledge of head & face massage with combination of medical acupuncture help those clients that are looking for natural Facial Rejuvenation.
Maziar has extensive experience in health care industry as a health care provider for more than 20 years. He uses his medical knowledge and practical application of osteopathic massage techniques tailored towards a client’s individual needs. He used by all health care professionals to quickly and effectively eliminate pain in their patient.
Let's give him a cheer for the new journey with the #AdvancedSpineCentre!
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Glad to announce that we have one more addition to the team. Wilma
She is a dual licensed practitioner in the healthcare industry providing Massage Therapy and Osteopathic techniques to patients to help overcome their injuries. With over 6+ years of experience Wilma has had successful results with treating a variety of different type of musculoskeletal conditions.
Wilma has graduated from Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy in Toronto in 2018. She also has graduation degree from Ontario School of Osteopathy and Alternative Medicine in 2016. Her goal is to be able to apply her skills and technique from both an osteopath approach and massage to get the best clinical results for the patient.
She provides a variety of different massages such as Deep Tissue, Swedish relaxation, and Lymphatic Detox.
Let's give her a cheer for the new journey with the Advanced Spine Centre!
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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The swollen tendon in your arm can give you pain. Reaching out to our physiotherapist will help provide a speedy recovery and quick pain relief. The therapist will perform a variety of different techniques to help control pain and inflammation. In addition to this, corrective exercises can help strengthen the muscle and tendon to provide long-term relief.
To keep your elbow functioning optimally, schedule an appointment @ 416.440.2999.
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Yes, #Chiropractic manipulation to the spine has been proven to help decrease stiffness, decrease pain and improve mobility.
Schedule the appointment @ 416.440.2999
To know more about the procedure check out the link
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Did you get yourself injured? Or are you suffering from intense pain in any of these areas? #ChiropracticTreatment by experts is the right cure for you.
The experienced #AdvancedSpineCentre team can offer you comprehensive treatment for you. Choose a natural and safe procedure from us.
Schedule an appointment @ 416.440.2999
To know more about us
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Neck pain can occur with no specific incident. It can be a result of poor posture, bad sleep, stressful lifestyle or inactivity. If you have
experienced pain in your muscles or joints just from simple movements in your neck then it is time to seek out our professionals at Advanced Spine Centre. They can offer you the right treatment based on your complaint and diagnosis. Physiotherapists also educate patients on corrective exercises
to help get long-lasting results.
For details visit the link
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Neck pain can be a result of many different things.
From poor posture to whiplash to headaches. All these can lead to one having neck pain.
For the right diagnosis connect with the Advanced Spine Centre team of experts.
Get the appointment scheduled with the Chiropractor.
visit the link
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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There are a lot of myths related to chiropractic treatment. Do not believe all that you have read or heard.
With this post, we are addressing the most common myth about the #ChiropracticTreatment that it is not safe and involves risk. The chance of risk of stroke in cervical manipulations is minimal.
If you are looking for the cure & care that involves no surgery & minimal risk then seek out an appointment for a chiropractic session.
To connect with experienced chiropractors visit the link
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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While sitting or standing do you experience the pain radiating from your lower back down to the back of the leg? If Yes, then it could be a symptom of #Sciatica People with this problem can get relief by #ChiropracticTreatment from the team of #AdvancedSpineCentre.
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advancedspinecentre · 3 years ago
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Wondering when to seek treatment from a Chiropractor?
Here are some problems that Chiropractors can help resolve.
Advanced Spine Centre’s doctor has the extensive knowledge and experience to provide you relief from pain and correct the functioning of the nervous system.
For details visit the link
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