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hnm-kei · 2 months
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baizhutravels · 1 year
You went to all this trouble for me? I'm deeply moved. A birthday is a time not just to spend with friends, but for reflection; a sign not only of another year successfully lived, but of one year closer to- Ah, never mind.
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kkimura · 11 months
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Many of coconut cake recipes use tons of cream, sugar and flour…my body doesn’t appreciates it.
So I created my original recipe using healthier ingredients and still tastes amazing(actually better! )Very moist and fluffy with a hint of lemon 🍋 Cut in square pieces and wrap with parchment paper and make a cute little sweet gift! 💝
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tokyogems · 1 year
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kerokerokeroppi vanilla & melon cream dessert at 7-11 in celebration of his birthday!
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aka-ecckunass · 4 months
Artificial Baby 你的完美人生
淡奶油 cream
苦艾酒 absinthe
牛奶 milk
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this is your love 死星
柠檬汁lime juice
肉桂 cinnamon
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Oath of the Undead亡灵誓言
方糖 Sugar cube
红石榴糖浆grenadine syrup
玫瑰糖浆Rose syrup
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zhuzhudushu · 1 year
Beauty Standards
美甲 / měi jiǎ / to have one's nail's done
指甲 / zhǐ jia / nail (e.g. fingernail)
这回 / zhè huí / this time (equivalent to 这次)
讲究 / jiǎng jiu / to be particular about; pay attention to
秀气 / xiù qi / delicate, fine (re: beauty, features)
一干二净 / yī gān èr jìng / entirely, completely (idiom); very clean
审美 / shěn měi / appreciation of beauty; taste
古代 / gǔ dài / ancient time period; olden days
时代 / shí dài / time period; era
当代 / dāng dài / current era, present time period
面霜 / miàn shuāng / face cream (cosmetic)
杨贵妃 / yáng guì fēi / name; one of the 4 ancient Chinese beauties
观念 / guān niàn / sense, concept, view
亚洲 / yà zhōu / Asia
身材 / shēn cái / figure (re: body)
重视 / zhòng shì / to put importance on smth (lit: heavy +vision)
气质 / qì zhì / aura of elegance/class
缺一不可 / quē yī bù kě / indispensable; one can't do without the other
评判 / píng pàn / to judge; judgment
单一 / dān yī / single, unitary, sole
小鲜肉 / xiǎo xiān ròu / young handsome guys (lit. "little fresh meat")
以A为B / taking A as B; using A as B
中国人以米饭为主食,而美国人以面包为主食。Chinese people take rice as their staple food, Americans take bread as their staple food.
我妈妈以我为骄傲。 My mom takes me as her pride.
中国人讲究以百净为美,就是皮肤白干干净净的,然后秀秀气气的那样。Chinese people are very particular about taking whiteness/cleanliness as being beautiful, so pale skin is clean, so it's delicate/fine.
我把老公的生日忘得一干二净!I completely forgot my husband's birthday!
不干不净吃了没病。It's not dirty, so eat it and you won't get sick (This is equivalent to the "3 second rule" when food falls on the ground)
每个民族不一样,它对审美的不一样。Every nationality/group is different, (so) their taste in beauty is different.
你说中国古代的时候讲究以胖为美。You know, in ancient China they thought fat was beautiful.
杨贵妃时代,那现在来说胖可不是美啦。(That was in) Yang Guifei's era, (but) nowadays there's no way fat is (seen as) beautiful.
中国古代的审美观念和现代的比了一下。The ancient China's sense of beauty and our present day's (sense of beauty) has changed a bit.
脸啊,气质啊,身材啊,也缺一不可。Face, elegance, body (figure), all are indispensable.
不是说单一的就是一个脸漂亮就行了。(If) we're not talking about a single (aspect), then a pretty face is enough.
对美女评判。The judgement of women (re: beauty).
在中国,那些特别受欢迎的男的叫小鲜肉啊。In China, those especially popular type of guy is called "little fresh meat".
在美国人看来那些小鲜肉看着就象十几岁的小孩似的。In America, people see these "little fresh meat" guys and think they look just like ten year olds (lit. ten years and some change).
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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👆 My son asked me : Mom, Do you know who's he? then he told me that ~
日本職棒名星選手-大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani/おおたに しょうへい 
(b. 1994) 他目前效力於美國職棒大聯盟洛杉磯道奇,主要擔任投手及指定打擊(即投打「二刀流」) Los Angeles Dodgers – No. 17
He is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Nicknamed "Shotime".
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My son is a chemical engineer at LCY GROUP in Taiwan. He called me two days ago and said: Mom, he got a promotion and a salary increase, so he took me to eat, go shopping, and buy ice cream to go home and enjoy. lol (He is a very pragmatic big boy who never dreams. Maybe because he is a child of a single parent, because they have experienced many human relationships with me, inculded up and down in life since they were young, so they mature very early. Fruits were pulled from the tree before they were ripe. hahaha) In fact, his company is not as profitable as in previous years in general this year, but he is lucky. He is the only one in his department at the Kaohsiung factory who has been promoted and received a salary increase.
We chatted and laughed about all kinds of topics. I am really lucky. God has given me two children who are smart, independent, sensible and gentle. Of course he also gives me dividends lol I like and appreciate that every time he takes the initiative to give me money, I always see the light of accomplishment and love in his eyes ~ shining like stars in the sky! 🙏 Thank God!
Although "it is more blessed to give than to receive". But there is another deeper understanding, especially for some people with strong self-esteem. Sometimes you have to learn to meekly "accept" gifts from those who love you in life.
我的兒子是台灣榮化集團(LCY GROUP)的化材工程師,前兩天打電話跟我說:媽媽,他升職加薪了,所以他帶我去吃飯、逛街和買冰淇淋回家享受。lol (他是個相當務實,從來不會作夢的大男孩。可能因為是單親的小孩,因他們從小就跟著我經歷許多人情冷暖,所以很早熟。果子還沒熟就從樹上拔下來了。hahaha) 其實今年他的公司總體來說並不如往年利多,但他很幸運,高雄廠在他的部門只有他一個人被升職和加薪。
我們聊天又笑呵呵的各種話題無所不談,我真的很幸運,天主賜給我兩個既聰明獨立又懂事溫順的孩子。當然他也分紅給我 lol 我喜歡也感謝當他每次主動地給我錢時,我總會看到他眼中充滿著成就感和愛的光芒~像天上星子閃爍著! 🙏 感謝天主!
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📌Restaurant餐廳:鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung is a Taiwanese restaurant chain specializing in Chinese cuisine, particularly famous for its Xiaolongbao. Based in Taipei, Taiwan, Din Tai Fung also has branches in Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
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13番 ソフト入りクレープ 生クリームホイップ
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huli-jinx · 2 months
Here’s what I think each Season 1 Young Justice team members’ cream soda would look like:
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Kid Flash:
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Miss Martian:
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Red Arrow:
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Link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2075394
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180banyasuri · 1 year
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お誕生日おめでトム。 彼が一人ぼっちなのは、クリームソーダを作った後すっかり疲れてしまったからです。
Happy Birthday, Tom. I'm sorry I left him all alone because I was tired after making the cream soda.
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lingpaopao · 5 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ 🍭🍨 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍧🍰 . ݁˖
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// Candy // Cotton candy ~ 棉花糖 (miánhuātáng) Note: 'marshmallow' has the same name as cotton candy in Chinese Gummy ~ 软糖 (ruǎntáng) Lollipop ~ 棒棒糖 (bàngbàngtáng) Fudge ~ 乳脂软糖 (rǔzhī ruǎntáng) Caramel ~ 焦糖 (jiāotáng) Jellybean ~ 果冻豆 (guǒdòng dòu) Toffee ~ 太妃糖 (tàifēi táng) Liquorice ~ 甘草 (gāncǎo) // Baked Sweets // Cupcake ~ 杯子蛋糕 (bēizi dàngāo) Brownie ~ 布朗尼 (bùlǎngní) Sponge cake ~ 海绵蛋糕 (hǎimián dàngāo) Lava cake ~ 熔岩蛋糕 (Róngyán dàngāo) Black forest cake ~ 黑森林蛋糕 (hēisēnlín dàngāo) Cheesecake ~ 乳酪蛋糕 (rǔlào dàngāo) Tiramisu ~ 提拉米苏 (tílāmǐsū) Scone ~ 司康 (sīkāng) Macaron ~ 马卡龙 (mǎkǎlóng) Waffle ~ 华夫饼 (huáfū bǐng) Tart ~ 塔 (tǎ) Crepe ~ 可丽饼 (kělì bǐng) Pie ~ 派 (pài) Chocolate chip cookie ~ 巧克力碎片饼干 (qiǎokèlì suìpiàn bǐnggān) Donut ~ 甜甜圈 (tiántiánquān) Brulee ~ 烤布蕾 (kǎo bùlěi) Creampie ~ 奶油派 (nǎiyóu pài) Cinnamon bun ~ 肉桂卷 (ròuguì juǎn) Gingerbread ~ 姜饼 (jiāngbǐng) Red velvet cake ~ 红色天鹅绒蛋糕 (hóngsè tiān'é'rónghuá dàngāo) // Frozen Desserts // Sherbet ~ 雪葩 (xuěpā) Gelato ~ 吉拉朵 (jílāduǒ) Sundae ~ 圣代 (shèngdài) Shaved ice ~ 刨冰 (bàobīng) Ice cream ~ 冰激凌 (bīngjīlíng) Note: another common name is 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín). Popsicle ~ 冰棍儿 (bīnggùn'er) // Misc. // Custard ~ 奶黄 (nǎihuáng) Puff ~ 泡芙 (pàofú) Popcorn ~ 爆米花 (bàomǐhuā) Milkshake ~ 奶昔 (nǎixī) Jello ~ 果冻 (guǒdòng) Oreo ~ 奥利奥 (àolì'ào) // Common Asian Desserts // Mochi ~ 麻糬 (máshǔ) Tanghulu ~ 糖葫芦 (tánghúlu) Black sesame soup ~ 黑芝麻糊 (hēi zhīma hú) Swallow's nest ~ 燕窝 (yànwō) Sago pudding ~ 西米布丁 (xīmǐ bùdīng) Snow fungus soup ~ 雪耳糖水 (xuě'ěr tángshuǐ) Osmanthus Jelly ~ 桂花糕 (guìhuā gāo) Grass jelly ~ 仙草 (xiāncǎo) // Example Text // https://www.sohu.com/a/443013219_120949919
口味最“奇怪”的4种糖果 -> the four candies with the strangest flavours.
1、星空棒棒糖 -> planet lollipops
星空棒棒糖有名的高颜值糖果,大部分的女生都有买过,或是男生情人节买来送女朋友都有了解过。-> Planet lollipops are popular for their appearance, lots of women have already purchased them before, or men who, on Valentine's day gifted it to their girlfriends, have understood. 它的味道你尝过后就会觉得“这是什么沙雕玩意儿,我吃了塑���吗?”,有这种感觉并不奇怪,星空棒棒糖大部分都是甜苦甜苦的味道,有些还带着塑料的气味,吃完就怀疑人生,估计这个糖果也就只能当做摆设。-> After tasting its flavour, you will think: "what is this sand sculpture-like thing, am I eating plastic?" Having this kind of feeling isn't exactly strange, planetary lollipop largely have a bittersweet flavour, some lollipops even have a plastic odour, after eating it, you'll question your life, seems like this kind of candy is only used for decoration.
2、榴莲糖 -> durian candy
...打开包装就是浓浓的榴莲味,吃到嘴里就感觉是三里往外都是这个榴莲味 -> upon opening the package are the dense/strong durian smells, eating them makes you feel that the durian smell is everywhere within a 3 mile radius.
3、姜汁糖 -> ginger candy
姜汁糖里面就是有大量的姜味,吃的第一口还是上面糖味,含一会后姜味就显露出来了,你会有一种姜辣的感觉,一直猛吸气想要减少这个辣味,没想到后面越吃越辣,让人有点受不了,吃到一半就吐了,这种一般都是家里的老人才会买,老人很喜欢这种甜辣的感觉,甚至吃起来还想喝一两口小酒。-> Within ginger candy is a considerable amount of ginger flavour, after eating the first bite, the first taste is sweet, after sucking on it for a bit, the ginger flavour will come out and you get have a spicy ginger feeling. Keep inhaling sharply, wanting to reduce this spiciness, not knowing that more and more spiciness will follow, intolerable, spat it out halfway through, this kind of candy will typically be bought by a family's older individuals, elders really like this kind of spicy-sweet feel, to the point of also wanting to drink a couple gulps of liquor.
世界上最好吃的十种甜点,吃过六种,算我服!-> 10 of the world's most delicious desserts, eaten 6 types, count me in!
1、布朗尼蛋糕--美国 -> Brownie--America
布朗尼蛋糕属于重油蛋糕的一种,但它和一般重油蛋糕的区别在于通常较薄且较结实,不像普通蛋糕那样松松的, 而且一定是巧克力口味 -> Brownies are considered a type of pound cakes, but they are different from regular pound cakes in that they are usually on the thinner and sturdier side, unlike the regular cakes which are fluffier, and brownies need a chocolate flavour.
2、提拉米苏--意大利 -> Tiramisu--Italy
提拉米苏是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点 -> tiramisu is a type of coffee-flavour containing Italian dessert.
10、乳酪蛋糕--阿拉伯 -> Cheesecake--Arabic
这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和甜点之间,因而越来越受人关注 -> this type of cake is a cross between cakes and desserts, and because of this, more and more people have given it attention.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (15)
H for Huath (Hawthorn) - May 13th - June 9th
“May tree - Sixth month of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
colour: midnight blue; Gem: lapis lazuli; Gender: female; Patrons: Olwen, Blodeuedd, Chaldean, Humen, Selene, Virgin Mary; Symbols: love + marriage, fertility + birth, reproduction, heart
The short, thorny, graceful hawthorn. The slender hawthorn trunk and branches twist as the years go by. In winter they are particularly beautiful, standing clinging to misty wildernesses and craggy rocky outcrops, or clustered on open ranges of hills that their appearance is spectacular. Leaves and flowers appear simultaneously in May, signalling the change of season from spring to summer. Hawthorn flowers bloom in clusters, so that at the height of spring, rows of white froth run across the fields and mountains, a scene aptly captured by the English writer H. E. Bates as 'the fluffy cream floating in May'.
In spring, when the hawthorn flowers are in full bloom, the air releases a musky, sweet, rich fragrance all around. Small round berries turn burgundy in autumn.
In Ireland, hawthorn is still cherished as a magical tree protected by the fairy kingdom. Tradition has it that if you cut down a single hawthorn tree standing alone in a field or burial mound, you will lose your livestock and household possessions.
Hawthorn trees protect wells and springs as fairy trees. The beautiful flowers of hawthorn are also said to deliver prayers to the heavens. Even today, many people tie rags and other items to hawthorn trees standing near wells and springs, wishing for good luck or that their love will reach the person they love.
Before Christianity, hawthorn was the supreme fertility symbol and at the May Festival, people confided their love, danced to their heart's content and made love in the woods. Among the Celts, spring was the season for marriage, and it was customary to bring a bouquet of hawthorn flowers to weddings to ensure that the couple would be blessed with children.
In Britain, the earliest known hawthorn goddess was Olwen ('white footprints'), a woman of courage, wit and beauty. The well-known mythological tale of Culhwch and Olwen, in which King Arthur's cousin, Culhwch, overcame 40 impossible tasks that seemed virtually unattainable set out by Olwen's father, the giant king, Yspaddaden, and marry his beloved Olwen.
As the beautiful, white hawthorn flowers opened, people celebrated the power of nature and love to bring new life into the world and marvelled at the miracles of sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth. For the Celts, sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth were not something to be ashamed of, but an essential part of life and a sacred expression that one could love.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (15)
HはHuath (サンザシ) - 5月13日 - 6月9日
『5月の木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第6月』
色: ミッドナイト・ブルー; 宝石: ラピスラズリ; 性: 女性; 守護神: オルェン、ブロダイウェズ、カルデア、ヒュメン、セレネ、聖母マリア; シンボル: 愛+結婚、豊穣+出産、生殖、心臓
春、サンザシの花が満開になると、麝香 (じゃこう)のような甘く濃厚な香りがあたり一面に放たれる。小さな丸い実は、秋になるとワインレッドに変わる。
英国では、サンザシの女神として最も古くから知られているのが、勇気と機転と美貌の持ち主、オルェン (‘白い足跡’の意)。アーサー王の従兄弟であるキルフーフが、オルェンの父である巨人の王アスパザデンが課した事実上達成不可能と思われる40の無理難題を克服し、愛するオルウェンと結婚した神話『キルフーフとオルェン』がよく知られている。
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kkimura · 11 months
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ヘルシーなのに、しっとり濃厚でめちゃくちゃ美味しく出来ました!💕 写真見てたらまた食べたくなってきた〜!😆🍫 レシピ参考になれば嬉しいです。よろしければご覧下さい!
I wanted to have brownies…so I made “Healthy Chocolate Fudge Brownies!”
No flour, cream, sugar or butter! 😲 (whoa)
It’s (naturally) sweet, moist, chewy and chocolatey!!
These photos are making me want to have another piece! 🤤🍫 (they taste sooooo good!!!)
Hope you like the recipe/video! 🥰 Enjoy!
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sugarpuptard · 2 months
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yesstyle haul from april ❤︎ $66 ε(*´・ω・)з
i felt like sharing how i feel about the stuff i got! the price raise on yesstyle goes crazy compared to the true price in japan but i got stuff on sale + with coupon codes (use my rewards code here! or use EBHJPT for money off any YesStyle orders Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ)
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❤︎ Products *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)
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クリアターン うるうるBOMBマスク (clear turn uruuru bomb face mask) ❤︎ $11.70 on YS, ¥527 in JP
❥ これが大好き hydrating asf it rlly lives up to the name, its for dry skin and it really helped plump my skin when i notice dehydration lines. it has ingredients such as white jellyfish extract, hyaluronic acid, amino acids & others and is very gentle, i have sensitive skin and this works wonders! it has so much serum too
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クリアターン ごめんね素肌 キニナルマスク (clear turn gomenne bare skin kinishinai mask) ❤︎ $11.70 on YS, ¥660-¥718 in JP
❥ another mask from the same brand i rlly like, this one is for acne breakouts using stuff like salicylic acid, licorice for anti inflammation, yokuinin calendula, niacinamide, lactic and amino acids, and vitamin C to take care of blemishes gently, it works really well on my sensitive skin, sometimes SA makes my skin react but this didn't! it works quite fast too
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ロート製薬 肌ラボ 極潤 ヒアルロン乳液 (hada labo gokujyun hyaluronic acid hydrating milk) ❤︎ $12.06 on YS, ¥868 in JP
❥ i need all the hydration i can get and this lotion/milk is amazing for that, it doesn't feel heavy or sticky to me and it soaks in very well, i like to layer it on depending on how much hydration i need. sometimes i wear another moisturizer on top but especially during the day this works great as a moisturizer on its own
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ファイントゥデイ資生堂 fino(フィーノ) プレミアムタッチ浸透美容液ヘアマスク (fino premium touch hair mask) ❤︎ $15.90 on YS, ¥752 in JP
❥ my hair gets so shiny with this mask and it helps make it a lot softer, i used it while also using rice water on my hair and my hair was the softest i've ever felt it, it smells so good too it feels like a nice salon product
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花王 ビオレUV アクアリッチウォータリーエッセンス (biore UV aqua rich watery essence sunscreen SPF 50+ PA+++) ❤︎ $15.40 on YS, ¥785 in JP
❥ i only tried this once so far since i haven't really been leaving the house so i cant give a full review but i like it so far, its not heavy to me but it does make me look quite shiny, but i think some setting powder would fix that issue easily
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資生堂 尿素10%クリーム チューブ (shiseido urea 10% hand & foot cream) ❤︎ $9.70 on YS, ¥906 in JP
❥ love this stuff, i get dry spots and this helps heal them pretty fast, definitely will be repurchasing
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mask fit red cushion foundation trial kit ❤︎ $1.00 on YS, ¥??? in JP
❥ i actually haven't tried this yet (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) but i'll update when i do
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(アンドハニー) &honey Melty モイストリペア シャンプー1.0/ヘアトリートメント2.0 お試し 10ml+10g シャンプー・コンディショナーセット (&honey melty moist repair trial set) ❤︎ $1.00 on YS, ¥110 in JP
❥ this smells so good omllllll, my hair felt quite nice after too, i wanna get more trials tho and see how it is using the whole packet in one wash instead of half, my hair is pretty thick so i might of not washed it 100% good
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rumade · 2 months
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My first time making a roll cake! This was today's Japanese lesson. I made it with gluten free flour and used 55g rather than the 60g the recipe called for. I used 300ml of cream for the filling instead of 100ml because mine didn't seem to spread very far once whipped
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